// Evol scripts. // Author: // gumi // Based on CrazyTree, originally made by: // gumi // pclouds // veryape // wushin // Description: // emulated confused tree prototype // ~t lowercase hot word regex 008-1,255,109,0 script Confused Tree NPC_CONFUSED_TREE,14,14,{ function tree_panel { if (is_trusted() == false && #Tree_Trusted == false) { narrator(l("You see a tree.")); if (getq(HurnscaldQuests_Inspector) == 2) { select( l("Have you seen anything strange lately?"), l("Do you know anything about the recent robberies?")); narrator(S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE, l("..."), l("It doesn't reply.")); } close; } function clear_db { clear(); mes(l("##BWARNING:##b you are about to permanently empty the quote database.")); next(); mes(l("Do you want to continue?")); select( l("Abort!"), l("Empty the quote DB")); if (@menu == 2) { .@sentence$ = "I am an idiot"; mes(l("Please write the following sentence:")); mes(""); mesf(" ##B%s.", .@sentence$); input(.@confirm$); if (!startswith(strtoupper(.@confirm$), strtoupper(.@sentence$))) { mes(l("Invalid!")); close; } query_sql("TRUNCATE TABLE tree_quotes;"); mes(l("Database erased.")); next(); } return; } function list_commands { clear(); mes(l("To grab a quote:")); mes(col(" ~grab ##Bplayer name##b", 7)); next(); mes(l("To get a quote:")); mes(col(" ~quote anyone", 7)); mes(col(" ~quote ##Bplayer name##b", 7)); mes(col(" ~quote ##B#number##b", 7)); next(); mes(l("To remove a quote:")); mes(col(" ~remove quote ##B#number##b", 7)); mes(col(" ~remove last quote", 7)); next(); mes(l("Last seen:")); mes(col(" ~seen ##Bplayer name##b", 7)); next(); mes(l("To ignore a player:")); mes(col(" ~ignore ##Bplayer name##b", 7)); next(); mes(l("To unignore a player:")); mes(col(" ~unignore ##Bplayer name##b", 7)); next(); if (is_admin()) { mes(l("To trust a player:")); mes(col(" ~trust ##Bplayer name##b", 7)); next(); mes(l("To de-trust a player:")); mes(col(" ~untrust ##Bplayer name##b", 7)); next(); } return; } do { clear(); setnpcdialogtitle(l("Tree Control Panel")); mes(l("Oh noes! You found my secret backdoor!")); next(); mes(l("Please select an option:")); select( l("List the commands"), rif(is_admin(), l("Empty the quote DB")), l("Dance for me")); switch (@menu) { case 1: list_commands(); break; case 2: clear_db(); break; default: speech(l("Too lazy.")); close; } } while (true); end; } // utility functions below function check_is_ignored { .@val = htget(.ignore_ht, strcharinfo(PC_NAME), 0); if (.@val > gettimetick(2)) { ++.ignored_times; end; } else if (.@val > 0) { htput(.ignore_ht, strcharinfo(PC_NAME), 0); // remove expired entries } return; } function special_name { .@name$ = strcharinfo(PC_NAME); .@low$ = strtolower(.@name$); if (rand(.sname_rate) == 0) { for (.@i = 0; .@i < .alias; .@i += 2) { if (.@low$ ~= .alias$[.@i]) { explode(.@aliases$, .alias$[.@i+1], "`"); .@name$ = .@aliases$[rand(getarraysize(.@aliases$))]; break; } } } return .