// Copyright (c) Hercules Dev Team, licensed under GNU GPL. // See the LICENSE file // Portions Copyright (c) Athena Dev Teams #include "../common/cbasetypes.h" #include "../common/malloc.h" #include "../common/md5calc.h" #include "../common/nullpo.h" #include "../common/random.h" #include "../common/showmsg.h" #include "../common/socket.h" // usage: getcharip #include "../common/strlib.h" #include "../common/timer.h" #include "../common/utils.h" #include "../common/sysinfo.h" #include "map.h" #include "path.h" #include "clif.h" #include "chrif.h" #include "itemdb.h" #include "pc.h" #include "status.h" #include "storage.h" #include "mob.h" #include "npc.h" #include "pet.h" #include "mapreg.h" #include "homunculus.h" #include "instance.h" #include "mercenary.h" #include "intif.h" #include "skill.h" #include "status.h" #include "chat.h" #include "battle.h" #include "battleground.h" #include "party.h" #include "guild.h" #include "atcommand.h" #include "log.h" #include "unit.h" #include "pet.h" #include "mail.h" #include "script.h" #include "quest.h" #include "elemental.h" #include "../config/core.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #ifndef WIN32 #include <sys/time.h> #endif #include <time.h> static inline int GETVALUE(const unsigned char* buf, int i) { return (int)MakeDWord(MakeWord(buf[i], buf[i+1]), MakeWord(buf[i+2], 0)); } static inline void SETVALUE(unsigned char* buf, int i, int n) { buf[i] = GetByte(n, 0); buf[i+1] = GetByte(n, 1); buf[i+2] = GetByte(n, 2); } struct script_interface script_s; const char* script_op2name(int op) { #define RETURN_OP_NAME(type) case type: return #type switch( op ) { RETURN_OP_NAME(C_NOP); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_POS); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_INT); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_PARAM); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_FUNC); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_STR); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_CONSTSTR); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_ARG); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_NAME); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_EOL); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_RETINFO); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_USERFUNC); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_USERFUNC_POS); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_REF); // operators RETURN_OP_NAME(C_OP3); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_LOR); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_LAND); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_LE); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_LT); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_GE); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_GT); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_EQ); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_NE); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_XOR); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_OR); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_AND); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_ADD); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_SUB); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_MUL); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_DIV); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_MOD); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_NEG); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_LNOT); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_NOT); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_R_SHIFT); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_L_SHIFT); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_ADD_POST); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_SUB_POST); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_ADD_PRE); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_SUB_PRE); #ifdef PCRE_SUPPORT RETURN_OP_NAME(C_RE_EQ); RETURN_OP_NAME(C_RE_NE); #endif // PCRE_SUPPORT default: ShowDebug("script_op2name: unexpected op=%d\n", op); return "???"; } #undef RETURN_OP_NAME } #ifdef SCRIPT_DEBUG_DUMP_STACK static void script_dump_stack(struct script_state* st) { int i; ShowMessage("\tstart = %d\n", st->start); ShowMessage("\tend = %d\n", st->end); ShowMessage("\tdefsp = %d\n", st->stack->defsp); ShowMessage("\tsp = %d\n", st->stack->sp); for( i = 0; i < st->stack->sp; ++i ) { struct script_data* data = &st->stack->stack_data[i]; ShowMessage("\t[%d] %s", i, script_op2name(data->type)); switch( data->type ) { case C_INT: case C_POS: ShowMessage(" %d\n", data->u.num); break; case C_STR: case C_CONSTSTR: ShowMessage(" \"%s\"\n", data->u.str); break; case C_NAME: ShowMessage(" \"%s\" (id=%d ref=%p subtype=%s)\n", reference_getname(data), data->u.num, data->ref, script_op2name(script->str_data[data->u.num].type)); break; case C_RETINFO: { struct script_retinfo* ri = data->u.ri; ShowMessage(" %p {scope.vars=%p, scope.arrays=%p, script=%p, pos=%d, nargs=%d, defsp=%d}\n", ri, ri->scope.vars, ri->scope.arrays, ri->script, ri->pos, ri->nargs, ri->defsp); } break; default: ShowMessage("\n"); break; } } } #endif /// Reports on the console the src of a script error. void script_reportsrc(struct script_state *st) { struct block_list* bl; if( st->oid == 0 ) return; //Can't report source. bl = map->id2bl(st->oid); if( bl == NULL ) return; switch( bl->type ) { case BL_NPC: if( bl->m >= 0 ) ShowDebug("Source (NPC): %s at %s (%d,%d)\n", ((struct npc_data *)bl)->name, map->list[bl->m].name, bl->x, bl->y); else ShowDebug("Source (NPC): %s (invisible/not on a map)\n", ((struct npc_data *)bl)->name); break; default: if( bl->m >= 0 ) ShowDebug("Source (Non-NPC type %d): name %s at %s (%d,%d)\n", bl->type, status->get_name(bl), map->list[bl->m].name, bl->x, bl->y); else ShowDebug("Source (Non-NPC type %d): name %s (invisible/not on a map)\n", bl->type, status->get_name(bl)); break; } } /// Reports on the console information about the script data. void script_reportdata(struct script_data* data) { if( data == NULL ) return; switch( data->type ) { case C_NOP:// no value ShowDebug("Data: nothing (nil)\n"); break; case C_INT:// number ShowDebug("Data: number value=%d\n", data->u.num); break; case C_STR: case C_CONSTSTR:// string if( data->u.str ) { ShowDebug("Data: string value=\"%s\"\n", data->u.str); } else { ShowDebug("Data: string value=NULL\n"); } break; case C_NAME:// reference if( reference_tovariable(data) ) {// variable const char* name = reference_getname(data); ShowDebug("Data: variable name='%s' index=%d\n", name, reference_getindex(data)); } else if( reference_toconstant(data) ) {// constant ShowDebug("Data: constant name='%s' value=%d\n", reference_getname(data), reference_getconstant(data)); } else if( reference_toparam(data) ) {// param ShowDebug("Data: param name='%s' type=%d\n", reference_getname(data), reference_getparamtype(data)); } else {// ??? ShowDebug("Data: reference name='%s' type=%s\n", reference_getname(data), script->op2name(data->type)); ShowDebug("Please report this!!! - script->str_data.type=%s\n", script->op2name(script->str_data[reference_getid(data)].type)); } break; case C_POS:// label ShowDebug("Data: label pos=%d\n", data->u.num); break; default: ShowDebug("Data: %s\n", script->op2name(data->type)); break; } } /// Reports on the console information about the current built-in function. void script_reportfunc(struct script_state* st) { int i, params, id; struct script_data* data; if( !script_hasdata(st,0) ) {// no stack return; } data = script_getdata(st,0); if( !data_isreference(data) || script->str_data[reference_getid(data)].type != C_FUNC ) {// script currently not executing a built-in function or corrupt stack return; } id = reference_getid(data); params = script_lastdata(st)-1; if( params > 0 ) { ShowDebug("Function: %s (%d parameter%s):\n", script->get_str(id), params, ( params == 1 ) ? "" : "s"); for( i = 2; i <= script_lastdata(st); i++ ) { script->reportdata(script_getdata(st,i)); } } else { ShowDebug("Function: %s (no parameters)\n", script->get_str(id)); } } /*========================================== * Output error message *------------------------------------------*/ static void disp_error_message2(const char *mes,const char *pos,int report) analyzer_noreturn; static void disp_error_message2(const char *mes,const char *pos,int report) { script->error_msg = aStrdup(mes); script->error_pos = pos; script->error_report = report; longjmp( script->error_jump, 1 ); } #define disp_error_message(mes,pos) (disp_error_message2((mes),(pos),1)) void disp_warning_message(const char *mes, const char *pos) { script->warning(script->parser_current_src,script->parser_current_file,script->parser_current_line,mes,pos); } /// Checks event parameter validity void check_event(struct script_state *st, const char *evt) { if( evt && evt[0] && !stristr(evt, "::On") ) { ShowWarning("NPC event parameter deprecated! Please use 'NPCNAME::OnEVENT' instead of '%s'.\n", evt); script->reportsrc(st); } } /*========================================== * Hashes the input string *------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int calc_hash(const char* p) { unsigned int h; #if defined(SCRIPT_HASH_DJB2) h = 5381; while( *p ) // hash*33 + c h = ( h << 5 ) + h + ((unsigned char)(*p++)); #elif defined(SCRIPT_HASH_SDBM) h = 0; while( *p ) // hash*65599 + c h = ( h << 6 ) + ( h << 16 ) - h + ((unsigned char)(*p++)); #elif defined(SCRIPT_HASH_ELF) // UNIX ELF hash h = 0; while( *p ) { unsigned int g; h = ( h << 4 ) + ((unsigned char)(*p++)); g = h & 0xF0000000; if( g ) { h ^= g >> 24; h &= ~g; } } #else // athena hash h = 0; while( *p ) h = ( h << 1 ) + ( h >> 3 ) + ( h >> 5 ) + ( h >> 8 ) + (unsigned char)(*p++); #endif return h % SCRIPT_HASH_SIZE; } /*========================================== * Hashes the input string in a case insensitive way *------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int calc_hash_ci(const char* p) { unsigned int h = 0; #ifdef ENABLE_CASE_CHECK #if defined(SCRIPT_HASH_DJB2) h = 5381; while( *p ) // hash*33 + c h = ( h << 5 ) + h + ((unsigned char)TOLOWER(*p++)); #elif defined(SCRIPT_HASH_SDBM) h = 0; while( *p ) // hash*65599 + c h = ( h << 6 ) + ( h << 16 ) - h + ((unsigned char)TOLOWER(*p++)); #elif defined(SCRIPT_HASH_ELF) // UNIX ELF hash h = 0; while( *p ) { unsigned int g; h = ( h << 4 ) + ((unsigned char)TOLOWER(*p++)); g = h & 0xF0000000; if( g ) { h ^= g >> 24; h &= ~g; } } #else // athena hash h = 0; while( *p ) h = ( h << 1 ) + ( h >> 3 ) + ( h >> 5 ) + ( h >> 8 ) + (unsigned char)TOLOWER(*p++); #endif #endif // ENABLE_CASE_CHECK return h % SCRIPT_HASH_SIZE; } /*========================================== * script->str_data manipulation functions *------------------------------------------*/ /// Looks up string using the provided id. const char* script_get_str(int id) { Assert( id >= LABEL_START && id < script->str_size ); return script->str_buf+script->str_data[id].str; } /// Returns the uid of the string, or -1. int script_search_str(const char* p) { int i; for( i = script->str_hash[script->calc_hash(p)]; i != 0; i = script->str_data[i].next ) { if( strcmp(script->get_str(i),p) == 0 ) { return i; } } return -1; } void script_casecheck_clear_sub(struct casecheck_data *ccd) { #ifdef ENABLE_CASE_CHECK if (ccd->str_data) { aFree(ccd->str_data); ccd->str_data = NULL; } ccd->str_data_size = 0; ccd->str_num = 1; if (ccd->str_buf) { aFree(ccd->str_buf); ccd->str_buf = NULL; } ccd->str_pos = 0; ccd->str_size = 0; memset(ccd->str_hash, 0, sizeof(ccd->str_hash)); #endif // ENABLE_CASE_CHECK } void script_global_casecheck_clear(void) { script_casecheck_clear_sub(&script->global_casecheck); } void script_local_casecheck_clear(void) { script_casecheck_clear_sub(&script->local_casecheck); } const char *script_casecheck_add_str_sub(struct casecheck_data *ccd, const char *p) { #ifdef ENABLE_CASE_CHECK int len, i; int h = script->calc_hash_ci(p); if( ccd->str_hash[h] == 0 ) { //empty bucket, add new node here ccd->str_hash[h] = ccd->str_num; } else { const char *s = NULL; for( i = ccd->str_hash[h]; ; i = ccd->str_data[i].next ) { Assert( i >= 0 && i < ccd->str_size ); s = ccd->str_buf+ccd->str_data[i].str; if( strcasecmp(s,p) == 0 ) { return s; // string already in list } if( ccd->str_data[i].next == 0 ) break; // reached the end } // append node to end of list ccd->str_data[i].next = ccd->str_num; } // grow list if neccessary if( ccd->str_num >= ccd->str_data_size ) { ccd->str_data_size += 1280; RECREATE(ccd->str_data,struct str_data_struct,ccd->str_data_size); memset(ccd->str_data + (ccd->str_data_size - 1280), '\0', 1280); } len=(int)strlen(p); // grow string buffer if neccessary while( ccd->str_pos+len+1 >= ccd->str_size ) { ccd->str_size += 10240; RECREATE(ccd->str_buf,char,ccd->str_size); memset(ccd->str_buf + (ccd->str_size - 10240), '\0', 10240); } safestrncpy(ccd->str_buf+ccd->str_pos, p, len+1); ccd->str_data[ccd->str_num].type = C_NOP; ccd->str_data[ccd->str_num].str = ccd->str_pos; ccd->str_data[ccd->str_num].val = 0; ccd->str_data[ccd->str_num].next = 0; ccd->str_data[ccd->str_num].func = NULL; ccd->str_data[ccd->str_num].backpatch = -1; ccd->str_data[ccd->str_num].label = -1; ccd->str_pos += len+1; ccd->str_num++; #endif // ENABLE_CASE_CHECK return NULL; } const char *script_global_casecheck_add_str(const char *p) { return script_casecheck_add_str_sub(&script->global_casecheck, p); } const char *script_local_casecheck_add_str(const char *p) { return script_casecheck_add_str_sub(&script->local_casecheck, p); } /// Stores a copy of the string and returns its id. /// If an identical string is already present, returns its id instead. int script_add_str(const char* p) { int i, len, h = script->calc_hash(p); #ifdef ENABLE_CASE_CHECK const char *existingentry = NULL; #endif // ENABLE_CASE_CHECK if( script->str_hash[h] == 0 ) {// empty bucket, add new node here script->str_hash[h] = script->str_num; } else {// scan for end of list, or occurence of identical string for( i = script->str_hash[h]; ; i = script->str_data[i].next ) { if( strcmp(script->get_str(i),p) == 0 ) { return i; // string already in list } if( script->str_data[i].next == 0 ) break; // reached the end } // append node to end of list script->str_data[i].next = script->str_num; } #ifdef ENABLE_CASE_CHECK if( (strncmp(p, ".@", 2) == 0) ) // Local scope vars are checked separately to decrease false positives existingentry = script->local_casecheck.add_str(p); else { existingentry = script->global_casecheck.add_str(p); if( existingentry ) { if( strcasecmp(p, "disguise") == 0 || strcasecmp(p, "Poison_Spore") == 0 || strcasecmp(p, "PecoPeco_Egg") == 0 || strcasecmp(p, "Soccer_Ball") == 0 || strcasecmp(p, "Horn") == 0 || strcasecmp(p, "Treasure_Box_") == 0 || strcasecmp(p, "Lord_of_Death") == 0 ) // Known duplicates, don't bother warning the user existingentry = NULL; } } if( existingentry ) { DeprecationWarning2("script_add_str", p, existingentry, script->parser_current_file); // TODO } #endif // ENABLE_CASE_CHECK // grow list if neccessary if( script->str_num >= script->str_data_size ) { script->str_data_size += 1280; RECREATE(script->str_data,struct str_data_struct,script->str_data_size); memset(script->str_data + (script->str_data_size - 1280), '\0', 1280); } len=(int)strlen(p); // grow string buffer if neccessary while( script->str_pos+len+1 >= script->str_size ) { script->str_size += 10240; RECREATE(script->str_buf,char,script->str_size); memset(script->str_buf + (script->str_size - 10240), '\0', 10240); } safestrncpy(script->str_buf+script->str_pos, p, len+1); script->str_data[script->str_num].type = C_NOP; script->str_data[script->str_num].str = script->str_pos; script->str_data[script->str_num].val = 0; script->str_data[script->str_num].next = 0; script->str_data[script->str_num].func = NULL; script->str_data[script->str_num].backpatch = -1; script->str_data[script->str_num].label = -1; script->str_pos += len+1; return script->str_num++; } /// Appends 1 byte to the script buffer. void add_scriptb(int a) { if( script->pos+1 >= script->size ) { script->size += SCRIPT_BLOCK_SIZE; RECREATE(script->buf,unsigned char,script->size); } script->buf[script->pos++] = (uint8)(a); } /// Appends a c_op value to the script buffer. /// The value is variable-length encoded into 8-bit blocks. /// The encoding scheme is ( 01?????? )* 00??????, LSB first. /// All blocks but the last hold 7 bits of data, topmost bit is always 1 (carries). void add_scriptc(int a) { while( a >= 0x40 ) { script->addb((a&0x3f)|0x40); a = (a - 0x40) >> 6; } script->addb(a); } /// Appends an integer value to the script buffer. /// The value is variable-length encoded into 8-bit blocks. /// The encoding scheme is ( 11?????? )* 10??????, LSB first. /// All blocks but the last hold 7 bits of data, topmost bit is always 1 (carries). void add_scripti(int a) { while( a >= 0x40 ) { script->addb((a&0x3f)|0xc0); a = (a - 0x40) >> 6; } script->addb(a|0x80); } /// Appends a script->str_data object (label/function/variable/integer) to the script buffer. /// /// @param l The id of the script->str_data entry // Maximum up to 16M void add_scriptl(int l) { int backpatch = script->str_data[l].backpatch; switch(script->str_data[l].type) { case C_POS: case C_USERFUNC_POS: script->addc(C_POS); script->addb(script->str_data[l].label); script->addb(script->str_data[l].label>>8); script->addb(script->str_data[l].label>>16); break; case C_NOP: case C_USERFUNC: // Embedded data backpatch there is a possibility of label script->addc(C_NAME); script->str_data[l].backpatch = script->pos; script->addb(backpatch); script->addb(backpatch>>8); script->addb(backpatch>>16); break; case C_INT: script->addi(abs(script->str_data[l].val)); if( script->str_data[l].val < 0 ) //Notice that this is negative, from jA (Rayce) script->addc(C_NEG); break; default: // assume C_NAME script->addc(C_NAME); script->addb(l); script->addb(l>>8); script->addb(l>>16); break; } } /*========================================== * Resolve the label *------------------------------------------*/ void set_label(int l,int pos, const char* script_pos) { int i,next; if(script->str_data[l].type==C_INT || script->str_data[l].type==C_PARAM || script->str_data[l].type==C_FUNC) { //Prevent overwriting constants values, parameters and built-in functions [Skotlex] disp_error_message("set_label: invalid label name",script_pos); return; } if(script->str_data[l].label!=-1) { disp_error_message("set_label: dup label ",script_pos); return; } script->str_data[l].type=(script->str_data[l].type == C_USERFUNC ? C_USERFUNC_POS : C_POS); script->str_data[l].label=pos; for(i=script->str_data[l].backpatch;i>=0 && i!=0x00ffffff;) { next=GETVALUE(script->buf,i); script->buf[i-1]=(script->str_data[l].type == C_USERFUNC ? C_USERFUNC_POS : C_POS); SETVALUE(script->buf,i,pos); i=next; } } /// Skips spaces and/or comments. const char* script_skip_space(const char* p) { if( p == NULL ) return NULL; for(;;) { while( ISSPACE(*p) ) ++p; if( *p == '/' && p[1] == '/' ) {// line comment while(*p && *p!='\n') ++p; } else if( *p == '/' && p[1] == '*' ) {// block comment p += 2; for(;;) { if( *p == '\0' ) { script->disp_warning_message("script:script->skip_space: end of file while parsing block comment. expected "CL_BOLD"*/"CL_NORM, p); return p; } if( *p == '*' && p[1] == '/' ) {// end of block comment p += 2; break; } ++p; } } else break; } return p; } /// Skips a word. /// A word consists of undercores and/or alphanumeric characters, /// and valid variable prefixes/postfixes. const char* skip_word(const char* p) { // prefix switch( *p ) { case '@':// temporary char variable ++p; break; case '#':// account variable p += ( p[1] == '#' ? 2 : 1 ); break; case '\'':// instance variable ++p; break; case '.':// npc variable p += ( p[1] == '@' ? 2 : 1 ); break; case '$':// global variable p += ( p[1] == '@' ? 2 : 1 ); break; } while( ISALNUM(*p) || *p == '_' || *p == '\'' ) ++p; // postfix if( *p == '$' )// string p++; return p; } /// Adds a word to script->str_data. /// @see skip_word /// @see script->add_str int add_word(const char* p) { size_t len; int i; // Check for a word len = script->skip_word(p) - p; if( len == 0 ) disp_error_message("script:add_word: invalid word. A word consists of undercores and/or alphanumeric characters, and valid variable prefixes/postfixes.", p); // Duplicate the word if( len+1 > script->word_size ) RECREATE(script->word_buf, char, (script->word_size = (len+1))); memcpy(script->word_buf, p, len); script->word_buf[len] = 0; // add the word i = script->add_str(script->word_buf); return i; } /// Parses a function call. /// The argument list can have parenthesis or not. /// The number of arguments is checked. static const char* parse_callfunc(const char* p, int require_paren, int is_custom) { const char *p2; char *arg = NULL; char null_arg = '\0'; int func; func = script->add_word(p); if( script->str_data[func].type == C_FUNC ) { // buildin function script->addl(func); script->addc(C_ARG); arg = script->buildin[script->str_data[func].val]; if( !arg ) arg = &null_arg; // Use a dummy, null string } else if( script->str_data[func].type == C_USERFUNC || script->str_data[func].type == C_USERFUNC_POS ) { // script defined function script->addl(script->buildin_callsub_ref); script->addc(C_ARG); script->addl(func); arg = script->buildin[script->str_data[script->buildin_callsub_ref].val]; if( *arg == 0 ) disp_error_message("parse_callfunc: callsub has no arguments, please review its definition",p); if( *arg != '*' ) ++arg; // count func as argument } else { #ifdef SCRIPT_CALLFUNC_CHECK const char* name = script->get_str(func); if( !is_custom && strdb_get(script->userfunc_db, name) == NULL ) { #endif disp_error_message("parse_line: expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared function",p); #ifdef SCRIPT_CALLFUNC_CHECK } else {; script->addl(script->buildin_callfunc_ref); script->addc(C_ARG); script->addc(C_STR); while( *name ) script->addb(*name ++); script->addb(0); arg = script->buildin[script->str_data[script->buildin_callfunc_ref].val]; if( *arg != '*' ) ++ arg; } #endif } p = script->skip_word(p); p = script->skip_space(p); script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].type = TYPE_ARGLIST; script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].count = 0; if( *p == ';' ) {// <func name> ';' script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].flag = ARGLIST_NO_PAREN; } else if( *p == '(' && *(p2=script->skip_space(p+1)) == ')' ) {// <func name> '(' ')' script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].flag = ARGLIST_PAREN; p = p2; /* } else if( 0 && require_paren && *p != '(' ) {// <func name> script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].flag = ARGLIST_NO_PAREN; */ } else {// <func name> <arg list> if( require_paren ) { if( *p != '(' ) disp_error_message("need '('",p); ++p; // skip '(' script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].flag = ARGLIST_PAREN; } else if( *p == '(' ) { script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].flag = ARGLIST_UNDEFINED; } else { script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].flag = ARGLIST_NO_PAREN; } ++script->syntax.curly_count; while( *arg ) { p2=script->parse_subexpr(p,-1); if( p == p2 ) break; // not an argument if( *arg != '*' ) ++arg; // next argument p=script->skip_space(p2); if( *arg == 0 || *p != ',' ) break; // no more arguments ++p; // skip comma } --script->syntax.curly_count; } if( arg && *arg && *arg != '?' && *arg != '*' ) disp_error_message2("parse_callfunc: not enough arguments, expected ','", p, script->config.warn_func_mismatch_paramnum); if( script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].type != TYPE_ARGLIST ) disp_error_message("parse_callfunc: DEBUG last curly is not an argument list",p); if( script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].flag == ARGLIST_PAREN ) { if( *p != ')' ) disp_error_message("parse_callfunc: expected ')' to close argument list",p); ++p; } script->addc(C_FUNC); return p; } /// Processes end of logical script line. /// @param first When true, only fix up scheduling data is initialized /// @param p Script position for error reporting in set_label void parse_nextline(bool first, const char* p) { if( !first ) { script->addc(C_EOL); // mark end of line for stack cleanup script->set_label(LABEL_NEXTLINE, script->pos, p); // fix up '-' labels } // initialize data for new '-' label fix up scheduling script->str_data[LABEL_NEXTLINE].type = C_NOP; script->str_data[LABEL_NEXTLINE].backpatch = -1; script->str_data[LABEL_NEXTLINE].label = -1; } /** * Pushes a variable into stack, processing its array index if needed. * @see parse_variable */ void parse_variable_sub_push(int word, const char *p2) { const char* p3 = NULL; if( p2 ) { // process the variable index // push the getelementofarray method into the stack script->addl(script->buildin_getelementofarray_ref); script->addc(C_ARG); script->addl(word); // process the sub-expression for this assignment p3 = script->parse_subexpr(p2 + 1, 1); p3 = script->skip_space(p3); if( *p3 != ']' ) {// closing parenthesis is required for this script disp_error_message("Missing closing ']' parenthesis for the variable assignment.", p3); } // push the closing function stack operator onto the stack script->addc(C_FUNC); p3++; } else { // No array index, simply push the variable or value onto the stack script->addl(word); } } /// Parse a variable assignment using the direct equals operator /// @param p script position where the function should run from /// @return NULL if not a variable assignment, the new position otherwise const char* parse_variable(const char* p) { int i, j, word; c_op type = C_NOP; const char *p2 = NULL; const char *var = p; if( ( p[0] == '+' && p[1] == '+' && (type = C_ADD_PRE) ) // pre ++ || ( p[0] == '-' && p[1] == '-' && (type = C_SUB_PRE) ) // pre -- ) { var = p = script->skip_space(&p[2]); } // skip the variable where applicable p = script->skip_word(p); p = script->skip_space(p); if( p == NULL ) { // end of the line or invalid buffer return NULL; } if( *p == '[' ) { // array variable so process the array as appropriate for( p2 = p, i = 0, j = 1; p; ++ i ) { if( *p ++ == ']' && --(j) == 0 ) break; if( *p == '[' ) ++ j; } if( !