// Copyright (c) Athena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL // For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder //#define DEBUG_DISP //#define DEBUG_DISASM //#define DEBUG_RUN //#define DEBUG_HASH //#define DEBUG_DUMP_STACK #include "../common/cbasetypes.h" #include "../common/malloc.h" #include "../common/md5calc.h" #include "../common/nullpo.h" #include "../common/random.h" #include "../common/showmsg.h" #include "../common/strlib.h" #include "../common/timer.h" #include "../common/utils.h" #include "map.h" #include "path.h" #include "clif.h" #include "chrif.h" #include "itemdb.h" #include "pc.h" #include "status.h" #include "storage.h" #include "mob.h" #include "npc.h" #include "pet.h" #include "mapreg.h" #include "homunculus.h" #include "instance.h" #include "mercenary.h" #include "intif.h" #include "skill.h" #include "status.h" #include "chat.h" #include "battle.h" #include "battleground.h" #include "party.h" #include "guild.h" #include "atcommand.h" #include "log.h" #include "unit.h" #include "pet.h" #include "mail.h" #include "script.h" #include "quest.h" #include "elemental.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #ifndef WIN32 #include <sys/time.h> #endif #include <time.h> #include <setjmp.h> #include <errno.h> #ifdef BETA_THREAD_TEST #include "../common/atomic.h" #include "../common/spinlock.h" #include "../common/thread.h" #include "../common/mutex.h" #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //## TODO possible enhancements: [FlavioJS] // - 'callfunc' supporting labels in the current npc "::LabelName" // - 'callfunc' supporting labels in other npcs "NpcName::LabelName" // - 'function FuncName;' function declarations reverting to global functions // if local label isn't found // - join callfunc and callsub's functionality // - remove dynamic allocation in add_word() // - remove GETVALUE / SETVALUE // - clean up the set_reg / set_val / setd_sub mess // - detect invalid label references at parse-time // // struct script_state* st; // /// Returns the script_data at the target index #define script_getdata(st,i) ( &((st)->stack->stack_data[(st)->start + (i)]) ) /// Returns if the stack contains data at the target index #define script_hasdata(st,i) ( (st)->end > (st)->start + (i) ) /// Returns the index of the last data in the stack #define script_lastdata(st) ( (st)->end - (st)->start - 1 ) /// Pushes an int into the stack #define script_pushint(st,val) push_val((st)->stack, C_INT, (val)) /// Pushes a string into the stack (script engine frees it automatically) #define script_pushstr(st,val) push_str((st)->stack, C_STR, (val)) /// Pushes a copy of a string into the stack #define script_pushstrcopy(st,val) push_str((st)->stack, C_STR, aStrdup(val)) /// Pushes a constant string into the stack (must never change or be freed) #define script_pushconststr(st,val) push_str((st)->stack, C_CONSTSTR, (val)) /// Pushes a nil into the stack #define script_pushnil(st) push_val((st)->stack, C_NOP, 0) /// Pushes a copy of the data in the target index #define script_pushcopy(st,i) push_copy((st)->stack, (st)->start + (i)) #define script_isstring(st,i) data_isstring(script_getdata(st,i)) #define script_isint(st,i) data_isint(script_getdata(st,i)) #define script_getnum(st,val) conv_num(st, script_getdata(st,val)) #define script_getstr(st,val) conv_str(st, script_getdata(st,val)) #define script_getref(st,val) ( script_getdata(st,val)->ref ) // Note: "top" functions/defines use indexes relative to the top of the stack // -1 is the index of the data at the top /// Returns the script_data at the target index relative to the top of the stack #define script_getdatatop(st,i) ( &((st)->stack->stack_data[(st)->stack->sp + (i)]) ) /// Pushes a copy of the data in the target index relative to the top of the stack #define script_pushcopytop(st,i) push_copy((st)->stack, (st)->stack->sp + (i)) /// Removes the range of values [start,end[ relative to the top of the stack #define script_removetop(st,start,end) ( pop_stack((st), ((st)->stack->sp + (start)), (st)->stack->sp + (end)) ) // // struct script_data* data; // /// Returns if the script data is a string #define data_isstring(data) ( (data)->type == C_STR || (data)->type == C_CONSTSTR ) /// Returns if the script data is an int #define data_isint(data) ( (data)->type == C_INT ) /// Returns if the script data is a reference #define data_isreference(data) ( (data)->type == C_NAME ) /// Returns if the script data is a label #define data_islabel(data) ( (data)->type == C_POS ) /// Returns if the script data is an internal script function label #define data_isfunclabel(data) ( (data)->type == C_USERFUNC_POS ) /// Returns if this is a reference to a constant #define reference_toconstant(data) ( str_data[reference_getid(data)].type == C_INT ) /// Returns if this a reference to a param #define reference_toparam(data) ( str_data[reference_getid(data)].type == C_PARAM ) /// Returns if this a reference to a variable //##TODO confirm it's C_NAME [FlavioJS] #define reference_tovariable(data) ( str_data[reference_getid(data)].type == C_NAME ) /// Returns the unique id of the reference (id and index) #define reference_getuid(data) ( (data)->u.num ) /// Returns the id of the reference #define reference_getid(data) ( (int32)(reference_getuid(data) & 0x00ffffff) ) /// Returns the array index of the reference #define reference_getindex(data) ( (int32)(((uint32)(reference_getuid(data) & 0xff000000)) >> 24) ) /// Returns the name of the reference #define reference_getname(data) ( str_buf + str_data[reference_getid(data)].str ) /// Returns the linked list of uid-value pairs of the reference (can be NULL) #define reference_getref(data) ( (data)->ref ) /// Returns the value of the constant #define reference_getconstant(data) ( str_data[reference_getid(data)].val ) /// Returns the type of param #define reference_getparamtype(data) ( str_data[reference_getid(data)].val ) /// Composes the uid of a reference from the id and the index #define reference_uid(id,idx) ( (int32)((((uint32)(id)) & 0x00ffffff) | (((uint32)(idx)) << 24)) ) #define not_server_variable(prefix) ( (prefix) != '$' && (prefix) != '.' && (prefix) != '\'') #define not_array_variable(prefix) ( (prefix) != '$' && (prefix) != '@' && (prefix) != '.' && (prefix) != '\'' ) #define is_string_variable(name) ( (name)[strlen(name) - 1] == '$' ) #define FETCH(n, t) \ if( script_hasdata(st,n) ) \ (t)=script_getnum(st,n); /// Maximum amount of elements in script arrays #define SCRIPT_MAX_ARRAYSIZE 128 #define SCRIPT_BLOCK_SIZE 512 enum { LABEL_NEXTLINE=1,LABEL_START }; /// temporary buffer for passing around compiled bytecode /// @see add_scriptb, set_label, parse_script static unsigned char* script_buf = NULL; static int script_pos = 0, script_size = 0; static inline int GETVALUE(const unsigned char* buf, int i) { return (int)MakeDWord(MakeWord(buf[i], buf[i+1]), MakeWord(buf[i+2], 0)); } static inline void SETVALUE(unsigned char* buf, int i, int n) { buf[i] = GetByte(n, 0); buf[i+1] = GetByte(n, 1); buf[i+2] = GetByte(n, 2); } // String buffer structures. // str_data stores string information static struct str_data_struct { enum c_op type; int str; int backpatch; int label; int (*func)(struct script_state *st); int val; int next; } *str_data = NULL; static int str_data_size = 0; // size of the data static int str_num = LABEL_START; // next id to be assigned // str_buf holds the strings themselves static char *str_buf; static int str_size = 0; // size of the buffer static int str_pos = 0; // next position to be assigned // Using a prime number for SCRIPT_HASH_SIZE should give better distributions #define SCRIPT_HASH_SIZE 1021 int str_hash[SCRIPT_HASH_SIZE]; // Specifies which string hashing method to use //#define SCRIPT_HASH_DJB2 //#define SCRIPT_HASH_SDBM #define SCRIPT_HASH_ELF static DBMap* scriptlabel_db=NULL; // const char* label_name -> int script_pos static DBMap* userfunc_db=NULL; // const char* func_name -> struct script_code* static int parse_options=0; DBMap* script_get_label_db(void){ return scriptlabel_db; } DBMap* script_get_userfunc_db(void){ return userfunc_db; } // important buildin function references for usage in scripts static int buildin_set_ref = 0; static int buildin_callsub_ref = 0; static int buildin_callfunc_ref = 0; static int buildin_getelementofarray_ref = 0; // Caches compiled autoscript item code. // Note: This is not cleared when reloading itemdb. static DBMap* autobonus_db=NULL; // char* script -> char* bytecode struct Script_Config script_config = { 1, // warn_func_mismatch_argtypes 1, 65535, 2048, //warn_func_mismatch_paramnum/check_cmdcount/check_gotocount 0, INT_MAX, // input_min_value/input_max_value "OnPCDieEvent", //die_event_name "OnPCKillEvent", //kill_pc_event_name "OnNPCKillEvent", //kill_mob_event_name "OnPCLoginEvent", //login_event_name "OnPCLogoutEvent", //logout_event_name "OnPCLoadMapEvent", //loadmap_event_name "OnPCBaseLvUpEvent", //baselvup_event_name "OnPCJobLvUpEvent", //joblvup_event_name "OnTouch_", //ontouch_name (runs on first visible char to enter area, picks another char if the first char leaves) "OnTouch", //ontouch2_name (run whenever a char walks into the OnTouch area) }; static jmp_buf error_jump; static char* error_msg; static const char* error_pos; static int error_report; // if the error should produce output // for advanced scripting support ( nested if, switch, while, for, do-while, function, etc ) // [Eoe / jA 1080, 1081, 1094, 1164] enum curly_type { TYPE_NULL = 0, TYPE_IF, TYPE_SWITCH, TYPE_WHILE, TYPE_FOR, TYPE_DO, TYPE_USERFUNC, TYPE_ARGLIST // function argument list }; enum e_arglist { ARGLIST_UNDEFINED = 0, ARGLIST_NO_PAREN = 1, ARGLIST_PAREN = 2, }; static struct { struct { enum curly_type type; int index; int count; int flag; struct linkdb_node *case_label; } curly[256]; // �E�J�b�R�̏�� int curly_count; // �E�J�b�R�̐� int index; // �X�N���v�g���Ŏg�p�����\���̐� } syntax; const char* parse_curly_close(const char* p); const char* parse_syntax_close(const char* p); const char* parse_syntax_close_sub(const char* p,int* flag); const char* parse_syntax(const char* p); static int parse_syntax_for_flag = 0; extern int current_equip_item_index; //for New CARDS Scripts. It contains Inventory Index of the EQUIP_SCRIPT caller item. [Lupus] int potion_flag=0; //For use on Alchemist improved potions/Potion Pitcher. [Skotlex] int potion_hp=0, potion_per_hp=0, potion_sp=0, potion_per_sp=0; int potion_target=0; c_op get_com(unsigned char *script,int *pos); int get_num(unsigned char *script,int *pos); typedef struct script_function { int (*func)(struct script_state *st); const char *name; const char *arg; } script_function; extern script_function buildin_func[]; static struct linkdb_node* sleep_db;// int oid -> struct script_state* #ifdef BETA_THREAD_TEST /** * MySQL Query Slave **/ static SPIN_LOCK queryThreadLock; static rAthread queryThread = NULL; static ramutex queryThreadMutex = NULL; static racond queryThreadCond = NULL; static volatile int32 queryThreadTerminate = 0; struct queryThreadEntry { bool ok; bool type; /* main db or log db? */ struct script_state *st; }; /* Ladies and Gentleman the Manager! */ struct { struct queryThreadEntry **entry;/* array of structs */ int count; int timer;/* used to receive processed entries */ } queryThreadData; #endif /*========================================== * ���[�J���v���g�^�C�v�錾 (�K�v�ȕ��̂�) *------------------------------------------*/ const char* parse_subexpr(const char* p,int limit); int run_func(struct script_state *st); enum { MF_NOMEMO, //0 MF_NOTELEPORT, MF_NOSAVE, MF_NOBRANCH, MF_NOPENALTY, MF_NOZENYPENALTY, MF_PVP, MF_PVP_NOPARTY, MF_PVP_NOGUILD, MF_GVG, MF_GVG_NOPARTY, //10 MF_NOTRADE, MF_NOSKILL, MF_NOWARP, MF_PARTYLOCK, MF_NOICEWALL, MF_SNOW, MF_FOG, MF_SAKURA, MF_LEAVES, /** * No longer available, keeping here just in case it's back someday. [Ind] **/ //MF_RAIN, //20 // 21 free MF_NOGO = 22, MF_CLOUDS, MF_CLOUDS2, MF_FIREWORKS, MF_GVG_CASTLE, MF_GVG_DUNGEON, MF_NIGHTENABLED, MF_NOBASEEXP, MF_NOJOBEXP, //30 MF_NOMOBLOOT, MF_NOMVPLOOT, MF_NORETURN, MF_NOWARPTO, MF_NIGHTMAREDROP, MF_RESTRICTED, MF_NOCOMMAND, MF_NODROP, MF_JEXP, MF_BEXP, //40 MF_NOVENDING, MF_LOADEVENT, MF_NOCHAT, MF_NOEXPPENALTY, MF_GUILDLOCK, MF_TOWN, MF_AUTOTRADE, MF_ALLOWKS, MF_MONSTER_NOTELEPORT, MF_PVP_NOCALCRANK, //50 MF_BATTLEGROUND, MF_RESET }; const char* script_op2name(int op) { #define RETURN_OP_NAME(type) case type: return #type switch( op ) { RETURN_OP_NAME(C_NOP); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_POS); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_INT); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_PARAM); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_FUNC); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_STR); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_CONSTSTR); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_ARG); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_NAME); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_EOL); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_RETINFO); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_USERFUNC); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_USERFUNC_POS); // operators RETURN_OP_NAME(C_OP3); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_LOR); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_LAND); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_LE); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_LT); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_GE); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_GT); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_EQ); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_NE); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_XOR); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_OR); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_AND); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_ADD); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_SUB); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_MUL); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_DIV); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_MOD); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_NEG); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_LNOT); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_NOT); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_R_SHIFT); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_L_SHIFT); default: ShowDebug("script_op2name: unexpected op=%d\n", op); return "???"; } #undef RETURN_OP_NAME } #ifdef DEBUG_DUMP_STACK static void script_dump_stack(struct script_state* st) { int i; ShowMessage("\tstart = %d\n", st->start); ShowMessage("\tend = %d\n", st->end); ShowMessage("\tdefsp = %d\n", st->stack->defsp); ShowMessage("\tsp = %d\n", st->stack->sp); for( i = 0; i < st->stack->sp; ++i ) { struct script_data* data = &st->stack->stack_data[i]; ShowMessage("\t[%d] %s", i, script_op2name(data->type)); switch( data->type ) { case C_INT: case C_POS: ShowMessage(" %d\n", data->u.num); break; case C_STR: case C_CONSTSTR: ShowMessage(" \"%s\"\n", data->u.str); break; case C_NAME: ShowMessage(" \"%s\" (id=%d ref=%p subtype=%s)\n", reference_getname(data), data->u.num, data->ref, script_op2name(str_data[data->u.num].type)); break; case C_RETINFO: { struct script_retinfo* ri = data->u.ri; ShowMessage(" %p {var_function=%p, script=%p, pos=%d, nargs=%d, defsp=%d}\n", ri, ri->var_function, ri->script, ri->pos, ri->nargs, ri->defsp); } break; default: ShowMessage("\n"); break; } } } #endif /// Reports on the console the src of a script error. static void script_reportsrc(struct script_state *st) { struct block_list* bl; if( st->oid == 0 ) return; //Can't report source. bl = map_id2bl(st->oid); if( bl == NULL ) return; switch( bl->type ) { case BL_NPC: if( bl->m >= 0 ) ShowDebug("Source (NPC): %s at %s (%d,%d)\n", ((struct npc_data *)bl)->name, map[bl->m].name, bl->x, bl->y); else ShowDebug("Source (NPC): %s (invisible/not on a map)\n", ((struct npc_data *)bl)->name); break; default: if( bl->m >= 0 ) ShowDebug("Source (Non-NPC type %d): name %s at %s (%d,%d)\n", bl->type, status_get_name(bl), map[bl->m].name, bl->x, bl->y); else ShowDebug("Source (Non-NPC type %d): name %s (invisible/not on a map)\n", bl->type, status_get_name(bl)); break; } } /// Reports on the console information about the script data. static void script_reportdata(struct script_data* data) { if( data == NULL ) return; switch( data->type ) { case C_NOP:// no value ShowDebug("Data: nothing (nil)\n"); break; case C_INT:// number ShowDebug("Data: number value=%d\n", data->u.num); break; case C_STR: case C_CONSTSTR:// string if( data->u.str ) { ShowDebug("Data: string value=\"%s\"\n", data->u.str); } else { ShowDebug("Data: string value=NULL\n"); } break; case C_NAME:// reference if( reference_tovariable(data) ) {// variable const char* name = reference_getname(data); if( not_array_variable(*name) ) ShowDebug("Data: variable name='%s'\n", name); else ShowDebug("Data: variable name='%s' index=%d\n", name, reference_getindex(data)); } else if( reference_toconstant(data) ) {// constant ShowDebug("Data: constant name='%s' value=%d\n", reference_getname(data), reference_getconstant(data)); } else if( reference_toparam(data) ) {// param ShowDebug("Data: param name='%s' type=%d\n", reference_getname(data), reference_getparamtype(data)); } else {// ??? ShowDebug("Data: reference name='%s' type=%s\n", reference_getname(data), script_op2name(data->type)); ShowDebug("Please report this!!! - str_data.type=%s\n", script_op2name(str_data[reference_getid(data)].type)); } break; case C_POS:// label ShowDebug("Data: label pos=%d\n", data->u.num); break; default: ShowDebug("Data: %s\n", script_op2name(data->type)); break; } } /// Reports on the console information about the current built-in function. static void script_reportfunc(struct script_state* st) { int i, params, id; struct script_data* data; if( !script_hasdata(st,0) ) {// no stack return; } data = script_getdata(st,0); if( !data_isreference(data) || str_data[reference_getid(data)].type != C_FUNC ) {// script currently not executing a built-in function or corrupt stack return; } id = reference_getid(data); params = script_lastdata(st)-1; if( params > 0 ) { ShowDebug("Function: %s (%d parameter%s):\n", get_str(id), params, ( params == 1 ) ? "" : "s"); for( i = 2; i <= script_lastdata(st); i++ ) { script_reportdata(script_getdata(st,i)); } } else { ShowDebug("Function: %s (no parameters)\n", get_str(id)); } } /*========================================== * �G���[���b�Z�[�W�o�� *------------------------------------------*/ static void disp_error_message2(const char *mes,const char *pos,int report) { error_msg = aStrdup(mes); error_pos = pos; error_report = report; longjmp( error_jump, 1 ); } #define disp_error_message(mes,pos) disp_error_message2(mes,pos,1) /// Checks event parameter validity static void check_event(struct script_state *st, const char *evt) { if( evt && evt[0] && !stristr(evt, "::On") ) { ShowWarning("NPC event parameter deprecated! Please use 'NPCNAME::OnEVENT' instead of '%s'.\n", evt); script_reportsrc(st); } } /*========================================== * Hashes the input string *------------------------------------------*/ static unsigned int calc_hash(const char* p) { unsigned int h; #if defined(SCRIPT_HASH_DJB2) h = 5381; while( *p ) // hash*33 + c h = ( h << 5 ) + h + ((unsigned char)TOLOWER(*p++)); #elif defined(SCRIPT_HASH_SDBM) h = 0; while( *p ) // hash*65599 + c h = ( h << 6 ) + ( h << 16 ) - h + ((unsigned char)TOLOWER(*p++)); #elif defined(SCRIPT_HASH_ELF) // UNIX ELF hash h = 0; while( *p ){ unsigned int g; h = ( h << 4 ) + ((unsigned char)TOLOWER(*p++)); g = h & 0xF0000000; if( g ) { h ^= g >> 24; h &= ~g; } } #else // athena hash h = 0; while( *p ) h = ( h << 1 ) + ( h >> 3 ) + ( h >> 5 ) + ( h >> 8 ) + (unsigned char)TOLOWER(*p++); #endif return h % SCRIPT_HASH_SIZE; } /*========================================== * str_data manipulation functions *------------------------------------------*/ /// Looks up string using the provided id. const char* get_str(int id) { Assert( id >= LABEL_START && id < str_size ); return str_buf+str_data[id].str; } /// Returns the uid of the string, or -1. static int search_str(const char* p) { int i; for( i = str_hash[calc_hash(p)]; i != 0; i = str_data[i].next ) if( strcasecmp(get_str(i),p) == 0 ) return i; return -1; } /// Stores a copy of the string and returns its id. /// If an identical string is already present, returns its id instead. int add_str(const char* p) { int i, h; int len; h = calc_hash(p); if( str_hash[h] == 0 ) {// empty bucket, add new node here str_hash[h] = str_num; } else {// scan for end of list, or occurence of identical string for( i = str_hash[h]; ; i = str_data[i].next ) { if( strcasecmp(get_str(i),p) == 0 ) return i; // string already in list if( str_data[i].next == 0 ) break; // reached the end } // append node to end of list str_data[i].next = str_num; } // grow list if neccessary if( str_num >= str_data_size ) { str_data_size += 128; RECREATE(str_data,struct str_data_struct,str_data_size); memset(str_data + (str_data_size - 128), '\0', 128); } len=(int)strlen(p); // grow string buffer if neccessary while( str_pos+len+1 >= str_size ) { str_size += 256; RECREATE(str_buf,char,str_size); memset(str_buf + (str_size - 256), '\0', 256); } safestrncpy(str_buf+str_pos, p, len+1); str_data[str_num].type = C_NOP; str_data[str_num].str = str_pos; str_data[str_num].next = 0; str_data[str_num].func = NULL; str_data[str_num].backpatch = -1; str_data[str_num].label = -1; str_pos += len+1; return str_num++; } /// Appends 1 byte to the script buffer. static void add_scriptb(int a) { if( script_pos+1 >= script_size ) { script_size += SCRIPT_BLOCK_SIZE; RECREATE(script_buf,unsigned char,script_size); } script_buf[script_pos++] = (uint8)(a); } /// Appends a c_op value to the script buffer. /// The value is variable-length encoded into 8-bit blocks. /// The encoding scheme is ( 01?????? )* 00??????, LSB first. /// All blocks but the last hold 7 bits of data, topmost bit is always 1 (carries). static void add_scriptc(int a) { while( a >= 0x40 ) { add_scriptb((a&0x3f)|0x40); a = (a - 0x40) >> 6; } add_scriptb(a); } /// Appends an integer value to the script buffer. /// The value is variable-length encoded into 8-bit blocks. /// The encoding scheme is ( 11?????? )* 10??????, LSB first. /// All blocks but the last hold 7 bits of data, topmost bit is always 1 (carries). static void add_scripti(int a) { while( a >= 0x40 ) { add_scriptb((a&0x3f)|0xc0); a = (a - 0x40) >> 6; } add_scriptb(a|0x80); } /// Appends a str_data object (label/function/variable/integer) to the script buffer. /// /// @param l The id of the str_data entry // �ő�16M�܂� static void add_scriptl(int l) { int backpatch = str_data[l].backpatch; switch(str_data[l].type){ case C_POS: case C_USERFUNC_POS: add_scriptc(C_POS); add_scriptb(str_data[l].label); add_scriptb(str_data[l].label>>8); add_scriptb(str_data[l].label>>16); break; case C_NOP: case C_USERFUNC: // ���x���̉\��������̂�backpatch�p�f�[�^���ߍ��� add_scriptc(C_NAME); str_data[l].backpatch = script_pos; add_scriptb(backpatch); add_scriptb(backpatch>>8); add_scriptb(backpatch>>16); break; case C_INT: add_scripti(abs(str_data[l].val)); if( str_data[l].val < 0 ) //Notice that this is negative, from jA (Rayce) add_scriptc(C_NEG); break; default: // assume C_NAME add_scriptc(C_NAME); add_scriptb(l); add_scriptb(l>>8); add_scriptb(l>>16); break; } } /*========================================== * ���x������������ *------------------------------------------*/ void set_label(int l,int pos, const char* script_pos) { int i,next; if(str_data[l].type==C_INT || str_data[l].type==C_PARAM || str_data[l].type==C_FUNC) { //Prevent overwriting constants values, parameters and built-in functions [Skotlex] disp_error_message("set_label: invalid label name",script_pos); return; } if(str_data[l].label!=-1){ disp_error_message("set_label: dup label ",script_pos); return; } str_data[l].type=(str_data[l].type == C_USERFUNC ? C_USERFUNC_POS : C_POS); str_data[l].label=pos; for(i=str_data[l].backpatch;i>=0 && i!=0x00ffffff;){ next=GETVALUE(script_buf,i); script_buf[i-1]=(str_data[l].type == C_USERFUNC ? C_USERFUNC_POS : C_POS); SETVALUE(script_buf,i,pos); i=next; } } /// Skips spaces and/or comments. const char* skip_space(const char* p) { if( p == NULL ) return NULL; for(;;) { while( ISSPACE(*p) ) ++p; if( *p == '/' && p[1] == '/' ) {// line comment while(*p && *p!='\n') ++p; } else if( *p == '/' && p[1] == '*' ) {// block comment p += 2; for(;;) { if( *p == '\0' ) return p;//disp_error_message("script:skip_space: end of file while parsing block comment. expected "CL_BOLD"*/"CL_NORM, p); if( *p == '*' && p[1] == '/' ) {// end of block comment p += 2; break; } ++p; } } else break; } return p; } /// Skips a word. /// A word consists of undercores and/or alfanumeric characters, /// and valid variable prefixes/postfixes. static const char* skip_word(const char* p) { // prefix switch( *p ) { case '@':// temporary char variable ++p; break; case '#':// account variable p += ( p[1] == '#' ? 2 : 1 ); break; case '\'':// instance variable ++p; break; case '.':// npc variable p += ( p[1] == '@' ? 2 : 1 ); break; case '$':// global variable p += ( p[1] == '@' ? 2 : 1 ); break; } while( ISALNUM(*p) || *p == '_' ) ++p; // postfix if( *p == '$' )// string p++; return p; } /// Adds a word to str_data. /// @see skip_word /// @see add_str static int add_word(const char* p) { char* word; int len; int i; // Check for a word len = skip_word(p) - p; if( len == 0 ) disp_error_message("script:add_word: invalid word. A word consists of undercores and/or alfanumeric characters, and valid variable prefixes/postfixes.", p); // Duplicate the word word = (char*)aMalloc(len+1); memcpy(word, p, len); word[len] = 0; // add the word i = add_str(word); aFree(word); return i; } /// Parses a function call. /// The argument list can have parenthesis or not. /// The number of arguments is checked. static const char* parse_callfunc(const char* p, int require_paren, int is_custom) { const char* p2; const char* arg=NULL; int func; func = add_word(p); if( str_data[func].type == C_FUNC ){ // buildin function add_scriptl(func); add_scriptc(C_ARG); arg = buildin_func[str_data[func].val].arg; } else if( str_data[func].type == C_USERFUNC || str_data[func].type == C_USERFUNC_POS ){ // script defined function add_scriptl(buildin_callsub_ref); add_scriptc(C_ARG); add_scriptl(func); arg = buildin_func[str_data[buildin_callsub_ref].val].arg; if( *arg == 0 ) disp_error_message("parse_callfunc: callsub has no arguments, please review it's definition",p); if( *arg != '*' ) ++arg; // count func as argument } else { #ifdef SCRIPT_CALLFUNC_CHECK const char* name = get_str(func); if( !is_custom && strdb_get(userfunc_db, name) == NULL ) { #endif disp_error_message("parse_line: expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared function",p); #ifdef SCRIPT_CALLFUNC_CHECK } else {; add_scriptl(buildin_callfunc_ref); add_scriptc(C_ARG); add_scriptc(C_STR); while( *name ) add_scriptb(*name ++); add_scriptb(0); arg = buildin_func[str_data[buildin_callfunc_ref].val].arg; if( *arg != '*' ) ++ arg; } #endif } p = skip_word(p); p = skip_space(p); syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].type = TYPE_ARGLIST; syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].count = 0; if( *p == ';' ) {// <func name> ';' syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].flag = ARGLIST_NO_PAREN; } else if( *p == '(' && *(p2=skip_space(p+1)) == ')' ) {// <func name> '(' ')' syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].flag = ARGLIST_PAREN; p = p2; /* } else if( 0 && require_paren && *p != '(' ) {// <func name> syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].flag = ARGLIST_NO_PAREN; */ } else {// <func name> <arg list> if( require_paren ){ if( *p != '(' ) disp_error_message("need '('",p); ++p; // skip '(' syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].flag = ARGLIST_PAREN; } else if( *p == '(' ){ syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].flag = ARGLIST_UNDEFINED; } else { syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].flag = ARGLIST_NO_PAREN; } ++syntax.curly_count; while( *arg ) { p2=parse_subexpr(p,-1); if( p == p2 ) break; // not an argument if( *arg != '*' ) ++arg; // next argument p=skip_space(p2); if( *arg == 0 || *p != ',' ) break; // no more arguments ++p; // skip comma } --syntax.curly_count; } if( *arg && *arg != '?' && *arg != '*' ) disp_error_message2("parse_callfunc: not enough arguments, expected ','", p, script_config.warn_func_mismatch_paramnum); if( syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].type != TYPE_ARGLIST ) disp_error_message("parse_callfunc: DEBUG last curly is not an argument list",p); if( syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].flag == ARGLIST_PAREN ){ if( *p != ')' ) disp_error_message("parse_callfunc: expected ')' to close argument list",p); ++p; } add_scriptc(C_FUNC); return p; } /// Processes end of logical script line. /// @param first When true, only fix up scheduling data is initialized /// @param p Script position for error reporting in set_label static void parse_nextline(bool first, const char* p) { if( !first ) { add_scriptc(C_EOL); // mark end of line for stack cleanup set_label(LABEL_NEXTLINE, script_pos, p); // fix up '-' labels } // initialize data for new '-' label fix up scheduling str_data[LABEL_NEXTLINE].type = C_NOP; str_data[LABEL_NEXTLINE].backpatch = -1; str_data[LABEL_NEXTLINE].label = -1; } /// Parse a variable assignment using the direct equals operator /// @param p script position where the function should run from /// @return NULL if not a variable assignment, the new position otherwise const char* parse_variable(const char* p) { int i, j, word; c_op type = C_NOP; const char *p2 = NULL; const char *var = p; // skip the variable where applicable p = skip_word(p); p = skip_space(p); if( p == NULL ) {// end of the line or invalid buffer return NULL; } if( *p == '[' ) {// array variable so process the array as appropriate for( p2 = p, i = 0, j = 1; p; ++ i ) { if( *p ++ == ']' && --(j) == 0 ) break; if( *p == '[' ) ++ j; } if( !(p = skip_space(p)) ) {// end of line or invalid characters remaining disp_error_message("Missing right expression or closing bracket for variable.", p); } } if( type == C_NOP && !( ( p[0] == '=' && p[1] != '=' && (type = C_EQ) ) // = || ( p[0] == '+' && p[1] == '=' && (type = C_ADD) ) // += || ( p[0] == '-' && p[1] == '=' && (type = C_SUB) ) // -= || ( p[0] == '^' && p[1] == '=' && (type = C_XOR) ) // ^= || ( p[0] == '|' && p[1] == '=' && (type = C_OR ) ) // |= || ( p[0] == '&' && p[1] == '=' && (type = C_AND) ) // &= || ( p[0] == '*' && p[1] == '=' && (type = C_MUL) ) // *= || ( p[0] == '/' && p[1] == '=' && (type = C_DIV) ) // /= || ( p[0] == '%' && p[1] == '=' && (type = C_MOD) ) // %= || ( p[0] == '~' && p[1] == '=' && (type = C_NOT) ) // ~= || ( p[0] == '+' && p[1] == '+' && (type = C_ADD_PP) ) // ++ || ( p[0] == '-' && p[1] == '-' && (type = C_SUB_PP) ) // -- || ( p[0] == '<' && p[1] == '<' && p[2] == '=' && (type = C_L_SHIFT) ) // <<= || ( p[0] == '>' && p[1] == '>' && p[2] == '=' && (type = C_R_SHIFT) ) // >>= ) ) {// failed to find a matching operator combination so invalid return NULL; } switch( type ) { case C_EQ: {// incremental modifier p = skip_space( &p[1] ); } break; case C_L_SHIFT: case C_R_SHIFT: {// left or right shift modifier p = skip_space( &p[3] ); } break; default: {// normal incremental command p = skip_space( &p[2] ); } } if( p == NULL ) {// end of line or invalid buffer return NULL; } // push the set function onto the stack add_scriptl(buildin_set_ref); add_scriptc(C_ARG); // always append parenthesis to avoid errors syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].type = TYPE_ARGLIST; syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].count = 0; syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].flag = ARGLIST_PAREN; // increment the total curly count for the position in the script ++ syntax.curly_count; // parse the variable currently being modified word = add_word(var); if( str_data[word].type == C_FUNC || str_data[word].type == C_USERFUNC || str_data[word].type == C_USERFUNC_POS ) {// cannot assign a variable which exists as a function or label disp_error_message("Cannot modify a variable which has the same name as a function or label.", p); } if( p2 ) {// process the variable index const char* p3 = NULL; // push the getelementofarray method into the stack add_scriptl(buildin_getelementofarray_ref); add_scriptc(C_ARG); add_scriptl(word); // process the sub-expression for this assignment p3 = parse_subexpr(p2 + 1, 1); p3 = skip_space(p3); if( *p3 != ']' ) {// closing parenthesis is required for this script disp_error_message("Missing closing ']' parenthesis for the variable assignment.", p3); } // push the closing function stack operator onto the stack add_scriptc(C_FUNC); p3 ++; } else {// simply push the variable or value onto the stack add_scriptl(word); } if( type != C_EQ ) add_scriptc(C_REF); if( type == C_ADD_PP || type == C_SUB_PP ) {// incremental operator for the method add_scripti(1); add_scriptc(type == C_ADD_PP ? C_ADD : C_SUB); } else {// process the value as an expression p = parse_subexpr(p, -1); if( type != C_EQ ) {// push the type of modifier onto the stack add_scriptc(type); } } // decrement the curly count for the position within the script -- syntax.curly_count; // close the script by appending the function operator add_scriptc(C_FUNC); // push the buffer from the method return p; } /*========================================== * ���̉�� *------------------------------------------*/ const char* parse_simpleexpr(const char *p) { int i; p=skip_space(p); if(*p==';' || *p==',') disp_error_message("parse_simpleexpr: unexpected expr end",p); if(*p=='('){ if( (i=syntax.curly_count-1) >= 0 && syntax.curly[i].type == TYPE_ARGLIST ) ++syntax.curly[i].count; p=parse_subexpr(p+1,-1); p=skip_space(p); if( (i=syntax.curly_count-1) >= 0 && syntax.curly[i].type == TYPE_ARGLIST && syntax.curly[i].flag == ARGLIST_UNDEFINED && --syntax.curly[i].count == 0 ){ if( *p == ',' ){ syntax.curly[i].flag = ARGLIST_PAREN; return p; } else syntax.curly[i].flag = ARGLIST_NO_PAREN; } if( *p != ')' ) disp_error_message("parse_simpleexpr: unmatch ')'",p); ++p; } else if(ISDIGIT(*p) || ((*p=='-' || *p=='+') && ISDIGIT(p[1]))){ char *np; i=strtoul(p,&np,0); add_scripti(i); p=np; } else if(*p=='"'){ add_scriptc(C_STR); p++; while( *p && *p != '"' ){ if( (unsigned char)p[-1] <= 0x7e && *p == '\\' ) { char buf[8]; size_t len = skip_escaped_c(p) - p; size_t n = sv_unescape_c(buf, p, len); if( n != 1 ) ShowDebug("parse_simpleexpr: unexpected length %d after unescape (\"%.*s\" -> %.*s)\n", (int)n, (int)len, p, (int)n, buf); p += len; add_scriptb(*buf); continue; } else if( *p == '\n' ) disp_error_message("parse_simpleexpr: unexpected newline @ string",p); add_scriptb(*p++); } if(!*p) disp_error_message("parse_simpleexpr: unexpected eof @ string",p); add_scriptb(0); p++; //'"' } else { int l; const char* pv; // label , register , function etc if(skip_word(p)==p) disp_error_message("parse_simpleexpr: unexpected character",p); l=add_word(p); if( str_data[l].type == C_FUNC || str_data[l].type == C_USERFUNC || str_data[l].type == C_USERFUNC_POS) return parse_callfunc(p,1,0); #ifdef SCRIPT_CALLFUNC_CHECK else { const char* name = get_str(l); if( strdb_get(userfunc_db,name) != NULL ) { return parse_callfunc(p,1,1); } } #endif if( (pv = parse_variable(p)) ) {// successfully processed a variable assignment return pv; } p=skip_word(p); if( *p == '[' ){ // array(name[i] => getelementofarray(name,i) ) add_scriptl(buildin_getelementofarray_ref); add_scriptc(C_ARG); add_scriptl(l); p=parse_subexpr(p+1,-1); p=skip_space(p); if( *p != ']' ) disp_error_message("parse_simpleexpr: unmatch ']'",p); ++p; add_scriptc(C_FUNC); }else add_scriptl(l); } return p; } /*========================================== * ���̉�� *------------------------------------------*/ const char* parse_subexpr(const char* p,int limit) { int op,opl,len; const char* tmpp; p=skip_space(p); if( *p == '-' ){ tmpp = skip_space(p+1); if( *tmpp == ';' || *tmpp == ',' ){ add_scriptl(LABEL_NEXTLINE); p++; return p; } } if((op=C_NEG,*p=='-') || (op=C_LNOT,*p=='!') || (op=C_NOT,*p=='~')){ p=parse_subexpr(p+1,10); add_scriptc(op); } else p=parse_simpleexpr(p); p=skip_space(p); while(( (op=C_OP3,opl=0,len=1,*p=='?') || (op=C_ADD,opl=8,len=1,*p=='+') || (op=C_SUB,opl=8,len=1,*p=='-') || (op=C_MUL,opl=9,len=1,*p=='*') || (op=C_DIV,opl=9,len=1,*p=='/') || (op=C_MOD,opl=9,len=1,*p=='%') || (op=C_LAND,opl=2,len=2,*p=='&' && p[1]=='&') || (op=C_AND,opl=6,len=1,*p=='&') || (op=C_LOR,opl=1,len=2,*p=='|' && p[1]=='|') || (op=C_OR,opl=5,len=1,*p=='|') || (op=C_XOR,opl=4,len=1,*p=='^') || (op=C_EQ,opl=3,len=2,*p=='=' && p[1]=='=') || (op=C_NE,opl=3,len=2,*p=='!' && p[1]=='=') || (op=C_R_SHIFT,opl=7,len=2,*p=='>' && p[1]=='>') || (op=C_GE,opl=3,len=2,*p=='>' && p[1]=='=') || (op=C_GT,opl=3,len=1,*p=='>') || (op=C_L_SHIFT,opl=7,len=2,*p=='<' && p[1]=='<') || (op=C_LE,opl=3,len=2,*p=='<' && p[1]=='=') || (op=C_LT,opl=3,len=1,*p=='<')) && opl>limit){ p+=len; if(op == C_OP3) { p=parse_subexpr(p,-1); p=skip_space(p); if( *(p++) != ':') disp_error_message("parse_subexpr: need ':'", p-1); p=parse_subexpr(p,-1); } else { p=parse_subexpr(p,opl); } add_scriptc(op); p=skip_space(p); } return p; /* return first untreated operator */ } /*========================================== * ���̕]�� *------------------------------------------*/ const char* parse_expr(const char *p) { switch(*p){ case ')': case ';': case ':': case '[': case ']': case '}': disp_error_message("parse_expr: unexpected char",p); } p=parse_subexpr(p,-1); return p; } /*========================================== * �s�̉�� *------------------------------------------*/ const char* parse_line(const char* p) { const char* p2; p=skip_space(p); if(*p==';') { // if(); for(); while(); �̂��߂ɕ����� p = parse_syntax_close(p + 1); return p; } if(*p==')' && parse_syntax_for_flag) return p+1; p = skip_space(p); if(p[0] == '{') { syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].type = TYPE_NULL; syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].count = -1; syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].index = -1; syntax.curly_count++; return p + 1; } else if(p[0] == '}') { return parse_curly_close(p); } // �\���֘A�̏��� p2 = parse_syntax(p); if(p2 != NULL) return p2; // attempt to process a variable assignment p2 = parse_variable(p); if( p2 != NULL ) {// variable assignment processed so leave the method return parse_syntax_close(p2 + 1); } p = parse_callfunc(p,0,0); p = skip_space(p); if(parse_syntax_for_flag) { if( *p != ')' ) disp_error_message("parse_line: need ')'",p); } else { if( *p != ';' ) disp_error_message("parse_line: need ';'",p); } // if, for , while �̕����� p = parse_syntax_close(p+1); return p; } // { ... } �̕����� const char* parse_curly_close(const char* p) { if(syntax.curly_count <= 0) { disp_error_message("parse_curly_close: unexpected string",p); return p + 1; } else if(syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count-1].type == TYPE_NULL) { syntax.curly_count--; // if, for , while �̕����� p = parse_syntax_close(p + 1); return p; } else if(syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count-1].type == TYPE_SWITCH) { // switch() ������ int pos = syntax.curly_count-1; char label[256]; int l; // �ꎞ�ϐ������� sprintf(label,"set $@__SW%x_VAL,0;",syntax.curly[pos].index); syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count++].type = TYPE_NULL; parse_line(label); syntax.curly_count--; // �������ŏI���|�C���^�Ɉړ� sprintf(label,"goto __SW%x_FIN;",syntax.curly[pos].index); syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count++].type = TYPE_NULL; parse_line(label); syntax.curly_count--; // ���ݒn�̃��x����t���� sprintf(label,"__SW%x_%x",syntax.curly[pos].index,syntax.curly[pos].count); l=add_str(label); set_label(l,script_pos, p); if(syntax.curly[pos].flag) { // default �����݂��� sprintf(label,"goto __SW%x_DEF;",syntax.curly[pos].index); syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count++].type = TYPE_NULL; parse_line(label); syntax.curly_count--; } // �I�����x����t���� sprintf(label,"__SW%x_FIN",syntax.curly[pos].index); l=add_str(label); set_label(l,script_pos, p); linkdb_final(&syntax.curly[pos].case_label); // free the list of case label syntax.curly_count--; // if, for , while �̕����� p = parse_syntax_close(p + 1); return p; } else { disp_error_message("parse_curly_close: unexpected string",p); return p + 1; } } // �\���֘A�̏��� // break, case, continue, default, do, for, function, // if, switch, while �����̓����ŏ������܂��B const char* parse_syntax(const char* p) { const char *p2 = skip_word(p); switch(*p) { case 'B': case 'b': if(p2 - p == 5 && !strncasecmp(p,"break",5)) { // break �̏��� char label[256]; int pos = syntax.curly_count - 1; while(pos >= 0) { if(syntax.curly[pos].type == TYPE_DO) { sprintf(label,"goto __DO%x_FIN;",syntax.curly[pos].index); break; } else if(syntax.curly[pos].type == TYPE_FOR) { sprintf(label,"goto __FR%x_FIN;",syntax.curly[pos].index); break; } else if(syntax.curly[pos].type == TYPE_WHILE) { sprintf(label,"goto __WL%x_FIN;",syntax.curly[pos].index); break; } else if(syntax.curly[pos].type == TYPE_SWITCH) { sprintf(label,"goto __SW%x_FIN;",syntax.curly[pos].index); break; } pos--; } if(pos < 0) { disp_error_message("parse_syntax: unexpected 'break'",p); } else { syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count++].type = TYPE_NULL; parse_line(label); syntax.curly_count--; } p = skip_space(p2); if(*p != ';') disp_error_message("parse_syntax: need ';'",p); // if, for , while �̕����� p = parse_syntax_close(p + 1); return p; } break; case 'c': case 'C': if(p2 - p == 4 && !strncasecmp(p,"case",4)) { // case �̏��� int pos = syntax.curly_count-1; if(pos < 0 || syntax.curly[pos].type != TYPE_SWITCH) { disp_error_message("parse_syntax: unexpected 'case' ",p); return p+1; } else { char label[256]; int l,v; char *np; if(syntax.curly[pos].count != 1) { // FALLTHRU �p�̃W�����v sprintf(label,"goto __SW%x_%xJ;",syntax.curly[pos].index,syntax.curly[pos].count); syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count++].type = TYPE_NULL; parse_line(label); syntax.curly_count--; // ���ݒn�̃��x����t���� sprintf(label,"__SW%x_%x",syntax.curly[pos].index,syntax.curly[pos].count); l=add_str(label); set_label(l,script_pos, p); } // switch ���蕶 p = skip_space(p2); if(p == p2) { disp_error_message("parse_syntax: expect space ' '",p); } // check whether case label is integer or not v = strtol(p,&np,0); if(np == p) { //Check for constants p2 = skip_word(p); v = p2-p; // length of word at p2 memcpy(label,p,v); label[v]='\0'; if( !script_get_constant(label, &v) ) disp_error_message("parse_syntax: 'case' label not integer",p); p = skip_word(p); } else { //Numeric value if((*p == '-' || *p == '+') && ISDIGIT(p[1])) // pre-skip because '-' can not skip_word p++; p = skip_word(p); if(np != p) disp_error_message("parse_syntax: 'case' label not integer",np); } p = skip_space(p); if(*p != ':') disp_error_message("parse_syntax: expect ':'",p); sprintf(label,"if(%d != $@__SW%x_VAL) goto __SW%x_%x;", v,syntax.curly[pos].index,syntax.curly[pos].index,syntax.curly[pos].count+1); syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count++].type = TYPE_NULL; // �Q��parse ���Ȃ��ƃ_�� p2 = parse_line(label); parse_line(p2); syntax.curly_count--; if(syntax.curly[pos].count != 1) { // FALLTHRU �I����̃��x�� sprintf(label,"__SW%x_%xJ",syntax.curly[pos].index,syntax.curly[pos].count); l=add_str(label); set_label(l,script_pos,p); } // check duplication of case label [Rayce] if(linkdb_search(&syntax.curly[pos].case_label, (void*)__64BPRTSIZE(v)) != NULL) disp_error_message("parse_syntax: dup 'case'",p); linkdb_insert(&syntax.curly[pos].case_label, (void*)__64BPRTSIZE(v), (void*)1); sprintf(label,"set $@__SW%x_VAL,0;",syntax.curly[pos].index); syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count++].type = TYPE_NULL; parse_line(label); syntax.curly_count--; syntax.curly[pos].count++; } return p + 1; } else if(p2 - p == 8 && !strncasecmp(p,"continue",8)) { // continue �̏��� char label[256]; int pos = syntax.curly_count - 1; while(pos >= 0) { if(syntax.curly[pos].type == TYPE_DO) { sprintf(label,"goto __DO%x_NXT;",syntax.curly[pos].index); syntax.curly[pos].flag = 1; // continue �p�̃����N����t���O break; } else if(syntax.curly[pos].type == TYPE_FOR) { sprintf(label,"goto __FR%x_NXT;",syntax.curly[pos].index); break; } else if(syntax.curly[pos].type == TYPE_WHILE) { sprintf(label,"goto __WL%x_NXT;",syntax.curly[pos].index); break; } pos--; } if(pos < 0) { disp_error_message("parse_syntax: unexpected 'continue'",p); } else { syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count++].type = TYPE_NULL; parse_line(label); syntax.curly_count--; } p = skip_space(p2); if(*p != ';') disp_error_message("parse_syntax: need ';'",p); // if, for , while �̕����� p = parse_syntax_close(p + 1); return p; } break; case 'd': case 'D': if(p2 - p == 7 && !strncasecmp(p,"default",7)) { // switch - default �̏��� int pos = syntax.curly_count-1; if(pos < 0 || syntax.curly[pos].type != TYPE_SWITCH) { disp_error_message("parse_syntax: unexpected 'default'",p); } else if(syntax.curly[pos].flag) { disp_error_message("parse_syntax: dup 'default'",p); } else { char label[256]; int l; // ���ݒn�̃��x����t���� p = skip_space(p2); if(*p != ':') { disp_error_message("parse_syntax: need ':'",p); } sprintf(label,"__SW%x_%x",syntax.curly[pos].index,syntax.curly[pos].count); l=add_str(label); set_label(l,script_pos,p); // �������Ŏ��̃����N�ɔ�� sprintf(label,"goto __SW%x_%x;",syntax.curly[pos].index,syntax.curly[pos].count+1); syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count++].type = TYPE_NULL; parse_line(label); syntax.curly_count--; // default �̃��x����t���� sprintf(label,"__SW%x_DEF",syntax.curly[pos].index); l=add_str(label); set_label(l,script_pos,p); syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count - 1].flag = 1; syntax.curly[pos].count++; } return p + 1; } else if(p2 - p == 2 && !strncasecmp(p,"do",2)) { int l; char label[256]; p=skip_space(p2); syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].type = TYPE_DO; syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].count = 1; syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].index = syntax.index++; syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].flag = 0; // ���ݒn�̃��x���`������ sprintf(label,"__DO%x_BGN",syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].index); l=add_str(label); set_label(l,script_pos,p); syntax.curly_count++; return p; } break; case 'f': case 'F': if(p2 - p == 3 && !strncasecmp(p,"for",3)) { int l; char label[256]; int pos = syntax.curly_count; syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].type = TYPE_FOR; syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].count = 1; syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].index = syntax.index++; syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].flag = 0; syntax.curly_count++; p=skip_space(p2); if(*p != '(') disp_error_message("parse_syntax: need '('",p); p++; // ���������s���� syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count++].type = TYPE_NULL; p=parse_line(p); syntax.curly_count--; // �������f�J�n�̃��x���`������ sprintf(label,"__FR%x_J",syntax.curly[pos].index); l=add_str(label); set_label(l,script_pos,p); p=skip_space(p); if(*p == ';') { // for(;;) �̃p�^�[���Ȃ̂ŕK���^ ; } else { // �������U�Ȃ�I���n�_�ɔ�� sprintf(label,"__FR%x_FIN",syntax.curly[pos].index); add_scriptl(add_str("jump_zero")); add_scriptc(C_ARG); p=parse_expr(p); p=skip_space(p); add_scriptl(add_str(label)); add_scriptc(C_FUNC); } if(*p != ';') disp_error_message("parse_syntax: need ';'",p); p++; // ���[�v�J�n�ɔ�� sprintf(label,"goto __FR%x_BGN;",syntax.curly[pos].index); syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count++].type = TYPE_NULL; parse_line(label); syntax.curly_count--; // ���̃��[�v�ւ̃��x���`������ sprintf(label,"__FR%x_NXT",syntax.curly[pos].index); l=add_str(label); set_label(l,script_pos,p); // ���̃��[�v�ɓ�鎞�̏��� // for �Ō�� ')' �� ';' �Ƃ��Ĉ����t���O parse_syntax_for_flag = 1; syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count++].type = TYPE_NULL; p=parse_line(p); syntax.curly_count--; parse_syntax_for_flag = 0; // �������菈���ɔ�� sprintf(label,"goto __FR%x_J;",syntax.curly[pos].index); syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count++].type = TYPE_NULL; parse_line(label); syntax.curly_count--; // ���[�v�J�n�̃��x���t�� sprintf(label,"__FR%x_BGN",syntax.curly[pos].index); l=add_str(label); set_label(l,script_pos,p); return p; } else if( p2 - p == 8 && strncasecmp(p,"function",8) == 0 ) {// internal script function const char *func_name; func_name = skip_space(p2); p = skip_word(func_name); if( p == func_name ) disp_error_message("parse_syntax:function: function name is missing or invalid", p); p2 = skip_space(p); if( *p2 == ';' ) {// function <name> ; // function declaration - just register the name int l; l = add_word(func_name); if( str_data[l].type == C_NOP )// register only, if the name was not used by something else str_data[l].type = C_USERFUNC; else if( str_data[l].type == C_USERFUNC ) ; // already registered else disp_error_message("parse_syntax:function: function name is invalid", func_name); // if, for , while �̕����� p = parse_syntax_close(p2 + 1); return p; } else if(*p2 == '{') {// function <name> <line/block of code> char label[256]; int l; syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].type = TYPE_USERFUNC; syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].count = 1; syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].index = syntax.index++; syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].flag = 0; ++syntax.curly_count; // Jump over the function code sprintf(label, "goto __FN%x_FIN;", syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count-1].index); syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].type = TYPE_NULL; ++syntax.curly_count; parse_line(label); --syntax.curly_count; // Set the position of the function (label) l=add_word(func_name); if( str_data[l].type == C_NOP || str_data[l].type == C_USERFUNC )// register only, if the name was not used by something else { str_data[l].type = C_USERFUNC; set_label(l, script_pos, p); if( parse_options&SCRIPT_USE_LABEL_DB ) strdb_iput(scriptlabel_db, get_str(l), script_pos); } else disp_error_message("parse_syntax:function: function name is invalid", func_name); return skip_space(p); } else { disp_error_message("expect ';' or '{' at function syntax",p); } } break; case 'i': case 'I': if(p2 - p == 2 && !strncasecmp(p,"if",2)) { // if() �̏��� char label[256]; p=skip_space(p2); if(*p != '(') { //Prevent if this {} non-c syntax. from Rayce (jA) disp_error_message("need '('",p); } syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].type = TYPE_IF; syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].count = 1; syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].index = syntax.index++; syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].flag = 0; sprintf(label,"__IF%x_%x",syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].index,syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].count); syntax.curly_count++; add_scriptl(add_str("jump_zero")); add_scriptc(C_ARG); p=parse_expr(p); p=skip_space(p); add_scriptl(add_str(label)); add_scriptc(C_FUNC); return p; } break; case 's': case 'S': if(p2 - p == 6 && !strncasecmp(p,"switch",6)) { // switch() �̏��� char label[256]; p=skip_space(p2); if(*p != '(') { disp_error_message("need '('",p); } syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].type = TYPE_SWITCH; syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].count = 1; syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].index = syntax.index++; syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].flag = 0; sprintf(label,"$@__SW%x_VAL",syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].index); syntax.curly_count++; add_scriptl(add_str("set")); add_scriptc(C_ARG); add_scriptl(add_str(label)); p=parse_expr(p); p=skip_space(p); if(*p != '{') { disp_error_message("parse_syntax: need '{'",p); } add_scriptc(C_FUNC); return p + 1; } break; case 'w': case 'W': if(p2 - p == 5 && !strncasecmp(p,"while",5)) { int l; char label[256]; p=skip_space(p2); if(*p != '(') { disp_error_message("need '('",p); } syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].type = TYPE_WHILE; syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].count = 1; syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].index = syntax.index++; syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].flag = 0; // �������f�J�n�̃��x���`������ sprintf(label,"__WL%x_NXT",syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].index); l=add_str(label); set_label(l,script_pos,p); // �������U�Ȃ�I���n�_�ɔ�� sprintf(label,"__WL%x_FIN",syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count].index); syntax.curly_count++; add_scriptl(add_str("jump_zero")); add_scriptc(C_ARG); p=parse_expr(p); p=skip_space(p); add_scriptl(add_str(label)); add_scriptc(C_FUNC); return p; } break; } return NULL; } const char* parse_syntax_close(const char *p) { // if(...) for(...) hoge(); �̂悤�ɁA�P�x����ꂽ��ēx�����邩�m�F���� int flag; do { p = parse_syntax_close_sub(p,&flag); } while(flag); return p; } // if, for , while , do �̕����� // flag == 1 : ����ꂽ // flag == 0 : �����Ȃ� const char* parse_syntax_close_sub(const char* p,int* flag) { char label[256]; int pos = syntax.curly_count - 1; int l; *flag = 1; if(syntax.curly_count <= 0) { *flag = 0; return p; } else if(syntax.curly[pos].type == TYPE_IF) { const char *bp = p; const char *p2; // if-block and else-block end is a new line parse_nextline(false, p); // if �ŏI�ꏊ�֔�� sprintf(label,"goto __IF%x_FIN;",syntax.curly[pos].index); syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count++].type = TYPE_NULL; parse_line(label); syntax.curly_count--; // ���ݒn�̃��x����t���� sprintf(label,"__IF%x_%x",syntax.curly[pos].index,syntax.curly[pos].count); l=add_str(label); set_label(l,script_pos,p); syntax.curly[pos].count++; p = skip_space(p); p2 = skip_word(p); if(!syntax.curly[pos].flag && p2 - p == 4 && !strncasecmp(p,"else",4)) { // else or else - if p = skip_space(p2); p2 = skip_word(p); if(p2 - p == 2 && !strncasecmp(p,"if",2)) { // else - if p=skip_space(p2); if(*p != '(') { disp_error_message("need '('",p); } sprintf(label,"__IF%x_%x",syntax.curly[pos].index,syntax.curly[pos].count); add_scriptl(add_str("jump_zero")); add_scriptc(C_ARG); p=parse_expr(p); p=skip_space(p); add_scriptl(add_str(label)); add_scriptc(C_FUNC); *flag = 0; return p; } else { // else if(!syntax.curly[pos].flag) { syntax.curly[pos].flag = 1; *flag = 0; return p; } } } // if �� syntax.curly_count--; // �ŏI�n�̃��x����t���� sprintf(label,"__IF%x_FIN",syntax.curly[pos].index); l=add_str(label); set_label(l,script_pos,p); if(syntax.curly[pos].flag == 1) { // ����if�ɑ���else����Ȃ��̂Ń|�C���^�̈ʒu�͓��� return bp; } return p; } else if(syntax.curly[pos].type == TYPE_DO) { int l; char label[256]; const char *p2; if(syntax.curly[pos].flag) { // ���ݒn�̃��x���`������(continue �ł����ɗ���) sprintf(label,"__DO%x_NXT",syntax.curly[pos].index); l=add_str(label); set_label(l,script_pos,p); } // �������U�Ȃ�I���n�_�ɔ�� p = skip_space(p); p2 = skip_word(p); if(p2 - p != 5 || strncasecmp(p,"while",5)) disp_error_message("parse_syntax: need 'while'",p); p = skip_space(p2); if(*p != '(') { disp_error_message("need '('",p); } // do-block end is a new line parse_nextline(false, p); sprintf(label,"__DO%x_FIN",syntax.curly[pos].index); add_scriptl(add_str("jump_zero")); add_scriptc(C_ARG); p=parse_expr(p); p=skip_space(p); add_scriptl(add_str(label)); add_scriptc(C_FUNC); // �J�n�n�_�ɔ�� sprintf(label,"goto __DO%x_BGN;",syntax.curly[pos].index); syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count++].type = TYPE_NULL; parse_line(label); syntax.curly_count--; // �����I���n�_�̃��x���`������ sprintf(label,"__DO%x_FIN",syntax.curly[pos].index); l=add_str(label); set_label(l,script_pos,p); p = skip_space(p); if(*p != ';') { disp_error_message("parse_syntax: need ';'",p); return p+1; } p++; syntax.curly_count--; return p; } else if(syntax.curly[pos].type == TYPE_FOR) { // for-block end is a new line parse_nextline(false, p); // ���̃��[�v�ɔ�� sprintf(label,"goto __FR%x_NXT;",syntax.curly[pos].index); syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count++].type = TYPE_NULL; parse_line(label); syntax.curly_count--; // for �I���̃��x���t�� sprintf(label,"__FR%x_FIN",syntax.curly[pos].index); l=add_str(label); set_label(l,script_pos,p); syntax.curly_count--; return p; } else if(syntax.curly[pos].type == TYPE_WHILE) { // while-block end is a new line parse_nextline(false, p); // while �������f�֔�� sprintf(label,"goto __WL%x_NXT;",syntax.curly[pos].index); syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count++].type = TYPE_NULL; parse_line(label); syntax.curly_count--; // while �I���̃��x���t�� sprintf(label,"__WL%x_FIN",syntax.curly[pos].index); l=add_str(label); set_label(l,script_pos,p); syntax.curly_count--; return p; } else if(syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count-1].type == TYPE_USERFUNC) { int pos = syntax.curly_count-1; char label[256]; int l; // �߂� sprintf(label,"return;"); syntax.curly[syntax.curly_count++].type = TYPE_NULL; parse_line(label); syntax.curly_count--; // ���ݒn�̃��x����t���� sprintf(label,"__FN%x_FIN",syntax.curly[pos].index); l=add_str(label); set_label(l,script_pos,p); syntax.curly_count--; return p; } else { *flag = 0; return p; } } /*========================================== * �g�ݍ��݊��̒lj� *------------------------------------------*/ static void add_buildin_func(void) { int i,n; const char* p; for( i = 0; buildin_func[i].func; i++ ) { // arg must follow the pattern: (v|s|i|r|l)*\?