// Evol scripts. // Author: // Jesusalva // Micksha // Description: // Alan the bow-maker. // Quest states (forest bow): // [1] 0 - cannot do the quest // [1] 1 - can do the quest // [1] 2 - alan wants to ask jack // [1] 3 - jack explained problem // [1] 4 - alan asks to find wood // [1] 5 - found perfect wood // [1] 6 - got the bow // [2] fail count // [3] unused // [t] unused 008-2-6,31,26,0 script Alan NPC_YOUNG_MAN_KFAHR,{ function bow_intro { speech(4, l("When you want to buy something then please speak to my apprentice."), l("I am only doing special requests.")); selectd( l("OK, thanks."), rif(BaseLevel >= .min_level, l("Can you make me a really good bow?")), rif(getq(.quest_inspector) == 2, l("Have you seen anything strange recently that might be connected to the robberies?"))); switch (@menu) { case 1: closeclientdialog(); close; case 3: speech(l("No.")); close; } speech(4, l("You mean like one of my legendary forest bows?")); selectd( l("Yes, that would be nice.")); speech(4, l("Sorry, I am not making these anymore.")); selectd( l("Oh, too bad."), l("What? Why not?")); if (@menu == 1) { closeclientdialog(); close; } speech(4, l("The problem is that I am short of material."), l("My forestbows are not made of regular wood, you know."), l("They are made of special living wood."), l("And only the best logs of living wood are good enough for them."), l("I used to get these logs from Jack, the handsome lumberjack."), l("But the last time I asked him for a new delivery he said that he would never again get any for me.")); selectd( l("Too bad."), l("Did you ask him why?")); if (@menu == 1) { closeclientdialog(); close; } speech(4, l("Sure I did."), l("But he just told me to leave him alone."), l("Maybe you could ask him what's wrong?")); selectd( l("OK, I'll ask him."), l("I am sure he got his reasons.")); setq(.quest_bow, 2); closeclientdialog(); close; } function bow_reminder { if (getq(.quest_inspector) == 2) { speech(4, l("Did you already ask Jack why he won't deliver me any more living wood?")); selectd( l("Have you seen anything strange recently that might be connected to the robberies?")); speech(l("No.")); close; } npctalk3(l("Did you already ask Jack why he won't deliver me any more living wood?")); end; } function bow_explain { speech(4, l("Did you already ask Jack why he won't deliver me any more living wood?")); selectd( l("Yes, I did. He said that the trees turned into dangerous monsters."), rif(getq(.quest_inspector) == 2, l("Have you seen anything strange recently that might be connected to the robberies?"))); if (@menu != 1) { speech(l("No.")); close; } speech( l("Oh, that's really bad news."), l("Maybe you can do his job?"), l("If you kill some of these tree monsters and bring me their wood I could take a look at them."), l("Maybe you will find a piece of wood that is strong enough to become one of my forest bows.")); close2; setq(.quest_bow, 4); end; } function bow_make { speech(4, l("I can make you a really nice forest bow out of this."), l("I just need %s E for material and work time.", format_number(.req_esp))); selectd( l("%s??? What a ripoff!", format_number(.req_esp)), rif(Zeny >= .req_esp, l("Sure, here you go!")), rif(getq(.quest_inspector) == 2, l("Have you seen anything strange recently that might be connected to the robberies?"))); switch (@menu) { case 1: speech(l("Fine, I'll just hold on to this log should you ever change your mind.")); close; case 3: speech(l("No.")); close; } // XXX: maybe here we could make the player wait real-world hours for Alan to finish? if (checkweight(.reward_item, 1) != true) { speech( l("It seems you can't carry the bow right now."), l("Go clean up your inventory and come back.")); close; } if (Zeny < .req_esp) close; // double-check setq(.quest_bow, 6); Zeny -= .req_esp; getitem(.reward_item, 1); getexp(.reward_exp, 0); speech( l("Here you go - have fun with it.")); close; } function bow_check_wood { speech(4, l("How is the hunt going?"), l("Did you bring me any wood?")); selectd( l("No, sorry."), rif(countitem(.req_item) >= 1, l("Here, take a look!")), rif(getq(.quest_inspector) == 2, l("Have you seen anything strange recently that might be connected to the robberies?"))); switch (@menu) { case 1: closeclientdialog(); close; case 3: speech(l("No.")); close; } .@first = true; do { if (countitem(.req_item) < 1) break; if (.@first == false) { narrator(4, l("You hand him another log.")); } delitem(.req_item, 1); .@first = false; speech(4, l("Hmmm... looks ok, but is it strong enough?")); narrator(4, l("Alan bends the log over his knee.")); .@fails=getq2(.quest_bow); if (rand(.minfail, .maxfail) - .@fails <= 0) { narrator(4 | 8, l("Alan tries as hard as he can but the log won't bend.")); speech(4, l("Aaah!"), l("Yes!"), l("That is a really fine piece of wood you brought me."), l("It will make an excellent bow!")); setq(.quest_bow, 5); setq(.quest_shield, 1); narrator(4, l("He proceeds to further scrutinize the log.")); bow_make; end; } setq2(.quest_bow, .@fails+1); narrator(4 | 8, l("The log breaks with a loud crack.")); speech(4, l("Sorry, this log was too weak for one of my forest bows."), l("Now it is junk."), l("Do you wish to try again?")); selectd( l("Sure, here you go."), l("Hey! Stop breaking my stuff!")); if (@menu != 1) { closeclientdialog(); close; } } while (true); speech(l("It seems you have no wood left.")); close; } function bow_done { speech(4, l("I hope you are satisfied with your forest bow."), l("It is one of my best works.")); selectd( l("I am!"), rif(getq(.quest_inspector) == 2, l("Have you seen anything strange recently that might be connected to the robberies?"))); switch (@menu) { case 2: speech(l("No.")); close; default: closeclientdialog(); close; } } // OnTalk: switch (getq(.quest_bow)) { case 0: case 1: bow_intro; break; case 2: bow_reminder; break; case 3: bow_explain; break; case 4: bow_check_wood; break; case 5: bow_make; break; default: bow_done; break; } closeclientdialog(); close; OnPCLoginEvent: OnPCBaseLvUpEvent: if (BaseLevel >= .min_level && getq(.quest_bow) < 1) { setq(.quest_bow, 1); // allow the player to do the quest dispbottom(l("New quest available: %s (level %d+)", getquestlink(.quest_bow), .min_level)); // XXX: requires new manaplus versions, maybe show a different message for old versions? } end; OnInit: .min_level = 25; // min level to do the quest .req_item = RawLog; // item required to make the bow .req_esp = 10000; // amount of Esperin required to make the bow .reward_item = ForestBow; // quest reward (item) .reward_exp = 500; // quest reward (exp) // one in X chances to get a perfect log .minfail = 10; .maxfail = 30; .quest_bow = HurnscaldQuests_ForestBow; .quest_shield = HurnscaldQuests_WoodenShield; .quest_inspector = HurnscaldQuests_Inspector; .quest_debug = .quest_bow; .sex = GENDER_HIDDEN; .distance = 3; ////////// UNFINISHED ////////// //////////////////////////////// // REMOVE THIS CODE WHEN THIS // // NPC IS NO LONGER A WIP ////// //////////////////////////////// //if (!debug) disablenpc(.name$); ///////// UNFINISHED /////////// end; }