From 24b62a133312530b82b39604ae594f19b686935c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrei Karas Date: Mon, 28 May 2012 00:00:53 +0300 Subject: Update and rebuild translations. --- langs/lang_de.old | 3 + langs/lang_de.txt | 532 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- langs/lang_en.old | 45 +++++ langs/lang_en.txt | 124 ++++++------ langs/lang_es.old | 3 + langs/lang_es.txt | 62 +++--- langs/lang_fr.old | 3 + langs/lang_fr.txt | 64 ++++--- langs/lang_it.old | 3 + langs/lang_it.txt | 64 ++++--- langs/lang_pl.old | 3 + langs/lang_pl.txt | 62 +++--- langs/lang_pt_BR.old | 3 + langs/lang_pt_BR.txt | 476 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- langs/lang_ru.old | 3 + langs/lang_ru.txt | 64 ++++--- langs/lang_vls.old | 3 + langs/lang_vls.txt | 62 +++--- 18 files changed, 878 insertions(+), 701 deletions(-) diff --git a/langs/lang_de.old b/langs/lang_de.old index 4c50740d..d57aff6e 100644 --- a/langs/lang_de.old +++ b/langs/lang_de.old @@ -106,6 +106,9 @@ Open your inventory (F3 key), select the clothes one by one and equip them.#0 Open your inventory (F3 key), select the clothes one by one and equip them.#1 Öffne dein Inventar (F3-Taste), wähle eine Sache nach der anderen aus und rüste sie aus. +Ronan +Ronan + She is the nurse and the shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent cook! Sie ist die Krankenschwester und Schiffsverwalterin, und auch eine exzellente Köchin diff --git a/langs/lang_de.txt b/langs/lang_de.txt index b188f186..70302b0f 100644 --- a/langs/lang_de.txt +++ b/langs/lang_de.txt @@ -5,41 +5,50 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online ... ... -1. Do not bot, this means that you won't run any automated tasks (Also included keyboard tricks). Any away from keyboard activity is considereted botting does not include standing still) +1. Do not bot, this means that you won't run any automated tasks (Also included keyboard tricks). Any away from keyboard activity is considered botting does not include standing still) 2, Do not spam (includes trade spam) - +2. Kein Spam (inkl. Handel Spam) 3, Do not multibox, this mean that you cannot have more than one active character logged in or any other active clients used for attacking in group. - +3, Kein Multiboxing, damit ist gemeint, das man nicht als einen aktiven eingeloggt oder andere aktive Clients für den Angriff in der Gruppe verwendet. 4, Don't trashtalk, beg or use rude language in your character name and in the chat, at the exception of roleplay purposes. - +4. Keine Vulgärsprache, betteln oder Schimpfwörter in Ihrem Namen und Charakter im Chat benutzen, Ausnahme zum Zweck von Rollenspielen. 5, Don't speak any other language other than English in the public areas. You are free to speak any language you want in private chats and when alone with groups of friends. - +5. Sprich keine andere Sprache außer Englisch in den öffentlichen Bereichen. Es ist dir freigestellt, jede gewünschte Sprache in privaten Chats und wenn du allein mit einer Gruppe von Freunden bist, zu sprechen. 6, Follow the social convention listed on the RFC1855. - +6. Folgen Sie der sozialen Konvention, die in RFC1855 aufgeführt sind. @@ is helping me. @@ hilft mir. -A few moments ago, I heard your conversation with Darlin. +A Ground! -About this Esperia Guild, I'm not sure about them, frankly, there are rumors around that they did monstrous things and that they are hiding a lot of things from us. +A Quiet place, + + +A Sunny and hot day, +A few moments ago, I heard your conversation with Darlin. +Vor wenigen Augenblicken hörte ich Deine Unterhaltung mit Darlin. + +About this Esperia Guild, I'm not sure about them, frankly, there are rumors around that they did monstrous things and that they are hiding a lot of things from us. +Über diese Esperia Gilde, ich bin nicht sicher darüber, offen gesagt, es gibt Gerüchte um, dass sie ungeheure Dinge tat, und dass sie vor uns eine Menge Dinge verbergen. + About this Esperia's Guild, I wonder about them, if I may speak frankly. There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us. -Über diese Esperia Gilde, ich bin ein wenig misstrauisch, wenn ich das so sagen darf. Es gibt einige Gerüchte, dass sie monströse Sachen machen und viele Dinge vor uns verheimlichen. +Über diese Esperia Gilde, ich bin ein wenig misstrauisch, wenn ich das so sagen darf. Es gibt einige Gerüchte, dass sie ungeheure Sachen machen und viele Dinge vor uns verheimlichen. Acorn Eichel Ah... Gugli Gugli... He's too young to understand our conversation - +Ah ... Gugli Gugli ... Er ist zu jung, um das Gespräch zu verstehen. Alige Alige @@ -63,7 +72,7 @@ Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In bad condition, go Und, wir haben deine Kleidung genommen, die ...Nunja... in schlechtem Zustand war. Schau mal in die Box hinter deinem Bett. Dort sind ein paar neue. And now I'm a sailor, as you can see! - +Und jetzt bin ich ein Seemann, wie man sehen kann! And please, no berries. No more! Und bitte... Keine Beeren mehr! @@ -72,10 +81,10 @@ And what kind of help do you need? Und was für eine Art von Hilfe brauchst du? And you, how are you doing? - +Und du, was machst du? Anyway, maybe when you are looking for food with Gugli you'll have the time to look at this!! - +Wie auch immer, vielleicht, wenn Sie nach Essen mit Gugli suchen haben Sie die Zeit, dies zu betrachten! Aquada Aquada @@ -99,25 +108,25 @@ Arrr, don't give me more berries! I don't want them, stupid berries, stupid ... Arr, gib mir keine Beeren! Ich will sie nicht, doofe Beeren, doofe ... doofe ... doofe! Artis of course! - +Artis natürlich! As you can walk around, it'll be easy for you. Impale one of them for me!! - +Wie du umhergehen kannst, wird es leicht für dich sein. Spieße einen für mich auf !! As you open your eyes and look around, you see a large ship. Als du deine Augen öffnest und dich umschaust, siehst du ein großes Schiff. Astapolos - +Astapolos At this time, we were selling crab's food on our old mushroom island. - +Zu diesem Zeitpunkt verkauften wir Krabbennahrung auf unserer alten Champignon Insel. Be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the port of Artis... - +Seien Sie noch eine kleine Weile geduldig, in den nächsten Tagen werden wir im Hafen von Artis ankommen ... Before... - +Vor dem ... BillyBons BillyBons @@ -129,19 +138,19 @@ Bread Brot But I can't tell you anything about it, I'm sorry. - +Tut mir Leid, aber darüber kann ich dir nichts erzählen. But I can't, I need to keep an eye on the sea, to warn the crew if there happen to be some pirates around!! - +Aber ich kann nicht, ich muss ein Auge auf das Meer halten, um die Besatzung zu warnen, da einige Piraten Umgebung vorkommen sollen! But I need to go, bye! - +Aber ich muss gehen, auf Wiedersehen! But for now, you can relax on the ship, or visit the island we're docked at! Its a small island, but a good place to get some exercise and stretch your legs. - +Aber jetzt können Sie auf dem Schiff entspannen, oder besuchen Sie die Insel, an wir bei angedockt sind!Es ist eine kleine Insel, aber ein guter Ort, um etwas Bewegung zu bekommen und um die Beine zu vertreten. But more than anything, she is the one who took care of you when you were in coma. - +Aber vor allem, war sie diejenige, die sich um dich gekümmert hat als du Bewusstlos warst. But who am I? Aber wer bin ich? @@ -156,34 +165,34 @@ But... if she has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about her. Aber... wenn sie ihr Gedächnis verloren hat, wie Julia sagte, ... dann brauchen wir uns keine Sorgen zu machen. Bye! - +Bye! Bye. - +Bye. Can I read these rules again? - +Kann ich diese Regeln noch einmal lesen? Can you bring me something which isn't a vegetable? Kannst du mir etwas bringen, das kein Gemüse ist? Cap'tain has locked the door, you should go see him. - +Der Cap'tain hat die Tür abgesperrt, du solltest zu ihm gehen. Cap'tain is waiting for you! Hurry up. - +Der Cap'tain wartet auf Dich! Beeil dich. Captain Nard Kapitän Nard Captain Nard is in the room to your right. - +Kapitän Nard ist in dem Raum auf der rechten Seite. Certain items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#0 - +Bestimmte Gegenstände besitzen verschiedene Effekte. Einige können dich heilen, manche können als Waffen oder Rüstungen verwenden werden , und einige können für Gold verkauft werden. Certain items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#1 - +Bestimmte Gegenstände besitzen verschiedene Effekte. Einige können dich heilen, manche können als Waffen oder Rüstungen verwenden werden , und einige können für Gold verkauft werden. Cheese Käse @@ -213,7 +222,7 @@ Could you tell me where I am?#1 Kannst du mir sagen wo ich bin? Croc Claw - +Krokodilsklaue Damn you! You better not tell anyone that you've seen me!#0 Verdammt bist du! Erzähl niemanden, dass du mich gesehen hast @@ -225,49 +234,49 @@ Dan Dan Dan closes the conversation and he continues to write his letter. - +Dan beendet das Gespräch, und er fährt fort, seinen Brief zu schreiben. Dan keeps silent since your last question. - +Dan behält sein Schweigen bei seit Ihrer letzten Frage. Darlin - +Darlin Devis Devis Did you find out what the light is?! - +Hast du herausgefunden, was das für ein Licht ist?! Did you say reward? I want it! Sagtest du Belohnung? Ich will sie! Do you feel better?? - +Fühlst du dich besser? Do you have an other question for me? Hast du noch eine weitere Frage an mich? Do you have any other questions for me? - +Hast du noch weitere Fragen an mich? Do you have anything for me today? Hast du irgendwas für mich heute? Do you hear me?? - +Hörst du mich? Do you want me to go see her in your place? - +Willst du mich begleiten, um Sie zu sehen an Ihrem Ort? Does somebody know a good place to look in Esperia? - M. Arpan - +Kennt jemand eine gute Unterkunft in Esperia? - M. Arpan Don't do do theee... *hick* with me eh! Mach das nicht *hicks* mit mir! Don't give the password of your room to anybody! Keep it secret and try not to use the same one in any other room in future. - Julia - +Gib nicht das Kennwort Deines Zimmers anderen! Halte es geheim und versuche nichtdas gleiche in einem anderen zukünftigen Raum zu nutzen. - Julia Don't try to poison me! I know what that does! Versuchen Sie nicht, mich zu vergiften! Ich weiß, was das macht! @@ -276,43 +285,43 @@ DoorUpwards DoorUpwards Duty is calling me, *hic*, see you later dude. - +Die Pflicht ruft mich, * hic *, bis später, Bursche. Duty is calling me, *hic*, see you later honey. - +Die Pflicht ruft mich, * hic *, bis später, Süße. Eheh! - +Eheh! Ehoo - +Ehoo Elmo Elmo Elven Voice - +Elfen Stimme Err, seriously, I just wanted to get to Artis, and I haven't got the money to pay for the ferry! -Err, Im ernst. Ich wollte nur nach Artis kommen und ich habe nicht das Geld, um die Fähre zu bezahlen! +Err, Im Ernst. Ich wollte nur nach Artis kommen und ich habe nicht das Geld, um die Fähre zu bezahlen! Excuse me, but what did you say?? Speak louder!! - +Entschuldige, aber was hast du gesagt? Sprich lauter! Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#0 Entschuldigung? Weißt du wer ich bin? Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#1 -Entschuldigung. Weißt du wer ich bin? +Entschuldigung? Weißt du wer ich bin? Fine! - +Fein! Fine, bye!! - +Fein, Bye!! From what I know, Gugli, my brother, needs the help of as many people as possible to collect all of the new things found on the island. - +Von dem, was ich weiß, braucht Gugli, mein Bruder, die Hilfe von so vielen Menschen wie möglich, um all die neuen Dinge auf der Insel finden kann, zu sammeln. Fungus Pilz @@ -321,49 +330,46 @@ Ggrmm grmmm... Ggrmm grmmm... Go outside and talk with Gugli, he will tell you what we need. - +Gehe nach draußen und rede mit Gugli, er wird dir sagen, was wir brauchen. Good job! Gut gemacht! Good to know. - +Gut zu wissen. Good!! - +Gut!! Good, good! Gut, Gut! -Ground, - - Gugli - +Gugli Have you seen anything dangerous? - +Hast du etwas gefährliches gesehen? He he... OK, I'm going to the upper level and inform the captain. He he.. OK, Ich gehe rauf und informiere den Kapitän. He is right in the bottom of the ship, you can't miss him!! - +Er befindet sich direkt im Boden des Schiffes, Sie können ihn nicht verfehlen! He told me nothing about that. Er hat mir nichts davon erzählt. He's funny, it's not a problem. - +Er ist lustig, das ist kein Problem. Hear me *hick* well, what ever, whatididever you will*hick*said ab...euh..out wha?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it go to public. Hör mir *hicks* äh, wie auch immer. Wasauchimmer du *hicks* hier her... her... aus... eh... heraus was?! Das du hier *hicks* siehst wird die Gilde von *hicks* Esp-eria nicht in die Öff-öffentlichkeit lassen. Hehe, no. But I'm sure that a dude like you would like to meet a gentleman like me. - +Hehe, nein. Aber ich bin sicher, dass ein Kerl wie Sie gerne einen Gentleman wie mich treffen möchte. Hehe, no. But I'm sure that a lady like you would love to meet a charmer like me! - +Hehe, nein. Aber ich bin sicher, dass eine Frau wie Sie gerne einen Charmeur wie mich treffen möchte. Hehe, sometimes he gets his head in the clouds, You should go ask him about that. Hehe. Manchmal ist er geistesabwesend. Du solltest ihn danach fragen. @@ -372,25 +378,25 @@ Hehehe, he is a bit nervous, please excuse him, it's not everyday that we get a Hehehe, er ist ein bisschen nervös. Bitte entschuldige ihn. Es passiert nicht jeden Tag, dass wir ein neues Mitglied in unserer Crew haben! Hello dear! - +Hallo liebes! Hello sir! - +Hallo mein Herr! Hello. - +Hallo. Hello... Should I know you? - +Hallo ... Muss ich noch etwas wissen über dich? Here they are. - +Hier sind sie. Here's your reward! Hier ist deine Belohnung Hey - +Hey Hey Frenchy!#0 Hey Französin! @@ -399,10 +405,10 @@ Hey Frenchy!#1 Hey Franzose! Hey Silvio, it's your turn to carry the package, go! - +Hey Silvio, du bist dran, um das Paket zu tragen, los! Hey hey - +Hey hey Hey you! Do you hear us? Are you okay? Hey! Kannst du uns hören? Alles in Ordnung? @@ -413,10 +419,10 @@ Hallo, tut mir Leid, dass ich deinen Raum so schnell verlassen musste. Ich musst Hey! Be careful. You can't stay in this basement for so long, you are going to get sick. Come outside and take a break, maybe you can try again later. Hey! Sei vorsichtig. Du kannst nicht lange in diesem Keller bleiben, denn du wirst krank werden. Geh nach draußen und mach eine Pause und probier es später nochmal. +Hey! Ehoo!! Hey! Ehoo!! - -Hey, don't worry about him, it's one the first days in a while we can chill. +Hey, don't worry about him, it's one of the first days in a long time that we can just chill out. Hey, girl! @@ -441,28 +447,28 @@ Hidden person Versteckte Person Hidden person doesn't answer. - +Versteckte Person antwortet nicht. How about I ask you to help the crew? It would mean that you're one of us, and that you will be able to get one of these hats. - +Wie wäre es, frage ich Dich, der Mannschaft zu helfen? Es würde bedeuten, dass du einer von uns bist, und daß du einen dieser Hüte bekommen kannst. How are things going? - +Wie geht es? How do you know my name? - +Woher weißt du meinen Namen? How is *hick* possible?? Wie ist es *hicks* möglich?? How is it going cutie? - +Wie geht es, Süße? How is it going dude? - +Wie geht es, Bursche? I also watch for dangerous animals... - +Ich habe auch gefährliche Tiere zu beobachten ... I am not worried about rewards. I just want to help. Mir sind Belohnungen egal. I will nur helfen. @@ -486,19 +492,19 @@ I don't have anything good for you today. Ich habe heute nichts interessantes für dich. I don't know what to say... - +Ich weiß nicht, was ich sagen soll ... I don't need any help right now, come back later. - +Ich brauche deine Hilfe jetzt nicht. Komm später wieder. I don't need your help right now, come back later. Ich brauche deine Hilfe zur Zeit nicht. Komme später wieder. I don't think that we are in a good place to talk about this... - +Ich glaube nicht, dass wir an einem guten Ort sind, darüber zu reden ... I don't understand!! - +Ich verstehe das nicht!! I don't want this, give me something else. Das möchte ich nicht, gib mir etwas anderes. @@ -507,7 +513,7 @@ I don't want to change my language, sorry. Ich möchte meine Sprache nicht ändern. I feel better! - +Ich fühle mich besser! I feel ok.#0 Ich fühle mich ok. @@ -516,22 +522,22 @@ I feel ok.#1 Ich fühle mich ok. I forgot where it was. - +Ich vergaß, wo es war. I guess so... I will leave you alone. - +Ich denke so ... Ich werde dich in Ruhe lassen. I hope that answers your question... - +Ich hoffe, das beantwortet deine Frage ... I hope that you don't mind that we used your raft to build this ramp. - +Ich hoffe, dass es dir nichts ausmacht, dass wir dein Floß verwendet haben, um diese Rampe zu bauen. I know that you just came back from being sick, but I would like to ask of you a special task. - +Ich weiß, dass du gerade genesen bist, aber ich würde dich gerne zu bitten eine besondere Aufgabe zu übernehmen. I like this answer! - +Ich mag diese Antwort! I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#0 Ich habe einen Fehler gemacht. Ich würde gerne meine Sprache ändern. @@ -555,10 +561,10 @@ I only remember I was rescued by you.#1 Ich kann mich nur daran erinnern, dass du mich gerettet hast. I said see you later!! - +Ich sagte, wir sehen uns später! I said... Why don't you come down to talk?? - +Ich sagte ... Warum kommst du nicht nach unten zum reden? I see it is not easy to get rid of those rattos. Do you want to try again? Es ist anscheinend nicht so einfach diese Rattos zu beseitigen. Willst du es nochmal versuchen? @@ -597,19 +603,19 @@ I think I should report you to the crew members. Ich glaube, ich sollte dich der Crew melden. I think that I'm done, I've got a box full of - +Ich denke, dass ich fertig bin, ich habe eine volle Kiste I think that I'm done, do you have a question now? - +Ich denke, dass ich fertig bin, hast du jetzt eine Frage? I think that I'm still a bit sick. - +Ich denke, dass ich noch immer ein bisschen krank bin. I think that my wine is very good quality! I'm on my second bottle and I already... What were we talking about again? - +Ich denke, dass mein Wein von sehr guter Qualität ist! Ich bin schon bei zweiten Flasche und ich bin bereits ... Über was haben wir nochmal gesprochen? I was here when they rescued you!! - +Ich war hier,als sie dich gerettet haben!