From ca43eb1e22ad9ffffe972ebc581b41be000e3cee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrei Karas Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 22:51:14 +0300 Subject: update translations. --- langs/lang_de.txt | 33 +++++++++++++++++++ langs/lang_en.txt | 33 +++++++++++++++++++ langs/lang_es.txt | 89 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------- langs/lang_fr.txt | 33 +++++++++++++++++++ langs/lang_it.txt | 33 +++++++++++++++++++ langs/lang_nl_BE.txt | 33 +++++++++++++++++++ langs/lang_pl.txt | 33 +++++++++++++++++++ langs/lang_pt_BR.txt | 33 +++++++++++++++++++ langs/lang_ru.txt | 33 +++++++++++++++++++ langs/lang_vls.txt | 33 +++++++++++++++++++ 10 files changed, 358 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-) diff --git a/langs/lang_de.txt b/langs/lang_de.txt index 68a9217f..07983cfd 100644 --- a/langs/lang_de.txt +++ b/langs/lang_de.txt @@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Evol Online 'That', as you call it, is a @@. There're plenty on this island! +*Hic* + + *Imitate a thunder's sound.* *Imitiert den Ton eines Donners.* @@ -578,6 +581,9 @@ Entschuldigung? Weißt du wer ich bin? Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#1 Entschuldigung? Weißt du wer ich bin? +FINE, BYE! +NA GUT, TSCHÜSS! + Fexil Fexil @@ -611,6 +617,12 @@ GUT! Gado! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him, again! +Ggrmm... Grmmmm... + + +Give me a kiss before you say goodbye! + + Give me back this dish, you dirty liar!#0 @@ -1397,6 +1409,9 @@ Julia ist auf der oberen Ebene des Schiffes, verwenden Sie die Pfeiltasten, um z Just hit the trunk, and it will yeye a @@. +Just leave me alone. + + Knife Messer @@ -1844,6 +1859,9 @@ RightBarrierCheck RightDoorCheck RightDoorCheck +Rrrr... Pchhhh... + + Rules began to rise in order to have a peaceful society. This did not work well for long. @@ -2156,6 +2174,9 @@ Dann kann ich dir ein paar Tipps über das Kämpfen geben. Then it seems I have to apologize. +Then leave me alone. + + There are few groups of these @@s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. @@ -2219,6 +2240,9 @@ Sie sollten nicht zu weit voneinander getrennt sein. This Cookie Master rewards people who contribute and develop this world. +This door is locked. + + This girl is lucky we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where she comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft? @@ -2879,6 +2903,9 @@ You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the food on to the boat. He You should look at them once we arrive at the port, they are worth it, hehe... +You should talk to Magic Arpan first. + + You should walk to the north to find him. Du solltest nach Norden gehen um ihn zu finden. @@ -2903,6 +2930,9 @@ Du Dummkopf, er ist Engländer. Schau dir seine Kopfform an. You stupid, she's english, look at the shape of her head. Du Dummkopf, sie ist Engländerin. Schau dir ihre Kopfform an. +You take the clothes from the chest. +Du nimmst die Kleidung aus der Kiste. + You tell me. Do I deserve a cookie? @@ -2978,6 +3008,9 @@ Du? Hier? Your hands are too weak, you did not succeed in opening this @@. +Zzzzzzzzz... + + a ground! diff --git a/langs/lang_en.txt b/langs/lang_en.txt index 94923eda..9beb2f36 100644 --- a/langs/lang_en.txt +++ b/langs/lang_en.txt @@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Evol Online 'That', as you call it, is a @@. There're plenty on this island! 'That', as you call it, is a @@. There're plenty on this island! +*Hic* +*Hic* + *Imitate a thunder's sound.* *Imitate a thunder's sound.* @@ -578,6 +581,9 @@ Excuse me? Do you know who I am? Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#1 Excuse me? Do you know who I am? +FINE, BYE! +FINE, BYE! + Fexil Fexil @@ -611,6 +617,12 @@ GOOD! Gado! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him, again! Gado! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him, again! +Ggrmm... Grmmmm... +Ggrmm... Grmmmm... + +Give me a kiss before you say goodbye! +Give me a kiss before you say goodbye! + Give me back this dish, you dirty liar!#0 Give me back this dish, you dirty liar! @@ -1397,6 +1409,9 @@ Julia is on the upper level of the ship, use the arrow keys to walk to the stair Just hit the trunk, and it will yeye a @@. Just hit the trunk, and it will yeye a @@. +Just leave me alone. +Just leave me alone. + Knife Knife @@ -1844,6 +1859,9 @@ RightBarrierCheck RightDoorCheck RightDoorCheck +Rrrr... Pchhhh... +Rrrr... Pchhhh... + Rules began to rise in order to have a peaceful society. This did not work well for long. Rules began to rise in order to have a peaceful society. This did not work well for long. @@ -2156,6 +2174,9 @@ Then I can give you some tips about fights. Then it seems I have to apologize. Then it seems I have to apologize. +Then leave me alone. +Then leave me alone. + There are few groups of these @@s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. There are few groups of these @@s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. @@ -2219,6 +2240,9 @@ They shouldn't be too far from each other. This Cookie Master rewards people who contribute and develop this world. This Cookie Master rewards people who contribute and develop this world. +This door is locked. +This door is locked. + This girl is lucky