From aa6248e873ef6549cd77059af69e74edaad32e90 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrei Karas Date: Sat, 2 May 2015 23:20:46 +0300 Subject: update translations. --- langs/lang_ca.old | 6 + langs/lang_ca.txt | 57 ++- langs/lang_de.old | 6 + langs/lang_de.txt | 55 ++- langs/lang_en.old | 12 + langs/lang_en.txt | 59 +++- langs/lang_es.old | 12 + langs/lang_es.txt | 971 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ langs/lang_fr.old | 6 + langs/lang_fr.txt | 57 ++- langs/lang_it.old | 6 + langs/lang_it.txt | 55 ++- langs/lang_nl_BE.old | 6 + langs/lang_nl_BE.txt | 55 ++- langs/lang_pl.old | 6 + langs/lang_pl.txt | 57 ++- langs/lang_pt_BR.old | 6 + langs/lang_pt_BR.txt | 57 ++- langs/lang_ru.old | 12 + langs/lang_ru.txt | 115 ++++-- langs/lang_vls.txt | 55 ++- 21 files changed, 1089 insertions(+), 582 deletions(-) diff --git a/langs/lang_ca.old b/langs/lang_ca.old index e69de29b..b57065d7 100644 --- a/langs/lang_ca.old +++ b/langs/lang_ca.old @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +No, sorry. +No, ho sento. + +Yes, why not. +Si, per que no? + diff --git a/langs/lang_ca.txt b/langs/lang_ca.txt index edcedc98..b33e5833 100644 --- a/langs/lang_ca.txt +++ b/langs/lang_ca.txt @@ -1031,6 +1031,9 @@ Billy Bons Blacksmith +Blub + + Blue -- Player %s invites you to PVP duel (Use @accept/@reject) -- @@ -1298,9 +1301,15 @@ En Couwan et lliura una caixa plena de peix. Creator +Croc + + Croconut Croconut +Crocotree + + Crusader @@ -1670,6 +1679,9 @@ Friend removed. From what I here, Gugli, my brother, needs the help of as many people as possible; to collect loads of neat things, that can be found on the island. +Frostiana + + Fungus @@ -2148,7 +2160,7 @@ Homunculus stats: Honestly, it's quite far-fetched according to me. - +Honestament, per a mi es massa exagerat. How about I ask you to help the crew? It would mean that you're one of us and that you will be able to get one of these hats. I que tal si et demano que ajudis una mica d'ajuda a la tripulació? Això vol dir que series un de nosaltres i que tindries dret a agafar un d'aquests barrets. @@ -2375,10 +2387,10 @@ Veig que no es tan fàcil mantenir a ratlla aquests rattos. Vols intentar-ho de I see. Bye! Ja veig. Adéu! -I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if he's part of the Warrior Guild, then he's also our freind and ally.#1 +I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if he's part of the Warrior Guild, then he's also our friend and ally.#1 -I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if she's part of the Warrior Guild, then she's also our freind and ally.#0 +I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if she's part of the Warrior Guild, then she's also our friend and ally.#0 I speak Catalan. @@ -2951,6 +2963,9 @@ S'ha de dir que la persona que m'ha dit això es respectada i no s'emborratxa ma Like the rest of the crew, you are welcome to come and rest here at anytime during your journey on Artis. +Little Blub + + Living inside a ship is great, but we sometimes need some fresh air. Viure en un vaixell està bé, però de vegades necessitem una mica d'aire lliure. @@ -3254,9 +3269,6 @@ No, i me n'he d'anar, a rebeure. No, none. No, cap. -No, sorry. -No, ho sento. - No, they are way too dangerous for me! No, són massa perillosos per a mi! @@ -3656,6 +3668,15 @@ Pets are not allowed in Guild Wars. Piberries Pabaies +Pikpik + + +Piou + + +Piousse + + Player '%s' (session #%d) | Location: %d,%d @@ -3965,6 +3986,9 @@ Please specify a display name or monster name/id. Plushroom +Plushroom Field + + Position: 1:Top 2:Middle 3:Bottom 4:Weapon 5:Shield 6:Shoes 7:Robe @@ -4016,6 +4040,9 @@ Ranger Ranger T +Ratto + + RattosControl RattosControl @@ -4847,6 +4874,12 @@ Tibbo. Time of death : ^EE0000%s^000000 +Tipiou + + +Tipiu + + To add an item to the list, use "@alootid +". To remove an item, use "@alootid -". @@ -4862,6 +4895,12 @@ Llàstima no estic prou afamat per aquestes... galetes. Potser