*\*? // 'v' - value (either string or int or reference) // 's' - string // 'i' - int // 'r' - reference (of a variable) // 'l' - label // '?' - one optional parameter // '*' - unknown number of optional parameters p = buildin_func[i].arg; while( *p == 'v' || *p == 's' || *p == 'i' || *p == 'r' || *p == 'l' ) ++p; while( *p == '?' ) ++p; if( *p == '*' ) ++p; if( *p != 0){ ShowWarning("add_buildin_func: ignoring function \"%s\" with invalid arg \"%s\".\n", buildin_func[i].name, buildin_func[i].arg); } else if( *skip_word(buildin_func[i].name) != 0 ){ ShowWarning("add_buildin_func: ignoring function with invalid name \"%s\" (must be a word).\n", buildin_func[i].name); } else { n = add_str(buildin_func[i].name); str_data[n].type = C_FUNC; str_data[n].val = i; str_data[n].func = buildin_func[i].func; if( !strcmp(buildin_func[i].name, "set") ) buildin_set_ref = n; else if( !strcmp(buildin_func[i].name, "callsub") ) buildin_callsub_ref = n; else if( !strcmp(buildin_func[i].name, "callfunc") ) buildin_callfunc_ref = n; else if( !strcmp(buildin_func[i].name, "getelementofarray") ) buildin_getelementofarray_ref = n; } } } /// Retrieves the value of a constant. bool script_get_constant(const char* name, int* value) { int n = search_str(name); if( n == -1 || str_data[n].type != C_INT ) {// not found or not a constant return false; } value[0] = str_data[n].val; return true; } /// Creates new constant or parameter with given value. void script_set_constant(const char* name, int value, bool isparameter) { int n = add_str(name); if( str_data[n].type == C_NOP ) {// new str_data[n].type = isparameter ? C_PARAM : C_INT; str_data[n].val = value; } else if( str_data[n].type == C_PARAM || str_data[n].type == C_INT ) {// existing parameter or constant ShowError("script_set_constant: Attempted to overwrite existing %s '%s' (old value=%d, new value=%d).\n", ( str_data[n].type == C_PARAM ) ? "parameter" : "constant", name, str_data[n].val, value); } else {// existing name ShowError("script_set_constant: Invalid name for %s '%s' (already defined as %s).\n", isparameter ? "parameter" : "constant", name, script_op2name(str_data[n].type)); } } /*========================================== * �萔�f�[�^�x�[�X�̓ǂݍ��� *------------------------------------------*/ static void read_constdb(void) { FILE *fp; char line[1024],name[1024],val[1024]; int type; sprintf(line, "%s/const.txt", db_path); fp=fopen(line, "r"); if(fp==NULL){ ShowError("can't read %s\n", line); return ; } while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp)) { if(line[0]=='/' && line[1]=='/') continue; type=0; if(sscanf(line,"%[A-Za-z0-9_],%[-0-9xXA-Fa-f],%d",name,val,&type)>=2 || sscanf(line,"%[A-Za-z0-9_] %[-0-9xXA-Fa-f] %d",name,val,&type)>=2){ script_set_constant(name, (int)strtol(val, NULL, 0), (bool)type); } } fclose(fp); } /*========================================== * �G���[�\�� *------------------------------------------*/ static const char* script_print_line(StringBuf* buf, const char* p, const char* mark, int line) { int i; if( p == NULL || !p[0] ) return NULL; if( line < 0 ) StringBuf_Printf(buf, "*% 5d : ", -line); else StringBuf_Printf(buf, " % 5d : ", line); for(i=0;p[i] && p[i] != '\n';i++){ if(p + i != mark) StringBuf_Printf(buf, "%c", p[i]); else StringBuf_Printf(buf, "\'%c\'", p[i]); } StringBuf_AppendStr(buf, "\n"); return p+i+(p[i] == '\n' ? 1 : 0); } void script_error(const char* src, const char* file, int start_line, const char* error_msg, const char* error_pos) { // �G���[�����������s�����߂� int j; int line = start_line; const char *p; const char *linestart[5] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; StringBuf buf; for(p=src;p && *p;line++){ const char *lineend=strchr(p,'\n'); if(lineend==NULL || error_pos<lineend){ break; } for( j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) { linestart[j] = linestart[j+1]; } linestart[4] = p; p=lineend+1; } StringBuf_Init(&buf); StringBuf_AppendStr(&buf, "\a\n"); StringBuf_Printf(&buf, "script error on %s line %d\n", file, line); StringBuf_Printf(&buf, " %s\n", error_msg); for(j = 0; j < 5; j++ ) { script_print_line(&buf, linestart[j], NULL, line + j - 5); } p = script_print_line(&buf, p, error_pos, -line); for(j = 0; j < 5; j++) { p = script_print_line(&buf, p, NULL, line + j + 1 ); } ShowError("%s", StringBuf_Value(&buf)); StringBuf_Destroy(&buf); } /*========================================== * �X�N���v�g�̉�� *------------------------------------------*/ struct script_code* parse_script(const char *src,const char *file,int line,int options) { const char *p,*tmpp; int i; struct script_code* code = NULL; static int first=1; char end; bool unresolved_names = false; if( src == NULL ) return NULL;// empty script memset(&syntax,0,sizeof(syntax)); if(first){ add_buildin_func(); read_constdb(); first=0; } script_buf=(unsigned char *)aMalloc(SCRIPT_BLOCK_SIZE*sizeof(unsigned char)); script_pos=0; script_size=SCRIPT_BLOCK_SIZE; parse_nextline(true, NULL); // who called parse_script is responsible for clearing the database after using it, but just in case... lets clear it here if( options&SCRIPT_USE_LABEL_DB ) db_clear(scriptlabel_db); parse_options = options; if( setjmp( error_jump ) != 0 ) { //Restore program state when script has problems. [from jA] int i; const int size = ARRAYLENGTH(syntax.curly); if( error_report ) script_error(src,file,line,error_msg,error_pos); aFree( error_msg ); aFree( script_buf ); script_pos = 0; script_size = 0; script_buf = NULL; for(i=LABEL_START;i<str_num;i++) if(str_data[i].type == C_NOP) str_data[i].type = C_NAME; for(i=0; i<size; i++) linkdb_final(&syntax.curly[i].case_label); return NULL; } parse_syntax_for_flag=0; p=src; p=skip_space(p); if( options&SCRIPT_IGNORE_EXTERNAL_BRACKETS ) {// does not require brackets around the script if( *p == '\0' && !(options&SCRIPT_RETURN_EMPTY_SCRIPT) ) {// empty script and can return NULL aFree( script_buf ); script_pos = 0; script_size = 0; script_buf = NULL; return NULL; } end = '\0'; } else {// requires brackets around the script if( *p != '{' ) disp_error_message("not found '{'",p); p = skip_space(p+1); if( *p == '}' && !(options&SCRIPT_RETURN_EMPTY_SCRIPT) ) {// empty script and can return NULL aFree( script_buf ); script_pos = 0; script_size = 0; script_buf = NULL; return NULL; } end = '}'; } // clear references of labels, variables and internal functions for(i=LABEL_START;i<str_num;i++){ if( str_data[i].type==C_POS || str_data[i].type==C_NAME || str_data[i].type==C_USERFUNC || str_data[i].type == C_USERFUNC_POS ){ str_data[i].type=C_NOP; str_data[i].backpatch=-1; str_data[i].label=-1; } } while( syntax.curly_count != 0 || *p != end ) { if( *p == '\0' ) disp_error_message("unexpected end of script",p); // label�������ꏈ�� tmpp=skip_space(skip_word(p)); if(*tmpp==':' && !(!strncasecmp(p,"default:",8) && p + 7 == tmpp)){ i=add_word(p); set_label(i,script_pos,p); if( parse_options&SCRIPT_USE_LABEL_DB ) strdb_iput(scriptlabel_db, get_str(i), script_pos); p=tmpp+1; p=skip_space(p); continue; } // ���͑S���ꏏ���� p=parse_line(p); p=skip_space(p); parse_nextline(false, p); } add_scriptc(C_NOP); // trim code to size script_size = script_pos; RECREATE(script_buf,unsigned char,script_pos); // default unknown references to variables for(i=LABEL_START;i<str_num;i++){ if(str_data[i].type==C_NOP){ int j,next; str_data[i].type=C_NAME; str_data[i].label=i; for(j=str_data[i].backpatch;j>=0 && j!=0x00ffffff;){ next=GETVALUE(script_buf,j); SETVALUE(script_buf,j,i); j=next; } } else if( str_data[i].type == C_USERFUNC ) {// 'function name;' without follow-up code ShowError("parse_script: function '%s' declared but not defined.\n", str_buf+str_data[i].str); unresolved_names = true; } } if( unresolved_names ) { disp_error_message("parse_script: unresolved function references", p); } #ifdef DEBUG_DISP for(i=0;i<script_pos;i++){ if((i&15)==0) ShowMessage("%04x : ",i); ShowMessage("%02x ",script_buf[i]); if((i&15)==15) ShowMessage("\n"); } ShowMessage("\n"); #endif #ifdef DEBUG_DISASM { int i = 0,j; while(i < script_pos) { c_op op = get_com(script_buf,&i); ShowMessage("%06x %s", i, script_op2name(op)); j = i; switch(op) { case C_INT: ShowMessage(" %d", get_num(script_buf,&i)); break; case C_POS: ShowMessage(" 0x%06x", *(int*)(script_buf+i)&0xffffff); i += 3; break; case C_NAME: j = (*(int*)(script_buf+i)&0xffffff); ShowMessage(" %s", ( j == 0xffffff ) ? "?? unknown ??" : get_str(j)); i += 3; break; case C_STR: j = strlen(script_buf + i); ShowMessage(" %s", script_buf + i); i += j+1; break; } ShowMessage(CL_CLL"\n"); } } #endif CREATE(code,struct script_code,1); code->script_buf = script_buf; code->script_size = script_size; code->script_vars = idb_alloc(DB_OPT_RELEASE_DATA); return code; } /// Returns the player attached to this script, identified by the rid. /// If there is no player attached, the script is terminated. TBL_PC *script_rid2sd(struct script_state *st) { TBL_PC *sd=map_id2sd(st->rid); if(!sd){ ShowError("script_rid2sd: fatal error ! player not attached!\n"); script_reportfunc(st); script_reportsrc(st); st->state = END; } return sd; } /// Dereferences a variable/constant, replacing it with a copy of the value. /// /// @param st Script state /// @param data Variable/constant void get_val(struct script_state* st, struct script_data* data) { const char* name; char prefix; char postfix; TBL_PC* sd = NULL; if( !data_isreference(data) ) return;// not a variable/constant name = reference_getname(data); prefix = name[0]; postfix = name[strlen(name) - 1]; //##TODO use reference_tovariable(data) when it's confirmed that it works [FlavioJS] if( !reference_toconstant(data) && not_server_variable(prefix) ) { sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) {// needs player attached if( postfix == '$' ) {// string variable ShowWarning("script:get_val: cannot access player variable '%s', defaulting to \"\"\n", name); data->type = C_CONSTSTR; data->u.str = ""; } else {// integer variable ShowWarning("script:get_val: cannot access player variable '%s', defaulting to 0\n", name); data->type = C_INT; data->u.num = 0; } return; } } if( postfix == '$' ) {// string variable switch( prefix ) { case '@': data->u.str = pc_readregstr(sd, data->u.num); break; case '$': data->u.str = mapreg_readregstr(data->u.num); break; case '#': if( name[1] == '#' ) data->u.str = pc_readaccountreg2str(sd, name);// global else data->u.str = pc_readaccountregstr(sd, name);// local break; case '.': { struct DBMap* n = data->ref ? *data->ref: name[1] == '@' ? st->stack->var_function:// instance/scope variable st->script->script_vars;// npc variable if( n ) data->u.str = (char*)idb_get(n,reference_getuid(data)); else data->u.str = NULL; } break; case '\'': if (st->instance_id) { data->u.str = (char*)idb_get(instance[st->instance_id].vars,reference_getuid(data)); } else { ShowWarning("script:get_val: cannot access instance variable '%s', defaulting to \"\"\n", name); data->u.str = NULL; } break; default: data->u.str = pc_readglobalreg_str(sd, name); break; } if( data->u.str == NULL || data->u.str[0] == '\0' ) {// empty string data->type = C_CONSTSTR; data->u.str = ""; } else {// duplicate string data->type = C_STR; data->u.str = aStrdup(data->u.str); } } else {// integer variable data->type = C_INT; if( reference_toconstant(data) ) { data->u.num = reference_getconstant(data); } else if( reference_toparam(data) ) { data->u.num = pc_readparam(sd, reference_getparamtype(data)); } else switch( prefix ) { case '@': data->u.num = pc_readreg(sd, data->u.num); break; case '$': data->u.num = mapreg_readreg(data->u.num); break; case '#': if( name[1] == '#' ) data->u.num = pc_readaccountreg2(sd, name);// global else data->u.num = pc_readaccountreg(sd, name);// local break; case '.': { struct DBMap* n = data->ref ? *data->ref: name[1] == '@' ? st->stack->var_function:// instance/scope variable st->script->script_vars;// npc variable if( n ) data->u.num = (int)idb_iget(n,reference_getuid(data)); else data->u.num = 0; } break; case '\'': if( st->instance_id ) data->u.num = (int)idb_iget(instance[st->instance_id].vars,reference_getuid(data)); else { ShowWarning("script:get_val: cannot access instance variable '%s', defaulting to 0\n", name); data->u.num = 0; } break; default: data->u.num = pc_readglobalreg(sd, name); break; } } return; } struct script_data* push_val2(struct script_stack* stack, enum c_op type, int val, struct DBMap** ref); /// Retrieves the value of a reference identified by uid (variable, constant, param) /// The value is left in the top of the stack and needs to be removed manually. void* get_val2(struct script_state* st, int uid, struct DBMap** ref) { struct script_data* data; push_val2(st->stack, C_NAME, uid, ref); data = script_getdatatop(st, -1); get_val(st, data); return (data->type == C_INT ? (void*)__64BPRTSIZE(data->u.num) : (void*)__64BPRTSIZE(data->u.str)); } /*========================================== * Stores the value of a script variable * Return value is 0 on fail, 1 on success. *------------------------------------------*/ static int set_reg(struct script_state* st, TBL_PC* sd, int num, const char* name, const void* value, struct DBMap** ref) { char prefix = name[0]; if( is_string_variable(name) ) {// string variable const char* str = (const char*)value; switch (prefix) { case '@': return pc_setregstr(sd, num, str); case '$': return mapreg_setregstr(num, str); case '#': return (name[1] == '#') ? pc_setaccountreg2str(sd, name, str) : pc_setaccountregstr(sd, name, str); case '.': { struct DBMap* n; n = (ref) ? *ref : (name[1] == '@') ? st->stack->var_function : st->script->script_vars; if( n ) { idb_remove(n, num); if (str[0]) idb_put(n, num, aStrdup(str)); } } return 1; case '\'': if( st->instance_id ) { idb_remove(instance[st->instance_id].vars, num); if( str[0] ) idb_put(instance[st->instance_id].vars, num, aStrdup(str)); } return 1; default: return pc_setglobalreg_str(sd, name, str); } } else {// integer variable int val = (int)__64BPRTSIZE(value); if(str_data[num&0x00ffffff].type == C_PARAM) { if( pc_setparam(sd, str_data[num&0x00ffffff].val, val) == 0 ) { if( st != NULL ) { ShowError("script:set_reg: failed to set param '%s' to %d.\n", name, val); script_reportsrc(st); st->state = END; } return 0; } return 1; } switch (prefix) { case '@': return pc_setreg(sd, num, val); case '$': return mapreg_setreg(num, val); case '#': return (name[1] == '#') ? pc_setaccountreg2(sd, name, val) : pc_setaccountreg(sd, name, val); case '.': { struct DBMap* n; n = (ref) ? *ref : (name[1] == '@') ? st->stack->var_function : st->script->script_vars; if( n ) { idb_remove(n, num); if( val != 0 ) idb_iput(n, num, val); } } return 1; case '\'': if( st->instance_id ) { idb_remove(instance[st->instance_id].vars, num); if( val != 0 ) idb_iput(instance[st->instance_id].vars, num, val); } return 1; default: return pc_setglobalreg(sd, name, val); } } } int set_var(TBL_PC* sd, char* name, void* val) { return set_reg(NULL, sd, reference_uid(add_str(name),0), name, val, NULL); } void setd_sub(struct script_state *st, TBL_PC *sd, const char *varname, int elem, void *value, struct DBMap **ref) { set_reg(st, sd, reference_uid(add_str(varname),elem), varname, value, ref); } /// Converts the data to a string const char* conv_str(struct script_state* st, struct script_data* data) { char* p; get_val(st, data); if( data_isstring(data) ) {// nothing to convert } else if( data_isint(data) ) {// int -> string CREATE(p, char, ITEM_NAME_LENGTH); snprintf(p, ITEM_NAME_LENGTH, "%d", data->u.num); p[ITEM_NAME_LENGTH-1] = '\0'; data->type = C_STR; data->u.str = p; } else if( data_isreference(data) ) {// reference -> string //##TODO when does this happen (check get_val) [FlavioJS] data->type = C_CONSTSTR; data->u.str = reference_getname(data); } else {// unsupported data type ShowError("script:conv_str: cannot convert to string, defaulting to \"\"\n"); script_reportdata(data); script_reportsrc(st); data->type = C_CONSTSTR; data->u.str = ""; } return data->u.str; } /// Converts the data to an int int conv_num(struct script_state* st, struct script_data* data) { char* p; long num; get_val(st, data); if( data_isint(data) ) {// nothing to convert } else if( data_isstring(data) ) {// string -> int // the result does not overflow or underflow, it is capped instead // ex: 999999999999 is capped to INT_MAX (2147483647) p = data->u.str; errno = 0; num = strtol(data->u.str, NULL, 10);// change radix to 0 to support octal numbers "o377" and hex numbers "0xFF" if( errno == ERANGE #if LONG_MAX > INT_MAX || num < INT_MIN || num > INT_MAX #endif ) { if( num <= INT_MIN ) { num = INT_MIN; ShowError("script:conv_num: underflow detected, capping to %ld\n", num); } else//if( num >= INT_MAX ) { num = INT_MAX; ShowError("script:conv_num: overflow detected, capping to %ld\n", num); } script_reportdata(data); script_reportsrc(st); } if( data->type == C_STR ) aFree(p); data->type = C_INT; data->u.num = (int)num; } #if 0 // FIXME this function is being used to retrieve the position of labels and // probably other stuff [FlavioJS] else {// unsupported data type ShowError("script:conv_num: cannot convert to number, defaulting to 0\n"); script_reportdata(data); script_reportsrc(st); data->type = C_INT; data->u.num = 0; } #endif return data->u.num; } // // Stack operations // /// Increases the size of the stack void stack_expand(struct script_stack* stack) { stack->sp_max += 64; stack->stack_data = (struct script_data*)aRealloc(stack->stack_data, stack->sp_max * sizeof(stack->stack_data[0]) ); memset(stack->stack_data + (stack->sp_max - 64), 0, 64 * sizeof(stack->stack_data[0]) ); } /// Pushes a value into the stack #define push_val(stack,type,val) push_val2(stack, type, val, NULL) /// Pushes a value into the stack (with reference) struct script_data* push_val2(struct script_stack* stack, enum c_op type, int val, struct DBMap** ref) { if( stack->sp >= stack->sp_max ) stack_expand(stack); stack->stack_data[stack->sp].type = type; stack->stack_data[stack->sp].u.num = val; stack->stack_data[stack->sp].ref = ref; stack->sp++; return &stack->stack_data[stack->sp-1]; } /// Pushes a string into the stack struct script_data* push_str(struct script_stack* stack, enum c_op type, char* str) { if( stack->sp >= stack->sp_max ) stack_expand(stack); stack->stack_data[stack->sp].type = type; stack->stack_data[stack->sp].u.str = str; stack->stack_data[stack->sp].ref = NULL; stack->sp++; return &stack->stack_data[stack->sp-1]; } /// Pushes a retinfo into the stack struct script_data* push_retinfo(struct script_stack* stack, struct script_retinfo* ri, DBMap **ref) { if( stack->sp >= stack->sp_max ) stack_expand(stack); stack->stack_data[stack->sp].type = C_RETINFO; stack->stack_data[stack->sp].u.ri = ri; stack->stack_data[stack->sp].ref = ref; stack->sp++; return &stack->stack_data[stack->sp-1]; } /// Pushes a copy of the target position into the stack struct script_data* push_copy(struct script_stack* stack, int pos) { switch( stack->stack_data[pos].type ) { case C_CONSTSTR: return push_str(stack, C_CONSTSTR, stack->stack_data[pos].u.str); break; case C_STR: return push_str(stack, C_STR, aStrdup(stack->stack_data[pos].u.str)); break; case C_RETINFO: ShowFatalError("script:push_copy: can't create copies of C_RETINFO. Exiting...\n"); exit(1); break; default: return push_val2( stack,stack->stack_data[pos].type, stack->stack_data[pos].u.num, stack->stack_data[pos].ref ); break; } } /// Removes the values in indexes [start,end[ from the stack. /// Adjusts all stack pointers. void pop_stack(struct script_state* st, int start, int end) { struct script_stack* stack = st->stack; struct script_data* data; int i; if( start < 0 ) start = 0; if( end > stack->sp ) end = stack->sp; if( start >= end ) return;// nothing to pop // free stack elements for( i = start; i < end; i++ ) { data = &stack->stack_data[i]; if( data->type == C_STR ) aFree(data->u.str); if( data->type == C_RETINFO ) { struct script_retinfo* ri = data->u.ri; if( ri->var_function ) script_free_vars(ri->var_function); if( data->ref ) aFree(data->ref); aFree(ri); } data->type = C_NOP; } // move the rest of the elements if( stack->sp > end ) { memmove(&stack->stack_data[start], &stack->stack_data[end], sizeof(stack->stack_data[0])*(stack->sp - end)); for( i = start + stack->sp - end; i < stack->sp; ++i ) stack->stack_data[i].type = C_NOP; } // adjust stack pointers if( st->start > end ) st->start -= end - start; else if( st->start > start ) st->start = start; if( st->end > end ) st->end -= end - start; else if( st->end > start ) st->end = start; if( stack->defsp > end ) stack->defsp -= end - start; else if( stack->defsp > start ) stack->defsp = start; stack->sp -= end - start; } /// /// /// /*========================================== * �X�N���v�g�ˑ��ϐ��A���ˑ��ϐ��̉�� *------------------------------------------*/ void script_free_vars(struct DBMap* storage) { if( storage ) {// destroy the storage construct containing the variables db_destroy(storage); } } void script_free_code(struct script_code* code) { script_free_vars( code->script_vars ); aFree( code->script_buf ); aFree( code ); } /// Creates a new script state. /// /// @param script Script code /// @param pos Position in the code /// @param rid Who is running the script (attached player) /// @param oid Where the code is being run (npc 'object') /// @return Script state struct script_state* script_alloc_state(struct script_code* script, int pos, int rid, int oid) { struct script_state* st; CREATE(st, struct script_state, 1); st->stack = (struct script_stack*)aMalloc(sizeof(struct script_stack)); st->stack->sp = 0; st->stack->sp_max = 64; CREATE(st->stack->stack_data, struct script_data, st->stack->sp_max); st->stack->defsp = st->stack->sp; st->stack->var_function = idb_alloc(DB_OPT_RELEASE_DATA); st->state = RUN; st->script = script; //st->scriptroot = script; st->pos = pos; st->rid = rid; st->oid = oid; st->sleep.timer = INVALID_TIMER; return st; } /// Frees a script state. /// /// @param st Script state void script_free_state(struct script_state* st) { if(st->bk_st) {// backup was not restored ShowDebug("script_free_state: Previous script state lost (rid=%d, oid=%d, state=%d, bk_npcid=%d).\n", st->bk_st->rid, st->bk_st->oid, st->bk_st->state, st->bk_npcid); } if( st->sleep.timer != INVALID_TIMER ) delete_timer(st->sleep.timer, run_script_timer); script_free_vars(st->stack->var_function); pop_stack(st, 0, st->stack->sp); aFree(st->stack->stack_data); aFree(st->stack); st->stack = NULL; st->pos = -1; aFree(st); } // // ���s��main // /*========================================== * �R�}���h�̓ǂݎ�� *------------------------------------------*/ c_op get_com(unsigned char *script,int *pos) { int i = 0, j = 0; if(script[*pos]>=0x80){ return C_INT; } while(script[*pos]>=0x40){ i=script[(*pos)++]<<j; j+=6; } return (c_op)(i+(script[(*pos)++]<<j)); } /*========================================== * ���l�̏��� *------------------------------------------*/ int get_num(unsigned char *script,int *pos) { int i,j; i=0; j=0; while(script[*pos]>=0xc0){ i+=(script[(*pos)++]&0x7f)<<j; j+=6; } return i+((script[(*pos)++]&0x7f)<<j); } /*========================================== * �X�^�b�N����l�����o�� *------------------------------------------*/ int pop_val(struct script_state* st) { if(st->stack->sp<=0) return 0; st->stack->sp--; get_val(st,&(st->stack->stack_data[st->stack->sp])); if(st->stack->stack_data[st->stack->sp].type==C_INT) return st->stack->stack_data[st->stack->sp].u.num; return 0; } /// Ternary operators /// test ? if_true : if_false void op_3(struct script_state* st, int op) { struct script_data* data; int flag = 0; data = script_getdatatop(st, -3); get_val(st, data); if( data_isstring(data) ) flag = data->u.str[0];// "" -> false else if( data_isint(data) ) flag = data->u.num;// 0 -> false else { ShowError("script:op_3: invalid data for the ternary operator test\n"); script_reportdata(data); script_reportsrc(st); script_removetop(st, -3, 0); script_pushnil(st); return; } if( flag ) script_pushcopytop(st, -2); else script_pushcopytop(st, -1); script_removetop(st, -4, -1); } /// Binary string operators /// s1 EQ s2 -> i /// s1 NE s2 -> i /// s1 GT s2 -> i /// s1 GE s2 -> i /// s1 LT s2 -> i /// s1 LE s2 -> i /// s1 ADD s2 -> s void op_2str(struct script_state* st, int op, const char* s1, const char* s2) { int a = 0; switch(op){ case C_EQ: a = (strcmp(s1,s2) == 0); break; case C_NE: a = (strcmp(s1,s2) != 0); break; case C_GT: a = (strcmp(s1,s2) > 0); break; case C_GE: a = (strcmp(s1,s2) >= 0); break; case C_LT: a = (strcmp(s1,s2) < 0); break; case C_LE: a = (strcmp(s1,s2) <= 0); break; case C_ADD: { char* buf = (char *)aMalloc((strlen(s1)+strlen(s2)+1)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(buf, s1); strcat(buf, s2); script_pushstr(st, buf); return; } default: ShowError("script:op2_str: unexpected string operator %s\n", script_op2name(op)); script_reportsrc(st); script_pushnil(st); st->state = END; return; } script_pushint(st,a); } /// Binary number operators /// i OP i -> i void op_2num(struct script_state* st, int op, int i1, int i2) { int ret; double ret_double; switch( op ) { case C_AND: ret = i1 & i2; break; case C_OR: ret = i1 | i2; break; case C_XOR: ret = i1 ^ i2; break; case C_LAND: ret = (i1 && i2); break; case C_LOR: ret = (i1 || i2); break; case C_EQ: ret = (i1 == i2); break; case C_NE: ret = (i1 != i2); break; case C_GT: ret = (i1 > i2); break; case C_GE: ret = (i1 >= i2); break; case C_LT: ret = (i1 < i2); break; case C_LE: ret = (i1 <= i2); break; case C_R_SHIFT: ret = i1>>i2; break; case C_L_SHIFT: ret = i1<<i2; break; case C_DIV: case C_MOD: if( i2 == 0 ) { ShowError("script:op_2num: division by zero detected op=%s i1=%d i2=%d\n", script_op2name(op), i1, i2); script_reportsrc(st); script_pushnil(st); st->state = END; return; } else if( op == C_DIV ) ret = i1 / i2; else//if( op == C_MOD ) ret = i1 % i2; break; default: switch( op ) {// operators that can overflow/underflow case C_ADD: ret = i1 + i2; ret_double = (double)i1 + (double)i2; break; case C_SUB: ret = i1 - i2; ret_double = (double)i1 - (double)i2; break; case C_MUL: ret = i1 * i2; ret_double = (double)i1 * (double)i2; break; default: ShowError("script:op_2num: unexpected number operator %s i1=%d i2=%d\n", script_op2name(op), i1, i2); script_reportsrc(st); script_pushnil(st); return; } if( ret_double < (double)INT_MIN ) { ShowWarning("script:op_2num: underflow detected op=%s i1=%d i2=%d\n", script_op2name(op), i1, i2); script_reportsrc(st); ret = INT_MIN; } else if( ret_double > (double)INT_MAX ) { ShowWarning("script:op_2num: overflow detected op=%s i1=%d i2=%d\n", script_op2name(op), i1, i2); script_reportsrc(st); ret = INT_MAX; } } script_pushint(st, ret); } /// Binary operators void op_2(struct script_state *st, int op) { struct script_data* left, leftref; struct script_data* right; leftref.type = C_NOP; left = script_getdatatop(st, -2); right = script_getdatatop(st, -1); if (st->op2ref) { if (data_isreference(left)) { leftref = *left; } st->op2ref = 0; } get_val(st, left); get_val(st, right); // automatic conversions switch( op ) { case C_ADD: if( data_isint(left) && data_isstring(right) ) {// convert int-string to string-string conv_str(st, left); } else if( data_isstring(left) && data_isint(right) ) {// convert string-int to string-string conv_str(st, right); } break; } if( data_isstring(left) && data_isstring(right) ) {// ss => op_2str op_2str(st, op, left->u.str, right->u.str); script_removetop(st, leftref.type == C_NOP ? -3 : -2, -1);// pop the two values before the top one if (leftref.type != C_NOP) { aFree(left->u.str); *left = leftref; } } else if( data_isint(left) && data_isint(right) ) {// ii => op_2num int i1 = left->u.num; int i2 = right->u.num; script_removetop(st, leftref.type == C_NOP ? -2 : -1, 0); op_2num(st, op, i1, i2); if (leftref.type != C_NOP) *left = leftref; } else {// invalid argument ShowError("script:op_2: invalid data for operator %s\n", script_op2name(op)); script_reportdata(left); script_reportdata(right); script_reportsrc(st); script_removetop(st, -2, 0); script_pushnil(st); st->state = END; } } /// Unary operators /// NEG i -> i /// NOT i -> i /// LNOT i -> i void op_1(struct script_state* st, int op) { struct script_data* data; int i1; data = script_getdatatop(st, -1); get_val(st, data); if( !data_isint(data) ) {// not a number ShowError("script:op_1: argument is not a number (op=%s)\n", script_op2name(op)); script_reportdata(data); script_reportsrc(st); script_pushnil(st); st->state = END; return; } i1 = data->u.num; script_removetop(st, -1, 0); switch( op ) { case C_NEG: i1 = -i1; break; case C_NOT: i1 = ~i1; break; case C_LNOT: i1 = !i1; break; default: ShowError("script:op_1: unexpected operator %s i1=%d\n", script_op2name(op), i1); script_reportsrc(st); script_pushnil(st); st->state = END; return; } script_pushint(st, i1); } /// Checks the type of all arguments passed to a built-in function. /// /// @param st Script state whose stack arguments should be inspected. /// @param func Built-in function for which the arguments are intended. static void script_check_buildin_argtype(struct script_state* st, int func) { char type; int idx, invalid = 0; script_function* sf = &buildin_func[str_data[func].val]; for( idx = 2; script_hasdata(st, idx); idx++ ) { struct script_data* data = script_getdata(st, idx); type = sf->arg[idx-2]; if( type == '?' || type == '*' ) {// optional argument or unknown number of optional parameters ( no types are after this ) break; } else if( type == 0 ) {// more arguments than necessary ( should not happen, as it is checked before ) ShowWarning("Found more arguments than necessary.\n"); invalid++; break; } else { const char* name = NULL; if( data_isreference(data) ) {// get name for variables to determine the type they refer to name = reference_getname(data); } switch( type ) { case 'v': if( !data_isstring(data) && !data_isint(data) && !data_isreference(data) ) {// variant ShowWarning("Unexpected type for argument %d. Expected string, number or variable.\n", idx-1); script_reportdata(data); invalid++; } break; case 's': if( !data_isstring(data) && !( data_isreference(data) && is_string_variable(name) ) ) {// string ShowWarning("Unexpected type for argument %d. Expected string.\n", idx-1); script_reportdata(data); invalid++; } break; case 'i': if( !data_isint(data) && !( data_isreference(data) && ( reference_toparam(data) || reference_toconstant(data) || !is_string_variable(name) ) ) ) {// int ( params and constants are always int ) ShowWarning("Unexpected type for argument %d. Expected number.\n", idx-1); script_reportdata(data); invalid++; } break; case 'r': if( !data_isreference(data) ) {// variables ShowWarning("Unexpected type for argument %d. Expected variable, got %s.\n", idx-1,script_op2name(data->type)); script_reportdata(data); invalid++; } break; case 'l': if( !data_islabel(data) && !data_isfunclabel(data) ) {// label ShowWarning("Unexpected type for argument %d. Expected label, got %s\n", idx-1,script_op2name(data->type)); script_reportdata(data); invalid++; } break; } } } if(invalid) { ShowDebug("Function: %s\n", get_str(func)); script_reportsrc(st); } } /// Executes a buildin command. /// Stack: C_NAME(<command>) C_ARG <arg0> <arg1> ... <argN> int run_func(struct script_state *st) { struct script_data* data; int i,start_sp,end_sp,func; end_sp = st->stack->sp;// position after the last argument for( i = end_sp-1; i > 0 ; --i ) if( st->stack->stack_data[i].type == C_ARG ) break; if( i == 0 ) { ShowError("script:run_func: C_ARG not found. please report this!!!\n"); st->state = END; script_reportsrc(st); return 1; } start_sp = i-1;// C_NAME of the command st->start = start_sp; st->end = end_sp; data = &st->stack->stack_data[st->start]; if( data->type == C_NAME && str_data[data->u.num].type == C_FUNC ) func = data->u.num; else { ShowError("script:run_func: not a buildin command.\n"); script_reportdata(data); script_reportsrc(st); st->state = END; return 1; } if( script_config.warn_func_mismatch_argtypes ) { script_check_buildin_argtype(st, func); } if(str_data[func].func){ if (str_data[func].func(st)) //Report error script_reportsrc(st); } else { ShowError("script:run_func: '%s' (id=%d type=%s) has no C function. please report this!!!\n", get_str(func), func, script_op2name(str_data[func].type)); script_reportsrc(st); st->state = END; } // Stack's datum are used when re-running functions [Eoe] if( st->state == RERUNLINE ) return 0; pop_stack(st, st->start, st->end); if( st->state == RETFUNC ) {// return from a user-defined function struct script_retinfo* ri; int olddefsp = st->stack->defsp; int nargs; pop_stack(st, st->stack->defsp, st->start);// pop distractions from the stack if( st->stack->defsp < 1 || st->stack->stack_data[st->stack->defsp-1].type != C_RETINFO ) { ShowWarning("script:run_func: return without callfunc or callsub!\n"); script_reportsrc(st); st->state = END; return 1; } script_free_vars( st->stack->var_function ); ri = st->stack->stack_data[st->stack->defsp-1].u.ri; nargs = ri->nargs; st->pos = ri->pos; st->script = ri->script; st->stack->var_function = ri->var_function; st->stack->defsp = ri->defsp; memset(ri, 0, sizeof(struct script_retinfo)); pop_stack(st, olddefsp-nargs-1, olddefsp);// pop arguments and retinfo st->state = GOTO; } return 0; } /*========================================== * script execution *------------------------------------------*/ void run_script(struct script_code *rootscript,int pos,int rid,int oid) { struct script_state *st; if( rootscript == NULL || pos < 0 ) return; // TODO In jAthena, this function can take over the pending script in the player. [FlavioJS] // It is unclear how that can be triggered, so it needs the be traced/checked in more detail. // NOTE At the time of this change, this function wasn't capable of taking over the script state because st->scriptroot was never set. st = script_alloc_state(rootscript, pos, rid, oid); run_script_main(st); } void script_stop_sleeptimers(int id) { struct script_state* st; for(;;) { st = (struct script_state*)linkdb_erase(&sleep_db,(void*)__64BPRTSIZE(id)); if( st == NULL ) break; // no more sleep timers script_free_state(st); } } /*========================================== * �w��m�[�h��sleep_db����폜 *------------------------------------------*/ struct linkdb_node* script_erase_sleepdb(struct linkdb_node *n) { struct linkdb_node *retnode; if( n == NULL) return NULL; if( n->prev == NULL ) sleep_db = n->next; else n->prev->next = n->next; if( n->next ) n->next->prev = n->prev; retnode = n->next; aFree( n ); return retnode; // ���̃m�[�h��Ԃ� } /*========================================== * sleep�p�^�C�}�[�� *------------------------------------------*/ int run_script_timer(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr_t data) { struct script_state *st = (struct script_state *)data; struct linkdb_node *node = (struct linkdb_node *)sleep_db; TBL_PC *sd = map_id2sd(st->rid); if((sd && sd->status.char_id != id) || (st->rid && !sd)) { //Character mismatch. Cancel execution. st->rid = 0; st->state = END; } while( node && st->sleep.timer != INVALID_TIMER ) { if( (int)__64BPRTSIZE(node->key) == st->oid && ((struct script_state *)node->data)->sleep.timer == st->sleep.timer ) { script_erase_sleepdb(node); st->sleep.timer = INVALID_TIMER; break; } node = node->next; } if(st->state != RERUNLINE) st->sleep.tick = 0; run_script_main(st); return 0; } /// Detaches script state from possibly attached character and restores it's previous script if any. /// /// @param st Script state to detach. /// @param dequeue_event Whether to schedule any queued events, when there was no previous script. static void script_detach_state(struct script_state* st, bool dequeue_event) { struct map_session_data* sd; if(st->rid && (sd = map_id2sd(st->rid))!=NULL) { sd->st = st->bk_st; sd->npc_id = st->bk_npcid; /** * For the Secure NPC Timeout option (check config/Secure.h) [RR] **/ #if SECURE_NPCTIMEOUT /** * We're done with this NPC session, so we cancel the timer (if existent) and move on **/ if( sd->npc_idle_timer != INVALID_TIMER ) { delete_timer(sd->npc_idle_timer,npc_rr_secure_timeout_timer); sd->npc_idle_timer = INVALID_TIMER; } #endif if(st->bk_st) { //Remove tag for removal. st->bk_st = NULL; st->bk_npcid = 0; } else if(dequeue_event) { npc_event_dequeue(sd); } } else if(st->bk_st) {// rid was set to 0, before detaching the script state ShowError("script_detach_state: Found previous script state without attached player (rid=%d, oid=%d, state=%d, bk_npcid=%d)\n", st->bk_st->rid, st->bk_st->oid, st->bk_st->state, st->bk_npcid); script_reportsrc(st->bk_st); script_free_state(st->bk_st); st->bk_st = NULL; } } /// Attaches script state to possibly attached character and backups it's previous script, if any. /// /// @param st Script state to attach. static void script_attach_state(struct script_state* st) { struct map_session_data* sd; if(st->rid && (sd = map_id2sd(st->rid))!=NULL) { if(st!=sd->st) { if(st->bk_st) {// there is already a backup ShowDebug("script_free_state: Previous script state lost (rid=%d, oid=%d, state=%d, bk_npcid=%d).\n", st->bk_st->rid, st->bk_st->oid, st->bk_st->state, st->bk_npcid); } st->bk_st = sd->st; st->bk_npcid = sd->npc_id; } sd->st = st; sd->npc_id = st->oid; /** * For the Secure NPC Timeout option (check config/Secure.h) [RR] **/ #if SECURE_NPCTIMEOUT if( sd->npc_idle_timer == INVALID_TIMER ) sd->npc_idle_timer = add_timer(gettick() + (SECURE_NPCTIMEOUT_INTERVAL*1000),npc_rr_secure_timeout_timer,sd->bl.id,0); sd->npc_idle_tick = gettick(); #endif } } /*========================================== * �X�N���v�g�̎��s���C������ *------------------------------------------*/ void run_script_main(struct script_state *st) { int cmdcount = script_config.check_cmdcount; int gotocount = script_config.check_gotocount; TBL_PC *sd; struct script_stack *stack=st->stack; struct npc_data *nd; script_attach_state(st); nd = map_id2nd(st->oid); if( nd && map[nd->bl.m].instance_id > 0 ) st->instance_id = map[nd->bl.m].instance_id; if(st->state == RERUNLINE) { run_func(st); if(st->state == GOTO) st->state = RUN; } else if(st->state != END) st->state = RUN; while(st->state == RUN) { enum c_op c = get_com(st->script->script_buf,&st->pos); switch(c){ case C_EOL: if( stack->defsp > stack->sp ) ShowError("script:run_script_main: unexpected stack position (defsp=%d sp=%d). please report this!!!\n", stack->defsp, stack->sp); else pop_stack(st, stack->defsp, stack->sp);// pop unused stack data. (unused return value) break; case C_INT: push_val(stack,C_INT,get_num(st->script->script_buf,&st->pos)); break; case C_POS: case C_NAME: push_val(stack,c,GETVALUE(st->script->script_buf,st->pos)); st->pos+=3; break; case C_ARG: push_val(stack,c,0); break; case C_STR: push_str(stack,C_CONSTSTR,(char*)(st->script->script_buf+st->pos)); while(st->script->script_buf[st->pos++]); break; case C_FUNC: run_func(st); if(st->state==GOTO){ st->state = RUN; if( !st->freeloop && gotocount>0 && (--gotocount)<=0 ){ ShowError("run_script: infinity loop !\n"); script_reportsrc(st); st->state=END; } } break; case C_REF: st->op2ref = 1; break; case C_NEG: case C_NOT: case C_LNOT: op_1(st ,c); break; case C_ADD: case C_SUB: case C_MUL: case C_DIV: case C_MOD: case C_EQ: case C_NE: case C_GT: case C_GE: case C_LT: case C_LE: case C_AND: case C_OR: case C_XOR: case C_LAND: case C_LOR: case C_R_SHIFT: case C_L_SHIFT: op_2(st, c); break; case C_OP3: op_3(st, c); break; case C_NOP: st->state=END; break; default: ShowError("unknown command : %d @ %d\n",c,st->pos); st->state=END; break; } if( !st->freeloop && cmdcount>0 && (--cmdcount)<=0 ){ ShowError("run_script: infinity loop !\n"); script_reportsrc(st); st->state=END; } } if(st->sleep.tick > 0) { //Restore previous script script_detach_state(st, false); //Delay execution sd = map_id2sd(st->rid); // Get sd since script might have attached someone while running. [Inkfish] st->sleep.charid = sd?sd->status.char_id:0; st->sleep.timer = add_timer(gettick()+st->sleep.tick, run_script_timer, st->sleep.charid, (intptr_t)st); linkdb_insert(&sleep_db, (void*)__64BPRTSIZE(st->oid), st); } else if(st->state != END && st->rid){ //Resume later (st is already attached to player). if(st->bk_st) { ShowWarning("Unable to restore stack! Double continuation!\n"); //Report BOTH scripts to see if that can help somehow. ShowDebug("Previous script (lost):\n"); script_reportsrc(st->bk_st); ShowDebug("Current script:\n"); script_reportsrc(st); script_free_state(st->bk_st); st->bk_st = NULL; } } else { //Dispose of script. if ((sd = map_id2sd(st->rid))!=NULL) { //Restore previous stack and save char. if(sd->state.using_fake_npc){ clif_clearunit_single(sd->npc_id, CLR_OUTSIGHT, sd->fd); sd->state.using_fake_npc = 0; } //Restore previous script if any. script_detach_state(st, true); if (sd->state.reg_dirty&2) intif_saveregistry(sd,2); if (sd->state.reg_dirty&1) intif_saveregistry(sd,1); } script_free_state(st); st = NULL; } } int script_config_read(char *cfgName) { int i; char line[1024],w1[1024],w2[1024]; FILE *fp; fp=fopen(cfgName,"r"); if(fp==NULL){ ShowError("File not found: %s\n", cfgName); return 1; } while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp)) { if(line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/') continue; i=sscanf(line,"%[^:]: %[^\r\n]",w1,w2); if(i!=2) continue; if(strcmpi(w1,"warn_func_mismatch_paramnum")==0) { script_config.warn_func_mismatch_paramnum = config_switch(w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"check_cmdcount")==0) { script_config.check_cmdcount = config_switch(w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"check_gotocount")==0) { script_config.check_gotocount = config_switch(w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"input_min_value")==0) { script_config.input_min_value = config_switch(w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"input_max_value")==0) { script_config.input_max_value = config_switch(w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"warn_func_mismatch_argtypes")==0) { script_config.warn_func_mismatch_argtypes = config_switch(w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"import")==0){ script_config_read(w2); } else { ShowWarning("Unknown setting '%s' in file %s\n", w1, cfgName); } } fclose(fp); return 0; } /** * @see DBApply */ static int db_script_free_code_sub(DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list ap) { struct script_code *code = db_data2ptr(data); if (code) script_free_code(code); return 0; } void script_run_autobonus(const char *autobonus, int id, int pos) { struct script_code *script = (struct script_code *)strdb_get(autobonus_db, autobonus); if( script ) { current_equip_item_index = pos; run_script(script,0,id,0); } } void script_add_autobonus(const char *autobonus) { if( strdb_get(autobonus_db, autobonus) == NULL ) { struct script_code *script = parse_script(autobonus, "autobonus", 0, 0); if( script ) strdb_put(autobonus_db, autobonus, script); } } /// resets a temporary character array variable to given value void script_cleararray_pc(struct map_session_data* sd, const char* varname, void* value) { int key; uint8 idx; if( not_array_variable(varname[0]) || !not_server_variable(varname[0]) ) { ShowError("script_cleararray_pc: Variable '%s' has invalid scope (char_id=%d).\n", varname, sd->status.char_id); return; } key = add_str(varname); if( is_string_variable(varname) ) { for( idx = 0; idx < SCRIPT_MAX_ARRAYSIZE; idx++ ) { pc_setregstr(sd, reference_uid(key, idx), (const char*)value); } } else { for( idx = 0; idx < SCRIPT_MAX_ARRAYSIZE; idx++ ) { pc_setreg(sd, reference_uid(key, idx), (int)__64BPRTSIZE(value)); } } } /// sets a temporary character array variable element idx to given value /// @param refcache Pointer to an int variable, which keeps a copy of the reference to varname and must be initialized to 0. Can be NULL if only one element is set. void script_setarray_pc(struct map_session_data* sd, const char* varname, uint8 idx, void* value, int* refcache) { int key; if( not_array_variable(varname[0]) || !not_server_variable(varname[0]) ) { ShowError("script_setarray_pc: Variable '%s' has invalid scope (char_id=%d).\n", varname, sd->status.char_id); return; } if( idx >= SCRIPT_MAX_ARRAYSIZE ) { ShowError("script_setarray_pc: Variable '%s' has invalid index '%d' (char_id=%d).