// Copyright (c) Hercules Dev Team, licensed under GNU GPL. // See the LICENSE file // // NOTE: This file was auto-generated and should never be manually edited, // as it will get overwritten. /* atcommand */ void HP_atcommand_init(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_init_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_init_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_init_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.atcommand.init(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_init_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_init_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_init_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_atcommand_final(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_final_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_final_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_final_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.atcommand.final(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_final_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_final_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_final_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } bool HP_atcommand_parse(const int fd, struct map_session_data *sd, const char *message, int type) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_parse_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (const int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd, const char *message, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_parse_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_parse_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&fd, sd, message, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.atcommand.parse(fd, sd, message, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_parse_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, const int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd, const char *message, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_parse_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_parse_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &fd, sd, message, &type); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_atcommand_create(char *name, AtCommandFunc func) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_create_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *name, AtCommandFunc *func); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_create_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_create_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(name, &func); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.atcommand.create(name, func); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_create_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *name, AtCommandFunc *func); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_create_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_create_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, name, &func); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_atcommand_can_use(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *command) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_can_use_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *command); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_can_use_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_can_use_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, command); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.atcommand.can_use(sd, command); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_can_use_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, const char *command); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_can_use_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_can_use_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, command); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_atcommand_can_use2(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *command, AtCommandType type) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_can_use2_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *command, AtCommandType *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_can_use2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_can_use2_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, command, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.atcommand.can_use2(sd, command, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_can_use2_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, const char *command, AtCommandType *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_can_use2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_can_use2_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, command, &type); } } return retVal___; } void HP_atcommand_load_groups(GroupSettings **groups, config_setting_t **commands_, size_t sz) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_load_groups_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (GroupSettings **groups, config_setting_t **commands_, size_t *sz); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_load_groups_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_load_groups_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(groups, commands_, &sz); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.atcommand.load_groups(groups, commands_, sz); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_load_groups_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (GroupSettings **groups, config_setting_t **commands_, size_t *sz); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_load_groups_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_load_groups_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(groups, commands_, &sz); } } return; } AtCommandInfo* HP_atcommand_exists(const char *name) { int hIndex = 0; AtCommandInfo* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_exists_pre ) { AtCommandInfo* (*preHookFunc) (const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_exists_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_exists_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.atcommand.exists(name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_exists_post ) { AtCommandInfo* (*postHookFunc) (AtCommandInfo* retVal___, const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_exists_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_exists_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, name); } } return retVal___; } int HP_atcommand_msg_read(const char *cfgName) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_msg_read_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (const char *cfgName); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_msg_read_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_msg_read_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(cfgName); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.atcommand.msg_read(cfgName); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_msg_read_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, const char *cfgName); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_msg_read_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_msg_read_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, cfgName); } } return retVal___; } void HP_atcommand_final_msg(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_final_msg_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_final_msg_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_final_msg_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.atcommand.final_msg(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_final_msg_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_final_msg_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_final_msg_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } struct atcmd_binding_data* HP_atcommand_get_bind_byname(const char *name) { int hIndex = 0; struct atcmd_binding_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_get_bind_byname_pre ) { struct atcmd_binding_data* (*preHookFunc) (const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_get_bind_byname_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_get_bind_byname_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.atcommand.get_bind_byname(name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_get_bind_byname_post ) { struct atcmd_binding_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct atcmd_binding_data* retVal___, const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_get_bind_byname_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_get_bind_byname_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, name); } } return retVal___; } AtCommandInfo* HP_atcommand_get_info_byname(const char *name) { int hIndex = 0; AtCommandInfo* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_get_info_byname_pre ) { AtCommandInfo* (*preHookFunc) (const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_get_info_byname_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_get_info_byname_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.atcommand.get_info_byname(name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_get_info_byname_post ) { AtCommandInfo* (*postHookFunc) (AtCommandInfo* retVal___, const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_get_info_byname_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_get_info_byname_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, name); } } return retVal___; } const char* HP_atcommand_check_alias(const char *aliasname) { int hIndex = 0; const char* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_check_alias_pre ) { const char* (*preHookFunc) (const char *aliasname); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_check_alias_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_check_alias_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(aliasname); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.atcommand.check_alias(aliasname); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_check_alias_post ) { const char* (*postHookFunc) (const char* retVal___, const char *aliasname); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_check_alias_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_check_alias_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, aliasname); } } return retVal___; } void HP_atcommand_get_suggestions(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *name, bool is_atcmd_cmd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_get_suggestions_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *name, bool *is_atcmd_cmd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_get_suggestions_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_get_suggestions_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, name, &is_atcmd_cmd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.atcommand.get_suggestions(sd, name, is_atcmd_cmd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_get_suggestions_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *name, bool *is_atcmd_cmd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_get_suggestions_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_get_suggestions_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, name, &is_atcmd_cmd); } } return; } void HP_atcommand_config_read(const char *config_filename) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_config_read_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (const char *config_filename); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_config_read_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_config_read_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(config_filename); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.atcommand.config_read(config_filename); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_config_read_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (const char *config_filename); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_config_read_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_config_read_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(config_filename); } } return; } int HP_atcommand_stopattack(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_stopattack_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_stopattack_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_stopattack_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.atcommand.stopattack(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_stopattack_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_stopattack_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_stopattack_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_atcommand_pvpoff_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_pvpoff_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_pvpoff_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_pvpoff_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.atcommand.pvpoff_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_pvpoff_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_pvpoff_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_pvpoff_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_atcommand_pvpon_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_pvpon_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_pvpon_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_pvpon_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.atcommand.pvpon_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_pvpon_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_pvpon_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_pvpon_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_atcommand_atkillmonster_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_atkillmonster_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_atkillmonster_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_atkillmonster_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.atcommand.atkillmonster_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_atkillmonster_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_atkillmonster_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_atkillmonster_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } void HP_atcommand_raise_sub(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_raise_sub_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_raise_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_raise_sub_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.atcommand.raise_sub(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_raise_sub_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_raise_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_raise_sub_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_atcommand_get_jail_time(int jailtime, int *year, int *month, int *day, int *hour, int *minute) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_get_jail_time_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *jailtime, int *year, int *month, int *day, int *hour, int *minute); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_get_jail_time_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_get_jail_time_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&jailtime, year, month, day, hour, minute); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.atcommand.get_jail_time(jailtime, year, month, day, hour, minute); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_get_jail_time_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *jailtime, int *year, int *month, int *day, int *hour, int *minute); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_get_jail_time_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_get_jail_time_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&jailtime, year, month, day, hour, minute); } } return; } int HP_atcommand_cleanfloor_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_cleanfloor_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_cleanfloor_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_cleanfloor_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.atcommand.cleanfloor_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_cleanfloor_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_cleanfloor_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_cleanfloor_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_atcommand_mutearea_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_mutearea_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_mutearea_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_mutearea_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.atcommand.mutearea_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_mutearea_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_mutearea_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_mutearea_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } void HP_atcommand_commands_sub(struct map_session_data *sd, const int fd, AtCommandType type) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_commands_sub_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const int *fd, AtCommandType *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_commands_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_commands_sub_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &fd, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.atcommand.commands_sub(sd, fd, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_commands_sub_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const int *fd, AtCommandType *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_commands_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_commands_sub_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &fd, &type); } } return; } void HP_atcommand_cmd_db_clear(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_cmd_db_clear_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_cmd_db_clear_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_cmd_db_clear_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.atcommand.cmd_db_clear(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_cmd_db_clear_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_cmd_db_clear_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_cmd_db_clear_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } int HP_atcommand_cmd_db_clear_sub(DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list args) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_cmd_db_clear_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_cmd_db_clear_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_cmd_db_clear_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&key, data, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.atcommand.cmd_db_clear_sub(key, data, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_cmd_db_clear_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_cmd_db_clear_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_cmd_db_clear_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &key, data, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } } return retVal___; } void HP_atcommand_doload(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_doload_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_doload_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_doload_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.atcommand.doload(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_doload_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_doload_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_doload_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_atcommand_base_commands(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_base_commands_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_base_commands_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_base_commands_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.atcommand.base_commands(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_base_commands_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_base_commands_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_base_commands_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } bool HP_atcommand_add(char *name, AtCommandFunc func, bool replace) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_add_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *name, AtCommandFunc *func, bool *replace); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_add_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_add_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(name, &func, &replace); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.atcommand.add(name, func, replace); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_add_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *name, AtCommandFunc *func, bool *replace); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_atcommand_add_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_atcommand_add_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, name, &func, &replace); } } return retVal___; } /* battle */ void HP_battle_init(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_init_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_init_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_init_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.battle.init(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_init_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_init_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_init_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_battle_final(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_final_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_final_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_final_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.battle.final(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_final_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_final_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_final_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } struct Damage HP_battle_calc_attack(int attack_type, struct block_list *bl, struct block_list *target, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int count) { int hIndex = 0; struct Damage retVal___; memset(&retVal___, '\0', sizeof(struct Damage)); if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_attack_pre ) { struct Damage (*preHookFunc) (int *attack_type, struct block_list *bl, struct block_list *target, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *count); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_attack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_calc_attack_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&attack_type, bl, target, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &count); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.calc_attack(attack_type, bl, target, skill_id, skill_lv, count); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_attack_post ) { struct Damage (*postHookFunc) (struct Damage retVal___, int *attack_type, struct block_list *bl, struct block_list *target, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *count); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_attack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_calc_attack_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &attack_type, bl, target, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &count); } } return retVal___; } int64 HP_battle_calc_damage(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, struct Damage *d, int64 damage, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int64 retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_damage_pre ) { int64 (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, struct Damage *d, int64 *damage, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_damage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_calc_damage_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, bl, d, &damage, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.calc_damage(src, bl, d, damage, skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_damage_post ) { int64 (*postHookFunc) (int64 retVal___, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, struct Damage *d, int64 *damage, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_damage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_calc_damage_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, bl, d, &damage, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int64 HP_battle_calc_gvg_damage(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, int64 damage, int div_, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int64 retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_gvg_damage_pre ) { int64 (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, int64 *damage, int *div_, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_gvg_damage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_calc_gvg_damage_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, bl, &damage, &div_, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.calc_gvg_damage(src, bl, damage, div_, skill_id, skill_lv, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_gvg_damage_post ) { int64 (*postHookFunc) (int64 retVal___, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, int64 *damage, int *div_, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_gvg_damage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_calc_gvg_damage_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, bl, &damage, &div_, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int64 HP_battle_calc_bg_damage(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, int64 damage, int div_, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int64 retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_bg_damage_pre ) { int64 (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, int64 *damage, int *div_, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_bg_damage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_calc_bg_damage_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, bl, &damage, &div_, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.calc_bg_damage(src, bl, damage, div_, skill_id, skill_lv, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_bg_damage_post ) { int64 (*postHookFunc) (int64 retVal___, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, int64 *damage, int *div_, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_bg_damage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_calc_bg_damage_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, bl, &damage, &div_, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &flag); } } return retVal___; } enum damage_lv HP_battle_weapon_attack(struct block_list *bl, struct block_list *target, int64 tick, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; enum damage_lv retVal___ = ATK_NONE; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_weapon_attack_pre ) { enum damage_lv (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct block_list *target, int64 *tick, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_weapon_attack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_weapon_attack_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, target, &tick, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.weapon_attack(bl, target, tick, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_weapon_attack_post ) { enum damage_lv (*postHookFunc) (enum damage_lv retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct block_list *target, int64 *tick, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_weapon_attack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_weapon_attack_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, target, &tick, &flag); } } return retVal___; } struct Damage HP_battle_calc_weapon_attack(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int wflag) { int hIndex = 0; struct Damage retVal___; memset(&retVal___, '\0', sizeof(struct Damage)); if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_weapon_attack_pre ) { struct Damage (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *wflag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_weapon_attack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_calc_weapon_attack_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, target, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &wflag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.calc_weapon_attack(src, target, skill_id, skill_lv, wflag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_weapon_attack_post ) { struct Damage (*postHookFunc) (struct Damage retVal___, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *wflag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_weapon_attack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_calc_weapon_attack_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, target, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &wflag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_battle_delay_damage(int64 tick, int amotion, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, int attack_type, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int64 damage, enum damage_lv dmg_lv, int ddelay, bool additional_effects) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_delay_damage_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int64 *tick, int *amotion, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, int *attack_type, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int64 *damage, enum damage_lv *dmg_lv, int *ddelay, bool *additional_effects); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_delay_damage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_delay_damage_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tick, &amotion, src, target, &attack_type, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &damage, &dmg_lv, &ddelay, &additional_effects); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.delay_damage(tick, amotion, src, target, attack_type, skill_id, skill_lv, damage, dmg_lv, ddelay, additional_effects); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_delay_damage_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int64 *tick, int *amotion, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, int *attack_type, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int64 *damage, enum damage_lv *dmg_lv, int *ddelay, bool *additional_effects); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_delay_damage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_delay_damage_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tick, &amotion, src, target, &attack_type, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &damage, &dmg_lv, &ddelay, &additional_effects); } } return retVal___; } void HP_battle_drain(struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *tbl, int64 rdamage, int64 ldamage, int race, int boss) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_drain_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *tbl, int64 *rdamage, int64 *ldamage, int *race, int *boss); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_drain_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_drain_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, tbl, &rdamage, &ldamage, &race, &boss); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.battle.drain(sd, tbl, rdamage, ldamage, race, boss); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_drain_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *tbl, int64 *rdamage, int64 *ldamage, int *race, int *boss); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_drain_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_drain_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, tbl, &rdamage, &ldamage, &race, &boss); } } return; } int64 HP_battle_calc_return_damage(struct block_list *bl, struct block_list *src, int64 *p1, int flag, uint16 skill_id, int *rdelay) { int hIndex = 0; int64 retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_return_damage_pre ) { int64 (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct block_list *src, int64 *p1, int *flag, uint16 *skill_id, int *rdelay); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_return_damage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_calc_return_damage_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, src, p1, &flag, &skill_id, rdelay); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.calc_return_damage(bl, src, p1, flag, skill_id, rdelay); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_return_damage_post ) { int64 (*postHookFunc) (int64 retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct block_list *src, int64 *p1, int *flag, uint16 *skill_id, int *rdelay); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_return_damage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_calc_return_damage_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, src, p1, &flag, &skill_id, rdelay); } } return retVal___; } int HP_battle_attr_ratio(int atk_elem, int def_type, int def_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_attr_ratio_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *atk_elem, int *def_type, int *def_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_attr_ratio_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_attr_ratio_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&atk_elem, &def_type, &def_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.attr_ratio(atk_elem, def_type, def_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_attr_ratio_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *atk_elem, int *def_type, int *def_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_attr_ratio_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_attr_ratio_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &atk_elem, &def_type, &def_lv); } } return retVal___; } int64 HP_battle_attr_fix(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, int64 damage, int atk_elem, int def_type, int def_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int64 retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_attr_fix_pre ) { int64 (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, int64 *damage, int *atk_elem, int *def_type, int *def_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_attr_fix_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_attr_fix_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, target, &damage, &atk_elem, &def_type, &def_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.attr_fix(src, target, damage, atk_elem, def_type, def_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_attr_fix_post ) { int64 (*postHookFunc) (int64 retVal___, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, int64 *damage, int *atk_elem, int *def_type, int *def_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_attr_fix_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_attr_fix_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, target, &damage, &atk_elem, &def_type, &def_lv); } } return retVal___; } int64 HP_battle_calc_cardfix(int attack_type, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, int nk, int s_ele, int s_ele_, int64 damage, int left, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int64 retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_cardfix_pre ) { int64 (*preHookFunc) (int *attack_type, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, int *nk, int *s_ele, int *s_ele_, int64 *damage, int *left, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_cardfix_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_calc_cardfix_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&attack_type, src, target, &nk, &s_ele, &s_ele_, &damage, &left, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.calc_cardfix(attack_type, src, target, nk, s_ele, s_ele_, damage, left, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_cardfix_post ) { int64 (*postHookFunc) (int64 retVal___, int *attack_type, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, int *nk, int *s_ele, int *s_ele_, int64 *damage, int *left, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_cardfix_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_calc_cardfix_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &attack_type, src, target, &nk, &s_ele, &s_ele_, &damage, &left, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int64 HP_battle_calc_elefix(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int64 damage, int nk, int n_ele, int s_ele, int s_ele_, bool left, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int64 retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_elefix_pre ) { int64 (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int64 *damage, int *nk, int *n_ele, int *s_ele, int *s_ele_, bool *left, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_elefix_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_calc_elefix_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, target, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &damage, &nk, &n_ele, &s_ele, &s_ele_, &left, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.calc_elefix(src, target, skill_id, skill_lv, damage, nk, n_ele, s_ele, s_ele_, left, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_elefix_post ) { int64 (*postHookFunc) (int64 retVal___, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int64 *damage, int *nk, int *n_ele, int *s_ele, int *s_ele_, bool *left, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_elefix_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_calc_elefix_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, target, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &damage, &nk, &n_ele, &s_ele, &s_ele_, &left, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int64 HP_battle_calc_masteryfix(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int64 damage, int div, bool left, bool weapon) { int hIndex = 0; int64 retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_masteryfix_pre ) { int64 (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int64 *damage, int *div, bool *left, bool *weapon); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_masteryfix_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_calc_masteryfix_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, target, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &damage, &div, &left, &weapon); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.calc_masteryfix(src, target, skill_id, skill_lv, damage, div, left, weapon); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_masteryfix_post ) { int64 (*postHookFunc) (int64 retVal___, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int64 *damage, int *div, bool *left, bool *weapon); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_masteryfix_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_calc_masteryfix_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, target, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &damage, &div, &left, &weapon); } } return retVal___; } int HP_battle_calc_skillratio(int attack_type, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int skillratio, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_skillratio_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *attack_type, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *skillratio, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_skillratio_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_calc_skillratio_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&attack_type, src, target, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &skillratio, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.calc_skillratio(attack_type, src, target, skill_id, skill_lv, skillratio, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_skillratio_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *attack_type, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *skillratio, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_skillratio_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_calc_skillratio_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &attack_type, src, target, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &skillratio, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int64 HP_battle_calc_sizefix(struct map_session_data *sd, int64 damage, int type, int size, bool ignore) { int hIndex = 0; int64 retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_sizefix_pre ) { int64 (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int64 *damage, int *type, int *size, bool *ignore); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_sizefix_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_calc_sizefix_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &damage, &type, &size, &ignore); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.calc_sizefix(sd, damage, type, size, ignore); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_sizefix_post ) { int64 (*postHookFunc) (int64 retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int64 *damage, int *type, int *size, bool *ignore); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_sizefix_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_calc_sizefix_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &damage, &type, &size, &ignore); } } return retVal___; } int64 HP_battle_calc_weapon_damage(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, struct weapon_atk *watk, int nk, bool n_ele, short s_ele, short s_ele_, int size, int type, int flag, int flag2) { int hIndex = 0; int64 retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_weapon_damage_pre ) { int64 (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, struct weapon_atk *watk, int *nk, bool *n_ele, short *s_ele, short *s_ele_, int *size, int *type, int *flag, int *flag2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_weapon_damage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_calc_weapon_damage_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, bl, &skill_id, &skill_lv, watk, &nk, &n_ele, &s_ele, &s_ele_, &size, &type, &flag, &flag2); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.calc_weapon_damage(src, bl, skill_id, skill_lv, watk, nk, n_ele, s_ele, s_ele_, size, type, flag, flag2); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_weapon_damage_post ) { int64 (*postHookFunc) (int64 retVal___, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, struct weapon_atk *watk, int *nk, bool *n_ele, short *s_ele, short *s_ele_, int *size, int *type, int *flag, int *flag2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_weapon_damage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_calc_weapon_damage_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, bl, &skill_id, &skill_lv, watk, &nk, &n_ele, &s_ele, &s_ele_, &size, &type, &flag, &flag2); } } return retVal___; } int64 HP_battle_calc_defense(int attack_type, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int64 damage, int flag, int pdef) { int hIndex = 0; int64 retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_defense_pre ) { int64 (*preHookFunc) (int *attack_type, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int64 *damage, int *flag, int *pdef); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_defense_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_calc_defense_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&attack_type, src, target, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &damage, &flag, &pdef); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.calc_defense(attack_type, src, target, skill_id, skill_lv, damage, flag, pdef); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_defense_post ) { int64 (*postHookFunc) (int64 retVal___, int *attack_type, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int64 *damage, int *flag, int *pdef); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_defense_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_calc_defense_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &attack_type, src, target, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &damage, &flag, &pdef); } } return retVal___; } struct block_list* HP_battle_get_master(struct block_list *src) { int hIndex = 0; struct block_list* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_get_master_pre ) { struct block_list* (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_get_master_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_get_master_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.get_master(src); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_get_master_post ) { struct block_list* (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list* retVal___, struct block_list *src); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_get_master_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_get_master_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src); } } return retVal___; } struct block_list* HP_battle_get_targeted(struct block_list *target) { int hIndex = 0; struct block_list* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_get_targeted_pre ) { struct block_list* (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_get_targeted_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_get_targeted_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(target); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.get_targeted(target); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_get_targeted_post ) { struct block_list* (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list* retVal___, struct block_list *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_get_targeted_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_get_targeted_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, target); } } return retVal___; } struct block_list* HP_battle_get_enemy(struct block_list *target, int type, int range) { int hIndex = 0; struct block_list* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_get_enemy_pre ) { struct block_list* (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *target, int *type, int *range); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_get_enemy_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_get_enemy_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(target, &type, &range); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.get_enemy(target, type, range); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_get_enemy_post ) { struct block_list* (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list* retVal___, struct block_list *target, int *type, int *range); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_get_enemy_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_get_enemy_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, target, &type, &range); } } return retVal___; } int HP_battle_get_target(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_get_target_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_get_target_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_get_target_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.get_target(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_get_target_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_get_target_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_get_target_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } int HP_battle_get_current_skill(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_get_current_skill_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_get_current_skill_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_get_current_skill_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.get_current_skill(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_get_current_skill_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_get_current_skill_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_get_current_skill_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } int HP_battle_check_undead(int race, int element) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_check_undead_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *race, int *element); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_check_undead_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_check_undead_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&race, &element); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.check_undead(race, element); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_check_undead_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *race, int *element); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_check_undead_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_check_undead_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &race, &element); } } return retVal___; } int HP_battle_check_target(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_check_target_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_check_target_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_check_target_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, target, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.check_target(src, target, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_check_target_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_check_target_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_check_target_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, target, &flag); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_battle_check_range(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, int range) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_check_range_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, int *range); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_check_range_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_check_range_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, bl, &range); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.check_range(src, bl, range); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_check_range_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, int *range); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_check_range_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_check_range_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, bl, &range); } } return retVal___; } void HP_battle_consume_ammo(struct map_session_data *sd, int skill_id, int lv) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_consume_ammo_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *skill_id, int *lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_consume_ammo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_consume_ammo_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &skill_id, &lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.battle.consume_ammo(sd, skill_id, lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_consume_ammo_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *skill_id, int *lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_consume_ammo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_consume_ammo_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &skill_id, &lv); } } return; } int HP_battle_get_targeted_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_get_targeted_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_get_targeted_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_get_targeted_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.get_targeted_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_get_targeted_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_get_targeted_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_get_targeted_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_battle_get_enemy_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_get_enemy_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_get_enemy_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_get_enemy_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.get_enemy_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_get_enemy_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_get_enemy_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_get_enemy_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_battle_get_enemy_area_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_get_enemy_area_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_get_enemy_area_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_get_enemy_area_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.get_enemy_area_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_get_enemy_area_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_get_enemy_area_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_get_enemy_area_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_battle_delay_damage_sub(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_delay_damage_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_delay_damage_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_delay_damage_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.delay_damage_sub(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_delay_damage_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_delay_damage_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_delay_damage_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_battle_blewcount_bonus(struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_blewcount_bonus_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_blewcount_bonus_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_blewcount_bonus_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.blewcount_bonus(sd, skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_blewcount_bonus_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_blewcount_bonus_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_blewcount_bonus_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &skill_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_battle_range_type(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_range_type_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_range_type_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_range_type_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, target, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.range_type(src, target, skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_range_type_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_range_type_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_range_type_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, target, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int64 HP_battle_calc_base_damage(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int nk, bool n_ele, short s_ele, short s_ele_, int type, int flag, int flag2) { int hIndex = 0; int64 retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_base_damage_pre ) { int64 (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *nk, bool *n_ele, short *s_ele, short *s_ele_, int *type, int *flag, int *flag2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_base_damage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_calc_base_damage_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, bl, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &nk, &n_ele, &s_ele, &s_ele_, &type, &flag, &flag2); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.calc_base_damage(src, bl, skill_id, skill_lv, nk, n_ele, s_ele, s_ele_, type, flag, flag2); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_base_damage_post ) { int64 (*postHookFunc) (int64 retVal___, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *nk, bool *n_ele, short *s_ele, short *s_ele_, int *type, int *flag, int *flag2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_base_damage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_calc_base_damage_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, bl, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &nk, &n_ele, &s_ele, &s_ele_, &type, &flag, &flag2); } } return retVal___; } int64 HP_battle_calc_base_damage2(struct status_data *st, struct weapon_atk *wa, struct status_change *sc, unsigned short t_size, struct map_session_data *sd, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int64 retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_base_damage2_pre ) { int64 (*preHookFunc) (struct status_data *st, struct weapon_atk *wa, struct status_change *sc, unsigned short *t_size, struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_base_damage2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_calc_base_damage2_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(st, wa, sc, &t_size, sd, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.calc_base_damage2(st, wa, sc, t_size, sd, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_base_damage2_post ) { int64 (*postHookFunc) (int64 retVal___, struct status_data *st, struct weapon_atk *wa, struct status_change *sc, unsigned short *t_size, struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_base_damage2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_calc_base_damage2_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, st, wa, sc, &t_size, sd, &flag); } } return retVal___; } struct Damage HP_battle_calc_misc_attack(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int mflag) { int hIndex = 0; struct Damage retVal___; memset(&retVal___, '\0', sizeof(struct Damage)); if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_misc_attack_pre ) { struct Damage (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *mflag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_misc_attack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_calc_misc_attack_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, target, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &mflag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.calc_misc_attack(src, target, skill_id, skill_lv, mflag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_misc_attack_post ) { struct Damage (*postHookFunc) (struct Damage retVal___, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *mflag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_misc_attack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_calc_misc_attack_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, target, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &mflag); } } return retVal___; } struct Damage HP_battle_calc_magic_attack(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int mflag) { int hIndex = 0; struct Damage retVal___; memset(&retVal___, '\0', sizeof(struct Damage)); if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_magic_attack_pre ) { struct Damage (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *mflag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_magic_attack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_calc_magic_attack_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, target, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &mflag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.calc_magic_attack(src, target, skill_id, skill_lv, mflag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_magic_attack_post ) { struct Damage (*postHookFunc) (struct Damage retVal___, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *mflag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_magic_attack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_calc_magic_attack_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, target, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &mflag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_battle_adjust_skill_damage(int m, unsigned short skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_adjust_skill_damage_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *m, unsigned short *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_adjust_skill_damage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_adjust_skill_damage_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&m, &skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.adjust_skill_damage(m, skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_adjust_skill_damage_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *m, unsigned short *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_adjust_skill_damage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_adjust_skill_damage_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &m, &skill_id); } } return retVal___; } int64 HP_battle_add_mastery(struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *target, int64 dmg, int type) { int hIndex = 0; int64 retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_add_mastery_pre ) { int64 (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *target, int64 *dmg, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_add_mastery_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_add_mastery_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, target, &dmg, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.add_mastery(sd, target, dmg, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_add_mastery_post ) { int64 (*postHookFunc) (int64 retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *target, int64 *dmg, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_add_mastery_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_add_mastery_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, target, &dmg, &type); } } return retVal___; } int HP_battle_calc_drain(int64 damage, int rate, int per) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_drain_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int64 *damage, int *rate, int *per); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_drain_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_calc_drain_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&damage, &rate, &per); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.calc_drain(damage, rate, per); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_drain_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int64 *damage, int *rate, int *per); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_calc_drain_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_calc_drain_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &damage, &rate, &per); } } return retVal___; } int HP_battle_config_read(const char *cfgName) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_config_read_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (const char *cfgName); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_config_read_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_config_read_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(cfgName); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.config_read(cfgName); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_config_read_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, const char *cfgName); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_config_read_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_config_read_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, cfgName); } } return retVal___; } void HP_battle_config_set_defaults(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_config_set_defaults_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_config_set_defaults_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_config_set_defaults_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.battle.config_set_defaults(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_config_set_defaults_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_config_set_defaults_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_config_set_defaults_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } int HP_battle_config_set_value(const char *w1, const char *w2) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_config_set_value_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (const char *w1, const char *w2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_config_set_value_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_config_set_value_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(w1, w2); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.config_set_value(w1, w2); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_config_set_value_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, const char *w1, const char *w2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_config_set_value_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_config_set_value_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, w1, w2); } } return retVal___; } int HP_battle_config_get_value(const char *w1) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_config_get_value_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (const char *w1); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_config_get_value_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_config_get_value_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(w1); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.config_get_value(w1); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_config_get_value_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, const char *w1); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_config_get_value_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_config_get_value_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, w1); } } return retVal___; } void HP_battle_config_adjust(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_config_adjust_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_config_adjust_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_config_adjust_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.battle.config_adjust(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_config_adjust_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_config_adjust_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_config_adjust_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } struct block_list* HP_battle_get_enemy_area(struct block_list *src, int x, int y, int range, int type, int ignore_id) { int hIndex = 0; struct block_list* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_get_enemy_area_pre ) { struct block_list* (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, int *x, int *y, int *range, int *type, int *ignore_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_get_enemy_area_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_get_enemy_area_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, &x, &y, &range, &type, &ignore_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.get_enemy_area(src, x, y, range, type, ignore_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_get_enemy_area_post ) { struct block_list* (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list* retVal___, struct block_list *src, int *x, int *y, int *range, int *type, int *ignore_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_get_enemy_area_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_get_enemy_area_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, &x, &y, &range, &type, &ignore_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_battle_damage_area(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_damage_area_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_damage_area_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_damage_area_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.battle.damage_area(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_damage_area_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_battle_damage_area_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_battle_damage_area_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } /* bg */ void HP_bg_init(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_init_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_init_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_init_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.bg.init(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_init_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_init_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_init_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_bg_final(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_final_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_final_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_final_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.bg.final(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_final_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_final_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_final_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } struct bg_arena* HP_bg_name2arena(char *name) { int hIndex = 0; struct bg_arena* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_name2arena_pre ) { struct bg_arena* (*preHookFunc) (char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_name2arena_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_name2arena_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.bg.name2arena(name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_name2arena_post ) { struct bg_arena* (*postHookFunc) (struct bg_arena* retVal___, char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_name2arena_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_name2arena_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, name); } } return retVal___; } void HP_bg_queue_add(struct map_session_data *sd, struct bg_arena *arena, enum bg_queue_types type) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_queue_add_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct bg_arena *arena, enum bg_queue_types *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_queue_add_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_queue_add_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, arena, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.bg.queue_add(sd, arena, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_queue_add_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct bg_arena *arena, enum bg_queue_types *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_queue_add_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_queue_add_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, arena, &type); } } return; } enum BATTLEGROUNDS_QUEUE_ACK HP_bg_can_queue(struct map_session_data *sd, struct bg_arena *arena, enum bg_queue_types type) { int hIndex = 0; enum BATTLEGROUNDS_QUEUE_ACK retVal___ = BGQA_SUCCESS; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_can_queue_pre ) { enum BATTLEGROUNDS_QUEUE_ACK (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct bg_arena *arena, enum bg_queue_types *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_can_queue_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_can_queue_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, arena, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.bg.can_queue(sd, arena, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_can_queue_post ) { enum BATTLEGROUNDS_QUEUE_ACK (*postHookFunc) (enum BATTLEGROUNDS_QUEUE_ACK retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct bg_arena *arena, enum bg_queue_types *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_can_queue_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_can_queue_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, arena, &type); } } return retVal___; } int HP_bg_id2pos(int queue_id, int account_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_id2pos_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *queue_id, int *account_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_id2pos_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_id2pos_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&queue_id, &account_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.bg.id2pos(queue_id, account_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_id2pos_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *queue_id, int *account_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_id2pos_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_id2pos_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &queue_id, &account_id); } } return retVal___; } void HP_bg_queue_pc_cleanup(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_queue_pc_cleanup_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_queue_pc_cleanup_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_queue_pc_cleanup_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.bg.queue_pc_cleanup(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_queue_pc_cleanup_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_queue_pc_cleanup_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_queue_pc_cleanup_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_bg_begin(struct bg_arena *arena) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_begin_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct bg_arena *arena); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_begin_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_begin_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(arena); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.bg.begin(arena); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_begin_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct bg_arena *arena); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_begin_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_begin_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(arena); } } return; } int HP_bg_begin_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_begin_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_begin_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_begin_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.bg.begin_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_begin_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_begin_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_begin_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } void HP_bg_queue_pregame(struct bg_arena *arena) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_queue_pregame_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct bg_arena *arena); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_queue_pregame_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_queue_pregame_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(arena); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.bg.queue_pregame(arena); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_queue_pregame_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct bg_arena *arena); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_queue_pregame_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_queue_pregame_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(arena); } } return; } int HP_bg_fillup_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_fillup_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_fillup_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_fillup_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.bg.fillup_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_fillup_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_fillup_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_fillup_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } void HP_bg_queue_ready_ack(struct bg_arena *arena, struct map_session_data *sd, bool response) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_queue_ready_ack_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct bg_arena *arena, struct map_session_data *sd, bool *response); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_queue_ready_ack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_queue_ready_ack_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(arena, sd, &response); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.bg.queue_ready_ack(arena, sd, response); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_queue_ready_ack_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct bg_arena *arena, struct map_session_data *sd, bool *response); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_queue_ready_ack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_queue_ready_ack_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(arena, sd, &response); } } return; } void HP_bg_match_over(struct bg_arena *arena, bool canceled) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_match_over_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct bg_arena *arena, bool *canceled); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_match_over_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_match_over_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(arena, &canceled); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.bg.match_over(arena, canceled); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_match_over_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct bg_arena *arena, bool *canceled); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_match_over_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_match_over_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(arena, &canceled); } } return; } void HP_bg_queue_check(struct bg_arena *arena) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_queue_check_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct bg_arena *arena); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_queue_check_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_queue_check_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(arena); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.bg.queue_check(arena); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_queue_check_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct bg_arena *arena); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_queue_check_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_queue_check_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(arena); } } return; } struct battleground_data* HP_bg_team_search(int bg_id) { int hIndex = 0; struct battleground_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_team_search_pre ) { struct battleground_data* (*preHookFunc) (int *bg_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_team_search_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_team_search_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&bg_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.bg.team_search(bg_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_team_search_post ) { struct battleground_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct battleground_data* retVal___, int *bg_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_team_search_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_team_search_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &bg_id); } } return retVal___; } struct map_session_data* HP_bg_getavailablesd(struct battleground_data *bgd) { int hIndex = 0; struct map_session_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_getavailablesd_pre ) { struct map_session_data* (*preHookFunc) (struct battleground_data *bgd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_getavailablesd_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_getavailablesd_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bgd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.bg.getavailablesd(bgd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_getavailablesd_post ) { struct map_session_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data* retVal___, struct battleground_data *bgd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_getavailablesd_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_getavailablesd_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bgd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_bg_team_delete(int bg_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_team_delete_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *bg_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_team_delete_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_team_delete_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&bg_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.bg.team_delete(bg_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_team_delete_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *bg_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_team_delete_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_team_delete_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &bg_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_bg_team_warp(int bg_id, unsigned short mapindex, short x, short y) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_team_warp_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *bg_id, unsigned short *mapindex, short *x, short *y); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_team_warp_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_team_warp_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&bg_id, &mapindex, &x, &y); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.bg.team_warp(bg_id, mapindex, x, y); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_team_warp_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *bg_id, unsigned short *mapindex, short *x, short *y); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_team_warp_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_team_warp_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &bg_id, &mapindex, &x, &y); } } return retVal___; } int HP_bg_send_dot_remove(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_send_dot_remove_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_send_dot_remove_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_send_dot_remove_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.bg.send_dot_remove(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_send_dot_remove_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_send_dot_remove_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_send_dot_remove_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_bg_team_join(int bg_id, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_team_join_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *bg_id, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_team_join_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_team_join_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&bg_id, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.bg.team_join(bg_id, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_team_join_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *bg_id, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_team_join_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_team_join_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &bg_id, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_bg_team_leave(struct map_session_data *sd, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_team_leave_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_team_leave_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_team_leave_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.bg.team_leave(sd, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_team_leave_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_team_leave_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_team_leave_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_bg_member_respawn(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_member_respawn_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_member_respawn_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_member_respawn_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.bg.member_respawn(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_member_respawn_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_member_respawn_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_member_respawn_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_bg_create(unsigned short mapindex, short rx, short ry, const char *ev, const char *dev) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_create_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (unsigned short *mapindex, short *rx, short *ry, const char *ev, const char *dev); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_create_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_create_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&mapindex, &rx, &ry, ev, dev); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.bg.create(mapindex, rx, ry, ev, dev); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_create_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, unsigned short *mapindex, short *rx, short *ry, const char *ev, const char *dev); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_create_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_create_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &mapindex, &rx, &ry, ev, dev); } } return retVal___; } int HP_bg_team_get_id(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_team_get_id_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_team_get_id_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_team_get_id_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.bg.team_get_id(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_team_get_id_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_team_get_id_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_team_get_id_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } int HP_bg_send_message(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *mes, int len) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_send_message_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *mes, int *len); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_send_message_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_send_message_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, mes, &len); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.bg.send_message(sd, mes, len); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_send_message_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, const char *mes, int *len); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_send_message_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_send_message_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, mes, &len); } } return retVal___; } int HP_bg_send_xy_timer_sub(DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_send_xy_timer_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_send_xy_timer_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_send_xy_timer_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.bg.send_xy_timer_sub(key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_send_xy_timer_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_send_xy_timer_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_send_xy_timer_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_bg_send_xy_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_send_xy_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_send_xy_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_send_xy_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.bg.send_xy_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_send_xy_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_send_xy_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_send_xy_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } void HP_bg_config_read(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_config_read_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_config_read_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_config_read_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.bg.config_read(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_config_read_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_bg_config_read_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_bg_config_read_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } /* buyingstore */ bool HP_buyingstore_setup(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char slots) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_buyingstore_setup_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char *slots); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_buyingstore_setup_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_buyingstore_setup_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &slots); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.buyingstore.setup(sd, slots); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_buyingstore_setup_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char *slots); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_buyingstore_setup_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_buyingstore_setup_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &slots); } } return retVal___; } void HP_buyingstore_create(struct map_session_data *sd, int zenylimit, unsigned char result, const char *storename, const uint8 *itemlist, unsigned int count) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_buyingstore_create_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *zenylimit, unsigned char *result, const char *storename, const uint8 *itemlist, unsigned int *count); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_buyingstore_create_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_buyingstore_create_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &zenylimit, &result, storename, itemlist, &count); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.buyingstore.create(sd, zenylimit, result, storename, itemlist, count); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_buyingstore_create_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *zenylimit, unsigned char *result, const char *storename, const uint8 *itemlist, unsigned int *count); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_buyingstore_create_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_buyingstore_create_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &zenylimit, &result, storename, itemlist, &count); } } return; } void HP_buyingstore_close(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_buyingstore_close_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_buyingstore_close_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_buyingstore_close_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.buyingstore.close(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_buyingstore_close_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_buyingstore_close_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_buyingstore_close_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_buyingstore_open(struct map_session_data *sd, int account_id) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_buyingstore_open_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *account_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_buyingstore_open_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_buyingstore_open_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &account_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.buyingstore.open(sd, account_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_buyingstore_open_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *account_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_buyingstore_open_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_buyingstore_open_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &account_id); } } return; } void HP_buyingstore_trade(struct map_session_data *sd, int account_id, unsigned int buyer_id, const uint8 *itemlist, unsigned int count) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_buyingstore_trade_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *account_id, unsigned int *buyer_id, const uint8 *itemlist, unsigned int *count); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_buyingstore_trade_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_buyingstore_trade_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &account_id, &buyer_id, itemlist, &count); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.buyingstore.trade(sd, account_id, buyer_id, itemlist, count); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_buyingstore_trade_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *account_id, unsigned int *buyer_id, const uint8 *itemlist, unsigned int *count); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_buyingstore_trade_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_buyingstore_trade_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &account_id, &buyer_id, itemlist, &count); } } return; } bool HP_buyingstore_search(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short nameid) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_buyingstore_search_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_buyingstore_search_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_buyingstore_search_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &nameid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.buyingstore.search(sd, nameid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_buyingstore_search_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_buyingstore_search_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_buyingstore_search_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &nameid); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_buyingstore_searchall(struct map_session_data *sd, const struct s_search_store_search *s) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_buyingstore_searchall_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const struct s_search_store_search *s); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_buyingstore_searchall_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_buyingstore_searchall_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, s); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.buyingstore.searchall(sd, s); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_buyingstore_searchall_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, const struct s_search_store_search *s); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_buyingstore_searchall_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_buyingstore_searchall_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, s); } } return retVal___; } unsigned int HP_buyingstore_getuid(void) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_buyingstore_getuid_pre ) { unsigned int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_buyingstore_getuid_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_buyingstore_getuid_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.buyingstore.getuid(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_buyingstore_getuid_post ) { unsigned int (*postHookFunc) (unsigned int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_buyingstore_getuid_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_buyingstore_getuid_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } /* chat */ int HP_chat_create_pc_chat(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *title, const char *pass, int limit, bool pub) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_create_pc_chat_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *title, const char *pass, int *limit, bool *pub); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_create_pc_chat_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chat_create_pc_chat_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, title, pass, &limit, &pub); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chat.create_pc_chat(sd, title, pass, limit, pub); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_create_pc_chat_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, const char *title, const char *pass, int *limit, bool *pub); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_create_pc_chat_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chat_create_pc_chat_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, title, pass, &limit, &pub); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chat_join(struct map_session_data *sd, int chatid, const char *pass) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_join_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *chatid, const char *pass); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_join_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chat_join_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &chatid, pass); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chat.join(sd, chatid, pass); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_join_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *chatid, const char *pass); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_join_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chat_join_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &chatid, pass); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chat_leave(struct map_session_data *sd, bool kicked) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_leave_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, bool *kicked); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_leave_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chat_leave_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &kicked); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chat.leave(sd, kicked); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_leave_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, bool *kicked); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_leave_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chat_leave_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &kicked); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chat_change_owner(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *nextownername) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_change_owner_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *nextownername); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_change_owner_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chat_change_owner_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, nextownername); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chat.change_owner(sd, nextownername); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_change_owner_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, const char *nextownername); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_change_owner_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chat_change_owner_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, nextownername); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chat_change_status(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *title, const char *pass, int limit, bool pub) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_change_status_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *title, const char *pass, int *limit, bool *pub); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_change_status_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chat_change_status_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, title, pass, &limit, &pub); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chat.change_status(sd, title, pass, limit, pub); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_change_status_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, const char *title, const char *pass, int *limit, bool *pub); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_change_status_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chat_change_status_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, title, pass, &limit, &pub); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chat_kick(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *kickusername) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_kick_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *kickusername); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_kick_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chat_kick_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, kickusername); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chat.kick(sd, kickusername); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_kick_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, const char *kickusername); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_kick_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chat_kick_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, kickusername); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chat_create_npc_chat(struct npc_data *nd, const char *title, int limit, bool pub, int trigger, const char *ev, int zeny, int minLvl, int maxLvl) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_create_npc_chat_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct npc_data *nd, const char *title, int *limit, bool *pub, int *trigger, const char *ev, int *zeny, int *minLvl, int *maxLvl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_create_npc_chat_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chat_create_npc_chat_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(nd, title, &limit, &pub, &trigger, ev, &zeny, &minLvl, &maxLvl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chat.create_npc_chat(nd, title, limit, pub, trigger, ev, zeny, minLvl, maxLvl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_create_npc_chat_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct npc_data *nd, const char *title, int *limit, bool *pub, int *trigger, const char *ev, int *zeny, int *minLvl, int *maxLvl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_create_npc_chat_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chat_create_npc_chat_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, nd, title, &limit, &pub, &trigger, ev, &zeny, &minLvl, &maxLvl); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chat_delete_npc_chat(struct npc_data *nd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_delete_npc_chat_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_delete_npc_chat_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chat_delete_npc_chat_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(nd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chat.delete_npc_chat(nd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_delete_npc_chat_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_delete_npc_chat_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chat_delete_npc_chat_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, nd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chat_enable_event(struct chat_data *cd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_enable_event_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct chat_data *cd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_enable_event_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chat_enable_event_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(cd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chat.enable_event(cd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_enable_event_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct chat_data *cd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_enable_event_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chat_enable_event_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, cd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chat_disable_event(struct chat_data *cd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_disable_event_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct chat_data *cd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_disable_event_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chat_disable_event_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(cd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chat.disable_event(cd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_disable_event_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct chat_data *cd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_disable_event_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chat_disable_event_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, cd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chat_npc_kick_all(struct chat_data *cd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_npc_kick_all_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct chat_data *cd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_npc_kick_all_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chat_npc_kick_all_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(cd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chat.npc_kick_all(cd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_npc_kick_all_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct chat_data *cd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_npc_kick_all_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chat_npc_kick_all_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, cd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chat_trigger_event(struct chat_data *cd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_trigger_event_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct chat_data *cd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_trigger_event_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chat_trigger_event_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(cd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chat.trigger_event(cd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_trigger_event_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct chat_data *cd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_trigger_event_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chat_trigger_event_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, cd); } } return retVal___; } struct chat_data* HP_chat_create(struct block_list *bl, const char *title, const char *pass, int limit, bool pub, int trigger, const char *ev, int zeny, int minLvl, int maxLvl) { int hIndex = 0; struct chat_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_create_pre ) { struct chat_data* (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, const char *title, const char *pass, int *limit, bool *pub, int *trigger, const char *ev, int *zeny, int *minLvl, int *maxLvl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_create_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chat_create_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, title, pass, &limit, &pub, &trigger, ev, &zeny, &minLvl, &maxLvl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chat.create(bl, title, pass, limit, pub, trigger, ev, zeny, minLvl, maxLvl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_create_post ) { struct chat_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct chat_data* retVal___, struct block_list *bl, const char *title, const char *pass, int *limit, bool *pub, int *trigger, const char *ev, int *zeny, int *minLvl, int *maxLvl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chat_create_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chat_create_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, title, pass, &limit, &pub, &trigger, ev, &zeny, &minLvl, &maxLvl); } } return retVal___; } /* chrif */ int HP_chrif_final(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_final_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_final_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_final_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.final(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_final_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_final_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_final_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chrif_init(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_init_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_init_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_init_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.init(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_init_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_init_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_init_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } void HP_chrif_setuserid(char *id) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_setuserid_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (char *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_setuserid_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_setuserid_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.chrif.setuserid(id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_setuserid_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (char *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_setuserid_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_setuserid_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(id); } } return; } void HP_chrif_setpasswd(char *pwd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_setpasswd_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (char *pwd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_setpasswd_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_setpasswd_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(pwd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.chrif.setpasswd(pwd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_setpasswd_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (char *pwd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_setpasswd_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_setpasswd_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(pwd); } } return; } void HP_chrif_checkdefaultlogin(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_checkdefaultlogin_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_checkdefaultlogin_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_checkdefaultlogin_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.chrif.checkdefaultlogin(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_checkdefaultlogin_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_checkdefaultlogin_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_checkdefaultlogin_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } int HP_chrif_setip(const char *ip) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_setip_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (const char *ip); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_setip_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_setip_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(ip); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.setip(ip); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_setip_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, const char *ip); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_setip_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_setip_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, ip); } } return retVal___; } void HP_chrif_setport(uint16 port) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_setport_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *port); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_setport_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_setport_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&port); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.chrif.setport(port); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_setport_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (uint16 *port); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_setport_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_setport_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&port); } } return; } int HP_chrif_isconnected(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_isconnected_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_isconnected_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_isconnected_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.isconnected(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_isconnected_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_isconnected_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_isconnected_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } void HP_chrif_check_shutdown(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_check_shutdown_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_check_shutdown_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_check_shutdown_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.chrif.check_shutdown(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_check_shutdown_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_check_shutdown_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_check_shutdown_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } struct auth_node* HP_chrif_search(int account_id) { int hIndex = 0; struct auth_node* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_search_pre ) { struct auth_node* (*preHookFunc) (int *account_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_search_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_search_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&account_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.search(account_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_search_post ) { struct auth_node* (*postHookFunc) (struct auth_node* retVal___, int *account_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_search_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_search_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &account_id); } } return retVal___; } struct auth_node* HP_chrif_auth_check(int account_id, int char_id, enum sd_state state) { int hIndex = 0; struct auth_node* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_auth_check_pre ) { struct auth_node* (*preHookFunc) (int *account_id, int *char_id, enum sd_state *state); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_auth_check_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_auth_check_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&account_id, &char_id, &state); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.auth_check(account_id, char_id, state); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_auth_check_post ) { struct auth_node* (*postHookFunc) (struct auth_node* retVal___, int *account_id, int *char_id, enum sd_state *state); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_auth_check_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_auth_check_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &account_id, &char_id, &state); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_chrif_auth_delete(int account_id, int char_id, enum sd_state state) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_auth_delete_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (int *account_id, int *char_id, enum sd_state *state); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_auth_delete_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_auth_delete_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&account_id, &char_id, &state); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.auth_delete(account_id, char_id, state); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_auth_delete_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, int *account_id, int *char_id, enum sd_state *state); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_auth_delete_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_auth_delete_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &account_id, &char_id, &state); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_chrif_auth_finished(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_auth_finished_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_auth_finished_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_auth_finished_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.auth_finished(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_auth_finished_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_auth_finished_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_auth_finished_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } void HP_chrif_authreq(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_authreq_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_authreq_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_authreq_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.chrif.authreq(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_authreq_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_authreq_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_authreq_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_chrif_authok(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_authok_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_authok_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_authok_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.chrif.authok(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_authok_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_authok_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_authok_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } int HP_chrif_scdata_request(int account_id, int char_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_scdata_request_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *account_id, int *char_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_scdata_request_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_scdata_request_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&account_id, &char_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.scdata_request(account_id, char_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_scdata_request_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *account_id, int *char_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_scdata_request_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_scdata_request_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &account_id, &char_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chrif_save(struct map_session_data *sd, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_save_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_save_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_save_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.save(sd, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_save_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_save_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_save_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chrif_charselectreq(struct map_session_data *sd, uint32 s_ip) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_charselectreq_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint32 *s_ip); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_charselectreq_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_charselectreq_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &s_ip); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.charselectreq(sd, s_ip); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_charselectreq_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, uint32 *s_ip); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_charselectreq_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_charselectreq_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &s_ip); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chrif_changemapserver(struct map_session_data *sd, uint32 ip, uint16 port) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_changemapserver_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint32 *ip, uint16 *port); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_changemapserver_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_changemapserver_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &ip, &port); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.changemapserver(sd, ip, port); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_changemapserver_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, uint32 *ip, uint16 *port); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_changemapserver_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_changemapserver_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &ip, &port); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chrif_searchcharid(int char_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_searchcharid_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *char_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_searchcharid_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_searchcharid_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&char_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.searchcharid(char_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_searchcharid_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *char_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_searchcharid_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_searchcharid_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &char_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chrif_changeemail(int id, const char *actual_email, const char *new_email) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_changeemail_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *id, const char *actual_email, const char *new_email); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_changeemail_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_changeemail_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&id, actual_email, new_email); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.changeemail(id, actual_email, new_email); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_changeemail_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *id, const char *actual_email, const char *new_email); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_changeemail_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_changeemail_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &id, actual_email, new_email); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chrif_char_ask_name(int acc, const char *character_name, unsigned short operation_type, int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_char_ask_name_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *acc, const char *character_name, unsigned short *operation_type, int *year, int *month, int *day, int *hour, int *minute, int *second); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_char_ask_name_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_char_ask_name_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&acc, character_name, &operation_type, &year, &month, &day, &hour, &minute, &second); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.char_ask_name(acc, character_name, operation_type, year, month, day, hour, minute, second); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_char_ask_name_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *acc, const char *character_name, unsigned short *operation_type, int *year, int *month, int *day, int *hour, int *minute, int *second); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_char_ask_name_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_char_ask_name_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &acc, character_name, &operation_type, &year, &month, &day, &hour, &minute, &second); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chrif_updatefamelist(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_updatefamelist_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_updatefamelist_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_updatefamelist_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.updatefamelist(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_updatefamelist_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_updatefamelist_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_updatefamelist_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chrif_buildfamelist(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_buildfamelist_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_buildfamelist_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_buildfamelist_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.buildfamelist(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_buildfamelist_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_buildfamelist_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_buildfamelist_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chrif_save_scdata(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_save_scdata_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_save_scdata_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_save_scdata_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.save_scdata(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_save_scdata_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_save_scdata_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_save_scdata_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chrif_ragsrvinfo(int base_rate, int job_rate, int drop_rate) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_ragsrvinfo_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *base_rate, int *job_rate, int *drop_rate); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_ragsrvinfo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_ragsrvinfo_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&base_rate, &job_rate, &drop_rate); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.ragsrvinfo(base_rate, job_rate, drop_rate); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_ragsrvinfo_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *base_rate, int *job_rate, int *drop_rate); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_ragsrvinfo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_ragsrvinfo_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &base_rate, &job_rate, &drop_rate); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chrif_char_offline(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_char_offline_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_char_offline_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_char_offline_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.char_offline(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_char_offline_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_char_offline_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_char_offline_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chrif_char_offline_nsd(int account_id, int char_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_char_offline_nsd_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *account_id, int *char_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_char_offline_nsd_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_char_offline_nsd_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&account_id, &char_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.char_offline_nsd(account_id, char_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_char_offline_nsd_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *account_id, int *char_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_char_offline_nsd_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_char_offline_nsd_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &account_id, &char_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chrif_char_reset_offline(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_char_reset_offline_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_char_reset_offline_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_char_reset_offline_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.char_reset_offline(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_char_reset_offline_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_char_reset_offline_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_char_reset_offline_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chrif_send_users_tochar(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_send_users_tochar_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_send_users_tochar_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_send_users_tochar_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.send_users_tochar(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_send_users_tochar_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_send_users_tochar_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_send_users_tochar_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chrif_char_online(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_char_online_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_char_online_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_char_online_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.char_online(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_char_online_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_char_online_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_char_online_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chrif_changesex(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_changesex_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_changesex_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_changesex_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.changesex(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_changesex_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_changesex_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_changesex_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chrif_divorce(int partner_id1, int partner_id2) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_divorce_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *partner_id1, int *partner_id2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_divorce_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_divorce_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&partner_id1, &partner_id2); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.divorce(partner_id1, partner_id2); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_divorce_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *partner_id1, int *partner_id2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_divorce_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_divorce_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &partner_id1, &partner_id2); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chrif_removefriend(int char_id, int friend_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_removefriend_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *char_id, int *friend_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_removefriend_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_removefriend_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&char_id, &friend_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.removefriend(char_id, friend_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_removefriend_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *char_id, int *friend_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_removefriend_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_removefriend_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &char_id, &friend_id); } } return retVal___; } void HP_chrif_send_report(char *buf, int len) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_send_report_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (char *buf, int *len); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_send_report_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_send_report_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(buf, &len); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.chrif.send_report(buf, len); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_send_report_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (char *buf, int *len); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_send_report_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_send_report_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(buf, &len); } } return; } int HP_chrif_flush_fifo(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_flush_fifo_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_flush_fifo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_flush_fifo_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.flush_fifo(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_flush_fifo_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_flush_fifo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_flush_fifo_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } void HP_chrif_skillid2idx(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_skillid2idx_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_skillid2idx_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_skillid2idx_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.chrif.skillid2idx(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_skillid2idx_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_skillid2idx_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_skillid2idx_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } bool HP_chrif_sd_to_auth(TBL_PC *sd, enum sd_state state) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_sd_to_auth_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (TBL_PC *sd, enum sd_state *state); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_sd_to_auth_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_sd_to_auth_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &state); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.sd_to_auth(sd, state); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_sd_to_auth_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, TBL_PC *sd, enum sd_state *state); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_sd_to_auth_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_sd_to_auth_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &state); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chrif_check_connect_char_server(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_check_connect_char_server_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_check_connect_char_server_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_check_connect_char_server_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.check_connect_char_server(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_check_connect_char_server_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_check_connect_char_server_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_check_connect_char_server_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_chrif_auth_logout(TBL_PC *sd, enum sd_state state) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_auth_logout_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (TBL_PC *sd, enum sd_state *state); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_auth_logout_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_auth_logout_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &state); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.auth_logout(sd, state); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_auth_logout_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, TBL_PC *sd, enum sd_state *state); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_auth_logout_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_auth_logout_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &state); } } return retVal___; } void HP_chrif_save_ack(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_save_ack_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_save_ack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_save_ack_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.chrif.save_ack(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_save_ack_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_save_ack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_save_ack_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } int HP_chrif_reconnect(DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_reconnect_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_reconnect_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_reconnect_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.reconnect(key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_reconnect_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_reconnect_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_reconnect_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chrif_auth_db_cleanup_sub(DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_auth_db_cleanup_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_auth_db_cleanup_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_auth_db_cleanup_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.auth_db_cleanup_sub(key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_auth_db_cleanup_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_auth_db_cleanup_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_auth_db_cleanup_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } void HP_chrif_char_ask_name_answer(int acc, const char *player_name, uint16 type, uint16 answer) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_char_ask_name_answer_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *acc, const char *player_name, uint16 *type, uint16 *answer); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_char_ask_name_answer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_char_ask_name_answer_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&acc, player_name, &type, &answer); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.chrif.char_ask_name_answer(acc, player_name, type, answer); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_char_ask_name_answer_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *acc, const char *player_name, uint16 *type, uint16 *answer); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_char_ask_name_answer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_char_ask_name_answer_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&acc, player_name, &type, &answer); } } return; } int HP_chrif_auth_db_final(DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_auth_db_final_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_auth_db_final_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_auth_db_final_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.auth_db_final(key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_auth_db_final_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_auth_db_final_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_auth_db_final_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chrif_send_usercount_tochar(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_send_usercount_tochar_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_send_usercount_tochar_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_send_usercount_tochar_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.send_usercount_tochar(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_send_usercount_tochar_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_send_usercount_tochar_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_send_usercount_tochar_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chrif_auth_db_cleanup(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_auth_db_cleanup_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_auth_db_cleanup_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_auth_db_cleanup_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.auth_db_cleanup(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_auth_db_cleanup_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_auth_db_cleanup_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_auth_db_cleanup_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chrif_connect(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_connect_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_connect_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_connect_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.connect(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_connect_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_connect_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_connect_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &fd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chrif_connectack(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_connectack_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_connectack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_connectack_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.connectack(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_connectack_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_connectack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_connectack_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &fd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chrif_sendmap(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_sendmap_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_sendmap_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_sendmap_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.sendmap(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_sendmap_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_sendmap_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_sendmap_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &fd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chrif_sendmapack(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_sendmapack_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_sendmapack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_sendmapack_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.sendmapack(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_sendmapack_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_sendmapack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_sendmapack_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &fd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chrif_recvmap(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_recvmap_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_recvmap_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_recvmap_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.recvmap(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_recvmap_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_recvmap_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_recvmap_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &fd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chrif_changemapserverack(int account_id, int login_id1, int login_id2, int char_id, short map_index, short x, short y, uint32 ip, uint16 port) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_changemapserverack_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *account_id, int *login_id1, int *login_id2, int *char_id, short *map_index, short *x, short *y, uint32 *ip, uint16 *port); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_changemapserverack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_changemapserverack_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&account_id, &login_id1, &login_id2, &char_id, &map_index, &x, &y, &ip, &port); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.changemapserverack(account_id, login_id1, login_id2, char_id, map_index, x, y, ip, port); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_changemapserverack_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *account_id, int *login_id1, int *login_id2, int *char_id, short *map_index, short *x, short *y, uint32 *ip, uint16 *port); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_changemapserverack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_changemapserverack_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &account_id, &login_id1, &login_id2, &char_id, &map_index, &x, &y, &ip, &port); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chrif_changedsex(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_changedsex_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_changedsex_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_changedsex_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.changedsex(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_changedsex_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_changedsex_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_changedsex_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &fd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chrif_divorceack(int char_id, int partner_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_divorceack_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *char_id, int *partner_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_divorceack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_divorceack_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&char_id, &partner_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.divorceack(char_id, partner_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_divorceack_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *char_id, int *partner_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_divorceack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_divorceack_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &char_id, &partner_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chrif_accountban(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_accountban_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_accountban_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_accountban_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.accountban(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_accountban_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_accountban_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_accountban_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &fd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chrif_recvfamelist(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_recvfamelist_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_recvfamelist_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_recvfamelist_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.recvfamelist(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_recvfamelist_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_recvfamelist_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_recvfamelist_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &fd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chrif_load_scdata(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_load_scdata_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_load_scdata_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_load_scdata_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.load_scdata(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_load_scdata_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_load_scdata_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_load_scdata_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &fd); } } return retVal___; } void HP_chrif_update_ip(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_update_ip_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_update_ip_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_update_ip_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.chrif.update_ip(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_update_ip_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_update_ip_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_update_ip_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } int HP_chrif_disconnectplayer(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_disconnectplayer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_disconnectplayer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_disconnectplayer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.disconnectplayer(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_disconnectplayer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_disconnectplayer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_disconnectplayer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &fd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chrif_removemap(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_removemap_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_removemap_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_removemap_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.removemap(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_removemap_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_removemap_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_removemap_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &fd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_chrif_updatefamelist_ack(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_updatefamelist_ack_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_updatefamelist_ack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_updatefamelist_ack_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.updatefamelist_ack(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_updatefamelist_ack_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_updatefamelist_ack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_updatefamelist_ack_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &fd); } } return retVal___; } void HP_chrif_keepalive(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_keepalive_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_keepalive_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_keepalive_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.chrif.keepalive(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_keepalive_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_keepalive_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_keepalive_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_chrif_keepalive_ack(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_keepalive_ack_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_keepalive_ack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_keepalive_ack_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.chrif.keepalive_ack(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_keepalive_ack_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_keepalive_ack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_keepalive_ack_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } int HP_chrif_deadopt(int father_id, int mother_id, int child_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_deadopt_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *father_id, int *mother_id, int *child_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_deadopt_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_deadopt_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&father_id, &mother_id, &child_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.deadopt(father_id, mother_id, child_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_deadopt_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *father_id, int *mother_id, int *child_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_deadopt_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_deadopt_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &father_id, &mother_id, &child_id); } } return retVal___; } void HP_chrif_authfail(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_authfail_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_authfail_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_authfail_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.chrif.authfail(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_authfail_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_authfail_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_authfail_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_chrif_on_ready(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_on_ready_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_on_ready_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_on_ready_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.chrif.on_ready(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_on_ready_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_on_ready_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_on_ready_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_chrif_on_disconnect(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_on_disconnect_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_on_disconnect_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_on_disconnect_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.chrif.on_disconnect(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_on_disconnect_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_on_disconnect_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_on_disconnect_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } int HP_chrif_parse(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_parse_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_parse_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_parse_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.chrif.parse(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_parse_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_chrif_parse_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_chrif_parse_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &fd); } } return retVal___; } /* clif */ int HP_clif_init(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_init_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_init_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_init_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.clif.init(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_init_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_init_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_init_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } void HP_clif_final(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_final_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_final_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_final_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.final(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_final_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_final_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_final_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } int HP_clif_setip(const char *ip) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_setip_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (const char *ip); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_setip_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_setip_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(ip); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.clif.setip(ip); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_setip_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, const char *ip); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_setip_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_setip_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, ip); } } return retVal___; } void HP_clif_setbindip(const char *ip) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_setbindip_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (const char *ip); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_setbindip_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_setbindip_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(ip); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.setbindip(ip); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_setbindip_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (const char *ip); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_setbindip_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_setbindip_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(ip); } } return; } void HP_clif_setport(uint16 port) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_setport_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *port); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_setport_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_setport_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&port); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.setport(port); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_setport_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (uint16 *port); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_setport_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_setport_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&port); } } return; } uint32 HP_clif_refresh_ip(void) { int hIndex = 0; uint32 retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_refresh_ip_pre ) { uint32 (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_refresh_ip_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_refresh_ip_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.clif.refresh_ip(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_refresh_ip_post ) { uint32 (*postHookFunc) (uint32 retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_refresh_ip_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_refresh_ip_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } int HP_clif_send(const void *buf, int len, struct block_list *bl, enum send_target type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_send_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (const void *buf, int *len, struct block_list *bl, enum send_target *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_send_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_send_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(buf, &len, bl, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.clif.send(buf, len, bl, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_send_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, const void *buf, int *len, struct block_list *bl, enum send_target *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_send_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_send_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, buf, &len, bl, &type); } } return retVal___; } int HP_clif_send_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_send_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_send_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_send_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.clif.send_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_send_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_send_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_send_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_clif_parse(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_parse_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_parse_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_parse_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.clif.parse(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_parse_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_parse_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_parse_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &fd); } } return retVal___; } unsigned short HP_clif_parse_cmd(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned short retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_parse_cmd_pre ) { unsigned short (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_parse_cmd_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_parse_cmd_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.clif.parse_cmd(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_parse_cmd_post ) { unsigned short (*postHookFunc) (unsigned short retVal___, int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_parse_cmd_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_parse_cmd_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &fd, sd); } } return retVal___; } unsigned short HP_clif_decrypt_cmd(int cmd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned short retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_decrypt_cmd_pre ) { unsigned short (*preHookFunc) (int *cmd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_decrypt_cmd_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_decrypt_cmd_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&cmd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.clif.decrypt_cmd(cmd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_decrypt_cmd_post ) { unsigned short (*postHookFunc) (unsigned short retVal___, int *cmd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_decrypt_cmd_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_decrypt_cmd_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &cmd, sd); } } return retVal___; } void HP_clif_authok(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_authok_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_authok_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_authok_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.authok(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_authok_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_authok_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_authok_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_authrefuse(int fd, uint8 error_code) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_authrefuse_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, uint8 *error_code); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_authrefuse_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_authrefuse_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, &error_code); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.authrefuse(fd, error_code); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_authrefuse_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, uint8 *error_code); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_authrefuse_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_authrefuse_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, &error_code); } } return; } void HP_clif_authfail_fd(int fd, int type) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_authfail_fd_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_authfail_fd_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_authfail_fd_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.authfail_fd(fd, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_authfail_fd_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_authfail_fd_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_authfail_fd_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, &type); } } return; } void HP_clif_charselectok(int id, uint8 ok) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_charselectok_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *id, uint8 *ok); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_charselectok_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_charselectok_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&id, &ok); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.charselectok(id, ok); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_charselectok_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *id, uint8 *ok); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_charselectok_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_charselectok_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&id, &ok); } } return; } void HP_clif_dropflooritem(struct flooritem_data *fitem) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_dropflooritem_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct flooritem_data *fitem); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_dropflooritem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_dropflooritem_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(fitem); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.dropflooritem(fitem); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_dropflooritem_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct flooritem_data *fitem); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_dropflooritem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_dropflooritem_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(fitem); } } return; } void HP_clif_clearflooritem(struct flooritem_data *fitem, int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_clearflooritem_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct flooritem_data *fitem, int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_clearflooritem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_clearflooritem_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(fitem, &fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.clearflooritem(fitem, fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_clearflooritem_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct flooritem_data *fitem, int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_clearflooritem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_clearflooritem_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(fitem, &fd); } } return; } void HP_clif_additem(struct map_session_data *sd, int n, int amount, int fail) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_additem_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, int *amount, int *fail); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_additem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_additem_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &n, &amount, &fail); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.additem(sd, n, amount, fail); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_additem_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, int *amount, int *fail); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_additem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_additem_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &n, &amount, &fail); } } return; } void HP_clif_dropitem(struct map_session_data *sd, int n, int amount) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_dropitem_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_dropitem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_dropitem_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &n, &amount); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.dropitem(sd, n, amount); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_dropitem_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_dropitem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_dropitem_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &n, &amount); } } return; } void HP_clif_delitem(struct map_session_data *sd, int n, int amount, short reason) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_delitem_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, int *amount, short *reason); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_delitem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_delitem_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &n, &amount, &reason); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.delitem(sd, n, amount, reason); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_delitem_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, int *amount, short *reason); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_delitem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_delitem_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &n, &amount, &reason); } } return; } void HP_clif_takeitem(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *dst) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_takeitem_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *dst); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_takeitem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_takeitem_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(src, dst); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.takeitem(src, dst); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_takeitem_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *dst); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_takeitem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_takeitem_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(src, dst); } } return; } void HP_clif_arrowequip(struct map_session_data *sd, int val) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_arrowequip_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_arrowequip_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_arrowequip_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &val); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.arrowequip(sd, val); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_arrowequip_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_arrowequip_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_arrowequip_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &val); } } return; } void HP_clif_arrow_fail(struct map_session_data *sd, int type) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_arrow_fail_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_arrow_fail_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_arrow_fail_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.arrow_fail(sd, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_arrow_fail_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_arrow_fail_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_arrow_fail_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &type); } } return; } void HP_clif_use_card(struct map_session_data *sd, int idx) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_use_card_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *idx); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_use_card_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_use_card_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &idx); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.use_card(sd, idx); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_use_card_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *idx); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_use_card_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_use_card_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &idx); } } return; } void HP_clif_cart_additem(struct map_session_data *sd, int n, int amount, int fail) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cart_additem_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, int *amount, int *fail); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cart_additem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_cart_additem_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &n, &amount, &fail); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.cart_additem(sd, n, amount, fail); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cart_additem_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, int *amount, int *fail); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cart_additem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_cart_additem_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &n, &amount, &fail); } } return; } void HP_clif_cart_delitem(struct map_session_data *sd, int n, int amount) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cart_delitem_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cart_delitem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_cart_delitem_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &n, &amount); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.cart_delitem(sd, n, amount); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cart_delitem_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cart_delitem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_cart_delitem_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &n, &amount); } } return; } void HP_clif_equipitemack(struct map_session_data *sd, int n, int pos, enum e_EQUIP_ITEM_ACK result) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_equipitemack_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, int *pos, enum e_EQUIP_ITEM_ACK *result); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_equipitemack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_equipitemack_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &n, &pos, &result); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.equipitemack(sd, n, pos, result); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_equipitemack_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, int *pos, enum e_EQUIP_ITEM_ACK *result); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_equipitemack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_equipitemack_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &n, &pos, &result); } } return; } void HP_clif_unequipitemack(struct map_session_data *sd, int n, int pos, enum e_UNEQUIP_ITEM_ACK result) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_unequipitemack_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, int *pos, enum e_UNEQUIP_ITEM_ACK *result); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_unequipitemack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_unequipitemack_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &n, &pos, &result); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.unequipitemack(sd, n, pos, result); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_unequipitemack_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, int *pos, enum e_UNEQUIP_ITEM_ACK *result); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_unequipitemack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_unequipitemack_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &n, &pos, &result); } } return; } void HP_clif_useitemack(struct map_session_data *sd, int index, int amount, bool ok) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_useitemack_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *index, int *amount, bool *ok); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_useitemack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_useitemack_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &index, &amount, &ok); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.useitemack(sd, index, amount, ok); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_useitemack_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *index, int *amount, bool *ok); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_useitemack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_useitemack_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &index, &amount, &ok); } } return; } void HP_clif_addcards(unsigned char *buf, struct item *item) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_addcards_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (unsigned char *buf, struct item *item); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_addcards_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_addcards_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(buf, item); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.addcards(buf, item); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_addcards_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (unsigned char *buf, struct item *item); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_addcards_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_addcards_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(buf, item); } } return; } void HP_clif_addcards2(unsigned short *cards, struct item *item) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_addcards2_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (unsigned short *cards, struct item *item); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_addcards2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_addcards2_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(cards, item); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.addcards2(cards, item); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_addcards2_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (unsigned short *cards, struct item *item); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_addcards2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_addcards2_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(cards, item); } } return; } void HP_clif_item_sub(unsigned char *buf, int n, struct item *i, struct item_data *id, int equip) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_item_sub_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (unsigned char *buf, int *n, struct item *i, struct item_data *id, int *equip); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_item_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_item_sub_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(buf, &n, i, id, &equip); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.item_sub(buf, n, i, id, equip); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_item_sub_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (unsigned char *buf, int *n, struct item *i, struct item_data *id, int *equip); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_item_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_item_sub_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(buf, &n, i, id, &equip); } } return; } void HP_clif_getareachar_item(struct map_session_data *sd, struct flooritem_data *fitem) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_getareachar_item_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct flooritem_data *fitem); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_getareachar_item_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_getareachar_item_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, fitem); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.getareachar_item(sd, fitem); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_getareachar_item_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct flooritem_data *fitem); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_getareachar_item_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_getareachar_item_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, fitem); } } return; } void HP_clif_cart_additem_ack(struct map_session_data *sd, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cart_additem_ack_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cart_additem_ack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_cart_additem_ack_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.cart_additem_ack(sd, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cart_additem_ack_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cart_additem_ack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_cart_additem_ack_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &flag); } } return; } void HP_clif_cashshop_load(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cashshop_load_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cashshop_load_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_cashshop_load_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.cashshop_load(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cashshop_load_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cashshop_load_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_cashshop_load_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_clif_package_announce(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short nameid, unsigned short containerid) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_package_announce_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short *nameid, unsigned short *containerid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_package_announce_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_package_announce_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &nameid, &containerid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.package_announce(sd, nameid, containerid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_package_announce_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short *nameid, unsigned short *containerid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_package_announce_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_package_announce_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &nameid, &containerid); } } return; } void HP_clif_clearunit_single(int id, clr_type type, int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_clearunit_single_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *id, clr_type *type, int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_clearunit_single_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_clearunit_single_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&id, &type, &fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.clearunit_single(id, type, fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_clearunit_single_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *id, clr_type *type, int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_clearunit_single_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_clearunit_single_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&id, &type, &fd); } } return; } void HP_clif_clearunit_area(struct block_list *bl, clr_type type) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_clearunit_area_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, clr_type *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_clearunit_area_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_clearunit_area_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.clearunit_area(bl, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_clearunit_area_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, clr_type *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_clearunit_area_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_clearunit_area_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, &type); } } return; } void HP_clif_clearunit_delayed(struct block_list *bl, clr_type type, int64 tick) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_clearunit_delayed_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, clr_type *type, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_clearunit_delayed_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_clearunit_delayed_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, &type, &tick); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.clearunit_delayed(bl, type, tick); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_clearunit_delayed_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, clr_type *type, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_clearunit_delayed_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_clearunit_delayed_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, &type, &tick); } } return; } void HP_clif_walkok(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_walkok_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_walkok_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_walkok_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.walkok(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_walkok_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_walkok_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_walkok_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_move(struct unit_data *ud) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_move_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct unit_data *ud); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_move_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_move_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(ud); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.move(ud); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_move_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct unit_data *ud); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_move_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_move_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(ud); } } return; } void HP_clif_move2(struct block_list *bl, struct view_data *vd, struct unit_data *ud) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_move2_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct view_data *vd, struct unit_data *ud); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_move2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_move2_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, vd, ud); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.move2(bl, vd, ud); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_move2_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct view_data *vd, struct unit_data *ud); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_move2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_move2_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, vd, ud); } } return; } void HP_clif_blown(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_blown_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_blown_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_blown_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.blown(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_blown_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_blown_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_blown_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl); } } return; } void HP_clif_slide(struct block_list *bl, int x, int y) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_slide_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *x, int *y); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_slide_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_slide_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, &x, &y); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.slide(bl, x, y); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_slide_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *x, int *y); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_slide_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_slide_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, &x, &y); } } return; } void HP_clif_fixpos(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_fixpos_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_fixpos_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_fixpos_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.fixpos(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_fixpos_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_fixpos_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_fixpos_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl); } } return; } void HP_clif_changelook(struct block_list *bl, int type, int val) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changelook_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *type, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changelook_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_changelook_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, &type, &val); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.changelook(bl, type, val); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changelook_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *type, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changelook_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_changelook_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, &type, &val); } } return; } void HP_clif_changetraplook(struct block_list *bl, int val) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changetraplook_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changetraplook_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_changetraplook_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, &val); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.changetraplook(bl, val); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changetraplook_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changetraplook_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_changetraplook_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, &val); } } return; } void HP_clif_refreshlook(struct block_list *bl, int id, int type, int val, enum send_target target) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_refreshlook_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *id, int *type, int *val, enum send_target *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_refreshlook_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_refreshlook_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, &id, &type, &val, &target); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.refreshlook(bl, id, type, val, target); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_refreshlook_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *id, int *type, int *val, enum send_target *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_refreshlook_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_refreshlook_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, &id, &type, &val, &target); } } return; } void HP_clif_class_change(struct block_list *bl, int class_, int type) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_class_change_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *class_, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_class_change_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_class_change_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, &class_, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.class_change(bl, class_, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_class_change_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *class_, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_class_change_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_class_change_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, &class_, &type); } } return; } void HP_clif_skill_setunit(struct skill_unit *su) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_setunit_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct skill_unit *su); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_setunit_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skill_setunit_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(su); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.skill_setunit(su); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_setunit_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct skill_unit *su); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_setunit_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skill_setunit_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(su); } } return; } void HP_clif_skill_delunit(struct skill_unit *su) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_delunit_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct skill_unit *su); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_delunit_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skill_delunit_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(su); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.skill_delunit(su); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_delunit_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct skill_unit *su); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_delunit_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skill_delunit_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(su); } } return; } void HP_clif_skillunit_update(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skillunit_update_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skillunit_update_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skillunit_update_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.skillunit_update(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skillunit_update_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skillunit_update_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skillunit_update_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl); } } return; } int HP_clif_clearunit_delayed_sub(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_clearunit_delayed_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_clearunit_delayed_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_clearunit_delayed_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.clif.clearunit_delayed_sub(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_clearunit_delayed_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_clearunit_delayed_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_clearunit_delayed_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } void HP_clif_set_unit_idle(struct block_list *bl, struct map_session_data *tsd, enum send_target target) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_set_unit_idle_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct map_session_data *tsd, enum send_target *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_set_unit_idle_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_set_unit_idle_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, tsd, &target); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.set_unit_idle(bl, tsd, target); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_set_unit_idle_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct map_session_data *tsd, enum send_target *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_set_unit_idle_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_set_unit_idle_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, tsd, &target); } } return; } void HP_clif_spawn_unit(struct block_list *bl, enum send_target target) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_spawn_unit_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, enum send_target *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_spawn_unit_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_spawn_unit_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, &target); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.spawn_unit(bl, target); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_spawn_unit_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, enum send_target *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_spawn_unit_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_spawn_unit_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, &target); } } return; } void HP_clif_spawn_unit2(struct block_list *bl, enum send_target target) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_spawn_unit2_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, enum send_target *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_spawn_unit2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_spawn_unit2_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, &target); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.spawn_unit2(bl, target); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_spawn_unit2_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, enum send_target *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_spawn_unit2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_spawn_unit2_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, &target); } } return; } void HP_clif_set_unit_idle2(struct block_list *bl, struct map_session_data *tsd, enum send_target target) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_set_unit_idle2_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct map_session_data *tsd, enum send_target *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_set_unit_idle2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_set_unit_idle2_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, tsd, &target); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.set_unit_idle2(bl, tsd, target); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_set_unit_idle2_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct map_session_data *tsd, enum send_target *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_set_unit_idle2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_set_unit_idle2_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, tsd, &target); } } return; } void HP_clif_set_unit_walking(struct block_list *bl, struct map_session_data *tsd, struct unit_data *ud, enum send_target target) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_set_unit_walking_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct map_session_data *tsd, struct unit_data *ud, enum send_target *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_set_unit_walking_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_set_unit_walking_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, tsd, ud, &target); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.set_unit_walking(bl, tsd, ud, target); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_set_unit_walking_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct map_session_data *tsd, struct unit_data *ud, enum send_target *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_set_unit_walking_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_set_unit_walking_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, tsd, ud, &target); } } return; } int HP_clif_calc_walkdelay(struct block_list *bl, int delay, int type, int damage, int div_) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_calc_walkdelay_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *delay, int *type, int *damage, int *div_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_calc_walkdelay_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_calc_walkdelay_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &delay, &type, &damage, &div_); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.clif.calc_walkdelay(bl, delay, type, damage, div_); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_calc_walkdelay_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, int *delay, int *type, int *damage, int *div_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_calc_walkdelay_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_calc_walkdelay_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &delay, &type, &damage, &div_); } } return retVal___; } void HP_clif_getareachar_skillunit(struct map_session_data *sd, struct skill_unit *su) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_getareachar_skillunit_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct skill_unit *su); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_getareachar_skillunit_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_getareachar_skillunit_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, su); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.getareachar_skillunit(sd, su); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_getareachar_skillunit_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct skill_unit *su); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_getareachar_skillunit_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_getareachar_skillunit_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, su); } } return; } void HP_clif_getareachar_unit(struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_getareachar_unit_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_getareachar_unit_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_getareachar_unit_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.getareachar_unit(sd, bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_getareachar_unit_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_getareachar_unit_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_getareachar_unit_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, bl); } } return; } void HP_clif_clearchar_skillunit(struct skill_unit *su, int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_clearchar_skillunit_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct skill_unit *su, int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_clearchar_skillunit_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_clearchar_skillunit_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(su, &fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.clearchar_skillunit(su, fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_clearchar_skillunit_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct skill_unit *su, int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_clearchar_skillunit_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_clearchar_skillunit_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(su, &fd); } } return; } int HP_clif_getareachar(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_getareachar_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_getareachar_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_getareachar_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.clif.getareachar(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_getareachar_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_getareachar_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_getareachar_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_clif_spawn(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_spawn_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_spawn_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_spawn_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.clif.spawn(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_spawn_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_spawn_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_spawn_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } void HP_clif_changemap(struct map_session_data *sd, short m, int x, int y) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changemap_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, short *m, int *x, int *y); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changemap_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_changemap_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &m, &x, &y); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.changemap(sd, m, x, y); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changemap_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, short *m, int *x, int *y); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changemap_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_changemap_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &m, &x, &y); } } return; } void HP_clif_changemapcell(int fd, int16 m, int x, int y, int type, enum send_target target) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changemapcell_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, int16 *m, int *x, int *y, int *type, enum send_target *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changemapcell_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_changemapcell_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, &m, &x, &y, &type, &target); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.changemapcell(fd, m, x, y, type, target); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changemapcell_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, int16 *m, int *x, int *y, int *type, enum send_target *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changemapcell_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_changemapcell_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, &m, &x, &y, &type, &target); } } return; } void HP_clif_map_property(struct map_session_data *sd, enum map_property property) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_map_property_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, enum map_property *property); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_map_property_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_map_property_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &property); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.map_property(sd, property); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_map_property_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, enum map_property *property); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_map_property_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_map_property_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &property); } } return; } void HP_clif_pvpset(struct map_session_data *sd, int pvprank, int pvpnum, int type) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pvpset_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *pvprank, int *pvpnum, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pvpset_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pvpset_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &pvprank, &pvpnum, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pvpset(sd, pvprank, pvpnum, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pvpset_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *pvprank, int *pvpnum, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pvpset_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pvpset_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &pvprank, &pvpnum, &type); } } return; } void HP_clif_map_property_mapall(int mapid, enum map_property property) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_map_property_mapall_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *mapid, enum map_property *property); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_map_property_mapall_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_map_property_mapall_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&mapid, &property); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.map_property_mapall(mapid, property); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_map_property_mapall_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *mapid, enum map_property *property); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_map_property_mapall_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_map_property_mapall_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&mapid, &property); } } return; } void HP_clif_bossmapinfo(int fd, struct mob_data *md, short flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bossmapinfo_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct mob_data *md, short *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bossmapinfo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_bossmapinfo_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, md, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.bossmapinfo(fd, md, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bossmapinfo_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct mob_data *md, short *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bossmapinfo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_bossmapinfo_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, md, &flag); } } return; } void HP_clif_map_type(struct map_session_data *sd, enum map_type type) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_map_type_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, enum map_type *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_map_type_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_map_type_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.map_type(sd, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_map_type_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, enum map_type *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_map_type_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_map_type_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &type); } } return; } void HP_clif_maptypeproperty2(struct block_list *bl, enum send_target t) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_maptypeproperty2_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, enum send_target *t); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_maptypeproperty2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_maptypeproperty2_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, &t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.maptypeproperty2(bl, t); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_maptypeproperty2_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, enum send_target *t); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_maptypeproperty2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_maptypeproperty2_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, &t); } } return; } void HP_clif_changemapserver(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short map_index, int x, int y, uint32 ip, uint16 port) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changemapserver_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short *map_index, int *x, int *y, uint32 *ip, uint16 *port); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changemapserver_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_changemapserver_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &map_index, &x, &y, &ip, &port); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.changemapserver(sd, map_index, x, y, ip, port); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changemapserver_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short *map_index, int *x, int *y, uint32 *ip, uint16 *port); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changemapserver_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_changemapserver_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &map_index, &x, &y, &ip, &port); } } return; } void HP_clif_npcbuysell(struct map_session_data *sd, int id) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_npcbuysell_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_npcbuysell_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_npcbuysell_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.npcbuysell(sd, id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_npcbuysell_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_npcbuysell_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_npcbuysell_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &id); } } return; } void HP_clif_buylist(struct map_session_data *sd, struct npc_data *nd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buylist_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buylist_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_buylist_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, nd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.buylist(sd, nd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buylist_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buylist_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_buylist_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, nd); } } return; } void HP_clif_selllist(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_selllist_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_selllist_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_selllist_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.selllist(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_selllist_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_selllist_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_selllist_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_cashshop_show(struct map_session_data *sd, struct npc_data *nd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cashshop_show_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cashshop_show_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_cashshop_show_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, nd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.cashshop_show(sd, nd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cashshop_show_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cashshop_show_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_cashshop_show_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, nd); } } return; } void HP_clif_npc_buy_result(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char result) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_npc_buy_result_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char *result); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_npc_buy_result_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_npc_buy_result_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &result); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.npc_buy_result(sd, result); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_npc_buy_result_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char *result); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_npc_buy_result_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_npc_buy_result_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &result); } } return; } void HP_clif_npc_sell_result(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char result) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_npc_sell_result_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char *result); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_npc_sell_result_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_npc_sell_result_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &result); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.npc_sell_result(sd, result); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_npc_sell_result_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char *result); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_npc_sell_result_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_npc_sell_result_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &result); } } return; } void HP_clif_cashshop_ack(struct map_session_data *sd, int error) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cashshop_ack_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *error); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cashshop_ack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_cashshop_ack_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &error); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.cashshop_ack(sd, error); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cashshop_ack_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *error); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cashshop_ack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_cashshop_ack_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &error); } } return; } void HP_clif_scriptmes(struct map_session_data *sd, int npcid, const char *mes) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_scriptmes_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *npcid, const char *mes); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_scriptmes_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_scriptmes_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &npcid, mes); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.scriptmes(sd, npcid, mes); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_scriptmes_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *npcid, const char *mes); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_scriptmes_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_scriptmes_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &npcid, mes); } } return; } void HP_clif_scriptnext(struct map_session_data *sd, int npcid) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_scriptnext_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *npcid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_scriptnext_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_scriptnext_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &npcid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.scriptnext(sd, npcid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_scriptnext_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *npcid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_scriptnext_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_scriptnext_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &npcid); } } return; } void HP_clif_scriptclose(struct map_session_data *sd, int npcid) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_scriptclose_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *npcid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_scriptclose_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_scriptclose_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &npcid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.scriptclose(sd, npcid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_scriptclose_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *npcid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_scriptclose_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_scriptclose_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &npcid); } } return; } void HP_clif_scriptmenu(struct map_session_data *sd, int npcid, const char *mes) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_scriptmenu_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *npcid, const char *mes); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_scriptmenu_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_scriptmenu_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &npcid, mes); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.scriptmenu(sd, npcid, mes); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_scriptmenu_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *npcid, const char *mes); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_scriptmenu_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_scriptmenu_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &npcid, mes); } } return; } void HP_clif_scriptinput(struct map_session_data *sd, int npcid) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_scriptinput_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *npcid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_scriptinput_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_scriptinput_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &npcid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.scriptinput(sd, npcid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_scriptinput_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *npcid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_scriptinput_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_scriptinput_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &npcid); } } return; } void HP_clif_scriptinputstr(struct map_session_data *sd, int npcid) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_scriptinputstr_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *npcid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_scriptinputstr_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_scriptinputstr_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &npcid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.scriptinputstr(sd, npcid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_scriptinputstr_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *npcid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_scriptinputstr_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_scriptinputstr_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &npcid); } } return; } void HP_clif_cutin(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *image, int type) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cutin_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *image, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cutin_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_cutin_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, image, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.cutin(sd, image, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cutin_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *image, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cutin_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_cutin_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, image, &type); } } return; } void HP_clif_sendfakenpc(struct map_session_data *sd, int npcid) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_sendfakenpc_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *npcid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_sendfakenpc_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_sendfakenpc_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &npcid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.sendfakenpc(sd, npcid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_sendfakenpc_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *npcid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_sendfakenpc_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_sendfakenpc_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &npcid); } } return; } void HP_clif_scriptclear(struct map_session_data *sd, int npcid) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_scriptclear_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *npcid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_scriptclear_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_scriptclear_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &npcid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.scriptclear(sd, npcid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_scriptclear_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *npcid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_scriptclear_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_scriptclear_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &npcid); } } return; } void HP_clif_viewpoint(struct map_session_data *sd, int npc_id, int type, int x, int y, int id, int color) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_viewpoint_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *npc_id, int *type, int *x, int *y, int *id, int *color); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_viewpoint_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_viewpoint_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &npc_id, &type, &x, &y, &id, &color); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.viewpoint(sd, npc_id, type, x, y, id, color); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_viewpoint_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *npc_id, int *type, int *x, int *y, int *id, int *color); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_viewpoint_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_viewpoint_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &npc_id, &type, &x, &y, &id, &color); } } return; } int HP_clif_damage(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *dst, int64 tick, int sdelay, int ddelay, int64 damage, int div, int type, int64 damage2) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_damage_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *dst, int64 *tick, int *sdelay, int *ddelay, int64 *damage, int *div, int *type, int64 *damage2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_damage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_damage_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, dst, &tick, &sdelay, &ddelay, &damage, &div, &type, &damage2); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.clif.damage(src, dst, tick, sdelay, ddelay, damage, div, type, damage2); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_damage_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *dst, int64 *tick, int *sdelay, int *ddelay, int64 *damage, int *div, int *type, int64 *damage2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_damage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_damage_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, dst, &tick, &sdelay, &ddelay, &damage, &div, &type, &damage2); } } return retVal___; } void HP_clif_sitting(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_sitting_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_sitting_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_sitting_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.sitting(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_sitting_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_sitting_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_sitting_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl); } } return; } void HP_clif_standing(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_standing_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_standing_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_standing_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.standing(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_standing_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_standing_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_standing_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl); } } return; } void HP_clif_arrow_create_list(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_arrow_create_list_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_arrow_create_list_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_arrow_create_list_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.arrow_create_list(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_arrow_create_list_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_arrow_create_list_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_arrow_create_list_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_refresh(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_refresh_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_refresh_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_refresh_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.refresh(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_refresh_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_refresh_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_refresh_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_fame_blacksmith(struct map_session_data *sd, int points) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_fame_blacksmith_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *points); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_fame_blacksmith_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_fame_blacksmith_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &points); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.fame_blacksmith(sd, points); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_fame_blacksmith_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *points); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_fame_blacksmith_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_fame_blacksmith_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &points); } } return; } void HP_clif_fame_alchemist(struct map_session_data *sd, int points) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_fame_alchemist_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *points); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_fame_alchemist_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_fame_alchemist_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &points); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.fame_alchemist(sd, points); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_fame_alchemist_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *points); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_fame_alchemist_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_fame_alchemist_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &points); } } return; } void HP_clif_fame_taekwon(struct map_session_data *sd, int points) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_fame_taekwon_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *points); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_fame_taekwon_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_fame_taekwon_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &points); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.fame_taekwon(sd, points); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_fame_taekwon_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *points); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_fame_taekwon_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_fame_taekwon_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &points); } } return; } void HP_clif_ranklist(struct map_session_data *sd, enum fame_list_type type) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_ranklist_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, enum fame_list_type *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_ranklist_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_ranklist_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.ranklist(sd, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_ranklist_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, enum fame_list_type *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_ranklist_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_ranklist_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &type); } } return; } void HP_clif_update_rankingpoint(struct map_session_data *sd, enum fame_list_type type, int points) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_update_rankingpoint_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, enum fame_list_type *type, int *points); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_update_rankingpoint_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_update_rankingpoint_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &type, &points); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.update_rankingpoint(sd, type, points); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_update_rankingpoint_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, enum fame_list_type *type, int *points); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_update_rankingpoint_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_update_rankingpoint_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &type, &points); } } return; } void HP_clif_pRanklist(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pRanklist_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pRanklist_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pRanklist_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pRanklist(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pRanklist_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pRanklist_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pRanklist_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_hotkeys(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_hotkeys_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_hotkeys_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_hotkeys_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.hotkeys(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_hotkeys_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_hotkeys_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_hotkeys_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } int HP_clif_insight(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_insight_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_insight_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_insight_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.clif.insight(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_insight_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_insight_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_insight_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_clif_outsight(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_outsight_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_outsight_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_outsight_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.clif.outsight(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_outsight_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_outsight_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_outsight_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } void HP_clif_skillcastcancel(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skillcastcancel_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skillcastcancel_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skillcastcancel_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.skillcastcancel(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skillcastcancel_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skillcastcancel_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skillcastcancel_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl); } } return; } void HP_clif_skill_fail(struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 skill_id, enum useskill_fail_cause cause, int btype) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_fail_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id, enum useskill_fail_cause *cause, int *btype); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_fail_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skill_fail_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &skill_id, &cause, &btype); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.skill_fail(sd, skill_id, cause, btype); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_fail_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id, enum useskill_fail_cause *cause, int *btype); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_fail_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skill_fail_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &skill_id, &cause, &btype); } } return; } void HP_clif_skill_cooldown(struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 skill_id, unsigned int duration) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_cooldown_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id, unsigned int *duration); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_cooldown_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skill_cooldown_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &skill_id, &duration); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.skill_cooldown(sd, skill_id, duration); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_cooldown_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id, unsigned int *duration); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_cooldown_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skill_cooldown_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &skill_id, &duration); } } return; } void HP_clif_skill_memomessage(struct map_session_data *sd, int type) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_memomessage_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_memomessage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skill_memomessage_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.skill_memomessage(sd, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_memomessage_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_memomessage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skill_memomessage_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &type); } } return; } void HP_clif_skill_mapinfomessage(struct map_session_data *sd, int type) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_mapinfomessage_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_mapinfomessage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skill_mapinfomessage_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.skill_mapinfomessage(sd, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_mapinfomessage_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_mapinfomessage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skill_mapinfomessage_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &type); } } return; } void HP_clif_skill_produce_mix_list(struct map_session_data *sd, int skill_id, int trigger) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_produce_mix_list_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *skill_id, int *trigger); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_produce_mix_list_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skill_produce_mix_list_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &skill_id, &trigger); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.skill_produce_mix_list(sd, skill_id, trigger); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_produce_mix_list_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *skill_id, int *trigger); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_produce_mix_list_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skill_produce_mix_list_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &skill_id, &trigger); } } return; } void HP_clif_cooking_list(struct map_session_data *sd, int trigger, uint16 skill_id, int qty, int list_type) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cooking_list_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *trigger, uint16 *skill_id, int *qty, int *list_type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cooking_list_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_cooking_list_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &trigger, &skill_id, &qty, &list_type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.cooking_list(sd, trigger, skill_id, qty, list_type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cooking_list_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *trigger, uint16 *skill_id, int *qty, int *list_type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cooking_list_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_cooking_list_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &trigger, &skill_id, &qty, &list_type); } } return; } void HP_clif_autospell(struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_autospell_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_autospell_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_autospell_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.autospell(sd, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_autospell_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_autospell_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_autospell_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &skill_lv); } } return; } void HP_clif_combo_delay(struct block_list *bl, int wait) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_combo_delay_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *wait); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_combo_delay_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_combo_delay_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, &wait); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.combo_delay(bl, wait); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_combo_delay_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *wait); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_combo_delay_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_combo_delay_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, &wait); } } return; } void HP_clif_status_change(struct block_list *bl, int type, int flag, int tick, int val1, int val2, int val3) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_status_change_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *type, int *flag, int *tick, int *val1, int *val2, int *val3); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_status_change_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_status_change_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, &type, &flag, &tick, &val1, &val2, &val3); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.status_change(bl, type, flag, tick, val1, val2, val3); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_status_change_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *type, int *flag, int *tick, int *val1, int *val2, int *val3); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_status_change_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_status_change_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, &type, &flag, &tick, &val1, &val2, &val3); } } return; } void HP_clif_insert_card(struct map_session_data *sd, int idx_equip, int idx_card, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_insert_card_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *idx_equip, int *idx_card, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_insert_card_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_insert_card_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &idx_equip, &idx_card, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.insert_card(sd, idx_equip, idx_card, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_insert_card_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *idx_equip, int *idx_card, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_insert_card_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_insert_card_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &idx_equip, &idx_card, &flag); } } return; } void HP_clif_inventorylist(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_inventorylist_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_inventorylist_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_inventorylist_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.inventorylist(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_inventorylist_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_inventorylist_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_inventorylist_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_equiplist(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_equiplist_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_equiplist_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_equiplist_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.equiplist(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_equiplist_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_equiplist_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_equiplist_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_cartlist(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cartlist_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cartlist_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_cartlist_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.cartlist(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cartlist_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cartlist_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_cartlist_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_favorite_item(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short index) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_favorite_item_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short *index); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_favorite_item_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_favorite_item_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &index); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.favorite_item(sd, index); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_favorite_item_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short *index); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_favorite_item_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_favorite_item_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &index); } } return; } void HP_clif_clearcart(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_clearcart_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_clearcart_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_clearcart_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.clearcart(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_clearcart_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_clearcart_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_clearcart_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_clif_item_identify_list(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_item_identify_list_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_item_identify_list_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_item_identify_list_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.item_identify_list(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_item_identify_list_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_item_identify_list_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_item_identify_list_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_item_identified(struct map_session_data *sd, int idx, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_item_identified_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *idx, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_item_identified_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_item_identified_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &idx, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.item_identified(sd, idx, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_item_identified_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *idx, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_item_identified_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_item_identified_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &idx, &flag); } } return; } void HP_clif_item_repair_list(struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *dstsd, int lv) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_item_repair_list_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *dstsd, int *lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_item_repair_list_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_item_repair_list_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, dstsd, &lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.item_repair_list(sd, dstsd, lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_item_repair_list_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *dstsd, int *lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_item_repair_list_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_item_repair_list_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, dstsd, &lv); } } return; } void HP_clif_item_repaireffect(struct map_session_data *sd, int idx, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_item_repaireffect_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *idx, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_item_repaireffect_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_item_repaireffect_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &idx, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.item_repaireffect(sd, idx, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_item_repaireffect_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *idx, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_item_repaireffect_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_item_repaireffect_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &idx, &flag); } } return; } void HP_clif_item_damaged(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short position) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_item_damaged_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short *position); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_item_damaged_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_item_damaged_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &position); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.item_damaged(sd, position); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_item_damaged_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short *position); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_item_damaged_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_item_damaged_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &position); } } return; } void HP_clif_item_refine_list(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_item_refine_list_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_item_refine_list_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_item_refine_list_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.item_refine_list(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_item_refine_list_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_item_refine_list_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_item_refine_list_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_item_skill(struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_item_skill_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_item_skill_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_item_skill_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.item_skill(sd, skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_item_skill_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_item_skill_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_item_skill_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return; } void HP_clif_mvp_item(struct map_session_data *sd, int nameid) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mvp_item_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mvp_item_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_mvp_item_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &nameid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.mvp_item(sd, nameid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mvp_item_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mvp_item_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_mvp_item_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &nameid); } } return; } void HP_clif_mvp_exp(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int exp) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mvp_exp_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int *exp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mvp_exp_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_mvp_exp_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &exp); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.mvp_exp(sd, exp); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mvp_exp_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int *exp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mvp_exp_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_mvp_exp_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &exp); } } return; } void HP_clif_mvp_noitem(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mvp_noitem_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mvp_noitem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_mvp_noitem_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.mvp_noitem(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mvp_noitem_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mvp_noitem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_mvp_noitem_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_changed_dir(struct block_list *bl, enum send_target target) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changed_dir_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, enum send_target *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changed_dir_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_changed_dir_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, &target); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.changed_dir(bl, target); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changed_dir_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, enum send_target *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changed_dir_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_changed_dir_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, &target); } } return; } void HP_clif_charnameack(int fd, struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_charnameack_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_charnameack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_charnameack_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.charnameack(fd, bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_charnameack_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_charnameack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_charnameack_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, bl); } } return; } void HP_clif_monster_hp_bar(struct mob_data *md, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_monster_hp_bar_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_monster_hp_bar_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_monster_hp_bar_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(md, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.monster_hp_bar(md, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_monster_hp_bar_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_monster_hp_bar_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_monster_hp_bar_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(md, sd); } } return; } int HP_clif_hpmeter(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_hpmeter_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_hpmeter_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_hpmeter_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.clif.hpmeter(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_hpmeter_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_hpmeter_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_hpmeter_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } void HP_clif_hpmeter_single(int fd, int id, unsigned int hp, unsigned int maxhp) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_hpmeter_single_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, int *id, unsigned int *hp, unsigned int *maxhp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_hpmeter_single_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_hpmeter_single_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, &id, &hp, &maxhp); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.hpmeter_single(fd, id, hp, maxhp); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_hpmeter_single_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, int *id, unsigned int *hp, unsigned int *maxhp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_hpmeter_single_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_hpmeter_single_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, &id, &hp, &maxhp); } } return; } int HP_clif_hpmeter_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_hpmeter_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_hpmeter_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_hpmeter_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.clif.hpmeter_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_hpmeter_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_hpmeter_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_hpmeter_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } void HP_clif_upgrademessage(int fd, int result, int item_id) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_upgrademessage_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, int *result, int *item_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_upgrademessage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_upgrademessage_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, &result, &item_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.upgrademessage(fd, result, item_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_upgrademessage_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, int *result, int *item_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_upgrademessage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_upgrademessage_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, &result, &item_id); } } return; } void HP_clif_get_weapon_view(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short *rhand, unsigned short *lhand) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_get_weapon_view_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short *rhand, unsigned short *lhand); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_get_weapon_view_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_get_weapon_view_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, rhand, lhand); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.get_weapon_view(sd, rhand, lhand); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_get_weapon_view_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short *rhand, unsigned short *lhand); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_get_weapon_view_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_get_weapon_view_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, rhand, lhand); } } return; } void HP_clif_gospel_info(struct map_session_data *sd, int type) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_gospel_info_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_gospel_info_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_gospel_info_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.gospel_info(sd, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_gospel_info_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_gospel_info_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_gospel_info_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &type); } } return; } void HP_clif_feel_req(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_feel_req_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_feel_req_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_feel_req_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.feel_req(fd, sd, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_feel_req_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_feel_req_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_feel_req_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd, &skill_lv); } } return; } void HP_clif_starskill(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *mapname, int monster_id, unsigned char star, unsigned char result) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_starskill_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *mapname, int *monster_id, unsigned char *star, unsigned char *result); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_starskill_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_starskill_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, mapname, &monster_id, &star, &result); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.starskill(sd, mapname, monster_id, star, result); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_starskill_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *mapname, int *monster_id, unsigned char *star, unsigned char *result); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_starskill_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_starskill_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, mapname, &monster_id, &star, &result); } } return; } void HP_clif_feel_info(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char feel_level, unsigned char type) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_feel_info_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char *feel_level, unsigned char *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_feel_info_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_feel_info_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &feel_level, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.feel_info(sd, feel_level, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_feel_info_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char *feel_level, unsigned char *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_feel_info_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_feel_info_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &feel_level, &type); } } return; } void HP_clif_hate_info(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char hate_level, int class_, unsigned char type) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_hate_info_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char *hate_level, int *class_, unsigned char *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_hate_info_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_hate_info_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &hate_level, &class_, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.hate_info(sd, hate_level, class_, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_hate_info_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char *hate_level, int *class_, unsigned char *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_hate_info_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_hate_info_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &hate_level, &class_, &type); } } return; } void HP_clif_mission_info(struct map_session_data *sd, int mob_id, unsigned char progress) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mission_info_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *mob_id, unsigned char *progress); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mission_info_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_mission_info_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &mob_id, &progress); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.mission_info(sd, mob_id, progress); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mission_info_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *mob_id, unsigned char *progress); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mission_info_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_mission_info_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &mob_id, &progress); } } return; } void HP_clif_feel_hate_reset(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_feel_hate_reset_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_feel_hate_reset_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_feel_hate_reset_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.feel_hate_reset(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_feel_hate_reset_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_feel_hate_reset_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_feel_hate_reset_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_partytickack(struct map_session_data *sd, bool flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_partytickack_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, bool *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_partytickack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_partytickack_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.partytickack(sd, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_partytickack_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, bool *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_partytickack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_partytickack_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &flag); } } return; } void HP_clif_equiptickack(struct map_session_data *sd, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_equiptickack_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_equiptickack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_equiptickack_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.equiptickack(sd, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_equiptickack_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_equiptickack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_equiptickack_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &flag); } } return; } void HP_clif_viewequip_ack(struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *tsd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_viewequip_ack_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *tsd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_viewequip_ack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_viewequip_ack_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, tsd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.viewequip_ack(sd, tsd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_viewequip_ack_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *tsd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_viewequip_ack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_viewequip_ack_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, tsd); } } return; } void HP_clif_viewequip_fail(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_viewequip_fail_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_viewequip_fail_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_viewequip_fail_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.viewequip_fail(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_viewequip_fail_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_viewequip_fail_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_viewequip_fail_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_equpcheckbox(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_equpcheckbox_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_equpcheckbox_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_equpcheckbox_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.equpcheckbox(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_equpcheckbox_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_equpcheckbox_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_equpcheckbox_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_displayexp(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int exp, char type, bool is_quest) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_displayexp_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int *exp, char *type, bool *is_quest); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_displayexp_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_displayexp_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &exp, &type, &is_quest); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.displayexp(sd, exp, type, is_quest); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_displayexp_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int *exp, char *type, bool *is_quest); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_displayexp_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_displayexp_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &exp, &type, &is_quest); } } return; } void HP_clif_font(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_font_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_font_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_font_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.font(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_font_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_font_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_font_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_progressbar(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned long color, unsigned int second) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_progressbar_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned long *color, unsigned int *second); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_progressbar_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_progressbar_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &color, &second); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.progressbar(sd, color, second); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_progressbar_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned long *color, unsigned int *second); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_progressbar_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_progressbar_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &color, &second); } } return; } void HP_clif_progressbar_abort(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_progressbar_abort_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_progressbar_abort_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_progressbar_abort_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.progressbar_abort(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_progressbar_abort_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_progressbar_abort_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_progressbar_abort_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_showdigit(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char type, int value) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_showdigit_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char *type, int *value); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_showdigit_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_showdigit_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &type, &value); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.showdigit(sd, type, value); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_showdigit_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char *type, int *value); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_showdigit_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_showdigit_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &type, &value); } } return; } int HP_clif_elementalconverter_list(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_elementalconverter_list_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_elementalconverter_list_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_elementalconverter_list_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.clif.elementalconverter_list(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_elementalconverter_list_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_elementalconverter_list_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_elementalconverter_list_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_clif_spellbook_list(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_spellbook_list_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_spellbook_list_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_spellbook_list_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.clif.spellbook_list(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_spellbook_list_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_spellbook_list_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_spellbook_list_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_clif_magicdecoy_list(struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 skill_lv, short x, short y) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_magicdecoy_list_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_lv, short *x, short *y); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_magicdecoy_list_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_magicdecoy_list_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &skill_lv, &x, &y); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.clif.magicdecoy_list(sd, skill_lv, x, y); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_magicdecoy_list_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_lv, short *x, short *y); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_magicdecoy_list_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_magicdecoy_list_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &skill_lv, &x, &y); } } return retVal___; } int HP_clif_poison_list(struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_poison_list_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_poison_list_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_poison_list_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.clif.poison_list(sd, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_poison_list_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_poison_list_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_poison_list_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_clif_autoshadowspell_list(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_autoshadowspell_list_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_autoshadowspell_list_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_autoshadowspell_list_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.clif.autoshadowspell_list(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_autoshadowspell_list_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_autoshadowspell_list_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_autoshadowspell_list_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_clif_skill_itemlistwindow(struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_itemlistwindow_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_itemlistwindow_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skill_itemlistwindow_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.clif.skill_itemlistwindow(sd, skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_itemlistwindow_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_itemlistwindow_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skill_itemlistwindow_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } void HP_clif_sc_load(struct block_list *bl, int tid, enum send_target target, int type, int val1, int val2, int val3) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_sc_load_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *tid, enum send_target *target, int *type, int *val1, int *val2, int *val3); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_sc_load_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_sc_load_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, &tid, &target, &type, &val1, &val2, &val3); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.sc_load(bl, tid, target, type, val1, val2, val3); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_sc_load_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *tid, enum send_target *target, int *type, int *val1, int *val2, int *val3); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_sc_load_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_sc_load_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, &tid, &target, &type, &val1, &val2, &val3); } } return; } void HP_clif_sc_end(struct block_list *bl, int tid, enum send_target target, int type) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_sc_end_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *tid, enum send_target *target, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_sc_end_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_sc_end_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, &tid, &target, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.sc_end(bl, tid, target, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_sc_end_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *tid, enum send_target *target, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_sc_end_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_sc_end_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, &tid, &target, &type); } } return; } void HP_clif_initialstatus(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_initialstatus_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_initialstatus_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_initialstatus_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.initialstatus(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_initialstatus_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_initialstatus_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_initialstatus_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_cooldown_list(int fd, struct skill_cd *cd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cooldown_list_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct skill_cd *cd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cooldown_list_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_cooldown_list_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, cd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.cooldown_list(fd, cd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cooldown_list_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct skill_cd *cd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_cooldown_list_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_cooldown_list_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, cd); } } return; } void HP_clif_updatestatus(struct map_session_data *sd, int type) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_updatestatus_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_updatestatus_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_updatestatus_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.updatestatus(sd, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_updatestatus_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_updatestatus_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_updatestatus_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &type); } } return; } void HP_clif_changestatus(struct map_session_data *sd, int type, int val) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changestatus_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changestatus_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_changestatus_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &type, &val); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.changestatus(sd, type, val); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changestatus_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changestatus_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_changestatus_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &type, &val); } } return; } void HP_clif_statusupack(struct map_session_data *sd, int type, int ok, int val) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_statusupack_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type, int *ok, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_statusupack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_statusupack_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &type, &ok, &val); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.statusupack(sd, type, ok, val); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_statusupack_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type, int *ok, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_statusupack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_statusupack_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &type, &ok, &val); } } return; } void HP_clif_movetoattack(struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_movetoattack_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_movetoattack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_movetoattack_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.movetoattack(sd, bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_movetoattack_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_movetoattack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_movetoattack_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, bl); } } return; } void HP_clif_solved_charname(int fd, int charid, const char *name) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_solved_charname_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, int *charid, const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_solved_charname_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_solved_charname_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, &charid, name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.solved_charname(fd, charid, name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_solved_charname_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, int *charid, const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_solved_charname_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_solved_charname_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, &charid, name); } } return; } void HP_clif_charnameupdate(struct map_session_data *ssd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_charnameupdate_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *ssd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_charnameupdate_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_charnameupdate_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(ssd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.charnameupdate(ssd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_charnameupdate_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *ssd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_charnameupdate_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_charnameupdate_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(ssd); } } return; } int HP_clif_delayquit(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_delayquit_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_delayquit_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_delayquit_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.clif.delayquit(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_delayquit_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_delayquit_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_delayquit_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } void HP_clif_getareachar_pc(struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *dstsd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_getareachar_pc_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *dstsd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_getareachar_pc_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_getareachar_pc_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, dstsd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.getareachar_pc(sd, dstsd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_getareachar_pc_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *dstsd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_getareachar_pc_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_getareachar_pc_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, dstsd); } } return; } void HP_clif_disconnect_ack(struct map_session_data *sd, short result) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_disconnect_ack_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, short *result); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_disconnect_ack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_disconnect_ack_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &result); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.disconnect_ack(sd, result); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_disconnect_ack_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, short *result); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_disconnect_ack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_disconnect_ack_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &result); } } return; } void HP_clif_PVPInfo(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PVPInfo_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PVPInfo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PVPInfo_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.PVPInfo(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PVPInfo_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PVPInfo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PVPInfo_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_blacksmith(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_blacksmith_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_blacksmith_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_blacksmith_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.blacksmith(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_blacksmith_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_blacksmith_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_blacksmith_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_alchemist(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_alchemist_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_alchemist_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_alchemist_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.alchemist(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_alchemist_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_alchemist_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_alchemist_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_taekwon(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_taekwon_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_taekwon_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_taekwon_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.taekwon(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_taekwon_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_taekwon_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_taekwon_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_ranking_pk(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_ranking_pk_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_ranking_pk_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_ranking_pk_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.ranking_pk(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_ranking_pk_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_ranking_pk_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_ranking_pk_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_quitsave(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_quitsave_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_quitsave_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_quitsave_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.quitsave(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_quitsave_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_quitsave_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_quitsave_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_misceffect(struct block_list *bl, int type) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_misceffect_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_misceffect_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_misceffect_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.misceffect(bl, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_misceffect_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_misceffect_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_misceffect_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, &type); } } return; } void HP_clif_changeoption(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changeoption_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changeoption_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_changeoption_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.changeoption(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changeoption_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changeoption_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_changeoption_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl); } } return; } void HP_clif_changeoption2(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changeoption2_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changeoption2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_changeoption2_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.changeoption2(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changeoption2_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changeoption2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_changeoption2_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl); } } return; } void HP_clif_emotion(struct block_list *bl, int type) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_emotion_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_emotion_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_emotion_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.emotion(bl, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_emotion_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_emotion_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_emotion_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, &type); } } return; } void HP_clif_talkiebox(struct block_list *bl, const char *talkie) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_talkiebox_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, const char *talkie); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_talkiebox_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_talkiebox_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, talkie); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.talkiebox(bl, talkie); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_talkiebox_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, const char *talkie); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_talkiebox_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_talkiebox_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, talkie); } } return; } void HP_clif_wedding_effect(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_wedding_effect_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_wedding_effect_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_wedding_effect_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.wedding_effect(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_wedding_effect_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_wedding_effect_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_wedding_effect_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl); } } return; } void HP_clif_divorced(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *name) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_divorced_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_divorced_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_divorced_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.divorced(sd, name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_divorced_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_divorced_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_divorced_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, name); } } return; } void HP_clif_callpartner(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_callpartner_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_callpartner_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_callpartner_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.callpartner(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_callpartner_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_callpartner_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_callpartner_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } int HP_clif_skill_damage(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *dst, int64 tick, int sdelay, int ddelay, int64 damage, int div, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_damage_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *dst, int64 *tick, int *sdelay, int *ddelay, int64 *damage, int *div, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_damage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skill_damage_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, dst, &tick, &sdelay, &ddelay, &damage, &div, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.clif.skill_damage(src, dst, tick, sdelay, ddelay, damage, div, skill_id, skill_lv, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_damage_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *dst, int64 *tick, int *sdelay, int *ddelay, int64 *damage, int *div, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_damage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skill_damage_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, dst, &tick, &sdelay, &ddelay, &damage, &div, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &type); } } return retVal___; } int HP_clif_skill_nodamage(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *dst, uint16 skill_id, int heal, int fail) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_nodamage_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *dst, uint16 *skill_id, int *heal, int *fail); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_nodamage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skill_nodamage_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, dst, &skill_id, &heal, &fail); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.clif.skill_nodamage(src, dst, skill_id, heal, fail); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_nodamage_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *dst, uint16 *skill_id, int *heal, int *fail); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_nodamage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skill_nodamage_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, dst, &skill_id, &heal, &fail); } } return retVal___; } void HP_clif_skill_poseffect(struct block_list *src, uint16 skill_id, int val, int x, int y, int64 tick) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_poseffect_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, uint16 *skill_id, int *val, int *x, int *y, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_poseffect_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skill_poseffect_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(src, &skill_id, &val, &x, &y, &tick); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.skill_poseffect(src, skill_id, val, x, y, tick); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_poseffect_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, uint16 *skill_id, int *val, int *x, int *y, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_poseffect_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skill_poseffect_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(src, &skill_id, &val, &x, &y, &tick); } } return; } void HP_clif_skill_estimation(struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *dst) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_estimation_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *dst); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_estimation_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skill_estimation_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, dst); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.skill_estimation(sd, dst); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_estimation_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *dst); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_estimation_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skill_estimation_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, dst); } } return; } void HP_clif_skill_warppoint(struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, unsigned short map1, unsigned short map2, unsigned short map3, unsigned short map4) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_warppoint_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, unsigned short *map1, unsigned short *map2, unsigned short *map3, unsigned short *map4); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_warppoint_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skill_warppoint_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &map1, &map2, &map3, &map4); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.skill_warppoint(sd, skill_id, skill_lv, map1, map2, map3, map4); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_warppoint_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, unsigned short *map1, unsigned short *map2, unsigned short *map3, unsigned short *map4); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skill_warppoint_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skill_warppoint_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &map1, &map2, &map3, &map4); } } return; } void HP_clif_skillcasting(struct block_list *bl, int src_id, int dst_id, int dst_x, int dst_y, uint16 skill_id, int property, int casttime) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skillcasting_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *src_id, int *dst_id, int *dst_x, int *dst_y, uint16 *skill_id, int *property, int *casttime); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skillcasting_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skillcasting_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, &src_id, &dst_id, &dst_x, &dst_y, &skill_id, &property, &casttime); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.skillcasting(bl, src_id, dst_id, dst_x, dst_y, skill_id, property, casttime); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skillcasting_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *src_id, int *dst_id, int *dst_x, int *dst_y, uint16 *skill_id, int *property, int *casttime); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skillcasting_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skillcasting_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, &src_id, &dst_id, &dst_x, &dst_y, &skill_id, &property, &casttime); } } return; } void HP_clif_produce_effect(struct map_session_data *sd, int flag, int nameid) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_produce_effect_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag, int *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_produce_effect_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_produce_effect_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &flag, &nameid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.produce_effect(sd, flag, nameid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_produce_effect_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag, int *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_produce_effect_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_produce_effect_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &flag, &nameid); } } return; } void HP_clif_devotion(struct block_list *src, struct map_session_data *tsd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_devotion_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct map_session_data *tsd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_devotion_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_devotion_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(src, tsd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.devotion(src, tsd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_devotion_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct map_session_data *tsd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_devotion_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_devotion_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(src, tsd); } } return; } void HP_clif_spiritball(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_spiritball_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_spiritball_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_spiritball_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.spiritball(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_spiritball_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_spiritball_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_spiritball_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl); } } return; } void HP_clif_spiritball_single(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_spiritball_single_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_spiritball_single_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_spiritball_single_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.spiritball_single(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_spiritball_single_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_spiritball_single_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_spiritball_single_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_bladestop(struct block_list *src, int dst_id, int active) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bladestop_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, int *dst_id, int *active); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bladestop_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_bladestop_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(src, &dst_id, &active); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.bladestop(src, dst_id, active); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bladestop_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, int *dst_id, int *active); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bladestop_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_bladestop_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(src, &dst_id, &active); } } return; } void HP_clif_mvp_effect(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mvp_effect_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mvp_effect_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_mvp_effect_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.mvp_effect(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mvp_effect_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mvp_effect_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_mvp_effect_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_heal(int fd, int type, int val) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_heal_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, int *type, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_heal_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_heal_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, &type, &val); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.heal(fd, type, val); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_heal_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, int *type, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_heal_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_heal_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, &type, &val); } } return; } void HP_clif_resurrection(struct block_list *bl, int type) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_resurrection_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_resurrection_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_resurrection_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.resurrection(bl, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_resurrection_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_resurrection_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_resurrection_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, &type); } } return; } void HP_clif_refine(int fd, int fail, int index, int val) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_refine_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, int *fail, int *index, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_refine_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_refine_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, &fail, &index, &val); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.refine(fd, fail, index, val); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_refine_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, int *fail, int *index, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_refine_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_refine_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, &fail, &index, &val); } } return; } void HP_clif_weather(int16 m) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_weather_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int16 *m); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_weather_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_weather_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&m); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.weather(m); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_weather_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int16 *m); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_weather_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_weather_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&m); } } return; } void HP_clif_specialeffect(struct block_list *bl, int type, enum send_target target) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_specialeffect_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *type, enum send_target *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_specialeffect_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_specialeffect_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, &type, &target); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.specialeffect(bl, type, target); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_specialeffect_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *type, enum send_target *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_specialeffect_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_specialeffect_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, &type, &target); } } return; } void HP_clif_specialeffect_single(struct block_list *bl, int type, int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_specialeffect_single_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *type, int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_specialeffect_single_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_specialeffect_single_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, &type, &fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.specialeffect_single(bl, type, fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_specialeffect_single_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *type, int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_specialeffect_single_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_specialeffect_single_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, &type, &fd); } } return; } void HP_clif_specialeffect_value(struct block_list *bl, int effect_id, int num, send_target target) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_specialeffect_value_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *effect_id, int *num, send_target *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_specialeffect_value_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_specialeffect_value_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, &effect_id, &num, &target); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.specialeffect_value(bl, effect_id, num, target); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_specialeffect_value_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *effect_id, int *num, send_target *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_specialeffect_value_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_specialeffect_value_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, &effect_id, &num, &target); } } return; } void HP_clif_millenniumshield(struct map_session_data *sd, short shields) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_millenniumshield_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, short *shields); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_millenniumshield_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_millenniumshield_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &shields); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.millenniumshield(sd, shields); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_millenniumshield_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, short *shields); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_millenniumshield_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_millenniumshield_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &shields); } } return; } void HP_clif_charm(struct map_session_data *sd, short type) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_charm_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, short *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_charm_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_charm_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.charm(sd, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_charm_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, short *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_charm_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_charm_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &type); } } return; } void HP_clif_charm_single(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd, short type) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_charm_single_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd, short *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_charm_single_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_charm_single_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.charm_single(fd, sd, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_charm_single_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd, short *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_charm_single_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_charm_single_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd, &type); } } return; } void HP_clif_snap(struct block_list *bl, short x, short y) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_snap_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, short *x, short *y); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_snap_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_snap_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, &x, &y); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.snap(bl, x, y); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_snap_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, short *x, short *y); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_snap_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_snap_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, &x, &y); } } return; } void HP_clif_weather_check(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_weather_check_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_weather_check_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_weather_check_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.weather_check(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_weather_check_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_weather_check_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_weather_check_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_playBGM(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *name) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_playBGM_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_playBGM_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_playBGM_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.playBGM(sd, name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_playBGM_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_playBGM_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_playBGM_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, name); } } return; } void HP_clif_soundeffect(struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl, const char *name, int type) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_soundeffect_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl, const char *name, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_soundeffect_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_soundeffect_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, bl, name, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.soundeffect(sd, bl, name, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_soundeffect_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl, const char *name, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_soundeffect_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_soundeffect_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, bl, name, &type); } } return; } void HP_clif_soundeffectall(struct block_list *bl, const char *name, int type, enum send_target coverage) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_soundeffectall_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, const char *name, int *type, enum send_target *coverage); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_soundeffectall_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_soundeffectall_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, name, &type, &coverage); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.soundeffectall(bl, name, type, coverage); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_soundeffectall_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, const char *name, int *type, enum send_target *coverage); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_soundeffectall_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_soundeffectall_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, name, &type, &coverage); } } return; } void HP_clif_GlobalMessage(struct block_list *bl, const char *message) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_GlobalMessage_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, const char *message); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_GlobalMessage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_GlobalMessage_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, message); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.GlobalMessage(bl, message); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_GlobalMessage_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, const char *message); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_GlobalMessage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_GlobalMessage_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, message); } } return; } void HP_clif_createchat(struct map_session_data *sd, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_createchat_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_createchat_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_createchat_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.createchat(sd, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_createchat_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_createchat_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_createchat_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &flag); } } return; } void HP_clif_dispchat(struct chat_data *cd, int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_dispchat_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct chat_data *cd, int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_dispchat_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_dispchat_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(cd, &fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.dispchat(cd, fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_dispchat_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct chat_data *cd, int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_dispchat_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_dispchat_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(cd, &fd); } } return; } void HP_clif_joinchatfail(struct map_session_data *sd, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_joinchatfail_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_joinchatfail_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_joinchatfail_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.joinchatfail(sd, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_joinchatfail_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_joinchatfail_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_joinchatfail_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &flag); } } return; } void HP_clif_joinchatok(struct map_session_data *sd, struct chat_data *cd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_joinchatok_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct chat_data *cd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_joinchatok_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_joinchatok_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, cd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.joinchatok(sd, cd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_joinchatok_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct chat_data *cd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_joinchatok_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_joinchatok_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, cd); } } return; } void HP_clif_addchat(struct chat_data *cd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_addchat_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct chat_data *cd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_addchat_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_addchat_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(cd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.addchat(cd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_addchat_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct chat_data *cd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_addchat_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_addchat_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(cd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_changechatowner(struct chat_data *cd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changechatowner_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct chat_data *cd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changechatowner_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_changechatowner_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(cd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.changechatowner(cd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changechatowner_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct chat_data *cd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changechatowner_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_changechatowner_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(cd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_clearchat(struct chat_data *cd, int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_clearchat_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct chat_data *cd, int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_clearchat_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_clearchat_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(cd, &fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.clearchat(cd, fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_clearchat_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct chat_data *cd, int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_clearchat_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_clearchat_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(cd, &fd); } } return; } void HP_clif_leavechat(struct chat_data *cd, struct map_session_data *sd, bool flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_leavechat_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct chat_data *cd, struct map_session_data *sd, bool *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_leavechat_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_leavechat_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(cd, sd, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.leavechat(cd, sd, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_leavechat_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct chat_data *cd, struct map_session_data *sd, bool *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_leavechat_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_leavechat_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(cd, sd, &flag); } } return; } void HP_clif_changechatstatus(struct chat_data *cd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changechatstatus_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct chat_data *cd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changechatstatus_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_changechatstatus_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(cd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.changechatstatus(cd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changechatstatus_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct chat_data *cd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_changechatstatus_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_changechatstatus_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(cd); } } return; } void HP_clif_wis_message(int fd, const char *nick, const char *mes, int mes_len) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_wis_message_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, const char *nick, const char *mes, int *mes_len); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_wis_message_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_wis_message_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, nick, mes, &mes_len); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.wis_message(fd, nick, mes, mes_len); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_wis_message_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, const char *nick, const char *mes, int *mes_len); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_wis_message_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_wis_message_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, nick, mes, &mes_len); } } return; } void HP_clif_wis_end(int fd, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_wis_end_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_wis_end_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_wis_end_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.wis_end(fd, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_wis_end_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_wis_end_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_wis_end_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, &flag); } } return; } void HP_clif_disp_onlyself(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *mes, int len) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_disp_onlyself_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *mes, int *len); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_disp_onlyself_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_disp_onlyself_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, mes, &len); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.disp_onlyself(sd, mes, len); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_disp_onlyself_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *mes, int *len); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_disp_onlyself_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_disp_onlyself_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, mes, &len); } } return; } void HP_clif_disp_message(struct block_list *src, const char *mes, int len, enum send_target target) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_disp_message_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, const char *mes, int *len, enum send_target *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_disp_message_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_disp_message_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(src, mes, &len, &target); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.disp_message(src, mes, len, target); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_disp_message_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, const char *mes, int *len, enum send_target *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_disp_message_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_disp_message_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(src, mes, &len, &target); } } return; } void HP_clif_broadcast(struct block_list *bl, const char *mes, int len, int type, enum send_target target) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_broadcast_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, const char *mes, int *len, int *type, enum send_target *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_broadcast_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_broadcast_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, mes, &len, &type, &target); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.broadcast(bl, mes, len, type, target); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_broadcast_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, const char *mes, int *len, int *type, enum send_target *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_broadcast_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_broadcast_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, mes, &len, &type, &target); } } return; } void HP_clif_broadcast2(struct block_list *bl, const char *mes, int len, unsigned long fontColor, short fontType, short fontSize, short fontAlign, short fontY, enum send_target target) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_broadcast2_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, const char *mes, int *len, unsigned long *fontColor, short *fontType, short *fontSize, short *fontAlign, short *fontY, enum send_target *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_broadcast2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_broadcast2_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, mes, &len, &fontColor, &fontType, &fontSize, &fontAlign, &fontY, &target); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.broadcast2(bl, mes, len, fontColor, fontType, fontSize, fontAlign, fontY, target); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_broadcast2_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, const char *mes, int *len, unsigned long *fontColor, short *fontType, short *fontSize, short *fontAlign, short *fontY, enum send_target *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_broadcast2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_broadcast2_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, mes, &len, &fontColor, &fontType, &fontSize, &fontAlign, &fontY, &target); } } return; } void HP_clif_messagecolor(struct block_list *bl, unsigned long color, const char *msg) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_messagecolor_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, unsigned long *color, const char *msg); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_messagecolor_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_messagecolor_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, &color, msg); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.messagecolor(bl, color, msg); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_messagecolor_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, unsigned long *color, const char *msg); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_messagecolor_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_messagecolor_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, &color, msg); } } return; } void HP_clif_disp_overhead(struct block_list *bl, const char *mes) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_disp_overhead_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, const char *mes); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_disp_overhead_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_disp_overhead_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, mes); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.disp_overhead(bl, mes); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_disp_overhead_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, const char *mes); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_disp_overhead_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_disp_overhead_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, mes); } } return; } void HP_clif_msg(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short id) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_msg_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_msg_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_msg_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.msg(sd, id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_msg_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_msg_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_msg_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &id); } } return; } void HP_clif_msg_value(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short id, int value) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_msg_value_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short *id, int *value); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_msg_value_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_msg_value_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &id, &value); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.msg_value(sd, id, value); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_msg_value_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short *id, int *value); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_msg_value_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_msg_value_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &id, &value); } } return; } void HP_clif_msg_skill(struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 skill_id, int msg_id) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_msg_skill_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id, int *msg_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_msg_skill_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_msg_skill_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &skill_id, &msg_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.msg_skill(sd, skill_id, msg_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_msg_skill_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id, int *msg_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_msg_skill_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_msg_skill_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &skill_id, &msg_id); } } return; } void HP_clif_msgtable(int fd, int line) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_msgtable_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, int *line); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_msgtable_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_msgtable_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, &line); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.msgtable(fd, line); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_msgtable_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, int *line); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_msgtable_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_msgtable_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, &line); } } return; } void HP_clif_msgtable_num(int fd, int line, int num) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_msgtable_num_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, int *line, int *num); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_msgtable_num_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_msgtable_num_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, &line, &num); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.msgtable_num(fd, line, num); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_msgtable_num_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, int *line, int *num); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_msgtable_num_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_msgtable_num_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, &line, &num); } } return; } void HP_clif_message(const int fd, const char *mes) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_message_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (const int *fd, const char *mes); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_message_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_message_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, mes); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.message(fd, mes); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_message_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (const int *fd, const char *mes); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_message_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_message_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, mes); } } return; } void HP_clif_messageln(const int fd, const char *mes) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_messageln_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (const int *fd, const char *mes); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_messageln_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_messageln_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, mes); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.messageln(fd, mes); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_messageln_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (const int *fd, const char *mes); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_messageln_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_messageln_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, mes); } } return; } int HP_clif_colormes(int fd, enum clif_colors color, const char *msg) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_colormes_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, enum clif_colors *color, const char *msg); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_colormes_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_colormes_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&fd, &color, msg); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.clif.colormes(fd, color, msg); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_colormes_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *fd, enum clif_colors *color, const char *msg); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_colormes_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_colormes_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &fd, &color, msg); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_clif_process_message(struct map_session_data *sd, int format, char **name_, int *namelen_, char **message_, int *messagelen_) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_process_message_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *format, char **name_, int *namelen_, char **message_, int *messagelen_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_process_message_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_process_message_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &format, name_, namelen_, message_, messagelen_); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.clif.process_message(sd, format, name_, namelen_, message_, messagelen_); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_process_message_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *format, char **name_, int *namelen_, char **message_, int *messagelen_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_process_message_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_process_message_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &format, name_, namelen_, message_, messagelen_); } } return retVal___; } void HP_clif_wisexin(struct map_session_data *sd, int type, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_wisexin_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_wisexin_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_wisexin_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &type, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.wisexin(sd, type, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_wisexin_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_wisexin_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_wisexin_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &type, &flag); } } return; } void HP_clif_wisall(struct map_session_data *sd, int type, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_wisall_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_wisall_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_wisall_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &type, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.wisall(sd, type, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_wisall_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_wisall_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_wisall_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &type, &flag); } } return; } void HP_clif_PMIgnoreList(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PMIgnoreList_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PMIgnoreList_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PMIgnoreList_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.PMIgnoreList(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PMIgnoreList_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PMIgnoreList_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PMIgnoreList_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_ShowScript(struct block_list *bl, const char *message) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_ShowScript_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, const char *message); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_ShowScript_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_ShowScript_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, message); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.ShowScript(bl, message); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_ShowScript_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, const char *message); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_ShowScript_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_ShowScript_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, message); } } return; } void HP_clif_traderequest(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *name) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_traderequest_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_traderequest_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_traderequest_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.traderequest(sd, name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_traderequest_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_traderequest_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_traderequest_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, name); } } return; } void HP_clif_tradestart(struct map_session_data *sd, uint8 type) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_tradestart_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint8 *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_tradestart_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_tradestart_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.tradestart(sd, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_tradestart_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint8 *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_tradestart_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_tradestart_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &type); } } return; } void HP_clif_tradeadditem(struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *tsd, int index, int amount) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_tradeadditem_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *tsd, int *index, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_tradeadditem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_tradeadditem_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, tsd, &index, &amount); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.tradeadditem(sd, tsd, index, amount); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_tradeadditem_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *tsd, int *index, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_tradeadditem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_tradeadditem_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, tsd, &index, &amount); } } return; } void HP_clif_tradeitemok(struct map_session_data *sd, int index, int fail) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_tradeitemok_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *index, int *fail); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_tradeitemok_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_tradeitemok_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &index, &fail); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.tradeitemok(sd, index, fail); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_tradeitemok_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *index, int *fail); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_tradeitemok_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_tradeitemok_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &index, &fail); } } return; } void HP_clif_tradedeal_lock(struct map_session_data *sd, int fail) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_tradedeal_lock_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *fail); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_tradedeal_lock_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_tradedeal_lock_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &fail); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.tradedeal_lock(sd, fail); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_tradedeal_lock_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *fail); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_tradedeal_lock_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_tradedeal_lock_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &fail); } } return; } void HP_clif_tradecancelled(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_tradecancelled_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_tradecancelled_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_tradecancelled_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.tradecancelled(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_tradecancelled_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_tradecancelled_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_tradecancelled_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_tradecompleted(struct map_session_data *sd, int fail) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_tradecompleted_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *fail); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_tradecompleted_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_tradecompleted_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &fail); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.tradecompleted(sd, fail); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_tradecompleted_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *fail); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_tradecompleted_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_tradecompleted_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &fail); } } return; } void HP_clif_tradeundo(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_tradeundo_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_tradeundo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_tradeundo_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.tradeundo(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_tradeundo_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_tradeundo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_tradeundo_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_openvendingreq(struct map_session_data *sd, int num) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_openvendingreq_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *num); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_openvendingreq_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_openvendingreq_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &num); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.openvendingreq(sd, num); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_openvendingreq_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *num); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_openvendingreq_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_openvendingreq_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &num); } } return; } void HP_clif_showvendingboard(struct block_list *bl, const char *message, int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_showvendingboard_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, const char *message, int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_showvendingboard_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_showvendingboard_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, message, &fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.showvendingboard(bl, message, fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_showvendingboard_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, const char *message, int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_showvendingboard_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_showvendingboard_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, message, &fd); } } return; } void HP_clif_closevendingboard(struct block_list *bl, int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_closevendingboard_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_closevendingboard_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_closevendingboard_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, &fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.closevendingboard(bl, fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_closevendingboard_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_closevendingboard_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_closevendingboard_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, &fd); } } return; } void HP_clif_vendinglist(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int id, struct s_vending *vending_list) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_vendinglist_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int *id, struct s_vending *vending_list); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_vendinglist_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_vendinglist_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &id, vending_list); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.vendinglist(sd, id, vending_list); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_vendinglist_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int *id, struct s_vending *vending_list); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_vendinglist_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_vendinglist_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &id, vending_list); } } return; } void HP_clif_buyvending(struct map_session_data *sd, int index, int amount, int fail) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyvending_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *index, int *amount, int *fail); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyvending_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_buyvending_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &index, &amount, &fail); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.buyvending(sd, index, amount, fail); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyvending_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *index, int *amount, int *fail); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyvending_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_buyvending_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &index, &amount, &fail); } } return; } void HP_clif_openvending(struct map_session_data *sd, int id, struct s_vending *vending_list) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_openvending_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *id, struct s_vending *vending_list); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_openvending_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_openvending_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &id, vending_list); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.openvending(sd, id, vending_list); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_openvending_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *id, struct s_vending *vending_list); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_openvending_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_openvending_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &id, vending_list); } } return; } void HP_clif_vendingreport(struct map_session_data *sd, int index, int amount) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_vendingreport_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *index, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_vendingreport_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_vendingreport_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &index, &amount); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.vendingreport(sd, index, amount); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_vendingreport_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *index, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_vendingreport_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_vendingreport_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &index, &amount); } } return; } void HP_clif_storagelist(struct map_session_data *sd, struct item *items, int items_length) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_storagelist_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct item *items, int *items_length); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_storagelist_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_storagelist_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, items, &items_length); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.storagelist(sd, items, items_length); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_storagelist_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct item *items, int *items_length); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_storagelist_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_storagelist_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, items, &items_length); } } return; } void HP_clif_updatestorageamount(struct map_session_data *sd, int amount, int max_amount) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_updatestorageamount_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *amount, int *max_amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_updatestorageamount_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_updatestorageamount_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &amount, &max_amount); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.updatestorageamount(sd, amount, max_amount); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_updatestorageamount_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *amount, int *max_amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_updatestorageamount_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_updatestorageamount_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &amount, &max_amount); } } return; } void HP_clif_storageitemadded(struct map_session_data *sd, struct item *i, int index, int amount) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_storageitemadded_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct item *i, int *index, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_storageitemadded_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_storageitemadded_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, i, &index, &amount); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.storageitemadded(sd, i, index, amount); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_storageitemadded_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct item *i, int *index, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_storageitemadded_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_storageitemadded_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, i, &index, &amount); } } return; } void HP_clif_storageitemremoved(struct map_session_data *sd, int index, int amount) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_storageitemremoved_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *index, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_storageitemremoved_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_storageitemremoved_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &index, &amount); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.storageitemremoved(sd, index, amount); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_storageitemremoved_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *index, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_storageitemremoved_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_storageitemremoved_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &index, &amount); } } return; } void HP_clif_storageclose(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_storageclose_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_storageclose_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_storageclose_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.storageclose(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_storageclose_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_storageclose_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_storageclose_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_skillinfoblock(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skillinfoblock_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skillinfoblock_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skillinfoblock_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.skillinfoblock(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skillinfoblock_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skillinfoblock_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skillinfoblock_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_skillup(struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skillup_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skillup_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skillup_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.skillup(sd, skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skillup_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skillup_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skillup_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &skill_id); } } return; } void HP_clif_skillinfo(struct map_session_data *sd, int skill_id, int inf) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skillinfo_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *skill_id, int *inf); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skillinfo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skillinfo_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &skill_id, &inf); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.skillinfo(sd, skill_id, inf); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skillinfo_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *skill_id, int *inf); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_skillinfo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_skillinfo_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &skill_id, &inf); } } return; } void HP_clif_addskill(struct map_session_data *sd, int id) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_addskill_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_addskill_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_addskill_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.addskill(sd, id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_addskill_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_addskill_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_addskill_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &id); } } return; } void HP_clif_deleteskill(struct map_session_data *sd, int id) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_deleteskill_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_deleteskill_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_deleteskill_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.deleteskill(sd, id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_deleteskill_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_deleteskill_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_deleteskill_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &id); } } return; } void HP_clif_party_created(struct map_session_data *sd, int result) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_created_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *result); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_created_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_party_created_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &result); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.party_created(sd, result); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_created_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *result); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_created_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_party_created_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &result); } } return; } void HP_clif_party_member_info(struct party_data *p, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_member_info_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct party_data *p, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_member_info_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_party_member_info_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(p, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.party_member_info(p, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_member_info_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct party_data *p, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_member_info_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_party_member_info_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(p, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_party_info(struct party_data *p, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_info_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct party_data *p, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_info_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_party_info_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(p, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.party_info(p, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_info_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct party_data *p, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_info_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_party_info_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(p, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_party_invite(struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *tsd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_invite_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *tsd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_invite_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_party_invite_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, tsd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.party_invite(sd, tsd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_invite_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *tsd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_invite_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_party_invite_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, tsd); } } return; } void HP_clif_party_inviteack(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *nick, int result) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_inviteack_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *nick, int *result); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_inviteack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_party_inviteack_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, nick, &result); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.party_inviteack(sd, nick, result); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_inviteack_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *nick, int *result); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_inviteack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_party_inviteack_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, nick, &result); } } return; } void HP_clif_party_option(struct party_data *p, struct map_session_data *sd, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_option_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct party_data *p, struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_option_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_party_option_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(p, sd, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.party_option(p, sd, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_option_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct party_data *p, struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_option_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_party_option_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(p, sd, &flag); } } return; } void HP_clif_party_withdraw(struct party_data *p, struct map_session_data *sd, int account_id, const char *name, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_withdraw_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct party_data *p, struct map_session_data *sd, int *account_id, const char *name, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_withdraw_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_party_withdraw_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(p, sd, &account_id, name, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.party_withdraw(p, sd, account_id, name, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_withdraw_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct party_data *p, struct map_session_data *sd, int *account_id, const char *name, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_withdraw_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_party_withdraw_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(p, sd, &account_id, name, &flag); } } return; } void HP_clif_party_message(struct party_data *p, int account_id, const char *mes, int len) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_message_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct party_data *p, int *account_id, const char *mes, int *len); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_message_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_party_message_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(p, &account_id, mes, &len); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.party_message(p, account_id, mes, len); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_message_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct party_data *p, int *account_id, const char *mes, int *len); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_message_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_party_message_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(p, &account_id, mes, &len); } } return; } void HP_clif_party_xy(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_xy_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_xy_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_party_xy_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.party_xy(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_xy_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_xy_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_party_xy_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_party_xy_single(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_xy_single_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_xy_single_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_party_xy_single_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.party_xy_single(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_xy_single_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_xy_single_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_party_xy_single_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_party_hp(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_hp_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_hp_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_party_hp_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.party_hp(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_hp_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_hp_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_party_hp_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_party_xy_remove(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_xy_remove_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_xy_remove_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_party_xy_remove_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.party_xy_remove(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_xy_remove_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_xy_remove_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_party_xy_remove_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_party_show_picker(struct map_session_data *sd, struct item *item_data) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_show_picker_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct item *item_data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_show_picker_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_party_show_picker_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, item_data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.party_show_picker(sd, item_data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_show_picker_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct item *item_data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_party_show_picker_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_party_show_picker_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, item_data); } } return; } void HP_clif_partyinvitationstate(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_partyinvitationstate_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_partyinvitationstate_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_partyinvitationstate_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.partyinvitationstate(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_partyinvitationstate_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_partyinvitationstate_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_partyinvitationstate_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_guild_created(struct map_session_data *sd, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_created_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_created_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_created_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.guild_created(sd, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_created_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_created_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_created_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &flag); } } return; } void HP_clif_guild_belonginfo(struct map_session_data *sd, struct guild *g) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_belonginfo_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct guild *g); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_belonginfo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_belonginfo_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, g); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.guild_belonginfo(sd, g); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_belonginfo_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct guild *g); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_belonginfo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_belonginfo_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, g); } } return; } void HP_clif_guild_masterormember(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_masterormember_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_masterormember_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_masterormember_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.guild_masterormember(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_masterormember_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_masterormember_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_masterormember_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_guild_basicinfo(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_basicinfo_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_basicinfo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_basicinfo_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.guild_basicinfo(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_basicinfo_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_basicinfo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_basicinfo_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_guild_allianceinfo(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_allianceinfo_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_allianceinfo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_allianceinfo_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.guild_allianceinfo(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_allianceinfo_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_allianceinfo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_allianceinfo_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_guild_memberlist(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_memberlist_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_memberlist_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_memberlist_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.guild_memberlist(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_memberlist_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_memberlist_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_memberlist_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_guild_skillinfo(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_skillinfo_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_skillinfo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_skillinfo_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.guild_skillinfo(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_skillinfo_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_skillinfo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_skillinfo_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_guild_send_onlineinfo(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_send_onlineinfo_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_send_onlineinfo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_send_onlineinfo_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.guild_send_onlineinfo(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_send_onlineinfo_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_send_onlineinfo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_send_onlineinfo_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_guild_memberlogin_notice(struct guild *g, int idx, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_memberlogin_notice_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct guild *g, int *idx, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_memberlogin_notice_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_memberlogin_notice_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(g, &idx, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.guild_memberlogin_notice(g, idx, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_memberlogin_notice_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct guild *g, int *idx, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_memberlogin_notice_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_memberlogin_notice_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(g, &idx, &flag); } } return; } void HP_clif_guild_invite(struct map_session_data *sd, struct guild *g) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_invite_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct guild *g); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_invite_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_invite_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, g); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.guild_invite(sd, g); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_invite_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct guild *g); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_invite_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_invite_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, g); } } return; } void HP_clif_guild_inviteack(struct map_session_data *sd, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_inviteack_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_inviteack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_inviteack_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.guild_inviteack(sd, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_inviteack_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_inviteack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_inviteack_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &flag); } } return; } void HP_clif_guild_leave(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *name, const char *mes) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_leave_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *name, const char *mes); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_leave_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_leave_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, name, mes); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.guild_leave(sd, name, mes); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_leave_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *name, const char *mes); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_leave_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_leave_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, name, mes); } } return; } void HP_clif_guild_expulsion(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *name, const char *mes, int account_id) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_expulsion_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *name, const char *mes, int *account_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_expulsion_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_expulsion_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, name, mes, &account_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.guild_expulsion(sd, name, mes, account_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_expulsion_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *name, const char *mes, int *account_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_expulsion_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_expulsion_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, name, mes, &account_id); } } return; } void HP_clif_guild_positionchanged(struct guild *g, int idx) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_positionchanged_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct guild *g, int *idx); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_positionchanged_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_positionchanged_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(g, &idx); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.guild_positionchanged(g, idx); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_positionchanged_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct guild *g, int *idx); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_positionchanged_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_positionchanged_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(g, &idx); } } return; } void HP_clif_guild_memberpositionchanged(struct guild *g, int idx) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_memberpositionchanged_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct guild *g, int *idx); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_memberpositionchanged_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_memberpositionchanged_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(g, &idx); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.guild_memberpositionchanged(g, idx); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_memberpositionchanged_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct guild *g, int *idx); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_memberpositionchanged_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_memberpositionchanged_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(g, &idx); } } return; } void HP_clif_guild_emblem(struct map_session_data *sd, struct guild *g) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_emblem_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct guild *g); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_emblem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_emblem_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, g); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.guild_emblem(sd, g); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_emblem_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct guild *g); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_emblem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_emblem_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, g); } } return; } void HP_clif_guild_emblem_area(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_emblem_area_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_emblem_area_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_emblem_area_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.guild_emblem_area(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_emblem_area_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_emblem_area_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_emblem_area_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl); } } return; } void HP_clif_guild_notice(struct map_session_data *sd, struct guild *g) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_notice_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct guild *g); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_notice_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_notice_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, g); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.guild_notice(sd, g); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_notice_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct guild *g); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_notice_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_notice_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, g); } } return; } void HP_clif_guild_message(struct guild *g, int account_id, const char *mes, int len) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_message_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct guild *g, int *account_id, const char *mes, int *len); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_message_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_message_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(g, &account_id, mes, &len); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.guild_message(g, account_id, mes, len); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_message_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct guild *g, int *account_id, const char *mes, int *len); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_message_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_message_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(g, &account_id, mes, &len); } } return; } int HP_clif_guild_skillup(struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 skill_id, int lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_skillup_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id, int *lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_skillup_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_skillup_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &skill_id, &lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.clif.guild_skillup(sd, skill_id, lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_skillup_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id, int *lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_skillup_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_skillup_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &skill_id, &lv); } } return retVal___; } void HP_clif_guild_reqalliance(struct map_session_data *sd, int account_id, const char *name) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_reqalliance_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *account_id, const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_reqalliance_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_reqalliance_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &account_id, name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.guild_reqalliance(sd, account_id, name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_reqalliance_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *account_id, const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_reqalliance_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_reqalliance_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &account_id, name); } } return; } void HP_clif_guild_allianceack(struct map_session_data *sd, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_allianceack_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_allianceack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_allianceack_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.guild_allianceack(sd, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_allianceack_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_allianceack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_allianceack_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &flag); } } return; } void HP_clif_guild_delalliance(struct map_session_data *sd, int guild_id, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_delalliance_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *guild_id, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_delalliance_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_delalliance_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &guild_id, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.guild_delalliance(sd, guild_id, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_delalliance_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *guild_id, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_delalliance_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_delalliance_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &guild_id, &flag); } } return; } void HP_clif_guild_oppositionack(struct map_session_data *sd, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_oppositionack_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_oppositionack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_oppositionack_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.guild_oppositionack(sd, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_oppositionack_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_oppositionack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_oppositionack_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &flag); } } return; } void HP_clif_guild_broken(struct map_session_data *sd, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_broken_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_broken_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_broken_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.guild_broken(sd, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_broken_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_broken_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_broken_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &flag); } } return; } void HP_clif_guild_xy(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_xy_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_xy_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_xy_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.guild_xy(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_xy_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_xy_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_xy_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_guild_xy_single(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_xy_single_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_xy_single_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_xy_single_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.guild_xy_single(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_xy_single_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_xy_single_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_xy_single_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_guild_xy_remove(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_xy_remove_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_xy_remove_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_xy_remove_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.guild_xy_remove(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_xy_remove_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_xy_remove_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_xy_remove_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_guild_positionnamelist(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_positionnamelist_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_positionnamelist_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_positionnamelist_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.guild_positionnamelist(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_positionnamelist_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_positionnamelist_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_positionnamelist_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_guild_positioninfolist(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_positioninfolist_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_positioninfolist_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_positioninfolist_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.guild_positioninfolist(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_positioninfolist_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_positioninfolist_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_positioninfolist_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_guild_expulsionlist(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_expulsionlist_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_expulsionlist_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_expulsionlist_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.guild_expulsionlist(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_expulsionlist_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_guild_expulsionlist_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_guild_expulsionlist_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } bool HP_clif_validate_emblem(const uint8 *emblem, unsigned long emblem_len) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_validate_emblem_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (const uint8 *emblem, unsigned long *emblem_len); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_validate_emblem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_validate_emblem_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(emblem, &emblem_len); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.clif.validate_emblem(emblem, emblem_len); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_validate_emblem_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, const uint8 *emblem, unsigned long *emblem_len); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_validate_emblem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_validate_emblem_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, emblem, &emblem_len); } } return retVal___; } void HP_clif_bg_hp(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bg_hp_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bg_hp_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_bg_hp_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.bg_hp(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bg_hp_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bg_hp_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_bg_hp_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_bg_xy(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bg_xy_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bg_xy_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_bg_xy_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.bg_xy(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bg_xy_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bg_xy_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_bg_xy_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_bg_xy_remove(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bg_xy_remove_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bg_xy_remove_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_bg_xy_remove_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.bg_xy_remove(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bg_xy_remove_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bg_xy_remove_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_bg_xy_remove_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_bg_message(struct battleground_data *bgd, int src_id, const char *name, const char *mes, int len) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bg_message_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct battleground_data *bgd, int *src_id, const char *name, const char *mes, int *len); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bg_message_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_bg_message_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bgd, &src_id, name, mes, &len); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.bg_message(bgd, src_id, name, mes, len); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bg_message_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct battleground_data *bgd, int *src_id, const char *name, const char *mes, int *len); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bg_message_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_bg_message_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bgd, &src_id, name, mes, &len); } } return; } void HP_clif_bg_updatescore(int16 m) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bg_updatescore_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int16 *m); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bg_updatescore_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_bg_updatescore_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&m); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.bg_updatescore(m); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bg_updatescore_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int16 *m); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bg_updatescore_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_bg_updatescore_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&m); } } return; } void HP_clif_bg_updatescore_single(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bg_updatescore_single_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bg_updatescore_single_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_bg_updatescore_single_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.bg_updatescore_single(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bg_updatescore_single_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bg_updatescore_single_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_bg_updatescore_single_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_sendbgemblem_area(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_sendbgemblem_area_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_sendbgemblem_area_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_sendbgemblem_area_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.sendbgemblem_area(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_sendbgemblem_area_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_sendbgemblem_area_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_sendbgemblem_area_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_sendbgemblem_single(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_sendbgemblem_single_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_sendbgemblem_single_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_sendbgemblem_single_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.sendbgemblem_single(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_sendbgemblem_single_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_sendbgemblem_single_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_sendbgemblem_single_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } int HP_clif_instance(int instance_id, int type, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_instance_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *instance_id, int *type, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_instance_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_instance_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&instance_id, &type, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.clif.instance(instance_id, type, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_instance_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *instance_id, int *type, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_instance_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_instance_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &instance_id, &type, &flag); } } return retVal___; } void HP_clif_instance_join(int fd, int instance_id) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_instance_join_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, int *instance_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_instance_join_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_instance_join_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, &instance_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.instance_join(fd, instance_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_instance_join_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, int *instance_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_instance_join_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_instance_join_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, &instance_id); } } return; } void HP_clif_instance_leave(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_instance_leave_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_instance_leave_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_instance_leave_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.instance_leave(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_instance_leave_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_instance_leave_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_instance_leave_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_clif_catch_process(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_catch_process_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_catch_process_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_catch_process_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.catch_process(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_catch_process_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_catch_process_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_catch_process_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pet_roulette(struct map_session_data *sd, int data) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pet_roulette_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pet_roulette_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pet_roulette_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pet_roulette(sd, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pet_roulette_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pet_roulette_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pet_roulette_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &data); } } return; } void HP_clif_sendegg(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_sendegg_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_sendegg_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_sendegg_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.sendegg(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_sendegg_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_sendegg_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_sendegg_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_send_petstatus(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_send_petstatus_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_send_petstatus_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_send_petstatus_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.send_petstatus(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_send_petstatus_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_send_petstatus_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_send_petstatus_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_send_petdata(struct map_session_data *sd, struct pet_data *pd, int type, int param) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_send_petdata_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct pet_data *pd, int *type, int *param); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_send_petdata_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_send_petdata_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, pd, &type, ¶m); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.send_petdata(sd, pd, type, param); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_send_petdata_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct pet_data *pd, int *type, int *param); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_send_petdata_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_send_petdata_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, pd, &type, ¶m); } } return; } void HP_clif_pet_emotion(struct pet_data *pd, int param) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pet_emotion_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct pet_data *pd, int *param); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pet_emotion_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pet_emotion_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(pd, ¶m); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pet_emotion(pd, param); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pet_emotion_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct pet_data *pd, int *param); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pet_emotion_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pet_emotion_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(pd, ¶m); } } return; } void HP_clif_pet_food(struct map_session_data *sd, int foodid, int fail) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pet_food_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *foodid, int *fail); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pet_food_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pet_food_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &foodid, &fail); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pet_food(sd, foodid, fail); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pet_food_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *foodid, int *fail); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pet_food_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pet_food_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &foodid, &fail); } } return; } int HP_clif_friendslist_toggle_sub(struct map_session_data *sd, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_friendslist_toggle_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_friendslist_toggle_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_friendslist_toggle_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.clif.friendslist_toggle_sub(sd, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_friendslist_toggle_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_friendslist_toggle_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_friendslist_toggle_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } void HP_clif_friendslist_send(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_friendslist_send_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_friendslist_send_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_friendslist_send_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.friendslist_send(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_friendslist_send_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_friendslist_send_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_friendslist_send_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_friendslist_reqack(struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *f_sd, int type) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_friendslist_reqack_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *f_sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_friendslist_reqack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_friendslist_reqack_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, f_sd, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.friendslist_reqack(sd, f_sd, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_friendslist_reqack_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *f_sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_friendslist_reqack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_friendslist_reqack_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, f_sd, &type); } } return; } void HP_clif_friendslist_toggle(struct map_session_data *sd, int account_id, int char_id, int online) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_friendslist_toggle_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *account_id, int *char_id, int *online); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_friendslist_toggle_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_friendslist_toggle_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &account_id, &char_id, &online); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.friendslist_toggle(sd, account_id, char_id, online); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_friendslist_toggle_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *account_id, int *char_id, int *online); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_friendslist_toggle_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_friendslist_toggle_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &account_id, &char_id, &online); } } return; } void HP_clif_friendlist_req(struct map_session_data *sd, int account_id, int char_id, const char *name) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_friendlist_req_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *account_id, int *char_id, const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_friendlist_req_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_friendlist_req_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &account_id, &char_id, name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.friendlist_req(sd, account_id, char_id, name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_friendlist_req_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *account_id, int *char_id, const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_friendlist_req_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_friendlist_req_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &account_id, &char_id, name); } } return; } void HP_clif_GM_kickack(struct map_session_data *sd, int id) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_GM_kickack_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_GM_kickack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_GM_kickack_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.GM_kickack(sd, id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_GM_kickack_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_GM_kickack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_GM_kickack_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &id); } } return; } void HP_clif_GM_kick(struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *tsd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_GM_kick_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *tsd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_GM_kick_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_GM_kick_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, tsd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.GM_kick(sd, tsd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_GM_kick_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *tsd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_GM_kick_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_GM_kick_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, tsd); } } return; } void HP_clif_manner_message(struct map_session_data *sd, uint32 type) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_manner_message_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint32 *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_manner_message_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_manner_message_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.manner_message(sd, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_manner_message_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint32 *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_manner_message_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_manner_message_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &type); } } return; } void HP_clif_GM_silence(struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *tsd, uint8 type) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_GM_silence_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *tsd, uint8 *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_GM_silence_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_GM_silence_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, tsd, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.GM_silence(sd, tsd, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_GM_silence_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *tsd, uint8 *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_GM_silence_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_GM_silence_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, tsd, &type); } } return; } void HP_clif_account_name(struct map_session_data *sd, int account_id, const char *accname) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_account_name_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *account_id, const char *accname); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_account_name_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_account_name_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &account_id, accname); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.account_name(sd, account_id, accname); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_account_name_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *account_id, const char *accname); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_account_name_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_account_name_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &account_id, accname); } } return; } void HP_clif_check(int fd, struct map_session_data *pl_sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_check_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *pl_sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_check_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_check_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, pl_sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.check(fd, pl_sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_check_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *pl_sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_check_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_check_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, pl_sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_hominfo(struct map_session_data *sd, struct homun_data *hd, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_hominfo_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct homun_data *hd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_hominfo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_hominfo_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, hd, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.hominfo(sd, hd, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_hominfo_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct homun_data *hd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_hominfo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_hominfo_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, hd, &flag); } } return; } int HP_clif_homskillinfoblock(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_homskillinfoblock_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_homskillinfoblock_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_homskillinfoblock_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.clif.homskillinfoblock(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_homskillinfoblock_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_homskillinfoblock_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_homskillinfoblock_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } void HP_clif_homskillup(struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_homskillup_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_homskillup_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_homskillup_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.homskillup(sd, skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_homskillup_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_homskillup_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_homskillup_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &skill_id); } } return; } int HP_clif_hom_food(struct map_session_data *sd, int foodid, int fail) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_hom_food_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *foodid, int *fail); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_hom_food_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_hom_food_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &foodid, &fail); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.clif.hom_food(sd, foodid, fail); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_hom_food_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *foodid, int *fail); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_hom_food_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_hom_food_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &foodid, &fail); } } return retVal___; } void HP_clif_send_homdata(struct map_session_data *sd, int state, int param) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_send_homdata_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *state, int *param); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_send_homdata_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_send_homdata_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &state, ¶m); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.send_homdata(sd, state, param); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_send_homdata_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *state, int *param); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_send_homdata_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_send_homdata_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &state, ¶m); } } return; } void HP_clif_quest_send_list(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_quest_send_list_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_quest_send_list_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_quest_send_list_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.quest_send_list(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_quest_send_list_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_quest_send_list_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_quest_send_list_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_quest_send_mission(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_quest_send_mission_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_quest_send_mission_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_quest_send_mission_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.quest_send_mission(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_quest_send_mission_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_quest_send_mission_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_quest_send_mission_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_quest_add(struct map_session_data *sd, struct quest *qd, int index) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_quest_add_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct quest *qd, int *index); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_quest_add_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_quest_add_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, qd, &index); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.quest_add(sd, qd, index); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_quest_add_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct quest *qd, int *index); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_quest_add_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_quest_add_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, qd, &index); } } return; } void HP_clif_quest_delete(struct map_session_data *sd, int quest_id) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_quest_delete_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *quest_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_quest_delete_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_quest_delete_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &quest_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.quest_delete(sd, quest_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_quest_delete_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *quest_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_quest_delete_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_quest_delete_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &quest_id); } } return; } void HP_clif_quest_update_status(struct map_session_data *sd, int quest_id, bool active) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_quest_update_status_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *quest_id, bool *active); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_quest_update_status_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_quest_update_status_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &quest_id, &active); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.quest_update_status(sd, quest_id, active); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_quest_update_status_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *quest_id, bool *active); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_quest_update_status_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_quest_update_status_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &quest_id, &active); } } return; } void HP_clif_quest_update_objective(struct map_session_data *sd, struct quest *qd, int index) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_quest_update_objective_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct quest *qd, int *index); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_quest_update_objective_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_quest_update_objective_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, qd, &index); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.quest_update_objective(sd, qd, index); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_quest_update_objective_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct quest *qd, int *index); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_quest_update_objective_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_quest_update_objective_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, qd, &index); } } return; } void HP_clif_quest_show_event(struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl, short state, short color) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_quest_show_event_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl, short *state, short *color); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_quest_show_event_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_quest_show_event_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, bl, &state, &color); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.quest_show_event(sd, bl, state, color); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_quest_show_event_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl, short *state, short *color); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_quest_show_event_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_quest_show_event_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, bl, &state, &color); } } return; } void HP_clif_mail_window(int fd, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mail_window_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mail_window_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_mail_window_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.mail_window(fd, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mail_window_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mail_window_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_mail_window_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, &flag); } } return; } void HP_clif_mail_read(struct map_session_data *sd, int mail_id) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mail_read_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *mail_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mail_read_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_mail_read_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &mail_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.mail_read(sd, mail_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mail_read_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *mail_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mail_read_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_mail_read_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &mail_id); } } return; } void HP_clif_mail_delete(int fd, int mail_id, short fail) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mail_delete_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, int *mail_id, short *fail); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mail_delete_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_mail_delete_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, &mail_id, &fail); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.mail_delete(fd, mail_id, fail); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mail_delete_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, int *mail_id, short *fail); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mail_delete_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_mail_delete_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, &mail_id, &fail); } } return; } void HP_clif_mail_return(int fd, int mail_id, short fail) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mail_return_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, int *mail_id, short *fail); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mail_return_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_mail_return_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, &mail_id, &fail); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.mail_return(fd, mail_id, fail); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mail_return_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, int *mail_id, short *fail); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mail_return_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_mail_return_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, &mail_id, &fail); } } return; } void HP_clif_mail_send(int fd, bool fail) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mail_send_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, bool *fail); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mail_send_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_mail_send_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, &fail); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.mail_send(fd, fail); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mail_send_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, bool *fail); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mail_send_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_mail_send_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, &fail); } } return; } void HP_clif_mail_new(int fd, int mail_id, const char *sender, const char *title) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mail_new_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, int *mail_id, const char *sender, const char *title); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mail_new_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_mail_new_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, &mail_id, sender, title); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.mail_new(fd, mail_id, sender, title); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mail_new_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, int *mail_id, const char *sender, const char *title); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mail_new_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_mail_new_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, &mail_id, sender, title); } } return; } void HP_clif_mail_refreshinbox(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mail_refreshinbox_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mail_refreshinbox_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_mail_refreshinbox_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.mail_refreshinbox(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mail_refreshinbox_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mail_refreshinbox_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_mail_refreshinbox_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_mail_getattachment(int fd, uint8 flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mail_getattachment_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, uint8 *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mail_getattachment_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_mail_getattachment_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.mail_getattachment(fd, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mail_getattachment_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, uint8 *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mail_getattachment_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_mail_getattachment_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, &flag); } } return; } void HP_clif_mail_setattachment(int fd, int index, uint8 flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mail_setattachment_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, int *index, uint8 *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mail_setattachment_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_mail_setattachment_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, &index, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.mail_setattachment(fd, index, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mail_setattachment_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, int *index, uint8 *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mail_setattachment_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_mail_setattachment_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, &index, &flag); } } return; } void HP_clif_auction_openwindow(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_auction_openwindow_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_auction_openwindow_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_auction_openwindow_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.auction_openwindow(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_auction_openwindow_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_auction_openwindow_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_auction_openwindow_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_auction_results(struct map_session_data *sd, short count, short pages, uint8 *buf) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_auction_results_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, short *count, short *pages, uint8 *buf); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_auction_results_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_auction_results_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &count, &pages, buf); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.auction_results(sd, count, pages, buf); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_auction_results_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, short *count, short *pages, uint8 *buf); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_auction_results_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_auction_results_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &count, &pages, buf); } } return; } void HP_clif_auction_message(int fd, unsigned char flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_auction_message_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, unsigned char *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_auction_message_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_auction_message_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.auction_message(fd, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_auction_message_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, unsigned char *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_auction_message_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_auction_message_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, &flag); } } return; } void HP_clif_auction_close(int fd, unsigned char flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_auction_close_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, unsigned char *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_auction_close_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_auction_close_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.auction_close(fd, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_auction_close_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, unsigned char *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_auction_close_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_auction_close_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, &flag); } } return; } void HP_clif_auction_setitem(int fd, int index, bool fail) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_auction_setitem_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, int *index, bool *fail); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_auction_setitem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_auction_setitem_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, &index, &fail); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.auction_setitem(fd, index, fail); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_auction_setitem_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, int *index, bool *fail); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_auction_setitem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_auction_setitem_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, &index, &fail); } } return; } void HP_clif_mercenary_info(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mercenary_info_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mercenary_info_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_mercenary_info_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.mercenary_info(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mercenary_info_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mercenary_info_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_mercenary_info_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_mercenary_skillblock(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mercenary_skillblock_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mercenary_skillblock_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_mercenary_skillblock_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.mercenary_skillblock(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mercenary_skillblock_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mercenary_skillblock_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_mercenary_skillblock_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_mercenary_message(struct map_session_data *sd, int message) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mercenary_message_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *message); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mercenary_message_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_mercenary_message_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &message); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.mercenary_message(sd, message); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mercenary_message_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *message); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mercenary_message_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_mercenary_message_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &message); } } return; } void HP_clif_mercenary_updatestatus(struct map_session_data *sd, int type) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mercenary_updatestatus_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mercenary_updatestatus_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_mercenary_updatestatus_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.mercenary_updatestatus(sd, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mercenary_updatestatus_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_mercenary_updatestatus_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_mercenary_updatestatus_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &type); } } return; } void HP_clif_rental_time(int fd, int nameid, int seconds) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_rental_time_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, int *nameid, int *seconds); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_rental_time_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_rental_time_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, &nameid, &seconds); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.rental_time(fd, nameid, seconds); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_rental_time_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, int *nameid, int *seconds); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_rental_time_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_rental_time_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, &nameid, &seconds); } } return; } void HP_clif_rental_expired(int fd, int index, int nameid) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_rental_expired_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, int *index, int *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_rental_expired_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_rental_expired_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, &index, &nameid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.rental_expired(fd, index, nameid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_rental_expired_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, int *index, int *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_rental_expired_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_rental_expired_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, &index, &nameid); } } return; } void HP_clif_PartyBookingRegisterAck(struct map_session_data *sd, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingRegisterAck_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingRegisterAck_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PartyBookingRegisterAck_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.PartyBookingRegisterAck(sd, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingRegisterAck_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingRegisterAck_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PartyBookingRegisterAck_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &flag); } } return; } void HP_clif_PartyBookingDeleteAck(struct map_session_data *sd, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingDeleteAck_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingDeleteAck_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PartyBookingDeleteAck_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.PartyBookingDeleteAck(sd, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingDeleteAck_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingDeleteAck_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PartyBookingDeleteAck_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &flag); } } return; } void HP_clif_PartyBookingSearchAck(int fd, struct party_booking_ad_info **results, int count, bool more_result) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingSearchAck_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct party_booking_ad_info **results, int *count, bool *more_result); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingSearchAck_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PartyBookingSearchAck_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, results, &count, &more_result); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.PartyBookingSearchAck(fd, results, count, more_result); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingSearchAck_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct party_booking_ad_info **results, int *count, bool *more_result); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingSearchAck_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PartyBookingSearchAck_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, results, &count, &more_result); } } return; } void HP_clif_PartyBookingUpdateNotify(struct map_session_data *sd, struct party_booking_ad_info *pb_ad) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingUpdateNotify_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct party_booking_ad_info *pb_ad); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingUpdateNotify_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PartyBookingUpdateNotify_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, pb_ad); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.PartyBookingUpdateNotify(sd, pb_ad); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingUpdateNotify_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct party_booking_ad_info *pb_ad); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingUpdateNotify_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PartyBookingUpdateNotify_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, pb_ad); } } return; } void HP_clif_PartyBookingDeleteNotify(struct map_session_data *sd, int index) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingDeleteNotify_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *index); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingDeleteNotify_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PartyBookingDeleteNotify_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &index); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.PartyBookingDeleteNotify(sd, index); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingDeleteNotify_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *index); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingDeleteNotify_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PartyBookingDeleteNotify_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &index); } } return; } void HP_clif_PartyBookingInsertNotify(struct map_session_data *sd, struct party_booking_ad_info *pb_ad) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingInsertNotify_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct party_booking_ad_info *pb_ad); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingInsertNotify_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PartyBookingInsertNotify_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, pb_ad); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.PartyBookingInsertNotify(sd, pb_ad); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingInsertNotify_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct party_booking_ad_info *pb_ad); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingInsertNotify_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PartyBookingInsertNotify_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, pb_ad); } } return; } void HP_clif_PartyRecruitRegisterAck(struct map_session_data *sd, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyRecruitRegisterAck_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyRecruitRegisterAck_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PartyRecruitRegisterAck_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.PartyRecruitRegisterAck(sd, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyRecruitRegisterAck_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyRecruitRegisterAck_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PartyRecruitRegisterAck_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &flag); } } return; } void HP_clif_PartyRecruitDeleteAck(struct map_session_data *sd, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyRecruitDeleteAck_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyRecruitDeleteAck_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PartyRecruitDeleteAck_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.PartyRecruitDeleteAck(sd, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyRecruitDeleteAck_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyRecruitDeleteAck_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PartyRecruitDeleteAck_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &flag); } } return; } void HP_clif_PartyRecruitSearchAck(int fd, struct party_booking_ad_info **results, int count, bool more_result) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyRecruitSearchAck_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct party_booking_ad_info **results, int *count, bool *more_result); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyRecruitSearchAck_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PartyRecruitSearchAck_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, results, &count, &more_result); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.PartyRecruitSearchAck(fd, results, count, more_result); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyRecruitSearchAck_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct party_booking_ad_info **results, int *count, bool *more_result); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyRecruitSearchAck_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PartyRecruitSearchAck_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, results, &count, &more_result); } } return; } void HP_clif_PartyRecruitUpdateNotify(struct map_session_data *sd, struct party_booking_ad_info *pb_ad) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyRecruitUpdateNotify_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct party_booking_ad_info *pb_ad); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyRecruitUpdateNotify_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PartyRecruitUpdateNotify_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, pb_ad); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.PartyRecruitUpdateNotify(sd, pb_ad); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyRecruitUpdateNotify_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct party_booking_ad_info *pb_ad); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyRecruitUpdateNotify_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PartyRecruitUpdateNotify_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, pb_ad); } } return; } void HP_clif_PartyRecruitDeleteNotify(struct map_session_data *sd, int index) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyRecruitDeleteNotify_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *index); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyRecruitDeleteNotify_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PartyRecruitDeleteNotify_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &index); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.PartyRecruitDeleteNotify(sd, index); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyRecruitDeleteNotify_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *index); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyRecruitDeleteNotify_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PartyRecruitDeleteNotify_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &index); } } return; } void HP_clif_PartyRecruitInsertNotify(struct map_session_data *sd, struct party_booking_ad_info *pb_ad) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyRecruitInsertNotify_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct party_booking_ad_info *pb_ad); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyRecruitInsertNotify_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PartyRecruitInsertNotify_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, pb_ad); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.PartyRecruitInsertNotify(sd, pb_ad); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyRecruitInsertNotify_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct party_booking_ad_info *pb_ad); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyRecruitInsertNotify_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PartyRecruitInsertNotify_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, pb_ad); } } return; } void HP_clif_PartyBookingVolunteerInfo(int index, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingVolunteerInfo_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *index, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingVolunteerInfo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PartyBookingVolunteerInfo_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&index, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.PartyBookingVolunteerInfo(index, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingVolunteerInfo_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *index, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingVolunteerInfo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PartyBookingVolunteerInfo_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&index, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_PartyBookingRefuseVolunteer(unsigned long aid, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingRefuseVolunteer_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (unsigned long *aid, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingRefuseVolunteer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PartyBookingRefuseVolunteer_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&aid, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.PartyBookingRefuseVolunteer(aid, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingRefuseVolunteer_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (unsigned long *aid, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingRefuseVolunteer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PartyBookingRefuseVolunteer_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&aid, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_PartyBookingCancelVolunteer(int index, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingCancelVolunteer_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *index, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingCancelVolunteer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PartyBookingCancelVolunteer_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&index, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.PartyBookingCancelVolunteer(index, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingCancelVolunteer_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *index, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingCancelVolunteer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PartyBookingCancelVolunteer_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&index, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_PartyBookingAddFilteringList(int index, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingAddFilteringList_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *index, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingAddFilteringList_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PartyBookingAddFilteringList_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&index, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.PartyBookingAddFilteringList(index, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingAddFilteringList_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *index, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingAddFilteringList_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PartyBookingAddFilteringList_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&index, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_PartyBookingSubFilteringList(int gid, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingSubFilteringList_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *gid, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingSubFilteringList_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PartyBookingSubFilteringList_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&gid, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.PartyBookingSubFilteringList(gid, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingSubFilteringList_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *gid, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_PartyBookingSubFilteringList_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_PartyBookingSubFilteringList_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&gid, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_buyingstore_open(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_open_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_open_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_buyingstore_open_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.buyingstore_open(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_open_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_open_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_buyingstore_open_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_buyingstore_open_failed(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short result, unsigned int weight) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_open_failed_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short *result, unsigned int *weight); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_open_failed_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_buyingstore_open_failed_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &result, &weight); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.buyingstore_open_failed(sd, result, weight); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_open_failed_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short *result, unsigned int *weight); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_open_failed_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_buyingstore_open_failed_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &result, &weight); } } return; } void HP_clif_buyingstore_myitemlist(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_myitemlist_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_myitemlist_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_buyingstore_myitemlist_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.buyingstore_myitemlist(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_myitemlist_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_myitemlist_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_buyingstore_myitemlist_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_buyingstore_entry(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_entry_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_entry_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_buyingstore_entry_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.buyingstore_entry(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_entry_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_entry_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_buyingstore_entry_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_buyingstore_entry_single(struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *pl_sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_entry_single_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *pl_sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_entry_single_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_buyingstore_entry_single_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, pl_sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.buyingstore_entry_single(sd, pl_sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_entry_single_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *pl_sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_entry_single_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_buyingstore_entry_single_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, pl_sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_buyingstore_disappear_entry(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_disappear_entry_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_disappear_entry_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_buyingstore_disappear_entry_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.buyingstore_disappear_entry(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_disappear_entry_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_disappear_entry_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_buyingstore_disappear_entry_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_buyingstore_disappear_entry_single(struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *pl_sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_disappear_entry_single_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *pl_sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_disappear_entry_single_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_buyingstore_disappear_entry_single_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, pl_sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.buyingstore_disappear_entry_single(sd, pl_sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_disappear_entry_single_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *pl_sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_disappear_entry_single_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_buyingstore_disappear_entry_single_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, pl_sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_buyingstore_itemlist(struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *pl_sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_itemlist_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *pl_sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_itemlist_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_buyingstore_itemlist_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, pl_sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.buyingstore_itemlist(sd, pl_sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_itemlist_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *pl_sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_itemlist_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_buyingstore_itemlist_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, pl_sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_buyer(struct