(p = script->skip_space(p)) ) { // end of line or invalid characters remaining disp_error_message("Missing right expression or closing bracket for variable.", p); } } if( type == C_NOP && !( ( p[0] == '=' && p[1] != '=' && (type = C_EQ) ) // = || ( p[0] == '+' && p[1] == '=' && (type = C_ADD) ) // += || ( p[0] == '-' && p[1] == '=' && (type = C_SUB) ) // -= || ( p[0] == '^' && p[1] == '=' && (type = C_XOR) ) // ^= || ( p[0] == '|' && p[1] == '=' && (type = C_OR ) ) // |= || ( p[0] == '&' && p[1] == '=' && (type = C_AND) ) // &= || ( p[0] == '*' && p[1] == '=' && (type = C_MUL) ) // *= || ( p[0] == '/' && p[1] == '=' && (type = C_DIV) ) // /= || ( p[0] == '%' && p[1] == '=' && (type = C_MOD) ) // %= || ( p[0] == '+' && p[1] == '+' && (type = C_ADD_POST) ) // post ++ || ( p[0] == '-' && p[1] == '-' && (type = C_SUB_POST) ) // post -- || ( p[0] == '<' && p[1] == '<' && p[2] == '=' && (type = C_L_SHIFT) ) // <<= || ( p[0] == '>' && p[1] == '>' && p[2] == '=' && (type = C_R_SHIFT) ) // >>= ) ) {// failed to find a matching operator combination so invalid return NULL; } switch( type ) { case C_ADD_PRE: // pre ++ case C_SUB_PRE: // pre -- // (nothing more to skip) break; case C_EQ: // = p = script->skip_space( &p[1] ); break; case C_L_SHIFT: // <<= case C_R_SHIFT: // >>= p = script->skip_space( &p[3] ); break; default: // everything else p = script->skip_space( &p[2] ); } if( p == NULL ) { // end of line or invalid buffer return NULL; } // push the set function onto the stack script->addl(script->buildin_set_ref); script->addc(C_ARG); // always append parenthesis to avoid errors script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].type = TYPE_ARGLIST; script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].count = 0; script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].flag = ARGLIST_PAREN; // increment the total curly count for the position in the script ++script->syntax.curly_count; // parse the variable currently being modified word = script->add_word(var); if( script->str_data[word].type == C_FUNC || script->str_data[word].type == C_USERFUNC || script->str_data[word].type == C_USERFUNC_POS ) { // cannot assign a variable which exists as a function or label disp_error_message("Cannot modify a variable which has the same name as a function or label.", p); } parse_variable_sub_push(word, p2); // Push variable onto the stack if( type != C_EQ ) { parse_variable_sub_push(word, p2); // Push variable onto the stack once again (first argument of setr) } if( type == C_ADD_POST || type == C_SUB_POST ) { // post ++ / -- script->addi(1); script->addc(type == C_ADD_POST ? C_ADD : C_SUB); parse_variable_sub_push(word, p2); // Push variable onto the stack (third argument of setr) } else if( type == C_ADD_PRE || type == C_SUB_PRE ) { // pre ++ / -- script->addi(1); script->addc(type == C_ADD_PRE ? C_ADD : C_SUB); } else { // process the value as an expression p = script->parse_subexpr(p, -1); if( type != C_EQ ) { // push the type of modifier onto the stack script->addc(type); } } // decrement the curly count for the position within the script --script->syntax.curly_count; // close the script by appending the function operator script->addc(C_FUNC); // push the buffer from the method return p; } /* * Checks whether the gives string is a number literal * * Mainly necessary to differentiate between number literals and NPC name * constants, since several of those start with a digit. * * All this does is to check if the string begins with an optional + or - sign, * followed by a hexadecimal or decimal number literal literal and is NOT * followed by a underscore or letter. * * @param p Pointer to the string to check * @return Whether the string is a number literal */ bool is_number(const char *p) { const char *np; if (!p) return false; if (*p == '-' || *p == '+') p++; np = p; if (*p == '0' && p[1] == 'x') { p+=2; np = p; // Hexadecimal while (ISXDIGIT(*np)) np++; } else { // Decimal while (ISDIGIT(*np)) np++; } if (p != np && *np != '_' && !ISALPHA(*np)) // At least one digit, and next isn't a letter or _ return true; return false; } /*========================================== * Analysis section *------------------------------------------*/ const char* parse_simpleexpr(const char *p) { int i; p=script->skip_space(p); if(*p==';' || *p==',') disp_error_message("parse_simpleexpr: unexpected end of expression",p); if(*p=='(') { if( (i=script->syntax.curly_count-1) >= 0 && script->syntax.curly[i].type == TYPE_ARGLIST ) ++script->syntax.curly[i].count; p=script->parse_subexpr(p+1,-1); p=script->skip_space(p); if( (i=script->syntax.curly_count-1) >= 0 && script->syntax.curly[i].type == TYPE_ARGLIST && script->syntax.curly[i].flag == ARGLIST_UNDEFINED && --script->syntax.curly[i].count == 0 ) { if( *p == ',' ) { script->syntax.curly[i].flag = ARGLIST_PAREN; return p; } else { script->syntax.curly[i].flag = ARGLIST_NO_PAREN; } } if( *p != ')' ) disp_error_message("parse_simpleexpr: unmatched ')'",p); ++p; } else if(is_number(p)) { char *np; long long lli; while(*p == '0' && ISDIGIT(p[1])) p++; // Skip leading zeros, we don't support octal literals lli=strtoll(p,&np,0); if( lli < INT_MIN ) { lli = INT_MIN; script->disp_warning_message("parse_simpleexpr: underflow detected, capping value to INT_MIN",p); } else if( lli > INT_MAX ) { lli = INT_MAX; script->disp_warning_message("parse_simpleexpr: overflow detected, capping value to INT_MAX",p); } script->addi((int)lli); // Cast is safe, as it's already been checked for overflows p=np; } else if(*p=='"') { script->addc(C_STR); do { p++; while( *p && *p != '"' ) { if( (unsigned char)p[-1] <= 0x7e && *p == '\\' ) { char buf[8]; size_t len = sv->skip_escaped_c(p) - p; size_t n = sv->unescape_c(buf, p, len); if( n != 1 ) ShowDebug("parse_simpleexpr: unexpected length %d after unescape (\"%.*s\" -> %.*s)\n", (int)n, (int)len, p, (int)n, buf); p += len; script->addb(*buf); continue; } else if( *p == '\n' ) { disp_error_message("parse_simpleexpr: unexpected newline @ string",p); } script->addb(*p++); } if(!*p) disp_error_message("parse_simpleexpr: unexpected end of file @ string",p); p++; //'"' p = script->skip_space(p); } while( *p && *p == '"' ); script->addb(0); } else { int l; const char* pv; // label , register , function etc if(script->skip_word(p)==p) disp_error_message("parse_simpleexpr: unexpected character",p); l=script->add_word(p); if( script->str_data[l].type == C_FUNC || script->str_data[l].type == C_USERFUNC || script->str_data[l].type == C_USERFUNC_POS) { return script->parse_callfunc(p,1,0); #ifdef SCRIPT_CALLFUNC_CHECK } else { const char* name = script->get_str(l); if( strdb_get(script->userfunc_db,name) != NULL ) { return script->parse_callfunc(p,1,1); } #endif } if( (pv = script->parse_variable(p)) ) { // successfully processed a variable assignment return pv; } p=script->skip_word(p); if( *p == '[' ) { // array(name[i] => getelementofarray(name,i) ) script->addl(script->buildin_getelementofarray_ref); script->addc(C_ARG); script->addl(l); p=script->parse_subexpr(p+1,-1); p=script->skip_space(p); if( *p != ']' ) disp_error_message("parse_simpleexpr: unmatched ']'",p); ++p; script->addc(C_FUNC); } else { script->addl(l); } } return p; } /*========================================== * Analysis of the expression *------------------------------------------*/ const char* script_parse_subexpr(const char* p,int limit) { int op,opl,len; const char* tmpp; p=script->skip_space(p); if( *p == '-' ) { tmpp = script->skip_space(p+1); if( *tmpp == ';' || *tmpp == ',' ) { script->addl(LABEL_NEXTLINE); p++; return p; } } if( (p[0]=='+' && p[1]=='+') /* C_ADD_PRE */ || (p[0]=='-'&&p[1]=='-') /* C_SUB_PRE */ ) { // Pre ++ -- operators p=script->parse_variable(p); } else if( (op=C_NEG,*p=='-') || (op=C_LNOT,*p=='!') || (op=C_NOT,*p=='~') ) { // Unary - ! ~ operators p=script->parse_subexpr(p+1,11); script->addc(op); } else { p=script->parse_simpleexpr(p); } p=script->skip_space(p); while(( (op=C_OP3, opl=0, len=1,*p=='?') // ?: || (op=C_ADD, opl=9, len=1,*p=='+') // + || (op=C_SUB, opl=9, len=1,*p=='-') // - || (op=C_MUL, opl=10,len=1,*p=='*') // * || (op=C_DIV, opl=10,len=1,*p=='/') // / || (op=C_MOD, opl=10,len=1,*p=='%') // % || (op=C_LAND, opl=2, len=2,*p=='&' && p[1]=='&') // && || (op=C_AND, opl=5, len=1,*p=='&') // & || (op=C_LOR, opl=1, len=2,*p=='|' && p[1]=='|') // || || (op=C_OR, opl=3, len=1,*p=='|') // | || (op=C_XOR, opl=4, len=1,*p=='^') // ^ || (op=C_EQ, opl=6, len=2,*p=='=' && p[1]=='=') // == || (op=C_NE, opl=6, len=2,*p=='!' && p[1]=='=') // != #ifdef PCRE_SUPPORT || (op=C_RE_EQ, opl=6, len=2,*p=='~' && p[1]=='=') // ~= || (op=C_RE_NE, opl=6, len=2,*p=='~' && p[1]=='!') // ~! #endif // PCRE_SUPPORT || (op=C_R_SHIFT,opl=8, len=2,*p=='>' && p[1]=='>') // >> || (op=C_GE, opl=7, len=2,*p=='>' && p[1]=='=') // >= || (op=C_GT, opl=7, len=1,*p=='>') // > || (op=C_L_SHIFT,opl=8, len=2,*p=='<' && p[1]=='<') // << || (op=C_LE, opl=7, len=2,*p=='<' && p[1]=='=') // <= || (op=C_LT, opl=7, len=1,*p=='<') // < ) && opl>limit) { p+=len; if(op == C_OP3) { p=script->parse_subexpr(p,-1); p=script->skip_space(p); if( *(p++) != ':') disp_error_message("parse_subexpr: need ':'", p-1); p=script->parse_subexpr(p,-1); } else { p=script->parse_subexpr(p,opl); } script->addc(op); p=script->skip_space(p); } return p; /* return first untreated operator */ } /*========================================== * Evaluation of the expression *------------------------------------------*/ const char* parse_expr(const char *p) { switch(*p) { case ')': case ';': case ':': case '[': case ']': case '}': disp_error_message("parse_expr: unexpected char",p); } p=script->parse_subexpr(p,-1); return p; } /*========================================== * Analysis of the line *------------------------------------------*/ const char* parse_line(const char* p) { const char* p2; p=script->skip_space(p); if(*p==';') { //Close decision for if(); for(); while(); p = script->parse_syntax_close(p + 1); return p; } if(*p==')' && script->parse_syntax_for_flag) return p+1; p = script->skip_space(p); if(p[0] == '{') { script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].type = TYPE_NULL; script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].count = -1; script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].index = -1; script->syntax.curly_count++; return p + 1; } else if(p[0] == '}') { return script->parse_curly_close(p); } // Syntax-related processing p2 = script->parse_syntax(p); if(p2 != NULL) return p2; // attempt to process a variable assignment p2 = script->parse_variable(p); if( p2 != NULL ) {// variable assignment processed so leave the method return script->parse_syntax_close(p2 + 1); } p = script->parse_callfunc(p,0,0); p = script->skip_space(p); if(script->parse_syntax_for_flag) { if( *p != ')' ) disp_error_message("parse_line: need ')'",p); } else { if( *p != ';' ) disp_error_message("parse_line: need ';'",p); } //Binding decision for if(), for(), while() p = script->parse_syntax_close(p+1); return p; } // { ... } Closing process const char* parse_curly_close(const char* p) { if(script->syntax.curly_count <= 0) { disp_error_message("parse_curly_close: unexpected string",p); return p + 1; } else if(script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count-1].type == TYPE_NULL) { script->syntax.curly_count--; //Close decision if, for , while p = script->parse_syntax_close(p + 1); return p; } else if(script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count-1].type == TYPE_SWITCH) { //Closing switch() int pos = script->syntax.curly_count-1; char label[256]; int l; // Remove temporary variables sprintf(label,"set $@__SW%x_VAL,0;",script->syntax.curly[pos].index); script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count++].type = TYPE_NULL; script->parse_line(label); script->syntax.curly_count--; // Go to the end pointer unconditionally sprintf(label,"goto __SW%x_FIN;",script->syntax.curly[pos].index); script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count++].type = TYPE_NULL; script->parse_line(label); script->syntax.curly_count--; // You are here labeled sprintf(label,"__SW%x_%x",script->syntax.curly[pos].index,script->syntax.curly[pos].count); l=script->add_str(label); script->set_label(l,script->pos, p); if(script->syntax.curly[pos].flag) { //Exists default sprintf(label,"goto __SW%x_DEF;",script->syntax.curly[pos].index); script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count++].type = TYPE_NULL; script->parse_line(label); script->syntax.curly_count--; } // Label end sprintf(label,"__SW%x_FIN",script->syntax.curly[pos].index); l=script->add_str(label); script->set_label(l,script->pos, p); linkdb_final(&script->syntax.curly[pos].case_label); // free the list of case label script->syntax.curly_count--; //Closing decision if, for , while p = script->parse_syntax_close(p + 1); return p; } else { disp_error_message("parse_curly_close: unexpected string",p); return p + 1; } } // Syntax-related processing // break, case, continue, default, do, for, function, // if, switch, while ? will handle this internally. const char* parse_syntax(const char* p) { const char *p2 = script->skip_word(p); switch(*p) { case 'B': case 'b': if( p2 - p == 5 && strncmp(p,"break",5) == 0 ) { // break Processing char label[256]; int pos = script->syntax.curly_count - 1; while(pos >= 0) { if(script->syntax.curly[pos].type == TYPE_DO) { sprintf(label,"goto __DO%x_FIN;",script->syntax.curly[pos].index); break; } else if(script->syntax.curly[pos].type == TYPE_FOR) { sprintf(label,"goto __FR%x_FIN;",script->syntax.curly[pos].index); break; } else if(script->syntax.curly[pos].type == TYPE_WHILE) { sprintf(label,"goto __WL%x_FIN;",script->syntax.curly[pos].index); break; } else if(script->syntax.curly[pos].type == TYPE_SWITCH) { sprintf(label,"goto __SW%x_FIN;",script->syntax.curly[pos].index); break; } pos--; } if(pos < 0) { disp_error_message("parse_syntax: unexpected 'break'",p); } else { script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count++].type = TYPE_NULL; script->parse_line(label); script->syntax.curly_count--; } p = script->skip_space(p2); if(*p != ';') disp_error_message("parse_syntax: need ';'",p); // Closing decision if, for , while p = script->parse_syntax_close(p + 1); return p; #ifdef ENABLE_CASE_CHECK } else if( p2 - p == 5 && strncasecmp(p, "break", 5) == 0 ) { disp_deprecation_message("parse_syntax", "break", p); // TODO #endif // ENABLE_CASE_CHECK } break; case 'c': case 'C': if( p2 - p == 4 && strncmp(p, "case", 4) == 0 ) { //Processing case int pos = script->syntax.curly_count-1; if(pos < 0 || script->syntax.curly[pos].type != TYPE_SWITCH) { disp_error_message("parse_syntax: unexpected 'case' ",p); return p+1; } else { char label[256]; int l,v; char *np; if(script->syntax.curly[pos].count != 1) { //Jump for FALLTHRU sprintf(label,"goto __SW%x_%xJ;",script->syntax.curly[pos].index,script->syntax.curly[pos].count); script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count++].type = TYPE_NULL; script->parse_line(label); script->syntax.curly_count--; // You are here labeled sprintf(label,"__SW%x_%x",script->syntax.curly[pos].index,script->syntax.curly[pos].count); l=script->add_str(label); script->set_label(l,script->pos, p); } //Decision statement switch p = script->skip_space(p2); if(p == p2) { disp_error_message("parse_syntax: expect space ' '",p); } // check whether case label is integer or not if(is_number(p)) { //Numeric value v = (int)strtol(p,&np,0); if((*p == '-' || *p == '+') && ISDIGIT(p[1])) // pre-skip because '-' can not skip_word p++; p = script->skip_word(p); if(np != p) disp_error_message("parse_syntax: 'case' label is not an integer",np); } else { //Check for constants p2 = script->skip_word(p); v = (int)(size_t) (p2-p); // length of word at p2 memcpy(label,p,v); label[v]='\0'; if( !script->get_constant(label, &v) ) disp_error_message("parse_syntax: 'case' label is not an integer",p); p = script->skip_word(p); } p = script->skip_space(p); if(*p != ':') disp_error_message("parse_syntax: expect ':'",p); sprintf(label,"if(%d != $@__SW%x_VAL) goto __SW%x_%x;", v,script->syntax.curly[pos].index,script->syntax.curly[pos].index,script->syntax.curly[pos].count+1); script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count++].type = TYPE_NULL; // Bad I do not parse twice p2 = script->parse_line(label); script->parse_line(p2); script->syntax.curly_count--; if(script->syntax.curly[pos].count != 1) { // Label after the completion of FALLTHRU sprintf(label,"__SW%x_%xJ",script->syntax.curly[pos].index,script->syntax.curly[pos].count); l=script->add_str(label); script->set_label(l,script->pos,p); } // check duplication of case label [Rayce] if(linkdb_search(&script->syntax.curly[pos].case_label, (void*)__64BPTRSIZE(v)) != NULL) disp_error_message("parse_syntax: dup 'case'",p); linkdb_insert(&script->syntax.curly[pos].case_label, (void*)__64BPTRSIZE(v), (void*)1); sprintf(label,"set $@__SW%x_VAL,0;",script->syntax.curly[pos].index); script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count++].type = TYPE_NULL; script->parse_line(label); script->syntax.curly_count--; script->syntax.curly[pos].count++; } return p + 1; } else if( p2 - p == 8 && strncmp(p, "continue", 8) == 0 ) { // Processing continue char label[256]; int pos = script->syntax.curly_count - 1; while(pos >= 0) { if(script->syntax.curly[pos].type == TYPE_DO) { sprintf(label,"goto __DO%x_NXT;",script->syntax.curly[pos].index); script->syntax.curly[pos].flag = 1; //Flag put the link for continue break; } else if(script->syntax.curly[pos].type == TYPE_FOR) { sprintf(label,"goto __FR%x_NXT;",script->syntax.curly[pos].index); break; } else if(script->syntax.curly[pos].type == TYPE_WHILE) { sprintf(label,"goto __WL%x_NXT;",script->syntax.curly[pos].index); break; } pos--; } if(pos < 0) { disp_error_message("parse_syntax: unexpected 'continue'",p); } else { script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count++].type = TYPE_NULL; script->parse_line(label); script->syntax.curly_count--; } p = script->skip_space(p2); if(*p != ';') disp_error_message("parse_syntax: need ';'",p); //Closing decision if, for , while p = script->parse_syntax_close(p + 1); return p; #ifdef ENABLE_CASE_CHECK } else if( p2 - p == 4 && strncasecmp(p, "case", 4) == 0 ) { disp_deprecation_message("parse_syntax", "case", p); // TODO } else if( p2 - p == 8 && strncasecmp(p, "continue", 8) == 0 ) { disp_deprecation_message("parse_syntax", "continue", p); // TODO #endif // ENABLE_CASE_CHECK } break; case 'd': case 'D': if( p2 - p == 7 && strncmp(p, "default", 7) == 0 ) { // Switch - default processing int pos = script->syntax.curly_count-1; if(pos < 0 || script->syntax.curly[pos].type != TYPE_SWITCH) { disp_error_message("parse_syntax: unexpected 'default'",p); } else if(script->syntax.curly[pos].flag) { disp_error_message("parse_syntax: dup 'default'",p); } else { char label[256]; int l; // Put the label location p = script->skip_space(p2); if(*p != ':') { disp_error_message("parse_syntax: need ':'",p); } sprintf(label,"__SW%x_%x",script->syntax.curly[pos].index,script->syntax.curly[pos].count); l=script->add_str(label); script->set_label(l,script->pos,p); // Skip to the next link w/o condition sprintf(label,"goto __SW%x_%x;",script->syntax.curly[pos].index,script->syntax.curly[pos].count+1); script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count++].type = TYPE_NULL; script->parse_line(label); script->syntax.curly_count--; // The default label sprintf(label,"__SW%x_DEF",script->syntax.curly[pos].index); l=script->add_str(label); script->set_label(l,script->pos,p); script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count - 1].flag = 1; script->syntax.curly[pos].count++; } return p + 1; } else if( p2 - p == 2 && strncmp(p, "do", 2) == 0 ) { int l; char label[256]; p=script->skip_space(p2); script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].type = TYPE_DO; script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].count = 1; script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].index = script->syntax.index++; script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].flag = 0; // Label of the (do) form here sprintf(label,"__DO%x_BGN",script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].index); l=script->add_str(label); script->set_label(l,script->pos,p); script->syntax.curly_count++; return p; #ifdef ENABLE_CASE_CHECK } else if( p2 - p == 7 && strncasecmp(p, "default", 7) == 0 ) { disp_deprecation_message("parse_syntax", "default", p); // TODO } else if( p2 - p == 2 && strncasecmp(p, "do", 2) == 0 ) { disp_deprecation_message("parse_syntax", "do", p); // TODO #endif // ENABLE_CASE_CHECK } break; case 'f': case 'F': if( p2 - p == 3 && strncmp(p, "for", 3) == 0 ) { int l; char label[256]; int pos = script->syntax.curly_count; script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].type = TYPE_FOR; script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].count = 1; script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].index = script->syntax.index++; script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].flag = 0; script->syntax.curly_count++; p=script->skip_space(p2); if(*p != '(') disp_error_message("parse_syntax: need '('",p); p++; // Execute the initialization statement script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count++].type = TYPE_NULL; p=script->parse_line(p); script->syntax.curly_count--; // Form the start of label decision sprintf(label,"__FR%x_J",script->syntax.curly[pos].index); l=script->add_str(label); script->set_label(l,script->pos,p); p=script->skip_space(p); if(*p == ';') { // For (; Because the pattern of always true ;) ; } else { // Skip to the end point if the condition is false sprintf(label,"__FR%x_FIN",script->syntax.curly[pos].index); script->addl(script->add_str("jump_zero")); script->addc(C_ARG); p=script->parse_expr(p); p=script->skip_space(p); script->addl(script->add_str(label)); script->addc(C_FUNC); } if(*p != ';') disp_error_message("parse_syntax: need ';'",p); p++; // Skip to the beginning of the loop sprintf(label,"goto __FR%x_BGN;",script->syntax.curly[pos].index); script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count++].type = TYPE_NULL; script->parse_line(label); script->syntax.curly_count--; // Labels to form the next loop sprintf(label,"__FR%x_NXT",script->syntax.curly[pos].index); l=script->add_str(label); script->set_label(l,script->pos,p); // Process the next time you enter the loop // A ')' last for; flag to be treated as' script->parse_syntax_for_flag = 1; script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count++].type = TYPE_NULL; p=script->parse_line(p); script->syntax.curly_count--; script->parse_syntax_for_flag = 0; // Skip to the determination process conditions