// Evol scripts. // Authors: // Reid // Description: // Librarian 001-2-6,52,28,0 script Leonard NPC_LEONARD,{ function esperia_city { speech 1, l("You have put your finger on it, I am not."), l("I grown up and lived a good while in the capital city, Esperia."), l("This place is surrounded by two very important elements: academia and the arts. I was surrounded by theater, music, dance, museums..."), l("I had a great childhood in Esperia!"), l("It was wonderful."); emotion E_HAPPY; return; } function need_help { speech 4, l("Do you need help with something?"); switch (select(l("What kinds of books are there here?"), l("Are you a native from Artis?"), l("Nothing."))) { case 1: closedialog; npctalk3 l("You can find novels and poems on this floor."); break; case 2: esperia_city(); break; case 3: closedialog; npctalk3 l("Good day to you!"); } return; } function not_so_loud { npctalkonce l("This floor is reserved for quiet reading, don't speak too loud."); return; } function miracle { npctalkonce l("The miracle is this: the more we share the more we have."); return; } function logic_wisdom { npctalkonce l("Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end."); return; } switch (rand(4)) { case 0: logic_wisdom(); break; case 1: miracle(); break; case 2: not_so_loud(); break; case 3: need_help(); break; } close; OnInit: .sex = G_MALE; .distance = 2; end; }