// Evol scripts. // Author: // Micksha // Description: // The Koga in Artis, only accessable via Rowboat. // THIS IS A PLACEHOLDER! 008-1-1,30,60,0 script Koga#008-1-1 NPC_KOGA,{ function kogaWrongMap; if (getmap() != "008-1-1") kogaWrongMap(); speech l("So, finally, we are here."), l("Do you want to go back to Artis? You really should be afraid of the Legion there, now that you have been here in Woodland. They somehow smell the odor of the Brotherhood."); next; mesc l("Return to Artis?"); if (askyesno() == ASK_YES) { closeclientdialog; setmount 0; warp "001-1", 199, 91; dispbottom l("After a tiring, yet fast, travel by Koga, you arrive at @@.", l("Artis")); } close; function kogaWrongMap { mesc l("I've just arrived here. I should enter in Morcant's house I guess."); close; } OnInit: .bodytype = BODYTYPE_3; .distance = 4; end; }