torno d'aquí una Too bad... Come back when you have some choice food for me. Growl... grumble... grumble. +Toppy Blub + + +Tortuga + + Total Domination @@ -5540,9 +5579,6 @@ Si, en efecte. Prefereixo explorar els llocs on no he estat mai, abans de fer re Yes, it is true! You are not able at all. Nard has been waiting for the food for too long already. Hurry up, you lazy sailors! Si, es veritat! No estàs preparat del tot. En Nard ha estat esperant el menjar massa estona. Doneu-vos resa mariners dropos! -Yes, why not. -Si, per que no? - Yes, yes I know... Too bad then. See you soon! Si, si ja veig... Una llàstima llavors. Ja ens veurem! @@ -6371,6 +6407,9 @@ npc1 npc1#door +npc4 + + option '%s' is already enabled, if you'd like to disable it type '@channel opt %s 0' diff --git a/langs/lang_de.old b/langs/lang_de.old index b529c7e7..8588fff5 100644 --- a/langs/lang_de.old +++ b/langs/lang_de.old @@ -766,6 +766,9 @@ Kein Problem. Hast du noch andere Fragen für mich? No, I can't, I just wanted to travel across the seas for fun. Nein, kann ich nicht. Ich wollte nur aus Spaß über die Meere reisen. +No, sorry. +Nein, tut mir leid. + No, thanks. Nein. Danke. @@ -1351,6 +1354,9 @@ Ja, es ist eine Truhe. Yes, please! Ja, Bitte! +Yes, why not. +Warum nicht? + Yeye @@! Yeye @@! diff --git a/langs/lang_de.txt b/langs/lang_de.txt index 51b29df7..3cef00da 100644 --- a/langs/lang_de.txt +++ b/langs/lang_de.txt @@ -1031,6 +1031,9 @@ Billy Bons Blacksmith +Blub + + Blue -- Player %s invites you to PVP duel (Use @accept/@reject) -- @@ -1298,9 +1301,15 @@ Couwan übergibt dir eine Box voller Fische. Creator +Croc + + Croconut Krokosnuss +Crocotree + + Crusader @@ -1670,6 +1679,9 @@ Friend removed. From what I here, Gugli, my brother, needs the help of as many people as possible; to collect loads of neat things, that can be found on the island. +Frostiana + + Fungus Pilz @@ -2375,10 +2387,10 @@ I see it's not so easy to get rid of these rattos. Do you want to try again? I see. Bye! Ach so. Tschüss! -I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if he's part of the Warrior Guild, then he's also our freind and ally.#1 +I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if he's part of the Warrior Guild, then he's also our friend and ally.#1 -I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if she's part of the Warrior Guild, then she's also our freind and ally.#0 +I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if she's part of the Warrior Guild, then she's also our friend and ally.#0 I speak Catalan. @@ -2951,6 +2963,9 @@ Let's say the person who told me about that is well respected on this ship and n Like the rest of the crew, you are welcome to come and rest here at anytime during your journey on Artis. +Little Blub + + Living inside a ship is great, but we sometimes need some fresh air. Das Leben in einem Schiff ist großartig, aber manchmal brauchen wir etwas frische Luft. @@ -3254,9 +3269,6 @@ Nein und ich muss gehen. Auf bald. No, none. Nein, keiner. -No, sorry. -Nein, tut mir leid. - No, they are way too dangerous for me! Nein, Die sind zu gefährlich für mich! @@ -3656,6 +3668,15 @@ Pets are not allowed in Guild Wars. Piberries Pibeeren +Pikpik + + +Piou + + +Piousse + + Player '%s' (session #%d) | Location: %d,%d @@ -3965,6 +3986,9 @@ Please specify a display name or monster name/id. Plushroom +Plushroom Field + + Position: 1:Top 2:Middle 3:Bottom 4:Weapon 5:Shield 6:Shoes 7:Robe @@ -4016,6 +4040,9 @@ Ranger Ranger T +Ratto + + RattosControl RattosController @@ -4847,6 +4874,12 @@ Tibbo. Time of death : ^EE0000%s^000000 +Tipiou + + +Tipiu + + To add an item to the list, use "@alootid +". To remove an item, use "@alootid -". @@ -4862,6 +4895,12 @@ Too bad I'm not hungry enough right now for these... cookies. I'll maybe come ba Too bad... Come back when you have some choice food for me. Growl... grumble... grumble. +Toppy Blub + + +Tortuga + + Total Domination @@ -5540,9 +5579,6 @@ Yes, indeed. I