//==================================================== //= _ _ _ //= | | | | | | //= | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _ _| | ___ ___ //= | _ |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __| //= | | | | __/ | | (__| |_| | | __/\__ \ //= \_| |_/\___|_| \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/ //= //= http://hercules.ws/board/ //================= More Information ================= // http://hercules.ws/board/topic/1188-skill-tree-db-redesign/ //================ Structure Example ================= /* Job_Name: { // Job names as in src/map/pc.c (they are hardcoded at the moment so if you want to add a new job you should add it there) inherit: ( "Other_Job_Name" ); // Base job from which this job will inherit its skill tree. NV_TRICKDEAD inheritance is skipped for non-novices from the source skills: { // SKILL_NAMEs come from the Name (16th column) value in db/re/skill_db.txt SKILL_NAME1: Max_Level // Use this for skills that don't have other skill prerequisite; Max_Level is a numeric value that should match your client side files SKILL_NAME2: { // Use this for skills which have other skills as prerequisites MaxLevel: Max_Level // Max_Level is a numeric value that should match your client side files SKILL_NAME_PREREQUISITE: Level_Prerequisite // The prerequisite skill and min level for having this skill available. Should also match your client side files SKILL_NAME_PREREQUISITE2: Level_Prerequisite2 // You can add as many prerequisite skills as you want. Minimum of 1 if you add a skill this way } } */ //==================================================== Human: { skills: { NV_BASIC: 0 NV_FIRSTAID: 0 NV_TRICKDEAD: 0 WE_BABY: 0 WE_CALLPARENT: 0 WE_CALLBABY: 0 ALL_INCCARRY: 0 MC_VENDING: 0 MC_PUSHCART: 0 ALL_BUYING_STORE: 0 AM_CALLHOMUN: 0 KN_RIDING: 0 SM_BASH: 0 } } Ukar: { skills: { NV_BASIC: 0 NV_FIRSTAID: 0 NV_TRICKDEAD: 0 WE_BABY: 0 WE_CALLPARENT: 0 WE_CALLBABY: 0 ALL_INCCARRY: 0 MC_VENDING: 0 MC_PUSHCART: 0 ALL_BUYING_STORE: 0 AM_CALLHOMUN: 0 KN_RIDING: 0 SM_BASH: 0 } } Demon: { skills: { NV_BASIC: 0 NV_FIRSTAID: 0 NV_TRICKDEAD: 0 WE_BABY: 0 WE_CALLPARENT: 0 WE_CALLBABY: 0 ALL_INCCARRY: 0 MC_VENDING: 0 MC_PUSHCART: 0 ALL_BUYING_STORE: 0 AM_CALLHOMUN: 0 KN_RIDING: 0 SM_BASH: 0 } } Elven: { skills: { NV_BASIC: 0 NV_FIRSTAID: 0 NV_TRICKDEAD: 0 WE_BABY: 0 WE_CALLPARENT: 0 WE_CALLBABY: 0 ALL_INCCARRY: 0 MC_VENDING: 0 MC_PUSHCART: 0 ALL_BUYING_STORE: 0 AM_CALLHOMUN: 0 KN_RIDING: 0 SM_BASH: 0 } } Orc: { skills: { NV_BASIC: 0 NV_FIRSTAID: 0 NV_TRICKDEAD: 0 WE_BABY: 0 WE_CALLPARENT: 0 WE_CALLBABY: 0 ALL_INCCARRY: 0 MC_VENDING: 0 MC_PUSHCART: 0 ALL_BUYING_STORE: 0 AM_CALLHOMUN: 0 KN_RIDING: 0 SM_BASH: 0 } } Raijin: { skills: { NV_BASIC: 0 NV_FIRSTAID: 0 NV_TRICKDEAD: 0 WE_BABY: 0 WE_CALLPARENT: 0 WE_CALLBABY: 0 ALL_INCCARRY: 0 MC_VENDING: 0 MC_PUSHCART: 0 ALL_BUYING_STORE: 0 AM_CALLHOMUN: 0 KN_RIDING: 0 SM_BASH: 0 } } Tritan: { skills: { NV_BASIC: 0 NV_FIRSTAID: 0 NV_TRICKDEAD: 0 WE_BABY: 0 WE_CALLPARENT: 0 WE_CALLBABY: 0 ALL_INCCARRY: 0 MC_VENDING: 0 MC_PUSHCART: 0 ALL_BUYING_STORE: 0 AM_CALLHOMUN: 0 KN_RIDING: 0 SM_BASH: 0 } }