we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where she comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft? This girl is lucky we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where she comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft? @@ -2879,6 +2903,9 @@ You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the food on to the boat. He You should look at them once we arrive at the port, they are worth it, hehe... You should look at them once we arrive at the port, they are worth it, hehe... +You should talk to Magic Arpan first. +You should talk to Magic Arpan first. + You should walk to the north to find him. You should walk to the north to find him. @@ -2903,6 +2930,9 @@ You stupid, he's english, look at the shape of his head. You stupid, she's english, look at the shape of her head. You stupid, she's english, look at the shape of her head. +You take the clothes from the chest. +You take the clothes from the chest. + You tell me. Do I deserve a cookie? You tell me. Do I deserve a cookie? @@ -2978,6 +3008,9 @@ You? Here? Your hands are too weak, you did not succeed in opening this @@. Your hands are too weak, you did not succeed in opening this @@. +Zzzzzzzzz... +Zzzzzzzzz... + a ground! a ground! diff --git a/langs/lang_es.txt b/langs/lang_es.txt index 69bff5c6..d5cc9fd0 100644 --- a/langs/lang_es.txt +++ b/langs/lang_es.txt @@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Evol Online 'That', as you call it, is a @@. There're plenty on this island! 'Eso', como tú le llamas, es un @@. ¡Hay abundancia de esos en esta isla! +*Hic* + + *Imitate a thunder's sound.* *Imitar el sonido de un trueno* @@ -315,7 +318,7 @@ But for now, you can relax on the ship, or visit the island we're docked at! Its Pero por ahora, puedes relajarte en el barco, o visitar la isla en la que hemos atracado. Es una isla pequeña, pero un buen lugar para ejercitar tus piernas. But let's talk about this island. We're docking here to find some fine quality goods. -Pero hablemos sobre esta isla. Nosotros estamos atracando quí para encontrar algunos bienes de muy buena calidad. +Pero hablemos sobre esta isla. Nosotros estamos atracando aquí para encontrar algunos bienes de muy buena calidad. But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconscious.#0 Pero lo más importante, ella fue quien te cuidó cuando estabas inconsciente. @@ -378,7 +381,7 @@ Come on, Sap! You are scaring our guest with your stories.#1 ¡Vamos, Sap! Estás asustando a nuestro invitado con tus historias. Common, don't be like that and loosen up! Don't you want to know who's behind all of this?! - +Son similares, ¡no seas así y relájate! ¡¿No quieres saber quién está detrás de todo esto?! Congratulations! ¡Felicitaciones! @@ -578,6 +581,9 @@ Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#0 Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#1 ¿Perdón? ¿Sabe usted quién soy yo? +FINE, BYE! +MUY BIEN, ¡ADIÓS! + Fexil Fexil @@ -585,7 +591,7 @@ Fine, could you please tell me where I can find Gugli's sailors? Bien, ¿podrías por favor decirme dónde puedo encontrar a los marineros de Gugli? Fine, tell me, who are these mysterious aliens? - +Bien, dime, ¿quiénes son estos misteriosos extraterrestres? Fine... I was just going to give you some help... Muy bien... Yo sólo iba a darte un poco de ayuda... @@ -611,6 +617,12 @@ GOOD! Gado! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him, again! ¡Gado! Ese cobarde vive en el pasado. ¡Le pediré a Nard que lo castigue de nuevo! +Ggrmm... Grmmmm... +Ggrmm... Grmmmm... + +Give me a kiss before you say goodbye! +¡Dame un beso antes de decir adiós! + Give me back this dish, you dirty liar!#0 ¡Devuélveme este platillo, sucia mentirosa! @@ -936,7 +948,7 @@ I am, who are you?#1 Lo soy. ¿Quién eres tú? I can't help you to be on my list, nor can I give you a cookie for free. - +No te puedo ayudar a estar en mi lista, ni tampoco puedo darte una galleta gratis. I can't really help you find them since I've been checking the... Hmm... Landscape, since morning... Realmente no puedo ayudarte a encontrarlos ya que he estado revisando el... Hmm... Paisaje, desde la mañana... @@ -1125,7 +1137,7 @@ I was sent here with a task. I can give you a perfect, wonderful, magnificent, s Fui enviado aquí con una tarea. Puedo darte una perfecta, maravillosa, magnífica, espléndidamente bien formada... ¡Galleta! I will not tell you all the details, but after a month, she was ruling the ship and I was sent down here, cooking for those traitors! -No te diré todos los detalles, pero después de un mes, ella estaba dándo órdenes en el barco ¡y yo fui enviado aquí abajo, para cocinar para esos traidores! +No te diré todos los detalles, pero después de un mes, ella estaba dando órdenes en el barco ¡y yo fui enviado aquí abajo, para cocinar para esos traidores! I will surely visit him. Do you need any help with your boxes? Seguro lo visitaré. ¿Necesitas una ayuda con tus cajas? @@ -1155,7 +1167,7 @@ I'd like to catch one of them, but they are flying away when I try. Me gustaría atrapar uno de ellos, pero salen volando lejos cuando lo intento. I'd love one! - +¡Me encantaría una! I'll give her everything she needs, don't worry. Yo le daré todo lo que necesite, no te preocupes. @@ -1314,7 +1326,7 @@ It is nice to see that