\n", varname, (int)idx, sd->status.char_id); return; } key = ( refcache && refcache[0] ) ? refcache[0] : add_str(varname); if( is_string_variable(varname) ) { pc_setregstr(sd, reference_uid(key, idx), (const char*)value); } else { pc_setreg(sd, reference_uid(key, idx), (int)__64BPRTSIZE(value)); } if( refcache ) {// save to avoid repeated add_str calls refcache[0] = key; } } #ifdef BETA_THREAD_TEST int buildin_query_sql_sub(struct script_state* st, Sql* handle); /* used to receive items the queryThread has already processed */ int queryThread_timer(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int i, cursor = 0; bool allOk = true; EnterSpinLock(&queryThreadLock); for( i = 0; i < queryThreadData.count; i++ ) { struct queryThreadEntry *entry = queryThreadData.entry[i]; if( !entry->ok ) { allOk = false; continue; } run_script_main(entry->st); entry->st = NULL;/* empty entries */ aFree(entry); queryThreadData.entry[i] = NULL; } if( allOk ) { /* cancel the repeating timer -- it'll re-create itself when necessary, dont need to remain looping */ delete_timer(queryThreadData.timer, queryThread_timer); queryThreadData.timer = INVALID_TIMER; } /* now lets clear the mess. */ for( i = 0; i < queryThreadData.count; i++ ) { struct queryThreadEntry *entry = queryThreadData.entry[i]; if( entry == NULL ) continue;/* entry on hold */ /* move */ memmove(&queryThreadData.entry[cursor], &queryThreadData.entry[i], sizeof(struct queryThreadEntry*)); cursor++; } queryThreadData.count = cursor; LeaveSpinLock(&queryThreadLock); return 0; } void queryThread_add(struct script_state *st, bool type) { int idx = 0; struct queryThreadEntry* entry = NULL; EnterSpinLock(&queryThreadLock); if( queryThreadData.count++ != 0 ) RECREATE(queryThreadData.entry, struct queryThreadEntry* , queryThreadData.count); idx = queryThreadData.count-1; CREATE(queryThreadData.entry[idx],struct queryThreadEntry,1); entry = queryThreadData.entry[idx]; entry->st = st; entry->ok = false; entry->type = type; if( queryThreadData.timer == INVALID_TIMER ) { /* start the receiver timer */ queryThreadData.timer = add_timer_interval(gettick() + 100, queryThread_timer, 0, 0, 100); } LeaveSpinLock(&queryThreadLock); /* unlock the queryThread */ racond_signal(queryThreadCond); } /* adds a new log to the queue */ void queryThread_log(char * entry, int length) { int idx = logThreadData.count; EnterSpinLock(&queryThreadLock); if( logThreadData.count++ != 0 ) RECREATE(logThreadData.entry, char* , logThreadData.count); CREATE(logThreadData.entry[idx], char, length + 1 ); safestrncpy(logThreadData.entry[idx], entry, length + 1 ); LeaveSpinLock(&queryThreadLock); /* unlock the queryThread */ racond_signal(queryThreadCond); } /* queryThread_main */ static void *queryThread_main(void *x) { Sql *queryThread_handle = Sql_Malloc(); int i; if ( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Connect(queryThread_handle, map_server_id, map_server_pw, map_server_ip, map_server_port, map_server_db) ) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); if( strlen(default_codepage) > 0 ) if ( SQL_ERROR == Sql_SetEncoding(queryThread_handle, default_codepage) ) Sql_ShowDebug(queryThread_handle); if( log_config.sql_logs ) { logmysql_handle = Sql_Malloc(); if ( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Connect(logmysql_handle, log_db_id, log_db_pw, log_db_ip, log_db_port, log_db_db) ) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); if( strlen(default_codepage) > 0 ) if ( SQL_ERROR == Sql_SetEncoding(logmysql_handle, default_codepage) ) Sql_ShowDebug(logmysql_handle); } while( 1 ) { if(queryThreadTerminate > 0) break; EnterSpinLock(&queryThreadLock); /* mess with queryThreadData within the lock */ for( i = 0; i < queryThreadData.count; i++ ) { struct queryThreadEntry *entry = queryThreadData.entry[i]; if( entry->ok ) continue; else if ( !entry->st || !entry->st->stack ) { entry->ok = true;/* dispose */ continue; } buildin_query_sql_sub(entry->st, entry->type ? logmysql_handle : queryThread_handle); entry->ok = true;/* we're done with this */ } /* also check for any logs in need to be sent */ if( log_config.sql_logs ) { for( i = 0; i < logThreadData.count; i++ ) { if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(logmysql_handle, logThreadData.entry[i]) ) Sql_ShowDebug(logmysql_handle); aFree(logThreadData.entry[i]); } logThreadData.count = 0; } LeaveSpinLock(&queryThreadLock); ramutex_lock( queryThreadMutex ); racond_wait( queryThreadCond, queryThreadMutex, -1 ); ramutex_unlock( queryThreadMutex ); } Sql_Free(queryThread_handle); if( log_config.sql_logs ) { Sql_Free(logmysql_handle); } return NULL; } #endif /*========================================== * �I�� *------------------------------------------*/ int do_final_script() { int i; #ifdef DEBUG_HASH if (battle_config.etc_log) { FILE *fp = fopen("hash_dump.txt","wt"); if(fp) { int count[SCRIPT_HASH_SIZE]; int count2[SCRIPT_HASH_SIZE]; // number of buckets with a certain number of items int n=0; int min=INT_MAX,max=0,zero=0; double mean=0.0f; double median=0.0f; ShowNotice("Dumping script str hash information to hash_dump.txt\n"); memset(count, 0, sizeof(count)); fprintf(fp,"num : hash : data_name\n"); fprintf(fp,"---------------------------------------------------------------\n"); for(i=LABEL_START; i<str_num; i++) { unsigned int h = calc_hash(get_str(i)); fprintf(fp,"%04d : %4u : %s\n",i,h, get_str(i)); ++count[h]; } fprintf(fp,"--------------------\n\n"); memset(count2, 0, sizeof(count2)); for(i=0; i<SCRIPT_HASH_SIZE; i++) { fprintf(fp," hash %3d = %d\n",i,count[i]); if(min > count[i]) min = count[i]; // minimun count of collision if(max < count[i]) max = count[i]; // maximun count of collision if(count[i] == 0) zero++; ++count2[count[i]]; } fprintf(fp,"\n--------------------\n items : buckets\n--------------------\n"); for( i=min; i <= max; ++i ){ fprintf(fp," %5d : %7d\n",i,count2[i]); mean += 1.0f*i*count2[i]/SCRIPT_HASH_SIZE; // Note: this will always result in <nr labels>/<nr buckets> } for( i=min; i <= max; ++i ){ n += count2[i]; if( n*2 >= SCRIPT_HASH_SIZE ) { if( SCRIPT_HASH_SIZE%2 == 0 && SCRIPT_HASH_SIZE/2 == n ) median = (i+i+1)/2.0f; else median = i; break; } } fprintf(fp,"--------------------\n min = %d, max = %d, zero = %d\n mean = %lf, median = %lf\n",min,max,zero,mean,median); fclose(fp); } } #endif mapreg_final(); db_destroy(scriptlabel_db); userfunc_db->destroy(userfunc_db, db_script_free_code_sub); autobonus_db->destroy(autobonus_db, db_script_free_code_sub); if(sleep_db) { struct linkdb_node *n = (struct linkdb_node *)sleep_db; while(n) { struct script_state *st = (struct script_state *)n->data; script_free_state(st); n = n->next; } linkdb_final(&sleep_db); } if (str_data) aFree(str_data); if (str_buf) aFree(str_buf); for( i = 0; i < atcmd_binding_count; i++ ) { aFree(atcmd_binding[i]); } if( atcmd_binding_count != 0 ) aFree(atcmd_binding); #ifdef BETA_THREAD_TEST /* QueryThread */ InterlockedIncrement(&queryThreadTerminate); racond_signal(queryThreadCond); rathread_wait(queryThread, NULL); // Destroy cond var and mutex. racond_destroy( queryThreadCond ); ramutex_destroy( queryThreadMutex ); /* Clear missing vars */ for( i = 0; i < queryThreadData.count; i++ ) { aFree(queryThreadData.entry[i]); } aFree(queryThreadData.entry); for( i = 0; i < logThreadData.count; i++ ) { aFree(logThreadData.entry[i]); } aFree(logThreadData.entry); #endif return 0; } /*========================================== * ���� *------------------------------------------*/ int do_init_script() { userfunc_db=strdb_alloc(DB_OPT_DUP_KEY,0); scriptlabel_db=strdb_alloc(DB_OPT_DUP_KEY,50); autobonus_db = strdb_alloc(DB_OPT_DUP_KEY,0); mapreg_init(); #ifdef BETA_THREAD_TEST CREATE(queryThreadData.entry, struct queryThreadEntry*, 1); queryThreadData.count = 0; CREATE(logThreadData.entry, char *, 1); logThreadData.count = 0; /* QueryThread Start */ InitializeSpinLock(&queryThreadLock); queryThreadData.timer = INVALID_TIMER; queryThreadTerminate = 0; queryThreadMutex = ramutex_create(); queryThreadCond = racond_create(); queryThread = rathread_create(queryThread_main, NULL); if(queryThread == NULL){ ShowFatalError("do_init_script: cannot spawn Query Thread.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } add_timer_func_list(queryThread_timer, "queryThread_timer"); #endif return 0; } int script_reload() { int i; #ifdef BETA_THREAD_TEST /* we're reloading so any queries undergoing should be...exterminated. */ EnterSpinLock(&queryThreadLock); for( i = 0; i < queryThreadData.count; i++ ) { aFree(queryThreadData.entry[i]); } queryThreadData.count = 0; if( queryThreadData.timer != INVALID_TIMER ) { delete_timer(queryThreadData.timer, queryThread_timer); queryThreadData.timer = INVALID_TIMER; } LeaveSpinLock(&queryThreadLock); #endif userfunc_db->clear(userfunc_db, db_script_free_code_sub); db_clear(scriptlabel_db); // @commands (script based) // Clear bindings for( i = 0; i < atcmd_binding_count; i++ ) { aFree(atcmd_binding[i]); } if( atcmd_binding_count != 0 ) aFree(atcmd_binding); atcmd_binding_count = 0; if(sleep_db) { struct linkdb_node *n = (struct linkdb_node *)sleep_db; while(n) { struct script_state *st = (struct script_state *)n->data; script_free_state(st); n = n->next; } linkdb_final(&sleep_db); } mapreg_reload(); return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // buildin functions // #define BUILDIN_DEF(x,args) { buildin_ ## x , #x , args } #define BUILDIN_DEF2(x,x2,args) { buildin_ ## x , x2 , args } #define BUILDIN_FUNC(x) int buildin_ ## x (struct script_state* st) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NPC interaction // /// Appends a message to the npc dialog. /// If a dialog doesn't exist yet, one is created. /// /// mes "<message>"; BUILDIN_FUNC(mes) { TBL_PC* sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; if( !script_hasdata(st, 3) ) {// only a single line detected in the script clif_scriptmes(sd, st->oid, script_getstr(st, 2)); } else {// parse multiple lines as they exist int i; for( i = 2; script_hasdata(st, i); i++ ) { // send the message to the client clif_scriptmes(sd, st->oid, script_getstr(st, i)); } } return 0; } /// Displays the button 'next' in the npc dialog. /// The dialog text is cleared and the script continues when the button is pressed. /// /// next; BUILDIN_FUNC(next) { TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; st->state = STOP; clif_scriptnext(sd, st->oid); return 0; } /// Ends the script and displays the button 'close' on the npc dialog. /// The dialog is closed when the button is pressed. /// /// close; BUILDIN_FUNC(close) { TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; st->state = END; clif_scriptclose(sd, st->oid); return 0; } /// Displays the button 'close' on the npc dialog. /// The dialog is closed and the script continues when the button is pressed. /// /// close2; BUILDIN_FUNC(close2) { TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; st->state = STOP; clif_scriptclose(sd, st->oid); return 0; } /// Counts the number of valid and total number of options in 'str' /// If max_count > 0 the counting stops when that valid option is reached /// total is incremented for each option (NULL is supported) static int menu_countoptions(const char* str, int max_count, int* total) { int count = 0; int bogus_total; if( total == NULL ) total = &bogus_total; ++(*total); // initial empty options while( *str == ':' ) { ++str; ++(*total); } // count menu options while( *str != '\0' ) { ++count; --max_count; if( max_count == 0 ) break; while( *str != ':' && *str != '\0' ) ++str; while( *str == ':' ) { ++str; ++(*total); } } return count; } /// Displays a menu with options and goes to the target label. /// The script is stopped if cancel is pressed. /// Options with no text are not displayed in the client. /// /// Options can be grouped together, separated by the character ':' in the text: /// ex: menu "A:B:C",L_target; /// All these options go to the specified target label. /// /// The index of the selected option is put in the variable @menu. /// Indexes start with 1 and are consistent with grouped and empty options. /// ex: menu "A::B",-,"",L_Impossible,"C",-; /// // displays "A", "B" and "C", corresponding to indexes 1, 3 and 5 /// /// NOTE: the client closes the npc dialog when cancel is pressed /// /// menu "<option_text>",<target_label>{,"<option_text>",<target_label>,...}; BUILDIN_FUNC(menu) { int i; const char* text; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; // TODO detect multiple scripts waiting for input at the same time, and what to do when that happens if( sd->state.menu_or_input == 0 ) { struct StringBuf buf; struct script_data* data; if( script_lastdata(st) % 2 == 0 ) {// argument count is not even (1st argument is at index 2) ShowError("script:menu: illegal number of arguments (%d).\n", (script_lastdata(st) - 1)); st->state = END; return 1; } StringBuf_Init(&buf); sd->npc_menu = 0; for( i = 2; i < script_lastdata(st); i += 2 ) { // menu options text = script_getstr(st, i); // target label data = script_getdata(st, i+1); if( !data_islabel(data) ) {// not a label StringBuf_Destroy(&buf); ShowError("script:menu: argument #%d (from 1) is not a label or label not found.\n", i); script_reportdata(data); st->state = END; return 1; } // append option(s) if( text[0] == '\0' ) continue;// empty string, ignore if( sd->npc_menu > 0 ) StringBuf_AppendStr(&buf, ":"); StringBuf_AppendStr(&buf, text); sd->npc_menu += menu_countoptions(text, 0, NULL); } st->state = RERUNLINE; sd->state.menu_or_input = 1; /** * menus beyond this length crash the client (see bugreport:6402) **/ if( StringBuf_Length(&buf) >= 2047 ) { struct npc_data * nd = map_id2nd(st->oid); char* menu; CREATE(menu, char, 2048); safestrncpy(menu, StringBuf_Value(&buf), 2047); ShowWarning("NPC Menu too long! (source:%s / length:%d)\n",nd?nd->name:"Unknown",StringBuf_Length(&buf)); clif_scriptmenu(sd, st->oid, menu); aFree(menu); } else clif_scriptmenu(sd, st->oid, StringBuf_Value(&buf)); StringBuf_Destroy(&buf); if( sd->npc_menu >= 0xff ) {// client supports only up to 254 entries; 0 is not used and 255 is reserved for cancel; excess entries are displayed but cause 'uint8' overflow ShowWarning("buildin_menu: Too many options specified (current=%d, max=254).\n", sd->npc_menu); script_reportsrc(st); } } else if( sd->npc_menu == 0xff ) {// Cancel was pressed sd->state.menu_or_input = 0; st->state = END; } else {// goto target label int menu = 0; sd->state.menu_or_input = 0; if( sd->npc_menu <= 0 ) { ShowDebug("script:menu: unexpected selection (%d)\n", sd->npc_menu); st->state = END; return 1; } // get target label for( i = 2; i < script_lastdata(st); i += 2 ) { text = script_getstr(st, i); sd->npc_menu -= menu_countoptions(text, sd->npc_menu, &menu); if( sd->npc_menu <= 0 ) break;// entry found } if( sd->npc_menu > 0 ) {// Invalid selection ShowDebug("script:menu: selection is out of range (%d pairs are missing?) - please report this\n", sd->npc_menu); st->state = END; return 1; } if( !data_islabel(script_getdata(st, i + 1)) ) {// TODO remove this temporary crash-prevention code (fallback for multiple scripts requesting user input) ShowError("script:menu: unexpected data in label argument\n"); script_reportdata(script_getdata(st, i + 1)); st->state = END; return 1; } pc_setreg(sd, add_str("@menu"), menu); st->pos = script_getnum(st, i + 1); st->state = GOTO; } return 0; } /// Displays a menu with options and returns the selected option. /// Behaves like 'menu' without the target labels. /// /// select(<option_text>{,<option_text>,...}) -> <selected_option> /// /// @see menu BUILDIN_FUNC(select) { int i; const char* text; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; if( sd->state.menu_or_input == 0 ) { struct StringBuf buf; StringBuf_Init(&buf); sd->npc_menu = 0; for( i = 2; i <= script_lastdata(st); ++i ) { text = script_getstr(st, i); if( sd->npc_menu > 0 ) StringBuf_AppendStr(&buf, ":"); StringBuf_AppendStr(&buf, text); sd->npc_menu += menu_countoptions(text, 0, NULL); } st->state = RERUNLINE; sd->state.menu_or_input = 1; /** * menus beyond this length crash the client (see bugreport:6402) **/ if( StringBuf_Length(&buf) >= 2047 ) { struct npc_data * nd = map_id2nd(st->oid); char* menu; CREATE(menu, char, 2048); safestrncpy(menu, StringBuf_Value(&buf), 2047); ShowWarning("NPC Menu too long! (source:%s / length:%d)\n",nd?nd->name:"Unknown",StringBuf_Length(&buf)); clif_scriptmenu(sd, st->oid, menu); aFree(menu); } else clif_scriptmenu(sd, st->oid, StringBuf_Value(&buf)); StringBuf_Destroy(&buf); if( sd->npc_menu >= 0xff ) { ShowWarning("buildin_select: Too many options specified (current=%d, max=254).\n", sd->npc_menu); script_reportsrc(st); } } else if( sd->npc_menu == 0xff ) {// Cancel was pressed sd->state.menu_or_input = 0; st->state = END; } else {// return selected option int menu = 0; sd->state.menu_or_input = 0; for( i = 2; i <= script_lastdata(st); ++i ) { text = script_getstr(st, i); sd->npc_menu -= menu_countoptions(text, sd->npc_menu, &menu); if( sd->npc_menu <= 0 ) break;// entry found } pc_setreg(sd, add_str("@menu"), menu); script_pushint(st, menu); st->state = RUN; } return 0; } /// Displays a menu with options and returns the selected option. /// Behaves like 'menu' without the target labels, except when cancel is /// pressed. /// When cancel is pressed, the script continues and 255 is returned. /// /// prompt(<option_text>{,<option_text>,...}) -> <selected_option> /// /// @see menu BUILDIN_FUNC(prompt) { int i; const char *text; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; if( sd->state.menu_or_input == 0 ) { struct StringBuf buf; StringBuf_Init(&buf); sd->npc_menu = 0; for( i = 2; i <= script_lastdata(st); ++i ) { text = script_getstr(st, i); if( sd->npc_menu > 0 ) StringBuf_AppendStr(&buf, ":"); StringBuf_AppendStr(&buf, text); sd->npc_menu += menu_countoptions(text, 0, NULL); } st->state = RERUNLINE; sd->state.menu_or_input = 1; /** * menus beyond this length crash the client (see bugreport:6402) **/ if( StringBuf_Length(&buf) >= 2047 ) { struct npc_data * nd = map_id2nd(st->oid); char* menu; CREATE(menu, char, 2048); safestrncpy(menu, StringBuf_Value(&buf), 2047); ShowWarning("NPC Menu too long! (source:%s / length:%d)\n",nd?nd->name:"Unknown",StringBuf_Length(&buf)); clif_scriptmenu(sd, st->oid, menu); aFree(menu); } else clif_scriptmenu(sd, st->oid, StringBuf_Value(&buf)); StringBuf_Destroy(&buf); if( sd->npc_menu >= 0xff ) { ShowWarning("buildin_prompt: Too many options specified (current=%d, max=254).\n", sd->npc_menu); script_reportsrc(st); } } else if( sd->npc_menu == 0xff ) {// Cancel was pressed sd->state.menu_or_input = 0; pc_setreg(sd, add_str("@menu"), 0xff); script_pushint(st, 0xff); st->state = RUN; } else {// return selected option int menu = 0; sd->state.menu_or_input = 0; for( i = 2; i <= script_lastdata(st); ++i ) { text = script_getstr(st, i); sd->npc_menu -= menu_countoptions(text, sd->npc_menu, &menu); if( sd->npc_menu <= 0 ) break;// entry found } pc_setreg(sd, add_str("@menu"), menu); script_pushint(st, menu); st->state = RUN; } return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ... // /// Jumps to the target script label. /// /// goto <label>; BUILDIN_FUNC(goto) { if( !data_islabel(script_getdata(st,2)) ) { ShowError("script:goto: not a label\n"); script_reportdata(script_getdata(st,2)); st->state = END; return 1; } st->pos = script_getnum(st,2); st->state = GOTO; return 0; } /*========================================== * user-defined function call *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(callfunc) { int i, j; struct script_retinfo* ri; struct script_code* scr; const char* str = script_getstr(st,2); DBMap **ref = NULL; scr = (struct script_code*)strdb_get(userfunc_db, str); if( !scr ) { ShowError("script:callfunc: function not found! [%s]\n", str); st->state = END; return 1; } for( i = st->start+3, j = 0; i < st->end; i++, j++ ) { struct script_data* data = push_copy(st->stack,i); if( data_isreference(data) && !data->ref ) { const char* name = reference_getname(data); if( name[0] == '.' ) { if ( !ref ) { ref = (struct DBMap**)aCalloc(sizeof(struct DBMap*), 1); ref[0] = (name[1] == '@' ? st->stack->var_function : st->script->script_vars); } data->ref = ref; } } } CREATE(ri, struct script_retinfo, 1); ri->script = st->script;// script code ri->var_function = st->stack->var_function;// scope variables ri->pos = st->pos;// script location ri->nargs = j;// argument count ri->defsp = st->stack->defsp;// default stack pointer push_retinfo(st->stack, ri, ref); st->pos = 0; st->script = scr; st->stack->defsp = st->stack->sp; st->state = GOTO; st->stack->var_function = idb_alloc(DB_OPT_RELEASE_DATA); return 0; } /*========================================== * subroutine call *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(callsub) { int i,j; struct script_retinfo* ri; int pos = script_getnum(st,2); DBMap **ref = NULL; if( !data_islabel(script_getdata(st,2)) && !data_isfunclabel(script_getdata(st,2)) ) { ShowError("script:callsub: argument is not a label\n"); script_reportdata(script_getdata(st,2)); st->state = END; return 1; } for( i = st->start+3, j = 0; i < st->end; i++, j++ ) { struct script_data* data = push_copy(st->stack,i); if( data_isreference(data) && !data->ref ) { const char* name = reference_getname(data); if( name[0] == '.' && name[1] == '@' ) { if ( !ref ) { ref = (struct DBMap**)aCalloc(sizeof(struct DBMap*), 1); ref[0] = st->stack->var_function; } data->ref = ref; } } } CREATE(ri, struct script_retinfo, 1); ri->script = st->script;// script code ri->var_function = st->stack->var_function;// scope variables ri->pos = st->pos;// script location ri->nargs = j;// argument count ri->defsp = st->stack->defsp;// default stack pointer push_retinfo(st->stack, ri, ref); st->pos = pos; st->stack->defsp = st->stack->sp; st->state = GOTO; st->stack->var_function = idb_alloc(DB_OPT_RELEASE_DATA); return 0; } /// Retrieves an argument provided to callfunc/callsub. /// If the argument doesn't exist /// /// getarg(<index>{,<default_value>}) -> <value> BUILDIN_FUNC(getarg) { struct script_retinfo* ri; int idx; if( st->stack->defsp < 1 || st->stack->stack_data[st->stack->defsp - 1].type != C_RETINFO ) { ShowError("script:getarg: no callfunc or callsub!\n"); st->state = END; return 1; } ri = st->stack->stack_data[st->stack->defsp - 1].u.ri; idx = script_getnum(st,2); if( idx >= 0 && idx < ri->nargs ) push_copy(st->stack, st->stack->defsp - 1 - ri->nargs + idx); else if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) script_pushcopy(st, 3); else { ShowError("script:getarg: index (idx=%d) out of range (nargs=%d) and no default value found\n", idx, ri->nargs); st->state = END; return 1; } return 0; } /// Returns from the current function, optionaly returning a value from the functions. /// Don't use outside script functions. /// /// return; /// return <value>; BUILDIN_FUNC(return) { if( script_hasdata(st,2) ) {// return value struct script_data* data; script_pushcopy(st, 2); data = script_getdatatop(st, -1); if( data_isreference(data) ) { const char* name = reference_getname(data); if( name[0] == '.' && name[1] == '@' ) {// scope variable if( !data->ref || data->ref == (DBMap**)&st->stack->var_function ) get_val(st, data);// current scope, convert to value } else if( name[0] == '.' && !data->ref ) {// script variable, link to current script data->ref = &st->script->script_vars; } } } else {// no return value script_pushnil(st); } st->state = RETFUNC; return 0; } /// Returns a random number from 0 to <range>-1. /// Or returns a random number from <min> to <max>. /// If <min> is greater than <max>, their numbers are switched. /// rand(<range>) -> <int> /// rand(<min>,<max>) -> <int> BUILDIN_FUNC(rand) { int range; int min; int max; if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) {// min,max min = script_getnum(st,2); max = script_getnum(st,3); if( max < min ) swap(min, max); range = max - min + 1; } else {// range min = 0; range = script_getnum(st,2); } if( range <= 1 ) script_pushint(st, min); else script_pushint(st, rnd()%range + min); return 0; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(warp) { int ret; int x,y; const char* str; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; str = script_getstr(st,2); x = script_getnum(st,3); y = script_getnum(st,4); if(strcmp(str,"Random")==0) ret = pc_randomwarp(sd,CLR_TELEPORT); else if(strcmp(str,"SavePoint")==0 || strcmp(str,"Save")==0) ret = pc_setpos(sd,sd->status.save_point.map,sd->status.save_point.x,sd->status.save_point.y,CLR_TELEPORT); else ret = pc_setpos(sd,mapindex_name2id(str),x,y,CLR_OUTSIGHT); if( ret ) { ShowError("buildin_warp: moving player '%s' to \"%s\",%d,%d failed.\n", sd->status.name, str, x, y); script_reportsrc(st); } return 0; } /*========================================== * �G���A�w�胏�[�v *------------------------------------------*/ static int buildin_areawarp_sub(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { int x2,y2,x3,y3; unsigned int index; index = va_arg(ap,unsigned int); x2 = va_arg(ap,int); y2 = va_arg(ap,int); x3 = va_arg(ap,int); y3 = va_arg(ap,int); if(index == 0) pc_randomwarp((TBL_PC *)bl,CLR_TELEPORT); else if(x3 && y3) { int max, tx, ty, j = 0; // choose a suitable max number of attempts if( (max = (y3-y2+1)*(x3-x2+1)*3) > 1000 ) max = 1000; // find a suitable map cell do { tx = rnd()%(x3-x2+1)+x2; ty = rnd()%(y3-y2+1)+y2; j++; } while( map_getcell(index,tx,ty,CELL_CHKNOPASS) && j < max ); pc_setpos((TBL_PC *)bl,index,tx,ty,CLR_OUTSIGHT); } else pc_setpos((TBL_PC *)bl,index,x2,y2,CLR_OUTSIGHT); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(areawarp) { int m, x0,y0,x1,y1, x2,y2,x3=0,y3=0; unsigned int index; const char *str; const char *mapname; mapname = script_getstr(st,2); x0 = script_getnum(st,3); y0 = script_getnum(st,4); x1 = script_getnum(st,5); y1 = script_getnum(st,6); str = script_getstr(st,7); x2 = script_getnum(st,8); y2 = script_getnum(st,9); if( script_hasdata(st,10) && script_hasdata(st,11) ) { // Warp area to area if( (x3 = script_getnum(st,10)) < 0 || (y3 = script_getnum(st,11)) < 0 ){ x3 = 0; y3 = 0; } else if( x3 && y3 ) { // normalize x3/y3 coordinates if( x3 < x2 ) swap(x3,x2); if( y3 < y2 ) swap(y3,y2); } } if( (m = map_mapname2mapid(mapname)) < 0 ) return 0; if( strcmp(str,"Random") == 0 ) index = 0; else if( !(index=mapindex_name2id(str)) ) return 0; map_foreachinarea(buildin_areawarp_sub, m,x0,y0,x1,y1, BL_PC, index,x2,y2,x3,y3); return 0; } /*========================================== * areapercentheal <map>,<x1>,<y1>,<x2>,<y2>,<hp>,<sp> *------------------------------------------*/ static int buildin_areapercentheal_sub(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { int hp, sp; hp = va_arg(ap, int); sp = va_arg(ap, int); pc_percentheal((TBL_PC *)bl,hp,sp); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(areapercentheal) { int hp,sp,m; const char *mapname; int x0,y0,x1,y1; mapname=script_getstr(st,2); x0=script_getnum(st,3); y0=script_getnum(st,4); x1=script_getnum(st,5); y1=script_getnum(st,6); hp=script_getnum(st,7); sp=script_getnum(st,8); if( (m=map_mapname2mapid(mapname))< 0) return 0; map_foreachinarea(buildin_areapercentheal_sub,m,x0,y0,x1,y1,BL_PC,hp,sp); return 0; } /*========================================== * warpchar [LuzZza] * Useful for warp one player from * another player npc-session. * Using: warpchar "mapname",x,y,Char_ID; *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(warpchar) { int x,y,a; const char *str; TBL_PC *sd; str=script_getstr(st,2); x=script_getnum(st,3); y=script_getnum(st,4); a=script_getnum(st,5); sd = map_charid2sd(a); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; if(strcmp(str, "Random") == 0) pc_randomwarp(sd, CLR_TELEPORT); else if(strcmp(str, "SavePoint") == 0) pc_setpos(sd, sd->status.save_point.map,sd->status.save_point.x, sd->status.save_point.y, CLR_TELEPORT); else pc_setpos(sd, mapindex_name2id(str), x, y, CLR_TELEPORT); return 0; } /*========================================== * Warpparty - [Fredzilla] [Paradox924X] * Syntax: warpparty "to_mapname",x,y,Party_ID,{"from_mapname"}; * If 'from_mapname' is specified, only the party members on that map will be warped *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(warpparty) { TBL_PC *sd = NULL; TBL_PC *pl_sd; struct party_data* p; int type; int mapindex; int i; const char* str = script_getstr(st,2); int x = script_getnum(st,3); int y = script_getnum(st,4); int p_id = script_getnum(st,5); const char* str2 = NULL; if ( script_hasdata(st,6) ) str2 = script_getstr(st,6); p = party_search(p_id); if(!p) return 0; type = ( strcmp(str,"Random")==0 ) ? 0 : ( strcmp(str,"SavePointAll")==0 ) ? 1 : ( strcmp(str,"SavePoint")==0 ) ? 2 : ( strcmp(str,"Leader")==0 ) ? 3 : 4; switch (type) { case 3: for(i = 0; i < MAX_PARTY && !p->party.member[i].leader; i++); if (i == MAX_PARTY || !p->data[i].sd) //Leader not found / not online return 0; pl_sd = p->data[i].sd; mapindex = pl_sd->mapindex; x = pl_sd->bl.x; y = pl_sd->bl.y; break; case 4: mapindex = mapindex_name2id(str); break; case 2: //"SavePoint" uses save point of the currently attached player if (( sd = script_rid2sd(st) ) == NULL ) return 0; default: mapindex = 0; break; } for (i = 0; i < MAX_PARTY; i++) { if( !(pl_sd = p->data[i].sd) || pl_sd->status.party_id != p_id ) continue; if( str2 && strcmp(str2, map[pl_sd->bl.m].name) != 0 ) continue; if( pc_isdead(pl_sd) ) continue; switch( type ) { case 0: // Random if(!map[pl_sd->bl.m].flag.nowarp) pc_randomwarp(pl_sd,CLR_TELEPORT); break; case 1: // SavePointAll if(!map[pl_sd->bl.m].flag.noreturn) pc_setpos(pl_sd,pl_sd->status.save_point.map,pl_sd->status.save_point.x,pl_sd->status.save_point.y,CLR_TELEPORT); break; case 2: // SavePoint if(!map[pl_sd->bl.m].flag.noreturn) pc_setpos(pl_sd,sd->status.save_point.map,sd->status.save_point.x,sd->status.save_point.y,CLR_TELEPORT); break; case 3: // Leader case 4: // m,x,y if(!map[pl_sd->bl.m].flag.noreturn && !map[pl_sd->bl.m].flag.nowarp) pc_setpos(pl_sd,mapindex,x,y,CLR_TELEPORT); break; } } return 0; } /*========================================== * Warpguild - [Fredzilla] * Syntax: warpguild "mapname",x,y,Guild_ID; *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(warpguild) { TBL_PC *sd = NULL; TBL_PC *pl_sd; struct guild* g; struct s_mapiterator* iter; int type; const char* str = script_getstr(st,2); int x = script_getnum(st,3); int y = script_getnum(st,4); int gid = script_getnum(st,5); g = guild_search(gid); if( g == NULL ) return 0; type = ( strcmp(str,"Random")==0 ) ? 0 : ( strcmp(str,"SavePointAll")==0 ) ? 1 : ( strcmp(str,"SavePoint")==0 ) ? 2 : 3; if( type == 2 && ( sd = script_rid2sd(st) ) == NULL ) {// "SavePoint" uses save point of the currently attached player return 0; } iter = mapit_getallusers(); for( pl_sd = (TBL_PC*)mapit_first(iter); mapit_exists(iter); pl_sd = (TBL_PC*)mapit_next(iter) ) { if( pl_sd->status.guild_id != gid ) continue; switch( type ) { case 0: // Random if(!map[pl_sd->bl.m].flag.nowarp) pc_randomwarp(pl_sd,CLR_TELEPORT); break; case 1: // SavePointAll if(!map[pl_sd->bl.m].flag.noreturn) pc_setpos(pl_sd,pl_sd->status.save_point.map,pl_sd->status.save_point.x,pl_sd->status.save_point.y,CLR_TELEPORT); break; case 2: // SavePoint if(!map[pl_sd->bl.m].flag.noreturn) pc_setpos(pl_sd,sd->status.save_point.map,sd->status.save_point.x,sd->status.save_point.y,CLR_TELEPORT); break; case 3: // m,x,y if(!map[pl_sd->bl.m].flag.noreturn && !map[pl_sd->bl.m].flag.nowarp) pc_setpos(pl_sd,mapindex_name2id(str),x,y,CLR_TELEPORT); break; } } mapit_free(iter); return 0; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(heal) { TBL_PC *sd; int hp,sp; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if (!sd) return 0; hp=script_getnum(st,2); sp=script_getnum(st,3); status_heal(&sd->bl, hp, sp, 1); return 0; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(itemheal) { TBL_PC *sd; int hp,sp; hp=script_getnum(st,2); sp=script_getnum(st,3); if(potion_flag==1) { potion_hp = hp; potion_sp = sp; return 0; } sd = script_rid2sd(st); if (!sd) return 0; pc_itemheal(sd,sd->itemid,hp,sp); return 0; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(percentheal) { int hp,sp; TBL_PC* sd; hp=script_getnum(st,2); sp=script_getnum(st,3); if(potion_flag==1) { potion_per_hp = hp; potion_per_sp = sp; return 0; } sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; #ifdef RENEWAL if( sd->sc.data[SC_EXTREMITYFIST2] ) sp = 0; #endif pc_percentheal(sd,hp,sp); return 0; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(jobchange) { int job, upper=-1; job=script_getnum(st,2); if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) upper=script_getnum(st,3); if (pcdb_checkid(job)) { TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; pc_jobchange(sd, job, upper); } return 0; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(jobname) { int class_=script_getnum(st,2); script_pushconststr(st, (char*)job_name(class_)); return 0; } /// Get input from the player. /// For numeric inputs the value is capped to the range [min,max]. Returns 1 if /// the value was higher than 'max', -1 if lower than 'min' and 0 otherwise. /// For string inputs it returns 1 if the string was longer than 'max', -1 is /// shorter than 'min' and 0 otherwise. /// /// input(<var>{,<min>{,<max>}}) -> <int> BUILDIN_FUNC(input) { TBL_PC* sd; struct script_data* data; int uid; const char* name; int min; int max; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; data = script_getdata(st,2); if( !data_isreference(data) ){ ShowError("script:input: not a variable\n"); script_reportdata(data); st->state = END; return 1; } uid = reference_getuid(data); name = reference_getname(data); min = (script_hasdata(st,3) ? script_getnum(st,3) : script_config.input_min_value); max = (script_hasdata(st,4) ? script_getnum(st,4) : script_config.input_max_value); if( !sd->state.menu_or_input ) { // first invocation, display npc input box sd->state.menu_or_input = 1; st->state = RERUNLINE; if( is_string_variable(name) ) clif_scriptinputstr(sd,st->oid); else clif_scriptinput(sd,st->oid); } else { // take received text/value and store it in the designated variable sd->state.menu_or_input = 0; if( is_string_variable(name) ) { int len = (int)strlen(sd->npc_str); set_reg(st, sd, uid, name, (void*)sd->npc_str, script_getref(st,2)); script_pushint(st, (len > max ? 1 : len < min ? -1 : 0)); } else { int amount = sd->npc_amount; set_reg(st, sd, uid, name, (void*)__64BPRTSIZE(cap_value(amount,min,max)), script_getref(st,2)); script_pushint(st, (amount > max ? 1 : amount < min ? -1 : 0)); } st->state = RUN; } return 0; } // declare the copyarray method here for future reference BUILDIN_FUNC(copyarray); /// Sets the value of a variable. /// The value is converted to the type of the variable. /// /// set(<variable>,<value>) -> <variable> BUILDIN_FUNC(set) { TBL_PC* sd = NULL; struct script_data* data; //struct script_data* datavalue; int num; const char* name; char prefix; data = script_getdata(st,2); //datavalue = script_getdata(st,3); if( !data_isreference(data) ) { ShowError("script:set: not a variable\n"); script_reportdata(script_getdata(st,2)); st->state = END; return 1; } num = reference_getuid(data); name = reference_getname(data); prefix = *name; if( not_server_variable(prefix) ) { sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) { ShowError("script:set: no player attached for player variable '%s'\n", name); return 0; } } #if 0 if( data_isreference(datavalue) ) {// the value being referenced is a variable const char* namevalue = reference_getname(datavalue); if( !not_array_variable(*namevalue) ) {// array variable being copied into another array variable if( sd == NULL && not_server_variable(*namevalue) && !(sd = script_rid2sd(st)) ) {// player must be attached in order to copy a player variable ShowError("script:set: no player attached for player variable '%s'\n", namevalue); return 0; } if( is_string_variable(namevalue) != is_string_variable(name) ) {// non-matching array value types ShowWarning("script:set: two array variables do not match in type.\n"); return 0; } // push the maximum number of array values to the stack push_val(st->stack, C_INT, SCRIPT_MAX_ARRAYSIZE); // call the copy array method directly return buildin_copyarray(st); } } #endif if( is_string_variable(name) ) set_reg(st,sd,num,name,(void*)script_getstr(st,3),script_getref(st,2)); else set_reg(st,sd,num,name,(void*)__64BPRTSIZE(script_getnum(st,3)),script_getref(st,2)); // return a copy of the variable reference script_pushcopy(st,2); return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Array variables /// /// Returns the size of the specified array static int32 getarraysize(struct script_state* st, int32 id, int32 idx, int isstring, struct DBMap** ref) { int32 ret = idx; if( isstring ) { for( ; idx < SCRIPT_MAX_ARRAYSIZE; ++idx ) { char* str = (char*)get_val2(st, reference_uid(id, idx), ref); if( str && *str ) ret = idx + 1; script_removetop(st, -1, 0); } } else { for( ; idx < SCRIPT_MAX_ARRAYSIZE; ++idx ) { int32 num = (int32)__64BPRTSIZE(get_val2(st, reference_uid(id, idx), ref)); if( num ) ret = idx + 1; script_removetop(st, -1, 0); } } return ret; } /// Sets values of an array, from the starting index. /// ex: setarray arr[1],1,2,3; /// /// setarray <array variable>,<value1>{,<value2>...}; BUILDIN_FUNC(setarray) { struct script_data* data; const char* name; int32 start; int32 end; int32 id; int32 i; TBL_PC* sd = NULL; data = script_getdata(st, 2); if( !data_isreference(data) ) { ShowError("script:setarray: not a variable\n"); script_reportdata(data); st->state = END; return 1;// not a variable } id = reference_getid(data); start = reference_getindex(data); name = reference_getname(data); if( not_array_variable(*name) ) { ShowError("script:setarray: illegal scope\n"); script_reportdata(data); st->state = END; return 1;// not supported } if( not_server_variable(*name) ) { sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0;// no player attached } end = start + script_lastdata(st) - 2; if( end > SCRIPT_MAX_ARRAYSIZE ) end = SCRIPT_MAX_ARRAYSIZE; if( is_string_variable(name) ) {// string array for( i = 3; start < end; ++start, ++i ) set_reg(st, sd, reference_uid(id, start), name, (void*)script_getstr(st,i), reference_getref(data)); } else {// int array for( i = 3; start < end; ++start, ++i ) set_reg(st, sd, reference_uid(id, start), name, (void*)__64BPRTSIZE(script_getnum(st,i)), reference_getref(data)); } return 0; } /// Sets count values of an array, from the starting index. /// ex: cleararray arr[0],0,1; /// /// cleararray <array variable>,<value>,<count>; BUILDIN_FUNC(cleararray) { struct script_data* data; const char* name; int32 start; int32 end; int32 id; void* v; TBL_PC* sd = NULL; data = script_getdata(st, 2); if( !data_isreference(data) ) { ShowError("script:cleararray: not a variable\n"); script_reportdata(data); st->state = END; return 1;// not a variable } id = reference_getid(data); start = reference_getindex(data); name = reference_getname(data); if( not_array_variable(*name) ) { ShowError("script:cleararray: illegal scope\n"); script_reportdata(data); st->state = END; return 1;// not supported } if( not_server_variable(*name) ) { sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0;// no player attached } if( is_string_variable(name) ) v = (void*)script_getstr(st, 3); else v = (void*)__64BPRTSIZE(script_getnum(st, 3)); end = start + script_getnum(st, 4); if( end > SCRIPT_MAX_ARRAYSIZE ) end = SCRIPT_MAX_ARRAYSIZE; for( ; start < end; ++start ) set_reg(st, sd, reference_uid(id, start), name, v, script_getref(st,2)); return 0; } /// Copies data from one array to another. /// ex: copyarray arr[0],arr[2],2; /// /// copyarray <destination array variable>,<source array variable>,<count>; BUILDIN_FUNC(copyarray) { struct script_data* data1; struct script_data* data2; const char* name1; const char* name2; int32 idx1; int32 idx2; int32 id1; int32 id2; void* v; int32 i; int32 count; TBL_PC* sd = NULL; data1 = script_getdata(st, 2); data2 = script_getdata(st, 3); if( !data_isreference(data1) || !data_isreference(data2) ) { ShowError("script:copyarray: not a variable\n"); script_reportdata(data1); script_reportdata(data2); st->state = END; return 1;// not a variable } id1 = reference_getid(data1); id2 = reference_getid(data2); idx1 = reference_getindex(data1); idx2 = reference_getindex(data2); name1 = reference_getname(data1); name2 = reference_getname(data2); if( not_array_variable(*name1) || not_array_variable(*name2) ) { ShowError("script:copyarray: illegal scope\n"); script_reportdata(data1); script_reportdata(data2); st->state = END; return 1;// not supported } if( is_string_variable(name1) != is_string_variable(name2) ) { ShowError("script:copyarray: type mismatch\n"); script_reportdata(data1); script_reportdata(data2); st->state = END; return 1;// data type mismatch } if( not_server_variable(*name1) || not_server_variable(*name2) ) { sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0;// no player attached } count = script_getnum(st, 4); if( count > SCRIPT_MAX_ARRAYSIZE - idx1 ) count = SCRIPT_MAX_ARRAYSIZE - idx1; if( count <= 0 || (id1 == id2 && idx1 == idx2) ) return 0;// nothing to copy if( id1 == id2 && idx1 > idx2 ) {// destination might be overlapping the source - copy in reverse order for( i = count - 1; i >= 0; --i ) { v = get_val2(st, reference_uid(id2, idx2 + i), reference_getref(data2)); set_reg(st, sd, reference_uid(id1, idx1 + i), name1, v, reference_getref(data1)); script_removetop(st, -1, 0); } } else {// normal copy for( i = 0; i < count; ++i ) { if( idx2 + i < SCRIPT_MAX_ARRAYSIZE ) { v = get_val2(st, reference_uid(id2, idx2 + i), reference_getref(data2)); set_reg(st, sd, reference_uid(id1, idx1 + i), name1, v, reference_getref(data1)); script_removetop(st, -1, 0); } else// out of range - assume ""/0 set_reg(st, sd, reference_uid(id1, idx1 + i), name1, (is_string_variable(name1)?(void*)"":(void*)0), reference_getref(data1)); } } return 0; } /// Returns the size of the array. /// Assumes that everything before the starting index exists. /// ex: getarraysize(arr[3]) /// /// getarraysize(<array variable>) -> <int> BUILDIN_FUNC(getarraysize) { struct script_data* data; const char* name; data = script_getdata(st, 2); if( !data_isreference(data) ) { ShowError("script:getarraysize: not a variable\n"); script_reportdata(data); script_pushnil(st); st->state = END; return 1;// not a variable } name = reference_getname(data); if( not_array_variable(*name) ) { ShowError("script:getarraysize: illegal scope\n"); script_reportdata(data); script_pushnil(st); st->state = END; return 1;// not supported } script_pushint(st, getarraysize(st, reference_getid(data), reference_getindex(data), is_string_variable(name), reference_getref(data))); return 0; } /// Deletes count or all the elements in an array, from the starting index. /// ex: deletearray arr[4],2; /// /// deletearray <array variable>; /// deletearray <array variable>,<count>; BUILDIN_FUNC(deletearray) { struct script_data* data; const char* name; int start; int end; int id; TBL_PC *sd = NULL; data = script_getdata(st, 2); if( !data_isreference(data) ) { ShowError("script:deletearray: not a variable\n"); script_reportdata(data); st->state = END; return 1;// not a variable } id = reference_getid(data); start = reference_getindex(data); name = reference_getname(data); if( not_array_variable(*name) ) { ShowError("script:deletearray: illegal scope\n"); script_reportdata(data); st->state = END; return 1;// not supported } if( not_server_variable(*name) ) { sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0;// no player attached } end = SCRIPT_MAX_ARRAYSIZE; if( start >= end ) return 0;// nothing to free if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) { int count = script_getnum(st, 3); if( count > end - start ) count = end - start; if( count <= 0 ) return 0;// nothing to free // move rest of the elements backward for( ; start + count < end; ++start ) { void* v = get_val2(st, reference_uid(id, start + count), reference_getref(data)); set_reg(st, sd, reference_uid(id, start), name, v, reference_getref(data)); script_removetop(st, -1, 0); } } // clear the rest of the array if( is_string_variable(name) ) { for( ; start < end; ++start ) set_reg(st, sd, reference_uid(id, start), name, (void *)"", reference_getref(data)); } else { for( ; start < end; ++start ) set_reg(st, sd, reference_uid(id, start), name, (void*)0, reference_getref(data)); } return 0; } /// Returns a reference to the target index of the array variable. /// Equivalent to var[index]. /// /// getelementofarray(<array variable>,<index>) -> <variable reference> BUILDIN_FUNC(getelementofarray) { struct script_data* data; const char* name; int32 id; int i; data = script_getdata(st, 2); if( !data_isreference(data) ) { ShowError("script:getelementofarray: not a variable\n"); script_reportdata(data); script_pushnil(st); st->state = END; return 1;// not a variable } id = reference_getid(data); name = reference_getname(data); if( not_array_variable(*name) ) { ShowError("script:getelementofarray: illegal scope\n"); script_reportdata(data); script_pushnil(st); st->state = END; return 1;// not supported } i = script_getnum(st, 3); if( i < 0 || i >= SCRIPT_MAX_ARRAYSIZE ) { ShowWarning("script:getelementofarray: index out of range (%d)\n", i); script_reportdata(data); script_pushnil(st); st->state = END; return 1;// out of range } push_val2(st->stack, C_NAME, reference_uid(id, i), reference_getref(data)); return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// ... /// /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(setlook) { int type,val; TBL_PC* sd; type=script_getnum(st,2); val=script_getnum(st,3); sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; pc_changelook(sd,type,val); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(changelook) { // As setlook but only client side int type,val; TBL_PC* sd; type=script_getnum(st,2); val=script_getnum(st,3); sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; clif_changelook(&sd->bl,type,val); return 0; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(cutin) { TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; clif_cutin(sd,script_getstr(st,2),script_getnum(st,3)); return 0; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(viewpoint) { int type,x,y,id,color; TBL_PC* sd; type=script_getnum(st,2); x=script_getnum(st,3); y=script_getnum(st,4); id=script_getnum(st,5); color=script_getnum(st,6); sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; clif_viewpoint(sd,st->oid,type,x,y,id,color); return 0; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(countitem) { int nameid, i; int count = 0; struct item_data* id = NULL; struct script_data* data; TBL_PC* sd = script_rid2sd(st); if (!sd) { script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } data = script_getdata(st,2); get_val(st, data); // convert into value in case of a variable if( data_isstring(data) ) {// item name id = itemdb_searchname(conv_str(st, data)); } else {// item id id = itemdb_exists(conv_num(st, data)); } if( id == NULL ) { ShowError("buildin_countitem: Invalid item '%s'.\n", script_getstr(st,2)); // returns string, regardless of what it was script_pushint(st,0); return 1; } nameid = id->nameid; for(i = 0; i < MAX_INVENTORY; i++) if(sd->status.inventory[i].nameid == nameid) count += sd->status.inventory[i].amount; script_pushint(st,count); return 0; } /*========================================== * countitem2(nameID,Identified,Refine,Attribute,Card0,Card1,Card2,Card3) [Lupus] * returns number of items that meet the conditions *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(countitem2) { int nameid, iden, ref, attr, c1, c2, c3, c4; int count = 0; int i; struct item_data* id = NULL; struct script_data* data; TBL_PC* sd = script_rid2sd(st); if (!sd) { script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } data = script_getdata(st,2); get_val(st, data); // convert into value in case of a variable if( data_isstring(data) ) {// item name id = itemdb_searchname(conv_str(st, data)); } else {// item id id = itemdb_exists(conv_num(st, data)); } if( id == NULL ) { ShowError("buildin_countitem2: Invalid item '%s'.\n", script_getstr(st,2)); // returns string, regardless of what it was script_pushint(st,0); return 1; } nameid = id->nameid; iden = script_getnum(st,3); ref = script_getnum(st,4); attr = script_getnum(st,5); c1 = (short)script_getnum(st,6); c2 = (short)script_getnum(st,7); c3 = (short)script_getnum(st,8); c4 = (short)script_getnum(st,9); for(i = 0; i < MAX_INVENTORY; i++) if (sd->status.inventory[i].nameid > 0 && sd->inventory_data[i] != NULL && sd->status.inventory[i].amount > 0 && sd->status.inventory[i].nameid == nameid && sd->status.inventory[i].identify == iden && sd->status.inventory[i].refine == ref && sd->status.inventory[i].attribute == attr && sd->status.inventory[i].card[0] == c1 && sd->status.inventory[i].card[1] == c2 && sd->status.inventory[i].card[2] == c3 && sd->status.inventory[i].card[3] == c4 ) count += sd->status.inventory[i].amount; script_pushint(st,count); return 0; } /*========================================== * �d�ʃ`�F�b�N *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(checkweight) { int nameid, amount, slots; unsigned int weight; struct item_data* id = NULL; struct map_session_data* sd; struct script_data* data; if( ( sd = script_rid2sd(st) ) == NULL ) { return 0; } data = script_getdata(st,2); get_val(st, data); // convert into value in case of a variable if( data_isstring(data) ) {// item name id = itemdb_searchname(conv_str(st, data)); } else {// item id id = itemdb_exists(conv_num(st, data)); } if( id == NULL ) { ShowError("buildin_checkweight: Invalid item '%s'.\n", script_getstr(st,2)); // returns string, regardless of what it was script_pushint(st,0); return 1; } nameid = id->nameid; amount = script_getnum(st,3); if( amount < 1 ) { ShowError("buildin_checkweight: Invalid amount '%d'.\n", amount); script_pushint(st,0); return 1; } weight = itemdb_weight(nameid)*amount; if( weight + sd->weight > sd->max_weight ) {// too heavy script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } switch( pc_checkadditem(sd, nameid, amount) ) { case ADDITEM_EXIST: // item is already in inventory, but there is still space for the requested amount break; case ADDITEM_NEW: slots = pc_inventoryblank(sd); if( itemdb_isstackable(nameid) ) {// stackable if( slots < 1 ) { script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } } else {// non-stackable if( slots < amount ) { script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } } break; case ADDITEM_OVERAMOUNT: script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } script_pushint(st,1); return 0; } /*========================================== * getitem <item id>,<amount>{,<account ID>}; * getitem "<item name>",<amount>{,<account ID>}; *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getitem) { int nameid,amount,get_count,i,flag = 0; struct item it; TBL_PC *sd; struct script_data *data; data=script_getdata(st,2); get_val(st,data); if( data_isstring(data) ) {// "<item name>" const char *name=conv_str(st,data); struct item_data *item_data = itemdb_searchname(name); if( item_data == NULL ){ ShowError("buildin_getitem: Nonexistant item %s requested.\n", name); return 1; //No item created. } nameid=item_data->nameid; } else if( data_isint(data) ) {// <item id> nameid=conv_num(st,data); //Violet Box, Blue Box, etc - random item pick if( nameid < 0 ) { nameid = -nameid; flag = 1; } if( nameid <= 0 || !itemdb_exists(nameid) ){ ShowError("buildin_getitem: Nonexistant item %d requested.\n", nameid); return 1; //No item created. } } else { ShowError("buildin_getitem: invalid data type for argument #1 (%d).", data->type); return 1; } // <amount> if( (amount=script_getnum(st,3)) <= 0) return 0; //return if amount <=0, skip the useles iteration memset(&it,0,sizeof(it)); it.nameid=nameid; if(!flag) it.identify=1; else it.identify=itemdb_isidentified(nameid); if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) sd=map_id2sd(script_getnum(st,4)); // <Account ID> else sd=script_rid2sd(st); // Attached player if( sd == NULL ) // no target return 0; //Check if it's stackable. if (!itemdb_isstackable(nameid)) get_count = 1; else get_count = amount; for (i = 0; i < amount; i += get_count) { // if not pet egg if (!pet_create_egg(sd, nameid)) { if ((flag = pc_additem(sd, &it, get_count, LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT))) { clif_additem(sd, 0, 0, flag); if( pc_candrop(sd,&it) ) map_addflooritem(&it,get_count,sd->bl.m,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y,0,0,0,0); } } } return 0; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getitem2) { int nameid,amount,get_count,i,flag = 0; int iden,ref,attr,c1,c2,c3,c4; struct item_data *item_data; struct item item_tmp; TBL_PC *sd; struct script_data *data; if( script_hasdata(st,11) ) sd=map_id2sd(script_getnum(st,11)); // <Account ID> else sd=script_rid2sd(st); // Attached player if( sd == NULL ) // no target return 0; data=script_getdata(st,2); get_val(st,data); if( data_isstring(data) ){ const char *name=conv_str(st,data); struct item_data *item_data = itemdb_searchname(name); if( item_data ) nameid=item_data->nameid; else nameid=UNKNOWN_ITEM_ID; }else nameid=conv_num(st,data); amount=script_getnum(st,3); iden=script_getnum(st,4); ref=script_getnum(st,5); attr=script_getnum(st,6); c1=(short)script_getnum(st,7); c2=(short)script_getnum(st,8); c3=(short)script_getnum(st,9); c4=(short)script_getnum(st,10); if(nameid<0) { // �����_�� nameid = -nameid; flag = 1; } if(nameid > 0) { memset(&item_tmp,0,sizeof(item_tmp)); item_data=itemdb_exists(nameid); if (item_data == NULL) return -1; if(item_data->type==IT_WEAPON || item_data->type==IT_ARMOR){ if(ref > MAX_REFINE) ref = MAX_REFINE; } else if(item_data->type==IT_PETEGG) { iden = 1; ref = 0; } else { iden = 1; ref = attr = 0; } item_tmp.nameid=nameid; if(!flag) item_tmp.identify=iden; else if(item_data->type==IT_WEAPON || item_data->type==IT_ARMOR) item_tmp.identify=0; item_tmp.refine=ref; item_tmp.attribute=attr; item_tmp.card[0]=(short)c1; item_tmp.card[1]=(short)c2; item_tmp.card[2]=(short)c3; item_tmp.card[3]=(short)c4; //Check if it's stackable. if (!itemdb_isstackable(nameid)) get_count = 1; else get_count = amount; for (i = 0; i < amount; i += get_count) { // if not pet egg if (!pet_create_egg(sd, nameid)) { if ((flag = pc_additem(sd, &item_tmp, get_count, LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT))) { clif_additem(sd, 0, 0, flag); if( pc_candrop(sd,&item_tmp) ) map_addflooritem(&item_tmp,get_count,sd->bl.m,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y,0,0,0,0); } } } } return 0; } /*========================================== * rentitem <item id>,<seconds> * rentitem "<item name>",<seconds> *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(rentitem) { struct map_session_data *sd; struct script_data *data; struct item it; int seconds; int nameid = 0, flag; data = script_getdata(st,2); get_val(st,data); if( (sd = script_rid2sd(st)) == NULL ) return 0; if( data_isstring(data) ) { const char *name = conv_str(st,data); struct item_data *itd = itemdb_searchname(name); if( itd == NULL ) { ShowError("buildin_rentitem: Nonexistant item %s requested.\n", name); return 1; } nameid = itd->nameid; } else if( data_isint(data) ) { nameid = conv_num(st,data); if( nameid <= 0 || !itemdb_exists(nameid) ) { ShowError("buildin_rentitem: Nonexistant item %d requested.\n", nameid); return 1; } } else { ShowError("buildin_rentitem: invalid data type for argument #1 (%d).