#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf8 -*- # # This file is part of Hercules. # http://herc.ws - http://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules # # Copyright (C) 2015 Hercules Dev Team # Copyright (C) 2015 Andrei Karas (4144) # # Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # This Script converts mob_db.txt to mob_db.conf format import os import re import sys comaSplit = re.compile(",") def printHeader(): print("""mob_db: ( // Mobs Database // /****************************************************************************** ************* Entry structure ************************************************ ****************************************************************************** { // =================== Mandatory fields =============================== Id: ID (int) SpriteName: "SPRITE_NAME" (string) Name: "Mob name" (string) // =================== Optional fields ================================ Lv: level (int, defaults to 1) Hp: health (int, defaults to 1) Sp: mana (int, defaults to 0) Exp: basic experience (int, defaults to 0) JExp: job experience (int, defaults to 0) AttackRange: attack range (int, defaults to 1) Attack: [attack1, attack2] (int, defaults to 0) Def: defence (int, defaults to 0) Mdef: magic defence (int, defaults to 0) Stats: { Str: strength (int, defaults to 0) Agi: agility (int, defaults to 0) Vit: vitality (int, defaults to 0) Int: intelligence (int, defaults to 0) Dex: dexterity (int, defaults to 0) Luk: luck (int, defaults to 0) } ViewRange: view range (int, defaults to 1) ChaseRange: chase range (int, defaults to 1) Size: size (int, defaults to 1) Race: race (int, defaults to 0) Element: (type, level) Mode: { CanMove: true/false (bool) Looter: true/false (bool) Aggressive: true/false (bool) Assist: true/false (bool) CastSensorIdle:true/false (bool) Boss: true/false (bool) Plant: true/false (bool) CanAttack: true/false (bool) Detector: true/false (bool) CastSensorChase: true/false (bool) ChangeChase: true/false (bool) Angry: true/false (bool) ChangeTargetMelee: true/false (bool) ChangeTargetChase: true/false (bool) TargetWeak: true/false (bool) } MoveSpeed: move speed (int, defaults to 0) AttackDelay: attack delay (int, defaults to 4000) AttackMotion: attack motion (int, defaults to 2000) DamageMotion: damage motion (int, defaults to 0) MvpExp: mvp experience (int, defaults to 0) MvpDrops: { AegisName: chance (string: int) ... } Drops: { AegisName: chance (string: int) ... } }, ******************************************************************************/ """) def printFooter(): print(")") def printField(name, value): print("\t{0}: {1}".format(name, value)) def printField2(name, value): print("\t\t{0}: {1}".format(name, value)) def printFieldCond2(cond, name): if cond != 0: print("\t\t{0}: true".format(name)) def printFieldArr(name, value, value2): print("\t{0}: [{1}, {2}]".format(name, value, value2)) def printFieldStr(name, value): print("\t{0}: \"{1}\"".format(name, value)) def startGroup(name): print("\t{0}: {{".format(name)) def endGroup(): print("\t}") def printHelp(): print("MobDB converter from txt to conf format") print("Usage:") print(" mobdbconverter.py re serverpath dbfilepath") print(" mobdbconverter.py pre-re serverpath dbfilepath") print("Usage for read from stdin:") print(" mobdbconverter.py re dbfilepath") def isHaveData(fields, start, cnt): for f in range(0, cnt): value = fields[start + f * 2] chance = fields[start + f * 2] if value == "" or value == "0" or chance == "" or chance == "0": continue return True return False def convertFile(inFile, itemDb): if inFile != "" and not os.path.exists(inFile): return if inFile == "": r = sys.stdin else: r = open(inFile, "r") printHeader() for line in r: if line.strip() == "": continue if len(line) < 5 or line[:2] == "//": print(line) continue fields = comaSplit.split(line) if len(fields) != 57: print(line) continue for f in range(0, len(fields)): fields[f] = fields[f].strip() print("{") printField("Id", fields[0]) printFieldStr("SpriteName", fields[1]) printFieldStr("Name", fields[2]) printField("Lv", fields[4]) printField("Hp", fields[5]) printField("Sp", fields[6]) printField("Exp", fields[7]) printField("JExp", fields[8]) printField("AttackRange", fields[9]) printFieldArr("Attack", fields[10], fields[11]) printField("Def", fields[12]) printField("Mdef", fields[13]) startGroup("Stats") printField2("Str", fields[14]) printField2("Agi", fields[15]) printField2("Vit", fields[16]) printField2("Int", fields[17]) printField2("Dex", fields[18]) printField2("Luk", fields[19]) endGroup() printField("ViewRange", fields[20]) printField("ChaseRange", fields[21]) printField("Size", fields[22]) printField("Race", fields[23]) print("\tElement: ({0}, {1})".format(int(fields[24]) % 10, int(fields[24]) / 20)); mode = int(fields[25], 0) if mode != 0: startGroup("Mode") printFieldCond2(mode & 0x0001, "CanMove") printFieldCond2(mode & 0x0002, "Looter") printFieldCond2(mode & 0x0004, "Aggressive") printFieldCond2(mode & 0x0008, "Assist") printFieldCond2(mode & 0x0010, "CastSensorIdle") printFieldCond2(mode & 0x0020, "Boss") printFieldCond2(mode & 0x0040, "Plant") printFieldCond2(mode & 0x0080, "CanAttack") printFieldCond2(mode & 0x0100, "Detector") printFieldCond2(mode & 0x0200, "CastSensorChase") printFieldCond2(mode & 0x0400, "ChangeChase") printFieldCond2(mode & 0x0800, "Angry") printFieldCond2(mode & 0x1000, "ChangeTargetMelee") printFieldCond2(mode & 0x2000, "ChangeTargetChase") printFieldCond2(mode & 0x4000, "TargetWeak") printFieldCond2(mode & 0x8000, "LiveWithoutMaster") endGroup() printField("MoveSpeed", fields[26]) printField("AttackDelay", fields[27]) printField("AttackMotion", fields[28]) printField("DamageMotion", fields[29]) printField("MvpExp", fields[30]) if isHaveData(fields, 31, 3): startGroup("MvpDrops") for f in range(0, 3): value = fields[31 + f * 2] chance = fields[32 + f * 2] if value == "" or value == "0" or chance == "" or chance == "0": continue value = int(value) if value not in itemDb: print("// Error: mvp drop with id {0} not found in item_db.conf".format(value)) else: printField2(itemDb[value], chance) endGroup() if isHaveData(fields, 37, 10): startGroup("Drops") for f in range(0, 10): value = fields[37 + f * 2] chance = fields[38 + f * 2] if value == "" or value == "0" or chance == "" or chance == "0": continue value = int(value) if value not in itemDb: print("// Error: drop with id {0} not found in item_db.conf".format(value)) else: printField2(itemDb[value], chance) endGroup() print("},") printFooter() if inFile != "": r.close() def readItemDB(inFile, itemDb): itemId = 0 itemName = "" started = False with open(inFile, "r") as r: for line in r: line = line.strip() if started == True: if line == "},": started = False elif line[:10] == "AegisName:": itemName = line[12:-1] elif line[:3] == "Id:": try: itemId = int(line[4:]) except: started = False if itemId != 0 and itemName != "": # was need for remove wrong characters # itemName = itemName.replace(".", "") # if itemName[0] >= "0" and itemName[0] <= "9": # itemName = "Num" + itemName itemDb[itemId] = itemName started = False else: if line == "{": started = True itemId = 0 itemName = "" return itemDb if len(sys.argv) != 4 and len(sys.argv) != 3: printHelp(); exit(1) startPath = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) == 4: sourceFile = sys.argv[3] else: sourceFile = ""; itemDb = dict() if sys.argv[1] == "re": itemDb = readItemDB(startPath + "/db/re/item_db.conf", itemDb) itemDb = readItemDB(startPath + "/db/item_db2.conf", itemDb) elif sys.argv[1] == "pre-re": itemDb = readItemDB(startPath + "/db/pre-re/item_db.conf", itemDb) itemDb = readItemDB(startPath + "/db/item_db2.conf", itemDb) else: printHelp(); exit(1) convertFile(sourceFile, itemDb)