@name$; } function face { if (gettimetick(2) - .last_emote < .emote_rate) { ++.ignored_times; return; } .last_emote = gettimetick(2); return emotion(getarg(0, E_SURPRISE)); } function rp { // used for queries return replacestr(getarg(0,""), "~t", strtolower("(?:" + .name$ + "|" + .hotwords$ + ")")); } function format_reply { // used for replies .@str$ = getarg(0, ""); // search for {{mustaches}} while (.@str$ ~= "{{([^}]+)}}") { .@sub$ = replacestr($@regexmatch$[1], " ", ""); // remove whitespaces .@sub$ = strtolower(.@sub$); // always lowercase the var name .@capitalize = .@titlecase = .@allcaps = false; if (charat(.@sub$, 0) == "^") { .@capitalize = true; .@sub$ = substr(.@sub$, 1, getstrlen(.@sub$) - 1); // strip first char } else if (charat(.@sub$, 0) == "+") { .@titlecase = true; .@sub$ = substr(.@sub$, 1, getstrlen(.@sub$) - 1); // strip first char } else if (charat(.@sub$, 0) == "!") { .@allcaps = true; .@sub$ = substr(.@sub$, 1, getstrlen(.@sub$) - 1); // strip first char } explode(.@sub2$, .@sub$, ","); .@sub$ = .@sub2$[rand(getarraysize(.@sub2$))]; // allow to have multiple variables .@rep$ = getd(sprintf(".D_%s$[%i]", .@sub$, rand(getd(".D_" + .@sub$)))); // get he value if (.@capitalize) .@rep$ = capitalize(.@rep$); else if (.@titlecase) .@rep$ = titlecase(.@rep$); else if (.@allcaps) .@rep$ = strtoupper(.@rep$); .@str$ = replacestr(.@str$, $@regexmatch$[0], .@rep$); // remove the mustache, replace by value } // search for emotes if (.@str$ ~= "%%([^ ])") { // only handling a few of them switch (ord($@regexmatch$[1])) { case 73: face(any(E_WINK, E_ANGEL)); break; case 83: face(any(E_SAD, E_CRYING)); break; case 85: face(E_SURPRISE); break; case 93: face(any(E_HEARTEYE, E_HEART)); break; case 94: face(E_DISGUST); break; case 99: face(E_DEAD); break; case 105: face(E_CRYING); break; case 106: case 91: face(any(E_SPEECH, E_BLAH)); break; case 107: face(E_INSULTBUBBLE); break; default: .@unhandled = true; } if (.@unhandled != true) { if (.@str$ == $@regexmatch$[0]) end; // don't send handled, emote-only messages .@str$ = replacestr(.@str$, " "+ $@regexmatch$[0], ""); // otherwise strip the emote } } // built-in variables .@str$ = replacestr(.@str$, "~n", .name$); // npc name .@str$ = replacestr(.@str$, "~p", special_name()); // player name or special name .@str$ = replacestr(.@str$, "~P", strcharinfo(PC_NAME)); // unaltered player name return rp(.@str$); } function strip_colors { .@str$ = replacestr(getarg(0, ""), "##0", ""); .@str$ = replacestr(.@str$, "##1", ""); .@str$ = replacestr(.@str$, "##2", ""); .@str$ = replacestr(.@str$, "##3", ""); .@str$ = replacestr(.@str$, "##4", ""); .@str$ = replacestr(.@str$, "##5", ""); .@str$ = replacestr(.@str$, "##6", ""); .@str$ = replacestr(.@str$, "##7", ""); .@str$ = replacestr(.@str$, "##8", ""); .@str$ = replacestr(.@str$, "##9", ""); return replacestr(.@str$, "##a", ""); } function strip_formatting { .@str$ = strip_colors(getarg(0, "")); .@str$ = replacestr(.@str$, "##B", ""); return replacestr(.@str$, "##b", ""); } function delayed_reply { ++.answered_times; @tree_reply$ = getarg(0, ""); addtimer(.delay_reply, .name$ + "::OnDoReply"); return; } function reply { .