\n", data->type); return 1; } seconds = script_getnum(st,3); memset(&it, 0, sizeof(it)); it.nameid = nameid; it.identify = 1; it.expire_time = (unsigned int)(time(NULL) + seconds); if( (flag = pc_additem(sd, &it, 1, LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT)) ) { clif_additem(sd, 0, 0, flag); return 1; } return 0; } /*========================================== * gets an item with someone's name inscribed [Skotlex] * getinscribeditem item_num, character_name * Returned Qty is always 1, only works on equip-able * equipment *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getnameditem) { int nameid; struct item item_tmp; TBL_PC *sd, *tsd; struct script_data *data; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if (sd == NULL) { //Player not attached! script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } data=script_getdata(st,2); get_val(st,data); if( data_isstring(data) ){ const char *name=conv_str(st,data); struct item_data *item_data = itemdb_searchname(name); if( item_data == NULL) { //Failed script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } nameid = item_data->nameid; }else nameid = conv_num(st,data); if(!itemdb_exists(nameid)/* || itemdb_isstackable(nameid)*/) { //Even though named stackable items "could" be risky, they are required for certain quests. script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } data=script_getdata(st,3); get_val(st,data); if( data_isstring(data) ) //Char Name tsd=map_nick2sd(conv_str(st,data)); else //Char Id was given tsd=map_charid2sd(conv_num(st,data)); if( tsd == NULL ) { //Failed script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } memset(&item_tmp,0,sizeof(item_tmp)); item_tmp.nameid=nameid; item_tmp.amount=1; item_tmp.identify=1; item_tmp.card[0]=CARD0_CREATE; //we don't use 255! because for example SIGNED WEAPON shouldn't get TOP10 BS Fame bonus [Lupus] item_tmp.card[2]=tsd->status.char_id; item_tmp.card[3]=tsd->status.char_id >> 16; if(pc_additem(sd,&item_tmp,1,LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT)) { script_pushint(st,0); return 0; //Failed to add item, we will not drop if they don't fit } script_pushint(st,1); return 0; } /*========================================== * gets a random item ID from an item group [Skotlex] * groupranditem group_num *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(grouprandomitem) { int group; group = script_getnum(st,2); script_pushint(st,itemdb_searchrandomid(group)); return 0; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(makeitem) { int nameid,amount,flag = 0; int x,y,m; const char *mapname; struct item item_tmp; struct script_data *data; data=script_getdata(st,2); get_val(st,data); if( data_isstring(data) ){ const char *name=conv_str(st,data); struct item_data *item_data = itemdb_searchname(name); if( item_data ) nameid=item_data->nameid; else nameid=UNKNOWN_ITEM_ID; }else nameid=conv_num(st,data); amount=script_getnum(st,3); mapname =script_getstr(st,4); x =script_getnum(st,5); y =script_getnum(st,6); if(strcmp(mapname,"this")==0) { TBL_PC *sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if (!sd) return 0; //Failed... m=sd->bl.m; } else m=map_mapname2mapid(mapname); if(nameid<0) { // �����_�� nameid = -nameid; flag = 1; } if(nameid > 0) { memset(&item_tmp,0,sizeof(item_tmp)); item_tmp.nameid=nameid; if(!flag) item_tmp.identify=1; else item_tmp.identify=itemdb_isidentified(nameid); map_addflooritem(&item_tmp,amount,m,x,y,0,0,0,0); } return 0; } /// Counts / deletes the current item given by idx. /// Used by buildin_delitem_search /// Relies on all input data being already fully valid. static void buildin_delitem_delete(struct map_session_data* sd, int idx, int* amount, bool delete_items) { int delamount; struct item* inv = &sd->status.inventory[idx]; delamount = ( amount[0] < inv->amount ) ? amount[0] : inv->amount; if( delete_items ) { if( sd->inventory_data[idx]->type == IT_PETEGG && inv->card[0] == CARD0_PET ) {// delete associated pet intif_delete_petdata(MakeDWord(inv->card[1], inv->card[2])); } pc_delitem(sd, idx, delamount, 0, 0, LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT); } amount[0]-= delamount; } /// Searches for item(s) and checks, if there is enough of them. /// Used by delitem and delitem2 /// Relies on all input data being already fully valid. /// @param exact_match will also match item attributes and cards, not just name id /// @return true when all items could be deleted, false when there were not enough items to delete static bool buildin_delitem_search(struct map_session_data* sd, struct item* it, bool exact_match) { bool delete_items = false; int i, amount, important; struct item* inv; // prefer always non-equipped items it->equip = 0; // when searching for nameid only, prefer additionally if( !exact_match ) { // non-refined items it->refine = 0; // card-less items memset(it->card, 0, sizeof(it->card)); } for(;;) { amount = it->amount; important = 0; // 1st pass -- less important items / exact match for( i = 0; amount && i < ARRAYLENGTH(sd->status.inventory); i++ ) { inv = &sd->status.inventory[i]; if( !inv->nameid || !sd->inventory_data[i] || inv->nameid != it->nameid ) {// wrong/invalid item continue; } if( inv->equip != it->equip || inv->refine != it->refine ) {// not matching attributes important++; continue; } if( exact_match ) { if( inv->identify != it->identify || inv->attribute != it->attribute || memcmp(inv->card, it->card, sizeof(inv->card)) ) {// not matching exact attributes continue; } } else { if( sd->inventory_data[i]->type == IT_PETEGG ) { if( inv->card[0] == CARD0_PET && CheckForCharServer() ) {// pet which cannot be deleted continue; } } else if( memcmp(inv->card, it->card, sizeof(inv->card)) ) {// named/carded item important++; continue; } } // count / delete item buildin_delitem_delete(sd, i, &amount, delete_items); } // 2nd pass -- any matching item if( amount == 0 || important == 0 ) {// either everything was already consumed or no items were skipped ; } else for( i = 0; amount && i < ARRAYLENGTH(sd->status.inventory); i++ ) { inv = &sd->status.inventory[i]; if( !inv->nameid || !sd->inventory_data[i] || inv->nameid != it->nameid ) {// wrong/invalid item continue; } if( sd->inventory_data[i]->type == IT_PETEGG && inv->card[0] == CARD0_PET && CheckForCharServer() ) {// pet which cannot be deleted continue; } if( exact_match ) { if( inv->refine != it->refine || inv->identify != it->identify || inv->attribute != it->attribute || memcmp(inv->card, it->card, sizeof(inv->card)) ) {// not matching attributes continue; } } // count / delete item buildin_delitem_delete(sd, i, &amount, delete_items); } if( amount ) {// not enough items return false; } else if( delete_items ) {// we are done with the work return true; } else {// get rid of the items now delete_items = true; } } } /// Deletes items from the target/attached player. /// Prioritizes ordinary items. /// /// delitem <item id>,<amount>{,<account id>} /// delitem "<item name>",<amount>{,<account id>} BUILDIN_FUNC(delitem) { TBL_PC *sd; struct item it; struct script_data *data; if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) { int account_id = script_getnum(st,4); sd = map_id2sd(account_id); // <account id> if( sd == NULL ) { ShowError("script:delitem: player not found (AID=%d).\n", account_id); st->state = END; return 1; } } else { sd = script_rid2sd(st);// attached player if( sd == NULL ) return 0; } data = script_getdata(st,2); get_val(st,data); if( data_isstring(data) ) { const char* item_name = conv_str(st,data); struct item_data* id = itemdb_searchname(item_name); if( id == NULL ) { ShowError("script:delitem: unknown item \"%s\".\n", item_name); st->state = END; return 1; } it.nameid = id->nameid;// "<item name>" } else { it.nameid = conv_num(st,data);// <item id> if( !itemdb_exists( it.nameid ) ) { ShowError("script:delitem: unknown item \"%d\".\n", it.nameid); st->state = END; return 1; } } it.amount=script_getnum(st,3); if( it.amount <= 0 ) return 0;// nothing to do if( buildin_delitem_search(sd, &it, false) ) {// success return 0; } ShowError("script:delitem: failed to delete %d items (AID=%d item_id=%d).\n", it.amount, sd->status.account_id, it.nameid); st->state = END; clif_scriptclose(sd, st->oid); return 1; } /// Deletes items from the target/attached player. /// /// delitem2 <item id>,<amount>,<identify>,<refine>,<attribute>,<card1>,<card2>,<card3>,<card4>{,<account ID>} /// delitem2 "<Item name>",<amount>,<identify>,<refine>,<attribute>,<card1>,<card2>,<card3>,<card4>{,<account ID>} BUILDIN_FUNC(delitem2) { TBL_PC *sd; struct item it; struct script_data *data; if( script_hasdata(st,11) ) { int account_id = script_getnum(st,11); sd = map_id2sd(account_id); // <account id> if( sd == NULL ) { ShowError("script:delitem2: player not found (AID=%d).\n", account_id); st->state = END; return 1; } } else { sd = script_rid2sd(st);// attached player if( sd == NULL ) return 0; } data = script_getdata(st,2); get_val(st,data); if( data_isstring(data) ) { const char* item_name = conv_str(st,data); struct item_data* id = itemdb_searchname(item_name); if( id == NULL ) { ShowError("script:delitem2: unknown item \"%s\".\n", item_name); st->state = END; return 1; } it.nameid = id->nameid;// "<item name>" } else { it.nameid = conv_num(st,data);// <item id> if( !itemdb_exists( it.nameid ) ) { ShowError("script:delitem: unknown item \"%d\".\n", it.nameid); st->state = END; return 1; } } it.amount=script_getnum(st,3); it.identify=script_getnum(st,4); it.refine=script_getnum(st,5); it.attribute=script_getnum(st,6); it.card[0]=(short)script_getnum(st,7); it.card[1]=(short)script_getnum(st,8); it.card[2]=(short)script_getnum(st,9); it.card[3]=(short)script_getnum(st,10); if( it.amount <= 0 ) return 0;// nothing to do if( buildin_delitem_search(sd, &it, true) ) {// success return 0; } ShowError("script:delitem2: failed to delete %d items (AID=%d item_id=%d).\n", it.amount, sd->status.account_id, it.nameid); st->state = END; clif_scriptclose(sd, st->oid); return 1; } /*========================================== * Enables/Disables use of items while in an NPC [Skotlex] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(enableitemuse) { TBL_PC *sd; sd=script_rid2sd(st); if (sd) sd->npc_item_flag = st->oid; return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(disableitemuse) { TBL_PC *sd; sd=script_rid2sd(st); if (sd) sd->npc_item_flag = 0; return 0; } /*========================================== *�L�����W�̃p�����[�^�擾 *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(readparam) { int type; TBL_PC *sd; type=script_getnum(st,2); if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) sd=map_nick2sd(script_getstr(st,3)); else sd=script_rid2sd(st); if(sd==NULL){ script_pushint(st,-1); return 0; } script_pushint(st,pc_readparam(sd,type)); return 0; } /*========================================== *�L�����W��ID�擾 *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getcharid) { int num; TBL_PC *sd; num = script_getnum(st,2); if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) sd=map_nick2sd(script_getstr(st,3)); else sd=script_rid2sd(st); if(sd==NULL){ script_pushint(st,0); //return 0, according docs return 0; } switch( num ) { case 0: script_pushint(st,sd->status.char_id); break; case 1: script_pushint(st,sd->status.party_id); break; case 2: script_pushint(st,sd->status.guild_id); break; case 3: script_pushint(st,sd->status.account_id); break; case 4: script_pushint(st,sd->bg_id); break; default: ShowError("buildin_getcharid: invalid parameter (%d).\n", num); script_pushint(st,0); break; } return 0; } /*========================================== * returns the GID of an NPC *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getnpcid) { int num = script_getnum(st,2); struct npc_data* nd = NULL; if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) {// unique npc name if( ( nd = npc_name2id(script_getstr(st,3)) ) == NULL ) { ShowError("buildin_getnpcid: No such NPC '%s'.\n", script_getstr(st,3)); script_pushint(st,0); return 1; } } switch (num) { case 0: script_pushint(st,nd ? nd->bl.id : st->oid); break; default: ShowError("buildin_getnpcid: invalid parameter (%d).\n", num); script_pushint(st,0); return 1; } return 0; } /*========================================== *�w��ID��PT���擾 *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getpartyname) { int party_id; struct party_data* p; party_id = script_getnum(st,2); if( ( p = party_search(party_id) ) != NULL ) { script_pushstrcopy(st,p->party.name); } else { script_pushconststr(st,"null"); } return 0; } /*========================================== *�w��ID��PT�l���ƃ����o�[ID�擾 *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getpartymember) { struct party_data *p; int i,j=0,type=0; p=party_search(script_getnum(st,2)); if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) type=script_getnum(st,3); if(p!=NULL){ for(i=0;i<MAX_PARTY;i++){ if(p->party.member[i].account_id){ switch (type) { case 2: mapreg_setreg(reference_uid(add_str("$@partymemberaid"), j),p->party.member[i].account_id); break; case 1: mapreg_setreg(reference_uid(add_str("$@partymembercid"), j),p->party.member[i].char_id); break; default: mapreg_setregstr(reference_uid(add_str("$@partymembername$"), j),p->party.member[i].name); } j++; } } } mapreg_setreg(add_str("$@partymembercount"),j); return 0; } /*========================================== * Retrieves party leader. if flag is specified, * return some of the leader data. Otherwise, return name. *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getpartyleader) { int party_id, type = 0, i=0; struct party_data *p; party_id=script_getnum(st,2); if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) type=script_getnum(st,3); p=party_search(party_id); if (p) //Search leader for(i = 0; i < MAX_PARTY && !p->party.member[i].leader; i++); if (!p || i == MAX_PARTY) { //leader not found if (type) script_pushint(st,-1); else script_pushconststr(st,"null"); return 0; } switch (type) { case 1: script_pushint(st,p->party.member[i].account_id); break; case 2: script_pushint(st,p->party.member[i].char_id); break; case 3: script_pushint(st,p->party.member[i].class_); break; case 4: script_pushstrcopy(st,mapindex_id2name(p->party.member[i].map)); break; case 5: script_pushint(st,p->party.member[i].lv); break; default: script_pushstrcopy(st,p->party.member[i].name); break; } return 0; } /*========================================== *�w��ID�̃M���h���擾 *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getguildname) { int guild_id; struct guild* g; guild_id = script_getnum(st,2); if( ( g = guild_search(guild_id) ) != NULL ) { script_pushstrcopy(st,g->name); } else { script_pushconststr(st,"null"); } return 0; } /*========================================== *�w��ID��GuildMaster���擾 *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getguildmaster) { int guild_id; struct guild* g; guild_id = script_getnum(st,2); if( ( g = guild_search(guild_id) ) != NULL ) { script_pushstrcopy(st,g->member[0].name); } else { script_pushconststr(st,"null"); } return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(getguildmasterid) { int guild_id; struct guild* g; guild_id = script_getnum(st,2); if( ( g = guild_search(guild_id) ) != NULL ) { script_pushint(st,g->member[0].char_id); } else { script_pushint(st,0); } return 0; } /*========================================== * �L�����N�^�̖��O *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(strcharinfo) { TBL_PC *sd; int num; struct guild* g; struct party_data* p; sd=script_rid2sd(st); if (!sd) { //Avoid crashing.... script_pushconststr(st,""); return 0; } num=script_getnum(st,2); switch(num){ case 0: script_pushstrcopy(st,sd->status.name); break; case 1: if( ( p = party_search(sd->status.party_id) ) != NULL ) { script_pushstrcopy(st,p->party.name); } else { script_pushconststr(st,""); } break; case 2: if( ( g = guild_search(sd->status.guild_id) ) != NULL ) { script_pushstrcopy(st,g->name); } else { script_pushconststr(st,""); } break; case 3: script_pushconststr(st,map[sd->bl.m].name); break; default: ShowWarning("buildin_strcharinfo: unknown parameter.\n"); script_pushconststr(st,""); break; } return 0; } /*========================================== * �Ăяo������NPC�����擾���� *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(strnpcinfo) { TBL_NPC* nd; int num; char *buf,*name=NULL; nd = map_id2nd(st->oid); if (!nd) { script_pushconststr(st, ""); return 0; } num = script_getnum(st,2); switch(num){ case 0: // display name name = aStrdup(nd->name); break; case 1: // visible part of display name if((buf = strchr(nd->name,'#')) != NULL) { name = aStrdup(nd->name); name[buf - nd->name] = 0; } else // Return the name, there is no '#' present name = aStrdup(nd->name); break; case 2: // # fragment if((buf = strchr(nd->name,'#')) != NULL) name = aStrdup(buf+1); break; case 3: // unique name name = aStrdup(nd->exname); break; case 4: // map name name = aStrdup(map[nd->bl.m].name); break; } if(name) script_pushstr(st, name); else script_pushconststr(st, ""); return 0; } // aegis->athena slot position conversion table static unsigned int equip[] = {EQP_HEAD_TOP,EQP_ARMOR,EQP_HAND_L,EQP_HAND_R,EQP_GARMENT,EQP_SHOES,EQP_ACC_L,EQP_ACC_R,EQP_HEAD_MID,EQP_HEAD_LOW}; /*========================================== * GetEquipID(Pos); Pos: 1-10 *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getequipid) { int i, num; TBL_PC* sd; struct item_data* item; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; num = script_getnum(st,2) - 1; if( num < 0 || num >= ARRAYLENGTH(equip) ) { script_pushint(st,-1); return 0; } // get inventory position of item i = pc_checkequip(sd,equip[num]); if( i < 0 ) { script_pushint(st,-1); return 0; } item = sd->inventory_data[i]; if( item != 0 ) script_pushint(st,item->nameid); else script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } /*========================================== * ������������i���B���j���[�p�j *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getequipname) { int i, num; TBL_PC* sd; struct item_data* item; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; num = script_getnum(st,2) - 1; if( num < 0 || num >= ARRAYLENGTH(equip) ) { script_pushconststr(st,""); return 0; } // get inventory position of item i = pc_checkequip(sd,equip[num]); if( i < 0 ) { script_pushint(st,-1); return 0; } item = sd->inventory_data[i]; if( item != 0 ) script_pushstrcopy(st,item->jname); else script_pushconststr(st,""); return 0; } /*========================================== * getbrokenid [Valaris] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getbrokenid) { int i,num,id=0,brokencounter=0; TBL_PC *sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; num=script_getnum(st,2); for(i=0; i<MAX_INVENTORY; i++) { if(sd->status.inventory[i].attribute){ brokencounter++; if(num==brokencounter){ id=sd->status.inventory[i].nameid; break; } } } script_pushint(st,id); return 0; } /*========================================== * repair [Valaris] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(repair) { int i,num; int repaircounter=0; TBL_PC *sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; num=script_getnum(st,2); for(i=0; i<MAX_INVENTORY; i++) { if(sd->status.inventory[i].attribute){ repaircounter++; if(num==repaircounter){ sd->status.inventory[i].attribute=0; clif_equiplist(sd); clif_produceeffect(sd, 0, sd->status.inventory[i].nameid); clif_misceffect(&sd->bl, 3); break; } } } return 0; } /*========================================== * repairall *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(repairall) { int i, repaircounter = 0; TBL_PC *sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if(sd == NULL) return 0; for(i = 0; i < MAX_INVENTORY; i++) { if(sd->status.inventory[i].nameid && sd->status.inventory[i].attribute) { sd->status.inventory[i].attribute = 0; clif_produceeffect(sd,0,sd->status.inventory[i].nameid); repaircounter++; } } if(repaircounter) { clif_misceffect(&sd->bl, 3); clif_equiplist(sd); } return 0; } /*========================================== * �����`�F�b�N *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getequipisequiped) { int i = -1,num; TBL_PC *sd; num = script_getnum(st,2); sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; if (num > 0 && num <= ARRAYLENGTH(equip)) i=pc_checkequip(sd,equip[num-1]); if(i >= 0) script_pushint(st,1); else script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } /*========================================== * �����i���B�\�`�F�b�N *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getequipisenableref) { int i = -1,num; TBL_PC *sd; num = script_getnum(st,2); sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; if( num > 0 && num <= ARRAYLENGTH(equip) ) i = pc_checkequip(sd,equip[num-1]); if( i >= 0 && sd->inventory_data[i] && !sd->inventory_data[i]->flag.no_refine && !sd->status.inventory[i].expire_time ) script_pushint(st,1); else script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } /*========================================== * �����i�Ӓ�`�F�b�N *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getequipisidentify) { int i = -1,num; TBL_PC *sd; num = script_getnum(st,2); sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; if (num > 0 && num <= ARRAYLENGTH(equip)) i=pc_checkequip(sd,equip[num-1]); if(i >= 0) script_pushint(st,sd->status.inventory[i].identify); else script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } /*========================================== * �����i���B�x *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getequiprefinerycnt) { int i = -1,num; TBL_PC *sd; num = script_getnum(st,2); sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; if (num > 0 && num <= ARRAYLENGTH(equip)) i=pc_checkequip(sd,equip[num-1]); if(i >= 0) script_pushint(st,sd->status.inventory[i].refine); else script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } /*========================================== * �����i����LV *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getequipweaponlv) { int i = -1,num; TBL_PC *sd; num = script_getnum(st,2); sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; if (num > 0 && num <= ARRAYLENGTH(equip)) i=pc_checkequip(sd,equip[num-1]); if(i >= 0 && sd->inventory_data[i]) script_pushint(st,sd->inventory_data[i]->wlv); else script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } /*========================================== * �����i���B������ *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getequippercentrefinery) { int i = -1,num; TBL_PC *sd; num = script_getnum(st,2); sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; if (num > 0 && num <= ARRAYLENGTH(equip)) i=pc_checkequip(sd,equip[num-1]); if(i >= 0 && sd->status.inventory[i].nameid && sd->status.inventory[i].refine < MAX_REFINE) script_pushint(st,status_get_refine_chance(itemdb_wlv(sd->status.inventory[i].nameid), (int)sd->status.inventory[i].refine)); else script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } /*========================================== * ���B���� *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(successrefitem) { int i=-1,num,ep; TBL_PC *sd; num = script_getnum(st,2); sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; if (num > 0 && num <= ARRAYLENGTH(equip)) i=pc_checkequip(sd,equip[num-1]); if(i >= 0) { ep=sd->status.inventory[i].equip; //Logs items, got from (N)PC scripts [Lupus] log_pick_pc(sd, LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT, -1, &sd->status.inventory[i]); sd->status.inventory[i].refine++; pc_unequipitem(sd,i,2); // status calc will happen in pc_equipitem() below clif_refine(sd->fd,0,i,sd->status.inventory[i].refine); clif_delitem(sd,i,1,3); //Logs items, got from (N)PC scripts [Lupus] log_pick_pc(sd, LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT, 1, &sd->status.inventory[i]); clif_additem(sd,i,1,0); pc_equipitem(sd,i,ep); clif_misceffect(&sd->bl,3); if(sd->status.inventory[i].refine == MAX_REFINE && sd->status.inventory[i].card[0] == CARD0_FORGE && sd->status.char_id == (int)MakeDWord(sd->status.inventory[i].card[2],sd->status.inventory[i].card[3]) ){ // Fame point system [DracoRPG] switch (sd->inventory_data[i]->wlv){ case 1: pc_addfame(sd,1); // Success to refine to +10 a lv1 weapon you forged = +1 fame point break; case 2: pc_addfame(sd,25); // Success to refine to +10 a lv2 weapon you forged = +25 fame point break; case 3: pc_addfame(sd,1000); // Success to refine to +10 a lv3 weapon you forged = +1000 fame point break; } } } return 0; } /*========================================== * ���B���s *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(failedrefitem) { int i=-1,num; TBL_PC *sd; num = script_getnum(st,2); sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; if (num > 0 && num <= ARRAYLENGTH(equip)) i=pc_checkequip(sd,equip[num-1]); if(i >= 0) { sd->status.inventory[i].refine = 0; pc_unequipitem(sd,i,3); // ���B���s�G�t�F�N�g�̃p�P�b�g clif_refine(sd->fd,1,i,sd->status.inventory[i].refine); pc_delitem(sd,i,1,0,2,LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT); // ���̐l�ɂ����s��ʒm clif_misceffect(&sd->bl,2); } return 0; } /*========================================== * Downgrades an Equipment Part by -1 . [Masao] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(downrefitem) { int i = -1,num,ep; TBL_PC *sd; num = script_getnum(st,2); sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; if (num > 0 && num <= ARRAYLENGTH(equip)) i = pc_checkequip(sd,equip[num-1]); if(i >= 0) { ep = sd->status.inventory[i].equip; //Logs items, got from (N)PC scripts [Lupus] log_pick_pc(sd, LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT, -1, &sd->status.inventory[i]); sd->status.inventory[i].refine++; pc_unequipitem(sd,i,2); // status calc will happen in pc_equipitem() below clif_refine(sd->fd,2,i,sd->status.inventory[i].refine = sd->status.inventory[i].refine - 2); clif_delitem(sd,i,1,3); //Logs items, got from (N)PC scripts [Lupus] log_pick_pc(sd, LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT, 1, &sd->status.inventory[i]); clif_additem(sd,i,1,0); pc_equipitem(sd,i,ep); clif_misceffect(&sd->bl,2); } return 0; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(statusup) { int type; TBL_PC *sd; type=script_getnum(st,2); sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; pc_statusup(sd,type); return 0; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(statusup2) { int type,val; TBL_PC *sd; type=script_getnum(st,2); val=script_getnum(st,3); sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; pc_statusup2(sd,type,val); return 0; } /// See 'doc/item_bonus.txt' /// /// bonus <bonus type>,<val1>; /// bonus2 <bonus type>,<val1>,<val2>; /// bonus3 <bonus type>,<val1>,<val2>,<val3>; /// bonus4 <bonus type>,<val1>,<val2>,<val3>,<val4>; /// bonus5 <bonus type>,<val1>,<val2>,<val3>,<val4>,<val5>; BUILDIN_FUNC(bonus) { int type; int val1; int val2 = 0; int val3 = 0; int val4 = 0; int val5 = 0; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; // no player attached type = script_getnum(st,2); switch( type ) { case SP_AUTOSPELL: case SP_AUTOSPELL_WHENHIT: case SP_AUTOSPELL_ONSKILL: case SP_SKILL_ATK: case SP_SKILL_HEAL: case SP_SKILL_HEAL2: case SP_ADD_SKILL_BLOW: case SP_CASTRATE: case SP_ADDEFF_ONSKILL: case SP_SKILL_USE_SP_RATE: case SP_SKILL_COOLDOWN: case SP_SKILL_FIXEDCAST: case SP_SKILL_VARIABLECAST: case SP_VARCASTRATE: case SP_SKILL_USE_SP: // these bonuses support skill names val1 = ( script_isstring(st,3) ? skill_name2id(script_getstr(st,3)) : script_getnum(st,3) ); break; default: val1 = script_getnum(st,3); break; } switch( script_lastdata(st)-2 ) { case 1: pc_bonus(sd, type, val1); break; case 2: val2 = script_getnum(st,4); pc_bonus2(sd, type, val1, val2); break; case 3: val2 = script_getnum(st,4); val3 = script_getnum(st,5); pc_bonus3(sd, type, val1, val2, val3); break; case 4: if( type == SP_AUTOSPELL_ONSKILL && script_isstring(st,4) ) val2 = skill_name2id(script_getstr(st,4)); // 2nd value can be skill name else val2 = script_getnum(st,4); val3 = script_getnum(st,5); val4 = script_getnum(st,6); pc_bonus4(sd, type, val1, val2, val3, val4); break; case 5: if( type == SP_AUTOSPELL_ONSKILL && script_isstring(st,4) ) val2 = skill_name2id(script_getstr(st,4)); // 2nd value can be skill name else val2 = script_getnum(st,4); val3 = script_getnum(st,5); val4 = script_getnum(st,6); val5 = script_getnum(st,7); pc_bonus5(sd, type, val1, val2, val3, val4, val5); break; default: ShowDebug("buildin_bonus: unexpected number of arguments (%d)\n", (script_lastdata(st) - 1)); break; } return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(autobonus) { unsigned int dur; short rate; short atk_type = 0; TBL_PC* sd; const char *bonus_script, *other_script = NULL; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; // no player attached if( sd->state.autobonus&sd->status.inventory[current_equip_item_index].equip ) return 0; rate = script_getnum(st,3); dur = script_getnum(st,4); bonus_script = script_getstr(st,2); if( !rate || !dur || !bonus_script ) return 0; if( script_hasdata(st,5) ) atk_type = script_getnum(st,5); if( script_hasdata(st,6) ) other_script = script_getstr(st,6); if( pc_addautobonus(sd->autobonus,ARRAYLENGTH(sd->autobonus), bonus_script,rate,dur,atk_type,other_script,sd->status.inventory[current_equip_item_index].equip,false) ) { script_add_autobonus(bonus_script); if( other_script ) script_add_autobonus(other_script); } return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(autobonus2) { unsigned int dur; short rate; short atk_type = 0; TBL_PC* sd; const char *bonus_script, *other_script = NULL; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; // no player attached if( sd->state.autobonus&sd->status.inventory[current_equip_item_index].equip ) return 0; rate = script_getnum(st,3); dur = script_getnum(st,4); bonus_script = script_getstr(st,2); if( !rate || !dur || !bonus_script ) return 0; if( script_hasdata(st,5) ) atk_type = script_getnum(st,5); if( script_hasdata(st,6) ) other_script = script_getstr(st,6); if( pc_addautobonus(sd->autobonus2,ARRAYLENGTH(sd->autobonus2), bonus_script,rate,dur,atk_type,other_script,sd->status.inventory[current_equip_item_index].equip,false) ) { script_add_autobonus(bonus_script); if( other_script ) script_add_autobonus(other_script); } return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(autobonus3) { unsigned int dur; short rate,atk_type; TBL_PC* sd; const char *bonus_script, *other_script = NULL; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; // no player attached if( sd->state.autobonus&sd->status.inventory[current_equip_item_index].equip ) return 0; rate = script_getnum(st,3); dur = script_getnum(st,4); atk_type = ( script_isstring(st,5) ? skill_name2id(script_getstr(st,5)) : script_getnum(st,5) ); bonus_script = script_getstr(st,2); if( !rate || !dur || !atk_type || !bonus_script ) return 0; if( script_hasdata(st,6) ) other_script = script_getstr(st,6); if( pc_addautobonus(sd->autobonus3,ARRAYLENGTH(sd->autobonus3), bonus_script,rate,dur,atk_type,other_script,sd->status.inventory[current_equip_item_index].equip,true) ) { script_add_autobonus(bonus_script); if( other_script ) script_add_autobonus(other_script); } return 0; } /// Changes the level of a player skill. /// <flag> defaults to 1 /// <flag>=0 : set the level of the skill /// <flag>=1 : set the temporary level of the skill /// <flag>=2 : add to the level of the skill /// /// skill <skill id>,<level>,<flag> /// skill <skill id>,<level> /// skill "<skill name>",<level>,<flag> /// skill "<skill name>",<level> BUILDIN_FUNC(skill) { int id; int level; int flag = 1; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0;// no player attached, report source id = ( script_isstring(st,2) ? skill_name2id(script_getstr(st,2)) : script_getnum(st,2) ); level = script_getnum(st,3); if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) flag = script_getnum(st,4); pc_skill(sd, id, level, flag); return 0; } /// Changes the level of a player skill. /// like skill, but <flag> defaults to 2 /// /// addtoskill <skill id>,<amount>,<flag> /// addtoskill <skill id>,<amount> /// addtoskill "<skill name>",<amount>,<flag> /// addtoskill "<skill name>",<amount> /// /// @see skill BUILDIN_FUNC(addtoskill) { int id; int level; int flag = 2; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0;// no player attached, report source id = ( script_isstring(st,2) ? skill_name2id(script_getstr(st,2)) : script_getnum(st,2) ); level = script_getnum(st,3); if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) flag = script_getnum(st,4); pc_skill(sd, id, level, flag); return 0; } /// Increases the level of a guild skill. /// /// guildskill <skill id>,<amount>; /// guildskill "<skill name>",<amount>; BUILDIN_FUNC(guildskill) { int id; int level; TBL_PC* sd; int i; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0;// no player attached, report source id = ( script_isstring(st,2) ? skill_name2id(script_getstr(st,2)) : script_getnum(st,2) ); level = script_getnum(st,3); for( i=0; i < level; i++ ) guild_skillup(sd, id); return 0; } /// Returns the level of the player skill. /// /// getskilllv(<skill id>) -> <level> /// getskilllv("<skill name>") -> <level> BUILDIN_FUNC(getskilllv) { int id; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0;// no player attached, report source id = ( script_isstring(st,2) ? skill_name2id(script_getstr(st,2)) : script_getnum(st,2) ); script_pushint(st, pc_checkskill(sd,id)); return 0; } /// Returns the level of the guild skill. /// /// getgdskilllv(<guild id>,<skill id>) -> <level> /// getgdskilllv(<guild id>,"<skill name>") -> <level> BUILDIN_FUNC(getgdskilllv) { int guild_id; int skill_id; struct guild* g; guild_id = script_getnum(st,2); skill_id = ( script_isstring(st,3) ? skill_name2id(script_getstr(st,3)) : script_getnum(st,3) ); g = guild_search(guild_id); if( g == NULL ) script_pushint(st, -1); else script_pushint(st, guild_checkskill(g,skill_id)); return 0; } /// Returns the 'basic_skill_check' setting. /// This config determines if the server checks the skill level of NV_BASIC /// before allowing the basic actions. /// /// basicskillcheck() -> <bool> BUILDIN_FUNC(basicskillcheck) { script_pushint(st, battle_config.basic_skill_check); return 0; } /// Returns the GM level of the player. /// /// getgmlevel() -> <level> BUILDIN_FUNC(getgmlevel) { TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0;// no player attached, report source script_pushint(st, pc_get_group_level(sd)); return 0; } /// Returns the group ID of the player. /// /// getgroupid() -> <int> BUILDIN_FUNC(getgroupid) { TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if (sd == NULL) return 1; // no player attached, report source script_pushint(st, pc_get_group_id(sd)); return 0; } /// Terminates the execution of this script instance. /// /// end BUILDIN_FUNC(end) { st->state = END; return 0; } /// Checks if the player has that effect state (option). /// /// checkoption(<option>) -> <bool> BUILDIN_FUNC(checkoption) { int option; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0;// no player attached, report source option = script_getnum(st,2); if( sd->sc.option&option ) script_pushint(st, 1); else script_pushint(st, 0); return 0; } /// Checks if the player is in that body state (opt1). /// /// checkoption1(<opt1>) -> <bool> BUILDIN_FUNC(checkoption1) { int opt1; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0;// no player attached, report source opt1 = script_getnum(st,2); if( sd->sc.opt1 == opt1 ) script_pushint(st, 1); else script_pushint(st, 0); return 0; } /// Checks if the player has that health state (opt2). /// /// checkoption2(<opt2>) -> <bool> BUILDIN_FUNC(checkoption2) { int opt2; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0;// no player attached, report source opt2 = script_getnum(st,2); if( sd->sc.opt2&opt2 ) script_pushint(st, 1); else script_pushint(st, 0); return 0; } /// Changes the effect state (option) of the player. /// <flag> defaults to 1 /// <flag>=0 : removes the option /// <flag>=other : adds the option /// /// setoption <option>,<flag>; /// setoption <option>; BUILDIN_FUNC(setoption) { int option; int flag = 1; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0;// no player attached, report source option = script_getnum(st,2); if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) flag = script_getnum(st,3); else if( !option ){// Request to remove everything. flag = 0; option = OPTION_FALCON|OPTION_RIDING; #ifndef NEW_CARTS option |= OPTION_CART; #endif } if( flag ){// Add option if( option&OPTION_WEDDING && !battle_config.wedding_modifydisplay ) option &= ~OPTION_WEDDING;// Do not show the wedding sprites pc_setoption(sd, sd->sc.option|option); } else// Remove option pc_setoption(sd, sd->sc.option&~option); return 0; } /// Returns if the player has a cart. /// /// checkcart() -> <bool> /// /// @author Valaris BUILDIN_FUNC(checkcart) { TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0;// no player attached, report source if( pc_iscarton(sd) ) script_pushint(st, 1); else script_pushint(st, 0); return 0; } /// Sets the cart of the player. /// <type> defaults to 1 /// <type>=0 : removes the cart /// <type>=1 : Normal cart /// <type>=2 : Wooden cart /// <type>=3 : Covered cart with flowers and ferns /// <type>=4 : Wooden cart with a Panda doll on the back /// <type>=5 : Normal cart with bigger wheels, a roof and a banner on the back /// /// setcart <type>; /// setcart; BUILDIN_FUNC(setcart) { int type = 1; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0;// no player attached, report source if( script_hasdata(st,2) ) type = script_getnum(st,2); pc_setcart(sd, type); return 0; } /// Returns if the player has a falcon. /// /// checkfalcon() -> <bool> /// /// @author Valaris BUILDIN_FUNC(checkfalcon) { TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0;// no player attached, report source if( pc_isfalcon(sd) ) script_pushint(st, 1); else script_pushint(st, 0); return 0; } /// Sets if the player has a falcon or not. /// <flag> defaults to 1 /// /// setfalcon <flag>; /// setfalcon; BUILDIN_FUNC(setfalcon) { int flag = 1; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0;// no player attached, report source if( script_hasdata(st,2) ) flag = script_getnum(st,2); pc_setfalcon(sd, flag); return 0; } /// Returns if the player is riding. /// /// checkriding() -> <bool> /// /// @author Valaris BUILDIN_FUNC(checkriding) { TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0;// no player attached, report source if( pc_isriding(sd) || pc_isridingwug(sd) || pc_isridingdragon(sd) ) script_pushint(st, 1); else script_pushint(st, 0); return 0; } /// Sets if the player is riding. /// <flag> defaults to 1 /// /// setriding <flag>; /// setriding; BUILDIN_FUNC(setriding) { int flag = 1; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0;// no player attached, report source if( script_hasdata(st,2) ) flag = script_getnum(st,2); pc_setriding(sd, flag); return 0; } /// Returns if the player has a warg. /// /// checkwug() -> <bool> /// BUILDIN_FUNC(checkwug) { TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0;// no player attached, report source if( pc_iswug(sd) ) script_pushint(st, 1); else script_pushint(st, 0); return 0; } /// Returns if the player is wearing MADO Gear. /// /// checkmadogear() -> <bool> /// BUILDIN_FUNC(checkmadogear) { TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0;// no player attached, report source if( pc_ismadogear(sd) ) script_pushint(st, 1); else script_pushint(st, 0); return 0; } /// Sets if the player is riding MADO Gear. /// <flag> defaults to 1 /// /// setmadogear <flag>; /// setmadogear; BUILDIN_FUNC(setmadogear) { int flag = 1; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0;// no player attached, report source if( script_hasdata(st,2) ) flag = script_getnum(st,2); pc_setmadogear(sd, flag); return 0; } /// Sets the save point of the player. /// /// save "<map name>",<x>,<y> /// savepoint "<map name>",<x>,<y> BUILDIN_FUNC(savepoint) { int x; int y; short map; const char* str; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0;// no player attached, report source str = script_getstr(st, 2); x = script_getnum(st,3); y = script_getnum(st,4); map = mapindex_name2id(str); if( map ) pc_setsavepoint(sd, map, x, y); return 0; } /*========================================== * GetTimeTick(0: System Tick, 1: Time Second Tick) *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(gettimetick) /* Asgard Version */ { int type; time_t timer; struct tm *t; type=script_getnum(st,2); switch(type){ case 2: //type 2:(Get the number of seconds elapsed since 00:00 hours, Jan 1, 1970 UTC // from the system clock.) script_pushint(st,(int)time(NULL)); break; case 1: //type 1:(Second Ticks: 0-86399, 00:00:00-23:59:59) time(&timer); t=localtime(&timer); script_pushint(st,((t->tm_hour)*3600+(t->tm_min)*60+t->tm_sec)); break; case 0: default: //type 0:(System Ticks) script_pushint(st,gettick()); break; } return 0; } /*========================================== * GetTime(Type); * 1: Sec 2: Min 3: Hour * 4: WeekDay 5: MonthDay 6: Month * 7: Year *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(gettime) /* Asgard Version */ { int type; time_t timer; struct tm *t; type=script_getnum(st,2); time(&timer); t=localtime(&timer); switch(type){ case 1://Sec(0~59) script_pushint(st,t->tm_sec); break; case 2://Min(0~59) script_pushint(st,t->tm_min); break; case 3://Hour(0~23) script_pushint(st,t->tm_hour); break; case 4://WeekDay(0~6) script_pushint(st,t->tm_wday); break; case 5://MonthDay(01~31) script_pushint(st,t->tm_mday); break; case 6://Month(01~12) script_pushint(st,t->tm_mon+1); break; case 7://Year(20xx) script_pushint(st,t->tm_year+1900); break; case 8://Year Day(01~366) script_pushint(st,t->tm_yday+1); break; default://(format error) script_pushint(st,-1); break; } return 0; } /*========================================== * GetTimeStr("TimeFMT", Length); *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(gettimestr) { char *tmpstr; const char *fmtstr; int maxlen; time_t now = time(NULL); fmtstr=script_getstr(st,2); maxlen=script_getnum(st,3); tmpstr=(char *)aMalloc((maxlen+1)*sizeof(char)); strftime(tmpstr,maxlen,fmtstr,localtime(&now)); tmpstr[maxlen]='\0'; script_pushstr(st,tmpstr); return 0; } /*========================================== * �J�v���q�ɂ��J�� *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(openstorage) { TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; storage_storageopen(sd); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(guildopenstorage) { TBL_PC* sd; int ret; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; ret = storage_guild_storageopen(sd); script_pushint(st,ret); return 0; } /*========================================== * �A�C�e���ɂ��X�L������ *------------------------------------------*/ /// itemskill <skill id>,<level> /// itemskill "<skill name>",<level> BUILDIN_FUNC(itemskill) { int id; int lv; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL || sd->ud.skilltimer != INVALID_TIMER ) return 0; id = ( script_isstring(st,2) ? skill_name2id(script_getstr(st,2)) : script_getnum(st,2) ); lv = script_getnum(st,3); sd->skillitem=id; sd->skillitemlv=lv; clif_item_skill(sd,id,lv); return 0; } /*========================================== * �A�C�e���쐬 *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(produce) { int trigger; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; trigger=script_getnum(st,2); clif_skill_produce_mix_list(sd, -1, trigger); return 0; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(cooking) { int trigger; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; trigger=script_getnum(st,2); clif_cooking_list(sd, trigger, AM_PHARMACY, 1, 1); return 0; } /*========================================== * NPC�Ńy�b�g��� *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(makepet) { TBL_PC* sd; int id,pet_id; id=script_getnum(st,2); sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; pet_id = search_petDB_index(id, PET_CLASS); if (pet_id < 0) pet_id = search_petDB_index(id, PET_EGG); if (pet_id >= 0 && sd) { sd->catch_target_class = pet_db[pet_id].class_; intif_create_pet( sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id, (short)pet_db[pet_id].class_, (short)mob_db(pet_db[pet_id].class_)->lv, (short)pet_db[pet_id].EggID, 0, (short)pet_db[pet_id].intimate, 100, 0, 1, pet_db[pet_id].jname); } return 0; } /*========================================== * NPC�Ōo���l�グ�� *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getexp) { TBL_PC* sd; int base=0,job=0; double bonus; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; base=script_getnum(st,2); job =script_getnum(st,3); if(base<0 || job<0) return 0; // bonus for npc-given exp bonus = battle_config.quest_exp_rate / 100.; base = (int) cap_value(base * bonus, 0, INT_MAX); job = (int) cap_value(job * bonus, 0, INT_MAX); pc_gainexp(sd, NULL, base, job, true); return 0; } /*========================================== * Gain guild exp [Celest] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(guildgetexp) { TBL_PC* sd; int exp; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; exp = script_getnum(st,2); if(exp < 0) return 0; if(sd && sd->status.guild_id > 0) guild_getexp (sd, exp); return 0; } /*========================================== * Changes the guild master of a guild [Skotlex] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(guildchangegm) { TBL_PC *sd; int guild_id; const char *name; guild_id = script_getnum(st,2); name = script_getstr(st,3); sd=map_nick2sd(name); if (!sd) script_pushint(st,0); else script_pushint(st,guild_gm_change(guild_id, sd)); return 0; } /*========================================== * �����X�^�[���� *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(monster) { const char* mapn = script_getstr(st,2); int x = script_getnum(st,3); int y = script_getnum(st,4); const char* str = script_getstr(st,5); int class_ = script_getnum(st,6); int amount = script_getnum(st,7); const char* event = ""; unsigned int size = SZ_SMALL; unsigned int ai = AI_NONE; struct map_session_data* sd; int m; if (script_hasdata(st, 8)) { event = script_getstr(st, 8); check_event(st, event); } if (script_hasdata(st, 9)) { size = script_getnum(st, 9); if (size > 3) { ShowWarning("buildin_monster: Attempted to spawn non-existing size %d for monster class %d\n", size, class_); return 1; } } if (script_hasdata(st, 10)) { ai = script_getnum(st, 10); if (ai > 4) { ShowWarning("buildin_monster: Attempted to spawn non-existing ai %d for monster class %d\n", ai, class_); return 1; } } if (class_ >= 0 && !mobdb_checkid(class_)) { ShowWarning("buildin_monster: Attempted to spawn non-existing monster class %d\n", class_); return 1; } sd = map_id2sd(st->rid); if (sd && strcmp(mapn, "this") == 0) m = sd->bl.m; else { m = map_mapname2mapid(mapn); if (map[m].flag.src4instance && st->instance_id) { // Try to redirect to the instance map, not the src map if ((m = instance_mapid2imapid(m, st->instance_id)) < 0) { ShowError("buildin_monster: Trying to spawn monster (%d) on instance map (%s) without instance attached.\n", class_, mapn); return 1; } } } mob_once_spawn(sd, m, x, y, str, class_, amount, event, size, ai); return 0; } /*========================================== * Request List of Monster Drops *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getmobdrops) { int class_ = script_getnum(st,2); int i, j = 0; struct mob_db *mob; if( !mobdb_checkid(class_) ) { script_pushint(st, 0); return 0; } mob = mob_db(class_); for( i = 0; i < MAX_MOB_DROP; i++ ) { if( mob->dropitem[i].nameid < 1 ) continue; if( itemdb_exists(mob->dropitem[i].nameid) == NULL ) continue; mapreg_setreg(reference_uid(add_str("$@MobDrop_item"), j), mob->dropitem[i].nameid); mapreg_setreg(reference_uid(add_str("$@MobDrop_rate"), j), mob->dropitem[i].p); j++; } mapreg_setreg(add_str("$@MobDrop_count"), j); script_pushint(st, 1); return 0; } /*========================================== * �����X�^�[���� *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(areamonster) { const char* mapn = script_getstr(st,2); int x0 = script_getnum(st,3); int y0 = script_getnum(st,4); int x1 = script_getnum(st,5); int y1 = script_getnum(st,6); const char* str = script_getstr(st,7); int class_ = script_getnum(st,8); int amount = script_getnum(st,9); const char* event = ""; unsigned int size = SZ_SMALL; unsigned int ai = AI_NONE; struct map_session_data* sd; int m; if (script_hasdata(st,10)) { event = script_getstr(st, 10); check_event(st, event); } if (script_hasdata(st, 11)) { size = script_getnum(st, 11); if (size > 3) { ShowWarning("buildin_monster: Attempted to spawn non-existing size %d for monster class %d\n", size, class_); return 1; } } if (script_hasdata(st, 12)) { ai = script_getnum(st, 12); if (ai > 4) { ShowWarning("buildin_monster: Attempted to spawn non-existing ai %d for monster class %d\n", ai, class_); return 1; } } sd = map_id2sd(st->rid); if (sd && strcmp(mapn, "this") == 0) m = sd->bl.m; else { m = map_mapname2mapid(mapn); if (map[m].flag.src4instance && st->instance_id) { // Try to redirect to the instance map, not the src map if ((m = instance_mapid2imapid(m, st->instance_id)) < 0) { ShowError("buildin_areamonster: Trying to spawn monster (%d) on instance map (%s) without instance attached.\n", class_, mapn); return 1; } } } mob_once_spawn_area(sd, m, x0, y0, x1, y1, str, class_, amount, event, size, ai); return 0; } /*========================================== * �����X�^�[�폜 *------------------------------------------*/ static int buildin_killmonster_sub_strip(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { //same fix but with killmonster instead - stripping events from mobs. TBL_MOB* md = (TBL_MOB*)bl; char *event=va_arg(ap,char *); int allflag=va_arg(ap,int); md->state.npc_killmonster = 1; if(!allflag){ if(strcmp(event,md->npc_event)==0) status_kill(bl); }else{ if(!md->spawn) status_kill(bl); } md->state.npc_killmonster = 0; return 0; } static int buildin_killmonster_sub(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { TBL_MOB* md = (TBL_MOB*)bl; char *event=va_arg(ap,char *); int allflag=va_arg(ap,int); if(!allflag){ if(strcmp(event,md->npc_event)==0) status_kill(bl); }else{ if(!md->spawn) status_kill(bl); } return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(killmonster) { const char *mapname,*event; int m,allflag=0; mapname=script_getstr(st,2); event=script_getstr(st,3); if(strcmp(event,"All")==0) allflag = 1; else check_event(st, event); if( (m=map_mapname2mapid(mapname))<0 ) return 0; if( map[m].flag.src4instance && st->instance_id && (m = instance_mapid2imapid(m, st->instance_id)) < 0 ) return 0; if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) { if ( script_getnum(st,4) == 1 ) { map_foreachinmap(buildin_killmonster_sub, m, BL_MOB, event ,allflag); return 0; } } map_freeblock_lock(); map_foreachinmap(buildin_killmonster_sub_strip, m, BL_MOB, event ,allflag); map_freeblock_unlock(); return 0; } static int buildin_killmonsterall_sub_strip(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { //Strips the event from the mob if it's killed the old method. struct mob_data *md; md = BL_CAST(BL_MOB, bl); if (md->npc_event[0]) md->npc_event[0] = 0; status_kill(bl); return 0; } static int buildin_killmonsterall_sub(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { status_kill(bl); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(killmonsterall) { const char *mapname; int m; mapname=script_getstr(st,2); if( (m = map_mapname2mapid(mapname))<0 ) return 0; if( map[m].flag.src4instance && st->instance_id && (m = instance_mapid2imapid(m, st->instance_id)) < 0 ) return 0; if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) { if ( script_getnum(st,3) == 1 ) { map_foreachinmap(buildin_killmonsterall_sub,m,BL_MOB); return 0; } } map_foreachinmap(buildin_killmonsterall_sub_strip,m,BL_MOB); return 0; } /*========================================== * Creates a clone of a player. * clone map, x, y, event, char_id, master_id, mode, flag, duration *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(clone) { TBL_PC *sd, *msd=NULL; int char_id,master_id=0,x,y, mode = 0, flag = 0, m; unsigned int duration = 0; const char *map,*event=""; map=script_getstr(st,2); x=script_getnum(st,3); y=script_getnum(st,4); event=script_getstr(st,5); char_id=script_getnum(st,6); if( script_hasdata(st,7) ) master_id=script_getnum(st,7); if( script_hasdata(st,8) ) mode=script_getnum(st,8); if( script_hasdata(st,9) ) flag=script_getnum(st,9); if( script_hasdata(st,10) ) duration=script_getnum(st,10); check_event(st, event); m = map_mapname2mapid(map); if (m < 0) return 0; sd = map_charid2sd(char_id); if (master_id) { msd = map_charid2sd(master_id); if (msd) master_id = msd->bl.id; else master_id = 0; } if (sd) //Return ID of newly crafted clone. script_pushint(st,mob_clone_spawn(sd, m, x, y, event, master_id, mode, flag, 1000*duration)); else //Failed to create clone. script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } /*========================================== * �C�x���g���s *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(doevent) { const char* event = script_getstr(st,2); struct map_session_data* sd; if( ( sd = script_rid2sd(st) ) == NULL ) { return 0; } check_event(st, event); npc_event(sd, event, 0); return 0; } /*========================================== * NPC��̃C�x���g���s *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(donpcevent) { const char* event = script_getstr(st,2); check_event(st, event); if( !npc_event_do(event) ) { struct npc_data * nd = map_id2nd(st->oid); ShowDebug("NPCEvent '%s' not found! (source: %s)\n",event,nd?nd->name:"Unknown"); script_pushint(st, 0); } else script_pushint(st, 1); return 0; } /// for Aegis compatibility /// basically a specialized 'donpcevent', with the event specified as two arguments instead of one BUILDIN_FUNC(cmdothernpc) // Added by RoVeRT { const char* npc = script_getstr(st,2); const char* command = script_getstr(st,3); char event[EVENT_NAME_LENGTH]; snprintf(event, sizeof(event), "%s::OnCommand%s", npc, command); check_event(st, event); npc_event_do(event); return 0; } /*========================================== * �C�x���g�^�C�}�[�lj� *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(addtimer) { int tick = script_getnum(st,2); const char* event = script_getstr(st, 3); TBL_PC* sd; check_event(st, event); sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; pc_addeventtimer(sd,tick,event); return 0; } /*========================================== * �C�x���g�^�C�}�[�폜 *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(deltimer) { const char *event; TBL_PC* sd; event=script_getstr(st, 2); sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; check_event(st, event); pc_deleventtimer(sd,event); return 0; } /*========================================== * �C�x���g�^�C�}�[�̃J�E���g�l�lj� *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(addtimercount) { const char *event; int tick; TBL_PC* sd; event=script_getstr(st, 2); tick=script_getnum(st,3); sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; check_event(st, event); pc_addeventtimercount(sd,event,tick); return 0; } /*========================================== * NPC�^�C�}�[���� *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(initnpctimer) { struct npc_data *nd; int flag = 0; if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) { //Two arguments: NPC name and attach flag. nd = npc_name2id(script_getstr(st, 2)); flag = script_getnum(st,3); } else if( script_hasdata(st,2) ) { //Check if argument is numeric (flag) or string (npc name) struct script_data *data; data = script_getdata(st,2); get_val(st,data); if( data_isstring(data) ) //NPC name nd = npc_name2id(conv_str(st, data)); else if( data_isint(data) ) //Flag { nd = (struct npc_data *)map_id2bl(st->oid); flag = conv_num(st,data); } else { ShowError("initnpctimer: invalid argument type #1 (needs be int or string)).