// $Id: trade.c 375 2005-03-04 21:33:31Z Yor $
//#include <config.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "clif.h"
#include "itemdb.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "trade.h"
#include "pc.h"
#include "npc.h"
#include "battle.h"
#include "chrif.h"
#include "intif.h"
#include "atcommand.h"

#include "nullpo.h"

 * ����v���𑊎�ɑ���
void trade_traderequest(struct map_session_data *sd, int target_id) {
	struct map_session_data *target_sd;


	if ((target_sd = map_id2sd(target_id)) != NULL) {
		if (!battle_config.invite_request_check) {
			if (target_sd->guild_invite > 0 || target_sd->party_invite > 0) {
				clif_tradestart(sd, 2); // �����PT�v������Guild�v����
		if ((target_sd->trade_partner != 0) || (sd->trade_partner != 0)) {
			trade_tradecancel(sd); // person is in another trade
		} else {
			if (sd->bl.m != target_sd->bl.m ||
			    (sd->bl.x - target_sd->bl.x <= -5 || sd->bl.x - target_sd->bl.x >= 5) ||
			    (sd->bl.y - target_sd->bl.y <= -5 || sd->bl.y - target_sd->bl.y >= 5)) {
				clif_tradestart(sd, 0); // too far
			} else if (sd != target_sd) {
				target_sd->trade_partner = sd->status.account_id;
				sd->trade_partner = target_sd->status.account_id;
				clif_traderequest(target_sd, sd->status.name);
	} else {
		clif_tradestart(sd, 1); // character does not exist

 * ����v��
void trade_tradeack(struct map_session_data *sd, int type) {
	struct map_session_data *target_sd;


	if ((target_sd = map_id2sd(sd->trade_partner)) != NULL) {
		clif_tradestart(target_sd, type);
		clif_tradestart(sd, type);
		if (type == 4) { // Cancel
			sd->deal_locked = 0;
			sd->trade_partner = 0;
			target_sd->deal_locked = 0;
			target_sd->trade_partner = 0;
		if (sd->npc_id != 0)
		if (target_sd->npc_id != 0)

 * Check here hacker for duplicate item in trade
 * normal client refuse to have 2 same types of item (except equipment) in same trade window
 * normal client authorise only no equiped item and only from inventory
int impossible_trade_check(struct map_session_data *sd) {
	struct item inventory[MAX_INVENTORY];
	char message_to_gm[200];
	int i, index;

	nullpo_retr(0, sd);

	// get inventory of player
	memcpy(&inventory, &sd->status.inventory, sizeof(struct item) * MAX_INVENTORY);

/* remove this part: arrows can be trade and equiped
	// remove equiped items (they can not be trade)
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_INVENTORY; i++)
		if (inventory[i].nameid > 0 && inventory[i].equip)
			memset(&inventory[i], 0, sizeof(struct item));

	// check items in player inventory
	for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
		if (sd->deal_item_amount[i] < 0) { // negativ? -> hack
//			printf("Negativ amount in trade, by hack!\n"); // normal client send cancel when we type negativ amount
			return -1;
		} else if (sd->deal_item_amount[i] > 0) {
			index = sd->deal_item_index[i] - 2;
			inventory[index].amount -= sd->deal_item_amount[i]; // remove item from inventory
//			printf("%d items left\n", inventory[index].amount);
			if (inventory[index].amount < 0) { // if more than the player have -> hack
//				printf("A player try to trade more items that he has: hack!\n");
				sprintf(message_to_gm, msg_txt(538), sd->status.name, sd->status.account_id); // Hack on trade: character '%s' (account: %d) try to trade more items that he has.
				intif_wis_message_to_gm(wisp_server_name, battle_config.hack_info_GM_level, message_to_gm);
				sprintf(message_to_gm, msg_txt(539), sd->status.inventory[index].amount, sd->status.inventory[index].nameid, sd->status.inventory[index].amount - inventory[index].amount); // This player has %d of a kind of item (id: %d), and try to trade %d of them.
				intif_wis_message_to_gm(wisp_server_name, battle_config.hack_info_GM_level, message_to_gm);
				// if we block people
				if (battle_config.ban_hack_trade < 0) {
					chrif_char_ask_name(-1, sd->status.name, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // type: 1 - block
					clif_setwaitclose(sd->fd); // forced to disconnect because of the hack
					// message about the ban
					sprintf(message_to_gm, msg_txt(540), battle_config.ban_spoof_namer); //  This player has been definitivly blocked.
				// if we ban people
				} else if (battle_config.ban_hack_trade > 0) {
					chrif_char_ask_name(-1, sd->status.name, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, battle_config.ban_hack_trade, 0); // type: 2 - ban (year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
					clif_setwaitclose(sd->fd); // forced to disconnect because of the hack
					// message about the ban
					sprintf(message_to_gm, msg_txt(507), battle_config.ban_spoof_namer); //  This player has been banned for %d minute(s).
				} else {
					// message about the ban
					sprintf(message_to_gm, msg_txt(508)); //  This player hasn't been banned (Ban option is disabled).
				intif_wis_message_to_gm(wisp_server_name, battle_config.hack_info_GM_level, message_to_gm);
				return 1;

