// Copyright (c) Hercules Dev Team, licensed under GNU GPL. // See the LICENSE file // Sample Hercules Plugin #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "../common/HPMi.h" #include "../common/db.h" #include "../common/malloc.h" #include "../common/mmo.h" #include "../common/socket.h" #if defined (HPMHOOKING_LOGIN) #define HPM_SERVER_TYPE SERVER_TYPE_LOGIN #define HPM_CORE_INCLUDE "../plugins/HPMHooking/HPMHooking_login.HPMHooksCore.inc" #define HPM_SYMBOL_INCLUDE "../plugins/HPMHooking/HPMHooking_login.GetSymbol.inc" #define HPM_HOOKS_INCLUDE "../plugins/HPMHooking/HPMHooking_login.Hooks.inc" #define HPM_POINTS_INCLUDE "../plugins/HPMHooking/HPMHooking_login.HookingPoints.inc" #define HPM_SOURCES_INCLUDE "../plugins/HPMHooking/HPMHooking_login.sources.inc" #include "../login/login.h" #elif defined (HPMHOOKING_CHAR) #define HPM_SERVER_TYPE SERVER_TYPE_CHAR #define HPM_CORE_INCLUDE "../plugins/HPMHooking/HPMHooking_char.HPMHooksCore.inc" #define HPM_SYMBOL_INCLUDE "../plugins/HPMHooking/HPMHooking_char.GetSymbol.inc" #define HPM_HOOKS_INCLUDE "../plugins/HPMHooking/HPMHooking_char.Hooks.inc" #define HPM_POINTS_INCLUDE "../plugins/HPMHooking/HPMHooking_char.HookingPoints.inc" #define HPM_SOURCES_INCLUDE "../plugins/HPMHooking/HPMHooking_char.sources.inc" #include "../char/char.h" #include "../char/geoip.h" #include "../char/int_auction.h" #include "../char/int_elemental.h" #include "../char/int_guild.h" #include "../char/int_homun.h" #include "../char/int_mail.h" #include "../char/int_mercenary.h" #include "../char/int_party.h" #include "../char/int_pet.h" #include "../char/int_quest.h" #include "../char/int_storage.h" #include "../char/inter.h" #include "../char/loginif.h" #include "../char/mapif.h" #include "../char/pincode.h" #elif defined (HPMHOOKING_MAP) #define HPM_SERVER_TYPE SERVER_TYPE_MAP #define HPM_CORE_INCLUDE "../plugins/HPMHooking/HPMHooking_map.HPMHooksCore.inc" #define HPM_SYMBOL_INCLUDE "../plugins/HPMHooking/HPMHooking_map.GetSymbol.inc" #define HPM_HOOKS_INCLUDE "../plugins/HPMHooking/HPMHooking_map.Hooks.inc" #define HPM_POINTS_INCLUDE "../plugins/HPMHooking/HPMHooking_map.HookingPoints.inc" #define HPM_SOURCES_INCLUDE "../plugins/HPMHooking/HPMHooking_map.sources.inc" #include "../map/atcommand.h" #include "../map/battle.h" #include "../map/battleground.h" #include "../map/chat.h" #include "../map/chrif.h" #include "../map/clif.h" #include "../map/duel.h" #include "../map/elemental.h" #include "../map/guild.h" #include "../map/homunculus.h" #include "../map/instance.h" #include "../map/intif.h" #include "../map/irc-bot.h" #include "../map/itemdb.h" #include "../map/log.h" #include "../map/mail.h" #include "../map/map.h" #include "../map/mapreg.h" #include "../map/mercenary.h" #include "../map/mob.h" #include "../map/npc.h" #include "../map/npc.h" #include "../map/party.h" #include "../map/path.h" #include "../map/pc.h" #include "../map/pet.h" #include "../map/quest.h" #include "../map/script.h" #include "../map/skill.h" #include "../map/status.h" #include "../map/storage.h" #include "../map/trade.h" #include "../map/unit.h" #else #define HPM_SERVER_TYPE SERVER_TYPE_UNKNOWN #define HPM_CORE_INCLUDE "../plugins/HPMHooking/HPMHooking.HPMHooksCore.inc" #define HPM_SYMBOL_INCLUDE "../plugins/HPMHooking/HPMHooking.GetSymbol.inc" #define HPM_HOOKS_INCLUDE "../plugins/HPMHooking/HPMHooking.Hooks.inc" #define HPM_POINTS_INCLUDE "../plugins/HPMHooking/HPMHooking.HookingPoints.inc" #define HPM_SOURCES_INCLUDE "../plugins/HPMHooking/HPMHooking.sources.inc" #error HPMHooking plugin needs to be compiled for a specific server type. Please make sure your Makefiles are up to date. #endif #include "../common/HPMDataCheck.h" HPExport struct hplugin_info pinfo = { "HPMHooking", // Plugin name HPM_SERVER_TYPE,// Which server types this plugin works with? "0.2", // Plugin version HPM_VERSION, // HPM Version (don't change, macro is automatically updated) }; #define HP_POP(x,y) #x , (void**)(&x) , (void*)y , 0 DBMap *hp_db;/* hooking points db -- for quick lookup */ struct HookingPointData { char* name; void **sref; void *tref; int idx; }; struct HPMHookPoint { void *func; unsigned int pID; }; struct HPMHooksCore { #include HPM_CORE_INCLUDE struct { int total; } data; } HPMHooks; bool *HPMforce_return; void HPM_HP_final(void); void HPM_HP_load(void); HPExport void server_post_final (void) { HPM_HP_final(); } HPExport bool Hooked (bool *fr) { HPMforce_return = fr; DB = GET_SYMBOL("DB"); iMalloc = GET_SYMBOL("iMalloc"); #include HPM_SYMBOL_INCLUDE HPM_HP_load(); return true; } HPExport bool HPM_Plugin_AddHook(enum HPluginHookType type, const char *target, void *hook, unsigned int pID) { struct HookingPointData *hpd; if( hp_db && (hpd = strdb_get(hp_db,target)) ) { struct HPMHookPoint **hp = NULL; int *count = NULL; if( type == HOOK_TYPE_PRE ) { hp = (struct HPMHookPoint **)((char *)&HPMHooks.list + (sizeof(struct HPMHookPoint *)*hpd->idx)); count = (int *)((char *)&HPMHooks.count + (sizeof(int)*hpd->idx)); } else { hp = (struct HPMHookPoint **)((char *)&HPMHooks.list + (sizeof(struct HPMHookPoint *)*(hpd->idx+1))); count = (int *)((char *)&HPMHooks.count + (sizeof(int)*(hpd->idx+1))); } if( hp ) { *count += 1; RECREATE(*hp, struct HPMHookPoint, *count); (*hp)[*count - 1].func = hook; (*hp)[*count - 1].pID = pID; *(hpd->sref) = hpd->tref; return true; } } return false; } #include HPM_HOOKS_INCLUDE void HPM_HP_final(void) { int i, len = HPMHooks.data.total * 2; if( hp_db ) db_destroy(hp_db); for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { int *count = (int *)((char *)&HPMHooks.count + (sizeof(int)*(i))); if( count && *count ) { struct HPMHookPoint **hp = (struct HPMHookPoint **)((char *)&HPMHooks.list + (sizeof(struct HPMHookPoint *)*(i))); if( hp && *hp ) aFree(*hp); } } } void HPM_HP_load(void) { #include HPM_POINTS_INCLUDE int i, len = ARRAYLENGTH(HookingPoints), idx = 0; memset(&HPMHooks,0,sizeof(struct HPMHooksCore)); hp_db = strdb_alloc(DB_OPT_BASE|DB_OPT_DUP_KEY|DB_OPT_RELEASE_DATA, HookingPointsLenMax); for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { struct HookingPointData *hpd = NULL; CREATE(hpd, struct HookingPointData, 1); memcpy(hpd, &HookingPoints[i], sizeof(struct HookingPointData)); hpd->idx = idx; idx += 2; strdb_put(hp_db, HookingPoints[i].name, hpd); HPMHooks.data.total++; } #include HPM_SOURCES_INCLUDE }