\n"); return 1; } } else nd = (struct npc_data *)map_id2bl(st->oid); if( !nd ) return 0; if( flag ) //Attach { TBL_PC* sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; nd->u.scr.rid = sd->bl.id; } nd->u.scr.timertick = 0; npc_settimerevent_tick(nd,0); npc_timerevent_start(nd, st->rid); return 0; } /*========================================== * NPC�^�C�}�[�J�n *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(startnpctimer) { struct npc_data *nd; int flag = 0; if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) { //Two arguments: NPC name and attach flag. nd = npc_name2id(script_getstr(st, 2)); flag = script_getnum(st,3); } else if( script_hasdata(st,2) ) { //Check if argument is numeric (flag) or string (npc name) struct script_data *data; data = script_getdata(st,2); get_val(st,data); if( data_isstring(data) ) //NPC name nd = npc_name2id(conv_str(st, data)); else if( data_isint(data) ) //Flag { nd = (struct npc_data *)map_id2bl(st->oid); flag = conv_num(st,data); } else { ShowError("initnpctimer: invalid argument type #1 (needs be int or string)).\n"); return 1; } } else nd=(struct npc_data *)map_id2bl(st->oid); if( !nd ) return 0; if( flag ) //Attach { TBL_PC* sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; nd->u.scr.rid = sd->bl.id; } npc_timerevent_start(nd, st->rid); return 0; } /*========================================== * NPC�^�C�}�[��~ *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(stopnpctimer) { struct npc_data *nd; int flag = 0; if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) { //Two arguments: NPC name and attach flag. nd = npc_name2id(script_getstr(st, 2)); flag = script_getnum(st,3); } else if( script_hasdata(st,2) ) { //Check if argument is numeric (flag) or string (npc name) struct script_data *data; data = script_getdata(st,2); get_val(st,data); if( data_isstring(data) ) //NPC name nd = npc_name2id(conv_str(st, data)); else if( data_isint(data) ) //Flag { nd = (struct npc_data *)map_id2bl(st->oid); flag = conv_num(st,data); } else { ShowError("initnpctimer: invalid argument type #1 (needs be int or string)).\n"); return 1; } } else nd=(struct npc_data *)map_id2bl(st->oid); if( !nd ) return 0; if( flag ) //Detach nd->u.scr.rid = 0; npc_timerevent_stop(nd); return 0; } /*========================================== * NPC�^�C�}�[��� *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getnpctimer) { struct npc_data *nd; TBL_PC *sd; int type = script_getnum(st,2); int val = 0; if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) nd = npc_name2id(script_getstr(st,3)); else nd = (struct npc_data *)map_id2bl(st->oid); if( !nd || nd->bl.type != BL_NPC ) { script_pushint(st,0); ShowError("getnpctimer: Invalid NPC.\n"); return 1; } switch( type ) { case 0: val = npc_gettimerevent_tick(nd); break; case 1: if( nd->u.scr.rid ) { sd = map_id2sd(nd->u.scr.rid); if( !sd ) { ShowError("buildin_getnpctimer: Attached player not found!\n"); break; } val = (sd->npc_timer_id != INVALID_TIMER); } else val = (nd->u.scr.timerid != INVALID_TIMER); break; case 2: val = nd->u.scr.timeramount; break; } script_pushint(st,val); return 0; } /*========================================== * NPC�^�C�}�[�l�ݒ� *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(setnpctimer) { int tick; struct npc_data *nd; tick = script_getnum(st,2); if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) nd = npc_name2id(script_getstr(st,3)); else nd = (struct npc_data *)map_id2bl(st->oid); if( !nd || nd->bl.type != BL_NPC ) { script_pushint(st,1); ShowError("setnpctimer: Invalid NPC.\n"); return 1; } npc_settimerevent_tick(nd,tick); script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } /*========================================== * attaches the player rid to the timer [Celest] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(attachnpctimer) { TBL_PC *sd; struct npc_data *nd = (struct npc_data *)map_id2bl(st->oid); if( !nd || nd->bl.type != BL_NPC ) { script_pushint(st,1); ShowError("setnpctimer: Invalid NPC.\n"); return 1; } if( script_hasdata(st,2) ) sd = map_nick2sd(script_getstr(st,2)); else sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( !sd ) { script_pushint(st,1); ShowWarning("attachnpctimer: Invalid player.\n"); return 1; } nd->u.scr.rid = sd->bl.id; script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } /*========================================== * detaches a player rid from the timer [Celest] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(detachnpctimer) { struct npc_data *nd; if( script_hasdata(st,2) ) nd = npc_name2id(script_getstr(st,2)); else nd = (struct npc_data *)map_id2bl(st->oid); if( !nd || nd->bl.type != BL_NPC ) { script_pushint(st,1); ShowError("detachnpctimer: Invalid NPC.\n"); return 1; } nd->u.scr.rid = 0; script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } /*========================================== * To avoid "player not attached" script errors, this function is provided, * it checks if there is a player attached to the current script. [Skotlex] * If no, returns 0, if yes, returns the account_id of the attached player. *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(playerattached) { if(st->rid == 0 || map_id2sd(st->rid) == NULL) script_pushint(st,0); else script_pushint(st,st->rid); return 0; } /*========================================== * �V�̐��A�i�E���X *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(announce) { const char *mes = script_getstr(st,2); int flag = script_getnum(st,3); const char *fontColor = script_hasdata(st,4) ? script_getstr(st,4) : NULL; int fontType = script_hasdata(st,5) ? script_getnum(st,5) : 0x190; // default fontType (FW_NORMAL) int fontSize = script_hasdata(st,6) ? script_getnum(st,6) : 12; // default fontSize int fontAlign = script_hasdata(st,7) ? script_getnum(st,7) : 0; // default fontAlign int fontY = script_hasdata(st,8) ? script_getnum(st,8) : 0; // default fontY if (flag&0x0f) // Broadcast source or broadcast region defined { send_target target; struct block_list *bl = (flag&0x08) ? map_id2bl(st->oid) : (struct block_list *)script_rid2sd(st); // If bc_npc flag is set, use NPC as broadcast source if (bl == NULL) return 0; flag &= 0x07; target = (flag == 1) ? ALL_SAMEMAP : (flag == 2) ? AREA : (flag == 3) ? SELF : ALL_CLIENT; if (fontColor) clif_broadcast2(bl, mes, (int)strlen(mes)+1, strtol(fontColor, (char **)NULL, 0), fontType, fontSize, fontAlign, fontY, target); else clif_broadcast(bl, mes, (int)strlen(mes)+1, flag&0xf0, target); } else { if (fontColor) intif_broadcast2(mes, (int)strlen(mes)+1, strtol(fontColor, (char **)NULL, 0), fontType, fontSize, fontAlign, fontY); else intif_broadcast(mes, (int)strlen(mes)+1, flag&0xf0); } return 0; } /*========================================== * �V�̐��A�i�E���X�i����}�b�v�j *------------------------------------------*/ static int buildin_announce_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { char *mes = va_arg(ap, char *); int len = va_arg(ap, int); int type = va_arg(ap, int); char *fontColor = va_arg(ap, char *); short fontType = (short)va_arg(ap, int); short fontSize = (short)va_arg(ap, int); short fontAlign = (short)va_arg(ap, int); short fontY = (short)va_arg(ap, int); if (fontColor) clif_broadcast2(bl, mes, len, strtol(fontColor, (char **)NULL, 0), fontType, fontSize, fontAlign, fontY, SELF); else clif_broadcast(bl, mes, len, type, SELF); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(mapannounce) { const char *mapname = script_getstr(st,2); const char *mes = script_getstr(st,3); int flag = script_getnum(st,4); const char *fontColor = script_hasdata(st,5) ? script_getstr(st,5) : NULL; int fontType = script_hasdata(st,6) ? script_getnum(st,6) : 0x190; // default fontType (FW_NORMAL) int fontSize = script_hasdata(st,7) ? script_getnum(st,7) : 12; // default fontSize int fontAlign = script_hasdata(st,8) ? script_getnum(st,8) : 0; // default fontAlign int fontY = script_hasdata(st,9) ? script_getnum(st,9) : 0; // default fontY int m; if ((m = map_mapname2mapid(mapname)) < 0) return 0; map_foreachinmap(buildin_announce_sub, m, BL_PC, mes, strlen(mes)+1, flag&0xf0, fontColor, fontType, fontSize, fontAlign, fontY); return 0; } /*========================================== * �V�̐��A�i�E���X�i����G���A�j *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(areaannounce) { const char *mapname = script_getstr(st,2); int x0 = script_getnum(st,3); int y0 = script_getnum(st,4); int x1 = script_getnum(st,5); int y1 = script_getnum(st,6); const char *mes = script_getstr(st,7); int flag = script_getnum(st,8); const char *fontColor = script_hasdata(st,9) ? script_getstr(st,9) : NULL; int fontType = script_hasdata(st,10) ? script_getnum(st,10) : 0x190; // default fontType (FW_NORMAL) int fontSize = script_hasdata(st,11) ? script_getnum(st,11) : 12; // default fontSize int fontAlign = script_hasdata(st,12) ? script_getnum(st,12) : 0; // default fontAlign int fontY = script_hasdata(st,13) ? script_getnum(st,13) : 0; // default fontY int m; if ((m = map_mapname2mapid(mapname)) < 0) return 0; map_foreachinarea(buildin_announce_sub, m, x0, y0, x1, y1, BL_PC, mes, strlen(mes)+1, flag&0xf0, fontColor, fontType, fontSize, fontAlign, fontY); return 0; } /*========================================== * ���[�U�[������ *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getusers) { int flag, val = 0; struct map_session_data* sd; struct block_list* bl = NULL; flag = script_getnum(st,2); switch(flag&0x07) { case 0: if(flag&0x8) {// npc bl = map_id2bl(st->oid); } else if((sd = script_rid2sd(st))!=NULL) {// pc bl = &sd->bl; } if(bl) { val = map[bl->m].users; } break; case 1: val = map_getusers(); break; default: ShowWarning("buildin_getusers: Unknown type %d.\n", flag); script_pushint(st,0); return 1; } script_pushint(st,val); return 0; } /*========================================== * Works like @WHO - displays all online users names in window *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getusersname) { TBL_PC *sd, *pl_sd; int disp_num=1, group_level = 0; struct s_mapiterator* iter; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if (!sd) return 0; group_level = pc_get_group_level(sd); iter = mapit_getallusers(); for( pl_sd = (TBL_PC*)mapit_first(iter); mapit_exists(iter); pl_sd = (TBL_PC*)mapit_next(iter) ) { if (pc_has_permission(pl_sd, PC_PERM_HIDE_SESSION) && pc_get_group_level(pl_sd) > group_level) continue; // skip hidden sessions if((disp_num++)%10==0) clif_scriptnext(sd,st->oid); clif_scriptmes(sd,st->oid,pl_sd->status.name); } mapit_free(iter); return 0; } /*========================================== * getmapguildusers("mapname",guild ID) Returns the number guild members present on a map [Reddozen] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getmapguildusers) { const char *str; int m, gid; int i=0,c=0; struct guild *g = NULL; str=script_getstr(st,2); gid=script_getnum(st,3); if ((m = map_mapname2mapid(str)) < 0) { // map id on this server (m == -1 if not in actual map-server) script_pushint(st,-1); return 0; } g = guild_search(gid); if (g){ for(i = 0; i < g->max_member; i++) { if (g->member[i].sd && g->member[i].sd->bl.m == m) c++; } } script_pushint(st,c); return 0; } /*========================================== * �}�b�v�w�胆�[�U�[������ *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getmapusers) { const char *str; int m; str=script_getstr(st,2); if( (m=map_mapname2mapid(str))< 0){ script_pushint(st,-1); return 0; } script_pushint(st,map[m].users); return 0; } /*========================================== * �G���A�w�胆�[�U�[������ *------------------------------------------*/ static int buildin_getareausers_sub(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { int *users=va_arg(ap,int *); (*users)++; return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(getareausers) { const char *str; int m,x0,y0,x1,y1,users=0; str=script_getstr(st,2); x0=script_getnum(st,3); y0=script_getnum(st,4); x1=script_getnum(st,5); y1=script_getnum(st,6); if( (m=map_mapname2mapid(str))< 0){ script_pushint(st,-1); return 0; } map_foreachinarea(buildin_getareausers_sub, m,x0,y0,x1,y1,BL_PC,&users); script_pushint(st,users); return 0; } /*========================================== * �G���A�w��h���b�v�A�C�e�������� *------------------------------------------*/ static int buildin_getareadropitem_sub(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { int item=va_arg(ap,int); int *amount=va_arg(ap,int *); struct flooritem_data *drop=(struct flooritem_data *)bl; if(drop->item_data.nameid==item) (*amount)+=drop->item_data.amount; return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(getareadropitem) { const char *str; int m,x0,y0,x1,y1,item,amount=0; struct script_data *data; str=script_getstr(st,2); x0=script_getnum(st,3); y0=script_getnum(st,4); x1=script_getnum(st,5); y1=script_getnum(st,6); data=script_getdata(st,7); get_val(st,data); if( data_isstring(data) ){ const char *name=conv_str(st,data); struct item_data *item_data = itemdb_searchname(name); item=UNKNOWN_ITEM_ID; if( item_data ) item=item_data->nameid; }else item=conv_num(st,data); if( (m=map_mapname2mapid(str))< 0){ script_pushint(st,-1); return 0; } map_foreachinarea(buildin_getareadropitem_sub, m,x0,y0,x1,y1,BL_ITEM,item,&amount); script_pushint(st,amount); return 0; } /*========================================== * NPC�̗L�� *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(enablenpc) { const char *str; str=script_getstr(st,2); npc_enable(str,1); return 0; } /*========================================== * NPC�̖��� *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(disablenpc) { const char *str; str=script_getstr(st,2); npc_enable(str,0); return 0; } /*========================================== * �B��Ă���NPC�̕\�� *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(hideoffnpc) { const char *str; str=script_getstr(st,2); npc_enable(str,2); return 0; } /*========================================== * NPC���n�C�f�B���O *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(hideonnpc) { const char *str; str=script_getstr(st,2); npc_enable(str,4); return 0; } /// Starts a status effect on the target unit or on the attached player. /// /// sc_start <effect_id>,<duration>,<val1>{,<unit_id>}; BUILDIN_FUNC(sc_start) { struct block_list* bl; enum sc_type type; int tick; int val1; int val4 = 0; type = (sc_type)script_getnum(st,2); tick = script_getnum(st,3); val1 = script_getnum(st,4); if( script_hasdata(st,5) ) bl = map_id2bl(script_getnum(st,5)); else bl = map_id2bl(st->rid); if( tick == 0 && val1 > 0 && type > SC_NONE && type < SC_MAX && status_sc2skill(type) != 0 ) {// When there isn't a duration specified, try to get it from the skill_db tick = skill_get_time(status_sc2skill(type), val1); } if( potion_flag == 1 && potion_target ) { //skill.c set the flags before running the script, this must be a potion-pitched effect. bl = map_id2bl(potion_target); tick /= 2;// Thrown potions only last half. val4 = 1;// Mark that this was a thrown sc_effect } if( bl ) status_change_start(bl, type, 10000, val1, 0, 0, val4, tick, 2); return 0; } /// Starts a status effect on the target unit or on the attached player. /// /// sc_start2 <effect_id>,<duration>,<val1>,<percent chance>{,<unit_id>}; BUILDIN_FUNC(sc_start2) { struct block_list* bl; enum sc_type type; int tick; int val1; int val4 = 0; int rate; type = (sc_type)script_getnum(st,2); tick = script_getnum(st,3); val1 = script_getnum(st,4); rate = script_getnum(st,5); if( script_hasdata(st,6) ) bl = map_id2bl(script_getnum(st,6)); else bl = map_id2bl(st->rid); if( tick == 0 && val1 > 0 && type > SC_NONE && type < SC_MAX && status_sc2skill(type) != 0 ) {// When there isn't a duration specified, try to get it from the skill_db tick = skill_get_time(status_sc2skill(type), val1); } if( potion_flag == 1 && potion_target ) { //skill.c set the flags before running the script, this must be a potion-pitched effect. bl = map_id2bl(potion_target); tick /= 2;// Thrown potions only last half. val4 = 1;// Mark that this was a thrown sc_effect } if( bl ) status_change_start(bl, type, rate, val1, 0, 0, val4, tick, 2); return 0; } /// Starts a status effect on the target unit or on the attached player. /// /// sc_start4 <effect_id>,<duration>,<val1>,<val2>,<val3>,<val4>{,<unit_id>}; BUILDIN_FUNC(sc_start4) { struct block_list* bl; enum sc_type type; int tick; int val1; int val2; int val3; int val4; type = (sc_type)script_getnum(st,2); tick = script_getnum(st,3); val1 = script_getnum(st,4); val2 = script_getnum(st,5); val3 = script_getnum(st,6); val4 = script_getnum(st,7); if( script_hasdata(st,8) ) bl = map_id2bl(script_getnum(st,8)); else bl = map_id2bl(st->rid); if( tick == 0 && val1 > 0 && type > SC_NONE && type < SC_MAX && status_sc2skill(type) != 0 ) {// When there isn't a duration specified, try to get it from the skill_db tick = skill_get_time(status_sc2skill(type), val1); } if( potion_flag == 1 && potion_target ) { //skill.c set the flags before running the script, this must be a potion-pitched effect. bl = map_id2bl(potion_target); tick /= 2;// Thrown potions only last half. } if( bl ) status_change_start(bl, type, 10000, val1, val2, val3, val4, tick, 2); return 0; } /// Ends one or all status effects on the target unit or on the attached player. /// /// sc_end <effect_id>{,<unit_id>}; BUILDIN_FUNC(sc_end) { struct block_list* bl; int type; type = script_getnum(st,2); if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) bl = map_id2bl(script_getnum(st,3)); else bl = map_id2bl(st->rid); if( potion_flag==1 && potion_target ) {//##TODO how does this work [FlavioJS] bl = map_id2bl(potion_target); } if( !bl ) return 0; if( type >= 0 && type < SC_MAX ) { struct status_change *sc = status_get_sc(bl); struct status_change_entry *sce = sc?sc->data[type]:NULL; if (!sce) return 0; //This should help status_change_end force disabling the SC in case it has no limit. sce->val1 = sce->val2 = sce->val3 = sce->val4 = 0; status_change_end(bl, (sc_type)type, INVALID_TIMER); } else status_change_clear(bl, 2);// remove all effects return 0; } /*========================================== * ��Ԉُ�ϐ����v�Z�����m����Ԃ� *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getscrate) { struct block_list *bl; int type,rate; type=script_getnum(st,2); rate=script_getnum(st,3); if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) //�w�肵���L�����̑ϐ����v�Z���� bl = map_id2bl(script_getnum(st,4)); else bl = map_id2bl(st->rid); if (bl) rate = status_get_sc_def(bl, (sc_type)type, 10000, 10000, 0); script_pushint(st,rate); return 0; } /*========================================== * getstatus <type>{, <info>}; *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getstatus) { int id, type; struct map_session_data* sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) {// no player attached return 0; } id = script_getnum(st, 2); type = script_hasdata(st, 3) ? script_getnum(st, 3) : 0; if( id <= SC_NONE || id >= SC_MAX ) {// invalid status type given ShowWarning("script.c:getstatus: Invalid status type given (%d).\n", id); return 0; } if( sd->sc.count == 0 || !sd->sc.data[id] ) {// no status is active script_pushint(st, 0); return 0; } switch( type ) { case 1: script_pushint(st, sd->sc.data[id]->val1); break; case 2: script_pushint(st, sd->sc.data[id]->val2); break; case 3: script_pushint(st, sd->sc.data[id]->val3); break; case 4: script_pushint(st, sd->sc.data[id]->val4); break; case 5: { struct TimerData* timer = (struct TimerData*)get_timer(sd->sc.data[id]->timer); if( timer ) {// return the amount of time remaining script_pushint(st, timer->tick - gettick()); } } break; default: script_pushint(st, 1); break; } return 0; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(debugmes) { const char *str; str=script_getstr(st,2); ShowDebug("script debug : %d %d : %s\n",st->rid,st->oid,str); return 0; } /*========================================== *�ߊl�A�C�e���g�p *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(catchpet) { int pet_id; TBL_PC *sd; pet_id= script_getnum(st,2); sd=script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; pet_catch_process1(sd,pet_id); return 0; } /*========================================== * [orn] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(homunculus_evolution) { TBL_PC *sd; sd=script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; if(merc_is_hom_active(sd->hd)) { if (sd->hd->homunculus.intimacy > 91000) merc_hom_evolution(sd->hd); else clif_emotion(&sd->hd->bl, E_SWT); } return 0; } /*========================================== * [Xantara] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(homunculus_mutate) { int homun_id, m_class, m_id; int homun_array[5] = {6048,6049,6050,6051,6052}; TBL_PC *sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; if(script_hasdata(st,2)) homun_id = script_getnum(st,2); else homun_id = homun_array[rnd() % 5]; if(merc_is_hom_active(sd->hd)) { m_class = hom_class2mapid(sd->hd->homunculus.class_); m_id = hom_class2mapid(homun_id); if ( m_class != -1 && m_id != -1 && m_class&HOM_EVO && m_id&HOM_S && sd->hd->homunculus.level >= 99 ) hom_mutate(sd->hd, homun_id); else clif_emotion(&sd->hd->bl, E_SWT); } return 0; } // [Zephyrus] BUILDIN_FUNC(homunculus_shuffle) { TBL_PC *sd; sd=script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; if(merc_is_hom_active(sd->hd)) merc_hom_shuffle(sd->hd); return 0; } //These two functions bring the eA MAPID_* class functionality to scripts. BUILDIN_FUNC(eaclass) { int class_; if( script_hasdata(st,2) ) class_ = script_getnum(st,2); else { TBL_PC *sd; sd=script_rid2sd(st); if (!sd) { script_pushint(st,-1); return 0; } class_ = sd->status.class_; } script_pushint(st,pc_jobid2mapid(class_)); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(roclass) { int class_ =script_getnum(st,2); int sex; if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) sex = script_getnum(st,3); else { TBL_PC *sd; if (st->rid && (sd=script_rid2sd(st))) sex = sd->status.sex; else sex = 1; //Just use male when not found. } script_pushint(st,pc_mapid2jobid(class_, sex)); return 0; } /*========================================== * Tells client to open a hatching window, used for pet incubator *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(birthpet) { TBL_PC *sd; sd=script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; if( sd->status.pet_id ) {// do not send egg list, when you already have a pet return 0; } clif_sendegg(sd); return 0; } /*========================================== * Added - AppleGirl For Advanced Classes, (Updated for Cleaner Script Purposes) *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(resetlvl) { TBL_PC *sd; int type=script_getnum(st,2); sd=script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; pc_resetlvl(sd,type); return 0; } /*========================================== * �X�e�[�^�X���Z�b�g *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(resetstatus) { TBL_PC *sd; sd=script_rid2sd(st); pc_resetstate(sd); return 0; } /*========================================== * script command resetskill *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(resetskill) { TBL_PC *sd; sd=script_rid2sd(st); pc_resetskill(sd,1); return 0; } /*========================================== * Counts total amount of skill points. *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(skillpointcount) { TBL_PC *sd; sd=script_rid2sd(st); script_pushint(st,sd->status.skill_point + pc_resetskill(sd,2)); return 0; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(changebase) { TBL_PC *sd=NULL; int vclass; if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) sd=map_id2sd(script_getnum(st,3)); else sd=script_rid2sd(st); if(sd == NULL) return 0; vclass = script_getnum(st,2); if(vclass == JOB_WEDDING) { if (!battle_config.wedding_modifydisplay || //Do not show the wedding sprites sd->class_&JOBL_BABY //Baby classes screw up when showing wedding sprites. [Skotlex] They don't seem to anymore. ) return 0; } if(!sd->disguise && vclass != sd->vd.class_) { status_set_viewdata(&sd->bl, vclass); //Updated client view. Base, Weapon and Cloth Colors. clif_changelook(&sd->bl,LOOK_BASE,sd->vd.class_); clif_changelook(&sd->bl,LOOK_WEAPON,sd->status.weapon); if (sd->vd.cloth_color) clif_changelook(&sd->bl,LOOK_CLOTHES_COLOR,sd->vd.cloth_color); clif_skillinfoblock(sd); } return 0; } /*========================================== * ���ʕϊ� *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(changesex) { int i; TBL_PC *sd = NULL; sd = script_rid2sd(st); pc_resetskill(sd,4); // to avoid any problem with equipment and invalid sex, equipment is unequiped. for( i=0; i<EQI_MAX; i++ ) if( sd->equip_index[i] >= 0 ) pc_unequipitem(sd, sd->equip_index[i], 3); chrif_changesex(sd); return 0; } /*========================================== * Works like 'announce' but outputs in the common chat window *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(globalmes) { struct block_list *bl = map_id2bl(st->oid); struct npc_data *nd = (struct npc_data *)bl; const char *name=NULL,*mes; mes=script_getstr(st,2); // ���b�Z�[�W�̎擾 if(mes==NULL) return 0; if(script_hasdata(st,3)){ // NPC���̎擾(123#456) name=script_getstr(st,3); } else { name=nd->name; } npc_globalmessage(name,mes); // �O���[�o�����b�Z�[�W���M return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NPC waiting room (chat room) // /// Creates a waiting room (chat room) for this npc. /// /// waitingroom "<title>",<limit>{,"<event>"{,<trigger>{,<zeny>{,<minlvl>{,<maxlvl>}}}}}; BUILDIN_FUNC(waitingroom) { struct npc_data* nd; int pub = 1; const char* title = script_getstr(st, 2); int limit = script_getnum(st, 3); const char* ev = script_hasdata(st,4) ? script_getstr(st,4) : ""; int trigger = script_hasdata(st,5) ? script_getnum(st,5) : limit; int zeny = script_hasdata(st,6) ? script_getnum(st,6) : 0; int minLvl = script_hasdata(st,7) ? script_getnum(st,7) : 1; int maxLvl = script_hasdata(st,8) ? script_getnum(st,8) : MAX_LEVEL; nd = (struct npc_data *)map_id2bl(st->oid); if( nd != NULL ) chat_createnpcchat(nd, title, limit, pub, trigger, ev, zeny, minLvl, maxLvl); return 0; } /// Removes the waiting room of the current or target npc. /// /// delwaitingroom "<npc_name>"; /// delwaitingroom; BUILDIN_FUNC(delwaitingroom) { struct npc_data* nd; if( script_hasdata(st,2) ) nd = npc_name2id(script_getstr(st, 2)); else nd = (struct npc_data *)map_id2bl(st->oid); if( nd != NULL ) chat_deletenpcchat(nd); return 0; } /// Kicks all the players from the waiting room of the current or target npc. /// /// kickwaitingroomall "<npc_name>"; /// kickwaitingroomall; BUILDIN_FUNC(waitingroomkickall) { struct npc_data* nd; struct chat_data* cd; if( script_hasdata(st,2) ) nd = npc_name2id(script_getstr(st,2)); else nd = (struct npc_data *)map_id2bl(st->oid); if( nd != NULL && (cd=(struct chat_data *)map_id2bl(nd->chat_id)) != NULL ) chat_npckickall(cd); return 0; } /// Enables the waiting room event of the current or target npc. /// /// enablewaitingroomevent "<npc_name>"; /// enablewaitingroomevent; BUILDIN_FUNC(enablewaitingroomevent) { struct npc_data* nd; struct chat_data* cd; if( script_hasdata(st,2) ) nd = npc_name2id(script_getstr(st, 2)); else nd = (struct npc_data *)map_id2bl(st->oid); if( nd != NULL && (cd=(struct chat_data *)map_id2bl(nd->chat_id)) != NULL ) chat_enableevent(cd); return 0; } /// Disables the waiting room event of the current or target npc. /// /// disablewaitingroomevent "<npc_name>"; /// disablewaitingroomevent; BUILDIN_FUNC(disablewaitingroomevent) { struct npc_data *nd; struct chat_data *cd; if( script_hasdata(st,2) ) nd = npc_name2id(script_getstr(st, 2)); else nd = (struct npc_data *)map_id2bl(st->oid); if( nd != NULL && (cd=(struct chat_data *)map_id2bl(nd->chat_id)) != NULL ) chat_disableevent(cd); return 0; } /// Returns info on the waiting room of the current or target npc. /// Returns -1 if the type unknown /// <type>=0 : current number of users /// <type>=1 : maximum number of users allowed /// <type>=2 : the number of users that trigger the event /// <type>=3 : if the trigger is disabled /// <type>=4 : the title of the waiting room /// <type>=5 : the password of the waiting room /// <type>=16 : the name of the waiting room event /// <type>=32 : if the waiting room is full /// <type>=33 : if there are enough users to trigger the event /// /// getwaitingroomstate(<type>,"<npc_name>") -> <info> /// getwaitingroomstate(<type>) -> <info> BUILDIN_FUNC(getwaitingroomstate) { struct npc_data *nd; struct chat_data *cd; int type; type = script_getnum(st,2); if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) nd = npc_name2id(script_getstr(st, 3)); else nd = (struct npc_data *)map_id2bl(st->oid); if( nd == NULL || (cd=(struct chat_data *)map_id2bl(nd->chat_id)) == NULL ) { script_pushint(st, -1); return 0; } switch(type) { case 0: script_pushint(st, cd->users); break; case 1: script_pushint(st, cd->limit); break; case 2: script_pushint(st, cd->trigger&0x7f); break; case 3: script_pushint(st, ((cd->trigger&0x80)!=0)); break; case 4: script_pushstrcopy(st, cd->title); break; case 5: script_pushstrcopy(st, cd->pass); break; case 16: script_pushstrcopy(st, cd->npc_event);break; case 32: script_pushint(st, (cd->users >= cd->limit)); break; case 33: script_pushint(st, (cd->users >= cd->trigger)); break; default: script_pushint(st, -1); break; } return 0; } /// Warps the trigger or target amount of players to the target map and position. /// Players are automatically removed from the waiting room. /// Those waiting the longest will get warped first. /// The target map can be "Random" for a random position in the current map, /// and "SavePoint" for the savepoint map+position. /// The map flag noteleport of the current map is only considered when teleporting to the savepoint. /// /// The id's of the teleported players are put into the array $@warpwaitingpc[] /// The total number of teleported players is put into $@warpwaitingpcnum /// /// warpwaitingpc "<map name>",<x>,<y>,<number of players>; /// warpwaitingpc "<map name>",<x>,<y>; BUILDIN_FUNC(warpwaitingpc) { int x; int y; int i; int n; const char* map_name; struct npc_data* nd; struct chat_data* cd; TBL_PC* sd; nd = (struct npc_data *)map_id2bl(st->oid); if( nd == NULL || (cd=(struct chat_data *)map_id2bl(nd->chat_id)) == NULL ) return 0; map_name = script_getstr(st,2); x = script_getnum(st,3); y = script_getnum(st,4); n = cd->trigger&0x7f; if( script_hasdata(st,5) ) n = script_getnum(st,5); for( i = 0; i < n && cd->users > 0; i++ ) { sd = cd->usersd[0]; if( strcmp(map_name,"SavePoint") == 0 && map[sd->bl.m].flag.noteleport ) {// can't teleport on this map break; } if( cd->zeny ) {// fee set if( (uint32)sd->status.zeny < cd->zeny ) {// no zeny to cover set fee break; } pc_payzeny(sd, cd->zeny); } mapreg_setreg(reference_uid(add_str("$@warpwaitingpc"), i), sd->bl.id); if( strcmp(map_name,"Random") == 0 ) pc_randomwarp(sd,CLR_TELEPORT); else if( strcmp(map_name,"SavePoint") == 0 ) pc_setpos(sd, sd->status.save_point.map, sd->status.save_point.x, sd->status.save_point.y, CLR_TELEPORT); else pc_setpos(sd, mapindex_name2id(map_name), x, y, CLR_OUTSIGHT); } mapreg_setreg(add_str("$@warpwaitingpcnum"), i); return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ... // /// Detaches a character from a script. /// /// @param st Script state to detach the character from. static void script_detach_rid(struct script_state* st) { if(st->rid) { script_detach_state(st, false); st->rid = 0; } } /*========================================== * RID�̃A�^�b�` *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(attachrid) { int rid = script_getnum(st,2); struct map_session_data* sd; if ((sd = map_id2sd(rid))!=NULL) { script_detach_rid(st); st->rid = rid; script_attach_state(st); script_pushint(st,1); } else script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } /*========================================== * RID�̃f�^�b�` *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(detachrid) { script_detach_rid(st); return 0; } /*========================================== * ���݃`�F�b�N *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(isloggedin) { TBL_PC* sd = map_id2sd(script_getnum(st,2)); if (script_hasdata(st,3) && sd && sd->status.char_id != script_getnum(st,3)) sd = NULL; push_val(st->stack,C_INT,sd!=NULL); return 0; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(setmapflagnosave) { int m,x,y; unsigned short mapindex; const char *str,*str2; str=script_getstr(st,2); str2=script_getstr(st,3); x=script_getnum(st,4); y=script_getnum(st,5); m = map_mapname2mapid(str); mapindex = mapindex_name2id(str2); if(m >= 0 && mapindex) { map[m].flag.nosave=1; map[m].save.map=mapindex; map[m].save.x=x; map[m].save.y=y; } return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(getmapflag) { int m,i; const char *str; str=script_getstr(st,2); i=script_getnum(st,3); m = map_mapname2mapid(str); if(m >= 0) { switch(i) { case MF_NOMEMO: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.nomemo); break; case MF_NOTELEPORT: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.noteleport); break; case MF_NOSAVE: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.nosave); break; case MF_NOBRANCH: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.nobranch); break; case MF_NOPENALTY: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.noexppenalty); break; case MF_NOZENYPENALTY: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.nozenypenalty); break; case MF_PVP: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.pvp); break; case MF_PVP_NOPARTY: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.pvp_noparty); break; case MF_PVP_NOGUILD: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.pvp_noguild); break; case MF_GVG: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.gvg); break; case MF_GVG_NOPARTY: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.gvg_noparty); break; case MF_NOTRADE: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.notrade); break; case MF_NOSKILL: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.noskill); break; case MF_NOWARP: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.nowarp); break; case MF_PARTYLOCK: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.partylock); break; case MF_NOICEWALL: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.noicewall); break; case MF_SNOW: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.snow); break; case MF_FOG: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.fog); break; case MF_SAKURA: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.sakura); break; case MF_LEAVES: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.leaves); break; /** * No longer available, keeping here just in case it's back someday. [Ind] **/ //case MF_RAIN: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.rain); break; case MF_NOGO: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.nogo); break; case MF_CLOUDS: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.clouds); break; case MF_CLOUDS2: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.clouds2); break; case MF_FIREWORKS: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.fireworks); break; case MF_GVG_CASTLE: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.gvg_castle); break; case MF_GVG_DUNGEON: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.gvg_dungeon); break; case MF_NIGHTENABLED: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.nightenabled); break; case MF_NOBASEEXP: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.nobaseexp); break; case MF_NOJOBEXP: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.nojobexp); break; case MF_NOMOBLOOT: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.nomobloot); break; case MF_NOMVPLOOT: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.nomvploot); break; case MF_NORETURN: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.noreturn); break; case MF_NOWARPTO: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.nowarpto); break; case MF_NIGHTMAREDROP: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.pvp_nightmaredrop); break; case MF_RESTRICTED: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.restricted); break; case MF_NOCOMMAND: script_pushint(st,map[m].nocommand); break; case MF_NODROP: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.nodrop); break; case MF_JEXP: script_pushint(st,map[m].jexp); break; case MF_BEXP: script_pushint(st,map[m].bexp); break; case MF_NOVENDING: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.novending); break; case MF_LOADEVENT: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.loadevent); break; case MF_NOCHAT: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.nochat); break; case MF_NOEXPPENALTY: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.noexppenalty ); break; case MF_GUILDLOCK: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.guildlock); break; case MF_TOWN: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.town); break; case MF_AUTOTRADE: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.autotrade); break; case MF_ALLOWKS: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.allowks); break; case MF_MONSTER_NOTELEPORT: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.monster_noteleport); break; case MF_PVP_NOCALCRANK: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.pvp_nocalcrank); break; case MF_BATTLEGROUND: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.battleground); break; case MF_RESET: script_pushint(st,map[m].flag.reset); break; } } return 0; } /* pvp timer handling */ static int script_mapflag_pvp_sub(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { TBL_PC* sd = (TBL_PC*)bl; if (sd->pvp_timer == INVALID_TIMER) { sd->pvp_timer = add_timer(gettick() + 200, pc_calc_pvprank_timer, sd->bl.id, 0); sd->pvp_rank = 0; sd->pvp_lastusers = 0; sd->pvp_point = 5; sd->pvp_won = 0; sd->pvp_lost = 0; } clif_map_property(sd, MAPPROPERTY_FREEPVPZONE); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(setmapflag) { int m,i; const char *str; const char *val=NULL; str=script_getstr(st,2); i=script_getnum(st,3); if(script_hasdata(st,4)){ val=script_getstr(st,4); } m = map_mapname2mapid(str); if(m >= 0) { switch(i) { case MF_NOMEMO: map[m].flag.nomemo = 1; break; case MF_NOTELEPORT: map[m].flag.noteleport = 1; break; case MF_NOSAVE: map[m].flag.nosave = 1; break; case MF_NOBRANCH: map[m].flag.nobranch = 1; break; case MF_NOPENALTY: map[m].flag.noexppenalty = 1; map[m].flag.nozenypenalty = 1; break; case MF_NOZENYPENALTY: map[m].flag.nozenypenalty = 1; break; case MF_PVP: map[m].flag.pvp = 1; if( !battle_config.pk_mode ) { map_foreachinmap(script_mapflag_pvp_sub,m,BL_PC); } break; case MF_PVP_NOPARTY: map[m].flag.pvp_noparty = 1; break; case MF_PVP_NOGUILD: map[m].flag.pvp_noguild = 1; break; case MF_GVG: map[m].flag.gvg = 1; clif_map_property_mapall(m, MAPPROPERTY_AGITZONE); break; case MF_GVG_NOPARTY: map[m].flag.gvg_noparty = 1; break; case MF_NOTRADE: map[m].flag.notrade = 1; break; case MF_NOSKILL: map[m].flag.noskill = 1; break; case MF_NOWARP: map[m].flag.nowarp = 1; break; case MF_PARTYLOCK: map[m].flag.partylock = 1; break; case MF_NOICEWALL: map[m].flag.noicewall = 1; break; case MF_SNOW: map[m].flag.snow = 1; break; case MF_FOG: map[m].flag.fog = 1; break; case MF_SAKURA: map[m].flag.sakura = 1; break; case MF_LEAVES: map[m].flag.leaves = 1; break; /** * No longer available, keeping here just in case it's back someday. [Ind] **/ //case MF_RAIN: map[m].flag.rain = 1; break; case MF_NOGO: map[m].flag.nogo = 1; break; case MF_CLOUDS: map[m].flag.clouds = 1; break; case MF_CLOUDS2: map[m].flag.clouds2 = 1; break; case MF_FIREWORKS: map[m].flag.fireworks = 1; break; case MF_GVG_CASTLE: map[m].flag.gvg_castle = 1; break; case MF_GVG_DUNGEON: map[m].flag.gvg_dungeon = 1; break; case MF_NIGHTENABLED: map[m].flag.nightenabled = 1; break; case MF_NOBASEEXP: map[m].flag.nobaseexp = 1; break; case MF_NOJOBEXP: map[m].flag.nojobexp = 1; break; case MF_NOMOBLOOT: map[m].flag.nomobloot = 1; break; case MF_NOMVPLOOT: map[m].flag.nomvploot = 1; break; case MF_NORETURN: map[m].flag.noreturn = 1; break; case MF_NOWARPTO: map[m].flag.nowarpto = 1; break; case MF_NIGHTMAREDROP: map[m].flag.pvp_nightmaredrop = 1; break; case MF_RESTRICTED: map[m].zone |= 1<<((int)atoi(val)+1); map[m].flag.restricted=1; break; case MF_NOCOMMAND: map[m].nocommand = (!val || atoi(val) <= 0) ? 100 : atoi(val); break; case MF_NODROP: map[m].flag.nodrop = 1; break; case MF_JEXP: map[m].jexp = (!val || atoi(val) < 0) ? 100 : atoi(val); break; case MF_BEXP: map[m].bexp = (!val || atoi(val) < 0) ? 100 : atoi(val); break; case MF_NOVENDING: map[m].flag.novending = 1; break; case MF_LOADEVENT: map[m].flag.loadevent = 1; break; case MF_NOCHAT: map[m].flag.nochat = 1; break; case MF_NOEXPPENALTY: map[m].flag.noexppenalty = 1; break; case MF_GUILDLOCK: map[m].flag.guildlock = 1; break; case MF_TOWN: map[m].flag.town = 1; break; case MF_AUTOTRADE: map[m].flag.autotrade = 1; break; case MF_ALLOWKS: map[m].flag.allowks = 1; break; case MF_MONSTER_NOTELEPORT: map[m].flag.monster_noteleport = 1; break; case MF_PVP_NOCALCRANK: map[m].flag.pvp_nocalcrank = 1; break; case MF_BATTLEGROUND: map[m].flag.battleground = (!val || atoi(val) < 0 || atoi(val) > 2) ? 1 : atoi(val); break; case MF_RESET: map[m].flag.reset = 1; break; } } return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(removemapflag) { int m,i; const char *str; const char *val=NULL; str=script_getstr(st,2); i=script_getnum(st,3); if(script_hasdata(st,4)){ val=script_getstr(st,4); } m = map_mapname2mapid(str); if(m >= 0) { switch(i) { case MF_NOMEMO: map[m].flag.nomemo = 0; break; case MF_NOTELEPORT: map[m].flag.noteleport = 0; break; case MF_NOSAVE: map[m].flag.nosave = 0; break; case MF_NOBRANCH: map[m].flag.nobranch = 0; break; case MF_NOPENALTY: map[m].flag.noexppenalty = 0; map[m].flag.nozenypenalty = 0; break; case MF_NOZENYPENALTY: map[m].flag.nozenypenalty = 0; break; case MF_PVP: map[m].flag.pvp = 0; clif_map_property_mapall(m, MAPPROPERTY_NOTHING); break; case MF_PVP_NOPARTY: map[m].flag.pvp_noparty = 0; break; case MF_PVP_NOGUILD: map[m].flag.pvp_noguild = 0; break; case MF_GVG: map[m].flag.gvg = 0; clif_map_property_mapall(m, MAPPROPERTY_NOTHING); break; case MF_GVG_NOPARTY: map[m].flag.gvg_noparty = 0; break; case MF_NOTRADE: map[m].flag.notrade = 0; break; case MF_NOSKILL: map[m].flag.noskill = 0; break; case MF_NOWARP: map[m].flag.nowarp = 0; break; case MF_PARTYLOCK: map[m].flag.partylock = 0; break; case MF_NOICEWALL: map[m].flag.noicewall = 0; break; case MF_SNOW: map[m].flag.snow = 0; break; case MF_FOG: map[m].flag.fog = 0; break; case MF_SAKURA: map[m].flag.sakura = 0; break; case MF_LEAVES: map[m].flag.leaves = 0; break; /** * No longer available, keeping here just in case it's back someday. [Ind] **/ //case MF_RAIN: map[m].flag.rain = 0; break; case MF_NOGO: map[m].flag.nogo = 0; break; case MF_CLOUDS: map[m].flag.clouds = 0; break; case MF_CLOUDS2: map[m].flag.clouds2 = 0; break; case MF_FIREWORKS: map[m].flag.fireworks = 0; break; case MF_GVG_CASTLE: map[m].flag.gvg_castle = 0; break; case MF_GVG_DUNGEON: map[m].flag.gvg_dungeon = 0; break; case MF_NIGHTENABLED: map[m].flag.nightenabled = 0; break; case MF_NOBASEEXP: map[m].flag.nobaseexp = 0; break; case MF_NOJOBEXP: map[m].flag.nojobexp = 0; break; case MF_NOMOBLOOT: map[m].flag.nomobloot = 0; break; case MF_NOMVPLOOT: map[m].flag.nomvploot = 0; break; case MF_NORETURN: map[m].flag.noreturn = 0; break; case MF_NOWARPTO: map[m].flag.nowarpto = 0; break; case MF_NIGHTMAREDROP: map[m].flag.pvp_nightmaredrop = 0; break; case MF_RESTRICTED: map[m].zone ^= 1<<((int)atoi(val)+1); if (map[m].zone == 0){ map[m].flag.restricted=0; } break; case MF_NOCOMMAND: map[m].nocommand = 0; break; case MF_NODROP: map[m].flag.nodrop = 0; break; case MF_JEXP: map[m].jexp = 0; break; case MF_BEXP: map[m].bexp = 0; break; case MF_NOVENDING: map[m].flag.novending = 0; break; case MF_LOADEVENT: map[m].flag.loadevent = 0; break; case MF_NOCHAT: map[m].flag.nochat = 0; break; case MF_NOEXPPENALTY: map[m].flag.noexppenalty = 0; break; case MF_GUILDLOCK: map[m].flag.guildlock = 0; break; case MF_TOWN: map[m].flag.town = 0; break; case MF_AUTOTRADE: map[m].flag.autotrade = 0; break; case MF_ALLOWKS: map[m].flag.allowks = 0; break; case MF_MONSTER_NOTELEPORT: map[m].flag.monster_noteleport = 0; break; case MF_PVP_NOCALCRANK: map[m].flag.pvp_nocalcrank = 0; break; case MF_BATTLEGROUND: map[m].flag.battleground = 0; break; case MF_RESET: map[m].flag.reset = 0; break; } } return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(pvpon) { int m; const char *str; TBL_PC* sd = NULL; struct s_mapiterator* iter; str = script_getstr(st,2); m = map_mapname2mapid(str); if( m < 0 || map[m].flag.pvp ) return 0; // nothing to do map[m].flag.pvp = 1; clif_map_property_mapall(m, MAPPROPERTY_FREEPVPZONE); if(battle_config.pk_mode) // disable ranking functions if pk_mode is on [Valaris] return 0; iter = mapit_getallusers(); for( sd = (TBL_PC*)mapit_first(iter); mapit_exists(iter); sd = (TBL_PC*)mapit_next(iter) ) { if( sd->bl.m != m || sd->pvp_timer != INVALID_TIMER ) continue; // not applicable sd->pvp_timer = add_timer(gettick()+200,pc_calc_pvprank_timer,sd->bl.id,0); sd->pvp_rank = 0; sd->pvp_lastusers = 0; sd->pvp_point = 5; sd->pvp_won = 0; sd->pvp_lost = 0; } mapit_free(iter); return 0; } static int buildin_pvpoff_sub(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { TBL_PC* sd = (TBL_PC*)bl; clif_pvpset(sd, 0, 0, 2); if (sd->pvp_timer != INVALID_TIMER) { delete_timer(sd->pvp_timer, pc_calc_pvprank_timer); sd->pvp_timer = INVALID_TIMER; } return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(pvpoff) { int m; const char *str; str=script_getstr(st,2); m = map_mapname2mapid(str); if(m < 0 || !map[m].flag.pvp) return 0; //fixed Lupus map[m].flag.pvp = 0; clif_map_property_mapall(m, MAPPROPERTY_NOTHING); if(battle_config.pk_mode) // disable ranking options if pk_mode is on [Valaris] return 0; map_foreachinmap(buildin_pvpoff_sub, m, BL_PC); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(gvgon) { int m; const char *str; str=script_getstr(st,2); m = map_mapname2mapid(str); if(m >= 0 && !map[m].flag.gvg) { map[m].flag.gvg = 1; clif_map_property_mapall(m, MAPPROPERTY_AGITZONE); } return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(gvgoff) { int m; const char *str; str=script_getstr(st,2); m = map_mapname2mapid(str); if(m >= 0 && map[m].flag.gvg) { map[m].flag.gvg = 0; clif_map_property_mapall(m, MAPPROPERTY_NOTHING); } return 0; } /*========================================== * Shows an emoticon on top of the player/npc * emotion emotion#, <target: 0 - NPC, 1 - PC>, <NPC/PC name> *------------------------------------------*/ //Optional second parameter added by [Skotlex] BUILDIN_FUNC(emotion) { int type; int player=0; type=script_getnum(st,2); if(type < 0 || type > 100) return 0; if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) player=script_getnum(st,3); if (player) { TBL_PC *sd = NULL; if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) sd = map_nick2sd(script_getstr(st,4)); else sd = script_rid2sd(st); if (sd) clif_emotion(&sd->bl,type); } else if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) { TBL_NPC *nd = npc_name2id(script_getstr(st,4)); if(nd) clif_emotion(&nd->bl,type); } else clif_emotion(map_id2bl(st->oid),type); return 0; } static int buildin_maprespawnguildid_sub_pc(struct map_session_data* sd, va_list ap) { int m=va_arg(ap,int); int g_id=va_arg(ap,int); int flag=va_arg(ap,int); if(!sd || sd->bl.m != m) return 0; if( (sd->status.guild_id == g_id && flag&1) || //Warp out owners (sd->status.guild_id != g_id && flag&2) || //Warp out outsiders (sd->status.guild_id == 0) // Warp out players not in guild [Valaris] ) pc_setpos(sd,sd->status.save_point.map,sd->status.save_point.x,sd->status.save_point.y,CLR_TELEPORT); return 1; } static int buildin_maprespawnguildid_sub_mob(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { struct mob_data *md=(struct mob_data *)bl; if(!md->guardian_data && md->class_ != MOBID_EMPERIUM) status_kill(bl); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(maprespawnguildid) { const char *mapname=script_getstr(st,2); int g_id=script_getnum(st,3); int flag=script_getnum(st,4); int m=map_mapname2mapid(mapname); if(m == -1) return 0; //Catch ALL players (in case some are 'between maps' on execution time) map_foreachpc(buildin_maprespawnguildid_sub_pc,m,g_id,flag); if (flag&4) //Remove script mobs. map_foreachinmap(buildin_maprespawnguildid_sub_mob,m,BL_MOB); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(agitstart) { if(agit_flag==1) return 0; // Agit already Start. agit_flag=1; guild_agit_start(); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(agitend) { if(agit_flag==0) return 0; // Agit already End. agit_flag=0; guild_agit_end(); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(agitstart2) { if(agit2_flag==1) return 0; // Agit2 already Start. agit2_flag=1; guild_agit2_start(); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(agitend2) { if(agit2_flag==0) return 0; // Agit2 already End. agit2_flag=0; guild_agit2_end(); return 0; } /*========================================== * Returns whether woe is on or off. // choice script *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(agitcheck) { script_pushint(st,agit_flag); return 0; } /*========================================== * Returns whether woese is on or off. // choice script *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(agitcheck2) { script_pushint(st,agit2_flag); return 0; } /// Sets the guild_id of this npc. /// /// flagemblem <guild_id>; BUILDIN_FUNC(flagemblem) { TBL_NPC* nd; int g_id=script_getnum(st,2); if(g_id < 0) return 0; nd = (TBL_NPC*)map_id2nd(st->oid); if( nd == NULL ) { ShowError("script:flagemblem: npc %d not found\n", st->oid); } else if( nd->subtype != SCRIPT ) { ShowError("script:flagemblem: unexpected subtype %d for npc %d '%s'\n", nd->subtype, st->oid, nd->exname); } else { nd->u.scr.guild_id = g_id; clif_guild_emblem_area(&nd->bl); } return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(getcastlename) { const