°! I will give her everything she needs, don't worry. Ich werde ihr alles geben, was sie braucht, keine Sorge. @@ -630,34 +636,34 @@ I wonder too... Das wundert mich auch... I would love to!! - +Ich würde liebend gerne!! I'd like to catch one of them, but they are flying away when I try. Ich würde gerne eins von ihnen fangen. Aber sie fliegen weg wenn ich es versuche. I'll look at it. - +Ich werde es betrachten. I'll share my berries with you, if you help me. Ich werde meine Beeren mit dir teilen, wenn du mir hilfst. I'm a bit sick.#0 - +Ich bin ein wenig krank. I'm a bit sick.#1 - +Ich bin ein wenig krank. I'm called - +Genannt werde ich I'm called Alige, and I've been hiding here for few weeks. Ich heiße Alige, und ich verstecke mich hier schon für ein paar Wochen. I'm doing fine!! - +Mir geht es gut!! I'm looking for Gugli, where is he? - +Ich suche nach Gugli, wo ist er? I'm losing my mind, I need something else to eat! Ich verliere mein Gedächnis, Ich brauche etwas anderes zu essen! @@ -672,61 +678,64 @@ I'm not.#1 Bin ich nicht. I'm still in a coma, but my ghost is haunting you! - +Ich bin immer noch im Koma, aber mein Geist spukt für Sie! I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them, but firstly I need to tell you the rules of proper social conduct on board. +Ich bin mir sicher, dass Sie habe einige Fragen an mich, dann zögern nicht zu fragen, aber zuerst muss dir die Vorschriften angemessenen sozialen Verhalten an Bord sagen. - -I'm very happpy to see you're okay now! +I'm very happy to see you're okay now! If I saw *hick* who you wereee.... *hips* Would not have helped you! Wenn ich *hicks* gesehen hätte wer du bist *hips* hätte ich dir nicht geholfen! -If you are looking for us there, mostl all of us will be at the Pedro's restaurant and in the INN for Silvio's case... +If you are looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the INN for Silvio's case... If you feel bored or like turning in circles, you may want to talk with the other sailors around here to get some tasks. - +Wenn du dich gelangweilt fühlst oder dich im Kreis drehst, möchtest du vielleicht mit den anderen Matrosen hier in der Gegend sprechen, um einige Aufgaben zu bekommen. If you find something then it's good!! - +Wenn du etwas findest, dann ist es gut! If you wish to read this page again, there is a copy up on the left wall. - +Wenn Sie diese Seite später nochmals lesen möchten, gibt es eine Kopie auf der linken Wand. If you would like to open your inventory use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.#0 - +Wenn Sie möchten, öffnen Sie Ihr Inventar indem Sie die Taste F3 benutzen, oder benutzen Sie Ihre Maus, um es im obigen Menü in Ihrem Client auszuwählen. If you would like to open your inventory use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.#1 - +Wenn Sie möchten, öffnen Sie Ihr Inventar indem Sie die Taste F3 benutzen, oder benutzen Sie Ihre Maus, um es im obigen Menü in Ihrem Client auszuwählen. In this cave, you see, I have lots of fun. In diesem Loch habe ich viel Spaß, weißt du? Interesting... I'll leave you to your task then! - +Interessant ... Ich werde Sie für Ihre Aufgabe dann verlassen! Is there a reward? - +Gibt es eine Belohnung? It makes sense, do you think we should inform the capt'n about it? Es macht Sinn, glaubst du, wir sollten den Käpt'n darüber informieren? -It was something like a long nap. +It seems that we are close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level. -It'll be a good time for you to do some exercise, the ship isn't big enough for that. +It was something like a long nap. +Es war so etwas wie ein langes Nickerchen. +It'll be a good time for you to do some exercise, the ship isn't big enough for that. +Es ist eine gute Zeit um sich etwas zu bewegen, das Schiff ist nicht groß genug dafür. It's a commercial port of Andorra, it's weird that you don't know about it, it's one of the most famous cities throughout the world... But hey oh, returning to the topic! I'm hungry! Es ist der Handelshafen von Andorra. Es ist komisch, dass du noch nicht davon gehört hast. Es ist eine der berühmtesten Städte der ganzen Welt. Aber hey. Lass uns zum Thema zurückkommen! Ich bin hungrig! It's a nice place... There are some nice chicks... - +Es ist ein schöner Ort ... Es gibt einige nette Küken ... It's good, good... I have a friend who is still in a coma, but I can't be with her without working... - +Es ist gut, gut ... Ich habe einen Freund, der immer noch im Koma liegt , aber ich kann nicht bei ihm zu sein, ohne zu arbeiten ... It's nice to see that you woke up and that you are ok, Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#0 Gut zu wissen, dass du aufgewacht und wieder ok bist. Elmo hat mir die gute Nachricht erzählt! @@ -735,25 +744,25 @@ It's nice to see that you woke up and that you are ok, Elmo came here to tell me Gut zu wissen, dass du aufgewacht und wieder ok bist. Elmo hat mir die gute Nachricht erzählt! It's ok, crew tasks are much more important than curiosity!! - +Es ist in Ordnung, Crew-Aufgaben sind viel wichtiger als die Neugier! It's so hard to find the motivation... - +Es ist schwer, die Motivation zu finden ... It's true! - +Es ist wahr! It's where every merchant ship ends their travelling, and we won't be the exception! - +Das ist, wo jedes Handelsschiff beendet seine Reise und wir werden nicht die Ausnahme sein! It's yours as well, right? - +Es gehört dir auch, nicht wahr? Julia Julia Julia is on the upper level of the ship, use the arrow keys to walk to the stairs or click on the stairs at the top right of your screen. - +Julia ist auf der oberen Ebene des Schiffes, verwenden Sie die Pfeiltasten, um zur Treppe zu gehen, oder klicken Sie auf die Treppe am oberen rechten Ecke des Bildschirms. LeftBarrierCheck LeftBarrierCheck @@ -762,7 +771,7 @@ LeftDoorCheck LeftDoorCheck Let me introduce myself, I'm Captain Nard, the leader of this ship. - +Darf ich mich vorstellen, ich bin Kapitän Nard, der Führer des Schiffes. Lettuce Salat @@ -770,35 +779,35 @@ Salat Magic Arpan Magic Arpan +Max + + Maybe he was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior guild! Vielleicht ist er einer von denen, die letzten Monat verloren gingen? Die Leute von Esperia, die einen geheimen Auftrag von der Kriegergilde bekommen haben! Maybe she was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior guild! -Vielleicht war sie eine von denen, die letzen Monat verloren gegangen sind? Diese Mädchen von Esperia, die eine geheime Aufgabe von der Kriegergilde bekommen haben! +Vielleicht ist sie eine von denen, die letzten Monat verloren gegangen sind? Diese Mädchen von Esperia, die eine geheime Aufgabe von der Kriegergilde bekommen haben! Maybe you can come down to talk? - +Vielleicht kannst du herunterkommen zum reden? Maybe you can look at this?? - +Vielleicht kannst du so aussehen? Mickael - - -Muller - +Mickael My beauty, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual! My friend, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual! +Mein Freund, ich war nicht immer ein Seemann, wissen Sie, ich war einst ein bedeutender Individueller! - -My name is Astapolos, Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. +My name is Astapolos, Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. My name is Julia, it's me who took care of you, when we found you in the sea. - +Mein Name ist Julia, ich war es, der sich um dich gekümmert hat, nachdem wir dich im Meer gefunden haben. NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#0 NEIN und *hicks* NEIN, du und deine... *burp* dähmliche *hicks* Gilde! @@ -810,7 +819,7 @@ Nard Nard Nard looks surprised and stops you. - +Nard sieht überrascht aus und stoppt dich. Narrator Erzähler @@ -819,10 +828,10 @@ No problem, I can help you anyway. Kein Problem, Ich kann dir trotzdem helfen. No problem, do you have any other questions for me? - +Kein Problem, hast Du irgendwelche anderen Fragen an mich? No! - +Nein! No, I can't, I just wanted to travel across the seas for fun. Nein, Kann ich nicht. Ich wollte nur aus Spaß über die Meere reisen. @@ -843,22 +852,22 @@ Nobody! *burp* Niemand! *burp* None of them? - +Keiner von ihnen? Not to kill your dream, but... Julia is mine! - +Möchte deinen Traum nicht zerstören, aber ... Julia ist mein! Note - +Hinweis Nothing Nichts Nothing else other than sharks and an odd light!! - +Nichts anderes als Haie und einem seltsamen Licht! Nothing, I need to go! - +Nichts, ich muss gehen! Nothing, sorry. Nichts. @@ -873,27 +882,27 @@ Of course! Tell me which language you speak and I will change the note on the sh Natürlich! Sag mir welche Sprache du sprichst und ich werde die Notiz in der Bordliste ändern. Of course, there is a reward for your task. - +Natürlich gibt es eine Belohnung für die Aufgabe. Of course, they are on the left wall, go get a look at them. - +Natürlich, geh an die linke Wand und werfen Sie einen Blick auf sie. Oh good! Did he give you your money back as well? Oh gut! Hat er dir auch dein Geld zurückgegeben? Oh look there!! - +Oh siehe da! Oh look, there is a piou behind you. - +Oh schau, da ist ein Piou hinter dir. Oh no, but I've noticed a weird light on the other edge of this island, I wonder what it can be... - +Oh nein, aber ich habe ein seltsames Licht am anderen Rand der Insel bemerkt, und ich frage mich was es sein kann ... Oh ok, I said nothing then. +Oh ok, dann sagte ich nichts. - -Oh really? How could I forgot a topic as important as that? +Oh really? How could I forget a topic as important as that? Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#0 @@ -902,7 +911,7 @@ Hm. Wir haben dich gerettet, als du an uns vorbei getrieben bist. Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#1 Hm. Wir haben dich gerettet, nachdem du auf dem Meer getrieben bist. -Oh well. I will aslo give you one of these hats from the box around you, but only after you complete your task! +Oh well. I will also give you one of these hats from the box around you, but only after you complete your task! Oh yeyeye, as they are not eatable, you can try to equip them!#0 @@ -912,10 +921,10 @@ Oh yeyeye, as they are not eatable, you can try to equip them!#1 Oh hehe. Da sie nicht essbar sind, könntest du versuchen sie anzuziehen! Oh, I was going to ask you if you want to help the crew search for some food and explore the island out there. - +Oh, ich wollte Dich fragen, ob du der Crew bei Suche nach etwas Nahrung helfen und die Insel erkunden willst. Oh, and Olga from the market place as well! - +Ach ja, und Olga vom guten Marktplatz! Oh, and give her some basic clothes, the poor girl, the one she had was in even worse condition that the ones we have! Oh, und gib ihr ein paar einfache Sachen. Das arme Mädchen. Die die sie hatte, waren in einer sogar schlechteren Verfassung als unsere! @@ -924,31 +933,31 @@ Oh, and give him some basic clothes, the poor guy, the one he had was in even wo Oh, und gib ihm ein paar einfache Klamotten, der arme Junge. Die die er hatte, waren sogar in einem schlechterem Zustand als unsere! Oh, and it's not written there but don't give the password of your room to anybody, I'm the only one who has the other key and I won't ask for yours, so keep it secret and try not to use the same one in any other room in future. - +Oh, es steht nirgens, aber gib niemals das Passwort deines Zimmers an andere weiter, ich bin der einzige, der dden anderen Schlüssel hat und ich werde nicht nach deinem fragen. Halte es geheim und verwende in Zukunft nicht das gleiche in einem anderen Raum. Oh, he's still alive! Oh. Er lebt noch! Oh, hey you. - +Oh, hi du. Oh, it was nothing important! - +Oh, es war nichts Besonderes! Oh, it's you. - +Oh, du bist es. Oh, not everything, don't worry, but your name came up twice in the conversation. - +Oh,das ist nicht alles, Keine Sorge, aber dein Name kam zweimal in demGespräch vor. Oh, now that I remember, we've also found some money in your pockets, here it is!#0 - +Oh, jetzt, wo ich mich erinnere, haben wir auch etwas Geld in den Taschen gefunden, hier ist es! Oh, now that I remember, we've also found some money in your pockets, here it is!#1 - +Oh, jetzt, wo ich mich erinnere, haben wir auch etwas Geld in den Taschen gefunden, hier ist es! Oh, ok!! - +Oh, ok!! Oh, she's still alive! Oh, Sie lebt noch! @@ -957,10 +966,10 @@ Oh... Err, yes I did, or, well, good day to you! Oh... Ehm. Ja habe ich, oder, nun, Schönen Tag noch! Ok, Done. - +Ok, fertig. Ok, I will leave him alone. - +Ok, ich werde ihn in Ruhe lassen. Ok, I'll help you. Ok, Ich werde dir helfen. @@ -975,16 +984,16 @@ Ok, be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the Ok, gedulde dich noch ein bisschen, in den nächsten paar Tagen werden wir im Hafen von Artis einlaufen... Ok, but Gugli needs my help first. - +Ok, aber Gugli braucht meine Hilfe zuerst. Ok, ok. Come back if you change your mind. Ok, ok. Komm wieder wenn du es dir anders überlegt hast. Okay, I'm ready to work!#0 -Ok ich bin bereit zu arbeiten! +Ok, ich bin bereit zu arbeiten! Okay, I'm ready to work!#1 -Ok. Ich bin bereit zu arbeiten! +Ok, Ich bin bereit zu arbeiten! Okay, but what can you offer me? Ok. Aber was bietest du mir an? @@ -993,25 +1002,31 @@ Okay, you can start! Ok, Du kannst anfangen! On the edge of this island!! - +Am Rande dieser Insel! Once the monster is dead, click with your mouse on the item to add the item he drops to your inventory or you can use the Z key to claim the drop as well. +Sobald das Monster tot ist, klicken Sie mit der Maus auf das Element, um das Element, dem Inventar hinzufügen, oder Sie die Z-Taste für dasselbe. +Once you are inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 -Once your inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 +Once you are inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#1 -Once your inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#1 +Once your inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 +Innerhalb deines Inventars kannst du das das Objekt auswählen und auf 'Ausrüsten' klicken um dich damit auszustatten. Alternativ können Sie ein Objekt entfernen, indem Sie 'Ausziehen' wählen. + +Once your inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#1 +Innerhalb deines Inventars kannst du das das Objekt auswählen und auf 'Ausrüsten' klicken um dich damit auszustatten. Alternativ können Sie ein Objekt entfernen, indem Sie 'Ausziehen' wählen. Orc Voice Ork-Stimme Other than that, I don't know much about what else is going on, so directly asking the Cap'tain about it could be a good idea. - +Abgesehen davon, ich weiß nicht viel über das, was sonst noch los ist, also unmittelbar den Cap'tain darüber befragen könnte eine gute Idee sein. Our crew is like a family, and if you agree to help us, I would like to invite you to join our family! - +Unsere Crew ist wie eine Familie, und wenn du einverstanden bist, uns zu helfen, möchte ich Dich einladen, unserer Familie beizutreten! Perfect, which food did you get for me today?#0 Perfekt. Was hast du heute für mich zu Essen? @@ -1032,14 +1047,11 @@ Pious legs Piousbeinchen Please don't touch these hats, they are for crew members only. - +Bitte berühre nicht diese Hüte, sie sind nur für Besatzungsmitglieder. Please, don't tell people that you've seen me, I don't want to be thrown to sea as food for sharks or decapitated, not again! Bitte erzähl ihnen nicht, dass du mich gesehen hast. Ich möchte nicht den Haien zum Fraß vorgeworfen oder geköpft werden. Nicht schon wieder! -Quiet place, - - Raijin Voice Raijin-Stimme @@ -1052,20 +1064,20 @@ RightBarrierCheck RightDoorCheck RightDoorCheck -Ronan -Ronan - Rrrr pchhhh... Rrrr pchhhh... Sailors Matrosen +Sapartan + + Sea Drop Meerestropfen She is a good friend of mine... We wanted to marry a few weeks before her accident but... - +Sie ist ein gute Freundin von mir ... Wir wollten ein paar Wochen vor ihrem Unfall heiraten, aber ... She is on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She is the only girl in this crew, oh well, except for you now yeyeye! Sie ist auf dem oberen Deck. Du kannst sie nicht verfehlen. Sie ist die einzige Frau in der Crew. Oh. Neben dir nun, hehe! @@ -1074,16 +1086,16 @@ She is on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She is the only girl in this cre Sie ist auf dem oberen Deck. Du kannst sie nicht verfehlen. Sie ist die einzige Frau in der Crew. She is the nurse and the shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent chef! - +Sie ist die Krankenschwester und Schiffsverwalterin, sowie auch eine exzellente Chefin! She said that she will accept my application when Piou have teeth. It's just a matter of time, you see? - +Sie sagte, sie wird meine Bewerbung zu akzeptieren, wenn Piou Zähne haben. Es ist nur eine Frage der Zeit, seht ihr? Silvio - +Silvio Silvio starts to speak with his bottle, you leave the conversation. - +Als Silvio beginnt, mit seiner Flasche zu sprechen, verlässt du das Gespräch. So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe he comes from that guild, as that sign was on his raft. Deswegen wollten wir dich warnen. Vielleicht kommt er aus der Gilde. Denn ihr Zeichen war auf dem Floß. @@ -1092,43 +1104,43 @@ So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe she comes from that guild, as that si Also, darum wollten wir dich warnen. Vielleicht kommt sie aus der Gilde, dessen Wappen auf dem Floß war. So we are looking for some new merchandise that we could trade at our next destination. - +Wir suchen also einige neue Waren, die wir in unserem nächsten Ziel handeln können. So what's up?? What are you doing?? - +Also, was ist los?? Was machst du da? So you finally woke up? We all thought that you were in something like... You know, one of those long comas. - +Bist du endlich aufgewacht? Wir alle dachten, dass du in so etwas wie warst ...Du weißt schon, einem dieser langen Komas. So, do you have anything for me today? - +Also, hast du heute etwas für mich? So, how do you feel? I see that Julia did a marvelous job! You look like you're in good health now. - +Wie fühlst du dich? Ich sehe, Julia hat gute Arbeit geleistet. Du siehst gesund aus. So, how is it going? Did you meet any other crew members yet? Wie läufts? Hast du schon andere Crew Mitglieder getroffen? So, what was I saying? - +So, was wollte ich sagen? So, what's your name?? - +Also, was ist Ihr Name?? So, which good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet me? Or because you've heard of my feats on Artis? - +Also brachte der gute Wind dich her? Warst du auf dem Floß, um mich zu treffen? Oder weil du von meinen Kunststücke in Artis gehört hast? So, which good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet my Julia? Or because you wanted to see the beautiful waitress' at Artis? - +Also brachte der gute Wind dich her? Warst du auf dem Floß, meine Julia zu treffen? Oder weil du die schöne Kellnerin von Artis sehen wolltest? Some Bandanas and Sailor Hats are inside this box. Einige Kopftücher