you woke up fine at the same time. Elmo came here to tell ¡Es agradable ver que has despertado y que estás bien! Elmo vino aquí a darme estas buenas noticias. It is them who tell me to whom I can give cookies. - +Son ellos quienes me dicen a quién le puedo dar galletas. It looks like madam is curious, am I right? @@ -1365,7 +1377,7 @@ It's interesting and exciting at the same time! ¡Es interesante y emocionante al mismo tiempo! It's ok. -Esta bien. +Está bien. It's so hard to find the motivation... Es tan difícil encontrar la motivación... @@ -1397,6 +1409,9 @@ Julia está en el nivel superior del barco, usa las flechas del teclado para cam Just hit the trunk, and it will yeye a @@. Sólo dale al baúl y éste te yeye un @@. +Just leave me alone. +Simplemente déjame solo. + Knife Cuchillo @@ -1617,10 +1632,10 @@ OH, LOOK THERE! ¡OH, MIRA ALLÍ! Of course you do! Just listen carefully to these words my dear.#0 - +¡Por supuesto que sí! Sólo tienes que escuchar con atención estas palabras querida. Of course you do! Just listen carefully to these words my dear.#1 - +¡Por supuesto que sí! Sólo tienes que escuchar con atención estas palabras querido. Of course! Tell me which language you speak and I will change the note on the ship board list. ¡Por supuesto! Dime cuál idioma hablas y cambiaré la nota en la lista de embarque de esta nave. @@ -1728,10 +1743,10 @@ Oh... eating rattos. Sounds... ehm... Delicious, yes. Oh... comer rattos. Suena... ehm... Delicioso, sí. Ok, I think he's waking up, go see him. -Esta bien, creo que él esta despertando, ve a verlo. +Está bien, creo que él está despertando, ve a verlo. Ok, I think she's waking up, go see her. -Esta bien, creo que ella esta despertando, ve a verla. +Está bien, creo que ella está despertando, ve a verla. Ok, I will leave him alone. Ok. Lo dejaré solo. @@ -1755,7 +1770,7 @@ Okay, I'm ready to work!#1 ¡De acuerdo, estoy listo para trabajar! Okay, you can start! -¡Esta bien, puedes iniciar! +¡Está bien, puedes iniciar! OldBook OldBook @@ -1844,6 +1859,9 @@ RightBarrierCheck RightDoorCheck RightDoorCheck +Rrrr... Pchhhh... +Rrrr...Pchhhh... + Rules began to rise in order to have a peaceful society. This did not work well for long. Las reglas comenzaron a aumentarse para tener una sociedad pacífica. Ésto no funcionó muy bien por un tiempo. @@ -1893,7 +1911,7 @@ She is a good friend of mine... We wanted to marry a few weeks before her accide Ella es una buena amiga mía... Nos queríamos casar unas semanas antes de su accidente... She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship. -Ella es la enfermira y la guarda de este barco. +Ella es la enfermera y la guarda de este barco. She said she will accept me when pious will have teeth. It's just a matter of time, you see? Ella dijo que me aceptará cuando a los pious le salgan dientes. Es sólo cuestión de tiempo, ¿ves? @@ -1920,7 +1938,7 @@ Silvio starts to speak to his bottle, you leave the conversation. Silvio comienza a hablar con su botella, dejas la conversación. Simply contact them, help them and be kind. They might surely add you to my cookie list! - +Simplemente contacta con ellos, ayúdales y sé amable. Seguramente te agregaran a mi lista de galletas. So finally someone has came to visit me? ¿Así que finalmente ha venido alguien a visitarme? @@ -1935,13 +1953,13 @@ So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe she comes from that guild, as that si Así que por eso hemos querido avisarle. Tal vez ella viene de ese gremio, debido al símbolo que estaba en su balsa. So you're under the control of dictators, that's... reassuring. - +Así que estás bajo el control de dictadores, eso es... reconfortante. So, do you have anything for me today? Así que, ¿tienes algo para mi hoy? So, do you still want a cookie now? - +Así que, ¿aún quieres una galleta? So, how do you feel? I see that Julia did a marvelous job! You look like you're in good health now. Entonces, ¿cómo te sientes? ¡Veo que Julia hizo un gran trabajo! Ahora parece que te encuentras mejor. @@ -2046,7 +2064,7 @@ Tarlan Tarlan Task is done. -El trabajo esta hecho. +El trabajo está hecho. Tell him that everything went fine and that we're almost done with the food. Dile que todo fue muy bien y que casi hemos terminado con la comida. @@ -2076,7 +2094,7 @@ Thank you, I'll take them and put them on. Te agradezco, los tomaré y los pondré encima. Thanks again for helping me. But these rattos are a permanent problem and your help is always welcome. The only problem is that I can give you a reward only one time. -Gracias, de nuevo, por ayudarme. Peros esos rattos son un problema permanente y tu ayuda es siempre bienvenida. El único problema es que sólo te puedo dar la recompensa una sola vez. +Gracias, de nuevo, por ayudarme. Pero esos rattos son un problema permanente y tu ayuda es siempre bienvenida. El único problema es que sólo te puedo dar la recompensa una sola vez. Thanks for helping me! ¡Gracias por ayudarme! @@ -2156,6 +2174,9 @@ Entonces yo puedo darte unos consejos sobre peleas. Then it seems I have to apologize. Entonces parece que tengo que disculparme. +Then leave me alone. +Entonces déjame solo. + There are few groups of these @@s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. Hay unos pocos grupos de estos @@s en todo derredor de esta