sprintf(label,"goto __FR%x_J;",script->syntax.curly[pos].index); script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count++].type = TYPE_NULL; script->parse_line(label); script->syntax.curly_count--; // Loop start labeling sprintf(label,"__FR%x_BGN",script->syntax.curly[pos].index); l=script->add_str(label); script->set_label(l,script->pos,p); return p; } else if( p2 - p == 8 && strncmp(p, "function", 8) == 0 ) { // internal script function const char *func_name; func_name = script->skip_space(p2); p = script->skip_word(func_name); if( p == func_name ) disp_error_message("parse_syntax:function: function name is missing or invalid", p); p2 = script->skip_space(p); if( *p2 == ';' ) {// function <name> ; // function declaration - just register the name int l; l = script->add_word(func_name); if( script->str_data[l].type == C_NOP )// register only, if the name was not used by something else script->str_data[l].type = C_USERFUNC; else if( script->str_data[l].type == C_USERFUNC ) ; // already registered else disp_error_message("parse_syntax:function: function name is invalid", func_name); // Close condition of if, for, while p = script->parse_syntax_close(p2 + 1); return p; } else if(*p2 == '{') {// function <name> <line/block of code> char label[256]; int l; script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].type = TYPE_USERFUNC; script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].count = 1; script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].index = script->syntax.index++; script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].flag = 0; ++script->syntax.curly_count; // Jump over the function code sprintf(label, "goto __FN%x_FIN;", script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count-1].index); script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].type = TYPE_NULL; ++script->syntax.curly_count; script->parse_line(label); --script->syntax.curly_count; // Set the position of the function (label) l=script->add_word(func_name); if( script->str_data[l].type == C_NOP || script->str_data[l].type == C_USERFUNC )// register only, if the name was not used by something else { script->str_data[l].type = C_USERFUNC; script->set_label(l, script->pos, p); if( script->parse_options&SCRIPT_USE_LABEL_DB ) script->label_add(l,script->pos); } else disp_error_message("parse_syntax:function: function name is invalid", func_name); return script->skip_space(p); } else { disp_error_message("expect ';' or '{' at function syntax",p); } #ifdef ENABLE_CASE_CHECK } else if( p2 - p == 3 && strncasecmp(p, "for", 3) == 0 ) { disp_deprecation_message("parse_syntax", "for", p); // TODO } else if( p2 - p == 8 && strncasecmp(p, "function", 8) == 0 ) { disp_deprecation_message("parse_syntax", "function", p); // TODO #endif // ENABLE_CASE_CHECK } break; case 'i': case 'I': if( p2 - p == 2 && strncmp(p, "if", 2) == 0 ) { // If process char label[256]; p=script->skip_space(p2); if(*p != '(') { //Prevent if this {} non-c script->syntax. from Rayce (jA) disp_error_message("need '('",p); } script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].type = TYPE_IF; script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].count = 1; script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].index = script->syntax.index++; script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].flag = 0; sprintf(label,"__IF%x_%x",script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].index,script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].count); script->syntax.curly_count++; script->addl(script->add_str("jump_zero")); script->addc(C_ARG); p=script->parse_expr(p); p=script->skip_space(p); script->addl(script->add_str(label)); script->addc(C_FUNC); return p; #ifdef ENABLE_CASE_CHECK } else if( p2 - p == 2 && strncasecmp(p, "if", 2) == 0 ) { disp_deprecation_message("parse_syntax", "if", p); // TODO #endif // ENABLE_CASE_CHECK } break; case 's': case 'S': if( p2 - p == 6 && strncmp(p, "switch", 6) == 0 ) { // Processing of switch () char label[256]; p=script->skip_space(p2); if(*p != '(') { disp_error_message("need '('",p); } script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].type = TYPE_SWITCH; script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].count = 1; script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].index = script->syntax.index++; script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].flag = 0; sprintf(label,"$@__SW%x_VAL",script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].index); script->syntax.curly_count++; script->addl(script->add_str("set")); script->addc(C_ARG); script->addl(script->add_str(label)); p=script->parse_expr(p); p=script->skip_space(p); if(*p != '{') { disp_error_message("parse_syntax: need '{'",p); } script->addc(C_FUNC); return p + 1; #ifdef ENABLE_CASE_CHECK } else if( p2 - p == 6 && strncasecmp(p, "switch", 6) == 0 ) { disp_deprecation_message("parse_syntax", "switch", p); // TODO #endif // ENABLE_CASE_CHECK } break; case 'w': case 'W': if( p2 - p == 5 && strncmp(p, "while", 5) == 0 ) { int l; char label[256]; p=script->skip_space(p2); if(*p != '(') { disp_error_message("need '('",p); } script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].type = TYPE_WHILE; script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].count = 1; script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].index = script->syntax.index++; script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].flag = 0; // Form the start of label decision sprintf(label,"__WL%x_NXT",script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].index); l=script->add_str(label); script->set_label(l,script->pos,p); // Skip to the end point if the condition is false sprintf(label,"__WL%x_FIN",script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count].index); script->syntax.curly_count++; script->addl(script->add_str("jump_zero")); script->addc(C_ARG); p=script->parse_expr(p); p=script->skip_space(p); script->addl(script->add_str(label)); script->addc(C_FUNC); return p; #ifdef ENABLE_CASE_CHECK } else if( p2 - p == 5 && strncasecmp(p, "while", 5) == 0 ) { disp_deprecation_message("parse_syntax", "while", p); // TODO #endif // ENABLE_CASE_CHECK } break; } return NULL; } const char* parse_syntax_close(const char *p) { // If (...) for (...) hoge (); as to make sure closed closed once again int flag; do { p = script->parse_syntax_close_sub(p,&flag); } while(flag); return p; } // Close judgment if, for, while, of do // flag == 1 : closed // flag == 0 : not closed const char* parse_syntax_close_sub(const char* p,int* flag) { char label[256]; int pos = script->syntax.curly_count - 1; int l; *flag = 1; if(script->syntax.curly_count <= 0) { *flag = 0; return p; } else if(script->syntax.curly[pos].type == TYPE_IF) { const char *bp = p; const char *p2; // if-block and else-block end is a new line script->parse_nextline(false, p); // Skip to the last location if sprintf(label,"goto __IF%x_FIN;",script->syntax.curly[pos].index); script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count++].type = TYPE_NULL; script->parse_line(label); script->syntax.curly_count--; // Put the label of the location sprintf(label,"__IF%x_%x",script->syntax.curly[pos].index,script->syntax.curly[pos].count); l=script->add_str(label); script->set_label(l,script->pos,p); script->syntax.curly[pos].count++; p = script->skip_space(p); p2 = script->skip_word(p); if( !script->syntax.curly[pos].flag && p2 - p == 4 && strncmp(p, "else", 4) == 0 ) { // else or else - if p = script->skip_space(p2); p2 = script->skip_word(p); if( p2 - p == 2 && strncmp(p, "if", 2) == 0 ) { // else - if p=script->skip_space(p2); if(*p != '(') { disp_error_message("need '('",p); } sprintf(label,"__IF%x_%x",script->syntax.curly[pos].index,script->syntax.curly[pos].count); script->addl(script->add_str("jump_zero")); script->addc(C_ARG); p=script->parse_expr(p); p=script->skip_space(p); script->addl(script->add_str(label)); script->addc(C_FUNC); *flag = 0; return p; #ifdef ENABLE_CASE_CHECK } else if( p2 - p == 2 && strncasecmp(p, "if", 2) == 0 ) { disp_deprecation_message("parse_syntax", "if", p); // TODO #endif // ENABLE_CASE_CHECK } else { // else if(!script->syntax.curly[pos].flag) { script->syntax.curly[pos].flag = 1; *flag = 0; return p; } } #ifdef ENABLE_CASE_CHECK } else if( !script->syntax.curly[pos].flag && p2 - p == 4 && strncasecmp(p, "else", 4) == 0 ) { disp_deprecation_message("parse_syntax", "else", p); // TODO #endif // ENABLE_CASE_CHECK } // Close if script->syntax.curly_count--; // Put the label of the final location sprintf(label,"__IF%x_FIN",script->syntax.curly[pos].index); l=script->add_str(label); script->set_label(l,script->pos,p); if(script->syntax.curly[pos].flag == 1) { // Because the position of the pointer is the same if not else for this return bp; } return p; } else if(script->syntax.curly[pos].type == TYPE_DO) { const char *p2; if(script->syntax.curly[pos].flag) { // (Come here continue) to form the label here sprintf(label,"__DO%x_NXT",script->syntax.curly[pos].index); l=script->add_str(label); script->set_label(l,script->pos,p); } // Skip to the end point if the condition is false p = script->skip_space(p); p2 = script->skip_word(p); if( p2 - p != 5 || strncmp(p, "while", 5) != 0 ) { #ifdef ENABLE_CASE_CHECK if( p2 - p == 5 && strncasecmp(p, "while", 5) == 0 ) disp_deprecation_message("parse_syntax", "while", p); // TODO #endif // ENABLE_CASE_CHECK disp_error_message("parse_syntax: need 'while'",p); } p = script->skip_space(p2); if(*p != '(') { disp_error_message("need '('",p); } // do-block end is a new line script->parse_nextline(false, p); sprintf(label,"__DO%x_FIN",script->syntax.curly[pos].index); script->addl(script->add_str("jump_zero")); script->addc(C_ARG); p=script->parse_expr(p); p=script->skip_space(p); script->addl(script->add_str(label)); script->addc(C_FUNC); // Skip to the starting point sprintf(label,"goto __DO%x_BGN;",script->syntax.curly[pos].index); script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count++].type = TYPE_NULL; script->parse_line(label); script->syntax.curly_count--; // Form label of the end point conditions sprintf(label,"__DO%x_FIN",script->syntax.curly[pos].index); l=script->add_str(label); script->set_label(l,script->pos,p); p = script->skip_space(p); if(*p != ';') { disp_error_message("parse_syntax: need ';'",p); return p+1; } p++; script->syntax.curly_count--; return p; } else if(script->syntax.curly[pos].type == TYPE_FOR) { // for-block end is a new line script->parse_nextline(false, p); // Skip to the next loop sprintf(label,"goto __FR%x_NXT;",script->syntax.curly[pos].index); script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count++].type = TYPE_NULL; script->parse_line(label); script->syntax.curly_count--; // End for labeling sprintf(label,"__FR%x_FIN",script->syntax.curly[pos].index); l=script->add_str(label); script->set_label(l,script->pos,p); script->syntax.curly_count--; return p; } else if(script->syntax.curly[pos].type == TYPE_WHILE) { // while-block end is a new line script->parse_nextline(false, p); // Skip to the decision while sprintf(label,"goto __WL%x_NXT;",script->syntax.curly[pos].index); script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count++].type = TYPE_NULL; script->parse_line(label); script->syntax.curly_count--; // End while labeling sprintf(label,"__WL%x_FIN",script->syntax.curly[pos].index); l=script->add_str(label); script->set_label(l,script->pos,p); script->syntax.curly_count--; return p; } else if(script->syntax.curly[pos].type == TYPE_USERFUNC) { // Back sprintf(label,"return;"); script->syntax.curly[script->syntax.curly_count++].type = TYPE_NULL; script->parse_line(label); script->syntax.curly_count--; // Put the label of the location sprintf(label,"__FN%x_FIN",script->syntax.curly[pos].index); l=script->add_str(label); script->set_label(l,script->pos,p); script->syntax.curly_count--; return p; } else { *flag = 0; return p; } } /// Retrieves the value of a constant. bool script_get_constant(const char* name, int* value) { int n = script->search_str(name); if( n == -1 || script->str_data[n].type != C_INT ) {// not found or not a constant return false; } value[0] = script->str_data[n].val; return true; } /// Creates new constant or parameter with given value. void script_set_constant(const char* name, int value, bool isparameter) { int n = script->add_str(name); if( script->str_data[n].type == C_NOP ) {// new script->str_data[n].type = isparameter ? C_PARAM : C_INT; script->str_data[n].val = value; } else if( script->str_data[n].type == C_PARAM || script->str_data[n].type == C_INT ) {// existing parameter or constant ShowError("script_set_constant: Attempted to overwrite existing %s '%s' (old value=%d, new value=%d).\n", ( script->str_data[n].type == C_PARAM ) ? "parameter" : "constant", name, script->str_data[n].val, value); } else {// existing name ShowError("script_set_constant: Invalid name for %s '%s' (already defined as %s).\n", isparameter ? "parameter" : "constant", name, script->op2name(script->str_data[n].type)); } } /* adds data to a existent constant in the database, inserted normally via parse */ void script_set_constant2(const char *name, int value, bool isparameter) { int n = script->add_str(name); if( script->str_data[n].type == C_PARAM ) { ShowError("script_set_constant2: Attempted to overwrite existing parameter '%s' with a constant (value=%d).\n", name, value); return; } if( script->str_data[n].type == C_NAME && script->str_data[n].val ) { ShowWarning("script_set_constant2: Attempted to overwrite existing variable '%s' with a constant (value=%d).\n", name, value); return; } if( script->str_data[n].type == C_INT && value && value != script->str_data[n].val ) { // existing constant ShowWarning("script_set_constant2: Attempted to overwrite existing constant '%s' (old value=%d, new value=%d).\n", name, script->str_data[n].val, value); return; } if( script->str_data[n].type != C_NOP ) { script->str_data[n].func = NULL; script->str_data[n].backpatch = -1; script->str_data[n].label = -1; } script->str_data[n].type = isparameter ? C_PARAM : C_INT; script->str_data[n].val = value; } /*========================================== * Reading constant databases * const.txt *------------------------------------------*/ void read_constdb(void) { FILE *fp; char line[1024],name[1024],val[1024]; int type; sprintf(line, "%s/const.txt", map->db_path); fp=fopen(line, "r"); if(fp==NULL) { ShowError("can't read %s\n", line); return ; } while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp)) { if(line[0]=='/' && line[1]=='/') continue; type=0; if(sscanf(line,"%[A-Za-z0-9_],%[-0-9xXA-Fa-f],%d",name,val,&type)>=2 || sscanf(line,"%[A-Za-z0-9_] %[-0-9xXA-Fa-f] %d",name,val,&type)>=2) { script->set_constant(name, (int)strtol(val, NULL, 0), (bool)type); } } fclose(fp); } // Standard UNIX tab size is 8 #define TAB_SIZE 8 #define update_tabstop(tabstop,chars) \ do { \ (tabstop) -= (chars); \ while ((tabstop) <= 0) (tabstop) += TAB_SIZE; \ } while (false) /*========================================== * Display emplacement line of script *------------------------------------------*/ const char* script_print_line(StringBuf* buf, const char* p, const char* mark, int line) { int i, mark_pos = 0, tabstop = TAB_SIZE; if( p == NULL || !p[0] ) return NULL; if( line < 0 ) StrBuf->Printf(buf, "*%5d: ", -line); // len = 8 else StrBuf->Printf(buf, " %5d: ", line); // len = 8 update_tabstop(tabstop,8); // len = 8 for( i=0; p[i] && p[i] != '\n'; i++ ) { char c = p[i]; int w = 1; // Like Clang does, let's print the code with tabs expanded to spaces to ensure that the marker will be under the right character if( c == '\t' ) { c = ' '; w = tabstop; } update_tabstop(tabstop, w); if( p + i < mark) mark_pos += w; if( p + i != mark) StrBuf->Printf(buf, "%*c", w, c); else StrBuf->Printf(buf, CL_BT_RED"%*c"CL_RESET, w, c); } StrBuf->AppendStr(buf, "\n"); if( mark ) { StrBuf->AppendStr(buf, " "CL_BT_CYAN); // len = 8 for( ; mark_pos > 0; mark_pos-- ) { StrBuf->AppendStr(buf, "~"); } StrBuf->AppendStr(buf, CL_RESET CL_BT_GREEN"^"CL_RESET"\n"); } return p+i+(p[i] == '\n' ? 1 : 0); } #undef TAB_SIZE #undef update_tabstop #define CONTEXTLINES 3 void script_errorwarning_sub(StringBuf *buf, const char* src, const char* file, int start_line, const char* error_msg, const char* error_pos) { // Find the line where the error occurred int j; int line = start_line; const char *p, *error_linepos; const char *linestart[CONTEXTLINES] = { NULL }; for(p=src;p && *p;line++) { const char *lineend=strchr(p,'\n'); if(lineend==NULL || error_pos<lineend) { break; } for( j = 0; j < CONTEXTLINES-1; j++ ) { linestart[j] = linestart[j+1]; } linestart[CONTEXTLINES-1] = p; p = lineend+1; } error_linepos = p; if( line >= 0 ) StrBuf->Printf(buf, "script error in file '%s' line %d column %d\n", file, line, error_pos-error_linepos+1); else StrBuf->Printf(buf, "script error in file '%s' item ID %d\n", file, -line); StrBuf->Printf(buf, " %s\n", error_msg); for(j = 0; j < CONTEXTLINES; j++ ) { script->print_line(buf, linestart[j], NULL, line + j - CONTEXTLINES); } p = script->print_line(buf, p, error_pos, -line); for(j = 0; j < CONTEXTLINES; j++) { p = script->print_line(buf, p, NULL, line + j + 1 ); } } #undef CONTEXTLINES void script_error(const char* src, const char* file, int start_line, const char* error_msg, const char* error_pos) { StringBuf buf; StrBuf->Init(&buf); StrBuf->AppendStr(&buf, "\a"); script->errorwarning_sub(&buf, src, file, start_line, error_msg, error_pos); ShowError("%s", StrBuf->Value(&buf)); StrBuf->Destroy(&buf); } void script_warning(const char* src, const char* file, int start_line, const char* error_msg, const char* error_pos) { StringBuf buf; StrBuf->Init(&buf); script->errorwarning_sub(&buf, src, file, start_line, error_msg, error_pos); ShowWarning("%s", StrBuf->Value(&buf)); StrBuf->Destroy(&buf); } /*========================================== * Analysis of the script *------------------------------------------*/ struct script_code* parse_script(const char *src,const char *file,int line,int options) { const char *p,*tmpp; int i; struct script_code* code = NULL; char end; bool unresolved_names = false; script->parser_current_src = src; script->parser_current_file = file; script->parser_current_line = line; if( src == NULL ) return NULL;// empty script memset(&script->syntax,0,sizeof(script->syntax)); script->buf=(unsigned char *)aMalloc(SCRIPT_BLOCK_SIZE*sizeof(unsigned char)); script->pos=0; script->size=SCRIPT_BLOCK_SIZE; script->parse_nextline(true, NULL); // who called parse_script is responsible for clearing the database after using it, but just in case... lets clear it here if( options&SCRIPT_USE_LABEL_DB ) script->label_count = 0; script->parse_options = options; if( setjmp( script->error_jump ) != 0 ) { //Restore program state when script has problems. [from jA] const int size = ARRAYLENGTH(script->syntax.curly); if( script->error_report ) script->error(src,file,line,script->error_msg,script->error_pos); aFree( script->error_msg ); aFree( script->buf ); script->pos = 0; script->size = 0; script->buf = NULL; for(i=LABEL_START;i<script->str_num;i++) if(script->str_data[i].type == C_NOP) script->str_data[i].type = C_NAME; for(i=0; i<size; i++) linkdb_final(&script->syntax.curly[i].case_label); #ifdef ENABLE_CASE_CHECK script->local_casecheck.clear(); script->parser_current_src = NULL; script->parser_current_file = NULL; script->parser_current_line = 0; #endif // ENABLE_CASE_CHECK return NULL; } script->parse_syntax_for_flag=0; p=src; p=script->skip_space(p); if( options&SCRIPT_IGNORE_EXTERNAL_BRACKETS ) {// does not require brackets around the script if( *p == '\0' && !(options&SCRIPT_RETURN_EMPTY_SCRIPT) ) {// empty script and can return NULL aFree( script->buf ); script->pos = 0; script->size = 0; script->buf = NULL; #ifdef ENABLE_CASE_CHECK script->local_casecheck.clear(); script->parser_current_src = NULL; script->parser_current_file = NULL; script->parser_current_line = 0; #endif // ENABLE_CASE_CHECK return NULL; } end = '\0'; } else {// requires brackets around the script if( *p != '{' ) disp_error_message("not found '{'",p); p = script->skip_space(p+1); if( *p == '}' && !(options&SCRIPT_RETURN_EMPTY_SCRIPT) ) {// empty script and can return NULL aFree( script->buf ); script->pos = 0; script->size = 0; script->buf = NULL; #ifdef ENABLE_CASE_CHECK script->local_casecheck.clear(); script->parser_current_src = NULL; script->parser_current_file = NULL; script->parser_current_line = 0; #endif // ENABLE_CASE_CHECK return NULL; } end = '}'; } // clear references of labels, variables and internal functions for(i=LABEL_START;i<script->str_num;i++) { if( script->str_data[i].type==C_POS || script->str_data[i].type==C_NAME || script->str_data[i].type==C_USERFUNC || script->str_data[i].type == C_USERFUNC_POS ) { script->str_data[i].type=C_NOP; script->str_data[i].backpatch=-1; script->str_data[i].label=-1; } } while( script->syntax.curly_count != 0 || *p != end ) { if( *p == '\0' ) disp_error_message("unexpected end of script",p); // Special handling only label tmpp=script->skip_space(script->skip_word(p)); if(*tmpp==':' && !(strncmp(p,"default:",8) == 0 && p + 7 == tmpp)) { i=script->add_word(p); script->set_label(i,script->pos,p); if( script->parse_options&SCRIPT_USE_LABEL_DB ) script->label_add(i,script->pos); p=tmpp+1; p=script->skip_space(p); continue; } // All other lumped p=script->parse_line(p); p=script->skip_space(p); script->parse_nextline(false, p); } script->addc(C_NOP); // trim code to size script->size = script->pos; RECREATE(script->buf,unsigned char,script->pos); // default unknown references to variables for(i=LABEL_START;i<script->str_num;i++) { if(script->str_data[i].type==C_NOP) { int j,next; script->str_data[i].type=C_NAME; script->str_data[i].label=i; for(j=script->str_data[i].backpatch;j>=0 && j!=0x00ffffff;) { next=GETVALUE(script->buf,j); SETVALUE(script->buf,j,i); j=next; } } else if( script->str_data[i].type == C_USERFUNC ) {// 'function name;' without follow-up code ShowError("parse_script: function '%s' declared but not defined.\n", script->str_buf+script->str_data[i].str); unresolved_names = true; } } if( unresolved_names ) { disp_error_message("parse_script: unresolved function references", p); } #ifdef SCRIPT_DEBUG_DISP for(i=0;i<script->pos;i++) { if((i&15)==0) ShowMessage("%04x : ",i); ShowMessage("%02x ",script->buf[i]); if((i&15)==15) ShowMessage("\n"); } ShowMessage("\n"); #endif #ifdef SCRIPT_DEBUG_DISASM { int i = 0,j; while(i < script->pos) { c_op op = script->get_com(script->buf,&i); ShowMessage("%06x %s", i, script->op2name(op)); j = i; switch(op) { case C_INT: ShowMessage(" %d", script->get_num(script->buf,&i)); break; case C_POS: ShowMessage(" 0x%06x", *(int*)(script->buf+i)&0xffffff); i += 3; break; case C_NAME: j = (*(int*)(script->buf+i)&0xffffff); ShowMessage(" %s", ( j == 0xffffff ) ? "?? unknown ??" : script->get_str(j)); i += 3; break; case C_STR: j = strlen((char*)script->buf + i); ShowMessage(" %s", script->buf + i); i += j+1; break; } ShowMessage(CL_CLL"\n"); } } #endif CREATE(code,struct script_code,1); code->script_buf = script->buf; code->script_size = script->size; code->local.vars = NULL; code->local.arrays = NULL; #ifdef ENABLE_CASE_CHECK script->local_casecheck.clear(); script->parser_current_src = NULL; script->parser_current_file = NULL; script->parser_current_line = 0; #endif // ENABLE_CASE_CHECK return code; } /// Returns the player attached to this script, identified by the rid. /// If there is no player attached, the script is terminated. TBL_PC *script_rid2sd(struct script_state *st) { TBL_PC *sd; if( !( sd = map->id2sd(st->rid) ) ) { ShowError("script_rid2sd: fatal error ! player not attached!