char* mapname = mapindex_getmapname(script_getstr(st,2),NULL); struct guild_castle* gc = guild_mapname2gc(mapname); const char* name = (gc) ? gc->castle_name : ""; script_pushstrcopy(st,name); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(getcastledata) { const char *mapname = mapindex_getmapname(script_getstr(st,2),NULL); int index = script_getnum(st,3); struct guild_castle *gc = guild_mapname2gc(mapname); if (gc == NULL) { script_pushint(st,0); ShowWarning("buildin_setcastledata: guild castle for map '%s' not found\n", mapname); return 1; } switch (index) { case 1: script_pushint(st,gc->guild_id); break; case 2: script_pushint(st,gc->economy); break; case 3: script_pushint(st,gc->defense); break; case 4: script_pushint(st,gc->triggerE); break; case 5: script_pushint(st,gc->triggerD); break; case 6: script_pushint(st,gc->nextTime); break; case 7: script_pushint(st,gc->payTime); break; case 8: script_pushint(st,gc->createTime); break; case 9: script_pushint(st,gc->visibleC); break; default: if (index > 9 && index <= 9+MAX_GUARDIANS) { script_pushint(st,gc->guardian[index-10].visible); break; } script_pushint(st,0); ShowWarning("buildin_setcastledata: index = '%d' is out of allowed range\n", index); return 1; } return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(setcastledata) { const char *mapname = mapindex_getmapname(script_getstr(st,2),NULL); int index = script_getnum(st,3); int value = script_getnum(st,4); struct guild_castle *gc = guild_mapname2gc(mapname); if (gc == NULL) { ShowWarning("buildin_setcastledata: guild castle for map '%s' not found\n", mapname); return 1; } if (index <= 0 || index > 9+MAX_GUARDIANS) { ShowWarning("buildin_setcastledata: index = '%d' is out of allowed range\n", index); return 1; } guild_castledatasave(gc->castle_id, index, value); return 0; } /* ===================================================================== * �M���h����v������ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(requestguildinfo) { int guild_id=script_getnum(st,2); const char *event=NULL; if( script_hasdata(st,3) ){ event=script_getstr(st,3); check_event(st, event); } if(guild_id>0) guild_npc_request_info(guild_id,event); return 0; } /// Returns the number of cards that have been compounded onto the specified equipped item. /// getequipcardcnt(<equipment slot>); BUILDIN_FUNC(getequipcardcnt) { int i=-1,j,num; TBL_PC *sd; int count; num=script_getnum(st,2); sd=script_rid2sd(st); if (num > 0 && num <= ARRAYLENGTH(equip)) i=pc_checkequip(sd,equip[num-1]); if (i < 0 || !sd->inventory_data[i]) { script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } if(itemdb_isspecial(sd->status.inventory[i].card[0])) { script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } count = 0; for( j = 0; j < sd->inventory_data[i]->slot; j++ ) if( sd->status.inventory[i].card[j] && itemdb_type(sd->status.inventory[i].card[j]) == IT_CARD ) count++; script_pushint(st,count); return 0; } /// Removes all cards from the item found in the specified equipment slot of the invoking character, /// and give them to the character. If any cards were removed in this manner, it will also show a success effect. /// successremovecards <slot>; BUILDIN_FUNC(successremovecards) { int i=-1,j,c,cardflag=0; TBL_PC* sd = script_rid2sd(st); int num = script_getnum(st,2); if (num > 0 && num <= ARRAYLENGTH(equip)) i=pc_checkequip(sd,equip[num-1]); if (i < 0 || !sd->inventory_data[i]) { return 0; } if(itemdb_isspecial(sd->status.inventory[i].card[0])) return 0; for( c = sd->inventory_data[i]->slot - 1; c >= 0; --c ) { if( sd->status.inventory[i].card[c] && itemdb_type(sd->status.inventory[i].card[c]) == IT_CARD ) {// extract this card from the item int flag; struct item item_tmp; memset(&item_tmp,0,sizeof(item_tmp)); cardflag = 1; item_tmp.nameid = sd->status.inventory[i].card[c]; item_tmp.identify = 1; if((flag=pc_additem(sd,&item_tmp,1,LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT))){ // ���ĂȂ��Ȃ�h���b�v clif_additem(sd,0,0,flag); map_addflooritem(&item_tmp,1,sd->bl.m,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y,0,0,0,0); } } } if(cardflag == 1) {// �J�[�h����菜�����A�C�e������ int flag; struct item item_tmp; memset(&item_tmp,0,sizeof(item_tmp)); item_tmp.nameid = sd->status.inventory[i].nameid; item_tmp.identify = 1; item_tmp.refine = sd->status.inventory[i].refine; item_tmp.attribute = sd->status.inventory[i].attribute; item_tmp.expire_time = sd->status.inventory[i].expire_time; for (j = sd->inventory_data[i]->slot; j < MAX_SLOTS; j++) item_tmp.card[j]=sd->status.inventory[i].card[j]; pc_delitem(sd,i,1,0,3,LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT); if((flag=pc_additem(sd,&item_tmp,1,LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT))){ // ���ĂȂ��Ȃ�h���b�v clif_additem(sd,0,0,flag); map_addflooritem(&item_tmp,1,sd->bl.m,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y,0,0,0,0); } clif_misceffect(&sd->bl,3); } return 0; } /// Removes all cards from the item found in the specified equipment slot of the invoking character. /// failedremovecards <slot>, <type>; /// <type>=0 : will destroy both the item and the cards. /// <type>=1 : will keep the item, but destroy the cards. /// <type>=2 : will keep the cards, but destroy the item. /// <type>=? : will just display the failure effect. BUILDIN_FUNC(failedremovecards) { int i=-1,j,c,cardflag=0; TBL_PC* sd = script_rid2sd(st); int num = script_getnum(st,2); int typefail = script_getnum(st,3); if (num > 0 && num <= ARRAYLENGTH(equip)) i=pc_checkequip(sd,equip[num-1]); if (i < 0 || !sd->inventory_data[i]) return 0; if(itemdb_isspecial(sd->status.inventory[i].card[0])) return 0; for( c = sd->inventory_data[i]->slot - 1; c >= 0; --c ) { if( sd->status.inventory[i].card[c] && itemdb_type(sd->status.inventory[i].card[c]) == IT_CARD ) { cardflag = 1; if(typefail == 2) {// add cards to inventory, clear int flag; struct item item_tmp; memset(&item_tmp,0,sizeof(item_tmp)); item_tmp.nameid = sd->status.inventory[i].card[c]; item_tmp.identify = 1; if((flag=pc_additem(sd,&item_tmp,1,LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT))){ clif_additem(sd,0,0,flag); map_addflooritem(&item_tmp,1,sd->bl.m,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y,0,0,0,0); } } } } if(cardflag == 1) { if(typefail == 0 || typefail == 2){ // ����� pc_delitem(sd,i,1,0,2,LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT); } if(typefail == 1){ // �J�[�h�̂ݑ����i�����Ԃ��j int flag; struct item item_tmp; memset(&item_tmp,0,sizeof(item_tmp)); item_tmp.nameid = sd->status.inventory[i].nameid; item_tmp.identify = 1; item_tmp.refine = sd->status.inventory[i].refine; item_tmp.attribute = sd->status.inventory[i].attribute; item_tmp.expire_time = sd->status.inventory[i].expire_time; for (j = sd->inventory_data[i]->slot; j < MAX_SLOTS; j++) item_tmp.card[j]=sd->status.inventory[i].card[j]; pc_delitem(sd,i,1,0,2,LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT); if((flag=pc_additem(sd,&item_tmp,1,LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT))){ clif_additem(sd,0,0,flag); map_addflooritem(&item_tmp,1,sd->bl.m,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y,0,0,0,0); } } clif_misceffect(&sd->bl,2); } return 0; } /* ================================================================ * mapwarp "<from map>","<to map>",<x>,<y>,<type>,<ID for Type>; * type: 0=everyone, 1=guild, 2=party; [Reddozen] * improved by [Lance] * ================================================================*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(mapwarp) // Added by RoVeRT { int x,y,m,check_val=0,check_ID=0,i=0; struct guild *g = NULL; struct party_data *p = NULL; const char *str; const char *mapname; unsigned int index; mapname=script_getstr(st,2); str=script_getstr(st,3); x=script_getnum(st,4); y=script_getnum(st,5); if(script_hasdata(st,7)){ check_val=script_getnum(st,6); check_ID=script_getnum(st,7); } if((m=map_mapname2mapid(mapname))< 0) return 0; if(!(index=mapindex_name2id(str))) return 0; switch(check_val){ case 1: g = guild_search(check_ID); if (g){ for( i=0; i < g->max_member; i++) { if(g->member[i].sd && g->member[i].sd->bl.m==m){ pc_setpos(g->member[i].sd,index,x,y,CLR_TELEPORT); } } } break; case 2: p = party_search(check_ID); if(p){ for(i=0;i<MAX_PARTY; i++){ if(p->data[i].sd && p->data[i].sd->bl.m == m){ pc_setpos(p->data[i].sd,index,x,y,CLR_TELEPORT); } } } break; default: map_foreachinmap(buildin_areawarp_sub,m,BL_PC,index,x,y,0,0); break; } return 0; } static int buildin_mobcount_sub(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) // Added by RoVeRT { char *event=va_arg(ap,char *); struct mob_data *md = ((struct mob_data *)bl); if( md->status.hp > 0 && (!event || strcmp(event,md->npc_event) == 0) ) return 1; return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(mobcount) // Added by RoVeRT { const char *mapname,*event; int m; mapname=script_getstr(st,2); event=script_getstr(st,3); if( strcmp(event, "all") == 0 ) event = NULL; else check_event(st, event); if( strcmp(mapname, "this") == 0 ) { struct map_session_data *sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd ) m = sd->bl.m; else { script_pushint(st,-1); return 0; } } else if( (m = map_mapname2mapid(mapname)) < 0 ) { script_pushint(st,-1); return 0; } if( map[m].flag.src4instance && map[m].instance_id == 0 && st->instance_id && (m = instance_mapid2imapid(m, st->instance_id)) < 0 ) { script_pushint(st,-1); return 0; } script_pushint(st,map_foreachinmap(buildin_mobcount_sub, m, BL_MOB, event)); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(marriage) { const char *partner=script_getstr(st,2); TBL_PC *sd=script_rid2sd(st); TBL_PC *p_sd=map_nick2sd(partner); if(sd==NULL || p_sd==NULL || pc_marriage(sd,p_sd) < 0){ script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } script_pushint(st,1); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(wedding_effect) { TBL_PC *sd=script_rid2sd(st); struct block_list *bl; if(sd==NULL) { bl=map_id2bl(st->oid); } else bl=&sd->bl; clif_wedding_effect(bl); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(divorce) { TBL_PC *sd=script_rid2sd(st); if(sd==NULL || pc_divorce(sd) < 0){ script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } script_pushint(st,1); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(ispartneron) { TBL_PC *sd=script_rid2sd(st); if(sd==NULL || !pc_ismarried(sd) || map_charid2sd(sd->status.partner_id) == NULL) { script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } script_pushint(st,1); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(getpartnerid) { TBL_PC *sd=script_rid2sd(st); if (sd == NULL) { script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } script_pushint(st,sd->status.partner_id); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(getchildid) { TBL_PC *sd=script_rid2sd(st); if (sd == NULL) { script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } script_pushint(st,sd->status.child); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(getmotherid) { TBL_PC *sd=script_rid2sd(st); if (sd == NULL) { script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } script_pushint(st,sd->status.mother); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(getfatherid) { TBL_PC *sd=script_rid2sd(st); if (sd == NULL) { script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } script_pushint(st,sd->status.father); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(warppartner) { int x,y; unsigned short mapindex; const char *str; TBL_PC *sd=script_rid2sd(st); TBL_PC *p_sd=NULL; if(sd==NULL || !pc_ismarried(sd) || (p_sd=map_charid2sd(sd->status.partner_id)) == NULL) { script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } str=script_getstr(st,2); x=script_getnum(st,3); y=script_getnum(st,4); mapindex = mapindex_name2id(str); if (mapindex) { pc_setpos(p_sd,mapindex,x,y,CLR_OUTSIGHT); script_pushint(st,1); } else script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } /*================================================ * Script for Displaying MOB Information [Valaris] *------------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(strmobinfo) { int num=script_getnum(st,2); int class_=script_getnum(st,3); if(!mobdb_checkid(class_)) { script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } switch (num) { case 1: script_pushstrcopy(st,mob_db(class_)->name); break; case 2: script_pushstrcopy(st,mob_db(class_)->jname); break; case 3: script_pushint(st,mob_db(class_)->lv); break; case 4: script_pushint(st,mob_db(class_)->status.max_hp); break; case 5: script_pushint(st,mob_db(class_)->status.max_sp); break; case 6: script_pushint(st,mob_db(class_)->base_exp); break; case 7: script_pushint(st,mob_db(class_)->job_exp); break; default: script_pushint(st,0); break; } return 0; } /*========================================== * Summon guardians [Valaris] * guardian("<map name>",<x>,<y>,"<name to show>",<mob id>{,"<event label>"}{,<guardian index>}) -> <id> *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(guardian) { int class_=0,x=0,y=0,guardian=0; const char *str,*map,*evt=""; struct script_data *data; bool has_index = false; map =script_getstr(st,2); x =script_getnum(st,3); y =script_getnum(st,4); str =script_getstr(st,5); class_=script_getnum(st,6); if( script_hasdata(st,8) ) {// "<event label>",<guardian index> evt=script_getstr(st,7); guardian=script_getnum(st,8); has_index = true; } else if( script_hasdata(st,7) ){ data=script_getdata(st,7); get_val(st,data); if( data_isstring(data) ) {// "<event label>" evt=script_getstr(st,7); } else if( data_isint(data) ) {// <guardian index> guardian=script_getnum(st,7); has_index = true; } else { ShowError("script:guardian: invalid data type for argument #6 (from 1)\n"); script_reportdata(data); return 1; } } check_event(st, evt); script_pushint(st, mob_spawn_guardian(map,x,y,str,class_,evt,guardian,has_index)); return 0; } /*========================================== * Invisible Walls [Zephyrus] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(setwall) { const char *map, *name; int x, y, m, size, dir; bool shootable; map = script_getstr(st,2); x = script_getnum(st,3); y = script_getnum(st,4); size = script_getnum(st,5); dir = script_getnum(st,6); shootable = script_getnum(st,7); name = script_getstr(st,8); if( (m = map_mapname2mapid(map)) < 0 ) return 0; // Invalid Map map_iwall_set(m, x, y, size, dir, shootable, name); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(delwall) { const char *name = script_getstr(st,2); map_iwall_remove(name); return 0; } /// Retrieves various information about the specified guardian. /// /// guardianinfo("<map_name>", <index>, <type>) -> <value> /// type: 0 - whether it is deployed or not /// 1 - maximum hp /// 2 - current hp /// BUILDIN_FUNC(guardianinfo) { const char* mapname = mapindex_getmapname(script_getstr(st,2),NULL); int id = script_getnum(st,3); int type = script_getnum(st,4); struct guild_castle* gc = guild_mapname2gc(mapname); struct mob_data* gd; if( gc == NULL || id < 0 || id >= MAX_GUARDIANS ) { script_pushint(st,-1); return 0; } if( type == 0 ) script_pushint(st, gc->guardian[id].visible); else if( !gc->guardian[id].visible ) script_pushint(st,-1); else if( (gd = map_id2md(gc->guardian[id].id)) == NULL ) script_pushint(st,-1); else { if ( type == 1 ) script_pushint(st,gd->status.max_hp); else if( type == 2 ) script_pushint(st,gd->status.hp); else script_pushint(st,-1); } return 0; } /*========================================== * ID����Item�� *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getitemname) { int item_id=0; struct item_data *i_data; char *item_name; struct script_data *data; data=script_getdata(st,2); get_val(st,data); if( data_isstring(data) ){ const char *name=conv_str(st,data); struct item_data *item_data = itemdb_searchname(name); if( item_data ) item_id=item_data->nameid; }else item_id=conv_num(st,data); i_data = itemdb_exists(item_id); if (i_data == NULL) { script_pushconststr(st,"null"); return 0; } item_name=(char *)aMalloc(ITEM_NAME_LENGTH*sizeof(char)); memcpy(item_name, i_data->jname, ITEM_NAME_LENGTH); script_pushstr(st,item_name); return 0; } /*========================================== * Returns number of slots an item has. [Skotlex] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getitemslots) { int item_id; struct item_data *i_data; item_id=script_getnum(st,2); i_data = itemdb_exists(item_id); if (i_data) script_pushint(st,i_data->slot); else script_pushint(st,-1); return 0; } // TODO: add matk here if needed/once we get rid of RENEWAL /*========================================== * Returns some values of an item [Lupus] * Price, Weight, etc... getiteminfo(itemID,n), where n 0 value_buy; 1 value_sell; 2 type; 3 maxchance = Max drop chance of this item e.g. 1 = 0.01% , etc.. if = 0, then monsters don't drop it at all (rare or a quest item) if = -1, then this item is sold in NPC shops only 4 sex; 5 equip; 6 weight; 7 atk; 8 def; 9 range; 10 slot; 11 look; 12 elv; 13 wlv; 14 view id *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getiteminfo) { int item_id,n; int *item_arr; struct item_data *i_data; item_id = script_getnum(st,2); n = script_getnum(st,3); i_data = itemdb_exists(item_id); if (i_data && n>=0 && n<=14) { item_arr = (int*)&i_data->value_buy; script_pushint(st,item_arr[n]); } else script_pushint(st,-1); return 0; } /*========================================== * Set some values of an item [Lupus] * Price, Weight, etc... setiteminfo(itemID,n,Value), where n 0 value_buy; 1 value_sell; 2 type; 3 maxchance = Max drop chance of this item e.g. 1 = 0.01% , etc.. if = 0, then monsters don't drop it at all (rare or a quest item) if = -1, then this item is sold in NPC shops only 4 sex; 5 equip; 6 weight; 7 atk; 8 def; 9 range; 10 slot; 11 look; 12 elv; 13 wlv; 14 view id * Returns Value or -1 if the wrong field's been set *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(setiteminfo) { int item_id,n,value; int *item_arr; struct item_data *i_data; item_id = script_getnum(st,2); n = script_getnum(st,3); value = script_getnum(st,4); i_data = itemdb_exists(item_id); if (i_data && n>=0 && n<=14) { item_arr = (int*)&i_data->value_buy; item_arr[n] = value; script_pushint(st,value); } else script_pushint(st,-1); return 0; } /*========================================== * Returns value from equipped item slot n [Lupus] getequipcardid(num,slot) where num = eqip position slot slot = 0,1,2,3 (Card Slot N) This func returns CARD ID, 255,254,-255 (for card 0, if the item is produced) it's useful when you want to check item cards or if it's signed Useful for such quests as "Sign this refined item with players name" etc Hat[0] +4 -> Player's Hat[0] +4 *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getequipcardid) { int i=-1,num,slot; TBL_PC *sd; num=script_getnum(st,2); slot=script_getnum(st,3); sd=script_rid2sd(st); if (num > 0 && num <= ARRAYLENGTH(equip)) i=pc_checkequip(sd,equip[num-1]); if(i >= 0 && slot>=0 && slot<4) script_pushint(st,sd->status.inventory[i].card[slot]); else script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } /*========================================== * petskillbonus [Valaris] //Rewritten by [Skotlex] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(petskillbonus) { struct pet_data *pd; TBL_PC *sd=script_rid2sd(st); if(sd==NULL || sd->pd==NULL) return 0; pd=sd->pd; if (pd->bonus) { //Clear previous bonus if (pd->bonus->timer != INVALID_TIMER) delete_timer(pd->bonus->timer, pet_skill_bonus_timer); } else //init pd->bonus = (struct pet_bonus *) aMalloc(sizeof(struct pet_bonus)); pd->bonus->type=script_getnum(st,2); pd->bonus->val=script_getnum(st,3); pd->bonus->duration=script_getnum(st,4); pd->bonus->delay=script_getnum(st,5); if (pd->state.skillbonus == 1) pd->state.skillbonus=0; // waiting state // wait for timer to start if (battle_config.pet_equip_required && pd->pet.equip == 0) pd->bonus->timer = INVALID_TIMER; else pd->bonus->timer = add_timer(gettick()+pd->bonus->delay*1000, pet_skill_bonus_timer, sd->bl.id, 0); return 0; } /*========================================== * pet looting [Valaris] //Rewritten by [Skotlex] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(petloot) { int max; struct pet_data *pd; TBL_PC *sd=script_rid2sd(st); if(sd==NULL || sd->pd==NULL) return 0; max=script_getnum(st,2); if(max < 1) max = 1; //Let'em loot at least 1 item. else if (max > MAX_PETLOOT_SIZE) max = MAX_PETLOOT_SIZE; pd = sd->pd; if (pd->loot != NULL) { //Release whatever was there already and reallocate memory pet_lootitem_drop(pd, pd->msd); aFree(pd->loot->item); } else pd->loot = (struct pet_loot *)aMalloc(sizeof(struct pet_loot)); pd->loot->item = (struct item *)aCalloc(max,sizeof(struct item)); pd->loot->max=max; pd->loot->count = 0; pd->loot->weight = 0; return 0; } /*========================================== * PC�̏����i���ǂݎ�� *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getinventorylist) { TBL_PC *sd=script_rid2sd(st); char card_var[NAME_LENGTH]; int i,j=0,k; if(!sd) return 0; for(i=0;i<MAX_INVENTORY;i++){ if(sd->status.inventory[i].nameid > 0 && sd->status.inventory[i].amount > 0){ pc_setreg(sd,reference_uid(add_str("@inventorylist_id"), j),sd->status.inventory[i].nameid); pc_setreg(sd,reference_uid(add_str("@inventorylist_amount"), j),sd->status.inventory[i].amount); pc_setreg(sd,reference_uid(add_str("@inventorylist_equip"), j),sd->status.inventory[i].equip); pc_setreg(sd,reference_uid(add_str("@inventorylist_refine"), j),sd->status.inventory[i].refine); pc_setreg(sd,reference_uid(add_str("@inventorylist_identify"), j),sd->status.inventory[i].identify); pc_setreg(sd,reference_uid(add_str("@inventorylist_attribute"), j),sd->status.inventory[i].attribute); for (k = 0; k < MAX_SLOTS; k++) { sprintf(card_var, "@inventorylist_card%d",k+1); pc_setreg(sd,reference_uid(add_str(card_var), j),sd->status.inventory[i].card[k]); } pc_setreg(sd,reference_uid(add_str("@inventorylist_expire"), j),sd->status.inventory[i].expire_time); j++; } } pc_setreg(sd,add_str("@inventorylist_count"),j); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(getskilllist) { TBL_PC *sd=script_rid2sd(st); int i,j=0; if(!sd) return 0; for(i=0;i<MAX_SKILL;i++){ if(sd->status.skill[i].id > 0 && sd->status.skill[i].lv > 0){ pc_setreg(sd,reference_uid(add_str("@skilllist_id"), j),sd->status.skill[i].id); pc_setreg(sd,reference_uid(add_str("@skilllist_lv"), j),sd->status.skill[i].lv); pc_setreg(sd,reference_uid(add_str("@skilllist_flag"), j),sd->status.skill[i].flag); j++; } } pc_setreg(sd,add_str("@skilllist_count"),j); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(clearitem) { TBL_PC *sd=script_rid2sd(st); int i; if(sd==NULL) return 0; for (i=0; i<MAX_INVENTORY; i++) { if (sd->status.inventory[i].amount) { pc_delitem(sd, i, sd->status.inventory[i].amount, 0, 0, LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT); } } return 0; } /*========================================== * Disguise Player (returns Mob/NPC ID if success, 0 on fail) *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(disguise) { int id; TBL_PC* sd = script_rid2sd(st); if (sd == NULL) return 0; id = script_getnum(st,2); if (mobdb_checkid(id) || npcdb_checkid(id)) { pc_disguise(sd, id); script_pushint(st,id); } else script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } /*========================================== * Undisguise Player (returns 1 if success, 0 on fail) *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(undisguise) { TBL_PC* sd = script_rid2sd(st); if (sd == NULL) return 0; if (sd->disguise) { pc_disguise(sd, 0); script_pushint(st,0); } else { script_pushint(st,1); } return 0; } /*========================================== * NPC�N���X�`�F���W * class�͕ς�肽��class * type�͒ʏ�0�Ȃ̂��ȁH *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(classchange) { int _class,type; struct block_list *bl=map_id2bl(st->oid); if(bl==NULL) return 0; _class=script_getnum(st,2); type=script_getnum(st,3); clif_class_change(bl,_class,type); return 0; } /*========================================== * NPC���甭������G�t�F�N�g *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(misceffect) { int type; type=script_getnum(st,2); if(st->oid && st->oid != fake_nd->bl.id) { struct block_list *bl = map_id2bl(st->oid); if (bl) clif_specialeffect(bl,type,AREA); } else{ TBL_PC *sd=script_rid2sd(st); if(sd) clif_specialeffect(&sd->bl,type,AREA); } return 0; } /*========================================== * Play a BGM on a single client [Rikter/Yommy] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(playBGM) { const char* name; struct map_session_data* sd; if( ( sd = script_rid2sd(st) ) != NULL ) { name = script_getstr(st,2); clif_playBGM(sd, name); } return 0; } static int playBGM_sub(struct block_list* bl,va_list ap) { const char* name = va_arg(ap,const char*); clif_playBGM(BL_CAST(BL_PC, bl), name); return 0; } static int playBGM_foreachpc_sub(struct map_session_data* sd, va_list args) { const char* name = va_arg(args, const char*); clif_playBGM(sd, name); return 0; } /*========================================== * Play a BGM on multiple client [Rikter/Yommy] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(playBGMall) { const char* name; name = script_getstr(st,2); if( script_hasdata(st,7) ) {// specified part of map const char* map = script_getstr(st,3); int x0 = script_getnum(st,4); int y0 = script_getnum(st,5); int x1 = script_getnum(st,6); int y1 = script_getnum(st,7); map_foreachinarea(playBGM_sub, map_mapname2mapid(map), x0, y0, x1, y1, BL_PC, name); } else if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) {// entire map const char* map = script_getstr(st,3); map_foreachinmap(playBGM_sub, map_mapname2mapid(map), BL_PC, name); } else {// entire server map_foreachpc(&playBGM_foreachpc_sub, name); } return 0; } /*========================================== * �T�E���h�G�t�F�N�g *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(soundeffect) { TBL_PC* sd = script_rid2sd(st); const char* name = script_getstr(st,2); int type = script_getnum(st,3); if(sd) { clif_soundeffect(sd,&sd->bl,name,type); } return 0; } int soundeffect_sub(struct block_list* bl,va_list ap) { char* name = va_arg(ap,char*); int type = va_arg(ap,int); clif_soundeffect((TBL_PC *)bl, bl, name, type); return 0; } /*========================================== * Play a sound effect (.wav) on multiple clients * soundeffectall "<filepath>",<type>{,"<map name>"}{,<x0>,<y0>,<x1>,<y1>}; *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(soundeffectall) { struct block_list* bl; const char* name; int type; bl = (st->rid) ? &(script_rid2sd(st)->bl) : map_id2bl(st->oid); if (!bl) return 0; name = script_getstr(st,2); type = script_getnum(st,3); //FIXME: enumerating map squares (map_foreach) is slower than enumerating the list of online players (map_foreachpc?) [ultramage] if(!script_hasdata(st,4)) { // area around clif_soundeffectall(bl, name, type, AREA); } else if(!script_hasdata(st,5)) { // entire map const char* map = script_getstr(st,4); map_foreachinmap(soundeffect_sub, map_mapname2mapid(map), BL_PC, name, type); } else if(script_hasdata(st,8)) { // specified part of map const char* map = script_getstr(st,4); int x0 = script_getnum(st,5); int y0 = script_getnum(st,6); int x1 = script_getnum(st,7); int y1 = script_getnum(st,8); map_foreachinarea(soundeffect_sub, map_mapname2mapid(map), x0, y0, x1, y1, BL_PC, name, type); } else { ShowError("buildin_soundeffectall: insufficient arguments for specific area broadcast.\n"); } return 0; } /*========================================== * pet status recovery [Valaris] / Rewritten by [Skotlex] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(petrecovery) { struct pet_data *pd; TBL_PC *sd=script_rid2sd(st); if(sd==NULL || sd->pd==NULL) return 0; pd=sd->pd; if (pd->recovery) { //Halt previous bonus if (pd->recovery->timer != INVALID_TIMER) delete_timer(pd->recovery->timer, pet_recovery_timer); } else //Init pd->recovery = (struct pet_recovery *)aMalloc(sizeof(struct pet_recovery)); pd->recovery->type = (sc_type)script_getnum(st,2); pd->recovery->delay = script_getnum(st,3); pd->recovery->timer = INVALID_TIMER; return 0; } /*========================================== * pet healing [Valaris] //Rewritten by [Skotlex] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(petheal) { struct pet_data *pd; TBL_PC *sd=script_rid2sd(st); if(sd==NULL || sd->pd==NULL) return 0; pd=sd->pd; if (pd->s_skill) { //Clear previous skill if (pd->s_skill->timer != INVALID_TIMER) { if (pd->s_skill->id) delete_timer(pd->s_skill->timer, pet_skill_support_timer); else delete_timer(pd->s_skill->timer, pet_heal_timer); } } else //init memory pd->s_skill = (struct pet_skill_support *) aMalloc(sizeof(struct pet_skill_support)); pd->s_skill->id=0; //This id identifies that it IS petheal rather than pet_skillsupport //Use the lv as the amount to heal pd->s_skill->lv=script_getnum(st,2); pd->s_skill->delay=script_getnum(st,3); pd->s_skill->hp=script_getnum(st,4); pd->s_skill->sp=script_getnum(st,5); //Use delay as initial offset to avoid skill/heal exploits if (battle_config.pet_equip_required && pd->pet.equip == 0) pd->s_skill->timer = INVALID_TIMER; else pd->s_skill->timer = add_timer(gettick()+pd->s_skill->delay*1000,pet_heal_timer,sd->bl.id,0); return 0; } /*========================================== * pet attack skills [Valaris] //Rewritten by [Skotlex] *------------------------------------------*/ /// petskillattack <skill id>,<level>,<rate>,<bonusrate> /// petskillattack "<skill name>",<level>,<rate>,<bonusrate> BUILDIN_FUNC(petskillattack) { struct pet_data *pd; TBL_PC *sd=script_rid2sd(st); if(sd==NULL || sd->pd==NULL) return 0; pd=sd->pd; if (pd->a_skill == NULL) pd->a_skill = (struct pet_skill_attack *)aMalloc(sizeof(struct pet_skill_attack)); pd->a_skill->id=( script_isstring(st,2) ? skill_name2id(script_getstr(st,2)) : script_getnum(st,2) ); pd->a_skill->lv=script_getnum(st,3); pd->a_skill->div_ = 0; pd->a_skill->rate=script_getnum(st,4); pd->a_skill->bonusrate=script_getnum(st,5); return 0; } /*========================================== * pet attack skills [Valaris] *------------------------------------------*/ /// petskillattack2 <skill id>,<level>,<div>,<rate>,<bonusrate> /// petskillattack2 "<skill name>",<level>,<div>,<rate>,<bonusrate> BUILDIN_FUNC(petskillattack2) { struct pet_data *pd; TBL_PC *sd=script_rid2sd(st); if(sd==NULL || sd->pd==NULL) return 0; pd=sd->pd; if (pd->a_skill == NULL) pd->a_skill = (struct pet_skill_attack *)aMalloc(sizeof(struct pet_skill_attack)); pd->a_skill->id=( script_isstring(st,2) ? skill_name2id(script_getstr(st,2)) : script_getnum(st,2) ); pd->a_skill->lv=script_getnum(st,3); pd->a_skill->div_ = script_getnum(st,4); pd->a_skill->rate=script_getnum(st,5); pd->a_skill->bonusrate=script_getnum(st,6); return 0; } /*========================================== * pet support skills [Skotlex] *------------------------------------------*/ /// petskillsupport <skill id>,<level>,<delay>,<hp>,<sp> /// petskillsupport "<skill name>",<level>,<delay>,<hp>,<sp> BUILDIN_FUNC(petskillsupport) { struct pet_data *pd; TBL_PC *sd=script_rid2sd(st); if(sd==NULL || sd->pd==NULL) return 0; pd=sd->pd; if (pd->s_skill) { //Clear previous skill if (pd->s_skill->timer != INVALID_TIMER) { if (pd->s_skill->id) delete_timer(pd->s_skill->timer, pet_skill_support_timer); else delete_timer(pd->s_skill->timer, pet_heal_timer); } } else //init memory pd->s_skill = (struct pet_skill_support *) aMalloc(sizeof(struct pet_skill_support)); pd->s_skill->id=( script_isstring(st,2) ? skill_name2id(script_getstr(st,2)) : script_getnum(st,2) ); pd->s_skill->lv=script_getnum(st,3); pd->s_skill->delay=script_getnum(st,4); pd->s_skill->hp=script_getnum(st,5); pd->s_skill->sp=script_getnum(st,6); //Use delay as initial offset to avoid skill/heal exploits if (battle_config.pet_equip_required && pd->pet.equip == 0) pd->s_skill->timer = INVALID_TIMER; else pd->s_skill->timer = add_timer(gettick()+pd->s_skill->delay*1000,pet_skill_support_timer,sd->bl.id,0); return 0; } /*========================================== * Scripted skill effects [Celest] *------------------------------------------*/ /// skilleffect <skill id>,<level> /// skilleffect "<skill name>",<level> BUILDIN_FUNC(skilleffect) { TBL_PC *sd; int skillid=( script_isstring(st,2) ? skill_name2id(script_getstr(st,2)) : script_getnum(st,2) ); int skilllv=script_getnum(st,3); sd=script_rid2sd(st); clif_skill_nodamage(&sd->bl,&sd->bl,skillid,skilllv,1); return 0; } /*========================================== * NPC skill effects [Valaris] *------------------------------------------*/ /// npcskilleffect <skill id>,<level>,<x>,<y> /// npcskilleffect "<skill name>",<level>,<x>,<y> BUILDIN_FUNC(npcskilleffect) { struct block_list *bl= map_id2bl(st->oid); int skillid=( script_isstring(st,2) ? skill_name2id(script_getstr(st,2)) : script_getnum(st,2) ); int skilllv=script_getnum(st,3); int x=script_getnum(st,4); int y=script_getnum(st,5); if (bl) clif_skill_poseffect(bl,skillid,skilllv,x,y,gettick()); return 0; } /*========================================== * Special effects [Valaris] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(specialeffect) { struct block_list *bl=map_id2bl(st->oid); int type = script_getnum(st,2); enum send_target target = script_hasdata(st,3) ? (send_target)script_getnum(st,3) : AREA; if(bl==NULL) return 0; if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) { TBL_NPC *nd = npc_name2id(script_getstr(st,4)); if(nd) clif_specialeffect(&nd->bl, type, target); } else { if (target == SELF) { TBL_PC *sd=script_rid2sd(st); if (sd) clif_specialeffect_single(bl,type,sd->fd); } else { clif_specialeffect(bl, type, target); } } return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(specialeffect2) { TBL_PC *sd=script_rid2sd(st); int type = script_getnum(st,2); enum send_target target = script_hasdata(st,3) ? (send_target)script_getnum(st,3) : AREA; if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) sd = map_nick2sd(script_getstr(st,4)); if (sd) clif_specialeffect(&sd->bl, type, target); return 0; } /*========================================== * Nude [Valaris] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(nude) { TBL_PC *sd = script_rid2sd(st); int i, calcflag = 0; if( sd == NULL ) return 0; for( i = 0 ; i < EQI_MAX; i++ ) { if( sd->equip_index[ i ] >= 0 ) { if( !calcflag ) calcflag = 1; pc_unequipitem( sd , sd->equip_index[ i ] , 2); } } if( calcflag ) status_calc_pc(sd,0); return 0; } /*========================================== * gmcommand [MouseJstr] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(atcommand) { TBL_PC dummy_sd; TBL_PC* sd; int fd; const char* cmd; cmd = script_getstr(st,2); if (st->rid) { sd = script_rid2sd(st); fd = sd->fd; } else { //Use a dummy character. sd = &dummy_sd; fd = 0; memset(&dummy_sd, 0, sizeof(TBL_PC)); if (st->oid) { struct block_list* bl = map_id2bl(st->oid); memcpy(&dummy_sd.bl, bl, sizeof(struct block_list)); if (bl->type == BL_NPC) safestrncpy(dummy_sd.status.name, ((TBL_NPC*)bl)->name, NAME_LENGTH); } } if (!is_atcommand(fd, sd, cmd, 0)) { ShowWarning("script: buildin_atcommand: failed to execute command '%s'\n", cmd); script_reportsrc(st); return 1; } return 0; } /*========================================== * Displays a message for the player only (like system messages like "you got an apple" ) *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(dispbottom) { TBL_PC *sd=script_rid2sd(st); const char *message; message=script_getstr(st,2); if(sd) clif_disp_onlyself(sd,message,(int)strlen(message)); return 0; } /*========================================== * All The Players Full Recovery * (HP/SP full restore and resurrect if need) *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(recovery) { TBL_PC* sd; struct s_mapiterator* iter; iter = mapit_getallusers(); for( sd = (TBL_PC*)mapit_first(iter); mapit_exists(iter); sd = (TBL_PC*)mapit_next(iter) ) { if(pc_isdead(sd)) status_revive(&sd->bl, 100, 100); else status_percent_heal(&sd->bl, 100, 100); clif_displaymessage(sd->fd,msg_txt(680)); } mapit_free(iter); return 0; } /*========================================== * Get your pet info: getpetinfo(n) * n -> 0:pet_id 1:pet_class 2:pet_name * 3:friendly 4:hungry, 5: rename flag. *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getpetinfo) { TBL_PC *sd=script_rid2sd(st); TBL_PET *pd; int type=script_getnum(st,2); if(!sd || !sd->pd) { if (type == 2) script_pushconststr(st,"null"); else script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } pd = sd->pd; switch(type){ case 0: script_pushint(st,pd->pet.pet_id); break; case 1: script_pushint(st,pd->pet.class_); break; case 2: script_pushstrcopy(st,pd->pet.name); break; case 3: script_pushint(st,pd->pet.intimate); break; case 4: script_pushint(st,pd->pet.hungry); break; case 5: script_pushint(st,pd->pet.rename_flag); break; default: script_pushint(st,0); break; } return 0; } /*========================================== * Get your homunculus info: gethominfo(n) * n -> 0:hom_id 1:class 2:name * 3:friendly 4:hungry, 5: rename flag. * 6: level *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(gethominfo) { TBL_PC *sd=script_rid2sd(st); TBL_HOM *hd; int type=script_getnum(st,2); hd = sd?sd->hd:NULL; if(!merc_is_hom_active(hd)) { if (type == 2) script_pushconststr(st,"null"); else script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } switch(type){ case 0: script_pushint(st,hd->homunculus.hom_id); break; case 1: script_pushint(st,hd->homunculus.class_); break; case 2: script_pushstrcopy(st,hd->homunculus.name); break; case 3: script_pushint(st,hd->homunculus.intimacy); break; case 4: script_pushint(st,hd->homunculus.hunger); break; case 5: script_pushint(st,hd->homunculus.rename_flag); break; case 6: script_pushint(st,hd->homunculus.level); break; default: script_pushint(st,0); break; } return 0; } /// Retrieves information about character's mercenary /// getmercinfo <type>[,<char id>]; BUILDIN_FUNC(getmercinfo) { int type, char_id; struct map_session_data* sd; struct mercenary_data* md; type = script_getnum(st,2); if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) { char_id = script_getnum(st,3); if( ( sd = map_charid2sd(char_id) ) == NULL ) { ShowError("buildin_getmercinfo: No such character (char_id=%d).\n", char_id); script_pushnil(st); return 1; } } else { if( ( sd = script_rid2sd(st) ) == NULL ) { script_pushnil(st); return 0; } } md = ( sd->status.mer_id && sd->md ) ? sd->md : NULL; switch( type ) { case 0: script_pushint(st,md ? md->mercenary.mercenary_id : 0); break; case 1: script_pushint(st,md ? md->mercenary.class_ : 0); break; case 2: if( md ) script_pushstrcopy(st,md->db->name); else script_pushconststr(st,""); break; case 3: script_pushint(st,md ? mercenary_get_faith(md) : 0); break; case 4: script_pushint(st,md ? mercenary_get_calls(md) : 0); break; case 5: script_pushint(st,md ? md->mercenary.kill_count : 0); break; case 6: script_pushint(st,md ? mercenary_get_lifetime(md) : 0); break; case 7: script_pushint(st,md ? md->db->lv : 0); break; default: ShowError("buildin_getmercinfo: Invalid type %d (char_id=%d).\n", type, sd->status.char_id); script_pushnil(st); return 1; } return 0; } /*========================================== * Shows wether your inventory(and equips) contain selected card or not. checkequipedcard(4001); *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(checkequipedcard) { TBL_PC *sd=script_rid2sd(st); if(sd){ int n,i,c=0; c=script_getnum(st,2); for(i=0;i<MAX_INVENTORY;i++){ if(sd->status.inventory[i].nameid > 0 && sd->status.inventory[i].amount && sd->inventory_data[i]){ if (itemdb_isspecial(sd->status.inventory[i].card[0])) continue; for(n=0;n<sd->inventory_data[i]->slot;n++){ if(sd->status.inventory[i].card[n]==c){ script_pushint(st,1); return 0; } } } } } script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(jump_zero) { int sel; sel=script_getnum(st,2); if(!sel) { int pos; if( !data_islabel(script_getdata(st,3)) ){ ShowError("script: jump_zero: not label !\n"); st->state=END; return 1; } pos=script_getnum(st,3); st->pos=pos; st->state=GOTO; } return 0; } /*========================================== * movenpc [MouseJstr] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(movenpc) { TBL_NPC *nd = NULL; const char *npc; int x,y; npc = script_getstr(st,2); x = script_getnum(st,3); y = script_getnum(st,4); if ((nd = npc_name2id(npc)) == NULL) return -1; if (script_hasdata(st,5)) nd->ud.dir = script_getnum(st,5) % 8; npc_movenpc(nd, x, y); return 0; } /*========================================== * message [MouseJstr] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(message) { const char *msg,*player; TBL_PC *pl_sd = NULL; player = script_getstr(st,2); msg = script_getstr(st,3); if((pl_sd=map_nick2sd((char *) player)) == NULL) return 0; clif_displaymessage(pl_sd->fd, msg); return 0; } /*========================================== * npctalk (sends message to surrounding area) *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(npctalk) { const char* str; char name[NAME_LENGTH], message[256]; struct npc_data* nd = (struct npc_data *)map_id2bl(st->oid); str = script_getstr(st,2); if(nd) { safestrncpy(name, nd->name, sizeof(name)); strtok(name, "#"); // discard extra name identifier if present safesnprintf(message, sizeof(message), "%s : %s", name, str); clif_message(&nd->bl, message); } return 0; } // change npc walkspeed [Valaris] BUILDIN_FUNC(npcspeed) { struct npc_data* nd; int speed; speed = script_getnum(st,2); nd =(struct npc_data *)map_id2bl(st->oid); if( nd ) { nd->speed = speed; nd->ud.state.speed_changed = 1; } return 0; } // make an npc walk to a position [Valaris] BUILDIN_FUNC(npcwalkto) { struct npc_data *nd=(struct npc_data *)map_id2bl(st->oid); int x=0,y=0; x=script_getnum(st,2); y=script_getnum(st,3); if(nd) { unit_walktoxy(&nd->bl,x,y,0); } return 0; } // stop an npc's movement [Valaris] BUILDIN_FUNC(npcstop) { struct npc_data *nd=(struct npc_data *)map_id2bl(st->oid); if(nd) { unit_stop_walking(&nd->bl,1|4); } return 0; } /*========================================== * getlook char info. getlook(arg) *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getlook) { int type,val; TBL_PC *sd; sd=script_rid2sd(st); type=script_getnum(st,2); val=-1; switch(type) { case LOOK_HAIR: val=sd->status.hair; break; //1 case LOOK_WEAPON: val=sd->status.weapon; break; //2 case LOOK_HEAD_BOTTOM: val=sd->status.head_bottom; break; //3 case LOOK_HEAD_TOP: val=sd->status.head_top; break; //4 case LOOK_HEAD_MID: val=sd->status.head_mid; break; //5 case LOOK_HAIR_COLOR: val=sd->status.hair_color; break; //6 case LOOK_CLOTHES_COLOR: val=sd->status.clothes_color; break; //7 case LOOK_SHIELD: val=sd->status.shield; break; //8 case LOOK_SHOES: break; //9 } script_pushint(st,val); return 0; } /*========================================== * get char save point. argument: 0- map name, 1- x, 2- y *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getsavepoint) { TBL_PC* sd; int type; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if (sd == NULL) { script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } type = script_getnum(st,2); switch(type) { case 0: script_pushstrcopy(st,mapindex_id2name(sd->status.save_point.map)); break; case 1: script_pushint(st,sd->status.save_point.x); break; case 2: script_pushint(st,sd->status.save_point.y); break; default: script_pushint(st,0); break; } return 0; } /*========================================== * Get position for char/npc/pet/mob objects. Added by Lorky * * int getMapXY(MapName$,MapX,MapY,type,[CharName$]); * where type: * MapName$ - String variable for output map name * MapX - Integer variable for output coord X * MapY - Integer variable for output coord Y * type - type of object * 0 - Character coord * 1 - NPC coord * 2 - Pet coord * 3 - Mob coord (not released) * 4 - Homun coord * 5 - Mercenary coord * 6 - Elemental coord * CharName$ - Name object. If miss or "this" the current object * * Return: * 0 - success * -1 - some error, MapName$,MapX,MapY contains unknown value. *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getmapxy) { struct block_list *bl = NULL; TBL_PC *sd=NULL; int num; const char *name; char prefix; int x,y,type; char mapname[MAP_NAME_LENGTH]; if( !data_isreference(script_getdata(st,2)) ){ ShowWarning("script: buildin_getmapxy: not mapname variable\n"); script_pushint(st,-1); return 1; } if( !data_isreference(script_getdata(st,3)) ){ ShowWarning("script: buildin_getmapxy: not mapx variable\n"); script_pushint(st,-1); return 1; } if( !data_isreference(script_getdata(st,4)) ){ ShowWarning("script: buildin_getmapxy: not mapy variable\n"); script_pushint(st,-1); return 1; } // Possible needly check function parameters on C_STR,C_INT,C_INT type=script_getnum(st,5); switch (type){ case 0: //Get Character Position if( script_hasdata(st,6) ) sd=map_nick2sd(script_getstr(st,6)); else sd=script_rid2sd(st); if (sd) bl = &sd->bl; break; case 1: //Get NPC Position if( script_hasdata(st,6) ) { struct npc_data *nd; nd=npc_name2id(script_getstr(st,6)); if (nd) bl = &nd->bl; } else //In case the origin is not an npc? bl=map_id2bl(st->oid); break; case 2: //Get Pet Position if(script_hasdata(st,6)) sd=map_nick2sd(script_getstr(st,6)); else sd=script_rid2sd(st); if (sd && sd->pd) bl = &sd->pd->bl; break; case 3: //Get Mob Position break; //Not supported? case 4: //Get Homun Position if(script_hasdata(st,6)) sd=map_nick2sd(script_getstr(st,6)); else sd=script_rid2sd(st); if (sd && sd->hd) bl = &sd->hd->bl; break; case 5: //Get Mercenary Position if(script_hasdata(st,6)) sd=map_nick2sd(script_getstr(st,6)); else sd=script_rid2sd(st); if (sd && sd->md) bl = &sd->md->bl; break; case 6: //Get Elemental Position if(script_hasdata(st,6)) sd=map_nick2sd(script_getstr(st,6)); else sd=script_rid2sd(st); if (sd && sd->ed) bl = &sd->ed->bl; break; default: ShowWarning("script: buildin_getmapxy: Invalid type %d\n", type); script_pushint(st,-1); return 1; } if (!bl) { //No object found. script_pushint(st,-1); return 0; } x= bl->x; y= bl->y; safestrncpy(mapname, map[bl->m].name, MAP_NAME_LENGTH); //Set MapName$ num=st->stack->stack_data[st->start+2].u.num; name=get_str(num&0x00ffffff); prefix=*name; if(not_server_variable(prefix)) sd=script_rid2sd(st); else sd=NULL; set_reg(st,sd,num,name,(void*)mapname,script_getref(st,2)); //Set MapX num=st->stack->stack_data[st->start+3].u.num; name=get_str(num&0x00ffffff); prefix=*name; if(not_server_variable(prefix)) sd=script_rid2sd(st); else sd=NULL; set_reg(st,sd,num,name,(void*)__64BPRTSIZE(x),script_getref(st,3)); //Set MapY num=st->stack->stack_data[st->start+4].u.num; name=get_str(num&0x00ffffff); prefix=*name; if(not_server_variable(prefix)) sd=script_rid2sd(st); else sd=NULL; set_reg(st,sd,num,name,(void*)__64BPRTSIZE(y),script_getref(st,4)); //Return Success value script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } /*========================================== * Allows player to write NPC logs (i.e. Bank NPC, etc) [Lupus] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(logmes) { const char *str; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 1; str = script_getstr(st,2); log_npc(sd,str); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(summon) { int _class, timeout=0; const char *str,*event=""; TBL_PC *sd; struct mob_data *md; int tick = gettick(); sd=script_rid2sd(st); if (!sd) return 0; str =script_getstr(st,2); _class=script_getnum(st,3); if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) timeout=script_getnum(st,4); if( script_hasdata(st,5) ){ event=script_getstr(st,5); check_event(st, event); } clif_skill_poseffect(&sd->bl,AM_CALLHOMUN,1,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y,tick); md = mob_once_spawn_sub(&sd->bl, sd->bl.m, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y, str, _class, event, SZ_SMALL, AI_NONE); if (md) { md->master_id=sd->bl.id; md->special_state.ai = AI_ATTACK; if( md->deletetimer != INVALID_TIMER ) delete_timer(md->deletetimer, mob_timer_delete); md->deletetimer = add_timer(tick+(timeout>0?timeout*1000:60000),mob_timer_delete,md->bl.id,0); mob_spawn (md); //Now it is ready for spawning. clif_specialeffect(&md->bl,344,AREA); sc_start4(&md->bl, SC_MODECHANGE, 100, 1, 0, MD_AGGRESSIVE, 0, 60000); } return 0; } /*========================================== * Checks whether it is daytime/nighttime *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(isnight) { script_pushint(st,(night_flag == 1)); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(isday) { script_pushint(st,(night_flag == 0)); return 0; } /*================================================ * Check how many items/cards in the list are * equipped - used for 2/15's cards patch [celest] *------------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(isequippedcnt) { TBL_PC *sd; int i, j, k, id = 1; int ret = 0; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if (!sd) { //If the player is not attached it is a script error anyway... but better prevent the map server from crashing... script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } for (i=0; id!=0; i++) { FETCH (i+2, id) else id = 0; if (id <= 0) continue; for (j=0; j<EQI_MAX; j++) { int index; index = sd->equip_index[j]; if(index < 0) continue; if(j == EQI_HAND_R && sd->equip_index[EQI_HAND_L] == index) continue; if(j == EQI_HEAD_MID && sd->equip_index[EQI_HEAD_LOW] == index) continue; if(j == EQI_HEAD_TOP && (sd->equip_index[EQI_HEAD_MID] == index || sd->equip_index[EQI_HEAD_LOW] == index)) continue; if(!sd->inventory_data[index]) continue; if (itemdb_type(id) != IT_CARD) { //No card. Count amount in inventory. if (sd->inventory_data[index]->nameid == id) ret+= sd->status.inventory[index].amount; } else { //Count cards. if (itemdb_isspecial(sd->status.inventory[index].card[0])) continue; //No cards for(k=0; k<sd->inventory_data[index]->slot; k++) { if (sd->status.inventory[index].card[k] == id) ret++; //[Lupus] } } } } script_pushint(st,ret); return 0; } /*================================================ * Check whether another card has been * equipped - used for 2/15's cards patch [celest] * -- Items checked cannot be reused in another * card set to prevent exploits *------------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(isequipped) { TBL_PC *sd; int i, j, k, id = 1; int index, flag; int ret = -1; //Original hash to reverse it when full check fails. unsigned int setitem_hash = 0, setitem_hash2 = 0; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if (!sd) { //If the player is not attached it is a script error anyway... but better prevent the map server from crashing... script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } setitem_hash = sd->bonus.setitem_hash; setitem_hash2 = sd->bonus.setitem_hash2; for (i=0; id!=0; i++) { FETCH (i+2, id) else id = 0; if (id <= 0) continue; flag = 0; for (j=0; j<EQI_MAX; j++) { index = sd->equip_index[j]; if(index < 0) continue; if(j == EQI_HAND_R && sd->equip_index[EQI_HAND_L] == index) continue; if(j == EQI_HEAD_MID && sd->equip_index[EQI_HEAD_LOW] == index) continue; if(j == EQI_HEAD_TOP && (sd->equip_index[EQI_HEAD_MID] == index || sd->equip_index[EQI_HEAD_LOW] == index)) continue; if(!sd->inventory_data[index]) continue; if (itemdb_type(id) != IT_CARD) { if (sd->inventory_data[index]->nameid != id) continue; flag = 1; break; } else { //Cards if (sd->inventory_data[index]->slot == 0 || itemdb_isspecial(sd->status.inventory[index].card[0])) continue; for (k = 0; k < sd->inventory_data[index]->slot; k++) { //New hash system which should support up to 4 slots on any equipment. [Skotlex] unsigned int hash = 0; if (sd->status.inventory[index].card[k] != id) continue; hash = 1<<((j<5?j:j-5)*4 + k); // check if card is already used by another set if ( ( j < 5 ? sd->bonus.setitem_hash : sd->bonus.setitem_hash2 ) & hash) continue; // We have found a match flag = 1; // Set hash so this card cannot be used by another if (j<5) sd->bonus.setitem_hash |= hash; else sd->bonus.setitem_hash2 |= hash; break; } } if (flag) break; //Card found } if (ret == -1) ret = flag; else ret &= flag; if (!ret) break; } if (!ret) {//When check fails, restore original hash values. [Skotlex] sd->bonus.setitem_hash = setitem_hash; sd->bonus.setitem_hash2 = setitem_hash2; } script_pushint(st,ret); return 0; } /*================================================ * Check how many given inserted cards in the CURRENT * weapon - used for 2/15's cards patch [Lupus] *------------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(cardscnt) { TBL_PC *sd; int i, k, id = 1; int ret = 0; int index; sd = script_rid2sd(st); for (i=0; id!