@reply$ = format_reply(getarg(0, "")); getmapxy(.@pc_map$, .@pc_x, .@pc_y, UNITTYPE_PC); // get char location if (((.@reply$ == .last_reply$ && gettimetick(2) - .last_reply < .repeat_rate) || gettimetick(2) - .last_reply < .talk_rate || (gettimetick(2) - .blocked < .block_time && is_trusted() == false) || .@pc_map$ != .map$ || distance(.x, .y, .@pc_x, .@pc_y) > .distance || .@reply$ == "") && is_dev() == false) { ++.ignored_times; return; } .last_reply = gettimetick(2); .last_reply$= .@reply$; delayed_reply(.@reply$); return; } function seen_me { if (playerattached() > 0 && htexists(.seen_ht)) { htput(.seen_ht, strcharinfo(PC_NAME), gettimetick(2)); } return; } function have_you_seen { .@player$ = getarg(0, ""); .@player = getcharid(CHAR_ID_ACCOUNT, .@player$); if (.@player > 0) { // nested if, because they don't short-circuit if (checkoption(Option_Invisible, .@player) == false) { delayed_reply(sprintf("Player `%s` is currently online.", .@player$)); end; } } .@time = htget(.seen_ht, .@player$, 0); if (.@time < 1) delayed_reply(sprintf("I haven't seen player `%s` today.", .@player$)); else delayed_reply(sprintf("Player `%s` was last seen %s.", .@player$, FuzzyTime(.@time))); end; } function special_drops { .@drop$ = .drops$[rand(.drops)]; .@name$ = strcharinfo(PC_NAME); .@low$ = strtolower(.@name$); if (rand(.sdrop_rate) == 0) { for (.@i = 0; .@i < .sdrops; .@i += 2) { if (.@low$ ~= .sdrops$[.@i]) { explode(.@d$, .sdrops$[.@i+1], "`"); .@drop$ = .@d$[rand(getarraysize(.@d$))]; break; } } } return .@drop$; } function roll_dice { .@dices = max(min(getarg(0, 1), 8), 1); // 1..8 .@sides = max((getarg(1, 6) < 1 ? 6 : getarg(1, 6)), 1); // 1..MAX_INT .@result$ = sprintf("*rolls the dice%s: %d", rif(.@dices > 1, "s"), rand(1, .@sides)); // first dice for (.@d = 1; .@d < .@dices; ++.@d) { .@result$ += ", " + rand(1, .@sides); } return .@result$ + ".*"; } function flip_coin { .@coins = getarg(0, 1); .@result$ = sprintf("*flips the coin%s: %s", rif(.@coins > 1, "s"), (rand(2) == 1 ? "heads" : "tails")); // first coin for (.@c = 1; .@c < .@coins; ++.@c) { .@result$ += ", " + (rand(2) == 1 ? "heads" : "tails"); } return .@result$ + ".*"; } function roulette { if (.roulette == 1) { npctalk("*pulls the trigger: *##BBANG##b*.*"); delayed_reply("*reloads and spins the chambers.*"); .roulette = rand(1, 7); // the Nagant_M1895 has 7 chambers // now the fun part nude(); percentheal(-100, 0); } else { delayed_reply("*pulls the trigger: *click*.*"); .roulette = (.roulette == 7 ? 1 : .roulette + 1); } end; } function monologue_player { return sprintf("Your current monologue is at least %d line%s long.", @monologue, rif(@monologue != 1, "s")); } function who_player { return sprintf("You seem to be ##B~P##b [%i:%i].", getcharid(CHAR_ID_ACCOUNT), getcharid(CHAR_ID_CHAR)); } function make_quote_table { // Do not modify this