map_session_data *sd, short result) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_buyer_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, short *result); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_buyer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_buyer_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &result); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.buyingstore_trade_failed_buyer(sd, result); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_buyer_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, short *result); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_buyer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_buyer_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &result); } } return; } void HP_clif_buyingstore_update_item(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short nameid, unsigned short amount) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_update_item_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short *nameid, unsigned short *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_update_item_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_buyingstore_update_item_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &nameid, &amount); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.buyingstore_update_item(sd, nameid, amount); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_update_item_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short *nameid, unsigned short *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_update_item_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_buyingstore_update_item_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &nameid, &amount); } } return; } void HP_clif_buyingstore_delete_item(struct map_session_data *sd, short index, unsigned short amount, int price) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_delete_item_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, short *index, unsigned short *amount, int *price); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_delete_item_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_buyingstore_delete_item_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &index, &amount, &price); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.buyingstore_delete_item(sd, index, amount, price); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_delete_item_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, short *index, unsigned short *amount, int *price); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_delete_item_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_buyingstore_delete_item_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &index, &amount, &price); } } return; } void HP_clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_seller(struct map_session_data *sd, short result, unsigned short nameid) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_seller_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, short *result, unsigned short *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_seller_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_seller_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &result, &nameid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.buyingstore_trade_failed_seller(sd, result, nameid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_seller_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, short *result, unsigned short *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_seller_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_seller_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &result, &nameid); } } return; } void HP_clif_search_store_info_ack(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_search_store_info_ack_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_search_store_info_ack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_search_store_info_ack_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.search_store_info_ack(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_search_store_info_ack_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_search_store_info_ack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_search_store_info_ack_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_search_store_info_failed(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char reason) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_search_store_info_failed_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char *reason); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_search_store_info_failed_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_search_store_info_failed_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &reason); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.search_store_info_failed(sd, reason); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_search_store_info_failed_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char *reason); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_search_store_info_failed_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_search_store_info_failed_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &reason); } } return; } void HP_clif_open_search_store_info(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_open_search_store_info_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_open_search_store_info_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_open_search_store_info_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.open_search_store_info(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_open_search_store_info_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_open_search_store_info_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_open_search_store_info_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_search_store_info_click_ack(struct map_session_data *sd, short x, short y) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_search_store_info_click_ack_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, short *x, short *y); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_search_store_info_click_ack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_search_store_info_click_ack_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &x, &y); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.search_store_info_click_ack(sd, x, y); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_search_store_info_click_ack_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, short *x, short *y); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_search_store_info_click_ack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_search_store_info_click_ack_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &x, &y); } } return; } void HP_clif_elemental_info(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_elemental_info_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_elemental_info_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_elemental_info_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.elemental_info(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_elemental_info_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_elemental_info_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_elemental_info_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_elemental_updatestatus(struct map_session_data *sd, int type) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_elemental_updatestatus_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_elemental_updatestatus_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_elemental_updatestatus_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.elemental_updatestatus(sd, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_elemental_updatestatus_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_elemental_updatestatus_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_elemental_updatestatus_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &type); } } return; } void HP_clif_bgqueue_ack(struct map_session_data *sd, enum BATTLEGROUNDS_QUEUE_ACK response, unsigned char arena_id) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bgqueue_ack_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, enum BATTLEGROUNDS_QUEUE_ACK *response, unsigned char *arena_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bgqueue_ack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_bgqueue_ack_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &response, &arena_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.bgqueue_ack(sd, response, arena_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bgqueue_ack_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, enum BATTLEGROUNDS_QUEUE_ACK *response, unsigned char *arena_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bgqueue_ack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_bgqueue_ack_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &response, &arena_id); } } return; } void HP_clif_bgqueue_notice_delete(struct map_session_data *sd, enum BATTLEGROUNDS_QUEUE_NOTICE_DELETED response, char *name) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bgqueue_notice_delete_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, enum BATTLEGROUNDS_QUEUE_NOTICE_DELETED *response, char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bgqueue_notice_delete_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_bgqueue_notice_delete_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &response, name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.bgqueue_notice_delete(sd, response, name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bgqueue_notice_delete_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, enum BATTLEGROUNDS_QUEUE_NOTICE_DELETED *response, char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bgqueue_notice_delete_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_bgqueue_notice_delete_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &response, name); } } return; } void HP_clif_bgqueue_update_info(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char arena_id, int position) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bgqueue_update_info_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char *arena_id, int *position); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bgqueue_update_info_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_bgqueue_update_info_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &arena_id, &position); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.bgqueue_update_info(sd, arena_id, position); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bgqueue_update_info_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char *arena_id, int *position); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bgqueue_update_info_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_bgqueue_update_info_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &arena_id, &position); } } return; } void HP_clif_bgqueue_joined(struct map_session_data *sd, int pos) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bgqueue_joined_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *pos); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bgqueue_joined_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_bgqueue_joined_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &pos); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.bgqueue_joined(sd, pos); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bgqueue_joined_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *pos); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bgqueue_joined_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_bgqueue_joined_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &pos); } } return; } void HP_clif_bgqueue_pcleft(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bgqueue_pcleft_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bgqueue_pcleft_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_bgqueue_pcleft_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.bgqueue_pcleft(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bgqueue_pcleft_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bgqueue_pcleft_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_bgqueue_pcleft_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_bgqueue_battlebegins(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char arena_id, enum send_target target) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bgqueue_battlebegins_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char *arena_id, enum send_target *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bgqueue_battlebegins_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_bgqueue_battlebegins_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &arena_id, &target); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.bgqueue_battlebegins(sd, arena_id, target); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bgqueue_battlebegins_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char *arena_id, enum send_target *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bgqueue_battlebegins_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_bgqueue_battlebegins_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &arena_id, &target); } } return; } void HP_clif_adopt_reply(struct map_session_data *sd, int type) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_adopt_reply_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_adopt_reply_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_adopt_reply_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.adopt_reply(sd, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_adopt_reply_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_adopt_reply_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_adopt_reply_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &type); } } return; } void HP_clif_adopt_request(struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *src, int p_id) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_adopt_request_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *src, int *p_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_adopt_request_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_adopt_request_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, src, &p_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.adopt_request(sd, src, p_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_adopt_request_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *src, int *p_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_adopt_request_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_adopt_request_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, src, &p_id); } } return; } void HP_clif_readbook(int fd, int book_id, int page) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_readbook_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, int *book_id, int *page); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_readbook_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_readbook_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, &book_id, &page); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.readbook(fd, book_id, page); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_readbook_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, int *book_id, int *page); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_readbook_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_readbook_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, &book_id, &page); } } return; } void HP_clif_notify_time(struct map_session_data *sd, int64 time) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_notify_time_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int64 *time); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_notify_time_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_notify_time_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &time); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.notify_time(sd, time); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_notify_time_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int64 *time); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_notify_time_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_notify_time_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &time); } } return; } void HP_clif_user_count(struct map_session_data *sd, int count) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_user_count_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *count); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_user_count_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_user_count_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &count); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.user_count(sd, count); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_user_count_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *count); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_user_count_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_user_count_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &count); } } return; } void HP_clif_noask_sub(struct map_session_data *src, struct map_session_data *target, int type) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_noask_sub_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *src, struct map_session_data *target, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_noask_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_noask_sub_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(src, target, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.noask_sub(src, target, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_noask_sub_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *src, struct map_session_data *target, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_noask_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_noask_sub_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(src, target, &type); } } return; } void HP_clif_bc_ready(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bc_ready_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bc_ready_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_bc_ready_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.bc_ready(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bc_ready_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bc_ready_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_bc_ready_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } int HP_clif_undisguise_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_undisguise_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_undisguise_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_undisguise_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.clif.undisguise_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_undisguise_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_undisguise_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_undisguise_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } void HP_clif_chsys_create(struct hChSysCh *channel, char *name, char *pass, unsigned char color) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_create_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct hChSysCh *channel, char *name, char *pass, unsigned char *color); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_create_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_chsys_create_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(channel, name, pass, &color); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.chsys_create(channel, name, pass, color); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_create_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct hChSysCh *channel, char *name, char *pass, unsigned char *color); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_create_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_chsys_create_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(channel, name, pass, &color); } } return; } void HP_clif_chsys_msg(struct hChSysCh *channel, struct map_session_data *sd, char *msg) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_msg_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct hChSysCh *channel, struct map_session_data *sd, char *msg); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_msg_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_chsys_msg_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(channel, sd, msg); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.chsys_msg(channel, sd, msg); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_msg_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct hChSysCh *channel, struct map_session_data *sd, char *msg); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_msg_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_chsys_msg_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(channel, sd, msg); } } return; } void HP_clif_chsys_msg2(struct hChSysCh *channel, char *msg) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_msg2_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct hChSysCh *channel, char *msg); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_msg2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_chsys_msg2_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(channel, msg); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.chsys_msg2(channel, msg); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_msg2_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct hChSysCh *channel, char *msg); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_msg2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_chsys_msg2_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(channel, msg); } } return; } void HP_clif_chsys_send(struct hChSysCh *channel, struct map_session_data *sd, const char *msg) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_send_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct hChSysCh *channel, struct map_session_data *sd, const char *msg); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_send_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_chsys_send_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(channel, sd, msg); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.chsys_send(channel, sd, msg); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_send_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct hChSysCh *channel, struct map_session_data *sd, const char *msg); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_send_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_chsys_send_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(channel, sd, msg); } } return; } void HP_clif_chsys_join(struct hChSysCh *channel, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_join_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct hChSysCh *channel, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_join_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_chsys_join_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(channel, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.chsys_join(channel, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_join_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct hChSysCh *channel, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_join_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_chsys_join_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(channel, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_chsys_left(struct hChSysCh *channel, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_left_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct hChSysCh *channel, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_left_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_chsys_left_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(channel, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.chsys_left(channel, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_left_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct hChSysCh *channel, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_left_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_chsys_left_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(channel, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_chsys_delete(struct hChSysCh *channel) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_delete_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct hChSysCh *channel); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_delete_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_chsys_delete_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(channel); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.chsys_delete(channel); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_delete_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct hChSysCh *channel); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_delete_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_chsys_delete_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(channel); } } return; } void HP_clif_chsys_mjoin(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_mjoin_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_mjoin_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_chsys_mjoin_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.chsys_mjoin(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_mjoin_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_mjoin_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_chsys_mjoin_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_chsys_quit(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_quit_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_quit_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_chsys_quit_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.chsys_quit(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_quit_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_quit_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_chsys_quit_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_chsys_quitg(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_quitg_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_quitg_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_chsys_quitg_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.chsys_quitg(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_quitg_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_quitg_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_chsys_quitg_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_chsys_gjoin(struct guild *g1, struct guild *g2) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_gjoin_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct guild *g1, struct guild *g2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_gjoin_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_chsys_gjoin_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(g1, g2); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.chsys_gjoin(g1, g2); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_gjoin_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct guild *g1, struct guild *g2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_gjoin_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_chsys_gjoin_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(g1, g2); } } return; } void HP_clif_chsys_gleave(struct guild *g1, struct guild *g2) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_gleave_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct guild *g1, struct guild *g2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_gleave_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_chsys_gleave_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(g1, g2); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.chsys_gleave(g1, g2); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_gleave_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct guild *g1, struct guild *g2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chsys_gleave_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_chsys_gleave_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(g1, g2); } } return; } void HP_clif_bank_deposit(struct map_session_data *sd, enum e_BANKING_DEPOSIT_ACK reason) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bank_deposit_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, enum e_BANKING_DEPOSIT_ACK *reason); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bank_deposit_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_bank_deposit_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &reason); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.bank_deposit(sd, reason); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bank_deposit_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, enum e_BANKING_DEPOSIT_ACK *reason); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bank_deposit_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_bank_deposit_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &reason); } } return; } void HP_clif_bank_withdraw(struct map_session_data *sd, enum e_BANKING_WITHDRAW_ACK reason) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bank_withdraw_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, enum e_BANKING_WITHDRAW_ACK *reason); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bank_withdraw_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_bank_withdraw_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &reason); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.bank_withdraw(sd, reason); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bank_withdraw_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, enum e_BANKING_WITHDRAW_ACK *reason); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_bank_withdraw_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_bank_withdraw_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &reason); } } return; } void HP_clif_pWantToConnection(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pWantToConnection_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pWantToConnection_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pWantToConnection_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pWantToConnection(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pWantToConnection_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pWantToConnection_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pWantToConnection_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pLoadEndAck(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pLoadEndAck_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pLoadEndAck_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pLoadEndAck_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pLoadEndAck(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pLoadEndAck_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pLoadEndAck_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pLoadEndAck_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pTickSend(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pTickSend_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pTickSend_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pTickSend_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pTickSend(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pTickSend_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pTickSend_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pTickSend_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pHotkey(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pHotkey_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pHotkey_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pHotkey_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pHotkey(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pHotkey_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pHotkey_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pHotkey_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pProgressbar(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pProgressbar_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pProgressbar_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pProgressbar_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pProgressbar(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pProgressbar_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pProgressbar_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pProgressbar_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pWalkToXY(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pWalkToXY_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pWalkToXY_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pWalkToXY_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pWalkToXY(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pWalkToXY_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pWalkToXY_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pWalkToXY_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pQuitGame(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pQuitGame_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pQuitGame_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pQuitGame_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pQuitGame(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pQuitGame_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pQuitGame_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pQuitGame_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pGetCharNameRequest(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGetCharNameRequest_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGetCharNameRequest_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGetCharNameRequest_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pGetCharNameRequest(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGetCharNameRequest_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGetCharNameRequest_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGetCharNameRequest_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pGlobalMessage(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGlobalMessage_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGlobalMessage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGlobalMessage_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pGlobalMessage(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGlobalMessage_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGlobalMessage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGlobalMessage_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pMapMove(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMapMove_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMapMove_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pMapMove_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pMapMove(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMapMove_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMapMove_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pMapMove_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pChangeDir(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pChangeDir_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pChangeDir_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pChangeDir_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pChangeDir(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pChangeDir_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pChangeDir_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pChangeDir_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pEmotion(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pEmotion_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pEmotion_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pEmotion_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pEmotion(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pEmotion_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pEmotion_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pEmotion_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pHowManyConnections(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pHowManyConnections_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pHowManyConnections_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pHowManyConnections_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pHowManyConnections(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pHowManyConnections_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pHowManyConnections_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pHowManyConnections_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pActionRequest(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pActionRequest_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pActionRequest_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pActionRequest_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pActionRequest(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pActionRequest_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pActionRequest_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pActionRequest_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pActionRequest_sub(struct map_session_data *sd, int action_type, int target_id, int64 tick) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pActionRequest_sub_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *action_type, int *target_id, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pActionRequest_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pActionRequest_sub_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &action_type, &target_id, &tick); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pActionRequest_sub(sd, action_type, target_id, tick); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pActionRequest_sub_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *action_type, int *target_id, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pActionRequest_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pActionRequest_sub_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &action_type, &target_id, &tick); } } return; } void HP_clif_pRestart(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pRestart_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pRestart_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pRestart_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pRestart(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pRestart_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pRestart_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pRestart_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pWisMessage(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pWisMessage_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pWisMessage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pWisMessage_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pWisMessage(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pWisMessage_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pWisMessage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pWisMessage_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pBroadcast(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBroadcast_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBroadcast_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pBroadcast_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pBroadcast(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBroadcast_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBroadcast_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pBroadcast_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pTakeItem(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pTakeItem_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pTakeItem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pTakeItem_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pTakeItem(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pTakeItem_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pTakeItem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pTakeItem_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pDropItem(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pDropItem_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pDropItem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pDropItem_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pDropItem(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pDropItem_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pDropItem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pDropItem_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pUseItem(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseItem_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseItem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pUseItem_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pUseItem(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseItem_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseItem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pUseItem_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pEquipItem(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pEquipItem_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pEquipItem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pEquipItem_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pEquipItem(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pEquipItem_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pEquipItem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pEquipItem_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pUnequipItem(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUnequipItem_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUnequipItem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pUnequipItem_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pUnequipItem(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUnequipItem_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUnequipItem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pUnequipItem_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pNpcClicked(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNpcClicked_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNpcClicked_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pNpcClicked_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pNpcClicked(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNpcClicked_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNpcClicked_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pNpcClicked_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pNpcBuySellSelected(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNpcBuySellSelected_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNpcBuySellSelected_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pNpcBuySellSelected_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pNpcBuySellSelected(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNpcBuySellSelected_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNpcBuySellSelected_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pNpcBuySellSelected_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pNpcBuyListSend(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNpcBuyListSend_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNpcBuyListSend_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pNpcBuyListSend_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pNpcBuyListSend(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNpcBuyListSend_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNpcBuyListSend_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pNpcBuyListSend_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pNpcSellListSend(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNpcSellListSend_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNpcSellListSend_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pNpcSellListSend_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pNpcSellListSend(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNpcSellListSend_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNpcSellListSend_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pNpcSellListSend_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pCreateChatRoom(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCreateChatRoom_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCreateChatRoom_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pCreateChatRoom_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pCreateChatRoom(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCreateChatRoom_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCreateChatRoom_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pCreateChatRoom_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pChatAddMember(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pChatAddMember_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pChatAddMember_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pChatAddMember_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pChatAddMember(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pChatAddMember_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pChatAddMember_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pChatAddMember_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pChatRoomStatusChange(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pChatRoomStatusChange_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pChatRoomStatusChange_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pChatRoomStatusChange_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pChatRoomStatusChange(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pChatRoomStatusChange_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pChatRoomStatusChange_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pChatRoomStatusChange_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pChangeChatOwner(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pChangeChatOwner_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pChangeChatOwner_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pChangeChatOwner_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pChangeChatOwner(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pChangeChatOwner_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pChangeChatOwner_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pChangeChatOwner_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pKickFromChat(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pKickFromChat_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pKickFromChat_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pKickFromChat_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pKickFromChat(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pKickFromChat_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pKickFromChat_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pKickFromChat_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pChatLeave(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pChatLeave_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pChatLeave_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pChatLeave_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pChatLeave(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pChatLeave_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pChatLeave_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pChatLeave_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pTradeRequest(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pTradeRequest_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pTradeRequest_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pTradeRequest_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pTradeRequest(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pTradeRequest_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pTradeRequest_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pTradeRequest_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_chann_config_read(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chann_config_read_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chann_config_read_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_chann_config_read_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.chann_config_read(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chann_config_read_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_chann_config_read_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_chann_config_read_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_clif_pTradeAck(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pTradeAck_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pTradeAck_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pTradeAck_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pTradeAck(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pTradeAck_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pTradeAck_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pTradeAck_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pTradeAddItem(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pTradeAddItem_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pTradeAddItem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pTradeAddItem_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pTradeAddItem(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pTradeAddItem_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pTradeAddItem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pTradeAddItem_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pTradeOk(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pTradeOk_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pTradeOk_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pTradeOk_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pTradeOk(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pTradeOk_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pTradeOk_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pTradeOk_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pTradeCancel(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pTradeCancel_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pTradeCancel_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pTradeCancel_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pTradeCancel(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pTradeCancel_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pTradeCancel_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pTradeCancel_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pTradeCommit(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pTradeCommit_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pTradeCommit_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pTradeCommit_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pTradeCommit(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pTradeCommit_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pTradeCommit_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pTradeCommit_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pStopAttack(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pStopAttack_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pStopAttack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pStopAttack_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pStopAttack(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pStopAttack_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pStopAttack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pStopAttack_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pPutItemToCart(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPutItemToCart_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPutItemToCart_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPutItemToCart_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pPutItemToCart(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPutItemToCart_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPutItemToCart_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPutItemToCart_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pGetItemFromCart(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGetItemFromCart_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGetItemFromCart_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGetItemFromCart_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pGetItemFromCart(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGetItemFromCart_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGetItemFromCart_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGetItemFromCart_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pRemoveOption(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pRemoveOption_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pRemoveOption_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pRemoveOption_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pRemoveOption(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pRemoveOption_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pRemoveOption_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pRemoveOption_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pChangeCart(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pChangeCart_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pChangeCart_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pChangeCart_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pChangeCart(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pChangeCart_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pChangeCart_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pChangeCart_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pStatusUp(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pStatusUp_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pStatusUp_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pStatusUp_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pStatusUp(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pStatusUp_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pStatusUp_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pStatusUp_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pSkillUp(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pSkillUp_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pSkillUp_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pSkillUp_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pSkillUp(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pSkillUp_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pSkillUp_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pSkillUp_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pUseSkillToId(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseSkillToId_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseSkillToId_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pUseSkillToId_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pUseSkillToId(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseSkillToId_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseSkillToId_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pUseSkillToId_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pUseSkillToId_homun(struct homun_data *hd, struct map_session_data *sd, int64 tick, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int target_id) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseSkillToId_homun_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd, struct map_session_data *sd, int64 *tick, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *target_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseSkillToId_homun_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pUseSkillToId_homun_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(hd, sd, &tick, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &target_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pUseSkillToId_homun(hd, sd, tick, skill_id, skill_lv, target_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseSkillToId_homun_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd, struct map_session_data *sd, int64 *tick, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *target_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseSkillToId_homun_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pUseSkillToId_homun_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(hd, sd, &tick, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &target_id); } } return; } void HP_clif_pUseSkillToId_mercenary(struct mercenary_data *md, struct map_session_data *sd, int64 tick, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int target_id) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseSkillToId_mercenary_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct mercenary_data *md, struct map_session_data *sd, int64 *tick, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *target_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseSkillToId_mercenary_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pUseSkillToId_mercenary_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(md, sd, &tick, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &target_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pUseSkillToId_mercenary(md, sd, tick, skill_id, skill_lv, target_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseSkillToId_mercenary_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct mercenary_data *md, struct map_session_data *sd, int64 *tick, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *target_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseSkillToId_mercenary_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pUseSkillToId_mercenary_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(md, sd, &tick, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &target_id); } } return; } void HP_clif_pUseSkillToPos(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseSkillToPos_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseSkillToPos_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pUseSkillToPos_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pUseSkillToPos(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseSkillToPos_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseSkillToPos_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pUseSkillToPos_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pUseSkillToPosSub(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 skill_lv, uint16 skill_id, short x, short y, int skillmoreinfo) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseSkillToPosSub_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_lv, uint16 *skill_id, short *x, short *y, int *skillmoreinfo); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseSkillToPosSub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pUseSkillToPosSub_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd, &skill_lv, &skill_id, &x, &y, &skillmoreinfo); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pUseSkillToPosSub(fd, sd, skill_lv, skill_id, x, y, skillmoreinfo); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseSkillToPosSub_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_lv, uint16 *skill_id, short *x, short *y, int *skillmoreinfo); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseSkillToPosSub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pUseSkillToPosSub_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd, &skill_lv, &skill_id, &x, &y, &skillmoreinfo); } } return; } void HP_clif_pUseSkillToPos_homun(struct homun_data *hd, struct map_session_data *sd, int64 tick, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, short x, short y, int skillmoreinfo) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseSkillToPos_homun_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd, struct map_session_data *sd, int64 *tick, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, short *x, short *y, int *skillmoreinfo); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseSkillToPos_homun_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pUseSkillToPos_homun_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(hd, sd, &tick, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &x, &y, &skillmoreinfo); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pUseSkillToPos_homun(hd, sd, tick, skill_id, skill_lv, x, y, skillmoreinfo); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseSkillToPos_homun_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd, struct map_session_data *sd, int64 *tick, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, short *x, short *y, int *skillmoreinfo); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseSkillToPos_homun_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pUseSkillToPos_homun_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(hd, sd, &tick, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &x, &y, &skillmoreinfo); } } return; } void HP_clif_pUseSkillToPos_mercenary(struct mercenary_data *md, struct map_session_data *sd, int64 tick, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, short x, short y, int skillmoreinfo) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseSkillToPos_mercenary_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct mercenary_data *md, struct map_session_data *sd, int64 *tick, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, short *x, short *y, int *skillmoreinfo); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseSkillToPos_mercenary_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pUseSkillToPos_mercenary_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(md, sd, &tick, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &x, &y, &skillmoreinfo); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pUseSkillToPos_mercenary(md, sd, tick, skill_id, skill_lv, x, y, skillmoreinfo); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseSkillToPos_mercenary_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct mercenary_data *md, struct map_session_data *sd, int64 *tick, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, short *x, short *y, int *skillmoreinfo); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseSkillToPos_mercenary_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pUseSkillToPos_mercenary_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(md, sd, &tick, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &x, &y, &skillmoreinfo); } } return; } void HP_clif_pUseSkillToPosMoreInfo(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseSkillToPosMoreInfo_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseSkillToPosMoreInfo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pUseSkillToPosMoreInfo_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pUseSkillToPosMoreInfo(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseSkillToPosMoreInfo_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseSkillToPosMoreInfo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pUseSkillToPosMoreInfo_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pUseSkillMap(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseSkillMap_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseSkillMap_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pUseSkillMap_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pUseSkillMap(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseSkillMap_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseSkillMap_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pUseSkillMap_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pRequestMemo(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pRequestMemo_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pRequestMemo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pRequestMemo_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pRequestMemo(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pRequestMemo_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pRequestMemo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pRequestMemo_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pProduceMix(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pProduceMix_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pProduceMix_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pProduceMix_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pProduceMix(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pProduceMix_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pProduceMix_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pProduceMix_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pCooking(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCooking_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCooking_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pCooking_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pCooking(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCooking_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCooking_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pCooking_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pRepairItem(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pRepairItem_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pRepairItem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pRepairItem_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pRepairItem(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pRepairItem_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pRepairItem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pRepairItem_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pWeaponRefine(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pWeaponRefine_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pWeaponRefine_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pWeaponRefine_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pWeaponRefine(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pWeaponRefine_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pWeaponRefine_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pWeaponRefine_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pNpcSelectMenu(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNpcSelectMenu_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNpcSelectMenu_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pNpcSelectMenu_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pNpcSelectMenu(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNpcSelectMenu_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNpcSelectMenu_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pNpcSelectMenu_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pNpcNextClicked(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNpcNextClicked_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNpcNextClicked_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pNpcNextClicked_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pNpcNextClicked(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNpcNextClicked_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNpcNextClicked_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pNpcNextClicked_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pNpcAmountInput(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNpcAmountInput_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNpcAmountInput_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pNpcAmountInput_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pNpcAmountInput(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNpcAmountInput_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNpcAmountInput_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pNpcAmountInput_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pNpcStringInput(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNpcStringInput_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNpcStringInput_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pNpcStringInput_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pNpcStringInput(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNpcStringInput_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNpcStringInput_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pNpcStringInput_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pNpcCloseClicked(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNpcCloseClicked_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNpcCloseClicked_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pNpcCloseClicked_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pNpcCloseClicked(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNpcCloseClicked_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNpcCloseClicked_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pNpcCloseClicked_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pItemIdentify(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pItemIdentify_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pItemIdentify_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pItemIdentify_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pItemIdentify(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pItemIdentify_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pItemIdentify_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pItemIdentify_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pSelectArrow(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pSelectArrow_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pSelectArrow_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pSelectArrow_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pSelectArrow(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pSelectArrow_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pSelectArrow_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pSelectArrow_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pAutoSpell(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAutoSpell_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAutoSpell_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pAutoSpell_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pAutoSpell(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAutoSpell_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAutoSpell_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pAutoSpell_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pUseCard(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseCard_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseCard_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pUseCard_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pUseCard(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseCard_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pUseCard_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pUseCard_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pInsertCard(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pInsertCard_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pInsertCard_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pInsertCard_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pInsertCard(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pInsertCard_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pInsertCard_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pInsertCard_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pSolveCharName(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pSolveCharName_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pSolveCharName_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pSolveCharName_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pSolveCharName(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pSolveCharName_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pSolveCharName_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pSolveCharName_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pResetChar(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pResetChar_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pResetChar_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pResetChar_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pResetChar(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pResetChar_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pResetChar_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pResetChar_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pLocalBroadcast(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pLocalBroadcast_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pLocalBroadcast_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pLocalBroadcast_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pLocalBroadcast(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pLocalBroadcast_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pLocalBroadcast_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pLocalBroadcast_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pMoveToKafra(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMoveToKafra_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMoveToKafra_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pMoveToKafra_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pMoveToKafra(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMoveToKafra_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMoveToKafra_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pMoveToKafra_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pMoveFromKafra(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMoveFromKafra_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMoveFromKafra_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pMoveFromKafra_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pMoveFromKafra(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMoveFromKafra_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMoveFromKafra_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pMoveFromKafra_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pMoveToKafraFromCart(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMoveToKafraFromCart_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMoveToKafraFromCart_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pMoveToKafraFromCart_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pMoveToKafraFromCart(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMoveToKafraFromCart_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMoveToKafraFromCart_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pMoveToKafraFromCart_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pMoveFromKafraToCart(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMoveFromKafraToCart_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMoveFromKafraToCart_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pMoveFromKafraToCart_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pMoveFromKafraToCart(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMoveFromKafraToCart_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMoveFromKafraToCart_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pMoveFromKafraToCart_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pCloseKafra(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCloseKafra_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCloseKafra_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pCloseKafra_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pCloseKafra(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCloseKafra_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCloseKafra_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pCloseKafra_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pStoragePassword(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pStoragePassword_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pStoragePassword_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pStoragePassword_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pStoragePassword(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pStoragePassword_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pStoragePassword_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pStoragePassword_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pCreateParty(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCreateParty_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCreateParty_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pCreateParty_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pCreateParty(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCreateParty_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCreateParty_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pCreateParty_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pCreateParty2(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCreateParty2_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCreateParty2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pCreateParty2_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pCreateParty2(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCreateParty2_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCreateParty2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pCreateParty2_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pPartyInvite(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyInvite_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyInvite_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyInvite_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pPartyInvite(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyInvite_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyInvite_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyInvite_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pPartyInvite2(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyInvite2_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyInvite2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyInvite2_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pPartyInvite2(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyInvite2_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyInvite2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyInvite2_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pReplyPartyInvite(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pReplyPartyInvite_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pReplyPartyInvite_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pReplyPartyInvite_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pReplyPartyInvite(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pReplyPartyInvite_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pReplyPartyInvite_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pReplyPartyInvite_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pReplyPartyInvite2(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pReplyPartyInvite2_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pReplyPartyInvite2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pReplyPartyInvite2_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pReplyPartyInvite2(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pReplyPartyInvite2_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pReplyPartyInvite2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pReplyPartyInvite2_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pLeaveParty(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pLeaveParty_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pLeaveParty_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pLeaveParty_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pLeaveParty(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pLeaveParty_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pLeaveParty_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pLeaveParty_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pRemovePartyMember(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pRemovePartyMember_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pRemovePartyMember_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pRemovePartyMember_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pRemovePartyMember(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pRemovePartyMember_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pRemovePartyMember_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pRemovePartyMember_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pPartyChangeOption(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyChangeOption_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyChangeOption_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyChangeOption_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pPartyChangeOption(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyChangeOption_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyChangeOption_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyChangeOption_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pPartyMessage(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyMessage_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyMessage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyMessage_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pPartyMessage(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyMessage_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyMessage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyMessage_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pPartyChangeLeader(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyChangeLeader_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyChangeLeader_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyChangeLeader_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pPartyChangeLeader(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyChangeLeader_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyChangeLeader_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyChangeLeader_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pPartyBookingRegisterReq(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyBookingRegisterReq_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyBookingRegisterReq_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyBookingRegisterReq_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pPartyBookingRegisterReq(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyBookingRegisterReq_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyBookingRegisterReq_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyBookingRegisterReq_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pPartyBookingSearchReq(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyBookingSearchReq_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyBookingSearchReq_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyBookingSearchReq_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pPartyBookingSearchReq(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyBookingSearchReq_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyBookingSearchReq_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyBookingSearchReq_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pPartyBookingDeleteReq(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyBookingDeleteReq_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyBookingDeleteReq_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyBookingDeleteReq_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pPartyBookingDeleteReq(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyBookingDeleteReq_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyBookingDeleteReq_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyBookingDeleteReq_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pPartyBookingUpdateReq(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyBookingUpdateReq_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyBookingUpdateReq_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyBookingUpdateReq_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pPartyBookingUpdateReq(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyBookingUpdateReq_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyBookingUpdateReq_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyBookingUpdateReq_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pPartyRecruitRegisterReq(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyRecruitRegisterReq_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyRecruitRegisterReq_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyRecruitRegisterReq_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pPartyRecruitRegisterReq(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyRecruitRegisterReq_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyRecruitRegisterReq_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyRecruitRegisterReq_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pPartyRecruitSearchReq(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyRecruitSearchReq_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyRecruitSearchReq_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyRecruitSearchReq_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pPartyRecruitSearchReq(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyRecruitSearchReq_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyRecruitSearchReq_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyRecruitSearchReq_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pPartyRecruitDeleteReq(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyRecruitDeleteReq_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyRecruitDeleteReq_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyRecruitDeleteReq_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pPartyRecruitDeleteReq(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyRecruitDeleteReq_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyRecruitDeleteReq_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyRecruitDeleteReq_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pPartyRecruitUpdateReq(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyRecruitUpdateReq_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyRecruitUpdateReq_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyRecruitUpdateReq_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pPartyRecruitUpdateReq(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyRecruitUpdateReq_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyRecruitUpdateReq_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyRecruitUpdateReq_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pCloseVending(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCloseVending_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCloseVending_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pCloseVending_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pCloseVending(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCloseVending_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCloseVending_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pCloseVending_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pVendingListReq(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pVendingListReq_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pVendingListReq_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pVendingListReq_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pVendingListReq(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pVendingListReq_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pVendingListReq_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pVendingListReq_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pPurchaseReq(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPurchaseReq_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPurchaseReq_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPurchaseReq_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pPurchaseReq(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPurchaseReq_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPurchaseReq_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPurchaseReq_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pPurchaseReq2(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPurchaseReq2_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPurchaseReq2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPurchaseReq2_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pPurchaseReq2(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPurchaseReq2_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPurchaseReq2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPurchaseReq2_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pOpenVending(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pOpenVending_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pOpenVending_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pOpenVending_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pOpenVending(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pOpenVending_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pOpenVending_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pOpenVending_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pCreateGuild(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCreateGuild_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCreateGuild_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pCreateGuild_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pCreateGuild(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCreateGuild_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCreateGuild_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pCreateGuild_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pGuildCheckMaster(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildCheckMaster_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildCheckMaster_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGuildCheckMaster_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pGuildCheckMaster(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildCheckMaster_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildCheckMaster_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGuildCheckMaster_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pGuildRequestInfo(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildRequestInfo_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildRequestInfo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGuildRequestInfo_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pGuildRequestInfo(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildRequestInfo_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildRequestInfo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGuildRequestInfo_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pGuildChangePositionInfo(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildChangePositionInfo_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildChangePositionInfo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGuildChangePositionInfo_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pGuildChangePositionInfo(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildChangePositionInfo_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildChangePositionInfo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGuildChangePositionInfo_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pGuildChangeMemberPosition(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildChangeMemberPosition_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildChangeMemberPosition_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGuildChangeMemberPosition_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pGuildChangeMemberPosition(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildChangeMemberPosition_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildChangeMemberPosition_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGuildChangeMemberPosition_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pGuildRequestEmblem(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildRequestEmblem_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildRequestEmblem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGuildRequestEmblem_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pGuildRequestEmblem(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildRequestEmblem_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildRequestEmblem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGuildRequestEmblem_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pGuildChangeEmblem(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildChangeEmblem_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildChangeEmblem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGuildChangeEmblem_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pGuildChangeEmblem(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildChangeEmblem_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildChangeEmblem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGuildChangeEmblem_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pGuildChangeNotice(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildChangeNotice_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildChangeNotice_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGuildChangeNotice_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pGuildChangeNotice(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildChangeNotice_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildChangeNotice_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGuildChangeNotice_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pGuildInvite(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildInvite_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildInvite_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGuildInvite_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pGuildInvite(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildInvite_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildInvite_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGuildInvite_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pGuildReplyInvite(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildReplyInvite_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildReplyInvite_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGuildReplyInvite_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pGuildReplyInvite(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildReplyInvite_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildReplyInvite_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGuildReplyInvite_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pGuildLeave(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildLeave_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildLeave_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGuildLeave_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pGuildLeave(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildLeave_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildLeave_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGuildLeave_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pGuildExpulsion(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildExpulsion_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildExpulsion_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGuildExpulsion_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pGuildExpulsion(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildExpulsion_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildExpulsion_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGuildExpulsion_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pGuildMessage(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildMessage_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildMessage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGuildMessage_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pGuildMessage(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildMessage_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildMessage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGuildMessage_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pGuildRequestAlliance(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildRequestAlliance_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildRequestAlliance_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGuildRequestAlliance_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pGuildRequestAlliance(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildRequestAlliance_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildRequestAlliance_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGuildRequestAlliance_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pGuildReplyAlliance(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildReplyAlliance_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildReplyAlliance_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGuildReplyAlliance_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pGuildReplyAlliance(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildReplyAlliance_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildReplyAlliance_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGuildReplyAlliance_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pGuildDelAlliance(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildDelAlliance_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildDelAlliance_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGuildDelAlliance_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pGuildDelAlliance(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildDelAlliance_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildDelAlliance_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGuildDelAlliance_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pGuildOpposition(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildOpposition_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildOpposition_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGuildOpposition_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pGuildOpposition(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildOpposition_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildOpposition_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGuildOpposition_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pGuildBreak(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildBreak_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildBreak_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGuildBreak_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pGuildBreak(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildBreak_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildBreak_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGuildBreak_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pPetMenu(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPetMenu_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPetMenu_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPetMenu_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pPetMenu(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPetMenu_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPetMenu_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPetMenu_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pCatchPet(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCatchPet_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCatchPet_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pCatchPet_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pCatchPet(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCatchPet_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCatchPet_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pCatchPet_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pSelectEgg(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pSelectEgg_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pSelectEgg_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pSelectEgg_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pSelectEgg(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pSelectEgg_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pSelectEgg_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pSelectEgg_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pSendEmotion(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pSendEmotion_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pSendEmotion_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pSendEmotion_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pSendEmotion(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pSendEmotion_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pSendEmotion_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pSendEmotion_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pChangePetName(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pChangePetName_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pChangePetName_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pChangePetName_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pChangePetName(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pChangePetName_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pChangePetName_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pChangePetName_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pGMKick(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMKick_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMKick_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGMKick_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pGMKick(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMKick_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMKick_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGMKick_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pGMKickAll(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMKickAll_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMKickAll_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGMKickAll_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pGMKickAll(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMKickAll_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMKickAll_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGMKickAll_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pGMShift(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMShift_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMShift_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGMShift_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pGMShift(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMShift_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMShift_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGMShift_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pGMRemove2(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMRemove2_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMRemove2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGMRemove2_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pGMRemove2(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMRemove2_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMRemove2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGMRemove2_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pGMRecall(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMRecall_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMRecall_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGMRecall_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pGMRecall(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMRecall_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMRecall_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGMRecall_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pGMRecall2(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMRecall2_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMRecall2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGMRecall2_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pGMRecall2(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMRecall2_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMRecall2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGMRecall2_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pGM_Monster_Item(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGM_Monster_Item_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGM_Monster_Item_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGM_Monster_Item_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pGM_Monster_Item(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGM_Monster_Item_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGM_Monster_Item_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGM_Monster_Item_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pGMHide(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMHide_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMHide_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGMHide_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pGMHide(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMHide_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMHide_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGMHide_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pGMReqNoChat(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMReqNoChat_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMReqNoChat_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGMReqNoChat_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pGMReqNoChat(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMReqNoChat_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMReqNoChat_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGMReqNoChat_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pGMRc(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMRc_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMRc_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGMRc_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pGMRc(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMRc_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMRc_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGMRc_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pGMReqAccountName(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMReqAccountName_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMReqAccountName_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGMReqAccountName_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pGMReqAccountName(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMReqAccountName_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMReqAccountName_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGMReqAccountName_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pGMChangeMapType(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMChangeMapType_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMChangeMapType_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGMChangeMapType_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pGMChangeMapType(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMChangeMapType_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGMChangeMapType_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGMChangeMapType_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pPMIgnore(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPMIgnore_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPMIgnore_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPMIgnore_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pPMIgnore(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPMIgnore_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPMIgnore_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPMIgnore_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pPMIgnoreAll(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPMIgnoreAll_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPMIgnoreAll_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPMIgnoreAll_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pPMIgnoreAll(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPMIgnoreAll_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPMIgnoreAll_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPMIgnoreAll_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pPMIgnoreList(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPMIgnoreList_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPMIgnoreList_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPMIgnoreList_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pPMIgnoreList(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPMIgnoreList_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPMIgnoreList_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPMIgnoreList_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pNoviceDoriDori(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNoviceDoriDori_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNoviceDoriDori_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pNoviceDoriDori_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pNoviceDoriDori(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNoviceDoriDori_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNoviceDoriDori_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pNoviceDoriDori_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pNoviceExplosionSpirits(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNoviceExplosionSpirits_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNoviceExplosionSpirits_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pNoviceExplosionSpirits_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pNoviceExplosionSpirits(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNoviceExplosionSpirits_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pNoviceExplosionSpirits_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pNoviceExplosionSpirits_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pFriendsListAdd(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pFriendsListAdd_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pFriendsListAdd_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pFriendsListAdd_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pFriendsListAdd(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pFriendsListAdd_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pFriendsListAdd_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pFriendsListAdd_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pFriendsListReply(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pFriendsListReply_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pFriendsListReply_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pFriendsListReply_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pFriendsListReply(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pFriendsListReply_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pFriendsListReply_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pFriendsListReply_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pFriendsListRemove(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pFriendsListRemove_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pFriendsListRemove_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pFriendsListRemove_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pFriendsListRemove(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pFriendsListRemove_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pFriendsListRemove_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pFriendsListRemove_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pPVPInfo(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPVPInfo_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPVPInfo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPVPInfo_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pPVPInfo(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPVPInfo_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPVPInfo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPVPInfo_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pBlacksmith(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBlacksmith_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBlacksmith_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pBlacksmith_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pBlacksmith(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBlacksmith_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBlacksmith_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pBlacksmith_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pAlchemist(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAlchemist_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAlchemist_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pAlchemist_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pAlchemist(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAlchemist_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAlchemist_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pAlchemist_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pTaekwon(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pTaekwon_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pTaekwon_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pTaekwon_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pTaekwon(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pTaekwon_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pTaekwon_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pTaekwon_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pRankingPk(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pRankingPk_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pRankingPk_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pRankingPk_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pRankingPk(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pRankingPk_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pRankingPk_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pRankingPk_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pFeelSaveOk(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pFeelSaveOk_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pFeelSaveOk_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pFeelSaveOk_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pFeelSaveOk(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pFeelSaveOk_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pFeelSaveOk_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pFeelSaveOk_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pChangeHomunculusName(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pChangeHomunculusName_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pChangeHomunculusName_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pChangeHomunculusName_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pChangeHomunculusName(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pChangeHomunculusName_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pChangeHomunculusName_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pChangeHomunculusName_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pHomMoveToMaster(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pHomMoveToMaster_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pHomMoveToMaster_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pHomMoveToMaster_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pHomMoveToMaster(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pHomMoveToMaster_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pHomMoveToMaster_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pHomMoveToMaster_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pHomMoveTo(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pHomMoveTo_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pHomMoveTo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pHomMoveTo_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pHomMoveTo(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pHomMoveTo_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pHomMoveTo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pHomMoveTo_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pHomAttack(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pHomAttack_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pHomAttack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pHomAttack_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pHomAttack(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pHomAttack_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pHomAttack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pHomAttack_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pHomMenu(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pHomMenu_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pHomMenu_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pHomMenu_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pHomMenu(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pHomMenu_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pHomMenu_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pHomMenu_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pAutoRevive(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAutoRevive_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAutoRevive_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pAutoRevive_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pAutoRevive(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAutoRevive_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAutoRevive_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pAutoRevive_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pCheck(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCheck_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCheck_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pCheck_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pCheck(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCheck_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCheck_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pCheck_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pMail_refreshinbox(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMail_refreshinbox_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMail_refreshinbox_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pMail_refreshinbox_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pMail_refreshinbox(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMail_refreshinbox_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMail_refreshinbox_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pMail_refreshinbox_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pMail_read(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMail_read_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMail_read_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pMail_read_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pMail_read(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMail_read_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMail_read_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pMail_read_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pMail_getattach(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMail_getattach_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMail_getattach_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pMail_getattach_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pMail_getattach(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMail_getattach_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMail_getattach_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pMail_getattach_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pMail_delete(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMail_delete_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMail_delete_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pMail_delete_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pMail_delete(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMail_delete_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMail_delete_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pMail_delete_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pMail_return(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMail_return_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMail_return_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pMail_return_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pMail_return(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMail_return_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMail_return_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pMail_return_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pMail_setattach(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMail_setattach_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMail_setattach_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pMail_setattach_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pMail_setattach(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMail_setattach_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMail_setattach_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pMail_setattach_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pMail_winopen(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMail_winopen_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMail_winopen_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pMail_winopen_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pMail_winopen(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMail_winopen_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMail_winopen_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pMail_winopen_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pMail_send(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMail_send_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMail_send_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pMail_send_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pMail_send(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMail_send_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMail_send_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pMail_send_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pAuction_cancelreg(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAuction_cancelreg_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAuction_cancelreg_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pAuction_cancelreg_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pAuction_cancelreg(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAuction_cancelreg_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAuction_cancelreg_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pAuction_cancelreg_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pAuction_setitem(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAuction_setitem_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAuction_setitem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pAuction_setitem_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pAuction_setitem(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAuction_setitem_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAuction_setitem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pAuction_setitem_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pAuction_register(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAuction_register_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAuction_register_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pAuction_register_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pAuction_register(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAuction_register_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAuction_register_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pAuction_register_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pAuction_cancel(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAuction_cancel_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAuction_cancel_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pAuction_cancel_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pAuction_cancel(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAuction_cancel_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAuction_cancel_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pAuction_cancel_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pAuction_close(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAuction_close_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAuction_close_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pAuction_close_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pAuction_close(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAuction_close_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAuction_close_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pAuction_close_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pAuction_bid(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAuction_bid_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAuction_bid_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pAuction_bid_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pAuction_bid(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAuction_bid_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAuction_bid_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pAuction_bid_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pAuction_search(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAuction_search_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAuction_search_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pAuction_search_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pAuction_search(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAuction_search_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAuction_search_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pAuction_search_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pAuction_buysell(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAuction_buysell_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAuction_buysell_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pAuction_buysell_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pAuction_buysell(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAuction_buysell_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAuction_buysell_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pAuction_buysell_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pcashshop_buy(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pcashshop_buy_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pcashshop_buy_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pcashshop_buy_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pcashshop_buy(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pcashshop_buy_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pcashshop_buy_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pcashshop_buy_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pAdopt_request(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAdopt_request_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAdopt_request_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pAdopt_request_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pAdopt_request(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAdopt_request_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAdopt_request_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pAdopt_request_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pAdopt_reply(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAdopt_reply_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAdopt_reply_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pAdopt_reply_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pAdopt_reply(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAdopt_reply_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pAdopt_reply_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pAdopt_reply_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pViewPlayerEquip(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pViewPlayerEquip_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pViewPlayerEquip_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pViewPlayerEquip_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pViewPlayerEquip(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pViewPlayerEquip_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pViewPlayerEquip_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pViewPlayerEquip_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pEquipTick(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pEquipTick_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pEquipTick_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pEquipTick_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pEquipTick(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pEquipTick_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pEquipTick_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pEquipTick_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pquestStateAck(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pquestStateAck_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pquestStateAck_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pquestStateAck_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pquestStateAck(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pquestStateAck_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pquestStateAck_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pquestStateAck_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pmercenary_action(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pmercenary_action_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pmercenary_action_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pmercenary_action_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pmercenary_action(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pmercenary_action_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pmercenary_action_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pmercenary_action_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pBattleChat(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBattleChat_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBattleChat_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pBattleChat_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pBattleChat(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBattleChat_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBattleChat_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pBattleChat_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pLessEffect(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pLessEffect_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pLessEffect_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pLessEffect_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pLessEffect(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pLessEffect_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pLessEffect_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pLessEffect_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pItemListWindowSelected(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pItemListWindowSelected_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pItemListWindowSelected_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pItemListWindowSelected_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pItemListWindowSelected(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pItemListWindowSelected_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pItemListWindowSelected_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pItemListWindowSelected_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pReqOpenBuyingStore(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pReqOpenBuyingStore_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pReqOpenBuyingStore_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pReqOpenBuyingStore_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pReqOpenBuyingStore(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pReqOpenBuyingStore_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pReqOpenBuyingStore_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pReqOpenBuyingStore_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pReqCloseBuyingStore(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pReqCloseBuyingStore_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pReqCloseBuyingStore_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pReqCloseBuyingStore_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pReqCloseBuyingStore(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pReqCloseBuyingStore_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pReqCloseBuyingStore_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pReqCloseBuyingStore_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pReqClickBuyingStore(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pReqClickBuyingStore_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pReqClickBuyingStore_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pReqClickBuyingStore_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pReqClickBuyingStore(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pReqClickBuyingStore_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pReqClickBuyingStore_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pReqClickBuyingStore_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pReqTradeBuyingStore(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pReqTradeBuyingStore_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pReqTradeBuyingStore_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pReqTradeBuyingStore_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pReqTradeBuyingStore(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pReqTradeBuyingStore_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pReqTradeBuyingStore_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pReqTradeBuyingStore_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pSearchStoreInfo(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pSearchStoreInfo_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pSearchStoreInfo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pSearchStoreInfo_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pSearchStoreInfo(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pSearchStoreInfo_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pSearchStoreInfo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pSearchStoreInfo_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pSearchStoreInfoNextPage(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pSearchStoreInfoNextPage_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pSearchStoreInfoNextPage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pSearchStoreInfoNextPage_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pSearchStoreInfoNextPage(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pSearchStoreInfoNextPage_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pSearchStoreInfoNextPage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pSearchStoreInfoNextPage_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pCloseSearchStoreInfo(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCloseSearchStoreInfo_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCloseSearchStoreInfo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pCloseSearchStoreInfo_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pCloseSearchStoreInfo(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCloseSearchStoreInfo_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCloseSearchStoreInfo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pCloseSearchStoreInfo_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pSearchStoreInfoListItemClick(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pSearchStoreInfoListItemClick_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pSearchStoreInfoListItemClick_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pSearchStoreInfoListItemClick_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pSearchStoreInfoListItemClick(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pSearchStoreInfoListItemClick_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pSearchStoreInfoListItemClick_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pSearchStoreInfoListItemClick_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pDebug(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pDebug_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pDebug_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pDebug_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pDebug(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pDebug_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pDebug_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pDebug_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pSkillSelectMenu(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pSkillSelectMenu_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pSkillSelectMenu_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pSkillSelectMenu_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pSkillSelectMenu(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pSkillSelectMenu_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pSkillSelectMenu_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pSkillSelectMenu_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pMoveItem(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMoveItem_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMoveItem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pMoveItem_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pMoveItem(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMoveItem_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pMoveItem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pMoveItem_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pDull(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pDull_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pDull_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pDull_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pDull(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pDull_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pDull_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pDull_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pBGQueueRegister(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBGQueueRegister_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBGQueueRegister_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pBGQueueRegister_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pBGQueueRegister(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBGQueueRegister_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBGQueueRegister_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pBGQueueRegister_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pBGQueueCheckState(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBGQueueCheckState_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBGQueueCheckState_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pBGQueueCheckState_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pBGQueueCheckState(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBGQueueCheckState_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBGQueueCheckState_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pBGQueueCheckState_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pBGQueueRevokeReq(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBGQueueRevokeReq_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBGQueueRevokeReq_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pBGQueueRevokeReq_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pBGQueueRevokeReq(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBGQueueRevokeReq_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBGQueueRevokeReq_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pBGQueueRevokeReq_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pBGQueueBattleBeginAck(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBGQueueBattleBeginAck_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBGQueueBattleBeginAck_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pBGQueueBattleBeginAck_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pBGQueueBattleBeginAck(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBGQueueBattleBeginAck_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBGQueueBattleBeginAck_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pBGQueueBattleBeginAck_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pCashShopOpen(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCashShopOpen_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCashShopOpen_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pCashShopOpen_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pCashShopOpen(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCashShopOpen_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCashShopOpen_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pCashShopOpen_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pCashShopClose(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCashShopClose_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCashShopClose_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pCashShopClose_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pCashShopClose(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCashShopClose_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCashShopClose_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pCashShopClose_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pCashShopReqTab(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCashShopReqTab_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCashShopReqTab_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pCashShopReqTab_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pCashShopReqTab(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCashShopReqTab_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCashShopReqTab_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pCashShopReqTab_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pCashShopSchedule(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCashShopSchedule_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCashShopSchedule_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pCashShopSchedule_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pCashShopSchedule(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCashShopSchedule_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCashShopSchedule_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pCashShopSchedule_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pCashShopBuy(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCashShopBuy_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCashShopBuy_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pCashShopBuy_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pCashShopBuy(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCashShopBuy_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pCashShopBuy_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pCashShopBuy_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pPartyTick(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyTick_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyTick_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyTick_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pPartyTick(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyTick_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyTick_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyTick_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pGuildInvite2(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildInvite2_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildInvite2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGuildInvite2_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pGuildInvite2(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildInvite2_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pGuildInvite2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pGuildInvite2_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pPartyBookingAddFilter(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyBookingAddFilter_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyBookingAddFilter_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyBookingAddFilter_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pPartyBookingAddFilter(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyBookingAddFilter_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyBookingAddFilter_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyBookingAddFilter_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pPartyBookingSubFilter(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyBookingSubFilter_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyBookingSubFilter_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyBookingSubFilter_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pPartyBookingSubFilter(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyBookingSubFilter_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyBookingSubFilter_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyBookingSubFilter_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pPartyBookingReqVolunteer(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyBookingReqVolunteer_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyBookingReqVolunteer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyBookingReqVolunteer_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pPartyBookingReqVolunteer(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyBookingReqVolunteer_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyBookingReqVolunteer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyBookingReqVolunteer_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pPartyBookingRefuseVolunteer(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyBookingRefuseVolunteer_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyBookingRefuseVolunteer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyBookingRefuseVolunteer_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pPartyBookingRefuseVolunteer(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyBookingRefuseVolunteer_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyBookingRefuseVolunteer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyBookingRefuseVolunteer_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pPartyBookingCancelVolunteer(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyBookingCancelVolunteer_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyBookingCancelVolunteer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyBookingCancelVolunteer_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pPartyBookingCancelVolunteer(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyBookingCancelVolunteer_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pPartyBookingCancelVolunteer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pPartyBookingCancelVolunteer_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pBankDeposit(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBankDeposit_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBankDeposit_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pBankDeposit_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pBankDeposit(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBankDeposit_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBankDeposit_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pBankDeposit_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pBankWithdraw(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBankWithdraw_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBankWithdraw_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pBankWithdraw_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pBankWithdraw(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBankWithdraw_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBankWithdraw_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pBankWithdraw_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pBankCheck(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBankCheck_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBankCheck_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pBankCheck_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pBankCheck(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBankCheck_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBankCheck_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pBankCheck_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pBankOpen(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBankOpen_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBankOpen_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pBankOpen_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pBankOpen(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBankOpen_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBankOpen_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pBankOpen_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } void HP_clif_pBankClose(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBankClose_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBankClose_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pBankClose_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.clif.pBankClose(fd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBankClose_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_clif_pBankClose_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_clif_pBankClose_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, sd); } } return; } /* duel */ int HP_duel_create(struct map_session_data *sd, const unsigned int maxpl) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_duel_create_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const unsigned int *maxpl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_duel_create_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_duel_create_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &maxpl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.duel.create(sd, maxpl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_duel_create_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, const unsigned int *maxpl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_duel_create_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_duel_create_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &maxpl); } } return retVal___; } void HP_duel_invite(const unsigned int did, struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *target_sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_duel_invite_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (const unsigned int *did, struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *target_sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_duel_invite_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_duel_invite_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&did, sd, target_sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.duel.invite(did, sd, target_sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_duel_invite_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (const unsigned int *did, struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *target_sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_duel_invite_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_duel_invite_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&did, sd, target_sd); } } return; } void HP_duel_accept(const unsigned int did, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_duel_accept_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (const unsigned int *did, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_duel_accept_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_duel_accept_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&did, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.duel.accept(did, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_duel_accept_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (const unsigned int *did, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_duel_accept_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_duel_accept_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&did, sd); } } return; } void HP_duel_reject(const unsigned int did, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_duel_reject_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (const unsigned int *did, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_duel_reject_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_duel_reject_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&did, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.duel.reject(did, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_duel_reject_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (const unsigned int *did, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_duel_reject_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_duel_reject_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&did, sd); } } return; } void HP_duel_leave(const unsigned int did, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_duel_leave_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (const unsigned int *did, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_duel_leave_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_duel_leave_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&did, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.duel.leave(did, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_duel_leave_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (const unsigned int *did, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_duel_leave_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_duel_leave_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&did, sd); } } return; } void HP_duel_showinfo(const unsigned int did, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_duel_showinfo_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (const unsigned int *did, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_duel_showinfo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_duel_showinfo_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&did, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.duel.showinfo(did, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_duel_showinfo_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (const unsigned int *did, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_duel_showinfo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_duel_showinfo_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&did, sd); } } return; } int HP_duel_checktime(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_duel_checktime_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_duel_checktime_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_duel_checktime_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.duel.checktime(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_duel_checktime_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_duel_checktime_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_duel_checktime_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } void HP_duel_init(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_duel_init_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_duel_init_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_duel_init_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.duel.init(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_duel_init_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_duel_init_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_duel_init_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_duel_final(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_duel_final_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_duel_final_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_duel_final_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.duel.final(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_duel_final_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_duel_final_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_duel_final_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } /* elemental */ int HP_elemental_init(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_init_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_init_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_init_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.elemental.init(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_init_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_init_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_init_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } void HP_elemental_final(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_final_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_final_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_final_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.elemental.final(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_final_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_final_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_final_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } bool HP_elemental_class(int class_) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_class_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_class_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_class_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&class_); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.elemental.class(class_); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_class_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_class_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_class_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &class_); } } return retVal___; } struct view_data* HP_elemental_get_viewdata(int class_) { int hIndex = 0; struct view_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_get_viewdata_pre ) { struct view_data* (*preHookFunc) (int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_get_viewdata_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_get_viewdata_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&class_); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.elemental.get_viewdata(class_); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_get_viewdata_post ) { struct view_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct view_data* retVal___, int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_get_viewdata_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_get_viewdata_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &class_); } } return retVal___; } int HP_elemental_create(struct map_session_data *sd, int class_, unsigned int lifetime) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_create_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *class_, unsigned int *lifetime); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_create_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_create_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &class_, &lifetime); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.elemental.create(sd, class_, lifetime); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_create_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *class_, unsigned int *lifetime); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_create_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_create_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &class_, &lifetime); } } return retVal___; } int HP_elemental_data_received(struct s_elemental *ele, bool flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_data_received_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct s_elemental *ele, bool *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_data_received_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_data_received_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(ele, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.elemental.data_received(ele, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_data_received_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct s_elemental *ele, bool *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_data_received_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_data_received_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, ele, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_elemental_save(struct elemental_data *ed) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_save_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct elemental_data *ed); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_save_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_save_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(ed); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.elemental.save(ed); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_save_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct elemental_data *ed); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_save_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_save_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, ed); } } return retVal___; } int HP_elemental_change_mode_ack(struct elemental_data *ed, int mode) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_change_mode_ack_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct elemental_data *ed, int *mode); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_change_mode_ack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_change_mode_ack_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(ed, &mode); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.elemental.change_mode_ack(ed, mode); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_change_mode_ack_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct elemental_data *ed, int *mode); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_change_mode_ack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_change_mode_ack_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, ed, &mode); } } return retVal___; } int HP_elemental_change_mode(struct elemental_data *ed, int mode) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_change_mode_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct elemental_data *ed, int *mode); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_change_mode_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_change_mode_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(ed, &mode); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.elemental.change_mode(ed, mode); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_change_mode_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct elemental_data *ed, int *mode); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_change_mode_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_change_mode_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, ed, &mode); } } return retVal___; } void HP_elemental_heal(struct elemental_data *ed, int hp, int sp) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_heal_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct elemental_data *ed, int *hp, int *sp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_heal_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_heal_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(ed, &hp, &sp); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.elemental.heal(ed, hp, sp); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_heal_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct elemental_data *ed, int *hp, int *sp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_heal_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_heal_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(ed, &hp, &sp); } } return; } int HP_elemental_dead(struct elemental_data *ed) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_dead_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct elemental_data *ed); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_dead_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_dead_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(ed); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.elemental.dead(ed); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_dead_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct elemental_data *ed); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_dead_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_dead_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, ed); } } return retVal___; } int HP_elemental_delete(struct elemental_data *ed, int reply) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_delete_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct elemental_data *ed, int *reply); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_delete_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_delete_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(ed, &reply); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.elemental.delete(ed, reply); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_delete_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct elemental_data *ed, int *reply); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_delete_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_delete_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, ed, &reply); } } return retVal___; } void HP_elemental_summon_stop(struct elemental_data *ed) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_summon_stop_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct elemental_data *ed); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_summon_stop_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_summon_stop_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(ed); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.elemental.summon_stop(ed); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_summon_stop_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct elemental_data *ed); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_summon_stop_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_summon_stop_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(ed); } } return; } int HP_elemental_get_lifetime(struct elemental_data *ed) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_get_lifetime_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct elemental_data *ed); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_get_lifetime_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_get_lifetime_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(ed); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.elemental.get_lifetime(ed); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_get_lifetime_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct elemental_data *ed); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_get_lifetime_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_get_lifetime_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, ed); } } return retVal___; } int HP_elemental_unlocktarget(struct elemental_data *ed) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_unlocktarget_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct elemental_data *ed); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_unlocktarget_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_unlocktarget_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(ed); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.elemental.unlocktarget(ed); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_unlocktarget_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct elemental_data *ed); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_unlocktarget_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_unlocktarget_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, ed); } } return retVal___; } int HP_elemental_skillnotok(uint16 skill_id, struct elemental_data *ed) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_skillnotok_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id, struct elemental_data *ed); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_skillnotok_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_skillnotok_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id, ed); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.elemental.skillnotok(skill_id, ed); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_skillnotok_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id, struct elemental_data *ed); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_skillnotok_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_skillnotok_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id, ed); } } return retVal___; } int HP_elemental_set_target(struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_set_target_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_set_target_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_set_target_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.elemental.set_target(sd, bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_set_target_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_set_target_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_set_target_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, bl); } } return retVal___; } int HP_elemental_clean_single_effect(struct elemental_data *ed, uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_clean_single_effect_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct elemental_data *ed, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_clean_single_effect_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_clean_single_effect_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(ed, &skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.elemental.clean_single_effect(ed, skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_clean_single_effect_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct elemental_data *ed, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_clean_single_effect_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_clean_single_effect_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, ed, &skill_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_elemental_clean_effect(struct elemental_data *ed) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_clean_effect_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct elemental_data *ed); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_clean_effect_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_clean_effect_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(ed); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.elemental.clean_effect(ed); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_clean_effect_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct elemental_data *ed); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_clean_effect_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_clean_effect_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, ed); } } return retVal___; } int HP_elemental_action(struct elemental_data *ed, struct block_list *bl, int64 tick) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_action_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct elemental_data *ed, struct block_list *bl, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_action_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_action_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(ed, bl, &tick); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.elemental.action(ed, bl, tick); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_action_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct elemental_data *ed, struct block_list *bl, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_action_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_action_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, ed, bl, &tick); } } return retVal___; } struct skill_condition HP_elemental_skill_get_requirements(uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; struct skill_condition retVal___; memset(&retVal___, '\0', sizeof(struct skill_condition)); if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_skill_get_requirements_pre ) { struct skill_condition (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_skill_get_requirements_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_skill_get_requirements_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.elemental.skill_get_requirements(skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_skill_get_requirements_post ) { struct skill_condition (*postHookFunc) (struct skill_condition retVal___, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_skill_get_requirements_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_skill_get_requirements_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_elemental_read_skilldb(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_read_skilldb_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_read_skilldb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_read_skilldb_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.elemental.read_skilldb(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_read_skilldb_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_read_skilldb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_read_skilldb_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } void HP_elemental_reload_db(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_reload_db_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_reload_db_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_reload_db_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.elemental.reload_db(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_reload_db_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_reload_db_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_reload_db_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_elemental_reload_skilldb(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_reload_skilldb_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_reload_skilldb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_reload_skilldb_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.elemental.reload_skilldb(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_reload_skilldb_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_reload_skilldb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_reload_skilldb_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } int HP_elemental_search_index(int class_) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_search_index_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_search_index_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_search_index_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&class_); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.elemental.search_index(class_); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_search_index_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_search_index_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_search_index_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &class_); } } return retVal___; } void HP_elemental_summon_init(struct elemental_data *ed) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_summon_init_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct elemental_data *ed); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_summon_init_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_summon_init_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(ed); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.elemental.summon_init(ed); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_summon_init_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct elemental_data *ed); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_summon_init_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_summon_init_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(ed); } } return; } int HP_elemental_summon_end_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_summon_end_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_summon_end_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_summon_end_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.elemental.summon_end_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_summon_end_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_summon_end_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_summon_end_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_elemental_ai_sub_timer_activesearch(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_ai_sub_timer_activesearch_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_ai_sub_timer_activesearch_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_ai_sub_timer_activesearch_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.elemental.ai_sub_timer_activesearch(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_ai_sub_timer_activesearch_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_ai_sub_timer_activesearch_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_ai_sub_timer_activesearch_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_elemental_ai_sub_timer(struct elemental_data *ed, struct map_session_data *sd, int64 tick) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_ai_sub_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct elemental_data *ed, struct map_session_data *sd, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_ai_sub_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_ai_sub_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(ed, sd, &tick); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.elemental.ai_sub_timer(ed, sd, tick); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_ai_sub_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct elemental_data *ed, struct map_session_data *sd, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_ai_sub_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_ai_sub_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, ed, sd, &tick); } } return retVal___; } int HP_elemental_ai_sub_foreachclient(struct map_session_data *sd, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_ai_sub_foreachclient_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_ai_sub_foreachclient_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_ai_sub_foreachclient_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.elemental.ai_sub_foreachclient(sd, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_ai_sub_foreachclient_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_ai_sub_foreachclient_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_ai_sub_foreachclient_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_elemental_ai_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_ai_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_ai_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_ai_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.elemental.ai_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_ai_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_ai_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_ai_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_elemental_read_db(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_read_db_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_read_db_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_read_db_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.elemental.read_db(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_read_db_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_elemental_read_db_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_elemental_read_db_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } /* guild */ void HP_guild_init(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_init_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_init_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_init_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.guild.init(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_init_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_init_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_init_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_guild_final(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_final_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_final_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_final_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.guild.final(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_final_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_final_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_final_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } int HP_guild_skill_get_max(int id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_skill_get_max_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_skill_get_max_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_skill_get_max_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.skill_get_max(id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_skill_get_max_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_skill_get_max_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_skill_get_max_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_checkskill(struct guild *g, int id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_checkskill_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct guild *g, int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_checkskill_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_checkskill_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(g, &id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.checkskill(g, id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_checkskill_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct guild *g, int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_checkskill_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_checkskill_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, g, &id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_check_skill_require(struct guild *g, int id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_check_skill_require_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct guild *g, int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_check_skill_require_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_check_skill_require_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(g, &id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.check_skill_require(g, id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_check_skill_require_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct guild *g, int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_check_skill_require_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_check_skill_require_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, g, &id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_checkcastles(struct guild *g) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_checkcastles_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct guild *g); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_checkcastles_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_checkcastles_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(g); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.checkcastles(g); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_checkcastles_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct guild *g); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_checkcastles_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_checkcastles_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, g); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_guild_isallied(int guild_id, int guild_id2) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_isallied_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id, int *guild_id2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_isallied_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_isallied_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id, &guild_id2); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.isallied(guild_id, guild_id2); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_isallied_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, int *guild_id, int *guild_id2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_isallied_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_isallied_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id, &guild_id2); } } return retVal___; } struct guild* HP_guild_search(int guild_id) { int hIndex = 0; struct guild* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_search_pre ) { struct guild* (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_search_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_search_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.search(guild_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_search_post ) { struct guild* (*postHookFunc) (struct guild* retVal___, int *guild_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_search_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_search_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id); } } return retVal___; } struct guild* HP_guild_searchname(char *str) { int hIndex = 0; struct guild* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_searchname_pre ) { struct guild* (*preHookFunc) (char *str); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_searchname_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_searchname_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(str); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.searchname(str); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_searchname_post ) { struct guild* (*postHookFunc) (struct guild* retVal___, char *str); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_searchname_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_searchname_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, str); } } return retVal___; } struct guild_castle* HP_guild_castle_search(int gcid) { int hIndex = 0; struct guild_castle* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_castle_search_pre ) { struct guild_castle* (*preHookFunc) (int *gcid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_castle_search_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_castle_search_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&gcid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.castle_search(gcid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_castle_search_post ) { struct guild_castle* (*postHookFunc) (struct guild_castle* retVal___, int *gcid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_castle_search_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_castle_search_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &gcid); } } return retVal___; } struct guild_castle* HP_guild_mapname2gc(const char *mapname) { int hIndex = 0; struct guild_castle* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_mapname2gc_pre ) { struct guild_castle* (*preHookFunc) (const char *mapname); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_mapname2gc_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_mapname2gc_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(mapname); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.mapname2gc(mapname); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_mapname2gc_post ) { struct guild_castle* (*postHookFunc) (struct guild_castle* retVal___, const char *mapname); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_mapname2gc_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_mapname2gc_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, mapname); } } return retVal___; } struct guild_castle* HP_guild_mapindex2gc(short mapindex) { int hIndex = 0; struct guild_castle* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_mapindex2gc_pre ) { struct guild_castle* (*preHookFunc) (short *mapindex); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_mapindex2gc_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_mapindex2gc_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&mapindex); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.mapindex2gc(mapindex); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_mapindex2gc_post ) { struct guild_castle* (*postHookFunc) (struct guild_castle* retVal___, short *mapindex); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_mapindex2gc_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_mapindex2gc_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &mapindex); } } return retVal___; } struct map_session_data* HP_guild_getavailablesd(struct guild *g) { int hIndex = 0; struct map_session_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_getavailablesd_pre ) { struct map_session_data* (*preHookFunc) (struct guild *g); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_getavailablesd_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_getavailablesd_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(g); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.getavailablesd(g); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_getavailablesd_post ) { struct map_session_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data* retVal___, struct guild *g); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_getavailablesd_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_getavailablesd_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, g); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_getindex(struct guild *g, int account_id, int char_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_getindex_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct guild *g, int *account_id, int *char_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_getindex_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_getindex_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(g, &account_id, &char_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.getindex(g, account_id, char_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_getindex_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct guild *g, int *account_id, int *char_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_getindex_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_getindex_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, g, &account_id, &char_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_getposition(struct guild *g, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_getposition_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct guild *g, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_getposition_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_getposition_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(g, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.getposition(g, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_getposition_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct guild *g, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_getposition_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_getposition_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, g, sd); } } return retVal___; } unsigned int HP_guild_payexp(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int exp) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_payexp_pre ) { unsigned int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int *exp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_payexp_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_payexp_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &exp); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.payexp(sd, exp); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_payexp_post ) { unsigned int (*postHookFunc) (unsigned int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int *exp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_payexp_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_payexp_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &exp); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_getexp(struct map_session_data *sd, int exp) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_getexp_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *exp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_getexp_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_getexp_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &exp); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.getexp(sd, exp); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_getexp_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *exp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_getexp_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_getexp_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &exp); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_create(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *name) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_create_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_create_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_create_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.create(sd, name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_create_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_create_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_create_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, name); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_created(int account_id, int guild_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_created_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *account_id, int *guild_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_created_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_created_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&account_id, &guild_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.created(account_id, guild_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_created_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *account_id, int *guild_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_created_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_created_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &account_id, &guild_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_request_info(int guild_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_request_info_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_request_info_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_request_info_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.request_info(guild_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_request_info_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *guild_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_request_info_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_request_info_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_recv_noinfo(int guild_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_recv_noinfo_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_recv_noinfo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_recv_noinfo_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.recv_noinfo(guild_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_recv_noinfo_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *guild_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_recv_noinfo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_recv_noinfo_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_recv_info(struct guild *sg) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_recv_info_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct guild *sg); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_recv_info_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_recv_info_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sg); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.recv_info(sg); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_recv_info_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct guild *sg); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_recv_info_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_recv_info_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sg); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_npc_request_info(int guild_id, const char *ev) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_npc_request_info_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id, const char *ev); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_npc_request_info_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_npc_request_info_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id, ev); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.npc_request_info(guild_id, ev); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_npc_request_info_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *guild_id, const char *ev); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_npc_request_info_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_npc_request_info_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id, ev); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_invite(struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *tsd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_invite_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *tsd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_invite_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_invite_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, tsd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.invite(sd, tsd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_invite_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *tsd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_invite_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_invite_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, tsd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_reply_invite(struct map_session_data *sd, int guild_id, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_reply_invite_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *guild_id, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_reply_invite_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_reply_invite_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &guild_id, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.reply_invite(sd, guild_id, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_reply_invite_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *guild_id, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_reply_invite_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_reply_invite_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &guild_id, &flag); } } return retVal___; } void HP_guild_member_joined(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_member_joined_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_member_joined_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_member_joined_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.guild.member_joined(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_member_joined_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_member_joined_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_member_joined_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } int HP_guild_member_added(int guild_id, int account_id, int char_id, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_member_added_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id, int *account_id, int *char_id, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_member_added_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_member_added_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id, &account_id, &char_id, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.member_added(guild_id, account_id, char_id, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_member_added_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *guild_id, int *account_id, int *char_id, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_member_added_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_member_added_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id, &account_id, &char_id, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_leave(struct map_session_data *sd, int guild_id, int account_id, int char_id, const char *mes) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_leave_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *guild_id, int *account_id, int *char_id, const char *mes); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_leave_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_leave_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &guild_id, &account_id, &char_id, mes); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.leave(sd, guild_id, account_id, char_id, mes); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_leave_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *guild_id, int *account_id, int *char_id, const char *mes); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_leave_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_leave_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &guild_id, &account_id, &char_id, mes); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_member_withdraw(int guild_id, int account_id, int char_id, int flag, const char *name, const char *mes) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_member_withdraw_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id, int *account_id, int *char_id, int *flag, const char *name, const char *mes); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_member_withdraw_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_member_withdraw_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id, &account_id, &char_id, &flag, name, mes); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.member_withdraw(guild_id, account_id, char_id, flag, name, mes); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_member_withdraw_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *guild_id, int *account_id, int *char_id, int *flag, const char *name, const char *mes); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_member_withdraw_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_member_withdraw_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id, &account_id, &char_id, &flag, name, mes); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_expulsion(struct map_session_data *sd, int guild_id, int account_id, int char_id, const char *mes) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_expulsion_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *guild_id, int *account_id, int *char_id, const char *mes); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_expulsion_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_expulsion_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &guild_id, &account_id, &char_id, mes); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.expulsion(sd, guild_id, account_id, char_id, mes); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_expulsion_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *guild_id, int *account_id, int *char_id, const char *mes); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_expulsion_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_expulsion_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &guild_id, &account_id, &char_id, mes); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_skillup(struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_skillup_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_skillup_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_skillup_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.skillup(sd, skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_skillup_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_skillup_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_skillup_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &skill_id); } } return retVal___; } void HP_guild_block_skill(struct map_session_data *sd, int time) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_block_skill_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *time); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_block_skill_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_block_skill_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &time); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.guild.block_skill(sd, time); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_block_skill_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *time); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_block_skill_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_block_skill_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &time); } } return; } int HP_guild_reqalliance(struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *tsd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_reqalliance_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *tsd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_reqalliance_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_reqalliance_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, tsd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.reqalliance(sd, tsd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_reqalliance_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *tsd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_reqalliance_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_reqalliance_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, tsd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_reply_reqalliance(struct map_session_data *sd, int account_id, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_reply_reqalliance_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *account_id, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_reply_reqalliance_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_reply_reqalliance_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &account_id, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.reply_reqalliance(sd, account_id, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_reply_reqalliance_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *account_id, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_reply_reqalliance_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_reply_reqalliance_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &account_id, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_allianceack(int guild_id1, int guild_id2, int account_id1, int account_id2, int flag, const char *name1, const char *name2) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_allianceack_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id1, int *guild_id2, int *account_id1, int *account_id2, int *flag, const char *name1, const char *name2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_allianceack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_allianceack_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id1, &guild_id2, &account_id1, &account_id2, &flag, name1, name2); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.allianceack(guild_id1, guild_id2, account_id1, account_id2, flag, name1, name2); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_allianceack_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *guild_id1, int *guild_id2, int *account_id1, int *account_id2, int *flag, const char *name1, const char *name2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_allianceack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_allianceack_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id1, &guild_id2, &account_id1, &account_id2, &flag, name1, name2); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_delalliance(struct map_session_data *sd, int guild_id, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_delalliance_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *guild_id, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_delalliance_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_delalliance_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &guild_id, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.delalliance(sd, guild_id, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_delalliance_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *guild_id, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_delalliance_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_delalliance_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &guild_id, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_opposition(struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *tsd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_opposition_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *tsd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_opposition_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_opposition_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, tsd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.opposition(sd, tsd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_opposition_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *tsd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_opposition_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_opposition_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, tsd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_check_alliance(int guild_id1, int guild_id2, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_check_alliance_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id1, int *guild_id2, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_check_alliance_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_check_alliance_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id1, &guild_id2, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.check_alliance(guild_id1, guild_id2, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_check_alliance_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *guild_id1, int *guild_id2, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_check_alliance_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_check_alliance_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id1, &guild_id2, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_send_memberinfoshort(struct map_session_data *sd, int online) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_send_memberinfoshort_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *online); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_send_memberinfoshort_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_send_memberinfoshort_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &online); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.send_memberinfoshort(sd, online); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_send_memberinfoshort_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *online); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_send_memberinfoshort_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_send_memberinfoshort_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &online); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_recv_memberinfoshort(int guild_id, int account_id, int char_id, int online, int lv, int class_) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_recv_memberinfoshort_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id, int *account_id, int *char_id, int *online, int *lv, int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_recv_memberinfoshort_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_recv_memberinfoshort_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id, &account_id, &char_id, &online, &lv, &class_); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.recv_memberinfoshort(guild_id, account_id, char_id, online, lv, class_); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_recv_memberinfoshort_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *guild_id, int *account_id, int *char_id, int *online, int *lv, int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_recv_memberinfoshort_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_recv_memberinfoshort_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id, &account_id, &char_id, &online, &lv, &class_); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_change_memberposition(int guild_id, int account_id, int char_id, short idx) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_change_memberposition_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id, int *account_id, int *char_id, short *idx); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_change_memberposition_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_change_memberposition_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id, &account_id, &char_id, &idx); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.change_memberposition(guild_id, account_id, char_id, idx); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_change_memberposition_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *guild_id, int *account_id, int *char_id, short *idx); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_change_memberposition_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_change_memberposition_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id, &account_id, &char_id, &idx); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_memberposition_changed(struct guild *g, int idx, int pos) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_memberposition_changed_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct guild *g, int *idx, int *pos); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_memberposition_changed_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_memberposition_changed_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(g, &idx, &pos); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.memberposition_changed(g, idx, pos); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_memberposition_changed_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct guild *g, int *idx, int *pos); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_memberposition_changed_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_memberposition_changed_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, g, &idx, &pos); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_change_position(int guild_id, int idx, int mode, int exp_mode, const char *name) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_change_position_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id, int *idx, int *mode, int *exp_mode, const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_change_position_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_change_position_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id, &idx, &mode, &exp_mode, name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.change_position(guild_id, idx, mode, exp_mode, name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_change_position_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *guild_id, int *idx, int *mode, int *exp_mode, const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_change_position_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_change_position_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id, &idx, &mode, &exp_mode, name); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_position_changed(int guild_id, int idx, struct guild_position *p) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_position_changed_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id, int *idx, struct guild_position *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_position_changed_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_position_changed_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id, &idx, p); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.position_changed(guild_id, idx, p); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_position_changed_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *guild_id, int *idx, struct guild_position *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_position_changed_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_position_changed_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id, &idx, p); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_change_notice(struct map_session_data *sd, int guild_id, const char *mes1, const char *mes2) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_change_notice_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *guild_id, const char *mes1, const char *mes2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_change_notice_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_change_notice_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &guild_id, mes1, mes2); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.change_notice(sd, guild_id, mes1, mes2); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_change_notice_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *guild_id, const char *mes1, const char *mes2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_change_notice_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_change_notice_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &guild_id, mes1, mes2); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_notice_changed(int guild_id, const char *mes1, const char *mes2) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_notice_changed_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id, const char *mes1, const char *mes2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_notice_changed_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_notice_changed_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id, mes1, mes2); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.notice_changed(guild_id, mes1, mes2); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_notice_changed_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *guild_id, const char *mes1, const char *mes2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_notice_changed_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_notice_changed_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id, mes1, mes2); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_change_emblem(struct map_session_data *sd, int len, const char *data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_change_emblem_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *len, const char *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_change_emblem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_change_emblem_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &len, data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.change_emblem(sd, len, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_change_emblem_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *len, const char *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_change_emblem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_change_emblem_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &len, data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_emblem_changed(int len, int guild_id, int emblem_id, const char *data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_emblem_changed_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *len, int *guild_id, int *emblem_id, const char *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_emblem_changed_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_emblem_changed_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&len, &guild_id, &emblem_id, data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.emblem_changed(len, guild_id, emblem_id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_emblem_changed_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *len, int *guild_id, int *emblem_id, const char *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_emblem_changed_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_emblem_changed_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &len, &guild_id, &emblem_id, data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_send_message(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *mes, int len) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_send_message_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *mes, int *len); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_send_message_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_send_message_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, mes, &len); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.send_message(sd, mes, len); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_send_message_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, const char *mes, int *len); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_send_message_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_send_message_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, mes, &len); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_recv_message(int guild_id, int account_id, const char *mes, int len) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_recv_message_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id, int *account_id, const char *mes, int *len); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_recv_message_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_recv_message_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id, &account_id, mes, &len); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.recv_message(guild_id, account_id, mes, len); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_recv_message_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *guild_id, int *account_id, const char *mes, int *len); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_recv_message_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_recv_message_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id, &account_id, mes, &len); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_send_dot_remove(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_send_dot_remove_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_send_dot_remove_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_send_dot_remove_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.send_dot_remove(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_send_dot_remove_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_send_dot_remove_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_send_dot_remove_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_skillupack(int guild_id, uint16 skill_id, int account_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_skillupack_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id, uint16 *skill_id, int *account_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_skillupack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_skillupack_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id, &skill_id, &account_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.skillupack(guild_id, skill_id, account_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_skillupack_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *guild_id, uint16 *skill_id, int *account_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_skillupack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_skillupack_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id, &skill_id, &account_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_dobreak(struct map_session_data *sd, char *name) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_dobreak_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_dobreak_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_dobreak_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.dobreak(sd, name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_dobreak_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_dobreak_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_dobreak_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, name); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_broken(int guild_id, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_broken_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_broken_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_broken_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.broken(guild_id, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_broken_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *guild_id, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_broken_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_broken_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_gm_change(int guild_id, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_gm_change_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_gm_change_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_gm_change_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.gm_change(guild_id, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_gm_change_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *guild_id, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_gm_change_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_gm_change_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_gm_changed(int