isla. Sólo escoge algunos y trata. @@ -2193,7 +2214,7 @@ Therefore, starvation stroke on the people of Aemil. Por lo tanto, el hambre golpeó a la gente de Aemil. These boxes are way too heavy to be brought alone onto the ship. -Estas cajas son muy pesadas para ser traídas completamente solo sobre del barco. +Estas cajas son demasiado pesadas para ser llevadas al barco por uno solo. These crocotrees are full of yaying @@, but they are so hard to hit... Estos árboles de croco están llenos de yaying @@, pero es muy difícil pegarles... @@ -2219,6 +2240,9 @@ Ellos no deberían estar muy lejos el uno del otro. This Cookie Master rewards people who contribute and develop this world. Esta Galleta Maestra recompensa a las personas que contribuyen y desarrollan este mundo. +This door is locked. + + This girl is lucky we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where she comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft? Esta chica tiene suerte que la encontráramos antes que un tiburón lo hiciera. No tengo idea de donde viene. A propósito, ¿has visto el logo sobre su balsa? @@ -2319,7 +2343,7 @@ Wait, why do you still have the dish on you?! Espera... ¿Por qué aún tienes el platillo contigo? Wait... That's not the place for a chef, what are you doing here? -Espera... Ese no es lugar para un Chef, ¿qué estás haciendo aquí? +Espera... Este no es lugar para un Chef, ¿qué estás haciendo aquí? Wait... Where are we going? Espera... ¿A dónde vamos? @@ -2439,7 +2463,7 @@ What about Q'Muller? Where is he? ¿Qué hay de Q'Muller? ¿Dónde está él? What about my story? - +¿Qué pasa con mi historia? What am I supposed to say? ¿Qué se supone que diga? @@ -2856,7 +2880,7 @@ You see these pious around us? ¿Ves estos pious alrededor de nosotros? You see, my cookies are restricted to a certain type of people... - +Veras, mis galletas son unicamente para cierto tipo de personas... You see? I'm working here! ¿Ves? ¡Estoy trabajando aquí! @@ -2879,6 +2903,9 @@ Deberías informarle a Nard sobre el progreso de carga de la comida en el bote. You should look at them once we arrive at the port, they are worth it, hehe... Tienes que buscarlas una vez que lleguemos al puerto. Valen la pena, jeje... +You should talk to Magic Arpan first. +Deberías hablar con Magic Arpan primero. + You should walk to the north to find him. Debes caminar hacia el norte para encontrarlo. @@ -2903,6 +2930,9 @@ Estúpido, él es inglés, mira la forma de su cabeza. You stupid, she's english, look at the shape of her head. Estúpido, ella es inglesa, mira la forma de su cabeza. +You take the clothes from the chest. +Tomas la ropa del cofre. + You tell me. Do I deserve a cookie? Dime. ¿Merezco una galleta? @@ -2928,7 +2958,7 @@ You will find a wooden sign near a crossroad. He is a few steps on the left. Encontrarás una señal de madera cerca de una encrucijada. Él está a unos pocos pasos a la izquierda. You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the Warrior Guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea! -Ya lo verás, los ciudadanos son educados y puedes pedir ayuda en el Gremio Guerrero. ¡Ellos te ayudarán a encontrar un trabajo o a averiguar que te sucedió en el mar! +Ya lo verás, los ciudadanos son educados y puedes pedir ayuda en el Gremio Guerrero. ¡Ellos te ayudarán a encontrar un trabajo o a averiguar que te sucedió en el mar! You yoiis should walk to the north. Debes yoiis caminar hacia el norte. @@ -2940,19 +2970,19 @@ You're like the rest of this filthy crew, I can't trust you! Eres como el resto de esta asquerosa tripulación. ¡No puedo confiar en ti! You're like the rest of this filthy crew. Your name is now on the traitors list!#0 -Eres como el resto de esta asquerosa tripulación. Tu nombre ahora esta en la lista de traidores. +Eres como el resto de esta asquerosa tripulación. Tu nombre ahora está en la lista de traidores. You're like the rest of this filthy crew. Your name is now on the traitors list!#1 -Eres como el resto de esta asquerosa tripulación. Tu nombre ahora esta en la lista de traidores. +Eres como el resto de esta asquerosa tripulación. Tu nombre ahora está en la lista de traidores. You're on a ship, we're on our way to the commercial capital of Artis. Estás a bordo de un barco, vamos rumbo a la capital comercial de Artis. You're on our ship, we made port to a little island and we're actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#0 -Tu estás en nuestro barco, atracamos en el puerto de esta pequeña isla y actualmente estamos yeyendeando nuestro largo viaje mercante hacia la ciudad de Artis. +Estás en nuestro barco, atracamos en el puerto de esta pequeña isla y actualmente estamos yeyendeando nuestro largo viaje mercante hacia la ciudad de Artis. You're on our ship, we made port to a little island and we're actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#1 -Tu estás en nuestro barco, atracamos en el puerto de esta pequeña isla y actualmente estamos yeyendeando nuestro largo viaje mercante hacia la ciudad de Artis. +Estás en nuestro barco, atracamos en el puerto de esta pequeña isla y actualmente estamos yeyendeando nuestro largo viaje mercante hacia la ciudad de Artis. You're one of us now, that's great! I was sure that you were a good man when I first saw you! ¡Eres uno de nosotros ahora, eso es genial! ¡Estaba seguro que eras un bueno hombre cuando te vi por primera vez! @@ -2978,6 +3008,9 @@ You? Here? Your hands are too weak, you did not succeed in opening this @@. Tus manos son muy débiles, no tuviste éxito al abrir este @@. +Zzzzzzzzz... + + a ground! ¡Tierra! diff --git a/langs/lang_fr.txt b/langs/lang_fr.txt index 97c8348c..d0335087 100644 --- a/langs/lang_fr.txt +++ b/langs/lang_fr.txt @@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Evol Online 'That', as you call it, is a @@. There're plenty on this island! 