//==================================================== //= _ _ _ //= | | | | | | //= | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _ _| | ___ ___ //= | _ |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __| //= | | | | __/ | | (__| |_| | | __/\__ \ //= \_| |_/\___|_| \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/ //= //= http://herc.ws/board/ //==================================================== //================= More Information ================= // http://herc.ws/board/topic/316-introducing-hercules-channel-system/ //==================================================== chsys: ( { /* Default Channels (available on boot) */ default_channels: { /* channel_name : channel_messages_color */ main: "Orange" /* Available as #main */ support: "Blue" /* Available as #support */ trade: "Red" /* Available as #trade */ gm: "Red" lang: "Green" offtopic: "Cyan" /* Available as #offtopic */ /* You may add as many channels as you like */ } /* Colors Available */ colors: { Default: "0xffffff" /* Custom channels use the first color listed unless a font is selected through @channel. */ Red: "0xff0000" Blue: "0x83cfe9" Orange: "0xe57c00" Cyan: "0x00b89d" Yellow: "0xffff90" Green: "0x28bf00" Light_Green: "0x3dff98" Normal: "0x00ff00" /* As many colors as you like */ } /* Allow users to create their own (private) channels through @channels command? */ /* (must also allow players to use @channels in groups.conf) */ allow_user_channel_creation: true /* "map_local_channel" is a instanced channel unique to each map. */ map_local_channel: true map_local_channel_name: "map" /* Available as #map */ map_local_channel_color: "Yellow" map_local_channel_autojoin: true /* You can disable autojoin in specific maps through a mapflag or zone. */ /* "ally_channel" is a channel shared by all your guild allies */ ally_channel_enabled: true ally_channel_name: "ally" /* Available as #ally */ ally_channel_color: "Green" ally_channel_autojoin: true /* Will members autojoin to their respective #ally chats when they log-in? */ /* "irc_channel" is a special channel connected to a specific chat room in any irc network. */ irc_channel_enabled: false irc_channel_name: "irc" /* available as #irc */ irc_channel_color: "Light_Green" irc_channel_network: "irc.freenode.net:6667" /* network to connect to (:and port) */ irc_channel_channel: "#themanaworld" /* channel in the network above to join */ irc_channel_nick: "testbot" /* nick the bot will use */ irc_channel_nick_pw: "" /* password to this nick (if any) to identify to nick server on the irc network */ irc_channel_use_ghost: false /* whether to send a GHOST command to the nick server (requires irc_channel_nick_pw to be defined) */ irc_channel_autojoin: true irc_flood_protection_enabled: true /* Whether to enable anti-flood protection for outgoing messages */ irc_flood_protection_rate: 1000 /* The delay between messages during anti-flood protection (milliseconds) */ irc_flood_protection_burst: 3 /* The maximum number of messages that are sent at once burst size before triggering the anti-flood protection */ // @channel setopt MessageDelay <delay> // Sets the maximum amount of message delay (in seconds) allowed for a channel. // Default: 10 // Max: 255 channel_opt_msg_delay: 10 } )