guild_id, int account_id, int char_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_gm_changed_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id, int *account_id, int *char_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_gm_changed_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_gm_changed_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id, &account_id, &char_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.gm_changed(guild_id, account_id, char_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_gm_changed_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *guild_id, int *account_id, int *char_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_gm_changed_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_gm_changed_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id, &account_id, &char_id); } } return retVal___; } void HP_guild_castle_map_init(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_castle_map_init_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_castle_map_init_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_castle_map_init_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.guild.castle_map_init(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_castle_map_init_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_castle_map_init_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_castle_map_init_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } int HP_guild_castledatasave(int castle_id, int index, int value) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_castledatasave_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *castle_id, int *index, int *value); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_castledatasave_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_castledatasave_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&castle_id, &index, &value); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.castledatasave(castle_id, index, value); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_castledatasave_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *castle_id, int *index, int *value); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_castledatasave_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_castledatasave_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &castle_id, &index, &value); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_castledataloadack(int len, struct guild_castle *gc) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_castledataloadack_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *len, struct guild_castle *gc); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_castledataloadack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_castledataloadack_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&len, gc); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.castledataloadack(len, gc); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_castledataloadack_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *len, struct guild_castle *gc); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_castledataloadack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_castledataloadack_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &len, gc); } } return retVal___; } void HP_guild_castle_reconnect(int castle_id, int index, int value) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_castle_reconnect_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *castle_id, int *index, int *value); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_castle_reconnect_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_castle_reconnect_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&castle_id, &index, &value); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.guild.castle_reconnect(castle_id, index, value); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_castle_reconnect_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *castle_id, int *index, int *value); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_castle_reconnect_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_castle_reconnect_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&castle_id, &index, &value); } } return; } void HP_guild_agit_start(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_agit_start_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_agit_start_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_agit_start_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.guild.agit_start(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_agit_start_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_agit_start_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_agit_start_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_guild_agit_end(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_agit_end_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_agit_end_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_agit_end_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.guild.agit_end(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_agit_end_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_agit_end_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_agit_end_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_guild_agit2_start(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_agit2_start_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_agit2_start_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_agit2_start_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.guild.agit2_start(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_agit2_start_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_agit2_start_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_agit2_start_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_guild_agit2_end(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_agit2_end_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_agit2_end_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_agit2_end_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.guild.agit2_end(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_agit2_end_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_agit2_end_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_agit2_end_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_guild_flag_add(struct npc_data *nd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_flag_add_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_flag_add_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_flag_add_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(nd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.guild.flag_add(nd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_flag_add_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_flag_add_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_flag_add_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(nd); } } return; } void HP_guild_flag_remove(struct npc_data *nd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_flag_remove_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_flag_remove_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_flag_remove_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(nd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.guild.flag_remove(nd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_flag_remove_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_flag_remove_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_flag_remove_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(nd); } } return; } void HP_guild_flags_clear(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_flags_clear_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_flags_clear_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_flags_clear_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.guild.flags_clear(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_flags_clear_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_flags_clear_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_flags_clear_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_guild_aura_refresh(struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_aura_refresh_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_aura_refresh_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_aura_refresh_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.guild.aura_refresh(sd, skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_aura_refresh_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_aura_refresh_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_aura_refresh_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return; } int HP_guild_payexp_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_payexp_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_payexp_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_payexp_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.payexp_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_payexp_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_payexp_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_payexp_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } TBL_PC* HP_guild_sd_check(int guild_id, int account_id, int char_id) { int hIndex = 0; TBL_PC* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_sd_check_pre ) { TBL_PC* (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id, int *account_id, int *char_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_sd_check_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_sd_check_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id, &account_id, &char_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.sd_check(guild_id, account_id, char_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_sd_check_post ) { TBL_PC* (*postHookFunc) (TBL_PC* retVal___, int *guild_id, int *account_id, int *char_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_sd_check_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_sd_check_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id, &account_id, &char_id); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_guild_read_guildskill_tree_db(char *split[], int columns, int current) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_read_guildskill_tree_db_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *split[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_read_guildskill_tree_db_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_read_guildskill_tree_db_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(split, &columns, ¤t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.read_guildskill_tree_db(split, columns, current); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_read_guildskill_tree_db_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *split[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_read_guildskill_tree_db_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_read_guildskill_tree_db_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, split, &columns, ¤t); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_guild_read_castledb(char *str[], int columns, int current) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_read_castledb_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *str[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_read_castledb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_read_castledb_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(str, &columns, ¤t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.read_castledb(str, columns, current); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_read_castledb_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *str[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_read_castledb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_read_castledb_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, str, &columns, ¤t); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_payexp_timer_sub(DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_payexp_timer_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_payexp_timer_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_payexp_timer_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.payexp_timer_sub(key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_payexp_timer_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_payexp_timer_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_payexp_timer_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_send_xy_timer_sub(DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_send_xy_timer_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_send_xy_timer_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_send_xy_timer_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.send_xy_timer_sub(key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_send_xy_timer_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_send_xy_timer_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_send_xy_timer_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_send_xy_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_send_xy_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_send_xy_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_send_xy_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.send_xy_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_send_xy_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_send_xy_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_send_xy_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } DBData HP_guild_create_expcache(DBKey key, va_list args) { int hIndex = 0; DBData retVal___; memset(&retVal___, '\0', sizeof(DBData)); if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_create_expcache_pre ) { DBData (*preHookFunc) (DBKey *key, va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_create_expcache_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_create_expcache_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&key, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.create_expcache(key, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_create_expcache_post ) { DBData (*postHookFunc) (DBData retVal___, DBKey *key, va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_create_expcache_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_create_expcache_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &key, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_eventlist_db_final(DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_eventlist_db_final_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_eventlist_db_final_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_eventlist_db_final_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.eventlist_db_final(key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_eventlist_db_final_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_eventlist_db_final_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_eventlist_db_final_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_expcache_db_final(DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_expcache_db_final_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_expcache_db_final_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_expcache_db_final_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.expcache_db_final(key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_expcache_db_final_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_expcache_db_final_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_expcache_db_final_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_castle_db_final(DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_castle_db_final_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_castle_db_final_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_castle_db_final_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.castle_db_final(key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_castle_db_final_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_castle_db_final_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_castle_db_final_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_broken_sub(DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_broken_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_broken_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_broken_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.broken_sub(key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_broken_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_broken_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_broken_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_castle_broken_sub(DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_castle_broken_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_castle_broken_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_castle_broken_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.castle_broken_sub(key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_castle_broken_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_castle_broken_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_castle_broken_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } void HP_guild_makemember(struct guild_member *m, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_makemember_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct guild_member *m, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_makemember_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_makemember_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(m, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.guild.makemember(m, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_makemember_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct guild_member *m, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_makemember_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_makemember_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(m, sd); } } return; } int HP_guild_check_member(struct guild *g) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_check_member_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct guild *g); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_check_member_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_check_member_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(g); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.check_member(g); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_check_member_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct guild *g); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_check_member_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_check_member_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, g); } } return retVal___; } int HP_guild_get_alliance_count(struct guild *g, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_get_alliance_count_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct guild *g, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_get_alliance_count_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_get_alliance_count_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(g, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.guild.get_alliance_count(g, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_get_alliance_count_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct guild *g, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_get_alliance_count_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_get_alliance_count_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, g, &flag); } } return retVal___; } void HP_guild_castle_reconnect_sub(void *key, void *data, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_castle_reconnect_sub_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void *key, void *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_castle_reconnect_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_castle_reconnect_sub_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); HPMHooks.source.guild.castle_reconnect_sub(key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_castle_reconnect_sub_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void *key, void *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_guild_castle_reconnect_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_guild_castle_reconnect_sub_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return; } /* gstorage */ struct guild_storage* HP_gstorage_id2storage(int guild_id) { int hIndex = 0; struct guild_storage* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_id2storage_pre ) { struct guild_storage* (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_id2storage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_gstorage_id2storage_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.gstorage.id2storage(guild_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_id2storage_post ) { struct guild_storage* (*postHookFunc) (struct guild_storage* retVal___, int *guild_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_id2storage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_gstorage_id2storage_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id); } } return retVal___; } struct guild_storage* HP_gstorage_id2storage2(int guild_id) { int hIndex = 0; struct guild_storage* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_id2storage2_pre ) { struct guild_storage* (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_id2storage2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_gstorage_id2storage2_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.gstorage.id2storage2(guild_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_id2storage2_post ) { struct guild_storage* (*postHookFunc) (struct guild_storage* retVal___, int *guild_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_id2storage2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_gstorage_id2storage2_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id); } } return retVal___; } void HP_gstorage_init(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_init_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_init_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_gstorage_init_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.gstorage.init(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_init_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_init_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_gstorage_init_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_gstorage_final(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_final_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_final_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_gstorage_final_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.gstorage.final(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_final_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_final_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_gstorage_final_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } int HP_gstorage_delete(int guild_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_delete_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_delete_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_gstorage_delete_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.gstorage.delete(guild_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_delete_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *guild_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_delete_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_gstorage_delete_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_gstorage_open(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_open_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_open_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_gstorage_open_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.gstorage.open(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_open_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_open_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_gstorage_open_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_gstorage_additem(struct map_session_data *sd, struct guild_storage *stor, struct item *item_data, int amount) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_additem_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct guild_storage *stor, struct item *item_data, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_additem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_gstorage_additem_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, stor, item_data, &amount); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.gstorage.additem(sd, stor, item_data, amount); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_additem_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct guild_storage *stor, struct item *item_data, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_additem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_gstorage_additem_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, stor, item_data, &amount); } } return retVal___; } int HP_gstorage_delitem(struct map_session_data *sd, struct guild_storage *stor, int n, int amount) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_delitem_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct guild_storage *stor, int *n, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_delitem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_gstorage_delitem_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, stor, &n, &amount); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.gstorage.delitem(sd, stor, n, amount); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_delitem_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct guild_storage *stor, int *n, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_delitem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_gstorage_delitem_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, stor, &n, &amount); } } return retVal___; } int HP_gstorage_add(struct map_session_data *sd, int index, int amount) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_add_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *index, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_add_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_gstorage_add_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &index, &amount); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.gstorage.add(sd, index, amount); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_add_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *index, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_add_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_gstorage_add_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &index, &amount); } } return retVal___; } int HP_gstorage_get(struct map_session_data *sd, int index, int amount) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_get_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *index, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_get_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_gstorage_get_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &index, &amount); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.gstorage.get(sd, index, amount); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_get_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *index, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_get_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_gstorage_get_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &index, &amount); } } return retVal___; } int HP_gstorage_addfromcart(struct map_session_data *sd, int index, int amount) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_addfromcart_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *index, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_addfromcart_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_gstorage_addfromcart_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &index, &amount); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.gstorage.addfromcart(sd, index, amount); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_addfromcart_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *index, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_addfromcart_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_gstorage_addfromcart_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &index, &amount); } } return retVal___; } int HP_gstorage_gettocart(struct map_session_data *sd, int index, int amount) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_gettocart_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *index, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_gettocart_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_gstorage_gettocart_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &index, &amount); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.gstorage.gettocart(sd, index, amount); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_gettocart_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *index, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_gettocart_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_gstorage_gettocart_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &index, &amount); } } return retVal___; } int HP_gstorage_close(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_close_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_close_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_gstorage_close_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.gstorage.close(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_close_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_close_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_gstorage_close_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_gstorage_pc_quit(struct map_session_data *sd, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_pc_quit_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_pc_quit_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_gstorage_pc_quit_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.gstorage.pc_quit(sd, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_pc_quit_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_pc_quit_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_gstorage_pc_quit_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_gstorage_save(int account_id, int guild_id, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_save_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *account_id, int *guild_id, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_save_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_gstorage_save_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&account_id, &guild_id, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.gstorage.save(account_id, guild_id, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_save_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *account_id, int *guild_id, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_save_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_gstorage_save_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &account_id, &guild_id, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_gstorage_saved(int guild_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_saved_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_saved_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_gstorage_saved_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.gstorage.saved(guild_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_saved_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *guild_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_saved_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_gstorage_saved_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id); } } return retVal___; } DBData HP_gstorage_create(DBKey key, va_list args) { int hIndex = 0; DBData retVal___; memset(&retVal___, '\0', sizeof(DBData)); if( HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_create_pre ) { DBData (*preHookFunc) (DBKey *key, va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_create_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_gstorage_create_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&key, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.gstorage.create(key, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_create_post ) { DBData (*postHookFunc) (DBData retVal___, DBKey *key, va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_gstorage_create_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_gstorage_create_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &key, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } } return retVal___; } /* homun */ void HP_homun_init(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_init_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_init_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_init_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.homun.init(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_init_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_init_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_init_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_homun_final(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_final_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_final_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_final_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.homun.final(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_final_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_final_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_final_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_homun_reload(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_reload_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_reload_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_reload_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.homun.reload(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_reload_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_reload_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_reload_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_homun_reload_skill(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_reload_skill_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_reload_skill_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_reload_skill_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.homun.reload_skill(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_reload_skill_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_reload_skill_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_reload_skill_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } struct view_data* HP_homun_get_viewdata(int class_) { int hIndex = 0; struct view_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_get_viewdata_pre ) { struct view_data* (*preHookFunc) (int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_get_viewdata_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_get_viewdata_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&class_); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.homun.get_viewdata(class_); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_get_viewdata_post ) { struct view_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct view_data* retVal___, int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_get_viewdata_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_get_viewdata_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &class_); } } return retVal___; } enum homun_type HP_homun_class2type(int class_) { int hIndex = 0; enum homun_type retVal___ = HT_INVALID; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_class2type_pre ) { enum homun_type (*preHookFunc) (int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_class2type_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_class2type_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&class_); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.homun.class2type(class_); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_class2type_post ) { enum homun_type (*postHookFunc) (enum homun_type retVal___, int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_class2type_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_class2type_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &class_); } } return retVal___; } void HP_homun_damaged(struct homun_data *hd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_damaged_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_damaged_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_damaged_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(hd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.homun.damaged(hd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_damaged_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_damaged_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_damaged_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(hd); } } return; } int HP_homun_dead(struct homun_data *hd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_dead_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_dead_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_dead_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(hd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.homun.dead(hd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_dead_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct homun_data *hd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_dead_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_dead_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, hd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_homun_vaporize(struct map_session_data *sd, enum homun_state flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_vaporize_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, enum homun_state *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_vaporize_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_vaporize_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.homun.vaporize(sd, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_vaporize_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, enum homun_state *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_vaporize_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_vaporize_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_homun_delete(struct homun_data *hd, int emote) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_delete_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd, int *emote); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_delete_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_delete_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(hd, &emote); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.homun.delete(hd, emote); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_delete_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct homun_data *hd, int *emote); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_delete_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_delete_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, hd, &emote); } } return retVal___; } int HP_homun_checkskill(struct homun_data *hd, uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_checkskill_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_checkskill_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_checkskill_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(hd, &skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.homun.checkskill(hd, skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_checkskill_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct homun_data *hd, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_checkskill_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_checkskill_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, hd, &skill_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_homun_calc_skilltree(struct homun_data *hd, int flag_evolve) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_calc_skilltree_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd, int *flag_evolve); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_calc_skilltree_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_calc_skilltree_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(hd, &flag_evolve); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.homun.calc_skilltree(hd, flag_evolve); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_calc_skilltree_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct homun_data *hd, int *flag_evolve); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_calc_skilltree_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_calc_skilltree_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, hd, &flag_evolve); } } return retVal___; } int HP_homun_skill_tree_get_max(int id, int b_class) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_skill_tree_get_max_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *id, int *b_class); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_skill_tree_get_max_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_skill_tree_get_max_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&id, &b_class); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.homun.skill_tree_get_max(id, b_class); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_skill_tree_get_max_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *id, int *b_class); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_skill_tree_get_max_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_skill_tree_get_max_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &id, &b_class); } } return retVal___; } void HP_homun_skillup(struct homun_data *hd, uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_skillup_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_skillup_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_skillup_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(hd, &skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.homun.skillup(hd, skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_skillup_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_skillup_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_skillup_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(hd, &skill_id); } } return; } bool HP_homun_levelup(struct homun_data *hd) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_levelup_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_levelup_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_levelup_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(hd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.homun.levelup(hd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_levelup_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct homun_data *hd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_levelup_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_levelup_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, hd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_homun_change_class(struct homun_data *hd, short class_) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_change_class_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd, short *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_change_class_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_change_class_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(hd, &class_); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.homun.change_class(hd, class_); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_change_class_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct homun_data *hd, short *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_change_class_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_change_class_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, hd, &class_); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_homun_evolve(struct homun_data *hd) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_evolve_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_evolve_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_evolve_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(hd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.homun.evolve(hd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_evolve_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct homun_data *hd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_evolve_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_evolve_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, hd); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_homun_mutate(struct homun_data *hd, int homun_id) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_mutate_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd, int *homun_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_mutate_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_mutate_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(hd, &homun_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.homun.mutate(hd, homun_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_mutate_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct homun_data *hd, int *homun_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_mutate_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_mutate_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, hd, &homun_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_homun_gainexp(struct homun_data *hd, unsigned int exp) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_gainexp_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd, unsigned int *exp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_gainexp_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_gainexp_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(hd, &exp); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.homun.gainexp(hd, exp); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_gainexp_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct homun_data *hd, unsigned int *exp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_gainexp_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_gainexp_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, hd, &exp); } } return retVal___; } unsigned int HP_homun_add_intimacy(struct homun_data *hd, unsigned int value) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_add_intimacy_pre ) { unsigned int (*preHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd, unsigned int *value); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_add_intimacy_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_add_intimacy_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(hd, &value); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.homun.add_intimacy(hd, value); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_add_intimacy_post ) { unsigned int (*postHookFunc) (unsigned int retVal___, struct homun_data *hd, unsigned int *value); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_add_intimacy_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_add_intimacy_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, hd, &value); } } return retVal___; } unsigned int HP_homun_consume_intimacy(struct homun_data *hd, unsigned int value) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_consume_intimacy_pre ) { unsigned int (*preHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd, unsigned int *value); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_consume_intimacy_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_consume_intimacy_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(hd, &value); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.homun.consume_intimacy(hd, value); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_consume_intimacy_post ) { unsigned int (*postHookFunc) (unsigned int retVal___, struct homun_data *hd, unsigned int *value); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_consume_intimacy_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_consume_intimacy_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, hd, &value); } } return retVal___; } void HP_homun_healed(struct homun_data *hd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_healed_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_healed_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_healed_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(hd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.homun.healed(hd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_healed_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_healed_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_healed_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(hd); } } return; } void HP_homun_save(struct homun_data *hd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_save_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_save_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_save_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(hd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.homun.save(hd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_save_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_save_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_save_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(hd); } } return; } unsigned char HP_homun_menu(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char menu_num) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned char retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_menu_pre ) { unsigned char (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char *menu_num); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_menu_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_menu_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &menu_num); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.homun.menu(sd, menu_num); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_menu_post ) { unsigned char (*postHookFunc) (unsigned char retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char *menu_num); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_menu_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_menu_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &menu_num); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_homun_feed(struct map_session_data *sd, struct homun_data *hd) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_feed_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct homun_data *hd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_feed_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_feed_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, hd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.homun.feed(sd, hd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_feed_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct homun_data *hd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_feed_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_feed_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, hd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_homun_hunger_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_hunger_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_hunger_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_hunger_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.homun.hunger_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_hunger_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_hunger_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_hunger_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } void HP_homun_hunger_timer_delete(struct homun_data *hd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_hunger_timer_delete_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_hunger_timer_delete_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_hunger_timer_delete_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(hd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.homun.hunger_timer_delete(hd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_hunger_timer_delete_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_hunger_timer_delete_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_hunger_timer_delete_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(hd); } } return; } int HP_homun_change_name(struct map_session_data *sd, char *name) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_change_name_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_change_name_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_change_name_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.homun.change_name(sd, name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_change_name_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_change_name_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_change_name_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, name); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_homun_change_name_ack(struct map_session_data *sd, char *name, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_change_name_ack_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, char *name, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_change_name_ack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_change_name_ack_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, name, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.homun.change_name_ack(sd, name, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_change_name_ack_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, char *name, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_change_name_ack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_change_name_ack_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, name, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_homun_db_search(int key, int type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_db_search_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *key, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_db_search_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_db_search_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&key, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.homun.db_search(key, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_db_search_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *key, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_db_search_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_db_search_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &key, &type); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_homun_create(struct map_session_data *sd, struct s_homunculus *hom) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_create_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct s_homunculus *hom); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_create_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_create_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, hom); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.homun.create(sd, hom); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_create_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct s_homunculus *hom); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_create_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_create_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, hom); } } return retVal___; } void HP_homun_init_timers(struct homun_data *hd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_init_timers_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_init_timers_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_init_timers_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(hd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.homun.init_timers(hd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_init_timers_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_init_timers_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_init_timers_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(hd); } } return; } bool HP_homun_call(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_call_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_call_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_call_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.homun.call(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_call_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_call_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_call_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_homun_recv_data(int account_id, struct s_homunculus *sh, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_recv_data_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (int *account_id, struct s_homunculus *sh, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_recv_data_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_recv_data_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&account_id, sh, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.homun.recv_data(account_id, sh, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_recv_data_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, int *account_id, struct s_homunculus *sh, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_recv_data_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_recv_data_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &account_id, sh, &flag); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_homun_creation_request(struct map_session_data *sd, int class_) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_creation_request_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_creation_request_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_creation_request_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &class_); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.homun.creation_request(sd, class_); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_creation_request_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_creation_request_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_creation_request_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &class_); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_homun_ressurect(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char per, short x, short y) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_ressurect_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char *per, short *x, short *y); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_ressurect_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_ressurect_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &per, &x, &y); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.homun.ressurect(sd, per, x, y); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_ressurect_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char *per, short *x, short *y); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_ressurect_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_ressurect_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &per, &x, &y); } } return retVal___; } void HP_homun_revive(struct homun_data *hd, unsigned int hp, unsigned int sp) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_revive_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd, unsigned int *hp, unsigned int *sp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_revive_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_revive_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(hd, &hp, &sp); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.homun.revive(hd, hp, sp); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_revive_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd, unsigned int *hp, unsigned int *sp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_revive_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_revive_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(hd, &hp, &sp); } } return; } void HP_homun_stat_reset(struct homun_data *hd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_stat_reset_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_stat_reset_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_stat_reset_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(hd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.homun.stat_reset(hd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_stat_reset_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_stat_reset_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_stat_reset_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(hd); } } return; } bool HP_homun_shuffle(struct homun_data *hd) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_shuffle_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_shuffle_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_shuffle_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(hd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.homun.shuffle(hd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_shuffle_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct homun_data *hd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_shuffle_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_shuffle_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, hd); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_homun_read_db_sub(char *str[], int columns, int current) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_read_db_sub_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *str[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_read_db_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_read_db_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(str, &columns, ¤t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.homun.read_db_sub(str, columns, current); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_read_db_sub_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *str[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_read_db_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_read_db_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, str, &columns, ¤t); } } return retVal___; } void HP_homun_read_db(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_read_db_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_read_db_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_read_db_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.homun.read_db(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_read_db_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_read_db_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_read_db_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } bool HP_homun_read_skill_db_sub(char *split[], int columns, int current) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_read_skill_db_sub_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *split[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_read_skill_db_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_read_skill_db_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(split, &columns, ¤t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.homun.read_skill_db_sub(split, columns, current); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_read_skill_db_sub_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *split[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_read_skill_db_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_read_skill_db_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, split, &columns, ¤t); } } return retVal___; } void HP_homun_skill_db_read(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_skill_db_read_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_skill_db_read_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_skill_db_read_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.homun.skill_db_read(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_skill_db_read_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_skill_db_read_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_skill_db_read_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_homun_exp_db_read(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_exp_db_read_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_exp_db_read_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_exp_db_read_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.homun.exp_db_read(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_exp_db_read_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_exp_db_read_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_exp_db_read_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_homun_addspiritball(struct homun_data *hd, int max) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_addspiritball_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd, int *max); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_addspiritball_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_addspiritball_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(hd, &max); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.homun.addspiritball(hd, max); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_addspiritball_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd, int *max); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_addspiritball_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_addspiritball_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(hd, &max); } } return; } void HP_homun_delspiritball(struct homun_data *hd, int count, int type) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_delspiritball_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd, int *count, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_delspiritball_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_delspiritball_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(hd, &count, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.homun.delspiritball(hd, count, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_delspiritball_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd, int *count, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_homun_delspiritball_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_homun_delspiritball_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(hd, &count, &type); } } return; } /* instance */ void HP_instance_init(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_init_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_init_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_instance_init_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.instance.init(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_init_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_init_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_instance_init_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_instance_final(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_final_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_final_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_instance_final_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.instance.final(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_final_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_final_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_instance_final_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_instance_reload(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_reload_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_reload_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_instance_reload_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.instance.reload(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_reload_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_reload_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_instance_reload_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } int HP_instance_create(int party_id, const char *name, enum instance_owner_type type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_create_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *party_id, const char *name, enum instance_owner_type *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_create_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_instance_create_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&party_id, name, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.instance.create(party_id, name, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_create_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *party_id, const char *name, enum instance_owner_type *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_create_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_instance_create_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &party_id, name, &type); } } return retVal___; } int HP_instance_add_map(const char *name, int instance_id, bool usebasename, const char *map_name) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_add_map_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (const char *name, int *instance_id, bool *usebasename, const char *map_name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_add_map_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_instance_add_map_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(name, &instance_id, &usebasename, map_name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.instance.add_map(name, instance_id, usebasename, map_name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_add_map_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, const char *name, int *instance_id, bool *usebasename, const char *map_name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_add_map_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_instance_add_map_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, name, &instance_id, &usebasename, map_name); } } return retVal___; } void HP_instance_del_map(int16 m) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_del_map_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int16 *m); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_del_map_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_instance_del_map_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&m); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.instance.del_map(m); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_del_map_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int16 *m); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_del_map_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_instance_del_map_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&m); } } return; } int HP_instance_map2imap(int16 m, int instance_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_map2imap_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int16 *m, int *instance_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_map2imap_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_instance_map2imap_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&m, &instance_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.instance.map2imap(m, instance_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_map2imap_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int16 *m, int *instance_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_map2imap_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_instance_map2imap_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &m, &instance_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_instance_mapid2imapid(int16 m, int instance_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_mapid2imapid_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int16 *m, int *instance_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_mapid2imapid_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_instance_mapid2imapid_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&m, &instance_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.instance.mapid2imapid(m, instance_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_mapid2imapid_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int16 *m, int *instance_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_mapid2imapid_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_instance_mapid2imapid_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &m, &instance_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_instance_mapname2imap(const char *map_name, int instance_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_mapname2imap_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (const char *map_name, int *instance_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_mapname2imap_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_instance_mapname2imap_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(map_name, &instance_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.instance.mapname2imap(map_name, instance_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_mapname2imap_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, const char *map_name, int *instance_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_mapname2imap_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_instance_mapname2imap_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, map_name, &instance_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_instance_map_npcsub(struct block_list *bl, va_list args) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_map_npcsub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_map_npcsub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_instance_map_npcsub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.instance.map_npcsub(bl, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_map_npcsub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_map_npcsub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_instance_map_npcsub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_instance_init_npc(struct block_list *bl, va_list args) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_init_npc_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_init_npc_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_instance_init_npc_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.instance.init_npc(bl, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_init_npc_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_init_npc_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_instance_init_npc_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } } return retVal___; } void HP_instance_destroy(int instance_id) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_destroy_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *instance_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_destroy_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_instance_destroy_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&instance_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.instance.destroy(instance_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_destroy_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *instance_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_destroy_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_instance_destroy_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&instance_id); } } return; } void HP_instance_start(int instance_id) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_start_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *instance_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_start_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_instance_start_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&instance_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.instance.start(instance_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_start_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *instance_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_start_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_instance_start_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&instance_id); } } return; } void HP_instance_check_idle(int instance_id) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_check_idle_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *instance_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_check_idle_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_instance_check_idle_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&instance_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.instance.check_idle(instance_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_check_idle_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *instance_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_check_idle_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_instance_check_idle_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&instance_id); } } return; } void HP_instance_check_kick(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_check_kick_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_check_kick_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_instance_check_kick_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.instance.check_kick(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_check_kick_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_check_kick_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_instance_check_kick_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_instance_set_timeout(int instance_id, unsigned int progress_timeout, unsigned int idle_timeout) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_set_timeout_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *instance_id, unsigned int *progress_timeout, unsigned int *idle_timeout); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_set_timeout_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_instance_set_timeout_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&instance_id, &progress_timeout, &idle_timeout); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.instance.set_timeout(instance_id, progress_timeout, idle_timeout); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_set_timeout_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *instance_id, unsigned int *progress_timeout, unsigned int *idle_timeout); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_set_timeout_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_instance_set_timeout_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&instance_id, &progress_timeout, &idle_timeout); } } return; } bool HP_instance_valid(int instance_id) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_valid_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (int *instance_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_valid_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_instance_valid_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&instance_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.instance.valid(instance_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_valid_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, int *instance_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_valid_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_instance_valid_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &instance_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_instance_destroy_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_destroy_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_destroy_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_instance_destroy_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.instance.destroy_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_destroy_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_instance_destroy_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_instance_destroy_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } /* intif */ int HP_intif_parse(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_parse_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_parse_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_parse_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.parse(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_parse_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_parse_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_parse_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &fd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_create_pet(int account_id, int char_id, short pet_type, short pet_lv, short pet_egg_id, short pet_equip, short intimate, short hungry, char rename_flag, char incuvate, char *pet_name) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_create_pet_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *account_id, int *char_id, short *pet_type, short *pet_lv, short *pet_egg_id, short *pet_equip, short *intimate, short *hungry, char *rename_flag, char *incuvate, char *pet_name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_create_pet_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_create_pet_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&account_id, &char_id, &pet_type, &pet_lv, &pet_egg_id, &pet_equip, &intimate, &hungry, &rename_flag, &incuvate, pet_name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.create_pet(account_id, char_id, pet_type, pet_lv, pet_egg_id, pet_equip, intimate, hungry, rename_flag, incuvate, pet_name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_create_pet_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *account_id, int *char_id, short *pet_type, short *pet_lv, short *pet_egg_id, short *pet_equip, short *intimate, short *hungry, char *rename_flag, char *incuvate, char *pet_name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_create_pet_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_create_pet_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &account_id, &char_id, &pet_type, &pet_lv, &pet_egg_id, &pet_equip, &intimate, &hungry, &rename_flag, &incuvate, pet_name); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_broadcast(const char *mes, int len, int type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_broadcast_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (const char *mes, int *len, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_broadcast_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_broadcast_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(mes, &len, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.broadcast(mes, len, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_broadcast_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, const char *mes, int *len, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_broadcast_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_broadcast_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, mes, &len, &type); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_broadcast2(const char *mes, int len, unsigned long fontColor, short fontType, short fontSize, short fontAlign, short fontY) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_broadcast2_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (const char *mes, int *len, unsigned long *fontColor, short *fontType, short *fontSize, short *fontAlign, short *fontY); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_broadcast2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_broadcast2_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(mes, &len, &fontColor, &fontType, &fontSize, &fontAlign, &fontY); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.broadcast2(mes, len, fontColor, fontType, fontSize, fontAlign, fontY); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_broadcast2_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, const char *mes, int *len, unsigned long *fontColor, short *fontType, short *fontSize, short *fontAlign, short *fontY); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_broadcast2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_broadcast2_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, mes, &len, &fontColor, &fontType, &fontSize, &fontAlign, &fontY); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_main_message(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *message) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_main_message_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *message); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_main_message_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_main_message_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, message); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.main_message(sd, message); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_main_message_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, const char *message); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_main_message_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_main_message_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, message); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_wis_message(struct map_session_data *sd, char *nick, char *mes, int mes_len) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_wis_message_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, char *nick, char *mes, int *mes_len); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_wis_message_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_wis_message_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, nick, mes, &mes_len); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.wis_message(sd, nick, mes, mes_len); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_wis_message_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, char *nick, char *mes, int *mes_len); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_wis_message_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_wis_message_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, nick, mes, &mes_len); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_wis_message_to_gm(char *Wisp_name, int permission, char *mes) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_wis_message_to_gm_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (char *Wisp_name, int *permission, char *mes); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_wis_message_to_gm_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_wis_message_to_gm_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(Wisp_name, &permission, mes); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.wis_message_to_gm(Wisp_name, permission, mes); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_wis_message_to_gm_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, char *Wisp_name, int *permission, char *mes); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_wis_message_to_gm_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_wis_message_to_gm_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, Wisp_name, &permission, mes); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_saveregistry(struct map_session_data *sd, int type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_saveregistry_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_saveregistry_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_saveregistry_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.saveregistry(sd, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_saveregistry_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_saveregistry_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_saveregistry_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &type); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_request_registry(struct map_session_data *sd, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_request_registry_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_request_registry_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_request_registry_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.request_registry(sd, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_request_registry_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_request_registry_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_request_registry_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_request_guild_storage(int account_id, int guild_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_request_guild_storage_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *account_id, int *guild_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_request_guild_storage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_request_guild_storage_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&account_id, &guild_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.request_guild_storage(account_id, guild_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_request_guild_storage_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *account_id, int *guild_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_request_guild_storage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_request_guild_storage_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &account_id, &guild_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_send_guild_storage(int account_id, struct guild_storage *gstor) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_send_guild_storage_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *account_id, struct guild_storage *gstor); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_send_guild_storage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_send_guild_storage_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&account_id, gstor); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.send_guild_storage(account_id, gstor); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_send_guild_storage_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *account_id, struct guild_storage *gstor); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_send_guild_storage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_send_guild_storage_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &account_id, gstor); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_create_party(struct party_member *member, char *name, int item, int item2) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_create_party_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct party_member *member, char *name, int *item, int *item2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_create_party_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_create_party_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(member, name, &item, &item2); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.create_party(member, name, item, item2); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_create_party_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct party_member *member, char *name, int *item, int *item2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_create_party_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_create_party_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, member, name, &item, &item2); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_request_partyinfo(int party_id, int char_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_request_partyinfo_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *party_id, int *char_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_request_partyinfo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_request_partyinfo_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&party_id, &char_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.request_partyinfo(party_id, char_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_request_partyinfo_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *party_id, int *char_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_request_partyinfo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_request_partyinfo_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &party_id, &char_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_party_addmember(int party_id, struct party_member *member) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_party_addmember_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *party_id, struct party_member *member); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_party_addmember_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_party_addmember_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&party_id, member); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.party_addmember(party_id, member); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_party_addmember_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *party_id, struct party_member *member); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_party_addmember_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_party_addmember_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &party_id, member); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_party_changeoption(int party_id, int account_id, int exp, int item) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_party_changeoption_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *party_id, int *account_id, int *exp, int *item); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_party_changeoption_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_party_changeoption_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&party_id, &account_id, &exp, &item); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.party_changeoption(party_id, account_id, exp, item); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_party_changeoption_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *party_id, int *account_id, int *exp, int *item); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_party_changeoption_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_party_changeoption_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &party_id, &account_id, &exp, &item); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_party_leave(int party_id, int account_id, int char_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_party_leave_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *party_id, int *account_id, int *char_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_party_leave_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_party_leave_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&party_id, &account_id, &char_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.party_leave(party_id, account_id, char_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_party_leave_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *party_id, int *account_id, int *char_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_party_leave_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_party_leave_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &party_id, &account_id, &char_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_party_changemap(struct map_session_data *sd, int online) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_party_changemap_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *online); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_party_changemap_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_party_changemap_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &online); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.party_changemap(sd, online); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_party_changemap_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *online); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_party_changemap_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_party_changemap_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &online); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_break_party(int party_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_break_party_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *party_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_break_party_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_break_party_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&party_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.break_party(party_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_break_party_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *party_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_break_party_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_break_party_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &party_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_party_message(int party_id, int account_id, const char *mes, int len) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_party_message_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *party_id, int *account_id, const char *mes, int *len); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_party_message_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_party_message_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&party_id, &account_id, mes, &len); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.party_message(party_id, account_id, mes, len); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_party_message_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *party_id, int *account_id, const char *mes, int *len); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_party_message_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_party_message_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &party_id, &account_id, mes, &len); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_party_leaderchange(int party_id, int account_id, int char_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_party_leaderchange_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *party_id, int *account_id, int *char_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_party_leaderchange_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_party_leaderchange_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&party_id, &account_id, &char_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.party_leaderchange(party_id, account_id, char_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_party_leaderchange_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *party_id, int *account_id, int *char_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_party_leaderchange_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_party_leaderchange_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &party_id, &account_id, &char_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_guild_create(const char *name, const struct guild_member *master) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_create_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (const char *name, const struct guild_member *master); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_create_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_guild_create_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(name, master); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.guild_create(name, master); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_create_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, const char *name, const struct guild_member *master); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_create_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_guild_create_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, name, master); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_guild_request_info(int guild_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_request_info_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_request_info_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_guild_request_info_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.guild_request_info(guild_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_request_info_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *guild_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_request_info_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_guild_request_info_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_guild_addmember(int guild_id, struct guild_member *m) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_addmember_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id, struct guild_member *m); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_addmember_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_guild_addmember_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id, m); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.guild_addmember(guild_id, m); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_addmember_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *guild_id, struct guild_member *m); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_addmember_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_guild_addmember_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id, m); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_guild_leave(int guild_id, int account_id, int char_id, int flag, const char *mes) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_leave_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id, int *account_id, int *char_id, int *flag, const char *mes); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_leave_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_guild_leave_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id, &account_id, &char_id, &flag, mes); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.guild_leave(guild_id, account_id, char_id, flag, mes); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_leave_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *guild_id, int *account_id, int *char_id, int *flag, const char *mes); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_leave_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_guild_leave_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id, &account_id, &char_id, &flag, mes); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_guild_memberinfoshort(int guild_id, int account_id, int char_id, int online, int lv, int class_) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_memberinfoshort_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id, int *account_id, int *char_id, int *online, int *lv, int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_memberinfoshort_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_guild_memberinfoshort_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id, &account_id, &char_id, &online, &lv, &class_); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.guild_memberinfoshort(guild_id, account_id, char_id, online, lv, class_); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_memberinfoshort_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *guild_id, int *account_id, int *char_id, int *online, int *lv, int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_memberinfoshort_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_guild_memberinfoshort_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id, &account_id, &char_id, &online, &lv, &class_); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_guild_break(int guild_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_break_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_break_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_guild_break_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.guild_break(guild_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_break_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *guild_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_break_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_guild_break_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_guild_message(int guild_id, int account_id, const char *mes, int len) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_message_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id, int *account_id, const char *mes, int *len); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_message_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_guild_message_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id, &account_id, mes, &len); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.guild_message(guild_id, account_id, mes, len); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_message_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *guild_id, int *account_id, const char *mes, int *len); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_message_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_guild_message_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id, &account_id, mes, &len); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_guild_change_gm(int guild_id, const char *name, int len) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_change_gm_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id, const char *name, int *len); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_change_gm_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_guild_change_gm_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id, name, &len); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.guild_change_gm(guild_id, name, len); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_change_gm_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *guild_id, const char *name, int *len); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_change_gm_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_guild_change_gm_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id, name, &len); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_guild_change_basicinfo(int guild_id, int type, const void *data, int len) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_change_basicinfo_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id, int *type, const void *data, int *len); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_change_basicinfo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_guild_change_basicinfo_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id, &type, data, &len); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.guild_change_basicinfo(guild_id, type, data, len); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_change_basicinfo_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *guild_id, int *type, const void *data, int *len); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_change_basicinfo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_guild_change_basicinfo_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id, &type, data, &len); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_guild_change_memberinfo(int guild_id, int account_id, int char_id, int type, const void *data, int len) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_change_memberinfo_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id, int *account_id, int *char_id, int *type, const void *data, int *len); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_change_memberinfo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_guild_change_memberinfo_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id, &account_id, &char_id, &type, data, &len); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.guild_change_memberinfo(guild_id, account_id, char_id, type, data, len); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_change_memberinfo_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *guild_id, int *account_id, int *char_id, int *type, const void *data, int *len); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_change_memberinfo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_guild_change_memberinfo_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id, &account_id, &char_id, &type, data, &len); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_guild_position(int guild_id, int idx, struct guild_position *p) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_position_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id, int *idx, struct guild_position *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_position_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_guild_position_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id, &idx, p); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.guild_position(guild_id, idx, p); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_position_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *guild_id, int *idx, struct guild_position *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_position_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_guild_position_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id, &idx, p); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_guild_skillup(int guild_id, uint16 skill_id, int account_id, int max) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_skillup_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id, uint16 *skill_id, int *account_id, int *max); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_skillup_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_guild_skillup_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id, &skill_id, &account_id, &max); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.guild_skillup(guild_id, skill_id, account_id, max); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_skillup_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *guild_id, uint16 *skill_id, int *account_id, int *max); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_skillup_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_guild_skillup_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id, &skill_id, &account_id, &max); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_guild_alliance(int guild_id1, int guild_id2, int account_id1, int account_id2, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_alliance_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id1, int *guild_id2, int *account_id1, int *account_id2, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_alliance_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_guild_alliance_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id1, &guild_id2, &account_id1, &account_id2, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.guild_alliance(guild_id1, guild_id2, account_id1, account_id2, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_alliance_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *guild_id1, int *guild_id2, int *account_id1, int *account_id2, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_alliance_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_guild_alliance_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id1, &guild_id2, &account_id1, &account_id2, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_guild_notice(int guild_id, const char *mes1, const char *mes2) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_notice_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id, const char *mes1, const char *mes2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_notice_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_guild_notice_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id, mes1, mes2); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.guild_notice(guild_id, mes1, mes2); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_notice_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *guild_id, const char *mes1, const char *mes2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_notice_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_guild_notice_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id, mes1, mes2); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_guild_emblem(int guild_id, int len, const char *data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_emblem_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *guild_id, int *len, const char *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_emblem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_guild_emblem_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&guild_id, &len, data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.guild_emblem(guild_id, len, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_emblem_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *guild_id, int *len, const char *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_emblem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_guild_emblem_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &guild_id, &len, data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_guild_castle_dataload(int num, int *castle_ids) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_castle_dataload_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *num, int *castle_ids); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_castle_dataload_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_guild_castle_dataload_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&num, castle_ids); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.guild_castle_dataload(num, castle_ids); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_castle_dataload_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *num, int *castle_ids); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_castle_dataload_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_guild_castle_dataload_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &num, castle_ids); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_guild_castle_datasave(int castle_id, int index, int value) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_castle_datasave_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *castle_id, int *index, int *value); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_castle_datasave_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_guild_castle_datasave_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&castle_id, &index, &value); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.guild_castle_datasave(castle_id, index, value); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_castle_datasave_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *castle_id, int *index, int *value); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_guild_castle_datasave_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_guild_castle_datasave_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &castle_id, &index, &value); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_request_petdata(int account_id, int char_id, int pet_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_request_petdata_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *account_id, int *char_id, int *pet_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_request_petdata_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_request_petdata_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&account_id, &char_id, &pet_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.request_petdata(account_id, char_id, pet_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_request_petdata_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *account_id, int *char_id, int *pet_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_request_petdata_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_request_petdata_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &account_id, &char_id, &pet_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_save_petdata(int account_id, struct s_pet *p) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_save_petdata_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *account_id, struct s_pet *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_save_petdata_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_save_petdata_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&account_id, p); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.save_petdata(account_id, p); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_save_petdata_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *account_id, struct s_pet *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_save_petdata_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_save_petdata_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &account_id, p); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_delete_petdata(int pet_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_delete_petdata_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *pet_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_delete_petdata_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_delete_petdata_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&pet_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.delete_petdata(pet_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_delete_petdata_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *pet_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_delete_petdata_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_delete_petdata_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &pet_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_rename(struct map_session_data *sd, int type, char *name) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_rename_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type, char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_rename_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_rename_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &type, name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.rename(sd, type, name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_rename_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *type, char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_rename_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_rename_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &type, name); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_homunculus_create(int account_id, struct s_homunculus *sh) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_homunculus_create_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *account_id, struct s_homunculus *sh); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_homunculus_create_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_homunculus_create_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&account_id, sh); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.homunculus_create(account_id, sh); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_homunculus_create_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *account_id, struct s_homunculus *sh); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_homunculus_create_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_homunculus_create_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &account_id, sh); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_intif_homunculus_requestload(int account_id, int homun_id) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_homunculus_requestload_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (int *account_id, int *homun_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_homunculus_requestload_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_homunculus_requestload_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&account_id, &homun_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.homunculus_requestload(account_id, homun_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_homunculus_requestload_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, int *account_id, int *homun_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_homunculus_requestload_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_homunculus_requestload_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &account_id, &homun_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_homunculus_requestsave(int account_id, struct s_homunculus *sh) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_homunculus_requestsave_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *account_id, struct s_homunculus *sh); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_homunculus_requestsave_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_homunculus_requestsave_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&account_id, sh); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.homunculus_requestsave(account_id, sh); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_homunculus_requestsave_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *account_id, struct s_homunculus *sh); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_homunculus_requestsave_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_homunculus_requestsave_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &account_id, sh); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_homunculus_requestdelete(int homun_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_homunculus_requestdelete_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *homun_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_homunculus_requestdelete_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_homunculus_requestdelete_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&homun_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.homunculus_requestdelete(homun_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_homunculus_requestdelete_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *homun_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_homunculus_requestdelete_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_homunculus_requestdelete_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &homun_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_request_questlog(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_request_questlog_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_request_questlog_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_request_questlog_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.request_questlog(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_request_questlog_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_request_questlog_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_request_questlog_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_quest_save(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_quest_save_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_quest_save_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_quest_save_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.quest_save(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_quest_save_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_quest_save_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_quest_save_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_mercenary_create(struct s_mercenary *merc) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_mercenary_create_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct s_mercenary *merc); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_mercenary_create_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_mercenary_create_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(merc); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.mercenary_create(merc); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_mercenary_create_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct s_mercenary *merc); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_mercenary_create_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_mercenary_create_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, merc); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_mercenary_request(int merc_id, int char_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_mercenary_request_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *merc_id, int *char_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_mercenary_request_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_mercenary_request_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&merc_id, &char_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.mercenary_request(merc_id, char_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_mercenary_request_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *merc_id, int *char_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_mercenary_request_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_mercenary_request_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &merc_id, &char_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_mercenary_delete(int merc_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_mercenary_delete_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *merc_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_mercenary_delete_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_mercenary_delete_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&merc_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.mercenary_delete(merc_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_mercenary_delete_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *merc_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_mercenary_delete_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_mercenary_delete_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &merc_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_mercenary_save(struct s_mercenary *merc) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_mercenary_save_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct s_mercenary *merc); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_mercenary_save_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_mercenary_save_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(merc); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.mercenary_save(merc); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_mercenary_save_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct s_mercenary *merc); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_mercenary_save_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_mercenary_save_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, merc); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_Mail_requestinbox(int char_id, unsigned char flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Mail_requestinbox_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *char_id, unsigned char *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Mail_requestinbox_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_Mail_requestinbox_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&char_id, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.Mail_requestinbox(char_id, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Mail_requestinbox_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *char_id, unsigned char *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Mail_requestinbox_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_Mail_requestinbox_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &char_id, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_Mail_read(int mail_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Mail_read_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *mail_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Mail_read_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_Mail_read_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&mail_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.Mail_read(mail_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Mail_read_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *mail_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Mail_read_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_Mail_read_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &mail_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_Mail_getattach(int char_id, int mail_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Mail_getattach_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *char_id, int *mail_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Mail_getattach_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_Mail_getattach_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&char_id, &mail_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.Mail_getattach(char_id, mail_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Mail_getattach_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *char_id, int *mail_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Mail_getattach_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_Mail_getattach_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &char_id, &mail_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_Mail_delete(int char_id, int mail_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Mail_delete_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *char_id, int *mail_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Mail_delete_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_Mail_delete_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&char_id, &mail_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.Mail_delete(char_id, mail_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Mail_delete_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *char_id, int *mail_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Mail_delete_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_Mail_delete_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &char_id, &mail_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_Mail_return(int char_id, int mail_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Mail_return_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *char_id, int *mail_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Mail_return_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_Mail_return_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&char_id, &mail_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.Mail_return(char_id, mail_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Mail_return_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *char_id, int *mail_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Mail_return_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_Mail_return_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &char_id, &mail_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_Mail_send(int account_id, struct mail_message *msg) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Mail_send_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *account_id, struct mail_message *msg); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Mail_send_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_Mail_send_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&account_id, msg); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.Mail_send(account_id, msg); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Mail_send_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *account_id, struct mail_message *msg); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Mail_send_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_Mail_send_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &account_id, msg); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_Auction_requestlist(int char_id, short type, int price, const char *searchtext, short page) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Auction_requestlist_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *char_id, short *type, int *price, const char *searchtext, short *page); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Auction_requestlist_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_Auction_requestlist_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&char_id, &type, &price, searchtext, &page); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.Auction_requestlist(char_id, type, price, searchtext, page); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Auction_requestlist_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *char_id, short *type, int *price, const char *searchtext, short *page); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Auction_requestlist_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_Auction_requestlist_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &char_id, &type, &price, searchtext, &page); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_Auction_register(struct auction_data *auction) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Auction_register_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct auction_data *auction); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Auction_register_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_Auction_register_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(auction); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.Auction_register(auction); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Auction_register_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct auction_data *auction); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Auction_register_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_Auction_register_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, auction); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_Auction_cancel(int char_id, unsigned int auction_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Auction_cancel_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *char_id, unsigned int *auction_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Auction_cancel_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_Auction_cancel_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&char_id, &auction_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.Auction_cancel(char_id, auction_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Auction_cancel_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *char_id, unsigned int *auction_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Auction_cancel_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_Auction_cancel_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &char_id, &auction_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_Auction_close(int char_id, unsigned int auction_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Auction_close_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *char_id, unsigned int *auction_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Auction_close_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_Auction_close_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&char_id, &auction_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.Auction_close(char_id, auction_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Auction_close_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *char_id, unsigned int *auction_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Auction_close_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_Auction_close_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &char_id, &auction_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_Auction_bid(int char_id, const char *name, unsigned int auction_id, int bid) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Auction_bid_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *char_id, const char *name, unsigned int *auction_id, int *bid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Auction_bid_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_Auction_bid_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&char_id, name, &auction_id, &bid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.Auction_bid(char_id, name, auction_id, bid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Auction_bid_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *char_id, const char *name, unsigned int *auction_id, int *bid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_Auction_bid_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_Auction_bid_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &char_id, name, &auction_id, &bid); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_elemental_create(struct s_elemental *ele) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_elemental_create_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct s_elemental *ele); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_elemental_create_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_elemental_create_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(ele); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.elemental_create(ele); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_elemental_create_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct s_elemental *ele); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_elemental_create_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_elemental_create_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, ele); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_elemental_request(int ele_id, int char_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_elemental_request_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *ele_id, int *char_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_elemental_request_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_elemental_request_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&ele_id, &char_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.elemental_request(ele_id, char_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_elemental_request_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *ele_id, int *char_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_elemental_request_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_elemental_request_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &ele_id, &char_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_elemental_delete(int ele_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_elemental_delete_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *ele_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_elemental_delete_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_elemental_delete_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&ele_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.elemental_delete(ele_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_elemental_delete_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *ele_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_elemental_delete_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_elemental_delete_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &ele_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_intif_elemental_save(struct s_elemental *ele) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_elemental_save_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct s_elemental *ele); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_elemental_save_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_elemental_save_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(ele); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.elemental_save(ele); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_elemental_save_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct s_elemental *ele); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_elemental_save_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_elemental_save_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, ele); } } return retVal___; } void HP_intif_request_accinfo(int u_fd, int aid, int group_lv, char *query) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_request_accinfo_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *u_fd, int *aid, int *group_lv, char *query); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_request_accinfo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_request_accinfo_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&u_fd, &aid, &group_lv, query); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.request_accinfo(u_fd, aid, group_lv, query); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_request_accinfo_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *u_fd, int *aid, int *group_lv, char *query); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_request_accinfo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_request_accinfo_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&u_fd, &aid, &group_lv, query); } } return; } int HP_intif_CheckForCharServer(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_CheckForCharServer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_CheckForCharServer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_CheckForCharServer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.CheckForCharServer(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_CheckForCharServer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_CheckForCharServer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_CheckForCharServer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } void HP_intif_pWisMessage(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pWisMessage_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pWisMessage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pWisMessage_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pWisMessage(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pWisMessage_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pWisMessage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pWisMessage_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pWisEnd(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pWisEnd_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pWisEnd_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pWisEnd_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pWisEnd(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pWisEnd_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pWisEnd_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pWisEnd_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } int HP_intif_pWisToGM_sub(struct map_session_data *sd, va_list va) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pWisToGM_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, va_list va); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pWisToGM_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list va___copy; va_copy(va___copy, va); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pWisToGM_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, va___copy); va_end(va___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list va___copy; va_copy(va___copy, va); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.intif.pWisToGM_sub(sd, va___copy); va_end(va___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pWisToGM_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, va_list va); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pWisToGM_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list va___copy; va_copy(va___copy, va); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pWisToGM_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, va___copy); va_end(va___copy); } } return retVal___; } void HP_intif_pWisToGM(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pWisToGM_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pWisToGM_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pWisToGM_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pWisToGM(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pWisToGM_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pWisToGM_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pWisToGM_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pRegisters(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pRegisters_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pRegisters_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pRegisters_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pRegisters(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pRegisters_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pRegisters_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pRegisters_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pChangeNameOk(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pChangeNameOk_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pChangeNameOk_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pChangeNameOk_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pChangeNameOk(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pChangeNameOk_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pChangeNameOk_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pChangeNameOk_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pMessageToFD(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMessageToFD_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMessageToFD_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pMessageToFD_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pMessageToFD(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMessageToFD_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMessageToFD_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pMessageToFD_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pLoadGuildStorage(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pLoadGuildStorage_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pLoadGuildStorage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pLoadGuildStorage_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pLoadGuildStorage(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pLoadGuildStorage_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pLoadGuildStorage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pLoadGuildStorage_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pSaveGuildStorage(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pSaveGuildStorage_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pSaveGuildStorage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pSaveGuildStorage_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pSaveGuildStorage(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pSaveGuildStorage_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pSaveGuildStorage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pSaveGuildStorage_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pPartyCreated(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pPartyCreated_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pPartyCreated_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pPartyCreated_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pPartyCreated(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pPartyCreated_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pPartyCreated_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pPartyCreated_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pPartyInfo(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pPartyInfo_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pPartyInfo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pPartyInfo_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pPartyInfo(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pPartyInfo_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pPartyInfo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pPartyInfo_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pPartyMemberAdded(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pPartyMemberAdded_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pPartyMemberAdded_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pPartyMemberAdded_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pPartyMemberAdded(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pPartyMemberAdded_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pPartyMemberAdded_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pPartyMemberAdded_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pPartyOptionChanged(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pPartyOptionChanged_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pPartyOptionChanged_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pPartyOptionChanged_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pPartyOptionChanged(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pPartyOptionChanged_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pPartyOptionChanged_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pPartyOptionChanged_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pPartyMemberWithdraw(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pPartyMemberWithdraw_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pPartyMemberWithdraw_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pPartyMemberWithdraw_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pPartyMemberWithdraw(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pPartyMemberWithdraw_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pPartyMemberWithdraw_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pPartyMemberWithdraw_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pPartyMove(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pPartyMove_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pPartyMove_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pPartyMove_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pPartyMove(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pPartyMove_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pPartyMove_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pPartyMove_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pPartyBroken(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pPartyBroken_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pPartyBroken_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pPartyBroken_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pPartyBroken(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pPartyBroken_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pPartyBroken_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pPartyBroken_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pPartyMessage(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pPartyMessage_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pPartyMessage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pPartyMessage_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pPartyMessage(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pPartyMessage_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pPartyMessage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pPartyMessage_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pGuildCreated(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildCreated_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildCreated_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pGuildCreated_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pGuildCreated(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildCreated_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildCreated_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pGuildCreated_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pGuildInfo(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildInfo_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildInfo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pGuildInfo_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pGuildInfo(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildInfo_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildInfo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pGuildInfo_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pGuildMemberAdded(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildMemberAdded_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildMemberAdded_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pGuildMemberAdded_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pGuildMemberAdded(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildMemberAdded_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildMemberAdded_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pGuildMemberAdded_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pGuildMemberWithdraw(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildMemberWithdraw_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildMemberWithdraw_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pGuildMemberWithdraw_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pGuildMemberWithdraw(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildMemberWithdraw_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildMemberWithdraw_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pGuildMemberWithdraw_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pGuildMemberInfoShort(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildMemberInfoShort_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildMemberInfoShort_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pGuildMemberInfoShort_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pGuildMemberInfoShort(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildMemberInfoShort_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildMemberInfoShort_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pGuildMemberInfoShort_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pGuildBroken(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildBroken_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildBroken_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pGuildBroken_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pGuildBroken(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildBroken_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildBroken_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pGuildBroken_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pGuildMessage(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildMessage_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildMessage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pGuildMessage_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pGuildMessage(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildMessage_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildMessage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pGuildMessage_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pGuildBasicInfoChanged(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildBasicInfoChanged_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildBasicInfoChanged_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pGuildBasicInfoChanged_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pGuildBasicInfoChanged(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildBasicInfoChanged_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildBasicInfoChanged_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pGuildBasicInfoChanged_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pGuildMemberInfoChanged(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildMemberInfoChanged_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildMemberInfoChanged_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pGuildMemberInfoChanged_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pGuildMemberInfoChanged(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildMemberInfoChanged_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildMemberInfoChanged_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pGuildMemberInfoChanged_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pGuildPosition(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildPosition_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildPosition_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pGuildPosition_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pGuildPosition(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildPosition_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildPosition_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pGuildPosition_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pGuildSkillUp(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildSkillUp_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildSkillUp_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pGuildSkillUp_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pGuildSkillUp(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildSkillUp_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildSkillUp_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pGuildSkillUp_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pGuildAlliance(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildAlliance_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildAlliance_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pGuildAlliance_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pGuildAlliance(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildAlliance_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildAlliance_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pGuildAlliance_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pGuildNotice(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildNotice_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildNotice_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pGuildNotice_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pGuildNotice(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildNotice_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildNotice_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pGuildNotice_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pGuildEmblem(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildEmblem_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildEmblem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pGuildEmblem_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pGuildEmblem(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildEmblem_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildEmblem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pGuildEmblem_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pGuildCastleDataLoad(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildCastleDataLoad_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildCastleDataLoad_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pGuildCastleDataLoad_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pGuildCastleDataLoad(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildCastleDataLoad_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildCastleDataLoad_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pGuildCastleDataLoad_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pGuildMasterChanged(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildMasterChanged_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildMasterChanged_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pGuildMasterChanged_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pGuildMasterChanged(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildMasterChanged_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pGuildMasterChanged_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pGuildMasterChanged_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pQuestLog(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pQuestLog_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pQuestLog_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pQuestLog_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pQuestLog(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pQuestLog_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pQuestLog_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pQuestLog_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pQuestSave(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pQuestSave_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pQuestSave_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pQuestSave_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pQuestSave(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pQuestSave_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pQuestSave_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pQuestSave_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pMailInboxReceived(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMailInboxReceived_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMailInboxReceived_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pMailInboxReceived_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pMailInboxReceived(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMailInboxReceived_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMailInboxReceived_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pMailInboxReceived_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pMailNew(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMailNew_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMailNew_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pMailNew_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pMailNew(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMailNew_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMailNew_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pMailNew_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pMailGetAttach(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMailGetAttach_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMailGetAttach_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pMailGetAttach_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pMailGetAttach(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMailGetAttach_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMailGetAttach_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pMailGetAttach_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pMailDelete(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMailDelete_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMailDelete_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pMailDelete_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pMailDelete(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMailDelete_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMailDelete_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pMailDelete_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pMailReturn(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMailReturn_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMailReturn_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pMailReturn_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pMailReturn(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMailReturn_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMailReturn_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pMailReturn_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pMailSend(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMailSend_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMailSend_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pMailSend_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pMailSend(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMailSend_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMailSend_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pMailSend_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pAuctionResults(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pAuctionResults_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pAuctionResults_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pAuctionResults_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pAuctionResults(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pAuctionResults_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pAuctionResults_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pAuctionResults_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pAuctionRegister(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pAuctionRegister_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pAuctionRegister_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pAuctionRegister_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pAuctionRegister(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pAuctionRegister_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pAuctionRegister_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pAuctionRegister_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pAuctionCancel(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pAuctionCancel_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pAuctionCancel_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pAuctionCancel_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pAuctionCancel(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pAuctionCancel_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pAuctionCancel_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pAuctionCancel_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pAuctionClose(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pAuctionClose_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pAuctionClose_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pAuctionClose_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pAuctionClose(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pAuctionClose_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pAuctionClose_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pAuctionClose_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pAuctionMessage(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pAuctionMessage_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pAuctionMessage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pAuctionMessage_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pAuctionMessage(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pAuctionMessage_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pAuctionMessage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pAuctionMessage_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pAuctionBid(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pAuctionBid_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pAuctionBid_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pAuctionBid_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pAuctionBid(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pAuctionBid_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pAuctionBid_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pAuctionBid_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pMercenaryReceived(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMercenaryReceived_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMercenaryReceived_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pMercenaryReceived_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pMercenaryReceived(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMercenaryReceived_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMercenaryReceived_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pMercenaryReceived_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pMercenaryDeleted(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMercenaryDeleted_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMercenaryDeleted_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pMercenaryDeleted_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pMercenaryDeleted(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMercenaryDeleted_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMercenaryDeleted_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pMercenaryDeleted_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pMercenarySaved(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMercenarySaved_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMercenarySaved_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pMercenarySaved_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pMercenarySaved(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMercenarySaved_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pMercenarySaved_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pMercenarySaved_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pElementalReceived(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pElementalReceived_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pElementalReceived_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pElementalReceived_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pElementalReceived(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pElementalReceived_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pElementalReceived_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pElementalReceived_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pElementalDeleted(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pElementalDeleted_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pElementalDeleted_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pElementalDeleted_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pElementalDeleted(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pElementalDeleted_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pElementalDeleted_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pElementalDeleted_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pElementalSaved(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pElementalSaved_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pElementalSaved_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pElementalSaved_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pElementalSaved(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pElementalSaved_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pElementalSaved_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pElementalSaved_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pCreatePet(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pCreatePet_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pCreatePet_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pCreatePet_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pCreatePet(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pCreatePet_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pCreatePet_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pCreatePet_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pRecvPetData(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pRecvPetData_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pRecvPetData_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pRecvPetData_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pRecvPetData(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pRecvPetData_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pRecvPetData_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pRecvPetData_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pSavePetOk(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pSavePetOk_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pSavePetOk_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pSavePetOk_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pSavePetOk(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pSavePetOk_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pSavePetOk_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pSavePetOk_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pDeletePetOk(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pDeletePetOk_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pDeletePetOk_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pDeletePetOk_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pDeletePetOk(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pDeletePetOk_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pDeletePetOk_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pDeletePetOk_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pCreateHomunculus(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pCreateHomunculus_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pCreateHomunculus_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pCreateHomunculus_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pCreateHomunculus(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pCreateHomunculus_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pCreateHomunculus_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pCreateHomunculus_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pRecvHomunculusData(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pRecvHomunculusData_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pRecvHomunculusData_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pRecvHomunculusData_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pRecvHomunculusData(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pRecvHomunculusData_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pRecvHomunculusData_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pRecvHomunculusData_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pSaveHomunculusOk(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pSaveHomunculusOk_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pSaveHomunculusOk_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pSaveHomunculusOk_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pSaveHomunculusOk(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pSaveHomunculusOk_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pSaveHomunculusOk_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pSaveHomunculusOk_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } void HP_intif_pDeleteHomunculusOk(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pDeleteHomunculusOk_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pDeleteHomunculusOk_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pDeleteHomunculusOk_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.intif.pDeleteHomunculusOk(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pDeleteHomunculusOk_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_intif_pDeleteHomunculusOk_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_intif_pDeleteHomunculusOk_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd); } } return; } /* ircbot */ void HP_ircbot_init(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_init_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_init_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_ircbot_init_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.ircbot.init(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_init_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_init_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_ircbot_init_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_ircbot_final(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_final_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_final_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_ircbot_final_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.ircbot.final(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_final_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_final_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_ircbot_final_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } int HP_ircbot_parse(int fd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_parse_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_parse_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_ircbot_parse_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.ircbot.parse(fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_parse_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_parse_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_ircbot_parse_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &fd); } } return retVal___; } void HP_ircbot_parse_sub(int fd, char *str) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_parse_sub_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, char *str); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_parse_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_ircbot_parse_sub_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, str); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.ircbot.parse_sub(fd, str); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_parse_sub_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, char *str); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_parse_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_ircbot_parse_sub_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, str); } } return; } void HP_ircbot_parse_source(char *source, char *nick, char *ident, char *host) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_parse_source_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (char *source, char *nick, char *ident, char *host); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_parse_source_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_ircbot_parse_source_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(source, nick, ident, host); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.ircbot.parse_source(source, nick, ident, host); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_parse_source_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (char *source, char *nick, char *ident, char *host); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_parse_source_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_ircbot_parse_source_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(source, nick, ident, host); } } return; } struct irc_func* HP_ircbot_func_search(char *function_name) { int hIndex = 0; struct irc_func* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_func_search_pre ) { struct irc_func* (*preHookFunc) (char *function_name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_func_search_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_ircbot_func_search_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(function_name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.ircbot.func_search(function_name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_func_search_post ) { struct irc_func* (*postHookFunc) (struct irc_func* retVal___, char *function_name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_func_search_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_ircbot_func_search_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, function_name); } } return retVal___; } int HP_ircbot_connect_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_connect_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_connect_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_ircbot_connect_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.ircbot.connect_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_connect_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_connect_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_ircbot_connect_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_ircbot_identify_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_identify_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_identify_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_ircbot_identify_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.ircbot.identify_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_identify_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_identify_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_ircbot_identify_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_ircbot_join_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_join_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_join_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_ircbot_join_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.ircbot.join_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_join_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_join_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_ircbot_join_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } void HP_ircbot_send(char *str) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_send_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (char *str); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_send_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_ircbot_send_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(str); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.ircbot.send(str); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_send_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (char *str); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_send_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_ircbot_send_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(str); } } return; } void HP_ircbot_relay(char *name, const char *msg) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_relay_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (char *name, const char *msg); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_relay_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_ircbot_relay_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(name, msg); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.ircbot.relay(name, msg); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_relay_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (char *name, const char *msg); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_relay_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_ircbot_relay_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(name, msg); } } return; } void HP_ircbot_pong(int fd, char *cmd, char *source, char *target, char *msg) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_pong_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, char *cmd, char *source, char *target, char *msg); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_pong_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_ircbot_pong_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, cmd, source, target, msg); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.ircbot.pong(fd, cmd, source, target, msg); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_pong_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, char *cmd, char *source, char *target, char *msg); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_pong_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_ircbot_pong_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, cmd, source, target, msg); } } return; } void HP_ircbot_privmsg(int fd, char *cmd, char *source, char *target, char *msg) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_privmsg_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, char *cmd, char *source, char *target, char *msg); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_privmsg_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_ircbot_privmsg_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, cmd, source, target, msg); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.ircbot.privmsg(fd, cmd, source, target, msg); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_privmsg_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, char *cmd, char *source, char *target, char *msg); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_privmsg_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_ircbot_privmsg_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, cmd, source, target, msg); } } return; } void HP_ircbot_userjoin(int fd, char *cmd, char *source, char *target, char *msg) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_userjoin_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, char *cmd, char *source, char *target, char *msg); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_userjoin_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_ircbot_userjoin_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, cmd, source, target, msg); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.ircbot.userjoin(fd, cmd, source, target, msg); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_userjoin_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, char *cmd, char *source, char *target, char *msg); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_userjoin_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_ircbot_userjoin_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, cmd, source, target, msg); } } return; } void HP_ircbot_userleave(int fd, char *cmd, char *source, char *target, char *msg) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_userleave_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, char *cmd, char *source, char *target, char *msg); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_userleave_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_ircbot_userleave_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, cmd, source, target, msg); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.ircbot.userleave(fd, cmd, source, target, msg); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_userleave_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, char *cmd, char *source, char *target, char *msg); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_userleave_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_ircbot_userleave_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, cmd, source, target, msg); } } return; } void HP_ircbot_usernick(int fd, char *cmd, char *source, char *target, char *msg) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_usernick_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *fd, char *cmd, char *source, char *target, char *msg); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_usernick_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_ircbot_usernick_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&fd, cmd, source, target, msg); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.ircbot.usernick(fd, cmd, source, target, msg); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_usernick_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *fd, char *cmd, char *source, char *target, char *msg); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_ircbot_usernick_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_ircbot_usernick_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&fd, cmd, source, target, msg); } } return; } /* itemdb */ void HP_itemdb_init(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_init_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_init_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_init_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.itemdb.init(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_init_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_init_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_init_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_itemdb_final(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_final_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_final_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_final_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.itemdb.final(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_final_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_final_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_final_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_itemdb_reload(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_reload_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_reload_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_reload_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.itemdb.reload(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_reload_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_reload_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_reload_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_itemdb_name_constants(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_name_constants_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_name_constants_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_name_constants_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.itemdb.name_constants(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_name_constants_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_name_constants_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_name_constants_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_itemdb_force_name_constants(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_force_name_constants_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_force_name_constants_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_force_name_constants_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.itemdb.force_name_constants(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_force_name_constants_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_force_name_constants_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_force_name_constants_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_itemdb_read_groups(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_groups_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_groups_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_read_groups_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.itemdb.read_groups(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_groups_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_groups_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_read_groups_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_itemdb_read_chains(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_chains_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_chains_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_read_chains_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.itemdb.read_chains(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_chains_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_chains_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_read_chains_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_itemdb_read_packages(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_packages_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_packages_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_read_packages_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.itemdb.read_packages(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_packages_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_packages_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_read_packages_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_itemdb_write_cached_packages(const char *config_filename) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_write_cached_packages_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (const char *config_filename); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_write_cached_packages_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_write_cached_packages_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(config_filename); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.itemdb.write_cached_packages(config_filename); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_write_cached_packages_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (const char *config_filename); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_write_cached_packages_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_write_cached_packages_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(config_filename); } } return; } bool HP_itemdb_read_cached_packages(const char *config_filename) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_cached_packages_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (const char *config_filename); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_cached_packages_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_read_cached_packages_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(config_filename); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.read_cached_packages(config_filename); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_cached_packages_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, const char *config_filename); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_cached_packages_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_read_cached_packages_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, config_filename); } } return retVal___; } struct item_data* HP_itemdb_name2id(const char *str) { int hIndex = 0; struct item_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_name2id_pre ) { struct item_data* (*preHookFunc) (const char *str); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_name2id_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_name2id_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(str); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.name2id(str); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_name2id_post ) { struct item_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct item_data* retVal___, const char *str); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_name2id_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_name2id_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, str); } } return retVal___; } struct item_data* HP_itemdb_search_name(const char *name) { int hIndex = 0; struct item_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_search_name_pre ) { struct item_data* (*preHookFunc) (const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_search_name_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_search_name_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.search_name(name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_search_name_post ) { struct item_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct item_data* retVal___, const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_search_name_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_search_name_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, name); } } return retVal___; } int HP_itemdb_search_name_array(struct item_data **data, int size, const char *str, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_search_name_array_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct item_data **data, int *size, const char *str, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_search_name_array_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_search_name_array_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(data, &size, str, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.search_name_array(data, size, str, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_search_name_array_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct item_data **data, int *size, const char *str, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_search_name_array_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_search_name_array_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, data, &size, str, &flag); } } return retVal___; } struct item_data* HP_itemdb_load(int nameid) { int hIndex = 0; struct item_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_load_pre ) { struct item_data* (*preHookFunc) (int *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_load_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_load_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&nameid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.load(nameid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_load_post ) { struct item_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct item_data* retVal___, int *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_load_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_load_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &nameid); } } return retVal___; } struct item_data* HP_itemdb_search(int nameid) { int hIndex = 0; struct item_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_search_pre ) { struct item_data* (*preHookFunc) (int *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_search_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_search_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&nameid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.search(nameid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_search_post ) { struct item_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct item_data* retVal___, int *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_search_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_search_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &nameid); } } return retVal___; } int HP_itemdb_parse_dbrow(char **str, const char *source, int line, int scriptopt) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_parse_dbrow_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (char **str, const char *source, int *line, int *scriptopt); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_parse_dbrow_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_parse_dbrow_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(str, source, &line, &scriptopt); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.parse_dbrow(str, source, line, scriptopt); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_parse_dbrow_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, char **str, const char *source, int *line, int *scriptopt); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_parse_dbrow_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_parse_dbrow_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, str, source, &line, &scriptopt); } } return retVal___; } struct item_data* HP_itemdb_exists(int nameid) { int hIndex = 0; struct item_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_exists_pre ) { struct item_data* (*preHookFunc) (int *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_exists_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_exists_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&nameid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.exists(nameid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_exists_post ) { struct item_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct item_data* retVal___, int *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_exists_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_exists_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &nameid); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_itemdb_in_group(struct item_group *group, int nameid) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_in_group_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct item_group *group, int *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_in_group_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_in_group_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(group, &nameid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.in_group(group, nameid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_in_group_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct item_group *group, int *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_in_group_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_in_group_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, group, &nameid); } } return retVal___; } int HP_itemdb_group_item(struct item_group *group) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_group_item_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct item_group *group); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_group_item_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_group_item_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(group); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.group_item(group); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_group_item_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct item_group *group); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_group_item_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_group_item_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, group); } } return retVal___; } int HP_itemdb_chain_item(unsigned short chain_id, int *rate) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_chain_item_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (unsigned short *chain_id, int *rate); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_chain_item_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_chain_item_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&chain_id, rate); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.chain_item(chain_id, rate); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_chain_item_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, unsigned short *chain_id, int *rate); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_chain_item_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_chain_item_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &chain_id, rate); } } return retVal___; } void HP_itemdb_package_item(struct map_session_data *sd, struct item_package *package) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_package_item_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct item_package *package); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_package_item_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_package_item_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, package); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.itemdb.package_item(sd, package); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_package_item_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct item_package *package); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_package_item_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_package_item_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, package); } } return; } int HP_itemdb_searchname_sub(DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_searchname_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_searchname_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_searchname_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.searchname_sub(key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_searchname_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_searchname_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_searchname_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_itemdb_searchname_array_sub(DBKey key, DBData data, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_searchname_array_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_searchname_array_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_searchname_array_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&key, &data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.searchname_array_sub(key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_searchname_array_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_searchname_array_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_searchname_array_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &key, &data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_itemdb_searchrandomid(struct item_group *group) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_searchrandomid_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct item_group *group); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_searchrandomid_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_searchrandomid_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(group); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.searchrandomid(group); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_searchrandomid_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct item_group *group); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_searchrandomid_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_searchrandomid_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, group); } } return retVal___; } const char* HP_itemdb_typename(int type) { int hIndex = 0; const char* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_typename_pre ) { const char* (*preHookFunc) (int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_typename_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_typename_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.typename(type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_typename_post ) { const char* (*postHookFunc) (const char* retVal___, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_typename_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_typename_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &type); } } return retVal___; } void HP_itemdb_jobid2mapid(unsigned int *bclass, unsigned int jobmask) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_jobid2mapid_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (unsigned int *bclass, unsigned int *jobmask); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_jobid2mapid_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_jobid2mapid_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bclass, &jobmask); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.itemdb.jobid2mapid(bclass, jobmask); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_jobid2mapid_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (unsigned int *bclass, unsigned int *jobmask); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_jobid2mapid_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_jobid2mapid_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bclass, &jobmask); } } return; } void HP_itemdb_create_dummy_data(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_create_dummy_data_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_create_dummy_data_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_create_dummy_data_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.itemdb.create_dummy_data(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_create_dummy_data_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_create_dummy_data_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_create_dummy_data_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } struct item_data* HP_itemdb_create_item_data(int nameid) { int hIndex = 0; struct item_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_create_item_data_pre ) { struct item_data* (*preHookFunc) (int *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_create_item_data_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_create_item_data_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&nameid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.create_item_data(nameid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_create_item_data_post ) { struct item_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct item_data* retVal___, int *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_create_item_data_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_create_item_data_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &nameid); } } return retVal___; } int HP_itemdb_isequip(int nameid) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_isequip_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_isequip_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_isequip_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&nameid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.isequip(nameid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_isequip_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_isequip_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_isequip_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &nameid); } } return retVal___; } int HP_itemdb_isequip2(struct item_data *data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_isequip2_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct item_data *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_isequip2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_isequip2_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.isequip2(data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_isequip2_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct item_data *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_isequip2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_isequip2_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_itemdb_isstackable(int nameid) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_isstackable_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_isstackable_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_isstackable_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&nameid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.isstackable(nameid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_isstackable_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_isstackable_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_isstackable_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &nameid); } } return retVal___; } int HP_itemdb_isstackable2(struct item_data *data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_isstackable2_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct item_data *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_isstackable2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_isstackable2_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.isstackable2(data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_isstackable2_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct item_data *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_isstackable2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_isstackable2_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_itemdb_isdropable_sub(struct item_data *item, int gmlv, int unused) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_isdropable_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct item_data *item, int *gmlv, int *unused); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_isdropable_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_isdropable_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(item, &gmlv, &unused); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.isdropable_sub(item, gmlv, unused); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_isdropable_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct item_data *item, int *gmlv, int *unused); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_isdropable_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_isdropable_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, item, &gmlv, &unused); } } return retVal___; } int HP_itemdb_cantrade_sub(struct item_data *item, int gmlv, int gmlv2) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_cantrade_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct item_data *item, int *gmlv, int *gmlv2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_cantrade_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_cantrade_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(item, &gmlv, &gmlv2); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.cantrade_sub(item, gmlv, gmlv2); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_cantrade_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct item_data *item, int *gmlv, int *gmlv2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_cantrade_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_cantrade_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, item, &gmlv, &gmlv2); } } return retVal___; } int HP_itemdb_canpartnertrade_sub(struct item_data *item, int gmlv, int gmlv2) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_canpartnertrade_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct item_data *item, int *gmlv, int *gmlv2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_canpartnertrade_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_canpartnertrade_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(item, &gmlv, &gmlv2); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.canpartnertrade_sub(item, gmlv, gmlv2); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_canpartnertrade_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct item_data *item, int *gmlv, int *gmlv2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_canpartnertrade_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_canpartnertrade_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, item, &gmlv, &gmlv2); } } return retVal___; } int HP_itemdb_cansell_sub(struct item_data *item, int gmlv, int unused) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_cansell_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct item_data *item, int *gmlv, int *unused); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_cansell_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_cansell_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(item, &gmlv, &unused); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.cansell_sub(item, gmlv, unused); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_cansell_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct item_data *item, int *gmlv, int *unused); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_cansell_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_cansell_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, item, &gmlv, &unused); } } return retVal___; } int HP_itemdb_cancartstore_sub(struct item_data *item, int gmlv, int unused) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_cancartstore_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct item_data *item, int *gmlv, int *unused); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_cancartstore_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_cancartstore_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(item, &gmlv, &unused); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.cancartstore_sub(item, gmlv, unused); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_cancartstore_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct item_data *item, int *gmlv, int *unused); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_cancartstore_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_cancartstore_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, item, &gmlv, &unused); } } return retVal___; } int HP_itemdb_canstore_sub(struct item_data *item, int gmlv, int unused) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_canstore_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct item_data *item, int *gmlv, int *unused); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_canstore_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_canstore_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(item, &gmlv, &unused); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.canstore_sub(item, gmlv, unused); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_canstore_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct item_data *item, int *gmlv, int *unused); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_canstore_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_canstore_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, item, &gmlv, &unused); } } return retVal___; } int HP_itemdb_canguildstore_sub(struct item_data *item, int gmlv, int unused) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_canguildstore_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct item_data *item, int *gmlv, int *unused); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_canguildstore_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_canguildstore_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(item, &gmlv, &unused); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.canguildstore_sub(item, gmlv, unused); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_canguildstore_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct item_data *item, int *gmlv, int *unused); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_canguildstore_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_canguildstore_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, item, &gmlv, &unused); } } return retVal___; } int HP_itemdb_canmail_sub(struct item_data *item, int gmlv, int unused) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_canmail_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct item_data *item, int *gmlv, int *unused); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_canmail_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_canmail_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(item, &gmlv, &unused); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.canmail_sub(item, gmlv, unused); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_canmail_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct item_data *item, int *gmlv, int *unused); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_canmail_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_canmail_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, item, &gmlv, &unused); } } return retVal___; } int HP_itemdb_canauction_sub(struct item_data *item, int gmlv, int unused) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_canauction_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct item_data *item, int *gmlv, int *unused); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_canauction_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_canauction_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(item, &gmlv, &unused); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.canauction_sub(item, gmlv, unused); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_canauction_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct item_data *item, int *gmlv, int *unused); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_canauction_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_canauction_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, item, &gmlv, &unused); } } return retVal___; } int HP_itemdb_isrestricted(struct item *item, int gmlv, int gmlv2, int ( *func ) (struct item_data *, int, int)) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_isrestricted_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct item *item, int *gmlv, int *gmlv2, int ( *func ) (struct item_data *, int, int)); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_isrestricted_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_isrestricted_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(item, &gmlv, &gmlv2, func); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.isrestricted(item, gmlv, gmlv2, func); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_isrestricted_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct item *item, int *gmlv, int *gmlv2, int ( *func ) (struct item_data *, int, int)); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_isrestricted_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_isrestricted_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, item, &gmlv, &gmlv2, func); } } return retVal___; } int HP_itemdb_isidentified(int nameid) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_isidentified_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_isidentified_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_isidentified_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&nameid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.isidentified(nameid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_isidentified_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_isidentified_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_isidentified_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &nameid); } } return retVal___; } int HP_itemdb_isidentified2(struct item_data *data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_isidentified2_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct item_data *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_isidentified2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_isidentified2_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.isidentified2(data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_isidentified2_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct item_data *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_isidentified2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_isidentified2_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, data); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_itemdb_read_itemavail(char *str[], int columns, int current) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_itemavail_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *str[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_itemavail_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_read_itemavail_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(str, &columns, ¤t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.read_itemavail(str, columns, current); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_itemavail_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *str[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_itemavail_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_read_itemavail_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, str, &columns, ¤t); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_itemdb_read_itemtrade(char *str[], int columns, int current) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_itemtrade_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *str[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_itemtrade_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_read_itemtrade_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(str, &columns, ¤t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.read_itemtrade(str, columns, current); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_itemtrade_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *str[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_itemtrade_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_read_itemtrade_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, str, &columns, ¤t); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_itemdb_read_itemdelay(char *str[], int columns, int current) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_itemdelay_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *str[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_itemdelay_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_read_itemdelay_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(str, &columns, ¤t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.read_itemdelay(str, columns, current); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_itemdelay_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *str[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_itemdelay_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_read_itemdelay_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, str, &columns, ¤t); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_itemdb_read_stack(char *fields[], int columns, int current) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_stack_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *fields[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_stack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_read_stack_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(fields, &columns, ¤t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.read_stack(fields, columns, current); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_stack_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *fields[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_stack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_read_stack_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, fields, &columns, ¤t); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_itemdb_read_buyingstore(char *fields[], int columns, int current) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_buyingstore_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *fields[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_buyingstore_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_read_buyingstore_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(fields, &columns, ¤t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.read_buyingstore(fields, columns, current); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_buyingstore_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *fields[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_buyingstore_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_read_buyingstore_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, fields, &columns, ¤t); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_itemdb_read_nouse(char *fields[], int columns, int current) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_nouse_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *fields[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_nouse_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_read_nouse_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(fields, &columns, ¤t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.read_nouse(fields, columns, current); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_nouse_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *fields[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_nouse_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_read_nouse_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, fields, &columns, ¤t); } } return retVal___; } int HP_itemdb_combo_split_atoi(char *str, int *val) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_combo_split_atoi_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (char *str, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_combo_split_atoi_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_combo_split_atoi_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(str, val); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.combo_split_atoi(str, val); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_combo_split_atoi_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, char *str, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_combo_split_atoi_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_combo_split_atoi_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, str, val); } } return retVal___; } void HP_itemdb_read_combos(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_combos_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_combos_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_read_combos_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.itemdb.read_combos(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_combos_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_combos_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_read_combos_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } int HP_itemdb_gendercheck(struct item_data *id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_gendercheck_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct item_data *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_gendercheck_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_gendercheck_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.gendercheck(id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_gendercheck_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct item_data *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_gendercheck_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_gendercheck_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, id); } } return