-- This file is part of Hercules. -- http://herc.ws - http://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules -- -- Copyright (C) 2014-2020 Hercules Dev Team -- -- Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. -- Base Author: Dastgir @ http://herc.ws -- -- This script requires lua 5.1 to run. getmetatable('').__call = string.sub require('math') --Bit Operators local tab = { -- tab[i][j] = xor(i-1, j-1) {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, }, {1, 0, 3, 2, 5, 4, 7, 6, 9, 8, 11, 10, 13, 12, 15, 14, }, {2, 3, 0, 1, 6, 7, 4, 5, 10, 11, 8, 9, 14, 15, 12, 13, }, {3, 2, 1, 0, 7, 6, 5, 4, 11, 10, 9, 8, 15, 14, 13, 12, }, {4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 12, 13, 14, 15, 8, 9, 10, 11, }, {5, 4, 7, 6, 1, 0, 3, 2, 13, 12, 15, 14, 9, 8, 11, 10, }, {6, 7, 4, 5, 2, 3, 0, 1, 14, 15, 12, 13, 10, 11, 8, 9, }, {7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, }, {8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, }, {9, 8, 11, 10, 13, 12, 15, 14, 1, 0, 3, 2, 5, 4, 7, 6, }, {10, 11, 8, 9, 14, 15, 12, 13, 2, 3, 0, 1, 6, 7, 4, 5, }, {11, 10, 9, 8, 15, 14, 13, 12, 3, 2, 1, 0, 7, 6, 5, 4, }, {12, 13, 14, 15, 8, 9, 10, 11, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, }, {13, 12, 15, 14, 9, 8, 11, 10, 5, 4, 7, 6, 1, 0, 3, 2, }, {14, 15, 12, 13, 10, 11, 8, 9, 6, 7, 4, 5, 2, 3, 0, 1, }, {15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, }, } function bxor (a,b) local res, c = 0, 1 while a > 0 and b > 0 do local a2, b2 = math.fmod(a, 16), math.fmod(b, 16) res = res + tab[a2+1][b2+1]*c a = (a-a2)/16 b = (b-b2)/16 c = c*16 end res = res + a*c + b*c return res end local ff = 2^32 - 1 function bnot (a) return (ff - a) end function band (a,b) return ((a+b) - bxor(a,b))/2 end function bor (a,b) return (ff - band(ff - a, ff - b)) end function default_value(input,default) if (input==nil) then return default else return input end end print("-----------------------------------------------------------------") print("----------------- item_*.txt to ItemDB.conf --------------------") print("------------------- By Dastgir[Hercules] ------------------------") print("-----------------------------------------------------------------") if (arg[1]==nil) then --If any argument is missing, error print("Invalid Command:") print('Usage: item_merge.lua' ..' {item_db.conf}' ..' {item_trade.txt}' ..' {item_buyingstore.txt}' ..' {item_delay.txt}' ..' {item_nouse.txt}' ..' {item_stack.txt}' ..' {item_avail.txt}' ..' {output.conf}' --..' {sql_update_file.sql}' ) print("","If you have default names of *.txt files, then just run this tool") print("","","","\"item_merge.lua item_db.conf\"") os.exit() end arg[2] = default_value(arg[2],"item_trade.txt") arg[3] = default_value(arg[3],"item_buyingstore.txt") arg[4] = default_value(arg[4],"item_delay.txt") arg[5] = default_value(arg[5],"item_nouse.txt") arg[6] = default_value(arg[6],"item_stack.txt") arg[7] = default_value(arg[7],"item_avail.txt") arg[8] = default_value(arg[8],string.sub(arg[1],1,-6).."