# Copyright (c) Hercules Dev Team, licensed under GNU GPL.
# See the LICENSE file

################  PLUGIN CONFIGURATION  ##############################
#                                                                    #
# When you add a plugin, add its name here:                          #
# Example: if you have a plugin named my_cool_plugin.c and another   #
# one named my_second_plugin.c, add them to the list like this:      #
#                                                                    #
# MYPLUGINS = my_cool_plugin my_second_plugin                        #
#                                                                    #
# This is only needed if you want to build your plugin through       #
#   'make plugins' or 'make all'. If you don't add it to this list,  #
#   you will still be able to build your plugin through              #
#   'make plugin.my_plugin'                                          #
#                                                                    #
# Note: DO NOT include the .c extension!!!                           #


#                                                                    #
#########  DO NOT EDIT ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE!!!  ##################

# All plugins in the src/plugins directory
ALLPLUGINS = $(basename $(wildcard *.c))

# Plugins that will be built through 'make plugins' or 'make all'
PLUGINS = sample db2sql HPMHooking $(MYPLUGINS)

COMMON_D = ../common
COMMON_H = $(wildcard $(COMMON_D)/*.h)

CONFIG_D = ../config
CONFIG_H = $(wildcard $(CONFIG_D)/*.h) $(wildcard $(CONFIG_D)/*/*.h)

MAP_H = $(wildcard ../map/*.h)
CHAR_H = $(wildcard ../char/*.h)
LOGIN_H = $(wildcard ../login/*.h)


CC = @CC@
export CC

.PHONY: all $(ALLPLUGINS) clean buildclean help

all: $(PLUGINS) Makefile

$(ALLPLUGINS): %: ../../plugins/%@DLLEXT@

	@echo "	CLEAN	plugins (build temp files)"
	@rm -rf *.o

clean: buildclean
	@echo "	CLEAN	plugins"
	@rm -rf ../../plugins/*@DLLEXT@

	@echo "possible targets are $(PLUGINS:%='%') 'all' 'clean' 'help'"
	@echo ""
	@echo "$(PLUGINS:%='%')"
	@echo "              - builds a specific plugin"
	@echo "'all'         - builds all above targets"
	@echo "'clean'       - cleans builds and objects"
	@echo "'buildclean'  - cleans build temporary (object) files, without deleting the"
	@echo "                compiled plugins"
	@echo "'help'        - outputs this message"


Makefile: Makefile.in
	@$(MAKE) -C ../.. src/plugins/Makefile


../../plugins/%@DLLEXT@: %.c $(ALL_H) $$(shell ls %/* 2>/dev/null)
	@echo "	CC	$<"