\n"); script->reportfunc(st); script->reportsrc(st); st->state = END; } return sd; } /** * Dereferences a variable/constant, replacing it with a copy of the value. * * @param st[in] script state. * @param data[in,out] variable/constant. * @return pointer to data, for convenience. */ struct script_data *get_val(struct script_state* st, struct script_data* data) { const char* name; char prefix; char postfix; TBL_PC* sd = NULL; if( !data_isreference(data) ) return data;// not a variable/constant name = reference_getname(data); prefix = name[0]; postfix = name[strlen(name) - 1]; //##TODO use reference_tovariable(data) when it's confirmed that it works [FlavioJS] if( !reference_toconstant(data) && not_server_variable(prefix) ) { sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) {// needs player attached if( postfix == '$' ) {// string variable ShowWarning("script_get_val: cannot access player variable '%s', defaulting to \"\"\n", name); data->type = C_CONSTSTR; data->u.str = ""; } else {// integer variable ShowWarning("script_get_val: cannot access player variable '%s', defaulting to 0\n", name); data->type = C_INT; data->u.num = 0; } return data; } } if( postfix == '$' ) {// string variable switch( prefix ) { case '@': data->u.str = pc->readregstr(sd, data->u.num); break; case '$': data->u.str = mapreg->readregstr(data->u.num); break; case '#': if( name[1] == '#' ) data->u.str = pc_readaccountreg2str(sd, data->u.num);// global else data->u.str = pc_readaccountregstr(sd, data->u.num);// local break; case '.': { struct DBMap* n = data->ref ? data->ref->vars : name[1] == '@' ? st->stack->scope.vars : // instance/scope variable st->script->local.vars; // npc variable if( n ) data->u.str = (char*)i64db_get(n,reference_getuid(data)); else data->u.str = NULL; } break; case '\'': if ( st->instance_id >= 0 ) { data->u.str = (char*)i64db_get(instance->list[st->instance_id].regs.vars, reference_getuid(data)); } else { ShowWarning("script_get_val: cannot access instance variable '%s', defaulting to \"\"\n", name); data->u.str = NULL; } break; default: data->u.str = pc_readglobalreg_str(sd, data->u.num); break; } if( data->u.str == NULL || data->u.str[0] == '\0' ) {// empty string data->type = C_CONSTSTR; data->u.str = ""; } else {// duplicate string data->type = C_STR; data->u.str = aStrdup(data->u.str); } } else {// integer variable data->type = C_INT; if( reference_toconstant(data) ) { data->u.num = reference_getconstant(data); } else if( reference_toparam(data) ) { data->u.num = pc->readparam(sd, reference_getparamtype(data)); } else switch( prefix ) { case '@': data->u.num = pc->readreg(sd, data->u.num); break; case '$': data->u.num = mapreg->readreg(data->u.num); break; case '#': if( name[1] == '#' ) data->u.num = pc_readaccountreg2(sd, data->u.num);// global else data->u.num = pc_readaccountreg(sd, data->u.num);// local break; case '.': { struct DBMap* n = data->ref ? data->ref->vars : name[1] == '@' ? st->stack->scope.vars : // instance/scope variable st->script->local.vars; // npc variable if( n ) data->u.num = (int)i64db_iget(n,reference_getuid(data)); else data->u.num = 0; } break; case '\'': if( st->instance_id >= 0 ) data->u.num = (int)i64db_iget(instance->list[st->instance_id].regs.vars, reference_getuid(data)); else { ShowWarning("script_get_val: cannot access instance variable '%s', defaulting to 0\n", name); data->u.num = 0; } break; default: data->u.num = pc_readglobalreg(sd, data->u.num); break; } } data->ref = NULL; return data; } /** * Retrieves the value of a reference identified by uid (variable, constant, param) * * The value is left in the top of the stack and needs to be removed manually. * * @param st[in] script state. * @param uid[in] reference identifier. * @param ref[in] the container to look up the reference into. * @return the retrieved value of the reference. */ void* get_val2(struct script_state* st, int64 uid, struct reg_db *ref) { struct script_data* data; script->push_val(st->stack, C_NAME, uid, ref); data = script_getdatatop(st, -1); script->get_val(st, data); return (data->type == C_INT ? (void*)__64BPTRSIZE((int32)data->u.num) : (void*)__64BPTRSIZE(data->u.str)); // u.num is int32 because it comes from script->get_val } /** * Because, currently, array members with key 0 are indifferenciable from normal variables, we should ensure its actually in * Will be gone as soon as undefined var feature is implemented **/ void script_array_ensure_zero(struct script_state *st, struct map_session_data *sd, int64 uid, struct reg_db *ref) { const char *name = script->get_str(script_getvarid(uid)); struct reg_db *src = script->array_src(st, sd ? sd : st->rid ? map->id2sd(st->rid) : NULL, name, ref); struct script_array *sa = NULL; bool insert = false; if( sd && !st ) /* when sd comes, st isn't available */ insert = true; else { if( is_string_variable(name) ) { char* str = (char*)script->get_val2(st, uid, ref); if( str && *str ) insert = true; script_removetop(st, -1, 0); } else { int32 num = (int32)__64BPTRSIZE(script->get_val2(st, uid, ref)); if( num ) insert = true; script_removetop(st, -1, 0); } } if( src && src->arrays ) { if( (sa = idb_get(src->arrays, script_getvarid(uid)) ) ) { unsigned int i; ARR_FIND(0, sa->size, i, sa->members[i] == 0); if( i != sa->size ) { if( !insert ) script->array_remove_member(src,sa,i); return; } script->array_add_member(sa,0); } else if( insert ) { script->array_update(src,reference_uid(script_getvarid(uid), 0),false); } } } /** * Returns array size by ID **/ unsigned int script_array_size(struct script_state *st, struct map_session_data *sd, const char *name, struct reg_db *ref) { struct script_array *sa = NULL; struct reg_db *src = script->array_src(st, sd, name, ref); if( src && src->arrays ) sa = idb_get(src->arrays, script->search_str(name)); return sa ? sa->size : 0; } /** * Returns array's highest key (for that awful getarraysize implementation that doesn't really gets the array size) **/ unsigned int script_array_highest_key(struct script_state *st, struct map_session_data *sd, const char *name, struct reg_db *ref) { struct script_array *sa = NULL; struct reg_db *src = script->array_src(st, sd, name, ref); if( src && src->arrays ) { int key = script->add_word(name); script->array_ensure_zero(st,sd,reference_uid(key, 0),ref); if( ( sa = idb_get(src->arrays, key) ) ) { unsigned int i, highest_key = 0; for(i = 0; i < sa->size; i++) { if( sa->members[i] > highest_key ) highest_key = sa->members[i]; } return sa->size ? highest_key + 1 : 0; } } return 0; } int script_free_array_db(DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list ap) { struct script_array *sa = DB->data2ptr(data); aFree(sa->members); ers_free(script->array_ers, sa); return 0; } /** * Clears script_array and removes it from script->array_db **/ void script_array_delete(struct reg_db *src, struct script_array *sa) { aFree(sa->members); idb_remove(src->arrays, sa->id); ers_free(script->array_ers, sa); } /** * Removes a member from a script_array list * * @param idx the index of the member in script_array struct list, not of the actual array member **/ void script_array_remove_member(struct reg_db *src, struct script_array *sa, unsigned int idx) { unsigned int i, cursor; /* its the only member left, no need to do anything other than delete the array data */ if( sa->size == 1 ) { script->array_delete(src,sa); return; } sa->members[idx] = UINT_MAX; for(i = 0, cursor = 0; i < sa->size; i++) { if( sa->members[i] == UINT_MAX ) continue; if( i != cursor ) sa->members[cursor] = sa->members[i]; cursor++; } sa->size = cursor; } /** * Appends a new array index to the list in script_array * * @param idx the index of the array member being inserted **/ void script_array_add_member(struct script_array *sa, unsigned int idx) { RECREATE(sa->members, unsigned int, ++sa->size); sa->members[sa->size - 1] = idx; } /** * Obtains the source of the array database for this type and scenario * Initializes such database when not yet initialised. **/ struct reg_db *script_array_src(struct script_state *st, struct map_session_data *sd, const char *name, struct reg_db *ref) { struct reg_db *src = NULL; switch( name[0] ) { /* from player */ default: /* char reg */ case '@':/* temp char reg */ case '#':/* account reg */ src = &sd->regs; break; case '$':/* map reg */ src = &mapreg->regs; break; case '.':/* npc/script */ if( ref ) src = ref; else src = (name[1] == '@') ? &st->stack->scope : &st->script->local; break; case '\'':/* instance */ if( st->instance_id >= 0 ) { src = &instance->list[st->instance_id].regs; } break; } if( src ) { if( !src->arrays ) src->arrays = idb_alloc(DB_OPT_BASE); return src; } return NULL; } /** * Processes a array member modification, and update data accordingly * * @param src[in,out] Variable source database. If the array database doesn't exist, it is created. * @param num[in] Variable ID * @param empty[in] Whether the modified member is empty (needs to be removed) **/ void script_array_update(struct reg_db *src, int64 num, bool empty) { struct script_array *sa = NULL; int id = script_getvarid(num); unsigned int index = script_getvaridx(num); if (!src->arrays) { src->arrays = idb_alloc(DB_OPT_BASE); } else { sa = idb_get(src->arrays, id); } if( sa ) { unsigned int i; /* search */ for(i = 0; i < sa->size; i++) { if( sa->members[i] == index ) break; } /* if existent */ if( i != sa->size ) { /* if empty, we gotta remove it */ if( empty ) { script->array_remove_member(src, sa, i); } } else if( !empty ) { /* new entry */ script->array_add_member(sa,index); /* we do nothing if its empty, no point in modifying array data for a new empty member */ } } else if ( !empty ) {/* we only move to create if not empty */ sa = ers_alloc(script->array_ers, struct script_array); sa->id = id; sa->members = NULL; sa->size = 0; script->array_add_member(sa,index); idb_put(src->arrays, id, sa); } } /** * Stores the value of a script variable * * @param st current script state. * @param sd current character data. * @param num variable identifier. * @param name variable name. * @param value new value. * @param ref variable container, in case of a npc/scope variable reference outside the current scope. * @retval 0 failure. * @retval 1 success. * * TODO: return values are screwed up, have been for some time (reaad: years), e.g. some functions return 1 failure and success. *------------------------------------------*/ int set_reg(struct script_state* st, TBL_PC* sd, int64 num, const char* name, const void* value, struct reg_db *ref) { char prefix = name[0]; if( is_string_variable(name) ) {// string variable const char *str = (const char*)value; switch (prefix) { case '@': pc->setregstr(sd, num, str); return 1; case '$': return mapreg->setregstr(num, str); case '#': return (name[1] == '#') ? pc_setaccountreg2str(sd, num, str) : pc_setaccountregstr(sd, num, str); case '.': { struct reg_db *n = (ref) ? ref : (name[1] == '@') ? &st->stack->scope : &st->script->local; if( n ) { if (str[0]) { i64db_put(n->vars, num, aStrdup(str)); if( script_getvaridx(num) ) script->array_update(n, num, false); } else { i64db_remove(n->vars, num); if( script_getvaridx(num) ) script->array_update(n, num, true); } } } return 1; case '\'': if( st->instance_id >= 0 ) { if( str[0] ) { i64db_put(instance->list[st->instance_id].regs.vars, num, aStrdup(str)); if( script_getvaridx(num) ) script->array_update(&instance->list[st->instance_id].regs, num, false); } else { i64db_remove(instance->list[st->instance_id].regs.vars, num); if( script_getvaridx(num) ) script->array_update(&instance->list[st->instance_id].regs, num, true); } } else { ShowError("script_set_reg: cannot write instance variable '%s', NPC not in a instance!\n", name); script_reportsrc(st); } return 1; default: return pc_setglobalreg_str(sd, num, str); } } else {// integer variable int val = (int)__64BPTRSIZE(value); if(script->str_data[script_getvarid(num)].type == C_PARAM) { if( pc->setparam(sd, script->str_data[script_getvarid(num)].val, val) == 0 ) { if( st != NULL ) { ShowError("script:set_reg: failed to set param '%s' to %d.\n", name, val); script->reportsrc(st); st->state = END; } return 0; } return 1; } switch (prefix) { case '@': pc->setreg(sd, num, val); return 1; case '$': return mapreg->setreg(num, val); case '#': return (name[1] == '#') ? pc_setaccountreg2(sd, num, val) : pc_setaccountreg(sd, num, val); case '.': { struct reg_db *n = (ref) ? ref : (name[1] == '@') ? &st->stack->scope : &st->script->local; if( n ) { if( val != 0 ) { i64db_iput(n->vars, num, val); if( script_getvaridx(num) ) script->array_update(n, num, false); } else { i64db_remove(n->vars, num); if( script_getvaridx(num) ) script->array_update(n, num, true); } } } return 1; case '\'': if( st->instance_id >= 0 ) { if( val != 0 ) { i64db_iput(instance->list[st->instance_id].regs.vars, num, val); if( script_getvaridx(num) ) script->array_update(&instance->list[st->instance_id].regs, num, false); } else { i64db_remove(instance->list[st->instance_id].regs.vars, num); if( script_getvaridx(num) ) script->array_update(&instance->list[st->instance_id].regs, num, true); } } else { ShowError("script_set_reg: cannot write instance variable '%s', NPC not in a instance!\n", name); script_reportsrc(st); } return 1; default: return pc_setglobalreg(sd, num, val); } } } int set_var(TBL_PC* sd, char* name, void* val) { return script->set_reg(NULL, sd, reference_uid(script->add_str(name),0), name, val, NULL); } void setd_sub(struct script_state *st, TBL_PC *sd, const char *varname, int elem, void *value, struct reg_db *ref) { script->set_reg(st, sd, reference_uid(script->add_str(varname),elem), varname, value, ref); } /// Converts the data to a string const char* conv_str(struct script_state* st, struct script_data* data) { char* p; script->get_val(st, data); if( data_isstring(data) ) {// nothing to convert } else if( data_isint(data) ) {// int -> string CREATE(p, char, ITEM_NAME_LENGTH); snprintf(p, ITEM_NAME_LENGTH, "%"PRId64"", data->u.num); p[ITEM_NAME_LENGTH-1] = '\0'; data->type = C_STR; data->u.str = p; } else if( data_isreference(data) ) {// reference -> string //##TODO when does this happen (check script->get_val) [FlavioJS] data->type = C_CONSTSTR; data->u.str = reference_getname(data); } else {// unsupported data type ShowError("script:conv_str: cannot convert to string, defaulting to \"\"\n"); script->reportdata(data); script->reportsrc(st); data->type = C_CONSTSTR; data->u.str = ""; } return data->u.str; } /// Converts the data to an int int conv_num(struct script_state* st, struct script_data* data) { char* p; long num; script->get_val(st, data); if( data_isint(data) ) {// nothing to convert } else if( data_isstring(data) ) {// string -> int // the result does not overflow or underflow, it is capped instead // ex: 999999999999 is capped to INT_MAX (2147483647) p = data->u.str; errno = 0; num = strtol(data->u.str, NULL, 10);// change radix to 0 to support octal numbers "o377" and hex numbers "0xFF" if( errno == ERANGE #if LONG_MAX > INT_MAX || num < INT_MIN || num > INT_MAX #endif ) { if( num <= INT_MIN ) { num = INT_MIN; ShowError("script:conv_num: underflow detected, capping to %ld\n", num); } else//if( num >= INT_MAX ) { num = INT_MAX; ShowError("script:conv_num: overflow detected, capping to %ld\n", num); } script->reportdata(data); script->reportsrc(st); } if( data->type == C_STR ) aFree(p); data->type = C_INT; data->u.num = (int)num; } #if 0 // FIXME this function is being used to retrieve the position of labels and // probably other stuff [FlavioJS] else {// unsupported data type ShowError("script:conv_num: cannot convert to number, defaulting to 0\n"); script->reportdata(data); script->reportsrc(st); data->type = C_INT; data->u.num = 0; } #endif return (int)data->u.num; } // // Stack operations // /// Increases the size of the stack void stack_expand(struct script_stack* stack) { stack->sp_max += 64; stack->stack_data = (struct script_data*)aRealloc(stack->stack_data, stack->sp_max * sizeof(stack->stack_data[0]) ); memset(stack->stack_data + (stack->sp_max - 64), 0, 64 * sizeof(stack->stack_data[0]) ); } /// Pushes a value into the stack (with reference) struct script_data* push_val(struct script_stack* stack, enum c_op type, int64 val, struct reg_db *ref) { if( stack->sp >= stack->sp_max ) script->stack_expand(stack); stack->stack_data[stack->sp].type = type; stack->stack_data[stack->sp].u.num = val; stack->stack_data[stack->sp].ref = ref; stack->sp++; return &stack->stack_data[stack->sp-1]; } /// Pushes a string into the stack struct script_data* push_str(struct script_stack* stack, enum c_op type, char* str) { if( stack->sp >= stack->sp_max ) script->stack_expand(stack); stack->stack_data[stack->sp].type = type; stack->stack_data[stack->sp].u.str = str; stack->stack_data[stack->sp].ref = NULL; stack->sp++; return &stack->stack_data[stack->sp-1]; } /// Pushes a retinfo into the stack struct script_data* push_retinfo(struct script_stack* stack, struct script_retinfo* ri, struct reg_db *ref) { if( stack->sp >= stack->sp_max ) script->stack_expand(stack); stack->stack_data[stack->sp].type = C_RETINFO; stack->stack_data[stack->sp].u.ri = ri; stack->stack_data[stack->sp].ref = ref; stack->sp++; return &stack->stack_data[stack->sp-1]; } /// Pushes a copy of the target position into the stack struct script_data* push_copy(struct script_stack* stack, int pos) { switch( stack->stack_data[pos].type ) { case C_CONSTSTR: return script->push_str(stack, C_CONSTSTR, stack->stack_data[pos].u.str); break; case C_STR: return script->push_str(stack, C_STR, aStrdup(stack->stack_data[pos].u.str)); break; case C_RETINFO: ShowFatalError("script:push_copy: can't create copies of C_RETINFO. Exiting...\n"); exit(1); break; default: return script->push_val( stack,stack->stack_data[pos].type, stack->stack_data[pos].u.num, stack->stack_data[pos].ref ); break; } } /// Removes the values in indexes [start,end[ from the stack. /// Adjusts all stack pointers. void pop_stack(struct script_state* st, int start, int end) { struct script_stack* stack = st->stack; struct script_data* data; int i; if( start < 0 ) start = 0; if( end > stack->sp ) end = stack->sp; if( start >= end ) return;// nothing to pop // free stack elements for( i = start; i < end; i++ ) { data = &stack->stack_data[i]; if( data->type == C_STR ) aFree(data->u.str); if( data->type == C_RETINFO ) { struct script_retinfo* ri = data->u.ri; if( ri->scope.vars ) { // Note: This is necessary evern if we're also doing it in run_func // (in the RETFUNC block) because not all functions return. If a // function (or a sub) has an 'end' or a 'close', it'll reach this // block with its scope vars still to be freed. script->free_vars(ri->scope.vars); ri->scope.vars = NULL; } if( ri->scope.arrays ) { ri->scope.arrays->destroy(ri->scope.arrays,script->array_free_db); ri->scope.arrays = NULL; } if( data->ref ) aFree(data->ref); aFree(ri); } data->type = C_NOP; } // move the rest of the elements if( stack->sp > end ) { memmove(&stack->stack_data[start], &stack->stack_data[end], sizeof(stack->stack_data[0])*(stack->sp - end)); for( i = start + stack->sp - end; i < stack->sp; ++i ) stack->stack_data[i].type = C_NOP; } // adjust stack pointers if( st->start > end ) st->start -= end - start; else if( st->start > start ) st->start = start; if( st->end > end ) st->end -= end - start; else if( st->end > start ) st->end = start; if( stack->defsp > end ) stack->defsp -= end - start; else if( stack->defsp > start ) stack->defsp = start; stack->sp -= end - start; } /// /// /// /*========================================== * Release script dependent variable, dependent variable of function *------------------------------------------*/ void script_free_vars(struct DBMap* var_storage) { if( var_storage ) { // destroy the storage construct containing the variables db_destroy(var_storage); } } void script_free_code(struct script_code* code) { nullpo_retv(code); if( code->instances ) script->stop_instances(code); else { script->free_vars(code->local.vars); if( code->local.arrays ) code->local.arrays->destroy(code->local.arrays,script->array_free_db); } aFree( code->script_buf ); aFree( code ); } /// Creates a new script state. /// /// @param script Script code /// @param pos Position in the code /// @param rid Who is running the script (attached player) /// @param oid Where the code is being run (npc 'object') /// @return Script state struct script_state* script_alloc_state(struct script_code* rootscript, int pos, int rid, int oid) { struct script_state* st; st = ers_alloc(script->st_ers, struct script_state); st->stack = ers_alloc(script->stack_ers, struct script_stack); st->pending_refs = NULL; st->pending_ref_count = 0; st->stack->sp = 0; st->stack->sp_max = 64; CREATE(st->stack->stack_data, struct script_data, st->stack->sp_max); st->stack->defsp = st->stack->sp; st->stack->scope.vars = i64db_alloc(DB_OPT_RELEASE_DATA); st->stack->scope.arrays = NULL; st->state = RUN; st->script = rootscript; st->pos = pos; st->rid = rid; st->oid = oid; st->sleep.timer = INVALID_TIMER; st->npc_item_flag = battle_config.item_enabled_npc; if( st->script->instances != USHRT_MAX ) st->script->instances++; else { struct npc_data *nd = map->id2nd(oid); ShowError("over 65k instances of '%s' script are being run\n",nd ? nd->name : "unknown"); } if( !st->script->local.vars ) st->script->local.vars = i64db_alloc(DB_OPT_RELEASE_DATA); st->id = script->next_id++; script->active_scripts++; idb_put(script->st_db, st->id, st); return st; } /// Frees a script state. /// /// @param st Script state void script_free_state(struct script_state* st) { if( idb_exists(script->st_db,st->id) ) { struct map_session_data *sd = st->rid ? map->id2sd(st->rid) : NULL; if(st->bk_st) {// backup was not restored ShowDebug("script_free_state: Previous script state lost (rid=%d, oid=%d, state=%d, bk_npcid=%d).\n", st->bk_st->rid, st->bk_st->oid, st->bk_st->state, st->bk_npcid); } if(sd && sd->st == st) { //Current script is aborted. if(sd->state.using_fake_npc){ clif->clearunit_single(sd->npc_id, CLR_OUTSIGHT, sd->fd); sd->state.using_fake_npc = 0; } sd->st = NULL; sd->npc_id = 0; } if( st->sleep.timer != INVALID_TIMER ) timer->delete(st->sleep.timer, script->run_timer); if( st->stack ) { script->free_vars(st->stack->scope.vars); if( st->stack->scope.arrays ) st->stack->scope.arrays->destroy(st->stack->scope.arrays,script->array_free_db); script->pop_stack(st, 0, st->stack->sp); aFree(st->stack->stack_data); ers_free(script->stack_ers, st->stack); st->stack = NULL; } if( st->script && st->script->instances != USHRT_MAX && --st->script->instances == 0 ) { if( st->script->local.vars && !db_size(st->script->local.vars) ) { script->free_vars(st->script->local.vars); st->script->local.vars = NULL; } if( st->script->local.arrays && !db_size(st->script->local.arrays) ) { st->script->local.arrays->destroy(st->script->local.arrays,script->array_free_db); st->script->local.arrays = NULL; } } st->pos = -1; if (st->pending_ref_count > 0) { while (st->pending_ref_count > 0) aFree(st->pending_refs[--st->pending_ref_count]); aFree(st->pending_refs); st->pending_refs = NULL; } idb_remove(script->st_db, st->id); ers_free(script->st_ers, st); if( --script->active_scripts == 0 ) { script->next_id = 0; } } } /** * Adds a pending reference entry to the current script. * * @see struct script_state::pending_refs * * @param st[in] Script state. * @param ref[in] Reference to be added. */ void script_add_pending_ref(struct script_state *st, struct reg_db *ref) { RECREATE(st->pending_refs, struct reg_db*, ++st->pending_ref_count); st->pending_refs[st->pending_ref_count-1] = ref; } // // Main execution unit // /*========================================== * Read command *------------------------------------------*/ c_op get_com(unsigned char *scriptbuf,int *pos) { int i = 0, j = 0; if(scriptbuf[*pos]>=0x80) { return C_INT; } while(scriptbuf[*pos]>=0x40) { i=scriptbuf[(*pos)++]<<j; j+=6; } return (c_op)(i+(scriptbuf[(*pos)++]<<j)); } /*========================================== * Income figures *------------------------------------------*/ int get_num(unsigned char *scriptbuf,int *pos) { int i,j; i=0; j=0; while(scriptbuf[*pos]>=0xc0) { i+=(scriptbuf[(*pos)++]&0x7f)<<j; j+=6; } return i+((scriptbuf[(*pos)++]&0x7f)<<j); } /// Ternary operators /// test ? if_true : if_false void op_3(struct script_state* st, int op) { struct script_data* data; int flag = 0; data = script_getdatatop(st, -3); script->get_val(st, data); if( data_isstring(data) ) flag = data->u.str[0];// "" -> false else if( data_isint(data) ) flag = data->u.num == 0 ? 0 : 1;// 0 -> false else { ShowError("script:op_3: invalid data for the ternary operator test\n"); script->reportdata(data); script->reportsrc(st); script_removetop(st, -3, 0); script_pushnil(st); return; } if( flag ) script_pushcopytop(st, -2); else script_pushcopytop(st, -1); script_removetop(st, -4, -1); } /// Binary string operators /// s1 EQ s2 -> i /// s1 NE s2 -> i /// s1 GT s2 -> i /// s1 GE s2 -> i /// s1 LT s2 -> i /// s1 LE s2 -> i /// s1 RE_EQ s2 -> i /// s1 RE_NE s2 -> i /// s1 ADD s2 -> s void op_2str(struct script_state* st, int op, const char* s1, const char* s2) { int a = 0; switch(op) { case C_EQ: a = (strcmp(s1,s2) == 0); break; case C_NE: a = (strcmp(s1,s2) != 0); break; case C_GT: a = (strcmp(s1,s2) > 0); break; case C_GE: a = (strcmp(s1,s2) >= 0); break; case C_LT: a = (strcmp(s1,s2) < 0); break; case C_LE: a = (strcmp(s1,s2) <= 0); break; #ifdef PCRE_SUPPORT case C_RE_EQ: case C_RE_NE: { int inputlen = (int)strlen(s1); pcre *compiled_regex; pcre_extra *extra_regex; const char *pcre_error, *pcre_match; int pcre_erroroffset, offsetcount, i; int offsets[256*3]; // (max_capturing_groups+1)*3 compiled_regex = libpcre->compile(s2, 0, &pcre_error, &pcre_erroroffset, NULL); if( compiled_regex == NULL ) { ShowError("script:op2_str: Invalid regex '%s'.