// (c) eAthena Dev Team - Licensed under GNU GPL // For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "../common/core.h" #include "../common/strlib.h" #include "../common/mmo.h" #include "../common/showmsg.h" #include "../common/mapindex.h" #include <mysql.h> //Txt Files used. char char_txt[1024]="save/athena.txt"; char friends_txt[1024]="save/friends.txt"; // davidsiaw char pet_txt[256]="save/pet.txt"; char storage_txt[256]="save/storage.txt"; //Databases used. char char_db[256] = "char"; char cart_db[256] = "cart_inventory"; char inventory_db[256] = "inventory"; char storage_db[256] = "storage"; char reg_db[256] = "global_reg_value"; char skill_db[256] = "skill"; char memo_db[256] = "memo"; char pet_db[256] = "pet"; char friend_db[256] = "friends"; char guild_storage_db[256] = "guild_storage"; MYSQL mysql_handle; MYSQL_RES* sql_res ; MYSQL_ROW sql_row ; char tmp_sql[65535]; int sql_fields, sql_cnt; int db_server_port = 3306; char db_server_ip[16] = ""; char db_server_id[32] = "ragnarok"; char db_server_pw[32] = "ragnarok"; char db_server_logindb[32] = "ragnarok"; char t_name[256]; int char_id_count=100000; struct accreg { int reg_num; struct global_reg reg[ACCOUNT_REG_NUM]; }; struct character_data { struct mmo_charstatus status; struct accreg global; } *char_dat; int char_num, char_max; //Required for sql saving, taken from src/char_sql/char.h struct itemtmp { int flag;//checked = 1 else 0 int id; short nameid; short amount; unsigned short equip; char identify; char refine; char attribute; short card[4]; }; enum { TABLE_INVENTORY, TABLE_CART, TABLE_STORAGE, TABLE_GUILD_STORAGE, }; #define CHAR_CONF_NAME "conf/char_athena.conf" #define INTER_CONF_NAME "conf/inter_athena.conf" //========================================================================================================== //NOTE: Update this function from the one in src/char/char.c as needed. [Skotlex] int mmo_char_fromstr(char *str, struct mmo_charstatus *p, struct accreg *reg) { char tmp_str[3][128]; //To avoid deleting chars with too long names. int tmp_int[256]; int set, next, len, i; // initilialise character memset(p, '\0', sizeof(struct mmo_charstatus)); // If it's not char structure of version 1488 and after if ((set = sscanf(str, "%d\t%d,%d\t%127[^\t]\t%d,%d,%d\t%d,%d,%d\t%d,%d,%d,%d\t%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\t%d,%d" "\t%d,%d,%d\t%d,%d,%d\t%d,%d,%d\t%d,%d,%d,%d,%d" "\t%127[^,],%d,%d\t%127[^,],%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d%n", &tmp_int[0], &tmp_int[1], &tmp_int[2], tmp_str[0], &tmp_int[3], &tmp_int[4], &tmp_int[5], &tmp_int[6], &tmp_int[7], &tmp_int[8], &tmp_int[9], &tmp_int[10], &tmp_int[11], &tmp_int[12], &tmp_int[13], &tmp_int[14], &tmp_int[15], &tmp_int[16], &tmp_int[17], &tmp_int[18], &tmp_int[19], &tmp_int[20], &tmp_int[21], &tmp_int[22], &tmp_int[23], // &tmp_int[24], &tmp_int[25], &tmp_int[26], &tmp_int[27], &tmp_int[28], &tmp_int[29], &tmp_int[30], &tmp_int[31], &tmp_int[32], &tmp_int[33], &tmp_int[34], tmp_str[1], &tmp_int[35], &tmp_int[36], tmp_str[2], &tmp_int[37], &tmp_int[38], &tmp_int[39], &tmp_int[40], &tmp_int[41], &tmp_int[42], &tmp_int[43], &next)) != 47) { tmp_int[43] = 0; // If it's not char structure of version 1363 and after if ((set = sscanf(str, "%d\t%d,%d\t%127[^\t]\t%d,%d,%d\t%d,%d,%d\t%d,%d,%d,%d\t%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\t%d,%d" "\t%d,%d,%d\t%d,%d,%d\t%d,%d,%d\t%d,%d,%d,%d,%d" "\t%127[^,],%d,%d\t%127[^,],%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d%n", &tmp_int[0], &tmp_int[1], &tmp_int[2], tmp_str[0], // &tmp_int[3], &tmp_int[4], &tmp_int[5], &tmp_int[6], &tmp_int[7], &tmp_int[8], &tmp_int[9], &tmp_int[10], &tmp_int[11], &tmp_int[12], &tmp_int[13], &tmp_int[14], &tmp_int[15], &tmp_int[16], &tmp_int[17], &tmp_int[18], &tmp_int[19], &tmp_int[20], &tmp_int[21], &tmp_int[22], &tmp_int[23], // &tmp_int[24], &tmp_int[25], &tmp_int[26], &tmp_int[27], &tmp_int[28], &tmp_int[29], &tmp_int[30], &tmp_int[31], &tmp_int[32], &tmp_int[33], &tmp_int[34], tmp_str[1], &tmp_int[35], &tmp_int[36], // tmp_str[2], &tmp_int[37], &tmp_int[38], &tmp_int[39], &tmp_int[40], &tmp_int[41], &tmp_int[42], &next)) != 46) { tmp_int[40] = 0; // father tmp_int[41] = 0; // mother tmp_int[42] = 0; // child // If it's not char structure of version 1008 and before 1363 if ((set = sscanf(str, "%d\t%d,%d\t%127[^\t]\t%d,%d,%d\t%d,%d,%d\t%d,%d,%d,%d\t%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\t%d,%d" "\t%d,%d,%d\t%d,%d,%d\t%d,%d,%d\t%d,%d,%d,%d,%d" "\t%127[^,],%d,%d\t%127[^,],%d,%d,%d%n", &tmp_int[0], &tmp_int[1], &tmp_int[2], tmp_str[0], // &tmp_int[3], &tmp_int[4], &tmp_int[5], &tmp_int[6], &tmp_int[7], &tmp_int[8], &tmp_int[9], &tmp_int[10], &tmp_int[11], &tmp_int[12], &tmp_int[13], &tmp_int[14], &tmp_int[15], &tmp_int[16], &tmp_int[17], &tmp_int[18], &tmp_int[19], &tmp_int[20], &tmp_int[21], &tmp_int[22], &tmp_int[23], // &tmp_int[24], &tmp_int[25], &tmp_int[26], &tmp_int[27], &tmp_int[28], &tmp_int[29], &tmp_int[30], &tmp_int[31], &tmp_int[32], &tmp_int[33], &tmp_int[34], tmp_str[1], &tmp_int[35], &tmp_int[36], // tmp_str[2], &tmp_int[37], &tmp_int[38], &tmp_int[39], &next)) != 43) { tmp_int[39] = 0; // partner id // If not char structure from version 384 to 1007 if ((set = sscanf(str, "%d\t%d,%d\t%127[^\t]\t%d,%d,%d\t%d,%d,%d\t%d,%d,%d,%d\t%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\t%d,%d" "\t%d,%d,%d\t%d,%d,%d\t%d,%d,%d\t%d,%d,%d,%d,%d" "\t%127[^,],%d,%d\t%127[^,],%d,%d%n", &tmp_int[0], &tmp_int[1], &tmp_int[2], tmp_str[0], // &tmp_int[3], &tmp_int[4], &tmp_int[5], &tmp_int[6], &tmp_int[7], &tmp_int[8], &tmp_int[9], &tmp_int[10], &tmp_int[11], &tmp_int[12], &tmp_int[13], &tmp_int[14], &tmp_int[15], &tmp_int[16], &tmp_int[17], &tmp_int[18], &tmp_int[19], &tmp_int[20], &tmp_int[21], &tmp_int[22], &tmp_int[23], // &tmp_int[24], &tmp_int[25], &tmp_int[26], &tmp_int[27], &tmp_int[28], &tmp_int[29], &tmp_int[30], &tmp_int[31], &tmp_int[32], &tmp_int[33], &tmp_int[34], tmp_str[1], &tmp_int[35], &tmp_int[36], // tmp_str[2], &tmp_int[37], &tmp_int[38], &next)) != 42) { // It's char structure of a version before 384 tmp_int[26] = 0; // pet id set = sscanf(str, "%d\t%d,%d\t%127[^\t]\t%d,%d,%d\t%d,%d,%d\t%d,%d,%d,%d\t%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\t%d,%d" "\t%d,%d,%d\t%d,%d\t%d,%d,%d\t%d,%d,%d,%d,%d" "\t%127[^,],%d,%d\t%127[^,],%d,%d%n", &tmp_int[0], &tmp_int[1], &tmp_int[2], tmp_str[0], // &tmp_int[3], &tmp_int[4], &tmp_int[5], &tmp_int[6], &tmp_int[7], &tmp_int[8], &tmp_int[9], &tmp_int[10], &tmp_int[11], &tmp_int[12], &tmp_int[13], &tmp_int[14], &tmp_int[15], &tmp_int[16], &tmp_int[17], &tmp_int[18], &tmp_int[19], &tmp_int[20], &tmp_int[21], &tmp_int[22], &tmp_int[23], // &tmp_int[24], &tmp_int[25], // &tmp_int[27], &tmp_int[28], &tmp_int[29], &tmp_int[30], &tmp_int[31], &tmp_int[32], &tmp_int[33], &tmp_int[34], tmp_str[1], &tmp_int[35], &tmp_int[36], // tmp_str[2], &tmp_int[37], &tmp_int[38], &next); set += 2; //printf("char: old char data ver.1\n"); // Char structure of version 1007 or older } else { set++; //printf("char: old char data ver.2\n"); } // Char structure of version 1008+ } else { set += 3; //printf("char: new char data ver.3\n"); } // Char structture of version 1363+ } else { set++; //printf("char: new char data ver.4\n"); } // Char structure of version 1488+ } else { //printf("char: new char data ver.5\n"); } if (set != 47) return 0; memcpy(p->name, tmp_str[0], NAME_LENGTH-1); //Overflow protection [Skotlex] p->char_id = tmp_int[0]; p->account_id = tmp_int[1]; p->char_num = tmp_int[2]; p->class_ = tmp_int[3]; p->base_level = tmp_int[4]; p->job_level = tmp_int[5]; p->base_exp = tmp_int[6]; p->job_exp = tmp_int[7]; p->zeny = tmp_int[8]; p->hp = tmp_int[9]; p->max_hp = tmp_int[10]; p->sp = tmp_int[11]; p->max_sp = tmp_int[12]; p->str = tmp_int[13]; p->agi = tmp_int[14]; p->vit = tmp_int[15]; p->int_ = tmp_int[16]; p->dex = tmp_int[17]; p->luk = tmp_int[18]; p->status_point = tmp_int[19]; p->skill_point = tmp_int[20]; p->option = tmp_int[21]; p->karma = tmp_int[22]; p->manner = tmp_int[23]; p->party_id = tmp_int[24]; p->guild_id = tmp_int[25]; p->pet_id = tmp_int[26]; p->hair = tmp_int[27]; p->hair_color = tmp_int[28]; p->clothes_color = tmp_int[29]; p->weapon = tmp_int[30]; p->shield = tmp_int[31]; p->head_top = tmp_int[32]; p->head_mid = tmp_int[33]; p->head_bottom = tmp_int[34]; p->last_point.map = mapindex_name2id(tmp_str[1]); p->last_point.x = tmp_int[35]; p->last_point.y = tmp_int[36]; p->save_point.map = mapindex_name2id(tmp_str[2]); p->save_point.x = tmp_int[37]; p->save_point.y = tmp_int[38]; p->partner_id = tmp_int[39]; p->father = tmp_int[40]; p->mother = tmp_int[41]; p->child = tmp_int[42]; p->fame = tmp_int[43]; // Some checks for(i = 0; i < char_num; i++) { if (char_dat[i].status.char_id == p->char_id) { ShowError("\033[1;31mmmo_auth_init: a character has an identical id to another.\n"); ShowError(" character id #%d -> new character not readed.\n", p->char_id); ShowError(" Character saved in log file.\033[0m\n"); return -1; } else if (strcmp(char_dat[i].status.name, p->name) == 0) { ShowError("\033[1;31mmmo_auth_init: a character name already exists.\n"); ShowError(" character name '%s' -> new character not read.\n", p->name); ShowError(" Character saved in log file.\033[0m\n"); return -2; } } if (str[next] == '\n' || str[next] == '\r') return 1; next++; for(i = 0; str[next] && str[next] != '\t'; i++) { if (sscanf(str+next, "%[^,],%d,%d%n", tmp_str[0], &tmp_int[0], &tmp_int[1], &len) != 3) return -3; p->memo_point[i].map = mapindex_name2id(tmp_str[0]); p->memo_point[i].x = tmp_int[0]; p->memo_point[i].y = tmp_int[1]; next += len; if (str[next] == ' ') next++; } next++; for(i = 0; str[next] && str[next] != '\t'; i++) { if (sscanf(str + next, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d%n", &tmp_int[0], &tmp_int[1], &tmp_int[2], &tmp_int[3], &tmp_int[4], &tmp_int[5], &tmp_int[6], &tmp_int[7], &tmp_int[8], &tmp_int[9], &tmp_int[10], &tmp_int[10], &len) == 12) { // do nothing, it's ok } else if (sscanf(str + next, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d%n", &tmp_int[0], &tmp_int[1], &tmp_int[2], &tmp_int[3], &tmp_int[4], &tmp_int[5], &tmp_int[6], &tmp_int[7], &tmp_int[8], &tmp_int[9], &tmp_int[10], &len) == 11) { } else // invalid structure return -4; p->inventory[i].id = tmp_int[0]; p->inventory[i].nameid = tmp_int[1]; p->inventory[i].amount = tmp_int[2]; p->inventory[i].equip = tmp_int[3]; p->inventory[i].identify = tmp_int[4]; p->inventory[i].refine = tmp_int[5]; p->inventory[i].attribute = tmp_int[6]; p->inventory[i].card[0] = tmp_int[7]; p->inventory[i].card[1] = tmp_int[8]; p->inventory[i].card[2] = tmp_int[9]; p->inventory[i].card[3] = tmp_int[10]; next += len; if (str[next] == ' ') next++; } next++; for(i = 0; str[next] && str[next] != '\t'; i++) { if (sscanf(str + next, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d%n", &tmp_int[0], &tmp_int[1], &tmp_int[2], &tmp_int[3], &tmp_int[4], &tmp_int[5], &tmp_int[6], &tmp_int[7], &tmp_int[8], &tmp_int[9], &tmp_int[10], &tmp_int[10], &len) == 12) { // do nothing, it's ok } else if (sscanf(str + next, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d%n", &tmp_int[0], &tmp_int[1], &tmp_int[2], &tmp_int[3], &tmp_int[4], &tmp_int[5], &tmp_int[6], &tmp_int[7], &tmp_int[8], &tmp_int[9], &tmp_int[10], &len) == 