_converted.conf") function replace_char(pos, str, r) return str:sub(1, pos-1) .. r .. str:sub(pos+1) end function ltrim(trb) return (trb:gsub("^%s*", "")) end function file_exists(name) local f=io.open(name,"r") if f~=nil then io.close(f) return true else return false end end function d_t_s_quotes(s) --Double Quotes to Single Quotes and Comment Replacer s = s:gsub('\\\\',"\\") --Replace Lua Comments to C Style s = s:gsub('%-%-%[%[', '/%*') s = s:gsub("%-%-%]%]", '%*/') local newline = ParseCSVLine(s,"\n") if (#newline==0) then newline[1] = s end for i=1,#newline do if(string.sub(ltrim(newline[i]),1,2)=="--") then newline[i] = newline[i]:gsub("%-%-", '//', 1) end end s = MergeCSVLine(newline) return s end function st_fill_zero(s) --Fill remaining zero in Job Field of item_db zeros = "" if (s:len()>=8) then return s else for i=1,(8-s:len()) do zeros = zeros.."0" end zeros = zeros..""..s end --print(s:len(),zeros) return zeros end function newline(s,a) --Add Newline to Scripts Field if ((#(ParseCSVLine(s,"\n"))) > 1) then if(a==1) then return "\n" else return "\n\t" end else return "" end end function MergeCSVLine(linetbl) local merged_tbl = "" for j=1,#linetbl do if (j==#linetbl) then merged_tbl = merged_tbl..linetbl[j] else merged_tbl = merged_tbl..linetbl[j].."\n" end end return merged_tbl end function ParseCSVLine (line,sep) --Parse CSV for itemdb_*.txt fields local res = {} local pos = 1 sep = sep or ',' while true do local c = string.sub(line,pos,pos) if (c == "") then break end if (c == '"') then local txt = "" repeat local startp,endp = string.find(line,'^%b""',pos) txt = txt..string.sub(line,startp+1,endp-1) pos = endp + 1 c = string.sub(line,pos,pos) if (c == '"') then txt = txt..'"' end until (c ~= '"') table.insert(res,txt) assert(c == sep or c == "") pos = pos + 1 else local startp,endp = string.find(line,sep,pos) if (startp) then table.insert(res,string.sub(line,pos,startp-1)) pos = endp + 1 else table.insert(res,string.sub(line,pos)) break end end end return res end function deepcopy(orig) --Copy one table to other local orig_type = type(orig) local copy if orig_type == 'table' then copy = {} for orig_key, orig_value in next, orig, nil do copy[deepcopy(orig_key)] = deepcopy(orig_value) end setmetatable(copy, deepcopy(getmetatable(orig))) else -- number, string, boolean, etc copy = orig end return copy end function parse_line(line2,typl) --1=trade line_number = line_number+1 csv = ParseCSVLine(line2,",") csv1 = ParseCSVLine(csv[1],"\t") csv2 = ParseCSVLine(csv[1]," ") csv4 = tonumber(csv1[1]) if (csv4==nil) then csv4 = csv2[1] if (csv4 == nil) then csv4 = csv[1] end end k=tonumber(csv4) if (typl==3) then if (item_db2[k] ~= nil) then item_db2[k].BuyingStore = true --sql_update = sql_update.."UPDATE `item_db` SET `buyingstore` = 1 WHERE `id`="..csv4..";\n" end return end if (#csv<1) then return end k=tonumber(csv4) if (item_db2[k]~=nil) then if(typl>1 and typl~=3 and typl~=4 and typl~=7) then m=3 else m=2 end csv1 = ParseCSVLine(csv[m],"\t") csv2 = ParseCSVLine(csv[m]," ") csv3 = tonumber(csv1[1]) if (csv3==nil) then csv3 = csv2[1] if (csv3 == nil) then csv3 = csv[m] end end if (csv3==nil) then print("Invalid format on "..arg[m]..", line:"..line_number..", Skipping.") return end if (typl==2 and #csv==3) then item_db2[k].trade_flag = tonumber(csv[2]) item_db2[k].trade_override = tonumber(csv3) --sql_update = sql_update.."UPDATE `item_db` SET `trade_flag` = "..tonumber(csv[2]).." AND `trade_group` = "..tonumber(csv3).." WHERE `id`="..k..";\n" --No 3, since its parsed differently. elseif (typl==4 and #csv>=2) then if (tonumber(csv3)~=nil) then item_db2[k].Delay = tonumber(csv3) --sql_update = sql_update.."UPDATE `item_db` SET `delay` = "..tonumber(csv3).." WHERE `id`="..k..";\n" end elseif (typl==5 and #csv==3) then item_db2[k].nouse_flag = tonumber(csv[2]) item_db2[k].nouse_override = tonumber(csv3) --sql_update = sql_update.."UPDATE `item_db` SET `nouse_flag` = "..tonumber(csv[2]).." and `nouse_group` = "..tonumber(csv3).." WHERE `id`="..k..";\n" elseif (typl==6 and #csv==3) then item_db2[k].Stack1 = tonumber(csv[2]) item_db2[k].Stack2 = tonumber(csv3) --sql_update = sql_update.."UPDATE `item_db` SET `stack_amount` = "..tonumber(csv[2]).." and `stack_flag` = "..tonumber(csv3).." WHERE `id`="..k..";\n" elseif (typl==7 and #csv==2) then item_db2[k].Sprite = tonumber(csv3) --sql_update = sql_update.."UPDATE `item_db` SET `avail` = "..tonumber(csv3).." WHERE `id`="..k..";\n" else print("Invalid format on "..arg[typl]..", line:"..line_number..", Skipping.") --[[ --Debug Lines print("Invalid CSV",#csv,typl) for mo=1,#csv do print("csv["..mo.."]",csv[mo]) end os.exit() --]] end end return end function check_val(field) --Check if field null if (field == nil) then return("") end return(field) end function check_val_bool(field) --Checks boolean value if (field == false or field == "false") then return "false" elseif (field == true or field == "true") then return "true" end return "" end function check_val_two(field) --Check [a, b] types of field local field1,field2 field1 = "" field2 = "" if (field~=nil) then if (#field==2) then if (field[1][1] ~= nil and field[2] ~= nil) then field1 = field[1][1] field2 = field[2] elseif (field[1][1] ~= nil and field[2] == nil) then field1 = field[1][1] else field2 = field[2] end elseif(#field==1) then field1 = field[1] end end return field1, field2 end function item_db_write(s) --Write into item_db for i=1,65535 do ----Last ID till now if (s[i]~=nil) then s[i].Atk = check_val(s[i].Atk) s[i].Matk = check_val(s[i].Matk) s[i].EquipLv = check_val(s[i].EquipLv) if ((s[i].Atk == "" or s[i].Atk == 0) and (s[i].Matk == "" or s[i].Matk == 0)) then --Both Nil s[i].at = "" elseif (s[i].Atk ~= "" and (s[i].Matk == "" or s[i].Matk == 0)) then s[i].at = s[i].Atk elseif ((s[i].Atk == "" or s[i].Atk == 0) and s[i].Matk ~= "") then s[i].at = "0:"..s[i].Matk else s[i].at = s[i].Atk..":"..s[i].Matk end s[i].Refine = check_val_bool(s[i].Refine) s[i].BindOnEquip = check_val_bool(s[i].BindOnEquip) s[i].BuyingStore = check_val_bool(s[i].BuyingStore) s[i].Script = check_val(s[i].Script) s[i].OnEquipScript = check_val(s[i].OnEquipScript) s[i].OnUnequipScript = check_val(s[i].OnUnequipScript) s[i].ELv1, s[i].ELv2 = check_val_two(s[i].EquipLv) s[i].EquipMin = s[i].EquipLv[1] --Equip Min s[i].EquipMax = s[i].EquipLv[2] --Equip Max s[i].Script = d_t_s_quotes(s[i].Script) s[i].OnEquipScript = d_t_s_quotes(s[i].OnEquipScript) s[i].OnUnequipScript = d_t_s_quotes(s[i].OnUnequipScript) file3:write("{\n") --four Must fields to write. file3:write("\tId: "..(s[i].Id).."\n") file3:write("\tAegisName: \""..(s[i].AegisName).."\"\n") file3:write("\tName: \""..(s[i].Name).."\"\n") file3:write("\tType: "..(s[i].Type).."\n") if (check_val(s[i].Buy)~="") then file3:write("\tBuy: "..(s[i].Buy).."\n") end if (check_val(s[i].Sell)~="") then file3:write("\tSell: "..(s[i].Sell).."\n") end if (check_val(s[i].Weight)~="") then file3:write("\tWeight: "..(s[i].Weight).."\n") end if (s[i].Atk~="") then file3:write("\tAtk: "..(s[i].Atk).."\n") end if (s[i].Matk~="") then file3:write("\tMatk: "..(s[i].Matk).."\n") end if (check_val(s[i].Def)~="") then file3:write("\tDef: "..(s[i].Def).."\n") end if (check_val(s[i].Range)~="") then file3:write("\tRange: "..