\n", s2); script->reportsrc(st); script_pushnil(st); st->state = END; return; } extra_regex = libpcre->study(compiled_regex, 0, &pcre_error); if( pcre_error != NULL ) { libpcre->free(compiled_regex); ShowError("script:op2_str: Unable to optimize the regex '%s': %s\n", s2, pcre_error); script->reportsrc(st); script_pushnil(st); st->state = END; return; } offsetcount = libpcre->exec(compiled_regex, extra_regex, s1, inputlen, 0, 0, offsets, 256*3); if( offsetcount == 0 ) { offsetcount = 256; } else if( offsetcount == PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH ) { offsetcount = 0; } else if( offsetcount < 0 ) { libpcre->free(compiled_regex); if( extra_regex != NULL ) libpcre->free(extra_regex); ShowWarning("script:op2_str: Unable to process the regex '%s'.\n", s2); script->reportsrc(st); script_pushnil(st); st->state = END; return; } if( op == C_RE_EQ ) { for( i = 0; i < offsetcount; i++ ) { libpcre->get_substring(s1, offsets, offsetcount, i, &pcre_match); mapreg->setregstr(reference_uid(script->add_str("$@regexmatch$"), i), pcre_match); libpcre->free_substring(pcre_match); } mapreg->setreg(script->add_str("$@regexmatchcount"), i); a = offsetcount; } else { // C_RE_NE a = (offsetcount == 0); } libpcre->free(compiled_regex); if( extra_regex != NULL ) libpcre->free(extra_regex); } break; #endif // PCRE_SUPPORT case C_ADD: { char* buf = (char *)aMalloc((strlen(s1)+strlen(s2)+1)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(buf, s1); strcat(buf, s2); script_pushstr(st, buf); return; } default: ShowError("script:op2_str: unexpected string operator %s\n", script->op2name(op)); script->reportsrc(st); script_pushnil(st); st->state = END; return; } script_pushint(st,a); } /// Binary number operators /// i OP i -> i void op_2num(struct script_state* st, int op, int i1, int i2) { int ret; double ret_double; switch( op ) { case C_AND: ret = i1 & i2; break; case C_OR: ret = i1 | i2; break; case C_XOR: ret = i1 ^ i2; break; case C_LAND: ret = (i1 && i2); break; case C_LOR: ret = (i1 || i2); break; case C_EQ: ret = (i1 == i2); break; case C_NE: ret = (i1 != i2); break; case C_GT: ret = (i1 > i2); break; case C_GE: ret = (i1 >= i2); break; case C_LT: ret = (i1 < i2); break; case C_LE: ret = (i1 <= i2); break; case C_R_SHIFT: ret = i1>>i2; break; case C_L_SHIFT: ret = i1<<i2; break; case C_DIV: case C_MOD: if( i2 == 0 ) { ShowError("script:op_2num: division by zero detected op=%s i1=%d i2=%d\n", script->op2name(op), i1, i2); script->reportsrc(st); script_pushnil(st); st->state = END; return; } else if( op == C_DIV ) ret = i1 / i2; else//if( op == C_MOD ) ret = i1 % i2; break; default: switch( op ) {// operators that can overflow/underflow case C_ADD: ret = i1 + i2; ret_double = (double)i1 + (double)i2; break; case C_SUB: ret = i1 - i2; ret_double = (double)i1 - (double)i2; break; case C_MUL: ret = i1 * i2; ret_double = (double)i1 * (double)i2; break; default: ShowError("script:op_2num: unexpected number operator %s i1=%d i2=%d\n", script->op2name(op), i1, i2); script->reportsrc(st); script_pushnil(st); return; } if( ret_double < (double)INT_MIN ) { ShowWarning("script:op_2num: underflow detected op=%s i1=%d i2=%d\n", script->op2name(op), i1, i2); script->reportsrc(st); ret = INT_MIN; } else if( ret_double > (double)INT_MAX ) { ShowWarning("script:op_2num: overflow detected op=%s i1=%d i2=%d\n", script->op2name(op), i1, i2); script->reportsrc(st); ret = INT_MAX; } } script_pushint(st, ret); } /// Binary operators void op_2(struct script_state *st, int op) { struct script_data* left, leftref; struct script_data* right; leftref.type = C_NOP; left = script_getdatatop(st, -2); right = script_getdatatop(st, -1); if (st->op2ref) { if (data_isreference(left)) { leftref = *left; } st->op2ref = 0; } script->get_val(st, left); script->get_val(st, right); // automatic conversions switch( op ) { case C_ADD: if( data_isint(left) && data_isstring(right) ) {// convert int-string to string-string script->conv_str(st, left); } else if( data_isstring(left) && data_isint(right) ) {// convert string-int to string-string script->conv_str(st, right); } break; } if( data_isstring(left) && data_isstring(right) ) {// ss => op_2str script->op_2str(st, op, left->u.str, right->u.str); script_removetop(st, leftref.type == C_NOP ? -3 : -2, -1);// pop the two values before the top one if (leftref.type != C_NOP) { if (left->type == C_STR) // don't free C_CONSTSTR aFree(left->u.str); *left = leftref; } } else if( data_isint(left) && data_isint(right) ) {// ii => op_2num int i1 = (int)left->u.num; int i2 = (int)right->u.num; script_removetop(st, leftref.type == C_NOP ? -2 : -1, 0); script->op_2num(st, op, i1, i2); if (leftref.type != C_NOP) *left = leftref; } else {// invalid argument ShowError("script:op_2: invalid data for operator %s\n", script->op2name(op)); script->reportdata(left); script->reportdata(right); script->reportsrc(st); script_removetop(st, -2, 0); script_pushnil(st); st->state = END; } } /// Unary operators /// NEG i -> i /// NOT i -> i /// LNOT i -> i void op_1(struct script_state* st, int op) { struct script_data* data; int i1; data = script_getdatatop(st, -1); script->get_val(st, data); if( !data_isint(data) ) {// not a number ShowError("script:op_1: argument is not a number (op=%s)\n", script->op2name(op)); script->reportdata(data); script->reportsrc(st); script_pushnil(st); st->state = END; return; } i1 = (int)data->u.num; script_removetop(st, -1, 0); switch( op ) { case C_NEG: i1 = -i1; break; case C_NOT: i1 = ~i1; break; case C_LNOT: i1 = !i1; break; default: ShowError("script:op_1: unexpected operator %s i1=%d\n", script->op2name(op), i1); script->reportsrc(st); script_pushnil(st); st->state = END; return; } script_pushint(st, i1); } /// Checks the type of all arguments passed to a built-in function. /// /// @param st Script state whose stack arguments should be inspected. /// @param func Built-in function for which the arguments are intended. void script_check_buildin_argtype(struct script_state* st, int func) { char type; int idx, invalid = 0; char* sf = script->buildin[script->str_data[func].val]; for( idx = 2; script_hasdata(st, idx); idx++ ) { struct script_data* data = script_getdata(st, idx); type = sf[idx-2]; if( type == '?' || type == '*' ) {// optional argument or unknown number of optional parameters ( no types are after this ) break; } else if( type == 0 ) {// more arguments than necessary ( should not happen, as it is checked before ) ShowWarning("Found more arguments than necessary. unexpected arg type %s\n",script->op2name(data->type)); invalid++; break; } else { const char* name = NULL; if( data_isreference(data) ) {// get name for variables to determine the type they refer to name = reference_getname(data); } switch( type ) { case 'v': if( !data_isstring(data) && !data_isint(data) && !data_isreference(data) ) {// variant ShowWarning("Unexpected type for argument %d. Expected string, number or variable.\n", idx-1); script->reportdata(data); invalid++; } break; case 's': if( !data_isstring(data) && !( data_isreference(data) && is_string_variable(name) ) ) {// string ShowWarning("Unexpected type for argument %d. Expected string.\n", idx-1); script->reportdata(data); invalid++; } break; case 'i': if( !data_isint(data) && !( data_isreference(data) && ( reference_toparam(data) || reference_toconstant(data) || !is_string_variable(name) ) ) ) {// int ( params and constants are always int ) ShowWarning("Unexpected type for argument %d. Expected number.\n", idx-1); script->reportdata(data); invalid++; } break; case 'r': if( !data_isreference(data) || reference_toconstant(data) ) {// variables ShowWarning("Unexpected type for argument %d. Expected variable, got %s.\n", idx-1,script->op2name(data->type)); script->reportdata(data); invalid++; } break; case 'l': if( !data_islabel(data) && !data_isfunclabel(data) ) {// label ShowWarning("Unexpected type for argument %d. Expected label, got %s\n", idx-1,script->op2name(data->type)); script->reportdata(data); invalid++; } break; } } } if(invalid) { ShowDebug("Function: %s\n", script->get_str(func)); script->reportsrc(st); } } /// Executes a buildin command. /// Stack: C_NAME(<command>) C_ARG <arg0> <arg1> ... <argN> int run_func(struct script_state *st) { struct script_data* data; int i,start_sp,end_sp,func; end_sp = st->stack->sp;// position after the last argument for( i = end_sp-1; i > 0 ; --i ) if( st->stack->stack_data[i].type == C_ARG ) break; if( i == 0 ) { ShowError("script:run_func: C_ARG not found. please report this!!!\n"); st->state = END; script->reportsrc(st); return 1; } start_sp = i-1;// C_NAME of the command st->start = start_sp; st->end = end_sp; data = &st->stack->stack_data[st->start]; if( data->type == C_NAME && script->str_data[data->u.num].type == C_FUNC ) func = (int)data->u.num; else { ShowError("script:run_func: not a buildin command.\n"); script->reportdata(data); script->reportsrc(st); st->state = END; return 1; } if( script->config.warn_func_mismatch_argtypes ) { script->check_buildin_argtype(st, func); } if(script->str_data[func].func) { if (!(script->str_data[func].func(st))) //Report error script->reportsrc(st); } else { ShowError("script:run_func: '%s' (id=%"PRId64" type=%s) has no C function. please report this!!!\n", script->get_str(func), func, script->op2name(script->str_data[func].type)); script->reportsrc(st); st->state = END; } // Stack's datum are used when re-running functions [Eoe] if( st->state == RERUNLINE ) return 0; script->pop_stack(st, st->start, st->end); if( st->state == RETFUNC ) {// return from a user-defined function struct script_retinfo* ri; int olddefsp = st->stack->defsp; int nargs; script->pop_stack(st, st->stack->defsp, st->start);// pop distractions from the stack if( st->stack->defsp < 1 || st->stack->stack_data[st->stack->defsp-1].type != C_RETINFO ) { ShowWarning("script:run_func: return without callfunc or callsub!\n"); script->reportsrc(st); st->state = END; return 1; } script->free_vars(st->stack->scope.vars); st->stack->scope.arrays->destroy(st->stack->scope.arrays,script->array_free_db); ri = st->stack->stack_data[st->stack->defsp-1].u.ri; nargs = ri->nargs; st->pos = ri->pos; st->script = ri->script; st->stack->scope.vars = ri->scope.vars; st->stack->scope.arrays = ri->scope.arrays; st->stack->defsp = ri->defsp; memset(ri, 0, sizeof(struct script_retinfo)); script->pop_stack(st, olddefsp-nargs-1, olddefsp);// pop arguments and retinfo st->state = GOTO; } return 0; } /*========================================== * script execution *------------------------------------------*/ void run_script(struct script_code *rootscript,int pos,int rid,int oid) { struct script_state *st; if( rootscript == NULL || pos < 0 ) return; // TODO In jAthena, this function can take over the pending script in the player. [FlavioJS] // It is unclear how that can be triggered, so it needs the be traced/checked in more detail. // NOTE At the time of this change, this function wasn't capable of taking over the script state because st->scriptroot was never set. st = script->alloc_state(rootscript, pos, rid, oid); script->run_main(st); } void script_stop_instances(struct script_code *code) { DBIterator *iter; struct script_state* st; if( !script->active_scripts ) return;//dont even bother. iter = db_iterator(script->st_db); for( st = dbi_first(iter); dbi_exists(iter); st = dbi_next(iter) ) { if( st->script == code ) { script->free_state(st); } } dbi_destroy(iter); } /*========================================== * Timer function for sleep *------------------------------------------*/ int run_script_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { struct script_state *st = idb_get(script->st_db,(int)data); if( st ) { TBL_PC *sd = map->id2sd(st->rid); if((sd && sd->status.char_id != id) || (st->rid && !sd)) { //Character mismatch. Cancel execution. st->rid = 0; st->state = END; } st->sleep.timer = INVALID_TIMER; if(st->state != RERUNLINE) st->sleep.tick = 0; script->run_main(st); } return 0; } /// Detaches script state from possibly attached character and restores it's previous script if any. /// /// @param st Script state to detach. /// @param dequeue_event Whether to schedule any queued events, when there was no previous script. void script_detach_state(struct script_state* st, bool dequeue_event) { struct map_session_data* sd; if(st->rid && (sd = map->id2sd(st->rid))!=NULL) { sd->st = st->bk_st; sd->npc_id = st->bk_npcid; sd->state.dialog = 0; if(st->bk_st) { //Remove tag for removal. st->bk_st = NULL; st->bk_npcid = 0; } else if(dequeue_event) { // For the Secure NPC Timeout option (check config/Secure.h) [RR] #ifdef SECURE_NPCTIMEOUT // We're done with this NPC session, so we cancel the timer (if existent) and move on if( sd->npc_idle_timer != INVALID_TIMER ) { timer->delete(sd->npc_idle_timer,npc->secure_timeout_timer); sd->npc_idle_timer = INVALID_TIMER; } #endif npc->event_dequeue(sd); } } else if(st->bk_st) { // rid was set to 0, before detaching the script state ShowError("script_detach_state: Found previous script state without attached player (rid=%d, oid=%d, state=%d, bk_npcid=%d)\n", st->bk_st->rid, st->bk_st->oid, st->bk_st->state, st->bk_npcid); script->reportsrc(st->bk_st); script->free_state(st->bk_st); st->bk_st = NULL; } } /// Attaches script state to possibly attached character and backups it's previous script, if any. /// /// @param st Script state to attach. void script_attach_state(struct script_state* st) { struct map_session_data* sd; if(st->rid && (sd = map->id2sd(st->rid))!=NULL) { if(st!=sd->st) { if(st->bk_st) {// there is already a backup ShowDebug("script_free_state: Previous script state lost (rid=%d, oid=%d, state=%d, bk_npcid=%d).\n", st->bk_st->rid, st->bk_st->oid, st->bk_st->state, st->bk_npcid); } st->bk_st = sd->st; st->bk_npcid = sd->npc_id; } sd->st = st; sd->npc_id = st->oid; sd->npc_item_flag = st->npc_item_flag; // load default. /** * For the Secure NPC Timeout option (check config/Secure.h) [RR] **/ #ifdef SECURE_NPCTIMEOUT if( sd->npc_idle_timer == INVALID_TIMER ) sd->npc_idle_timer = timer->add(timer->gettick() + (SECURE_NPCTIMEOUT_INTERVAL*1000),npc->secure_timeout_timer,sd->bl.id,0); sd->npc_idle_tick = timer->gettick(); #endif } } /*========================================== * The main part of the script execution *------------------------------------------*/ void run_script_main(struct script_state *st) { int cmdcount = script->config.check_cmdcount; int gotocount = script->config.check_gotocount; TBL_PC *sd; struct script_stack *stack = st->stack; struct npc_data *nd; script->attach_state(st); nd = map->id2nd(st->oid); if( nd && nd->bl.m >= 0 ) st->instance_id = map->list[nd->bl.m].instance_id; else st->instance_id = -1; if(st->state == RERUNLINE) { script->run_func(st); if(st->state == GOTO) st->state = RUN; } else if(st->state != END) st->state = RUN; while( st->state == RUN ) { enum c_op c = script->get_com(st->script->script_buf,&st->pos); switch(c) { case C_EOL: if( stack->defsp > stack->sp ) ShowError("script:run_script_main: unexpected stack position (defsp=%d sp=%d). please report this!!!\n", stack->defsp, stack->sp); else script->pop_stack(st, stack->defsp, stack->sp);// pop unused stack data. (unused return value) break; case C_INT: script->push_val(stack,C_INT,script->get_num(st->script->script_buf,&st->pos),NULL); break; case C_POS: case C_NAME: script->push_val(stack,c,GETVALUE(st->script->script_buf,st->pos),NULL); st->pos+=3; break; case C_ARG: script->push_val(stack,c,0,NULL); break; case C_STR: script->push_str(stack,C_CONSTSTR,(char*)(st->script->script_buf+st->pos)); while(st->script->script_buf[st->pos++]); break; case C_FUNC: script->run_func(st); if(st->state==GOTO) { st->state = RUN; if( !st->freeloop && gotocount>0 && (--gotocount)<=0 ) { ShowError("run_script: infinity loop !\n"); script->reportsrc(st); st->state=END; } } break; case C_REF: st->op2ref = 1; break; case C_NEG: case C_NOT: case C_LNOT: script->op_1(st ,c); break; case C_ADD: case C_SUB: case C_MUL: case C_DIV: case C_MOD: case C_EQ: case C_NE: case C_GT: case C_GE: case C_LT: case C_LE: case C_AND: case C_OR: case C_XOR: case C_LAND: case C_LOR: case C_R_SHIFT: case C_L_SHIFT: #ifdef PCRE_SUPPORT case C_RE_EQ: case C_RE_NE: #endif // PCRE_SUPPORT script->op_2(st, c); break; case C_OP3: script->op_3(st, c); break; case C_NOP: st->state=END; break; default: ShowError("unknown command : %d @ %d\n",c,st->pos); st->state=END; break; } if( !st->freeloop && cmdcount>0 && (--cmdcount)<=0 ) { ShowError("run_script: too many opeartions being processed non-stop !\n"); script->reportsrc(st); st->state=END; } } if(st->sleep.tick > 0) { //Restore previous script script->detach_state(st, false); //Delay execution sd = map->id2sd(st->rid); // Get sd since script might have attached someone while running. [Inkfish] st->sleep.charid = sd?sd->status.char_id:0; st->sleep.timer = timer->add(timer->gettick()+st->sleep.tick, script->run_timer, st->sleep.charid, (intptr_t)st->id); } else if(st->state != END && st->rid) { //Resume later (st is already attached to player). if(st->bk_st) { ShowWarning("Unable to restore stack! Double continuation!\n"); //Report BOTH scripts to see if that can help somehow. ShowDebug("Previous script (lost):\n"); script->reportsrc(st->bk_st); ShowDebug("Current script:\n"); script->reportsrc(st); script->free_state(st->bk_st); st->bk_st = NULL; } } else { //Dispose of script. if ((sd = map->id2sd(st->rid))!=NULL) { //Restore previous stack and save char. if(sd->state.using_fake_npc) { clif->clearunit_single(sd->npc_id, CLR_OUTSIGHT, sd->fd); sd->state.using_fake_npc = 0; } //Restore previous script if any. script->detach_state(st, true); if (sd->vars_dirty) intif->saveregistry(sd); } script->free_state(st); st = NULL; } } int script_config_read(char *cfgName) { int i; char line[1024],w1[1024],w2[1024]; FILE *fp; if( !( fp = fopen(cfgName,"r") ) ) { ShowError("File not found: %s\n", cfgName); return 1; } while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp)) { if(line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/') continue; i=sscanf(line,"%[^:]: %[^\r\n]",w1,w2); if(i!=2) continue; if(strcmpi(w1,"warn_func_mismatch_paramnum")==0) { script->config.warn_func_mismatch_paramnum = config_switch(w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"check_cmdcount")==0) { script->config.check_cmdcount = config_switch(w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"check_gotocount")==0) { script->config.check_gotocount = config_switch(w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"input_min_value")==0) { script->config.input_min_value = config_switch(w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"input_max_value")==0) { script->config.input_max_value = config_switch(w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"warn_func_mismatch_argtypes")==0) { script->config.warn_func_mismatch_argtypes = config_switch(w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"import")==0) { script->config_read(w2); } else { ShowWarning("Unknown setting '%s' in file %s\n", w1, cfgName); } } fclose(fp); return 0; } /** * @see DBApply */ int db_script_free_code_sub(DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list ap) { struct script_code *code = DB->data2ptr(data); if (code) script->free_code(code); return 0; } void script_run_autobonus(const char *autobonus, int id, int pos) { struct script_code *scriptroot = (struct script_code *)strdb_get(script->autobonus_db, autobonus); if( scriptroot ) { status->current_equip_item_index = pos; script->run(scriptroot,0,id,0); } } void script_add_autobonus(const char *autobonus) { if( strdb_get(script->autobonus_db, autobonus) == NULL ) { struct script_code *scriptroot = script->parse(autobonus, "autobonus", 0, 0); if( scriptroot ) strdb_put(script->autobonus_db, autobonus, scriptroot); } } /// resets a temporary character array variable to given value void script_cleararray_pc(struct map_session_data* sd, const char* varname, void* value) { struct script_array *sa = NULL; struct reg_db *src = NULL; unsigned int i, *list = NULL, size = 0; int key; key = script->add_str(varname); if( !(src = script->array_src(NULL,sd,varname,NULL) ) ) return; if( value ) script->array_ensure_zero(NULL,sd,reference_uid(key,0),NULL); if( !(sa = idb_get(src->arrays, key)) ) /* non-existent array, nothing to empty */ return; size = sa->size; list = script->array_cpy_list(sa); for(i = 0; i < size; i++) { script->set_reg(NULL,sd,reference_uid(key, list[i]),varname,value,NULL); } } /// sets a temporary character array variable element idx to given value /// @param refcache Pointer to an int variable, which keeps a copy of the reference to varname and must be initialized to 0. Can be NULL if only one element is set. void script_setarray_pc(struct map_session_data* sd, const char* varname, uint32 idx, void* value, int* refcache) { int key; if( idx >= SCRIPT_MAX_ARRAYSIZE ) { ShowError("script_setarray_pc: Variable '%s' has invalid index '%u' (char_id=%d).