11) { } else // invalid structure return -5; p->cart[i].id = tmp_int[0]; p->cart[i].nameid = tmp_int[1]; p->cart[i].amount = tmp_int[2]; p->cart[i].equip = tmp_int[3]; p->cart[i].identify = tmp_int[4]; p->cart[i].refine = tmp_int[5]; p->cart[i].attribute = tmp_int[6]; p->cart[i].card[0] = tmp_int[7]; p->cart[i].card[1] = tmp_int[8]; p->cart[i].card[2] = tmp_int[9]; p->cart[i].card[3] = tmp_int[10]; next += len; if (str[next] == ' ') next++; } next++; for(i = 0; str[next] && str[next] != '\t'; i++) { if (sscanf(str + next, "%d,%d%n", &tmp_int[0], &tmp_int[1], &len) != 2) return -6; p->skill[tmp_int[0]].id = tmp_int[0]; p->skill[tmp_int[0]].lv = tmp_int[1]; next += len; if (str[next] == ' ') next++; } next++; for(i = 0; str[next] && str[next] != '\t' && str[next] != '\n' && str[next] != '\r'; i++) { if (sscanf(str + next, "%[^,],%s%n", reg->reg[i].str, reg->reg[i].value, &len) != 2) { // because some scripts are not correct, the str can be "". So, we must check that. // If it's, we must not refuse the character, but just this REG value. // Character line will have something like: nov_2nd_cos,9 ,9 nov_1_2_cos_c,1 (here, ,9 is not good) if (str[next] == ',' && sscanf(str + next, ",%s%n", reg->reg[i].value, &len) == 1) i--; else return -7; } next += len; if (str[next] == ' ') next++; } reg->reg_num = i; return 1; } /* Because of the friend database update, it is no longer possible to convert friends. //Note: Keep updated with the same function found in src/char/char.c [Skotlex] int parse_friend_txt(struct mmo_charstatus *p) { char line[1024]; int i,cid=0,temp[20]; FILE *fp; // Open the file and look for the ID fp = fopen(friends_txt, "r"); if(fp == NULL) return 1; while(fgets(line, sizeof(line)-1, fp)) { if(line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/') continue; //Character names must not exceed the 23+\0 limit. [Skotlex] sscanf(line, "%d,%d,%23[^,],%d,%23[^,],%d,%23[^,],%d,%23[^,],%d,%23[^,],%d,%23[^,],%d,%23[^,],%d,%23[^,],%d,%23[^,],%d,%23[^,],%d,%23[^,],%d,%23[^,],%d,%23[^,],%d,%23[^,],%d,%23[^,],%d,%23[^,],%d,%23[^,],%d,%23[^,],%d,%23[^,],%d,%23s",&cid, &temp[0],p->friends[0].name, &temp[1],p->friends[1].name, &temp[2],p->friends[2].name, &temp[3],p->friends[3].name, &temp[4],p->friends[4].name, &temp[5],p->friends[5].name, &temp[6],p->friends[6].name, &temp[7],p->friends[7].name, &temp[8],p->friends[8].name, &temp[9],p->friends[9].name, &temp[10],p->friends[10].name, &temp[11],p->friends[11].name, &temp[12],p->friends[12].name, &temp[13],p->friends[13].name, &temp[14],p->friends[14].name, &temp[15],p->friends[15].name, &temp[16],p->friends[16].name, &temp[17],p->friends[17].name, &temp[18],p->friends[18].name, &temp[19],p->friends[19].name); if (cid == p->char_id) break; } // No register of friends list if (cid == 0) { fclose(fp); return 0; } // Fill in the list for (i=0; i<20; i++) p->friends[i].char_id = temp[i]; fclose(fp); return 0; } */ // Note: Remember to keep this function updated with the one in src/char_sql/char.c [Skotlex] // Unneded code was left commented for easier merging of changes. // Function by [Ilpalazzo-sama] int memitemdata_to_sql(struct itemtmp mapitem[], int count, int char_id, int tableswitch) { int i; //, flag, id; char *tablename; char selectoption[16]; switch (tableswitch) { case TABLE_INVENTORY: tablename = inventory_db; // no need for sprintf here as *_db are char*. sprintf(selectoption,"char_id"); break; case TABLE_CART: tablename = cart_db; sprintf(selectoption,"char_id"); break; case TABLE_STORAGE: tablename = storage_db; sprintf(selectoption,"account_id"); break; case TABLE_GUILD_STORAGE: tablename = guild_storage_db; sprintf(selectoption,"guild_id"); break; default: ShowError("Invalid table name!\n"); return 1; } //=======================================mysql database data > memory=============================================== /* sprintf(tmp_sql, "SELECT `id`, `nameid`, `amount`, `equip`, `identify`, `refine`, `attribute`, `card0`, `card1`, `card2`, `card3` " "FROM `%s` WHERE `%s`='%d'", tablename, selectoption, char_id); if (mysql_query(&mysql_handle, tmp_sql)) { ShowSQL("DB server Error (select `%s` to Memory)- %s\n",tablename ,mysql_error(&mysql_handle)); return 1; } sql_res = mysql_store_result(&mysql_handle); if (sql_res) { while ((sql_row = mysql_fetch_row(sql_res))) { flag = 0; id = atoi(sql_row[0]); for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { if(mapitem[i].flag == 1) continue; if(mapitem[i].nameid == atoi(sql_row[1])) { // produced items fixup if((mapitem[i].equip == atoi(sql_row[3])) && (mapitem[i].identify == atoi(sql_row[4])) && (mapitem[i].amount == atoi(sql_row[2])) && (mapitem[i].refine == atoi(sql_row[5])) && (mapitem[i].attribute == atoi(sql_row[6])) && (mapitem[i].card[0] == atoi(sql_row[7])) && (mapitem[i].card[1] == atoi(sql_row[8])) && (mapitem[i].card[2] == atoi(sql_row[9])) && (mapitem[i].card[3] == atoi(sql_row[10]))) { //printf("the same item : %d , equip : %d , i : %d , flag : %d\n", mapitem.equip[i].nameid,mapitem.equip[i].equip , i, mapitem.equip[i].flag); //DEBUG-STRING } else { //==============================================Memory data > SQL =============================== if(itemdb_isequip(mapitem[i].nameid) || (mapitem[i].card[0] == atoi(sql_row[7]))) { sprintf(tmp_sql,"UPDATE `%s` SET `equip`='%d', `identify`='%d', `refine`='%d'," "`attribute`='%d', `card0`='%d', `card1`='%d', `card2`='%d', `card3`='%d', `amount`='%d' WHERE `id`='%d' LIMIT 