// Evol scripts. // Authors: // Hal9000 // Reid // Description: // Elmo's twin // Charged of an important quest from Nard, he asks you to help other sailors to keep their box to the ship. // Variable: // 0 ShipQuests_Couwan // 1 ShipQuests_Nard // 2 ShipQuests_Gugli // Values: // 00 Never talked with Couwan. // 01 Spoke, and received the quest scam. // 02 Done quest scam. // 10 Introduction of the box and Nard. This is displayed when the player never spoke to Nard or his box. // 11 Nard spoke and gave access to the outdoor of the ship. // 12 Completed the quest. // 13 Opened the chest and finished the introduction. // 20 Never talked with Gugli. // 21 Gugli gives you the task. // 22 Gave all of the box to Gugli. 000-1.gat,85,108,0,1 script Gugli 313;2,{ OnTalk: mesn; set @n, getq(ShipQuests_Nard); set @g, getq(ShipQuests_Gugli); if (@n > 1 || @g == 2) goto l_TaskCompleted; if (@g == 1) goto l_TaskGiven; mesq l("Hi @@, I have heard captain sent you down here, uh?", strcharinfo(0)); next; mesq l("An unexpected help is always welcome."); next; mesq l("As you may know we are long-distance traveller, and our crew need to stock enough food to survive. You don't know how dangerous sea life can be."); next; menu l("Actually I have an in-depth knowledge of this life."), -; mes ""; mesn; mesq l("Well have been rescued by us doesn't make you an expert sailor, am I right?"); next; mesq l("But let's talk more about this island, we're docking here to find some fine quality foods."); next; mesq l("We usually dock around these small piece of land because they provide us some of the finest food of all the archipelago."); next; mesq l("So at the moment, our crew is busy collecting croconuts, plushrooms and aquada."); next; menu l("So what can I do for you?"), -; mes ""; mesn; mesq l("Right! Sailors are pretty quick with their job. They just take too much time bringing all the food back to the ship. Maybe you can help them."); next; mesq l("Captain wants 2 boxes of Croconouts, 2 of Plushroom and 2 of Aquada."); next; mesq l("Ask sailors around here they shouldn't be so far."); next; setq ShipQuests_Gugli, 1; goto l_Menu; l_TaskGiven: mesq l("Great to see you! What can I do for you today?"); next; l_Menu: menu rif(getq(ShipQuests_Couwan) == 1, l("Couwan gave me this box, it is for you.")), l_Couwan, rif(countitem("AquadaBox") > 1 && countitem("CroconutBox") > 1 && countitem("PlushroomBox") > 1, l("I have collected all the boxes you needed.")), l_TaskDone, l("Where can I find your crew?"), l_Location, l("See you."), -; close; l_Couwan: mes ""; mesn; mesq l("What? This tritan is the worse shirker I ever met."); next; mesq l("Well, thanks for the box. But... he was supposed to bring it back to me himself. I never asked him to give it to you!"); next; mesq l("Take these coins in exchange and be careful."); next; mesq l("Not everybody has a kind mind. Scammers can be anywhere, even among us!"); next; mesq l("May this be a lesson for you."); setq ShipQuests_Couwan, 2; set zeny, zeny+50; if (countitem("FishBox") > 0) delitem "FishBox", 1; message strcharinfo(0), l("You receive 50GP!"); close; l_Location: mes ""; mesn; mesq l("There're 6 sailors, they're all around the island."); next; mesq l("I can't really help you to find them myself, I've been checking the... Hmm... Landscape, since the the morning..."); next; mesq l("You can try to talk with some other sailors to get more information about this."); next; set @r, rand(3000)/1000; if (@r == 1) goto l_Silvio; if (@r == 2) goto l_Lean; setcamnpc "Sapartan"; mesq l("Max and Sapartan for example?"); next; restorecam; close; l_Silvio: setcamnpc "Silvio"; mesq l("Silvio for example?"); next; restorecam; close; l_Lean: setcamnpc "Lean"; mesq l("Lean for example?"); next; restorecam; close; l_TaskDone: setq ShipQuests_Gugli, 2; if (countitem("AquadaBox") > 1) delitem "AquadaBox", 2; if (countitem("CroconutBox") > 1) delitem "CroconutBox", 2; if (countitem("PlushroomBox") > 1) delitem "PlushroomBox", 2; mesq l("Well done! Now the ship is ready to sail again!"); next; mesq l("You should inform Nard about the progress of the load of the merchandise. He will be enthusiastic."); close; l_TaskCompleted: mesq l("You are now part of this crew... At least for us down here!"); next; mesq l("You should inform Nard about the progress of the load of the merchandise. He will be enthusiastic."); next; mesq l("Say him that everything went fine, and that we're almost done with the foods."); close; } 000-1.gat,83,107,0,1 script GugliBarrierCheck 0,2,0,{ set @q, getq(ShipQuests_Gugli); if (@q > 0) close; doevent "Gugli::OnTalk"; close; }