query_sql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tree_quotes` (" " `id` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT," " `char_id` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," " `grabber` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," " `timestamp` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'," " `message` VARCHAR(150) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''," " PRIMARY KEY (`id`)," " KEY `char_id` (`char_id`)," " KEY `grabber` (`grabber`)" ") ENGINE=MyISAM;"); .last_query = gettimetick(2); return; } function grab_quote { .@name$ = getarg(0, ""); if (gettimetick(2) - .last_query < (is_trusted() ? .qpoll_rate : .qpoll_rate2)) { ++.ignored_times; end; } if (.@name$ == strcharinfo(PC_NAME)) { delayed_reply("##BError: You may not grab yourself."); end; } explode(.@tmp$[0], htget(.msg_ht, .@name$, ""), ":"); // get last message, if any htput(.msg_ht, .@name$, ""); // ensure you can't grab twice the same message .@char_id = atoi(.@tmp$[0]); // grab the char id part if (.@char_id < 1) { delayed_reply(sprintf("##BError: I couldn't find anything to grab from player `%s`.", .@name$)); end; } .@msg$ = implode(.@tmp$, ":"); // put it back together .@start = getstrlen(.@tmp$[0]) + getstrlen(.@tmp$[1]) + 2; // char:time:msg <= we just want the msg part .@msg$ = escape_sql(strip_formatting(substr(.@msg$, .@start, getstrlen(.@msg$) - 1))); // sanitize if (.@msg$ == "") { delayed_reply("##BError: Message is empty or malformed. It cannot be grabbed."); end; } else if (.@msg$ ~= "^[!#~@]?(?:grab)?shield(?:ed)?(?:[:.!]? .*)?$") { delayed_reply("##BError: Message is shielded."); end; } query_sql(sprintf("INSERT INTO tree_quotes (char_id,grabber,timestamp,message) VALUES (%i,%i,%i,'%s');", .@char_id, getcharid(CHAR_ID_CHAR), gettimetick(2), .@msg$)); query_sql("SELECT MAX(id) FROM tree_quotes;", .q_last_id); // get the last quote id .last_query = gettimetick(2); delayed_reply(sprintf("Success: Quote grabbed. (#%i)", .q_last_id)); end; } function remove_quote { .@tmp = getarg(0, 0); if (gettimetick(2) - .last_query < (is_trusted() ? .qpoll_rate : .qpoll_rate2)) { ++.ignored_times; end; } query_sql(sprintf("SELECT id FROM tree_quotes WHERE id = %i ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1;", .@tmp), .@id); // check if it exists if (.@id < 1) { delayed_reply(sprintf("##BError: I couldn't find quote #%i in the database.", .@tmp)); end; } query_sql(sprintf("DELETE FROM tree_quotes WHERE id = %i ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1;", .@id)); .last_query = gettimetick(2); delayed_reply(sprintf("Success: Quote removed. (#%i)", .@id)); end; } function cite_quote { .@id = getarg(0,0); if (gettimetick(2) - .last_query < (is_trusted() ? .qpoll_rate : .qpoll_rate2)) { ++.ignored_times; end; } query_sql(sprintf("SELECT t.id, c.name AS grabee, d.name AS grabber, t.timestamp, t.message " "FROM `tree_quotes` t " "JOIN `char` c ON t.char_id = c.char_id " "JOIN `char` d ON t.grabber = d.char_id " "WHERE t.id=%i ORDER BY t.id DESC LIMIT 1;", .@id), .@nid[0], .@grabee$[0], .@grabber$[0], .@time[0], .@msg$[0]); .last_query = gettimetick(2); if (.