'Ça', comme tu l'appelles, est un @@. Il y en a plein sur l'île ! +*Hic* + + *Imitate a thunder's sound.* *Imitant le son du tonnerre.* @@ -578,6 +581,9 @@ Pardon ? Sais-tu qui je suis ? Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#1 Pardon ? Sais-tu qui je suis ? +FINE, BYE! +BIEN, AU REVOIR ! + Fexil Fexil @@ -611,6 +617,12 @@ BIEN ! Gado! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him, again! Gago ! Ce poltron vit dans le passé, je vais demander à Nard de le punir, encore une fois ! +Ggrmm... Grmmmm... +Ggrmm... Grmmmm... + +Give me a kiss before you say goodbye! +Fais-moi un bisou avant de me dire au revoir ! + Give me back this dish, you dirty liar!#0 Redonne-moi ce plat, sale menteuse ! @@ -1397,6 +1409,9 @@ Julia est sur le pont supérieur du bateau. Utilises les flèches pour marcher j Just hit the trunk, and it will yeye a @@. Frappe juste le tronc et il une @@ tombera. +Just leave me alone. +Laisse-moi juste tranquille. + Knife Couteau @@ -1844,6 +1859,9 @@ BarrièreDroite RightDoorCheck PorteDroite +Rrrr... Pchhhh... +Rrrr... Pchhhh... + Rules began to rise in order to have a peaceful society. This did not work well for long. Les lois ont commencé à se faire afin d'avoir une société paisible. Cela ne fonctionna pas très longtemps. @@ -2156,6 +2174,9 @@ Alors je peux te donner des conseils de combat. Then it seems I have to apologize. Eh bien alors je pense que je devrais te présenter mes excuses. +Then leave me alone. +Alors laisse-moi tranquille. + There are few groups of these @@s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. Il y a quelques groupes de ces @@s à travers toute l'île. Ramasse-en juste et fais un essai. @@ -2219,6 +2240,9 @@ Ils ne devraient pas être très loins l'un de l'autre. This Cookie Master rewards people who contribute and develop this world. Le Maître des Cookies récompense les personnes qui contribuent et développent ce monde. +This door is locked. + + This girl is lucky we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where she comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft? Cette fille a de la chance qu'on l'a trouvée avant qu'un requin ne le fasse. Je n'ai aucune idée d'où elle vient, as-tu vu le logo sur son radeau ? @@ -2879,6 +2903,9 @@ Tu devrais informer Nard à propos du chargement de la nourriture sur le bateau. You should look at them once we arrive at the port, they are worth it, hehe... Tu devrais y jeter un œil une fois qu'on arrive au porte, ils en valent le coup, hehe... +You should talk to Magic Arpan first. +Tu devrais parler à Arpan Magique en premier. + You should walk to the north to find him. Tu devrais marcher vers le nord pour le trouver. @@ -2903,6 +2930,9 @@ Tu es stupide, il est anglais, regarde la forme de sa tête. You stupid, she's english, look at the shape of her head. Tu es stupide, elle est anglaise, regarde la forme de sa tête. +You take the clothes from the chest. +Tu prends les vêtements dans le coffre. + You tell me. Do I deserve a cookie? À toi de me le dire. Est-ce que je mérite un cookie ? @@ -2978,6 +3008,9 @@ Toi ? Ici ? Your hands are too weak, you did not succeed in opening this @@. Tes mains sont trop faibles, tu n'as pas réussi à ouvrir cette @@. +Zzzzzzzzz... + + a ground! une terre ! diff --git a/langs/lang_it.txt b/langs/lang_it.txt index 25fad543..9ce49731 100644 --- a/langs/lang_it.txt +++ b/langs/lang_it.txt @@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Evol Online 'That', as you call it, is a @@. There're plenty on this island! 'Questa cosa', come dici tu, e' un @@. L'isola ne e' piena! +*Hic* + + *Imitate a thunder's sound.* *Imita il rombo di un tuono.* @@ -578,6 +581,9 @@ Scusa, sai chi sono? Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#1 Scusa? Sai chi sono io? +FINE, BYE! +BENE, ADDIO! + Fexil Fexil @@ -611,6 +617,12 @@ BENE! Gado! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him, again! Gado! Quel codardo vive ancora nel passato, ha bisogno di un'altra punizione. Parlero' con Nard. +Ggrmm... Grmmmm... +Ggrmm... Grmmmm... + +Give me a kiss before you say goodbye! +Dammi un bacio prima di salutarmi! + Give me back this dish, you dirty liar!