\n", varname, idx, sd->status.char_id); return; } key = ( refcache && refcache[0] ) ? refcache[0] : script->add_str(varname); script->set_reg(NULL,sd,reference_uid(key, idx),varname,value,NULL); if( refcache ) {// save to avoid repeated script->add_str calls refcache[0] = key; } } /** * Clears persistent variables from memory **/ int script_reg_destroy(DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list ap) { struct script_reg_state *src; if( data->type != DB_DATA_PTR )/* got no need for those! */ return 0; src = DB->data2ptr(data); if( src->type ) { struct script_reg_str *p = (struct script_reg_str *)src; if( p->value ) aFree(p->value); ers_free(pc->str_reg_ers,p); } else { ers_free(pc->num_reg_ers,(struct script_reg_num*)src); } return 0; } /** * Clears a single persistent variable **/ void script_reg_destroy_single(struct map_session_data *sd, int64 reg, struct script_reg_state *data) { i64db_remove(sd->regs.vars, reg); if( data->type ) { struct script_reg_str *p = (struct script_reg_str*)data; if( p->value ) aFree(p->value); ers_free(pc->str_reg_ers,p); } else { ers_free(pc->num_reg_ers,(struct script_reg_num*)data); } } unsigned int *script_array_cpy_list(struct script_array *sa) { if( sa->size > script->generic_ui_array_size ) script->generic_ui_array_expand(sa->size); memcpy(script->generic_ui_array, sa->members, sizeof(unsigned int)*sa->size); return script->generic_ui_array; } void script_generic_ui_array_expand (unsigned int plus) { script->generic_ui_array_size += plus + 100; RECREATE(script->generic_ui_array, unsigned int, script->generic_ui_array_size); } /*========================================== * Destructor *------------------------------------------*/ void do_final_script(void) { int i; DBIterator *iter; struct script_state *st; #ifdef SCRIPT_DEBUG_HASH if (battle_config.etc_log) { FILE *fp = fopen("hash_dump.txt","wt"); if(fp) { int count[SCRIPT_HASH_SIZE]; int count2[SCRIPT_HASH_SIZE]; // number of buckets with a certain number of items int n=0; int min=INT_MAX,max=0,zero=0; double mean=0.0f; double median=0.0f; ShowNotice("Dumping script str hash information to hash_dump.txt\n"); memset(count, 0, sizeof(count)); fprintf(fp,"num : hash : data_name\n"); fprintf(fp,"---------------------------------------------------------------\n"); for(i=LABEL_START; i<script->str_num; i++) { unsigned int h = script->calc_hash(script->get_str(i)); fprintf(fp,"%04d : %4u : %s\n",i,h, script->get_str(i)); ++count[h]; } fprintf(fp,"--------------------\n\n"); memset(count2, 0, sizeof(count2)); for(i=0; i<SCRIPT_HASH_SIZE; i++) { fprintf(fp," hash %3d = %d\n",i,count[i]); if(min > count[i]) min = count[i]; // minimun count of collision if(max < count[i]) max = count[i]; // maximun count of collision if(count[i] == 0) zero++; ++count2[count[i]]; } fprintf(fp,"\n--------------------\n items : buckets\n--------------------\n"); for( i=min; i <= max; ++i ) { fprintf(fp," %5d : %7d\n",i,count2[i]); mean += 1.0f*i*count2[i]/SCRIPT_HASH_SIZE; // Note: this will always result in <nr labels>/<nr buckets> } for( i=min; i <= max; ++i ) { n += count2[i]; if( n*2 >= SCRIPT_HASH_SIZE ) { if( SCRIPT_HASH_SIZE%2 == 0 && SCRIPT_HASH_SIZE/2 == n ) median = (i+i+1)/2.0f; else median = i; break; } } fprintf(fp,"--------------------\n min = %d, max = %d, zero = %d\n mean = %lf, median = %lf\n",min,max,zero,mean,median); fclose(fp); } } #endif iter = db_iterator(script->st_db); for( st = dbi_first(iter); dbi_exists(iter); st = dbi_next(iter) ) { script->free_state(st); } dbi_destroy(iter); mapreg->final(); script->userfunc_db->destroy(script->userfunc_db, script->db_free_code_sub); script->autobonus_db->destroy(script->autobonus_db, script->db_free_code_sub); if (script->str_data) aFree(script->str_data); if (script->str_buf) aFree(script->str_buf); for( i = 0; i < atcommand->binding_count; i++ ) { aFree(atcommand->binding[i]); } if( atcommand->binding_count != 0 ) aFree(atcommand->binding); for( i = 0; i < script->buildin_count; i++) { if( script->buildin[i] ) { aFree(script->buildin[i]); script->buildin[i] = NULL; } } aFree(script->buildin); if( script->hqs ) { for( i = 0; i < script->hqs; i++ ) { if( script->hq[i].item != NULL ) aFree(script->hq[i].item); } } if( script->hqis ) { for( i = 0; i < script->hqis; i++ ) { if( script->hqi[i].item != NULL ) aFree(script->hqi[i].item); } } if( script->hq != NULL ) aFree(script->hq); if( script->hqi != NULL ) aFree(script->hqi); if( script->word_buf != NULL ) aFree(script->word_buf); #ifdef ENABLE_CASE_CHECK script->global_casecheck.clear(); script->local_casecheck.clear(); #endif // ENABLE_CASE_CHECK ers_destroy(script->st_ers); ers_destroy(script->stack_ers); db_destroy(script->st_db); if( script->labels != NULL ) aFree(script->labels); ers_destroy(script->array_ers); if( script->generic_ui_array ) aFree(script->generic_ui_array); } /*========================================== * Initialization *------------------------------------------*/ void do_init_script(bool minimal) { script->st_db = idb_alloc(DB_OPT_BASE); script->userfunc_db = strdb_alloc(DB_OPT_DUP_KEY,0); script->autobonus_db = strdb_alloc(DB_OPT_DUP_KEY,0); script->st_ers = ers_new(sizeof(struct script_state), "script.c::st_ers", ERS_OPT_CLEAN|ERS_OPT_FLEX_CHUNK); script->stack_ers = ers_new(sizeof(struct script_stack), "script.c::script_stack", ERS_OPT_NONE|ERS_OPT_FLEX_CHUNK); script->array_ers = ers_new(sizeof(struct script_array), "script.c::array_ers", ERS_OPT_CLEAN|ERS_OPT_CLEAR); ers_chunk_size(script->st_ers, 10); ers_chunk_size(script->stack_ers, 10); script->parse_builtin(); script->read_constdb(); script->hardcoded_constants(); if (minimal) return; mapreg->init(); } int script_reload(void) { int i; DBIterator *iter; struct script_state *st; #ifdef ENABLE_CASE_CHECK script->global_casecheck.clear(); #endif // ENABLE_CASE_CHECK iter = db_iterator(script->st_db); for( st = dbi_first(iter); dbi_exists(iter); st = dbi_next(iter) ) { script->free_state(st); } dbi_destroy(iter); script->userfunc_db->clear(script->userfunc_db, script->db_free_code_sub); script->label_count = 0; for( i = 0; i < atcommand->binding_count; i++ ) { aFree(atcommand->binding[i]); } if( atcommand->binding_count != 0 ) aFree(atcommand->binding); atcommand->binding_count = 0; db_clear(script->st_db); mapreg->reload(); itemdb->name_constants(); sysinfo->vcsrevision_reload(); return 0; } /* returns name of current function being run, from within the stack [Ind/Hercules] */ const char *script_getfuncname(struct script_state *st) { struct script_data *data; data = &st->stack->stack_data[st->start]; if( data->type == C_NAME && script->str_data[data->u.num].type == C_FUNC ) return script->get_str(script_getvarid(data->u.num)); return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // buildin functions // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NPC interaction // /// Appends a message to the npc dialog. /// If a dialog doesn't exist yet, one is created. /// /// mes "<message>"; BUILDIN(mes) { TBL_PC* sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; if( !script_hasdata(st, 3) ) {// only a single line detected in the script clif->scriptmes(sd, st->oid, script_getstr(st, 2)); } else {// parse multiple lines as they exist int i; for( i = 2; script_hasdata(st, i); i++ ) { // send the message to the client clif->scriptmes(sd, st->oid, script_getstr(st, i)); } } return true; } /// Displays the button 'next' in the npc dialog. /// The dialog text is cleared and the script continues when the button is pressed. /// /// next; BUILDIN(next) { TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; #ifdef SECURE_NPCTIMEOUT sd->npc_idle_type = NPCT_WAIT; #endif st->state = STOP; clif->scriptnext(sd, st->oid); return true; } /// Ends the script and displays the button 'close' on the npc dialog. /// The dialog is closed when the button is pressed. /// /// close; BUILDIN(close) { TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; st->state = sd->state.dialog == 1 ? CLOSE : END; clif->scriptclose(sd, st->oid); return true; } /// Displays the button 'close' on the npc dialog. /// The dialog is closed and the script continues when the button is pressed. /// /// close2; BUILDIN(close2) { TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; if( sd->state.dialog == 1 ) st->state = STOP; else { ShowWarning("misuse of 'close2'! trying to use it without prior dialog! skipping...\n"); script->reportsrc(st); } clif->scriptclose(sd, st->oid); return true; } /// Counts the number of valid and total number of options in 'str' /// If max_count > 0 the counting stops when that valid option is reached /// total is incremented for each option (NULL is supported) int menu_countoptions(const char* str, int max_count, int* total) { int count = 0; int bogus_total; if( total == NULL ) total = &bogus_total; ++(*total); // initial empty options while( *str == ':' ) { ++str; ++(*total); } // count menu options while( *str != '\0' ) { ++count; --max_count; if( max_count == 0 ) break; while( *str != ':' && *str != '\0' ) ++str; while( *str == ':' ) { ++str; ++(*total); } } return count; } /// Displays a menu with options and goes to the target label. /// The script is stopped if cancel is pressed. /// Options with no text are not displayed in the client. /// /// Options can be grouped together, separated by the character ':' in the text: /// ex: menu "A:B:C",L_target; /// All these options go to the specified target label. /// /// The index of the selected option is put in the variable @menu. /// Indexes start with 1 and are consistent with grouped and empty options. /// ex: menu "A::B",-,"",L_Impossible,"C",-; /// // displays "A", "B" and "C", corresponding to indexes 1, 3 and 5 /// /// NOTE: the client closes the npc dialog when cancel is pressed /// /// menu "<option_text>",<target_label>{,"<option_text>",<target_label>,...}; BUILDIN(menu) { int i; const char* text; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; #ifdef SECURE_NPCTIMEOUT sd->npc_idle_type = NPCT_MENU; #endif // TODO detect multiple scripts waiting for input at the same time, and what to do when that happens if( sd->state.menu_or_input == 0 ) { struct StringBuf buf; struct script_data* data; if( script_lastdata(st) % 2 == 0 ) {// argument count is not even (1st argument is at index 2) ShowError("script:menu: illegal number of arguments (%d).\n", (script_lastdata(st) - 1)); st->state = END; return false; } StrBuf->Init(&buf); sd->npc_menu = 0; for( i = 2; i < script_lastdata(st); i += 2 ) { // menu options text = script_getstr(st, i); // target label data = script_getdata(st, i+1); if( !data_islabel(data) ) {// not a label StrBuf->Destroy(&buf); ShowError("script:menu: argument #%d (from 1) is not a label or label not found.\n", i); script->reportdata(data); st->state = END; return false; } // append option(s) if( text[0] == '\0' ) continue;// empty string, ignore if( sd->npc_menu > 0 ) StrBuf->AppendStr(&buf, ":"); StrBuf->AppendStr(&buf, text); sd->npc_menu += script->menu_countoptions(text, 0, NULL); } st->state = RERUNLINE; sd->state.menu_or_input = 1; /* menus beyond this length crash the client (see bugreport:6402) */ if( StrBuf->Length(&buf) >= 2047 ) { struct npc_data * nd = map->id2nd(st->oid); char* menu; CREATE(menu, char, 2048); safestrncpy(menu, StrBuf->Value(&buf), 2047); ShowWarning("NPC Menu too long! (source:%s / length:%d)\n",nd?nd->name:"Unknown",StrBuf->Length(&buf)); clif->scriptmenu(sd, st->oid, menu); aFree(menu); } else clif->scriptmenu(sd, st->oid, StrBuf->Value(&buf)); StrBuf->Destroy(&buf); if( sd->npc_menu >= 0xff ) {// client supports only up to 254 entries; 0 is not used and 255 is reserved for cancel; excess entries are displayed but cause 'uint8' overflow ShowWarning("buildin_menu: Too many options specified (current=%d, max=254).\n", sd->npc_menu); script->reportsrc(st); } } else if( sd->npc_menu == 0xff ) {// Cancel was pressed sd->state.menu_or_input = 0; st->state = END; } else {// goto target label int menu = 0; sd->state.menu_or_input = 0; if( sd->npc_menu <= 0 ) { ShowDebug("script:menu: unexpected selection (%d)\n", sd->npc_menu); st->state = END; return false; } // get target label for( i = 2; i < script_lastdata(st); i += 2 ) { text = script_getstr(st, i); sd->npc_menu -= script->menu_countoptions(text, sd->npc_menu, &menu); if( sd->npc_menu <= 0 ) break;// entry found } if( sd->npc_menu > 0 ) {// Invalid selection ShowDebug("script:menu: selection is out of range (%d pairs are missing?) - please report this\n", sd->npc_menu); st->state = END; return false; } if( !data_islabel(script_getdata(st, i + 1)) ) {// TODO remove this temporary crash-prevention code (fallback for multiple scripts requesting user input) ShowError("script:menu: unexpected data in label argument\n"); script->reportdata(script_getdata(st, i + 1)); st->state = END; return false; } pc->setreg(sd, script->add_str("@menu"), menu); st->pos = script_getnum(st, i + 1); st->state = GOTO; } return true; } /// Displays a menu with options and returns the selected option. /// Behaves like 'menu' without the target labels. /// /// select(<option_text>{,<option_text>,...}) -> <selected_option> /// /// @see menu BUILDIN(select) { int i; const char* text; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; #ifdef SECURE_NPCTIMEOUT sd->npc_idle_type = NPCT_MENU; #endif if( sd->state.menu_or_input == 0 ) { struct StringBuf buf; StrBuf->Init(&buf); sd->npc_menu = 0; for( i = 2; i <= script_lastdata(st); ++i ) { text = script_getstr(st, i); if( sd->npc_menu > 0 ) StrBuf->AppendStr(&buf, ":"); StrBuf->AppendStr(&buf, text); sd->npc_menu += script->menu_countoptions(text, 0, NULL); } st->state = RERUNLINE; sd->state.menu_or_input = 1; /* menus beyond this length crash the client (see bugreport:6402) */ if( StrBuf->Length(&buf) >= 2047 ) { struct npc_data * nd = map->id2nd(st->oid); char* menu; CREATE(menu, char, 2048); safestrncpy(menu, StrBuf->Value(&buf), 2047); ShowWarning("NPC Menu too long! (source:%s / length:%d)\n",nd?nd->name:"Unknown",StrBuf->Length(&buf)); clif->scriptmenu(sd, st->oid, menu); aFree(menu); } else clif->scriptmenu(sd, st->oid, StrBuf->Value(&buf)); StrBuf->Destroy(&buf); if( sd->npc_menu >= 0xff ) { ShowWarning("buildin_select: Too many options specified (current=%d, max=254).\n", sd->npc_menu); script->reportsrc(st); } } else if( sd->npc_menu == 0xff ) {// Cancel was pressed sd->state.menu_or_input = 0; st->state = END; } else {// return selected option int menu = 0; sd->state.menu_or_input = 0; for( i = 2; i <= script_lastdata(st); ++i ) { text = script_getstr(st, i); sd->npc_menu -= script->menu_countoptions(text, sd->npc_menu, &menu); if( sd->npc_menu <= 0 ) break;// entry found } pc->setreg(sd, script->add_str("@menu"), menu); script_pushint(st, menu); st->state = RUN; } return true; } /// Displays a menu with options and returns the selected option. /// Behaves like 'menu' without the target labels, except when cancel is /// pressed. /// When cancel is pressed, the script continues and 255 is returned. /// /// prompt(<option_text>{,<option_text>,...}) -> <selected_option> /// /// @see menu BUILDIN(prompt) { int i; const char *text; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; #ifdef SECURE_NPCTIMEOUT sd->npc_idle_type = NPCT_MENU; #endif if( sd->state.menu_or_input == 0 ) { struct StringBuf buf; StrBuf->Init(&buf); sd->npc_menu = 0; for( i = 2; i <= script_lastdata(st); ++i ) { text = script_getstr(st, i); if( sd->npc_menu > 0 ) StrBuf->AppendStr(&buf, ":"); StrBuf->AppendStr(&buf, text); sd->npc_menu += script->menu_countoptions(text, 0, NULL); } st->state = RERUNLINE; sd->state.menu_or_input = 1; /* menus beyond this length crash the client (see bugreport:6402) */ if( StrBuf->Length(&buf) >= 2047 ) { struct npc_data * nd = map->id2nd(st->oid); char* menu; CREATE(menu, char, 2048); safestrncpy(menu, StrBuf->Value(&buf), 2047); ShowWarning("NPC Menu too long! (source:%s / length:%d)\n",nd?nd->name:"Unknown",StrBuf->Length(&buf)); clif->scriptmenu(sd, st->oid, menu); aFree(menu); } else clif->scriptmenu(sd, st->oid, StrBuf->Value(&buf)); StrBuf->Destroy(&buf); if( sd->npc_menu >= 0xff ) { ShowWarning("buildin_prompt: Too many options specified (current=%d, max=254).\n", sd->npc_menu); script->reportsrc(st); } } else if( sd->npc_menu == 0xff ) {// Cancel was pressed sd->state.menu_or_input = 0; pc->setreg(sd, script->add_str("@menu"), 0xff); script_pushint(st, 0xff); st->state = RUN; } else {// return selected option int menu = 0; sd->state.menu_or_input = 0; for( i = 2; i <= script_lastdata(st); ++i ) { text = script_getstr(st, i); sd->npc_menu -= script->menu_countoptions(text, sd->npc_menu, &menu); if( sd->npc_menu <= 0 ) break;// entry found } pc->setreg(sd, script->add_str("@menu"), menu); script_pushint(st, menu); st->state = RUN; } return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ... // /// Jumps to the target script label. /// /// goto <label>; BUILDIN(goto) { if( !data_islabel(script_getdata(st,2)) ) { ShowError("script:goto: not a label\n"); script->reportdata(script_getdata(st,2)); st->state = END; return false; } st->pos = script_getnum(st,2); st->state = GOTO; return true; } /*========================================== * user-defined function call *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(callfunc) { int i, j; struct script_retinfo* ri; struct script_code* scr; const char* str = script_getstr(st,2); struct reg_db *ref = NULL; scr = (struct script_code*)strdb_get(script->userfunc_db, str); if( !scr ) { ShowError("script:callfunc: function not found! [%s]\n", str); st->state = END; return false; } ref = (struct reg_db *)aCalloc(sizeof(struct reg_db), 2); ref[0].vars = st->stack->scope.vars; if (!st->stack->scope.arrays) st->stack->scope.arrays = idb_alloc(DB_OPT_BASE); // TODO: Can this happen? when? ref[0].arrays = st->stack->scope.arrays; ref[1].vars = st->script->local.vars; if (!st->script->local.arrays) st->script->local.arrays = idb_alloc(DB_OPT_BASE); // TODO: Can this happen? when? ref[1].arrays = st->script->local.arrays; for( i = st->start+3, j = 0; i < st->end; i++, j++ ) { struct script_data* data = script->push_copy(st->stack,i); if( data_isreference(data) && !data->ref ) { const char* name = reference_getname(data); if( name[0] == '.' ) { data->ref = (name[1] == '@' ? &ref[0] : &ref[1]); } } } CREATE(ri, struct script_retinfo, 1); ri->script = st->script; // script code ri->scope.vars = st->stack->scope.vars; // scope variables ri->scope.arrays = st->stack->scope.arrays; // scope arrays ri->pos = st->pos; // script location ri->nargs = j; // argument count ri->defsp = st->stack->defsp; // default stack pointer script->push_retinfo(st->stack, ri, ref); st->pos = 0; st->script = scr; st->stack->defsp = st->stack->sp; st->state = GOTO; st->stack->scope.vars = i64db_alloc(DB_OPT_RELEASE_DATA); st->stack->scope.arrays = idb_alloc(DB_OPT_BASE); if( !st->script->local.vars ) st->script->local.vars = i64db_alloc(DB_OPT_RELEASE_DATA); return true; } /*========================================== * subroutine call *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(callsub) { int i,j; struct script_retinfo* ri; int pos = script_getnum(st,2); struct reg_db *ref = NULL; if( !data_islabel(script_getdata(st,2)) && !data_isfunclabel(script_getdata(st,2)) ) { ShowError("script:callsub: argument is not a label\n"); script->reportdata(script_getdata(st,2)); st->state = END; return false; } ref = (struct reg_db *)aCalloc(sizeof(struct reg_db), 1); ref[0].vars = st->stack->scope.vars; if (!st->stack->scope.arrays) st->stack->scope.arrays = idb_alloc(DB_OPT_BASE); // TODO: Can this happen? when? ref[0].arrays = st->stack->scope.arrays; for( i = st->start+3, j = 0; i < st->end; i++, j++ ) { struct script_data* data = script->push_copy(st->stack,i); if( data_isreference(data) && !data->ref ) { const char* name = reference_getname(data); if( name[0] == '.' && name[1] == '@' ) { data->ref = &ref[0]; } } } CREATE(ri, struct script_retinfo, 1); ri->script = st->script; // script code ri->scope.vars = st->stack->scope.vars; // scope variables ri->scope.arrays = st->stack->scope.arrays; // scope arrays ri->pos = st->pos; // script location ri->nargs = j; // argument count ri->defsp = st->stack->defsp; // default stack pointer script->push_retinfo(st->stack, ri, ref); st->pos = pos; st->stack->defsp = st->stack->sp; st->state = GOTO; st->stack->scope.vars = i64db_alloc(DB_OPT_RELEASE_DATA); st->stack->scope.arrays = idb_alloc(DB_OPT_BASE); return true; } /// Retrieves an argument provided to callfunc/callsub. /// If the argument doesn't exist /// /// getarg(<index>{,<default_value>}) -> <value> BUILDIN(getarg) { struct script_retinfo* ri; int idx; if( st->stack->defsp < 1 || st->stack->stack_data[st->stack->defsp - 1].type != C_RETINFO ) { ShowError("script:getarg: no callfunc or callsub!\n"); st->state = END; return false; } ri = st->stack->stack_data[st->stack->defsp - 1].u.ri; idx = script_getnum(st,2); if( idx >= 0 && idx < ri->nargs ) script->push_copy(st->stack, st->stack->defsp - 1 - ri->nargs + idx); else if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) script_pushcopy(st, 3); else { ShowError("script:getarg: index (idx=%d) out of range (nargs=%d) and no default value found\n", idx, ri->nargs); st->state = END; return false; } return true; } /// Returns from the current function, optionaly returning a value from the functions. /// Don't use outside script functions. /// /// return; /// return <value>; BUILDIN(return) { if( script_hasdata(st,2) ) {// return value struct script_data* data; script_pushcopy(st, 2); data = script_getdatatop(st, -1); if( data_isreference(data) ) { const char* name = reference_getname(data); if( name[0] == '.' && name[1] == '@' ) { // scope variable if( !data->ref || data->ref->vars == st->stack->scope.vars ) script->get_val(st, data);// current scope, convert to value if( data->ref && data->ref->vars == st->stack->stack_data[st->stack->defsp-1].u.ri->scope.vars ) data->ref = NULL; // Reference to the parent scope, remove reference pointer } else if( name[0] == '.' && !data->ref ) { // script variable without a reference set, link to current script data->ref = (struct reg_db *)aCalloc(sizeof(struct reg_db), 1); script->add_pending_ref(st, data->ref); data->ref->vars = st->script->local.vars; if( !st->script->local.arrays ) st->script->local.arrays = idb_alloc(DB_OPT_BASE); data->ref->arrays = st->script->local.arrays; } else if ( name[0] == '.' /* && data->ref != NULL */ ) { data->ref = NULL; // Reference to the parent scope's script, remove reference pointer. } } } else {// no return value script_pushnil(st); } st->state = RETFUNC; return true; } /// Returns a random number from 0 to <range>-1. /// Or returns a random number from <min> to <max>. /// If <min> is greater than <max>, their numbers are switched. /// rand(<range>) -> <int> /// rand(<min>,<max>) -> <int> BUILDIN(rand) { int range; int min; int max; if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) {// min,max min = script_getnum(st,2); max = script_getnum(st,3); if( max < min ) swap(min, max); range = max - min + 1; } else {// range min = 0; range = script_getnum(st,2); } if( range <= 1 ) script_pushint(st, min); else script_pushint(st, rnd()%range + min); return true; } /*========================================== * Warp sd to str,x,y or Random or SavePoint/Save *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(warp) { int ret; int x,y; const char* str; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; str = script_getstr(st,2); x = script_getnum(st,3); y = script_getnum(st,4); if(strcmp(str,"Random")==0) ret = pc->randomwarp(sd,CLR_TELEPORT); else if(strcmp(str,"SavePoint")==0 || strcmp(str,"Save")==0) ret = pc->setpos(sd,sd->status.save_point.map,sd->status.save_point.x,sd->status.save_point.y,CLR_TELEPORT); else ret = pc->setpos(sd,script->mapindexname2id(st,str),x,y,CLR_OUTSIGHT); if( ret ) { ShowError("buildin_warp: moving player '%s' to \"%s\",%d,%d failed.\n", sd->status.name, str, x, y); script->reportsrc(st); } return true; } /*========================================== * Warp a specified area *------------------------------------------*/ int buildin_areawarp_sub(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { int x2,y2,x3,y3; unsigned int index; index = va_arg(ap,unsigned int); x2 = va_arg(ap,int); y2 = va_arg(ap,int); x3 = va_arg(ap,int); y3 = va_arg(ap,int); if(index == 0) pc->randomwarp((TBL_PC *)bl,CLR_TELEPORT); else if(x3 && y3) { int max, tx, ty, j = 0; // choose a suitable max number of attempts if( (max = (y3-y2+1)*(x3-x2+1)*3) > 1000 ) max = 1000; // find a suitable map cell do { tx = rnd()%(x3-x2+1)+x2; ty = rnd()%(y3-y2+1)+y2; j++; } while( map->getcell(index,tx,ty,CELL_CHKNOPASS) && j < max ); pc->setpos((TBL_PC *)bl,index,tx,ty,CLR_OUTSIGHT); } else pc->setpos((TBL_PC *)bl,index,x2,y2,CLR_OUTSIGHT); return 0; } BUILDIN(areawarp) { int16 m, x0,y0,x1,y1, x2,y2,x3=0,y3=0; unsigned int index; const char *str; const char *mapname; mapname = script_getstr(st,2); x0 = script_getnum(st,3); y0 = script_getnum(st,4); x1 = script_getnum(st,5); y1 = script_getnum(st,6); str = script_getstr(st,7); x2 = script_getnum(st,8); y2 = script_getnum(st,9); if( script_hasdata(st,10) && script_hasdata(st,11) ) { // Warp area to area if( (x3 = script_getnum(st,10)) < 0 || (y3 = script_getnum(st,11)) < 0 ) { x3 = 0; y3 = 0; } else if( x3 && y3 ) { // normalize x3/y3 coordinates if( x3 < x2 ) swap(x3,x2); if( y3 < y2 ) swap(y3,y2); } } if( (m = map->mapname2mapid(mapname)) < 0 ) return true; if( strcmp(str,"Random") == 0 ) index = 0; else if( !(index=script->mapindexname2id(st,str)) ) return true; map->foreachinarea(script->buildin_areawarp_sub, m,x0,y0,x1,y1, BL_PC, index,x2,y2,x3,y3); return true; } /*========================================== * areapercentheal <map>,<x1>,<y1>,<x2>,<y2>,<hp>,<sp> *------------------------------------------*/ int buildin_areapercentheal_sub(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { int hp, sp; hp = va_arg(ap, int); sp = va_arg(ap, int); pc->percentheal((TBL_PC *)bl,hp,sp); return 0; } BUILDIN(areapercentheal) { int hp,sp,m; const char *mapname; int x0,y0,x1,y1; mapname=script_getstr(st,2); x0=script_getnum(st,3); y0=script_getnum(st,4); x1=script_getnum(st,5); y1=script_getnum(st,6); hp=script_getnum(st,7); sp=script_getnum(st,8); if( (m=map->mapname2mapid(mapname))< 0) return true; map->foreachinarea(script->buildin_areapercentheal_sub,m,x0,y0,x1,y1,BL_PC,hp,sp); return true; } /*========================================== * warpchar [LuzZza] * Useful for warp one player from * another player npc-session. * Using: warpchar "mapname",x,y,Char_ID; *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(warpchar) { int x,y,a; const char *str; TBL_PC *sd; str=script_getstr(st,2); x=script_getnum(st,3); y=script_getnum(st,4); a=script_getnum(st,5); sd = map->charid2sd(a); if( sd == NULL ) return true; if(strcmp(str, "Random") == 0) pc->randomwarp(sd, CLR_TELEPORT); else if(strcmp(str, "SavePoint") == 0) pc->setpos(sd, sd->status.save_point.map,sd->status.save_point.x, sd->status.save_point.y, CLR_TELEPORT); else pc->setpos(sd, script->mapindexname2id(st,str), x, y, CLR_TELEPORT); return true; } /*========================================== * Warpparty - [Fredzilla] [Paradox924X] * Syntax: warpparty "to_mapname",x,y,Party_ID,{"from_mapname"}; * If 'from_mapname' is specified, only the party members on that map will be warped *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(warpparty) { TBL_PC *sd = NULL; TBL_PC *pl_sd; struct party_data* p; int type; int map_index; int i; const char* str = script_getstr(st,2); int x = script_getnum(st,3); int y = script_getnum(st,4); int p_id = script_getnum(st,5); const char* str2 = NULL; if ( script_hasdata(st,6) ) str2 = script_getstr(st,6); p = party->search(p_id); if(!p) return true; type = ( strcmp(str,"Random")==0 ) ? 