prefer to explore places I have never been to, before doing anyth Yes, it is true! You are not able at all. Nard has been waiting for the food for too long already. Hurry up, you lazy sailors! -Yes, why not. -Warum nicht? - Yes, yes I know... Too bad then. See you soon! Ja, ja, ich weiss.... Schade. Dann, auf bald! @@ -6371,6 +6407,9 @@ npc1 npc1#door +npc4 + + option '%s' is already enabled, if you'd like to disable it type '@channel opt %s 0' diff --git a/langs/lang_en.old b/langs/lang_en.old index bb93a97c..12bbf95c 100644 --- a/langs/lang_en.old +++ b/langs/lang_en.old @@ -1156,12 +1156,18 @@ I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if he's part of the Warrior Guild, I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if he's part of the Warrior Guild, then he's also our freind and ally. I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if he's part of the Warrior Guild, then he's also our freind and ally. +I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if he's part of the Warrior Guild, then he's also our freind and ally.#1 +I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if he's part of the Warrior Guild, then he's also our freind and ally. + I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if she's part of the Warrior Guild, then she's also our ally. I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if she's part of the Warrior Guild, then she's also our ally. I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if she's part of the Warrior Guild, then she's also our freind and ally. I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if she's part of the Warrior Guild, then she's also our freind and ally. +I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if she's part of the Warrior Guild, then she's also our freind and ally.#0 +I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if she's part of the Warrior Guild, then she's also our freind and ally. + I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if she's part of the Warrior Guild, then she's also our freind and ally.#1 I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if she's part of the Warrior Guild, then she's also our freind and ally. @@ -1732,6 +1738,9 @@ No, indeed. I was here to help you with those boxes. Can I bring one of them bac No, indeed. I was here to help you with those boxes. Can I bring one of them back to Gugli?#1 No, indeed. I was here to help you with those boxes. Can I bring one of them back to Gugli? +No, sorry. +No, sorry. + No, thanks. No, thanks. @@ -3019,6 +3028,9 @@ Yes, it's a chest. Yes, please! Yes, please! +Yes, why not. +Yes, why not. + Yeye @@! Yeye @@! diff --git a/langs/lang_en.txt b/langs/lang_en.txt index f91087ca..33ac255d 100644 --- a/langs/lang_en.txt +++ b/langs/lang_en.txt @@ -1031,6 +1031,9 @@ Billy Bons Blacksmith Blacksmith +Blub +Blub + Blue -- Player %s invites you to PVP duel (Use @accept/@reject) -- Blue -- Player %s invites you to PVP duel (Use @accept/@reject) -- @@ -1298,9 +1301,15 @@ Couwan hands you a box full of fish. Creator Creator +Croc +Croc + Croconut Croconut +Crocotree +Crocotree + Crusader Crusader @@ -1670,6 +1679,9 @@ Friend removed. From what I here, Gugli, my brother, needs the help of as many people as possible; to collect loads of neat things, that can be found on the island. From what I here, Gugli, my brother, needs the help of as many people as possible; to collect loads of neat things, that can be found on the island. +Frostiana +Frostiana + Fungus Fungus @@ -2375,11 +2387,11 @@ I see it's not so easy to get rid of these rattos. Do you want to try again? I see. Bye! I see. Bye! -I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if he's part of the Warrior Guild, then he's also our freind and ally.#1 -I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if he's part of the Warrior Guild, then he's also our freind and ally. +I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if he's part of the Warrior Guild, then he's also our friend and ally.