und Matrosenhüte sind in diesem Kasten. Some more things are written down but it's not legible. - +Einige weitere Dinge sind unten geschrieben, aber es ist nicht lesbar. Some other strings are added to this page. - +Einige andere Zeichenfolgen werden zu dieser Seite hinzugefügt. Some sailors are trying to talk to you.. Ein paar Matrosen versuchen dich anzusprechen... @@ -1148,9 +1160,6 @@ Sorry, aber ich will nicht nochmal gegen diese Rattos kämpfen. Suddenly, you hear a voice from the sky. Auf einmal hörst du eine Stimme aus dem Himmel. -Sunny and hot day, - - Sure, Cap'tain. Natürlich Cap'tain. @@ -1160,6 +1169,9 @@ Nimm ein Kopftuch Take a nap Ein Nickerchen machen +Tarlan + + Thank you so much! Here, have some berries... Vielen Dank! Hier, nimm dir ein paar Beeren... @@ -1173,25 +1185,25 @@ Thanks for helping me! Vielen Danke für die Hilfe! That's a nice name!! - +Das ist ein schöner Name! That's right. - +Das ist richtig. The door is closed. - +Die Tür ist verschlossen. The elven from the library has tilted on me a while ago, as well as Enora from the warrior guild. - +Die Elfen aus der Bibliothek waren mir vor einiger Zeit geneigt, sowie Enora von der Kriegergilde. The fear to see her sleeping on this quiet and lonely bed is becoming more and more unbearable, I think that I won't get the bravery to see her this time... - +Die Angst, sie schlafend auf diesem ruhigen und einsamen Bett zu sehen, wird mehr und mehr unerträglich, ich denke, dass ich nicht den Mut habe, es dieses Mal zu sehen... The giant boogeyman! - +Der riesige Boogeyman! The sailor chugs his beer. - +Der Matrose schüttet sein Bier in sich hinein. The sailor is turning his back to you. Der Matrose dreht dir den Rücken zu. @@ -1209,13 +1221,13 @@ There is a nice place to stay beside you. Es ist ein schöner Ort, um bei dir zu bleiben. There is a paper with some rules written on it. - +Es ist ein Papier mit einigen darauf geschriebenen Vorschriften. There is nothing to say, don't worry miss. - +Es gibt nichts zu sagen, mach dir keine Sorgen Fräulein. There is nothing to say, don't worry sir. - +Es gibt nichts zu sagen, keine Sorge Sir. There is some flying yellow plush around you, they're called pious. Getting a roasted leg of one of them would be perfect. Dort sind ein paar fliegende gelbe Tiere um dich herum. Sie werden Pious genannt. Ein geröstetes Bein von ihnen wäre perfekt. @@ -1242,10 +1254,10 @@ This guy needs help, let's rescue him! Dieser Junge brauch Hilfe. Rettet ihn! This is a sea fruit, but some sea monsters may have them as well. - +Dies ist ein Meeresfrucht, aber einige Seeungeheuer können so etwas haben. This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on her. -Diese Art von Rede sollte bestraft werden. Aber ich stimmt zu, dass ich sie auch nicht wirklich mag. Also behalte sie im Auge. +Diese Art von Rede sollte bestraft werden. Aber ich stimme zu, dass ich sie auch nicht wirklich mag. Also behalte sie im Auge. This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on him. Diese Art zu Reden sollte bestraft werden! Aber ich gebe zu, dass ich sie auch nicht allzu besonders mag. Also pass auf ihn auf. @@ -1254,19 +1266,19 @@ Tritan Voice Tritan-Stimme We are in need of manpower on the island. - +Wir sind brauchen mehr Arbeitskräfte auf der Insel. We are in need of manpower on the island... Oh excuse me, women are also welcome! - +Wir sind benötigen Arbeitskräfte auf der Insel ... Oh pardon, sind Frauen auch Herzlich Willkommen! We made a stop at a little island, before making it to the port of Artis. - +Wir machten einen Halt an einer kleinen Insel, bevor wir zum Hafen von Artis kamen. We need as many hands as possible to explore the island out there, and to get some new food. - +Wir brauchen so viele Hände wie möglich, um die Insel da draußen zu erforschen und etwas neue Nahrung zu bekommen. We should be there in a few days, once we arrive, I will warn the warrior guild about what happened, I'm sure they can help. - +Wir sollten in ein paar Tagen da sein, sobald wir ankommen, werde ich die Kriegergilde über das Geschehene warnen, ich bin sicher, sie können helfen. We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you back in the sea, adrift on your raft. Wir dachten, dass du uns vielleicht dabei helfen kannst es zu verstehen. Wir wissen nur, dass wir dich auf einem vorbeitreibenden Floß gefunden haben. @@ -1278,10 +1290,10 @@ We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly killed them. It's why we gave yo Wir haben versucht sie zu reinigen, aber das Meerwasser hat sie fast vernichtet. Deswegen haben wir dir neue Sachen gegeben. Sie sind nicht sehr gut, aber alles was wir haben. We usually don't stop in such places, but Capt'ain let us stay here while he writes the location of this new island on his map! - +Wir stoppen in der Regel nicht an solchen Orten, aber der Capt'ain lässt uns hier bleiben, während er die Position dieser neuen Insel in seiner Karte einträgt! We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there. - +Wir werden dort in ein paar Tagen ankommen, Dort können sie uns verlassen. What am I suposed to say? Was soll ich sagen? @@ -1296,13 +1308,13 @@ What are you talking about? Which guild? Worüber redest du? Welche Gilde? What did you say?? - +Was hast du gesagt? What do you need? - +Was brauchst du? What do you think? - +Was denkst du? What do you want today? Was möchtest du heute? @@ -1326,10 +1338,10 @@ What yeye could I do for you today? Was kann ich heute für dich tun? What's the deal with these Aquada? - +Was ist das Abkommen mit diesem Aquada? What? It's not a good reward? - +Was? Es ist keine gute Belohnung? What? This reward is too small! Was? Diese Belohnung reicht mir nicht! @@ -1347,13 +1359,13 @@ Where can I find some food? Wo finde ich etwas zu Essen? Which one? - +Welcher? Who are you? Wer bist du? Who is she? - +Wer ist sie? Who is this Julia? Wer ist diese Julia? @@ -1368,7 +1380,7 @@ Why are you hiding? Warum versteckst du dich? Why don't you come down to talk? - +Warum kommst du nicht herunter zum reden? Why don't you go outside? Warum gehst du nicht raus? @@ -1377,18 +1389,18 @@ Why not, I need to train anyway. Warum nicht? Ich muss ohnehin üben. Why not, I've got plenty of free time. - +Warum nicht, ich habe genügend Freizeit. Why not... but, who are you? Warum nicht... Aber wer bist du? Why? +Warum? - -Yaya, you should go see her! She willmes be happy to see you.#0 +Yaya, you should go see her! She will be happy to see you.#0 -Yaya, you should go see her! She willmes be happy to see you.#1 +Yaya, you should go see her! She will be happy to see you.#1 Yayayaya, for the first time someone is dressed worse then us! @@ -1407,13 +1419,13 @@ Yes he did. Ja, hat er. Yes! - +Ja! Yes, Arpan gave me these clothes. Ja. Arpan hat mir die Sachen gegeben. Yes, it's a chest! - +Ja, es ist eine Truhe! Yes, please! Ja, Bitte! @@ -1455,13 +1467,13 @@ You are on a raft, adrift in the sea. Du bist auf einem Floß, abgetrieben auf dem Meer. You are on our ship, we made port to a little island and we are actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#0 - +Sie befinden sich auf unserem Schiff, wir haben Anschluss zu einer kleinen Insel und wir werden sogar auf unserer abenteuerlichen Kaufmannsreise die Stadt Artis besuchen. You are on our ship, we made port to a little island and we are actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#1 - +Sie befinden sich auf unserem Schiff, wir haben Anschluss zu einer kleinen Insel und wir werden sogar auf unserer abenteuerlichen Kaufmannsreise die Stadt Artis besuchen. You can attack a monster by clicking on it or from your keyboard you can press the A key to select the monster followed by 'Ctrl' to attack it. - +Sie können ein Monster angreifen, indem sie daraufklicken oder über die Tastatur durch Drücken der Taste A, um das Monster auszuwählen, gefolgt von 'Strg', um es anzugreifen. You can't go there! Dort kannst du nicht hingehen! @@ -1470,33 +1482,33 @@ You close your eyes a few seconds... Du schließt für ein paar Sekunden die Augen ... You could meet some of the other sailors this way, and... Getting this hat of course, will be a sign of you becoming part of our crew. - +Du kannst einige der anderen Matrosen auf diese Weise treffen und ....Dieser Hut wird natürlich immer ein Zeichen sein, das du ein Teil unserer Mannschaft bist. You don't remember anything before this. Du erinnerst dich an nichts, was zuvor geschehen ist. You have very bad amnesia. - +Du hast extrem schlimmen Gedächtnisverlust. You honor me beauty, but I'm already taken by Julia! - +Ihr ehrt mich, Schönheit, aber ich bereits mit Julia zusammen! You like these hats, right? - +Du magst diese Hüte, oder? You mentioned the quality of your wine - +Sie erwähnten die Qualität Ihres Weines You need to walk north!! - +Sie müssen nach Norden gehen! You receive 25GP! - +Du erhälst 25GP! You see some items in the box. Take them out? Du siehst ein paar Gegenstände in der Box. Möchtest du sie herausnehmen? -You see these pious around? It seems that we are close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level. +You see these Pious around? You should go and get some sleep. @@ -1506,52 +1518,52 @@ You should go see them. Du solltest mal bei ihnen vorbeischauen. You should look at them once we arrive at the port, they are worth it, eheh. - +Sie sollten sie betrachten, wenn wir im Hafen ankommen, es lohnt sich, eheh. You should try to kill some Tortugas, or some Croc if you're strong enough. - +Du solltest versuchen, wenn du stark genug bist, einige Tortugas oder Crocs zu töten. You still got a few days before we arrive at the port, maybe you can learn something from them? Du hast noch ein paar Tage bevor wir in den Hafen einlaufen. Vielleicht kannst du etwas von ihnen lernen? You still haven't completed your task. - +Sie haben noch nicht Ihre Aufgabe abgeschlossen. You stupid, he's english, look at the shape of the head. - +Du Dummer. Es ist ein Engländer. Schau seine Kopfform. You stupid, she's english, look at the shape of the head. - +Du Dummer. Es ist eine Engländerin. Schau ihre Kopfform. You told me that you 'were' important. - +Du hast mir gesagt, dass du wichtig 'warst'. You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here...*hick* Or there.... Du hast versucht mich loszuwerden? Ehh. Aber Überraschung! Ich bin noch *hicks* hier! Oder da... You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#0 - +Du warst in einem schlechten Zustand und solltest froh sein, dass wir dich gefunden haben, bevor das Meer dich tötete. You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#1 - +Du warst in einem schlechten Zustand und solltest froh sein, dass wir dich gefunden haben, bevor das Meer dich tötete. You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to heal your injuries.#0 - +Du hast, wie gesagt, eine geraume Zeit geschlafen, und, unsere Schiffsverwalterin, Julia, war hier bei dir, sie tat ihr Bestes, um deine Verletzungen zu heilen. You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to heal your injuries.#1 - +Du hast, wie gesagt, eine geraume Zeit geschlafen, und, unsere Schiffsverwalterin, Julia, war hier bei dir, sie tat ihr Bestes, um deine Verletzungen zu heilen. You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the warrior guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea! - +Wir werden dort in ein paar Tagen ankommen. Du wirst sehen, die Leute dort sind nett und du kannst bei der Kriegergilde um Hilfe bitten. Sie können dir helfen einen Job zu finden oder herauszufinden was dort draußen auf dem Meer passiert ist! You're on a ship, we're on our way to the commercial capital of Artis. - +Du bist auf einem Schiff, wir sind auf unserem Weg zur kommerziellen Hauptstadt von Artis. You're right, it's about Julia. - +Du hast Recht, es geht um Julia. You're right, it's about you. - +Du hast Recht, es geht um dich. You?? Here?? Du?? Hier?? diff --git a/langs/lang_en.old b/langs/lang_en.old index a046e58d..b78dc4b6 100644 --- a/langs/lang_en.old +++ b/langs/lang_en.old @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ +1. Do not bot, this means that you won't run any automated tasks (Also included keyboard tricks). Any away from keyboard activity is considereted botting does not include standing still) +1. Do not bot, this means that you won't run any automated tasks (Also included keyboard tricks). Any away from keyboard activity is considereted botting does not include standing still) + About the Guild of Esperia, I wonder what we can think abou them if I can say my opinion. Some rumors say that they did some monstruos things and that they are hidding us a lot of things. About the Guild of Esperia, I wonder what we can think abou them if I can say my opinion. Some rumors say that they did some monstruos things and that they are hidding us a lot of things. @@ -64,6 +67,9 @@ Good to know, from what reporter me Darlin, we will soon accost on a little isla Good to know. From what Darlin reported to me, we'll soon come accross a little island, before we arrive in Artis. Good to know. From what Darlin reported to me, we'll soon come accross a little island, before we arrive in Artis. +Ground, +Ground, + He he... OK, I'm going to the upper level, to inform the captain. He he... OK, I'm going to the upper level, to inform the captain. @@ -106,6 +112,9 @@ Hey Frenchy! Hey you, sorry for leaving your room as rapid as that, I needed to, speak with the Captain about... The reserve.. eh, you know, now that we got a new mouth on the crew we need to check it! Hey you, sorry for leaving your room as rapid as that, I needed to, speak with the Captain about... The reserve.. eh, you know, now that we got a new mouth on the crew we need to check it! +Hey, don't worry about him, it's one the first days in a while we can chill. +Hey, don't worry about him, it's one the first days in a while we can chill. + Hey, you should go see Julia to be registred on the ship board. Hey, you should go see Julia to be registred on the ship board. @@ -169,9 +178,15 @@ I'm sick, I'm going back to bed. I'm sick, I'm going back to bed.#1 I'm sick, I'm going back to bed. +I'm very happpy to see you're okay now! +I'm very happpy to see you're okay now! + If I saw *hick* who you wereee.... *hips* Would not had helped you! If I saw *hick* who you wereee.... *hips* Would not had helped you! +If you are looking for us there, mostl all of us will be at the Pedro's restaurant and in the INN for Silvio's case... +If you are looking for us there, mostl all of us will be at the Pedro's restaurant and in the INN for Silvio's case... + It will be a good moment for you to do some exercice, as the ship is not very vast for that. It will be a good moment for you to do some exercice, as the ship is not very vast for that. @@ -211,6 +226,12 @@ Maybe he was one of these who got lost last month? The yoiis that got a secret q Maybe she was one of these who got lost last month? The yoiis that got a secret quest from the Warrior guild, and from Esperia! Maybe she was one of these who got lost last month? The yoiis that got a secret quest from the Warrior guild, and from Esperia! +Muller +Muller + +My name is Astapolos, Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. +My name is Astapolos, Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. + NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild! NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild! @@ -229,6 +250,9 @@ OK, I think she's waking up, go see her. Oh good! Did he gaves you back your money too? Oh good! Did he gaves you back your money too? +Oh really? How could I forgot a topic as important as that? +Oh really? How could I forgot a topic as important as that? + Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift on sea. Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift on sea. @@ -238,6 +262,9 @@ Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift on sea. Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift on sea.#1 Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift on sea. +Oh well. I will aslo give you one of these hats from the box around you, but only after you complete your task! +Oh well. I will aslo give you one of these hats from the box around you, but only after you complete your task! + Oh yeyeye, as they are not eatable, you can try to equip them! Oh yeyeye, as they are not eatable, you can try to equip them! @@ -298,6 +325,12 @@ Piberries Pious legs Pious legs +Quiet place, +Quiet place, + +Ronan +Ronan + She is the nurse and the shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent cook! She is the nurse and the shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent cook! @@ -331,6 +364,9 @@ Sorry, but I'm busy right now. Sorry, but I'm busy right now.#1 Sorry, but I'm busy right now. +Sunny and hot day, +Sunny and hot day, + Sure, cap'tain. Sure, cap'tain. @@ -430,6 +466,12 @@ Yaya, you should go see her! She will be happy to see you. Yaya, you should go see her! She will be happy to see you.#1 Yaya, you should go see her! She will be happy to see you. +Yaya, you should go see her! She willmes be happy to see you.#0 +Yaya, you should go see her! She willmes be happy to see you.#0 + +Yaya, you should go see her! She willmes be happy to see you.#1 +Yaya, you should go see her! She willmes be happy to see you.