=0; i++) { FETCH (i+2, id) else id = 0; if (id <= 0) continue; index = current_equip_item_index; //we get CURRENT WEAPON inventory index from status.c [Lupus] if(index < 0) continue; if(!sd->inventory_data[index]) continue; if(itemdb_type(id) != IT_CARD) { if (sd->inventory_data[index]->nameid == id) ret+= sd->status.inventory[index].amount; } else { if (itemdb_isspecial(sd->status.inventory[index].card[0])) continue; for(k=0; k<sd->inventory_data[index]->slot; k++) { if (sd->status.inventory[index].card[k] == id) ret++; } } } script_pushint(st,ret); // script_pushint(st,current_equip_item_index); return 0; } /*======================================================= * Returns the refined number of the current item, or an * item with inventory index specified *-------------------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getrefine) { TBL_PC *sd; if ((sd = script_rid2sd(st))!= NULL) script_pushint(st,sd->status.inventory[current_equip_item_index].refine); else script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } /*======================================================= * Day/Night controls *-------------------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(night) { if (night_flag != 1) map_night_timer(night_timer_tid, 0, 0, 1); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(day) { if (night_flag != 0) map_day_timer(day_timer_tid, 0, 0, 1); return 0; } //======================================================= // Unequip [Spectre] //------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN_FUNC(unequip) { int i; size_t num; TBL_PC *sd; num = script_getnum(st,2); sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd != NULL && num >= 1 && num <= ARRAYLENGTH(equip) ) { i = pc_checkequip(sd,equip[num-1]); if (i >= 0) pc_unequipitem(sd,i,1|2); } return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(equip) { int nameid=0,i; TBL_PC *sd; struct item_data *item_data; sd = script_rid2sd(st); nameid=script_getnum(st,2); if((item_data = itemdb_exists(nameid)) == NULL) { ShowError("wrong item ID : equipitem(%i)\n",nameid); return 1; } ARR_FIND( 0, MAX_INVENTORY, i, sd->status.inventory[i].nameid == nameid ); if( i < MAX_INVENTORY ) pc_equipitem(sd,i,item_data->equip); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(autoequip) { int nameid, flag; struct item_data *item_data; nameid=script_getnum(st,2); flag=script_getnum(st,3); if( ( item_data = itemdb_exists(nameid) ) == NULL ) { ShowError("buildin_autoequip: Invalid item '%d'.\n", nameid); return 1; } if( !itemdb_isequip2(item_data) ) { ShowError("buildin_autoequip: Item '%d' cannot be equipped.\n", nameid); return 1; } item_data->flag.autoequip = flag>0?1:0; return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(setbattleflag) { const char *flag, *value; flag = script_getstr(st,2); value = script_getstr(st,3); // HACK: Retrieve number as string (auto-converted) for battle_set_value if (battle_set_value(flag, value) == 0) ShowWarning("buildin_setbattleflag: unknown battle_config flag '%s'\n",flag); else ShowInfo("buildin_setbattleflag: battle_config flag '%s' is now set to '%s'.\n",flag,value); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(getbattleflag) { const char *flag; flag = script_getstr(st,2); script_pushint(st,battle_get_value(flag)); return 0; } //======================================================= // strlen [Valaris] //------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN_FUNC(getstrlen) { const char *str = script_getstr(st,2); int len = (str) ? (int)strlen(str) : 0; script_pushint(st,len); return 0; } //======================================================= // isalpha [Valaris] //------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN_FUNC(charisalpha) { const char *str=script_getstr(st,2); int pos=script_getnum(st,3); int val = ( str && pos >= 0 && (unsigned int)pos < strlen(str) ) ? ISALPHA( str[pos] ) != 0 : 0; script_pushint(st,val); return 0; } //======================================================= // charisupper <str>, <index> //------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN_FUNC(charisupper) { const char *str = script_getstr(st,2); int pos = script_getnum(st,3); int val = ( str && pos >= 0 && (unsigned int)pos < strlen(str) ) ? ISUPPER( str[pos] ) : 0; script_pushint(st,val); return 0; } //======================================================= // charislower <str>, <index> //------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN_FUNC(charislower) { const char *str = script_getstr(st,2); int pos = script_getnum(st,3); int val = ( str && pos >= 0 && (unsigned int)pos < strlen(str) ) ? ISLOWER( str[pos] ) : 0; script_pushint(st,val); return 0; } //======================================================= // charat <str>, <index> //------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN_FUNC(charat) { const char *str = script_getstr(st,2); int pos = script_getnum(st,3); if( pos >= 0 && (unsigned int)pos < strlen(str) ) { char output[2]; output[0] = str[pos]; output[1] = '\0'; script_pushstrcopy(st, output); } else script_pushconststr(st, ""); return 0; } //======================================================= // setchar <string>, <char>, <index> //------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN_FUNC(setchar) { const char *str = script_getstr(st,2); const char *c = script_getstr(st,3); int index = script_getnum(st,4); char *output = aStrdup(str); if(index >= 0 && index < strlen(output)) output[index] = *c; script_pushstr(st, output); return 0; } //======================================================= // insertchar <string>, <char>, <index> //------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN_FUNC(insertchar) { const char *str = script_getstr(st,2); const char *c = script_getstr(st,3); int index = script_getnum(st,4); char *output; size_t len = strlen(str); if(index < 0) index = 0; else if(index > len) index = len; output = (char*)aMalloc(len + 2); memcpy(output, str, index); output[index] = c[0]; memcpy(&output[index+1], &str[index], len - index); output[len+1] = '\0'; script_pushstr(st, output); return 0; } //======================================================= // delchar <string>, <index> //------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN_FUNC(delchar) { const char *str = script_getstr(st,2); int index = script_getnum(st,3); char *output; size_t len = strlen(str); if(index < 0 || index > len) { //return original output = aStrdup(str); script_pushstr(st, output); return 0; } output = (char*)aMalloc(len); memcpy(output, str, index); memcpy(&output[index], &str[index+1], len - index); script_pushstr(st, output); return 0; } //======================================================= // strtoupper <str> //------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN_FUNC(strtoupper) { const char *str = script_getstr(st,2); char *output = aStrdup(str); char *cursor = output; while (*cursor != '\0') { *cursor = TOUPPER(*cursor); cursor++; } script_pushstr(st, output); return 0; } //======================================================= // strtolower <str> //------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN_FUNC(strtolower) { const char *str = script_getstr(st,2); char *output = aStrdup(str); char *cursor = output; while (*cursor != '\0') { *cursor = TOLOWER(*cursor); cursor++; } script_pushstr(st, output); return 0; } //======================================================= // substr <str>, <start>, <end> //------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN_FUNC(substr) { const char *str = script_getstr(st,2); char *output; int start = script_getnum(st,3); int end = script_getnum(st,4); int len = 0; if(start >= 0 && end < strlen(str) && start <= end) { len = end - start + 1; output = (char*)aMalloc(len + 1); memcpy(output, &str[start], len); } else output = (char*)aMalloc(1); output[len] = '\0'; script_pushstr(st, output); return 0; } //======================================================= // explode <dest_string_array>, <str>, <delimiter> // Note: delimiter is limited to 1 char //------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN_FUNC(explode) { struct script_data* data = script_getdata(st, 2); const char *str = script_getstr(st,3); const char delimiter = script_getstr(st, 4)[0]; int32 id; size_t len = strlen(str); int i = 0, j = 0; int start; char *temp; const char* name; TBL_PC* sd = NULL; temp = (char*)aMalloc(len + 1); if( !data_isreference(data) ) { ShowError("script:explode: not a variable\n"); script_reportdata(data); st->state = END; return 1;// not a variable } id = reference_getid(data); start = reference_getindex(data); name = reference_getname(data); if( not_array_variable(*name) ) { ShowError("script:explode: illegal scope\n"); script_reportdata(data); st->state = END; return 1;// not supported } if( !is_string_variable(name) ) { ShowError("script:explode: not string array\n"); script_reportdata(data); st->state = END; return 1;// data type mismatch } if( not_server_variable(*name) ) { sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0;// no player attached } while(str[i] != '\0') { if(str[i] == delimiter && start < 127) { //break at delimiter but ignore after reaching last array index temp[j] = '\0'; set_reg(st, sd, reference_uid(id, start++), name, (void*)temp, reference_getref(data)); j = 0; ++i; } else { temp[j++] = str[i++]; } } //set last string temp[j] = '\0'; set_reg(st, sd, reference_uid(id, start), name, (void*)temp, reference_getref(data)); aFree(temp); return 0; } //======================================================= // implode <string_array> // implode <string_array>, <glue> //------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN_FUNC(implode) { struct script_data* data = script_getdata(st, 2); const char *glue = NULL, *name, *temp; int32 glue_len = 0, array_size, id; size_t len = 0; int i, k = 0; TBL_PC* sd = NULL; char *output; if( !data_isreference(data) ) { ShowError("script:implode: not a variable\n"); script_reportdata(data); st->state = END; return 1;// not a variable } id = reference_getid(data); name = reference_getname(data); if( not_array_variable(*name) ) { ShowError("script:implode: illegal scope\n"); script_reportdata(data); st->state = END; return 1;// not supported } if( !is_string_variable(name) ) { ShowError("script:implode: not string array\n"); script_reportdata(data); st->state = END; return 1;// data type mismatch } if( not_server_variable(*name) ) { sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0;// no player attached } //count chars array_size = getarraysize(st, id, reference_getindex(data), is_string_variable(name), reference_getref(data)) - 1; if(array_size == -1) //empty array check (AmsTaff) { ShowWarning("script:implode: array length = 0\n"); output = (char*)aMalloc(sizeof(char)*5); sprintf(output,"%s","NULL"); } else { for(i = 0; i <= array_size; ++i) { temp = (char*) get_val2(st, reference_uid(id, i), reference_getref(data)); len += strlen(temp); script_removetop(st, -1, 0); } //allocate mem if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) { glue = script_getstr(st,3); glue_len = strlen(glue); len += glue_len * (array_size); } output = (char*)aMalloc(len + 1); //build output for(i = 0; i < array_size; ++i) { temp = (char*) get_val2(st, reference_uid(id, i), reference_getref(data)); len = strlen(temp); memcpy(&output[k], temp, len); k += len; if(glue_len != 0) { memcpy(&output[k], glue, glue_len); k += glue_len; } script_removetop(st, -1, 0); } temp = (char*) get_val2(st, reference_uid(id, array_size), reference_getref(data)); len = strlen(temp); memcpy(&output[k], temp, len); k += len; script_removetop(st, -1, 0); output[k] = '\0'; } script_pushstr(st, output); return 0; } //======================================================= // sprintf(<format>, ...); // Implements C sprintf, except format %n. The resulting string is // returned, instead of being saved in variable by reference. //------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN_FUNC(sprintf) { unsigned int len, argc = 0, arg = 0, buf2_len = 0; const char* format; char* p; char* q; char* buf = NULL; char* buf2 = NULL; struct script_data* data; StringBuf final_buf; // Fetch init data format = script_getstr(st, 2); argc = script_lastdata(st)-2; len = strlen(format); // Skip parsing, where no parsing is required. if(len==0){ script_pushconststr(st,""); return 0; } // Pessimistic alloc CREATE(buf, char, len+1); // Need not be parsed, just solve stuff like %%. if(argc==0){ memcpy(buf,format,len+1); script_pushstrcopy(st, buf); aFree(buf); return 0; } safestrncpy(buf, format, len+1); // Issue sprintf for each parameter StringBuf_Init(&final_buf); q = buf; while((p = strchr(q, '%'))!=NULL){ if(p!=q){ len = p-q+1; if(buf2_len<len){ RECREATE(buf2, char, len); buf2_len = len; } safestrncpy(buf2, q, len); StringBuf_AppendStr(&final_buf, buf2); q = p; } p = q+1; if(*p=='%'){ // %% StringBuf_AppendStr(&final_buf, "%"); q+=2; continue; } if(*p=='n'){ // %n ShowWarning("buildin_sprintf: Format %%n not supported! Skipping...\n"); script_reportsrc(st); q+=2; continue; } if(arg>=argc){ ShowError("buildin_sprintf: Not enough arguments passed!\n"); if(buf) aFree(buf); if(buf2) aFree(buf2); StringBuf_Destroy(&final_buf); script_pushconststr(st,""); return 1; } if((p = strchr(q+1, '%'))==NULL){ p = strchr(q, 0); // EOS } len = p-q+1; if(buf2_len<len){ RECREATE(buf2, char, len); buf2_len = len; } safestrncpy(buf2, q, len); q = p; // Note: This assumes the passed value being the correct // type to the current format specifier. If not, the server // probably crashes or returns anything else, than expected, // but it would behave in normal code the same way so it's // the scripter's responsibility. data = script_getdata(st, arg+3); if(data_isstring(data)){ // String StringBuf_Printf(&final_buf, buf2, script_getstr(st, arg+3)); }else if(data_isint(data)){ // Number StringBuf_Printf(&final_buf, buf2, script_getnum(st, arg+3)); }else if(data_isreference(data)){ // Variable char* name = reference_getname(data); if(name[strlen(name)-1]=='$'){ // var Str StringBuf_Printf(&final_buf, buf2, script_getstr(st, arg+3)); }else{ // var Int StringBuf_Printf(&final_buf, buf2, script_getnum(st, arg+3)); } }else{ // Unsupported type ShowError("buildin_sprintf: Unknown argument type!\n"); if(buf) aFree(buf); if(buf2) aFree(buf2); StringBuf_Destroy(&final_buf); script_pushconststr(st,""); return 1; } arg++; } // Append anything left if(*q){ StringBuf_AppendStr(&final_buf, q); } // Passed more, than needed if(arg<argc){ ShowWarning("buildin_sprintf: Unused arguments passed.\n"); script_reportsrc(st); } script_pushstrcopy(st, StringBuf_Value(&final_buf)); if(buf) aFree(buf); if(buf2) aFree(buf2); StringBuf_Destroy(&final_buf); return 0; } //======================================================= // sscanf(<str>, <format>, ...); // Implements C sscanf. //------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN_FUNC(sscanf){ unsigned int argc, arg = 0, len; struct script_data* data; struct map_session_data* sd = NULL; const char* str; const char* format; const char* p; const char* q; char* buf = NULL; char* buf_p; char* ref_str = NULL; int ref_int; // Get data str = script_getstr(st, 2); format = script_getstr(st, 3); argc = script_lastdata(st)-3; len = strlen(format); CREATE(buf, char, len*2+1); // Issue sscanf for each parameter *buf = 0; q = format; while((p = strchr(q, '%'))){ if(p!=q){ strncat(buf, q, (size_t)(p-q)); q = p; } p = q+1; if(*p=='*' || *p=='%'){ // Skip strncat(buf, q, 2); q+=2; continue; } if(arg>=argc){ ShowError("buildin_sscanf: Not enough arguments passed!\n"); script_pushint(st, -1); if(buf) aFree(buf); if(ref_str) aFree(ref_str); return 1; } if((p = strchr(q+1, '%'))==NULL){ p = strchr(q, 0); // EOS } len = p-q; strncat(buf, q, len); q = p; // Validate output data = script_getdata(st, arg+4); if(!data_isreference(data) || !reference_tovariable(data)){ ShowError("buildin_sscanf: Target argument is not a variable!\n"); script_pushint(st, -1); if(buf) aFree(buf); if(ref_str) aFree(ref_str); return 1; } buf_p = reference_getname(data); if(not_server_variable(*buf_p) && (sd = script_rid2sd(st))==NULL){ script_pushint(st, -1); if(buf) aFree(buf); if(ref_str) aFree(ref_str); return 0; } // Save value if any if(buf_p[strlen(buf_p)-1]=='$'){ // String if(ref_str==NULL){ CREATE(ref_str, char, strlen(str)+1); } if(sscanf(str, buf, ref_str)==0){ break; } set_reg(st, sd, add_str(buf_p), buf_p, (void *)(ref_str), reference_getref(data)); }else{ // Number if(sscanf(str, buf, &ref_int)==0){ break; } set_reg(st, sd, add_str(buf_p), buf_p, (void *)__64BPRTSIZE(ref_int), reference_getref(data)); } arg++; // Disable used format (%... -> %*...) buf_p = strchr(buf, 0); memmove(buf_p-len+2, buf_p-len+1, len); *(buf_p-len+1) = '*'; } // Passed more, than needed if(arg<argc){ ShowWarning("buildin_sscanf: Unused arguments passed.\n"); script_reportsrc(st); } script_pushint(st, arg); if(buf) aFree(buf); if(ref_str) aFree(ref_str); return 0; } //======================================================= // strpos(<haystack>, <needle>) // strpos(<haystack>, <needle>, <offset>) // // Implements PHP style strpos. Adapted from code from // http://www.daniweb.com/code/snippet313.html, Dave Sinkula //------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN_FUNC(strpos) { const char *haystack = script_getstr(st,2); const char *needle = script_getstr(st,3); int i; size_t len; if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) i = script_getnum(st,4); else i = 0; if ( strlen(needle) == 0 ) { script_pushint(st, -1); return 0; } len = strlen(haystack); for ( ; i < len; ++i ) { if ( haystack[i] == *needle ) { // matched starting char -- loop through remaining chars const char *h, *n; for ( h = &haystack[i], n = needle; *h && *n; ++h, ++n ) { if ( *h != *n ) { break; } } if ( !*n ) { // matched all of 'needle' to null termination script_pushint(st, i); return 0; } } } script_pushint(st, -1); return 0; } //=============================================================== // replacestr <input>, <search>, <replace>{, <usecase>{, <count>}} // // Note: Finds all instances of <search> in <input> and replaces // with <replace>. If specified will only replace as many // instances as specified in <count>. By default will be case // sensitive. //--------------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN_FUNC(replacestr) { const char *input = script_getstr(st, 2); const char *find = script_getstr(st, 3); const char *replace = script_getstr(st, 4); size_t inputlen = strlen(input); size_t findlen = strlen(find); struct StringBuf output; bool usecase = true; int count = 0; int numFinds = 0; int i = 0, f = 0; if(findlen == 0) { ShowError("script:replacestr: Invalid search length.\n"); st->state = END; return 1; } if(script_hasdata(st, 5)) { if( !script_isstring(st,5) ) usecase = script_getnum(st, 5) != 0; else { ShowError("script:replacestr: Invalid usecase value. Expected int got string\n"); st->state = END; return 1; } } if(script_hasdata(st, 6)) { count = script_getnum(st, 6); if(count == 0) { ShowError("script:replacestr: Invalid count value. Expected int got string\n"); st->state = END; return 1; } } StringBuf_Init(&output); for(; i < inputlen; i++) { if(count && count == numFinds) { //found enough, stop looking break; } for(f = 0; f <= findlen; f++) { if(f == findlen) { //complete match numFinds++; StringBuf_AppendStr(&output, replace); i += findlen - 1; break; } else { if(usecase) { if((i + f) > inputlen || input[i + f] != find[f]) { StringBuf_Printf(&output, "%c", input[i]); break; } } else { if(((i + f) > inputlen || input[i + f] != find[f]) && TOUPPER(input[i+f]) != TOUPPER(find[f])) { StringBuf_Printf(&output, "%c", input[i]); break; } } } } } //append excess after enough found if(i < inputlen) StringBuf_AppendStr(&output, &(input[i])); script_pushstrcopy(st, StringBuf_Value(&output)); StringBuf_Destroy(&output); return 0; } //======================================================== // countstr <input>, <search>{, <usecase>} // // Note: Counts the number of times <search> occurs in // <input>. By default will be case sensitive. //-------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN_FUNC(countstr) { const char *input = script_getstr(st, 2); const char *find = script_getstr(st, 3); size_t inputlen = strlen(input); size_t findlen = strlen(find); bool usecase = true; int numFinds = 0; int i = 0, f = 0; if(findlen == 0) { ShowError("script:countstr: Invalid search length.\n"); st->state = END; return 1; } if(script_hasdata(st, 4)) { if( !script_isstring(st,4) ) usecase = script_getnum(st, 4) != 0; else { ShowError("script:countstr: Invalid usecase value. Expected int got string\n"); st->state = END; return 1; } } for(; i < inputlen; i++) { for(f = 0; f <= findlen; f++) { if(f == findlen) { //complete match numFinds++; i += findlen - 1; break; } else { if(usecase) { if((i + f) > inputlen || input[i + f] != find[f]) { break; } } else { if(((i + f) > inputlen || input[i + f] != find[f]) && TOUPPER(input[i+f]) != TOUPPER(find[f])) { break; } } } } } script_pushint(st, numFinds); return 0; } /// Changes the display name and/or display class of the npc. /// Returns 0 is successful, 1 if the npc does not exist. /// /// setnpcdisplay("<npc name>", "<new display name>", <new class id>, <new size>) -> <int> /// setnpcdisplay("<npc name>", "<new display name>", <new class id>) -> <int> /// setnpcdisplay("<npc name>", "<new display name>") -> <int> /// setnpcdisplay("<npc name>", <new class id>) -> <int> BUILDIN_FUNC(setnpcdisplay) { const char* name; const char* newname = NULL; int class_ = -1, size = -1; struct script_data* data; struct npc_data* nd; name = script_getstr(st,2); data = script_getdata(st,3); if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) class_ = script_getnum(st,4); if( script_hasdata(st,5) ) size = script_getnum(st,5); get_val(st, data); if( data_isstring(data) ) newname = conv_str(st,data); else if( data_isint(data) ) class_ = conv_num(st,data); else { ShowError("script:setnpcdisplay: expected a string or number\n"); script_reportdata(data); return 1; } nd = npc_name2id(name); if( nd == NULL ) {// not found script_pushint(st,1); return 0; } // update npc if( newname ) npc_setdisplayname(nd, newname); if( size != -1 && size != (int)nd->size ) nd->size = size; else size = -1; if( class_ != -1 && nd->class_ != class_ ) npc_setclass(nd, class_); else if( size != -1 ) { // Required to update the visual size clif_clearunit_area(&nd->bl, CLR_OUTSIGHT); clif_spawn(&nd->bl); } script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(atoi) { const char *value; value = script_getstr(st,2); script_pushint(st,atoi(value)); return 0; } // case-insensitive substring search [lordalfa] BUILDIN_FUNC(compare) { const char *message; const char *cmpstring; message = script_getstr(st,2); cmpstring = script_getstr(st,3); script_pushint(st,(stristr(message,cmpstring) != NULL)); return 0; } // [zBuffer] List of mathematics commands ---> BUILDIN_FUNC(sqrt) { double i, a; i = script_getnum(st,2); a = sqrt(i); script_pushint(st,(int)a); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(pow) { double i, a, b; a = script_getnum(st,2); b = script_getnum(st,3); i = pow(a,b); script_pushint(st,(int)i); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(distance) { int x0, y0, x1, y1; x0 = script_getnum(st,2); y0 = script_getnum(st,3); x1 = script_getnum(st,4); y1 = script_getnum(st,5); script_pushint(st,distance_xy(x0,y0,x1,y1)); return 0; } // <--- [zBuffer] List of mathematics commands BUILDIN_FUNC(md5) { const char *tmpstr; char *md5str; tmpstr = script_getstr(st,2); md5str = (char *)aMalloc((32+1)*sizeof(char)); MD5_String(tmpstr, md5str); script_pushstr(st, md5str); return 0; } // [zBuffer] List of dynamic var commands ---> BUILDIN_FUNC(setd) { TBL_PC *sd=NULL; char varname[100]; const char *buffer; int elem; buffer = script_getstr(st, 2); if(sscanf(buffer, "%99[^[][%d]", varname, &elem) < 2) elem = 0; if( not_server_variable(*varname) ) { sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) { ShowError("script:setd: no player attached for player variable '%s'\n", buffer); return 0; } } if( is_string_variable(varname) ) { setd_sub(st, sd, varname, elem, (void *)script_getstr(st, 3), NULL); } else { setd_sub(st, sd, varname, elem, (void *)__64BPRTSIZE(script_getnum(st, 3)), NULL); } return 0; } int buildin_query_sql_sub(struct script_state* st, Sql* handle) { int i, j; TBL_PC* sd = NULL; const char* query; struct script_data* data; const char* name; int max_rows = SCRIPT_MAX_ARRAYSIZE; // maximum number of rows int num_vars; int num_cols; // check target variables for( i = 3; script_hasdata(st,i); ++i ) { data = script_getdata(st, i); if( data_isreference(data) ) { // it's a variable name = reference_getname(data); if( not_server_variable(*name) && sd == NULL ) { // requires a player sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) { // no player attached script_reportdata(data); st->state = END; return 1; } } if( not_array_variable(*name) ) max_rows = 1;// not an array, limit to one row } else { ShowError("script:query_sql: not a variable\n"); script_reportdata(data); st->state = END; return 1; } } num_vars = i - 3; // Execute the query query = script_getstr(st,2); if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_QueryStr(handle, query) ) { Sql_ShowDebug(handle); script_pushint(st, 0); return 1; } if( Sql_NumRows(handle) == 0 ) { // No data received Sql_FreeResult(handle); script_pushint(st, 0); return 0; } // Count the number of columns to store num_cols = Sql_NumColumns(handle); if( num_vars < num_cols ) { ShowWarning("script:query_sql: Too many columns, discarding last %u columns.\n", (unsigned int)(num_cols-num_vars)); script_reportsrc(st); } else if( num_vars > num_cols ) { ShowWarning("script:query_sql: Too many variables (%u extra).\n", (unsigned int)(num_vars-num_cols)); script_reportsrc(st); } // Store data for( i = 0; i < max_rows && SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(handle); ++i ) { for( j = 0; j < num_vars; ++j ) { char* str = NULL; if( j < num_cols ) Sql_GetData(handle, j, &str, NULL); data = script_getdata(st, j+3); name = reference_getname(data); if( is_string_variable(name) ) setd_sub(st, sd, name, i, (void *)(str?str:""), reference_getref(data)); else setd_sub(st, sd, name, i, (void *)__64BPRTSIZE((str?atoi(str):0)), reference_getref(data)); } } if( i == max_rows && max_rows < Sql_NumRows(handle) ) { ShowWarning("script:query_sql: Only %d/%u rows have been stored.\n", max_rows, (unsigned int)Sql_NumRows(handle)); script_reportsrc(st); } // Free data Sql_FreeResult(handle); script_pushint(st, i); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(query_sql) { #ifdef BETA_THREAD_TEST if( st->state != RERUNLINE ) { queryThread_add(st,false); st->state = RERUNLINE;/* will continue when the query is finished running. */ } else st->state = RUN; return 0; #else return buildin_query_sql_sub(st, mmysql_handle); #endif } BUILDIN_FUNC(query_logsql) { if( !log_config.sql_logs ) {// logmysql_handle == NULL ShowWarning("buildin_query_logsql: SQL logs are disabled, query '%s' will not be executed.\n", script_getstr(st,2)); script_pushint(st,-1); return 1; } #ifdef BETA_THREAD_TEST if( st->state != RERUNLINE ) { queryThread_add(st,true); st->state = RERUNLINE;/* will continue when the query is finished running. */ } else st->state = RUN; return 0; #else return buildin_query_sql_sub(st, logmysql_handle); #endif } //Allows escaping of a given string. BUILDIN_FUNC(escape_sql) { const char *str; char *esc_str; size_t len; str = script_getstr(st,2); len = strlen(str); esc_str = (char*)aMalloc(len*2+1); Sql_EscapeStringLen(mmysql_handle, esc_str, str, len); script_pushstr(st, esc_str); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(getd) { char varname[100]; const char *buffer; int elem; buffer = script_getstr(st, 2); if(sscanf(buffer, "%[^[][%d]", varname, &elem) < 2) elem = 0; // Push the 'pointer' so it's more flexible [Lance] push_val(st->stack, C_NAME, reference_uid(add_str(varname), elem)); return 0; } // <--- [zBuffer] List of dynamic var commands // Pet stat [Lance] BUILDIN_FUNC(petstat) { TBL_PC *sd = NULL; struct pet_data *pd; int flag = script_getnum(st,2); sd = script_rid2sd(st); if(!sd || !sd->status.pet_id || !sd->pd){ if(flag == 2) script_pushconststr(st, ""); else script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } pd = sd->pd; switch(flag){ case 1: script_pushint(st,(int)pd->pet.class_); break; case 2: script_pushstrcopy(st, pd->pet.name); break; case 3: script_pushint(st,(int)pd->pet.level); break; case 4: script_pushint(st,(int)pd->pet.hungry); break; case 5: script_pushint(st,(int)pd->pet.intimate); break; default: script_pushint(st,0); break; } return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(callshop) { TBL_PC *sd = NULL; struct npc_data *nd; const char *shopname; int flag = 0; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if (!sd) { script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } shopname = script_getstr(st, 2); if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) flag = script_getnum(st,3); nd = npc_name2id(shopname); if( !nd || nd->bl.type != BL_NPC || (nd->subtype != SHOP && nd->subtype != CASHSHOP) ) { ShowError("buildin_callshop: Shop [%s] not found (or NPC is not shop type)\n", shopname); script_pushint(st,0); return 1; } if( nd->subtype == SHOP ) { // flag the user as using a valid script call for opening the shop (for floating NPCs) sd->state.callshop = 1; switch( flag ) { case 1: npc_buysellsel(sd,nd->bl.id,0); break; //Buy window case 2: npc_buysellsel(sd,nd->bl.id,1); break; //Sell window default: clif_npcbuysell(sd,nd->bl.id); break; //Show menu } } else clif_cashshop_show(sd, nd); sd->npc_shopid = nd->bl.id; script_pushint(st,1); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(npcshopitem) { const char* npcname = script_getstr(st, 2); struct npc_data* nd = npc_name2id(npcname); int n, i; int amount; if( !nd || ( nd->subtype != SHOP && nd->subtype != CASHSHOP ) ) { //Not found. script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } // get the count of new entries amount = (script_lastdata(st)-2)/2; // generate new shop item list RECREATE(nd->u.shop.shop_item, struct npc_item_list, amount); for( n = 0, i = 3; n < amount; n++, i+=2 ) { nd->u.shop.shop_item[n].nameid = script_getnum(st,i); nd->u.shop.shop_item[n].value = script_getnum(st,i+1); } nd->u.shop.count = n; script_pushint(st,1); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(npcshopadditem) { const char* npcname = script_getstr(st,2); struct npc_data* nd = npc_name2id(npcname); int n, i; int amount; if( !nd || ( nd->subtype != SHOP && nd->subtype != CASHSHOP ) ) { //Not found. script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } // get the count of new entries amount = (script_lastdata(st)-2)/2; // append new items to existing shop item list RECREATE(nd->u.shop.shop_item, struct npc_item_list, nd->u.shop.count+amount); for( n = nd->u.shop.count, i = 3; n < nd->u.shop.count+amount; n++, i+=2 ) { nd->u.shop.shop_item[n].nameid = script_getnum(st,i); nd->u.shop.shop_item[n].value = script_getnum(st,i+1); } nd->u.shop.count = n; script_pushint(st,1); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(npcshopdelitem) { const char* npcname = script_getstr(st,2); struct npc_data* nd = npc_name2id(npcname); unsigned int nameid; int n, i; int amount; int size; if( !nd || ( nd->subtype != SHOP && nd->subtype != CASHSHOP ) ) { //Not found. script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } amount = script_lastdata(st)-2; size = nd->u.shop.count; // remove specified items from the shop item list for( i = 3; i < 3 + amount; i++ ) { nameid = script_getnum(st,i); ARR_FIND( 0, size, n, nd->u.shop.shop_item[n].nameid == nameid ); if( n < size ) { memmove(&nd->u.shop.shop_item[n], &nd->u.shop.shop_item[n+1], sizeof(nd->u.shop.shop_item[0])*(size-n)); size--; } } RECREATE(nd->u.shop.shop_item, struct npc_item_list, size); nd->u.shop.count = size; script_pushint(st,1); return 0; } //Sets a script to attach to a shop npc. BUILDIN_FUNC(npcshopattach) { const char* npcname = script_getstr(st,2); struct npc_data* nd = npc_name2id(npcname); int flag = 1; if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) flag = script_getnum(st,3); if( !nd || nd->subtype != SHOP ) { //Not found. script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } if (flag) nd->master_nd = ((struct npc_data *)map_id2bl(st->oid)); else nd->master_nd = NULL; script_pushint(st,1); return 0; } /*========================================== * Returns some values of an item [Lupus] * Price, Weight, etc... setitemscript(itemID,"{new item bonus script}",[n]); Where n: 0 - script 1 - Equip script 2 - Unequip script *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(setitemscript) { int item_id,n=0; const char *script; struct item_data *i_data; struct script_code **dstscript; item_id = script_getnum(st,2); script = script_getstr(st,3); if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) n=script_getnum(st,4); i_data = itemdb_exists(item_id); if (!i_data || script==NULL || ( script[0] && script[0]!='{' )) { script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } switch (n) { case 2: dstscript = &i_data->unequip_script; break; case 1: dstscript = &i_data->equip_script; break; default: dstscript = &i_data->script; break; } if(*dstscript) script_free_code(*dstscript); *dstscript = script[0] ? parse_script(script, "script_setitemscript", 0, 0) : NULL; script_pushint(st,1); return 0; } /* Work In Progress [Lupus] BUILDIN_FUNC(addmonsterdrop) { int class_,item_id,chance; class_=script_getnum(st,2); item_id=script_getnum(st,3); chance=script_getnum(st,4); if(class_>1000 && item_id>500 && chance>0) { script_pushint(st,1); } else { script_pushint(st,0); } } BUILDIN_FUNC(delmonsterdrop) { int class_,item_id; class_=script_getnum(st,2); item_id=script_getnum(st,3); if(class_>1000 && item_id>500) { script_pushint(st,1); } else { script_pushint(st,0); } } */ /*========================================== * Returns some values of a monster [Lupus] * Name, Level, race, size, etc... getmonsterinfo(monsterID,queryIndex); *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getmonsterinfo) { struct mob_db *mob; int mob_id; mob_id = script_getnum(st,2); if (!mobdb_checkid(mob_id)) { ShowError("buildin_getmonsterinfo: Wrong Monster ID: %i\n", mob_id); if ( !script_getnum(st,3) ) //requested a string script_pushconststr(st,"null"); else script_pushint(st,-1); return -1; } mob = mob_db(mob_id); switch ( script_getnum(st,3) ) { case 0: script_pushstrcopy(st,mob->jname); break; case 1: script_pushint(st,mob->lv); break; case 2: script_pushint(st,mob->status.max_hp); break; case 3: script_pushint(st,mob->base_exp); break; case 4: script_pushint(st,mob->job_exp); break; case 5: script_pushint(st,mob->status.rhw.atk); break; case 6: script_pushint(st,mob->status.rhw.atk2); break; case 7: script_pushint(st,mob->status.def); break; case 8: script_pushint(st,mob->status.mdef); break; case 9: script_pushint(st,mob->status.str); break; case 10: script_pushint(st,mob->status.agi); break; case 11: script_pushint(st,mob->status.vit); break; case 12: script_pushint(st,mob->status.int_); break; case 13: script_pushint(st,mob->status.dex); break; case 14: script_pushint(st,mob->status.luk); break; case 15: script_pushint(st,mob->status.rhw.range); break; case 16: script_pushint(st,mob->range2); break; case 17: script_pushint(st,mob->range3); break; case 18: script_pushint(st,mob->status.size); break; case 19: script_pushint(st,mob->status.race); break; case 20: script_pushint(st,mob->status.def_ele); break; case 21: script_pushint(st,mob->status.mode); break; case 22: script_pushint(st,mob->mexp); break; default: script_pushint(st,-1); //wrong Index } return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(checkvending) // check vending [Nab4] { TBL_PC *sd = NULL; if(script_hasdata(st,2)) sd = map_nick2sd(script_getstr(st,2)); else sd = script_rid2sd(st); if(sd) script_pushint(st, sd->state.autotrade ? 2 : sd->state.vending); else script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(checkchatting) // check chatting [Marka] { TBL_PC *sd = NULL; if(script_hasdata(st,2)) sd = map_nick2sd(script_getstr(st,2)); else sd = script_rid2sd(st); if(sd) script_pushint(st,(sd->chatID != 0)); else script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(searchitem) { struct script_data* data = script_getdata(st, 2); const char *itemname = script_getstr(st,3); struct item_data *items[MAX_SEARCH]; int count; char* name; int32 start; int32 id; int32 i; TBL_PC* sd = NULL; if ((items[0] = itemdb_exists(atoi(itemname)))) count = 1; else { count = itemdb_searchname_array(items, ARRAYLENGTH(items), itemname); if (count > MAX_SEARCH) count = MAX_SEARCH; } if (!count) { script_pushint(st, 0); return 0; } if( !data_isreference(data) ) { ShowError("script:searchitem: not a variable\n"); script_reportdata(data); st->state = END; return 1;// not a variable } id = reference_getid(data); start = reference_getindex(data); name = reference_getname(data); if( not_array_variable(*name) ) { ShowError("script:searchitem: illegal scope\n"); script_reportdata(data); st->state = END; return 1;// not supported } if( not_server_variable(*name) ) { sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0;// no player attached } if( is_string_variable(name) ) {// string array ShowError("script:searchitem: not an integer array reference\n"); script_reportdata(data); st->state = END; return 1;// not supported } for( i = 0; i < count; ++start, ++i ) {// Set array void* v = (void*)__64BPRTSIZE(items[i]->nameid); set_reg(st, sd, reference_uid(id, start), name, v, reference_getref(data)); } script_pushint(st, count); return 0; } int axtoi(const char *hexStg) { int n = 0; // position in string int m = 0; // position in digit[] to shift int count; // loop index int intValue = 0; // integer value of hex string int digit[11]; // hold values to convert while (n < 10) { if (hexStg[n]=='\0') break; if (hexStg[n] > 0x29 && hexStg[n] < 0x40 ) //if 0 to 9 digit[n] = hexStg[n] & 0x0f; //convert to int else if (hexStg[n] >='a' && hexStg[n] <= 'f') //if a to f digit[n] = (hexStg[n] & 0x0f) + 9; //convert to int else if (hexStg[n] >='A' && hexStg[n] <= 'F') //if A to F digit[n] = (hexStg[n] & 0x0f) + 9; //convert to int else break; n++; } count = n; m = n - 1; n = 0; while(n < count) { // digit[n] is value of hex digit at position n // (m << 2) is the number of positions to shift // OR the bits into return value intValue = intValue | (digit[n] << (m << 2)); m--; // adjust the position to set n++; // next digit to process } return (intValue); } // [Lance] Hex string to integer converter BUILDIN_FUNC(axtoi) { const char *hex = script_getstr(st,2); script_pushint(st,axtoi(hex)); return 0; } // [zBuffer] List of player cont commands ---> BUILDIN_FUNC(rid2name) { struct block_list *bl = NULL; int rid = script_getnum(st,2); if((bl = map_id2bl(rid))) { switch(bl->type) { case BL_MOB: script_pushstrcopy(st,((TBL_MOB*)bl)->name); break; case BL_PC: script_pushstrcopy(st,((TBL_PC*)bl)->status.name); break; case BL_NPC: script_pushstrcopy(st,((TBL_NPC*)bl)->exname); break; case BL_PET: script_pushstrcopy(st,((TBL_PET*)bl)->pet.name); break; case BL_HOM: script_pushstrcopy(st,((TBL_HOM*)bl)->homunculus.name); break; case BL_MER: script_pushstrcopy(st,((TBL_MER*)bl)->db->name); break; default: ShowError("buildin_rid2name: BL type unknown.\n"); script_pushconststr(st,""); break; } } else { ShowError("buildin_rid2name: invalid RID\n"); script_pushconststr(st,"(null)"); } return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(pcblockmove) { int id, flag; TBL_PC *sd = NULL; id = script_getnum(st,2); flag = script_getnum(st,3); if(id) sd = map_id2sd(id); else sd = script_rid2sd(st); if(sd) sd->state.blockedmove = flag > 0; return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(pcfollow) { int id, targetid; TBL_PC *sd = NULL; id = script_getnum(st,2); targetid = script_getnum(st,3); if(id) sd = map_id2sd(id); else sd = script_rid2sd(st); if(sd) pc_follow(sd, targetid); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(pcstopfollow) { int id; TBL_PC *sd = NULL; id = script_getnum(st,2); if(id) sd = map_id2sd(id); else sd = script_rid2sd(st); if(sd) pc_stop_following(sd); return 0; } // <--- [zBuffer] List of player cont commands // [zBuffer] List of mob control commands ---> //## TODO always return if the request/whatever was successfull [FlavioJS] /// Makes the unit walk to target position or map /// Returns if it was successfull /// /// unitwalk(<unit_id>,<x>,<y>) -> <bool> /// unitwalk(<unit_id>,<map_id>) -> <bool> BUILDIN_FUNC(unitwalk) { struct block_list* bl; bl = map_id2bl(script_getnum(st,2)); if( bl == NULL ) { script_pushint(st, 0); } else if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) { int x = script_getnum(st,3); int y = script_getnum(st,4); script_pushint(st, unit_walktoxy(bl,x,y,0));// We'll use harder calculations. } else { int map_id = script_getnum(st,3); script_pushint(st, unit_walktobl(bl,map_id2bl(map_id),65025,1)); } return 0; } /// Kills the unit /// /// unitkill <unit_id>; BUILDIN_FUNC(unitkill) { struct block_list* bl = map_id2bl(script_getnum(st,2)); if( bl != NULL ) status_kill(bl); return 0; } /// Warps the unit to the target position in the target map /// Returns if it was successfull /// /// unitwarp(<unit_id>,"<map name>",<x>,<y>) -> <bool> BUILDIN_FUNC(unitwarp) { int unit_id; int map; short x; short y; struct block_list* bl; const char *mapname; unit_id = script_getnum(st,2); mapname = script_getstr(st, 3); x = (short)script_getnum(st,4); y = (short)script_getnum(st,5); if (!unit_id) //Warp the script's runner bl = map_id2bl(st->rid); else bl = map_id2bl(unit_id); if( strcmp(mapname,"this") == 0 ) map = bl?bl->m:-1; else map = map_mapname2mapid(mapname); if( map >= 0 && bl != NULL ) script_pushint(st, unit_warp(bl,map,x,y,CLR_OUTSIGHT)); else script_pushint(st, 0); return 0; } /// Makes the unit attack the target. /// If the unit is a player and <action type> is not 0, it does a continuous /// attack instead of a single attack. /// Returns if the request was successfull. /// /// unitattack(<unit_id>,"<target name>"{,<action type>}) -> <bool> /// unitattack(<unit_id>,<target_id>{,<action type>}) -> <bool> BUILDIN_FUNC(unitattack) { struct block_list* unit_bl; struct block_list* target_bl = NULL; struct script_data* data; int actiontype = 0; // get unit unit_bl = map_id2bl(script_getnum(st,2)); if( unit_bl == NULL ) { script_pushint(st, 0); return 0; } data = script_getdata(st, 3); get_val(st, data); if( data_isstring(data) ) { TBL_PC* sd = map_nick2sd(conv_str(st, data)); if( sd != NULL ) target_bl = &sd->bl; } else target_bl = map_id2bl(conv_num(st, data)); // request the attack if( target_bl == NULL ) { script_pushint(st, 0); return 0; } // get actiontype if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) actiontype = script_getnum(st,4); switch( unit_bl->type ) { case BL_PC: clif_parse_ActionRequest_sub(((TBL_PC *)unit_bl), actiontype > 0 ? 0x07 : 0x00, target_bl->id, gettick()); script_pushint(st, 1); return 0; case BL_MOB: ((TBL_MOB *)unit_bl)->target_id = target_bl->id; break; case BL_PET: ((TBL_PET *)unit_bl)->target_id = target_bl->id; break; default: ShowError("script:unitattack: unsupported source unit type %d\n", unit_bl->type); script_pushint(st, 0); return 1; } script_pushint(st, unit_walktobl(unit_bl, target_bl, 65025, 2)); return 0; } /// Makes the unit stop attacking and moving /// /// unitstop <unit_id>; BUILDIN_FUNC(unitstop) { int unit_id; struct block_list* bl; unit_id = script_getnum(st,2); bl = map_id2bl(unit_id); if( bl != NULL ) { unit_stop_attack(bl); unit_stop_walking(bl,4); if( bl->type == BL_MOB ) ((TBL_MOB*)bl)->target_id = 0; } return 0; } /// Makes the unit say the message /// /// unittalk <unit_id>,"<message>"; BUILDIN_FUNC(unittalk) { int unit_id; const char* message; struct block_list* bl; unit_id = script_getnum(st,2); message = script_getstr(st, 3); bl = map_id2bl(unit_id); if( bl != NULL ) { struct StringBuf sbuf; StringBuf_Init(&sbuf); StringBuf_Printf(&sbuf, "%s : %s", status_get_name(bl), message); clif_message(bl, StringBuf_Value(&sbuf)); if( bl->type == BL_PC ) clif_displaymessage(((TBL_PC*)bl)->fd, StringBuf_Value(&sbuf)); StringBuf_Destroy(&sbuf); } return 0; } /// Makes the unit do an emotion /// /// unitemote <unit_id>,<emotion>; /// /// @see e_* in const.txt BUILDIN_FUNC(unitemote) { int unit_id; int emotion; struct block_list* bl; unit_id = script_getnum(st,2); emotion = script_getnum(st,3); bl = map_id2bl(unit_id); if( bl != NULL ) clif_emotion(bl, emotion); return 0; } /// Makes the unit cast the skill on the target or self if no target is specified /// /// unitskilluseid <unit_id>,<skill_id>,<skill_lv>{,<target_id>}; /// unitskilluseid <unit_id>,"<skill name>",<skill_lv>{,<target_id>}; BUILDIN_FUNC(unitskilluseid) { int unit_id; int skill_id; int skill_lv; int target_id; struct block_list* bl; unit_id = script_getnum(st,2); skill_id = ( script_isstring(st,3) ? skill_name2id(script_getstr(st,3)) : script_getnum(st,3) ); skill_lv = script_getnum(st,4); target_id = ( script_hasdata(st,5) ? script_getnum(st,5) : unit_id ); bl = map_id2bl(unit_id); if( bl != NULL ) unit_skilluse_id(bl, target_id, skill_id, skill_lv); return 0; } /// Makes the unit cast the skill on the target position. /// /// unitskillusepos <unit_id>,<skill_id>,<skill_lv>,<target_x>,<target_y>; /// unitskillusepos <unit_id>,"<skill name>",<skill_lv>,<target_x>,<target_y>; BUILDIN_FUNC(unitskillusepos) { int unit_id; int skill_id; int skill_lv; int skill_x; int skill_y; struct block_list* bl; unit_id = script_getnum(st,2); skill_id = ( script_isstring(st,3) ? skill_name2id(script_getstr(st,3)) : script_getnum(st,3) ); skill_lv = script_getnum(st,4); skill_x = script_getnum(st,5); skill_y = script_getnum(st,6); bl = map_id2bl(unit_id); if( bl != NULL ) unit_skilluse_pos(bl, skill_x, skill_y, skill_id, skill_lv); return 0; } // <--- [zBuffer] List of mob control commands /// Pauses the execution of the script, detaching the player /// /// sleep <mili seconds>; BUILDIN_FUNC(sleep) { int ticks; ticks = script_getnum(st,2); // detach the player script_detach_rid(st); if( ticks <= 0 ) {// do nothing } else if( st->sleep.tick == 0 ) {// sleep for the target amount of time st->state = RERUNLINE; st->sleep.tick = ticks; } else {// sleep time is over st->state = RUN; st->sleep.tick = 0; } return 0; } /// Pauses the execution of the script, keeping the player attached /// Returns if a player is still attached /// /// sleep2(<mili secconds>) -> <bool> BUILDIN_FUNC(sleep2) { int ticks; ticks = script_getnum(st,2); if( ticks <= 0 ) {// do nothing script_pushint(st, (map_id2sd(st->rid)!=NULL)); } else if( !st->sleep.tick ) {// sleep for the target amount of time st->state = RERUNLINE; st->sleep.tick = ticks; } else {// sleep time is over st->state = RUN; st->sleep.tick = 0; script_pushint(st, (map_id2sd(st->rid)!