#1 +I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if he's part of the Warrior Guild, then he's also our friend and ally. -I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if she's part of the Warrior Guild, then she's also our freind and ally.#0 -I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if she's part of the Warrior Guild, then she's also our freind and ally. +I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if she's part of the Warrior Guild, then she's also our friend and ally.#0 +I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if she's part of the Warrior Guild, then she's also our friend and ally. I speak Catalan. I speak Catalan. @@ -2951,6 +2963,9 @@ Let's say the person who told me about that is well respected on this ship and n Like the rest of the crew, you are welcome to come and rest here at anytime during your journey on Artis. Like the rest of the crew, you are welcome to come and rest here at anytime during your journey on Artis. +Little Blub +Little Blub + Living inside a ship is great, but we sometimes need some fresh air. Living inside a ship is great, but we sometimes need some fresh air. @@ -3254,9 +3269,6 @@ No, and I gotta go, see you. No, none. No, none. -No, sorry. -No, sorry. - No, they are way too dangerous for me! No, they are way too dangerous for me! @@ -3656,6 +3668,15 @@ Pets are not allowed in Guild Wars. Piberries Piberries +Pikpik +Pikpik + +Piou +Piou + +Piousse +Piousse + Player '%s' (session #%d) | Location: %d,%d Player '%s' (session #%d) | Location: %d,%d @@ -3965,6 +3986,9 @@ Please specify a display name or monster name/id. Plushroom Plushroom +Plushroom Field +Plushroom Field + Position: 1:Top 2:Middle 3:Bottom 4:Weapon 5:Shield 6:Shoes 7:Robe Position: 1:Top 2:Middle 3:Bottom 4:Weapon 5:Shield 6:Shoes 7:Robe @@ -4016,6 +4040,9 @@ Ranger Ranger T Ranger T +Ratto +Ratto + RattosControl RattosControl @@ -4847,6 +4874,12 @@ Tibbo. Time of death : ^EE0000%s^000000 Time of death : ^EE0000%s^000000 +Tipiou +Tipiou + +Tipiu +Tipiu + To add an item to the list, use "@alootid +". To remove an item, use "@alootid -". To add an item to the list, use "@alootid +". To remove an item, use "@alootid -". @@ -4862,6 +4895,12 @@ Too bad I'm not hungry enough right now for these... cookies. I'll maybe come ba Too bad... Come back when you have some choice food for me. Growl... grumble... grumble. Too bad... Come back when you have some choice food for me. Growl... grumble... grumble. +Toppy Blub +Toppy Blub + +Tortuga +Tortuga + Total Domination Total Domination @@ -5540,9 +5579,6 @@ Yes, indeed. I prefer to explore places I have never been to, before doing anyth Yes, it is true! You are not able at all. Nard has been waiting for the food for too long already. Hurry up, you lazy sailors! Yes, it is true! You are not able at all. Nard has been waiting for the food for too long already. Hurry up, you lazy sailors! -Yes, why not. -Yes, why not. - Yes, yes I know... Too bad then. See you soon! Yes, yes I know... Too bad then. See you soon! @@ -6371,6 +6407,9 @@ npc1 npc1#door npc1#door +npc4 +npc4 + option '%s' is already enabled, if you'd like to disable it type '@channel opt %s 0' option '%s' is already enabled, if you'd like to disable it type '@channel opt %s 0' diff --git a/langs/lang_es.old b/langs/lang_es.old index 90905a90..ff31edb8 100644 --- a/langs/lang_es.old +++ b/langs/lang_es.old @@ -589,9 +589,15 @@ Ya veo, advierte a los otros marineros acerca de esto. Pero si ella es parte del I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if he's part of the Warrior Guild, then he's also our ally. Ya veo. Advierte a los otros marineros acerca de esto. Pero si él es parte del Gremio Guerrero, entonces también es nuestro aliado. +I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if he's part of the Warrior Guild, then he's also our freind and ally.