#0 Ridammi subito quel piatto lurida traditrice! @@ -1397,6 +1409,9 @@ Julia è sul livello superiore della nave, usa i tasti freccia o clicca sulle sc Just hit the trunk, and it will yeye a @@. Colpisci il tronco e yeyerai un @@. +Just leave me alone. +Lasciami da solo. + Knife Coltello @@ -1844,6 +1859,9 @@ RightBarrierCheck RightDoorCheck RightDoorCheck +Rrrr... Pchhhh... +Rrrr pchhhh... + Rules began to rise in order to have a peaceful society. This did not work well for long. Iniziarono ad essere scritte regole al fine di avere una società giusta e pacifica. Tuttavia questo non duro' a lungo. @@ -2156,6 +2174,9 @@ Alloro posso darti qualche consiglio utile sul combattimento. Then it seems I have to apologize. Allora sembra che ti debba delle scuse. +Then leave me alone. +Allora lasciami solo. + There are few groups of these @@s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. Ci sono diversi gruppi di @@ nell'isola. Scegline uno e provaci. @@ -2219,6 +2240,9 @@ Non dovrebbero essere troppo distanti l'uno dall'altro, This Cookie Master rewards people who contribute and develop this world. +This door is locked. + + This girl is lucky we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where she comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft? La ragazza è stata fortunata, l'abbiamo trovata prima che lo facessero gli squali. Non ho idea da dove venga. A proposito, hai notato lo stemma sulla zattera? @@ -2879,6 +2903,9 @@ Dovresti informare Nard sui progressi nel carico della merce. Sara' soddisfatto You should look at them once we arrive at the port, they are worth it, hehe... Dovresti darci un'occhiata quando arriveremo nel porto, vale la pena, hehe... +You should talk to Magic Arpan first. +Dovresti parlare con + You should walk to the north to find him. Per trovarlo dirigiti a nord. @@ -2903,6 +2930,9 @@ Idiota, è inglese, guarda la forma della testa. You stupid, she's english, look at the shape of her head. Idiota, è inglese, guarda la forma della testa. +You take the clothes from the chest. +Hai preso i vestiti dal baule. + You tell me. Do I deserve a cookie? @@ -2978,6 +3008,9 @@ Tu? Qui? Your hands are too weak, you did not succeed in opening this @@. Le tue mani sono troppo deboli, non hai aperto il @@. +Zzzzzzzzz... + + a ground! terra! diff --git a/langs/lang_nl_BE.txt b/langs/lang_nl_BE.txt index 8cc596c1..e9c55c98 100644 --- a/langs/lang_nl_BE.txt +++ b/langs/lang_nl_BE.txt @@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Evol Online 'That', as you call it, is a @@. There're plenty on this island! +*Hic* + + *Imitate a thunder's sound.* @@ -578,6 +581,9 @@ Excuseer me? Weet u wie ik ben? Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#1 Excuseer me? Weet jij wie ik ben? +FINE, BYE! +GOED, DAAG! + Fexil @@ -611,6 +617,12 @@ GOED! Gado! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him, again! +Ggrmm... Grmmmm... + + +Give me a kiss before you say goodbye! + + Give me back this dish, you dirty liar!#0 @@ -1397,6 +1409,9 @@ Julia is op de bovenste verdieping van het schip, klik op de trap in de rechterb Just hit the trunk, and it will yeye a @@. Ik heb net de koffer geraakt, en het zal jeje een @@. +Just leave me alone. + + Knife Mes @@ -1844,6 +1859,9 @@ RightBarrierCheck RightDoorCheck RightDoorCheck +Rrrr... Pchhhh... +Rrrr... Pchhhh... + Rules began to rise in order to have a peaceful society. This did not work well for long. Er werden regels opgesteld die de vrede moesten bewaren. Echter hielden ze niet lang stand. @@ -2156,6 +2174,9 @@ Then I can give you some tips about fights. Then it seems I have to apologize. +Then leave me alone. + + There are few groups of these @@s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. @@ -2219,6 +2240,9 @@ They shouldn't be too far from each other. This Cookie Master rewards people who contribute and develop this world. +This door is locked. + + This girl is lucky we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where she comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft? Deze meid mag van geluk spreken dat we haar gevonden hebben voor een haai dat deed. Ik heb geen idee waar ze vandaan komt. Heb je wel het logo op haar vlot gezien? @@ -2879,6 +2903,9 @@ You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the food on to the boat. He You should look at them once we arrive at the port, they are worth it, hehe... Je zou ze moeten zien zodra we in de haven aanleggen, ze zijn het waard, haha... +You should talk to Magic Arpan first. + + You should walk to the north to find him. Je zou naar het noorden moeten gaan om hem te vinden. @@ -2903,6 +2930,9 @@ You stupid, he's english, look at the shape of his head. You stupid, she's english, look at the shape of her head. +You take the clothes from the chest. +Je neemt de kleding uit de kist. + You tell me. Do I deserve a cookie? @@ -2978,6 +3008,9 @@ Jij? Hier? Your hands are too weak, you did not succeed in opening this @@. +Zzzzzzzzz... + + a ground! Een aarding! diff --git a/langs/lang_pl.txt b/langs/lang_pl.txt index a0bfab78..c3cf9688 100644 --- a/langs/lang_pl.txt +++ b/langs/lang_pl.txt @@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Evol Online 'That', as you call it, is a @@. There're plenty on this island! 'To' jak to ty nazywasz, jest @@. Sporo tego na wyspie! +*Hic* + + *Imitate a thunder's sound.* @@ -578,6 +581,9 @@ Co proszę? To ty wiesz, kim jestem? Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#1 Co proszę? To ty wiesz, kim jestem? +FINE, BYE! +W PORZĄDKU, CZEŚĆ! + Fexil @@ -611,6 +617,12 @@ DOBRZE! Gado! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him, again! Gado! Ten tchórz żyje przeszłością, poproszę Nard, by znowu go ukarał! +Ggrmm... Grmmmm... + + +Give me a kiss before you say goodbye! +Daj mi całusa zanim pożegnasz się ze mną! + Give me back this dish, you dirty liar!