(s[i].Range).."\n") end if (check_val(s[i].Slots)~="") then file3:write("\tSlots: "..(s[i].Slots).."\n") end if (check_val(s[i].Job)~="") then file3:write("\tJob: 0x"..st_fill_zero(string.upper(string.format("%x",s[i].Job))).."\n") --Convert to Hex,Make it to UpperCase, Fill with zero's end if (check_val(s[i].Upper)~="") then file3:write("\tUpper: "..(s[i].Upper).."\n") end if (check_val(s[i].Gender)~="") then file3:write("\tGender: "..(s[i].Gender).."\n") end if (check_val(s[i].Loc)~="") then file3:write("\tLoc: "..(s[i].Loc).."\n") end if (check_val(s[i].WeaponLv)~="") then file3:write("\tWeaponLv: "..(s[i].WeaponLv).."\n") end if (s[i].ELv1~="" and s[i].ELv2~="" ) then --Both Not Empty file3:write("\tEquipLv: ["..(s[i].ELv1)..", "..(s[i].ELv2).."]\n") else if(s[i].ELv1~="") then --First not empty file3:write("\tEquipLv: "..(s[i].ELv1).."\n") end end if (check_val(s[i].Refine)~="") then file3:write("\tRefine: "..(s[i].Refine).."\n") end if (check_val(s[i].View)~="") then file3:write("\tView: "..(s[i].View).."\n") end if (s[i].BindOnEquip~="") then file3:write("\tBindOnEquip: "..(s[i].BindOnEquip).."\n") end if (s[i].BuyingStore~="") then file3:write("\tBuyingStore: true\n") end if (check_val(s[i].Delay) ~= "") then file3:write("\tDelay: "..(s[i].Delay).."\n") end if (check_val(s[i].trade_flag)~="" and check_val(s[i].trade_override)~="" ) then file3:write("\tTrade: {\n") if (s[i].trade_override > 0 and s[i].trade_override < 100) then file3:write("\t\toverride: ".. s[i].trade_override .."\n") end if (band(s[i].trade_flag,1)>0) then file3:write("\t\tnodrop: true\n") end if (band(s[i].trade_flag,2)>0) then file3:write("\t\tnotrade: true\n") end if (band(s[i].trade_flag,4)>0) then file3:write("\t\tpartneroverride: true\n") end if (band(s[i].trade_flag,8)>0) then file3:write("\t\tnoselltonpc: true\n") end if (band(s[i].trade_flag,16)>0) then file3:write("\t\tnocart: true\n") end if (band(s[i].trade_flag,32)>0) then file3:write("\t\tnostorage: true\n") end if (band(s[i].trade_flag,64)>0) then file3:write("\t\tnogstorage: true\n") end if (band(s[i].trade_flag,128)>0) then file3:write("\t\tnomail: true\n") end if (band(s[i].trade_flag,256)>0) then file3:write("\t\tnoauction: true\n") end file3:write("\t}\n") end if (check_val(s[i].nouse_flag)~="" and check_val(s[i].nouse_override)~="" ) then file3:write("\tNouse: {\n") if (tonumber(s[i].nouse_override) > 0 and tonumber(s[i].nouse_override) < 100) then file3:write("\t\toverride: ".. s[i].nouse_override .."\n") end if (band(s[i].nouse_flag,1)>0) then file3:write("\t\tsitting: true\n") end file3:write("\t}\n") end if check_val((s[i].Stack1)~="" and check_val(s[i].Stack2)~="" ) then file3:write("\tStack: ["..(s[i].Stack1)..", "..(s[i].Stack2).."]\n") end if (check_val(s[i].Sprite)~="" ) then file3:write("\tSprite: "..(s[i].Sprite).."\n") end if (s[i].Script ~= "") then file3:write("\tScript: <\""..newline(s[i].Script,1)..""..s[i].Script.."\">\n") end if (s[i].OnEquipScript ~= "") then file3:write("\tOnEquipScript: <\""..newline(s[i].OnEquipScript,1)..""..s[i].OnEquipScript.."\">\n") end if (s[i].OnUnequipScript ~= "") then file3:write("\tOnUnequipScript: <\""..newline(s[i].OnUnequipScript,1)..""..s[i].OnUnequipScript.."