#1 +Ya veo. Advierte a los otros marineros acerca de esto. Pero si él es parte del Gremio Guerrero, entonces también es nuestro amigo y aliado. + I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if she's part of the Warrior Guild, then she's also our ally. Ya veo. Advierte a los otros marineros acerca de esto. Pero si ella es parte del Gremio Guerrero, entonces también es nuestra aliada. +I see. Warn the other sailors about this. But if she's part of the Warrior Guild, then she's also our freind and ally.#0 +Ya veo. Advierte a los otros marineros acerca de esto. Pero si ella es parte del Gremio Guerrero, entonces también es nuestra amiga y aliada. + I speak Dutch. Hablo Holandés. @@ -898,6 +904,9 @@ No, en verdad. Estaba aquí para ayudarte con esas cajas. ¿Puedo traerme una de No, indeed. I was here to help you with those boxes. Can I bring one of them back to Gugli?#1 No, en verdad. Estaba aquí para ayudarte con esas cajas. ¿Puedo traerme una de éstas de regreso a Gugli? +No, sorry. +No, lo siento. + No, thanks. No, gracias. @@ -1534,6 +1543,9 @@ Si, es un cofre. Yes, please! ¡Sí, por favor! +Yes, why not. +Sí, por qué no. + Yeye @@! ¡Yeye @@! diff --git a/langs/lang_es.txt b/langs/lang_es.txt index 1ea82dcf..5e7abfca 100644 --- a/langs/lang_es.txt +++ b/langs/lang_es.txt @@ -1,279 +1,279 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online BLvl: %d | Job: %s (Lvl: %d) - + BLvl: %d | Trabajo: %s (Lvl: %d) Party: '%s' | Guild: '%s' - + Grupo: '%s' | Gremio: '%s' Users: %d/%d | Password: %s | Public: %s - + Usuarios: %d/%d | Contraseña: %s | Público: %s ). - + ). ). - + ). @send {}* - + @send {}* @send len - + @send len Value: or S"" - Available in shops only. - +- Sólo disponible en tiendas. - Common mobs with highest drop chance (only max %d are listed): - + - Criaturas comunes con la probabilidad más alta de dejar caer (sólo %d máx son enumeradas): - Item is not dropped by any mobs. - + - Artículo no es soltado por ninguna criatura. - Maximal monsters drop chance: %02.02f%% - + - Probabilidad máxima de que un monstruo deje caer: %02.02f%% - Monsters don't drop this item. - + - Los monstruos no dejan caer este artículo. -- Duel has been created (Use @invite/@leave) -- - + -- El duelo ha sido creado (Usa @invite/@leave) -- -- Duels: %d/%d, Members: %d/%d -- - + -- Duelos: %d/%d, Miembros: %d/%d -- -- Duels: %d/%d, Members: %d/%d, Max players: %d -- - + -- Duelos: %d/%d, Miembros: %d/%d, Jugadores Máx: %d -- -- Player %s has rejected the duel -- - + -- El jugador %s ha rechazado el duelo -- -- Player %s invites %s to duel -- - + -- El jugador %s invita a %s a un duelo -- -> (card(s): - + -> (tarjeta(s): -> (crafted item, creator id: %u, star crumbs %d, element %d) - + -> (artículo creado, id de creador: %u, star crumbs %d, elemento %d) -> (pet egg, pet id: %u, named) - + -> (huevo de mascota, id de mascota: %u, con nombre) -> (pet egg, pet id: %u, unnamed) - + -> (huevo de mascota, id de mascota: %u, sin nombre) -> (produced item, creator id: %u) - + -> (artículo producido, id de creador: %u) -> Player %s has accepted the duel -- - + -> El jugador %s ha aceptado el duelo -- <- Player %s has left the duel -- - + <- El jugador %s ha dejado el duelo -- ATK:%d~%d Range:%d~%d~%d Size:%s Race: %s Element: %s (Lv:%d) - + Ataque:%d~%d Alcance:%d~%d~%d Tamaño:%s Raza: %s Elemento: %s (Nvl:%d) ATK:%d~%d MATK:%d~%d Range:%d~%d~%d Size:%s Race: %s Element: %s (Lv:%d) - + Ataque:%d~%d At. Mágico:%d~%d Alcance:%d~%d~%d Tamaño:%s Raza: %s Elemento: %s (Nvl:%d) DEF:%d MDEF:%d STR:%d AGI:%d VIT:%d INT:%d DEX:%d LUK:%d - + Defensa:%d Def. Mágica:%d STR:%d AGI:%d VIT:%d INT:%d DEX:%d LUK:%d Drops: - + Suelta: Lv:%d HP:%d Base EXP:%u Job EXP:%u HIT:%d FLEE:%d - + Lv:%d HP:%d Base EXP:%u Job EXP:%u HIT:%d FLEE:%d MVP Bonus EXP:%u - + Bono de EXP MVP:%u MVP Items: - +Artículos MVP: and %d second - + y %d segundo and %d seconds - + y %d segundos | equipped: - + | equipado: "@alootid reset" will clear your autolootitem list. %d - void - +%d - vacío %d