#1 + Yeye, it's the logo of the warrior guild of Esperia, I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast. Yeye, it's the logo of the warrior guild of Esperia, I wonder what this yoiis was doing so far away from the coast. @@ -499,6 +541,9 @@ You really are quite amnesic. You really have a bad amnesia. You really have a bad amnesia. +You see these pious around? It seems that we are close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level. +You see these pious around? It seems that we are close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level. + You still got a few days awaiting our arrival to the port, maybe they can learn you some things? You still got a few days awaiting our arrival to the port, maybe they can learn you some things? diff --git a/langs/lang_en.txt b/langs/lang_en.txt index dcd4f905..2debbb84 100644 --- a/langs/lang_en.txt +++ b/langs/lang_en.txt @@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online ... ... -1. Do not bot, this means that you won't run any automated tasks (Also included keyboard tricks). Any away from keyboard activity is considereted botting does not include standing still) -1. Do not bot, this means that you won't run any automated tasks (Also included keyboard tricks). Any away from keyboard activity is considereted botting does not include standing still) +1. Do not bot, this means that you won't run any automated tasks (Also included keyboard tricks). Any away from keyboard activity is considered botting does not include standing still) +1. Do not bot, this means that you won't run any automated tasks (Also included keyboard tricks). Any away from keyboard activity is considered botting does not include standing still) 2, Do not spam (includes trade spam) 2, Do not spam (includes trade spam) @@ -26,6 +26,15 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online @@ is helping me. @@ is helping me. +A Ground! +A Ground! + +A Quiet place, +A Quiet place, + +A Sunny and hot day, +A Sunny and hot day, + A few moments ago, I heard your conversation with Darlin. A few moments ago, I heard your conversation with Darlin. @@ -180,10 +189,10 @@ Captain Nard is in the room to your right. Captain Nard is in the room to your right. Certain items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#0 -Certain items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#0 +Certain items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold. Certain items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#1 -Certain items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#1 +Certain items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold. Cheese Cheese @@ -335,9 +344,6 @@ Good!! Good, good! Good, good! -Ground, -Ground, - Gugli Gugli @@ -416,8 +422,8 @@ Hey! Be careful. You can't stay in this basement for so long, you are going to g Hey! Ehoo!! Hey! Ehoo!! -Hey, don't worry about him, it's one the first days in a while we can chill. -Hey, don't worry about him, it's one the first days in a while we can chill. +Hey, don't worry about him, it's one of the first days in a long time that we can just chill out. +Hey, don't worry about him, it's one of the first days in a long time that we can just chill out. Hey, girl! Hey, girl! @@ -435,7 +441,7 @@ Hey, you should go see Julia to be registered on the ship board. Hey, you should go see Julia to be registered on the ship board. Hi, nice to see you!#0 -Hi, nice to see you!#0 +Hi, nice to see you! Hidden person Hidden person @@ -468,10 +474,10 @@ I am not worried about rewards. I just want to help. I am not worried about rewards. I just want to help. I am, who are you?#0 -I am, who are you?#0 +I am, who are you? I am, who are you?#1 -I am, who are you?#1 +I am, who are you? I beg you, please, pleeeease... I beg you, please, pleeeease... @@ -642,10 +648,10 @@ I'll share my berries with you, if you help me. I'll share my berries with you, if you help me. I'm a bit sick.#0 -I'm a bit sick.#0 +I'm a bit sick. I'm a bit sick.#1 -I'm a bit sick.#1 +I'm a bit sick. I'm called I'm called @@ -666,10 +672,10 @@ I'm not that numb eeh *hick* what did ever you disco*hips*veeered there, the war I'm not that numb eeh *hick* what did ever you disco*hips*veeered there, the warrior guild won't get me! I'm not.#0 -I'm not.#0 +I'm not. I'm not.#1 -I'm not.#1 +I'm not. I'm still in a coma, but my ghost is haunting you! I'm still in a coma, but my ghost is haunting you! @@ -677,14 +683,14 @@ I'm still in a coma, but my ghost is haunting you! I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them, but firstly I need to tell you the rules of proper social conduct on board. I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them, but firstly I need to tell you the rules of proper social conduct on board. -I'm very happpy to see you're okay now! -I'm very happpy to see you're okay now! +I'm very happy to see you're okay now! +I'm very happy to see you're okay now! If I saw *hick* who you wereee.... *hips* Would not have helped you! If I saw *hick* who you wereee.... *hips* Would not have helped you! -If you are looking for us there, mostl all of us will be at the Pedro's restaurant and in the INN for Silvio's case... -If you are looking for us there, mostl all of us will be at the Pedro's restaurant and in the INN for Silvio's case... +If you are looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the INN for Silvio's case... +If you are looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the INN for Silvio's case... If you feel bored or like turning in circles, you may want to talk with the other sailors around here to get some tasks. If you feel bored or like turning in circles, you may want to talk with the other sailors around here to get some tasks. @@ -696,10 +702,10 @@ If you wish to read this page again, there is a copy up on the left wall. If you wish to read this page again, there is a copy up on the left wall. If you would like to open your inventory use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.#0 -If you would like to open your inventory use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.#0 +If you would like to open your inventory use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client. If you would like to open your inventory use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.#1 -If you would like to open your inventory use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.#1 +If you would like to open your inventory use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client. In this cave, you see, I have lots of fun. In this cave, you see, I have lots of fun. @@ -713,6 +719,9 @@ Is there a reward? It makes sense, do you think we should inform the capt'n about it? It makes sense, do you think we should inform the capt'n about it? +It seems that we are close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level. +It seems that we are close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level. + It was something like a long nap. It was something like a long nap. @@ -770,6 +779,9 @@ Lettuce Magic Arpan Magic Arpan +Max +Max + Maybe he was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior guild! Maybe he was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior guild! @@ -785,17 +797,14 @@ Maybe you can look at this?? Mickael Mickael -Muller -Muller - My beauty, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual! My beauty, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual! My friend, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual! My friend, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual! -My name is Astapolos, Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. -My name is Astapolos, Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. +My name is Astapolos, Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. +My name is Astapolos, Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. My name is Julia, it's me who took care of you, when we found you in the sea. My name is Julia, it's me who took care of you, when we found you in the sea. @@ -893,8 +902,8 @@ Oh no, but I've noticed a weird light on the other edge of this island, I wonder Oh ok, I said nothing then. Oh ok, I said nothing then. -Oh really? How could I forgot a topic as important as that? -Oh really? How could I forgot a topic as important as that? +Oh really? How could I forget a topic as important as that? +Oh really? How could I forget a topic as important as that? Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#0 Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea. @@ -902,8 +911,8 @@ Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea. Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#1 Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea. -Oh well. I will aslo give you one of these hats from the box around you, but only after you complete your task! -Oh well. I will aslo give you one of these hats from the box around you, but only after you complete your task! +Oh well. I will also give you one of these hats from the box around you, but only after you complete your task! +Oh well. I will also give you one of these hats from the box around you, but only after you complete your task! Oh yeyeye, as they are not eatable, you can try to equip them!#0 Oh yeyeye, as they are not eatable, you can try to equip them! @@ -942,10 +951,10 @@ Oh, not everything, don't worry, but your name came up twice in the conversation Oh, not everything, don't worry, but your name came up twice in the conversation. Oh, now that I remember, we've also found some money in your pockets, here it is!#0 -Oh, now that I remember, we've also found some money in your pockets, here it is!#0 +Oh, now that I remember, we've also found some money in your pockets, here it is! Oh, now that I remember, we've also found some money in your pockets, here it is!#1 -Oh, now that I remember, we've also found some money in your pockets, here it is!#1 +Oh, now that I remember, we've also found some money in your pockets, here it is! Oh, ok!! Oh, ok!! @@ -998,11 +1007,17 @@ On the edge of this island!! Once the monster is dead, click with your mouse on the item to add the item he drops to your inventory or you can use the Z key to claim the drop as well. Once the monster is dead, click with your mouse on the item to add the item he drops to your inventory or you can use the Z key to claim the drop as well. +Once you are inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 +Once you are inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it. + +Once you are inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#1 +Once you are inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it. + Once your inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 -Once your inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 +Once your inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it. Once your inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#1 -Once your inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#1 +Once your inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it. Orc Voice Orc Voice @@ -1037,9 +1052,6 @@ Please don't touch these hats, they are for crew members only. Please, don't tell people that you've seen me, I don't want to be thrown to sea as food for sharks or decapitated, not again! Please, don't tell people that you've seen me, I don't want to be thrown to sea as food for sharks or decapitated, not again! -Quiet place, -Quiet place, - Raijin Voice Raijin Voice @@ -1052,15 +1064,15 @@ RightBarrierCheck RightDoorCheck RightDoorCheck -Ronan -Ronan - Rrrr pchhhh... Rrrr pchhhh... Sailors Sailors +Sapartan +Sapartan + Sea Drop Sea Drop @@ -1148,9 +1160,6 @@ Sorry, I am not in the mood for another fight with those rattos. Suddenly, you hear a voice from the sky. Suddenly, you hear a voice from the sky. -Sunny and hot day, -Sunny and hot day, - Sure, Cap'tain. Sure, Cap'tain. @@ -1160,6 +1169,9 @@ Take a Bandana Take a nap Take a nap +Tarlan +Tarlan + Thank you so much! Here, have some berries... Thank you so much! Here, have some berries... @@ -1385,11 +1397,11 @@ Why not... but, who are you? Why? Why? -Yaya, you should go see her! She willmes be happy to see you.#0 -Yaya, you should go see her! She willmes be happy to see you.#0 +Yaya, you should go see her! She will be happy to see you.#0 +Yaya, you should go see her! She will be happy to see you. -Yaya, you should go see her! She willmes be happy to see you.#1 -Yaya, you should go see her! She willmes be happy to see you.#1 +Yaya, you should go see her! She will be happy to see you.#1 +Yaya, you should go see her! She will be happy to see you. Yayayaya, for the first time someone is dressed worse then us! Yayayaya, for the first time someone is dressed worse then us! @@ -1455,10 +1467,10 @@ You are on a raft, adrift in the sea. You are on a raft, adrift in the sea. You are on our ship, we made port to a little island and we are actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#0 -You are on our ship, we made port to a little island and we are actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#0 +You are on our ship, we made port to a little island and we are actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis. You are on our ship, we made port to a little island and we are actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#1 -You are on our ship, we made port to a little island and we are actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#1 +You are on our ship, we made port to a little island and we are actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis. You can attack a monster by clicking on it or from your keyboard you can press the A key to select the monster followed by 'Ctrl' to attack it. You can attack a monster by clicking on it or from your keyboard you can press the A key to select the monster followed by 'Ctrl' to attack it. @@ -1496,8 +1508,8 @@ You receive 25GP! You see some items in the box. Take them out? You see some items in the box. Take them out? -You see these pious around? It seems that we are close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level. -You see these pious around? It seems that we are close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level. +You see these Pious around? +You see these Pious around? You should go and get some sleep. You should go and get some sleep. @@ -1530,16 +1542,16 @@ You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here...*hick* Or there You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here...*hick* Or there.... You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#0 -You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#0 +You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you. You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#1 -You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#1 +You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you. You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to heal your injuries.#0 -You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to heal your injuries.#0 +You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to heal your injuries. You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to heal your injuries.#1 -You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to heal your injuries.#1 +You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to heal your injuries. You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the warrior guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea! You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the warrior guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea! diff --git a/langs/lang_es.old b/langs/lang_es.old index e38c5a26..e765b716 100644 --- a/langs/lang_es.old +++ b/langs/lang_es.old @@ -109,6 +109,9 @@ Abre tu inventario (tecla F3), seleccione la ropa una por una y equípala. Open your inventory (F3 key), select the clothes one by one and equip them.#1 Abre tu inventario (tecla F3), seleccione la ropa una por una y equípala. +Ronan +Ronan + She is the nurse and the shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent cook! Ella es la enfermera y la encargada del barco en esta nave. ¡Y también es una excelente cocinera! diff --git a/langs/lang_es.txt b/langs/lang_es.txt index 87447ef6..744f6403 100644 --- a/langs/lang_es.txt +++ b/langs/lang_es.txt @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online ... ... -1. Do not bot, this means that you won't run any automated tasks (Also included keyboard tricks). Any away from keyboard activity is considereted botting does not include standing still) +1. Do not bot, this means that you won't run any automated tasks (Also included keyboard tricks). Any away from keyboard activity is considered botting does not include standing still) 2, Do not spam (includes trade spam) @@ -26,6 +26,15 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online @@ is helping me. @@ está ayudándome. +A Ground! + + +A Quiet place, + + +A Sunny and hot day, + + A few moments ago, I heard your conversation with Darlin. @@ -335,9 +344,6 @@ Good!! Good, good! ¡Bien, bien! -Ground, - - Gugli @@ -416,7 +422,7 @@ Hey! Be careful. You can't stay in this basement for so long, you are going to g Hey! Ehoo!! -Hey, don't worry about him, it's one the first days in a while we can chill. +Hey, don't worry about him, it's one of the first days in a long time that we can just chill out. Hey, girl! @@ -677,13 +683,13 @@ I'm still in a coma, but my ghost is haunting you! I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them, but firstly I need to tell you the rules of proper social conduct on board. -I'm very happpy to see you're okay now! +I'm very happy to see you're okay now! If I saw *hick* who you wereee.... *hips* Would not have helped you! Si vi *hic* quién tu eras... *hips* ¡No te hubiera ayudado! -If you are looking for us there, mostl all of us will be at the Pedro's restaurant and in the INN for Silvio's case... +If you are looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the INN for Silvio's case... If you feel bored or like turning in circles, you may want to talk with the other sailors around here to get some tasks. @@ -713,6 +719,9 @@ Is there a reward? It makes sense, do you think we should inform the capt'n about it? Tiene sentido... ¿crees que deberíamos informarle al cap'tan acerca de ésto? +It seems that we are close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level. + + It was something like a long nap. @@ -770,6 +779,9 @@ Lechuga Magic Arpan Magic Arpan +Max + + Maybe he was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior guild! ¿Tal vez él fue uno de los que se perdieron el mes pasado? ¡El yoiis de Esperia que tenía una misión secreta del gremio Guerreros! @@ -785,16 +797,13 @@ Maybe you can look at this?? Mickael -Muller - - My beauty, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual! My friend, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual! -My name is Astapolos, Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. +My name is Astapolos, Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. My name is Julia, it's me who took care of you, when we found you in the sea. @@ -893,7 +902,7 @@ Oh no, but I've noticed a weird light on the other edge of this island, I wonder Oh ok, I said nothing then. -Oh really? How could I forgot a topic as important as that? +Oh really? How could I forget a topic as important as that? Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#0 @@ -902,7 +911,7 @@ Oh, bueno... te rescatamos cuando estabas yaying a la deriva en el mar. Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#1 Oh, bueno... te rescatamos cuando estabas yaying a la deriva en el mar. -Oh well. I will aslo give you one of these hats from the box around you, but only after you complete your task! +Oh well. I will also give you one of these hats from the box around you, but only after you complete your task! Oh yeyeye, as they are not eatable, you can try to equip them!