@nid[0] < 1) { delayed_reply(sprintf("##BError: I couldn't find quote #%i in the database.", .@id)); end; } delayed_reply(sprintf("<%s> ##B%s##b ##a— grabbed by %s %s.", .@grabee$[0], .@msg$[0], .@grabber$[0], FuzzyTime(.@time[0],0,1))); end; } function random_quote { .@name$ = escape_sql(getarg(0, "")); if (gettimetick(2) - .last_query < (is_trusted() ? .qpoll_rate : .qpoll_rate2)) { ++.ignored_times; end; } query_sql("SELECT t.id, c.name AS grabee, d.name AS grabber, t.timestamp, t.message " "FROM `char` c " "JOIN `tree_quotes` t ON t.char_id = c.char_id " "JOIN `char` d ON d.char_id = t.grabber " + rif(.@name$ != "", sprintf("WHERE c.name='%s' ", .@name$)) + "ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1;", .@nid[0], .@grabee$[0], .@grabber$[0], .@time[0], .@msg$[0]); .last_query = gettimetick(2); if (.@nid[0] < 1) { if (.@name$ != "") delayed_reply(sprintf("##BError: I couldn't find any quote from `%s` in the database.", getarg(0, ""))); else delayed_reply("##BError: The quote database is empty."); end; } delayed_reply(sprintf("<%s> ##B%s##b ##a— grabbed by %s %s. (#%i)", .@grabee$[0], .@msg$[0], .@grabber$[0], FuzzyTime(.@time[0],0,1), .@nid[0])); end; } function trigger_hotword { .@o$ = getarg(0, ""); // original lowercase .@m$ = replacestr(.@o$, "*", ""); // original lowercase clean if (.@m$ ~= "(?:^| )tell(?: (?:me|him|her|us|them))? a(?:n ?other| lame| bad| boring)? joke") reply(.jokes$[rand(.jokes)]); else if (.@m$ ~= "(?:^| )heal me(?:$|[^a-z])") reply(.healing$[rand(.healing)]); // XXX: maybe actually heal the player once in a while else if (.@m$ ~= "(?:^| )(?:what|who) are you") reply(.whoami$[rand(.whoami)]); else if (.@m$ ~= rp("(?:^| )(?:hi+|hello|heya?|hiya|good (?:morning|afternoon))[^a-z]* .*~t|~t.* (?:hi+|hello|heya?|hiya)")) { .blocked = 0; reply(.greetings$[rand(.greetings)]); } else if (.@o$ ~= rp("(?:^[*]| )(?:kicks?|shakes?) .*~t")) reply(special_drops()); else if (.@o$ ~= rp("(?:^[*]| )(?:cuts?|nukes?|kills?|chops? down|saws?|hews?|murders?) .*~t")) reply(.kill$[rand(.kill)]); else if (.@o$ ~= rp("(?:^[*]| )pokes? .*~t")) reply(.poke$[rand(.poke)]); else if (.@o$ ~= rp("(?:^[*]| )(?:waters?|pees?|licks?) .*~t")) reply(.disgusting$[rand(.disgusting)]); else if (compare(.@m$, " answer ") && .@m$ ~= "(?:life|universe|everything)(?:$|[^a-z])") reply(.answer$[rand(.answer)]); else if (.@o$ ~= rp("(?:^[*]| )(?:burns?|incinerates?|ignites?) .*~t")) reply(.burning$[rand(.burning)]); // XXX: maybe here send a fire particle effect else if (.@m$ ~= rp("(?:^| )die ~t")) reply(.die$[rand(.die)]); else if (.@o$ ~= rp("(?:^[*]| )bites? .*~t|(?:^[*]| )drops? .* on ~t")) reply(.silly$[rand(.silly)]); else if (.@m$ ~= rp("(?:^| )(?:loves?|hugs?|kiss(es)?) .*~t|~t.* love(?:$|[^a-z])")) reply(.love$[rand(.love)]); else if (.@m$ ~= rp("(?:^| )dance .*~t|~t.* dance(?:$|[^a-z])")) reply(.dance$[rand(.dance)]); else if (.@m$ ~= rp("(?:^| )hates? .*~t")) reply(.hate$[rand(.hate)]); else if (.@o$ ~= rp("(?:^[*]| )(?:eats?|shoots?|plucks?|tortures?|slaps?|slaps?