0 : ( strcmp(str,"SavePointAll")==0 ) ? 1 : ( strcmp(str,"SavePoint")==0 ) ? 2 : ( strcmp(str,"Leader")==0 ) ? 3 : 4; switch (type) { case 3: for(i = 0; i < MAX_PARTY && !p->party.member[i].leader; i++); if (i == MAX_PARTY || !p->data[i].sd) //Leader not found / not online return true; pl_sd = p->data[i].sd; map_index = pl_sd->mapindex; x = pl_sd->bl.x; y = pl_sd->bl.y; break; case 4: map_index = script->mapindexname2id(st,str); break; case 2: //"SavePoint" uses save point of the currently attached player if (( sd = script->rid2sd(st) ) == NULL ) return true; default: map_index = 0; break; } for (i = 0; i < MAX_PARTY; i++) { if( !(pl_sd = p->data[i].sd) || pl_sd->status.party_id != p_id ) continue; if( str2 && strcmp(str2, map->list[pl_sd->bl.m].name) != 0 ) continue; if( pc_isdead(pl_sd) ) continue; switch( type ) { case 0: // Random if(!map->list[pl_sd->bl.m].flag.nowarp) pc->randomwarp(pl_sd,CLR_TELEPORT); break; case 1: // SavePointAll if(!map->list[pl_sd->bl.m].flag.noreturn) pc->setpos(pl_sd,pl_sd->status.save_point.map,pl_sd->status.save_point.x,pl_sd->status.save_point.y,CLR_TELEPORT); break; case 2: // SavePoint if(!map->list[pl_sd->bl.m].flag.noreturn) pc->setpos(pl_sd,sd->status.save_point.map,sd->status.save_point.x,sd->status.save_point.y,CLR_TELEPORT); break; case 3: // Leader case 4: // m,x,y if(!map->list[pl_sd->bl.m].flag.noreturn && !map->list[pl_sd->bl.m].flag.nowarp) pc->setpos(pl_sd,map_index,x,y,CLR_TELEPORT); break; } } return true; } /*========================================== * Warpguild - [Fredzilla] * Syntax: warpguild "mapname",x,y,Guild_ID; *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(warpguild) { TBL_PC *sd = NULL; TBL_PC *pl_sd; struct guild* g; struct s_mapiterator* iter; int type; const char* str = script_getstr(st,2); int x = script_getnum(st,3); int y = script_getnum(st,4); int gid = script_getnum(st,5); g = guild->search(gid); if( g == NULL ) return true; type = ( strcmp(str,"Random")==0 ) ? 0 : ( strcmp(str,"SavePointAll")==0 ) ? 1 : ( strcmp(str,"SavePoint")==0 ) ? 2 : 3; if( type == 2 && ( sd = script->rid2sd(st) ) == NULL ) {// "SavePoint" uses save point of the currently attached player return true; } iter = mapit_getallusers(); for( pl_sd = (TBL_PC*)mapit->first(iter); mapit->exists(iter); pl_sd = (TBL_PC*)mapit->next(iter) ) { if( pl_sd->status.guild_id != gid ) continue; switch( type ) { case 0: // Random if(!map->list[pl_sd->bl.m].flag.nowarp) pc->randomwarp(pl_sd,CLR_TELEPORT); break; case 1: // SavePointAll if(!map->list[pl_sd->bl.m].flag.noreturn) pc->setpos(pl_sd,pl_sd->status.save_point.map,pl_sd->status.save_point.x,pl_sd->status.save_point.y,CLR_TELEPORT); break; case 2: // SavePoint if(!map->list[pl_sd->bl.m].flag.noreturn) pc->setpos(pl_sd,sd->status.save_point.map,sd->status.save_point.x,sd->status.save_point.y,CLR_TELEPORT); break; case 3: // m,x,y if(!map->list[pl_sd->bl.m].flag.noreturn && !map->list[pl_sd->bl.m].flag.nowarp) pc->setpos(pl_sd,script->mapindexname2id(st,str),x,y,CLR_TELEPORT); break; } } mapit->free(iter); return true; } /*========================================== * Force Heal a player (hp and sp) *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(heal) { TBL_PC *sd; int hp,sp; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if (!sd) return true; hp=script_getnum(st,2); sp=script_getnum(st,3); status->heal(&sd->bl, hp, sp, 1); return true; } /*========================================== * Heal a player by item (get vit bonus etc) *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(itemheal) { TBL_PC *sd; int hp,sp; hp=script_getnum(st,2); sp=script_getnum(st,3); if(script->potion_flag==1) { script->potion_hp = hp; script->potion_sp = sp; return true; } sd = script->rid2sd(st); if (!sd) return true; pc->itemheal(sd,sd->itemid,hp,sp); return true; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(percentheal) { int hp,sp; TBL_PC* sd; hp=script_getnum(st,2); sp=script_getnum(st,3); if(script->potion_flag==1) { script->potion_per_hp = hp; script->potion_per_sp = sp; return true; } sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; #ifdef RENEWAL if( sd->sc.data[SC_EXTREMITYFIST2] ) sp = 0; #endif pc->percentheal(sd,hp,sp); return true; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(jobchange) { int job, upper=-1; job=script_getnum(st,2); if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) upper=script_getnum(st,3); if (pcdb_checkid(job)) { TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; pc->jobchange(sd, job, upper); } return true; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(jobname) { int class_=script_getnum(st,2); script_pushconststr(st, (char*)pc->job_name(class_)); return true; } /// Get input from the player. /// For numeric inputs the value is capped to the range [min,max]. Returns 1 if /// the value was higher than 'max', -1 if lower than 'min' and 0 otherwise. /// For string inputs it returns 1 if the string was longer than 'max', -1 is /// shorter than 'min' and 0 otherwise. /// /// input(<var>{,<min>{,<max>}}) -> <int> BUILDIN(input) { TBL_PC* sd; struct script_data* data; int64 uid; const char* name; int min; int max; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; data = script_getdata(st,2); if( !data_isreference(data) ) { ShowError("script:input: not a variable\n"); script->reportdata(data); st->state = END; return false; } uid = reference_getuid(data); name = reference_getname(data); min = (script_hasdata(st,3) ? script_getnum(st,3) : script->config.input_min_value); max = (script_hasdata(st,4) ? script_getnum(st,4) : script->config.input_max_value); #ifdef SECURE_NPCTIMEOUT sd->npc_idle_type = NPCT_WAIT; #endif if( !sd->state.menu_or_input ) { // first invocation, display npc input box sd->state.menu_or_input = 1; st->state = RERUNLINE; if( is_string_variable(name) ) clif->scriptinputstr(sd,st->oid); else clif->scriptinput(sd,st->oid); } else { // take received text/value and store it in the designated variable sd->state.menu_or_input = 0; if( is_string_variable(name) ) { int len = (int)strlen(sd->npc_str); script->set_reg(st, sd, uid, name, (void*)sd->npc_str, script_getref(st,2)); script_pushint(st, (len > max ? 1 : len < min ? -1 : 0)); } else { int amount = sd->npc_amount; script->set_reg(st, sd, uid, name, (void*)__64BPTRSIZE(cap_value(amount,min,max)), script_getref(st,2)); script_pushint(st, (amount > max ? 1 : amount < min ? -1 : 0)); } st->state = RUN; } return true; } // declare the copyarray method here for future reference BUILDIN(copyarray); /// Sets the value of a variable. /// The value is converted to the type of the variable. /// /// set(<variable>,<value>) -> <variable> BUILDIN(setr) { TBL_PC* sd = NULL; struct script_data* data; //struct script_data* datavalue; int64 num; const char* name; char prefix; data = script_getdata(st,2); //datavalue = script_getdata(st,3); if( !data_isreference(data) || reference_toconstant(data) ) { ShowError("script:set: not a variable\n"); script->reportdata(script_getdata(st,2)); st->state = END; return false; } num = reference_getuid(data); name = reference_getname(data); prefix = *name; if( not_server_variable(prefix) ) { sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) { ShowError("script:set: no player attached for player variable '%s'\n", name); return true; } } #if 0 // TODO: see de43fa0f73be01080bd11c08adbfb7c158324c81 if( data_isreference(datavalue) ) { // the value being referenced is a variable const char* namevalue = reference_getname(datavalue); if( !not_array_variable(*namevalue) ) { // array variable being copied into another array variable if( sd == NULL && not_server_variable(*namevalue) && !(sd = script->rid2sd(st)) ) { // player must be attached in order to copy a player variable ShowError("script:set: no player attached for player variable '%s'\n", namevalue); return true; } if( is_string_variable(namevalue) != is_string_variable(name) ) { // non-matching array value types ShowWarning("script:set: two array variables do not match in type.\n"); return true; } // push the maximum number of array values to the stack script->push_val(st->stack, C_INT, SCRIPT_MAX_ARRAYSIZE,NULL); // call the copy array method directly return buildin_copyarray(st); } } #endif if( script_hasdata(st, 4) ) { // Optional argument used by post-increment/post-decrement constructs to return the previous value if( is_string_variable(name) ) { script_pushstrcopy(st, script_getstr(st, 4)); } else { script_pushint(st, script_getnum(st, 4)); } } else { // return a copy of the variable reference script_pushcopy(st,2); } if( is_string_variable(name) ) script->set_reg(st,sd,num,name,(void*)script_getstr(st,3),script_getref(st,2)); else script->set_reg(st,sd,num,name,(void*)__64BPTRSIZE(script_getnum(st,3)),script_getref(st,2)); return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Array variables /// /// Sets values of an array, from the starting index. /// ex: setarray arr[1],1,2,3; /// /// setarray <array variable>,<value1>{,<value2>...}; BUILDIN(setarray) { struct script_data* data; const char* name; uint32 start; uint32 end; int32 id; int32 i; TBL_PC* sd = NULL; data = script_getdata(st, 2); if( !data_isreference(data) || reference_toconstant(data) ) { ShowError("script:setarray: not a variable\n"); script->reportdata(data); st->state = END; return false;// not a variable } id = reference_getid(data); start = reference_getindex(data); name = reference_getname(data); if( not_server_variable(*name) ) { sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true;// no player attached } end = start + script_lastdata(st) - 2; if( end > SCRIPT_MAX_ARRAYSIZE ) end = SCRIPT_MAX_ARRAYSIZE; if( is_string_variable(name) ) {// string array for( i = 3; start < end; ++start, ++i ) script->set_reg(st, sd, reference_uid(id, start), name, (void*)script_getstr(st,i), reference_getref(data)); } else {// int array for( i = 3; start < end; ++start, ++i ) script->set_reg(st, sd, reference_uid(id, start), name, (void*)__64BPTRSIZE(script_getnum(st,i)), reference_getref(data)); } return true; } /// Sets count values of an array, from the starting index. /// ex: cleararray arr[0],0,1; /// /// cleararray <array variable>,<value>,<count>; BUILDIN(cleararray) { struct script_data* data; const char* name; uint32 start; uint32 end; int32 id; void* v; TBL_PC* sd = NULL; data = script_getdata(st, 2); if( !data_isreference(data) ) { ShowError("script:cleararray: not a variable\n"); script->reportdata(data); st->state = END; return false;// not a variable } id = reference_getid(data); start = reference_getindex(data); name = reference_getname(data); if( not_server_variable(*name) ) { sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true;// no player attached } if( is_string_variable(name) ) v = (void*)script_getstr(st, 3); else v = (void*)__64BPTRSIZE(script_getnum(st, 3)); end = start + script_getnum(st, 4); if( end > SCRIPT_MAX_ARRAYSIZE ) end = SCRIPT_MAX_ARRAYSIZE; for( ; start < end; ++start ) script->set_reg(st, sd, reference_uid(id, start), name, v, script_getref(st,2)); return true; } /// Copies data from one array to another. /// ex: copyarray arr[0],arr[2],2; /// /// copyarray <destination array variable>,<source array variable>,<count>; BUILDIN(copyarray) { struct script_data* data1; struct script_data* data2; const char* name1; const char* name2; int32 idx1; int32 idx2; int32 id1; int32 id2; void* v; int32 i; uint32 count; TBL_PC* sd = NULL; data1 = script_getdata(st, 2); data2 = script_getdata(st, 3); if( !data_isreference(data1) || !data_isreference(data2) ) { ShowError("script:copyarray: not a variable\n"); script->reportdata(data1); script->reportdata(data2); st->state = END; return false;// not a variable } id1 = reference_getid(data1); id2 = reference_getid(data2); idx1 = reference_getindex(data1); idx2 = reference_getindex(data2); name1 = reference_getname(data1); name2 = reference_getname(data2); if( is_string_variable(name1) != is_string_variable(name2) ) { ShowError("script:copyarray: type mismatch\n"); script->reportdata(data1); script->reportdata(data2); st->state = END; return false;// data type mismatch } if( not_server_variable(*name1) || not_server_variable(*name2) ) { sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true;// no player attached } count = script_getnum(st, 4); if( count > SCRIPT_MAX_ARRAYSIZE - idx1 ) count = SCRIPT_MAX_ARRAYSIZE - idx1; if( count <= 0 || (idx1 == idx2 && is_same_reference(data1, data2)) ) return true;// nothing to copy if( is_same_reference(data1, data2) && idx1 > idx2 ) { // destination might be overlapping the source - copy in reverse order for( i = count - 1; i >= 0; --i ) { v = script->get_val2(st, reference_uid(id2, idx2 + i), reference_getref(data2)); script->set_reg(st, sd, reference_uid(id1, idx1 + i), name1, v, reference_getref(data1)); script_removetop(st, -1, 0); } } else { // normal copy for( i = 0; i < count; ++i ) { if( idx2 + i < SCRIPT_MAX_ARRAYSIZE ) { v = script->get_val2(st, reference_uid(id2, idx2 + i), reference_getref(data2)); script->set_reg(st, sd, reference_uid(id1, idx1 + i), name1, v, reference_getref(data1)); script_removetop(st, -1, 0); } else { // out of range - assume ""/0 script->set_reg(st, sd, reference_uid(id1, idx1 + i), name1, (is_string_variable(name1)?(void*)"":(void*)0), reference_getref(data1)); } } } return true; } /// Returns the size of the array. /// Assumes that everything before the starting index exists. /// ex: getarraysize(arr[3]) /// /// getarraysize(<array variable>) -> <int> BUILDIN(getarraysize) { struct script_data* data; data = script_getdata(st, 2); if( !data_isreference(data) ) { ShowError("script:getarraysize: not a variable\n"); script->reportdata(data); script_pushnil(st); st->state = END; return false;// not a variable } script_pushint(st, script->array_highest_key(st,st->rid ? script->rid2sd(st) : NULL,reference_getname(data),reference_getref(data))); return true; } int script_array_index_cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { return ( *(unsigned int*)a - *(unsigned int*)b ); } /// Deletes count or all the elements in an array, from the starting index. /// ex: deletearray arr[4],2; /// /// deletearray <array variable>; /// deletearray <array variable>,<count>; BUILDIN(deletearray) { struct script_data* data; const char* name; unsigned int start, end, i; int id; TBL_PC *sd = NULL; struct script_array *sa = NULL; struct reg_db *src = NULL; void *value; data = script_getdata(st, 2); if( !data_isreference(data) ) { ShowError("script:deletearray: not a variable\n"); script->reportdata(data); st->state = END; return false;// not a variable } id = reference_getid(data); start = reference_getindex(data); name = reference_getname(data); if( not_server_variable(*name) ) { sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true;// no player attached } if( !(src = script->array_src(st,sd,name, reference_getref(data)) ) ) { ShowError("script:deletearray: not a array\n"); script->reportdata(data); st->state = END; return false;// not a variable } script->array_ensure_zero(st,NULL,data->u.num,reference_getref(data)); if ( !(sa = idb_get(src->arrays, id)) ) { /* non-existent array, nothing to empty */ return true;// not a variable } end = script->array_highest_key(st,sd,name,reference_getref(data)); if( start >= end ) return true;// nothing to free if( is_string_variable(name) ) value = (void *)""; else value = (void *)0; if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) { unsigned int count = script_getnum(st, 3); if( count > end - start ) count = end - start; if( count <= 0 ) return true;// nothing to free if( end - start < sa->size ) { // Better to iterate directly on the array, no speed-up from using sa for( ; start + count < end; ++start ) { // Compact and overwrite void* v = script->get_val2(st, reference_uid(id, start + count), reference_getref(data)); script->set_reg(st, sd, reference_uid(id, start), name, v, reference_getref(data)); script_removetop(st, -1, 0); } for( ; start < end; start++ ) { // Clean up any leftovers that weren't overwritten script->set_reg(st, sd, reference_uid(id, start), name, value, reference_getref(data)); } } else { // using sa to speed up unsigned int *list = NULL, size = 0; list = script->array_cpy_list(sa); size = sa->size; qsort(list, size, sizeof(unsigned int), script_array_index_cmp); ARR_FIND(0, size, i, list[i] >= start); for( ; i < size && list[i] < start + count; i++ ) { // Clear any entries between start and start+count, if they exist script->set_reg(st, sd, reference_uid(id, list[i]), name, value, reference_getref(data)); } for( ; i < size && list[i] < end; i++ ) { // Move back count positions any entries between start+count to fill the gaps void* v = script->get_val2(st, reference_uid(id, list[i]), reference_getref(data)); script->set_reg(st, sd, reference_uid(id, list[i]-count), name, v, reference_getref(data)); script_removetop(st, -1, 0); // Clear their originals script->set_reg(st, sd, reference_uid(id, list[i]), name, value, reference_getref(data)); } } } else { unsigned int *list = NULL, size = 0; list = script->array_cpy_list(sa); size = sa->size; for(i = 0; i < size; i++) { if( list[i] >= start ) // Less expensive than sorting it, most likely script->set_reg(st, sd, reference_uid(id, list[i]), name, value, reference_getref(data)); } } return true; } /// Returns a reference to the target index of the array variable. /// Equivalent to var[index]. /// /// getelementofarray(<array variable>,<index>) -> <variable reference> BUILDIN(getelementofarray) { struct script_data* data; int32 id; int64 i; data = script_getdata(st, 2); if( !data_isreference(data) ) { ShowError("script:getelementofarray: not a variable\n"); script->reportdata(data); script_pushnil(st); st->state = END; return false;// not a variable } id = reference_getid(data); i = script_getnum(st, 3); if( i < 0 || i >= SCRIPT_MAX_ARRAYSIZE ) { ShowWarning("script:getelementofarray: index out of range (%lld)\n", i); script->reportdata(data); script_pushnil(st); st->state = END; return false;// out of range } script->push_val(st->stack, C_NAME, reference_uid(id, (unsigned int)i), reference_getref(data)); return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// ... /// /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(setlook) { int type,val; TBL_PC* sd; type=script_getnum(st,2); val=script_getnum(st,3); sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; pc->changelook(sd,type,val); return true; } BUILDIN(changelook) { // As setlook but only client side int type,val; TBL_PC* sd; type=script_getnum(st,2); val=script_getnum(st,3); sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; clif->changelook(&sd->bl,type,val); return true; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(cutin) { TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; clif->cutin(sd,script_getstr(st,2),script_getnum(st,3)); return true; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(viewpoint) { int type,x,y,id,color; TBL_PC* sd; type=script_getnum(st,2); x=script_getnum(st,3); y=script_getnum(st,4); id=script_getnum(st,5); color=script_getnum(st,6); sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; clif->viewpoint(sd,st->oid,type,x,y,id,color); return true; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(countitem) { int nameid, i; int count = 0; struct item_data* id = NULL; TBL_PC* sd = script->rid2sd(st); if (!sd) { script_pushint(st,0); return true; } if( script_isstringtype(st, 2) ) { // item name id = itemdb->search_name(script_getstr(st, 2)); } else { // item id id = itemdb->exists(script_getnum(st, 2)); } if( id == NULL ) { ShowError("buildin_countitem: Invalid item '%s'.\n", script_getstr(st,2)); // returns string, regardless of what it was script_pushint(st,0); return false; } nameid = id->nameid; for(i = 0; i < MAX_INVENTORY; i++) if(sd->status.inventory[i].nameid == nameid) count += sd->status.inventory[i].amount; script_pushint(st,count); return true; } /*========================================== * countitem2(nameID,Identified,Refine,Attribute,Card0,Card1,Card2,Card3) [Lupus] * returns number of items that meet the conditions *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(countitem2) { int nameid, iden, ref, attr, c1, c2, c3, c4; int count = 0; int i; struct item_data* id = NULL; TBL_PC* sd = script->rid2sd(st); if (!sd) { script_pushint(st,0); return true; } if( script_isstringtype(st, 2) ) { // item name id = itemdb->search_name(script_getstr(st, 2)); } else { // item id id = itemdb->exists(script_getnum(st, 2)); } if( id == NULL ) { ShowError("buildin_countitem2: Invalid item '%s'.\n", script_getstr(st,2)); // returns string, regardless of what it was script_pushint(st,0); return false; } nameid = id->nameid; iden = script_getnum(st,3); ref = script_getnum(st,4); attr = script_getnum(st,5); c1 = (short)script_getnum(st,6); c2 = (short)script_getnum(st,7); c3 = (short)script_getnum(st,8); c4 = (short)script_getnum(st,9); for(i = 0; i < MAX_INVENTORY; i++) if (sd->status.inventory[i].nameid > 0 && sd->inventory_data[i] != NULL && sd->status.inventory[i].amount > 0 && sd->status.inventory[i].nameid == nameid && sd->status.inventory[i].identify == iden && sd->status.inventory[i].refine == ref && sd->status.inventory[i].attribute == attr && sd->status.inventory[i].card[0] == c1 && sd->status.inventory[i].card[1] == c2 && sd->status.inventory[i].card[2] == c3 && sd->status.inventory[i].card[3] == c4 ) count += sd->status.inventory[i].amount; script_pushint(st,count); return true; } /*========================================== * Check if item with this amount can fit in inventory * Checking : weight, stack amount >32k, slots amount >(MAX_INVENTORY) * Return * 0 : fail * 1 : success (npc side only) *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(checkweight) { int nameid, amount, slots, amount2=0; unsigned int weight=0, i, nbargs; struct item_data* id = NULL; struct map_session_data* sd; if( ( sd = script->rid2sd(st) ) == NULL ) { return true; } nbargs = script_lastdata(st)+1; if(nbargs%2) { ShowError("buildin_checkweight: Invalid nb of args should be a multiple of 2.\n"); script_pushint(st,0); return false; } slots = pc->inventoryblank(sd); //nb of empty slot for( i = 2; i < nbargs; i += 2 ) { if( script_isstringtype(st, i) ) { // item name id = itemdb->search_name(script_getstr(st, i)); } else if ( script_isinttype(st, i) ) { // item id id = itemdb->exists(script_getnum(st, i)); } else { ShowError("buildin_checkweight: invalid type for argument '%d'.\n", i); script_pushint(st,0); return false; } if( id == NULL ) { ShowError("buildin_checkweight: Invalid item '%s'.\n", script_getstr(st,i)); // returns string, regardless of what it was script_pushint(st,0); return false; } nameid = id->nameid; amount = script_getnum(st,i+1); if( amount < 1 ) { ShowError("buildin_checkweight: Invalid amount '%d'.\n", amount); script_pushint(st,0); return false; } weight += itemdb_weight(nameid)*amount; //total weight for all chk if( weight + sd->weight > sd->max_weight ) {// too heavy script_pushint(st,0); return true; } switch( pc->checkadditem(sd, nameid, amount) ) { case ADDITEM_EXIST: // item is already in inventory, but there is still space for the requested amount break; case ADDITEM_NEW: if( itemdb->isstackable(nameid) ) { // stackable amount2++; if( slots < amount2 ) { script_pushint(st,0); return true; } } else { // non-stackable amount2 += amount; if( slots < amount2) { script_pushint(st,0); return true; } } break; case ADDITEM_OVERAMOUNT: script_pushint(st,0); return true; } } script_pushint(st,1); return true; } BUILDIN(checkweight2) { //variable sub checkweight int32 nameid=-1, amount=-1; int i=0, amount2=0, slots=0, weight=0; short fail=0; //variable for array parsing struct script_data* data_it; struct script_data* data_nb; const char* name_it; const char* name_nb; int32 id_it, id_nb; int32 idx_it, idx_nb; int nb_it, nb_nb; //array size TBL_PC *sd = script->rid2sd(st); nullpo_retr(false,sd); data_it = script_getdata(st, 2); data_nb = script_getdata(st, 3); if( !data_isreference(data_it) || !data_isreference(data_nb)) { ShowError("script:checkweight2: parameter not a variable\n"); script_pushint(st,0); return false;// not a variable } id_it = reference_getid(data_it); id_nb = reference_getid(data_nb); idx_it = reference_getindex(data_it); idx_nb = reference_getindex(data_nb); name_it = reference_getname(data_it); name_nb = reference_getname(data_nb); if(is_string_variable(name_it) || is_string_variable(name_nb)) { ShowError("script:checkweight2: illegal type, need int\n"); script_pushint(st,0); return false;// not supported } nb_it = script->array_highest_key(st,sd,reference_getname(data_it),reference_getref(data_it)); nb_nb = script->array_highest_key(st,sd,reference_getname(data_nb),reference_getref(data_nb)); if(nb_it != nb_nb) { ShowError("Size mistmatch: nb_it=%d, nb_nb=%d\n",nb_it,nb_nb); fail = 1; } slots = pc->inventoryblank(sd); for(i=0; i<nb_it; i++) { nameid = (int32)__64BPTRSIZE(script->get_val2(st,reference_uid(id_it,idx_it+i),reference_getref(data_it))); script_removetop(st, -1, 0); amount = (int32)__64BPTRSIZE(script->get_val2(st,reference_uid(id_nb,idx_nb+i),reference_getref(data_nb))); script_removetop(st, -1, 0); if(fail) continue; //cpntonie to depop rest if(itemdb->exists(nameid) == NULL ) { ShowError("buildin_checkweight2: Invalid item '%d'.