1", tablename, mapitem[i].equip, mapitem[i].identify, mapitem[i].refine, mapitem[i].attribute, mapitem[i].card[0], mapitem[i].card[1], mapitem[i].card[2], mapitem[i].card[3], mapitem[i].amount, id); if(mysql_query(&mysql_handle, tmp_sql)) ShowSQL("DB server Error (UPdate `equ %s`)- %s\n", tablename, mysql_error(&mysql_handle)); } //printf("not the same item : %d ; i : %d ; flag : %d\n", mapitem.equip[i].nameid, i, mapitem.equip[i].flag); } flag = mapitem[i].flag = 1; break; } } if(!flag) { sprintf(tmp_sql,"DELETE from `%s` where `id`='%d'", tablename, id); if(mysql_query(&mysql_handle, tmp_sql)) ShowSQL("DB server Error (DELETE `equ %s`)- %s\n", tablename, mysql_error(&mysql_handle)); } } mysql_free_result(sql_res); } */ for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { if(mapitem[i].nameid) { sprintf(tmp_sql,"INSERT INTO `%s`(`%s`, `nameid`, `amount`, `equip`, `identify`, `refine`, `attribute`, `card0`, `card1`, `card2`, `card3` )" " VALUES ( '%d','%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d' )", tablename, selectoption, char_id, mapitem[i].nameid, mapitem[i].amount, mapitem[i].equip, mapitem[i].identify, mapitem[i].refine, mapitem[i].attribute, mapitem[i].card[0], mapitem[i].card[1], mapitem[i].card[2], mapitem[i].card[3]); if(mysql_query(&mysql_handle, tmp_sql)) ShowSQL("DB server Error (INSERT `equ %s`)- %s\n", tablename, mysql_error(&mysql_handle)); } } return 0; } //Note: Remember to keep this function updated with src/char_sql/char.c [Skotlex] //Unncessary code is left commented for easy merging. int mmo_char_tosql(int char_id, struct mmo_charstatus *p){ int i=0 ,party_exist=0;//,guild_exist; int count = 0; int diff = 1; char *tmp_ptr; //Building a single query should be more efficient than running //multiple queries for each thing about to be saved, right? [Skotlex] char save_status[100]; //For displaying save information. [Skotlex] // struct mmo_charstatus *cp; struct itemtmp mapitem[MAX_GUILD_STORAGE]; if (char_id!=p->char_id) return 0; /* cp = (struct mmo_charstatus*)idb_get(char_db_,char_id); if (cp == NULL) { cp = (struct mmo_charstatus *) aMalloc(sizeof(struct mmo_charstatus)); memset(cp, 0, sizeof(struct mmo_charstatus)); idb_put(char_db_, char_id,cp); } */ ShowInfo("Saving char "CL_WHITE"%d"CL_RESET" (%s)...\n",char_id,p->name); memset(save_status, 0, sizeof(save_status)); count = 0; // diff = 0; //map inventory data for(i=0;i<MAX_INVENTORY;i++){ // if (!compare_item(&p->inventory[i], &cp->inventory[i])) // diff = 1; if(p->inventory[i].nameid>0){ mapitem[count].flag=0; mapitem[count].id = p->inventory[i].id; mapitem[count].nameid=p->inventory[i].nameid; mapitem[count].amount = p->inventory[i].amount; mapitem[count].equip = p->inventory[i].equip; mapitem[count].identify = p->inventory[i].identify; mapitem[count].refine = p->inventory[i].refine; mapitem[count].attribute = p->inventory[i].attribute; mapitem[count].card[0] = p->inventory[i].card[0]; mapitem[count].card[1] = p->inventory[i].card[1]; mapitem[count].card[2] = p->inventory[i].card[2]; mapitem[count].card[3] = p->inventory[i].card[3]; count++; } } //printf("- Save item data to MySQL!\n"); if (diff) if (!memitemdata_to_sql(mapitem, count, p->char_id,TABLE_INVENTORY)) strcat(save_status, " inventory"); count = 0; // diff = 0; //map cart data for(i=0;i<MAX_CART;i++){ // if (!compare_item(&p->cart[i], &cp->cart[i])) // diff = 1; if(p->cart[i].nameid>0){ mapitem[count].flag=0; mapitem[count].id = p->cart[i].id; mapitem[count].nameid=p->cart[i].nameid; mapitem[count].amount = p->cart[i].amount; mapitem[count].equip = p->cart[i].equip; mapitem[count].identify = p->cart[i].identify; mapitem[count].refine = p->cart[i].refine; mapitem[count].attribute = p->cart[i].attribute; mapitem[count].card[0] = p->cart[i].card[0]; mapitem[count].card[1] = p->cart[i].card[1]; mapitem[count].card[2] = p->cart[i].card[2]; mapitem[count].card[3] = p->cart[i].card[3]; count++; } } if (diff) if (!memitemdata_to_sql(mapitem, count, p->char_id,TABLE_CART)) strcat(save_status, " cart"); /* if ((p->base_exp != cp->base_exp) || (p->class_ != cp->class_) || (p->base_level != cp->base_level) || (p->job_level != cp->job_level) || (p->job_exp != cp->job_exp) || (p->zeny != cp->zeny) || (p->last_point.x != cp->last_point.x) || (p->last_point.y != cp->last_point.y) || (p->max_hp != cp->max_hp) || (p->hp != cp->hp) || (p->max_sp != cp->max_sp) || (p->sp != cp->sp) || (p->status_point != cp->status_point) || (p->skill_point != cp->skill_point) || (p->str != cp->str) || (p->agi != cp->agi) || (p->vit != cp->vit) || (p->int_ != cp->int_) || (p->dex != cp->dex) || (p->luk != cp->luk) || (p->option != cp->option) || (p->karma != cp->karma) || (p->manner != cp->manner) || (p->party_id != cp->party_id) || (p->guild_id != cp->guild_id) || (p->pet_id != cp->pet_id) || (p->hair != cp->hair) || (p->hair_color != cp->hair_color) || (p->clothes_color != cp->clothes_color) || (p->weapon != cp->weapon) || (p->shield != cp->shield) || (p->head_top != cp->head_top) || (p->head_mid != cp->head_mid) || (p->head_bottom != cp->head_bottom) || (p->partner_id != cp->partner_id) || (p->father != cp->father) || (p->mother != cp->mother) || (p->child != cp->child) || (p->fame != cp->fame)) { //Save status //Check for party party_exist=1; sprintf(tmp_sql, "SELECT count(*) FROM `%s` WHERE `party_id` = '%d'",party_db, p->party_id); // TBR if (mysql_query(&mysql_handle, tmp_sql)) { ShowSQL("DB Error - %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql_handle)); } else { //In case of failure, don't touch the data. [Skotlex sql_res = mysql_store_result(&mysql_handle); sql_row = mysql_fetch_row(sql_res); if (sql_row) party_exist = atoi(sql_row[0]); mysql_free_result(sql_res); } //check guild_exist guild_exist=1; sprintf(tmp_sql, "SELECT count(*) FROM `%s` WHERE `guild_id` = '%d'",guild_db, p->guild_id); // TBR if (mysql_query(&mysql_handle, tmp_sql)) { ShowSQL("DB Error (select guild): %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql_handle)); } else { //If we fail to confirm, don't touch the data. sql_res = mysql_store_result(&mysql_handle); sql_row = mysql_fetch_row(sql_res); if (sql_row) guild_exist = atoi(sql_row[0]); mysql_free_result(sql_res); } if (guild_exist==0) p->guild_id=0; */ if (party_exist==0) p->party_id=0; //Parties are not converted. [Skotlex] //sql query //`char`( `char_id`,`account_id`,`char_num`,`name`,`class`,`base_level`,`job_level`,`base_exp`,`job_exp`,`zeny`, //9 //`str`,`agi`,`vit`,`int`,`dex`,`luk`, //15 //`max_hp`,`hp`,`max_sp`,`sp`,`status_point`,`skill_point`, //21 //`option`,`karma`,`manner`,`party_id`,`guild_id`,`pet_id`, //27 //`hair`,`hair_color`,`clothes_color`,`weapon`,`shield`,`head_top`,`head_mid`,`head_bottom`, //35 //`last_map`,`last_x`,`last_y`,`save_map`,`save_x`,`save_y`) //Rather than converting the update to a insert, let's insert a blank char. [Skotlex] sprintf(tmp_sql, "INSERT INTO `%s` (`char_id`, `account_id`, `name`, `char_num`) VALUES ('%d','%d','%s', '%d')", char_db, char_id, p->account_id, p->name, p->char_num); if(mysql_query(&mysql_handle, tmp_sql)) ShowSQL("DB Error (insert char): %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql_handle)); //If there is an error, we could assume it already exists, so just update anyway. sprintf(tmp_sql ,"UPDATE `%s` SET `class`='%d', `base_level`='%d', `job_level`='%d'," "`base_exp`='%d', `job_exp`='%d', `zeny`='%d'," "`max_hp`='%d',`hp`='%d',`max_sp`='%d',`sp`='%d',`status_point`='%d',`skill_point`='%d'," "`str`='%d',`agi`='%d',`vit`='%d',`int`='%d',`dex`='%d',`luk`='%d'," "`option`='%d',`karma`='%d',`manner`='%d',`party_id`='%d',`guild_id`='%d',`pet_id`='%d'," "`hair`='%d',`hair_color`='%d',`clothes_color`='%d',`weapon`='%d',`shield`='%d',`head_top`='%d',`head_mid`='%d',`head_bottom`='%d'," "`last_map`='%s',`last_x`='%d',`last_y`='%d',`save_map`='%s',`save_x`='%d',`save_y`='%d'," "`partner_id`='%d', `father`='%d', `mother`='%d', `child`='%d', `fame`='%d'" "WHERE `account_id`='%d' AND `char_id` = '%d'", char_db, p->class_, p->base_level, p->job_level, p->base_exp, p->job_exp, p->zeny, p->max_hp, p->hp, p->max_sp, p->sp, p->status_point, p->skill_point, p->str, p->agi, p->vit, p->int_, p->dex, p->luk, p->option, p->karma, p->manner, p->party_id, p->guild_id, p->pet_id, p->hair, p->hair_color, p->clothes_color, p->weapon, p->shield, p->head_top, p->head_mid, p->head_bottom, mapindex_id2name(p->last_point.map), p->last_point.x, p->last_point.y, mapindex_id2name(p->save_point.map), p->save_point.x, p->save_point.y, p->partner_id, p->father, p->mother, p->child, p->fame, p->account_id, p->char_id ); if(mysql_query(&mysql_handle, tmp_sql)) ShowSQL("DB Error (update char): %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql_handle)); else strcat(save_status, " status"); /* } diff = 0; for(i=0;i<MAX_MEMOPOINTS;i++){ if((strcmp(p->memo_point[i].map,cp->memo_point[i].map) == 0) && (p->memo_point[i].x == cp->memo_point[i].x) && (p->memo_point[i].y == cp->memo_point[i].y)) continue; diff = 1; break; } */ if (diff) { //Save memo //`memo` (`memo_id`,`char_id`,`map`,`x`,`y`) sprintf(tmp_sql,"DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `char_id`='%d'",memo_db, p->char_id); if(mysql_query(&mysql_handle, tmp_sql)) ShowSQL("DB Error (delete memo): %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql_handle)); //insert here. tmp_ptr = tmp_sql; tmp_ptr += sprintf(tmp_ptr, "INSERT INTO `%s`(`char_id`,`map`,`x`,`y`) VALUES ", memo_db); count = 0; for(i=0;i<MAX_MEMOPOINTS;i++){ if(p->memo_point[i].map){ tmp_ptr += sprintf(tmp_ptr,"('%d', '%s', '%d', '%d'),", char_id, mapindex_id2name(p->memo_point[i].map), p->memo_point[i].x, p->memo_point[i].y); count++; } } if (count) { //Dangerous? Only if none of the above sprintf worked. [Skotlex] tmp_ptr[-1] = '\0'; //Remove the trailing comma. if(mysql_query(&mysql_handle, tmp_sql)) ShowSQL("DB Error (insert memo): %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql_handle)); else strcat(save_status, " memo"); } else //Memo Points cleared (how is this possible?). strcat(save_status, " memo"); } /* diff = 0; for(i=0;i<MAX_SKILL;i++) { if ((p->skill[i].lv != 0) && (p->skill[i].id == 0)) p->skill[i].id = i; // Fix skill tree if((p->skill[i].id != cp->skill[i].id) || (p->skill[i].lv != cp->skill[i].lv) || (p->skill[i].flag != cp->skill[i].flag)) { diff = 1; break; } } */ if (diff) { //Save skills //`skill` (`char_id`, `id`, `lv`) sprintf(tmp_sql,"DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `char_id`='%d'",skill_db, p->char_id); if(mysql_query(&mysql_handle, tmp_sql)) ShowSQL("DB Error (delete skill): %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql_handle)); tmp_ptr = tmp_sql; tmp_ptr += sprintf(tmp_ptr,"INSERT INTO `%s`(`char_id`,`id`,`lv`) VALUES ", skill_db); count = 0; //insert here. for(i=0;i<MAX_SKILL;i++){ if(p->skill[i].id && p->skill[i].flag!