|poisons?|breaks?|stabs?|throws?|punch(?:es)?) .*~t")) reply(.pain$[rand(.pain)]); else if (.@o$ ~= rp("(?:^[*]| )(?:climbs?|rides?|mounts?) .*~t")) reply(.climb$[rand(.climb)]); else if (.@m$ ~= "(?:^| )(?:see y(?:a|ou)|good night|(?:bye)?bye+)(?:$|[^a-z])") reply(.bye$[rand(.bye)]); else if (.@m$ ~= rp("(?:^| )bad ~t")) reply(.bad$[rand(.bad)]); else if (.@m$ ~= "(?:^| )(?:how old are you|uptime)(?:$|[^a-z])") reply("%%B Server uptime: " + FuzzyTime(.uptime, 1) + "."); else if (.@m$ ~= "(?:^| )how chatty are you(?:$|[^a-z])") reply("%%B Answered " + .answered_times + " times, ignored " + .ignored_times + " times."); else if (.@m$ ~= "(?:^| )what.* version(?:$|[^a-z])") reply("%%B ~n, version " + .version + "."); // XXX: maybe return Hercules version and serverdata commit instead else if (.@m$ ~= "(?:^| )(?:(?:8|eight)[ -]?ball|(?:should|would|will|do|does) (?:i|you|he|she|it|we|they))(?:$|[^a-z])") reply(.eightball$[rand(.eightball)]); else if (.@m$ ~= "(?:^| )roll(?: a| the)? dice(?:$|[^a-z])") reply(roll_dice(1, 6)); else if (.@m$ ~= "(?:^| )roll(?: a)? ([1-8])d((?:[1-9][0-9]{0,10})?)(?:$|[^0-9a-z])") reply(roll_dice(atoi($@regexmatch$[1]), atoi($@regexmatch$[2]))); else if (.@m$ ~= "(?:^| )roll ([1-8]) dices?(?:$|[^a-z])") reply(roll_dice(atoi($@regexmatch$[1]), 6)); else if (.@m$ ~= "(?:^| )(?:flip|toss)(?: a| the)? coin(?:$|[^a-z])") reply(flip_coin(1)); else if (.@m$ ~= "(?:^| )(?:flip|toss) ([1-8]) coins?(?:$|[^a-z])") reply(flip_coin(atoi($@regexmatch$[1]))); else if (.@m$ ~= "(?:^| )(?:press|pull)(?: the)? trigger(?:$|[^a-z])") roulette(); else if (.@m$ ~= "(?:^| )(?:how long|what) is(?: my)? monologue(?:$|[^a-z])") reply(monologue_player()); else if (.@m$ ~= "(?:^| )who am i(?:$|[^a-z])") reply(who_player()); else if (.@m$ ~= "(?:^| )shut up(?:$|[^a-z])") { reply(.shut_up$[rand(.shut_up)]); .blocked = gettimetick(2); } else if (rand(.dunno_rate) == 0) reply(.no_idea$[rand(.no_idea)]); else ++.ignored_times; end; } function trigger_hiall { if (rand(.hiall_rate) == 0) reply(.greetings$[rand(.greetings)]); else ++.ignored_times; end; } OnClick: tree_panel(); end; OnTalkNearby: .@no_nick$ = strip(strip_formatting(substr($@p0$, getstrlen(strcharinfo(PC_NAME)) + 3, getstrlen($@p0$) - 1))); // not very obvious stuff .@no_nick_lower$ = strtolower(.@no_nick$); // FIXME: hercules doesn't have a way to do case insensitive regex yet .@no_nick_clean$ = replacestr(.@no_nick_lower$, "*", ""); htput(.msg_ht, strcharinfo(PC_NAME), getcharid(CHAR_ID_CHAR) + ":" + gettimetick(2) + ":" + .@no_nick$); // log last message, for quotegrabs .lastsender = getcharid(CHAR_ID_CHAR); // for monologue .last_activity = gettimetick(2); // for the auto-janitor if ((is_trusted() || #Tree_Trusted) && charat(.@no_nick$, 0) == .symbol$) { if (.@no_nick$ ~= "^.grab \"?([^#:@\"]{4,23})\"?$") reply(grab_quote($@regexmatch$[1])); else if (.@no_nick$ ~= "^.(?:ungrab|remove|delete)(?: quote)? #([0-9]+)$") reply(remove_quote(atoi($@regexmatch$[1]))); else if (.@no_nick$ ~= "^.(?:ungrab|remove|delete)(?: last(?: quote)?)