#!/usr/bin/perl $db = "item_db"; $nb_columns = 22; @str_col = (1,2,19,20,21); $create_table = "# # Table structure for table `item_db` # DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `item_db`; CREATE TABLE `item_db` ( `id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `name_english` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', `name_japanese` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', `type` tinyint(2) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `price_buy` mediumint(10) unsigned default NULL, `price_sell` mediumint(10) unsigned default NULL, `weight` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `attack` smallint(3) unsigned default NULL, `defence` tinyint(3) unsigned default NULL, `range` tinyint(2) unsigned default NULL, `slots` tinyint(2) unsigned default NULL, `equip_jobs` int(12) unsigned default NULL, `equip_upper` tinyint(8) unsigned default NULL, `equip_genders` tinyint(2) unsigned default NULL, `equip_locations` smallint(4) unsigned default NULL, `weapon_level` tinyint(2) unsigned default NULL, `equip_level` tinyint(3) unsigned default NULL, `refineable` tinyint(1) unsigned default NULL, `view` tinyint(3) unsigned default NULL, `script` text, `equip_script` text, `unequip_script` text, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) TYPE=MyISAM; "; printf("%s\n",$create_table); while ($ligne=<STDIN>) { if ($ligne =~ /[^\r\n]+/) { $ligne = $&; if ($ligne =~ /^\/\//) { printf("# %s\n", $ligne); } else { @champ = split (",(?![^{]*[})])",$ligne); if ($#champ != $nb_columns - 1) { printf ("# WARNING BAD LINE : %d (%s)\n", $#champ, $ligne); printf STDERR ("Warning : can't parse %s\n", $ligne); } else { printf("REPLACE INTO `%s` VALUES (", $db); for ($i=0; $i<$#champ; $i++) { printField($champ[$i],",",$i); } printField($champ[$#champ],");\n",$#champ); } } } } sub printField { my ($str, $suffix, $idCol) = @_; # Remove first { and last } if ($str =~ /{.*}/) { $str = substr($&,1,-1); } # If nothing, put NULL if ($str eq "") { printf("NULL%s", $suffix); } else { my $flag = 0; # Search if it's a string column ? foreach $col (@str_col) { if ($col == $idCol) { $flag = 1; break; } } if ($flag == 1) { # String column, so escape and add '' printf("'%s'%s", escape($str), $suffix); } else { # Not a string column printf("%s%s", $str,$suffix); } } } sub escape { my ($str) = @_; my @str_splitted = split("'", $str); my $result = ""; for (my $i=0; $i<=$#str_splitted; $i++) { if ($i == 0) { $result = @str_splitted[0]; } else { $result = $result."\\'".@str_splitted[$i]; } } return $result }