	return 0;

 * �A�C�e���lj�
void trade_tradeadditem(struct map_session_data *sd, int index, int amount) {
	struct map_session_data *target_sd;
	int trade_i;
	int trade_weight = 0;
	int c;


	if (((target_sd = map_id2sd(sd->trade_partner)) != NULL) && (sd->deal_locked < 1)){
		if (index < 2 || index >= MAX_INVENTORY + 2) {
			if (index == 0) {
				if (amount > 0 && amount <= MAX_ZENY && amount <= sd->status.zeny && // check amount
				    (target_sd->status.zeny + amount) <= MAX_ZENY) { // fix positiv overflow
					sd->deal_zeny = amount;
					clif_tradeadditem(sd, target_sd, 0, amount);
				} else {
					if (amount != 0) {
		} else if (amount > 0 && amount <= sd->status.inventory[index-2].amount) {
			for(trade_i = 0; trade_i < 10; trade_i++) {
				if (sd->deal_item_amount[trade_i] == 0) {
					trade_weight += sd->inventory_data[index-2]->weight * amount;
					if (target_sd->weight + trade_weight > target_sd->max_weight){
						clif_tradeitemok(sd, index, 1); // fail to add item -- the player was over weighted.
						amount = 0;
					} else {
						for(c = 0; c == trade_i - 1; c++) { // re-deal exploit protection [Valaris]
							if (sd->deal_item_index[c] == index) {
						sd->deal_item_index[trade_i] = index;
						sd->deal_item_amount[trade_i] += amount;
						if (impossible_trade_check(sd)) { // check exploit (trade more items that you have)
						clif_tradeitemok(sd, index, 0); // success to add item
						clif_tradeadditem(sd, target_sd, index, amount);
				} else {
					trade_weight += sd->inventory_data[sd->deal_item_index[trade_i]-2]->weight * sd->deal_item_amount[trade_i];

 * �A�C�e���lj�����(ok����)
void trade_tradeok(struct map_session_data *sd) {
	struct map_session_data *target_sd;
	int trade_i;


	// check items
	for(trade_i = 0; trade_i < 10; trade_i++) {
		if (sd->deal_item_amount[trade_i] > sd->status.inventory[sd->deal_item_index[trade_i]-2].amount ||
		    sd->deal_item_amount[trade_i] < 0) {

	// check exploit (trade more items that you have)
	if (impossible_trade_check(sd)) {

	// check zeny
	if (sd->deal_zeny < 0 || sd->deal_zeny > MAX_ZENY || sd->deal_zeny > sd->status.zeny) { // check amount

	if ((target_sd = map_id2sd(sd->trade_partner)) != NULL) {
		sd->deal_locked = 1;
		clif_tradeitemok(sd, 0, 0);
		clif_tradedeal_lock(sd, 0);
		clif_tradedeal_lock(target_sd, 1);

 * ����L�����Z��
void trade_tradecancel(struct map_session_data *sd) {
	struct map_session_data *target_sd;
	int trade_i;


	if ((target_sd = map_id2sd(sd->trade_partner)) != NULL) {
		for(trade_i = 0; trade_i < 10; trade_i++) { // give items back (only virtual)
			if (sd->deal_item_amount[trade_i] != 0) {
				clif_additem(sd, sd->deal_item_index[trade_i] - 2, sd->deal_item_amount[trade_i], 0);
				sd->deal_item_index[trade_i] = 0;
				sd->deal_item_amount[trade_i] = 0;
			if (target_sd->deal_item_amount[trade_i] != 0) {
				clif_additem(target_sd, target_sd->deal_item_index[trade_i] - 2, target_sd->deal_item_amount[trade_i], 0);
				target_sd->deal_item_index[trade_i] = 0;
				target_sd->deal_item_amount[trade_i] = 0;
		if (sd->deal_zeny) {
			clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_ZENY);
			sd->deal_zeny = 0;
		if (target_sd->deal_zeny) {
			clif_updatestatus(target_sd, SP_ZENY);
			target_sd->deal_zeny = 0;
		sd->deal_locked = 0;
		sd->trade_partner = 0;
		target_sd->deal_locked = 0;
		target_sd->trade_partner = 0;