#0 @@ -1397,6 +1409,9 @@ Julia przebywa na wyższym poziomie statku, uzyj strzalek, żeby wejść na scho Just hit the trunk, and it will yeye a @@. Palnij to, a wypluje ci @@. +Just leave me alone. +Po prostu zostaw mnie w spokoju. + Knife Nóż @@ -1844,6 +1859,9 @@ RightBarrierCheck RightDoorCheck RightDoorCheck +Rrrr... Pchhhh... +Rrrr... Pchhhh... + Rules began to rise in order to have a peaceful society. This did not work well for long. Reguły powstały w celu zapewnienia pokoju, ale niezbyt się to udało i nie trwało długo. @@ -2156,6 +2174,9 @@ Then I can give you some tips about fights. Then it seems I have to apologize. Zatem wygląda na to że muszę złożyć przeprosiny. +Then leave me alone. + + There are few groups of these @@s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. @@ -2219,6 +2240,9 @@ They shouldn't be too far from each other. This Cookie Master rewards people who contribute and develop this world. +This door is locked. + + This girl is lucky we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where she comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft? Dziewczyna ma szczęście, że znaleźliśmy ją, zanim zrobiły to rekiny. Nie mam pojęcia skąd ona jest. Przy okazji - widzieliście herb na jej tratwie? @@ -2879,6 +2903,9 @@ You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the food on to the boat. He You should look at them once we arrive at the port, they are worth it, hehe... Powinieneś im się przyjrzeć jak zawiniemy do portu, są tego warte, hehe... +You should talk to Magic Arpan first. + + You should walk to the north to find him. Powinieneś pójść na północ żeby go znaleźć. @@ -2903,6 +2930,9 @@ You stupid, he's english, look at the shape of his head. You stupid, she's english, look at the shape of her head. +You take the clothes from the chest. +Bierzesz ubrania ze skrzyni. + You tell me. Do I deserve a cookie? @@ -2978,6 +3008,9 @@ Ty? Tutaj? Your hands are too weak, you did not succeed in opening this @@. +Zzzzzzzzz... + + a ground! ziemia! diff --git a/langs/lang_pt_BR.txt b/langs/lang_pt_BR.txt index ba1ec0c3..57c23e69 100644 --- a/langs/lang_pt_BR.txt +++ b/langs/lang_pt_BR.txt @@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Evol Online 'That', as you call it, is a @@. There're plenty on this island! 'Isto', como você o chama, é um @@. Há muitos nesta ilha! +*Hic* + + *Imitate a thunder's sound.* *Imita o barulho de um trovão.* @@ -578,6 +581,9 @@ Perdão, você sabe quem eu sou? Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#1 Perdão, você sabe quem eu sou? +FINE, BYE! +LEGAL, TCHAU! + Fexil Fexil @@ -611,6 +617,12 @@ BOM! Gado! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him, again! Gado! Aquele covarde vive no passado, eu vou pedir para Nard o punir, novamente! +Ggrmm... Grmmmm... +Ggrmm... Grmmmm... + +Give me a kiss before you say goodbye! +Me dê um beijo antes de dizer adeus! + Give me back this dish, you dirty liar!#0 Devolva-me este prato agora, seu mentiroso sujo!#0 @@ -1397,6 +1409,9 @@ Julia está no nível superior do navio. Use as setas de direção para ir até Just hit the trunk, and it will yeye a @@. Golpeie o tronco e ele vai yeyar um @@. +Just leave me alone. +Apenas me deixe sozinho. + Knife Faca @@ -1844,6 +1859,9 @@ RightBarrierCheck RightDoorCheck RightDoorCheck +Rrrr... Pchhhh... +Rrrr... Pchhhh... + Rules began to rise in order to have a peaceful society. This did not work well for long. Regras começaram a surgir de modo a manter uma sociedade pacífica. Isto não funcionou bem por muito tempo. @@ -2156,6 +2174,9 @@ Então eu posso te dar algumas dicas sobre lutas. Then it seems I have to apologize. Então parece que eu tenho que me desculpar. +Then leave me alone. +Então deixe-me sozinho. + There are few groups of these @@s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. Há alguns grupos destes @@s nesta ilha. Escolha alguns e vá em frente. @@ -2219,6 +2240,9 @@ Eles não devem estar longe um do outro. This Cookie Master rewards people who contribute and develop this world. +This door is locked. + + This girl is lucky we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where she comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft? Esta garota teve sorte de ter sido encontrada por nós e não por um tubarão. Eu não faço ideia de onde ela veio. Por sinal, você viu o logotipo na jangada em que ela estava? @@ -2879,6 +2903,9 @@ Você deveria informar Nard sobre o progresso do carregamento de comida para o n You should look at them once we arrive at the port, they are worth it, hehe... Você deveria dar uma olhada neles assim que chegarmos ao porto, eles valem a pena, hehe... +You should talk to Magic Arpan first. +Você deveria falar com o Arpan Mágico primeiro. + You should walk to the north to find him. Você deveria andar para o norte para encontrá-lo. @@ -2903,6 +2930,9 @@ Seu estúpido, ele é inglês, olha o formato da cabeça dele. You stupid, she's english, look at the shape of her head. Seu estúpido, ela é inglesa, olha o formato da cabeça dela. +You take the clothes from the chest. +Você pega as roupas do baú. + You tell me. Do I deserve a cookie? @@ -2978,6 +3008,9 @@ Você? Aqui? Your hands are too weak, you did not succeed in opening this @@. Suas mãos estão muito fracas, você não conseguiu abrir o(a) @@. +Zzzzzzzzz... + + a ground! um terreno! diff --git a/langs/lang_ru.txt b/langs/lang_ru.txt index c68635c6..0fa0ed9c 100644 --- a/langs/lang_ru.txt +++ b/langs/lang_ru.txt @@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Evol Online 'That', as you call it, is a @@. There're plenty on this island! 