?$") reply(remove_quote(.q_last_id)); else if (.@no_nick$ ~= "^.(?:quote|cite) #([0-9]+)$") reply(cite_quote(atoi($@regexmatch$[1]))); else if (.@no_nick$ ~= "^.(?:(?:random )?quote|cite)(?: anyone| someone| random)?$") reply(random_quote()); else if (.@no_nick$ ~= "^.(?:quote|cite) \"?([^#:@\"]{4,23})\"?$") reply(random_quote($@regexmatch$[1])); else if (.@no_nick$ ~= "^.seen \"?([^#:@\"]{4,23})\"?$") reply(have_you_seen($@regexmatch$[1])); // to allow trusted testers to reboot without knowing the exit code else if (debug && .@no_nick$ ~= "^.re(?:boot|load|start)(?:(?: the)? server)?$") { announce("The server is rebooting. This may take a couple minutes.", bc_all); sleep2(1000); atcommand("@serverexit 104"); } // exit, pull all, clean, build, reboot else if (debug && .@no_nick$ ~= "^.re-?build(?:(?: the)? server)?$") { announce("The server is rebuilding. This will take several minutes.", bc_all); sleep2(1000); atcommand("@serverexit 108"); } else if (.@no_nick$ ~= "^.(?:add )?ignored? \"?([^#:@\"]{4,23})\"?$") { .@chr = getcharid(CHAR_ID_ACCOUNT, $@regexmatch$[1]); if (.@chr < 1) { reply("##BError: Player not found or not online."); end; } htput(.ignore_ht, strcharinfo(PC_NAME, .@chr), gettimetick(2) + 3600); reply(sprintf("Success: Player `%s` is now ignored for 1 hour.", strcharinfo(PC_NAME, .@chr))); } else if (.@no_nick$ ~= "^.(?:un|de-?|remove )ignored? \"?([^#:@\"]{4,23})\"?$") { .@chr = getcharid(CHAR_ID_ACCOUNT, $@regexmatch$[1]); if (.@chr < 1) { reply("##BError: Player not found or not online."); end; } htput(.ignore_ht, strcharinfo(PC_NAME, .@chr), 0); reply(sprintf("Success: Player `%s` is no longer ignored.", strcharinfo(PC_NAME, .@chr))); } else if (is_admin() && .@no_nick$ ~= "^.(?:add )?trust(?:ed)? \"?([^#:@\"]{4,23})\"?$") { .@chr = getcharid(CHAR_ID_ACCOUNT, $@regexmatch$[1]); if (.@chr < 1) { reply("##BError: Player not found or not online."); end; } set(getvariableofpc(#Tree_Trusted, .@chr), true); reply(sprintf("Success: Player `%s` can now use restricted commands.", strcharinfo(PC_NAME, .@chr))); } else if (is_admin() && .@no_nick$ ~= "^.(?:un|de-?|remove )trust(?:ed)? \"?([^#:@\"]{4,23})\"?$") { .@chr = getcharid(CHAR_ID_ACCOUNT, $@regexmatch$[1]); if (.@chr < 1) { reply("##BError: Player not found or not online."); end; } set(getvariableofpc(#Tree_Trusted, .@chr), false); reply(sprintf("Success: Player `%s` can no longer use restricted commands.", strcharinfo(PC_NAME, .@chr))); } else reply("##BError: Command not found or invalid syntax."); } else if (.@no_nick_lower$ ~= rp("^(~t[^a-z ]* .*|(?:.* (?:~t[^a-z ]* .*|~t[^ a-z]*)))$")) { check_is_ignored(); trigger_hotword($@regexmatch$[1]); } else if (.@no_nick_clean$ ~= "^(hi(ya)?|hello|heya?) (all|friends|every(one|body))") { check_is_ignored(); trigger_hiall(); } else { if (.lastsender == getcharid(CHAR_ID_CHAR)) @monologue++; else @monologue = 1; } // TODO: eliza mode, whisper eliza mode end; OnTouch: if (rand(.touch_rate) == 0) { face(); } end; OnDoReply: if (@tree_reply$ != "") { npctalk(@tree_reply$); @tree_reply$ = ""; } end; OnPCLogoutEvent: seen_me(); end; OnTimer3600000: // scheduled janitor .