 * �������(trade����)
void trade_tradecommit(struct map_session_data *sd) {
	struct map_session_data *target_sd;
	int trade_i;
	int flag;


	if ((target_sd = map_id2sd(sd->trade_partner)) != NULL) {
		if ((sd->deal_locked >= 1) && (target_sd->deal_locked >= 1)) { // both have pressed 'ok'
			if (sd->deal_locked < 2) { // set locked to 2
				sd->deal_locked = 2;
			if (target_sd->deal_locked == 2) { // the other one pressed 'trade' too
				// check exploit (trade more items that you have)
				if (impossible_trade_check(sd)) {
				// check exploit (trade more items that you have)
				if (impossible_trade_check(target_sd)) {
				// check zenys value against hackers
				if (sd->deal_zeny >= 0 && sd->deal_zeny <= MAX_ZENY && sd->deal_zeny <= sd->status.zeny && // check amount
				    (target_sd->status.zeny + sd->deal_zeny) <= MAX_ZENY && // fix positiv overflow
				    target_sd->deal_zeny >= 0 && target_sd->deal_zeny <= MAX_ZENY && target_sd->deal_zeny <= target_sd->status.zeny && // check amount
				    (sd->status.zeny + target_sd->deal_zeny) <= MAX_ZENY) { // fix positiv overflow

					// trade is accepted
					for(trade_i = 0; trade_i < 10; trade_i++) {
						if (sd->deal_item_amount[trade_i] != 0) {
							int n = sd->deal_item_index[trade_i] - 2;

							if (sd->status.inventory[n].amount < sd->deal_item_amount[trade_i])
								sd->deal_item_amount[trade_i] = sd->status.inventory[n].amount;

							flag = pc_additem(target_sd, &sd->status.inventory[n], sd->deal_item_amount[trade_i]);
							if (flag == 0)
								pc_delitem(sd, n, sd->deal_item_amount[trade_i], 1);
								clif_additem(sd, n, sd->deal_item_amount[trade_i], 0);
							sd->deal_item_index[trade_i] = 0;
							sd->deal_item_amount[trade_i] = 0;
						if (target_sd->deal_item_amount[trade_i] != 0) {
							int n = target_sd->deal_item_index[trade_i] - 2;

							if (target_sd->status.inventory[n].amount < target_sd->deal_item_amount[trade_i])
								target_sd->deal_item_amount[trade_i] = target_sd->status.inventory[n].amount;

							flag = pc_additem(sd, &target_sd->status.inventory[n], target_sd->deal_item_amount[trade_i]);
							if (flag == 0)
								pc_delitem(target_sd, n, target_sd->deal_item_amount[trade_i], 1);
								clif_additem(target_sd, n, target_sd->deal_item_amount[trade_i], 0);
							target_sd->deal_item_index[trade_i] = 0;
							target_sd->deal_item_amount[trade_i] = 0;
					if (sd->deal_zeny) {
						sd->status.zeny -= sd->deal_zeny;
						target_sd->status.zeny += sd->deal_zeny;
					if (target_sd->deal_zeny) {
						target_sd->status.zeny -= target_sd->deal_zeny;
						sd->status.zeny += target_sd->deal_zeny;
					if (sd->deal_zeny || target_sd->deal_zeny) {
						clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_ZENY);
						sd->deal_zeny = 0;
						clif_updatestatus(target_sd, SP_ZENY);
						target_sd->deal_zeny = 0;
					sd->deal_locked = 0;
					sd->trade_partner = 0;
					target_sd->deal_locked = 0;
					target_sd->trade_partner = 0;
					clif_tradecompleted(sd, 0);
					clif_tradecompleted(target_sd, 0);
					// save both player to avoid crash: they always have no advantage/disadvantage between the 2 players
					chrif_save(sd); // do pc_makesavestatus and save storage too
					chrif_save(target_sd); // do pc_makesavestatus and save storage too
				// zeny value was modified!!!! hacker with packet modified
				} else {