#!/usr/bin/perl -w ########################################################################## # INFORMATION TOOL ABOUT THE # OF ONLINE PLAYERS ON ATHENA SERVERS # # By connection on the athena login-server, this software displays the # number of online players. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Software usage: # Configure the IP, the port and a valid account of the server. # After, use at your choice: # ./getlogincount - display the number of online players on all servers. # ./getlogincount --premier or # ./getlogincount --first -- display the number of online players of the # first server in the received list. # ./getlogincount [servername] -- display the number of online players # of the specified server. # # If successfull, the software return the value 0. # ########################################################################## #------------------------------ CONFIGURATION ---------------------------- $loginserverip = ""; # IP of the login-server $loginserverport = 6900; # port of the login-server $loginaccount = "s1"; # a valid account name $loginpasswd = "p1"; # the password of the valid account name $connecttimeout = 10; # Connection timeout (in seconds) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- use IO::Socket; my($sname) = $ARGV[0]; if (!defined($sname)) { $sname = ""; } # Connection to the login-server my($so,$er) = (); eval{ $so = IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerAddr=> $loginserverip, PeerPort=> $loginserverport, Proto => "tcp", Timeout => $connecttimeout) or $er=1; }; if($er || $@){ print "Can't not connect to the login-server [${loginserverip}:$loginserverport] !\n"; exit(2); } # Request to connect on login-server print $so pack("v V a24 a24 C",0x0064,9,$loginaccount,$loginpasswd,3); $so->flush(); # Fail to connect if(unpack("v", &soread(\$so,2)) != 0x0069) { print "Login error.\n"; exit(3); } # Get length of the received packet my($plen) = unpack("v",&soread(\$so,2))-4; # Suppress information of the account (we need only information about the servers) &soread(\$so,43); $plen -= 43; # Check about the number of online servers if ($plen < 32) { printf "No server is connected to login-server.\n"; exit(1); } # Read information of the servers my(@slist) = (); for(;$plen > 0;$plen -= 32) { my($name,$count) = unpack("x6 a20 V",&soread(\$so,32)); $name = substr($name,0,index($name,"\0")); push @slist, [ $name, $count ]; } # Display the result if($sname eq "--first" || $sname eq "--premier") { # If we ask only for the first server printf "%-20s : %5d\n",$slist[0][0],$slist[0][1]; } elsif ($sname eq "") { # If we ask for all servers foreach $i(@slist) { printf "%-20s : %5d\n",$i->[0],$i->[1]; } } else { # If we ask for a specified server (by its name) my($flag) = 1; foreach $i(@slist) { if($i->[0] eq $sname) { printf "%-20s : %5d\n",$i->[0],$i->[1]; $flag = 0; } } if($flag) { # If the server doesn't exist printf "The server [$sname] doesn't exist.\n"; exit(1); } } # End of the software $so->shutdown(2); $so->close(); exit(0); # Sub-function: get data from the socket sub soread { my($so,$len) = @_; my($sobuf); if(read($$so,$sobuf,$len) < $len) { print "Socket read error.\n"; exit(5); } return $sobuf; };