#0 @@ -998,6 +1007,12 @@ On the edge of this island!! Once the monster is dead, click with your mouse on the item to add the item he drops to your inventory or you can use the Z key to claim the drop as well. +Once you are inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 + + +Once you are inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#1 + + Once your inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 @@ -1037,9 +1052,6 @@ Please don't touch these hats, they are for crew members only. Please, don't tell people that you've seen me, I don't want to be thrown to sea as food for sharks or decapitated, not again! Por favor, no le digas a la gente que me has visto. No quiero ser lanzado al mar como comida para tiburones, o decapitado, ¡no de nuevo! -Quiet place, - - Raijin Voice Voz de Raijin @@ -1052,15 +1064,15 @@ RightBarrierCheck RightDoorCheck RightDoorCheck -Ronan -Ronan - Rrrr pchhhh... Rrrr pchhhh... Sailors Marineros +Sapartan + + Sea Drop Sea Drop @@ -1148,9 +1160,6 @@ Lo siento, no estoy de humor como para tener otra pelea con esos rattos Suddenly, you hear a voice from the sky. De repente, oyes una voz desde el cielo. -Sunny and hot day, - - Sure, Cap'tain. Seguro, Capit'án. @@ -1160,6 +1169,9 @@ Toma una bandana Take a nap Toma una siesta. +Tarlan + + Thank you so much! Here, have some berries... ¡Muchísimas gracias! Aquí tienes algunas bayas... @@ -1385,10 +1397,10 @@ Why not... but, who are you? Why? -Yaya, you should go see her! She willmes be happy to see you.#0 +Yaya, you should go see her! She will be happy to see you.#0 -Yaya, you should go see her! She willmes be happy to see you.#1 +Yaya, you should go see her! She will be happy to see you.#1 Yayayaya, for the first time someone is dressed worse then us! @@ -1496,7 +1508,7 @@ You receive 25GP! You see some items in the box. Take them out? Ves algunos artículos en la caja. ¿Los sacarás? -You see these pious around? It seems that we are close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level. +You see these Pious around? You should go and get some sleep. diff --git a/langs/lang_fr.old b/langs/lang_fr.old index 6bb58512..6bd19c46 100644 --- a/langs/lang_fr.old +++ b/langs/lang_fr.old @@ -109,6 +109,9 @@ Ouvre ton inventaire (Touche F3), choisis les habits un par un et équipe-les. Open your inventory (F3 key), select the clothes one by one and equip them.#1 Ouvre ton inventaire (Touche F3), choisis les habits un par un et équipe-les. +Ronan +Ronan + She is the nurse and the shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent cook! Elle est l'infirmière et la gardienne de ce bateau, et une excellente cuisinière! diff --git a/langs/lang_fr.txt b/langs/lang_fr.txt index f99f3ddf..8ec6c886 100644 --- a/langs/lang_fr.txt +++ b/langs/lang_fr.txt @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online ... ... -1. Do not bot, this means that you won't run any automated tasks (Also included keyboard tricks). Any away from keyboard activity is considereted botting does not include standing still) +1. Do not bot, this means that you won't run any automated tasks (Also included keyboard tricks). Any away from keyboard activity is considered botting does not include standing still) 2, Do not spam (includes trade spam) @@ -26,6 +26,15 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online @@ is helping me. @@ m'aide. +A Ground! + + +A Quiet place, + + +A Sunny and hot day, + + A few moments ago, I heard your conversation with Darlin. @@ -335,9 +344,6 @@ Good!! Good, good! Bien, bien ! -Ground, - - Gugli @@ -416,7 +422,7 @@ Hé ! Fais attention. Tu ne peux pas rester aussi longtemps dans cette cave, tu Hey! Ehoo!! -Hey, don't worry about him, it's one the first days in a while we can chill. +Hey, don't worry about him, it's one of the first days in a long time that we can just chill out. Hey, girl! @@ -677,13 +683,13 @@ I'm still in a coma, but my ghost is haunting you! I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them, but firstly I need to tell you the rules of proper social conduct on board. -I'm very happpy to see you're okay now! +I'm very happy to see you're okay now! If I saw *hick* who you wereee.... *hips* Would not have helped you! Si j'avais vu *hic* qui tu étais... *hips* je ne t'aurais pas secouru ! -If you are looking for us there, mostl all of us will be at the Pedro's restaurant and in the INN for Silvio's case... +If you are looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the INN for Silvio's case... If you feel bored or like turning in circles, you may want to talk with the other sailors around here to get some tasks. @@ -713,6 +719,9 @@ Is there a reward? It makes sense, do you think we should inform the capt'n about it? C'est sensé, penses-tu que nous devrions en informer le capt'aine ? +It seems that we are close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level. + + It was something like a long nap. @@ -770,6 +779,9 @@ Salade Magic Arpan Magic Arpan +Max + + Maybe he was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior guild! Peut-être était-il l'un des disparus du mois dernier ? Ces yoiis d'Esperia qui avaient reçu une mission spéciale de la Guilde des Guerriers ! @@ -785,16 +797,13 @@ Maybe you can look at this?? Mickael -Muller - - My beauty, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual! My friend, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual! -My name is Astapolos, Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. +My name is Astapolos, Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. My name is Julia, it's me who took care of you, when we found you in the sea. @@ -893,7 +902,7 @@ Oh no, but I've noticed a weird light on the other edge of this island, I wonder Oh ok, I said nothing then. -Oh really? How could I forgot a topic as important as that? +Oh really? How could I forget a topic as important as that? Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#0 @@ -902,7 +911,7 @@ Oh et bien, nous t'avons secourue quand tu étais yayan sur la mer. Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#1 Oh et bien, nous t'avons secourue quand tu étais yayan sur la mer. -Oh well. I will aslo give you one of these hats from the box around you, but only after you complete your task! +Oh well. I will also give you one of these hats from the box around you, but only after you complete your task! Oh yeyeye, as they are not eatable, you can try to equip them!#0 @@ -998,6 +1007,12 @@ On the edge of this island!! Once the monster is dead, click with your mouse on the item to add the item he drops to your inventory or you can use the Z key to claim the drop as well. +Once you are inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 + + +Once you are inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#1 + + Once your inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 @@ -1037,9 +1052,6 @@ Please don't touch these hats, they are for crew members only. Please, don't tell people that you've seen me, I don't want to be thrown to sea as food for sharks or decapitated, not again! S'il-te-plaît, ne dis à personne que tu m'as vu ! Je ne veux en aucun cas servir de casse-croûte aux requins ou être décapité, pas encore ! -Quiet place, - - Raijin Voice Voix d'un Raijin @@ -1052,15 +1064,15 @@ BarrièreDroite RightDoorCheck PorteDroite -Ronan -Ronan - Rrrr pchhhh... Rrrr pchhhh... Sailors Marins +Sapartan + + Sea Drop Goute d'Eau de Mer @@ -1148,9 +1160,6 @@ Désolé, je ne suis pas en état de combattre ces Rattos. Suddenly, you hear a voice from the sky. Tout à coup, tu entends une voix depuis le ciel. -Sunny and hot day, - - Sure, Cap'tain. Bien sûr Cap'taine. @@ -1160,6 +1169,9 @@ Prends un Bandana Take a nap Faire un somme +Tarlan + + Thank you so much! Here, have some berries... Merci beaucoup ! Tiens, voilà des baies... @@ -1245,7 +1257,7 @@ This is a sea fruit, but some sea monsters may have them as well. This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on her. -Ce genre de propos pourrait être puni, mais il est vrai que je n'apprécie pas leurs dernières actions. Gardes un œil sur elle. +Ce genre de propos pourrait être puni, mais il est vrai que je ne les apprécie pas non plus. Gardes un œil sur elle. This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on him. Ce genre de propos pourrait être puni, mais c'est vrai que je ne les apprécie pas non plus alors garde un œil sur lui. @@ -1385,10 +1397,10 @@ Pourquoi pas... Mais, qui es-tu ? Why? -Yaya, you should go see her! She willmes be happy to see you.#0 +Yaya, you should go see her! She will be happy to see you.#0 -Yaya, you should go see her! She willmes be happy to see you.#1 +Yaya, you should go see her! She will be happy to see you.#1 Yayayaya, for the first time someone is dressed worse then us! @@ -1496,7 +1508,7 @@ You receive 25GP! You see some items in the box. Take them out? Des objets sont dans la boîte. Veux-tu les prendre ? -You see these pious around? It seems that we are close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level. +You see these Pious around? You should go and get some sleep. diff --git a/langs/lang_it.old b/langs/lang_it.old index e69de29b..2af74611 100644 --- a/langs/lang_it.old +++ b/langs/lang_it.old @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +Ronan +Ronan + diff --git a/langs/lang_it.txt b/langs/lang_it.txt index e5089a68..1bd7d261 100644 --- a/langs/lang_it.txt +++ b/langs/lang_it.txt @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online ... ... -1. Do not bot, this means that you won't run any automated tasks (Also included keyboard tricks). Any away from keyboard activity is considereted botting does not include standing still) +1. Do not bot, this means that you won't run any automated tasks (Also included keyboard tricks). Any away from keyboard activity is considered botting does not include standing still) 2, Do not spam (includes trade spam) @@ -26,6 +26,15 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online @@ is helping me. @@ mi sta aiutando. +A Ground! + + +A Quiet place, + + +A Sunny and hot day, + + A few moments ago, I heard your conversation with Darlin. @@ -335,9 +344,6 @@ Good!! Good, good! Bene, bene. -Ground, - - Gugli @@ -416,7 +422,7 @@ Stai attento. Non puoi stare in questo piano troppo a lungo, starai male. Vieni Hey! Ehoo!! -Hey, don't worry about him, it's one the first days in a while we can chill. +Hey, don't worry about him, it's one of the first days in a long time that we can just chill out. Hey, girl! @@ -677,13 +683,13 @@ I'm still in a coma, but my ghost is haunting you! I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them, but firstly I need to tell you the rules of proper social conduct on board. -I'm very happpy to see you're okay now! +I'm very happy to see you're okay now! If I saw *hick* who you wereee.... *hips* Would not have helped you! Se avessi visto che*hick* chi eeeeeriiii.... avrei *hips* aiutato -If you are looking for us there, mostl all of us will be at the Pedro's restaurant and in the INN for Silvio's case... +If you are looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the INN for Silvio's case... If you feel bored or like turning in circles, you may want to talk with the other sailors around here to get some tasks. @@ -713,6 +719,9 @@ Is there a reward? It makes sense, do you think we should inform the capt'n about it? Ha senso. Pensi che dovrei parlarne al capitano? +It seems that we are close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level. + + It was something like a long nap. @@ -770,6 +779,9 @@ Lattuga Magic Arpan Magico Arpan +Max + + Maybe he was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior guild! Magari è uno di quelli che si sono persi il mese scorso? Lo yoiis di Esperia con una missione segreta per la Gilda dei Guerrieri! @@ -785,16 +797,13 @@ Maybe you can look at this?? Mickael -Muller - - My beauty, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual! My friend, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual! -My name is Astapolos, Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. +My name is Astapolos, Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. My name is Julia, it's me who took care of you, when we found you in the sea. @@ -893,7 +902,7 @@ Oh no, but I've noticed a weird light on the other edge of this island, I wonder Oh ok, I said nothing then. -Oh really? How could I forgot a topic as important as that? +Oh really? How could I forget a topic as important as that? Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#0 @@ -902,7 +911,7 @@ Oh bhè, ti abbiamo salvato mentre stavi yayaya naufragando in mare. Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#1 Oh, bhè, ti abbiamo salvato mentre stavi yeye naufragando. -Oh well. I will aslo give you one of these hats from the box around you, but only after you complete your task! +Oh well. I will also give you one of these hats from the box around you, but only after you complete your task! Oh yeyeye, as they are not eatable, you can try to equip them!#0 @@ -998,6 +1007,12 @@ On the edge of this island!! Once the monster is dead, click with your mouse on the item to add the item he drops to your inventory or you can use the Z key to claim the drop as well. +Once you are inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 + + +Once you are inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#1 + + Once your inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 @@ -1037,9 +1052,6 @@ Please don't touch these hats, they are for crew members only. Please, don't tell people that you've seen me, I don't want to be thrown to sea as food for sharks or decapitated, not again! Per favore, non dire a nessuno che mi hai visto qui, non voglio essere buttato in mare come cibo per gli squali o decapitato, non di nuovo! -Quiet place, - - Raijin Voice Voce di Raijin @@ -1052,15 +1064,15 @@ RightBarrierCheck RightDoorCheck RightDoorCheck -Ronan -Ronan - Rrrr pchhhh... Rrrr pchhhh... Sailors Marinai +Sapartan + + Sea Drop Goccia d'Acqua Marina @@ -1148,9 +1160,6 @@ Scusa, ora non me la sento. Suddenly, you hear a voice from the sky. Improvvisamente senti una voce dal cielo. -Sunny and hot day, - - Sure, Cap'tain. Certo, Capitano. @@ -1160,6 +1169,9 @@ Prendi una Bandana Take a nap Fatti un pisolino +Tarlan + + Thank you so much! Here, have some berries... Grazie mille! Ecco, un po' di bacche... @@ -1245,7 +1257,7 @@ This is a sea fruit, but some sea monsters may have them as well. This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on her. - +Questo linguaggio dovrebbe essere punito, ma sono d'accordo che non piacc This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on him. Questo tipo di linguaggio andrebbe punito, ma sono d'accordo. Non piacciono nemmeno a me, tieni gli occhi aperti. @@ -1385,10 +1397,10 @@ Perché no... ma, chi sei tu? Why? -Yaya, you should go see her! She willmes be happy to see you.#0 +Yaya, you should go see her! She will be happy to see you.#0 -Yaya, you should go see her! She willmes be happy to see you.#1 +Yaya, you should go see her! She will be happy to see you.#1 Yayayaya, for the first time someone is dressed worse then us! @@ -1496,7 +1508,7 @@ You receive 25GP! You see some items in the box. Take them out? Ci sono degli oggetti nella scatola. Vuoi prenderli? -You see these pious around? It seems that we are close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level. +You see these Pious around? You should go and get some sleep. diff --git a/langs/lang_pl.old b/langs/lang_pl.old index ed8b694b..8a3f9c0b 100644 --- a/langs/lang_pl.old +++ b/langs/lang_pl.old @@ -82,6 +82,9 @@ Otwórz swój inwentarz (F3), wybierz części ubrania jedną po drugiej i zał Open your inventory (F3 key), select the clothes one by one and equip them.#1 Otwórz swój inwentarz (F3), wybierz części ubrania jedną po drugiej i załóż je. +Ronan +Ronan + She is the nurse and the shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent cook! Jest pielęgniarką i pomocą na tym statku, a także wspaniałą kucharką! diff --git a/langs/lang_pl.txt b/langs/lang_pl.txt index 8f40a1e6..a72fc169 100644 --- a/langs/lang_pl.txt +++ b/langs/lang_pl.txt @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online ... ... -1. Do not bot, this means that you won't run any automated tasks (Also included keyboard tricks). Any away from keyboard activity is considereted botting does not include standing still) +1. Do not bot, this means that you won't run any automated tasks (Also included keyboard tricks). Any away from keyboard activity is considered botting does not include standing still) 2, Do not spam (includes trade spam) @@ -26,6 +26,15 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online @@ is helping me. @@ mi już pomaga. +A Ground! + + +A Quiet place, + + +A Sunny and hot day, + + A few moments ago, I heard your conversation with Darlin. @@ -335,9 +344,6 @@ Good!! Good, good! Dobrze, dobrze. -Ground, - - Gugli @@ -416,7 +422,7 @@ Hej! Uważaj. Nie możesz przebywać w tej piwnicy zbyt długo, albo się pochor Hey! Ehoo!! -Hey, don't worry about him, it's one the first days in a while we can chill. +Hey, don't worry about him, it's one of the first days in a long time that we can just chill out. Hey, girl! @@ -677,13 +683,13 @@ I'm still in a coma, but my ghost is haunting you! I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them, but firstly I need to tell you the rules of proper social conduct on board. -I'm very happpy to see you're okay now! +I'm very happy to see you're okay now! If I saw *hick* who you wereee.... *hips* Would not have helped you! Jak bym się skapnął *hep* kim ty jestśśś... *hep* to wgóle śmybyśmy cię nie uratowali! -If you are looking for us there, mostl all of us will be at the Pedro's restaurant and in the INN for Silvio's case... +If you are looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the INN for Silvio's case... If you feel bored or like turning in circles, you may want to talk with the other sailors around here to get some tasks. @@ -713,6 +719,9 @@ Is there a reward? It makes sense, do you think we should inform the capt'n about it? To by się zgadzało, myślisz że powinniśmy powiedzieć o tym Kapitanowi? +It seems that we are close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level. + + It was something like a long nap. @@ -770,6 +779,9 @@ Sałata Magic Arpan Magiczny Arpan +Max + + Maybe he was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior guild! Może jest jednym z tych, którzy zaginęli miesiąc temu? Blublaki z Esperii i ich tajna misja dla Gildii Wojowników! @@ -785,16 +797,13 @@ Maybe you can look at this?? Mickael -Muller - - My beauty, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual! My friend, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual! -My name is Astapolos, Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. +My name is Astapolos, Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. My name is Julia, it's me who took care of you, when we found you in the sea. @@ -893,7 +902,7 @@ Oh no, but I've noticed a weird light on the other edge of this island, I wonder Oh ok, I said nothing then. -Oh really? How could I forgot a topic as important as that? +Oh really? How could I forget a topic as important as that? Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#0 @@ -902,7 +911,7 @@ No cóż, uratowaliśmy cię, gdy bliblęłaś sobie po morzu. Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#1 No cóż, uratowaliśmy cię, gdy bliblęłeś sobie po morzu. -Oh well. I will aslo give you one of these hats from the box around you, but only after you complete your task! +Oh well. I will also give you one of these hats from the box around you, but only after you complete your task! Oh yeyeye, as they are not eatable, you can try to equip them!#0 @@ -998,6 +1007,12 @@ On the edge of this island!! Once the monster is dead, click with your mouse on the item to add the item he drops to your inventory or you can use the Z key to claim the drop as well. +Once you are inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 + + +Once you are inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#1 + + Once your inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 @@ -1037,9 +1052,6 @@ Please don't touch these hats, they are for crew members only. Please, don't tell people that you've seen me, I don't want to be thrown to sea as food for sharks or decapitated, not again! Proooszę, nię mów nikomu że tu jestem, nie chcę być wrzucony do morza na pożarcie rekinom lub pozbawiony głowy, tylko znowu nie to! -Quiet place, - - Raijin Voice Głos Radzina @@ -1052,15 +1064,15 @@ RightBarrierCheck RightDoorCheck RightDoorCheck -Ronan -Ronan - Rrrr pchhhh... Rrrr pchhhh... Sailors Marynarze +Sapartan + + Sea Drop Morska Kropla @@ -1148,9 +1160,6 @@ Przykro mi, nie mam siły na uganianie się za Szczurzydłami. Suddenly, you hear a voice from the sky. Nagle słyszysz głos rozlegający się z nieba. -Sunny and hot day, - - Sure, Cap'tain. Jasne, Kapitanie. @@ -1160,6 +1169,9 @@ Weź Bandanę Take a nap Zdrzemnij się +Tarlan + + Thank you so much! Here, have some berries... Dzięki, dzięki, dzięki! O, a tu jagódełki dla ciebie... @@ -1385,10 +1397,10 @@ Czemu nie... ale kim ty jesteś? Why? -Yaya, you should go see her! She willmes be happy to see you.#0 +Yaya, you should go see her! She will be happy to see you.#0 -Yaya, you should go see her! She willmes be happy to see you.#1 +Yaya, you should go see her! She will be happy to see you.#1 Yayayaya, for the first time someone is dressed worse then us! @@ -1496,7 +1508,7 @@ You receive 25GP! You see some items in the box. Take them out? Widzisz różne przedmioty w skrzyni. Wyciągnąć je? -You see these pious around? It seems that we are close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level. +You see these Pious around? You should go and get some sleep. diff --git a/langs/lang_pt_BR.old b/langs/lang_pt_BR.old index 349878e7..cfd5e0e1 100644 --- a/langs/lang_pt_BR.old +++ b/langs/lang_pt_BR.old @@ -97,6 +97,9 @@ Abra seu inventário (Tecla F3), selecione a roupa desejada e equipe. Open your inventory (F3 key), select the clothes one by one and equip them.#1 Abra seu inventário (Tecla F3), selecione a roupa desejada e equipe. +Ronan +Ronan + She is the nurse and the shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent cook! Ela é a enfermeira e a governanta deste navio, e também uma excelente cozinheira. diff --git a/langs/lang_pt_BR.txt b/langs/lang_pt_BR.txt index a6a14b2a..df5d5bd7 100644 --- a/langs/lang_pt_BR.txt +++ b/langs/lang_pt_BR.txt @@ -2,32 +2,41 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online *hick* *hick* +... ... - -1. Do not bot, this means that you won't run any automated tasks (Also included keyboard tricks). Any away from keyboard activity is considereted botting does not include standing still) +1. Do not bot, this means that you won't run any automated tasks (Also included keyboard tricks). Any away from keyboard activity is considered botting does not include standing still) 2, Do not spam (includes trade spam) - +2, Não faça Spam (Inclusive spam de trade) 3, Do not multibox, this mean that you cannot have more than one active character logged in or any other active clients used for attacking in group. 4, Don't trashtalk, beg or use rude language in your character name and in the chat, at the exception of roleplay purposes. - +4, Não usar palavras de baixo calão, mendigar ou usar linguagem rude no nome de seu personagem ou no chat. 5, Don't speak any other language other than English in the public areas. You are free to speak any language you want in private chats and when alone with groups of friends. - +5, Fale apenas em lingua inglêsa no chat público. Você é livre para falar na linguagem em que quiser em chats privados ou quando em um grupo de amigos. 6, Follow the social convention listed on the RFC1855. - +Eu me sinto melhor! @@ is helping me. @@ está me ajudando. -A few moments ago, I heard your conversation with Darlin. +A Ground! + +A Quiet place, + + +A Sunny and hot day, + + +A few moments ago, I heard your conversation with Darlin. +Há um instante atrás eu ouvi sua conversa com Darlin. About this Esperia Guild, I'm not sure about them, frankly, there are rumors around that they did monstrous things and that they are hiding a lot of things from us. @@ -36,10 +45,10 @@ About this Esperia's Guild, I wonder about them, if I may speak frankly. There a Sobre esta guilda de Espéria, estava pensando sobre ela, se eu puder falar francamente. Há rumores por aí que dizem que eles fizeram coisas monstruosas e que eles estão escondendo um monte de coisas de nós. Acorn - +Acorn Ah... Gugli Gugli... He's too young to understand our conversation - +Ah... Gugli Gugli... Ele é muito novo para entender nossa conversa. Alige Alige @@ -63,7 +72,7 @@ Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In bad condition, go Além disso, nós pegamos suas roupas yayadas, pois elas estavam... Yeyeye... em más condições. Dê uma olhada na caixa perto de sua cama, há umas roupas melhores lá dentro. And now I'm a sailor, as you can see! - +E agora eu sou um marinheiro, como você pode ver! And please, no berries. No more! E por favor, não me venha com berries. Nunca mais! @@ -72,13 +81,13 @@ And what kind of help do you need? E de que tipo de ajuda você precisa? And you, how are you doing? - +E você, como você está? Anyway, maybe when you are looking for food with Gugli you'll have the time to look at this!! - +De qualquer modo, talvez quando você estiver procurando comida com Gugli você terá tempo para dar uma olhada nisso. Aquada - +Aquada Are you ok? Você está bem? @@ -99,7 +108,7 @@ Arrr, don't give me more berries! I don't want them, stupid berries, stupid ... Arrr, não me venha com mais Berries! Eu não quero essas Berries estúpidas... Estúpidas... Estúpidas! Artis of course! - +Artis é claro! As you can walk around, it'll be easy for you. Impale one of them for me!! @@ -108,16 +117,16 @@ As you open your eyes and look around, you see a large ship. Ao abrir os olhos e olhar à sua volta, você vê um imenso navio. Astapolos - +Astapolos At this time, we were selling crab's food on our old mushroom island. Be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the port of Artis... - +Tenha um pouco mais de paciência, nos próximos dias vamos chegar ao porto de Artis... Before... - +Antes... BillyBons BillyBons @@ -129,16 +138,16 @@ Bread Pão But I can't tell you anything about it, I'm sorry. - +Mas eu não posso te falar nada sobre isso, me desculpe. But I can't, I need to keep an eye on the sea, to warn the crew if there happen to be some pirates around!! But I need to go, bye! - +Mas eu tenho que ir, tchau! But for now, you can relax on the ship, or visit the island we're docked at! Its a small island, but a good place to get some exercise and stretch your legs. - +Mas por agora você pode relaxar no navio ou visitar a ilha em que ancoramos! É uma pequena ilha, mas um bom lugar para se exercitar e esticar as pernas. But more than anything, she is the one who took care of you when you were in coma. @@ -156,34 +165,34 @@ But... if she has amnesia like Julia said... We don't need to worry about her. Mas... se ela tem amnésia como a Julia disse... Nós não precisamos nos preocupar com ela. Bye! - +Tchau! Bye. - +Tchau. Can I read these rules again? - +Posso ler essas regras novamente? Can you bring me something which isn't a vegetable? Você pode me trazer algo que não seja um vegetal? Cap'tain has locked the door, you should go see him. - +O capitão trancou a porta, você deveria ir vê-lo. Cap'tain is waiting for you! Hurry up. - +O capitão está te esperando! Apresse-se. Captain Nard Capitão Nard Captain Nard is in the room to your right. - +Capitão Nard está no quarto à sua direita. Certain items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#0 - +Certos itens performam diferentes efeitos. Alguns vão te curar, outros você pode usar como armas ou armadura, e outros você pode vender. Certain items perform different effects. Some will heal you, some you may use as weapons or armor, and some can be sold for gold.#1 - +Certos itens performam diferentes efeitos. Alguns vão te curar, outros você pode usar como armas ou armadura, e outros você pode vender. Cheese Queijo @@ -192,7 +201,7 @@ Click on the NPCs around you to continue the introduction. Clique nos NPCs em sua volta para continuar a introdução. Congrats! - +Parabéns! Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#0 Posso saber qual a sua linguagem natural? Um marinheiro me disse que você era russa, mas outro disse que era francesa... Estou meio perdida... Vou te registrar na lista do navio assim que tiver esta informação. @@ -213,7 +222,7 @@ Could you tell me where I am?#1 Você poderia me dizer onde eu estou? Croc Claw - +Garra de Croc Damn you! You better not tell anyone that you've seen me!#0 Maldição! É melhor você não contar para ninguém que me viu! @@ -225,43 +234,43 @@ Dan Dan Dan closes the conversation and he continues to write his letter. - +Dan termina a conversa e continua a escrever sua carta. Dan keeps silent since your last question. - +Dan se mantém em silêncio desde sua última pergunta. Darlin - +Darlin Devis Devis Did you find out what the light is?! - +Você descobriu o que é aquela luz? Did you say reward? I want it! Você disse recompensa? Eu quero! Do you feel better?? - +Você se sente melhor? Do you have an other question for me? Você tem alguma outra pergunta? Do you have any other questions for me? - +Você tem alguma outra pergunta? Do you have anything for me today? Você tem algo para mim hoje? Do you hear me?? - +Você me ouve? Do you want me to go see her in your place? - +Você quer que eu a veja eu seu lugar? Does somebody know a good place to look in Esperia? - M. Arpan - +Alguém conhece um bom lugar para olhar em Esperia? - M. Arpan Don't do do theee... *hick* with me eh! Não faça isss... *hick* comigo eh! @@ -270,34 +279,34 @@ Don't give the password of your room to anybody! Keep it secret and try not to u Don't try to poison me! I know what that does! - +Não tente me envenenar! Eu sei o que isso faz! DoorUpwards DoorUpwards Duty is calling me, *hic*, see you later dude. - +O dever me chama, *hic*, te vejo depois cara. Duty is calling me, *hic*, see you later honey. - +O dever me chama, *hic*, te vejo depois docinho. Eheh! - +Eheh! Ehoo - +Ehoo Elmo Elmo Elven Voice - +Voz Élfica Err, seriously, I just wanted to get to Artis, and I haven't got the money to pay for the ferry! Err, sério, eu só queria chegar em Artis e eu não tenho o dinheiro para pagar a passagem! Excuse me, but what did you say?? Speak louder!! - +Me desculpe, mas o que você disse? Fale mais alto! Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#0 Perdão, você sabe quem eu sou? @@ -306,16 +315,16 @@ Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#1 Perdão, você sabe quem eu sou? Fine! - +Ótimo! Fine, bye!! - +Ótimo, tchau!! From what I know, Gugli, my brother, needs the help of as many people as possible to collect all of the new things found on the island. Fungus - +Fungo Ggrmm grmmm... Ggrmm grmmm... @@ -327,43 +336,40 @@ Good job! Bom trabalho! Good to know. - +Bom saber. Good!! - +Bom! Good, good! Bom, bom! -Ground, - - Gugli - +Gugli Have you seen anything dangerous? - +Você viu alguma coisa perigosa? He he... OK, I'm going to the upper level and inform the captain. He he... Ok, eu estou indo lá em cima avisar o capitão. He is right in the bottom of the ship, you can't miss him!! - +Ele está bem na base do navio, você vai encontrá-lo facilmente! He told me nothing about that. Ele não me falou nada sobre isso. He's funny, it's not a problem. - +Ele é engraçado, isso não é um problema. Hear me *hick* well, what ever, whatididever you will*hick*said ab...euh..out wha?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it go to public. Escute-me *hick* bem, seja lá o que você venha a *hick* dizer ss... euh... obre ahhn? Você sabe, a guilda de espéria não vai deixar ir a público. Hehe, no. But I'm sure that a dude like you would like to meet a gentleman like me. - +Hehe, não. Mas eu tenho certeza que um cara como você gostaria de conhecer um cavalheiro como eu. Hehe, no. But I'm sure that a lady like you would love to meet a charmer like me! - +Hehe, não. Mas eu tenho certeza que uma lady como você gostaria de conhecer um charme como eu. Hehe, sometimes he gets his head in the clouds, You should go ask him about that. Hehe, às vezes ele fica com a cabeça nas núvens, você deveria perguntar isso a ele. @@ -372,25 +378,25 @@ Hehehe, he is a bit nervous, please excuse him, it's not everyday that we get a Hehehe, perdão, ele está um pouco nervoso, não é todo dia que nós recebemos um novo membro na tripulação! Hello dear! - +Olá querido! Hello sir! - +Olá senhor! Hello. - +Olá. Hello... Should I know you? - +Olá... Eu deveria te conhecer? Here they are. - +Aqui estão eles. Here's your reward! Aqui está sua recompensa! Hey - +Hey Hey Frenchy!#0 Hey Francezinha! @@ -399,10 +405,10 @@ Hey Frenchy!#1 Hey Francezinho! Hey Silvio, it's your turn to carry the package, go! - +Hey Silvio, é sua vez de carregar o pacote, vai! Hey hey - +Hey hey Hey you! Do you hear us? Are you okay? Hey você! Você pode nos ouvir? Você está bem? @@ -413,10 +419,10 @@ Hey você, me desculpe sair do quarto tão rapidamente, eu precisava... falar co Hey! Be careful. You can't stay in this basement for so long, you are going to get sick. Come outside and take a break, maybe you can try again later. Hey! Cuidado. Você não pode ficar neste porão por tanto tempo, você vai ficar doente. Venha para fora e descanse um pouco, talvez depois você possa tentar novamente. +Hey! Ehoo!! Hey! Ehoo!! - -Hey, don't worry about him, it's one the first days in a while we can chill. +Hey, don't worry about him, it's one of the first days in a long time that we can just chill out. Hey, girl! @@ -429,7 +435,7 @@ Hey, psst! You're not a sailor, right? Hey, psst! Você não é marinheiro, certo? Hey, you can't sleep here, it's my room. - +Hey, você não pode dormir aqui, este é meu quarto. Hey, you should go see Julia to be registered on the ship board. Hey, você deveria falar com a Julia para se registrar a bordo do navio. @@ -441,25 +447,25 @@ Hidden person Pessoa escondida Hidden person doesn't answer. - +A pessoa escondida não responde. How about I ask you to help the crew? It would mean that you're one of us, and that you will be able to get one of these hats. How are things going? - +Como andam as coisas? How do you know my name? - +Como você sabe meu nome? How is *hick* possible?? Como é *hick* possível?? How is it going cutie? - +Como você está bonitinha? How is it going dude? - +Como você está cara? I also watch for dangerous animals... @@ -471,7 +477,7 @@ I am, who are you?#0 I am, who are you?#0 I am, who are you?#1 - +Eu sou, quem é você? I beg you, please, pleeeease... Eu imploro, por favor, por favooooor... @@ -486,19 +492,19 @@ I don't have anything good for you today. Eu não tenho nada de bom para você. I don't know what to say... - +Eu não sei o que dizer... I don't need any help right now, come back later. - +Eu não preciso de ajuda agora, volte depois. I don't need your help right now, come back later. Eu não preciso da sua ajuda no momento, volte depois. I don't think that we are in a good place to talk about this... - +Eu acho que nós não estamos em um bom lugar para falar sobre isso... I don't understand!! - +Eu não entendo! I don't want this, give me something else. Eu não quero isso, traga outra coisa. @@ -507,7 +513,7 @@ I don't want to change my language, sorry. Perdão, eu não quero mudar minha linguagem. I feel better! - +Eu me sinto melhor! I feel ok.#0 Eu estou bem. @@ -516,13 +522,13 @@ I feel ok.#1 Eu estou bem. I forgot where it was. - +Eu me esqueci onde estava. I guess so... I will leave you alone. - +Eu acho... Eu vou te deixar a sós. I hope that answers your question... - +Espero que isso responda a sua pergunta... I hope that you don't mind that we used your raft to build this ramp. @@ -531,7 +537,7 @@ I know that you just came back from being sick, but I would like to ask of you a I like this answer! - +Eu gosto desta resposta! I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#0 Eu me enganei, gostaria de mudar minha linguagem. @@ -555,10 +561,10 @@ I only remember I was rescued by you.#1 Eu apenas me lembro que eu fui resgatado por você. I said see you later!! - +Eu disse te vejo depois! I said... Why don't you come down to talk?? - +Eu disse... Por que você não desce para conversar? I see it is not easy to get rid of those rattos. Do you want to try again? Vejo que não é fácil se livrar destes ratos. Você quer tentar novamente? @@ -597,19 +603,19 @@ I think I should report you to the crew members. Eu acho que eu deveria te denunciar para o pessoal do navio. I think that I'm done, I've got a box full of - +Eu acho que terminei, tenho uma caixa cheia de I think that I'm done, do you have a question now? - +Eu acho que eu terminei, você tem alguma pergunta? I think that I'm still a bit sick. - +Eu acho que ainda estou um pouco doente. I think that my wine is very good quality! I'm on my second bottle and I already... What were we talking about again? - +Eu acredito que meu vinho é de ótima qualidade! Eu estou na minha segunda garrafa e eu já... Sobre o que estávamos conversando mesmo? I was here when they rescued you!! - +Eu estava aqui quando te resgataram! I will give her everything she needs, don't worry. Eu vou dar tudo o que ela precisa, não se preocupe. @@ -630,34 +636,34 @@ I wonder too... Eu também me pergunto sobre isso... I would love to!! - +Eu adoraria! I'd like to catch one of them, but they are flying away when I try. Eu gostaria de pegar um deles, mas eles voam para longe quando eu tento. I'll look at it. - +Eu vou dar uma olhada. I'll share my berries with you, if you help me. Se você me ajudar eu compartilho minhas berries com você. I'm a bit sick.