\">\n") end file3:write("},\n") end end end for i=1,7 do if (file_exists(arg[i])==false) then print("Error: ",arg[i]," Not Found") os.exit() end end file = assert(io.open(arg[1])) --Open ItemDB And Read its contents contents = file:read'*a' file:close() --Replacing Contents find = { '\\', '\'', '//', '/%*', '%*/', '<\"', '\">', 'Id([^:]?):([^\n]+)', 'AegisName([^:]?):([^\n]+)', 'Name([^:]?):([^\n]+)', 'Type([^:]?):([^\n]+)', 'Buy([^:]?):([^\n]+)', 'Sell([^:]?):([^\n]+)', 'Weight([^:]?):([^\n]+)', 'Atk([^:]?):([^\n]+)', 'Matk([^:]?):([^\n]+)', 'Def([^:]?):([^\n]+)', 'Range([^:]?):([^\n]+)', 'Slots([^:]?):([^\n]+)', 'Job([^:]?):([^\n]+)', 'Upper([^:]?):([^\n]+)', 'Gender([^:]?):([^\n]+)', 'Loc([^:]?):([^\n]+)', 'WeaponLv([^:]?):([^\n]+)', 'EquipLv([^:]?):([^\n]+)', 'Refine([^:]?):([^\n]+)', 'View([^:]?):([^\n]+)', 'BindOnEquip([^:]?):([^\n]+)', "BuyingStore([^:]?):([^\n]+)", "Delay([^:]?):([^\n]+)", "Stack([^:]?): %[([^,]+), ([^]]+)%]", "Sprite([^:]?):([^\n]+)", 'override([^:]?):([^\n]+)', 'nodrop([^:]?):([^\n]+)', 'notrade([^:]?):([^\n]+)', 'partneroverride([^:]?):([^\n]+)', 'noselltonpc([^:]?):([^\n]+)', 'nocart([^:]?):([^\n]+)', 'nostorage([^:]?):([^\n]+)', 'nogstorage([^:]?):([^\n]+)', 'nomail([^:]?):([^\n]+)', 'noauction([^:]?):([^\n]+)', 'sitting([^:]?):([^\n]+)', 'Script([^:]?):', 'OnEquipScript([^:]?):', 'OnUnequipScript([^:]?):', 'EquipLv([^=]?)= %[([^,]+), ([^]]+)%],', 'EquipLv([^=]?)= ([^,]+),', 'item_db: %(', '= ""', '= \n', ',,'} replace = {'\\\\', '\\\'', '--', '--[[', '--]]', '[==[', ']==],', 'Id%1=%2,', 'AegisName%1=%2,', 'Name%1=%2,', 'Type%1=%2,', 'Buy%1=%2,', 'Sell%1=%2,', 'Weight%1=%2,', 'Atk%1=%2,', 'Matk%1=%2,', 'Def%1=%2,', 'Range%1=%2,', 'Slots%1=%2,', 'Job%1=%2,', 'Upper%1=%2,', 'Gender%1=%2,', 'Loc%1=%2,', 'WeaponLv%1=%2,', 'EquipLv%1=%2,', 'Refine%1=%2,', 'View%1=%2,', 'BindOnEquip%1=%2,', "BuyingStore%1=%2,", "Delay%1=%2,", "Stack%1= {%2, %3},", "Sprite%1=%2,", 'override%1=%2,', 'nodrop%1=%2,', 'notrade%1=%2,', 'partneroverride%1=%2,', 'noselltonpc%1=%2,', 'nocart%1=%2,', 'nostorage%1=%2,', 'nogstorage%1=%2,', 'nomail%1=%2,', 'noauction%1=%2,', 'sitting%1=%2,', 'Script%1=', 'OnEquipScript%1=', 'OnUnequipScript%1=', 'EquipLv%1= {%2, %3},', 'EquipLv%1= {%2},', 'item_db = {', '= "",', '= "",\n', ',' } findk=0 if #find==#replace then --Check if both table matches start_time = os.time() print("-- Putting ",arg[1]," Items into Memory") --Replace Every Strings contents = contents:gsub("Nouse: {([^}]+)}","Nouse= {%1},") --It needs to be done first. contents = contents:gsub("Trade: {([^}]+)}","Trade= {%1},") --It needs to be done first. for i=1,#find do contents = contents:gsub(find[i],replace[i]) end --Check for last ) in item_db (it auto breaks if found, can have many empty lines on end) for i=1,1000000 do if (string.sub(contents,-i,-i) == ")") then findk = 1 contents = replace_char(contents:len()-i+1,contents,'}') end if (findk==1) then break end end else print('Error, Cannot Convert to Lua(Code:1['..#find..' '..#replace..'])') os.exit() end item_db = {} --Initialize Empty item_db table a = assert(loadstring(contents)) --Load the string as lua code a() --Execute it so it gets loaded into item_db table e_time = os.difftime((os.time())-start_time) --Time Taken print("---- Total Items Found"," = ",#item_db,"(".. e_time .."s)") csv = {} item_db2 = {} for i=1,#item_db do item_db2[item_db[i].Id] = deepcopy(item_db[i]) end --Initializing Global Tables csv = {} csv1 = {} csv2 = {} csv3 = "" csv4 = 0 --sql_update = "" k=0 line = "" --file4 = io.open(arg[9],"w") for m=2,7 do --arg[2] to arg[7] = item_*.txt line_number = 0 sp_file = assert(io.open(arg[m])) for line in sp_file:lines() do if ( line ~= "" and line:sub(1,2)~="//") then --If Line is comment or empty, don't parse it parse_line(line,m) end end print(arg[m],"Done") sp_file:close() --os.exit() end --file4:write(sql_update) --file4:close() print("-- Writing Item_DB") file3 = io.open(arg[8],"w") --Open Output File file3:write('item_db: (\n' ..'