'Это', как ты назвал это - @@. Их на острове много! +*Hic* + + *Imitate a thunder's sound.* *Имитирует звук шторма* @@ -578,6 +581,9 @@ Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#0 Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#1 Извини? Ты не знаешь, кто я? +FINE, BYE! +ЛАДНО, ПОКА! + Fexil Феликс @@ -611,6 +617,12 @@ GOOD! Gado! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him, again! Гадо! Жизнь этого труса уже прошлом, я спрошу Нарда наказать его снова. +Ggrmm... Grmmmm... + + +Give me a kiss before you say goodbye! + + Give me back this dish, you dirty liar!#0 Отдай мне обратно это блюдо, грязная лгунья! @@ -1397,6 +1409,9 @@ Julia на корабле, уровнем выше, используй клав Just hit the trunk, and it will yeye a @@. Просто попади в шахту и это будет круто @@. +Just leave me alone. + + Knife Нож @@ -1844,6 +1859,9 @@ RightBarrierCheck RightDoorCheck RightDoorCheck +Rrrr... Pchhhh... +Хррр... Пшшшш... + Rules began to rise in order to have a peaceful society. This did not work well for long. Начали создаваться правила, для достижения мира в обществе. Это ненадолго сработало. @@ -2156,6 +2174,9 @@ Then I can give you some tips about fights. Then it seems I have to apologize. В таком случае, мне надо извиниться. +Then leave me alone. + + There are few groups of these @@s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. Тут несколько групп этих @@ на острове. Найди какую-нибудь и попробуй. @@ -2219,6 +2240,9 @@ They shouldn't be too far from each other. This Cookie Master rewards people who contribute and develop this world. Этот Мастер Печенек награждает людей, которые продвигают и создают этот мир. +This door is locked. + + This girl is lucky we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where she comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft? Этой девушке повезло, мы нашли ее до того, как это сделали акулы. Я понятия не имею откуда она приплыла. Кстати, вы видели знак на ее плоту? @@ -2879,6 +2903,9 @@ You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the food on to the boat. He You should look at them once we arrive at the port, they are worth it, hehe... Тебе необходимо посмотреть на них, когда мы причалим к порту. Это того стоит, хехе... +You should talk to Magic Arpan first. + + You should walk to the north to find him. Тебе надо идти на север, чтобы найти его. @@ -2903,6 +2930,9 @@ You stupid, he's english, look at the shape of his head. You stupid, she's english, look at the shape of her head. Ты идиот, она англичанка, посмотри на форму её головы. +You take the clothes from the chest. + + You tell me. Do I deserve a cookie? Ты расскажи. Я заслуживаю печенье? @@ -2978,6 +3008,9 @@ You? Here? Your hands are too weak, you did not succeed in opening this @@. Твои руки слишком слабые, ты не открыл @@. +Zzzzzzzzz... + + a ground! земля! diff --git a/langs/lang_vls.txt b/langs/lang_vls.txt index 61388ab3..7d2f0bae 100644 --- a/langs/lang_vls.txt +++ b/langs/lang_vls.txt @@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Evol Online 'That', as you call it, is a @@. There're plenty on this island! +*Hic* + + *Imitate a thunder's sound.* @@ -578,6 +581,9 @@ Ei? Weet je gi wie da'k ik benne? Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#1 Ei? Weet je gi wie da'k ik benne? +FINE, BYE! + + Fexil @@ -611,6 +617,12 @@ GOOD! Gado! That coward lives in the past, I will ask Nard to punish him, again! +Ggrmm... Grmmmm... + + +Give me a kiss before you say goodbye! + + Give me back this dish, you dirty liar!#0 @@ -1397,6 +1409,9 @@ Julia is on the upper level of the ship, use the arrow keys to walk to the stair Just hit the trunk, and it will yeye a @@. +Just leave me alone. + + Knife @@ -1844,6 +1859,9 @@ RightBarrierCheck RightDoorCheck RightDoorCheck +Rrrr... Pchhhh... + + Rules began to rise in order to have a peaceful society. This did not work well for long. @@ -2156,6 +2174,9 @@ Then I can give you some tips about fights. Then it seems I have to apologize. +Then leave me alone. + + There are few groups of these @@s all around this island. Just pick some and have a try. @@ -2219,6 +2240,9 @@ They shouldn't be too far from each other. This Cookie Master rewards people who contribute and develop this world. +This door is locked. + + This girl is lucky we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where she comes from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft? @@ -2879,6 +2903,9 @@ You should inform Nard about the loading progress of the food on to the boat. He You should look at them once we arrive at the port, they are worth it, hehe... +You should talk to Magic Arpan first. + + You should walk to the north to find him. @@ -2903,6 +2930,9 @@ You stupid, he's english, look at the shape of his head. You stupid, she's english, look at the shape of her head. +You take the clothes from the chest. + + You tell me. Do I deserve a cookie? @@ -2978,6 +3008,9 @@ You? Here? Your hands are too weak, you did not succeed in opening this @@. +Zzzzzzzzz... + + a ground! -- cgit v1.2.3-70-g09d2