retVal___; } void HP_itemdb_re_split_atoi(char *str, int *atk, int *matk) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_re_split_atoi_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (char *str, int *atk, int *matk); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_re_split_atoi_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_re_split_atoi_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(str, atk, matk); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.itemdb.re_split_atoi(str, atk, matk); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_re_split_atoi_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (char *str, int *atk, int *matk); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_re_split_atoi_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_re_split_atoi_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(str, atk, matk); } } return; } int HP_itemdb_readdb(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_readdb_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_readdb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_readdb_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.readdb(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_readdb_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_readdb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_readdb_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } int HP_itemdb_read_sqldb(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_sqldb_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_sqldb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_read_sqldb_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.read_sqldb(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_sqldb_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_sqldb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_read_sqldb_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } uint64 HP_itemdb_unique_id(int8 flag, int64 value) { int hIndex = 0; uint64 retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_unique_id_pre ) { uint64 (*preHookFunc) (int8 *flag, int64 *value); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_unique_id_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_unique_id_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&flag, &value); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.unique_id(flag, value); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_unique_id_post ) { uint64 (*postHookFunc) (uint64 retVal___, int8 *flag, int64 *value); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_unique_id_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_unique_id_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &flag, &value); } } return retVal___; } int HP_itemdb_uid_load(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_uid_load_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_uid_load_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_uid_load_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.uid_load(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_uid_load_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_uid_load_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_uid_load_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } void HP_itemdb_read(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_read_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.itemdb.read(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_read_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_read_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_itemdb_destroy_item_data(struct item_data *self, int free_self) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_destroy_item_data_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct item_data *self, int *free_self); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_destroy_item_data_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_destroy_item_data_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(self, &free_self); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.itemdb.destroy_item_data(self, free_self); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_destroy_item_data_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct item_data *self, int *free_self); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_destroy_item_data_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_destroy_item_data_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(self, &free_self); } } return; } int HP_itemdb_final_sub(DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_final_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_final_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_final_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.itemdb.final_sub(key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_final_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_itemdb_final_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_itemdb_final_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } /* logs */ void HP_logs_pick_pc(struct map_session_data *sd, e_log_pick_type type, int amount, struct item *itm, struct item_data *data) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_pick_pc_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, e_log_pick_type *type, int *amount, struct item *itm, struct item_data *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_pick_pc_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_pick_pc_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &type, &amount, itm, data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.logs.pick_pc(sd, type, amount, itm, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_pick_pc_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, e_log_pick_type *type, int *amount, struct item *itm, struct item_data *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_pick_pc_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_pick_pc_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &type, &amount, itm, data); } } return; } void HP_logs_pick_mob(struct mob_data *md, e_log_pick_type type, int amount, struct item *itm, struct item_data *data) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_pick_mob_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md, e_log_pick_type *type, int *amount, struct item *itm, struct item_data *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_pick_mob_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_pick_mob_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(md, &type, &amount, itm, data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.logs.pick_mob(md, type, amount, itm, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_pick_mob_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md, e_log_pick_type *type, int *amount, struct item *itm, struct item_data *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_pick_mob_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_pick_mob_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(md, &type, &amount, itm, data); } } return; } void HP_logs_zeny(struct map_session_data *sd, e_log_pick_type type, struct map_session_data *src_sd, int amount) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_zeny_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, e_log_pick_type *type, struct map_session_data *src_sd, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_zeny_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_zeny_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &type, src_sd, &amount); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.logs.zeny(sd, type, src_sd, amount); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_zeny_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, e_log_pick_type *type, struct map_session_data *src_sd, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_zeny_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_zeny_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &type, src_sd, &amount); } } return; } void HP_logs_npc(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *message) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_npc_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *message); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_npc_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_npc_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, message); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.logs.npc(sd, message); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_npc_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *message); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_npc_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_npc_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, message); } } return; } void HP_logs_chat(e_log_chat_type type, int type_id, int src_charid, int src_accid, const char *mapname, int x, int y, const char *dst_charname, const char *message) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_chat_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (e_log_chat_type *type, int *type_id, int *src_charid, int *src_accid, const char *mapname, int *x, int *y, const char *dst_charname, const char *message); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_chat_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_chat_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&type, &type_id, &src_charid, &src_accid, mapname, &x, &y, dst_charname, message); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.logs.chat(type, type_id, src_charid, src_accid, mapname, x, y, dst_charname, message); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_chat_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (e_log_chat_type *type, int *type_id, int *src_charid, int *src_accid, const char *mapname, int *x, int *y, const char *dst_charname, const char *message); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_chat_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_chat_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&type, &type_id, &src_charid, &src_accid, mapname, &x, &y, dst_charname, message); } } return; } void HP_logs_atcommand(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *message) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_atcommand_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *message); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_atcommand_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_atcommand_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, message); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.logs.atcommand(sd, message); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_atcommand_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *message); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_atcommand_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_atcommand_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, message); } } return; } void HP_logs_branch(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_branch_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_branch_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_branch_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.logs.branch(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_branch_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_branch_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_branch_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_logs_mvpdrop(struct map_session_data *sd, int monster_id, int *log_mvp) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_mvpdrop_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *monster_id, int *log_mvp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_mvpdrop_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_mvpdrop_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &monster_id, log_mvp); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.logs.mvpdrop(sd, monster_id, log_mvp); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_mvpdrop_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *monster_id, int *log_mvp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_mvpdrop_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_mvpdrop_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &monster_id, log_mvp); } } return; } void HP_logs_pick_sub(int id, int16 m, e_log_pick_type type, int amount, struct item *itm, struct item_data *data) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_pick_sub_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *id, int16 *m, e_log_pick_type *type, int *amount, struct item *itm, struct item_data *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_pick_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_pick_sub_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&id, &m, &type, &amount, itm, data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.logs.pick_sub(id, m, type, amount, itm, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_pick_sub_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *id, int16 *m, e_log_pick_type *type, int *amount, struct item *itm, struct item_data *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_pick_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_pick_sub_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&id, &m, &type, &amount, itm, data); } } return; } void HP_logs_zeny_sub(struct map_session_data *sd, e_log_pick_type type, struct map_session_data *src_sd, int amount) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_zeny_sub_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, e_log_pick_type *type, struct map_session_data *src_sd, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_zeny_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_zeny_sub_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &type, src_sd, &amount); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.logs.zeny_sub(sd, type, src_sd, amount); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_zeny_sub_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, e_log_pick_type *type, struct map_session_data *src_sd, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_zeny_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_zeny_sub_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &type, src_sd, &amount); } } return; } void HP_logs_npc_sub(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *message) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_npc_sub_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *message); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_npc_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_npc_sub_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, message); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.logs.npc_sub(sd, message); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_npc_sub_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *message); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_npc_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_npc_sub_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, message); } } return; } void HP_logs_chat_sub(e_log_chat_type type, int type_id, int src_charid, int src_accid, const char *mapname, int x, int y, const char *dst_charname, const char *message) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_chat_sub_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (e_log_chat_type *type, int *type_id, int *src_charid, int *src_accid, const char *mapname, int *x, int *y, const char *dst_charname, const char *message); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_chat_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_chat_sub_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&type, &type_id, &src_charid, &src_accid, mapname, &x, &y, dst_charname, message); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.logs.chat_sub(type, type_id, src_charid, src_accid, mapname, x, y, dst_charname, message); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_chat_sub_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (e_log_chat_type *type, int *type_id, int *src_charid, int *src_accid, const char *mapname, int *x, int *y, const char *dst_charname, const char *message); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_chat_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_chat_sub_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&type, &type_id, &src_charid, &src_accid, mapname, &x, &y, dst_charname, message); } } return; } void HP_logs_atcommand_sub(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *message) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_atcommand_sub_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *message); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_atcommand_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_atcommand_sub_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, message); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.logs.atcommand_sub(sd, message); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_atcommand_sub_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *message); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_atcommand_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_atcommand_sub_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, message); } } return; } void HP_logs_branch_sub(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_branch_sub_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_branch_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_branch_sub_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.logs.branch_sub(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_branch_sub_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_branch_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_branch_sub_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_logs_mvpdrop_sub(struct map_session_data *sd, int monster_id, int *log_mvp) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_mvpdrop_sub_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *monster_id, int *log_mvp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_mvpdrop_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_mvpdrop_sub_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &monster_id, log_mvp); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.logs.mvpdrop_sub(sd, monster_id, log_mvp); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_mvpdrop_sub_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *monster_id, int *log_mvp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_mvpdrop_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_mvpdrop_sub_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &monster_id, log_mvp); } } return; } int HP_logs_config_read(const char *cfgName) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_config_read_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (const char *cfgName); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_config_read_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_config_read_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(cfgName); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.logs.config_read(cfgName); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_config_read_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, const char *cfgName); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_config_read_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_config_read_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, cfgName); } } return retVal___; } void HP_logs_config_done(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_config_done_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_config_done_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_config_done_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.logs.config_done(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_config_done_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_config_done_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_config_done_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_logs_sql_init(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_sql_init_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_sql_init_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_sql_init_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.logs.sql_init(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_sql_init_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_sql_init_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_sql_init_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_logs_sql_final(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_sql_final_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_sql_final_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_sql_final_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.logs.sql_final(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_sql_final_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_sql_final_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_sql_final_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } char HP_logs_picktype2char(e_log_pick_type type) { int hIndex = 0; char retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_picktype2char_pre ) { char (*preHookFunc) (e_log_pick_type *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_picktype2char_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_picktype2char_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.logs.picktype2char(type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_picktype2char_post ) { char (*postHookFunc) (char retVal___, e_log_pick_type *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_picktype2char_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_picktype2char_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &type); } } return retVal___; } char HP_logs_chattype2char(e_log_chat_type type) { int hIndex = 0; char retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_chattype2char_pre ) { char (*preHookFunc) (e_log_chat_type *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_chattype2char_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_chattype2char_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.logs.chattype2char(type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_chattype2char_post ) { char (*postHookFunc) (char retVal___, e_log_chat_type *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_chattype2char_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_chattype2char_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &type); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_logs_should_log_item(int nameid, int amount, int refine, struct item_data *id) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_should_log_item_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (int *nameid, int *amount, int *refine, struct item_data *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_should_log_item_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_should_log_item_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&nameid, &amount, &refine, id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.logs.should_log_item(nameid, amount, refine, id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_should_log_item_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, int *nameid, int *amount, int *refine, struct item_data *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_logs_should_log_item_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_logs_should_log_item_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &nameid, &amount, &refine, id); } } return retVal___; } /* mail */ void HP_mail_clear(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mail_clear_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mail_clear_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mail_clear_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.mail.clear(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mail_clear_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mail_clear_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mail_clear_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } int HP_mail_removeitem(struct map_session_data *sd, short flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mail_removeitem_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, short *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mail_removeitem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mail_removeitem_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mail.removeitem(sd, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mail_removeitem_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, short *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mail_removeitem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mail_removeitem_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mail_removezeny(struct map_session_data *sd, short flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mail_removezeny_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, short *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mail_removezeny_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mail_removezeny_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mail.removezeny(sd, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mail_removezeny_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, short *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mail_removezeny_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mail_removezeny_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &flag); } } return retVal___; } unsigned char HP_mail_setitem(struct map_session_data *sd, int idx, int amount) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned char retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mail_setitem_pre ) { unsigned char (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *idx, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mail_setitem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mail_setitem_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &idx, &amount); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mail.setitem(sd, idx, amount); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mail_setitem_post ) { unsigned char (*postHookFunc) (unsigned char retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *idx, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mail_setitem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mail_setitem_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &idx, &amount); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_mail_setattachment(struct map_session_data *sd, struct mail_message *msg) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mail_setattachment_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct mail_message *msg); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mail_setattachment_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mail_setattachment_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, msg); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mail.setattachment(sd, msg); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mail_setattachment_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct mail_message *msg); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mail_setattachment_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mail_setattachment_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, msg); } } return retVal___; } void HP_mail_getattachment(struct map_session_data *sd, int zeny, struct item *item) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mail_getattachment_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *zeny, struct item *item); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mail_getattachment_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mail_getattachment_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &zeny, item); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.mail.getattachment(sd, zeny, item); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mail_getattachment_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *zeny, struct item *item); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mail_getattachment_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mail_getattachment_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &zeny, item); } } return; } int HP_mail_openmail(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mail_openmail_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mail_openmail_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mail_openmail_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mail.openmail(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mail_openmail_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mail_openmail_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mail_openmail_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } void HP_mail_deliveryfail(struct map_session_data *sd, struct mail_message *msg) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mail_deliveryfail_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct mail_message *msg); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mail_deliveryfail_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mail_deliveryfail_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, msg); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.mail.deliveryfail(sd, msg); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mail_deliveryfail_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct mail_message *msg); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mail_deliveryfail_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mail_deliveryfail_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, msg); } } return; } bool HP_mail_invalid_operation(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mail_invalid_operation_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mail_invalid_operation_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mail_invalid_operation_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mail.invalid_operation(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mail_invalid_operation_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mail_invalid_operation_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mail_invalid_operation_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } /* map */ void HP_map_zone_init(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_init_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_init_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_zone_init_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.zone_init(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_init_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_init_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_zone_init_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_map_zone_remove(int m) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_remove_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *m); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_remove_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_zone_remove_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&m); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.zone_remove(m); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_remove_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *m); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_remove_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_zone_remove_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&m); } } return; } void HP_map_zone_apply(int m, struct map_zone_data *zone, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_apply_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *m, struct map_zone_data *zone, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_apply_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_zone_apply_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&m, zone, start, buffer, filepath); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.zone_apply(m, zone, start, buffer, filepath); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_apply_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *m, struct map_zone_data *zone, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_apply_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_zone_apply_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&m, zone, start, buffer, filepath); } } return; } void HP_map_zone_change(int m, struct map_zone_data *zone, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_change_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *m, struct map_zone_data *zone, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_change_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_zone_change_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&m, zone, start, buffer, filepath); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.zone_change(m, zone, start, buffer, filepath); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_change_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *m, struct map_zone_data *zone, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_change_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_zone_change_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&m, zone, start, buffer, filepath); } } return; } void HP_map_zone_change2(int m, struct map_zone_data *zone) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_change2_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *m, struct map_zone_data *zone); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_change2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_zone_change2_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&m, zone); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.zone_change2(m, zone); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_change2_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *m, struct map_zone_data *zone); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_change2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_zone_change2_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&m, zone); } } return; } int HP_map_getcell(int16 m, int16 x, int16 y, cell_chk cellchk) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_getcell_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int16 *m, int16 *x, int16 *y, cell_chk *cellchk); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_getcell_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_getcell_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&m, &x, &y, &cellchk); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.getcell(m, x, y, cellchk); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_getcell_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int16 *m, int16 *x, int16 *y, cell_chk *cellchk); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_getcell_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_getcell_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &m, &x, &y, &cellchk); } } return retVal___; } void HP_map_setgatcell(int16 m, int16 x, int16 y, int gat) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_setgatcell_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int16 *m, int16 *x, int16 *y, int *gat); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_setgatcell_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_setgatcell_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&m, &x, &y, &gat); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.setgatcell(m, x, y, gat); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_setgatcell_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int16 *m, int16 *x, int16 *y, int *gat); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_setgatcell_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_setgatcell_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&m, &x, &y, &gat); } } return; } void HP_map_cellfromcache(struct map_data *m) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_cellfromcache_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_data *m); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_cellfromcache_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_cellfromcache_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(m); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.cellfromcache(m); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_cellfromcache_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_data *m); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_cellfromcache_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_cellfromcache_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(m); } } return; } void HP_map_setusers(int p1) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_setusers_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *p1); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_setusers_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_setusers_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&p1); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.setusers(p1); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_setusers_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *p1); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_setusers_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_setusers_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&p1); } } return; } int HP_map_getusers(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_getusers_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_getusers_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_getusers_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.getusers(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_getusers_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_getusers_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_getusers_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_usercount(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_usercount_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_usercount_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_usercount_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.usercount(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_usercount_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_usercount_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_usercount_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_freeblock(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_freeblock_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_freeblock_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_freeblock_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.freeblock(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_freeblock_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_freeblock_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_freeblock_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_freeblock_lock(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_freeblock_lock_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_freeblock_lock_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_freeblock_lock_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.freeblock_lock(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_freeblock_lock_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_freeblock_lock_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_freeblock_lock_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_freeblock_unlock(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_freeblock_unlock_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_freeblock_unlock_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_freeblock_unlock_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.freeblock_unlock(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_freeblock_unlock_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_freeblock_unlock_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_freeblock_unlock_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_addblock(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_addblock_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_addblock_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_addblock_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.addblock(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_addblock_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_addblock_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_addblock_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_delblock(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_delblock_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_delblock_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_delblock_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.delblock(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_delblock_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_delblock_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_delblock_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_moveblock(struct block_list *bl, int x1, int y1, int64 tick) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_moveblock_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *x1, int *y1, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_moveblock_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_moveblock_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &x1, &y1, &tick); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.moveblock(bl, x1, y1, tick); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_moveblock_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, int *x1, int *y1, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_moveblock_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_moveblock_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &x1, &y1, &tick); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_count_oncell(int16 m, int16 x, int16 y, int type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_count_oncell_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int16 *m, int16 *x, int16 *y, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_count_oncell_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_count_oncell_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&m, &x, &y, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.count_oncell(m, x, y, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_count_oncell_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int16 *m, int16 *x, int16 *y, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_count_oncell_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_count_oncell_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &m, &x, &y, &type); } } return retVal___; } struct skill_unit* HP_map_find_skill_unit_oncell(struct block_list *target, int16 x, int16 y, uint16 skill_id, struct skill_unit *out_unit, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; struct skill_unit* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_find_skill_unit_oncell_pre ) { struct skill_unit* (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *target, int16 *x, int16 *y, uint16 *skill_id, struct skill_unit *out_unit, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_find_skill_unit_oncell_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_find_skill_unit_oncell_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(target, &x, &y, &skill_id, out_unit, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.find_skill_unit_oncell(target, x, y, skill_id, out_unit, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_find_skill_unit_oncell_post ) { struct skill_unit* (*postHookFunc) (struct skill_unit* retVal___, struct block_list *target, int16 *x, int16 *y, uint16 *skill_id, struct skill_unit *out_unit, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_find_skill_unit_oncell_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_find_skill_unit_oncell_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, target, &x, &y, &skill_id, out_unit, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_get_new_object_id(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_get_new_object_id_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_get_new_object_id_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_get_new_object_id_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.get_new_object_id(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_get_new_object_id_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_get_new_object_id_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_get_new_object_id_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_search_freecell(struct block_list *src, int16 m, int16 *x, int16 *y, int16 rx, int16 ry, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_search_freecell_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, int16 *m, int16 *x, int16 *y, int16 *rx, int16 *ry, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_search_freecell_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_search_freecell_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, &m, x, y, &rx, &ry, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.search_freecell(src, m, x, y, rx, ry, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_search_freecell_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *src, int16 *m, int16 *x, int16 *y, int16 *rx, int16 *ry, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_search_freecell_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_search_freecell_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, &m, x, y, &rx, &ry, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_quit(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_quit_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_quit_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_quit_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.quit(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_quit_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_quit_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_quit_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_map_addnpc(int16 m, struct npc_data *nd) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_addnpc_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (int16 *m, struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_addnpc_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_addnpc_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&m, nd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.addnpc(m, nd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_addnpc_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, int16 *m, struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_addnpc_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_addnpc_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &m, nd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_clearflooritem_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_clearflooritem_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_clearflooritem_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_clearflooritem_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.clearflooritem_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_clearflooritem_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_clearflooritem_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_clearflooritem_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_removemobs_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_removemobs_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_removemobs_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_removemobs_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.removemobs_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_removemobs_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_removemobs_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_removemobs_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } void HP_map_clearflooritem(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_clearflooritem_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_clearflooritem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_clearflooritem_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.clearflooritem(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_clearflooritem_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_clearflooritem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_clearflooritem_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl); } } return; } int HP_map_addflooritem(struct item *item_data, int amount, int16 m, int16 x, int16 y, int first_charid, int second_charid, int third_charid, int flags) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_addflooritem_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct item *item_data, int *amount, int16 *m, int16 *x, int16 *y, int *first_charid, int *second_charid, int *third_charid, int *flags); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_addflooritem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_addflooritem_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(item_data, &amount, &m, &x, &y, &first_charid, &second_charid, &third_charid, &flags); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.addflooritem(item_data, amount, m, x, y, first_charid, second_charid, third_charid, flags); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_addflooritem_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct item *item_data, int *amount, int16 *m, int16 *x, int16 *y, int *first_charid, int *second_charid, int *third_charid, int *flags); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_addflooritem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_addflooritem_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, item_data, &amount, &m, &x, &y, &first_charid, &second_charid, &third_charid, &flags); } } return retVal___; } void HP_map_addnickdb(int charid, const char *nick) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_addnickdb_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *charid, const char *nick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_addnickdb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_addnickdb_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&charid, nick); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.addnickdb(charid, nick); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_addnickdb_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *charid, const char *nick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_addnickdb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_addnickdb_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&charid, nick); } } return; } void HP_map_delnickdb(int charid, const char *nick) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_delnickdb_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *charid, const char *nick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_delnickdb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_delnickdb_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&charid, nick); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.delnickdb(charid, nick); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_delnickdb_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *charid, const char *nick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_delnickdb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_delnickdb_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&charid, nick); } } return; } void HP_map_reqnickdb(struct map_session_data *sd, int charid) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_reqnickdb_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *charid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_reqnickdb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_reqnickdb_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &charid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.reqnickdb(sd, charid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_reqnickdb_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *charid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_reqnickdb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_reqnickdb_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &charid); } } return; } const char* HP_map_charid2nick(int charid) { int hIndex = 0; const char* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_charid2nick_pre ) { const char* (*preHookFunc) (int *charid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_charid2nick_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_charid2nick_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&charid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.charid2nick(charid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_charid2nick_post ) { const char* (*postHookFunc) (const char* retVal___, int *charid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_charid2nick_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_charid2nick_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &charid); } } return retVal___; } struct map_session_data* HP_map_charid2sd(int charid) { int hIndex = 0; struct map_session_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_charid2sd_pre ) { struct map_session_data* (*preHookFunc) (int *charid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_charid2sd_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_charid2sd_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&charid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.charid2sd(charid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_charid2sd_post ) { struct map_session_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data* retVal___, int *charid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_charid2sd_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_charid2sd_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &charid); } } return retVal___; } void HP_map_vforeachpc(int ( *func ) (struct map_session_data *sd, va_list args), va_list args) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachpc_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int ( *func ) (struct map_session_data *sd, va_list args), va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachpc_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_vforeachpc_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(func, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); HPMHooks.source.map.vforeachpc(func, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachpc_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int ( *func ) (struct map_session_data *sd, va_list args), va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachpc_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_vforeachpc_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(func, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } } return; } void HP_map_vforeachmob(int ( *func ) (struct mob_data *md, va_list args), va_list args) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachmob_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int ( *func ) (struct mob_data *md, va_list args), va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachmob_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_vforeachmob_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(func, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); HPMHooks.source.map.vforeachmob(func, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachmob_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int ( *func ) (struct mob_data *md, va_list args), va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachmob_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_vforeachmob_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(func, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } } return; } void HP_map_vforeachnpc(int ( *func ) (struct npc_data *nd, va_list args), va_list args) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachnpc_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int ( *func ) (struct npc_data *nd, va_list args), va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachnpc_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_vforeachnpc_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(func, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); HPMHooks.source.map.vforeachnpc(func, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachnpc_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int ( *func ) (struct npc_data *nd, va_list args), va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachnpc_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_vforeachnpc_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(func, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } } return; } void HP_map_vforeachregen(int ( *func ) (struct block_list *bl, va_list args), va_list args) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachregen_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int ( *func ) (struct block_list *bl, va_list args), va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachregen_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_vforeachregen_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(func, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); HPMHooks.source.map.vforeachregen(func, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachregen_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int ( *func ) (struct block_list *bl, va_list args), va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachregen_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_vforeachregen_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(func, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } } return; } void HP_map_vforeachiddb(int ( *func ) (struct block_list *bl, va_list args), va_list args) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachiddb_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int ( *func ) (struct block_list *bl, va_list args), va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachiddb_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_vforeachiddb_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(func, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); HPMHooks.source.map.vforeachiddb(func, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachiddb_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int ( *func ) (struct block_list *bl, va_list args), va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachiddb_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_vforeachiddb_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(func, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } } return; } int HP_map_vforeachinrange(int ( *func ) (struct block_list *, va_list), struct block_list *center, int16 range, int type, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachinrange_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int ( *func ) (struct block_list *, va_list), struct block_list *center, int16 *range, int *type, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachinrange_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_vforeachinrange_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(func, center, &range, &type, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.vforeachinrange(func, center, range, type, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachinrange_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int ( *func ) (struct block_list *, va_list), struct block_list *center, int16 *range, int *type, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachinrange_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_vforeachinrange_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, func, center, &range, &type, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_vforeachinshootrange(int ( *func ) (struct block_list *, va_list), struct block_list *center, int16 range, int type, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachinshootrange_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int ( *func ) (struct block_list *, va_list), struct block_list *center, int16 *range, int *type, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachinshootrange_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_vforeachinshootrange_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(func, center, &range, &type, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.vforeachinshootrange(func, center, range, type, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachinshootrange_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int ( *func ) (struct block_list *, va_list), struct block_list *center, int16 *range, int *type, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachinshootrange_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_vforeachinshootrange_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, func, center, &range, &type, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_vforeachinarea(int ( *func ) (struct block_list *, va_list), int16 m, int16 x0, int16 y0, int16 x1, int16 y1, int type, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachinarea_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int ( *func ) (struct block_list *, va_list), int16 *m, int16 *x0, int16 *y0, int16 *x1, int16 *y1, int *type, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachinarea_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_vforeachinarea_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(func, &m, &x0, &y0, &x1, &y1, &type, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.vforeachinarea(func, m, x0, y0, x1, y1, type, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachinarea_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int ( *func ) (struct block_list *, va_list), int16 *m, int16 *x0, int16 *y0, int16 *x1, int16 *y1, int *type, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachinarea_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_vforeachinarea_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, func, &m, &x0, &y0, &x1, &y1, &type, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_vforcountinrange(int ( *func ) (struct block_list *, va_list), struct block_list *center, int16 range, int count, int type, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforcountinrange_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int ( *func ) (struct block_list *, va_list), struct block_list *center, int16 *range, int *count, int *type, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforcountinrange_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_vforcountinrange_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(func, center, &range, &count, &type, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.vforcountinrange(func, center, range, count, type, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforcountinrange_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int ( *func ) (struct block_list *, va_list), struct block_list *center, int16 *range, int *count, int *type, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforcountinrange_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_vforcountinrange_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, func, center, &range, &count, &type, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_vforcountinarea(int ( *func ) (struct block_list *, va_list), int16 m, int16 x0, int16 y0, int16 x1, int16 y1, int count, int type, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforcountinarea_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int ( *func ) (struct block_list *, va_list), int16 *m, int16 *x0, int16 *y0, int16 *x1, int16 *y1, int *count, int *type, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforcountinarea_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_vforcountinarea_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(func, &m, &x0, &y0, &x1, &y1, &count, &type, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.vforcountinarea(func, m, x0, y0, x1, y1, count, type, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforcountinarea_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int ( *func ) (struct block_list *, va_list), int16 *m, int16 *x0, int16 *y0, int16 *x1, int16 *y1, int *count, int *type, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforcountinarea_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_vforcountinarea_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, func, &m, &x0, &y0, &x1, &y1, &count, &type, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_vforeachinmovearea(int ( *func ) (struct block_list *, va_list), struct block_list *center, int16 range, int16 dx, int16 dy, int type, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachinmovearea_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int ( *func ) (struct block_list *, va_list), struct block_list *center, int16 *range, int16 *dx, int16 *dy, int *type, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachinmovearea_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_vforeachinmovearea_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(func, center, &range, &dx, &dy, &type, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.vforeachinmovearea(func, center, range, dx, dy, type, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachinmovearea_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int ( *func ) (struct block_list *, va_list), struct block_list *center, int16 *range, int16 *dx, int16 *dy, int *type, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachinmovearea_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_vforeachinmovearea_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, func, center, &range, &dx, &dy, &type, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_vforeachincell(int ( *func ) (struct block_list *, va_list), int16 m, int16 x, int16 y, int type, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachincell_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int ( *func ) (struct block_list *, va_list), int16 *m, int16 *x, int16 *y, int *type, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachincell_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_vforeachincell_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(func, &m, &x, &y, &type, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.vforeachincell(func, m, x, y, type, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachincell_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int ( *func ) (struct block_list *, va_list), int16 *m, int16 *x, int16 *y, int *type, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachincell_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_vforeachincell_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, func, &m, &x, &y, &type, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_vforeachinpath(int ( *func ) (struct block_list *, va_list), int16 m, int16 x0, int16 y0, int16 x1, int16 y1, int16 range, int length, int type, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachinpath_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int ( *func ) (struct block_list *, va_list), int16 *m, int16 *x0, int16 *y0, int16 *x1, int16 *y1, int16 *range, int *length, int *type, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachinpath_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_vforeachinpath_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(func, &m, &x0, &y0, &x1, &y1, &range, &length, &type, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.vforeachinpath(func, m, x0, y0, x1, y1, range, length, type, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachinpath_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int ( *func ) (struct block_list *, va_list), int16 *m, int16 *x0, int16 *y0, int16 *x1, int16 *y1, int16 *range, int *length, int *type, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachinpath_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_vforeachinpath_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, func, &m, &x0, &y0, &x1, &y1, &range, &length, &type, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_vforeachinmap(int ( *func ) (struct block_list *, va_list), int16 m, int type, va_list args) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachinmap_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int ( *func ) (struct block_list *, va_list), int16 *m, int *type, va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachinmap_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_vforeachinmap_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(func, &m, &type, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.vforeachinmap(func, m, type, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachinmap_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int ( *func ) (struct block_list *, va_list), int16 *m, int *type, va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachinmap_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_vforeachinmap_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, func, &m, &type, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_vforeachininstance(int ( *func ) (struct block_list *, va_list), int16 instance_id, int type, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachininstance_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int ( *func ) (struct block_list *, va_list), int16 *instance_id, int *type, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachininstance_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_vforeachininstance_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(func, &instance_id, &type, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.vforeachininstance(func, instance_id, type, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachininstance_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int ( *func ) (struct block_list *, va_list), int16 *instance_id, int *type, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_vforeachininstance_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_vforeachininstance_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, func, &instance_id, &type, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } struct map_session_data* HP_map_id2sd(int id) { int hIndex = 0; struct map_session_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_id2sd_pre ) { struct map_session_data* (*preHookFunc) (int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_id2sd_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_id2sd_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.id2sd(id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_id2sd_post ) { struct map_session_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data* retVal___, int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_id2sd_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_id2sd_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &id); } } return retVal___; } struct mob_data* HP_map_id2md(int id) { int hIndex = 0; struct mob_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_id2md_pre ) { struct mob_data* (*preHookFunc) (int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_id2md_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_id2md_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.id2md(id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_id2md_post ) { struct mob_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct mob_data* retVal___, int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_id2md_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_id2md_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &id); } } return retVal___; } struct npc_data* HP_map_id2nd(int id) { int hIndex = 0; struct npc_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_id2nd_pre ) { struct npc_data* (*preHookFunc) (int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_id2nd_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_id2nd_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.id2nd(id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_id2nd_post ) { struct npc_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct npc_data* retVal___, int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_id2nd_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_id2nd_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &id); } } return retVal___; } struct homun_data* HP_map_id2hd(int id) { int hIndex = 0; struct homun_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_id2hd_pre ) { struct homun_data* (*preHookFunc) (int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_id2hd_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_id2hd_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.id2hd(id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_id2hd_post ) { struct homun_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct homun_data* retVal___, int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_id2hd_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_id2hd_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &id); } } return retVal___; } struct mercenary_data* HP_map_id2mc(int id) { int hIndex = 0; struct mercenary_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_id2mc_pre ) { struct mercenary_data* (*preHookFunc) (int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_id2mc_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_id2mc_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.id2mc(id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_id2mc_post ) { struct mercenary_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct mercenary_data* retVal___, int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_id2mc_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_id2mc_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &id); } } return retVal___; } struct chat_data* HP_map_id2cd(int id) { int hIndex = 0; struct chat_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_id2cd_pre ) { struct chat_data* (*preHookFunc) (int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_id2cd_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_id2cd_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.id2cd(id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_id2cd_post ) { struct chat_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct chat_data* retVal___, int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_id2cd_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_id2cd_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &id); } } return retVal___; } struct block_list* HP_map_id2bl(int id) { int hIndex = 0; struct block_list* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_id2bl_pre ) { struct block_list* (*preHookFunc) (int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_id2bl_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_id2bl_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.id2bl(id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_id2bl_post ) { struct block_list* (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list* retVal___, int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_id2bl_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_id2bl_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &id); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_map_blid_exists(int id) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_blid_exists_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_blid_exists_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_blid_exists_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.blid_exists(id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_blid_exists_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_blid_exists_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_blid_exists_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &id); } } return retVal___; } int16 HP_map_mapindex2mapid(unsigned short mapindex) { int hIndex = 0; int16 retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_mapindex2mapid_pre ) { int16 (*preHookFunc) (unsigned short *mapindex); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_mapindex2mapid_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_mapindex2mapid_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&mapindex); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.mapindex2mapid(mapindex); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_mapindex2mapid_post ) { int16 (*postHookFunc) (int16 retVal___, unsigned short *mapindex); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_mapindex2mapid_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_mapindex2mapid_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &mapindex); } } return retVal___; } int16 HP_map_mapname2mapid(const char *name) { int hIndex = 0; int16 retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_mapname2mapid_pre ) { int16 (*preHookFunc) (const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_mapname2mapid_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_mapname2mapid_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.mapname2mapid(name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_mapname2mapid_post ) { int16 (*postHookFunc) (int16 retVal___, const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_mapname2mapid_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_mapname2mapid_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, name); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_mapname2ipport(unsigned short name, uint32 *ip, uint16 *port) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_mapname2ipport_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (unsigned short *name, uint32 *ip, uint16 *port); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_mapname2ipport_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_mapname2ipport_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&name, ip, port); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.mapname2ipport(name, ip, port); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_mapname2ipport_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, unsigned short *name, uint32 *ip, uint16 *port); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_mapname2ipport_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_mapname2ipport_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &name, ip, port); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_setipport(unsigned short mapindex, uint32 ip, uint16 port) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_setipport_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (unsigned short *mapindex, uint32 *ip, uint16 *port); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_setipport_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_setipport_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&mapindex, &ip, &port); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.setipport(mapindex, ip, port); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_setipport_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, unsigned short *mapindex, uint32 *ip, uint16 *port); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_setipport_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_setipport_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &mapindex, &ip, &port); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_eraseipport(unsigned short mapindex, uint32 ip, uint16 port) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_eraseipport_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (unsigned short *mapindex, uint32 *ip, uint16 *port); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_eraseipport_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_eraseipport_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&mapindex, &ip, &port); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.eraseipport(mapindex, ip, port); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_eraseipport_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, unsigned short *mapindex, uint32 *ip, uint16 *port); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_eraseipport_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_eraseipport_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &mapindex, &ip, &port); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_eraseallipport(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_eraseallipport_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_eraseallipport_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_eraseallipport_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.eraseallipport(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_eraseallipport_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_eraseallipport_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_eraseallipport_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } void HP_map_addiddb(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_addiddb_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_addiddb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_addiddb_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.addiddb(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_addiddb_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_addiddb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_addiddb_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl); } } return; } void HP_map_deliddb(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_deliddb_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_deliddb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_deliddb_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.deliddb(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_deliddb_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_deliddb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_deliddb_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl); } } return; } struct map_session_data* HP_map_nick2sd(const char *nick) { int hIndex = 0; struct map_session_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_nick2sd_pre ) { struct map_session_data* (*preHookFunc) (const char *nick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_nick2sd_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_nick2sd_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(nick); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.nick2sd(nick); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_nick2sd_post ) { struct map_session_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data* retVal___, const char *nick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_nick2sd_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_nick2sd_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, nick); } } return retVal___; } struct mob_data* HP_map_getmob_boss(int16 m) { int hIndex = 0; struct mob_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_getmob_boss_pre ) { struct mob_data* (*preHookFunc) (int16 *m); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_getmob_boss_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_getmob_boss_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&m); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.getmob_boss(m); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_getmob_boss_post ) { struct mob_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct mob_data* retVal___, int16 *m); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_getmob_boss_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_getmob_boss_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &m); } } return retVal___; } struct mob_data* HP_map_id2boss(int id) { int hIndex = 0; struct mob_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_id2boss_pre ) { struct mob_data* (*preHookFunc) (int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_id2boss_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_id2boss_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.id2boss(id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_id2boss_post ) { struct mob_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct mob_data* retVal___, int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_id2boss_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_id2boss_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &id); } } return retVal___; } void HP_map_reloadnpc(bool clear) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_reloadnpc_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (bool *clear); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_reloadnpc_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_reloadnpc_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&clear); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.reloadnpc(clear); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_reloadnpc_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (bool *clear); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_reloadnpc_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_reloadnpc_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&clear); } } return; } int HP_map_check_dir(int s_dir, int t_dir) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_check_dir_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *s_dir, int *t_dir); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_check_dir_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_check_dir_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&s_dir, &t_dir); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.check_dir(s_dir, t_dir); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_check_dir_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *s_dir, int *t_dir); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_check_dir_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_check_dir_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &s_dir, &t_dir); } } return retVal___; } uint8 HP_map_calc_dir(struct block_list *src, int16 x, int16 y) { int hIndex = 0; uint8 retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_calc_dir_pre ) { uint8 (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, int16 *x, int16 *y); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_calc_dir_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_calc_dir_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, &x, &y); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.calc_dir(src, x, y); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_calc_dir_post ) { uint8 (*postHookFunc) (uint8 retVal___, struct block_list *src, int16 *x, int16 *y); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_calc_dir_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_calc_dir_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, &x, &y); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_random_dir(struct block_list *bl, short *x, short *y) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_random_dir_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, short *x, short *y); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_random_dir_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_random_dir_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, x, y); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.random_dir(bl, x, y); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_random_dir_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, short *x, short *y); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_random_dir_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_random_dir_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, x, y); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_cleanup_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_cleanup_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_cleanup_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_cleanup_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.cleanup_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_cleanup_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_cleanup_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_cleanup_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_delmap(char *mapname) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_delmap_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (char *mapname); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_delmap_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_delmap_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(mapname); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.delmap(mapname); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_delmap_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, char *mapname); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_delmap_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_delmap_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, mapname); } } return retVal___; } void HP_map_flags_init(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_flags_init_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_flags_init_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_flags_init_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.flags_init(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_flags_init_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_flags_init_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_flags_init_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } bool HP_map_iwall_set(int16 m, int16 x, int16 y, int size, int8 dir, bool shootable, const char *wall_name) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_iwall_set_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (int16 *m, int16 *x, int16 *y, int *size, int8 *dir, bool *shootable, const char *wall_name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_iwall_set_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_iwall_set_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&m, &x, &y, &size, &dir, &shootable, wall_name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.iwall_set(m, x, y, size, dir, shootable, wall_name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_iwall_set_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, int16 *m, int16 *x, int16 *y, int *size, int8 *dir, bool *shootable, const char *wall_name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_iwall_set_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_iwall_set_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &m, &x, &y, &size, &dir, &shootable, wall_name); } } return retVal___; } void HP_map_iwall_get(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_iwall_get_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_iwall_get_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_iwall_get_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.iwall_get(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_iwall_get_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_iwall_get_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_iwall_get_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_map_iwall_remove(const char *wall_name) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_iwall_remove_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (const char *wall_name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_iwall_remove_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_iwall_remove_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(wall_name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.iwall_remove(wall_name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_iwall_remove_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (const char *wall_name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_iwall_remove_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_iwall_remove_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(wall_name); } } return; } int HP_map_addmobtolist(unsigned short m, struct spawn_data *spawn) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_addmobtolist_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (unsigned short *m, struct spawn_data *spawn); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_addmobtolist_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_addmobtolist_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&m, spawn); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.addmobtolist(m, spawn); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_addmobtolist_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, unsigned short *m, struct spawn_data *spawn); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_addmobtolist_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_addmobtolist_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &m, spawn); } } return retVal___; } void HP_map_spawnmobs(int16 m) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_spawnmobs_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int16 *m); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_spawnmobs_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_spawnmobs_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&m); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.spawnmobs(m); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_spawnmobs_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int16 *m); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_spawnmobs_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_spawnmobs_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&m); } } return; } void HP_map_removemobs(int16 m) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_removemobs_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int16 *m); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_removemobs_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_removemobs_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&m); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.removemobs(m); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_removemobs_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int16 *m); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_removemobs_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_removemobs_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&m); } } return; } void HP_map_addmap2db(struct map_data *m) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_addmap2db_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_data *m); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_addmap2db_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_addmap2db_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(m); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.addmap2db(m); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_addmap2db_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_data *m); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_addmap2db_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_addmap2db_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(m); } } return; } void HP_map_removemapdb(struct map_data *m) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_removemapdb_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_data *m); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_removemapdb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_removemapdb_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(m); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.removemapdb(m); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_removemapdb_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_data *m); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_removemapdb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_removemapdb_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(m); } } return; } void HP_map_clean(int i) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_clean_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *i); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_clean_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_clean_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&i); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.clean(i); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_clean_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *i); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_clean_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_clean_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&i); } } return; } void HP_map_do_shutdown(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_do_shutdown_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_do_shutdown_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_do_shutdown_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.do_shutdown(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_do_shutdown_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_do_shutdown_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_do_shutdown_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } int HP_map_freeblock_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_freeblock_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_freeblock_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_freeblock_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.freeblock_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_freeblock_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_freeblock_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_freeblock_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_searchrandfreecell(int16 m, int16 *x, int16 *y, int stack) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_searchrandfreecell_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int16 *m, int16 *x, int16 *y, int *stack); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_searchrandfreecell_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_searchrandfreecell_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&m, x, y, &stack); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.searchrandfreecell(m, x, y, stack); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_searchrandfreecell_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int16 *m, int16 *x, int16 *y, int *stack); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_searchrandfreecell_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_searchrandfreecell_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &m, x, y, &stack); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_count_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_count_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_count_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_count_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.count_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_count_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_count_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_count_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } DBData HP_map_create_charid2nick(DBKey key, va_list args) { int hIndex = 0; DBData retVal___; memset(&retVal___, '\0', sizeof(DBData)); if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_create_charid2nick_pre ) { DBData (*preHookFunc) (DBKey *key, va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_create_charid2nick_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_create_charid2nick_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&key, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.create_charid2nick(key, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_create_charid2nick_post ) { DBData (*postHookFunc) (DBData retVal___, DBKey *key, va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_create_charid2nick_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_create_charid2nick_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &key, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_removemobs_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_removemobs_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_removemobs_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_removemobs_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.removemobs_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_removemobs_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_removemobs_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_removemobs_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } struct mapcell HP_map_gat2cell(int gat) { int hIndex = 0; struct mapcell retVal___; memset(&retVal___, '\0', sizeof(struct mapcell)); if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_gat2cell_pre ) { struct mapcell (*preHookFunc) (int *gat); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_gat2cell_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_gat2cell_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&gat); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.gat2cell(gat); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_gat2cell_post ) { struct mapcell (*postHookFunc) (struct mapcell retVal___, int *gat); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_gat2cell_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_gat2cell_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &gat); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_cell2gat(struct mapcell cell) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_cell2gat_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mapcell *cell); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_cell2gat_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_cell2gat_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&cell); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.cell2gat(cell); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_cell2gat_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mapcell *cell); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_cell2gat_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_cell2gat_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &cell); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_getcellp(struct map_data *m, int16 x, int16 y, cell_chk cellchk) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_getcellp_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_data *m, int16 *x, int16 *y, cell_chk *cellchk); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_getcellp_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_getcellp_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(m, &x, &y, &cellchk); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.getcellp(m, x, y, cellchk); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_getcellp_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_data *m, int16 *x, int16 *y, cell_chk *cellchk); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_getcellp_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_getcellp_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, m, &x, &y, &cellchk); } } return retVal___; } void HP_map_setcell(int16 m, int16 x, int16 y, cell_t cell, bool flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_setcell_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int16 *m, int16 *x, int16 *y, cell_t *cell, bool *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_setcell_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_setcell_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&m, &x, &y, &cell, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.setcell(m, x, y, cell, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_setcell_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int16 *m, int16 *x, int16 *y, cell_t *cell, bool *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_setcell_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_setcell_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&m, &x, &y, &cell, &flag); } } return; } int HP_map_sub_getcellp(struct map_data *m, int16 x, int16 y, cell_chk cellchk) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_sub_getcellp_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_data *m, int16 *x, int16 *y, cell_chk *cellchk); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_sub_getcellp_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_sub_getcellp_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(m, &x, &y, &cellchk); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.sub_getcellp(m, x, y, cellchk); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_sub_getcellp_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_data *m, int16 *x, int16 *y, cell_chk *cellchk); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_sub_getcellp_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_sub_getcellp_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, m, &x, &y, &cellchk); } } return retVal___; } void HP_map_sub_setcell(int16 m, int16 x, int16 y, cell_t cell, bool flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_sub_setcell_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int16 *m, int16 *x, int16 *y, cell_t *cell, bool *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_sub_setcell_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_sub_setcell_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&m, &x, &y, &cell, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.sub_setcell(m, x, y, cell, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_sub_setcell_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int16 *m, int16 *x, int16 *y, cell_t *cell, bool *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_sub_setcell_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_sub_setcell_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&m, &x, &y, &cell, &flag); } } return; } void HP_map_iwall_nextxy(int16 x, int16 y, int8 dir, int pos, int16 *x1, int16 *y1) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_iwall_nextxy_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int16 *x, int16 *y, int8 *dir, int *pos, int16 *x1, int16 *y1); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_iwall_nextxy_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_iwall_nextxy_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&x, &y, &dir, &pos, x1, y1); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.iwall_nextxy(x, y, dir, pos, x1, y1); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_iwall_nextxy_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int16 *x, int16 *y, int8 *dir, int *pos, int16 *x1, int16 *y1); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_iwall_nextxy_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_iwall_nextxy_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&x, &y, &dir, &pos, x1, y1); } } return; } DBData HP_map_create_map_data_other_server(DBKey key, va_list args) { int hIndex = 0; DBData retVal___; memset(&retVal___, '\0', sizeof(DBData)); if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_create_map_data_other_server_pre ) { DBData (*preHookFunc) (DBKey *key, va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_create_map_data_other_server_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_create_map_data_other_server_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&key, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.create_map_data_other_server(key, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_create_map_data_other_server_post ) { DBData (*postHookFunc) (DBData retVal___, DBKey *key, va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_create_map_data_other_server_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_create_map_data_other_server_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &key, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_eraseallipport_sub(DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list va) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_eraseallipport_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list va); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_eraseallipport_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list va___copy; va_copy(va___copy, va); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_eraseallipport_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&key, data, va___copy); va_end(va___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list va___copy; va_copy(va___copy, va); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.eraseallipport_sub(key, data, va___copy); va_end(va___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_eraseallipport_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list va); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_eraseallipport_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list va___copy; va_copy(va___copy, va); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_eraseallipport_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &key, data, va___copy); va_end(va___copy); } } return retVal___; } char* HP_map_init_mapcache(FILE *fp) { int hIndex = 0; char* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_init_mapcache_pre ) { char* (*preHookFunc) (FILE *fp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_init_mapcache_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_init_mapcache_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(fp); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.init_mapcache(fp); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_init_mapcache_post ) { char* (*postHookFunc) (char* retVal___, FILE *fp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_init_mapcache_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_init_mapcache_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, fp); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_readfromcache(struct map_data *m, char *buffer) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_readfromcache_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_data *m, char *buffer); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_readfromcache_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_readfromcache_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(m, buffer); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.readfromcache(m, buffer); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_readfromcache_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_data *m, char *buffer); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_readfromcache_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_readfromcache_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, m, buffer); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_addmap(char *mapname) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_addmap_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (char *mapname); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_addmap_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_addmap_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(mapname); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.addmap(mapname); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_addmap_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, char *mapname); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_addmap_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_addmap_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, mapname); } } return retVal___; } void HP_map_delmapid(int id) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_delmapid_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_delmapid_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_delmapid_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.delmapid(id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_delmapid_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_delmapid_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_delmapid_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&id); } } return; } void HP_map_zone_db_clear(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_db_clear_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_db_clear_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_zone_db_clear_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.zone_db_clear(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_db_clear_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_db_clear_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_zone_db_clear_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_map_list_final(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_list_final_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_list_final_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_list_final_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.list_final(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_list_final_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_list_final_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_list_final_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } int HP_map_waterheight(char *mapname) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_waterheight_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (char *mapname); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_waterheight_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_waterheight_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(mapname); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.waterheight(mapname); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_waterheight_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, char *mapname); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_waterheight_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_waterheight_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, mapname); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_readgat(struct map_data *m) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_readgat_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_data *m); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_readgat_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_readgat_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(m); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.readgat(m); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_readgat_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_data *m); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_readgat_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_readgat_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, m); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_readallmaps(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_readallmaps_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_readallmaps_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_readallmaps_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.readallmaps(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_readallmaps_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_readallmaps_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_readallmaps_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_config_read(char *cfgName) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_config_read_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (char *cfgName); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_config_read_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_config_read_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(cfgName); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.config_read(cfgName); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_config_read_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, char *cfgName); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_config_read_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_config_read_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, cfgName); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_config_read_sub(char *cfgName) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_config_read_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (char *cfgName); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_config_read_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_config_read_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(cfgName); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.config_read_sub(cfgName); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_config_read_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, char *cfgName); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_config_read_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_config_read_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, cfgName); } } return retVal___; } void HP_map_reloadnpc_sub(char *cfgName) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_reloadnpc_sub_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (char *cfgName); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_reloadnpc_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_reloadnpc_sub_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(cfgName); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.reloadnpc_sub(cfgName); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_reloadnpc_sub_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (char *cfgName); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_reloadnpc_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_reloadnpc_sub_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(cfgName); } } return; } int HP_map_inter_config_read(char *cfgName) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_inter_config_read_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (char *cfgName); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_inter_config_read_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_inter_config_read_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(cfgName); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.inter_config_read(cfgName); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_inter_config_read_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, char *cfgName); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_inter_config_read_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_inter_config_read_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, cfgName); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_sql_init(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_sql_init_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_sql_init_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_sql_init_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.sql_init(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_sql_init_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_sql_init_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_sql_init_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_sql_close(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_sql_close_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_sql_close_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_sql_close_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.sql_close(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_sql_close_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_sql_close_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_sql_close_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_map_zone_mf_cache(int m, char *flag, char *params) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_mf_cache_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (int *m, char *flag, char *params); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_mf_cache_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_zone_mf_cache_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&m, flag, params); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.zone_mf_cache(m, flag, params); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_mf_cache_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, int *m, char *flag, char *params); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_mf_cache_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_zone_mf_cache_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &m, flag, params); } } return retVal___; } unsigned short HP_map_zone_str2itemid(const char *name) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned short retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_str2itemid_pre ) { unsigned short (*preHookFunc) (const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_str2itemid_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_zone_str2itemid_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.zone_str2itemid(name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_str2itemid_post ) { unsigned short (*postHookFunc) (unsigned short retVal___, const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_str2itemid_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_zone_str2itemid_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, name); } } return retVal___; } unsigned short HP_map_zone_str2skillid(const char *name) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned short retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_str2skillid_pre ) { unsigned short (*preHookFunc) (const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_str2skillid_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_zone_str2skillid_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.zone_str2skillid(name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_str2skillid_post ) { unsigned short (*postHookFunc) (unsigned short retVal___, const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_str2skillid_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_zone_str2skillid_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, name); } } return retVal___; } enum bl_type HP_map_zone_bl_type(const char *entry, enum map_zone_skill_subtype *subtype) { int hIndex = 0; enum bl_type retVal___ = BL_NUL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_bl_type_pre ) { enum bl_type (*preHookFunc) (const char *entry, enum map_zone_skill_subtype *subtype); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_bl_type_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_zone_bl_type_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(entry, subtype); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.zone_bl_type(entry, subtype); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_bl_type_post ) { enum bl_type (*postHookFunc) (enum bl_type retVal___, const char *entry, enum map_zone_skill_subtype *subtype); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_zone_bl_type_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_zone_bl_type_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, entry, subtype); } } return retVal___; } void HP_map_read_zone_db(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_read_zone_db_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_read_zone_db_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_read_zone_db_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.read_zone_db(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_read_zone_db_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_read_zone_db_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_read_zone_db_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } int HP_map_db_final(DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_db_final_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_db_final_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_db_final_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.db_final(key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_db_final_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_db_final_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_db_final_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_nick_db_final(DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list args) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_nick_db_final_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_nick_db_final_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_nick_db_final_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&key, data, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.nick_db_final(key, data, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_nick_db_final_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_nick_db_final_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_nick_db_final_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &key, data, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_cleanup_db_sub(DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list va) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_cleanup_db_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list va); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_cleanup_db_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list va___copy; va_copy(va___copy, va); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_cleanup_db_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&key, data, va___copy); va_end(va___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list va___copy; va_copy(va___copy, va); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.cleanup_db_sub(key, data, va___copy); va_end(va___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_cleanup_db_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list va); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_cleanup_db_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list va___copy; va_copy(va___copy, va); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_cleanup_db_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &key, data, va___copy); va_end(va___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_map_abort_sub(struct map_session_data *sd, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_abort_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_abort_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_abort_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.abort_sub(sd, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_abort_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_abort_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_abort_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } void HP_map_helpscreen(bool do_exit) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_helpscreen_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (bool *do_exit); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_helpscreen_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_helpscreen_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&do_exit); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.helpscreen(do_exit); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_helpscreen_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (bool *do_exit); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_helpscreen_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_helpscreen_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&do_exit); } } return; } void HP_map_versionscreen(bool do_exit) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_versionscreen_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (bool *do_exit); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_versionscreen_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_versionscreen_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&do_exit); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.versionscreen(do_exit); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_versionscreen_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (bool *do_exit); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_versionscreen_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_versionscreen_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&do_exit); } } return; } bool HP_map_arg_next_value(const char *option, int i, int argc) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_arg_next_value_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (const char *option, int *i, int *argc); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_arg_next_value_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_arg_next_value_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(option, &i, &argc); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.arg_next_value(option, i, argc); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_arg_next_value_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, const char *option, int *i, int *argc); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_arg_next_value_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_arg_next_value_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, option, &i, &argc); } } return retVal___; } void HP_map_addblcell(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_addblcell_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_addblcell_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_addblcell_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.addblcell(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_addblcell_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_addblcell_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_addblcell_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl); } } return; } void HP_map_delblcell(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_delblcell_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_delblcell_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_delblcell_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.delblcell(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_delblcell_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_delblcell_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_delblcell_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl); } } return; } int HP_map_get_new_bonus_id(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_get_new_bonus_id_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_get_new_bonus_id_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_get_new_bonus_id_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.get_new_bonus_id(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_get_new_bonus_id_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_get_new_bonus_id_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_get_new_bonus_id_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } void HP_map_add_questinfo(int m, struct questinfo *qi) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_add_questinfo_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *m, struct questinfo *qi); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_add_questinfo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_add_questinfo_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&m, qi); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.map.add_questinfo(m, qi); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_add_questinfo_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *m, struct questinfo *qi); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_add_questinfo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_add_questinfo_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&m, qi); } } return; } bool HP_map_remove_questinfo(int m, struct npc_data *nd) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_remove_questinfo_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (int *m, struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_remove_questinfo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_remove_questinfo_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&m, nd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.map.remove_questinfo(m, nd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_map_remove_questinfo_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, int *m, struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_map_remove_questinfo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_map_remove_questinfo_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &m, nd); } } return retVal___; } /* mapit */ struct s_mapiterator* HP_mapit_alloc(enum e_mapitflags flags, enum bl_type types) { int hIndex = 0; struct s_mapiterator* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mapit_alloc_pre ) { struct s_mapiterator* (*preHookFunc) (enum e_mapitflags *flags, enum bl_type *types); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mapit_alloc_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mapit_alloc_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&flags, &types); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mapit.alloc(flags, types); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mapit_alloc_post ) { struct s_mapiterator* (*postHookFunc) (struct s_mapiterator* retVal___, enum e_mapitflags *flags, enum bl_type *types); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mapit_alloc_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mapit_alloc_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &flags, &types); } } return retVal___; } void HP_mapit_free(struct s_mapiterator *iter) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mapit_free_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct s_mapiterator *iter); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mapit_free_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mapit_free_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(iter); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.mapit.free(iter); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mapit_free_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct s_mapiterator *iter); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mapit_free_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mapit_free_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(iter); } } return; } struct block_list* HP_mapit_first(struct s_mapiterator *iter) { int hIndex = 0; struct block_list* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mapit_first_pre ) { struct block_list* (*preHookFunc) (struct s_mapiterator *iter); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mapit_first_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mapit_first_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(iter); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mapit.first(iter); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mapit_first_post ) { struct block_list* (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list* retVal___, struct s_mapiterator *iter); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mapit_first_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mapit_first_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, iter); } } return retVal___; } struct block_list* HP_mapit_last(struct s_mapiterator *iter) { int hIndex = 0; struct block_list* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mapit_last_pre ) { struct block_list* (*preHookFunc) (struct s_mapiterator *iter); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mapit_last_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mapit_last_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(iter); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mapit.last(iter); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mapit_last_post ) { struct block_list* (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list* retVal___, struct s_mapiterator *iter); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mapit_last_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mapit_last_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, iter); } } return retVal___; } struct block_list* HP_mapit_next(struct s_mapiterator *iter) { int hIndex = 0; struct block_list* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mapit_next_pre ) { struct block_list* (*preHookFunc) (struct s_mapiterator *iter); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mapit_next_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mapit_next_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(iter); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mapit.next(iter); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mapit_next_post ) { struct block_list* (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list* retVal___, struct s_mapiterator *iter); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mapit_next_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mapit_next_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, iter); } } return retVal___; } struct block_list* HP_mapit_prev(struct s_mapiterator *iter) { int hIndex = 0; struct block_list* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mapit_prev_pre ) { struct block_list* (*preHookFunc) (struct s_mapiterator *iter); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mapit_prev_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mapit_prev_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(iter); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mapit.prev(iter); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mapit_prev_post ) { struct block_list* (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list* retVal___, struct s_mapiterator *iter); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mapit_prev_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mapit_prev_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, iter); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_mapit_exists(struct s_mapiterator *iter) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mapit_exists_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct s_mapiterator *iter); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mapit_exists_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mapit_exists_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(iter); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mapit.exists(iter); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mapit_exists_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct s_mapiterator *iter); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mapit_exists_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mapit_exists_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, iter); } } return retVal___; } /* mapreg */ void HP_mapreg_init(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_init_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_init_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mapreg_init_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.mapreg.init(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_init_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_init_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mapreg_init_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_mapreg_final(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_final_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_final_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mapreg_final_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.mapreg.final(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_final_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_final_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mapreg_final_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } int HP_mapreg_readreg(int uid) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_readreg_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *uid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_readreg_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mapreg_readreg_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&uid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mapreg.readreg(uid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_readreg_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *uid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_readreg_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mapreg_readreg_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &uid); } } return retVal___; } char* HP_mapreg_readregstr(int uid) { int hIndex = 0; char* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_readregstr_pre ) { char* (*preHookFunc) (int *uid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_readregstr_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mapreg_readregstr_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&uid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mapreg.readregstr(uid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_readregstr_post ) { char* (*postHookFunc) (char* retVal___, int *uid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_readregstr_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mapreg_readregstr_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &uid); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_mapreg_setreg(int uid, int val) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_setreg_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (int *uid, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_setreg_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mapreg_setreg_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&uid, &val); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mapreg.setreg(uid, val); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_setreg_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, int *uid, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_setreg_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mapreg_setreg_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &uid, &val); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_mapreg_setregstr(int uid, const char *str) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_setregstr_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (int *uid, const char *str); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_setregstr_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mapreg_setregstr_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&uid, str); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mapreg.setregstr(uid, str); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_setregstr_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, int *uid, const char *str); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_setregstr_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mapreg_setregstr_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &uid, str); } } return retVal___; } void HP_mapreg_load(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_load_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_load_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mapreg_load_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.mapreg.load(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_load_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_load_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mapreg_load_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_mapreg_save(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_save_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_save_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mapreg_save_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.mapreg.save(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_save_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_save_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mapreg_save_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } int HP_mapreg_save_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_save_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_save_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mapreg_save_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mapreg.save_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_save_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_save_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mapreg_save_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } void HP_mapreg_reload(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_reload_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_reload_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mapreg_reload_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.mapreg.reload(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_reload_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_reload_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mapreg_reload_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } bool HP_mapreg_config_read(const char *w1, const char *w2) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_config_read_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (const char *w1, const char *w2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_config_read_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mapreg_config_read_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(w1, w2); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mapreg.config_read(w1, w2); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_config_read_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, const char *w1, const char *w2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mapreg_config_read_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mapreg_config_read_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, w1, w2); } } return retVal___; } /* mercenary */ void HP_mercenary_init(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_init_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_init_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_init_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.mercenary.init(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_init_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_init_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_init_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } bool HP_mercenary_class(int class_) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_class_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_class_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_class_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&class_); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mercenary.class(class_); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_class_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_class_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_class_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &class_); } } return retVal___; } struct view_data* HP_mercenary_get_viewdata(int class_) { int hIndex = 0; struct view_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_get_viewdata_pre ) { struct view_data* (*preHookFunc) (int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_get_viewdata_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_get_viewdata_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&class_); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mercenary.get_viewdata(class_); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_get_viewdata_post ) { struct view_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct view_data* retVal___, int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_get_viewdata_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_get_viewdata_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &class_); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mercenary_create(struct map_session_data *sd, int class_, unsigned int lifetime) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_create_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *class_, unsigned int *lifetime); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_create_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_create_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &class_, &lifetime); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mercenary.create(sd, class_, lifetime); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_create_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *class_, unsigned int *lifetime); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_create_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_create_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &class_, &lifetime); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mercenary_data_received(struct s_mercenary *merc, bool flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_data_received_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct s_mercenary *merc, bool *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_data_received_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_data_received_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(merc, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mercenary.data_received(merc, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_data_received_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct s_mercenary *merc, bool *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_data_received_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_data_received_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, merc, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mercenary_save(struct mercenary_data *md) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_save_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mercenary_data *md); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_save_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_save_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mercenary.save(md); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_save_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mercenary_data *md); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_save_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_save_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md); } } return retVal___; } void HP_mercenary_heal(struct mercenary_data *md, int hp, int sp) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_heal_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct mercenary_data *md, int *hp, int *sp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_heal_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_heal_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(md, &hp, &sp); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.mercenary.heal(md, hp, sp); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_heal_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct mercenary_data *md, int *hp, int *sp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_heal_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_heal_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(md, &hp, &sp); } } return; } int HP_mercenary_dead(struct mercenary_data *md) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_dead_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mercenary_data *md); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_dead_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_dead_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mercenary.dead(md); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_dead_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mercenary_data *md); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_dead_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_dead_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mercenary_delete(struct mercenary_data *md, int reply) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_delete_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mercenary_data *md, int *reply); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_delete_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_delete_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md, &reply); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mercenary.delete(md, reply); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_delete_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mercenary_data *md, int *reply); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_delete_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_delete_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md, &reply); } } return retVal___; } void HP_mercenary_contract_stop(struct mercenary_data *md) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_contract_stop_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct mercenary_data *md); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_contract_stop_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_contract_stop_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(md); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.mercenary.contract_stop(md); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_contract_stop_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct mercenary_data *md); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_contract_stop_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_contract_stop_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(md); } } return; } int HP_mercenary_get_lifetime(struct mercenary_data *md) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_get_lifetime_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mercenary_data *md); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_get_lifetime_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_get_lifetime_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mercenary.get_lifetime(md); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_get_lifetime_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mercenary_data *md); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_get_lifetime_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_get_lifetime_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mercenary_get_guild(struct mercenary_data *md) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_get_guild_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mercenary_data *md); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_get_guild_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_get_guild_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mercenary.get_guild(md); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_get_guild_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mercenary_data *md); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_get_guild_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_get_guild_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mercenary_get_faith(struct mercenary_data *md) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_get_faith_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mercenary_data *md); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_get_faith_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_get_faith_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mercenary.get_faith(md); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_get_faith_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mercenary_data *md); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_get_faith_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_get_faith_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mercenary_set_faith(struct mercenary_data *md, int value) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_set_faith_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mercenary_data *md, int *value); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_set_faith_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_set_faith_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md, &value); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mercenary.set_faith(md, value); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_set_faith_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mercenary_data *md, int *value); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_set_faith_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_set_faith_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md, &value); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mercenary_get_calls(struct mercenary_data *md) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_get_calls_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mercenary_data *md); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_get_calls_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_get_calls_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mercenary.get_calls(md); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_get_calls_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mercenary_data *md); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_get_calls_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_get_calls_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mercenary_set_calls(struct mercenary_data *md, int value) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_set_calls_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mercenary_data *md, int *value); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_set_calls_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_set_calls_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md, &value); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mercenary.set_calls(md, value); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_set_calls_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mercenary_data *md, int *value); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_set_calls_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_set_calls_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md, &value); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mercenary_kills(struct mercenary_data *md) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_kills_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mercenary_data *md); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_kills_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_kills_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mercenary.kills(md); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_kills_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mercenary_data *md); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_kills_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_kills_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mercenary_checkskill(struct mercenary_data *md, uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_checkskill_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mercenary_data *md, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_checkskill_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_checkskill_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md, &skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mercenary.checkskill(md, skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_checkskill_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mercenary_data *md, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_checkskill_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_checkskill_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md, &skill_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mercenary_read_db(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_read_db_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_read_db_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_read_db_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mercenary.read_db(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_read_db_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_read_db_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_read_db_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mercenary_read_skilldb(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_read_skilldb_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_read_skilldb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_read_skilldb_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mercenary.read_skilldb(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_read_skilldb_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_read_skilldb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_read_skilldb_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mercenary_killbonus(struct mercenary_data *md) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_killbonus_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mercenary_data *md); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_killbonus_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_killbonus_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mercenary.killbonus(md); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_killbonus_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mercenary_data *md); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_killbonus_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_killbonus_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mercenary_search_index(int class_) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_search_index_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_search_index_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_search_index_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&class_); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mercenary.search_index(class_); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_search_index_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_search_index_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_search_index_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &class_); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mercenary_contract_end_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_contract_end_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_contract_end_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_contract_end_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mercenary.contract_end_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_contract_end_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_contract_end_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_contract_end_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_mercenary_read_db_sub(char *str[], int columns, int current) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_read_db_sub_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *str[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_read_db_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_read_db_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(str, &columns, ¤t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mercenary.read_db_sub(str, columns, current); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_read_db_sub_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *str[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_read_db_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_read_db_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, str, &columns, ¤t); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_mercenary_read_skill_db_sub(char *str[], int columns, int current) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_read_skill_db_sub_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *str[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_read_skill_db_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_read_skill_db_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(str, &columns, ¤t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mercenary.read_skill_db_sub(str, columns, current); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_read_skill_db_sub_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *str[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mercenary_read_skill_db_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mercenary_read_skill_db_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, str, &columns, ¤t); } } return retVal___; } /* mob */ int HP_mob_init(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_init_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_init_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_init_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.init(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_init_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_init_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_init_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_final(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_final_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_final_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_final_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.final(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_final_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_final_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_final_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } void HP_mob_reload(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_reload_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_reload_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_reload_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.mob.reload(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_reload_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_reload_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_reload_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } struct mob_db* HP_mob_db(int index) { int hIndex = 0; struct mob_db* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_db_pre ) { struct mob_db* (*preHookFunc) (int *index); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_db_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_db_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&index); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.db(index); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_db_post ) { struct mob_db* (*postHookFunc) (struct mob_db* retVal___, int *index); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_db_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_db_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &index); } } return retVal___; } struct mob_chat* HP_mob_chat(short id) { int hIndex = 0; struct mob_chat* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_chat_pre ) { struct mob_chat* (*preHookFunc) (short *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_chat_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_chat_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.chat(id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_chat_post ) { struct mob_chat* (*postHookFunc) (struct mob_chat* retVal___, short *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_chat_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_chat_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_makedummymobdb(int p1) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_makedummymobdb_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *p1); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_makedummymobdb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_makedummymobdb_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&p1); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.makedummymobdb(p1); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_makedummymobdb_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *p1); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_makedummymobdb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_makedummymobdb_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &p1); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_spawn_guardian_sub(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_spawn_guardian_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_spawn_guardian_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_spawn_guardian_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.spawn_guardian_sub(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_spawn_guardian_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_spawn_guardian_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_spawn_guardian_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_skill_id2skill_idx(int class_, uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_skill_id2skill_idx_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *class_, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_skill_id2skill_idx_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_skill_id2skill_idx_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&class_, &skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.skill_id2skill_idx(class_, skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_skill_id2skill_idx_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *class_, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_skill_id2skill_idx_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_skill_id2skill_idx_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &class_, &skill_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_db_searchname(const char *str) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_db_searchname_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (const char *str); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_db_searchname_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_db_searchname_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(str); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.db_searchname(str); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_db_searchname_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, const char *str); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_db_searchname_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_db_searchname_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, str); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_db_searchname_array_sub(struct mob_db *mob, const char *str, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_db_searchname_array_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mob_db *mob, const char *str, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_db_searchname_array_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_db_searchname_array_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(mob, str, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.db_searchname_array_sub(mob, str, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_db_searchname_array_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mob_db *mob, const char *str, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_db_searchname_array_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_db_searchname_array_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, mob, str, &flag); } } return retVal___; } void HP_mob_mvptomb_create(struct mob_data *md, char *killer, time_t time) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_mvptomb_create_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md, char *killer, time_t *time); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_mvptomb_create_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_mvptomb_create_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(md, killer, &time); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.mob.mvptomb_create(md, killer, time); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_mvptomb_create_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md, char *killer, time_t *time); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_mvptomb_create_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_mvptomb_create_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(md, killer, &time); } } return; } void HP_mob_mvptomb_destroy(struct mob_data *md) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_mvptomb_destroy_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_mvptomb_destroy_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_mvptomb_destroy_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(md); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.mob.mvptomb_destroy(md); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_mvptomb_destroy_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_mvptomb_destroy_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_mvptomb_destroy_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(md); } } return; } int HP_mob_db_searchname_array(struct mob_db **data, int size, const char *str, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_db_searchname_array_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mob_db **data, int *size, const char *str, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_db_searchname_array_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_db_searchname_array_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(data, &size, str, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.db_searchname_array(data, size, str, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_db_searchname_array_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mob_db **data, int *size, const char *str, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_db_searchname_array_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_db_searchname_array_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, data, &size, str, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_db_checkid(const int id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_db_checkid_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (const int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_db_checkid_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_db_checkid_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.db_checkid(id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_db_checkid_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, const int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_db_checkid_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_db_checkid_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &id); } } return retVal___; } struct view_data* HP_mob_get_viewdata(int class_) { int hIndex = 0; struct view_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_get_viewdata_pre ) { struct view_data* (*preHookFunc) (int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_get_viewdata_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_get_viewdata_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&class_); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.get_viewdata(class_); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_get_viewdata_post ) { struct view_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct view_data* retVal___, int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_get_viewdata_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_get_viewdata_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &class_); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_parse_dataset(struct spawn_data *data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_parse_dataset_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct spawn_data *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_parse_dataset_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_parse_dataset_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.parse_dataset(data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_parse_dataset_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct spawn_data *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_parse_dataset_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_parse_dataset_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, data); } } return retVal___; } struct mob_data* HP_mob_spawn_dataset(struct spawn_data *data) { int hIndex = 0; struct mob_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_spawn_dataset_pre ) { struct mob_data* (*preHookFunc) (struct spawn_data *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_spawn_dataset_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_spawn_dataset_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.spawn_dataset(data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_spawn_dataset_post ) { struct mob_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct mob_data* retVal___, struct spawn_data *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_spawn_dataset_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_spawn_dataset_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_get_random_id(int type, int flag, int lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_get_random_id_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *type, int *flag, int *lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_get_random_id_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_get_random_id_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&type, &flag, &lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.get_random_id(type, flag, lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_get_random_id_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *type, int *flag, int *lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_get_random_id_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_get_random_id_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &type, &flag, &lv); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_mob_ksprotected(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ksprotected_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ksprotected_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_ksprotected_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, target); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.ksprotected(src, target); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ksprotected_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ksprotected_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_ksprotected_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, target); } } return retVal___; } struct mob_data* HP_mob_once_spawn_sub(struct block_list *bl, int16 m, int16 x, int16 y, const char *mobname, int class_, const char *event, unsigned int size, unsigned int ai) { int hIndex = 0; struct mob_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_once_spawn_sub_pre ) { struct mob_data* (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int16 *m, int16 *x, int16 *y, const char *mobname, int *class_, const char *event, unsigned int *size, unsigned int *ai); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_once_spawn_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_once_spawn_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &m, &x, &y, mobname, &class_, event, &size, &ai); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.once_spawn_sub(bl, m, x, y, mobname, class_, event, size, ai); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_once_spawn_sub_post ) { struct mob_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct mob_data* retVal___, struct block_list *bl, int16 *m, int16 *x, int16 *y, const char *mobname, int *class_, const char *event, unsigned int *size, unsigned int *ai); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_once_spawn_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_once_spawn_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &m, &x, &y, mobname, &class_, event, &size, &ai); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_once_spawn(struct map_session_data *sd, int16 m, int16 x, int16 y, const char *mobname, int class_, int amount, const char *event, unsigned int size, unsigned int ai) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_once_spawn_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int16 *m, int16 *x, int16 *y, const char *mobname, int *class_, int *amount, const char *event, unsigned int *size, unsigned int *ai); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_once_spawn_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_once_spawn_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &m, &x, &y, mobname, &class_, &amount, event, &size, &ai); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.once_spawn(sd, m, x, y, mobname, class_, amount, event, size, ai); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_once_spawn_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int16 *m, int16 *x, int16 *y, const char *mobname, int *class_, int *amount, const char *event, unsigned int *size, unsigned int *ai); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_once_spawn_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_once_spawn_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &m, &x, &y, mobname, &class_, &amount, event, &size, &ai); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_once_spawn_area(struct map_session_data *sd, int16 m, int16 x0, int16 y0, int16 x1, int16 y1, const char *mobname, int class_, int amount, const char *event, unsigned int size, unsigned int ai) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_once_spawn_area_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int16 *m, int16 *x0, int16 *y0, int16 *x1, int16 *y1, const char *mobname, int *class_, int *amount, const char *event, unsigned int *size, unsigned int *ai); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_once_spawn_area_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_once_spawn_area_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &m, &x0, &y0, &x1, &y1, mobname, &class_, &amount, event, &size, &ai); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.once_spawn_area(sd, m, x0, y0, x1, y1, mobname, class_, amount, event, size, ai); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_once_spawn_area_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int16 *m, int16 *x0, int16 *y0, int16 *x1, int16 *y1, const char *mobname, int *class_, int *amount, const char *event, unsigned int *size, unsigned int *ai); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_once_spawn_area_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_once_spawn_area_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &m, &x0, &y0, &x1, &y1, mobname, &class_, &amount, event, &size, &ai); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_spawn_guardian(const char *mapname, short x, short y, const char *mobname, int class_, const char *event, int guardian, bool has_index) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_spawn_guardian_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (const char *mapname, short *x, short *y, const char *mobname, int *class_, const char *event, int *guardian, bool *has_index); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_spawn_guardian_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_spawn_guardian_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(mapname, &x, &y, mobname, &class_, event, &guardian, &has_index); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.spawn_guardian(mapname, x, y, mobname, class_, event, guardian, has_index); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_spawn_guardian_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, const char *mapname, short *x, short *y, const char *mobname, int *class_, const char *event, int *guardian, bool *has_index); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_spawn_guardian_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_spawn_guardian_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, mapname, &x, &y, mobname, &class_, event, &guardian, &has_index); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_spawn_bg(const char *mapname, short x, short y, const char *mobname, int class_, const char *event, unsigned int bg_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_spawn_bg_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (const char *mapname, short *x, short *y, const char *mobname, int *class_, const char *event, unsigned int *bg_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_spawn_bg_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_spawn_bg_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(mapname, &x, &y, mobname, &class_, event, &bg_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.spawn_bg(mapname, x, y, mobname, class_, event, bg_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_spawn_bg_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, const char *mapname, short *x, short *y, const char *mobname, int *class_, const char *event, unsigned int *bg_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_spawn_bg_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_spawn_bg_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, mapname, &x, &y, mobname, &class_, event, &bg_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_can_reach(struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *bl, int range, int state) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_can_reach_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *bl, int *range, int *state); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_can_reach_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_can_reach_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md, bl, &range, &state); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.can_reach(md, bl, range, state); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_can_reach_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *bl, int *range, int *state); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_can_reach_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_can_reach_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md, bl, &range, &state); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_linksearch(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_linksearch_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_linksearch_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_linksearch_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.linksearch(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_linksearch_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_linksearch_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_linksearch_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_delayspawn(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_delayspawn_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_delayspawn_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_delayspawn_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.delayspawn(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_delayspawn_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_delayspawn_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_delayspawn_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_setdelayspawn(struct mob_data *md) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_setdelayspawn_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_setdelayspawn_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_setdelayspawn_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.setdelayspawn(md); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_setdelayspawn_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mob_data *md); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_setdelayspawn_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_setdelayspawn_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_count_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_count_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_count_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_count_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.count_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_count_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_count_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_count_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_spawn(struct mob_data *md) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_spawn_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_spawn_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_spawn_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.spawn(md); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_spawn_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mob_data *md); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_spawn_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_spawn_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_can_changetarget(struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *target, int mode) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_can_changetarget_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *target, int *mode); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_can_changetarget_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_can_changetarget_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md, target, &mode); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.can_changetarget(md, target, mode); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_can_changetarget_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *target, int *mode); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_can_changetarget_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_can_changetarget_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md, target, &mode); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_target(struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *bl, int dist) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_target_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *bl, int *dist); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_target_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_target_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md, bl, &dist); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.target(md, bl, dist); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_target_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *bl, int *dist); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_target_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_target_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md, bl, &dist); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_activesearch(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_activesearch_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_activesearch_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_activesearch_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.ai_sub_hard_activesearch(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_activesearch_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_activesearch_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_activesearch_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_changechase(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_changechase_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_changechase_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_changechase_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.ai_sub_hard_changechase(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_changechase_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_changechase_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_changechase_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_bg_ally(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_bg_ally_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_bg_ally_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_bg_ally_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.ai_sub_hard_bg_ally(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_bg_ally_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_bg_ally_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_bg_ally_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_lootsearch(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_lootsearch_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_lootsearch_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_lootsearch_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.ai_sub_hard_lootsearch(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_lootsearch_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_lootsearch_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_lootsearch_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_warpchase_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_warpchase_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_warpchase_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_warpchase_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.warpchase_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_warpchase_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_warpchase_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_warpchase_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_slavemob(struct mob_data *md, int64 tick) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_slavemob_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_slavemob_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_slavemob_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md, &tick); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.ai_sub_hard_slavemob(md, tick); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_slavemob_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mob_data *md, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_slavemob_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_slavemob_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md, &tick); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_unlocktarget(struct mob_data *md, int64 tick) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_unlocktarget_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_unlocktarget_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_unlocktarget_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md, &tick); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.unlocktarget(md, tick); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_unlocktarget_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mob_data *md, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_unlocktarget_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_unlocktarget_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md, &tick); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_randomwalk(struct mob_data *md, int64 tick) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_randomwalk_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_randomwalk_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_randomwalk_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md, &tick); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.randomwalk(md, tick); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_randomwalk_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mob_data *md, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_randomwalk_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_randomwalk_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md, &tick); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_warpchase(struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *target) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_warpchase_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_warpchase_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_warpchase_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md, target); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.warpchase(md, target); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_warpchase_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_warpchase_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_warpchase_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md, target); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_mob_ai_sub_hard(struct mob_data *md, int64 tick) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md, &tick); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.ai_sub_hard(md, tick); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct mob_data *md, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md, &tick); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_timer(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.ai_sub_hard_timer(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_ai_sub_hard_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_ai_sub_foreachclient(struct map_session_data *sd, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_sub_foreachclient_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_sub_foreachclient_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_ai_sub_foreachclient_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.ai_sub_foreachclient(sd, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_sub_foreachclient_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_sub_foreachclient_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_ai_sub_foreachclient_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_ai_sub_lazy(struct mob_data *md, va_list args) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_sub_lazy_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md, va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_sub_lazy_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_ai_sub_lazy_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.ai_sub_lazy(md, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_sub_lazy_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mob_data *md, va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_sub_lazy_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_ai_sub_lazy_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_ai_lazy(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_lazy_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_lazy_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_ai_lazy_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.ai_lazy(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_lazy_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_lazy_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_ai_lazy_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_ai_hard(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_hard_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_hard_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_ai_hard_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.ai_hard(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_hard_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_ai_hard_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_ai_hard_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } struct item_drop* HP_mob_setdropitem(int nameid, int qty, struct item_data *data) { int hIndex = 0; struct item_drop* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_setdropitem_pre ) { struct item_drop* (*preHookFunc) (int *nameid, int *qty, struct item_data *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_setdropitem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_setdropitem_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&nameid, &qty, data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.setdropitem(nameid, qty, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_setdropitem_post ) { struct item_drop* (*postHookFunc) (struct item_drop* retVal___, int *nameid, int *qty, struct item_data *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_setdropitem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_setdropitem_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &nameid, &qty, data); } } return retVal___; } struct item_drop* HP_mob_setlootitem(struct item *item) { int hIndex = 0; struct item_drop* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_setlootitem_pre ) { struct item_drop* (*preHookFunc) (struct item *item); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_setlootitem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_setlootitem_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(item); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.setlootitem(item); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_setlootitem_post ) { struct item_drop* (*postHookFunc) (struct item_drop* retVal___, struct item *item); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_setlootitem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_setlootitem_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, item); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_delay_item_drop(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_delay_item_drop_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_delay_item_drop_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_delay_item_drop_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.delay_item_drop(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_delay_item_drop_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_delay_item_drop_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_delay_item_drop_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } void HP_mob_item_drop(struct mob_data *md, struct item_drop_list *dlist, struct item_drop *ditem, int loot, int drop_rate, unsigned short flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_item_drop_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md, struct item_drop_list *dlist, struct item_drop *ditem, int *loot, int *drop_rate, unsigned short *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_item_drop_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_item_drop_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(md, dlist, ditem, &loot, &drop_rate, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.mob.item_drop(md, dlist, ditem, loot, drop_rate, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_item_drop_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md, struct item_drop_list *dlist, struct item_drop *ditem, int *loot, int *drop_rate, unsigned short *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_item_drop_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_item_drop_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(md, dlist, ditem, &loot, &drop_rate, &flag); } } return; } int HP_mob_timer_delete(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_timer_delete_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_timer_delete_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_timer_delete_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.timer_delete(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_timer_delete_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_timer_delete_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_timer_delete_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_deleteslave_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_deleteslave_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_deleteslave_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_deleteslave_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.deleteslave_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_deleteslave_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_deleteslave_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_deleteslave_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_deleteslave(struct mob_data *md) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_deleteslave_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_deleteslave_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_deleteslave_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.deleteslave(md); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_deleteslave_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mob_data *md); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_deleteslave_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_deleteslave_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_respawn(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_respawn_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_respawn_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_respawn_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.respawn(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_respawn_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_respawn_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_respawn_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } void HP_mob_log_damage(struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *src, int damage) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_log_damage_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *src, int *damage); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_log_damage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_log_damage_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(md, src, &damage); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.mob.log_damage(md, src, damage); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_log_damage_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *src, int *damage); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_log_damage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_log_damage_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(md, src, &damage); } } return; } void HP_mob_damage(struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *src, int damage) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_damage_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *src, int *damage); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_damage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_damage_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(md, src, &damage); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.mob.damage(md, src, damage); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_damage_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *src, int *damage); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_damage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_damage_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(md, src, &damage); } } return; } int HP_mob_dead(struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *src, int type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_dead_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *src, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_dead_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_dead_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md, src, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.dead(md, src, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_dead_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *src, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_dead_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_dead_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md, src, &type); } } return retVal___; } void HP_mob_revive(struct mob_data *md, unsigned int hp) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_revive_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md, unsigned int *hp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_revive_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_revive_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(md, &hp); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.mob.revive(md, hp); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_revive_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md, unsigned int *hp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_revive_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_revive_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(md, &hp); } } return; } int HP_mob_guardian_guildchange(struct mob_data *md) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_guardian_guildchange_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_guardian_guildchange_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_guardian_guildchange_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.guardian_guildchange(md); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_guardian_guildchange_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mob_data *md); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_guardian_guildchange_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_guardian_guildchange_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_random_class(int *value, size_t count) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_random_class_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *value, size_t *count); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_random_class_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_random_class_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(value, &count); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.random_class(value, count); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_random_class_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *value, size_t *count); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_random_class_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_random_class_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, value, &count); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_class_change(struct mob_data *md, int class_) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_class_change_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md, int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_class_change_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_class_change_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md, &class_); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.class_change(md, class_); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_class_change_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mob_data *md, int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_class_change_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_class_change_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md, &class_); } } return retVal___; } void HP_mob_heal(struct mob_data *md, unsigned int heal) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_heal_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md, unsigned int *heal); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_heal_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_heal_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(md, &heal); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.mob.heal(md, heal); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_heal_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md, unsigned int *heal); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_heal_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_heal_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(md, &heal); } } return; } int HP_mob_warpslave_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_warpslave_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_warpslave_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_warpslave_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.warpslave_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_warpslave_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_warpslave_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_warpslave_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_warpslave(struct block_list *bl, int range) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_warpslave_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *range); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_warpslave_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_warpslave_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &range); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.warpslave(bl, range); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_warpslave_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, int *range); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_warpslave_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_warpslave_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &range); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_countslave_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_countslave_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_countslave_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_countslave_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.countslave_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_countslave_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_countslave_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_countslave_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_countslave(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_countslave_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_countslave_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_countslave_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.countslave(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_countslave_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_countslave_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_countslave_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_summonslave(struct mob_data *md2, int *value, int amount, uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_summonslave_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md2, int *value, int *amount, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_summonslave_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_summonslave_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md2, value, &amount, &skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.summonslave(md2, value, amount, skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_summonslave_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mob_data *md2, int *value, int *amount, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_summonslave_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_summonslave_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md2, value, &amount, &skill_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_getfriendhprate_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_getfriendhprate_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_getfriendhprate_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_getfriendhprate_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.getfriendhprate_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_getfriendhprate_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_getfriendhprate_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_getfriendhprate_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } struct block_list* HP_mob_getfriendhprate(struct mob_data *md, int min_rate, int max_rate) { int hIndex = 0; struct block_list* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_getfriendhprate_pre ) { struct block_list* (*preHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md, int *min_rate, int *max_rate); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_getfriendhprate_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_getfriendhprate_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md, &min_rate, &max_rate); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.getfriendhprate(md, min_rate, max_rate); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_getfriendhprate_post ) { struct block_list* (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list* retVal___, struct mob_data *md, int *min_rate, int *max_rate); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_getfriendhprate_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_getfriendhprate_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md, &min_rate, &max_rate); } } return retVal___; } struct block_list* HP_mob_getmasterhpltmaxrate(struct mob_data *md, int rate) { int hIndex = 0; struct block_list* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_getmasterhpltmaxrate_pre ) { struct block_list* (*preHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md, int *rate); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_getmasterhpltmaxrate_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_getmasterhpltmaxrate_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md, &rate); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.getmasterhpltmaxrate(md, rate); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_getmasterhpltmaxrate_post ) { struct block_list* (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list* retVal___, struct mob_data *md, int *rate); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_getmasterhpltmaxrate_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_getmasterhpltmaxrate_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md, &rate); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_getfriendstatus_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_getfriendstatus_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_getfriendstatus_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_getfriendstatus_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.getfriendstatus_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_getfriendstatus_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_getfriendstatus_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_getfriendstatus_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } struct mob_data* HP_mob_getfriendstatus(struct mob_data *md, int cond1, int cond2) { int hIndex = 0; struct mob_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_getfriendstatus_pre ) { struct mob_data* (*preHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md, int *cond1, int *cond2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_getfriendstatus_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_getfriendstatus_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md, &cond1, &cond2); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.getfriendstatus(md, cond1, cond2); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_getfriendstatus_post ) { struct mob_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct mob_data* retVal___, struct mob_data *md, int *cond1, int *cond2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_getfriendstatus_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_getfriendstatus_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md, &cond1, &cond2); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_skill_use(struct mob_data *md, int64 tick, int event) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_skill_use_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md, int64 *tick, int *event); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_skill_use_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_skill_use_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md, &tick, &event); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.skill_use(md, tick, event); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_skill_use_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mob_data *md, int64 *tick, int *event); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_skill_use_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_skill_use_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md, &tick, &event); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_skill_event(struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *src, int64 tick, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_skill_event_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *src, int64 *tick, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_skill_event_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_skill_event_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md, src, &tick, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.skill_event(md, src, tick, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_skill_event_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *src, int64 *tick, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_skill_event_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_skill_event_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md, src, &tick, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_is_clone(int class_) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_is_clone_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_is_clone_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_is_clone_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&class_); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.is_clone(class_); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_is_clone_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_is_clone_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_is_clone_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &class_); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_clone_spawn(struct map_session_data *sd, int16 m, int16 x, int16 y, const char *event, int master_id, int mode, int flag, unsigned int duration) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_clone_spawn_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int16 *m, int16 *x, int16 *y, const char *event, int *master_id, int *mode, int *flag, unsigned int *duration); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_clone_spawn_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_clone_spawn_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &m, &x, &y, event, &master_id, &mode, &flag, &duration); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.clone_spawn(sd, m, x, y, event, master_id, mode, flag, duration); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_clone_spawn_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int16 *m, int16 *x, int16 *y, const char *event, int *master_id, int *mode, int *flag, unsigned int *duration); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_clone_spawn_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_clone_spawn_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &m, &x, &y, event, &master_id, &mode, &flag, &duration); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_clone_delete(struct mob_data *md) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_clone_delete_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_clone_delete_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_clone_delete_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.clone_delete(md); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_clone_delete_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mob_data *md); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_clone_delete_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_clone_delete_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md); } } return retVal___; } unsigned int HP_mob_drop_adjust(int baserate, int rate_adjust, unsigned short rate_min, unsigned short rate_max) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_drop_adjust_pre ) { unsigned int (*preHookFunc) (int *baserate, int *rate_adjust, unsigned short *rate_min, unsigned short *rate_max); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_drop_adjust_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_drop_adjust_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&baserate, &rate_adjust, &rate_min, &rate_max); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.drop_adjust(baserate, rate_adjust, rate_min, rate_max); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_drop_adjust_post ) { unsigned int (*postHookFunc) (unsigned int retVal___, int *baserate, int *rate_adjust, unsigned short *rate_min, unsigned short *rate_max); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_drop_adjust_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_drop_adjust_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &baserate, &rate_adjust, &rate_min, &rate_max); } } return retVal___; } void HP_mob_item_dropratio_adjust(int nameid, int mob_id, int *rate_adjust) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_item_dropratio_adjust_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *nameid, int *mob_id, int *rate_adjust); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_item_dropratio_adjust_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_item_dropratio_adjust_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&nameid, &mob_id, rate_adjust); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.mob.item_dropratio_adjust(nameid, mob_id, rate_adjust); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_item_dropratio_adjust_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *nameid, int *mob_id, int *rate_adjust); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_item_dropratio_adjust_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_item_dropratio_adjust_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&nameid, &mob_id, rate_adjust); } } return; } bool HP_mob_parse_dbrow(char **str) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_parse_dbrow_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char **str); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_parse_dbrow_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_parse_dbrow_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(str); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.parse_dbrow(str); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_parse_dbrow_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char **str); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_parse_dbrow_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_parse_dbrow_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, str); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_mob_readdb_sub(char *fields[], int columns, int current) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_readdb_sub_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *fields[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_readdb_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_readdb_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(fields, &columns, ¤t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.readdb_sub(fields, columns, current); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_readdb_sub_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *fields[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_readdb_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_readdb_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, fields, &columns, ¤t); } } return retVal___; } void HP_mob_readdb(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_readdb_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_readdb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_readdb_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.mob.readdb(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_readdb_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_readdb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_readdb_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } int HP_mob_read_sqldb(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_read_sqldb_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_read_sqldb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_read_sqldb_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.read_sqldb(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_read_sqldb_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_read_sqldb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_read_sqldb_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_mob_readdb_mobavail(char *str[], int columns, int current) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_readdb_mobavail_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *str[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_readdb_mobavail_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_readdb_mobavail_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(str, &columns, ¤t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.readdb_mobavail(str, columns, current); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_readdb_mobavail_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *str[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_readdb_mobavail_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_readdb_mobavail_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, str, &columns, ¤t); } } return retVal___; } int