// The Mana World scripts. // Author: // Jesusalva // Description: // The nameless chef of Reid's Inn 009-2-3,27,41,0 script Chef#Reid NPC_REIDCHEF,{ function cookingIntro; function cookingDeal; .@q=getq(General_Cooking); mesn; mesq l("You're in the way. Get moving!"); // TODO: Shop option if (.@q == 5) cookingIntro(); if (.@q == 9) cookingDeal(); close; function cookingIntro { .@q2=getq2(General_Cooking); next; select l("Okay, okay..."), l("I've heard you were a great chef and wanted to learn a recipe."); mes ""; if (@menu == 1) return; mesn; mesq l("Do I look like charity to you? I'm undead, you know?"); next; mesn; mesq l("Actually, the food quality here is horrible. I'm glad I'm undead or I would not eat here."); next; mesn; mesq l("It is all \"fancy\" stuff, I don't even know if that could be of any nourishment for the living, and tastes like rotten. Well, figures. Undead town."); next; mesn; mesq l("What about the following deal: You bring me some tasty food, and I give you some tasty recipe from before I became undead?"); next; select l("Deal"), l("No Deal"); mes ""; if (@menu == 2) { mesn; mesq l("Smart choice, still-living person."); return; } setq1 General_Cooking, 6; mesn; mesq l("Hah, you'll regret it. Bring me %d %s, before Golbenez finds out about our silly agreement.", .amount, getitemlink(.@q2 == VEGAN ? MananaSandwich : PioulegSandwich)); return; } function cookingDeal { .@q2=getq2(General_Cooking); .@item=(.@q2 == VEGAN ? MananaSandwich : PioulegSandwich); .@recp=(.@q2 == CARNIVOROUS ? CraftMoubooStew : CraftSquirrelStew); .@reit=(.@q2 == CARNIVOROUS ? MoubooStew : SquirrelStew); next; select l("Okay, okay..."), l("I wanted to give you the %d sandwiches you asked.", .amount); mes ""; if (countitem(.@item) < .amount) { mesn; mesq l("Wha- Do you think I'm stupid?"); next; mesn; mesq l("You better get out of here, before I turn you into stew!"); return; } delitem .@item, .amount; setq1 General_Cooking, 10; RECIPES[.@recp]=true; mesn; mesq l("Eh, not bad. So, here is the %s recipe, from when I was living. It was a blast.", getitemlink(.@reit)); next; mesn; mesq l("Now begone and stop disrupting my work!"); return; } OnInit: .distance = 4; .amount = 10; end; }