// Evol scripts. // Author: // Travolta // Description: // Pious flying around town // Variables: // none function script ArtisFlyingPiouLogic { .@tick = gettimetick(1); .@LastTimeTouched = getvariableofnpc(.LastTimeTouched, strnpcinfo(3)); if (.@tick > .@LastTimeTouched + 300) { .speed = 200; set getvariableofnpc(.LastPlayerTouched, strnpcinfo(3)), -1; } .@rnd = rand(5) - 3; if (.@rnd > 0) return execmovecmd("wait " + .@rnd); return 0; } 001-1,53,117,0 script #FlyingPiou1 NPC_FLYING_PIOU,{ function TryCatchPiou { .@agi = readparam(bAgi); @ArtisQuests_CatchPiouTries += 1; getmapxy(.@map$, .@x1, .@y1, 1); getmapxy(.@map$, .@x2, .@y2, 0); .@distance = distance(.@x1, .@y1, .@x2, .@y2); .@chance = max(ArtisQuests_CatchPiou_Difficulcy, 20 + .@distance * 5 - .@agi/10 - @ArtisQuests_CatchPiouTries); return rand(.@chance); } .@charid = getcharid(0); if (.LastPlayerTouched <= 0) { .LastPlayerTouched = .@charid; @ArtisQuests_CatchPiouTries = 0; } else if (.LastPlayerTouched != .@charid) { message strcharinfo(0), l("Hm, it seems another player is trying to catch the piou, I shouldn't interfere."); end; } .@q = getq(ArtisQuests_CatchPiou); if (.@q != 1) { mesn "Narrator"; mesc(l("You scare the piou, but let it go."), 9); close; } .@tick = gettimetick(1); if (.@tick < .LastTimeTouched + min(4, ArtisQuests_CatchPiou_Difficulcy + @ArtisQuests_CatchPiouTries / 3)) { message strcharinfo(0), l("Dang, I scared it! More patience, @@, more patience.", strcharinfo(0)); .LastTimeTouched = .@tick; specialeffect(33, SELF); end; } .LastTimeTouched = .@tick; .@rnd = TryCatchPiou(); if (!.@rnd) { npcstop; stopnpctimer; getmapxy(.@map$, .@x, .@y, 1); npcwalkto .@x, .@y; .@trader$ = "Salem#001-1"; mesn "Narrator"; mesc(l("You caught the piou, but it's trying to escape from you. You'd better hurry back to Salem."), 9); set getvariableofnpc(.LastPiouHunter$, .@trader$), strcharinfo(0); set getvariableofnpc(.PiouEscapedMessage$, .@trader$), l("Oh no, the piou escaped!"); set getvariableofnpc(.LastPiouHunterID, .@trader$), .@charid; set getvariableofnpc(.PiouCaught, .@trader$), 1; donpcevent .@trader$ + "::OnPiouFlee"; specialeffect(26, SELF); close2; disablenpc strnpcinfo(3); close; } else { setarray .RandomFailureMessages$[0], l("So close!"), l("It escaped!"), l("Almost got it!"), l("Oh, the little..."); .@r = rand(getarraysize(.RandomFailureMessages$)); message strcharinfo(0), .RandomFailureMessages$[.@r]; .speed = max(140, 200 - 10 * (@ArtisQuests_CatchPiouTries + ArtisQuests_CatchPiou_Difficulcy)); specialeffect(33, SELF); } end; OnHour00: .LastTimeTouched = 0; end; OnTimer1000: dographmovestep; OnInit: .sex = G_OTHER; .distance = 5; .walkmask = WALK_WATER; // .debug = 1; initmovegraph "market_start", 53, 117, "fountain", 79, 75, 102, 91, "river_bank_1", 107, 94, 117, 102, "river_bank_2", 117, 110, "chelios_right", 100, 112, 113, 118, "chelios_left", 80, 95, 93, 111, "market_right", 74, 114, 83, 121, "market_center", 50, 113, 66, 121, "market_left", 36, 120, 42, 128, "batiment_inside", 48, 138, 65, 106, "batiment_behind", 33, 90, 41, 103, "library_front", 42, 82, 63, 90, "taree_yard", 69, 82, "taree_behind", 61, 62, 76, 71, "townhall_behind", 73, 40, 93, 55, "townhall_right", 99, 55, 106, 60, "inn_behind", 107, 63, 123, 76 ; setmovegraphcmd "fountain", "river_bank_1", 1, "call ArtisFlyingPiouLogic", "river_bank_1", "river_bank_2", 1, "call ArtisFlyingPiouLogic", "river_bank_2", "chelios_right", 2, "call ArtisFlyingPiouLogic", "chelios_right", "chelios_left", 1, "call ArtisFlyingPiouLogic", "chelios_left", "fountain", 1, "wait 1; call ArtisFlyingPiouLogic", "chelios_left", "market_right", 1, "call ArtisFlyingPiouLogic", "chelios_right", "market_right", 1, "call ArtisFlyingPiouLogic", "market_right", "market_center", 1, "call ArtisFlyingPiouLogic", "market_center", "batiment_inside",1, "call ArtisFlyingPiouLogic", "batiment_inside","library_front", 1, "call ArtisFlyingPiouLogic", "library_front", "taree_yard", 1, "call ArtisFlyingPiouLogic", "library_front", "taree_behind", 1, "call ArtisFlyingPiouLogic", "library_front", "batiment_behind",1, "call ArtisFlyingPiouLogic", "batiment_behind","market_left", 1, "wait 3; call ArtisFlyingPiouLogic", "market_left", "market_center", 1, "call ArtisFlyingPiouLogic", "taree_yard", "fountain", 1, "call ArtisFlyingPiouLogic", "taree_behind", "townhall_behind",1, "call ArtisFlyingPiouLogic", "townhall_behind","townhall_right", 1, "call ArtisFlyingPiouLogic", "townhall_right", "inn_behind", 1, "call ArtisFlyingPiouLogic", "inn_behind", "fountain", 1, "wait 2; call ArtisFlyingPiouLogic", "inn_behind", "river_bank_1", 1, "call ArtisFlyingPiouLogic", "market_start", "batiment_inside",1, "call ArtisFlyingPiouLogic" ; firstmove "speed 200", "market_start"; initnpctimer; .LastPlayerTouched = -1; end; }