#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2014 Andrei Karas (4144) import os import re import sys from sets import Set interfaceRe = re.compile("struct (?P<name1>[a-z_]+)_interface (?P<name2>[a-z_]+)_s;") class Tracker: pass def searchDefault(r, ifname): defaultStr = "void {0}_defaults(void)".format(ifname); for line in r: if line.find(defaultStr) == 0: return True return False def searchStructStart(r, ifname): for line in r: if line.find("struct {0}_interface".format(ifname)) == 0: return True return False def readCFile(cFile): methods = Set() shortIfName = "" with open(cFile, "r") as r: for line in r: # print "cline1: " + line m = interfaceRe.search(line) if m != None and m.group("name1") == m.group("name2"): # found C file with interface ifname = m.group("name1") if searchDefault(r, ifname) == False: return (None, shortIfName, methods) lineRe = re.compile("(?P<ifname>[a-z_]+)->(?P<method>[\w_]+) ") for line in r: # print "cline2: " + line test = line.strip() if len(test) > 2 and test[0:2] == "//": continue if len(line) > 0 and line[0] == "}": break m = lineRe.search(line) if m != None: tmp = m.group("ifname") if len(tmp) < 2 or tmp[0] != ifname[0]: continue if shortIfName == "": shortIfName = m.group("ifname") # print "{2}: add {0}, from: {1}".format(m.group("method"), line, ifname) methods.add(m.group("method")) return (ifname, shortIfName, methods) return (None, shortIfName, methods) def readHFile(hFile, ifname): methods = Set() with open(hFile, "r") as r: if searchStructStart(r, ifname) == False: return methods lineRe = re.compile("[(][*](?P<method>[^)]+)[)]".format(ifname)) for line in r: # print "hline: " + line test = line.strip() if len(test) > 2 and test[0:2] == "//": continue if len(line) > 0 and line[0] == "}": break m = lineRe.search(line) if m != None: # print "{2}: add {0}, from: {1}".format(m.group("method"), line, ifname) methods.add(m.group("method")) return methods def checkIfFile(tracker, cFile, hFile): data = readCFile(cFile) cMethods = data[2] ifname = data[0] shortIfName = data[1] if len(cMethods) > 0: hMethods = readHFile(hFile, ifname) for method in hMethods: tracker.arr[ifname + "_" + method] = list() tracker.methods.add(ifname + "_" + method) if method not in cMethods: print "Missing initialisation in file {0}: {1}".format(cFile, method) tracker.retCode = 1 # for method in cMethods: # if method not in hMethods: # print "Extra method in file {0}: {1}".format(cFile, method) def processIfDir(tracker, srcDir): files = os.listdir(srcDir) for file1 in files: if file1[0] == '.' or file1 == "..": continue cPath = os.path.abspath(srcDir + os.path.sep + file1) if not os.path.isfile(cPath): processIfDir(tracker, cPath) else: if file1[-2:] == ".c": file2 = file1[:-2] + ".h" hPath = srcDir + os.path.sep + file2; if os.path.exists(hPath) and os.path.isfile(hPath): checkIfFile(tracker, cPath, hPath) def checkChr(ch): if (ch >= "a" and ch <= "z") or ch == "_" or (ch >= "0" and ch <= "9" or ch == "\"" or ch == ">"): return True return False def checkFile(tracker, cFile): print "Checking: " + cFile with open(cFile, "r") as r: for line in r: parts = re.findall(r'[\w_]+', line) for part in parts: if part in tracker.methods: idx = line.find(part) if idx > 0: if idx + len(part) >= len(line): continue if checkChr(line[idx + len(part)]): continue if checkChr(line[idx - 1]): continue if line[-1] == "\n": line = line[:-1] tracker.arr[part].append(line) def processDir(tracker, srcDir): files = os.listdir(srcDir) for file1 in files: if file1[0] == '.' or file1 == "..": continue cPath = os.path.abspath(srcDir + os.path.sep + file1) if not os.path.isfile(cPath): processDir(tracker, cPath) elif file1[-2:] == ".c" or file1[-2:] == ".h": # elif file1[-2:] == ".c": checkFile(tracker, cPath) def reportMethods(tracker): print "\n" for method in tracker.methods: if len(tracker.arr[method]) > 2: print method for t in tracker.arr[method]: print t print "\n" tracker = Tracker() tracker.arr = dict() tracker.methods = Set() tracker.retCode = 0 if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "silent": processIfDir(tracker, "../src/char"); processIfDir(tracker, "../src/map"); processIfDir(tracker, "../src/login"); processIfDir(tracker, "../src/common"); else: print "Checking initerfaces initialisation" processIfDir(tracker, "../src/char"); processIfDir(tracker, "../src/map"); processIfDir(tracker, "../src/login"); processIfDir(tracker, "../src/common"); print "Checking interfaces usage" processDir(tracker, "../src/char"); processDir(tracker, "../src/map"); processDir(tracker, "../src/login"); processDir(tracker, "../src/common"); reportMethods(tracker) exit(tracker.retCode)