GMs found. - +%d GMs encontrados. %d commands found. - +%d comandos encontrados. %d day - +%d día %d days - +%d días %d hour - +%d hora %d hours - +%d horas %d item(s) found in %d %s slots. - +%d artículo(s) encontrado(s) en %d ranuras de %s. %d item(s) removed by a GM. - +%d artículo(s) removidos por un GM. %d item(s) removed from the player. - +%d artículo(s) removidos del jugador. %d item(s) removed. Player had only %d on %d items. - +%d artículos removidos. El jugador sólo tiene %d de %d artículos. %d items have been refined. - +%d artículos han sido refinados. %d minute - +%d minuto %d minutes - +%d minutos %d monster(s) summoned! - +¡%d monstruos convocados! %d players found in map '%s'. - +%d jugadores encontrados en el mapa '%s'. %d players found. - +%d jugadores encontrados. %d results found. - +%d resultados encontrados. %d: Body Armor - +%d: Armadura Corporal %d: Garment - +%d: Vestido %d: Left Accessory - +%d: Accesorio Izquierdo %d: Left Hand - +%d: Mano Izquierda %d: Lower Headgear - +%d: Equipo para parte Inferior de la Cabeza %d: Mid Headgear - +%d: Equipo para parte Media de la Cabeza %d: Right Accessory - +%d: Accesorio Derecho %d: Right Hand - +%d: Mano Derecha %d: Shoes - +%d: Zapatos %d: Top Headgear - +%d: Equipo para parte Superior de la Cabeza %s :Main: %s - +%s :Principal: %s %s data type is not supported :%u - +El tipo de dato %s no está soportado :%u %s failed - +%s ha fallado %s failed. - +%s ha fallado. %s failed. Player not found. - +%s ha fallado. Jugador no encontrado. %s has bought your item(s). - +%s ha comprado tus artículo(s). %s in jail for %d years, %d months, %d days, %d hours and %d minutes - +%s en la cárcel por %d años, %d meses, %d días, %d horas y %d minutos %s is Unknown Command. - +%s es un Comando Desconocido. %s is empty - +%s está vacío. %s recalled! - +¡%s traído! %s revision '%s' (src) / '%s' (scripts) - +%s revision '%s' (src) / '%s' (scripts) %s spawns in: - +%s aparecidos en: %s value is now :%d - +El valor %s ahora es :%d %s value is now :%s - +El valor %s ahora es :%s %s: %d - +%s: %d '%s' Channel is password protected (usage: %s <#channel_name> ) - +El Canal '%s' está protegido con contraseña (uso: %s <#channel_name> ) '%s' and his/her partner are now divorced. - +'%s' y su pareja ahora están divorciados. '%s' channel color updated to '%s' - +El color del canal '%s' actualizado a '%s' '%s' got %s's %s (chance: %0.02f%%) - +'%s' obtuvo algo de %s: %s (probabilidad: %0.02f%%) '%s' is not a known channel option - +'%s' no es una opción de canal conocida '%s' is not a known costume - +'%s' no es un vestido conocido '%s' is not a known permission. - +'%s' no es un permiso conocido. '%s' is not married. - +'%s' no está casado. '%s' skill and stat points have been reset. - +La habilidad '%s' y los puntos de estado han sido restablecidos. '%s' skill points reset. - +Restablecer puntos de la habilidad '%s'. '%s' stats points reset. '%s' stats: - +Atributos de '%s': '%s' stole %s's %s (chance: %0.02f%%) - +'%s' robó algo a %s: %s (probabilidad: %0.02f%%) 'That', as you call it, is a @@. There are plenty of 'em on this island! 'Eso', como tú le llamas, es un @@. ¡Hay muchos de esos en esta isla! @@ -282,16 +282,16 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online 'Eso', como tú le llamas, es un @@. ¡Hay abundancia de esos en esta isla! (%s) - +(%s) (@request): %s - +(@request): %s (CID:%d/AID:%d) - +(CID:%d/AID:%d) * :%s %s: * - +* :%s %s: * *Hic* *Hic* @@ -306,13 +306,13 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online *Uff*... Y otra caja de @@s para nuestro colega que muere de hambre está lista. - #%s ( %d users ) - +- #%s ( %d usuarios) - %s - +- %s - %s (%d) - +- %s (%d) - 2 @@ - 2 @@ @@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online - Astapolos - Available Costumes - +- Vestimentas Disponibles - Gulukan - Gulukan @@ -339,118 +339,118 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online - Tibbo - adds or removes