HP_mob_read_randommonster(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_read_randommonster_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_read_randommonster_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_read_randommonster_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.read_randommonster(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_read_randommonster_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_read_randommonster_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_read_randommonster_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_mob_parse_row_chatdb(char **str, const char *source, int line, int *last_msg_id) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_parse_row_chatdb_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char **str, const char *source, int *line, int *last_msg_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_parse_row_chatdb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_parse_row_chatdb_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(str, source, &line, last_msg_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.parse_row_chatdb(str, source, line, last_msg_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_parse_row_chatdb_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char **str, const char *source, int *line, int *last_msg_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_parse_row_chatdb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_parse_row_chatdb_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, str, source, &line, last_msg_id); } } return retVal___; } void HP_mob_readchatdb(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_readchatdb_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_readchatdb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_readchatdb_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.mob.readchatdb(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_readchatdb_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_readchatdb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_readchatdb_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } bool HP_mob_parse_row_mobskilldb(char **str, int columns, int current) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_parse_row_mobskilldb_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char **str, int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_parse_row_mobskilldb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_parse_row_mobskilldb_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(str, &columns, ¤t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.parse_row_mobskilldb(str, columns, current); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_parse_row_mobskilldb_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char **str, int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_parse_row_mobskilldb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_parse_row_mobskilldb_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, str, &columns, ¤t); } } return retVal___; } void HP_mob_readskilldb(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_readskilldb_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_readskilldb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_readskilldb_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.mob.readskilldb(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_readskilldb_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_readskilldb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_readskilldb_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } int HP_mob_read_sqlskilldb(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_read_sqlskilldb_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_read_sqlskilldb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_read_sqlskilldb_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.read_sqlskilldb(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_read_sqlskilldb_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_read_sqlskilldb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_read_sqlskilldb_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_mob_readdb_race2(char *fields[], int columns, int current) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_readdb_race2_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *fields[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_readdb_race2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_readdb_race2_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(fields, &columns, ¤t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.readdb_race2(fields, columns, current); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_readdb_race2_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *fields[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_readdb_race2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_readdb_race2_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, fields, &columns, ¤t); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_mob_readdb_itemratio(char *str[], int columns, int current) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_readdb_itemratio_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *str[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_readdb_itemratio_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_readdb_itemratio_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(str, &columns, ¤t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.mob.readdb_itemratio(str, columns, current); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_readdb_itemratio_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *str[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_readdb_itemratio_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_readdb_itemratio_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, str, &columns, ¤t); } } return retVal___; } void HP_mob_load(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_load_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_load_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_load_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.mob.load(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_load_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_load_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_load_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_mob_clear_spawninfo(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_clear_spawninfo_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_clear_spawninfo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_clear_spawninfo_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.mob.clear_spawninfo(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_clear_spawninfo_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_mob_clear_spawninfo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_mob_clear_spawninfo_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } /* npc */ int HP_npc_init(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_init_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_init_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_init_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.init(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_init_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_init_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_init_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_final(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_final_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_final_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_final_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.final(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_final_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_final_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_final_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_get_new_npc_id(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_get_new_npc_id_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_get_new_npc_id_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_get_new_npc_id_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.get_new_npc_id(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_get_new_npc_id_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_get_new_npc_id_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_get_new_npc_id_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } struct view_data* HP_npc_get_viewdata(int class_) { int hIndex = 0; struct view_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_get_viewdata_pre ) { struct view_data* (*preHookFunc) (int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_get_viewdata_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_get_viewdata_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&class_); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.get_viewdata(class_); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_get_viewdata_post ) { struct view_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct view_data* retVal___, int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_get_viewdata_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_get_viewdata_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &class_); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_isnear_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list args) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_isnear_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_isnear_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_isnear_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.isnear_sub(bl, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_isnear_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_isnear_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_isnear_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_npc_isnear(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_isnear_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_isnear_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_isnear_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.isnear(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_isnear_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_isnear_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_isnear_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_ontouch_event(struct map_session_data *sd, struct npc_data *nd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_ontouch_event_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_ontouch_event_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_ontouch_event_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, nd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.ontouch_event(sd, nd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_ontouch_event_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_ontouch_event_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_ontouch_event_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, nd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_ontouch2_event(struct map_session_data *sd, struct npc_data *nd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_ontouch2_event_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_ontouch2_event_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_ontouch2_event_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, nd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.ontouch2_event(sd, nd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_ontouch2_event_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_ontouch2_event_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_ontouch2_event_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, nd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_enable_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_enable_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_enable_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_enable_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.enable_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_enable_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_enable_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_enable_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_enable(const char *name, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_enable_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (const char *name, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_enable_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_enable_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(name, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.enable(name, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_enable_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, const char *name, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_enable_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_enable_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, name, &flag); } } return retVal___; } struct npc_data* HP_npc_name2id(const char *name) { int hIndex = 0; struct npc_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_name2id_pre ) { struct npc_data* (*preHookFunc) (const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_name2id_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_name2id_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.name2id(name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_name2id_post ) { struct npc_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct npc_data* retVal___, const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_name2id_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_name2id_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, name); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_event_dequeue(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_dequeue_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_dequeue_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_event_dequeue_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.event_dequeue(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_dequeue_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_dequeue_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_event_dequeue_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } DBData HP_npc_event_export_create(DBKey key, va_list args) { int hIndex = 0; DBData retVal___; memset(&retVal___, '\0', sizeof(DBData)); if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_export_create_pre ) { DBData (*preHookFunc) (DBKey *key, va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_export_create_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_event_export_create_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&key, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.event_export_create(key, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_export_create_post ) { DBData (*postHookFunc) (DBData retVal___, DBKey *key, va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_export_create_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_event_export_create_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &key, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_event_export(struct npc_data *nd, int i) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_export_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct npc_data *nd, int *i); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_export_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_event_export_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(nd, &i); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.event_export(nd, i); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_export_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct npc_data *nd, int *i); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_export_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_event_export_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, nd, &i); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_event_sub(struct map_session_data *sd, struct event_data *ev, const char *eventname) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct event_data *ev, const char *eventname); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_event_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, ev, eventname); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.event_sub(sd, ev, eventname); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct event_data *ev, const char *eventname); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_event_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, ev, eventname); } } return retVal___; } void HP_npc_event_doall_sub(void *key, void *data, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_doall_sub_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void *key, void *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_doall_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_event_doall_sub_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); HPMHooks.source.npc.event_doall_sub(key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_doall_sub_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void *key, void *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_doall_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_event_doall_sub_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return; } int HP_npc_event_do(const char *name) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_do_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_do_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_event_do_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.event_do(name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_do_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_do_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_event_do_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, name); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_event_doall_id(const char *name, int rid) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_doall_id_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (const char *name, int *rid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_doall_id_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_event_doall_id_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(name, &rid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.event_doall_id(name, rid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_doall_id_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, const char *name, int *rid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_doall_id_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_event_doall_id_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, name, &rid); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_event_doall(const char *name) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_doall_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_doall_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_event_doall_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.event_doall(name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_doall_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_doall_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_event_doall_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, name); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_event_do_clock(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_do_clock_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_do_clock_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_event_do_clock_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.event_do_clock(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_do_clock_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_do_clock_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_event_do_clock_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } void HP_npc_event_do_oninit(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_do_oninit_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_do_oninit_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_event_do_oninit_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.npc.event_do_oninit(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_do_oninit_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_do_oninit_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_event_do_oninit_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } int HP_npc_timerevent_export(struct npc_data *nd, int i) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_timerevent_export_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct npc_data *nd, int *i); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_timerevent_export_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_timerevent_export_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(nd, &i); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.timerevent_export(nd, i); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_timerevent_export_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct npc_data *nd, int *i); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_timerevent_export_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_timerevent_export_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, nd, &i); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_timerevent(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_timerevent_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_timerevent_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_timerevent_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.timerevent(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_timerevent_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_timerevent_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_timerevent_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_timerevent_start(struct npc_data *nd, int rid) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_timerevent_start_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct npc_data *nd, int *rid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_timerevent_start_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_timerevent_start_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(nd, &rid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.timerevent_start(nd, rid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_timerevent_start_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct npc_data *nd, int *rid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_timerevent_start_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_timerevent_start_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, nd, &rid); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_timerevent_stop(struct npc_data *nd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_timerevent_stop_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_timerevent_stop_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_timerevent_stop_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(nd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.timerevent_stop(nd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_timerevent_stop_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_timerevent_stop_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_timerevent_stop_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, nd); } } return retVal___; } void HP_npc_timerevent_quit(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_timerevent_quit_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_timerevent_quit_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_timerevent_quit_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.npc.timerevent_quit(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_timerevent_quit_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_timerevent_quit_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_timerevent_quit_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } int64 HP_npc_gettimerevent_tick(struct npc_data *nd) { int hIndex = 0; int64 retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_gettimerevent_tick_pre ) { int64 (*preHookFunc) (struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_gettimerevent_tick_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_gettimerevent_tick_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(nd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.gettimerevent_tick(nd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_gettimerevent_tick_post ) { int64 (*postHookFunc) (int64 retVal___, struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_gettimerevent_tick_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_gettimerevent_tick_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, nd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_settimerevent_tick(struct npc_data *nd, int newtimer) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_settimerevent_tick_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct npc_data *nd, int *newtimer); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_settimerevent_tick_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_settimerevent_tick_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(nd, &newtimer); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.settimerevent_tick(nd, newtimer); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_settimerevent_tick_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct npc_data *nd, int *newtimer); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_settimerevent_tick_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_settimerevent_tick_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, nd, &newtimer); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_event(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *eventname, int ontouch) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *eventname, int *ontouch); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_event_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, eventname, &ontouch); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.event(sd, eventname, ontouch); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, const char *eventname, int *ontouch); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_event_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_event_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, eventname, &ontouch); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_touch_areanpc_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_touch_areanpc_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_touch_areanpc_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_touch_areanpc_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.touch_areanpc_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_touch_areanpc_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_touch_areanpc_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_touch_areanpc_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_touchnext_areanpc(struct map_session_data *sd, bool leavemap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_touchnext_areanpc_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, bool *leavemap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_touchnext_areanpc_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_touchnext_areanpc_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &leavemap); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.touchnext_areanpc(sd, leavemap); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_touchnext_areanpc_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, bool *leavemap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_touchnext_areanpc_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_touchnext_areanpc_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &leavemap); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_touch_areanpc(struct map_session_data *sd, int16 m, int16 x, int16 y) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_touch_areanpc_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int16 *m, int16 *x, int16 *y); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_touch_areanpc_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_touch_areanpc_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &m, &x, &y); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.touch_areanpc(sd, m, x, y); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_touch_areanpc_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int16 *m, int16 *x, int16 *y); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_touch_areanpc_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_touch_areanpc_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &m, &x, &y); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_touch_areanpc2(struct mob_data *md) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_touch_areanpc2_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_touch_areanpc2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_touch_areanpc2_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.touch_areanpc2(md); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_touch_areanpc2_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mob_data *md); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_touch_areanpc2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_touch_areanpc2_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_check_areanpc(int flag, int16 m, int16 x, int16 y, int16 range) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_check_areanpc_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *flag, int16 *m, int16 *x, int16 *y, int16 *range); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_check_areanpc_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_check_areanpc_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&flag, &m, &x, &y, &range); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.check_areanpc(flag, m, x, y, range); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_check_areanpc_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *flag, int16 *m, int16 *x, int16 *y, int16 *range); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_check_areanpc_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_check_areanpc_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &flag, &m, &x, &y, &range); } } return retVal___; } struct npc_data* HP_npc_checknear(struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; struct npc_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_checknear_pre ) { struct npc_data* (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_checknear_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_checknear_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.checknear(sd, bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_checknear_post ) { struct npc_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct npc_data* retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_checknear_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_checknear_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, bl); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_globalmessage(const char *name, const char *mes) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_globalmessage_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (const char *name, const char *mes); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_globalmessage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_globalmessage_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(name, mes); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.globalmessage(name, mes); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_globalmessage_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, const char *name, const char *mes); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_globalmessage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_globalmessage_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, name, mes); } } return retVal___; } void HP_npc_run_tomb(struct map_session_data *sd, struct npc_data *nd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_run_tomb_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_run_tomb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_run_tomb_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, nd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.npc.run_tomb(sd, nd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_run_tomb_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_run_tomb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_run_tomb_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, nd); } } return; } int HP_npc_click(struct map_session_data *sd, struct npc_data *nd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_click_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_click_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_click_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, nd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.click(sd, nd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_click_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_click_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_click_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, nd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_scriptcont(struct map_session_data *sd, int id, bool closing) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_scriptcont_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *id, bool *closing); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_scriptcont_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_scriptcont_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &id, &closing); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.scriptcont(sd, id, closing); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_scriptcont_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *id, bool *closing); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_scriptcont_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_scriptcont_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &id, &closing); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_buysellsel(struct map_session_data *sd, int id, int type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_buysellsel_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *id, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_buysellsel_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_buysellsel_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &id, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.buysellsel(sd, id, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_buysellsel_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *id, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_buysellsel_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_buysellsel_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &id, &type); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_cashshop_buylist(struct map_session_data *sd, int points, int count, unsigned short *item_list) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_cashshop_buylist_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *points, int *count, unsigned short *item_list); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_cashshop_buylist_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_cashshop_buylist_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &points, &count, item_list); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.cashshop_buylist(sd, points, count, item_list); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_cashshop_buylist_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *points, int *count, unsigned short *item_list); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_cashshop_buylist_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_cashshop_buylist_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &points, &count, item_list); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_buylist_sub(struct map_session_data *sd, int n, unsigned short *item_list, struct npc_data *nd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_buylist_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, unsigned short *item_list, struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_buylist_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_buylist_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &n, item_list, nd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.buylist_sub(sd, n, item_list, nd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_buylist_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, unsigned short *item_list, struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_buylist_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_buylist_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &n, item_list, nd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_cashshop_buy(struct map_session_data *sd, int nameid, int amount, int points) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_cashshop_buy_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *nameid, int *amount, int *points); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_cashshop_buy_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_cashshop_buy_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &nameid, &amount, &points); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.cashshop_buy(sd, nameid, amount, points); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_cashshop_buy_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *nameid, int *amount, int *points); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_cashshop_buy_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_cashshop_buy_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &nameid, &amount, &points); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_buylist(struct map_session_data *sd, int n, unsigned short *item_list) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_buylist_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, unsigned short *item_list); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_buylist_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_buylist_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &n, item_list); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.buylist(sd, n, item_list); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_buylist_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, unsigned short *item_list); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_buylist_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_buylist_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &n, item_list); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_selllist_sub(struct map_session_data *sd, int n, unsigned short *item_list, struct npc_data *nd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_selllist_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, unsigned short *item_list, struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_selllist_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_selllist_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &n, item_list, nd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.selllist_sub(sd, n, item_list, nd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_selllist_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, unsigned short *item_list, struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_selllist_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_selllist_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &n, item_list, nd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_selllist(struct map_session_data *sd, int n, unsigned short *item_list) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_selllist_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, unsigned short *item_list); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_selllist_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_selllist_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &n, item_list); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.selllist(sd, n, item_list); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_selllist_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, unsigned short *item_list); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_selllist_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_selllist_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &n, item_list); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_remove_map(struct npc_data *nd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_remove_map_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_remove_map_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_remove_map_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(nd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.remove_map(nd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_remove_map_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_remove_map_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_remove_map_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, nd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_unload_ev(DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_unload_ev_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_unload_ev_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_unload_ev_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.unload_ev(key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_unload_ev_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_unload_ev_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_unload_ev_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_unload_ev_label(DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_unload_ev_label_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_unload_ev_label_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_unload_ev_label_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.unload_ev_label(key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_unload_ev_label_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_unload_ev_label_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_unload_ev_label_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_unload_dup_sub(struct npc_data *nd, va_list args) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_unload_dup_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct npc_data *nd, va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_unload_dup_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_unload_dup_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(nd, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.unload_dup_sub(nd, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_unload_dup_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct npc_data *nd, va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_unload_dup_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_unload_dup_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, nd, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } } return retVal___; } void HP_npc_unload_duplicates(struct npc_data *nd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_unload_duplicates_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_unload_duplicates_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_unload_duplicates_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(nd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.npc.unload_duplicates(nd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_unload_duplicates_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_unload_duplicates_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_unload_duplicates_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(nd); } } return; } int HP_npc_unload(struct npc_data *nd, bool single) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_unload_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct npc_data *nd, bool *single); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_unload_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_unload_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(nd, &single); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.unload(nd, single); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_unload_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct npc_data *nd, bool *single); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_unload_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_unload_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, nd, &single); } } return retVal___; } void HP_npc_clearsrcfile(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_clearsrcfile_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_clearsrcfile_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_clearsrcfile_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.npc.clearsrcfile(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_clearsrcfile_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_clearsrcfile_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_clearsrcfile_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_npc_addsrcfile(const char *name) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_addsrcfile_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_addsrcfile_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_addsrcfile_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.npc.addsrcfile(name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_addsrcfile_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_addsrcfile_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_addsrcfile_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(name); } } return; } void HP_npc_delsrcfile(const char *name) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_delsrcfile_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_delsrcfile_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_delsrcfile_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.npc.delsrcfile(name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_delsrcfile_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_delsrcfile_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_delsrcfile_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(name); } } return; } void HP_npc_parsename(struct npc_data *nd, const char *name, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parsename_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct npc_data *nd, const char *name, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parsename_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_parsename_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(nd, name, start, buffer, filepath); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.npc.parsename(nd, name, start, buffer, filepath); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parsename_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct npc_data *nd, const char *name, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parsename_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_parsename_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(nd, name, start, buffer, filepath); } } return; } int HP_npc_parseview(const char *w4, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parseview_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (const char *w4, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parseview_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_parseview_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(w4, start, buffer, filepath); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.parseview(w4, start, buffer, filepath); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parseview_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, const char *w4, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parseview_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_parseview_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, w4, start, buffer, filepath); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_npc_viewisid(const char *viewid) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_viewisid_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (const char *viewid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_viewisid_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_viewisid_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(viewid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.viewisid(viewid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_viewisid_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, const char *viewid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_viewisid_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_viewisid_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, viewid); } } return retVal___; } struct npc_data* HP_npc_add_warp(char *name, short from_mapid, short from_x, short from_y, short xs, short ys, unsigned short to_mapindex, short to_x, short to_y) { int hIndex = 0; struct npc_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_add_warp_pre ) { struct npc_data* (*preHookFunc) (char *name, short *from_mapid, short *from_x, short *from_y, short *xs, short *ys, unsigned short *to_mapindex, short *to_x, short *to_y); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_add_warp_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_add_warp_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(name, &from_mapid, &from_x, &from_y, &xs, &ys, &to_mapindex, &to_x, &to_y); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.add_warp(name, from_mapid, from_x, from_y, xs, ys, to_mapindex, to_x, to_y); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_add_warp_post ) { struct npc_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct npc_data* retVal___, char *name, short *from_mapid, short *from_x, short *from_y, short *xs, short *ys, unsigned short *to_mapindex, short *to_x, short *to_y); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_add_warp_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_add_warp_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, name, &from_mapid, &from_x, &from_y, &xs, &ys, &to_mapindex, &to_x, &to_y); } } return retVal___; } const char* HP_npc_parse_warp(char *w1, char *w2, char *w3, char *w4, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath) { int hIndex = 0; const char* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parse_warp_pre ) { const char* (*preHookFunc) (char *w1, char *w2, char *w3, char *w4, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parse_warp_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_parse_warp_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(w1, w2, w3, w4, start, buffer, filepath); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.parse_warp(w1, w2, w3, w4, start, buffer, filepath); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parse_warp_post ) { const char* (*postHookFunc) (const char* retVal___, char *w1, char *w2, char *w3, char *w4, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parse_warp_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_parse_warp_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, w1, w2, w3, w4, start, buffer, filepath); } } return retVal___; } const char* HP_npc_parse_shop(char *w1, char *w2, char *w3, char *w4, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath) { int hIndex = 0; const char* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parse_shop_pre ) { const char* (*preHookFunc) (char *w1, char *w2, char *w3, char *w4, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parse_shop_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_parse_shop_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(w1, w2, w3, w4, start, buffer, filepath); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.parse_shop(w1, w2, w3, w4, start, buffer, filepath); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parse_shop_post ) { const char* (*postHookFunc) (const char* retVal___, char *w1, char *w2, char *w3, char *w4, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parse_shop_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_parse_shop_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, w1, w2, w3, w4, start, buffer, filepath); } } return retVal___; } void HP_npc_convertlabel_db(struct npc_label_list *label_list, const char *filepath) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_convertlabel_db_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct npc_label_list *label_list, const char *filepath); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_convertlabel_db_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_convertlabel_db_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(label_list, filepath); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.npc.convertlabel_db(label_list, filepath); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_convertlabel_db_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct npc_label_list *label_list, const char *filepath); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_convertlabel_db_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_convertlabel_db_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(label_list, filepath); } } return; } const char* HP_npc_skip_script(const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath) { int hIndex = 0; const char* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_skip_script_pre ) { const char* (*preHookFunc) (const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_skip_script_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_skip_script_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(start, buffer, filepath); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.skip_script(start, buffer, filepath); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_skip_script_post ) { const char* (*postHookFunc) (const char* retVal___, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_skip_script_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_skip_script_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, start, buffer, filepath); } } return retVal___; } const char* HP_npc_parse_script(char *w1, char *w2, char *w3, char *w4, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath, bool runOnInit) { int hIndex = 0; const char* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parse_script_pre ) { const char* (*preHookFunc) (char *w1, char *w2, char *w3, char *w4, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath, bool *runOnInit); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parse_script_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_parse_script_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(w1, w2, w3, w4, start, buffer, filepath, &runOnInit); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.parse_script(w1, w2, w3, w4, start, buffer, filepath, runOnInit); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parse_script_post ) { const char* (*postHookFunc) (const char* retVal___, char *w1, char *w2, char *w3, char *w4, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath, bool *runOnInit); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parse_script_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_parse_script_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, w1, w2, w3, w4, start, buffer, filepath, &runOnInit); } } return retVal___; } const char* HP_npc_parse_duplicate(char *w1, char *w2, char *w3, char *w4, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath) { int hIndex = 0; const char* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parse_duplicate_pre ) { const char* (*preHookFunc) (char *w1, char *w2, char *w3, char *w4, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parse_duplicate_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_parse_duplicate_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(w1, w2, w3, w4, start, buffer, filepath); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.parse_duplicate(w1, w2, w3, w4, start, buffer, filepath); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parse_duplicate_post ) { const char* (*postHookFunc) (const char* retVal___, char *w1, char *w2, char *w3, char *w4, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parse_duplicate_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_parse_duplicate_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, w1, w2, w3, w4, start, buffer, filepath); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_duplicate4instance(struct npc_data *snd, int16 m) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_duplicate4instance_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct npc_data *snd, int16 *m); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_duplicate4instance_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_duplicate4instance_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(snd, &m); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.duplicate4instance(snd, m); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_duplicate4instance_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct npc_data *snd, int16 *m); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_duplicate4instance_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_duplicate4instance_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, snd, &m); } } return retVal___; } void HP_npc_setcells(struct npc_data *nd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_setcells_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_setcells_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_setcells_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(nd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.npc.setcells(nd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_setcells_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_setcells_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_setcells_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(nd); } } return; } int HP_npc_unsetcells_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_unsetcells_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_unsetcells_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_unsetcells_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.unsetcells_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_unsetcells_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_unsetcells_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_unsetcells_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } void HP_npc_unsetcells(struct npc_data *nd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_unsetcells_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_unsetcells_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_unsetcells_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(nd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.npc.unsetcells(nd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_unsetcells_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_unsetcells_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_unsetcells_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(nd); } } return; } void HP_npc_movenpc(struct npc_data *nd, int16 x, int16 y) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_movenpc_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct npc_data *nd, int16 *x, int16 *y); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_movenpc_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_movenpc_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(nd, &x, &y); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.npc.movenpc(nd, x, y); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_movenpc_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct npc_data *nd, int16 *x, int16 *y); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_movenpc_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_movenpc_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(nd, &x, &y); } } return; } void HP_npc_setdisplayname(struct npc_data *nd, const char *newname) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_setdisplayname_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct npc_data *nd, const char *newname); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_setdisplayname_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_setdisplayname_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(nd, newname); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.npc.setdisplayname(nd, newname); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_setdisplayname_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct npc_data *nd, const char *newname); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_setdisplayname_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_setdisplayname_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(nd, newname); } } return; } void HP_npc_setclass(struct npc_data *nd, short class_) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_setclass_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct npc_data *nd, short *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_setclass_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_setclass_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(nd, &class_); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.npc.setclass(nd, class_); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_setclass_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct npc_data *nd, short *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_setclass_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_setclass_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(nd, &class_); } } return; } int HP_npc_do_atcmd_event(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *command, const char *message, const char *eventname) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_do_atcmd_event_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *command, const char *message, const char *eventname); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_do_atcmd_event_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_do_atcmd_event_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, command, message, eventname); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.do_atcmd_event(sd, command, message, eventname); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_do_atcmd_event_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, const char *command, const char *message, const char *eventname); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_do_atcmd_event_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_do_atcmd_event_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, command, message, eventname); } } return retVal___; } const char* HP_npc_parse_function(char *w1, char *w2, char *w3, char *w4, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath) { int hIndex = 0; const char* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parse_function_pre ) { const char* (*preHookFunc) (char *w1, char *w2, char *w3, char *w4, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parse_function_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_parse_function_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(w1, w2, w3, w4, start, buffer, filepath); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.parse_function(w1, w2, w3, w4, start, buffer, filepath); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parse_function_post ) { const char* (*postHookFunc) (const char* retVal___, char *w1, char *w2, char *w3, char *w4, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parse_function_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_parse_function_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, w1, w2, w3, w4, start, buffer, filepath); } } return retVal___; } void HP_npc_parse_mob2(struct spawn_data *mobspawn) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parse_mob2_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct spawn_data *mobspawn); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parse_mob2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_parse_mob2_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(mobspawn); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.npc.parse_mob2(mobspawn); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parse_mob2_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct spawn_data *mobspawn); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parse_mob2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_parse_mob2_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(mobspawn); } } return; } const char* HP_npc_parse_mob(char *w1, char *w2, char *w3, char *w4, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath) { int hIndex = 0; const char* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parse_mob_pre ) { const char* (*preHookFunc) (char *w1, char *w2, char *w3, char *w4, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parse_mob_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_parse_mob_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(w1, w2, w3, w4, start, buffer, filepath); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.parse_mob(w1, w2, w3, w4, start, buffer, filepath); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parse_mob_post ) { const char* (*postHookFunc) (const char* retVal___, char *w1, char *w2, char *w3, char *w4, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parse_mob_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_parse_mob_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, w1, w2, w3, w4, start, buffer, filepath); } } return retVal___; } const char* HP_npc_parse_mapflag(char *w1, char *w2, char *w3, char *w4, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath) { int hIndex = 0; const char* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parse_mapflag_pre ) { const char* (*preHookFunc) (char *w1, char *w2, char *w3, char *w4, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parse_mapflag_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_parse_mapflag_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(w1, w2, w3, w4, start, buffer, filepath); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.parse_mapflag(w1, w2, w3, w4, start, buffer, filepath); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parse_mapflag_post ) { const char* (*postHookFunc) (const char* retVal___, char *w1, char *w2, char *w3, char *w4, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parse_mapflag_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_parse_mapflag_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, w1, w2, w3, w4, start, buffer, filepath); } } return retVal___; } void HP_npc_parsesrcfile(const char *filepath, bool runOnInit) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parsesrcfile_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (const char *filepath, bool *runOnInit); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parsesrcfile_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_parsesrcfile_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(filepath, &runOnInit); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.npc.parsesrcfile(filepath, runOnInit); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parsesrcfile_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (const char *filepath, bool *runOnInit); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_parsesrcfile_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_parsesrcfile_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(filepath, &runOnInit); } } return; } int HP_npc_script_event(struct map_session_data *sd, enum npce_event type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_script_event_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, enum npce_event *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_script_event_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_script_event_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.script_event(sd, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_script_event_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, enum npce_event *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_script_event_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_script_event_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &type); } } return retVal___; } void HP_npc_read_event_script(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_read_event_script_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_read_event_script_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_read_event_script_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.npc.read_event_script(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_read_event_script_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_read_event_script_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_read_event_script_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } int HP_npc_path_db_clear_sub(DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list args) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_path_db_clear_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_path_db_clear_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_path_db_clear_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&key, data, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.path_db_clear_sub(key, data, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_path_db_clear_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_path_db_clear_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_path_db_clear_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &key, data, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_ev_label_db_clear_sub(DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list args) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_ev_label_db_clear_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_ev_label_db_clear_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_ev_label_db_clear_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&key, data, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.ev_label_db_clear_sub(key, data, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_ev_label_db_clear_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_ev_label_db_clear_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_ev_label_db_clear_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &key, data, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_npc_reload(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_reload_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_reload_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_reload_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.reload(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_reload_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_reload_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_reload_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_npc_unloadfile(const char *filepath) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_unloadfile_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (const char *filepath); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_unloadfile_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_unloadfile_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(filepath); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.unloadfile(filepath); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_unloadfile_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, const char *filepath); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_unloadfile_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_unloadfile_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, filepath); } } return retVal___; } void HP_npc_do_clear_npc(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_do_clear_npc_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_do_clear_npc_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_do_clear_npc_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.npc.do_clear_npc(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_do_clear_npc_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_do_clear_npc_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_do_clear_npc_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_npc_debug_warps_sub(struct npc_data *nd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_debug_warps_sub_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_debug_warps_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_debug_warps_sub_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(nd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.npc.debug_warps_sub(nd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_debug_warps_sub_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct npc_data *nd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_debug_warps_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_debug_warps_sub_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(nd); } } return; } void HP_npc_debug_warps(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_debug_warps_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_debug_warps_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_debug_warps_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.npc.debug_warps(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_debug_warps_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_debug_warps_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_debug_warps_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } int HP_npc_secure_timeout_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_secure_timeout_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_secure_timeout_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_secure_timeout_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.npc.secure_timeout_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_secure_timeout_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_npc_secure_timeout_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_npc_secure_timeout_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } /* party */ void HP_party_init(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_init_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_init_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_init_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.party.init(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_init_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_init_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_init_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_party_final(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_final_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_final_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_final_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.party.final(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_final_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_final_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_final_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } struct party_data* HP_party_search(int party_id) { int hIndex = 0; struct party_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_search_pre ) { struct party_data* (*preHookFunc) (int *party_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_search_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_search_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&party_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.party.search(party_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_search_post ) { struct party_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct party_data* retVal___, int *party_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_search_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_search_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &party_id); } } return retVal___; } struct party_data* HP_party_searchname(const char *str) { int hIndex = 0; struct party_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_searchname_pre ) { struct party_data* (*preHookFunc) (const char *str); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_searchname_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_searchname_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(str); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.party.searchname(str); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_searchname_post ) { struct party_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct party_data* retVal___, const char *str); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_searchname_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_searchname_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, str); } } return retVal___; } int HP_party_getmemberid(struct party_data *p, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_getmemberid_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct party_data *p, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_getmemberid_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_getmemberid_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(p, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.party.getmemberid(p, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_getmemberid_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct party_data *p, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_getmemberid_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_getmemberid_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, p, sd); } } return retVal___; } struct map_session_data* HP_party_getavailablesd(struct party_data *p) { int hIndex = 0; struct map_session_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_getavailablesd_pre ) { struct map_session_data* (*preHookFunc) (struct party_data *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_getavailablesd_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_getavailablesd_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(p); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.party.getavailablesd(p); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_getavailablesd_post ) { struct map_session_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data* retVal___, struct party_data *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_getavailablesd_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_getavailablesd_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, p); } } return retVal___; } int HP_party_create(struct map_session_data *sd, char *name, int item, int item2) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_create_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, char *name, int *item, int *item2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_create_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_create_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, name, &item, &item2); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.party.create(sd, name, item, item2); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_create_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, char *name, int *item, int *item2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_create_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_create_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, name, &item, &item2); } } return retVal___; } void HP_party_created(int account_id, int char_id, int fail, int party_id, char *name) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_created_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *account_id, int *char_id, int *fail, int *party_id, char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_created_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_created_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&account_id, &char_id, &fail, &party_id, name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.party.created(account_id, char_id, fail, party_id, name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_created_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *account_id, int *char_id, int *fail, int *party_id, char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_created_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_created_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&account_id, &char_id, &fail, &party_id, name); } } return; } int HP_party_request_info(int party_id, int char_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_request_info_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *party_id, int *char_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_request_info_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_request_info_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&party_id, &char_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.party.request_info(party_id, char_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_request_info_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *party_id, int *char_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_request_info_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_request_info_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &party_id, &char_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_party_invite(struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *tsd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_invite_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *tsd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_invite_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_invite_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, tsd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.party.invite(sd, tsd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_invite_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *tsd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_invite_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_invite_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, tsd); } } return retVal___; } void HP_party_member_joined(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_member_joined_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_member_joined_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_member_joined_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.party.member_joined(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_member_joined_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_member_joined_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_member_joined_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } int HP_party_member_added(int party_id, int account_id, int char_id, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_member_added_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *party_id, int *account_id, int *char_id, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_member_added_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_member_added_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&party_id, &account_id, &char_id, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.party.member_added(party_id, account_id, char_id, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_member_added_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *party_id, int *account_id, int *char_id, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_member_added_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_member_added_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &party_id, &account_id, &char_id, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_party_leave(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_leave_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_leave_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_leave_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.party.leave(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_leave_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_leave_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_leave_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_party_removemember(struct map_session_data *sd, int account_id, char *name) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_removemember_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *account_id, char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_removemember_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_removemember_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &account_id, name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.party.removemember(sd, account_id, name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_removemember_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *account_id, char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_removemember_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_removemember_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &account_id, name); } } return retVal___; } int HP_party_member_withdraw(int party_id, int account_id, int char_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_member_withdraw_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *party_id, int *account_id, int *char_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_member_withdraw_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_member_withdraw_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&party_id, &account_id, &char_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.party.member_withdraw(party_id, account_id, char_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_member_withdraw_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *party_id, int *account_id, int *char_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_member_withdraw_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_member_withdraw_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &party_id, &account_id, &char_id); } } return retVal___; } void HP_party_reply_invite(struct map_session_data *sd, int party_id, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_reply_invite_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *party_id, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_reply_invite_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_reply_invite_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &party_id, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.party.reply_invite(sd, party_id, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_reply_invite_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *party_id, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_reply_invite_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_reply_invite_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &party_id, &flag); } } return; } int HP_party_recv_noinfo(int party_id, int char_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_recv_noinfo_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *party_id, int *char_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_recv_noinfo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_recv_noinfo_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&party_id, &char_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.party.recv_noinfo(party_id, char_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_recv_noinfo_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *party_id, int *char_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_recv_noinfo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_recv_noinfo_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &party_id, &char_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_party_recv_info(struct party *sp, int char_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_recv_info_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct party *sp, int *char_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_recv_info_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_recv_info_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sp, &char_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.party.recv_info(sp, char_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_recv_info_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct party *sp, int *char_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_recv_info_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_recv_info_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sp, &char_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_party_recv_movemap(int party_id, int account_id, int char_id, unsigned short mapid, int online, int lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_recv_movemap_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *party_id, int *account_id, int *char_id, unsigned short *mapid, int *online, int *lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_recv_movemap_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_recv_movemap_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&party_id, &account_id, &char_id, &mapid, &online, &lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.party.recv_movemap(party_id, account_id, char_id, mapid, online, lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_recv_movemap_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *party_id, int *account_id, int *char_id, unsigned short *mapid, int *online, int *lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_recv_movemap_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_recv_movemap_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &party_id, &account_id, &char_id, &mapid, &online, &lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_party_broken(int party_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_broken_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *party_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_broken_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_broken_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&party_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.party.broken(party_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_broken_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *party_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_broken_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_broken_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &party_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_party_optionchanged(int party_id, int account_id, int exp, int item, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_optionchanged_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *party_id, int *account_id, int *exp, int *item, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_optionchanged_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_optionchanged_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&party_id, &account_id, &exp, &item, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.party.optionchanged(party_id, account_id, exp, item, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_optionchanged_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *party_id, int *account_id, int *exp, int *item, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_optionchanged_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_optionchanged_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &party_id, &account_id, &exp, &item, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_party_changeoption(struct map_session_data *sd, int exp, int item) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_changeoption_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *exp, int *item); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_changeoption_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_changeoption_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &exp, &item); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.party.changeoption(sd, exp, item); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_changeoption_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *exp, int *item); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_changeoption_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_changeoption_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &exp, &item); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_party_changeleader(struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *t_sd) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_changeleader_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *t_sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_changeleader_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_changeleader_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, t_sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.party.changeleader(sd, t_sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_changeleader_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *t_sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_changeleader_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_changeleader_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, t_sd); } } return retVal___; } void HP_party_send_movemap(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_send_movemap_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_send_movemap_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_send_movemap_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.party.send_movemap(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_send_movemap_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_send_movemap_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_send_movemap_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_party_send_levelup(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_send_levelup_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_send_levelup_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_send_levelup_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.party.send_levelup(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_send_levelup_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_send_levelup_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_send_levelup_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } int HP_party_send_logout(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_send_logout_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_send_logout_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_send_logout_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.party.send_logout(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_send_logout_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_send_logout_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_send_logout_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_party_send_message(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *mes, int len) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_send_message_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *mes, int *len); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_send_message_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_send_message_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, mes, &len); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.party.send_message(sd, mes, len); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_send_message_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, const char *mes, int *len); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_send_message_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_send_message_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, mes, &len); } } return retVal___; } int HP_party_recv_message(int party_id, int account_id, const char *mes, int len) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_recv_message_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *party_id, int *account_id, const char *mes, int *len); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_recv_message_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_recv_message_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&party_id, &account_id, mes, &len); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.party.recv_message(party_id, account_id, mes, len); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_recv_message_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *party_id, int *account_id, const char *mes, int *len); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_recv_message_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_recv_message_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &party_id, &account_id, mes, &len); } } return retVal___; } int HP_party_skill_check(struct map_session_data *sd, int party_id, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_skill_check_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *party_id, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_skill_check_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_skill_check_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &party_id, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.party.skill_check(sd, party_id, skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_skill_check_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *party_id, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_skill_check_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_skill_check_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &party_id, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_party_send_xy_clear(struct party_data *p) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_send_xy_clear_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct party_data *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_send_xy_clear_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_send_xy_clear_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(p); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.party.send_xy_clear(p); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_send_xy_clear_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct party_data *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_send_xy_clear_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_send_xy_clear_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, p); } } return retVal___; } int HP_party_exp_share(struct party_data *p, struct block_list *src, unsigned int base_exp, unsigned int job_exp, int zeny) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_exp_share_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct party_data *p, struct block_list *src, unsigned int *base_exp, unsigned int *job_exp, int *zeny); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_exp_share_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_exp_share_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(p, src, &base_exp, &job_exp, &zeny); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.party.exp_share(p, src, base_exp, job_exp, zeny); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_exp_share_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct party_data *p, struct block_list *src, unsigned int *base_exp, unsigned int *job_exp, int *zeny); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_exp_share_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_exp_share_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, p, src, &base_exp, &job_exp, &zeny); } } return retVal___; } int HP_party_share_loot(struct party_data *p, struct map_session_data *sd, struct item *item_data, int first_charid) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_share_loot_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct party_data *p, struct map_session_data *sd, struct item *item_data, int *first_charid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_share_loot_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_share_loot_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(p, sd, item_data, &first_charid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.party.share_loot(p, sd, item_data, first_charid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_share_loot_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct party_data *p, struct map_session_data *sd, struct item *item_data, int *first_charid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_share_loot_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_share_loot_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, p, sd, item_data, &first_charid); } } return retVal___; } int HP_party_send_dot_remove(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_send_dot_remove_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_send_dot_remove_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_send_dot_remove_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.party.send_dot_remove(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_send_dot_remove_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_send_dot_remove_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_send_dot_remove_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_party_sub_count(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_sub_count_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_sub_count_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_sub_count_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.party.sub_count(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_sub_count_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_sub_count_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_sub_count_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } void HP_party_booking_register(struct map_session_data *sd, short level, short mapid, short *job) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_booking_register_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, short *level, short *mapid, short *job); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_booking_register_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_booking_register_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &level, &mapid, job); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.party.booking_register(sd, level, mapid, job); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_booking_register_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, short *level, short *mapid, short *job); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_booking_register_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_booking_register_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &level, &mapid, job); } } return; } void HP_party_booking_update(struct map_session_data *sd, short *job) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_booking_update_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, short *job); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_booking_update_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_booking_update_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, job); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.party.booking_update(sd, job); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_booking_update_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, short *job); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_booking_update_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_booking_update_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, job); } } return; } void HP_party_booking_search(struct map_session_data *sd, short level, short mapid, short job, unsigned long lastindex, short resultcount) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_booking_search_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, short *level, short *mapid, short *job, unsigned long *lastindex, short *resultcount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_booking_search_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_booking_search_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &level, &mapid, &job, &lastindex, &resultcount); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.party.booking_search(sd, level, mapid, job, lastindex, resultcount); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_booking_search_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, short *level, short *mapid, short *job, unsigned long *lastindex, short *resultcount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_booking_search_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_booking_search_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &level, &mapid, &job, &lastindex, &resultcount); } } return; } void HP_party_recruit_register(struct map_session_data *sd, short level, const char *notice) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_recruit_register_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, short *level, const char *notice); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_recruit_register_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_recruit_register_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &level, notice); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.party.recruit_register(sd, level, notice); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_recruit_register_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, short *level, const char *notice); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_recruit_register_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_recruit_register_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &level, notice); } } return; } void HP_party_recruit_update(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *notice) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_recruit_update_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *notice); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_recruit_update_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_recruit_update_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, notice); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.party.recruit_update(sd, notice); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_recruit_update_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *notice); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_recruit_update_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_recruit_update_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, notice); } } return; } void HP_party_recruit_search(struct map_session_data *sd, short level, short mapid, unsigned long lastindex, short resultcount) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_recruit_search_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, short *level, short *mapid, unsigned long *lastindex, short *resultcount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_recruit_search_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_recruit_search_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &level, &mapid, &lastindex, &resultcount); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.party.recruit_search(sd, level, mapid, lastindex, resultcount); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_recruit_search_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, short *level, short *mapid, unsigned long *lastindex, short *resultcount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_recruit_search_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_recruit_search_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &level, &mapid, &lastindex, &resultcount); } } return; } bool HP_party_booking_delete(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_booking_delete_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_booking_delete_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_booking_delete_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.party.booking_delete(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_booking_delete_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_booking_delete_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_booking_delete_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_party_vforeachsamemap(int ( *func ) (struct block_list *, va_list), struct map_session_data *sd, int range, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_vforeachsamemap_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int ( *func ) (struct block_list *, va_list), struct map_session_data *sd, int *range, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_vforeachsamemap_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_vforeachsamemap_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(func, sd, &range, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.party.vforeachsamemap(func, sd, range, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_vforeachsamemap_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int ( *func ) (struct block_list *, va_list), struct map_session_data *sd, int *range, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_vforeachsamemap_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_vforeachsamemap_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, func, sd, &range, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_party_send_xy_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_send_xy_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_send_xy_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_send_xy_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.party.send_xy_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_send_xy_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_send_xy_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_send_xy_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } void HP_party_fill_member(struct party_member *member, struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int leader) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_fill_member_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct party_member *member, struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int *leader); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_fill_member_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_fill_member_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(member, sd, &leader); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.party.fill_member(member, sd, leader); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_fill_member_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct party_member *member, struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int *leader); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_fill_member_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_fill_member_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(member, sd, &leader); } } return; } TBL_PC* HP_party_sd_check(int party_id, int account_id, int char_id) { int hIndex = 0; TBL_PC* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_sd_check_pre ) { TBL_PC* (*preHookFunc) (int *party_id, int *account_id, int *char_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_sd_check_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_sd_check_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&party_id, &account_id, &char_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.party.sd_check(party_id, account_id, char_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_sd_check_post ) { TBL_PC* (*postHookFunc) (TBL_PC* retVal___, int *party_id, int *account_id, int *char_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_sd_check_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_sd_check_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &party_id, &account_id, &char_id); } } return retVal___; } void HP_party_check_state(struct party_data *p) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_check_state_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct party_data *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_check_state_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_check_state_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(p); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.party.check_state(p); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_check_state_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct party_data *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_check_state_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_check_state_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(p); } } return; } struct party_booking_ad_info* HP_party_create_booking_data(void) { int hIndex = 0; struct party_booking_ad_info* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_create_booking_data_pre ) { struct party_booking_ad_info* (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_create_booking_data_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_create_booking_data_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.party.create_booking_data(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_create_booking_data_post ) { struct party_booking_ad_info* (*postHookFunc) (struct party_booking_ad_info* retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_create_booking_data_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_create_booking_data_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } int HP_party_db_final(DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_db_final_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_db_final_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_db_final_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.party.db_final(key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_party_db_final_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_party_db_final_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_party_db_final_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } /* path */ int HP_path_blownpos(int16 m, int16 x0, int16 y0, int16 dx, int16 dy, int count) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_path_blownpos_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int16 *m, int16 *x0, int16 *y0, int16 *dx, int16 *dy, int *count); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_path_blownpos_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_path_blownpos_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&m, &x0, &y0, &dx, &dy, &count); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.path.blownpos(m, x0, y0, dx, dy, count); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_path_blownpos_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int16 *m, int16 *x0, int16 *y0, int16 *dx, int16 *dy, int *count); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_path_blownpos_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_path_blownpos_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &m, &x0, &y0, &dx, &dy, &count); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_path_search(struct walkpath_data *wpd, int16 m, int16 x0, int16 y0, int16 x1, int16 y1, int flag, cell_chk cell) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_path_search_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct walkpath_data *wpd, int16 *m, int16 *x0, int16 *y0, int16 *x1, int16 *y1, int *flag, cell_chk *cell); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_path_search_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_path_search_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(wpd, &m, &x0, &y0, &x1, &y1, &flag, &cell); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.path.search(wpd, m, x0, y0, x1, y1, flag, cell); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_path_search_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct walkpath_data *wpd, int16 *m, int16 *x0, int16 *y0, int16 *x1, int16 *y1, int *flag, cell_chk *cell); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_path_search_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_path_search_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, wpd, &m, &x0, &y0, &x1, &y1, &flag, &cell); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_path_search_long(struct shootpath_data *spd, int16 m, int16 x0, int16 y0, int16 x1, int16 y1, cell_chk cell) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_path_search_long_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct shootpath_data *spd, int16 *m, int16 *x0, int16 *y0, int16 *x1, int16 *y1, cell_chk *cell); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_path_search_long_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_path_search_long_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(spd, &m, &x0, &y0, &x1, &y1, &cell); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.path.search_long(spd, m, x0, y0, x1, y1, cell); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_path_search_long_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct shootpath_data *spd, int16 *m, int16 *x0, int16 *y0, int16 *x1, int16 *y1, cell_chk *cell); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_path_search_long_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_path_search_long_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, spd, &m, &x0, &y0, &x1, &y1, &cell); } } return retVal___; } int HP_path_check_distance(int dx, int dy, int distance) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_path_check_distance_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *dx, int *dy, int *distance); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_path_check_distance_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_path_check_distance_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&dx, &dy, &distance); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.path.check_distance(dx, dy, distance); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_path_check_distance_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *dx, int *dy, int *distance); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_path_check_distance_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_path_check_distance_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &dx, &dy, &distance); } } return retVal___; } unsigned int HP_path_distance(int dx, int dy) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_path_distance_pre ) { unsigned int (*preHookFunc) (int *dx, int *dy); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_path_distance_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_path_distance_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&dx, &dy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.path.distance(dx, dy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_path_distance_post ) { unsigned int (*postHookFunc) (unsigned int retVal___, int *dx, int *dy); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_path_distance_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_path_distance_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &dx, &dy); } } return retVal___; } /* pcg */ void HP_pcg_init(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_init_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_init_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pcg_init_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.pcg.init(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_init_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_init_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pcg_init_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_pcg_final(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_final_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_final_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pcg_final_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.pcg.final(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_final_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_final_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pcg_final_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_pcg_reload(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_reload_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_reload_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pcg_reload_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.pcg.reload(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_reload_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_reload_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pcg_reload_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } GroupSettings* HP_pcg_get_dummy_group(void) { int hIndex = 0; GroupSettings* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_get_dummy_group_pre ) { GroupSettings* (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_get_dummy_group_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pcg_get_dummy_group_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pcg.get_dummy_group(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_get_dummy_group_post ) { GroupSettings* (*postHookFunc) (GroupSettings* retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_get_dummy_group_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pcg_get_dummy_group_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_pcg_exists(int group_id) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_exists_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (int *group_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_exists_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pcg_exists_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&group_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pcg.exists(group_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_exists_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, int *group_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_exists_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pcg_exists_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &group_id); } } return retVal___; } GroupSettings* HP_pcg_id2group(int group_id) { int hIndex = 0; GroupSettings* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_id2group_pre ) { GroupSettings* (*preHookFunc) (int *group_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_id2group_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pcg_id2group_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&group_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pcg.id2group(group_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_id2group_post ) { GroupSettings* (*postHookFunc) (GroupSettings* retVal___, int *group_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_id2group_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pcg_id2group_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &group_id); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_pcg_has_permission(GroupSettings *group, unsigned int permission) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_has_permission_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (GroupSettings *group, unsigned int *permission); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_has_permission_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pcg_has_permission_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(group, &permission); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pcg.has_permission(group, permission); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_has_permission_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, GroupSettings *group, unsigned int *permission); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_has_permission_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pcg_has_permission_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, group, &permission); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_pcg_should_log_commands(GroupSettings *group) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_should_log_commands_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (GroupSettings *group); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_should_log_commands_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pcg_should_log_commands_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(group); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pcg.should_log_commands(group); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_should_log_commands_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, GroupSettings *group); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_should_log_commands_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pcg_should_log_commands_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, group); } } return retVal___; } const char* HP_pcg_get_name(GroupSettings *group) { int hIndex = 0; const char* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_get_name_pre ) { const char* (*preHookFunc) (GroupSettings *group); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_get_name_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pcg_get_name_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(group); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pcg.get_name(group); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_get_name_post ) { const char* (*postHookFunc) (const char* retVal___, GroupSettings *group); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_get_name_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pcg_get_name_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, group); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pcg_get_level(GroupSettings *group) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_get_level_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (GroupSettings *group); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_get_level_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pcg_get_level_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(group); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pcg.get_level(group); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_get_level_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, GroupSettings *group); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_get_level_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pcg_get_level_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, group); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pcg_get_idx(GroupSettings *group) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_get_idx_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (GroupSettings *group); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_get_idx_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pcg_get_idx_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(group); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pcg.get_idx(group); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_get_idx_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, GroupSettings *group); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_get_idx_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pcg_get_idx_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, group); } } return retVal___; } unsigned int HP_pcg_add_permission(const char *name) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_add_permission_pre ) { unsigned int (*preHookFunc) (const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_add_permission_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pcg_add_permission_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pcg.add_permission(name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_add_permission_post ) { unsigned int (*postHookFunc) (unsigned int retVal___, const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pcg_add_permission_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pcg_add_permission_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, name); } } return retVal___; } /* pc */ void HP_pc_init(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_init_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_init_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_init_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.pc.init(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_init_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_init_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_init_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_pc_final(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_final_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_final_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_final_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.pc.final(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_final_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_final_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_final_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } struct map_session_data* HP_pc_get_dummy_sd(void) { int hIndex = 0; struct map_session_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_get_dummy_sd_pre ) { struct map_session_data* (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_get_dummy_sd_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_get_dummy_sd_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.get_dummy_sd(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_get_dummy_sd_post ) { struct map_session_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data* retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_get_dummy_sd_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_get_dummy_sd_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_class2idx(int class_) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_class2idx_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_class2idx_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_class2idx_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&class_); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.class2idx(class_); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_class2idx_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_class2idx_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_class2idx_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &class_); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_get_group_level(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_get_group_level_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_get_group_level_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_get_group_level_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.get_group_level(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_get_group_level_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_get_group_level_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_get_group_level_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_pc_can_give_items(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_can_give_items_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_can_give_items_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_can_give_items_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.can_give_items(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_can_give_items_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_can_give_items_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_can_give_items_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_pc_can_use_command(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *command) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_can_use_command_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *command); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_can_use_command_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_can_use_command_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, command); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.can_use_command(sd, command); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_can_use_command_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, const char *command); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_can_use_command_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_can_use_command_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, command); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_pc_has_permission(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int permission) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_has_permission_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int *permission); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_has_permission_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_has_permission_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &permission); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.has_permission(sd, permission); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_has_permission_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int *permission); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_has_permission_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_has_permission_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &permission); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_set_group(struct map_session_data *sd, int group_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_set_group_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *group_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_set_group_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_set_group_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &group_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.set_group(sd, group_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_set_group_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *group_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_set_group_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_set_group_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &group_id); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_pc_should_log_commands(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_should_log_commands_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_should_log_commands_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_should_log_commands_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.should_log_commands(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_should_log_commands_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_should_log_commands_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_should_log_commands_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_setrestartvalue(struct map_session_data *sd, int type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setrestartvalue_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setrestartvalue_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_setrestartvalue_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.setrestartvalue(sd, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setrestartvalue_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setrestartvalue_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_setrestartvalue_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &type); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_makesavestatus(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_makesavestatus_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_makesavestatus_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_makesavestatus_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.makesavestatus(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_makesavestatus_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_makesavestatus_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_makesavestatus_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } void HP_pc_respawn(struct map_session_data *sd, clr_type clrtype) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_respawn_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, clr_type *clrtype); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_respawn_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_respawn_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &clrtype); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.pc.respawn(sd, clrtype); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_respawn_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, clr_type *clrtype); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_respawn_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_respawn_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &clrtype); } } return; } int HP_pc_setnewpc(struct map_session_data *sd, int account_id, int char_id, int login_id1, unsigned int client_tick, int sex, int fd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setnewpc_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *account_id, int *char_id, int *login_id1, unsigned int *client_tick, int *sex, int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setnewpc_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_setnewpc_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &account_id, &char_id, &login_id1, &client_tick, &sex, &fd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.setnewpc(sd, account_id, char_id, login_id1, client_tick, sex, fd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setnewpc_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *account_id, int *char_id, int *login_id1, unsigned int *client_tick, int *sex, int *fd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setnewpc_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_setnewpc_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &account_id, &char_id, &login_id1, &client_tick, &sex, &fd); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_pc_authok(struct map_session_data *sd, int login_id2, time_t expiration_time, int group_id, struct mmo_charstatus *st, bool changing_mapservers) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_authok_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *login_id2, time_t *expiration_time, int *group_id, struct mmo_charstatus *st, bool *changing_mapservers); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_authok_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_authok_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &login_id2, &expiration_time, &group_id, st, &changing_mapservers); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.authok(sd, login_id2, expiration_time, group_id, st, changing_mapservers); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_authok_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *login_id2, time_t *expiration_time, int *group_id, struct mmo_charstatus *st, bool *changing_mapservers); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_authok_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_authok_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &login_id2, &expiration_time, &group_id, st, &changing_mapservers); } } return retVal___; } void HP_pc_authfail(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_authfail_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_authfail_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_authfail_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.pc.authfail(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_authfail_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_authfail_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_authfail_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } int HP_pc_reg_received(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_reg_received_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_reg_received_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_reg_received_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.reg_received(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_reg_received_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_reg_received_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_reg_received_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_isequip(struct map_session_data *sd, int n) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_isequip_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *n); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_isequip_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_isequip_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &n); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.isequip(sd, n); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_isequip_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *n); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_isequip_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_isequip_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &n); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_equippoint(struct map_session_data *sd, int n) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_equippoint_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *n); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_equippoint_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_equippoint_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &n); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.equippoint(sd, n); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_equippoint_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *n); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_equippoint_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_equippoint_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &n); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_setinventorydata(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setinventorydata_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setinventorydata_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_setinventorydata_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.setinventorydata(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setinventorydata_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setinventorydata_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_setinventorydata_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_checkskill(struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_checkskill_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_checkskill_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_checkskill_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.checkskill(sd, skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_checkskill_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_checkskill_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_checkskill_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &skill_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_checkskill2(struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 index) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_checkskill2_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *index); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_checkskill2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_checkskill2_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &index); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.checkskill2(sd, index); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_checkskill2_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *index); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_checkskill2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_checkskill2_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &index); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_checkallowskill(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_checkallowskill_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_checkallowskill_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_checkallowskill_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.checkallowskill(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_checkallowskill_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_checkallowskill_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_checkallowskill_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_checkequip(struct map_session_data *sd, int pos) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_checkequip_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *pos); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_checkequip_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_checkequip_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &pos); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.checkequip(sd, pos); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_checkequip_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *pos); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_checkequip_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_checkequip_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &pos); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_calc_skilltree(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_calc_skilltree_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_calc_skilltree_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_calc_skilltree_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.calc_skilltree(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_calc_skilltree_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_calc_skilltree_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_calc_skilltree_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_calc_skilltree_normalize_job(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_calc_skilltree_normalize_job_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_calc_skilltree_normalize_job_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_calc_skilltree_normalize_job_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.calc_skilltree_normalize_job(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_calc_skilltree_normalize_job_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_calc_skilltree_normalize_job_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_calc_skilltree_normalize_job_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_clean_skilltree(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_clean_skilltree_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_clean_skilltree_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_clean_skilltree_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.clean_skilltree(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_clean_skilltree_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_clean_skilltree_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_clean_skilltree_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_setpos(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short mapindex, int x, int y, clr_type clrtype) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setpos_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short *mapindex, int *x, int *y, clr_type *clrtype); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setpos_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_setpos_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &mapindex, &x, &y, &clrtype); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.setpos(sd, mapindex, x, y, clrtype); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setpos_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short *mapindex, int *x, int *y, clr_type *clrtype); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setpos_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_setpos_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &mapindex, &x, &y, &clrtype); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_setsavepoint(struct map_session_data *sd, short mapindex, int x, int y) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setsavepoint_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, short *mapindex, int *x, int *y); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setsavepoint_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_setsavepoint_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &mapindex, &x, &y); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.setsavepoint(sd, mapindex, x, y); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setsavepoint_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, short *mapindex, int *x, int *y); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setsavepoint_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_setsavepoint_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &mapindex, &x, &y); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_randomwarp(struct map_session_data *sd, clr_type type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_randomwarp_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, clr_type *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_randomwarp_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_randomwarp_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.randomwarp(sd, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_randomwarp_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, clr_type *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_randomwarp_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_randomwarp_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &type); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_memo(struct map_session_data *sd, int pos) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_memo_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *pos); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_memo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_memo_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &pos); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.memo(sd, pos); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_memo_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *pos); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_memo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_memo_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &pos); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_checkadditem(struct map_session_data *sd, int nameid, int amount) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_checkadditem_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *nameid, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_checkadditem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_checkadditem_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &nameid, &amount); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.checkadditem(sd, nameid, amount); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_checkadditem_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *nameid, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_checkadditem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_checkadditem_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &nameid, &amount); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_inventoryblank(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_inventoryblank_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_inventoryblank_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_inventoryblank_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.inventoryblank(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_inventoryblank_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_inventoryblank_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_inventoryblank_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_search_inventory(struct map_session_data *sd, int item_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_search_inventory_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *item_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_search_inventory_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_search_inventory_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &item_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.search_inventory(sd, item_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_search_inventory_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *item_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_search_inventory_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_search_inventory_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &item_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_payzeny(struct map_session_data *sd, int zeny, enum e_log_pick_type type, struct map_session_data *tsd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_payzeny_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *zeny, enum e_log_pick_type *type, struct map_session_data *tsd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_payzeny_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_payzeny_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &zeny, &type, tsd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.payzeny(sd, zeny, type, tsd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_payzeny_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *zeny, enum e_log_pick_type *type, struct map_session_data *tsd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_payzeny_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_payzeny_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &zeny, &type, tsd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_additem(struct map_session_data *sd, struct item *item_data, int amount, e_log_pick_type log_type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_additem_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct item *item_data, int *amount, e_log_pick_type *log_type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_additem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_additem_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, item_data, &amount, &log_type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.additem(sd, item_data, amount, log_type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_additem_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct item *item_data, int *amount, e_log_pick_type *log_type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_additem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_additem_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, item_data, &amount, &log_type); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_getzeny(struct map_session_data *sd, int zeny, enum e_log_pick_type type, struct map_session_data *tsd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_getzeny_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *zeny, enum e_log_pick_type *type, struct map_session_data *tsd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_getzeny_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_getzeny_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &zeny, &type, tsd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.getzeny(sd, zeny, type, tsd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_getzeny_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *zeny, enum e_log_pick_type *type, struct map_session_data *tsd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_getzeny_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_getzeny_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &zeny, &type, tsd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_delitem(struct map_session_data *sd, int n, int amount, int type, short reason, e_log_pick_type log_type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_delitem_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, int *amount, int *type, short *reason, e_log_pick_type *log_type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_delitem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_delitem_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &n, &amount, &type, &reason, &log_type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.delitem(sd, n, amount, type, reason, log_type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_delitem_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, int *amount, int *type, short *reason, e_log_pick_type *log_type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_delitem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_delitem_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &n, &amount, &type, &reason, &log_type); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_paycash(struct map_session_data *sd, int price, int points) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_paycash_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *price, int *points); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_paycash_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_paycash_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &price, &points); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.paycash(sd, price, points); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_paycash_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *price, int *points); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_paycash_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_paycash_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &price, &points); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_getcash(struct map_session_data *sd, int cash, int points) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_getcash_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *cash, int *points); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_getcash_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_getcash_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &cash, &points); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.getcash(sd, cash, points); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_getcash_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *cash, int *points); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_getcash_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_getcash_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &cash, &points); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_cart_additem(struct map_session_data *sd, struct item *item_data, int amount, e_log_pick_type log_type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_cart_additem_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct item *item_data, int *amount, e_log_pick_type *log_type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_cart_additem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_cart_additem_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, item_data, &amount, &log_type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.cart_additem(sd, item_data, amount, log_type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_cart_additem_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct item *item_data, int *amount, e_log_pick_type *log_type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_cart_additem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_cart_additem_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, item_data, &amount, &log_type); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_cart_delitem(struct map_session_data *sd, int n, int amount, int type, e_log_pick_type log_type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_cart_delitem_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, int *amount, int *type, e_log_pick_type *log_type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_cart_delitem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_cart_delitem_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &n, &amount, &type, &log_type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.cart_delitem(sd, n, amount, type, log_type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_cart_delitem_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, int *amount, int *type, e_log_pick_type *log_type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_cart_delitem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_cart_delitem_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &n, &amount, &type, &log_type); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_putitemtocart(struct map_session_data *sd, int idx, int amount) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_putitemtocart_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *idx, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_putitemtocart_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_putitemtocart_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &idx, &amount); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.putitemtocart(sd, idx, amount); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_putitemtocart_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *idx, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_putitemtocart_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_putitemtocart_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &idx, &amount); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_getitemfromcart(struct map_session_data *sd, int idx, int amount) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_getitemfromcart_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *idx, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_getitemfromcart_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_getitemfromcart_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &idx, &amount); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.getitemfromcart(sd, idx, amount); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_getitemfromcart_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *idx, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_getitemfromcart_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_getitemfromcart_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &idx, &amount); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_cartitem_amount(struct map_session_data *sd, int idx, int amount) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_cartitem_amount_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *idx, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_cartitem_amount_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_cartitem_amount_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &idx, &amount); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.cartitem_amount(sd, idx, amount); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_cartitem_amount_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *idx, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_cartitem_amount_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_cartitem_amount_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &idx, &amount); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_takeitem(struct map_session_data *sd, struct flooritem_data *fitem) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_takeitem_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct flooritem_data *fitem); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_takeitem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_takeitem_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, fitem); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.takeitem(sd, fitem); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_takeitem_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct flooritem_data *fitem); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_takeitem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_takeitem_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, fitem); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_dropitem(struct map_session_data *sd, int n, int amount) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_dropitem_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_dropitem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_dropitem_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &n, &amount); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.dropitem(sd, n, amount); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_dropitem_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_dropitem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_dropitem_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &n, &amount); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_pc_isequipped(struct map_session_data *sd, int nameid) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_isequipped_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_isequipped_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_isequipped_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &nameid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.isequipped(sd, nameid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_isequipped_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_isequipped_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_isequipped_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &nameid); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_pc_can_Adopt(struct map_session_data *p1_sd, struct map_session_data *p2_sd, struct map_session_data *b_sd) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_can_Adopt_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *p1_sd, struct map_session_data *p2_sd, struct map_session_data *b_sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_can_Adopt_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_can_Adopt_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(p1_sd, p2_sd, b_sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.can_Adopt(p1_sd, p2_sd, b_sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_can_Adopt_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct map_session_data *p1_sd, struct map_session_data *p2_sd, struct map_session_data *b_sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_can_Adopt_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_can_Adopt_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, p1_sd, p2_sd, b_sd); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_pc_adoption(struct map_session_data *p1_sd, struct map_session_data *p2_sd, struct map_session_data *b_sd) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_adoption_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *p1_sd, struct map_session_data *p2_sd, struct map_session_data *b_sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_adoption_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_adoption_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(p1_sd, p2_sd, b_sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.adoption(p1_sd, p2_sd, b_sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_adoption_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct map_session_data *p1_sd, struct map_session_data *p2_sd, struct map_session_data *b_sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_adoption_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_adoption_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, p1_sd, p2_sd, b_sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_updateweightstatus(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_updateweightstatus_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_updateweightstatus_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_updateweightstatus_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.updateweightstatus(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_updateweightstatus_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_updateweightstatus_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_updateweightstatus_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_addautobonus(struct s_autobonus *bonus, char max, const char *bonus_script, short rate, unsigned int dur, short atk_type, const char *o_script, unsigned short pos, bool onskill) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_addautobonus_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct s_autobonus *bonus, char *max, const char *bonus_script, short *rate, unsigned int *dur, short *atk_type, const char *o_script, unsigned short *pos, bool *onskill); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_addautobonus_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_addautobonus_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bonus, &max, bonus_script, &rate, &dur, &atk_type, o_script, &pos, &onskill); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.addautobonus(bonus, max, bonus_script, rate, dur, atk_type, o_script, pos, onskill); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_addautobonus_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct s_autobonus *bonus, char *max, const char *bonus_script, short *rate, unsigned int *dur, short *atk_type, const char *o_script, unsigned short *pos, bool *onskill); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_addautobonus_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_addautobonus_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bonus, &max, bonus_script, &rate, &dur, &atk_type, o_script, &pos, &onskill); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_exeautobonus(struct map_session_data *sd, struct s_autobonus *bonus) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_exeautobonus_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct s_autobonus *bonus); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_exeautobonus_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_exeautobonus_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, bonus); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.exeautobonus(sd, bonus); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_exeautobonus_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct s_autobonus *bonus); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_exeautobonus_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_exeautobonus_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, bonus); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_endautobonus(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_endautobonus_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_endautobonus_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_endautobonus_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.endautobonus(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_endautobonus_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_endautobonus_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_endautobonus_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_delautobonus(struct map_session_data *sd, struct s_autobonus *bonus, char max, bool restore) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_delautobonus_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct s_autobonus *bonus, char *max, bool *restore); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_delautobonus_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_delautobonus_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, bonus, &max, &restore); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.delautobonus(sd, bonus, max, restore); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_delautobonus_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct s_autobonus *bonus, char *max, bool *restore); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_delautobonus_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_delautobonus_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, bonus, &max, &restore); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_bonus(struct map_session_data *sd, int type, int val) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_bonus_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &type, &val); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.bonus(sd, type, val); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *type, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_bonus_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &type, &val); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_bonus2(struct map_session_data *sd, int type, int type2, int val) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus2_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type, int *type2, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_bonus2_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &type, &type2, &val); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.bonus2(sd, type, type2, val); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus2_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *type, int *type2, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_bonus2_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &type, &type2, &val); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_bonus3(struct map_session_data *sd, int type, int type2, int type3, int val) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus3_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type, int *type2, int *type3, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus3_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_bonus3_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &type, &type2, &type3, &val); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.bonus3(sd, type, type2, type3, val); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus3_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *type, int *type2, int *type3, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus3_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_bonus3_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &type, &type2, &type3, &val); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_bonus4(struct map_session_data *sd, int type, int type2, int type3, int type4, int val) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus4_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type, int *type2, int *type3, int *type4, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus4_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_bonus4_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &type, &type2, &type3, &type4, &val); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.bonus4(sd, type, type2, type3, type4, val); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus4_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *type, int *type2, int *type3, int *type4, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus4_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_bonus4_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &type, &type2, &type3, &type4, &val); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_bonus5(struct map_session_data *sd, int type, int type2, int type3, int type4, int type5, int val) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus5_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type, int *type2, int *type3, int *type4, int *type5, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus5_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_bonus5_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &type, &type2, &type3, &type4, &type5, &val); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.bonus5(sd, type, type2, type3, type4, type5, val); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus5_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *type, int *type2, int *type3, int *type4, int *type5, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus5_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_bonus5_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &type, &type2, &type3, &type4, &type5, &val); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_skill(struct map_session_data *sd, int id, int level, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_skill_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *id, int *level, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_skill_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_skill_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &id, &level, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.skill(sd, id, level, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_skill_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *id, int *level, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_skill_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_skill_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &id, &level, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_insert_card(struct map_session_data *sd, int idx_card, int idx_equip) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_insert_card_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *idx_card, int *idx_equip); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_insert_card_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_insert_card_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &idx_card, &idx_equip); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.insert_card(sd, idx_card, idx_equip); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_insert_card_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *idx_card, int *idx_equip); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_insert_card_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_insert_card_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &idx_card, &idx_equip); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_steal_item(struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_steal_item_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_steal_item_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_steal_item_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, bl, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.steal_item(sd, bl, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_steal_item_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_steal_item_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_steal_item_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, bl, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_steal_coin(struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_steal_coin_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_steal_coin_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_steal_coin_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.steal_coin(sd, bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_steal_coin_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_steal_coin_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_steal_coin_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, bl); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_modifybuyvalue(struct map_session_data *sd, int orig_value) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_modifybuyvalue_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *orig_value); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_modifybuyvalue_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_modifybuyvalue_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &orig_value); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.modifybuyvalue(sd, orig_value); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_modifybuyvalue_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *orig_value); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_modifybuyvalue_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_modifybuyvalue_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &orig_value); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_modifysellvalue(struct map_session_data *sd, int orig_value) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_modifysellvalue_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *orig_value); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_modifysellvalue_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_modifysellvalue_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &orig_value); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.modifysellvalue(sd, orig_value); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_modifysellvalue_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *orig_value); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_modifysellvalue_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_modifysellvalue_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &orig_value); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_follow(struct map_session_data *sd, int target_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_follow_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *target_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_follow_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_follow_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &target_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.follow(sd, target_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_follow_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *target_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_follow_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_follow_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &target_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_stop_following(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_stop_following_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_stop_following_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_stop_following_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.stop_following(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_stop_following_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_stop_following_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_stop_following_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } unsigned int HP_pc_maxbaselv(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_maxbaselv_pre ) { unsigned int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_maxbaselv_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_maxbaselv_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.maxbaselv(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_maxbaselv_post ) { unsigned int (*postHookFunc) (unsigned int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_maxbaselv_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_maxbaselv_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } unsigned int HP_pc_maxjoblv(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_maxjoblv_pre ) { unsigned int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_maxjoblv_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_maxjoblv_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.maxjoblv(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_maxjoblv_post ) { unsigned int (*postHookFunc) (unsigned int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_maxjoblv_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_maxjoblv_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_checkbaselevelup(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_checkbaselevelup_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_checkbaselevelup_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_checkbaselevelup_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.checkbaselevelup(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_checkbaselevelup_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_checkbaselevelup_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_checkbaselevelup_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_checkjoblevelup(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_checkjoblevelup_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_checkjoblevelup_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_checkjoblevelup_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.checkjoblevelup(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_checkjoblevelup_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_checkjoblevelup_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_checkjoblevelup_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_gainexp(struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *src, unsigned int base_exp, unsigned int job_exp, bool is_quest) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_gainexp_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *src, unsigned int *base_exp, unsigned int *job_exp, bool *is_quest); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_gainexp_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_gainexp_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, src, &base_exp, &job_exp, &is_quest); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.gainexp(sd, src, base_exp, job_exp, is_quest); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_gainexp_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *src, unsigned int *base_exp, unsigned int *job_exp, bool *is_quest); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_gainexp_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_gainexp_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, src, &base_exp, &job_exp, &is_quest); } } return retVal___; } unsigned int HP_pc_nextbaseexp(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_nextbaseexp_pre ) { unsigned int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_nextbaseexp_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_nextbaseexp_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.nextbaseexp(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_nextbaseexp_post ) { unsigned int (*postHookFunc) (unsigned int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_nextbaseexp_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_nextbaseexp_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } unsigned int HP_pc_thisbaseexp(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_thisbaseexp_pre ) { unsigned int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_thisbaseexp_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_thisbaseexp_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.thisbaseexp(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_thisbaseexp_post ) { unsigned int (*postHookFunc) (unsigned int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_thisbaseexp_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_thisbaseexp_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } unsigned int HP_pc_nextjobexp(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_nextjobexp_pre ) { unsigned int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_nextjobexp_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_nextjobexp_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.nextjobexp(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_nextjobexp_post ) { unsigned int (*postHookFunc) (unsigned int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_nextjobexp_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_nextjobexp_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } unsigned int HP_pc_thisjobexp(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_thisjobexp_pre ) { unsigned int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_thisjobexp_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_thisjobexp_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.thisjobexp(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_thisjobexp_post ) { unsigned int (*postHookFunc) (unsigned int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_thisjobexp_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_thisjobexp_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_gets_status_point(int level) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_gets_status_point_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *level); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_gets_status_point_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_gets_status_point_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&level); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.gets_status_point(level); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_gets_status_point_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *level); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_gets_status_point_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_gets_status_point_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &level); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_need_status_point(struct map_session_data *sd, int type, int val) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_need_status_point_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_need_status_point_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_need_status_point_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &type, &val); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.need_status_point(sd, type, val); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_need_status_point_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *type, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_need_status_point_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_need_status_point_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &type, &val); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_statusup(struct map_session_data *sd, int type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_statusup_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_statusup_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_statusup_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.statusup(sd, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_statusup_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_statusup_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_statusup_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &type); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_statusup2(struct map_session_data *sd, int type, int val) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_statusup2_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_statusup2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_statusup2_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &type, &val); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.statusup2(sd, type, val); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_statusup2_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *type, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_statusup2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_statusup2_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &type, &val); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_skillup(struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_skillup_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_skillup_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_skillup_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.skillup(sd, skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_skillup_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_skillup_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_skillup_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &skill_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_allskillup(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_allskillup_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_allskillup_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_allskillup_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.allskillup(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_allskillup_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_allskillup_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_allskillup_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_resetlvl(struct map_session_data *sd, int type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_resetlvl_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_resetlvl_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_resetlvl_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.resetlvl(sd, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_resetlvl_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_resetlvl_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_resetlvl_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &type); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_resetstate(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_resetstate_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_resetstate_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_resetstate_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.resetstate(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_resetstate_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_resetstate_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_resetstate_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_resetskill(struct map_session_data *sd, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_resetskill_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_resetskill_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_resetskill_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.resetskill(sd, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_resetskill_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_resetskill_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_resetskill_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_resetfeel(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_resetfeel_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_resetfeel_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_resetfeel_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.resetfeel(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_resetfeel_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_resetfeel_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_resetfeel_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_resethate(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_resethate_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_resethate_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_resethate_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.resethate(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_resethate_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_resethate_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_resethate_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_equipitem(struct map_session_data *sd, int n, int req_pos) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_equipitem_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, int *req_pos); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_equipitem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_equipitem_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &n, &req_pos); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.equipitem(sd, n, req_pos); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_equipitem_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, int *req_pos); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_equipitem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_equipitem_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &n, &req_pos); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_unequipitem(struct map_session_data *sd, int n, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_unequipitem_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_unequipitem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_unequipitem_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &n, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.unequipitem(sd, n, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_unequipitem_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_unequipitem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_unequipitem_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &n, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_checkitem(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_checkitem_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_checkitem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_checkitem_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.checkitem(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_checkitem_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_checkitem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_checkitem_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_useitem(struct map_session_data *sd, int n) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_useitem_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *n); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_useitem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_useitem_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &n); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.useitem(sd, n); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_useitem_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *n); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_useitem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_useitem_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &n); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_skillatk_bonus(struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_skillatk_bonus_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_skillatk_bonus_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_skillatk_bonus_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.skillatk_bonus(sd, skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_skillatk_bonus_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_skillatk_bonus_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_skillatk_bonus_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &skill_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_skillheal_bonus(struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_skillheal_bonus_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_skillheal_bonus_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_skillheal_bonus_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.skillheal_bonus(sd, skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_skillheal_bonus_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_skillheal_bonus_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_skillheal_bonus_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &skill_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_skillheal2_bonus(struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_skillheal2_bonus_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_skillheal2_bonus_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_skillheal2_bonus_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.skillheal2_bonus(sd, skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_skillheal2_bonus_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_skillheal2_bonus_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_skillheal2_bonus_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &skill_id); } } return retVal___; } void HP_pc_damage(struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *src, unsigned int hp, unsigned int sp) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_damage_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *src, unsigned int *hp, unsigned int *sp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_damage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_damage_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, src, &hp, &sp); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.pc.damage(sd, src, hp, sp); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_damage_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *src, unsigned int *hp, unsigned int *sp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_damage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_damage_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, src, &hp, &sp); } } return; } int HP_pc_dead(struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *src) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_dead_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *src); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_dead_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_dead_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, src); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.dead(sd, src); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_dead_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *src); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_dead_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_dead_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, src); } } return retVal___; } void HP_pc_revive(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int hp, unsigned int sp) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_revive_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int *hp, unsigned int *sp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_revive_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_revive_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &hp, &sp); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.pc.revive(sd, hp, sp); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_revive_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int *hp, unsigned int *sp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_revive_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_revive_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &hp, &sp); } } return; } void HP_pc_heal(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int hp, unsigned int sp, int type) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_heal_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int *hp, unsigned int *sp, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_heal_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_heal_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &hp, &sp, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.pc.heal(sd, hp, sp, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_heal_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int *hp, unsigned int *sp, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_heal_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_heal_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &hp, &sp, &type); } } return; } int HP_pc_itemheal(struct map_session_data *sd, int itemid, int hp, int sp) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_itemheal_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *itemid, int *hp, int *sp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_itemheal_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_itemheal_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &itemid, &hp, &sp); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.itemheal(sd, itemid, hp, sp); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_itemheal_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *itemid, int *hp, int *sp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_itemheal_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_itemheal_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &itemid, &hp, &sp); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_percentheal(struct map_session_data *sd, int hp, int sp) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_percentheal_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *hp, int *sp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_percentheal_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_percentheal_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &hp, &sp); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.percentheal(sd, hp, sp); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_percentheal_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *hp, int *sp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_percentheal_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_percentheal_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &hp, &sp); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_jobchange(struct map_session_data *sd, int job, int upper) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_jobchange_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *job, int *upper); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_jobchange_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_jobchange_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &job, &upper); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.jobchange(sd, job, upper); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_jobchange_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *job, int *upper); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_jobchange_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_jobchange_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &job, &upper); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_setoption(struct map_session_data *sd, int type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setoption_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setoption_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_setoption_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.setoption(sd, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setoption_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setoption_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_setoption_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &type); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_setcart(struct map_session_data *sd, int type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setcart_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setcart_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_setcart_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.setcart(sd, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setcart_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setcart_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_setcart_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &type); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_setfalcon(struct map_session_data *sd, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setfalcon_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setfalcon_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_setfalcon_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.setfalcon(sd, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setfalcon_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setfalcon_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_setfalcon_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_setriding(struct map_session_data *sd, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setriding_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setriding_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_setriding_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.setriding(sd, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setriding_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setriding_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_setriding_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_setmadogear(struct map_session_data *sd, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setmadogear_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setmadogear_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_setmadogear_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.setmadogear(sd, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setmadogear_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setmadogear_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_setmadogear_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_changelook(struct map_session_data *sd, int type, int val) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_changelook_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_changelook_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_changelook_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &type, &val); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.changelook(sd, type, val); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_changelook_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *type, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_changelook_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_changelook_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &type, &val); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_equiplookall(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_equiplookall_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_equiplookall_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_equiplookall_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.equiplookall(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_equiplookall_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_equiplookall_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_equiplookall_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_readparam(struct map_session_data *sd, int type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_readparam_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_readparam_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_readparam_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.readparam(sd, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_readparam_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_readparam_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_readparam_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &type); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_setparam(struct map_session_data *sd, int type, int val) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setparam_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setparam_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_setparam_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &type, &val); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.setparam(sd, type, val); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setparam_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *type, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setparam_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_setparam_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &type, &val); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_readreg(struct map_session_data *sd, int reg) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_readreg_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *reg); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_readreg_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_readreg_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, ®); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.readreg(sd, reg); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_readreg_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *reg); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_readreg_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_readreg_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, ®); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_setreg(struct map_session_data *sd, int reg, int val) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setreg_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *reg, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setreg_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_setreg_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, ®, &val); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.setreg(sd, reg, val); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setreg_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *reg, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setreg_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_setreg_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, ®, &val); } } return retVal___; } char* HP_pc_readregstr(struct map_session_data *sd, int reg) { int hIndex = 0; char* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_readregstr_pre ) { char* (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *reg); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_readregstr_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_readregstr_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, ®); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.readregstr(sd, reg); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_readregstr_post ) { char* (*postHookFunc) (char* retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *reg); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_readregstr_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_readregstr_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, ®); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_setregstr(struct map_session_data *sd, int reg, const char *str) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setregstr_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *reg, const char *str); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setregstr_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_setregstr_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, ®, str); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.setregstr(sd, reg, str); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setregstr_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *reg, const char *str); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setregstr_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_setregstr_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, ®, str); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_readregistry(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *reg, int type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_readregistry_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *reg, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_readregistry_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_readregistry_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, reg, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.readregistry(sd, reg, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_readregistry_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, const char *reg, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_readregistry_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_readregistry_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, reg, &type); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_setregistry(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *reg, int val, int type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setregistry_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *reg, int *val, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setregistry_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_setregistry_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, reg, &val, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.setregistry(sd, reg, val, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setregistry_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, const char *reg, int *val, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setregistry_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_setregistry_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, reg, &val, &type); } } return retVal___; } char* HP_pc_readregistry_str(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *reg, int type) { int hIndex = 0; char* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_readregistry_str_pre ) { char* (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *reg, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_readregistry_str_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_readregistry_str_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, reg, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.readregistry_str(sd, reg, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_readregistry_str_post ) { char* (*postHookFunc) (char* retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, const char *reg, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_readregistry_str_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_readregistry_str_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, reg, &type); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_setregistry_str(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *reg, const char *val, int type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setregistry_str_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *reg, const char *val, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setregistry_str_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_setregistry_str_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, reg, val, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.setregistry_str(sd, reg, val, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setregistry_str_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, const char *reg, const char *val, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setregistry_str_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_setregistry_str_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, reg, val, &type); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_addeventtimer(struct map_session_data *sd, int tick, const char *name) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_addeventtimer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *tick, const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_addeventtimer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_addeventtimer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &tick, name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.addeventtimer(sd, tick, name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_addeventtimer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *tick, const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_addeventtimer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_addeventtimer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &tick, name); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_deleventtimer(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *name) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_deleventtimer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_deleventtimer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_deleventtimer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.deleventtimer(sd, name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_deleventtimer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_deleventtimer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_deleventtimer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, name); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_cleareventtimer(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_cleareventtimer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_cleareventtimer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_cleareventtimer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.cleareventtimer(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_cleareventtimer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_cleareventtimer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_cleareventtimer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_addeventtimercount(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *name, int tick) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_addeventtimercount_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *name, int *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_addeventtimercount_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_addeventtimercount_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, name, &tick); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.addeventtimercount(sd, name, tick); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_addeventtimercount_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, const char *name, int *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_addeventtimercount_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_addeventtimercount_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, name, &tick); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_calc_pvprank(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_calc_pvprank_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_calc_pvprank_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_calc_pvprank_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.calc_pvprank(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_calc_pvprank_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_calc_pvprank_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_calc_pvprank_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_calc_pvprank_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_calc_pvprank_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_calc_pvprank_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_calc_pvprank_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.calc_pvprank_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_calc_pvprank_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_calc_pvprank_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_calc_pvprank_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_ismarried(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_ismarried_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_ismarried_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_ismarried_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.ismarried(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_ismarried_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_ismarried_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_ismarried_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_marriage(struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *dstsd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_marriage_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *dstsd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_marriage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_marriage_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, dstsd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.marriage(sd, dstsd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_marriage_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *dstsd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_marriage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_marriage_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, dstsd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_divorce(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_divorce_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_divorce_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_divorce_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.divorce(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_divorce_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_divorce_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_divorce_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } struct map_session_data* HP_pc_get_partner(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; struct map_session_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_get_partner_pre ) { struct map_session_data* (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_get_partner_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_get_partner_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.get_partner(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_get_partner_post ) { struct map_session_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data* retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_get_partner_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_get_partner_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } struct map_session_data* HP_pc_get_father(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; struct map_session_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_get_father_pre ) { struct map_session_data* (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_get_father_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_get_father_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.get_father(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_get_father_post ) { struct map_session_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data* retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_get_father_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_get_father_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } struct map_session_data* HP_pc_get_mother(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; struct map_session_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_get_mother_pre ) { struct map_session_data* (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_get_mother_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_get_mother_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.get_mother(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_get_mother_post ) { struct map_session_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data* retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_get_mother_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_get_mother_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } struct map_session_data* HP_pc_get_child(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; struct map_session_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_get_child_pre ) { struct map_session_data* (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_get_child_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_get_child_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.get_child(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_get_child_post ) { struct map_session_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data* retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_get_child_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_get_child_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } void HP_pc_bleeding(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int diff_tick) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bleeding_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int *diff_tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bleeding_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_bleeding_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &diff_tick); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.pc.bleeding(sd, diff_tick); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bleeding_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int *diff_tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bleeding_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_bleeding_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &diff_tick); } } return; } void HP_pc_regen(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int diff_tick) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_regen_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int *diff_tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_regen_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_regen_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &diff_tick); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.pc.regen(sd, diff_tick); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_regen_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int *diff_tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_regen_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_regen_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &diff_tick); } } return; } void HP_pc_setstand(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setstand_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setstand_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_setstand_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.pc.setstand(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setstand_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setstand_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_setstand_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } int HP_pc_candrop(struct map_session_data *sd, struct item *item) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_candrop_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct item *item); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_candrop_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_candrop_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, item); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.candrop(sd, item); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_candrop_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct item *item); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_candrop_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_candrop_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, item); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_jobid2mapid(unsigned short b_class) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_jobid2mapid_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (unsigned short *b_class); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_jobid2mapid_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_jobid2mapid_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&b_class); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.jobid2mapid(b_class); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_jobid2mapid_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, unsigned short *b_class); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_jobid2mapid_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_jobid2mapid_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &b_class); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_mapid2jobid(unsigned short class_, int sex) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_mapid2jobid_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (unsigned short *class_, int *sex); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_mapid2jobid_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_mapid2jobid_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&class_, &sex); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.mapid2jobid(class_, sex); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_mapid2jobid_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, unsigned short *class_, int *sex); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_mapid2jobid_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_mapid2jobid_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &class_, &sex); } } return retVal___; } const char* HP_pc_job_name(int class_) { int hIndex = 0; const char* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_job_name_pre ) { const char* (*preHookFunc) (int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_job_name_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_job_name_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&class_); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.job_name(class_); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_job_name_post ) { const char* (*postHookFunc) (const char* retVal___, int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_job_name_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_job_name_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &class_); } } return retVal___; } void HP_pc_setinvincibletimer(struct map_session_data *sd, int val) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setinvincibletimer_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setinvincibletimer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_setinvincibletimer_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &val); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.pc.setinvincibletimer(sd, val); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setinvincibletimer_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setinvincibletimer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_setinvincibletimer_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &val); } } return; } void HP_pc_delinvincibletimer(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_delinvincibletimer_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_delinvincibletimer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_delinvincibletimer_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.pc.delinvincibletimer(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_delinvincibletimer_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_delinvincibletimer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_delinvincibletimer_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } int HP_pc_addspiritball(struct map_session_data *sd, int interval, int max) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_addspiritball_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *interval, int *max); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_addspiritball_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_addspiritball_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &interval, &max); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.addspiritball(sd, interval, max); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_addspiritball_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *interval, int *max); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_addspiritball_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_addspiritball_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &interval, &max); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_delspiritball(struct map_session_data *sd, int count, int type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_delspiritball_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *count, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_delspiritball_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_delspiritball_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &count, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.delspiritball(sd, count, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_delspiritball_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *count, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_delspiritball_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_delspiritball_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &count, &type); } } return retVal___; } void HP_pc_addfame(struct map_session_data *sd, int count) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_addfame_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *count); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_addfame_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_addfame_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &count); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.pc.addfame(sd, count); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_addfame_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *count); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_addfame_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_addfame_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &count); } } return; } unsigned char HP_pc_famerank(int char_id, int job) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned char retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_famerank_pre ) { unsigned char (*preHookFunc) (int *char_id, int *job); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_famerank_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_famerank_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&char_id, &job); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.famerank(char_id, job); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_famerank_post ) { unsigned char (*postHookFunc) (unsigned char retVal___, int *char_id, int *job); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_famerank_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_famerank_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &char_id, &job); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_set_hate_mob(struct map_session_data *sd, int pos, struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_set_hate_mob_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *pos, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_set_hate_mob_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_set_hate_mob_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &pos, bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.set_hate_mob(sd, pos, bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_set_hate_mob_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *pos, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_set_hate_mob_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_set_hate_mob_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &pos, bl); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_readdb(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_readdb_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_readdb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_readdb_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.readdb(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_readdb_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_readdb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_readdb_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_map_day_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_map_day_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_map_day_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_map_day_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.map_day_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_map_day_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_map_day_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_map_day_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_map_night_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_map_night_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_map_night_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_map_night_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.map_night_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_map_night_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_map_night_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_map_night_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } void HP_pc_inventory_rentals(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_inventory_rentals_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_inventory_rentals_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_inventory_rentals_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.pc.inventory_rentals(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_inventory_rentals_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_inventory_rentals_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_inventory_rentals_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } int HP_pc_inventory_rental_clear(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_inventory_rental_clear_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_inventory_rental_clear_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_inventory_rental_clear_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.inventory_rental_clear(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_inventory_rental_clear_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_inventory_rental_clear_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_inventory_rental_clear_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } void HP_pc_inventory_rental_add(struct map_session_data *sd, int seconds) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_inventory_rental_add_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *seconds); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_inventory_rental_add_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_inventory_rental_add_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &seconds); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.pc.inventory_rental_add(sd, seconds); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_inventory_rental_add_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *seconds); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_inventory_rental_add_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_inventory_rental_add_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &seconds); } } return; } int HP_pc_disguise(struct map_session_data *sd, int class_) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_disguise_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_disguise_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_disguise_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &class_); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.disguise(sd, class_); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_disguise_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_disguise_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_disguise_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &class_); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_pc_isautolooting(struct map_session_data *sd, int nameid) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_isautolooting_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_isautolooting_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_isautolooting_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &nameid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.isautolooting(sd, nameid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_isautolooting_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_isautolooting_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_isautolooting_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &nameid); } } return retVal___; } void HP_pc_overheat(struct map_session_data *sd, int val) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_overheat_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_overheat_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_overheat_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &val); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.pc.overheat(sd, val); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_overheat_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_overheat_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_overheat_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &val); } } return; } int HP_pc_banding(struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_banding_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_banding_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_banding_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.banding(sd, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_banding_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_banding_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_banding_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } void HP_pc_itemcd_do(struct map_session_data *sd, bool load) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_itemcd_do_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, bool *load); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_itemcd_do_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_itemcd_do_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &load); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.pc.itemcd_do(sd, load); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_itemcd_do_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, bool *load); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_itemcd_do_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_itemcd_do_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &load); } } return; } int HP_pc_load_combo(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_load_combo_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_load_combo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_load_combo_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.load_combo(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_load_combo_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_load_combo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_load_combo_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_add_charm(struct map_session_data *sd, int interval, int max, int type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_add_charm_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *interval, int *max, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_add_charm_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_add_charm_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &interval, &max, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.add_charm(sd, interval, max, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_add_charm_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *interval, int *max, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_add_charm_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_add_charm_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &interval, &max, &type); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_del_charm(struct map_session_data *sd, int count, int type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_del_charm_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *count, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_del_charm_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_del_charm_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &count, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.del_charm(sd, count, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_del_charm_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *count, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_del_charm_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_del_charm_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &count, &type); } } return retVal___; } void HP_pc_baselevelchanged(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_baselevelchanged_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_baselevelchanged_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_baselevelchanged_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.pc.baselevelchanged(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_baselevelchanged_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_baselevelchanged_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_baselevelchanged_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } int HP_pc_level_penalty_mod(int diff, unsigned char race, unsigned short mode, int type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_level_penalty_mod_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *diff, unsigned char *race, unsigned short *mode, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_level_penalty_mod_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_level_penalty_mod_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&diff, &race, &mode, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.level_penalty_mod(diff, race, mode, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_level_penalty_mod_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *diff, unsigned char *race, unsigned short *mode, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_level_penalty_mod_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_level_penalty_mod_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &diff, &race, &mode, &type); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_calc_skillpoint(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_calc_skillpoint_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_calc_skillpoint_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_calc_skillpoint_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.calc_skillpoint(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_calc_skillpoint_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_calc_skillpoint_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_calc_skillpoint_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_invincible_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_invincible_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_invincible_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_invincible_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.invincible_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_invincible_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_invincible_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_invincible_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_spiritball_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_spiritball_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_spiritball_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_spiritball_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.spiritball_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_spiritball_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_spiritball_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_spiritball_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_check_banding(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_check_banding_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_check_banding_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_check_banding_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.check_banding(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_check_banding_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_check_banding_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_check_banding_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_inventory_rental_end(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_inventory_rental_end_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_inventory_rental_end_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_inventory_rental_end_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.inventory_rental_end(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_inventory_rental_end_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_inventory_rental_end_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_inventory_rental_end_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } void HP_pc_check_skilltree(struct map_session_data *sd, int skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_check_skilltree_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_check_skilltree_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_check_skilltree_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.pc.check_skilltree(sd, skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_check_skilltree_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_check_skilltree_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_check_skilltree_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &skill_id); } } return; } int HP_pc_bonus_autospell(struct s_autospell *spell, int max, short id, short lv, short rate, short flag, short card_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus_autospell_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct s_autospell *spell, int *max, short *id, short *lv, short *rate, short *flag, short *card_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus_autospell_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_bonus_autospell_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(spell, &max, &id, &lv, &rate, &flag, &card_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.bonus_autospell(spell, max, id, lv, rate, flag, card_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus_autospell_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct s_autospell *spell, int *max, short *id, short *lv, short *rate, short *flag, short *card_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus_autospell_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_bonus_autospell_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, spell, &max, &id, &lv, &rate, &flag, &card_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_bonus_autospell_onskill(struct s_autospell *spell, int max, short src_skill, short id, short lv, short rate, short card_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus_autospell_onskill_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct s_autospell *spell, int *max, short *src_skill, short *id, short *lv, short *rate, short *card_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus_autospell_onskill_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_bonus_autospell_onskill_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(spell, &max, &src_skill, &id, &lv, &rate, &card_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.bonus_autospell_onskill(spell, max, src_skill, id, lv, rate, card_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus_autospell_onskill_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct s_autospell *spell, int *max, short *src_skill, short *id, short *lv, short *rate, short *card_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus_autospell_onskill_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_bonus_autospell_onskill_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, spell, &max, &src_skill, &id, &lv, &rate, &card_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_bonus_addeff(struct s_addeffect *effect, int max, enum sc_type id, short rate, short arrow_rate, unsigned char flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus_addeff_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct s_addeffect *effect, int *max, enum sc_type *id, short *rate, short *arrow_rate, unsigned char *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus_addeff_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_bonus_addeff_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(effect, &max, &id, &rate, &arrow_rate, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.bonus_addeff(effect, max, id, rate, arrow_rate, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus_addeff_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct s_addeffect *effect, int *max, enum sc_type *id, short *rate, short *arrow_rate, unsigned char *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus_addeff_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_bonus_addeff_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, effect, &max, &id, &rate, &arrow_rate, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_bonus_addeff_onskill(struct s_addeffectonskill *effect, int max, enum sc_type id, short rate, short skill_id, unsigned char target) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus_addeff_onskill_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct s_addeffectonskill *effect, int *max, enum sc_type *id, short *rate, short *skill_id, unsigned char *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus_addeff_onskill_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_bonus_addeff_onskill_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(effect, &max, &id, &rate, &skill_id, &target); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.bonus_addeff_onskill(effect, max, id, rate, skill_id, target); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus_addeff_onskill_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct s_addeffectonskill *effect, int *max, enum sc_type *id, short *rate, short *skill_id, unsigned char *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus_addeff_onskill_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_bonus_addeff_onskill_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, effect, &max, &id, &rate, &skill_id, &target); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_bonus_item_drop(struct s_add_drop *drop, const short max, short id, short group, int race, int rate) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus_item_drop_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct s_add_drop *drop, const short *max, short *id, short *group, int *race, int *rate); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus_item_drop_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_bonus_item_drop_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(drop, &max, &id, &group, &race, &rate); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.bonus_item_drop(drop, max, id, group, race, rate); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus_item_drop_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct s_add_drop *drop, const short *max, short *id, short *group, int *race, int *rate); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bonus_item_drop_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_bonus_item_drop_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, drop, &max, &id, &group, &race, &rate); } } return retVal___; } void HP_pc_calcexp(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int *base_exp, unsigned int *job_exp, struct block_list *src) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_calcexp_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int *base_exp, unsigned int *job_exp, struct block_list *src); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_calcexp_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_calcexp_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, base_exp, job_exp, src); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.pc.calcexp(sd, base_exp, job_exp, src); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_calcexp_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int *base_exp, unsigned int *job_exp, struct block_list *src); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_calcexp_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_calcexp_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, base_exp, job_exp, src); } } return; } int HP_pc_respawn_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_respawn_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_respawn_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_respawn_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.respawn_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_respawn_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_respawn_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_respawn_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_jobchange_killclone(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_jobchange_killclone_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_jobchange_killclone_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_jobchange_killclone_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.jobchange_killclone(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_jobchange_killclone_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_jobchange_killclone_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_jobchange_killclone_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_getstat(struct map_session_data *sd, int type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_getstat_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_getstat_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_getstat_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.getstat(sd, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_getstat_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_getstat_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_getstat_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &type); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_setstat(struct map_session_data *sd, int type, int val) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setstat_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setstat_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_setstat_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &type, &val); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.setstat(sd, type, val); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setstat_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *type, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_setstat_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_setstat_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &type, &val); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_eventtimer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_eventtimer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_eventtimer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_eventtimer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.eventtimer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_eventtimer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_eventtimer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_eventtimer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_daynight_timer_sub(struct map_session_data *sd, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_daynight_timer_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_daynight_timer_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_daynight_timer_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.daynight_timer_sub(sd, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_daynight_timer_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_daynight_timer_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_daynight_timer_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_charm_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_charm_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_charm_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_charm_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.charm_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_charm_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_charm_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_charm_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_pc_readdb_levelpenalty(char *fields[], int columns, int current) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_readdb_levelpenalty_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *fields[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_readdb_levelpenalty_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_readdb_levelpenalty_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(fields, &columns, ¤t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.readdb_levelpenalty(fields, columns, current); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_readdb_levelpenalty_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *fields[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_readdb_levelpenalty_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_readdb_levelpenalty_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, fields, &columns, ¤t); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_autosave(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_autosave_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_autosave_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_autosave_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.autosave(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_autosave_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_autosave_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_autosave_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_follow_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_follow_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_follow_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_follow_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.follow_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_follow_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_follow_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_follow_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } void HP_pc_read_skill_tree(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_read_skill_tree_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_read_skill_tree_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_read_skill_tree_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.pc.read_skill_tree(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_read_skill_tree_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_read_skill_tree_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_read_skill_tree_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } int HP_pc_isUseitem(struct map_session_data *sd, int n) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_isUseitem_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *n); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_isUseitem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_isUseitem_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &n); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.isUseitem(sd, n); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_isUseitem_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *n); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_isUseitem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_isUseitem_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &n); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_show_steal(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_show_steal_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_show_steal_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_show_steal_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.show_steal(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_show_steal_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_show_steal_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_show_steal_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_checkcombo(struct map_session_data *sd, struct item_data *data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_checkcombo_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct item_data *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_checkcombo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_checkcombo_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.checkcombo(sd, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_checkcombo_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct item_data *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_checkcombo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_checkcombo_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_calcweapontype(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_calcweapontype_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_calcweapontype_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_calcweapontype_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.calcweapontype(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_calcweapontype_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_calcweapontype_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_calcweapontype_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pc_removecombo(struct map_session_data *sd, struct item_data *data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_removecombo_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct item_data *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_removecombo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_removecombo_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pc.removecombo(sd, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_removecombo_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct item_data *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_removecombo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_removecombo_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, data); } } return retVal___; } void HP_pc_bank_deposit(struct map_session_data *sd, int money) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bank_deposit_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *money); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bank_deposit_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_bank_deposit_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &money); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.pc.bank_deposit(sd, money); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bank_deposit_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *money); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bank_deposit_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_bank_deposit_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &money); } } return; } void HP_pc_bank_withdraw(struct map_session_data *sd, int money) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bank_withdraw_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *money); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bank_withdraw_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_bank_withdraw_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &money); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.pc.bank_withdraw(sd, money); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bank_withdraw_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *money); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_bank_withdraw_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_bank_withdraw_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &money); } } return; } void HP_pc_rental_expire(struct map_session_data *sd, int i) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_rental_expire_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *i); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_rental_expire_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_rental_expire_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &i); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.pc.rental_expire(sd, i); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_rental_expire_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *i); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_rental_expire_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_rental_expire_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &i); } } return; } void HP_pc_scdata_received(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_scdata_received_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_scdata_received_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_scdata_received_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.pc.scdata_received(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_scdata_received_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pc_scdata_received_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pc_scdata_received_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } /* pet */ int HP_pet_init(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_init_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_init_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_init_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.init(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_init_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_init_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_init_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pet_final(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_final_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_final_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_final_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.final(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_final_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_final_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_final_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pet_hungry_val(struct pet_data *pd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_hungry_val_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct pet_data *pd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_hungry_val_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_hungry_val_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(pd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.hungry_val(pd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_hungry_val_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct pet_data *pd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_hungry_val_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_hungry_val_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, pd); } } return retVal___; } void HP_pet_set_intimate(struct pet_data *pd, int value) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_set_intimate_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct pet_data *pd, int *value); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_set_intimate_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_set_intimate_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(pd, &value); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.pet.set_intimate(pd, value); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_set_intimate_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct pet_data *pd, int *value); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_set_intimate_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_set_intimate_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(pd, &value); } } return; } int HP_pet_create_egg(struct map_session_data *sd, int item_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_create_egg_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *item_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_create_egg_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_create_egg_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &item_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.create_egg(sd, item_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_create_egg_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *item_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_create_egg_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_create_egg_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &item_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pet_unlocktarget(struct pet_data *pd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_unlocktarget_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct pet_data *pd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_unlocktarget_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_unlocktarget_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(pd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.unlocktarget(pd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_unlocktarget_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct pet_data *pd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_unlocktarget_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_unlocktarget_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, pd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pet_attackskill(struct pet_data *pd, int target_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_attackskill_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct pet_data *pd, int *target_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_attackskill_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_attackskill_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(pd, &target_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.attackskill(pd, target_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_attackskill_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct pet_data *pd, int *target_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_attackskill_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_attackskill_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, pd, &target_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pet_target_check(struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl, int type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_target_check_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_target_check_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_target_check_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, bl, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.target_check(sd, bl, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_target_check_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_target_check_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_target_check_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, bl, &type); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pet_sc_check(struct map_session_data *sd, int type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_sc_check_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_sc_check_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_sc_check_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.sc_check(sd, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_sc_check_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_sc_check_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_sc_check_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &type); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pet_hungry(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_hungry_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_hungry_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_hungry_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.hungry(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_hungry_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_hungry_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_hungry_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pet_search_petDB_index(int key, int type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_search_petDB_index_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *key, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_search_petDB_index_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_search_petDB_index_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&key, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.search_petDB_index(key, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_search_petDB_index_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *key, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_search_petDB_index_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_search_petDB_index_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &key, &type); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pet_hungry_timer_delete(struct pet_data *pd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_hungry_timer_delete_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct pet_data *pd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_hungry_timer_delete_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_hungry_timer_delete_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(pd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.hungry_timer_delete(pd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_hungry_timer_delete_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct pet_data *pd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_hungry_timer_delete_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_hungry_timer_delete_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, pd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pet_performance(struct map_session_data *sd, struct pet_data *pd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_performance_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct pet_data *pd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_performance_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_performance_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, pd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.performance(sd, pd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_performance_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct pet_data *pd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_performance_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_performance_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, pd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pet_return_egg(struct map_session_data *sd, struct pet_data *pd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_return_egg_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct pet_data *pd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_return_egg_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_return_egg_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, pd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.return_egg(sd, pd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_return_egg_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct pet_data *pd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_return_egg_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_return_egg_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, pd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pet_data_init(struct map_session_data *sd, struct s_pet *petinfo) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_data_init_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct s_pet *petinfo); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_data_init_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_data_init_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, petinfo); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.data_init(sd, petinfo); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_data_init_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct s_pet *petinfo); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_data_init_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_data_init_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, petinfo); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pet_birth_process(struct map_session_data *sd, struct s_pet *petinfo) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_birth_process_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct s_pet *petinfo); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_birth_process_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_birth_process_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, petinfo); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.birth_process(sd, petinfo); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_birth_process_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct s_pet *petinfo); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_birth_process_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_birth_process_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, petinfo); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pet_recv_petdata(int account_id, struct s_pet *p, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_recv_petdata_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *account_id, struct s_pet *p, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_recv_petdata_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_recv_petdata_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&account_id, p, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.recv_petdata(account_id, p, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_recv_petdata_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *account_id, struct s_pet *p, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_recv_petdata_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_recv_petdata_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &account_id, p, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pet_select_egg(struct map_session_data *sd, short egg_index) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_select_egg_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, short *egg_index); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_select_egg_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_select_egg_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &egg_index); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.select_egg(sd, egg_index); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_select_egg_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, short *egg_index); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_select_egg_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_select_egg_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &egg_index); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pet_catch_process1(struct map_session_data *sd, int target_class) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_catch_process1_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *target_class); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_catch_process1_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_catch_process1_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &target_class); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.catch_process1(sd, target_class); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_catch_process1_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *target_class); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_catch_process1_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_catch_process1_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &target_class); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pet_catch_process2(struct map_session_data *sd, int target_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_catch_process2_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *target_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_catch_process2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_catch_process2_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &target_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.catch_process2(sd, target_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_catch_process2_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *target_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_catch_process2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_catch_process2_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &target_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pet_get_egg(int account_id, int pet_id, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_get_egg_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *account_id, int *pet_id, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_get_egg_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_get_egg_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&account_id, &pet_id, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.get_egg(account_id, pet_id, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_get_egg_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *account_id, int *pet_id, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_get_egg_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_get_egg_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &account_id, &pet_id, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pet_unequipitem(struct map_session_data *sd, struct pet_data *pd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_unequipitem_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct pet_data *pd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_unequipitem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_unequipitem_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, pd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.unequipitem(sd, pd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_unequipitem_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct pet_data *pd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_unequipitem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_unequipitem_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, pd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pet_food(struct map_session_data *sd, struct pet_data *pd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_food_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct pet_data *pd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_food_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_food_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, pd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.food(sd, pd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_food_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct pet_data *pd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_food_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_food_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, pd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pet_ai_sub_hard_lootsearch(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_ai_sub_hard_lootsearch_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_ai_sub_hard_lootsearch_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_ai_sub_hard_lootsearch_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.ai_sub_hard_lootsearch(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_ai_sub_hard_lootsearch_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_ai_sub_hard_lootsearch_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_ai_sub_hard_lootsearch_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pet_menu(struct map_session_data *sd, int menunum) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_menu_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *menunum); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_menu_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_menu_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &menunum); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.menu(sd, menunum); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_menu_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *menunum); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_menu_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_menu_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &menunum); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pet_change_name(struct map_session_data *sd, char *name) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_change_name_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_change_name_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_change_name_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.change_name(sd, name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_change_name_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_change_name_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_change_name_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, name); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pet_change_name_ack(struct map_session_data *sd, char *name, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_change_name_ack_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, char *name, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_change_name_ack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_change_name_ack_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, name, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.change_name_ack(sd, name, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_change_name_ack_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, char *name, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_change_name_ack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_change_name_ack_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, name, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pet_equipitem(struct map_session_data *sd, int index) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_equipitem_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *index); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_equipitem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_equipitem_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &index); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.equipitem(sd, index); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_equipitem_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *index); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_equipitem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_equipitem_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &index); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pet_randomwalk(struct pet_data *pd, int64 tick) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_randomwalk_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct pet_data *pd, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_randomwalk_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_randomwalk_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(pd, &tick); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.randomwalk(pd, tick); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_randomwalk_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct pet_data *pd, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_randomwalk_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_randomwalk_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, pd, &tick); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pet_ai_sub_hard(struct pet_data *pd, struct map_session_data *sd, int64 tick) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_ai_sub_hard_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct pet_data *pd, struct map_session_data *sd, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_ai_sub_hard_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_ai_sub_hard_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(pd, sd, &tick); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.ai_sub_hard(pd, sd, tick); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_ai_sub_hard_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct pet_data *pd, struct map_session_data *sd, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_ai_sub_hard_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_ai_sub_hard_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, pd, sd, &tick); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pet_ai_sub_foreachclient(struct map_session_data *sd, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_ai_sub_foreachclient_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_ai_sub_foreachclient_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_ai_sub_foreachclient_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.ai_sub_foreachclient(sd, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_ai_sub_foreachclient_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_ai_sub_foreachclient_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_ai_sub_foreachclient_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pet_ai_hard(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_ai_hard_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_ai_hard_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_ai_hard_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.ai_hard(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_ai_hard_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_ai_hard_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_ai_hard_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pet_delay_item_drop(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_delay_item_drop_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_delay_item_drop_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_delay_item_drop_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.delay_item_drop(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_delay_item_drop_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_delay_item_drop_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_delay_item_drop_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pet_lootitem_drop(struct pet_data *pd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_lootitem_drop_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct pet_data *pd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_lootitem_drop_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_lootitem_drop_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(pd, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.lootitem_drop(pd, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_lootitem_drop_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct pet_data *pd, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_lootitem_drop_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_lootitem_drop_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, pd, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pet_skill_bonus_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_skill_bonus_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_skill_bonus_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_skill_bonus_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.skill_bonus_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_skill_bonus_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_skill_bonus_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_skill_bonus_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pet_recovery_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_recovery_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_recovery_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_recovery_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.recovery_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_recovery_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_recovery_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_recovery_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pet_heal_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_heal_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_heal_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_heal_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.heal_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_heal_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_heal_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_heal_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pet_skill_support_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_skill_support_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_skill_support_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_skill_support_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.skill_support_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_skill_support_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_skill_support_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_skill_support_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_pet_read_db(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_read_db_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_read_db_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_read_db_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.pet.read_db(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_read_db_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_pet_read_db_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_pet_read_db_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } /* quest */ void HP_quest_init(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_init_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_init_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_quest_init_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.quest.init(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_init_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_init_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_quest_init_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_quest_reload(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_reload_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_reload_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_quest_reload_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.quest.reload(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_reload_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_reload_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_quest_reload_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } int HP_quest_search_db(int quest_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_search_db_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *quest_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_search_db_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_quest_search_db_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&quest_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.quest.search_db(quest_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_search_db_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *quest_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_search_db_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_quest_search_db_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &quest_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_quest_pc_login(TBL_PC *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_pc_login_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (TBL_PC *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_pc_login_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_quest_pc_login_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.quest.pc_login(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_pc_login_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, TBL_PC *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_pc_login_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_quest_pc_login_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_quest_add(TBL_PC *sd, int quest_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_add_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (TBL_PC *sd, int *quest_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_add_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_quest_add_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &quest_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.quest.add(sd, quest_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_add_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, TBL_PC *sd, int *quest_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_add_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_quest_add_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &quest_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_quest_change(TBL_PC *sd, int qid1, int qid2) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_change_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (TBL_PC *sd, int *qid1, int *qid2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_change_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_quest_change_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &qid1, &qid2); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.quest.change(sd, qid1, qid2); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_change_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, TBL_PC *sd, int *qid1, int *qid2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_change_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_quest_change_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &qid1, &qid2); } } return retVal___; } int HP_quest_delete(TBL_PC *sd, int quest_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_delete_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (TBL_PC *sd, int *quest_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_delete_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_quest_delete_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &quest_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.quest.delete(sd, quest_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_delete_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, TBL_PC *sd, int *quest_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_delete_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_quest_delete_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &quest_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_quest_update_objective_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_update_objective_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_update_objective_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_quest_update_objective_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.quest.update_objective_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_update_objective_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_update_objective_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_quest_update_objective_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } void HP_quest_update_objective(TBL_PC *sd, int mob_id) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_update_objective_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (TBL_PC *sd, int *mob_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_update_objective_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_quest_update_objective_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &mob_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.quest.update_objective(sd, mob_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_update_objective_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (TBL_PC *sd, int *mob_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_update_objective_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_quest_update_objective_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &mob_id); } } return; } int HP_quest_update_status(TBL_PC *sd, int quest_id, quest_state qs) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_update_status_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (TBL_PC *sd, int *quest_id, quest_state *qs); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_update_status_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_quest_update_status_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &quest_id, &qs); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.quest.update_status(sd, quest_id, qs); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_update_status_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, TBL_PC *sd, int *quest_id, quest_state *qs); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_update_status_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_quest_update_status_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &quest_id, &qs); } } return retVal___; } int HP_quest_check(TBL_PC *sd, int quest_id, quest_check_type type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_check_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (TBL_PC *sd, int *quest_id, quest_check_type *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_check_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_quest_check_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &quest_id, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.quest.check(sd, quest_id, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_check_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, TBL_PC *sd, int *quest_id, quest_check_type *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_check_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_quest_check_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &quest_id, &type); } } return retVal___; } int HP_quest_read_db(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_read_db_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_read_db_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_quest_read_db_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.quest.read_db(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_read_db_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_quest_read_db_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_quest_read_db_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } /* script */ void HP_script_init(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_init_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_init_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_init_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.init(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_init_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_init_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_init_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_script_final(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_final_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_final_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_final_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.final(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_final_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_final_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_final_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } int HP_script_reload(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_reload_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_reload_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_reload_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.reload(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_reload_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_reload_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_reload_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } struct script_code* HP_script_parse(const char *src, const char *file, int line, int options) { int hIndex = 0; struct script_code* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_pre ) { struct script_code* (*preHookFunc) (const char *src, const char *file, int *line, int *options); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_parse_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, file, &line, &options); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.parse(src, file, line, options); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_post ) { struct script_code* (*postHookFunc) (struct script_code* retVal___, const char *src, const char *file, int *line, int *options); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_parse_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, file, &line, &options); } } return retVal___; } void HP_script_parse_builtin(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_builtin_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_builtin_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_parse_builtin_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.parse_builtin(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_builtin_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_builtin_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_parse_builtin_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } const char* HP_script_parse_subexpr(const char *p, int limit) { int hIndex = 0; const char* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_subexpr_pre ) { const char* (*preHookFunc) (const char *p, int *limit); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_subexpr_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_parse_subexpr_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(p, &limit); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.parse_subexpr(p, limit); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_subexpr_post ) { const char* (*postHookFunc) (const char* retVal___, const char *p, int *limit); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_subexpr_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_parse_subexpr_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, p, &limit); } } return retVal___; } const char* HP_script_skip_space(const char *p) { int hIndex = 0; const char* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_skip_space_pre ) { const char* (*preHookFunc) (const char *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_skip_space_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_skip_space_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(p); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.skip_space(p); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_skip_space_post ) { const char* (*postHookFunc) (const char* retVal___, const char *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_skip_space_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_skip_space_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, p); } } return retVal___; } void HP_script_error(const char *src, const char *file, int start_line, const char *error_msg, const char *error_pos) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_error_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (const char *src, const char *file, int *start_line, const char *error_msg, const char *error_pos); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_error_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_error_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(src, file, &start_line, error_msg, error_pos); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.error(src, file, start_line, error_msg, error_pos); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_error_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (const char *src, const char *file, int *start_line, const char *error_msg, const char *error_pos); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_error_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_error_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(src, file, &start_line, error_msg, error_pos); } } return; } void HP_script_warning(const char *src, const char *file, int start_line, const char *error_msg, const char *error_pos) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_warning_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (const char *src, const char *file, int *start_line, const char *error_msg, const char *error_pos); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_warning_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_warning_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(src, file, &start_line, error_msg, error_pos); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.warning(src, file, start_line, error_msg, error_pos); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_warning_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (const char *src, const char *file, int *start_line, const char *error_msg, const char *error_pos); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_warning_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_warning_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(src, file, &start_line, error_msg, error_pos); } } return; } bool HP_script_addScript(char *name, char *args, bool ( *func ) (struct script_state *st)) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_addScript_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *name, char *args, bool ( *func ) (struct script_state *st)); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_addScript_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_addScript_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(name, args, func); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.addScript(name, args, func); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_addScript_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *name, char *args, bool ( *func ) (struct script_state *st)); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_addScript_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_addScript_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, name, args, func); } } return retVal___; } int HP_script_conv_num(struct script_state *st, struct script_data *data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_conv_num_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct script_state *st, struct script_data *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_conv_num_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_conv_num_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(st, data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.conv_num(st, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_conv_num_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct script_state *st, struct script_data *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_conv_num_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_conv_num_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, st, data); } } return retVal___; } const char* HP_script_conv_str(struct script_state *st, struct script_data *data) { int hIndex = 0; const char* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_conv_str_pre ) { const char* (*preHookFunc) (struct script_state *st, struct script_data *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_conv_str_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_conv_str_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(st, data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.conv_str(st, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_conv_str_post ) { const char* (*postHookFunc) (const char* retVal___, struct script_state *st, struct script_data *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_conv_str_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_conv_str_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, st, data); } } return retVal___; } TBL_PC* HP_script_rid2sd(struct script_state *st) { int hIndex = 0; TBL_PC* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_rid2sd_pre ) { TBL_PC* (*preHookFunc) (struct script_state *st); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_rid2sd_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_rid2sd_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(st); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.rid2sd(st); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_rid2sd_post ) { TBL_PC* (*postHookFunc) (TBL_PC* retVal___, struct script_state *st); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_rid2sd_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_rid2sd_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, st); } } return retVal___; } void HP_script_detach_rid(struct script_state *st) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_detach_rid_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct script_state *st); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_detach_rid_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_detach_rid_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(st); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.detach_rid(st); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_detach_rid_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct script_state *st); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_detach_rid_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_detach_rid_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(st); } } return; } struct script_data* HP_script_push_val(struct script_stack *stack, enum c_op type, int val, struct DBMap **ref) { int hIndex = 0; struct script_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_push_val_pre ) { struct script_data* (*preHookFunc) (struct script_stack *stack, enum c_op *type, int *val, struct DBMap **ref); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_push_val_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_push_val_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(stack, &type, &val, ref); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.push_val(stack, type, val, ref); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_push_val_post ) { struct script_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct script_data* retVal___, struct script_stack *stack, enum c_op *type, int *val, struct DBMap **ref); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_push_val_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_push_val_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, stack, &type, &val, ref); } } return retVal___; } void HP_script_get_val(struct script_state *st, struct script_data *data) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_get_val_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct script_state *st, struct script_data *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_get_val_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_get_val_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(st, data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.get_val(st, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_get_val_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct script_state *st, struct script_data *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_get_val_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_get_val_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(st, data); } } return; } void* HP_script_get_val2(struct script_state *st, int uid, struct DBMap **ref) { int hIndex = 0; void* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_get_val2_pre ) { void* (*preHookFunc) (struct script_state *st, int *uid, struct DBMap **ref); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_get_val2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_get_val2_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(st, &uid, ref); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.get_val2(st, uid, ref); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_get_val2_post ) { void* (*postHookFunc) (void* retVal___, struct script_state *st, int *uid, struct DBMap **ref); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_get_val2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_get_val2_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, st, &uid, ref); } } return retVal___; } struct script_data* HP_script_push_str(struct script_stack *stack, enum c_op type, char *str) { int hIndex = 0; struct script_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_push_str_pre ) { struct script_data* (*preHookFunc) (struct script_stack *stack, enum c_op *type, char *str); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_push_str_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_push_str_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(stack, &type, str); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.push_str(stack, type, str); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_push_str_post ) { struct script_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct script_data* retVal___, struct script_stack *stack, enum c_op *type, char *str); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_push_str_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_push_str_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, stack, &type, str); } } return retVal___; } struct script_data* HP_script_push_copy(struct script_stack *stack, int pos) { int hIndex = 0; struct script_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_push_copy_pre ) { struct script_data* (*preHookFunc) (struct script_stack *stack, int *pos); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_push_copy_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_push_copy_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(stack, &pos); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.push_copy(stack, pos); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_push_copy_post ) { struct script_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct script_data* retVal___, struct script_stack *stack, int *pos); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_push_copy_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_push_copy_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, stack, &pos); } } return retVal___; } void HP_script_pop_stack(struct script_state *st, int start, int end) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_pop_stack_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct script_state *st, int *start, int *end); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_pop_stack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_pop_stack_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(st, &start, &end); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.pop_stack(st, start, end); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_pop_stack_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct script_state *st, int *start, int *end); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_pop_stack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_pop_stack_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(st, &start, &end); } } return; } void HP_script_set_constant(const char *name, int value, bool isparameter) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_set_constant_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (const char *name, int *value, bool *isparameter); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_set_constant_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_set_constant_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(name, &value, &isparameter); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.set_constant(name, value, isparameter); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_set_constant_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (const char *name, int *value, bool *isparameter); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_set_constant_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_set_constant_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(name, &value, &isparameter); } } return; } void HP_script_set_constant2(const char *name, int value, bool isparameter) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_set_constant2_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (const char *name, int *value, bool *isparameter); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_set_constant2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_set_constant2_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(name, &value, &isparameter); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.set_constant2(name, value, isparameter); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_set_constant2_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (const char *name, int *value, bool *isparameter); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_set_constant2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_set_constant2_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(name, &value, &isparameter); } } return; } void HP_script_set_constant_force(const char *name, int value, bool isparameter) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_set_constant_force_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (const char *name, int *value, bool *isparameter); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_set_constant_force_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_set_constant_force_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(name, &value, &isparameter); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.set_constant_force(name, value, isparameter); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_set_constant_force_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (const char *name, int *value, bool *isparameter); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_set_constant_force_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_set_constant_force_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(name, &value, &isparameter); } } return; } bool HP_script_get_constant(const char *name, int *value) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_get_constant_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (const char *name, int *value); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_get_constant_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_get_constant_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(name, value); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.get_constant(name, value); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_get_constant_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, const char *name, int *value); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_get_constant_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_get_constant_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, name, value); } } return retVal___; } void HP_script_label_add(int key, int pos) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_label_add_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *key, int *pos); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_label_add_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_label_add_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&key, &pos); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.label_add(key, pos); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_label_add_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *key, int *pos); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_label_add_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_label_add_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&key, &pos); } } return; } void HP_script_run(struct script_code *rootscript, int pos, int rid, int oid) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_run_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct script_code *rootscript, int *pos, int *rid, int *oid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_run_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_run_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(rootscript, &pos, &rid, &oid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.run(rootscript, pos, rid, oid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_run_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct script_code *rootscript, int *pos, int *rid, int *oid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_run_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_run_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(rootscript, &pos, &rid, &oid); } } return; } void HP_script_run_main(struct script_state *st) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_run_main_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct script_state *st); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_run_main_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_run_main_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(st); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.run_main(st); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_run_main_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct script_state *st); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_run_main_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_run_main_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(st); } } return; } int HP_script_run_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_run_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_run_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_run_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.run_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_run_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_run_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_run_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_script_set_var(struct map_session_data *sd, char *name, void *val) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_set_var_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, char *name, void *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_set_var_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_set_var_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, name, val); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.set_var(sd, name, val); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_set_var_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, char *name, void *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_set_var_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_set_var_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, name, val); } } return retVal___; } void HP_script_stop_instances(struct script_code *code) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_stop_instances_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct script_code *code); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_stop_instances_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_stop_instances_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(code); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.stop_instances(code); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_stop_instances_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct script_code *code); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_stop_instances_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_stop_instances_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(code); } } return; } void HP_script_free_code(struct script_code *code) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_free_code_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct script_code *code); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_free_code_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_free_code_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(code); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.free_code(code); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_free_code_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct script_code *code); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_free_code_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_free_code_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(code); } } return; } void HP_script_free_vars(struct DBMap *var_storage) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_free_vars_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct DBMap *var_storage); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_free_vars_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_free_vars_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(var_storage); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.free_vars(var_storage); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_free_vars_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct DBMap *var_storage); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_free_vars_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_free_vars_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(var_storage); } } return; } struct script_state* HP_script_alloc_state(struct script_code *rootscript, int pos, int rid, int oid) { int hIndex = 0; struct script_state* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_alloc_state_pre ) { struct script_state* (*preHookFunc) (struct script_code *rootscript, int *pos, int *rid, int *oid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_alloc_state_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_alloc_state_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(rootscript, &pos, &rid, &oid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.alloc_state(rootscript, pos, rid, oid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_alloc_state_post ) { struct script_state* (*postHookFunc) (struct script_state* retVal___, struct script_code *rootscript, int *pos, int *rid, int *oid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_alloc_state_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_alloc_state_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, rootscript, &pos, &rid, &oid); } } return retVal___; } void HP_script_free_state(struct script_state *st) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_free_state_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct script_state *st); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_free_state_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_free_state_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(st); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.free_state(st); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_free_state_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct script_state *st); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_free_state_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_free_state_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(st); } } return; } void HP_script_run_autobonus(const char *autobonus, int id, int pos) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_run_autobonus_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (const char *autobonus, int *id, int *pos); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_run_autobonus_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_run_autobonus_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(autobonus, &id, &pos); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.run_autobonus(autobonus, id, pos); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_run_autobonus_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (const char *autobonus, int *id, int *pos); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_run_autobonus_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_run_autobonus_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(autobonus, &id, &pos); } } return; } void HP_script_cleararray_pc(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *varname, void *value) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_cleararray_pc_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *varname, void *value); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_cleararray_pc_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_cleararray_pc_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, varname, value); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.cleararray_pc(sd, varname, value); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_cleararray_pc_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *varname, void *value); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_cleararray_pc_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_cleararray_pc_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, varname, value); } } return; } void HP_script_setarray_pc(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *varname, uint8 idx, void *value, int *refcache) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_setarray_pc_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *varname, uint8 *idx, void *value, int *refcache); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_setarray_pc_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_setarray_pc_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, varname, &idx, value, refcache); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.setarray_pc(sd, varname, idx, value, refcache); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_setarray_pc_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *varname, uint8 *idx, void *value, int *refcache); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_setarray_pc_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_setarray_pc_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, varname, &idx, value, refcache); } } return; } int HP_script_config_read(char *cfgName) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_config_read_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (char *cfgName); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_config_read_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_config_read_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(cfgName); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.config_read(cfgName); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_config_read_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, char *cfgName); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_config_read_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_config_read_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, cfgName); } } return retVal___; } int HP_script_add_str(const char *p) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_add_str_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (const char *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_add_str_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_add_str_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(p); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.add_str(p); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_add_str_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, const char *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_add_str_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_add_str_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, p); } } return retVal___; } const char* HP_script_get_str(int id) { int hIndex = 0; const char* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_get_str_pre ) { const char* (*preHookFunc) (int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_get_str_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_get_str_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.get_str(id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_get_str_post ) { const char* (*postHookFunc) (const char* retVal___, int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_get_str_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_get_str_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_script_search_str(const char *p) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_search_str_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (const char *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_search_str_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_search_str_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(p); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.search_str(p); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_search_str_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, const char *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_search_str_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_search_str_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, p); } } return retVal___; } void HP_script_setd_sub(struct script_state *st, struct map_session_data *sd, const char *varname, int elem, void *value, struct DBMap **ref) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_setd_sub_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct script_state *st, struct map_session_data *sd, const char *varname, int *elem, void *value, struct DBMap **ref); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_setd_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_setd_sub_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(st, sd, varname, &elem, value, ref); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.setd_sub(st, sd, varname, elem, value, ref); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_setd_sub_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct script_state *st, struct map_session_data *sd, const char *varname, int *elem, void *value, struct DBMap **ref); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_setd_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_setd_sub_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(st, sd, varname, &elem, value, ref); } } return; } void HP_script_attach_state(struct script_state *st) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_attach_state_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct script_state *st); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_attach_state_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_attach_state_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(st); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.attach_state(st); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_attach_state_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct script_state *st); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_attach_state_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_attach_state_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(st); } } return; } struct hQueue* HP_script_queue(int idx) { int hIndex = 0; struct hQueue* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_queue_pre ) { struct hQueue* (*preHookFunc) (int *idx); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_queue_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_queue_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&idx); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.queue(idx); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_queue_post ) { struct hQueue* (*postHookFunc) (struct hQueue* retVal___, int *idx); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_queue_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_queue_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &idx); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_script_queue_add(int idx, int var) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_queue_add_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (int *idx, int *var); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_queue_add_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_queue_add_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&idx, &var); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.queue_add(idx, var); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_queue_add_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, int *idx, int *var); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_queue_add_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_queue_add_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &idx, &var); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_script_queue_del(int idx) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_queue_del_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (int *idx); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_queue_del_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_queue_del_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&idx); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.queue_del(idx); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_queue_del_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, int *idx); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_queue_del_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_queue_del_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &idx); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_script_queue_remove(int idx, int var) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_queue_remove_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (int *idx, int *var); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_queue_remove_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_queue_remove_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&idx, &var); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.queue_remove(idx, var); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_queue_remove_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, int *idx, int *var); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_queue_remove_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_queue_remove_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &idx, &var); } } return retVal___; } int HP_script_queue_create(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_queue_create_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_queue_create_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_queue_create_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.queue_create(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_queue_create_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_queue_create_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_queue_create_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } void HP_script_queue_clear(int idx) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_queue_clear_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *idx); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_queue_clear_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_queue_clear_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&idx); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.queue_clear(idx); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_queue_clear_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *idx); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_queue_clear_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_queue_clear_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&idx); } } return; } const char* HP_script_parse_curly_close(const char *p) { int hIndex = 0; const char* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_curly_close_pre ) { const char* (*preHookFunc) (const char *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_curly_close_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_parse_curly_close_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(p); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.parse_curly_close(p); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_curly_close_post ) { const char* (*postHookFunc) (const char* retVal___, const char *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_curly_close_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_parse_curly_close_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, p); } } return retVal___; } const char* HP_script_parse_syntax_close(const char *p) { int hIndex = 0; const char* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_syntax_close_pre ) { const char* (*preHookFunc) (const char *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_syntax_close_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_parse_syntax_close_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(p); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.parse_syntax_close(p); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_syntax_close_post ) { const char* (*postHookFunc) (const char* retVal___, const char *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_syntax_close_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_parse_syntax_close_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, p); } } return retVal___; } const char* HP_script_parse_syntax_close_sub(const char *p, int *flag) { int hIndex = 0; const char* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_syntax_close_sub_pre ) { const char* (*preHookFunc) (const char *p, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_syntax_close_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_parse_syntax_close_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(p, flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.parse_syntax_close_sub(p, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_syntax_close_sub_post ) { const char* (*postHookFunc) (const char* retVal___, const char *p, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_syntax_close_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_parse_syntax_close_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, p, flag); } } return retVal___; } const char* HP_script_parse_syntax(const char *p) { int hIndex = 0; const char* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_syntax_pre ) { const char* (*preHookFunc) (const char *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_syntax_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_parse_syntax_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(p); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.parse_syntax(p); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_syntax_post ) { const char* (*postHookFunc) (const char* retVal___, const char *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_syntax_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_parse_syntax_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, p); } } return retVal___; } c_op HP_script_get_com(unsigned char *scriptbuf, int *pos) { int hIndex = 0; c_op retVal___ = C_NOP; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_get_com_pre ) { c_op (*preHookFunc) (unsigned char *scriptbuf, int *pos); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_get_com_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_get_com_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(scriptbuf, pos); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.get_com(scriptbuf, pos); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_get_com_post ) { c_op (*postHookFunc) (c_op retVal___, unsigned char *scriptbuf, int *pos); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_get_com_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_get_com_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, scriptbuf, pos); } } return retVal___; } int HP_script_get_num(unsigned char *scriptbuf, int *pos) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_get_num_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (unsigned char *scriptbuf, int *pos); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_get_num_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_get_num_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(scriptbuf, pos); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.get_num(scriptbuf, pos); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_get_num_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, unsigned char *scriptbuf, int *pos); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_get_num_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_get_num_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, scriptbuf, pos); } } return retVal___; } const char* HP_script_op2name(int op) { int hIndex = 0; const char* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_op2name_pre ) { const char* (*preHookFunc) (int *op); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_op2name_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_op2name_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&op); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.op2name(op); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_op2name_post ) { const char* (*postHookFunc) (const char* retVal___, int *op); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_op2name_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_op2name_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &op); } } return retVal___; } void HP_script_reportsrc(struct script_state *st) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_reportsrc_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct script_state *st); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_reportsrc_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_reportsrc_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(st); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.reportsrc(st); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_reportsrc_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct script_state *st); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_reportsrc_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_reportsrc_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(st); } } return; } void HP_script_reportdata(struct script_data *data) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_reportdata_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct script_data *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_reportdata_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_reportdata_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.reportdata(data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_reportdata_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct script_data *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_reportdata_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_reportdata_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(data); } } return; } void HP_script_reportfunc(struct script_state *st) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_reportfunc_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct script_state *st); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_reportfunc_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_reportfunc_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(st); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.reportfunc(st); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_reportfunc_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct script_state *st); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_reportfunc_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_reportfunc_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(st); } } return; } void HP_script_disp_error_message2(const char *mes, const char *pos, int report) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_disp_error_message2_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (const char *mes, const char *pos, int *report); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_disp_error_message2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_disp_error_message2_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(mes, pos, &report); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.disp_error_message2(mes, pos, report); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_disp_error_message2_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (const char *mes, const char *pos, int *report); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_disp_error_message2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_disp_error_message2_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(mes, pos, &report); } } return; } void HP_script_disp_warning_message(const char *mes, const char *pos) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_disp_warning_message_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (const char *mes, const char *pos); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_disp_warning_message_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_disp_warning_message_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(mes, pos); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.disp_warning_message(mes, pos); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_disp_warning_message_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (const char *mes, const char *pos); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_disp_warning_message_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_disp_warning_message_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(mes, pos); } } return; } void HP_script_check_event(struct script_state *st, const char *evt) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_check_event_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct script_state *st, const char *evt); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_check_event_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_check_event_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(st, evt); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.check_event(st, evt); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_check_event_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct script_state *st, const char *evt); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_check_event_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_check_event_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(st, evt); } } return; } unsigned int HP_script_calc_hash(const char *p) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_calc_hash_pre ) { unsigned int (*preHookFunc) (const char *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_calc_hash_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_calc_hash_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(p); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.calc_hash(p); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_calc_hash_post ) { unsigned int (*postHookFunc) (unsigned int retVal___, const char *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_calc_hash_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_calc_hash_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, p); } } return retVal___; } void HP_script_addb(int a) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_addb_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *a); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_addb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_addb_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&a); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.addb(a); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_addb_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *a); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_addb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_addb_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&a); } } return; } void HP_script_addc(int a) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_addc_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *a); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_addc_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_addc_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&a); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.addc(a); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_addc_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *a); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_addc_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_addc_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&a); } } return; } void HP_script_addi(int a) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_addi_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *a); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_addi_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_addi_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&a); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.addi(a); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_addi_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *a); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_addi_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_addi_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&a); } } return; } void HP_script_addl(int l) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_addl_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *l); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_addl_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_addl_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&l); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.addl(l); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_addl_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *l); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_addl_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_addl_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&l); } } return; } void HP_script_set_label(int l, int pos, const char *script_pos) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_set_label_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (int *l, int *pos, const char *script_pos); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_set_label_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_set_label_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&l, &pos, script_pos); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.set_label(l, pos, script_pos); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_set_label_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (int *l, int *pos, const char *script_pos); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_set_label_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_set_label_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&l, &pos, script_pos); } } return; } const char* HP_script_skip_word(const char *p) { int hIndex = 0; const char* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_skip_word_pre ) { const char* (*preHookFunc) (const char *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_skip_word_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_skip_word_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(p); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.skip_word(p); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_skip_word_post ) { const char* (*postHookFunc) (const char* retVal___, const char *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_skip_word_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_skip_word_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, p); } } return retVal___; } int HP_script_add_word(const char *p) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_add_word_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (const char *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_add_word_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_add_word_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(p); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.add_word(p); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_add_word_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, const char *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_add_word_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_add_word_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, p); } } return retVal___; } const char* HP_script_parse_callfunc(const char *p, int require_paren, int is_custom) { int hIndex = 0; const char* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_callfunc_pre ) { const char* (*preHookFunc) (const char *p, int *require_paren, int *is_custom); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_callfunc_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_parse_callfunc_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(p, &require_paren, &is_custom); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.parse_callfunc(p, require_paren, is_custom); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_callfunc_post ) { const char* (*postHookFunc) (const char* retVal___, const char *p, int *require_paren, int *is_custom); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_callfunc_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_parse_callfunc_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, p, &require_paren, &is_custom); } } return retVal___; } void HP_script_parse_nextline(bool first, const char *p) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_nextline_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (bool *first, const char *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_nextline_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_parse_nextline_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(&first, p); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.parse_nextline(first, p); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_nextline_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (bool *first, const char *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_nextline_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_parse_nextline_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(&first, p); } } return; } const char* HP_script_parse_variable(const char *p) { int hIndex = 0; const char* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_variable_pre ) { const char* (*preHookFunc) (const char *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_variable_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_parse_variable_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(p); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.parse_variable(p); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_variable_post ) { const char* (*postHookFunc) (const char* retVal___, const char *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_variable_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_parse_variable_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, p); } } return retVal___; } const char* HP_script_parse_simpleexpr(const char *p) { int hIndex = 0; const char* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_simpleexpr_pre ) { const char* (*preHookFunc) (const char *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_simpleexpr_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_parse_simpleexpr_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(p); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.parse_simpleexpr(p); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_simpleexpr_post ) { const char* (*postHookFunc) (const char* retVal___, const char *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_simpleexpr_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_parse_simpleexpr_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, p); } } return retVal___; } const char* HP_script_parse_expr(const char *p) { int hIndex = 0; const char* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_expr_pre ) { const char* (*preHookFunc) (const char *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_expr_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_parse_expr_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(p); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.parse_expr(p); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_expr_post ) { const char* (*postHookFunc) (const char* retVal___, const char *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_expr_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_parse_expr_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, p); } } return retVal___; } const char* HP_script_parse_line(const char *p) { int hIndex = 0; const char* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_line_pre ) { const char* (*preHookFunc) (const char *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_line_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_parse_line_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(p); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.parse_line(p); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_line_post ) { const char* (*postHookFunc) (const char* retVal___, const char *p); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_parse_line_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_parse_line_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, p); } } return retVal___; } void HP_script_read_constdb(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_read_constdb_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_read_constdb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_read_constdb_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.read_constdb(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_read_constdb_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_read_constdb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_read_constdb_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } const char* HP_script_print_line(StringBuf *buf, const char *p, const char *mark, int line) { int hIndex = 0; const char* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_print_line_pre ) { const char* (*preHookFunc) (StringBuf *buf, const char *p, const char *mark, int *line); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_print_line_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_print_line_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(buf, p, mark, &line); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.print_line(buf, p, mark, line); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_print_line_post ) { const char* (*postHookFunc) (const char* retVal___, StringBuf *buf, const char *p, const char *mark, int *line); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_print_line_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_print_line_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, buf, p, mark, &line); } } return retVal___; } void HP_script_errorwarning_sub(StringBuf *buf, const char *src, const char *file, int start_line, const char *error_msg, const char *error_pos) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_errorwarning_sub_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (StringBuf *buf, const char *src, const char *file, int *start_line, const char *error_msg, const char *error_pos); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_errorwarning_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_errorwarning_sub_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(buf, src, file, &start_line, error_msg, error_pos); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.errorwarning_sub(buf, src, file, start_line, error_msg, error_pos); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_errorwarning_sub_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (StringBuf *buf, const char *src, const char *file, int *start_line, const char *error_msg, const char *error_pos); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_errorwarning_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_errorwarning_sub_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(buf, src, file, &start_line, error_msg, error_pos); } } return; } int HP_script_set_reg(struct script_state *st, TBL_PC *sd, int num, const char *name, const void *value, struct DBMap **ref) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_set_reg_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct script_state *st, TBL_PC *sd, int *num, const char *name, const void *value, struct DBMap **ref); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_set_reg_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_set_reg_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(st, sd, &num, name, value, ref); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.set_reg(st, sd, num, name, value, ref); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_set_reg_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct script_state *st, TBL_PC *sd, int *num, const char *name, const void *value, struct DBMap **ref); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_set_reg_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_set_reg_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, st, sd, &num, name, value, ref); } } return retVal___; } void HP_script_stack_expand(struct script_stack *stack) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_stack_expand_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct script_stack *stack); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_stack_expand_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_stack_expand_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(stack); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.stack_expand(stack); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_stack_expand_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct script_stack *stack); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_stack_expand_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_stack_expand_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(stack); } } return; } struct script_data* HP_script_push_retinfo(struct script_stack *stack, struct script_retinfo *ri, DBMap **ref) { int hIndex = 0; struct script_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_push_retinfo_pre ) { struct script_data* (*preHookFunc) (struct script_stack *stack, struct script_retinfo *ri, DBMap **ref); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_push_retinfo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_push_retinfo_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(stack, ri, ref); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.push_retinfo(stack, ri, ref); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_push_retinfo_post ) { struct script_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct script_data* retVal___, struct script_stack *stack, struct script_retinfo *ri, DBMap **ref); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_push_retinfo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_push_retinfo_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, stack, ri, ref); } } return retVal___; } int HP_script_pop_val(struct script_state *st) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_pop_val_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct script_state *st); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_pop_val_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_pop_val_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(st); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.pop_val(st); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_pop_val_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct script_state *st); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_pop_val_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_pop_val_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, st); } } return retVal___; } void HP_script_op_3(struct script_state *st, int op) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_op_3_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct script_state *st, int *op); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_op_3_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_op_3_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(st, &op); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.op_3(st, op); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_op_3_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct script_state *st, int *op); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_op_3_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_op_3_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(st, &op); } } return; } void HP_script_op_2str(struct script_state *st, int op, const char *s1, const char *s2) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_op_2str_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct script_state *st, int *op, const char *s1, const char *s2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_op_2str_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_op_2str_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(st, &op, s1, s2); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.op_2str(st, op, s1, s2); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_op_2str_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct script_state *st, int *op, const char *s1, const char *s2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_op_2str_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_op_2str_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(st, &op, s1, s2); } } return; } void HP_script_op_2num(struct script_state *st, int op, int i1, int i2) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_op_2num_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct script_state *st, int *op, int *i1, int *i2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_op_2num_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_op_2num_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(st, &op, &i1, &i2); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.op_2num(st, op, i1, i2); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_op_2num_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct script_state *st, int *op, int *i1, int *i2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_op_2num_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_op_2num_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(st, &op, &i1, &i2); } } return; } void HP_script_op_2(struct script_state *st, int op) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_op_2_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct script_state *st, int *op); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_op_2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_op_2_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(st, &op); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.op_2(st, op); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_op_2_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct script_state *st, int *op); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_op_2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_op_2_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(st, &op); } } return; } void HP_script_op_1(struct script_state *st, int op) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_op_1_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct script_state *st, int *op); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_op_1_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_op_1_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(st, &op); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.op_1(st, op); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_op_1_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct script_state *st, int *op); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_op_1_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_op_1_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(st, &op); } } return; } void HP_script_check_buildin_argtype(struct script_state *st, int func) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_check_buildin_argtype_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct script_state *st, int *func); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_check_buildin_argtype_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_check_buildin_argtype_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(st, &func); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.check_buildin_argtype(st, func); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_check_buildin_argtype_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct script_state *st, int *func); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_check_buildin_argtype_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_check_buildin_argtype_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(st, &func); } } return; } void HP_script_detach_state(struct script_state *st, bool dequeue_event) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_detach_state_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct script_state *st, bool *dequeue_event); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_detach_state_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_detach_state_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(st, &dequeue_event); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.detach_state(st, dequeue_event); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_detach_state_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct script_state *st, bool *dequeue_event); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_detach_state_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_detach_state_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(st, &dequeue_event); } } return; } int HP_script_db_free_code_sub(DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_db_free_code_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_db_free_code_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_db_free_code_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.db_free_code_sub(key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_db_free_code_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_db_free_code_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_db_free_code_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } void HP_script_add_autobonus(const char *autobonus) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_add_autobonus_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (const char *autobonus); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_add_autobonus_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_add_autobonus_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(autobonus); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.add_autobonus(autobonus); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_add_autobonus_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (const char *autobonus); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_add_autobonus_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_add_autobonus_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(autobonus); } } return; } int HP_script_menu_countoptions(const char *str, int max_count, int *total) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_menu_countoptions_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (const char *str, int *max_count, int *total); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_menu_countoptions_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_menu_countoptions_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(str, &max_count, total); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.menu_countoptions(str, max_count, total); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_menu_countoptions_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, const char *str, int *max_count, int *total); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_menu_countoptions_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_menu_countoptions_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, str, &max_count, total); } } return retVal___; } int HP_script_buildin_areawarp_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_areawarp_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_areawarp_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_buildin_areawarp_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.buildin_areawarp_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_areawarp_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_areawarp_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_buildin_areawarp_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_script_buildin_areapercentheal_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_areapercentheal_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_areapercentheal_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_buildin_areapercentheal_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.buildin_areapercentheal_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_areapercentheal_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_areapercentheal_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_buildin_areapercentheal_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int32 HP_script_getarraysize(struct script_state *st, int32 id, int32 idx, int isstring, struct DBMap **ref) { int hIndex = 0; int32 retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_getarraysize_pre ) { int32 (*preHookFunc) (struct script_state *st, int32 *id, int32 *idx, int *isstring, struct DBMap **ref); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_getarraysize_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_getarraysize_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(st, &id, &idx, &isstring, ref); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.getarraysize(st, id, idx, isstring, ref); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_getarraysize_post ) { int32 (*postHookFunc) (int32 retVal___, struct script_state *st, int32 *id, int32 *idx, int *isstring, struct DBMap **ref); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_getarraysize_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_getarraysize_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, st, &id, &idx, &isstring, ref); } } return retVal___; } void HP_script_buildin_delitem_delete(struct map_session_data *sd, int idx, int *amount, bool delete_items) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_delitem_delete_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *idx, int *amount, bool *delete_items); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_delitem_delete_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_buildin_delitem_delete_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &idx, amount, &delete_items); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.script.buildin_delitem_delete(sd, idx, amount, delete_items); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_delitem_delete_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *idx, int *amount, bool *delete_items); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_delitem_delete_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_buildin_delitem_delete_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &idx, amount, &delete_items); } } return; } bool HP_script_buildin_delitem_search(struct map_session_data *sd, struct item *it, bool exact_match) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_delitem_search_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct item *it, bool *exact_match); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_delitem_search_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_buildin_delitem_search_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, it, &exact_match); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.buildin_delitem_search(sd, it, exact_match); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_delitem_search_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct item *it, bool *exact_match); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_delitem_search_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_buildin_delitem_search_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, it, &exact_match); } } return retVal___; } int HP_script_buildin_killmonster_sub_strip(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_killmonster_sub_strip_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_killmonster_sub_strip_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_buildin_killmonster_sub_strip_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.buildin_killmonster_sub_strip(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_killmonster_sub_strip_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_killmonster_sub_strip_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_buildin_killmonster_sub_strip_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_script_buildin_killmonster_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_killmonster_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_killmonster_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_buildin_killmonster_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.buildin_killmonster_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_killmonster_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_killmonster_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_buildin_killmonster_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_script_buildin_killmonsterall_sub_strip(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_killmonsterall_sub_strip_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_killmonsterall_sub_strip_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_buildin_killmonsterall_sub_strip_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.buildin_killmonsterall_sub_strip(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_killmonsterall_sub_strip_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_killmonsterall_sub_strip_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_buildin_killmonsterall_sub_strip_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_script_buildin_killmonsterall_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_killmonsterall_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_killmonsterall_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_buildin_killmonsterall_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.buildin_killmonsterall_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_killmonsterall_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_killmonsterall_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_buildin_killmonsterall_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_script_buildin_announce_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_announce_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_announce_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_buildin_announce_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.buildin_announce_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_announce_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_announce_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_buildin_announce_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_script_buildin_getareausers_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_getareausers_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_getareausers_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_buildin_getareausers_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.buildin_getareausers_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_getareausers_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_getareausers_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_buildin_getareausers_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_script_buildin_getareadropitem_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_getareadropitem_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_getareadropitem_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_buildin_getareadropitem_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.buildin_getareadropitem_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_getareadropitem_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_getareadropitem_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_buildin_getareadropitem_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_script_mapflag_pvp_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_mapflag_pvp_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_mapflag_pvp_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_mapflag_pvp_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.mapflag_pvp_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_mapflag_pvp_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_mapflag_pvp_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_mapflag_pvp_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_script_buildin_pvpoff_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_pvpoff_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_pvpoff_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_buildin_pvpoff_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.buildin_pvpoff_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_pvpoff_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_pvpoff_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_buildin_pvpoff_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_script_buildin_maprespawnguildid_sub_pc(struct map_session_data *sd, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_maprespawnguildid_sub_pc_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_maprespawnguildid_sub_pc_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_buildin_maprespawnguildid_sub_pc_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.buildin_maprespawnguildid_sub_pc(sd, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_maprespawnguildid_sub_pc_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_maprespawnguildid_sub_pc_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_buildin_maprespawnguildid_sub_pc_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_script_buildin_maprespawnguildid_sub_mob(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_maprespawnguildid_sub_mob_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_maprespawnguildid_sub_mob_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_buildin_maprespawnguildid_sub_mob_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.buildin_maprespawnguildid_sub_mob(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_maprespawnguildid_sub_mob_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_maprespawnguildid_sub_mob_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_buildin_maprespawnguildid_sub_mob_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_script_buildin_mobcount_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_mobcount_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_mobcount_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_buildin_mobcount_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.buildin_mobcount_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_mobcount_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_mobcount_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_buildin_mobcount_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_script_playBGM_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_playBGM_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_playBGM_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_playBGM_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.playBGM_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_playBGM_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_playBGM_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_playBGM_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_script_playBGM_foreachpc_sub(struct map_session_data *sd, va_list args) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_playBGM_foreachpc_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_playBGM_foreachpc_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_playBGM_foreachpc_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.playBGM_foreachpc_sub(sd, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_playBGM_foreachpc_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_playBGM_foreachpc_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_playBGM_foreachpc_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_script_soundeffect_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_soundeffect_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_soundeffect_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_soundeffect_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.soundeffect_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_soundeffect_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_soundeffect_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_soundeffect_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_script_buildin_query_sql_sub(struct script_state *st, Sql *handle) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_query_sql_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct script_state *st, Sql *handle); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_query_sql_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_buildin_query_sql_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(st, handle); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.buildin_query_sql_sub(st, handle); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_query_sql_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct script_state *st, Sql *handle); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_query_sql_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_buildin_query_sql_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, st, handle); } } return retVal___; } int HP_script_axtoi(const char *hexStg) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_axtoi_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (const char *hexStg); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_axtoi_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_axtoi_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(hexStg); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.axtoi(hexStg); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_axtoi_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, const char *hexStg); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_axtoi_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_axtoi_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, hexStg); } } return retVal___; } int HP_script_buildin_instance_warpall_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_instance_warpall_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_instance_warpall_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_buildin_instance_warpall_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.buildin_instance_warpall_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_instance_warpall_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_instance_warpall_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_buildin_instance_warpall_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_script_buildin_mobuseskill_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_mobuseskill_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_mobuseskill_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_buildin_mobuseskill_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.buildin_mobuseskill_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_mobuseskill_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_buildin_mobuseskill_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_buildin_mobuseskill_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_script_cleanfloor_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_cleanfloor_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_cleanfloor_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_cleanfloor_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.cleanfloor_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_cleanfloor_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_cleanfloor_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_cleanfloor_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_script_run_func(struct script_state *st) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_run_func_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct script_state *st); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_run_func_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_run_func_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(st); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.script.run_func(st); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_script_run_func_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct script_state *st); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_script_run_func_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_script_run_func_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, st); } } return retVal___; } /* searchstore */ bool HP_searchstore_open(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int uses, unsigned short effect) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_open_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int *uses, unsigned short *effect); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_open_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_searchstore_open_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &uses, &effect); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.searchstore.open(sd, uses, effect); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_open_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int *uses, unsigned short *effect); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_open_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_searchstore_open_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &uses, &effect); } } return retVal___; } void HP_searchstore_query(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char type, unsigned int min_price, unsigned int max_price, const unsigned short *itemlist, unsigned int item_count, const unsigned short *cardlist, unsigned int card_count) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_query_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char *type, unsigned int *min_price, unsigned int *max_price, const unsigned short *itemlist, unsigned int *item_count, const unsigned short *cardlist, unsigned int *card_count); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_query_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_searchstore_query_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &type, &min_price, &max_price, itemlist, &item_count, cardlist, &card_count); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.searchstore.query(sd, type, min_price, max_price, itemlist, item_count, cardlist, card_count); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_query_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned char *type, unsigned int *min_price, unsigned int *max_price, const unsigned short *itemlist, unsigned int *item_count, const unsigned short *cardlist, unsigned int *card_count); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_query_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_searchstore_query_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &type, &min_price, &max_price, itemlist, &item_count, cardlist, &card_count); } } return; } bool HP_searchstore_querynext(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_querynext_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_querynext_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_searchstore_querynext_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.searchstore.querynext(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_querynext_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_querynext_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_searchstore_querynext_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } void HP_searchstore_next(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_next_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_next_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_searchstore_next_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.searchstore.next(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_next_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_next_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_searchstore_next_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_searchstore_clear(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_clear_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_clear_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_searchstore_clear_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.searchstore.clear(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_clear_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_clear_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_searchstore_clear_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_searchstore_close(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_close_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_close_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_searchstore_close_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.searchstore.close(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_close_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_close_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_searchstore_close_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_searchstore_click(struct map_session_data *sd, int account_id, int store_id, unsigned short nameid) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_click_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *account_id, int *store_id, unsigned short *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_click_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_searchstore_click_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &account_id, &store_id, &nameid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.searchstore.click(sd, account_id, store_id, nameid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_click_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *account_id, int *store_id, unsigned short *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_click_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_searchstore_click_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &account_id, &store_id, &nameid); } } return; } bool HP_searchstore_queryremote(struct map_session_data *sd, int account_id) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_queryremote_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *account_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_queryremote_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_searchstore_queryremote_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &account_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.searchstore.queryremote(sd, account_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_queryremote_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *account_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_queryremote_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_searchstore_queryremote_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &account_id); } } return retVal___; } void HP_searchstore_clearremote(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_clearremote_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_clearremote_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_searchstore_clearremote_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.searchstore.clearremote(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_clearremote_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_clearremote_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_searchstore_clearremote_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } bool HP_searchstore_result(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int store_id, int account_id, const char *store_name, unsigned short nameid, unsigned short amount, unsigned int price, const short *card, unsigned char refine) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_result_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int *store_id, int *account_id, const char *store_name, unsigned short *nameid, unsigned short *amount, unsigned int *price, const short *card, unsigned char *refine); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_result_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_searchstore_result_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &store_id, &account_id, store_name, &nameid, &amount, &price, card, &refine); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.searchstore.result(sd, store_id, account_id, store_name, nameid, amount, price, card, refine); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_result_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int *store_id, int *account_id, const char *store_name, unsigned short *nameid, unsigned short *amount, unsigned int *price, const short *card, unsigned char *refine); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_searchstore_result_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_searchstore_result_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &store_id, &account_id, store_name, &nameid, &amount, &price, card, &refine); } } return retVal___; } /* skill */ int HP_skill_init(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_init_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_init_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_init_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.init(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_init_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_init_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_init_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_final(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_final_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_final_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_final_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.final(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_final_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_final_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_final_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } void HP_skill_reload(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_reload_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_reload_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_reload_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.skill.reload(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_reload_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_reload_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_reload_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_skill_read_db(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_read_db_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_read_db_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_read_db_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.skill.read_db(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_read_db_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_read_db_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_read_db_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } int HP_skill_get_index(uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_index_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_index_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_index_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_index(skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_index_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_index_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_index_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_type(uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_type_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_type_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_type_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_type(skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_type_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_type_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_type_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_hit(uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_hit_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_hit_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_hit_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_hit(skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_hit_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_hit_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_hit_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_inf(uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_inf_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_inf_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_inf_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_inf(skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_inf_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_inf_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_inf_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_ele(uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_ele_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_ele_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_ele_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_ele(skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_ele_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_ele_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_ele_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_nk(uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_nk_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_nk_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_nk_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_nk(skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_nk_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_nk_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_nk_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_max(uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_max_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_max_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_max_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_max(skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_max_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_max_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_max_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_range(uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_range_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_range_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_range_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_range(skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_range_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_range_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_range_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_range2(struct block_list *bl, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_range2_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_range2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_range2_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_range2(bl, skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_range2_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_range2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_range2_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_splash(uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_splash_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_splash_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_splash_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_splash(skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_splash_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_splash_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_splash_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_hp(uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_hp_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_hp_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_hp_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_hp(skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_hp_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_hp_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_hp_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_mhp(uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_mhp_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_mhp_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_mhp_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_mhp(skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_mhp_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_mhp_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_mhp_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_sp(uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_sp_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_sp_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_sp_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_sp(skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_sp_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_sp_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_sp_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_state(uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_state_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_state_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_state_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_state(skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_state_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_state_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_state_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_spiritball(uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_spiritball_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_spiritball_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_spiritball_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_spiritball(skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_spiritball_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_spiritball_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_spiritball_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_zeny(uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_zeny_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_zeny_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_zeny_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_zeny(skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_zeny_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_zeny_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_zeny_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_num(uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_num_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_num_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_num_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_num(skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_num_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_num_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_num_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_cast(uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_cast_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_cast_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_cast_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_cast(skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_cast_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_cast_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_cast_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_delay(uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_delay_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_delay_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_delay_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_delay(skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_delay_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_delay_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_delay_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_walkdelay(uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_walkdelay_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_walkdelay_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_walkdelay_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_walkdelay(skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_walkdelay_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_walkdelay_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_walkdelay_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_time(uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_time_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_time_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_time_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_time(skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_time_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_time_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_time_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_time2(uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_time2_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_time2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_time2_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_time2(skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_time2_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_time2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_time2_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_castnodex(uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_castnodex_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_castnodex_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_castnodex_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_castnodex(skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_castnodex_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_castnodex_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_castnodex_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_delaynodex(uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_delaynodex_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_delaynodex_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_delaynodex_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_delaynodex(skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_delaynodex_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_delaynodex_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_delaynodex_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_castdef(uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_castdef_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_castdef_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_castdef_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_castdef(skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_castdef_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_castdef_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_castdef_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_weapontype(uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_weapontype_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_weapontype_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_weapontype_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_weapontype(skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_weapontype_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_weapontype_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_weapontype_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_ammotype(uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_ammotype_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_ammotype_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_ammotype_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_ammotype(skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_ammotype_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_ammotype_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_ammotype_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_ammo_qty(uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_ammo_qty_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_ammo_qty_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_ammo_qty_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_ammo_qty(skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_ammo_qty_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_ammo_qty_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_ammo_qty_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_unit_id(uint16 skill_id, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_unit_id_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_unit_id_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_unit_id_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_unit_id(skill_id, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_unit_id_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_unit_id_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_unit_id_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_inf2(uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_inf2_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_inf2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_inf2_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_inf2(skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_inf2_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_inf2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_inf2_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_castcancel(uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_castcancel_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_castcancel_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_castcancel_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_castcancel(skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_castcancel_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_castcancel_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_castcancel_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_maxcount(uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_maxcount_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_maxcount_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_maxcount_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_maxcount(skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_maxcount_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_maxcount_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_maxcount_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_blewcount(uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_blewcount_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_blewcount_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_blewcount_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_blewcount(skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_blewcount_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_blewcount_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_blewcount_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_unit_flag(uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_unit_flag_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_unit_flag_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_unit_flag_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_unit_flag(skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_unit_flag_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_unit_flag_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_unit_flag_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_unit_target(uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_unit_target_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_unit_target_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_unit_target_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_unit_target(skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_unit_target_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_unit_target_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_unit_target_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_unit_interval(uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_unit_interval_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_unit_interval_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_unit_interval_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_unit_interval(skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_unit_interval_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_unit_interval_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_unit_interval_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_unit_bl_target(uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_unit_bl_target_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_unit_bl_target_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_unit_bl_target_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_unit_bl_target(skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_unit_bl_target_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_unit_bl_target_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_unit_bl_target_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_unit_layout_type(uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_unit_layout_type_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_unit_layout_type_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_unit_layout_type_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_unit_layout_type(skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_unit_layout_type_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_unit_layout_type_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_unit_layout_type_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_unit_range(uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_unit_range_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_unit_range_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_unit_range_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_unit_range(skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_unit_range_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_unit_range_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_unit_range_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_cooldown(uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_cooldown_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_cooldown_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_cooldown_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_cooldown(skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_cooldown_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_cooldown_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_cooldown_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_tree_get_max(uint16 skill_id, int b_class) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_tree_get_max_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id, int *b_class); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_tree_get_max_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_tree_get_max_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id, &b_class); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.tree_get_max(skill_id, b_class); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_tree_get_max_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id, int *b_class); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_tree_get_max_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_tree_get_max_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id, &b_class); } } return retVal___; } const char* HP_skill_get_name(uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; const char* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_name_pre ) { const char* (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_name_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_name_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_name(skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_name_post ) { const char* (*postHookFunc) (const char* retVal___, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_name_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_name_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id); } } return retVal___; } const char* HP_skill_get_desc(uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; const char* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_desc_pre ) { const char* (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_desc_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_desc_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_desc(skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_desc_post ) { const char* (*postHookFunc) (const char* retVal___, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_desc_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_desc_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id); } } return retVal___; } void HP_skill_chk(uint16 *skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_chk_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_chk_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_chk_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.skill.chk(skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_chk_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_chk_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_chk_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(skill_id); } } return; } int HP_skill_get_casttype(uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_casttype_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_casttype_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_casttype_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_casttype(skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_casttype_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_casttype_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_casttype_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_casttype2(uint16 index) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_casttype2_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *index); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_casttype2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_casttype2_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&index); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_casttype2(index); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_casttype2_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *index); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_casttype2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_casttype2_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &index); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_name2id(const char *name) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_name2id_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_name2id_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_name2id_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(name); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.name2id(name); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_name2id_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, const char *name); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_name2id_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_name2id_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, name); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_isammotype(struct map_session_data *sd, int skill) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_isammotype_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *skill); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_isammotype_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_isammotype_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &skill); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.isammotype(sd, skill); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_isammotype_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *skill); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_isammotype_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_isammotype_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &skill); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_castend_id(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_castend_id_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_castend_id_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_castend_id_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.castend_id(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_castend_id_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_castend_id_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_castend_id_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_castend_pos(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_castend_pos_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_castend_pos_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_castend_pos_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.castend_pos(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_castend_pos_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_castend_pos_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_castend_pos_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_castend_map(struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 skill_id, const char *mapname) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_castend_map_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id, const char *mapname); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_castend_map_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_castend_map_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &skill_id, mapname); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.castend_map(sd, skill_id, mapname); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_castend_map_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id, const char *mapname); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_castend_map_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_castend_map_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &skill_id, mapname); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_cleartimerskill(struct block_list *src) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_cleartimerskill_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_cleartimerskill_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_cleartimerskill_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.cleartimerskill(src); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_cleartimerskill_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *src); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_cleartimerskill_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_cleartimerskill_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_addtimerskill(struct block_list *src, int64 tick, int target, int x, int y, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int type, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_addtimerskill_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, int64 *tick, int *target, int *x, int *y, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *type, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_addtimerskill_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_addtimerskill_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, &tick, &target, &x, &y, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &type, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.addtimerskill(src, tick, target, x, y, skill_id, skill_lv, type, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_addtimerskill_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *src, int64 *tick, int *target, int *x, int *y, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *type, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_addtimerskill_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_addtimerskill_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, &tick, &target, &x, &y, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &type, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_additional_effect(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int attack_type, int dmg_lv, int64 tick) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_additional_effect_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *attack_type, int *dmg_lv, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_additional_effect_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_additional_effect_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, bl, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &attack_type, &dmg_lv, &tick); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.additional_effect(src, bl, skill_id, skill_lv, attack_type, dmg_lv, tick); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_additional_effect_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *attack_type, int *dmg_lv, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_additional_effect_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_additional_effect_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, bl, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &attack_type, &dmg_lv, &tick); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_counter_additional_effect(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int attack_type, int64 tick) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_counter_additional_effect_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *attack_type, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_counter_additional_effect_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_counter_additional_effect_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, bl, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &attack_type, &tick); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.counter_additional_effect(src, bl, skill_id, skill_lv, attack_type, tick); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_counter_additional_effect_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *attack_type, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_counter_additional_effect_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_counter_additional_effect_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, bl, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &attack_type, &tick); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_blown(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, int count, int8 dir, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_blown_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, int *count, int8 *dir, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_blown_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_blown_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, target, &count, &dir, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.blown(src, target, count, dir, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_blown_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, int *count, int8 *dir, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_blown_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_blown_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, target, &count, &dir, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_break_equip(struct block_list *bl, unsigned short where, int rate, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_break_equip_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, unsigned short *where, int *rate, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_break_equip_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_break_equip_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &where, &rate, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.break_equip(bl, where, rate, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_break_equip_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, unsigned short *where, int *rate, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_break_equip_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_break_equip_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &where, &rate, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_strip_equip(struct block_list *bl, unsigned short where, int rate, int lv, int time) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_strip_equip_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, unsigned short *where, int *rate, int *lv, int *time); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_strip_equip_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_strip_equip_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &where, &rate, &lv, &time); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.strip_equip(bl, where, rate, lv, time); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_strip_equip_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, unsigned short *where, int *rate, int *lv, int *time); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_strip_equip_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_strip_equip_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &where, &rate, &lv, &time); } } return retVal___; } struct skill_unit_group* HP_skill_id2group(int group_id) { int hIndex = 0; struct skill_unit_group* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_id2group_pre ) { struct skill_unit_group* (*preHookFunc) (int *group_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_id2group_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_id2group_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&group_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.id2group(group_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_id2group_post ) { struct skill_unit_group* (*postHookFunc) (struct skill_unit_group* retVal___, int *group_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_id2group_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_id2group_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &group_id); } } return retVal___; } struct skill_unit_group* HP_skill_unitsetting(struct block_list *src, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, short x, short y, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; struct skill_unit_group* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unitsetting_pre ) { struct skill_unit_group* (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, short *x, short *y, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unitsetting_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_unitsetting_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &x, &y, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.unitsetting(src, skill_id, skill_lv, x, y, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unitsetting_post ) { struct skill_unit_group* (*postHookFunc) (struct skill_unit_group* retVal___, struct block_list *src, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, short *x, short *y, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unitsetting_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_unitsetting_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &x, &y, &flag); } } return retVal___; } struct skill_unit* HP_skill_initunit(struct skill_unit_group *group, int idx, int x, int y, int val1, int val2) { int hIndex = 0; struct skill_unit* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_initunit_pre ) { struct skill_unit* (*preHookFunc) (struct skill_unit_group *group, int *idx, int *x, int *y, int *val1, int *val2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_initunit_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_initunit_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(group, &idx, &x, &y, &val1, &val2); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.initunit(group, idx, x, y, val1, val2); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_initunit_post ) { struct skill_unit* (*postHookFunc) (struct skill_unit* retVal___, struct skill_unit_group *group, int *idx, int *x, int *y, int *val1, int *val2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_initunit_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_initunit_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, group, &idx, &x, &y, &val1, &val2); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_delunit(struct skill_unit *su) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_delunit_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct skill_unit *su); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_delunit_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_delunit_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(su); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.delunit(su); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_delunit_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct skill_unit *su); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_delunit_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_delunit_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, su); } } return retVal___; } struct skill_unit_group* HP_skill_init_unitgroup(struct block_list *src, int count, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int unit_id, int limit, int interval) { int hIndex = 0; struct skill_unit_group* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_init_unitgroup_pre ) { struct skill_unit_group* (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, int *count, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *unit_id, int *limit, int *interval); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_init_unitgroup_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_init_unitgroup_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, &count, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &unit_id, &limit, &interval); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.init_unitgroup(src, count, skill_id, skill_lv, unit_id, limit, interval); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_init_unitgroup_post ) { struct skill_unit_group* (*postHookFunc) (struct skill_unit_group* retVal___, struct block_list *src, int *count, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *unit_id, int *limit, int *interval); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_init_unitgroup_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_init_unitgroup_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, &count, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &unit_id, &limit, &interval); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_del_unitgroup(struct skill_unit_group *group, const char *file, int line, const char *func) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_del_unitgroup_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct skill_unit_group *group, const char *file, int *line, const char *func); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_del_unitgroup_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_del_unitgroup_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(group, file, &line, func); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.del_unitgroup(group, file, line, func); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_del_unitgroup_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct skill_unit_group *group, const char *file, int *line, const char *func); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_del_unitgroup_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_del_unitgroup_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, group, file, &line, func); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_clear_unitgroup(struct block_list *src) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_clear_unitgroup_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_clear_unitgroup_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_clear_unitgroup_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.clear_unitgroup(src); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_clear_unitgroup_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *src); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_clear_unitgroup_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_clear_unitgroup_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_clear_group(struct block_list *bl, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_clear_group_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_clear_group_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_clear_group_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.clear_group(bl, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_clear_group_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_clear_group_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_clear_group_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_unit_onplace(struct skill_unit *src, struct block_list *bl, int64 tick) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_onplace_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct skill_unit *src, struct block_list *bl, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_onplace_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_unit_onplace_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, bl, &tick); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.unit_onplace(src, bl, tick); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_onplace_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct skill_unit *src, struct block_list *bl, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_onplace_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_unit_onplace_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, bl, &tick); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_unit_ondamaged(struct skill_unit *src, struct block_list *bl, int64 damage, int64 tick) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_ondamaged_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct skill_unit *src, struct block_list *bl, int64 *damage, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_ondamaged_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_unit_ondamaged_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, bl, &damage, &tick); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.unit_ondamaged(src, bl, damage, tick); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_ondamaged_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct skill_unit *src, struct block_list *bl, int64 *damage, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_ondamaged_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_unit_ondamaged_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, bl, &damage, &tick); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_cast_fix(struct block_list *bl, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_cast_fix_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_cast_fix_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_cast_fix_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.cast_fix(bl, skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_cast_fix_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_cast_fix_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_cast_fix_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_cast_fix_sc(struct block_list *bl, int time) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_cast_fix_sc_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *time); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_cast_fix_sc_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_cast_fix_sc_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &time); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.cast_fix_sc(bl, time); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_cast_fix_sc_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, int *time); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_cast_fix_sc_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_cast_fix_sc_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &time); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_vf_cast_fix(struct block_list *bl, double time, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_vf_cast_fix_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, double *time, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_vf_cast_fix_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_vf_cast_fix_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &time, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.vf_cast_fix(bl, time, skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_vf_cast_fix_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, double *time, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_vf_cast_fix_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_vf_cast_fix_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &time, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_delay_fix(struct block_list *bl, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_delay_fix_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_delay_fix_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_delay_fix_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.delay_fix(bl, skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_delay_fix_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_delay_fix_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_delay_fix_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_check_condition_castbegin(struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_condition_castbegin_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_condition_castbegin_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_check_condition_castbegin_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.check_condition_castbegin(sd, skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_condition_castbegin_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_condition_castbegin_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_check_condition_castbegin_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_check_condition_castend(struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_condition_castend_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_condition_castend_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_check_condition_castend_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.check_condition_castend(sd, skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_condition_castend_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_condition_castend_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_check_condition_castend_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_consume_requirement(struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, short type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_consume_requirement_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, short *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_consume_requirement_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_consume_requirement_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.consume_requirement(sd, skill_id, skill_lv, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_consume_requirement_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, short *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_consume_requirement_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_consume_requirement_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &type); } } return retVal___; } struct skill_condition HP_skill_get_requirement(struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; struct skill_condition retVal___; memset(&retVal___, '\0', sizeof(struct skill_condition)); if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_requirement_pre ) { struct skill_condition (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_requirement_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_requirement_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_requirement(sd, skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_requirement_post ) { struct skill_condition (*postHookFunc) (struct skill_condition retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_requirement_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_requirement_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_check_pc_partner(struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int range, int cast_flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_pc_partner_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *range, int *cast_flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_pc_partner_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_check_pc_partner_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &skill_id, skill_lv, &range, &cast_flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.check_pc_partner(sd, skill_id, skill_lv, range, cast_flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_pc_partner_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *range, int *cast_flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_pc_partner_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_check_pc_partner_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &skill_id, skill_lv, &range, &cast_flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_unit_move(struct block_list *bl, int64 tick, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_move_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int64 *tick, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_move_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_unit_move_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &tick, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.unit_move(bl, tick, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_move_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, int64 *tick, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_move_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_unit_move_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &tick, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_unit_onleft(uint16 skill_id, struct block_list *bl, int64 tick) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_onleft_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id, struct block_list *bl, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_onleft_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_unit_onleft_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id, bl, &tick); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.unit_onleft(skill_id, bl, tick); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_onleft_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id, struct block_list *bl, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_onleft_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_unit_onleft_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id, bl, &tick); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_unit_onout(struct skill_unit *src, struct block_list *bl, int64 tick) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_onout_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct skill_unit *src, struct block_list *bl, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_onout_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_unit_onout_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, bl, &tick); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.unit_onout(src, bl, tick); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_onout_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct skill_unit *src, struct block_list *bl, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_onout_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_unit_onout_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, bl, &tick); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_unit_move_unit_group(struct skill_unit_group *group, int16 m, int16 dx, int16 dy) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_move_unit_group_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct skill_unit_group *group, int16 *m, int16 *dx, int16 *dy); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_move_unit_group_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_unit_move_unit_group_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(group, &m, &dx, &dy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.unit_move_unit_group(group, m, dx, dy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_move_unit_group_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct skill_unit_group *group, int16 *m, int16 *dx, int16 *dy); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_move_unit_group_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_unit_move_unit_group_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, group, &m, &dx, &dy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_sit(struct map_session_data *sd, int type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_sit_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_sit_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_sit_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.sit(sd, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_sit_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_sit_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_sit_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &type); } } return retVal___; } void HP_skill_brandishspear(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int64 tick, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_brandishspear_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int64 *tick, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_brandishspear_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_brandishspear_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(src, bl, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &tick, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.skill.brandishspear(src, bl, skill_id, skill_lv, tick, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_brandishspear_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int64 *tick, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_brandishspear_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_brandishspear_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(src, bl, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &tick, &flag); } } return; } void HP_skill_repairweapon(struct map_session_data *sd, int idx) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_repairweapon_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *idx); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_repairweapon_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_repairweapon_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &idx); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.skill.repairweapon(sd, idx); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_repairweapon_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *idx); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_repairweapon_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_repairweapon_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &idx); } } return; } void HP_skill_identify(struct map_session_data *sd, int idx) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_identify_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *idx); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_identify_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_identify_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &idx); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.skill.identify(sd, idx); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_identify_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *idx); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_identify_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_identify_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &idx); } } return; } void HP_skill_weaponrefine(struct map_session_data *sd, int idx) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_weaponrefine_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *idx); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_weaponrefine_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_weaponrefine_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &idx); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.skill.weaponrefine(sd, idx); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_weaponrefine_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *idx); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_weaponrefine_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_weaponrefine_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &idx); } } return; } int HP_skill_autospell(struct map_session_data *md, uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_autospell_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *md, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_autospell_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_autospell_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md, &skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.autospell(md, skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_autospell_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *md, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_autospell_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_autospell_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md, &skill_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_calc_heal(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, bool heal) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_calc_heal_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, bool *heal); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_calc_heal_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_calc_heal_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, target, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &heal); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.calc_heal(src, target, skill_id, skill_lv, heal); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_calc_heal_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, bool *heal); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_calc_heal_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_calc_heal_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, target, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &heal); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_skill_check_cloaking(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change_entry *sce) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_cloaking_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change_entry *sce); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_cloaking_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_check_cloaking_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, sce); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.check_cloaking(bl, sce); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_cloaking_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct status_change_entry *sce); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_cloaking_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_check_cloaking_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, sce); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_enchant_elemental_end(struct block_list *bl, int type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_enchant_elemental_end_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_enchant_elemental_end_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_enchant_elemental_end_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.enchant_elemental_end(bl, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_enchant_elemental_end_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_enchant_elemental_end_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_enchant_elemental_end_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &type); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_not_ok(uint16 skill_id, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_not_ok_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_not_ok_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_not_ok_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.not_ok(skill_id, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_not_ok_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_not_ok_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_not_ok_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_not_ok_hom(uint16 skill_id, struct homun_data *hd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_not_ok_hom_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id, struct homun_data *hd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_not_ok_hom_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_not_ok_hom_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id, hd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.not_ok_hom(skill_id, hd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_not_ok_hom_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id, struct homun_data *hd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_not_ok_hom_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_not_ok_hom_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id, hd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_not_ok_mercenary(uint16 skill_id, struct mercenary_data *md) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_not_ok_mercenary_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id, struct mercenary_data *md); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_not_ok_mercenary_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_not_ok_mercenary_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id, md); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.not_ok_mercenary(skill_id, md); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_not_ok_mercenary_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id, struct mercenary_data *md); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_not_ok_mercenary_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_not_ok_mercenary_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id, md); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_chastle_mob_changetarget(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_chastle_mob_changetarget_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_chastle_mob_changetarget_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_chastle_mob_changetarget_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.chastle_mob_changetarget(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_chastle_mob_changetarget_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_chastle_mob_changetarget_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_chastle_mob_changetarget_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_can_produce_mix(struct map_session_data *sd, int nameid, int trigger, int qty) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_can_produce_mix_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *nameid, int *trigger, int *qty); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_can_produce_mix_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_can_produce_mix_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &nameid, &trigger, &qty); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.can_produce_mix(sd, nameid, trigger, qty); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_can_produce_mix_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *nameid, int *trigger, int *qty); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_can_produce_mix_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_can_produce_mix_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &nameid, &trigger, &qty); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_produce_mix(struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 skill_id, int nameid, int slot1, int slot2, int slot3, int qty) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_produce_mix_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id, int *nameid, int *slot1, int *slot2, int *slot3, int *qty); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_produce_mix_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_produce_mix_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &skill_id, &nameid, &slot1, &slot2, &slot3, &qty); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.produce_mix(sd, skill_id, nameid, slot1, slot2, slot3, qty); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_produce_mix_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id, int *nameid, int *slot1, int *slot2, int *slot3, int *qty); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_produce_mix_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_produce_mix_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &skill_id, &nameid, &slot1, &slot2, &slot3, &qty); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_arrow_create(struct map_session_data *sd, int nameid) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_arrow_create_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_arrow_create_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_arrow_create_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &nameid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.arrow_create(sd, nameid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_arrow_create_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_arrow_create_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_arrow_create_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &nameid); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_castend_nodamage_id(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int64 tick, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_castend_nodamage_id_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int64 *tick, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_castend_nodamage_id_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_castend_nodamage_id_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, bl, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &tick, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.castend_nodamage_id(src, bl, skill_id, skill_lv, tick, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_castend_nodamage_id_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int64 *tick, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_castend_nodamage_id_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_castend_nodamage_id_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, bl, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &tick, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_castend_damage_id(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int64 tick, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_castend_damage_id_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int64 *tick, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_castend_damage_id_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_castend_damage_id_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, bl, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &tick, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.castend_damage_id(src, bl, skill_id, skill_lv, tick, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_castend_damage_id_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int64 *tick, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_castend_damage_id_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_castend_damage_id_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, bl, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &tick, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_castend_pos2(struct block_list *src, int x, int y, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int64 tick, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_castend_pos2_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, int *x, int *y, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int64 *tick, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_castend_pos2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_castend_pos2_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, &x, &y, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &tick, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.castend_pos2(src, x, y, skill_id, skill_lv, tick, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_castend_pos2_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *src, int *x, int *y, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int64 *tick, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_castend_pos2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_castend_pos2_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, &x, &y, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &tick, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_blockpc_start(struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 skill_id, int tick) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_blockpc_start_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id, int *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_blockpc_start_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_blockpc_start_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &skill_id, &tick); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.blockpc_start(sd, skill_id, tick); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_blockpc_start_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id, int *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_blockpc_start_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_blockpc_start_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &skill_id, &tick); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_blockhomun_start(struct homun_data *hd, uint16 skill_id, int tick) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_blockhomun_start_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd, uint16 *skill_id, int *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_blockhomun_start_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_blockhomun_start_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(hd, &skill_id, &tick); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.blockhomun_start(hd, skill_id, tick); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_blockhomun_start_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct homun_data *hd, uint16 *skill_id, int *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_blockhomun_start_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_blockhomun_start_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, hd, &skill_id, &tick); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_blockmerc_start(struct mercenary_data *md, uint16 skill_id, int tick) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_blockmerc_start_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mercenary_data *md, uint16 *skill_id, int *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_blockmerc_start_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_blockmerc_start_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md, &skill_id, &tick); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.blockmerc_start(md, skill_id, tick); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_blockmerc_start_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mercenary_data *md, uint16 *skill_id, int *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_blockmerc_start_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_blockmerc_start_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md, &skill_id, &tick); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_attack(int attack_type, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *dsrc, struct block_list *bl, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int64 tick, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_attack_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *attack_type, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *dsrc, struct block_list *bl, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int64 *tick, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_attack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_attack_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&attack_type, src, dsrc, bl, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &tick, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.attack(attack_type, src, dsrc, bl, skill_id, skill_lv, tick, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_attack_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *attack_type, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *dsrc, struct block_list *bl, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int64 *tick, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_attack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_attack_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &attack_type, src, dsrc, bl, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &tick, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_attack_area(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_attack_area_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_attack_area_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_attack_area_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.attack_area(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_attack_area_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_attack_area_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_attack_area_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_area_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_area_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_area_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_area_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.area_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_area_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_area_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_area_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_area_sub_count(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int64 tick, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_area_sub_count_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int64 *tick, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_area_sub_count_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_area_sub_count_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, target, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &tick, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.area_sub_count(src, target, skill_id, skill_lv, tick, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_area_sub_count_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int64 *tick, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_area_sub_count_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_area_sub_count_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, target, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &tick, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_check_unit_range(struct block_list *bl, int x, int y, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_unit_range_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *x, int *y, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_unit_range_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_check_unit_range_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &x, &y, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.check_unit_range(bl, x, y, skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_unit_range_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, int *x, int *y, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_unit_range_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_check_unit_range_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &x, &y, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_check_unit_range_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_unit_range_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_unit_range_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_check_unit_range_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.check_unit_range_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_unit_range_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_unit_range_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_check_unit_range_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_check_unit_range2(struct block_list *bl, int x, int y, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_unit_range2_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *x, int *y, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_unit_range2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_check_unit_range2_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &x, &y, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.check_unit_range2(bl, x, y, skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_unit_range2_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, int *x, int *y, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_unit_range2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_check_unit_range2_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &x, &y, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_check_unit_range2_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_unit_range2_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_unit_range2_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_check_unit_range2_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.check_unit_range2_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_unit_range2_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_unit_range2_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_check_unit_range2_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } void HP_skill_toggle_magicpower(struct block_list *bl, uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_toggle_magicpower_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_toggle_magicpower_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_toggle_magicpower_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, &skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.skill.toggle_magicpower(bl, skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_toggle_magicpower_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_toggle_magicpower_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_toggle_magicpower_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, &skill_id); } } return; } int HP_skill_magic_reflect(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, int type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_magic_reflect_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_magic_reflect_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_magic_reflect_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, bl, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.magic_reflect(src, bl, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_magic_reflect_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_magic_reflect_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_magic_reflect_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, bl, &type); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_onskillusage(struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl, uint16 skill_id, int64 tick) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_onskillusage_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl, uint16 *skill_id, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_onskillusage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_onskillusage_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, bl, &skill_id, &tick); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.onskillusage(sd, bl, skill_id, tick); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_onskillusage_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl, uint16 *skill_id, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_onskillusage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_onskillusage_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, bl, &skill_id, &tick); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_cell_overlap(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_cell_overlap_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_cell_overlap_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_cell_overlap_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.cell_overlap(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_cell_overlap_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_cell_overlap_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_cell_overlap_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_timerskill(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_timerskill_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_timerskill_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_timerskill_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.timerskill(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_timerskill_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_timerskill_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_timerskill_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_trap_splash(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_trap_splash_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_trap_splash_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_trap_splash_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.trap_splash(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_trap_splash_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_trap_splash_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_trap_splash_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_check_condition_mercenary(struct block_list *bl, int skill_id, int lv, int type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_condition_mercenary_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *skill_id, int *lv, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_condition_mercenary_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_check_condition_mercenary_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &skill_id, &lv, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.check_condition_mercenary(bl, skill_id, lv, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_condition_mercenary_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, int *skill_id, int *lv, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_condition_mercenary_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_check_condition_mercenary_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &skill_id, &lv, &type); } } return retVal___; } struct skill_unit_group* HP_skill_locate_element_field(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; struct skill_unit_group* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_locate_element_field_pre ) { struct skill_unit_group* (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_locate_element_field_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_locate_element_field_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.locate_element_field(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_locate_element_field_post ) { struct skill_unit_group* (*postHookFunc) (struct skill_unit_group* retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_locate_element_field_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_locate_element_field_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_graffitiremover(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_graffitiremover_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_graffitiremover_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_graffitiremover_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.graffitiremover(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_graffitiremover_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_graffitiremover_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_graffitiremover_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_activate_reverberation(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_activate_reverberation_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_activate_reverberation_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_activate_reverberation_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.activate_reverberation(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_activate_reverberation_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_activate_reverberation_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_activate_reverberation_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_dance_overlap_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_dance_overlap_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_dance_overlap_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_dance_overlap_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.dance_overlap_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_dance_overlap_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_dance_overlap_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_dance_overlap_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_dance_overlap(struct skill_unit *su, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_dance_overlap_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct skill_unit *su, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_dance_overlap_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_dance_overlap_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(su, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.dance_overlap(su, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_dance_overlap_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct skill_unit *su, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_dance_overlap_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_dance_overlap_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, su, &flag); } } return retVal___; } struct s_skill_unit_layout* HP_skill_get_unit_layout(uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, struct block_list *src, int x, int y) { int hIndex = 0; struct s_skill_unit_layout* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_unit_layout_pre ) { struct s_skill_unit_layout* (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, struct block_list *src, int *x, int *y); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_unit_layout_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_unit_layout_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id, &skill_lv, src, &x, &y); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_unit_layout(skill_id, skill_lv, src, x, y); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_unit_layout_post ) { struct s_skill_unit_layout* (*postHookFunc) (struct s_skill_unit_layout* retVal___, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, struct block_list *src, int *x, int *y); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_unit_layout_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_unit_layout_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id, &skill_lv, src, &x, &y); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_frostjoke_scream(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_frostjoke_scream_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_frostjoke_scream_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_frostjoke_scream_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.frostjoke_scream(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_frostjoke_scream_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_frostjoke_scream_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_frostjoke_scream_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_greed(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_greed_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_greed_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_greed_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.greed(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_greed_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_greed_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_greed_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_destroy_trap(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_destroy_trap_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_destroy_trap_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_destroy_trap_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.destroy_trap(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_destroy_trap_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_destroy_trap_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_destroy_trap_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_icewall_block(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_icewall_block_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_icewall_block_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_icewall_block_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.icewall_block(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_icewall_block_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_icewall_block_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_icewall_block_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } struct skill_unit_group_tickset* HP_skill_unitgrouptickset_search(struct block_list *bl, struct skill_unit_group *group, int64 tick) { int hIndex = 0; struct skill_unit_group_tickset* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unitgrouptickset_search_pre ) { struct skill_unit_group_tickset* (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct skill_unit_group *group, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unitgrouptickset_search_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_unitgrouptickset_search_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, group, &tick); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.unitgrouptickset_search(bl, group, tick); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unitgrouptickset_search_post ) { struct skill_unit_group_tickset* (*postHookFunc) (struct skill_unit_group_tickset* retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct skill_unit_group *group, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unitgrouptickset_search_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_unitgrouptickset_search_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, group, &tick); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_skill_dance_switch(struct skill_unit *su, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_dance_switch_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct skill_unit *su, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_dance_switch_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_dance_switch_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(su, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.dance_switch(su, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_dance_switch_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct skill_unit *su, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_dance_switch_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_dance_switch_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, su, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_check_condition_char_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_condition_char_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_condition_char_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_check_condition_char_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.check_condition_char_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_condition_char_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_condition_char_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_check_condition_char_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_check_condition_mob_master_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_condition_mob_master_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_condition_mob_master_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_check_condition_mob_master_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.check_condition_mob_master_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_condition_mob_master_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_condition_mob_master_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_check_condition_mob_master_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } void HP_skill_brandishspear_first(struct square *tc, uint8 dir, int16 x, int16 y) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_brandishspear_first_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct square *tc, uint8 *dir, int16 *x, int16 *y); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_brandishspear_first_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_brandishspear_first_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(tc, &dir, &x, &y); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.skill.brandishspear_first(tc, dir, x, y); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_brandishspear_first_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct square *tc, uint8 *dir, int16 *x, int16 *y); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_brandishspear_first_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_brandishspear_first_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(tc, &dir, &x, &y); } } return; } void HP_skill_brandishspear_dir(struct square *tc, uint8 dir, int are) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_brandishspear_dir_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct square *tc, uint8 *dir, int *are); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_brandishspear_dir_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_brandishspear_dir_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(tc, &dir, &are); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.skill.brandishspear_dir(tc, dir, are); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_brandishspear_dir_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct square *tc, uint8 *dir, int *are); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_brandishspear_dir_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_brandishspear_dir_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(tc, &dir, &are); } } return; } int HP_skill_get_fixed_cast(uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_fixed_cast_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_fixed_cast_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_fixed_cast_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_fixed_cast(skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_fixed_cast_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_fixed_cast_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_fixed_cast_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_sit_count(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_sit_count_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_sit_count_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_sit_count_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.sit_count(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_sit_count_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_sit_count_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_sit_count_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_sit_in(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_sit_in_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_sit_in_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_sit_in_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.sit_in(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_sit_in_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_sit_in_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_sit_in_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_sit_out(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_sit_out_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_sit_out_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_sit_out_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.sit_out(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_sit_out_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_sit_out_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_sit_out_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } void HP_skill_unitsetmapcell(struct skill_unit *src, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, cell_t cell, bool flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unitsetmapcell_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct skill_unit *src, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, cell_t *cell, bool *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unitsetmapcell_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_unitsetmapcell_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(src, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &cell, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.skill.unitsetmapcell(src, skill_id, skill_lv, cell, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unitsetmapcell_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct skill_unit *src, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, cell_t *cell, bool *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unitsetmapcell_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_unitsetmapcell_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(src, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &cell, &flag); } } return; } int HP_skill_unit_onplace_timer(struct skill_unit *src, struct block_list *bl, int64 tick) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_onplace_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct skill_unit *src, struct block_list *bl, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_onplace_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_unit_onplace_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, bl, &tick); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.unit_onplace_timer(src, bl, tick); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_onplace_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct skill_unit *src, struct block_list *bl, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_onplace_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_unit_onplace_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, bl, &tick); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_unit_effect(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_effect_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_effect_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_unit_effect_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.unit_effect(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_effect_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_effect_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_unit_effect_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_unit_timer_sub_onplace(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_timer_sub_onplace_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_timer_sub_onplace_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_unit_timer_sub_onplace_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.unit_timer_sub_onplace(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_timer_sub_onplace_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_timer_sub_onplace_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_unit_timer_sub_onplace_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_unit_move_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_move_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_move_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_unit_move_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.unit_move_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_move_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_move_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_unit_move_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_blockpc_end(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_blockpc_end_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_blockpc_end_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_blockpc_end_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.blockpc_end(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_blockpc_end_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_blockpc_end_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_blockpc_end_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_blockhomun_end(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_blockhomun_end_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_blockhomun_end_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_blockhomun_end_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.blockhomun_end(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_blockhomun_end_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_blockhomun_end_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_blockhomun_end_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_blockmerc_end(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_blockmerc_end_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_blockmerc_end_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_blockmerc_end_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.blockmerc_end(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_blockmerc_end_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_blockmerc_end_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_blockmerc_end_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_split_atoi(char *str, int *val) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_split_atoi_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (char *str, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_split_atoi_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_split_atoi_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(str, val); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.split_atoi(str, val); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_split_atoi_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, char *str, int *val); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_split_atoi_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_split_atoi_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, str, val); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_unit_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_unit_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.unit_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_unit_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_unit_timer_sub(DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_timer_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_timer_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_unit_timer_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.unit_timer_sub(key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_timer_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_unit_timer_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_unit_timer_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } void HP_skill_init_unit_layout(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_init_unit_layout_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_init_unit_layout_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_init_unit_layout_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.skill.init_unit_layout(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_init_unit_layout_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_init_unit_layout_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_init_unit_layout_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } bool HP_skill_parse_row_skilldb(char *split[], int columns, int current) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_skilldb_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *split[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_skilldb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_parse_row_skilldb_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(split, &columns, ¤t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.parse_row_skilldb(split, columns, current); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_skilldb_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *split[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_skilldb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_parse_row_skilldb_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, split, &columns, ¤t); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_skill_parse_row_requiredb(char *split[], int columns, int current) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_requiredb_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *split[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_requiredb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_parse_row_requiredb_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(split, &columns, ¤t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.parse_row_requiredb(split, columns, current); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_requiredb_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *split[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_requiredb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_parse_row_requiredb_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, split, &columns, ¤t); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_skill_parse_row_castdb(char *split[], int columns, int current) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_castdb_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *split[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_castdb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_parse_row_castdb_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(split, &columns, ¤t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.parse_row_castdb(split, columns, current); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_castdb_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *split[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_castdb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_parse_row_castdb_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, split, &columns, ¤t); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_skill_parse_row_castnodexdb(char *split[], int columns, int current) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_castnodexdb_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *split[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_castnodexdb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_parse_row_castnodexdb_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(split, &columns, ¤t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.parse_row_castnodexdb(split, columns, current); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_castnodexdb_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *split[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_castnodexdb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_parse_row_castnodexdb_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, split, &columns, ¤t); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_skill_parse_row_unitdb(char *split[], int columns, int current) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_unitdb_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *split[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_unitdb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_parse_row_unitdb_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(split, &columns, ¤t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.parse_row_unitdb(split, columns, current); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_unitdb_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *split[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_unitdb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_parse_row_unitdb_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, split, &columns, ¤t); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_skill_parse_row_producedb(char *split[], int columns, int current) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_producedb_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *split[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_producedb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_parse_row_producedb_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(split, &columns, ¤t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.parse_row_producedb(split, columns, current); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_producedb_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *split[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_producedb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_parse_row_producedb_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, split, &columns, ¤t); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_skill_parse_row_createarrowdb(char *split[], int columns, int current) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_createarrowdb_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *split[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_createarrowdb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_parse_row_createarrowdb_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(split, &columns, ¤t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.parse_row_createarrowdb(split, columns, current); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_createarrowdb_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *split[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_createarrowdb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_parse_row_createarrowdb_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, split, &columns, ¤t); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_skill_parse_row_abradb(char *split[], int columns, int current) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_abradb_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *split[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_abradb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_parse_row_abradb_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(split, &columns, ¤t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.parse_row_abradb(split, columns, current); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_abradb_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *split[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_abradb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_parse_row_abradb_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, split, &columns, ¤t); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_skill_parse_row_spellbookdb(char *split[], int columns, int current) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_spellbookdb_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *split[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_spellbookdb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_parse_row_spellbookdb_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(split, &columns, ¤t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.parse_row_spellbookdb(split, columns, current); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_spellbookdb_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *split[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_spellbookdb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_parse_row_spellbookdb_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, split, &columns, ¤t); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_skill_parse_row_magicmushroomdb(char *split[], int column, int current) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_magicmushroomdb_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *split[], int *column, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_magicmushroomdb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_parse_row_magicmushroomdb_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(split, &column, ¤t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.parse_row_magicmushroomdb(split, column, current); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_magicmushroomdb_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *split[], int *column, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_magicmushroomdb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_parse_row_magicmushroomdb_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, split, &column, ¤t); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_skill_parse_row_reproducedb(char *split[], int column, int current) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_reproducedb_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *split[], int *column, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_reproducedb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_parse_row_reproducedb_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(split, &column, ¤t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.parse_row_reproducedb(split, column, current); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_reproducedb_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *split[], int *column, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_reproducedb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_parse_row_reproducedb_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, split, &column, ¤t); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_skill_parse_row_improvisedb(char *split[], int columns, int current) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_improvisedb_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *split[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_improvisedb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_parse_row_improvisedb_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(split, &columns, ¤t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.parse_row_improvisedb(split, columns, current); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_improvisedb_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *split[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_improvisedb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_parse_row_improvisedb_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, split, &columns, ¤t); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_skill_parse_row_changematerialdb(char *split[], int columns, int current) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_changematerialdb_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *split[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_changematerialdb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_parse_row_changematerialdb_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(split, &columns, ¤t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.parse_row_changematerialdb(split, columns, current); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_changematerialdb_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *split[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_parse_row_changematerialdb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_parse_row_changematerialdb_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, split, &columns, ¤t); } } return retVal___; } void HP_skill_usave_add(struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_usave_add_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_usave_add_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_usave_add_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.skill.usave_add(sd, skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_usave_add_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_usave_add_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_usave_add_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return; } void HP_skill_usave_trigger(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_usave_trigger_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_usave_trigger_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_usave_trigger_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.skill.usave_trigger(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_usave_trigger_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_usave_trigger_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_usave_trigger_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_skill_cooldown_load(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_cooldown_load_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_cooldown_load_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_cooldown_load_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.skill.cooldown_load(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_cooldown_load_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_cooldown_load_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_cooldown_load_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } int HP_skill_spellbook(struct map_session_data *sd, int nameid) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_spellbook_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_spellbook_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_spellbook_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &nameid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.spellbook(sd, nameid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_spellbook_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_spellbook_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_spellbook_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &nameid); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_block_check(struct block_list *bl, enum sc_type type, uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_block_check_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, enum sc_type *type, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_block_check_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_block_check_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &type, &skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.block_check(bl, type, skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_block_check_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, enum sc_type *type, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_block_check_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_block_check_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &type, &skill_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_detonator(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_detonator_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_detonator_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_detonator_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.detonator(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_detonator_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_detonator_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_detonator_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_skill_check_camouflage(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change_entry *sce) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_camouflage_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change_entry *sce); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_camouflage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_check_camouflage_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, sce); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.check_camouflage(bl, sce); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_camouflage_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct status_change_entry *sce); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_camouflage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_check_camouflage_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, sce); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_magicdecoy(struct map_session_data *sd, int nameid) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_magicdecoy_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_magicdecoy_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_magicdecoy_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &nameid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.magicdecoy(sd, nameid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_magicdecoy_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_magicdecoy_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_magicdecoy_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &nameid); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_poisoningweapon(struct map_session_data *sd, int nameid) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_poisoningweapon_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_poisoningweapon_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_poisoningweapon_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &nameid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.poisoningweapon(sd, nameid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_poisoningweapon_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_poisoningweapon_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_poisoningweapon_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &nameid); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_select_menu(struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_select_menu_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_select_menu_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_select_menu_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.select_menu(sd, skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_select_menu_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, uint16 *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_select_menu_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_select_menu_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &skill_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_elementalanalysis(struct map_session_data *sd, int n, uint16 skill_lv, unsigned short *item_list) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_elementalanalysis_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, uint16 *skill_lv, unsigned short *item_list); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_elementalanalysis_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_elementalanalysis_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &n, &skill_lv, item_list); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.elementalanalysis(sd, n, skill_lv, item_list); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_elementalanalysis_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, uint16 *skill_lv, unsigned short *item_list); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_elementalanalysis_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_elementalanalysis_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &n, &skill_lv, item_list); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_changematerial(struct map_session_data *sd, int n, unsigned short *item_list) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_changematerial_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, unsigned short *item_list); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_changematerial_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_changematerial_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &n, item_list); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.changematerial(sd, n, item_list); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_changematerial_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, unsigned short *item_list); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_changematerial_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_changematerial_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &n, item_list); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_elemental_type(uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_elemental_type_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_elemental_type_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_elemental_type_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_elemental_type(skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_elemental_type_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_elemental_type_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_elemental_type_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } void HP_skill_cooldown_save(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_cooldown_save_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_cooldown_save_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_cooldown_save_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.skill.cooldown_save(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_cooldown_save_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_cooldown_save_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_cooldown_save_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } int HP_skill_maelstrom_suction(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_maelstrom_suction_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_maelstrom_suction_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_maelstrom_suction_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.maelstrom_suction(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_maelstrom_suction_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_maelstrom_suction_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_maelstrom_suction_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_skill_get_new_group_id(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_new_group_id_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_new_group_id_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_new_group_id_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.get_new_group_id(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_new_group_id_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_get_new_group_id_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_get_new_group_id_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_skill_check_shadowform(struct block_list *bl, int64 damage, int hit) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_shadowform_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int64 *damage, int *hit); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_shadowform_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_check_shadowform_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &damage, &hit); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.skill.check_shadowform(bl, damage, hit); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_shadowform_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct block_list *bl, int64 *damage, int *hit); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_skill_check_shadowform_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_skill_check_shadowform_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &damage, &hit); } } return retVal___; } /* status */ int HP_status_init(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_init_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_init_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_init_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.init(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_init_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_init_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_init_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } void HP_status_final(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_final_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_final_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_final_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.status.final(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_final_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_final_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_final_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } int HP_status_get_refine_chance(enum refine_type wlv, int refine) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_refine_chance_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (enum refine_type *wlv, int *refine); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_refine_chance_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_refine_chance_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&wlv, &refine); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.get_refine_chance(wlv, refine); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_refine_chance_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, enum refine_type *wlv, int *refine); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_refine_chance_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_refine_chance_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &wlv, &refine); } } return retVal___; } sc_type HP_status_skill2sc(int skill_id) { int hIndex = 0; sc_type retVal___ = SC_NONE; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_skill2sc_pre ) { sc_type (*preHookFunc) (int *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_skill2sc_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_skill2sc_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&skill_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.skill2sc(skill_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_skill2sc_post ) { sc_type (*postHookFunc) (sc_type retVal___, int *skill_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_skill2sc_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_skill2sc_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &skill_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_sc2skill(sc_type sc) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_sc2skill_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (sc_type *sc); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_sc2skill_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_sc2skill_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&sc); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.sc2skill(sc); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_sc2skill_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, sc_type *sc); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_sc2skill_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_sc2skill_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &sc); } } return retVal___; } unsigned int HP_status_sc2scb_flag(sc_type sc) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_sc2scb_flag_pre ) { unsigned int (*preHookFunc) (sc_type *sc); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_sc2scb_flag_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_sc2scb_flag_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&sc); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.sc2scb_flag(sc); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_sc2scb_flag_post ) { unsigned int (*postHookFunc) (unsigned int retVal___, sc_type *sc); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_sc2scb_flag_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_sc2scb_flag_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &sc); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_type2relevant_bl_types(int type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_type2relevant_bl_types_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_type2relevant_bl_types_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_type2relevant_bl_types_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.type2relevant_bl_types(type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_type2relevant_bl_types_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_type2relevant_bl_types_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_type2relevant_bl_types_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &type); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_get_sc_type(sc_type idx) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_sc_type_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (sc_type *idx); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_sc_type_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_sc_type_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&idx); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.get_sc_type(idx); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_sc_type_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, sc_type *idx); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_sc_type_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_sc_type_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &idx); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_damage(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, int64 hp, int64 sp, int walkdelay, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_damage_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, int64 *hp, int64 *sp, int *walkdelay, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_damage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_damage_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, target, &hp, &sp, &walkdelay, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.damage(src, target, hp, sp, walkdelay, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_damage_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, int64 *hp, int64 *sp, int *walkdelay, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_damage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_damage_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, target, &hp, &sp, &walkdelay, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_charge(struct block_list *bl, int64 hp, int64 sp) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_charge_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int64 *hp, int64 *sp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_charge_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_charge_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &hp, &sp); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.charge(bl, hp, sp); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_charge_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, int64 *hp, int64 *sp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_charge_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_charge_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &hp, &sp); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_percent_change(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, signed char hp_rate, signed char sp_rate, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_percent_change_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, signed char *hp_rate, signed char *sp_rate, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_percent_change_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_percent_change_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, target, &hp_rate, &sp_rate, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.percent_change(src, target, hp_rate, sp_rate, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_percent_change_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, signed char *hp_rate, signed char *sp_rate, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_percent_change_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_percent_change_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, target, &hp_rate, &sp_rate, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_set_hp(struct block_list *bl, unsigned int hp, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_set_hp_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, unsigned int *hp, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_set_hp_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_set_hp_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &hp, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.set_hp(bl, hp, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_set_hp_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, unsigned int *hp, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_set_hp_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_set_hp_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &hp, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_set_sp(struct block_list *bl, unsigned int sp, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_set_sp_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, unsigned int *sp, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_set_sp_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_set_sp_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &sp, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.set_sp(bl, sp, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_set_sp_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, unsigned int *sp, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_set_sp_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_set_sp_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &sp, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_heal(struct block_list *bl, int64 hp, int64 sp, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_heal_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int64 *hp, int64 *sp, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_heal_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_heal_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &hp, &sp, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.heal(bl, hp, sp, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_heal_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, int64 *hp, int64 *sp, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_heal_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_heal_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &hp, &sp, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_revive(struct block_list *bl, unsigned char per_hp, unsigned char per_sp) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_revive_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, unsigned char *per_hp, unsigned char *per_sp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_revive_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_revive_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &per_hp, &per_sp); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.revive(bl, per_hp, per_sp); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_revive_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, unsigned char *per_hp, unsigned char *per_sp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_revive_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_revive_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &per_hp, &per_sp); } } return retVal___; } struct regen_data* HP_status_get_regen_data(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; struct regen_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_regen_data_pre ) { struct regen_data* (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_regen_data_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_regen_data_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.get_regen_data(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_regen_data_post ) { struct regen_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct regen_data* retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_regen_data_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_regen_data_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } struct status_data* HP_status_get_status_data(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; struct status_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_status_data_pre ) { struct status_data* (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_status_data_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_status_data_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.get_status_data(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_status_data_post ) { struct status_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct status_data* retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_status_data_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_status_data_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } struct status_data* HP_status_get_base_status(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; struct status_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_base_status_pre ) { struct status_data* (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_base_status_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_base_status_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.get_base_status(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_base_status_post ) { struct status_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct status_data* retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_base_status_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_base_status_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } const char* HP_status_get_name(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; const char* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_name_pre ) { const char* (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_name_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_name_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.get_name(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_name_post ) { const char* (*postHookFunc) (const char* retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_name_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_name_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_get_class(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_class_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_class_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_class_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.get_class(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_class_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_class_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_class_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_get_lv(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_lv_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_lv_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_lv_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.get_lv(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_lv_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_lv_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_lv_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } defType HP_status_get_def(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; defType retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_def_pre ) { defType (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_def_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_def_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.get_def(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_def_post ) { defType (*postHookFunc) (defType retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_def_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_def_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } unsigned short HP_status_get_speed(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned short retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_speed_pre ) { unsigned short (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_speed_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_speed_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.get_speed(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_speed_post ) { unsigned short (*postHookFunc) (unsigned short retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_speed_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_speed_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } unsigned char HP_status_calc_attack_element(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int element) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned char retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_attack_element_pre ) { unsigned char (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *element); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_attack_element_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_attack_element_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, sc, &element); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.calc_attack_element(bl, sc, element); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_attack_element_post ) { unsigned char (*postHookFunc) (unsigned char retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *element); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_attack_element_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_attack_element_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, sc, &element); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_get_party_id(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_party_id_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_party_id_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_party_id_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.get_party_id(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_party_id_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_party_id_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_party_id_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_get_guild_id(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_guild_id_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_guild_id_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_guild_id_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.get_guild_id(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_guild_id_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_guild_id_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_guild_id_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_get_emblem_id(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_emblem_id_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_emblem_id_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_emblem_id_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.get_emblem_id(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_emblem_id_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_emblem_id_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_emblem_id_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_get_mexp(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_mexp_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_mexp_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_mexp_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.get_mexp(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_mexp_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_mexp_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_mexp_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_get_race2(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_race2_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_race2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_race2_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.get_race2(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_race2_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_race2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_race2_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } struct view_data* HP_status_get_viewdata(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; struct view_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_viewdata_pre ) { struct view_data* (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_viewdata_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_viewdata_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.get_viewdata(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_viewdata_post ) { struct view_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct view_data* retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_viewdata_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_viewdata_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } void HP_status_set_viewdata(struct block_list *bl, int class_) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_set_viewdata_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_set_viewdata_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_set_viewdata_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, &class_); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.status.set_viewdata(bl, class_); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_set_viewdata_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *class_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_set_viewdata_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_set_viewdata_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, &class_); } } return; } void HP_status_change_init(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_change_init_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_change_init_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_change_init_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.status.change_init(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_change_init_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_change_init_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_change_init_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl); } } return; } struct status_change* HP_status_get_sc(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; struct status_change* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_sc_pre ) { struct status_change* (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_sc_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_sc_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.get_sc(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_sc_post ) { struct status_change* (*postHookFunc) (struct status_change* retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_sc_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_sc_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_isdead(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_isdead_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_isdead_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_isdead_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.isdead(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_isdead_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_isdead_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_isdead_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_isimmune(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_isimmune_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_isimmune_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_isimmune_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.isimmune(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_isimmune_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_isimmune_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_isimmune_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_get_sc_def(struct block_list *bl, enum sc_type type, int rate, int tick, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_sc_def_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, enum sc_type *type, int *rate, int *tick, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_sc_def_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_sc_def_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &type, &rate, &tick, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.get_sc_def(bl, type, rate, tick, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_sc_def_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, enum sc_type *type, int *rate, int *tick, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_sc_def_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_sc_def_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &type, &rate, &tick, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_change_start(struct block_list *bl, enum sc_type type, int rate, int val1, int val2, int val3, int val4, int tick, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_change_start_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, enum sc_type *type, int *rate, int *val1, int *val2, int *val3, int *val4, int *tick, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_change_start_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_change_start_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &type, &rate, &val1, &val2, &val3, &val4, &tick, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.change_start(bl, type, rate, val1, val2, val3, val4, tick, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_change_start_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, enum sc_type *type, int *rate, int *val1, int *val2, int *val3, int *val4, int *tick, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_change_start_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_change_start_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &type, &rate, &val1, &val2, &val3, &val4, &tick, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_change_end_(struct block_list *bl, enum sc_type type, int tid, const char *file, int line) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_change_end__pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, enum sc_type *type, int *tid, const char *file, int *line); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_change_end__pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_change_end__pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &type, &tid, file, &line); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.change_end_(bl, type, tid, file, line); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_change_end__post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, enum sc_type *type, int *tid, const char *file, int *line); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_change_end__post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_change_end__post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &type, &tid, file, &line); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_kaahi_heal_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_kaahi_heal_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_kaahi_heal_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_kaahi_heal_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.kaahi_heal_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_kaahi_heal_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_kaahi_heal_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_kaahi_heal_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_change_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_change_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_change_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_change_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.change_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_change_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_change_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_change_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_change_timer_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_change_timer_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_change_timer_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_change_timer_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.change_timer_sub(bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_change_timer_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_change_timer_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_change_timer_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_change_clear(struct block_list *bl, int type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_change_clear_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_change_clear_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_change_clear_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.change_clear(bl, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_change_clear_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_change_clear_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_change_clear_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &type); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_change_clear_buffs(struct block_list *bl, int type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_change_clear_buffs_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_change_clear_buffs_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_change_clear_buffs_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.change_clear_buffs(bl, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_change_clear_buffs_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_change_clear_buffs_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_change_clear_buffs_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &type); } } return retVal___; } void HP_status_calc_bl_(struct block_list *bl, enum scb_flag flag, enum e_status_calc_opt opt) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_bl__pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, enum scb_flag *flag, enum e_status_calc_opt *opt); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_bl__pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_bl__pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, &flag, &opt); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.status.calc_bl_(bl, flag, opt); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_bl__post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, enum scb_flag *flag, enum e_status_calc_opt *opt); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_bl__post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_bl__post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, &flag, &opt); } } return; } int HP_status_calc_mob_(struct mob_data *md, enum e_status_calc_opt opt) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_mob__pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mob_data *md, enum e_status_calc_opt *opt); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_mob__pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_mob__pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md, &opt); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.calc_mob_(md, opt); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_mob__post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mob_data *md, enum e_status_calc_opt *opt); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_mob__post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_mob__post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md, &opt); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_calc_pet_(struct pet_data *pd, enum e_status_calc_opt opt) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_pet__pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct pet_data *pd, enum e_status_calc_opt *opt); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_pet__pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_pet__pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(pd, &opt); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.calc_pet_(pd, opt); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_pet__post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct pet_data *pd, enum e_status_calc_opt *opt); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_pet__post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_pet__post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, pd, &opt); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_calc_pc_(struct map_session_data *sd, enum e_status_calc_opt opt) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_pc__pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, enum e_status_calc_opt *opt); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_pc__pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_pc__pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &opt); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.calc_pc_(sd, opt); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_pc__post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, enum e_status_calc_opt *opt); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_pc__post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_pc__post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &opt); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_calc_homunculus_(struct homun_data *hd, enum e_status_calc_opt opt) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_homunculus__pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct homun_data *hd, enum e_status_calc_opt *opt); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_homunculus__pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_homunculus__pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(hd, &opt); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.calc_homunculus_(hd, opt); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_homunculus__post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct homun_data *hd, enum e_status_calc_opt *opt); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_homunculus__post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_homunculus__post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, hd, &opt); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_calc_mercenary_(struct mercenary_data *md, enum e_status_calc_opt opt) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_mercenary__pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct mercenary_data *md, enum e_status_calc_opt *opt); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_mercenary__pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_mercenary__pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(md, &opt); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.calc_mercenary_(md, opt); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_mercenary__post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct mercenary_data *md, enum e_status_calc_opt *opt); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_mercenary__post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_mercenary__post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, md, &opt); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_calc_elemental_(struct elemental_data *ed, enum e_status_calc_opt opt) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_elemental__pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct elemental_data *ed, enum e_status_calc_opt *opt); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_elemental__pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_elemental__pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(ed, &opt); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.calc_elemental_(ed, opt); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_elemental__post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct elemental_data *ed, enum e_status_calc_opt *opt); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_elemental__post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_elemental__post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, ed, &opt); } } return retVal___; } void HP_status_calc_misc(struct block_list *bl, struct status_data *status, int level) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_misc_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_data *status, int *level); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_misc_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_misc_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, status, &level); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.status.calc_misc(bl, status, level); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_misc_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_data *status, int *level); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_misc_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_misc_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, status, &level); } } return; } void HP_status_calc_regen(struct block_list *bl, struct status_data *st, struct regen_data *regen) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_regen_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_data *st, struct regen_data *regen); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_regen_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_regen_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, st, regen); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.status.calc_regen(bl, st, regen); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_regen_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_data *st, struct regen_data *regen); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_regen_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_regen_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, st, regen); } } return; } void HP_status_calc_regen_rate(struct block_list *bl, struct regen_data *regen, struct status_change *sc) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_regen_rate_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct regen_data *regen, struct status_change *sc); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_regen_rate_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_regen_rate_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, regen, sc); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.status.calc_regen_rate(bl, regen, sc); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_regen_rate_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct regen_data *regen, struct status_change *sc); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_regen_rate_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_regen_rate_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, regen, sc); } } return; } int HP_status_check_skilluse(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 skill_id, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_check_skilluse_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 *skill_id, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_check_skilluse_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_check_skilluse_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, target, &skill_id, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.check_skilluse(src, target, skill_id, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_check_skilluse_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 *skill_id, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_check_skilluse_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_check_skilluse_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, target, &skill_id, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_check_visibility(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_check_visibility_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_check_visibility_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_check_visibility_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, target); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.check_visibility(src, target); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_check_visibility_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_check_visibility_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_check_visibility_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, target); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_change_spread(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_change_spread_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_change_spread_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_change_spread_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.change_spread(src, bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_change_spread_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_change_spread_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_change_spread_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, bl); } } return retVal___; } defType HP_status_calc_def(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int def, bool viewable) { int hIndex = 0; defType retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_def_pre ) { defType (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *def, bool *viewable); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_def_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_def_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, sc, &def, &viewable); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.calc_def(bl, sc, def, viewable); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_def_post ) { defType (*postHookFunc) (defType retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *def, bool *viewable); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_def_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_def_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, sc, &def, &viewable); } } return retVal___; } short HP_status_calc_def2(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int def2, bool viewable) { int hIndex = 0; short retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_def2_pre ) { short (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *def2, bool *viewable); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_def2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_def2_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, sc, &def2, &viewable); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.calc_def2(bl, sc, def2, viewable); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_def2_post ) { short (*postHookFunc) (short retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *def2, bool *viewable); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_def2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_def2_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, sc, &def2, &viewable); } } return retVal___; } defType HP_status_calc_mdef(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int mdef, bool viewable) { int hIndex = 0; defType retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_mdef_pre ) { defType (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *mdef, bool *viewable); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_mdef_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_mdef_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, sc, &mdef, &viewable); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.calc_mdef(bl, sc, mdef, viewable); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_mdef_post ) { defType (*postHookFunc) (defType retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *mdef, bool *viewable); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_mdef_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_mdef_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, sc, &mdef, &viewable); } } return retVal___; } short HP_status_calc_mdef2(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int mdef2, bool viewable) { int hIndex = 0; short retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_mdef2_pre ) { short (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *mdef2, bool *viewable); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_mdef2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_mdef2_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, sc, &mdef2, &viewable); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.calc_mdef2(bl, sc, mdef2, viewable); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_mdef2_post ) { short (*postHookFunc) (short retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *mdef2, bool *viewable); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_mdef2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_mdef2_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, sc, &mdef2, &viewable); } } return retVal___; } unsigned short HP_status_calc_batk(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int batk, bool viewable) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned short retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_batk_pre ) { unsigned short (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *batk, bool *viewable); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_batk_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_batk_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, sc, &batk, &viewable); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.calc_batk(bl, sc, batk, viewable); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_batk_post ) { unsigned short (*postHookFunc) (unsigned short retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *batk, bool *viewable); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_batk_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_batk_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, sc, &batk, &viewable); } } return retVal___; } unsigned short HP_status_base_matk(const struct status_data *st, int level) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned short retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_base_matk_pre ) { unsigned short (*preHookFunc) (const struct status_data *st, int *level); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_base_matk_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_base_matk_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(st, &level); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.base_matk(st, level); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_base_matk_post ) { unsigned short (*postHookFunc) (unsigned short retVal___, const struct status_data *st, int *level); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_base_matk_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_base_matk_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, st, &level); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_get_weapon_atk(struct block_list *src, struct weapon_atk *watk, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_weapon_atk_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct weapon_atk *watk, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_weapon_atk_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_weapon_atk_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, watk, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.get_weapon_atk(src, watk, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_weapon_atk_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *src, struct weapon_atk *watk, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_weapon_atk_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_weapon_atk_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, watk, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_get_total_mdef(struct block_list *src) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_total_mdef_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_total_mdef_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_total_mdef_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.get_total_mdef(src); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_total_mdef_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *src); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_total_mdef_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_total_mdef_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_get_total_def(struct block_list *src) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_total_def_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_total_def_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_total_def_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.get_total_def(src); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_total_def_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *src); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_total_def_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_total_def_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_get_matk(struct block_list *src, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_matk_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_matk_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_matk_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.get_matk(src, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_matk_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *src, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_get_matk_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_get_matk_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_readdb(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_readdb_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_readdb_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_readdb_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.readdb(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_readdb_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_readdb_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_readdb_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } void HP_status_initChangeTables(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_initChangeTables_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_initChangeTables_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_initChangeTables_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.status.initChangeTables(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_initChangeTables_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_initChangeTables_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_initChangeTables_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_status_initDummyData(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_initDummyData_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_initDummyData_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_initDummyData_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.status.initDummyData(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_initDummyData_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_initDummyData_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_initDummyData_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } int HP_status_base_amotion_pc(struct map_session_data *sd, struct status_data *st) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_base_amotion_pc_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct status_data *st); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_base_amotion_pc_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_base_amotion_pc_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, st); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.base_amotion_pc(sd, st); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_base_amotion_pc_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct status_data *st); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_base_amotion_pc_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_base_amotion_pc_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, st); } } return retVal___; } unsigned short HP_status_base_atk(const struct block_list *bl, const struct status_data *st) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned short retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_base_atk_pre ) { unsigned short (*preHookFunc) (const struct block_list *bl, const struct status_data *st); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_base_atk_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_base_atk_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, st); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.base_atk(bl, st); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_base_atk_post ) { unsigned short (*postHookFunc) (unsigned short retVal___, const struct block_list *bl, const struct status_data *st); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_base_atk_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_base_atk_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, st); } } return retVal___; } void HP_status_calc_sigma(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_sigma_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_sigma_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_sigma_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.status.calc_sigma(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_sigma_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_sigma_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_sigma_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } unsigned int HP_status_base_pc_maxhp(struct map_session_data *sd, struct status_data *st) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_base_pc_maxhp_pre ) { unsigned int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct status_data *st); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_base_pc_maxhp_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_base_pc_maxhp_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, st); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.base_pc_maxhp(sd, st); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_base_pc_maxhp_post ) { unsigned int (*postHookFunc) (unsigned int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct status_data *st); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_base_pc_maxhp_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_base_pc_maxhp_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, st); } } return retVal___; } unsigned int HP_status_base_pc_maxsp(struct map_session_data *sd, struct status_data *st) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_base_pc_maxsp_pre ) { unsigned int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct status_data *st); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_base_pc_maxsp_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_base_pc_maxsp_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, st); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.base_pc_maxsp(sd, st); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_base_pc_maxsp_post ) { unsigned int (*postHookFunc) (unsigned int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct status_data *st); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_base_pc_maxsp_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_base_pc_maxsp_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, st); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_calc_npc_(struct npc_data *nd, enum e_status_calc_opt opt) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_npc__pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct npc_data *nd, enum e_status_calc_opt *opt); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_npc__pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_npc__pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(nd, &opt); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.calc_npc_(nd, opt); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_npc__post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct npc_data *nd, enum e_status_calc_opt *opt); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_npc__post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_npc__post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, nd, &opt); } } return retVal___; } unsigned short HP_status_calc_str(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int str) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned short retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_str_pre ) { unsigned short (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *str); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_str_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_str_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, sc, &str); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.calc_str(bl, sc, str); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_str_post ) { unsigned short (*postHookFunc) (unsigned short retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *str); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_str_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_str_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, sc, &str); } } return retVal___; } unsigned short HP_status_calc_agi(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int agi) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned short retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_agi_pre ) { unsigned short (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *agi); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_agi_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_agi_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, sc, &agi); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.calc_agi(bl, sc, agi); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_agi_post ) { unsigned short (*postHookFunc) (unsigned short retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *agi); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_agi_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_agi_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, sc, &agi); } } return retVal___; } unsigned short HP_status_calc_vit(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int vit) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned short retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_vit_pre ) { unsigned short (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *vit); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_vit_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_vit_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, sc, &vit); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.calc_vit(bl, sc, vit); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_vit_post ) { unsigned short (*postHookFunc) (unsigned short retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *vit); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_vit_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_vit_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, sc, &vit); } } return retVal___; } unsigned short HP_status_calc_int(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int int_) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned short retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_int_pre ) { unsigned short (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *int_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_int_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_int_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, sc, &int_); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.calc_int(bl, sc, int_); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_int_post ) { unsigned short (*postHookFunc) (unsigned short retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *int_); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_int_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_int_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, sc, &int_); } } return retVal___; } unsigned short HP_status_calc_dex(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int dex) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned short retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_dex_pre ) { unsigned short (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *dex); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_dex_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_dex_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, sc, &dex); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.calc_dex(bl, sc, dex); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_dex_post ) { unsigned short (*postHookFunc) (unsigned short retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *dex); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_dex_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_dex_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, sc, &dex); } } return retVal___; } unsigned short HP_status_calc_luk(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int luk) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned short retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_luk_pre ) { unsigned short (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *luk); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_luk_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_luk_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, sc, &luk); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.calc_luk(bl, sc, luk); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_luk_post ) { unsigned short (*postHookFunc) (unsigned short retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *luk); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_luk_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_luk_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, sc, &luk); } } return retVal___; } unsigned short HP_status_calc_watk(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int watk, bool viewable) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned short retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_watk_pre ) { unsigned short (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *watk, bool *viewable); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_watk_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_watk_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, sc, &watk, &viewable); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.calc_watk(bl, sc, watk, viewable); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_watk_post ) { unsigned short (*postHookFunc) (unsigned short retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *watk, bool *viewable); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_watk_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_watk_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, sc, &watk, &viewable); } } return retVal___; } unsigned short HP_status_calc_matk(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int matk, bool viewable) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned short retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_matk_pre ) { unsigned short (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *matk, bool *viewable); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_matk_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_matk_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, sc, &matk, &viewable); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.calc_matk(bl, sc, matk, viewable); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_matk_post ) { unsigned short (*postHookFunc) (unsigned short retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *matk, bool *viewable); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_matk_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_matk_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, sc, &matk, &viewable); } } return retVal___; } signed short HP_status_calc_hit(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int hit, bool viewable) { int hIndex = 0; signed short retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_hit_pre ) { signed short (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *hit, bool *viewable); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_hit_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_hit_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, sc, &hit, &viewable); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.calc_hit(bl, sc, hit, viewable); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_hit_post ) { signed short (*postHookFunc) (signed short retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *hit, bool *viewable); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_hit_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_hit_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, sc, &hit, &viewable); } } return retVal___; } signed short HP_status_calc_critical(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int critical, bool viewable) { int hIndex = 0; signed short retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_critical_pre ) { signed short (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *critical, bool *viewable); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_critical_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_critical_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, sc, &critical, &viewable); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.calc_critical(bl, sc, critical, viewable); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_critical_post ) { signed short (*postHookFunc) (signed short retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *critical, bool *viewable); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_critical_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_critical_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, sc, &critical, &viewable); } } return retVal___; } signed short HP_status_calc_flee(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int flee, bool viewable) { int hIndex = 0; signed short retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_flee_pre ) { signed short (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *flee, bool *viewable); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_flee_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_flee_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, sc, &flee, &viewable); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.calc_flee(bl, sc, flee, viewable); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_flee_post ) { signed short (*postHookFunc) (signed short retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *flee, bool *viewable); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_flee_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_flee_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, sc, &flee, &viewable); } } return retVal___; } signed short HP_status_calc_flee2(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int flee2, bool viewable) { int hIndex = 0; signed short retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_flee2_pre ) { signed short (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *flee2, bool *viewable); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_flee2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_flee2_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, sc, &flee2, &viewable); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.calc_flee2(bl, sc, flee2, viewable); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_flee2_post ) { signed short (*postHookFunc) (signed short retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *flee2, bool *viewable); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_flee2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_flee2_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, sc, &flee2, &viewable); } } return retVal___; } unsigned short HP_status_calc_speed(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int speed) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned short retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_speed_pre ) { unsigned short (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *speed); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_speed_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_speed_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, sc, &speed); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.calc_speed(bl, sc, speed); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_speed_post ) { unsigned short (*postHookFunc) (unsigned short retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *speed); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_speed_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_speed_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, sc, &speed); } } return retVal___; } short HP_status_calc_aspd_rate(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int aspd_rate) { int hIndex = 0; short retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_aspd_rate_pre ) { short (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *aspd_rate); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_aspd_rate_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_aspd_rate_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, sc, &aspd_rate); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.calc_aspd_rate(bl, sc, aspd_rate); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_aspd_rate_post ) { short (*postHookFunc) (short retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *aspd_rate); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_aspd_rate_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_aspd_rate_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, sc, &aspd_rate); } } return retVal___; } unsigned short HP_status_calc_dmotion(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int dmotion) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned short retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_dmotion_pre ) { unsigned short (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *dmotion); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_dmotion_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_dmotion_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, sc, &dmotion); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.calc_dmotion(bl, sc, dmotion); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_dmotion_post ) { unsigned short (*postHookFunc) (unsigned short retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *dmotion); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_dmotion_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_dmotion_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, sc, &dmotion); } } return retVal___; } short HP_status_calc_aspd(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, short flag) { int hIndex = 0; short retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_aspd_pre ) { short (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, short *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_aspd_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_aspd_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, sc, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.calc_aspd(bl, sc, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_aspd_post ) { short (*postHookFunc) (short retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, short *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_aspd_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_aspd_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, sc, &flag); } } return retVal___; } short HP_status_calc_fix_aspd(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int aspd) { int hIndex = 0; short retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_fix_aspd_pre ) { short (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *aspd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_fix_aspd_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_fix_aspd_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, sc, &aspd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.calc_fix_aspd(bl, sc, aspd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_fix_aspd_post ) { short (*postHookFunc) (short retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *aspd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_fix_aspd_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_fix_aspd_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, sc, &aspd); } } return retVal___; } unsigned int HP_status_calc_maxhp(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, uint64 maxhp) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_maxhp_pre ) { unsigned int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, uint64 *maxhp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_maxhp_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_maxhp_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, sc, &maxhp); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.calc_maxhp(bl, sc, maxhp); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_maxhp_post ) { unsigned int (*postHookFunc) (unsigned int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, uint64 *maxhp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_maxhp_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_maxhp_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, sc, &maxhp); } } return retVal___; } unsigned int HP_status_calc_maxsp(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, unsigned int maxsp) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_maxsp_pre ) { unsigned int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, unsigned int *maxsp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_maxsp_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_maxsp_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, sc, &maxsp); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.calc_maxsp(bl, sc, maxsp); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_maxsp_post ) { unsigned int (*postHookFunc) (unsigned int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, unsigned int *maxsp); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_maxsp_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_maxsp_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, sc, &maxsp); } } return retVal___; } unsigned char HP_status_calc_element(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int element) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned char retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_element_pre ) { unsigned char (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *element); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_element_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_element_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, sc, &element); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.calc_element(bl, sc, element); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_element_post ) { unsigned char (*postHookFunc) (unsigned char retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *element); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_element_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_element_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, sc, &element); } } return retVal___; } unsigned char HP_status_calc_element_lv(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int lv) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned char retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_element_lv_pre ) { unsigned char (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_element_lv_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_element_lv_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, sc, &lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.calc_element_lv(bl, sc, lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_element_lv_post ) { unsigned char (*postHookFunc) (unsigned char retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_element_lv_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_element_lv_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, sc, &lv); } } return retVal___; } unsigned short HP_status_calc_mode(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int mode) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned short retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_mode_pre ) { unsigned short (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *mode); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_mode_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_mode_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, sc, &mode); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.calc_mode(bl, sc, mode); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_mode_post ) { unsigned short (*postHookFunc) (unsigned short retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *mode); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_mode_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_mode_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, sc, &mode); } } return retVal___; } unsigned short HP_status_calc_ematk(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int matk) { int hIndex = 0; unsigned short retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_ematk_pre ) { unsigned short (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *matk); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_ematk_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_ematk_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, sc, &matk); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.calc_ematk(bl, sc, matk); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_ematk_post ) { unsigned short (*postHookFunc) (unsigned short retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int *matk); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_ematk_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_ematk_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, sc, &matk); } } return retVal___; } void HP_status_calc_bl_main(struct block_list *bl, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_bl_main_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_bl_main_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_bl_main_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.status.calc_bl_main(bl, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_bl_main_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_calc_bl_main_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_calc_bl_main_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl, &flag); } } return; } void HP_status_display_add(struct map_session_data *sd, enum sc_type type, int dval1, int dval2, int dval3) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_display_add_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, enum sc_type *type, int *dval1, int *dval2, int *dval3); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_display_add_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_display_add_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &type, &dval1, &dval2, &dval3); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.status.display_add(sd, type, dval1, dval2, dval3); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_display_add_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, enum sc_type *type, int *dval1, int *dval2, int *dval3); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_display_add_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_display_add_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &type, &dval1, &dval2, &dval3); } } return; } void HP_status_display_remove(struct map_session_data *sd, enum sc_type type) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_display_remove_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, enum sc_type *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_display_remove_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_display_remove_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.status.display_remove(sd, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_display_remove_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, enum sc_type *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_display_remove_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_display_remove_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &type); } } return; } int HP_status_natural_heal(struct block_list *bl, va_list args) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_natural_heal_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_natural_heal_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_natural_heal_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.natural_heal(bl, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_natural_heal_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, va_list args); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_natural_heal_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list args___copy; va_copy(args___copy, args); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_natural_heal_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, args___copy); va_end(args___copy); } } return retVal___; } int HP_status_natural_heal_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_natural_heal_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_natural_heal_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_natural_heal_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.natural_heal_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_natural_heal_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_natural_heal_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_natural_heal_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_status_readdb_job1(char *fields[], int columns, int current) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_readdb_job1_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *fields[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_readdb_job1_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_readdb_job1_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(fields, &columns, ¤t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.readdb_job1(fields, columns, current); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_readdb_job1_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *fields[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_readdb_job1_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_readdb_job1_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, fields, &columns, ¤t); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_status_readdb_job2(char *fields[], int columns, int current) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_readdb_job2_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *fields[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_readdb_job2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_readdb_job2_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(fields, &columns, ¤t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.readdb_job2(fields, columns, current); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_readdb_job2_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *fields[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_readdb_job2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_readdb_job2_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, fields, &columns, ¤t); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_status_readdb_sizefix(char *fields[], int columns, int current) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_readdb_sizefix_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *fields[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_readdb_sizefix_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_readdb_sizefix_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(fields, &columns, ¤t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.readdb_sizefix(fields, columns, current); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_readdb_sizefix_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *fields[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_readdb_sizefix_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_readdb_sizefix_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, fields, &columns, ¤t); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_status_readdb_refine(char *fields[], int columns, int current) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_readdb_refine_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *fields[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_readdb_refine_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_readdb_refine_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(fields, &columns, ¤t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.readdb_refine(fields, columns, current); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_readdb_refine_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *fields[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_readdb_refine_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_readdb_refine_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, fields, &columns, ¤t); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_status_readdb_scconfig(char *fields[], int columns, int current) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_readdb_scconfig_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (char *fields[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_readdb_scconfig_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_readdb_scconfig_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(fields, &columns, ¤t); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.status.readdb_scconfig(fields, columns, current); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_status_readdb_scconfig_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, char *fields[], int *columns, int *current); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_status_readdb_scconfig_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_status_readdb_scconfig_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, fields, &columns, ¤t); } } return retVal___; } /* storage */ void HP_storage_reconnect(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_reconnect_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_reconnect_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_storage_reconnect_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.storage.reconnect(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_reconnect_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_reconnect_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_storage_reconnect_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } int HP_storage_delitem(struct map_session_data *sd, int n, int amount) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_delitem_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_delitem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_storage_delitem_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &n, &amount); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.storage.delitem(sd, n, amount); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_delitem_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *n, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_delitem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_storage_delitem_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &n, &amount); } } return retVal___; } int HP_storage_open(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_open_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_open_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_storage_open_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.storage.open(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_open_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_open_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_storage_open_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_storage_add(struct map_session_data *sd, int index, int amount) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_add_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *index, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_add_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_storage_add_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &index, &amount); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.storage.add(sd, index, amount); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_add_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *index, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_add_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_storage_add_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &index, &amount); } } return retVal___; } int HP_storage_get(struct map_session_data *sd, int index, int amount) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_get_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *index, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_get_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_storage_get_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &index, &amount); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.storage.get(sd, index, amount); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_get_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *index, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_get_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_storage_get_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &index, &amount); } } return retVal___; } int HP_storage_additem(struct map_session_data *sd, struct item *item_data, int amount) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_additem_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct item *item_data, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_additem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_storage_additem_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, item_data, &amount); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.storage.additem(sd, item_data, amount); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_additem_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct item *item_data, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_additem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_storage_additem_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, item_data, &amount); } } return retVal___; } int HP_storage_addfromcart(struct map_session_data *sd, int index, int amount) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_addfromcart_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *index, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_addfromcart_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_storage_addfromcart_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &index, &amount); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.storage.addfromcart(sd, index, amount); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_addfromcart_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *index, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_addfromcart_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_storage_addfromcart_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &index, &amount); } } return retVal___; } int HP_storage_gettocart(struct map_session_data *sd, int index, int amount) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_gettocart_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *index, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_gettocart_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_storage_gettocart_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &index, &amount); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.storage.gettocart(sd, index, amount); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_gettocart_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, int *index, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_gettocart_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_storage_gettocart_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &index, &amount); } } return retVal___; } void HP_storage_close(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_close_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_close_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_storage_close_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.storage.close(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_close_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_close_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_storage_close_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_storage_pc_quit(struct map_session_data *sd, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_pc_quit_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_pc_quit_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_storage_pc_quit_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.storage.pc_quit(sd, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_pc_quit_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_pc_quit_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_storage_pc_quit_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &flag); } } return; } int HP_storage_comp_item(const void *_i1, const void *_i2) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_comp_item_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (const void *_i1, const void *_i2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_comp_item_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_storage_comp_item_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(_i1, _i2); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.storage.comp_item(_i1, _i2); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_comp_item_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, const void *_i1, const void *_i2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_comp_item_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_storage_comp_item_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, _i1, _i2); } } return retVal___; } void HP_storage_sortitem(struct item *items, unsigned int size) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_sortitem_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct item *items, unsigned int *size); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_sortitem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_storage_sortitem_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(items, &size); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.storage.sortitem(items, size); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_sortitem_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct item *items, unsigned int *size); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_sortitem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_storage_sortitem_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(items, &size); } } return; } int HP_storage_reconnect_sub(DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list ap) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_reconnect_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_reconnect_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_storage_reconnect_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.storage.reconnect_sub(key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_reconnect_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, DBKey *key, DBData *data, va_list ap); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_storage_reconnect_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { va_list ap___copy; va_copy(ap___copy, ap); postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_storage_reconnect_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &key, data, ap___copy); va_end(ap___copy); } } return retVal___; } /* trade */ void HP_trade_request(struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *target_sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_trade_request_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *target_sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_trade_request_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_trade_request_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, target_sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.trade.request(sd, target_sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_trade_request_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *target_sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_trade_request_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_trade_request_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, target_sd); } } return; } void HP_trade_ack(struct map_session_data *sd, int type) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_trade_ack_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_trade_ack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_trade_ack_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.trade.ack(sd, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_trade_ack_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_trade_ack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_trade_ack_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &type); } } return; } int HP_trade_check_impossible(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_trade_check_impossible_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_trade_check_impossible_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_trade_check_impossible_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.trade.check_impossible(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_trade_check_impossible_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_trade_check_impossible_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_trade_check_impossible_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_trade_check(struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *tsd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_trade_check_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *tsd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_trade_check_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_trade_check_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, tsd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.trade.check(sd, tsd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_trade_check_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *tsd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_trade_check_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_trade_check_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, tsd); } } return retVal___; } void HP_trade_additem(struct map_session_data *sd, short index, short amount) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_trade_additem_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, short *index, short *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_trade_additem_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_trade_additem_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &index, &amount); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.trade.additem(sd, index, amount); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_trade_additem_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, short *index, short *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_trade_additem_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_trade_additem_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &index, &amount); } } return; } void HP_trade_addzeny(struct map_session_data *sd, int amount) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_trade_addzeny_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_trade_addzeny_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_trade_addzeny_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &amount); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.trade.addzeny(sd, amount); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_trade_addzeny_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *amount); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_trade_addzeny_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_trade_addzeny_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &amount); } } return; } void HP_trade_ok(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_trade_ok_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_trade_ok_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_trade_ok_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.trade.ok(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_trade_ok_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_trade_ok_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_trade_ok_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_trade_cancel(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_trade_cancel_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_trade_cancel_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_trade_cancel_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.trade.cancel(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_trade_cancel_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_trade_cancel_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_trade_cancel_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_trade_commit(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_trade_commit_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_trade_commit_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_trade_commit_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.trade.commit(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_trade_commit_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_trade_commit_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_trade_commit_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } /* unit */ int HP_unit_init(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_init_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_init_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_init_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.init(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_init_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_init_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_init_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } int HP_unit_final(void) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_final_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_final_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_final_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.final(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_final_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_final_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_final_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___); } } return retVal___; } struct unit_data* HP_unit_bl2ud(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; struct unit_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_bl2ud_pre ) { struct unit_data* (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_bl2ud_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_bl2ud_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.bl2ud(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_bl2ud_post ) { struct unit_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct unit_data* retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_bl2ud_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_bl2ud_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } struct unit_data* HP_unit_bl2ud2(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; struct unit_data* retVal___ = NULL; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_bl2ud2_pre ) { struct unit_data* (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_bl2ud2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_bl2ud2_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.bl2ud2(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_bl2ud2_post ) { struct unit_data* (*postHookFunc) (struct unit_data* retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_bl2ud2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_bl2ud2_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } int HP_unit_attack_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_attack_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_attack_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_attack_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.attack_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_attack_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_attack_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_attack_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_unit_walktoxy_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_walktoxy_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_walktoxy_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_walktoxy_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.walktoxy_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_walktoxy_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_walktoxy_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_walktoxy_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_unit_walktoxy_sub(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_walktoxy_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_walktoxy_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_walktoxy_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.walktoxy_sub(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_walktoxy_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_walktoxy_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_walktoxy_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } int HP_unit_delay_walktoxy_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_delay_walktoxy_timer_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_delay_walktoxy_timer_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_delay_walktoxy_timer_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.delay_walktoxy_timer(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_delay_walktoxy_timer_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_delay_walktoxy_timer_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_delay_walktoxy_timer_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_unit_walktoxy(struct block_list *bl, short x, short y, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_walktoxy_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, short *x, short *y, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_walktoxy_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_walktoxy_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &x, &y, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.walktoxy(bl, x, y, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_walktoxy_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, short *x, short *y, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_walktoxy_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_walktoxy_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &x, &y, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_unit_walktobl_sub(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_walktobl_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_walktobl_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_walktobl_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.walktobl_sub(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_walktobl_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_walktobl_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_walktobl_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_unit_walktobl(struct block_list *bl, struct block_list *tbl, int range, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_walktobl_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct block_list *tbl, int *range, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_walktobl_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_walktobl_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, tbl, &range, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.walktobl(bl, tbl, range, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_walktobl_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct block_list *tbl, int *range, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_walktobl_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_walktobl_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, tbl, &range, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_unit_run(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_run_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_run_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_run_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.run(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_run_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_run_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_run_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } int HP_unit_wugdash(struct block_list *bl, struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_wugdash_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_wugdash_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_wugdash_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.wugdash(bl, sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_wugdash_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_wugdash_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_wugdash_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, sd); } } return retVal___; } int HP_unit_escape(struct block_list *bl, struct block_list *target, short dist) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_escape_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct block_list *target, short *dist); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_escape_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_escape_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, target, &dist); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.escape(bl, target, dist); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_escape_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct block_list *target, short *dist); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_escape_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_escape_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, target, &dist); } } return retVal___; } int HP_unit_movepos(struct block_list *bl, short dst_x, short dst_y, int easy, bool checkpath) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_movepos_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, short *dst_x, short *dst_y, int *easy, bool *checkpath); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_movepos_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_movepos_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &dst_x, &dst_y, &easy, &checkpath); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.movepos(bl, dst_x, dst_y, easy, checkpath); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_movepos_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, short *dst_x, short *dst_y, int *easy, bool *checkpath); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_movepos_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_movepos_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &dst_x, &dst_y, &easy, &checkpath); } } return retVal___; } int HP_unit_setdir(struct block_list *bl, unsigned char dir) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_setdir_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, unsigned char *dir); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_setdir_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_setdir_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &dir); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.setdir(bl, dir); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_setdir_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, unsigned char *dir); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_setdir_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_setdir_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &dir); } } return retVal___; } uint8 HP_unit_getdir(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; uint8 retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_getdir_pre ) { uint8 (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_getdir_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_getdir_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.getdir(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_getdir_post ) { uint8 (*postHookFunc) (uint8 retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_getdir_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_getdir_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } int HP_unit_blown(struct block_list *bl, int dx, int dy, int count, int flag) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_blown_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *dx, int *dy, int *count, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_blown_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_blown_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &dx, &dy, &count, &flag); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.blown(bl, dx, dy, count, flag); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_blown_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, int *dx, int *dy, int *count, int *flag); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_blown_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_blown_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &dx, &dy, &count, &flag); } } return retVal___; } int HP_unit_warp(struct block_list *bl, short m, short x, short y, clr_type type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_warp_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, short *m, short *x, short *y, clr_type *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_warp_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_warp_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &m, &x, &y, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.warp(bl, m, x, y, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_warp_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, short *m, short *x, short *y, clr_type *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_warp_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_warp_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &m, &x, &y, &type); } } return retVal___; } int HP_unit_stop_walking(struct block_list *bl, int type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_stop_walking_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_stop_walking_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_stop_walking_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.stop_walking(bl, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_stop_walking_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_stop_walking_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_stop_walking_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &type); } } return retVal___; } int HP_unit_skilluse_id(struct block_list *src, int target_id, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_skilluse_id_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, int *target_id, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_skilluse_id_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_skilluse_id_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, &target_id, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.skilluse_id(src, target_id, skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_skilluse_id_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *src, int *target_id, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_skilluse_id_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_skilluse_id_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, &target_id, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_unit_is_walking(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_is_walking_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_is_walking_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_is_walking_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.is_walking(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_is_walking_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_is_walking_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_is_walking_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } int HP_unit_can_move(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_can_move_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_can_move_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_can_move_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.can_move(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_can_move_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_can_move_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_can_move_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } int HP_unit_resume_running(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_resume_running_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_resume_running_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_resume_running_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(&tid, &tick, &id, &data); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.resume_running(tid, tick, id, data); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_resume_running_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, int *tid, int64 *tick, int *id, intptr_t *data); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_resume_running_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_resume_running_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, &tid, &tick, &id, &data); } } return retVal___; } int HP_unit_set_walkdelay(struct block_list *bl, int64 tick, int delay, int type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_set_walkdelay_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int64 *tick, int *delay, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_set_walkdelay_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_set_walkdelay_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &tick, &delay, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.set_walkdelay(bl, tick, delay, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_set_walkdelay_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, int64 *tick, int *delay, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_set_walkdelay_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_set_walkdelay_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &tick, &delay, &type); } } return retVal___; } int HP_unit_skilluse_id2(struct block_list *src, int target_id, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int casttime, int castcancel) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_skilluse_id2_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, int *target_id, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *casttime, int *castcancel); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_skilluse_id2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_skilluse_id2_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, &target_id, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &casttime, &castcancel); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.skilluse_id2(src, target_id, skill_id, skill_lv, casttime, castcancel); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_skilluse_id2_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *src, int *target_id, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *casttime, int *castcancel); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_skilluse_id2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_skilluse_id2_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, &target_id, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &casttime, &castcancel); } } return retVal___; } int HP_unit_skilluse_pos(struct block_list *src, short skill_x, short skill_y, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_skilluse_pos_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, short *skill_x, short *skill_y, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_skilluse_pos_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_skilluse_pos_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, &skill_x, &skill_y, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.skilluse_pos(src, skill_x, skill_y, skill_id, skill_lv); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_skilluse_pos_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *src, short *skill_x, short *skill_y, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_skilluse_pos_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_skilluse_pos_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, &skill_x, &skill_y, &skill_id, &skill_lv); } } return retVal___; } int HP_unit_skilluse_pos2(struct block_list *src, short skill_x, short skill_y, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int casttime, int castcancel) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_skilluse_pos2_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, short *skill_x, short *skill_y, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *casttime, int *castcancel); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_skilluse_pos2_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_skilluse_pos2_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, &skill_x, &skill_y, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &casttime, &castcancel); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.skilluse_pos2(src, skill_x, skill_y, skill_id, skill_lv, casttime, castcancel); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_skilluse_pos2_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *src, short *skill_x, short *skill_y, uint16 *skill_id, uint16 *skill_lv, int *casttime, int *castcancel); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_skilluse_pos2_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_skilluse_pos2_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, &skill_x, &skill_y, &skill_id, &skill_lv, &casttime, &castcancel); } } return retVal___; } int HP_unit_set_target(struct unit_data *ud, int target_id) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_set_target_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct unit_data *ud, int *target_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_set_target_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_set_target_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(ud, &target_id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.set_target(ud, target_id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_set_target_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct unit_data *ud, int *target_id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_set_target_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_set_target_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, ud, &target_id); } } return retVal___; } int HP_unit_stop_attack(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_stop_attack_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_stop_attack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_stop_attack_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.stop_attack(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_stop_attack_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_stop_attack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_stop_attack_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } int HP_unit_unattackable(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_unattackable_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_unattackable_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_unattackable_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.unattackable(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_unattackable_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_unattackable_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_unattackable_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } int HP_unit_attack(struct block_list *src, int target_id, int continuous) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_attack_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, int *target_id, int *continuous); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_attack_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_attack_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, &target_id, &continuous); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.attack(src, target_id, continuous); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_attack_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *src, int *target_id, int *continuous); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_attack_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_attack_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, &target_id, &continuous); } } return retVal___; } int HP_unit_cancel_combo(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_cancel_combo_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_cancel_combo_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_cancel_combo_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.cancel_combo(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_cancel_combo_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_cancel_combo_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_cancel_combo_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_unit_can_reach_pos(struct block_list *bl, int x, int y, int easy) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_can_reach_pos_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *x, int *y, int *easy); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_can_reach_pos_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_can_reach_pos_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &x, &y, &easy); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.can_reach_pos(bl, x, y, easy); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_can_reach_pos_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct block_list *bl, int *x, int *y, int *easy); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_can_reach_pos_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_can_reach_pos_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &x, &y, &easy); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_unit_can_reach_bl(struct block_list *bl, struct block_list *tbl, int range, int easy, short *x, short *y) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_can_reach_bl_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, struct block_list *tbl, int *range, int *easy, short *x, short *y); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_can_reach_bl_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_can_reach_bl_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, tbl, &range, &easy, x, y); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.can_reach_bl(bl, tbl, range, easy, x, y); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_can_reach_bl_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct block_list *bl, struct block_list *tbl, int *range, int *easy, short *x, short *y); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_can_reach_bl_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_can_reach_bl_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, tbl, &range, &easy, x, y); } } return retVal___; } int HP_unit_calc_pos(struct block_list *bl, int tx, int ty, uint8 dir) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_calc_pos_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *tx, int *ty, uint8 *dir); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_calc_pos_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_calc_pos_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &tx, &ty, &dir); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.calc_pos(bl, tx, ty, dir); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_calc_pos_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, int *tx, int *ty, uint8 *dir); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_calc_pos_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_calc_pos_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &tx, &ty, &dir); } } return retVal___; } int HP_unit_attack_timer_sub(struct block_list *src, int tid, int64 tick) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_attack_timer_sub_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, int *tid, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_attack_timer_sub_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_attack_timer_sub_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, &tid, &tick); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.attack_timer_sub(src, tid, tick); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_attack_timer_sub_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *src, int *tid, int64 *tick); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_attack_timer_sub_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_attack_timer_sub_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, &tid, &tick); } } return retVal___; } int HP_unit_skillcastcancel(struct block_list *bl, int type) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_skillcastcancel_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_skillcastcancel_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_skillcastcancel_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &type); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.skillcastcancel(bl, type); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_skillcastcancel_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, int *type); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_skillcastcancel_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_skillcastcancel_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &type); } } return retVal___; } void HP_unit_dataset(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_dataset_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_dataset_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_dataset_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.unit.dataset(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_dataset_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_dataset_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_dataset_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(bl); } } return; } int HP_unit_counttargeted(struct block_list *bl) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_counttargeted_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_counttargeted_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_counttargeted_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.counttargeted(bl); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_counttargeted_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_counttargeted_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_counttargeted_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl); } } return retVal___; } int HP_unit_fixdamage(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, int64 tick, int sdelay, int ddelay, int64 damage, int div, int type, int64 damage2) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_fixdamage_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, int64 *tick, int *sdelay, int *ddelay, int64 *damage, int *div, int *type, int64 *damage2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_fixdamage_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_fixdamage_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(src, target, &tick, &sdelay, &ddelay, &damage, &div, &type, &damage2); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.fixdamage(src, target, tick, sdelay, ddelay, damage, div, type, damage2); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_fixdamage_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, int64 *tick, int *sdelay, int *ddelay, int64 *damage, int *div, int *type, int64 *damage2); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_fixdamage_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_fixdamage_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, src, target, &tick, &sdelay, &ddelay, &damage, &div, &type, &damage2); } } return retVal___; } int HP_unit_changeviewsize(struct block_list *bl, short size) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_changeviewsize_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, short *size); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_changeviewsize_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_changeviewsize_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &size); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.changeviewsize(bl, size); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_changeviewsize_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, short *size); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_changeviewsize_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_changeviewsize_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &size); } } return retVal___; } int HP_unit_remove_map(struct block_list *bl, clr_type clrtype, const char *file, int line, const char *func) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_remove_map_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, clr_type *clrtype, const char *file, int *line, const char *func); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_remove_map_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_remove_map_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &clrtype, file, &line, func); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.remove_map(bl, clrtype, file, line, func); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_remove_map_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, clr_type *clrtype, const char *file, int *line, const char *func); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_remove_map_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_remove_map_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &clrtype, file, &line, func); } } return retVal___; } void HP_unit_remove_map_pc(struct map_session_data *sd, clr_type clrtype) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_remove_map_pc_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, clr_type *clrtype); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_remove_map_pc_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_remove_map_pc_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &clrtype); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.unit.remove_map_pc(sd, clrtype); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_remove_map_pc_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, clr_type *clrtype); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_remove_map_pc_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_remove_map_pc_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &clrtype); } } return; } void HP_unit_free_pc(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_free_pc_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_free_pc_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_free_pc_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.unit.free_pc(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_free_pc_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_free_pc_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_free_pc_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } int HP_unit_free(struct block_list *bl, clr_type clrtype) { int hIndex = 0; int retVal___ = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_free_pre ) { int (*preHookFunc) (struct block_list *bl, clr_type *clrtype); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_free_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_free_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(bl, &clrtype); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.unit.free(bl, clrtype); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_free_post ) { int (*postHookFunc) (int retVal___, struct block_list *bl, clr_type *clrtype); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_unit_free_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_unit_free_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, bl, &clrtype); } } return retVal___; } /* vending */ void HP_vending_init(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_vending_init_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_vending_init_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_vending_init_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.vending.init(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_vending_init_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_vending_init_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_vending_init_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_vending_final(void) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_vending_final_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_vending_final_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_vending_final_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.vending.final(); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_vending_final_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (void); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_vending_final_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_vending_final_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(); } } return; } void HP_vending_close(struct map_session_data *sd) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_vending_close_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_vending_close_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_vending_close_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.vending.close(sd); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_vending_close_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_vending_close_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_vending_close_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd); } } return; } void HP_vending_open(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *message, const uint8 *data, int count) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_vending_open_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *message, const uint8 *data, int *count); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_vending_open_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_vending_open_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, message, data, &count); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.vending.open(sd, message, data, count); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_vending_open_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *message, const uint8 *data, int *count); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_vending_open_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_vending_open_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, message, data, &count); } } return; } void HP_vending_list(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int id) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_vending_list_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_vending_list_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_vending_list_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &id); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.vending.list(sd, id); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_vending_list_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int *id); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_vending_list_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_vending_list_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &id); } } return; } void HP_vending_purchase(struct map_session_data *sd, int aid, unsigned int uid, const uint8 *data, int count) { int hIndex = 0; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_vending_purchase_pre ) { void (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *aid, unsigned int *uid, const uint8 *data, int *count); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_vending_purchase_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_vending_purchase_pre[hIndex].func; preHookFunc(sd, &aid, &uid, data, &count); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return; } } { HPMHooks.source.vending.purchase(sd, aid, uid, data, count); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_vending_purchase_post ) { void (*postHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int *aid, unsigned int *uid, const uint8 *data, int *count); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_vending_purchase_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_vending_purchase_post[hIndex].func; postHookFunc(sd, &aid, &uid, data, &count); } } return; } bool HP_vending_search(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short nameid) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_vending_search_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_vending_search_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_vending_search_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, &nameid); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.vending.search(sd, nameid); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_vending_search_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned short *nameid); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_vending_search_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_vending_search_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, &nameid); } } return retVal___; } bool HP_vending_searchall(struct map_session_data *sd, const struct s_search_store_search *s) { int hIndex = 0; bool retVal___ = false; if( HPMHooks.count.HP_vending_searchall_pre ) { bool (*preHookFunc) (struct map_session_data *sd, const struct s_search_store_search *s); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_vending_searchall_pre; hIndex++ ) { preHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_vending_searchall_pre[hIndex].func; retVal___ = preHookFunc(sd, s); } if( *HPMforce_return ) { *HPMforce_return = false; return retVal___; } } { retVal___ = HPMHooks.source.vending.searchall(sd, s); } if( HPMHooks.count.HP_vending_searchall_post ) { bool (*postHookFunc) (bool retVal___, struct map_session_data *sd, const struct s_search_store_search *s); for(hIndex = 0; hIndex < HPMHooks.count.HP_vending_searchall_post; hIndex++ ) { postHookFunc = HPMHooks.list.HP_vending_searchall_post[hIndex].func; retVal___ = postHookFunc(retVal___, sd, s); } } return retVal___; }