// Evol scripts. // Author: // gumi // Quest states: // [1] 0 - cannot do the quest // [1] 1 - can do the quest // [1] 2 - talked to inspector (1) <= start // [1] 3 - talked to old woman (1) // [1] 4 - talked to old woman (2) // [1] 5 - talked to inspector (2) // [1] 6 - talked to troupe leader (1) // [1] 7 - talked to inspector (3) // [1] 8 - talked to old man // [1] 9 - talked to old woman (3) // [1] 10 - talked to inspector (4) // [1] 11 - talked to old woman (4) // [1] 12 - talked to malek // [1] 13 - searched the bookcase // [1] 14 - talked to inspector (5) // [1] 15 - talked to troupe leader (2) <= reward // [1] 16 - talked to inspector (6) <= reward, end // [2] unused // [3] unused // [t] unused // Description: // robberies in hurnscald 008-1,290,139,0 script Old Man NPC_OLD_MAN_HURNS,{ function oldman_ask { speech(4, l("Hi there, need something?")); selectd( l("Have you seen anything strange lately?"), l("Do you know anything about the recent robberies?")); speech( l("I'm sorry, but I didn't see anything."), l("You should ask my old woman.")); close; } function oldman_accuse { speech(4, l("Found anything new?")); selectd( l("The leader of the troupe said you hung around them a lot while they were in town.")); speech( l("Yes, I hung around the theater a lot."), l("I was an actor when I was younger."), l("But I wasn't there that night."), l("Me and the wife were at home all night.")); close2; setq(.quest_inspector, 8); end; } // OnTalk: switch (getq(.quest_inspector)) { case 2: oldman_ask; break; case 7: oldman_accuse; break; } // initial intro npctalk3(l("Don't let those monsters get to you.")); end; OnInit: .quest_inspector = HurnscaldQuests_Inspector; .quest_debug = .quest_inspector; .sex = G_MALE; .distance = 1; // this npc has bad hearing .speed = 2000; // this npc is very old // TODO: move graph (after the Hurnscald map is finalized) ////////// UNFINISHED ////////// //////////////////////////////// // REMOVE THIS CODE WHEN THIS // // NPC IS NO LONGER A WIP ////// //////////////////////////////// //if (!debug) disablenpc(.name$); ///////// UNFINISHED /////////// end; }