#0 - +Eu estou um pouco doente. I'm a bit sick.#1 - +Eu estou um pouco doente. I'm called - +Eu sou chamado I'm called Alige, and I've been hiding here for few weeks. Eu me chamo Alige e eu tenho me escondido aqui por algumas semanas. I'm doing fine!! - +Eu estou muito bem! I'm looking for Gugli, where is he? - +Estou procurando o Gugli, onde ele está? I'm losing my mind, I need something else to eat! Estou perdendo a cabeça, eu preciso comer algo diferente! @@ -666,56 +672,59 @@ I'm not that numb eeh *hick* what did ever you disco*hips*veeered there, the war Eu não sou tão eeh *hick* burro, seja lá o que você desco *hips* briu, a guilda guerreira não vai me pegar! I'm not.#0 - +Eu não sou. I'm not.#1 - +Eu não sou. I'm still in a coma, but my ghost is haunting you! - +Eu ainda estou em coma, mas meu fantasma já está te assombrando! I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them, but firstly I need to tell you the rules of proper social conduct on board. -I'm very happpy to see you're okay now! +I'm very happy to see you're okay now! If I saw *hick* who you wereee.... *hips* Would not have helped you! Se eu tivese visto *hick* quem você eeera.... *hips* Não teria te ajudado! -If you are looking for us there, mostl all of us will be at the Pedro's restaurant and in the INN for Silvio's case... +If you are looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the INN for Silvio's case... If you feel bored or like turning in circles, you may want to talk with the other sailors around here to get some tasks. If you find something then it's good!! - +Se você encontrar algo, então é ótimo! If you wish to read this page again, there is a copy up on the left wall. If you would like to open your inventory use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.#0 - +Se você quiser abrir seu inventário use a tecla F3 ou use o mouse para selecioná-lo no menu superior em seu cliente. If you would like to open your inventory use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the above menu in your client.#1 - +Se você quiser abrir seu inventário use a tecla F3 ou use o mouse para selecioná-lo no menu superior em seu cliente. In this cave, you see, I have lots of fun. Eu me divirto muito nesta caverna, como você pode perceber. Interesting... I'll leave you to your task then! - +Interessante... Eu vou te deixar com sua tarefa então! Is there a reward? - +Há algum prêmio? It makes sense, do you think we should inform the capt'n about it? Faz sentido, você acha que nós devemos informar o capitão sobre isso? -It was something like a long nap. +It seems that we are close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level. +It was something like a long nap. +Foi algo como um longo cochilo. + It'll be a good time for you to do some exercise, the ship isn't big enough for that. @@ -723,10 +732,10 @@ It's a commercial port of Andorra, it's weird that you don't know about it, it's É um porto comercial de Andorra. É estranho que você não saiba disso, trata-se de uma das cidades mais famosas do mundo... Mas hey oh, retornando ao assunto! Eu estou faminto! It's a nice place... There are some nice chicks... - +É um lugar ótimo... Tem uns bons chicks... It's good, good... I have a friend who is still in a coma, but I can't be with her without working... - +Bom, bom... Eu tenho uma amiga que ainda está em coma, mas eu não posso ficar com ela sem trabalhar... It's nice to see that you woke up and that you are ok, Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#0 É legal saber que você acordou e está ok, Elmo veio aqui me contar a boa notícia! @@ -738,16 +747,16 @@ It's ok, crew tasks are much more important than curiosity!! It's so hard to find the motivation... - +É tão difícil encontrar motivação... It's true! - +É verdade! It's where every merchant ship ends their travelling, and we won't be the exception! It's yours as well, right? - +É seu também, certo? Julia Julia @@ -770,6 +779,9 @@ Alface Magic Arpan Arpan Mágico +Max + + Maybe he was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior guild! Talvez ele seja parte do grupo que se perdeu no mês passado. O yoiis de Esperia que ganhou uma missão secreta da guilda guerreira! @@ -777,28 +789,25 @@ Maybe she was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that Talvez ela seja parte do grupo que se perdeu no mês passado. A yoiis de Esperia que ganhou uma missão secreta da guilda guerreira! Maybe you can come down to talk? - +Talvez você possa descer para conversar? Maybe you can look at this?? - +Você poderia dar uma olhada nisso? Mickael - - -Muller - +Mickael My beauty, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual! My friend, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual! +Sabe, eu não fui sempre um marinheiro, eu já fui um indivíduo importante! - -My name is Astapolos, Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. +My name is Astapolos, Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. My name is Julia, it's me who took care of you, when we found you in the sea. - +Meu nome é Julia, sou eu que tomei conta de você quando te encontramos no mar. NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#0 NÃO e *hick* NÃO, você e você e sua... *burp* estúpi*hick* guilda! @@ -810,7 +819,7 @@ Nard Nard Nard looks surprised and stops you. - +Nard parece surpreso e te interrompe. Narrator Narrador @@ -819,10 +828,10 @@ No problem, I can help you anyway. Sem problemas, eu posso te ajudar mesmo assim. No problem, do you have any other questions for me? - +Sem problemas, você tem alguma outra pergunta? No! - +Não! No, I can't, I just wanted to travel across the seas for fun. Não, eu não posso, eu só queria viajar pelos mares para me divertir. @@ -843,22 +852,22 @@ Nobody! *burp* Ninguém! *burp* None of them? - +Nenhum deles? Not to kill your dream, but... Julia is mine! - +Sem querer destruir seu sonho, mas... Julia é minha! Note - +Nota Nothing - +Nada Nothing else other than sharks and an odd light!! Nothing, I need to go! - +Nada, eu tenho que ir! Nothing, sorry. Nada, desculpe-me. @@ -873,27 +882,27 @@ Of course! Tell me which language you speak and I will change the note on the sh É claro! Diga-me qual lingua você fala e eu mudarei a nota na lista de bordo do navio. Of course, there is a reward for your task. - +É claro, há uma recompensa pela sua tarefa. Of course, they are on the left wall, go get a look at them. - +É claro, eles estão na parede à esquerda, vá dar uma olhada. Oh good! Did he give you your money back as well? Oh bom! Ele também deu seu dinheiro de volta? Oh look there!! - +Oh, olha lá! Oh look, there is a piou behind you. - +Oh, olhe, há um Piou atrás de você. Oh no, but I've noticed a weird light on the other edge of this island, I wonder what it can be... - +Oh não, mas eu percebi uma luz estranha na outra ponta da ilha, me pergunto o que poderá ser aquilo... Oh ok, I said nothing then. +Oh, ok, eu não disse nada então. - -Oh really? How could I forgot a topic as important as that? +Oh really? How could I forget a topic as important as that? Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#0 @@ -902,7 +911,7 @@ Oh, bem, nós te resgatamos quando você estava à deriva yayando no mar. Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#1 Oh, bem, nós te resgatamos quando você estava à deriva yayando no mar. -Oh well. I will aslo give you one of these hats from the box around you, but only after you complete your task! +Oh well. I will also give you one of these hats from the box around you, but only after you complete your task! Oh yeyeye, as they are not eatable, you can try to equip them!#0 @@ -915,7 +924,7 @@ Oh, I was going to ask you if you want to help the crew search for some food and Oh, and Olga from the market place as well! - +Oh, e a Olga do mercado também! Oh, and give her some basic clothes, the poor girl, the one she had was in even worse condition that the ones we have! Oh, e dê a ela algumas roupas básicas. Pobre coitada, as que ela tinha estavam em condições piores do que as nossas! @@ -930,25 +939,25 @@ Oh, he's still alive! Oh, ele ainda está vivo! Oh, hey you. - +Oh, hey você. Oh, it was nothing important! - +Oh, não era nada importante! Oh, it's you. - +Oh, é você. Oh, not everything, don't worry, but your name came up twice in the conversation. Oh, now that I remember, we've also found some money in your pockets, here it is!#0 - +Oh, agora que eu me lembrei, nós também encontramos um pouco de dinheiro em seu bolso, aqui está! Oh, now that I remember, we've also found some money in your pockets, here it is!#1 - +Oh, agora que eu me lembrei, nós também encontramos um pouco de dinheiro em seu bolso, aqui está! Oh, ok!! - +Oh, ok!! Oh, she's still alive! Oh, ela ainda está viva! @@ -957,10 +966,10 @@ Oh... Err, yes I did, or, well, good day to you! Oh... Err, sim, ou, bem... Bom dia para você! Ok, Done. - +Ok, pronto. Ok, I will leave him alone. - +Ok, eu vou deixá-lo em paz. Ok, I'll help you. Ok, eu vou te ajudar. @@ -975,7 +984,7 @@ Ok, be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the Ok, tenha só mais um pouco de paciência, nos próximos dias nós vamos chegar ao porto de Artis... Ok, but Gugli needs my help first. - +Ok, mas Gugli precisa de minha ajuda primeiro. Ok, ok. Come back if you change your mind. Ok, ok. Volte se mudar de idéia. @@ -993,17 +1002,23 @@ Okay, you can start! Ok, pode começar! On the edge of this island!! - +No limite desta ilha! Once the monster is dead, click with your mouse on the item to add the item he drops to your inventory or you can use the Z key to claim the drop as well. -Once your inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 +Once you are inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 -Once your inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#1 +Once you are inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#1 +Once your inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 +Quando estiver no seu inventário, você pode equipar um item selecionando e clicando em \"Equipar\". Alternativamente, você pode desequipar um item selecionando e clicando em \"Desequipar\". + +Once your inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#1 +Quando estiver no seu inventário, você pode equipar um item selecionando e clicando em \"Equipar\". Alternativamente, você pode desequipar um item selecionando e clicando em \"Desequipar\". + Orc Voice Voz de Orc @@ -1026,20 +1041,17 @@ Piberries Piberries Pink Blobime - +Blopime Rosa Pious legs Pernas de Pious Please don't touch these hats, they are for crew members only. - +Por favor, não encoste nestes chapéus, eles são apenas para membros da tripulação. Please, don't tell people that you've seen me, I don't want to be thrown to sea as food for sharks or decapitated, not again! Por favor, não saia dizendo que me viu, eu não quero ser jogado no mar como comida de tubarão ou ser decapitado, de novo não! -Quiet place, - - Raijin Voice Voz de Raijin @@ -1052,20 +1064,20 @@ RightBarrierCheck RightDoorCheck RightDoorCheck -Ronan -Ronan - Rrrr pchhhh... Rrrr pchhhh... Sailors Marinheiros -Sea Drop +Sapartan -She is a good friend of mine... We wanted to marry a few weeks before her accident but... +Sea Drop +Gotas do Mar +She is a good friend of mine... We wanted to marry a few weeks before her accident but... +Ela é uma boa amiga... Nós queriamos nos casar algumas semanas antes do seu acidente mas... She is on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She is the only girl in this crew, oh well, except for you now yeyeye! Ela está no andar de cima, yeye vai encontrá-la. Ela é a única garota da tripulação, oh, bem... além de você agora, yeyeye! @@ -1077,10 +1089,10 @@ She is the nurse and the shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent chef! She said that she will accept my application when Piou have teeth. It's just a matter of time, you see? - +Ela disse que ela vai aceitar minha inscrição quando Pious tiverem dentes. É só uma questão de tempo, sabe? Silvio - +Silvio Silvio starts to speak with his bottle, you leave the conversation. @@ -1095,40 +1107,40 @@ So we are looking for some new merchandise that we could trade at our next desti So what's up?? What are you doing?? - +Então, como é que é? O que você está fazendo? So you finally woke up? We all thought that you were in something like... You know, one of those long comas. So, do you have anything for me today? - +Então, você tem alguma coisa para mim hoje? So, how do you feel? I see that Julia did a marvelous job! You look like you're in good health now. - +Então, como você se sente? Vejo que Julia fez um ótimo trabalho! Você parece estar bem saudável agora. So, how is it going? Did you meet any other crew members yet? Então, como está? Já conheceu os outros membros da tripulação? So, what was I saying? - +Então, o que eu estava dizendo? So, what's your name?? - +Então, qual o seu nome? So, which good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet me? Or because you've heard of my feats on Artis? So, which good wind brought you here? Were you on your raft to meet my Julia? Or because you wanted to see the beautiful waitress' at Artis? - +Bom saber. Some Bandanas and Sailor Hats are inside this box. - +Algumas bandanas e chapeus de marinheiros estão dentro desta caixa. Some more things are written down but it's not legible. - +Há mais coisas escritas, mas não está legível. Some other strings are added to this page. - +Algumas linhas foram adicionadas a esta página. Some sailors are trying to talk to you.. Alguns marinheiros estão tentando falar com você... @@ -1148,16 +1160,16 @@ Me desculpe, não estou no clima para mais uma luta com aqueles ratos. Suddenly, you hear a voice from the sky. De repente você ouve uma voz vinda do céu. -Sunny and hot day, - - Sure, Cap'tain. Claro Capitão! Take a Bandana - +Tome uma bandana Take a nap +Tirar uma soneca. + +Tarlan Thank you so much! Here, have some berries... @@ -1173,25 +1185,25 @@ Thanks for helping me! Obrigado por me ajudar! That's a nice name!! - +Esse é um belo nome! That's right. - +Correto. The door is closed. - +A porta está fechada. The elven from the library has tilted on me a while ago, as well as Enora from the warrior guild. The fear to see her sleeping on this quiet and lonely bed is becoming more and more unbearable, I think that I won't get the bravery to see her this time... - +O medo de vê-la dormindo nesta cama quieta e solitária está se tornando insuportável. Eu acho que eu não terei a coragem de vê-la desta vez... The giant boogeyman! - +O bicho-papão gigante! The sailor chugs his beer. - +O marinheiro engole sua cerveja. The sailor is turning his back to you. O marinheiro está virando de costas para você. @@ -1206,28 +1218,28 @@ There are still some rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest? Ainda sobraram alguns Rattos! Você quer abortar a missão? There is a nice place to stay beside you. - +Ao seu lado há um bom lugar para ficar. There is a paper with some rules written on it. - +Há um papel com algumas regras escritas. There is nothing to say, don't worry miss. - +Não há nada a ser dito, não se preocupe senhorita. There is nothing to say, don't worry sir. - +Não há nada a dizer, não se preocupe senhor. There is some flying yellow plush around you, they're called pious. Getting a roasted leg of one of them would be perfect. Há algumas pelúcias amarelas voadoras ao seu redor, elas são chamadas pious. Umas perninhas assadas de alguns deles seria perfeito! This box is locked - +Esta caixa está trancada This box is locked. Esta caixa está trancada. This door seems locked. - +Esta porta parece estar trancada. This girl is lucky that we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where this came from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft? Essa garota teve sorte de ter sido encontrada por nós e não por um tubarão. Eu não faço idéia de onde ela veio. Por sinal, você viu o logotipo na jangada em que ela estava? @@ -1254,16 +1266,16 @@ Tritan Voice Voz de Tritão We are in need of manpower on the island. - +Nós precisamos de mão de obra na ilha. We are in need of manpower on the island... Oh excuse me, women are also welcome! - +Nós precisamos de mão de obra na ilha... Oh, mulheres também são bem vindas! We made a stop at a little island, before making it to the port of Artis. We need as many hands as possible to explore the island out there, and to get some new food. - +Nós precisamos do maior número possível de pessoas para explorar a ilha e para pegar comida. We should be there in a few days, once we arrive, I will warn the warrior guild about what happened, I'm sure they can help. @@ -1281,7 +1293,7 @@ We usually don't stop in such places, but Capt'ain let us stay here while he wri We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there. - +Nós estaremos yayando por lá em alguns dias, então nós o deixaremos lá. What am I suposed to say? O que eu devo dizer? @@ -1296,19 +1308,19 @@ What are you talking about? Which guild? Sobre o que você está falando? Qual guilda? What did you say?? - +O que você disse? What do you need? - +O que você precisa? What do you think? - +O que você acha? What do you want today? O que vai querer hoje? What do you wish to do? - +O que você gostaria de fazer? What happened to me? O que aconteceu comigo? @@ -1326,10 +1338,10 @@ What yeye could I do for you today? Qual yeye eu poderia fazer por você hoje? What's the deal with these Aquada? - +Qual é o negócio com esses Aquada? What? It's not a good reward? - +O quê? Não é uma boa recompensa? What? This reward is too small! O quê? Essa recompensa é muito pequena! @@ -1347,13 +1359,13 @@ Where can I find some food? Onde eu posso encontrar comida? Which one? - +Qual? Who are you? Quem é você? Who is she? - +Quem é ela? Who is this Julia? Quem é essa Julia? @@ -1368,7 +1380,7 @@ Why are you hiding? Por que você está se escondendo? Why don't you come down to talk? - +Por que não desce para conversar? Why don't you go outside? Por que você não sai e vem aqui fora? @@ -1377,18 +1389,18 @@ Why not, I need to train anyway. Por que não? Eu precisava treinar mesmo. Why not, I've got plenty of free time. - +Por que não? Eu tenho muito tempo livre. Why not... but, who are you? Por que não... mas quem é você? Why? +Por quê? - -Yaya, you should go see her! She willmes be happy to see you.