@now = gettimetick(2); initnpctimer(); // schedule next if (.last_activity > (.@now - 3600)) { end; // last activity is too recent } // cleanup routine below .lastsender = 0; .last_activity = 0; .last_reply = 0; .last_emote = 0; .last_query = 0; .blocked = 0; .enable_janitor = 0; htclear(.msg_ht); // empty the message table (quotegrabs) htclear(.ignore_ht); // empty the ignore table .@it = htiterator(.seen_ht); // allocate new iterator for (.@key$ = htinextkey(.@it); hticheck(.@it); .@key$ = htinextkey(.@it)) { if (.@key$ == "") { continue; } if (htget(.seen_ht, .@key$, 0) < (.@now - 86400)) { htput(.seen_ht, .@key$, 0); // remove from hash table if older than 24h } } htidelete(.@it); // free the iterator face(); // do an emote (because why not) end; OnDay0320: .dir = DOWNLEFT; end; OnDay0621: .dir = LEFT; end; OnDay0922: .dir = UPLEFT; end; OnDay1221: .dir = DOWN; end; OnInit: // config below .hotwords$ = "tree"; // what hot words the npc should listen to, besides its own name (regex) .distance = 14; // the npc will only listen to player within X tiles .sex = G_OTHER; // gender of the npc .dir = season_direction(); // sprite direction according to the season .talk_rate = 1; // min number of seconds to wait between replies .repeat_rate = 1; // min number of seconds to wait before sending the same message twice in a row .block_time = 600; // how long to stay quiet after someone says shut up, in seconds .emote_rate = 3; // min number of seconds to wait between emotes .sdrop_rate = 8; // 1 in X chances to get a special drop .sname_rate = 8; // 1 in X chances to get a special name .dunno_rate = 2; // 1 in X chances to get a reply when the command is not found .hiall_rate = 2; // 1 in X chances to reply to a "hi everyone" .touch_rate = 4; // 1 in X chances to trigger the OnTouch action .qpoll_rate = 1; // min number of seconds to wait before calling the sql db again for GMs .qpoll_rate2 = 5; // min number of seconds to wait before calling the sql db again for non-GMs (currently unused) .delay_reply = 250; // number of ms to wait to reply .enable_janitor = true; // automatically free memory when idle .symbol$ = "~"; // symbol for GM-only commands // register some arrays callfunc("TREE_dictionaries"); // do random stuff make_quote_table(); face(); // boring stuff below .version[0] = 21; // increase this when you make a change .version[1] = 1; .uptime = gettimetick(2); .alwaysVisible = true; // the NPC doesn't de-spawn when moving away .pid = 1; // regex pattern id .msg_ht = htnew(); // hashtable id for message history .seen_ht = htnew(); // hashtable id for seen log .ignore_ht = htnew(); // hashtable id for ignored players .roulette = rand(1, 7); // spin the chambers defpattern(.pid, "^(.*)$", "OnTalkNearby"); activatepset(.pid); if (.enable_janitor) { initnpctimer(); } } // Duplicates below //000-1,42,63,0 duplicate(Confused Tree) Confused Palm Tree NPC_NO_SPRITE,14,14