=1) { tmp_ptr += sprintf(tmp_ptr,"('%d','%d','%d'),", char_id, p->skill[i].id, (p->skill[i].flag==0)?p->skill[i].lv:p->skill[i].flag-2); count++; } } if (count) { tmp_ptr[-1] = '\0'; //Remove trailing comma. if(mysql_query(&mysql_handle, tmp_sql)) ShowSQL("DB Error (insert skill): %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql_handle)); else strcat(save_status, " skills"); } else //Skills removed (reset?) strcat(save_status, " skills"); } /* diff = 0; for(i=0;i<p->global_reg_num;i++) { if ((p->global_reg[i].str == NULL) && (cp->global_reg[i].str == NULL)) continue; if (((p->global_reg[i].str == NULL) != (cp->global_reg[i].str == NULL)) || (p->global_reg[i].value != cp->global_reg[i].value) || strcmp(p->global_reg[i].str, cp->global_reg[i].str) != 0 ) { diff = 1; break; } } */ /* if (diff) { //Save global registry. //`global_reg_value` (`char_id`, `str`, `value`) sprintf(tmp_sql,"DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `type`=3 AND `char_id`='%d'",reg_db, p->char_id); if (mysql_query(&mysql_handle, tmp_sql)) ShowSQL("DB Error (delete global_reg_value): %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql_handle)); //insert here. tmp_ptr = tmp_sql; tmp_ptr += sprintf(tmp_ptr,"INSERT INTO `%s` (`char_id`, `str`, `value`) VALUES", reg_db); count = 0; for(i=0;i<p->global_reg_num;i++) { if (p->global_reg[i].str && p->global_reg[i].value !=0) { tmp_ptr += sprintf(tmp_ptr,"('%d','%s','%s'),", char_id, jstrescapecpy(temp_str,p->global_reg[i].str), p->global_reg[i].value); if (++count%100 == 0) { //Save every X registers to avoid overflowing tmp_sql [Skotlex] tmp_ptr[-1] = '\0'; if(mysql_query(&mysql_handle, tmp_sql)) ShowSQL("DB Error (insert global_reg_value sub): %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql_handle)); else strcat(save_status, " global_reg"); tmp_ptr = tmp_sql; tmp_ptr += sprintf(tmp_ptr,"INSERT INTO `%s` (`char_id`, `str`, `value`) VALUES", reg_db); count = 0; } } } if (count) { tmp_ptr[-1] = '\0'; if(mysql_query(&mysql_handle, tmp_sql)) ShowSQL("DB Error (insert global_reg_value): %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql_handle)); else strcat(save_status, " global_reg"); } else //Values cleared. strcat(save_status, " global_reg"); } */ /* diff = 0; for(i = 0; i < MAX_FRIENDS; i++){ if(p->friend_id[i] != cp->friend_id[i]){ diff = 1; break; } } if(diff) { //Save friends sprintf(tmp_sql, "DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `char_id`='%d'", friend_db, char_id); if(mysql_query(&mysql_handle, tmp_sql)){ ShowSQL("DB Error (delete friend): %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql_handle)); } tmp_ptr = tmp_sql; tmp_ptr += sprintf(tmp_ptr, "INSERT INTO `%s` (`char_id`, `friend_id`) VALUES ", friend_db); count = 0; for(i = 0; i < MAX_FRIENDS; i++){ if(p->friend_id[i] > 0) { tmp_ptr += sprintf(tmp_ptr, "('%d', '%d'),", char_id, p->friend_id[i]); count++; } } if (count) { tmp_ptr[-1] = '\0'; //Remove the last comma. [Skotlex] if(mysql_query(&mysql_handle, tmp_sql)) ShowSQL("DB Error (insert friend): %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql_handle)); else strcat(save_status, " friends"); } else //Friend list cleared. strcat(save_status, " friends"); } */ ShowInfo("Saved char %d:%s.\n", char_id, save_status); // memcpy(cp, p, sizeof(struct mmo_charstatus)); return 0; } //-------------------------------------------------------- // Save registry to sql int inter_accreg_tosql(int account_id, int char_id, struct accreg *reg, int type){ int j; char temp_str[64]; //Needs be twice the source to ensure it fits [Skotlex] char temp_str2[512]; if (account_id<=0) return 0; switch (type) { case 3: //Char Reg //`global_reg_value` (`type`, `account_id`, `char_id`, `str`, `value`) sprintf(tmp_sql,"DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `type`=3 AND `char_id`='%d'",reg_db, char_id); break; case 2: //Account Reg //`global_reg_value` (`type`, `account_id`, `char_id`, `str`, `value`) sprintf(tmp_sql,"DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `type`=2 AND `account_id`='%d'",reg_db, account_id); break; case 1: //Account2 Reg ShowError("inter_accreg_tosql: Char server shouldn't handle type 1 registry values (##). That is the login server's work!\n"); return 0; default: ShowError("inter_accreg_tosql: Invalid type %d\n", type); return 0; } if(mysql_query(&mysql_handle, tmp_sql) ) { ShowSQL("DB error - %s\n",mysql_error(&mysql_handle)); ShowDebug("at %s:%d - %s\n", __FILE__,__LINE__,tmp_sql); } if (reg->reg_num<=0) return 0; for(j=0;j<reg->reg_num;j++){ if(reg->reg[j].str != NULL){ sprintf(tmp_sql,"INSERT INTO `%s` (`type`, `account_id`, `char_id`, `str`, `value`) VALUES ('%d','%d','%d','%s','%s')", reg_db, type, type!=3?account_id:0, type==3?char_id:0, jstrescapecpy(temp_str,reg->reg[j].str), jstrescapecpy(temp_str2,reg->reg[j].value)); if(mysql_query(&mysql_handle, tmp_sql) ) { ShowSQL("DB error - %s\n",mysql_error(&mysql_handle)); ShowDebug("at %s:%d - %s\n", __FILE__,__LINE__,tmp_sql); } } } return 1; } //Note: Keep this function updated with the one in src/char/int_storage.c [Skotlex] int storage_fromstr(char *str,struct storage *p) { int tmp_int[256]; int set,next,len,i; set=sscanf(str,"%d,%d%n",&tmp_int[0],&tmp_int[1],&next); p->storage_amount=tmp_int[1]; if(set!=2) return 1; if(str[next]=='\n' || str[next]=='\r') return 0; next++; for(i=0;str[next] && str[next]!