// Items Database\n' ..'//\n' ..'/******************************************************************************\n' ..' ************* Entry structure ************************************************\n' ..' ******************************************************************************\n' ..'{\n' ..' // =================== Mandatory fields ===============================\n' ..' Id: ID (int)\n' ..' AegisName: "Aegis_Name" (string)\n' ..' Name: "Item Name" (string)\n' ..' // =================== Optional fields ================================\n' ..' Type: Item Type (int, defaults to 3 = etc item)\n' ..' Buy: Buy Price (int, defaults to Sell * 2)\n' ..' Sell: Sell Price (int, defaults to Buy / 2)\n' ..' Weight: Item Weight (int, defaults to 0)\n' ..' Atk: Attack (int, defaults to 0)\n' ..' Matk: Magical Attack (int, defaults to 0, ignored in pre-re)\n' ..' Def: Defense (int, defaults to 0)\n' ..' Range: Attack Range (int, defaults to 0)\n' ..' Slots: Slots (int, defaults to 0)\n' ..' Job: Job mask (int, defaults to all jobs = 0xFFFFFFFF)\n' ..' Upper: Upper mask (int, defaults to any = 0x3f)\n' ..' Gender: Gender (int, defaults to both = 2)\n' ..' Loc: Equip location (int, required value for equipment)\n' ..' WeaponLv: Weapon Level (int, defaults to 0)\n' ..' EquipLv: Equip required level (int, defaults to 0)\n' ..' EquipLv: [min, max] (alternative syntax with min / max level)\n' ..' Refine: Refineable (boolean, defaults to true)\n' ..' View: View ID (int, defaults to 0)\n' ..' BindOnEquip: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)\n' ..' BuyingStore: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)\n' ..' Delay: Delay to use item (int, defaults to 0)\n' ..' Trade: { (defaults to no restrictions)\n' ..' override: GroupID (int, defaults to 100)\n' ..' nodrop: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)\n' ..' notrade: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)\n' ..' partneroverride: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)\n' ..' noselltonpc: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)\n' ..' nocart: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)\n' ..' nostorage: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)\n' ..' nogstorage: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)\n' ..' nomail: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)\n' ..' noauction: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)\n' ..' }\n' ..' Nouse: { (defaults to no restrictions)\n' ..' override: GroupID (int, defaults to 100)\n' ..' sitting: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)\n' ..' }\n' ..' Stack: [amount, type] (int, defaults to 0)\n' ..' Sprite: SpriteID (int, defaults to 0)\n' ..' Script: <"\n' ..' Script\n' ..' (it can be multi-line)\n' ..' ">\n' ..' OnEquipScript: <" OnEquip Script (can also be multi-line) ">\n' ..' OnUnequipScript: <" OnUnequip Script (can also be multi-line) ">\n' ..'},\n' ..'******************************************************************************/\n') item_db_write(item_db2) file3:write('\n)\n') file3:close() --Close Output File os.exit()