=NULL)); } return 0; } /// Awakes all the sleep timers of the target npc /// /// awake "<npc name>"; BUILDIN_FUNC(awake) { struct npc_data* nd; struct linkdb_node *node = (struct linkdb_node *)sleep_db; nd = npc_name2id(script_getstr(st, 2)); if( nd == NULL ) { ShowError("awake: NPC \"%s\" not found\n", script_getstr(st, 2)); return 1; } while( node ) { if( (int)__64BPRTSIZE(node->key) == nd->bl.id ) {// sleep timer for the npc struct script_state* tst = (struct script_state*)node->data; TBL_PC* sd = map_id2sd(tst->rid); if( tst->sleep.timer == INVALID_TIMER ) {// already awake ??? node = node->next; continue; } if( (sd && sd->status.char_id != tst->sleep.charid) || (tst->rid && !sd)) {// char not online anymore / another char of the same account is online - Cancel execution tst->state = END; tst->rid = 0; } delete_timer(tst->sleep.timer, run_script_timer); node = script_erase_sleepdb(node); tst->sleep.timer = INVALID_TIMER; if(tst->state != RERUNLINE) tst->sleep.tick = 0; run_script_main(tst); } else { node = node->next; } } return 0; } /// Returns a reference to a variable of the target NPC. /// Returns 0 if an error occurs. /// /// getvariableofnpc(<variable>, "<npc name>") -> <reference> BUILDIN_FUNC(getvariableofnpc) { struct script_data* data; const char* name; struct npc_data* nd; data = script_getdata(st,2); if( !data_isreference(data) ) {// Not a reference (aka varaible name) ShowError("script:getvariableofnpc: not a variable\n"); script_reportdata(data); script_pushnil(st); st->state = END; return 1; } name = reference_getname(data); if( *name != '.' || name[1] == '@' ) {// not a npc variable ShowError("script:getvariableofnpc: invalid scope (not npc variable)\n"); script_reportdata(data); script_pushnil(st); st->state = END; return 1; } nd = npc_name2id(script_getstr(st,3)); if( nd == NULL || nd->subtype != SCRIPT || nd->u.scr.script == NULL ) {// NPC not found or has no script ShowError("script:getvariableofnpc: can't find npc %s\n", script_getstr(st,3)); script_pushnil(st); st->state = END; return 1; } push_val2(st->stack, C_NAME, reference_getuid(data), &nd->u.scr.script->script_vars ); return 0; } /// Opens a warp portal. /// Has no "portal opening" effect/sound, it opens the portal immediately. /// /// warpportal <source x>,<source y>,"<target map>",<target x>,<target y>; /// /// @author blackhole89 BUILDIN_FUNC(warpportal) { int spx; int spy; unsigned short mapindex; int tpx; int tpy; struct skill_unit_group* group; struct block_list* bl; bl = map_id2bl(st->oid); if( bl == NULL ) { ShowError("script:warpportal: npc is needed\n"); return 1; } spx = script_getnum(st,2); spy = script_getnum(st,3); mapindex = mapindex_name2id(script_getstr(st, 4)); tpx = script_getnum(st,5); tpy = script_getnum(st,6); if( mapindex == 0 ) return 0;// map not found group = skill_unitsetting(bl, AL_WARP, 4, spx, spy, 0); if( group == NULL ) return 0;// failed group->val2 = (tpx<<16) | tpy; group->val3 = mapindex; return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(openmail) { TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; mail_openmail(sd); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(openauction) { TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; clif_Auction_openwindow(sd); return 0; } /// Retrieves the value of the specified flag of the specified cell. /// /// checkcell("<map name>",<x>,<y>,<type>) -> <bool> /// /// @see cell_chk* constants in const.txt for the types BUILDIN_FUNC(checkcell) { int m = map_mapname2mapid(script_getstr(st,2)); int x = script_getnum(st,3); int y = script_getnum(st,4); cell_chk type = (cell_chk)script_getnum(st,5); script_pushint(st, map_getcell(m, x, y, type)); return 0; } /// Modifies flags of cells in the specified area. /// /// setcell "<map name>",<x1>,<y1>,<x2>,<y2>,<type>,<flag>; /// /// @see cell_* constants in const.txt for the types BUILDIN_FUNC(setcell) { int m = map_mapname2mapid(script_getstr(st,2)); int x1 = script_getnum(st,3); int y1 = script_getnum(st,4); int x2 = script_getnum(st,5); int y2 = script_getnum(st,6); cell_t type = (cell_t)script_getnum(st,7); bool flag = (bool)script_getnum(st,8); int x,y; if( x1 > x2 ) swap(x1,x2); if( y1 > y2 ) swap(y1,y2); for( y = y1; y <= y2; ++y ) for( x = x1; x <= x2; ++x ) map_setcell(m, x, y, type, flag); return 0; } /*========================================== * Mercenary Commands *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(mercenary_create) { struct map_session_data *sd; int class_, contract_time; if( (sd = script_rid2sd(st)) == NULL || sd->md || sd->status.mer_id != 0 ) return 0; class_ = script_getnum(st,2); if( !merc_class(class_) ) return 0; contract_time = script_getnum(st,3); merc_create(sd, class_, contract_time); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(mercenary_heal) { struct map_session_data *sd = script_rid2sd(st); int hp, sp; if( sd == NULL || sd->md == NULL ) return 0; hp = script_getnum(st,2); sp = script_getnum(st,3); status_heal(&sd->md->bl, hp, sp, 0); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(mercenary_sc_start) { struct map_session_data *sd = script_rid2sd(st); enum sc_type type; int tick, val1; if( sd == NULL || sd->md == NULL ) return 0; type = (sc_type)script_getnum(st,2); tick = script_getnum(st,3); val1 = script_getnum(st,4); status_change_start(&sd->md->bl, type, 10000, val1, 0, 0, 0, tick, 2); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(mercenary_get_calls) { struct map_session_data *sd = script_rid2sd(st); int guild; if( sd == NULL ) return 0; guild = script_getnum(st,2); switch( guild ) { case ARCH_MERC_GUILD: script_pushint(st,sd->status.arch_calls); break; case SPEAR_MERC_GUILD: script_pushint(st,sd->status.spear_calls); break; case SWORD_MERC_GUILD: script_pushint(st,sd->status.sword_calls); break; default: script_pushint(st,0); break; } return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(mercenary_set_calls) { struct map_session_data *sd = script_rid2sd(st); int guild, value, *calls; if( sd == NULL ) return 0; guild = script_getnum(st,2); value = script_getnum(st,3); switch( guild ) { case ARCH_MERC_GUILD: calls = &sd->status.arch_calls; break; case SPEAR_MERC_GUILD: calls = &sd->status.spear_calls; break; case SWORD_MERC_GUILD: calls = &sd->status.sword_calls; break; default: return 0; // Invalid Guild } *calls += value; *calls = cap_value(*calls, 0, INT_MAX); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(mercenary_get_faith) { struct map_session_data *sd = script_rid2sd(st); int guild; if( sd == NULL ) return 0; guild = script_getnum(st,2); switch( guild ) { case ARCH_MERC_GUILD: script_pushint(st,sd->status.arch_faith); break; case SPEAR_MERC_GUILD: script_pushint(st,sd->status.spear_faith); break; case SWORD_MERC_GUILD: script_pushint(st,sd->status.sword_faith); break; default: script_pushint(st,0); break; } return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(mercenary_set_faith) { struct map_session_data *sd = script_rid2sd(st); int guild, value, *calls; if( sd == NULL ) return 0; guild = script_getnum(st,2); value = script_getnum(st,3); switch( guild ) { case ARCH_MERC_GUILD: calls = &sd->status.arch_faith; break; case SPEAR_MERC_GUILD: calls = &sd->status.spear_faith; break; case SWORD_MERC_GUILD: calls = &sd->status.sword_faith; break; default: return 0; // Invalid Guild } *calls += value; *calls = cap_value(*calls, 0, INT_MAX); if( mercenary_get_guild(sd->md) == guild ) clif_mercenary_updatestatus(sd,SP_MERCFAITH); return 0; } /*------------------------------------------ * Book Reading *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(readbook) { struct map_session_data *sd; int book_id, page; if( (sd = script_rid2sd(st)) == NULL ) return 0; book_id = script_getnum(st,2); page = script_getnum(st,3); clif_readbook(sd->fd, book_id, page); return 0; } /****************** Questlog script commands *******************/ BUILDIN_FUNC(setquest) { struct map_session_data *sd = script_rid2sd(st); nullpo_ret(sd); quest_add(sd, script_getnum(st, 2)); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(erasequest) { struct map_session_data *sd = script_rid2sd(st); nullpo_ret(sd); quest_delete(sd, script_getnum(st, 2)); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(completequest) { struct map_session_data *sd = script_rid2sd(st); nullpo_ret(sd); quest_update_status(sd, script_getnum(st, 2), Q_COMPLETE); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(changequest) { struct map_session_data *sd = script_rid2sd(st); nullpo_ret(sd); quest_change(sd, script_getnum(st, 2),script_getnum(st, 3)); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(checkquest) { struct map_session_data *sd = script_rid2sd(st); quest_check_type type = HAVEQUEST; nullpo_ret(sd); if( script_hasdata(st, 3) ) type = (quest_check_type)script_getnum(st, 3); script_pushint(st, quest_check(sd, script_getnum(st, 2), type)); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(showevent) { TBL_PC *sd = script_rid2sd(st); struct npc_data *nd = map_id2nd(st->oid); int state, color; if( sd == NULL || nd == NULL ) return 0; state = script_getnum(st, 2); color = script_getnum(st, 3); if( color < 0 || color > 3 ) color = 0; // set default color clif_quest_show_event(sd, &nd->bl, state, color); return 0; } /*========================================== * BattleGround System *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(waitingroom2bg) { struct npc_data *nd; struct chat_data *cd; const char *map_name, *ev = "", *dev = ""; int x, y, i, mapindex = 0, bg_id, n; struct map_session_data *sd; if( script_hasdata(st,7) ) nd = npc_name2id(script_getstr(st,7)); else nd = (struct npc_data *)map_id2bl(st->oid); if( nd == NULL || (cd = (struct chat_data *)map_id2bl(nd->chat_id)) == NULL ) { script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } map_name = script_getstr(st,2); if( strcmp(map_name,"-") != 0 ) { mapindex = mapindex_name2id(map_name); if( mapindex == 0 ) { // Invalid Map script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } } x = script_getnum(st,3); y = script_getnum(st,4); ev = script_getstr(st,5); // Logout Event dev = script_getstr(st,6); // Die Event if( (bg_id = bg_create(mapindex, x, y, ev, dev)) == 0 ) { // Creation failed script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } n = cd->users; for( i = 0; i < n && i < MAX_BG_MEMBERS; i++ ) { if( (sd = cd->usersd[i]) != NULL && bg_team_join(bg_id, sd) ) mapreg_setreg(reference_uid(add_str("$@arenamembers"), i), sd->bl.id); else mapreg_setreg(reference_uid(add_str("$@arenamembers"), i), 0); } mapreg_setreg(add_str("$@arenamembersnum"), i); script_pushint(st,bg_id); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(waitingroom2bg_single) { const char* map_name; struct npc_data *nd; struct chat_data *cd; struct map_session_data *sd; int x, y, mapindex, bg_id; bg_id = script_getnum(st,2); map_name = script_getstr(st,3); if( (mapindex = mapindex_name2id(map_name)) == 0 ) return 0; // Invalid Map x = script_getnum(st,4); y = script_getnum(st,5); nd = npc_name2id(script_getstr(st,6)); if( nd == NULL || (cd = (struct chat_data *)map_id2bl(nd->chat_id)) == NULL || cd->users <= 0 ) return 0; if( (sd = cd->usersd[0]) == NULL ) return 0; if( bg_team_join(bg_id, sd) ) { pc_setpos(sd, mapindex, x, y, CLR_TELEPORT); script_pushint(st,1); } else script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(bg_team_setxy) { struct battleground_data *bg; int bg_id; bg_id = script_getnum(st,2); if( (bg = bg_team_search(bg_id)) == NULL ) return 0; bg->x = script_getnum(st,3); bg->y = script_getnum(st,4); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(bg_warp) { int x, y, mapindex, bg_id; const char* map_name; bg_id = script_getnum(st,2); map_name = script_getstr(st,3); if( (mapindex = mapindex_name2id(map_name)) == 0 ) return 0; // Invalid Map x = script_getnum(st,4); y = script_getnum(st,5); bg_team_warp(bg_id, mapindex, x, y); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(bg_monster) { int class_ = 0, x = 0, y = 0, bg_id = 0; const char *str,*map, *evt=""; bg_id = script_getnum(st,2); map = script_getstr(st,3); x = script_getnum(st,4); y = script_getnum(st,5); str = script_getstr(st,6); class_ = script_getnum(st,7); if( script_hasdata(st,8) ) evt = script_getstr(st,8); check_event(st, evt); script_pushint(st, mob_spawn_bg(map,x,y,str,class_,evt,bg_id)); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(bg_monster_set_team) { struct mob_data *md; struct block_list *mbl; int id = script_getnum(st,2), bg_id = script_getnum(st,3); if( (mbl = map_id2bl(id)) == NULL || mbl->type != BL_MOB ) return 0; md = (TBL_MOB *)mbl; md->bg_id = bg_id; mob_stop_attack(md); mob_stop_walking(md, 0); md->target_id = md->attacked_id = 0; clif_charnameack(0, &md->bl); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(bg_leave) { struct map_session_data *sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL || !sd->bg_id ) return 0; bg_team_leave(sd,0); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(bg_destroy) { int bg_id = script_getnum(st,2); bg_team_delete(bg_id); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(bg_getareausers) { const char *str; int m, x0, y0, x1, y1, bg_id; int i = 0, c = 0; struct battleground_data *bg = NULL; struct map_session_data *sd; bg_id = script_getnum(st,2); str = script_getstr(st,3); if( (bg = bg_team_search(bg_id)) == NULL || (m = map_mapname2mapid(str)) < 0 ) { script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } x0 = script_getnum(st,4); y0 = script_getnum(st,5); x1 = script_getnum(st,6); y1 = script_getnum(st,7); for( i = 0; i < MAX_BG_MEMBERS; i++ ) { if( (sd = bg->members[i].sd) == NULL ) continue; if( sd->bl.m != m || sd->bl.x < x0 || sd->bl.y < y0 || sd->bl.x > x1 || sd->bl.y > y1 ) continue; c++; } script_pushint(st,c); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(bg_updatescore) { const char *str; int m; str = script_getstr(st,2); if( (m = map_mapname2mapid(str)) < 0 ) return 0; map[m].bgscore_lion = script_getnum(st,3); map[m].bgscore_eagle = script_getnum(st,4); clif_bg_updatescore(m); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(bg_get_data) { struct battleground_data *bg; int bg_id = script_getnum(st,2), type = script_getnum(st,3); if( (bg = bg_team_search(bg_id)) == NULL ) { script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } switch( type ) { case 0: script_pushint(st, bg->count); break; default: ShowError("script:bg_get_data: unknown data identifier %d\n", type); break; } return 0; } /*========================================== * Instancing Script Commands *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(instance_create) { const char *name; int party_id, res; name = script_getstr(st, 2); party_id = script_getnum(st, 3); res = instance_create(party_id, name); if( res == -4 ) // Already exists { script_pushint(st, -1); return 0; } else if( res < 0 ) { const char *err; switch(res) { case -3: err = "No free instances"; break; case -2: err = "Invalid party ID"; break; case -1: err = "Invalid type"; break; default: err = "Unknown"; break; } ShowError("buildin_instance_create: %s [%d].\n", err, res); script_pushint(st, -2); return 0; } script_pushint(st, res); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(instance_destroy) { int instance_id; struct map_session_data *sd; struct party_data *p; if( script_hasdata(st, 2) ) instance_id = script_getnum(st, 2); else if( st->instance_id ) instance_id = st->instance_id; else if( (sd = script_rid2sd(st)) != NULL && sd->status.party_id && (p = party_search(sd->status.party_id)) != NULL && p->instance_id ) instance_id = p->instance_id; else return 0; if( instance_id <= 0 || instance_id >= MAX_INSTANCE ) { ShowError("buildin_instance_destroy: Trying to destroy invalid instance %d.\n", instance_id); return 0; } instance_destroy(instance_id); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(instance_attachmap) { const char *name; int m; int instance_id; bool usebasename = false; name = script_getstr(st,2); instance_id = script_getnum(st,3); if( script_hasdata(st,4) && script_getnum(st,4) > 0) usebasename = true; if( (m = instance_add_map(name, instance_id, usebasename)) < 0 ) // [Saithis] { ShowError("buildin_instance_attachmap: instance creation failed (%s): %d\n", name, m); script_pushconststr(st, ""); return 0; } script_pushconststr(st, map[m].name); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(instance_detachmap) { struct map_session_data *sd; struct party_data *p; const char *str; int m, instance_id; str = script_getstr(st, 2); if( script_hasdata(st, 3) ) instance_id = script_getnum(st, 3); else if( st->instance_id ) instance_id = st->instance_id; else if( (sd = script_rid2sd(st)) != NULL && sd->status.party_id && (p = party_search(sd->status.party_id)) != NULL && p->instance_id ) instance_id = p->instance_id; else return 0; if( (m = map_mapname2mapid(str)) < 0 || (m = instance_map2imap(m,instance_id)) < 0 ) { ShowError("buildin_instance_detachmap: Trying to detach invalid map %s\n", str); return 0; } instance_del_map(m); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(instance_attach) { int instance_id; instance_id = script_getnum(st, 2); if( instance_id <= 0 || instance_id >= MAX_INSTANCE ) return 0; st->instance_id = instance_id; return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(instance_id) { int type, instance_id; struct map_session_data *sd; struct party_data *p; if( script_hasdata(st, 2) ) { type = script_getnum(st, 2); if( type == 0 ) instance_id = st->instance_id; else if( type == 1 && (sd = script_rid2sd(st)) != NULL && sd->status.party_id && (p = party_search(sd->status.party_id)) != NULL ) instance_id = p->instance_id; else instance_id = 0; } else instance_id = st->instance_id; script_pushint(st, instance_id); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(instance_set_timeout) { int progress_timeout, idle_timeout; int instance_id; struct map_session_data *sd; struct party_data *p; progress_timeout = script_getnum(st, 2); idle_timeout = script_getnum(st, 3); if( script_hasdata(st, 4) ) instance_id = script_getnum(st, 4); else if( st->instance_id ) instance_id = st->instance_id; else if( (sd = script_rid2sd(st)) != NULL && sd->status.party_id && (p = party_search(sd->status.party_id)) != NULL && p->instance_id ) instance_id = p->instance_id; else return 0; if( instance_id > 0 ) instance_set_timeout(instance_id, progress_timeout, idle_timeout); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(instance_init) { int instance_id = script_getnum(st, 2); if( instance[instance_id].state != INSTANCE_IDLE ) { ShowError("instance_init: instance already initialized.\n"); return 0; } instance_init(instance_id); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(instance_announce) { int instance_id = script_getnum(st,2); const char *mes = script_getstr(st,3); int flag = script_getnum(st,4); const char *fontColor = script_hasdata(st,5) ? script_getstr(st,5) : NULL; int fontType = script_hasdata(st,6) ? script_getnum(st,6) : 0x190; // default fontType (FW_NORMAL) int fontSize = script_hasdata(st,7) ? script_getnum(st,7) : 12; // default fontSize int fontAlign = script_hasdata(st,8) ? script_getnum(st,8) : 0; // default fontAlign int fontY = script_hasdata(st,9) ? script_getnum(st,9) : 0; // default fontY int i; struct map_session_data *sd; struct party_data *p; if( instance_id == 0 ) { if( st->instance_id ) instance_id = st->instance_id; else if( (sd = script_rid2sd(st)) != NULL && sd->status.party_id && (p = party_search(sd->status.party_id)) != NULL && p->instance_id ) instance_id = p->instance_id; else return 0; } if( instance_id <= 0 || instance_id >= MAX_INSTANCE ) return 0; for( i = 0; i < instance[instance_id].num_map; i++ ) map_foreachinmap(buildin_announce_sub, instance[instance_id].map[i], BL_PC, mes, strlen(mes)+1, flag&0xf0, fontColor, fontType, fontSize, fontAlign, fontY); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(instance_npcname) { const char *str; int instance_id = 0; struct map_session_data *sd; struct party_data *p; struct npc_data *nd; str = script_getstr(st, 2); if( script_hasdata(st, 3) ) instance_id = script_getnum(st, 3); else if( st->instance_id ) instance_id = st->instance_id; else if( (sd = script_rid2sd(st)) != NULL && sd->status.party_id && (p = party_search(sd->status.party_id)) != NULL && p->instance_id ) instance_id = p->instance_id; if( instance_id && (nd = npc_name2id(str)) != NULL ) { static char npcname[NAME_LENGTH]; snprintf(npcname, sizeof(npcname), "dup_%d_%d", instance_id, nd->bl.id); script_pushconststr(st,npcname); } else { ShowError("script:instance_npcname: invalid instance NPC (instance_id: %d, NPC name: \"%s\".)\n", instance_id, str); st->state = END; return 1; } return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(has_instance) { struct map_session_data *sd; struct party_data *p; const char *str; int m, instance_id = 0; str = script_getstr(st, 2); if( script_hasdata(st, 3) ) instance_id = script_getnum(st, 3); else if( st->instance_id ) instance_id = st->instance_id; else if( (sd = script_rid2sd(st)) != NULL && sd->status.party_id && (p = party_search(sd->status.party_id)) != NULL && p->instance_id ) instance_id = p->instance_id; if( !instance_id || (m = map_mapname2mapid(str)) < 0 || (m = instance_map2imap(m, instance_id)) < 0 ) { script_pushconststr(st, ""); return 0; } script_pushconststr(st, map[m].name); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(instance_warpall) { struct map_session_data *pl_sd; int m, i, instance_id; const char *mapn; int x, y; unsigned short mapindex; struct party_data *p = NULL; mapn = script_getstr(st,2); x = script_getnum(st,3); y = script_getnum(st,4); if( script_hasdata(st,5) ) instance_id = script_getnum(st,5); else if( st->instance_id ) instance_id = st->instance_id; else if( (pl_sd = script_rid2sd(st)) != NULL && pl_sd->status.party_id && (p = party_search(pl_sd->status.party_id)) != NULL && p->instance_id ) instance_id = p->instance_id; else return 0; if( (m = map_mapname2mapid(mapn)) < 0 || (map[m].flag.src4instance && (m = instance_mapid2imapid(m, instance_id)) < 0) ) return 0; if( !(p = party_search(instance[instance_id].party_id)) ) return 0; mapindex = map_id2index(m); for( i = 0; i < MAX_PARTY; i++ ) if( (pl_sd = p->data[i].sd) && map[pl_sd->bl.m].instance_id == st->instance_id ) pc_setpos(pl_sd,mapindex,x,y,CLR_TELEPORT); return 0; } /*========================================== * instance_check_party [malufett] * Values: * party_id : Party ID of the invoking character. [Required Parameter] * amount : Amount of needed Partymembers for the Instance. [Optional Parameter] * min : Minimum Level needed to join the Instance. [Optional Parameter] * max : Maxium Level allowed to join the Instance. [Optional Parameter] * Example: instance_check_party (getcharid(1){,amount}{,min}{,max}); * Example 2: instance_check_party (getcharid(1),1,1,99); *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(instance_check_party) { struct map_session_data *pl_sd; int amount, min, max, i, party_id, c = 0; struct party_data *p = NULL; amount = script_hasdata(st,3) ? script_getnum(st,3) : 1; // Amount of needed Partymembers for the Instance. min = script_hasdata(st,4) ? script_getnum(st,4) : 1; // Minimum Level needed to join the Instance. max = script_hasdata(st,5) ? script_getnum(st,5) : MAX_LEVEL; // Maxium Level allowed to join the Instance. if( min < 1 || min > MAX_LEVEL){ ShowError("instance_check_party: Invalid min level, %d\n", min); return 0; }else if( max < 1 || max > MAX_LEVEL){ ShowError("instance_check_party: Invalid max level, %d\n", max); return 0; } if( script_hasdata(st,2) ) party_id = script_getnum(st,2); else return 0; if( !(p = party_search(party_id)) ){ script_pushint(st, 0); // Returns false if party does not exist. return 0; } for( i = 0; i < MAX_PARTY; i++ ) if( (pl_sd = p->data[i].sd) ) if(map_id2bl(pl_sd->bl.id)){ if(pl_sd->status.base_level < min){ script_pushint(st, 0); return 0; }else if(pl_sd->status.base_level > max){ script_pushint(st, 0); return 0; } c++; } if(c < amount){ script_pushint(st, 0); // Not enough Members in the Party to join Instance. }else script_pushint(st, 1); return 0; } /*========================================== * Custom Fonts *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(setfont) { struct map_session_data *sd = script_rid2sd(st); int font = script_getnum(st,2); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; if( sd->user_font != font ) sd->user_font = font; else sd->user_font = 0; clif_font(sd); return 0; } static int buildin_mobuseskill_sub(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { TBL_MOB* md = (TBL_MOB*)bl; struct block_list *tbl; int mobid = va_arg(ap,int); int skillid = va_arg(ap,int); int skilllv = va_arg(ap,int); int casttime = va_arg(ap,int); int cancel = va_arg(ap,int); int emotion = va_arg(ap,int); int target = va_arg(ap,int); if( md->class_ != mobid ) return 0; // 0:self, 1:target, 2:master, default:random switch( target ) { case 0: tbl = map_id2bl(md->bl.id); break; case 1: tbl = map_id2bl(md->target_id); break; case 2: tbl = map_id2bl(md->master_id); break; default:tbl = battle_getenemy(&md->bl, DEFAULT_ENEMY_TYPE(md),skill_get_range2(&md->bl, skillid, skilllv)); break; } if( !tbl ) return 0; if( md->ud.skilltimer != INVALID_TIMER ) // Cancel the casting skill. unit_skillcastcancel(bl,0); if( skill_get_casttype(skillid) == CAST_GROUND ) unit_skilluse_pos2(&md->bl, tbl->x, tbl->y, skillid, skilllv, casttime, cancel); else unit_skilluse_id2(&md->bl, tbl->id, skillid, skilllv, casttime, cancel); clif_emotion(&md->bl, emotion); return 0; } /*========================================== * areamobuseskill "Map Name",<x>,<y>,<range>,<Mob ID>,"Skill Name"/<Skill ID>,<Skill Lv>,<Cast Time>,<Cancelable>,<Emotion>,<Target Type>; *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(areamobuseskill) { struct block_list center; int m,range,mobid,skillid,skilllv,casttime,emotion,target,cancel; if( (m = map_mapname2mapid(script_getstr(st,2))) < 0 ) { ShowError("areamobuseskill: invalid map name.\n"); return 0; } if( map[m].flag.src4instance && st->instance_id && (m = instance_mapid2imapid(m, st->instance_id)) < 0 ) return 0; center.m = m; center.x = script_getnum(st,3); center.y = script_getnum(st,4); range = script_getnum(st,5); mobid = script_getnum(st,6); skillid = ( script_isstring(st,7) ? skill_name2id(script_getstr(st,7)) : script_getnum(st,7) ); if( (skilllv = script_getnum(st,8)) > battle_config.mob_max_skilllvl ) skilllv = battle_config.mob_max_skilllvl; casttime = script_getnum(st,9); cancel = script_getnum(st,10); emotion = script_getnum(st,11); target = script_getnum(st,12); map_foreachinrange(buildin_mobuseskill_sub, ¢er, range, BL_MOB, mobid, skillid, skilllv, casttime, cancel, emotion, target); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(progressbar) { struct map_session_data * sd = script_rid2sd(st); const char * color; unsigned int second; if( !st || !sd ) return 0; st->state = STOP; color = script_getstr(st,2); second = script_getnum(st,3); sd->progressbar.npc_id = st->oid; sd->progressbar.timeout = gettick() + second*1000; clif_progressbar(sd, strtol(color, (char **)NULL, 0), second); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(pushpc) { int direction, cells, dx, dy; struct map_session_data* sd; if((sd = script_rid2sd(st))==NULL) { return 0; } direction = script_getnum(st,2); cells = script_getnum(st,3); if(direction<0 || direction>7) { ShowWarning("buildin_pushpc: Invalid direction %d specified.\n", direction); script_reportsrc(st); direction%= 8; // trim spin-over } if(!cells) {// zero distance return 0; } else if(cells<0) {// pushing backwards direction = (direction+4)%8; // turn around cells = -cells; } dx = dirx[direction]; dy = diry[direction]; unit_blown(&sd->bl, dx, dy, cells, 0); return 0; } /// Invokes buying store preparation window /// buyingstore <slots>; BUILDIN_FUNC(buyingstore) { struct map_session_data* sd; if( ( sd = script_rid2sd(st) ) == NULL ) { return 0; } buyingstore_setup(sd, script_getnum(st,2)); return 0; } /// Invokes search store info window /// searchstores <uses>,<effect>; BUILDIN_FUNC(searchstores) { unsigned short effect; unsigned int uses; struct map_session_data* sd; if( ( sd = script_rid2sd(st) ) == NULL ) { return 0; } uses = script_getnum(st,2); effect = script_getnum(st,3); if( !uses ) { ShowError("buildin_searchstores: Amount of uses cannot be zero.\n"); return 1; } if( effect > 1 ) { ShowError("buildin_searchstores: Invalid effect id %hu, specified.\n", effect); return 1; } searchstore_open(sd, uses, effect); return 0; } /// Displays a number as large digital clock. /// showdigit <value>[,<type>]; BUILDIN_FUNC(showdigit) { unsigned int type = 0; int value; struct map_session_data* sd; if( ( sd = script_rid2sd(st) ) == NULL ) { return 0; } value = script_getnum(st,2); if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) { type = script_getnum(st,3); if( type > 3 ) { ShowError("buildin_showdigit: Invalid type %u.\n", type); return 1; } } clif_showdigit(sd, (unsigned char)type, value); return 0; } /** * Rune Knight **/ BUILDIN_FUNC(makerune) { TBL_PC* sd; if( (sd = script_rid2sd(st)) == NULL ) return 0; clif_skill_produce_mix_list(sd,RK_RUNEMASTERY,24); sd->itemid = script_getnum(st,2); return 0; } /** * checkdragon() returns 1 if mounting a dragon or 0 otherwise. **/ BUILDIN_FUNC(checkdragon) { TBL_PC* sd; if( (sd = script_rid2sd(st)) == NULL ) return 0; if( pc_isridingdragon(sd) ) script_pushint(st,1); else script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } /** * setdragon({optional Color}) returns 1 on success or 0 otherwise * - Toggles the dragon on a RK if he can mount; * @param Color - when not provided uses the green dragon; * - 1 : Green Dragon * - 2 : Brown Dragon * - 3 : Gray Dragon * - 4 : Blue Dragon * - 5 : Red Dragon **/ BUILDIN_FUNC(setdragon) { TBL_PC* sd; int color = script_hasdata(st,2) ? script_getnum(st,2) : 0; unsigned int option = OPTION_DRAGON1; if( (sd = script_rid2sd(st)) == NULL ) return 0; if( !pc_checkskill(sd,RK_DRAGONTRAINING) || (sd->class_&MAPID_THIRDMASK) != MAPID_RUNE_KNIGHT ) script_pushint(st,0);//Doesn't have the skill or it's not a Rune Knight else if ( pc_isridingdragon(sd) ) {//Is mounted; release pc_setoption(sd, sd->sc.option&~OPTION_DRAGON); script_pushint(st,1); } else {//Not mounted; Mount now. if( color ) { option = ( color == 1 ? OPTION_DRAGON1 : color == 2 ? OPTION_DRAGON2 : color == 3 ? OPTION_DRAGON3 : color == 4 ? OPTION_DRAGON4 : color == 5 ? OPTION_DRAGON5 : 0); if( !option ) { ShowWarning("script_setdragon: Unknown Color %d used; changing to green (1)\n",color); option = OPTION_DRAGON1; } } pc_setoption(sd, sd->sc.option|option); script_pushint(st,1); } return 0; } /** * ismounting() returns 1 if mounting a new mount or 0 otherwise **/ BUILDIN_FUNC(ismounting) { TBL_PC* sd; if( (sd = script_rid2sd(st)) == NULL ) return 0; if( sd->sc.option&OPTION_MOUNTING ) script_pushint(st,1); else script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } /** * setmounting() returns 1 on success or 0 otherwise * - Toggles new mounts on a player when he can mount * - Will fail if the player is mounting a non-new mount, e.g. dragon, peco, wug, etc. * - Will unmount the player is he is already mounting **/ BUILDIN_FUNC(setmounting) { TBL_PC* sd; if( (sd = script_rid2sd(st)) == NULL ) return 0; if( sd->sc.option&(OPTION_WUGRIDER|OPTION_RIDING|OPTION_DRAGON|OPTION_MADOGEAR) ) script_pushint(st,0);//can't mount with one of these else { if( sd->sc.option&OPTION_MOUNTING ) pc_setoption(sd, sd->sc.option&~OPTION_MOUNTING);//release mount else pc_setoption(sd, sd->sc.option|OPTION_MOUNTING);//mount script_pushint(st,1);//in both cases, return 1. } return 0; } /** * Retrieves quantity of arguments provided to callfunc/callsub. * getargcount() -> amount of arguments received in a function **/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getargcount) { struct script_retinfo* ri; if( st->stack->defsp < 1 || st->stack->stack_data[st->stack->defsp - 1].type != C_RETINFO ) { ShowError("script:getargcount: used out of function or callsub label!\n"); st->state = END; return 1; } ri = st->stack->stack_data[st->stack->defsp - 1].u.ri; script_pushint(st, ri->nargs); return 0; } /** * is_function(<function name>) -> 1 if function exists, 0 otherwise **/ BUILDIN_FUNC(is_function) { const char* str = script_getstr(st,2); if( strdb_exists(userfunc_db, str) ) script_pushint(st,1); else script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } /** * get_revision() -> retrieves the current svn revision (if available) **/ BUILDIN_FUNC(get_revision) { const char * revision; if ( (revision = get_svn_revision()) != 0 ) script_pushint(st,atoi(revision)); else script_pushint(st,-1);//unknown return 0; } /** * freeloop(<toggle>) -> toggles this script instance's looping-check ability **/ BUILDIN_FUNC(freeloop) { if( script_getnum(st,2) ) st->freeloop = 1; else st->freeloop = 0; script_pushint(st, st->freeloop); return 0; } /** * @commands (script based) **/ BUILDIN_FUNC(bindatcmd) { const char* atcmd; const char* eventName; int i, level = 0, level2 = 0; bool create = false; atcmd = script_getstr(st,2); eventName = script_getstr(st,3); if( *atcmd == atcommand_symbol || *atcmd == charcommand_symbol ) atcmd++; if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) level = script_getnum(st,4); if( script_hasdata(st,5) ) level2 = script_getnum(st,5); if( atcmd_binding_count == 0 ) { CREATE(atcmd_binding,struct atcmd_binding_data*,1); create = true; } else { ARR_FIND(0, atcmd_binding_count, i, strcmp(atcmd_binding[i]->command,atcmd) == 0); if( i < atcmd_binding_count ) {/* update existent entry */ safestrncpy(atcmd_binding[i]->npc_event, eventName, 50); atcmd_binding[i]->level = level; atcmd_binding[i]->level2 = level2; } else create = true; } if( create ) { i = atcmd_binding_count; if( atcmd_binding_count++ != 0 ) RECREATE(atcmd_binding,struct atcmd_binding_data*,atcmd_binding_count); CREATE(atcmd_binding[i],struct atcmd_binding_data,1); safestrncpy(atcmd_binding[i]->command, atcmd, 50); safestrncpy(atcmd_binding[i]->npc_event, eventName, 50); atcmd_binding[i]->level = level; atcmd_binding[i]->level2 = level2; } return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(unbindatcmd) { const char* atcmd; int i = 0; atcmd = script_getstr(st, 2); if( *atcmd == atcommand_symbol || *atcmd == charcommand_symbol ) atcmd++; if( atcmd_binding_count == 0 ) { script_pushint(st, 0); return 0; } ARR_FIND(0, atcmd_binding_count, i, strcmp(atcmd_binding[i]->command, atcmd) == 0); if( i < atcmd_binding_count ) { int cursor = 0; aFree(atcmd_binding[i]); atcmd_binding[i] = NULL; /* compact the list now that we freed a slot somewhere */ for( i = 0, cursor = 0; i < atcmd_binding_count; i++ ) { if( atcmd_binding[i] == NULL ) continue; if( cursor != i ) { memmove(&atcmd_binding[cursor], &atcmd_binding[i], sizeof(struct atcmd_binding_data*)); } cursor++; } if( (atcmd_binding_count = cursor) == 0 ) aFree(atcmd_binding); script_pushint(st, 1); } else script_pushint(st, 0);/* not found */ return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(useatcmd) { TBL_PC dummy_sd; TBL_PC* sd; int fd; const char* cmd; cmd = script_getstr(st,2); if( st->rid ) { sd = script_rid2sd(st); fd = sd->fd; } else { // Use a dummy character. sd = &dummy_sd; fd = 0; memset(&dummy_sd, 0, sizeof(TBL_PC)); if( st->oid ) { struct block_list* bl = map_id2bl(st->oid); memcpy(&dummy_sd.bl, bl, sizeof(struct block_list)); if( bl->type == BL_NPC ) safestrncpy(dummy_sd.status.name, ((TBL_NPC*)bl)->name, NAME_LENGTH); } } // compatibility with previous implementation (deprecated!) if( cmd[0] != atcommand_symbol ) { cmd += strlen(sd->status.name); while( *cmd != atcommand_symbol && *cmd != 0 ) cmd++; } is_atcommand(fd, sd, cmd, 1); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(checkre) { int num; num=script_getnum(st,2); switch(num){ case 0: #ifdef RENEWAL script_pushint(st, 1); #else script_pushint(st, 0); #endif break; case 1: #ifdef RENEWAL_CAST script_pushint(st, 1); #else script_pushint(st, 0); #endif break; case 2: #ifdef RENEWAL_DROP script_pushint(st, 1); #else script_pushint(st, 0); #endif break; case 3: #ifdef RENEWAL_EXP script_pushint(st, 1); #else script_pushint(st, 0); #endif break; case 4: #ifdef RENEWAL_LVDMG script_pushint(st, 1); #else script_pushint(st, 0); #endif break; case 5: #ifdef RENEWAL_EDP script_pushint(st, 1); #else script_pushint(st, 0); #endif break; case 6: #ifdef RENEWAL_ASPD script_pushint(st, 1); #else script_pushint(st, 0); #endif break; default: ShowWarning("buildin_checkre: unknown parameter.\n"); break; } return 0; } /* getrandgroupitem <group_id>,<quantity> */ BUILDIN_FUNC(getrandgroupitem) { TBL_PC* sd; int i, get_count = 0, flag, nameid, group = script_getnum(st, 2), qty = script_getnum(st,3); struct item item_tmp; if( !( sd = script_rid2sd(st) ) ) return 0; if( qty <= 0 ) { ShowError("getrandgroupitem: qty is <= 0!\n"); return 1; } if( (nameid = itemdb_searchrandomid(group)) == UNKNOWN_ITEM_ID ) { return 1;/* itemdb_searchrandomid will already scream a error */ } memset(&item_tmp,0,sizeof(item_tmp)); item_tmp.nameid = nameid; item_tmp.identify = itemdb_isidentified(nameid); //Check if it's stackable. if (!itemdb_isstackable(nameid)) get_count = 1; else get_count = qty; for (i = 0; i < qty; i += get_count) { // if not pet egg if (!pet_create_egg(sd, nameid)) { if ((flag = pc_additem(sd, &item_tmp, get_count, LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT))) { clif_additem(sd, 0, 0, flag); if( pc_candrop(sd,&item_tmp) ) map_addflooritem(&item_tmp,get_count,sd->bl.m,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y,0,0,0,0); } } } return 0; } // declarations that were supposed to be exported from npc_chat.c #ifdef PCRE_SUPPORT BUILDIN_FUNC(defpattern); BUILDIN_FUNC(activatepset); BUILDIN_FUNC(deactivatepset); BUILDIN_FUNC(deletepset); #endif /// script command definitions /// for an explanation on args, see add_buildin_func struct script_function buildin_func[] = { // NPC interaction BUILDIN_DEF(mes,"s*"), BUILDIN_DEF(next,""), BUILDIN_DEF(close,""), BUILDIN_DEF(close2,""), BUILDIN_DEF(menu,"sl*"), BUILDIN_DEF(select,"s*"), //for future jA script compatibility BUILDIN_DEF(prompt,"s*"), // BUILDIN_DEF(goto,"l"), BUILDIN_DEF(callsub,"l*"), BUILDIN_DEF(callfunc,"s*"), BUILDIN_DEF(return,"?"), BUILDIN_DEF(getarg,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(jobchange,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(jobname,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(input,"r??"), BUILDIN_DEF(warp,"sii"), BUILDIN_DEF(areawarp,"siiiisii??"), BUILDIN_DEF(warpchar,"siii"), // [LuzZza] BUILDIN_DEF(warpparty,"siii?"), // [Fredzilla] [Paradox924X] BUILDIN_DEF(warpguild,"siii"), // [Fredzilla] BUILDIN_DEF(setlook,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(changelook,"ii"), // Simulates but don't Store it BUILDIN_DEF(set,"rv"), BUILDIN_DEF(setarray,"rv*"), BUILDIN_DEF(cleararray,"rvi"), BUILDIN_DEF(copyarray,"rri"), BUILDIN_DEF(getarraysize,"r"), BUILDIN_DEF(deletearray,"r?"), BUILDIN_DEF(getelementofarray,"ri"), BUILDIN_DEF(getitem,"vi?"), BUILDIN_DEF(rentitem,"vi"), BUILDIN_DEF(getitem2,"viiiiiiii?"), BUILDIN_DEF(getnameditem,"vv"), BUILDIN_DEF2(grouprandomitem,"groupranditem","i"), BUILDIN_DEF(makeitem,"visii"), BUILDIN_DEF(delitem,"vi?"), BUILDIN_DEF(delitem2,"viiiiiiii?"), BUILDIN_DEF2(enableitemuse,"enable_items",""), BUILDIN_DEF2(disableitemuse,"disable_items",""), BUILDIN_DEF(cutin,"si"), BUILDIN_DEF(viewpoint,"iiiii"), BUILDIN_DEF(heal,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(itemheal,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(percentheal,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(rand,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(countitem,"v"), BUILDIN_DEF(countitem2,"viiiiiii"), BUILDIN_DEF(checkweight,"vi"), BUILDIN_DEF(readparam,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(getcharid,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(getnpcid,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(getpartyname,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(getpartymember,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(getpartyleader,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(getguildname,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(getguildmaster,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(getguildmasterid,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(strcharinfo,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(strnpcinfo,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(getequipid,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(getequipname,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(getbrokenid,"i"), // [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(repair,"i"), // [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(repairall,""), BUILDIN_DEF(getequipisequiped,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(getequipisenableref,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(getequipisidentify,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(getequiprefinerycnt,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(getequipweaponlv,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(getequippercentrefinery,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(successrefitem,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(failedrefitem,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(downrefitem,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(statusup,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(statusup2,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(bonus,"iv"), BUILDIN_DEF2(bonus,"bonus2","ivi"), BUILDIN_DEF2(bonus,"bonus3","ivii"), BUILDIN_DEF2(bonus,"bonus4","ivvii"), BUILDIN_DEF2(bonus,"bonus5","ivviii"), BUILDIN_DEF(autobonus,"sii??"), BUILDIN_DEF(autobonus2,"sii??"), BUILDIN_DEF(autobonus3,"siiv?"), BUILDIN_DEF(skill,"vi?"), BUILDIN_DEF(addtoskill,"vi?"), // [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(guildskill,"vi"), BUILDIN_DEF(getskilllv,"v"), BUILDIN_DEF(getgdskilllv,"iv"), BUILDIN_DEF(basicskillcheck,""), BUILDIN_DEF(getgmlevel,""), BUILDIN_DEF(getgroupid,""), BUILDIN_DEF(end,""), BUILDIN_DEF(checkoption,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(setoption,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(setcart,"?"), BUILDIN_DEF(checkcart,""), BUILDIN_DEF(setfalcon,"?"), BUILDIN_DEF(checkfalcon,""), BUILDIN_DEF(setriding,"?"), BUILDIN_DEF(checkriding,""), BUILDIN_DEF(checkwug,""), BUILDIN_DEF(checkmadogear,""), BUILDIN_DEF(setmadogear,"?"), BUILDIN_DEF2(savepoint,"save","sii"), BUILDIN_DEF(savepoint,"sii"), BUILDIN_DEF(gettimetick,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(gettime,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(gettimestr,"si"), BUILDIN_DEF(openstorage,""), BUILDIN_DEF(guildopenstorage,""), BUILDIN_DEF(itemskill,"vi"), BUILDIN_DEF(produce,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(cooking,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(monster,"siisii???"), BUILDIN_DEF(getmobdrops,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(areamonster,"siiiisii???"), BUILDIN_DEF(killmonster,"ss?"), BUILDIN_DEF(killmonsterall,"s?"), BUILDIN_DEF(clone,"siisi????"), BUILDIN_DEF(doevent,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(donpcevent,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(cmdothernpc,"ss"), BUILDIN_DEF(addtimer,"is"), BUILDIN_DEF(deltimer,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(addtimercount,"si"), BUILDIN_DEF(initnpctimer,"??"), BUILDIN_DEF(stopnpctimer,"??"), BUILDIN_DEF(startnpctimer,"??"), BUILDIN_DEF(setnpctimer,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(getnpctimer,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(attachnpctimer,"?"), // attached the player id to the npc timer [Celest] BUILDIN_DEF(detachnpctimer,"?"), // detached the player id from the npc timer [Celest] BUILDIN_DEF(playerattached,""), // returns id of the current attached player. [Skotlex] BUILDIN_DEF(announce,"si?????"), BUILDIN_DEF(mapannounce,"ssi?????"), BUILDIN_DEF(areaannounce,"siiiisi?????"), BUILDIN_DEF(getusers,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(getmapguildusers,"si"), BUILDIN_DEF(getmapusers,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(getareausers,"siiii"), BUILDIN_DEF(getareadropitem,"siiiiv"), BUILDIN_DEF(enablenpc,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(disablenpc,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(hideoffnpc,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(hideonnpc,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(sc_start,"iii?"), BUILDIN_DEF(sc_start2,"iiii?"), BUILDIN_DEF(sc_start4,"iiiiii?"), BUILDIN_DEF(sc_end,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(getstatus, "i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(getscrate,"ii?"), BUILDIN_DEF(debugmes,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF2(catchpet,"pet","i"), BUILDIN_DEF2(birthpet,"bpet",""), BUILDIN_DEF(resetlvl,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(resetstatus,""), BUILDIN_DEF(resetskill,""), BUILDIN_DEF(skillpointcount,""), BUILDIN_DEF(changebase,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(changesex,""), BUILDIN_DEF(waitingroom,"si?????"), BUILDIN_DEF(delwaitingroom,"?"), BUILDIN_DEF2(waitingroomkickall,"kickwaitingroomall","?"), BUILDIN_DEF(enablewaitingroomevent,"?"), BUILDIN_DEF(disablewaitingroomevent,"?"), BUILDIN_DEF2(enablewaitingroomevent,"enablearena",""), // Added by RoVeRT BUILDIN_DEF2(disablewaitingroomevent,"disablearena",""), // Added by RoVeRT BUILDIN_DEF(getwaitingroomstate,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(warpwaitingpc,"sii?"), BUILDIN_DEF(attachrid,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(detachrid,""), BUILDIN_DEF(isloggedin,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(setmapflagnosave,"ssii"), BUILDIN_DEF(getmapflag,"si"), BUILDIN_DEF(setmapflag,"si?"), BUILDIN_DEF(removemapflag,"si?"), BUILDIN_DEF(pvpon,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(pvpoff,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(gvgon,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(gvgoff,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(emotion,"i??"), BUILDIN_DEF(maprespawnguildid,"sii"), BUILDIN_DEF(agitstart,""), // <Agit> BUILDIN_DEF(agitend,""), BUILDIN_DEF(agitcheck,""), // <Agitcheck> BUILDIN_DEF(flagemblem,"i"), // Flag Emblem BUILDIN_DEF(getcastlename,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(getcastledata,"si"), BUILDIN_DEF(setcastledata,"sii"), BUILDIN_DEF(requestguildinfo,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(getequipcardcnt,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(successremovecards,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(failedremovecards,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(marriage,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF2(wedding_effect,"wedding",""), BUILDIN_DEF(divorce,""), BUILDIN_DEF(ispartneron,""), BUILDIN_DEF(getpartnerid,""), BUILDIN_DEF(getchildid,""), BUILDIN_DEF(getmotherid,""), BUILDIN_DEF(getfatherid,""), BUILDIN_DEF(warppartner,"sii"), BUILDIN_DEF(getitemname,"v"), BUILDIN_DEF(getitemslots,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(makepet,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(getexp,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(getinventorylist,""), BUILDIN_DEF(getskilllist,""), BUILDIN_DEF(clearitem,""), BUILDIN_DEF(classchange,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(misceffect,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(playBGM,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(playBGMall,"s?????"), BUILDIN_DEF(soundeffect,"si"), BUILDIN_DEF(soundeffectall,"si?????"), // SoundEffectAll [Codemaster] BUILDIN_DEF(strmobinfo,"ii"), // display mob data [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(guardian,"siisi??"), // summon guardians BUILDIN_DEF(guardianinfo,"sii"), // display guardian data [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(petskillbonus,"iiii"), // [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(petrecovery,"ii"), // [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(petloot,"i"), // [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(petheal,"iiii"), // [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(petskillattack,"viii"), // [Skotlex] BUILDIN_DEF(petskillattack2,"viiii"), // [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(petskillsupport,"viiii"), // [Skotlex] BUILDIN_DEF(skilleffect,"vi"), // skill effect [Celest] BUILDIN_DEF(npcskilleffect,"viii"), // npc skill effect [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(specialeffect,"i??"), // npc skill effect [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(specialeffect2,"i??"), // skill effect on players[Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(nude,""), // nude command [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(mapwarp,"ssii??"), // Added by RoVeRT BUILDIN_DEF(atcommand,"s"), // [MouseJstr] BUILDIN_DEF2(atcommand,"charcommand","s"), // [MouseJstr] BUILDIN_DEF(movenpc,"sii?"), // [MouseJstr] BUILDIN_DEF(message,"ss"), // [MouseJstr] BUILDIN_DEF(npctalk,"s"), // [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(mobcount,"ss"), BUILDIN_DEF(getlook,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(getsavepoint,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(npcspeed,"i"), // [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(npcwalkto,"ii"), // [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(npcstop,""), // [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(getmapxy,"rrri?"), //by Lorky [Lupus] BUILDIN_DEF(checkoption1,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(checkoption2,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(guildgetexp,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(guildchangegm,"is"), BUILDIN_DEF(logmes,"s"), //this command actls as MES but rints info into LOG file either SQL/TXT [Lupus] BUILDIN_DEF(summon,"si??"), // summons a slave monster [Celest] BUILDIN_DEF(isnight,""), // check whether it is night time [Celest] BUILDIN_DEF(isday,""), // check whether it is day time [Celest] BUILDIN_DEF(isequipped,"i*"), // check whether another item/card has been equipped [Celest] BUILDIN_DEF(isequippedcnt,"i*"), // check how many items/cards are being equipped [Celest] BUILDIN_DEF(cardscnt,"i*"), // check how many items/cards are being equipped in the same arm [Lupus] BUILDIN_DEF(getrefine,""), // returns the refined number of the current item, or an item with index specified [celest] BUILDIN_DEF(night,""), // sets the server to night time BUILDIN_DEF(day,""), // sets the server to day time #ifdef PCRE_SUPPORT BUILDIN_DEF(defpattern,"iss"), // Define pattern to listen for [MouseJstr] BUILDIN_DEF(activatepset,"i"), // Activate a pattern set [MouseJstr] BUILDIN_DEF(deactivatepset,"i"), // Deactive a pattern set [MouseJstr] BUILDIN_DEF(deletepset,"i"), // Delete a pattern set [MouseJstr] #endif BUILDIN_DEF(dispbottom,"s"), //added from jA [Lupus] BUILDIN_DEF(getusersname,""), BUILDIN_DEF(recovery,""), BUILDIN_DEF(getpetinfo,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(gethominfo,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(getmercinfo,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(checkequipedcard,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(jump_zero,"il"), //for future jA script compatibility BUILDIN_DEF(globalmes,"s?"), //end jA addition BUILDIN_DEF(unequip,"i"), // unequip command [Spectre] BUILDIN_DEF(getstrlen,"s"), //strlen [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(charisalpha,"si"), //isalpha [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(charat,"si"), BUILDIN_DEF(setchar,"ssi"), BUILDIN_DEF(insertchar,"ssi"), BUILDIN_DEF(delchar,"si"), BUILDIN_DEF(strtoupper,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(strtolower,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(charisupper, "si"), BUILDIN_DEF(charislower, "si"), BUILDIN_DEF(substr,"sii"), BUILDIN_DEF(explode, "rss"), BUILDIN_DEF(implode, "r?"), BUILDIN_DEF(sprintf,"s*"), // [Mirei] BUILDIN_DEF(sscanf,"ss*"), // [Mirei] BUILDIN_DEF(strpos,"ss?"), BUILDIN_DEF(replacestr,"sss??"), BUILDIN_DEF(countstr,"ss?"), BUILDIN_DEF(setnpcdisplay,"sv??"), BUILDIN_DEF(compare,"ss"), // Lordalfa - To bring strstr to scripting Engine. BUILDIN_DEF(getiteminfo,"ii"), //[Lupus] returns Items Buy / sell Price, etc info BUILDIN_DEF(setiteminfo,"iii"), //[Lupus] set Items Buy / sell Price, etc info BUILDIN_DEF(getequipcardid,"ii"), //[Lupus] returns CARD ID or other info from CARD slot N of equipped item // [zBuffer] List of mathematics commands ---> BUILDIN_DEF(sqrt,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(pow,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(distance,"iiii"), // <--- [zBuffer] List of mathematics commands BUILDIN_DEF(md5,"s"), // [zBuffer] List of dynamic var commands ---> BUILDIN_DEF(getd,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(setd,"sv"), // <--- [zBuffer] List of dynamic var commands BUILDIN_DEF(petstat,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(callshop,"s?"), // [Skotlex] BUILDIN_DEF(npcshopitem,"sii*"), // [Lance] BUILDIN_DEF(npcshopadditem,"sii*"), BUILDIN_DEF(npcshopdelitem,"si*"), BUILDIN_DEF(npcshopattach,"s?"), BUILDIN_DEF(equip,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(autoequip,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(setbattleflag,"si"), BUILDIN_DEF(getbattleflag,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(setitemscript,"is?"), //Set NEW item bonus script. Lupus BUILDIN_DEF(disguise,"i"), //disguise player. Lupus BUILDIN_DEF(undisguise,""), //undisguise player. Lupus BUILDIN_DEF(getmonsterinfo,"ii"), //Lupus BUILDIN_DEF(axtoi,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(query_sql,"s*"), BUILDIN_DEF(query_logsql,"s*"), BUILDIN_DEF(escape_sql,"v"), BUILDIN_DEF(atoi,"s"), // [zBuffer] List of player cont commands ---> BUILDIN_DEF(rid2name,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(pcfollow,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(pcstopfollow,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(pcblockmove,"ii"), // <--- [zBuffer] List of player cont commands // [zBuffer] List of mob control commands ---> BUILDIN_DEF(unitwalk,"ii?"), BUILDIN_DEF(unitkill,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(unitwarp,"isii"), BUILDIN_DEF(unitattack,"iv?"), BUILDIN_DEF(unitstop,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(unittalk,"is"), BUILDIN_DEF(unitemote,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(unitskilluseid,"ivi?"), // originally by Qamera [Celest] BUILDIN_DEF(unitskillusepos,"iviii"), // [Celest] // <--- [zBuffer] List of mob control commands BUILDIN_DEF(sleep,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(sleep2,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(awake,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(getvariableofnpc,"rs"), BUILDIN_DEF(warpportal,"iisii"), BUILDIN_DEF2(homunculus_evolution,"homevolution",""), //[orn] BUILDIN_DEF2(homunculus_mutate,"hommutate","?"), BUILDIN_DEF2(homunculus_shuffle,"homshuffle",""), //[Zephyrus] BUILDIN_DEF(eaclass,"?"), //[Skotlex] BUILDIN_DEF(roclass,"i?"), //[Skotlex] BUILDIN_DEF(checkvending,"?"), BUILDIN_DEF(checkchatting,"?"), BUILDIN_DEF(openmail,""), BUILDIN_DEF(openauction,""), BUILDIN_DEF(checkcell,"siii"), BUILDIN_DEF(setcell,"siiiiii"), BUILDIN_DEF(setwall,"siiiiis"), BUILDIN_DEF(delwall,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(searchitem,"rs"), BUILDIN_DEF(mercenary_create,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(mercenary_heal,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(mercenary_sc_start,"iii"), BUILDIN_DEF(mercenary_get_calls,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(mercenary_get_faith,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(mercenary_set_calls,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(mercenary_set_faith,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(readbook,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(setfont,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(areamobuseskill,"siiiiviiiii"), BUILDIN_DEF(progressbar,"si"), BUILDIN_DEF(pushpc,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(buyingstore,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(searchstores,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(showdigit,"i?"), // WoE SE BUILDIN_DEF(agitstart2,""), BUILDIN_DEF(agitend2,""), BUILDIN_DEF(agitcheck2,""), // BattleGround BUILDIN_DEF(waitingroom2bg,"siiss?"), BUILDIN_DEF(waitingroom2bg_single,"isiis"), BUILDIN_DEF(bg_team_setxy,"iii"), BUILDIN_DEF(bg_warp,"isii"), BUILDIN_DEF(bg_monster,"isiisi?"), BUILDIN_DEF(bg_monster_set_team,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(bg_leave,""), BUILDIN_DEF(bg_destroy,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(areapercentheal,"siiiiii"), BUILDIN_DEF(bg_get_data,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(bg_getareausers,"isiiii"), BUILDIN_DEF(bg_updatescore,"sii"), // Instancing BUILDIN_DEF(instance_create,"si"), BUILDIN_DEF(instance_destroy,"?"), BUILDIN_DEF(instance_attachmap,"si?"), BUILDIN_DEF(instance_detachmap,"s?"), BUILDIN_DEF(instance_attach,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(instance_id,"?"), BUILDIN_DEF(instance_set_timeout,"ii?"), BUILDIN_DEF(instance_init,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(instance_announce,"isi?????"), BUILDIN_DEF(instance_npcname,"s?"), BUILDIN_DEF(has_instance,"s?"), BUILDIN_DEF(instance_warpall,"sii?"), BUILDIN_DEF(instance_check_party,"i???"), /** * 3rd-related **/ BUILDIN_DEF(makerune,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(checkdragon,""),//[Ind] BUILDIN_DEF(setdragon,"?"),//[Ind] BUILDIN_DEF(ismounting,""),//[Ind] BUILDIN_DEF(setmounting,""),//[Ind] BUILDIN_DEF(checkre,"i"), /** * rAthena and beyond! **/ BUILDIN_DEF(getargcount,""), BUILDIN_DEF(is_function,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(get_revision,""), BUILDIN_DEF(freeloop,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(getrandgroupitem, "ii"), /** * @commands (script based) **/ BUILDIN_DEF(bindatcmd, "ss??"), BUILDIN_DEF(unbindatcmd, "s"), BUILDIN_DEF(useatcmd, "s"), //Quest Log System [Inkfish] BUILDIN_DEF(setquest, "i"), BUILDIN_DEF(erasequest, "i"), BUILDIN_DEF(completequest, "i"), BUILDIN_DEF(checkquest, "i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(changequest, "ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(showevent, "ii"), {NULL,NULL,NULL}, };