='\t';i++){ if(sscanf(str + next, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d%n", &tmp_int[0], &tmp_int[1], &tmp_int[2], &tmp_int[3], &tmp_int[4], &tmp_int[5], &tmp_int[6], &tmp_int[7], &tmp_int[8], &tmp_int[9], &tmp_int[10], &tmp_int[10], &len) == 12) { p->storage_[i].id = tmp_int[0]; p->storage_[i].nameid = tmp_int[1]; p->storage_[i].amount = tmp_int[2]; p->storage_[i].equip = tmp_int[3]; p->storage_[i].identify = tmp_int[4]; p->storage_[i].refine = tmp_int[5]; p->storage_[i].attribute = tmp_int[6]; p->storage_[i].card[0] = tmp_int[7]; p->storage_[i].card[1] = tmp_int[8]; p->storage_[i].card[2] = tmp_int[9]; p->storage_[i].card[3] = tmp_int[10]; next += len; if (str[next] == ' ') next++; } else if(sscanf(str + next, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d%n", &tmp_int[0], &tmp_int[1], &tmp_int[2], &tmp_int[3], &tmp_int[4], &tmp_int[5], &tmp_int[6], &tmp_int[7], &tmp_int[8], &tmp_int[9], &tmp_int[10], &len) == 11) { p->storage_[i].id = tmp_int[0]; p->storage_[i].nameid = tmp_int[1]; p->storage_[i].amount = tmp_int[2]; p->storage_[i].equip = tmp_int[3]; p->storage_[i].identify = tmp_int[4]; p->storage_[i].refine = tmp_int[5]; p->storage_[i].attribute = tmp_int[6]; p->storage_[i].card[0] = tmp_int[7]; p->storage_[i].card[1] = tmp_int[8]; p->storage_[i].card[2] = tmp_int[9]; p->storage_[i].card[3] = tmp_int[10]; next += len; if (str[next] == ' ') next++; } else return 1; } return 0; } //Note: Keep this function synched with the one in src/char_sql/int_storage.c int storage_tosql(int account_id,struct storage *p){ int i; // int eqcount=1; // int noteqcount=1; int count=0; struct itemtmp mapitem[MAX_GUILD_STORAGE]; for(i=0;i<MAX_STORAGE;i++){ if(p->storage_[i].nameid>0){ mapitem[count].flag=0; mapitem[count].id = p->storage_[i].id; mapitem[count].nameid=p->storage_[i].nameid; mapitem[count].amount = p->storage_[i].amount; mapitem[count].equip = p->storage_[i].equip; mapitem[count].identify = p->storage_[i].identify; mapitem[count].refine = p->storage_[i].refine; mapitem[count].attribute = p->storage_[i].attribute; mapitem[count].card[0] = p->storage_[i].card[0]; mapitem[count].card[1] = p->storage_[i].card[1]; mapitem[count].card[2] = p->storage_[i].card[2]; mapitem[count].card[3] = p->storage_[i].card[3]; count++; } } memitemdata_to_sql(mapitem, count, account_id,TABLE_STORAGE); //printf ("storage dump to DB - id: %d (total: %d)\n", account_id, j); return 0; } //Note: Keep updated with the function in src/char/int_pet.c [Skotlex] int inter_pet_fromstr(char *str,struct s_pet *p) { int s; int tmp_int[16]; char tmp_str[256]; memset(p,0,sizeof(struct s_pet)); // printf("sscanf pet main info\n"); s=sscanf(str,"%d,%d,%[^\t]\t%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d",&tmp_int[0],&tmp_int[1],tmp_str,&tmp_int[2], &tmp_int[3],&tmp_int[4],&tmp_int[5],&tmp_int[6],&tmp_int[7],&tmp_int[8],&tmp_int[9],&tmp_int[10]); if(s!=12) return 1; p->pet_id = tmp_int[0]; p->class_ = tmp_int[1]; memcpy(p->name,tmp_str,NAME_LENGTH-1); p->account_id = tmp_int[2]; p->char_id = tmp_int[3]; p->level = tmp_int[4]; p->egg_id = tmp_int[5]; p->equip = tmp_int[6]; p->intimate = tmp_int[7]; p->hungry = tmp_int[8]; p->rename_flag = tmp_int[9]; p->incuvate = tmp_int[10]; if(p->hungry < 0) p->hungry = 0; else if(p->hungry > 100) p->hungry = 100; if(p->intimate < 0) p->intimate = 0; else if(p->intimate > 1000) p->intimate = 1000; return 0; } //Note: Keep updated with the function in src/char_sql/int_pet.c [Skotlex] int inter_pet_tosql(int pet_id, struct s_pet *p) { //`pet` (`pet_id`, `class`,`name`,`account_id`,`char_id`,`level`,`egg_id`,`equip`,`intimate`,`hungry`,`rename_flag`,`incuvate`) char t_name[NAME_LENGTH*2]; ShowInfo("Saving pet (%d)...\n",pet_id); jstrescapecpy(t_name, p->name); if(p->hungry < 0) p->hungry = 0; else if(p->hungry > 100) p->hungry = 100; if(p->intimate < 0) p->intimate = 0; else if(p->intimate > 1000) p->intimate = 1000; sprintf(tmp_sql,"SELECT * FROM `%s` WHERE `pet_id`='%d'",pet_db, pet_id); if(mysql_query(&mysql_handle, tmp_sql) ) { ShowSQL("DB server Error - %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql_handle) ); } sql_res = mysql_store_result(&mysql_handle) ; if (sql_res!=NULL && mysql_num_rows(sql_res)>0) //row reside -> updating sprintf(tmp_sql, "UPDATE `%s` SET `class`='%d',`name`='%s',`account_id`='%d',`char_id`='%d',`level`='%d',`egg_id`='%d',`equip`='%d',`intimate`='%d',`hungry`='%d',`rename_flag`='%d',`incuvate`='%d' WHERE `pet_id`='%d'", pet_db, p->class_, t_name, p->account_id, p->char_id, p->level, p->egg_id, p->equip, p->intimate, p->hungry, p->rename_flag, p->incuvate, p->pet_id); else //no row -> insert sprintf(tmp_sql,"INSERT INTO `%s` (`pet_id`, `class`,`name`,`account_id`,`char_id`,`level`,`egg_id`,`equip`,`intimate`,`hungry`,`rename_flag`,`incuvate`) VALUES ('%d', '%d', '%s', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d')", pet_db, pet_id, p->class_, t_name, p->account_id, p->char_id, p->level, p->egg_id, p->equip, p->intimate, p->hungry, p->rename_flag, p->incuvate); mysql_free_result(sql_res) ; //resource free if(mysql_query(&mysql_handle, tmp_sql) ) { ShowSQL("DB server Error (inset/update `pet`)- %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql_handle) ); } ShowInfo("Pet saved (%d). \n", pet_id); return 0; } int mmo_char_init(void){ char line[65536]; struct storage *storage_ = NULL; struct s_pet *p; int ret; int i=0,set,tmp_int[2], c= 0; char input; FILE *fp; mysql_init(&mysql_handle); ShowInfo("Connect DB server.... (inter server)\n"); if(!mysql_real_connect(&mysql_handle, db_server_ip, db_server_id, db_server_pw, db_server_logindb ,db_server_port, (char *)NULL, 0)) { //pointer check ShowFatalError("%s\n",mysql_error(&mysql_handle)); exit(1); } else { ShowStatus ("connect success! (inter server)\n"); } ShowWarning("Make sure you backup your databases before continuing!\n"); printf("\n"); ShowNotice("Do you wish to convert your Character Database to SQL? (y/n) : "); input=getchar(); if(input == 'y' || input == 'Y'){ ShowStatus("Converting Character Database...