#0 +Yaya, you should go see her! She will be happy to see you.#0 -Yaya, you should go see her! She willmes be happy to see you.#1 +Yaya, you should go see her! She will be happy to see you.#1 Yayayaya, for the first time someone is dressed worse then us! @@ -1407,13 +1419,13 @@ Yes he did. Sim, ele fez isso. Yes! - +Sim! Yes, Arpan gave me these clothes. Sim, Arpan me deu estas roupas. Yes, it's a chest! - +Sim, é uma arca! Yes, please! Sim, por favor! @@ -1443,22 +1455,22 @@ Yeye. Yeye. You already took a Bandana, put this one back please. - +Você já pegou uma bandana, devolva esta por favor. You are full of wine, my friend... Meu caro, você está cheio de vinho... You are now part of the crew! Thanks again for your help. - +Você agora é parte da tripulação! Obrigado novamente por ajudar. You are on a raft, adrift in the sea. Você está em uma jangada, à deriva em alto mar. You are on our ship, we made port to a little island and we are actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#0 - +Você está em nosso navio, nós embarcamos em uma pequena ilha e estamos yeyando nossa longa aventura em direção à cidade de Artis. You are on our ship, we made port to a little island and we are actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure at the city of Artis.#1 - +Você está em nosso navio, nós embarcamos em uma pequena ilha e estamos yeyando nossa longa aventura em direção à cidade de Artis. You can attack a monster by clicking on it or from your keyboard you can press the A key to select the monster followed by 'Ctrl' to attack it. @@ -1467,7 +1479,7 @@ You can't go there! Você não pode entrar aí! You close your eyes a few seconds... - +Você fecha seus olhos por alguns segundos... You could meet some of the other sailors this way, and... Getting this hat of course, will be a sign of you becoming part of our crew. @@ -1476,27 +1488,27 @@ You don't remember anything before this. Você não se lembra de nada antes disso. You have very bad amnesia. - +Você tem um caso sério de amnésia. You honor me beauty, but I'm already taken by Julia! You like these hats, right? - +Você gosta destes chapéus, certo? You mentioned the quality of your wine - +Você mencionou a qualidade de seu vinho. You need to walk north!! - +Você precisa caminhar rumo ao norte! You receive 25GP! - +Você recebeu 25GP! You see some items in the box. Take them out? Você vê alguns itens em uma caixa. Pegá-los? -You see these pious around? It seems that we are close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level. +You see these Pious around? You should go and get some sleep. @@ -1509,13 +1521,13 @@ You should look at them once we arrive at the port, they are worth it, eheh. You should try to kill some Tortugas, or some Croc if you're strong enough. - +Você deveria tentar matar algumas tortugas, ou alguns Crocs, se você for forte o suficiente. You still got a few days before we arrive at the port, maybe you can learn something from them? Você ainda tem alguns dias antes de chegarmos ao porto, talvez você possa aprender alguma coisa com eles. You still haven't completed your task. - +Você ainda não completou sua tarefa. You stupid, he's english, look at the shape of the head. @@ -1524,40 +1536,40 @@ You stupid, she's english, look at the shape of the head. You told me that you 'were' important. - +Você me disse que você \"era\" importante. You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here...*hick* Or there.... Você tentou se livrar de mim, ehh?? Mas surpresa! Eu ainda estou aqui... *hick* Ou lá... You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#0 - +Você estava muito mal, você deveria agradecer por termos te achado antes de ser morta pelo mar. You were in bad shape, you should be happy we found you before the sea killed you.#1 - +Você estava muito mal, você deveria agradecer por termos te achado antes de ser morto pelo mar. You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to heal your injuries.#0 - +Você estava dormindo yayada por um bom tempo. Julia estava aqui com você, ela fez o possível para curar seus ferimentos. You were yaying sleeping for quite some time there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to heal your injuries.#1 - +Você estava dormindo yayado por um bom tempo. Julia estava aqui com você, ela fez o possível para curar seus ferimentos. You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the warrior guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea! You're on a ship, we're on our way to the commercial capital of Artis. - +Você está em um navio, nós estamos a caminho da capital comercial de Artis. You're right, it's about Julia. - +Você tem razão, é sobre Julia. You're right, it's about you. - +Você tem razão, é sobre você. You?? Here?? Você?? Aqui?? Your position is saved. - +Sua posição foi salva. Zzzzzzzzzz Zzzzzzzzzz diff --git a/langs/lang_ru.old b/langs/lang_ru.old index 1d1c4fe4..7d74e384 100644 --- a/langs/lang_ru.old +++ b/langs/lang_ru.old @@ -112,6 +112,9 @@ Open your inventory (F3 key), select the clothes one by one and equip them.#0 Open your inventory (F3 key), select the clothes one by one and equip them.#1 Открой свой инвентарь (клавиша F3), выбери каждый элемент одежды и одень его. +Ronan +Ронан + She is the nurse and the shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent cook! Она медсестра и управляющий этого корабля, а еще - превосходный повар! diff --git a/langs/lang_ru.txt b/langs/lang_ru.txt index 4327195f..bd24c763 100644 --- a/langs/lang_ru.txt +++ b/langs/lang_ru.txt @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online ... ... -1. Do not bot, this means that you won't run any automated tasks (Also included keyboard tricks). Any away from keyboard activity is considereted botting does not include standing still) +1. Do not bot, this means that you won't run any automated tasks (Also included keyboard tricks). Any away from keyboard activity is considered botting does not include standing still) 2, Do not spam (includes trade spam) @@ -26,6 +26,15 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online @@ is helping me. @@ мне помогает. +A Ground! + + +A Quiet place, + + +A Sunny and hot day, + + A few moments ago, I heard your conversation with Darlin. @@ -335,9 +344,6 @@ Good!! Good, good! Прекрасно, прекрасно! -Ground, - - Gugli @@ -416,7 +422,7 @@ Hey! Be careful. You can't stay in this basement for so long, you are going to g Hey! Ehoo!! -Hey, don't worry about him, it's one the first days in a while we can chill. +Hey, don't worry about him, it's one of the first days in a long time that we can just chill out. Hey, girl! @@ -677,13 +683,13 @@ I'm still in a coma, but my ghost is haunting you! I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them, but firstly I need to tell you the rules of proper social conduct on board. -I'm very happpy to see you're okay now! +I'm very happy to see you're okay now! If I saw *hick* who you wereee.... *hips* Would not have helped you! Если бы *ик* знал кто ты такооо... *ик* Не помогал бы тебе! -If you are looking for us there, mostl all of us will be at the Pedro's restaurant and in the INN for Silvio's case... +If you are looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the INN for Silvio's case... If you feel bored or like turning in circles, you may want to talk with the other sailors around here to get some tasks. @@ -713,6 +719,9 @@ Is there a reward? It makes sense, do you think we should inform the capt'n about it? Это меняет дело. Как ты думаешь, стоит сообщить об этом капитану? +It seems that we are close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level. + + It was something like a long nap. @@ -770,6 +779,9 @@ Lettuce Magic Arpan Маг Арпан +Max + + Maybe he was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior guild! Может, он из тех, кто потерялся в прошлом месяце? Йоис из Эспирии, у которого есть секретное задание Гильдии Воинов! @@ -785,16 +797,13 @@ Maybe you can look at this?? Mickael -Muller - - My beauty, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual! My friend, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual! -My name is Astapolos, Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. +My name is Astapolos, Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. My name is Julia, it's me who took care of you, when we found you in the sea. @@ -893,7 +902,7 @@ Oh no, but I've noticed a weird light on the other edge of this island, I wonder Oh ok, I said nothing then. -Oh really? How could I forgot a topic as important as that? +Oh really? How could I forget a topic as important as that? Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#0 @@ -902,7 +911,7 @@ Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#0 Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#1 Ну, мы спасли тебя, когда ты йайал на плоту по течению в море. -Oh well. I will aslo give you one of these hats from the box around you, but only after you complete your task! +Oh well. I will also give you one of these hats from the box around you, but only after you complete your task! Oh yeyeye, as they are not eatable, you can try to equip them!#0 @@ -998,6 +1007,12 @@ On the edge of this island!! Once the monster is dead, click with your mouse on the item to add the item he drops to your inventory or you can use the Z key to claim the drop as well. +Once you are inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 + + +Once you are inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#1 + + Once your inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 @@ -1037,9 +1052,6 @@ Please don't touch these hats, they are for crew members only. Please, don't tell people that you've seen me, I don't want to be thrown to sea as food for sharks or decapitated, not again! Пожалуйста, не говори никому, что ты видел меня, я не хочу, чтобы меня выбросили за борт на корм акулам! -Quiet place, - - Raijin Voice Голос раджина @@ -1052,15 +1064,15 @@ RightBarrierCheck RightDoorCheck RightDoorCheck -Ronan -Ронан - Rrrr pchhhh... Хррр пшшшш... Sailors Моряки +Sapartan + + Sea Drop Капли морской воды @@ -1148,9 +1160,6 @@ Sorry, I am not in the mood for another fight with those rattos. Suddenly, you hear a voice from the sky. Внезапно ты слышишь голос с неба. -Sunny and hot day, - - Sure, Cap'tain. Конечно, Капитан. @@ -1160,6 +1169,9 @@ Take a Bandana Take a nap Вздремнуть +Tarlan + + Thank you so much! Here, have some berries... Огромное тебе спасибо! Вот, возьми немного ягод... @@ -1245,7 +1257,7 @@ This is a sea fruit, but some sea monsters may have them as well. This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on her. -Такие разговоры наказуемы, но я соглашусь, что тоже не очень их люблю, так что приглядывай за ней. +За такие разговоры может влететь... но, признаться, я тоже не в восторге от этих ребят. Так что приглядывай за ней. This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on him. За такие разговоры может влететь... но, признаться, я тоже не в восторге от этих ребят. Так что приглядывай за ним. @@ -1385,10 +1397,10 @@ Why not... but, who are you? Why? -Yaya, you should go see her! She willmes be happy to see you.#0 +Yaya, you should go see her! She will be happy to see you.#0 -Yaya, you should go see her! She willmes be happy to see you.#1 +Yaya, you should go see her! She will be happy to see you.#1 Yayayaya, for the first time someone is dressed worse then us! @@ -1496,7 +1508,7 @@ You receive 25GP! You see some items in the box. Take them out? Ты видишь вещи в ящике. Взять их? -You see these pious around? It seems that we are close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level. +You see these Pious around? You should go and get some sleep. diff --git a/langs/lang_vls.old b/langs/lang_vls.old index 5f1b5e5a..78ed6b6d 100644 --- a/langs/lang_vls.old +++ b/langs/lang_vls.old @@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ Open't ui inventory (F3 knopke), klikt ip de kler'n eentje me ne kjè en droag z Open your inventory (F3 key), select the clothes one by one and equip them.#1 Open't ui inventory (F3 knopke), klikt ip de kler'n eentje me ne kjè en droag ze. +Ronan +Ronan + She is the nurse and the shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent cook! Z' es de verpleegster en d' 'uishoudster van 't skip, en oak ne goei'n kok! diff --git a/langs/lang_vls.txt b/langs/lang_vls.txt index d8949d08..4932ad2e 100644 --- a/langs/lang_vls.txt +++ b/langs/lang_vls.txt @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online ... -1. Do not bot, this means that you won't run any automated tasks (Also included keyboard tricks). Any away from keyboard activity is considereted botting does not include standing still) +1. Do not bot, this means that you won't run any automated tasks (Also included keyboard tricks). Any away from keyboard activity is considered botting does not include standing still) 2, Do not spam (includes trade spam) @@ -26,6 +26,15 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online @@ is helping me. @@ es mi an 't 'elp'n. +A Ground! + + +A Quiet place, + + +A Sunny and hot day, + + A few moments ago, I heard your conversation with Darlin. @@ -335,9 +344,6 @@ Good!! Good, good! Goe, goe! -Ground, - - Gugli @@ -416,7 +422,7 @@ Hey! Be careful. You can't stay in this basement for so long, you are going to g Hey! Ehoo!! -Hey, don't worry about him, it's one the first days in a while we can chill. +Hey, don't worry about him, it's one of the first days in a long time that we can just chill out. Hey, girl! @@ -677,13 +683,13 @@ I'm still in a coma, but my ghost is haunting you! I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them, but firstly I need to tell you the rules of proper social conduct on board. -I'm very happpy to see you're okay now! +I'm very happy to see you're okay now! If I saw *hick* who you wereee.... *hips* Would not have helped you! Moeste 'k ik gezien èn wie da j' woart... *hik* Zoe je nie geholp'n èn! -If you are looking for us there, mostl all of us will be at the Pedro's restaurant and in the INN for Silvio's case... +If you are looking for us there, mostly all of us will be at Pedro's restaurant and in the INN for Silvio's case... If you feel bored or like turning in circles, you may want to talk with the other sailors around here to get some tasks. @@ -713,6 +719,9 @@ Is there a reward? It makes sense, do you think we should inform the capt'n about it? Da zoe kunn'n klopp'n, peize d' je da we 't an de skipper moet'n zegg'n? +It seems that we are close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level. + + It was something like a long nap. @@ -770,6 +779,9 @@ Saloa Magic Arpan Magisch'n Arpan +Max + + Maybe he was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior guild! Meskien was 't ie een van die die vorige moand verdwen'n zin? Die yoiis van Esperia die 'n geheime missie èn gekreg'n van de soldoat'n guild! @@ -785,16 +797,13 @@ Maybe you can look at this?? Mickael -Muller - - My beauty, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual! My friend, I was not always a sailor, you know, I was once an important individual! -My name is Astapolos, Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. +My name is Astapolos, Q'Muller and I joined Nard's crew a few years ago when it was just a little merchant ship. My name is Julia, it's me who took care of you, when we found you in the sea. @@ -893,7 +902,7 @@ Oh no, but I've noticed a weird light on the other edge of this island, I wonder Oh ok, I said nothing then. -Oh really? How could I forgot a topic as important as that? +Oh really? How could I forget a topic as important as that? Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#0 @@ -902,7 +911,7 @@ ah, wel, w' èn ui gered toen da j' an 't yayaing driv'n woart in de zee. Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#1 ah, wel, w' èn ui gered toen da j' an 't yayaing driv'n woart in de zee. -Oh well. I will aslo give you one of these hats from the box around you, but only after you complete your task! +Oh well. I will also give you one of these hats from the box around you, but only after you complete your task! Oh yeyeye, as they are not eatable, you can try to equip them!#0 @@ -998,6 +1007,12 @@ On the edge of this island!! Once the monster is dead, click with your mouse on the item to add the item he drops to your inventory or you can use the Z key to claim the drop as well. +Once you are inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 + + +Once you are inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#1 + + Once your inside of your inventory, you may equip the item by selecting it and clicking 'Equip'. Alternately, you can unequip an item by selecting 'unequip' to remove it.#0 @@ -1037,9 +1052,6 @@ Please don't touch these hats, they are for crew members only. Please, don't tell people that you've seen me, I don't want to be thrown to sea as food for sharks or decapitated, not again! Goa j' 't nie zegg'n an mins'n da j' mi gezien eit, 'k wille nie in 't woater gesmet'n word'n of ontwoofd, nie nog ne kjè! -Quiet place, - - Raijin Voice Raijin Stemme @@ -1052,15 +1064,15 @@ RightBarrierCheck RightDoorCheck RightDoorCheck -Ronan -Ronan - Rrrr pchhhh... Rrrr pchhhh... Sailors Zeeman'n +Sapartan + + Sea Drop @@ -1148,9 +1160,6 @@ Sorry, 'k é gin goestinge vo nog 'n gevecht met die rattos. Suddenly, you hear a voice from the sky. Plots hoor d' je en stemme van den 'emel. -Sunny and hot day, - - Sure, Cap'tain. Moabajoak, skipper. @@ -1160,6 +1169,9 @@ Take a Bandana Take a nap +Tarlan + + Thank you so much! Here, have some berries... merci, merci! 'ier, en poar beskes... @@ -1385,10 +1397,10 @@ Vowa nie eh... moar, wie zi j' gie? Why? -Yaya, you should go see her! She willmes be happy to see you.#0 +Yaya, you should go see her! She will be happy to see you.#0 -Yaya, you should go see her! She willmes be happy to see you.#1 +Yaya, you should go see her! She will be happy to see you.#1 Yayayaya, for the first time someone is dressed worse then us! @@ -1496,7 +1508,7 @@ You receive 25GP! You see some items in the box. Take them out? Ge zie wa ding'n in en dooze. 'oal dj'z'd'erut? -You see these pious around? It seems that we are close to an island, we should take a look at the upper level. +You see these Pious around? You should go and get some sleep. -- cgit v1.2.3-70-g09d2