\n"); fp=fopen("save/athena.txt","r"); char_dat = (struct character_data*)malloc(sizeof(struct character_data)*256); char_max=256; if(fp==NULL) return 0; while(fgets(line, 65535, fp)){ if(char_num>=char_max){ char_max+=256; char_dat = (struct character_data*)realloc(char_dat, sizeof(char_dat[0]) *char_max); } memset(&char_dat[char_num], 0, sizeof(char_dat[0])); ret=mmo_char_fromstr(line, &char_dat[char_num].status, &char_dat[char_num].global); if(ret){ mmo_char_tosql(char_dat[char_num].status.char_id , &char_dat[char_num].status); inter_accreg_tosql(char_dat[char_num].status.account_id, char_dat[char_num].status.char_id, &char_dat[char_num].global, 3); //Type 3: Character regs if(char_dat[char_num].status.char_id>=char_id_count) char_id_count=char_dat[char_num].status.char_id+1; char_num++; } } ShowStatus("char data convert end\n"); fclose(fp); } while(getchar() != '\n'); printf("\n"); ShowNotice("Do you wish to convert your Storage Database to SQL? (y/n) : "); input=getchar(); if(input == 'y' || input == 'Y') { printf("\n"); ShowStatus("Converting Storage Database...\n"); fp=fopen(storage_txt,"r"); if(fp==NULL){ ShowError("cant't read : %s\n",storage_txt); return 0; } while(fgets(line,65535,fp)){ set=sscanf(line,"%d,%d",&tmp_int[0],&tmp_int[1]); if(set==2) { if(i==0){ storage_ = (struct storage*)malloc(sizeof(struct storage)); }else{ storage_ = (struct storage*)realloc(storage_,sizeof(struct storage)*(i+1)); } memset(&storage_[i],0,sizeof(struct storage)); storage_[i].account_id=tmp_int[0]; storage_fromstr(line,&storage_[i]); storage_tosql(tmp_int[0],&storage_[i]); //to sql. (dump) i++; } } fclose(fp); } while(getchar() != '\n'); printf("\n"); ShowNotice("Do you wish to convert your Pet Database to SQL? (y/n) : "); input=getchar(); if(input == 'y' || input == 'Y') { printf("\n"); ShowStatus("Converting Pet Database...\n"); if( (fp=fopen(pet_txt,"r")) ==NULL ) return 1; p = (struct s_pet*)malloc(sizeof(struct s_pet)); while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp)){ if(p==NULL){ ShowFatalError("int_pet: out of memory!\n"); exit(0); } if(inter_pet_fromstr(line, p)==0 && p->pet_id>0){ //pet dump inter_pet_tosql(p->pet_id,p); }else{ ShowError("int_pet: broken data [%s] line %d\n", pet_txt, c); } c++; } fclose(fp); } return 0; } int inter_config_read(const char *cfgName) { int i; char line[1024], w1[1024], w2[1024]; FILE *fp; ShowStatus("Start reading interserver configuration: %s\n",cfgName); fp=fopen(cfgName,"r"); if(fp==NULL){ ShowError("File not found: %s\n", cfgName); return 1; } while(fgets(line, 1020, fp)){ i=sscanf(line,"%[^:]:%s", w1, w2); if(i!=2) continue; if(strcmpi(w1,"storage_txt")==0){ ShowInfo ("set storage_txt : %s\n",w2); strncpy(storage_txt, w2, sizeof(storage_txt)); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"pet_txt")==0){ ShowInfo ("set pet_txt : %s\n",w2); strncpy(pet_txt, w2, sizeof(pet_txt)); } //add for DB connection else if(strcmpi(w1,"db_server_ip")==0){ strcpy(db_server_ip, w2); ShowInfo ("set db_server_ip : %s\n",w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"db_server_port")==0){ db_server_port=atoi(w2); ShowInfo ("set db_server_port : %s\n",w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"db_server_id")==0){ strcpy(db_server_id, w2); ShowInfo ("set db_server_id : %s\n",w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"db_server_pw")==0){ strcpy(db_server_pw, w2); ShowInfo ("set db_server_pw : %s\n",w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"db_server_logindb")==0){ strcpy(db_server_logindb, w2); ShowInfo ("set db_server_logindb : %s\n",w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"char_db")==0){ strcpy(char_db, w2); ShowInfo ("set char_db : %s\n",w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"cart_db")==0){ strcpy(cart_db, w2); ShowInfo ("set cart_db : %s\n",w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"inventory_db")==0){ strcpy(inventory_db, w2); ShowInfo ("set inventory_db : %s\n",w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"storage_db")==0){ strcpy(storage_db, w2); ShowInfo ("set storage_db : %s\n",w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"reg_db")==0){ strcpy(reg_db, w2); ShowInfo ("set reg_db : %s\n",w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"skill_db")==0){ strcpy(skill_db, w2); ShowInfo ("set skill_db : %s\n",w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"memo_db")==0){ strcpy(memo_db, w2); ShowInfo ("set memo_db : %s\n",w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"pet_db")==0){ strcpy(pet_db, w2); ShowInfo ("set pet_db : %s\n",w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"friend_db")==0){ strcpy(friend_db, w2); ShowInfo ("set friend_db : %s\n",w2); //support the import command, just like any other config }else if(strcmpi(w1,"import")==0){ inter_config_read(w2); } } fclose(fp); ShowStatus("Done reading %s.\n", cfgName); return 0; } int char_config_read(const char *cfgName) { int i; char line[1024], w1[1024], w2[1024]; FILE *fp; ShowStatus ("Start reading char-server configuration: %s\n",cfgName); fp=fopen(cfgName,"r"); if(fp==NULL){ ShowError("File not found: %s\n", cfgName); return 1; } while(fgets(line, 1020, fp)){ if(line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/') continue; i=sscanf(line,"%[^:]:%s", w1, w2); if(i!=2) continue; if(strcmpi(w1,"char_txt")==0){ ShowInfo ("set char_txt : %s\n",w2); strcpy(char_txt, w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"friends_txt")==0){ ShowInfo ("set friends_txt : %s\n",w2); strcpy(friends_txt, w2); } } fclose(fp); ShowStatus("Done reading %s.\n", cfgName); return 0; } int do_init(int argc, char **argv){ char_config_read((argc>1)?argv[1]:CHAR_CONF_NAME); inter_config_read((argc>2)?argv[2]:INTER_CONF_NAME); mapindex_init(); mmo_char_init(); ShowStatus("Everything's been converted!\n"); mapindex_final(); exit (0); } void do_final () {}