\n", nameid); fail=1; continue; } if(amount < 0 ) { ShowError("buildin_checkweight2: Invalid amount '%d'.\n", amount); fail = 1; continue; } weight += itemdb_weight(nameid)*amount; if( weight + sd->weight > sd->max_weight ) { fail = 1; continue; } switch( pc->checkadditem(sd, nameid, amount) ) { case ADDITEM_EXIST: // item is already in inventory, but there is still space for the requested amount break; case ADDITEM_NEW: if( itemdb->isstackable(nameid) ) {// stackable amount2++; if( slots < amount2 ) fail = 1; } else {// non-stackable amount2 += amount; if( slots < amount2 ) { fail = 1; } } break; case ADDITEM_OVERAMOUNT: fail = 1; } //end switch } //end loop DO NOT break it prematurly we need to depop all stack fail?script_pushint(st,0):script_pushint(st,1); return true; } /*========================================== * getitem <item id>,<amount>{,<account ID>}; * getitem "<item name>",<amount>{,<account ID>}; * * getitembound <item id>,<amount>,<type>{,<account ID>}; * getitembound "<item id>",<amount>,<type>{,<account ID>}; *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getitem) { int nameid,amount,get_count,i,flag = 0, offset = 0; struct item it; TBL_PC *sd; struct item_data *item_data; if( script_isstringtype(st, 2) ) { // "<item name>" const char *name = script_getstr(st, 2); if( (item_data = itemdb->search_name(name)) == NULL ) { ShowError("buildin_%s: Nonexistant item %s requested.\n", script->getfuncname(st), name); return false; //No item created. } nameid=item_data->nameid; } else { // <item id> nameid = script_getnum(st, 2); //Violet Box, Blue Box, etc - random item pick if( nameid < 0 ) { nameid = -nameid; flag = 1; } if( nameid <= 0 || !(item_data = itemdb->exists(nameid)) ) { ShowError("buildin_%s: Nonexistant item %d requested.\n", script->getfuncname(st), nameid); return false; //No item created. } } // <amount> if( (amount=script_getnum(st,3)) <= 0) return true; //return if amount <=0, skip the useles iteration memset(&it,0,sizeof(it)); it.nameid=nameid; if(!flag) it.identify=1; else it.identify=itemdb->isidentified2(item_data); if( !strcmp(script->getfuncname(st),"getitembound") ) { int bound = script_getnum(st,4); if( bound < IBT_MIN || bound > IBT_MAX ) { //Not a correct bound type ShowError("script_getitembound: Not a correct bound type! Type=%d\n",bound); return false; } if( item_data->type == IT_PETEGG || item_data->type == IT_PETARMOR ) { ShowError("script_getitembound: can't bind a pet egg/armor!\n",bound); return false; } it.bound = (unsigned char)bound; offset += 1; } if( script_hasdata(st,4+offset) ) sd=map->id2sd(script_getnum(st,4+offset)); // <Account ID> else sd=script->rid2sd(st); // Attached player if( sd == NULL ) // no target return true; //Check if it's stackable. if (!itemdb->isstackable(nameid)) get_count = 1; else get_count = amount; for (i = 0; i < amount; i += get_count) { // if not pet egg if (!pet->create_egg(sd, nameid)) { if ((flag = pc->additem(sd, &it, get_count, LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT))) { clif->additem(sd, 0, 0, flag); if( pc->candrop(sd,&it) ) map->addflooritem(&it,get_count,sd->bl.m,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y,0,0,0,0); } } } return true; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getitem2) { int nameid,amount,i,flag = 0, offset = 0; int iden,ref,attr,c1,c2,c3,c4, bound = 0; TBL_PC *sd; if( !strcmp(script->getfuncname(st),"getitembound2") ) { bound = script_getnum(st,11); if( bound < IBT_MIN || bound > IBT_MAX ) { //Not a correct bound type ShowError("script_getitembound2: Not a correct bound type! Type=%d\n",bound); return false; } offset += 1; } if( script_hasdata(st,11+offset) ) sd=map->id2sd(script_getnum(st,11+offset)); // <Account ID> else sd=script->rid2sd(st); // Attached player if( sd == NULL ) // no target return true; if( script_isstringtype(st, 2) ) { const char *name = script_getstr(st, 2); struct item_data *item_data = itemdb->search_name(name); if( item_data ) nameid=item_data->nameid; else nameid=UNKNOWN_ITEM_ID; } else { nameid = script_getnum(st, 2); } amount=script_getnum(st,3); iden=script_getnum(st,4); ref=script_getnum(st,5); attr=script_getnum(st,6); c1=(short)script_getnum(st,7); c2=(short)script_getnum(st,8); c3=(short)script_getnum(st,9); c4=(short)script_getnum(st,10); if( bound && (itemdb_type(nameid) == IT_PETEGG || itemdb_type(nameid) == IT_PETARMOR) ) { ShowError("script_getitembound2: can't bind a pet egg/armor!\n",bound); return false; } if(nameid<0) { // Invalide nameid nameid = -nameid; flag = 1; } if(nameid > 0) { struct item item_tmp; struct item_data *item_data = itemdb->exists(nameid); int get_count; memset(&item_tmp,0,sizeof(item_tmp)); if (item_data == NULL) return -1; if(item_data->type==IT_WEAPON || item_data->type==IT_ARMOR) { if(ref > MAX_REFINE) ref = MAX_REFINE; } else if(item_data->type==IT_PETEGG) { iden = 1; ref = 0; } else { iden = 1; ref = attr = 0; } item_tmp.nameid=nameid; if(!flag) item_tmp.identify=iden; else if(item_data->type==IT_WEAPON || item_data->type==IT_ARMOR) item_tmp.identify=0; item_tmp.refine=ref; item_tmp.attribute=attr; item_tmp.bound=(unsigned char)bound; item_tmp.card[0]=(short)c1; item_tmp.card[1]=(short)c2; item_tmp.card[2]=(short)c3; item_tmp.card[3]=(short)c4; //Check if it's stackable. if (!itemdb->isstackable(nameid)) get_count = 1; else get_count = amount; for (i = 0; i < amount; i += get_count) { // if not pet egg if (!pet->create_egg(sd, nameid)) { if ((flag = pc->additem(sd, &item_tmp, get_count, LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT))) { clif->additem(sd, 0, 0, flag); if( pc->candrop(sd,&item_tmp) ) map->addflooritem(&item_tmp,get_count,sd->bl.m,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y,0,0,0,0); } } } } return true; } /*========================================== * rentitem <item id>,<seconds> * rentitem "<item name>",<seconds> *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(rentitem) { struct map_session_data *sd; struct item it; int seconds; int nameid = 0, flag; if( (sd = script->rid2sd(st)) == NULL ) return true; if( script_isstringtype(st, 2) ) { const char *name = script_getstr(st, 2); struct item_data *itd = itemdb->search_name(name); if( itd == NULL ) { ShowError("buildin_rentitem: Nonexistant item %s requested.\n", name); return false; } nameid = itd->nameid; } else { nameid = script_getnum(st, 2); if( nameid <= 0 || !itemdb->exists(nameid) ) { ShowError("buildin_rentitem: Nonexistant item %d requested.\n", nameid); return false; } } seconds = script_getnum(st,3); memset(&it, 0, sizeof(it)); it.nameid = nameid; it.identify = 1; it.expire_time = (unsigned int)(time(NULL) + seconds); it.bound = 0; if( (flag = pc->additem(sd, &it, 1, LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT)) ) { clif->additem(sd, 0, 0, flag); return false; } return true; } /*========================================== * gets an item with someone's name inscribed [Skotlex] * getinscribeditem item_num, character_name * Returned Qty is always 1, only works on equip-able * equipment *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getnameditem) { int nameid; struct item item_tmp; TBL_PC *sd, *tsd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if (sd == NULL) { //Player not attached! script_pushint(st,0); return true; } if( script_isstringtype(st, 2) ) { const char *name = script_getstr(st, 2); struct item_data *item_data = itemdb->search_name(name); if( item_data == NULL) { //Failed script_pushint(st,0); return true; } nameid = item_data->nameid; } else { nameid = script_getnum(st, 2); } if(!itemdb->exists(nameid)/* || itemdb->isstackable(nameid)*/) { //Even though named stackable items "could" be risky, they are required for certain quests. script_pushint(st,0); return true; } if( script_isstringtype(st, 3) ) //Char Name tsd=map->nick2sd(script_getstr(st, 3)); else //Char Id was given tsd=map->charid2sd(script_getnum(st, 3)); if( tsd == NULL ) { //Failed script_pushint(st,0); return true; } memset(&item_tmp,0,sizeof(item_tmp)); item_tmp.nameid=nameid; item_tmp.amount=1; item_tmp.identify=1; item_tmp.card[0]=CARD0_CREATE; //we don't use 255! because for example SIGNED WEAPON shouldn't get TOP10 BS Fame bonus [Lupus] item_tmp.card[2]=tsd->status.char_id; item_tmp.card[3]=tsd->status.char_id >> 16; if(pc->additem(sd,&item_tmp,1,LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT)) { script_pushint(st,0); return true; //Failed to add item, we will not drop if they don't fit } script_pushint(st,1); return true; } /*========================================== * gets a random item ID from an item group [Skotlex] * groupranditem group_num *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(grouprandomitem) { struct item_data *data; int nameid; if( script_hasdata(st, 2) ) nameid = script_getnum(st, 2); else if ( script->current_item_id ) nameid = script->current_item_id; else { ShowWarning("buildin_grouprandomitem: no item id provided and no item attached\n"); script_pushint(st, 0); return true; } if( !(data = itemdb->exists(nameid)) ) { ShowWarning("buildin_grouprandomitem: unknown item id %d\n",nameid); script_pushint(st, 0); } else if ( !data->group ) { ShowWarning("buildin_grouprandomitem: item '%s' (%d) isn't a group!\n",data->name,nameid); script_pushint(st, 0); } else { script_pushint(st, itemdb->group_item(data->group)); } return true; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(makeitem) { int nameid,amount,flag = 0; int x,y,m; const char *mapname; struct item item_tmp; struct item_data *item_data; if( script_isstringtype(st, 2) ) { const char *name = script_getstr(st, 2); if( (item_data = itemdb->search_name(name)) ) nameid=item_data->nameid; else nameid=UNKNOWN_ITEM_ID; } else { nameid = script_getnum(st, 2); if( nameid <= 0 || !(item_data = itemdb->exists(nameid)) ) { ShowError("makeitem: Nonexistant item %d requested.\n", nameid); return false; //No item created. } } amount = script_getnum(st,3); mapname = script_getstr(st,4); x = script_getnum(st,5); y = script_getnum(st,6); if(strcmp(mapname,"this")==0) { TBL_PC *sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if (!sd) return true; //Failed... m=sd->bl.m; } else m=map->mapname2mapid(mapname); if( m == -1 ) { ShowError("makeitem: creating map on unexistent map '%s'!\n", mapname); return false; } memset(&item_tmp,0,sizeof(item_tmp)); item_tmp.nameid=nameid; if(!flag) item_tmp.identify=1; else item_tmp.identify=itemdb->isidentified2(item_data); map->addflooritem(&item_tmp,amount,m,x,y,0,0,0,0); return true; } /// Counts / deletes the current item given by idx. /// Used by buildin_delitem_search /// Relies on all input data being already fully valid. void buildin_delitem_delete(struct map_session_data* sd, int idx, int* amount, bool delete_items) { int delamount; struct item* inv = &sd->status.inventory[idx]; delamount = ( amount[0] < inv->amount ) ? amount[0] : inv->amount; if( delete_items ) { if( sd->inventory_data[idx]->type == IT_PETEGG && inv->card[0] == CARD0_PET ) {// delete associated pet intif->delete_petdata(MakeDWord(inv->card[1], inv->card[2])); } pc->delitem(sd, idx, delamount, 0, 0, LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT); } amount[0]-= delamount; } /// Searches for item(s) and checks, if there is enough of them. /// Used by delitem and delitem2 /// Relies on all input data being already fully valid. /// @param exact_match will also match item attributes and cards, not just name id /// @return true when all items could be deleted, false when there were not enough items to delete bool buildin_delitem_search(struct map_session_data* sd, struct item* it, bool exact_match) { bool delete_items = false; int i, amount, important; struct item* inv; // prefer always non-equipped items it->equip = 0; // when searching for nameid only, prefer additionally if( !exact_match ) { // non-refined items it->refine = 0; // card-less items memset(it->card, 0, sizeof(it->card)); } for(;;) { amount = it->amount; important = 0; // 1st pass -- less important items / exact match for( i = 0; amount && i < ARRAYLENGTH(sd->status.inventory); i++ ) { inv = &sd->status.inventory[i]; if( !inv->nameid || !sd->inventory_data[i] || inv->nameid != it->nameid ) {// wrong/invalid item continue; } if( inv->equip != it->equip || inv->refine != it->refine ) {// not matching attributes important++; continue; } if( exact_match ) { if( inv->identify != it->identify || inv->attribute != it->attribute || memcmp(inv->card, it->card, sizeof(inv->card)) ) {// not matching exact attributes continue; } } else { if( sd->inventory_data[i]->type == IT_PETEGG ) { if( inv->card[0] == CARD0_PET && intif->CheckForCharServer() ) {// pet which cannot be deleted continue; } } else if( memcmp(inv->card, it->card, sizeof(inv->card)) ) {// named/carded item important++; continue; } } // count / delete item script->buildin_delitem_delete(sd, i, &amount, delete_items); } // 2nd pass -- any matching item if( amount == 0 || important == 0 ) {// either everything was already consumed or no items were skipped ; } else for( i = 0; amount && i < ARRAYLENGTH(sd->status.inventory); i++ ) { inv = &sd->status.inventory[i]; if( !inv->nameid || !sd->inventory_data[i] || inv->nameid != it->nameid ) {// wrong/invalid item continue; } if( sd->inventory_data[i]->type == IT_PETEGG && inv->card[0] == CARD0_PET && intif->CheckForCharServer() ) {// pet which cannot be deleted continue; } if( exact_match ) { if( inv->refine != it->refine || inv->identify != it->identify || inv->attribute != it->attribute || memcmp(inv->card, it->card, sizeof(inv->card)) ) {// not matching attributes continue; } } // count / delete item script->buildin_delitem_delete(sd, i, &amount, delete_items); } if( amount ) {// not enough items return false; } else if( delete_items ) {// we are done with the work return true; } else {// get rid of the items now delete_items = true; } } } /// Deletes items from the target/attached player. /// Prioritizes ordinary items. /// /// delitem <item id>,<amount>{,<account id>} /// delitem "<item name>",<amount>{,<account id>} BUILDIN(delitem) { TBL_PC *sd; struct item it; if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) { int account_id = script_getnum(st,4); sd = map->id2sd(account_id); // <account id> if( sd == NULL ) { ShowError("script:delitem: player not found (AID=%d).\n", account_id); st->state = END; return false; } } else { sd = script->rid2sd(st);// attached player if( sd == NULL ) return true; } if( script_isstringtype(st, 2) ) { const char* item_name = script_getstr(st, 2); struct item_data* id = itemdb->search_name(item_name); if( id == NULL ) { ShowError("script:delitem: unknown item \"%s\".\n", item_name); st->state = END; return false; } it.nameid = id->nameid;// "<item name>" } else { it.nameid = script_getnum(st, 2);// <item id> if( !itemdb->exists( it.nameid ) ) { ShowError("script:delitem: unknown item \"%d\".\n", it.nameid); st->state = END; return false; } } it.amount=script_getnum(st,3); if( it.amount <= 0 ) return true;// nothing to do if( script->buildin_delitem_search(sd, &it, false) ) {// success return true; } ShowError("script:delitem: failed to delete %d items (AID=%d item_id=%d).\n", it.amount, sd->status.account_id, it.nameid); st->state = END; clif->scriptclose(sd, st->oid); return false; } /// Deletes items from the target/attached player. /// /// delitem2 <item id>,<amount>,<identify>,<refine>,<attribute>,<card1>,<card2>,<card3>,<card4>{,<account ID>} /// delitem2 "<Item name>",<amount>,<identify>,<refine>,<attribute>,<card1>,<card2>,<card3>,<card4>{,<account ID>} BUILDIN(delitem2) { TBL_PC *sd; struct item it; if( script_hasdata(st,11) ) { int account_id = script_getnum(st,11); sd = map->id2sd(account_id); // <account id> if( sd == NULL ) { ShowError("script:delitem2: player not found (AID=%d).\n", account_id); st->state = END; return false; } } else { sd = script->rid2sd(st);// attached player if( sd == NULL ) return true; } if( script_isstringtype(st, 2) ) { const char* item_name = script_getstr(st, 2); struct item_data* id = itemdb->search_name(item_name); if( id == NULL ) { ShowError("script:delitem2: unknown item \"%s\".\n", item_name); st->state = END; return false; } it.nameid = id->nameid;// "<item name>" } else { it.nameid = script_getnum(st, 2);// <item id> if( !itemdb->exists( it.nameid ) ) { ShowError("script:delitem: unknown item \"%d\".\n", it.nameid); st->state = END; return false; } } it.amount=script_getnum(st,3); it.identify=script_getnum(st,4); it.refine=script_getnum(st,5); it.attribute=script_getnum(st,6); it.card[0]=(short)script_getnum(st,7); it.card[1]=(short)script_getnum(st,8); it.card[2]=(short)script_getnum(st,9); it.card[3]=(short)script_getnum(st,10); if( it.amount <= 0 ) return true;// nothing to do if( script->buildin_delitem_search(sd, &it, true) ) {// success return true; } ShowError("script:delitem2: failed to delete %d items (AID=%d item_id=%d).\n", it.amount, sd->status.account_id, it.nameid); st->state = END; clif->scriptclose(sd, st->oid); return false; } /*========================================== * Enables/Disables use of items while in an NPC [Skotlex] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(enableitemuse) { TBL_PC *sd; sd=script->rid2sd(st); if (sd) st->npc_item_flag = sd->npc_item_flag = 1; return true; } BUILDIN(disableitemuse) { TBL_PC *sd; sd=script->rid2sd(st); if (sd) st->npc_item_flag = sd->npc_item_flag = 0; return true; } /*========================================== * return the basic stats of sd * chk pc->readparam for available type *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(readparam) { int type; TBL_PC *sd; type=script_getnum(st,2); if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) sd=map->nick2sd(script_getstr(st,3)); else sd=script->rid2sd(st); if(sd==NULL) { script_pushint(st,-1); return true; } script_pushint(st,pc->readparam(sd,type)); return true; } /*========================================== * Return charid identification * return by @num : * 0 : char_id * 1 : party_id * 2 : guild_id * 3 : account_id * 4 : bg_id *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getcharid) { int num; TBL_PC *sd; num = script_getnum(st,2); if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) sd=map->nick2sd(script_getstr(st,3)); else sd=script->rid2sd(st); if(sd==NULL) { script_pushint(st,0); //return 0, according docs return true; } switch( num ) { case 0: script_pushint(st,sd->status.char_id); break; case 1: script_pushint(st,sd->status.party_id); break; case 2: script_pushint(st,sd->status.guild_id); break; case 3: script_pushint(st,sd->status.account_id); break; case 4: script_pushint(st,sd->bg_id); break; default: ShowError("buildin_getcharid: invalid parameter (%d).\n", num); script_pushint(st,0); break; } return true; } /*========================================== * returns the GID of an NPC *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getnpcid) { int num = script_getnum(st,2); struct npc_data* nd = NULL; if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) {// unique npc name if( ( nd = npc->name2id(script_getstr(st,3)) ) == NULL ) { ShowError("buildin_getnpcid: No such NPC '%s'.\n", script_getstr(st,3)); script_pushint(st,0); return false; } } switch (num) { case 0: script_pushint(st,nd ? nd->bl.id : st->oid); break; default: ShowError("buildin_getnpcid: invalid parameter (%d).\n", num); script_pushint(st,0); return false; } return true; } /*========================================== * Return the name of the party_id * null if not found *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getpartyname) { int party_id; struct party_data* p; party_id = script_getnum(st,2); if( ( p = party->search(party_id) ) != NULL ) { script_pushstrcopy(st,p->party.name); } else { script_pushconststr(st,"null"); } return true; } /*========================================== * Get the information of the members of a party by type * @party_id, @type * return by @type : * - : nom des membres * 1 : char_id des membres * 2 : account_id des membres *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getpartymember) { struct party_data *p; int i,j=0,type=0; p=party->search(script_getnum(st,2)); if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) type=script_getnum(st,3); if(p!=NULL) { for(i=0;i<MAX_PARTY;i++) { if(p->party.member[i].account_id) { switch (type) { case 2: mapreg->setreg(reference_uid(script->add_str("$@partymemberaid"), j),p->party.member[i].account_id); break; case 1: mapreg->setreg(reference_uid(script->add_str("$@partymembercid"), j),p->party.member[i].char_id); break; default: mapreg->setregstr(reference_uid(script->add_str("$@partymembername$"), j),p->party.member[i].name); } j++; } } } mapreg->setreg(script->add_str("$@partymembercount"),j); return true; } /*========================================== * Retrieves party leader. if flag is specified, * return some of the leader data. Otherwise, return name. *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getpartyleader) { int party_id, type = 0, i=0; struct party_data *p; party_id=script_getnum(st,2); if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) type=script_getnum(st,3); p=party->search(party_id); if (p) //Search leader for(i = 0; i < MAX_PARTY && !p->party.member[i].leader; i++); if (!p || i == MAX_PARTY) { //leader not found if (type) script_pushint(st,-1); else script_pushconststr(st,"null"); return true; } switch (type) { case 1: script_pushint(st,p->party.member[i].account_id); break; case 2: script_pushint(st,p->party.member[i].char_id); break; case 3: script_pushint(st,p->party.member[i].class_); break; case 4: script_pushstrcopy(st,mapindex_id2name(p->party.member[i].map)); break; case 5: script_pushint(st,p->party.member[i].lv); break; default: script_pushstrcopy(st,p->party.member[i].name); break; } return true; } /*========================================== * Return the name of the @guild_id * null if not found *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getguildname) { int guild_id; struct guild* g; guild_id = script_getnum(st,2); if( ( g = guild->search(guild_id) ) != NULL ) { script_pushstrcopy(st,g->name); } else { script_pushconststr(st,"null"); } return true; } /*========================================== * Return the name of the guild master of @guild_id * null if not found *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getguildmaster) { int guild_id; struct guild* g; guild_id = script_getnum(st,2); if( ( g = guild->search(guild_id) ) != NULL ) { script_pushstrcopy(st,g->member[0].name); } else { script_pushconststr(st,"null"); } return true; } BUILDIN(getguildmasterid) { int guild_id; struct guild* g; guild_id = script_getnum(st,2); if( ( g = guild->search(guild_id) ) != NULL ) { script_pushint(st,g->member[0].char_id); } else { script_pushint(st,0); } return true; } /*========================================== * Get char string information by type : * Return by @type : * 0 : char_name * 1 : party_name or "" * 2 : guild_name or "" * 3 : map_name * - : "" *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(strcharinfo) { TBL_PC *sd; int num; struct guild* g; struct party_data* p; sd=script->rid2sd(st); if (!sd) { //Avoid crashing.... script_pushconststr(st,""); return true; } num=script_getnum(st,2); switch(num) { case 0: script_pushstrcopy(st,sd->status.name); break; case 1: if( ( p = party->search(sd->status.party_id) ) != NULL ) { script_pushstrcopy(st,p->party.name); } else { script_pushconststr(st,""); } break; case 2: if( ( g = sd->guild ) != NULL ) { script_pushstrcopy(st,g->name); } else { script_pushconststr(st,""); } break; case 3: script_pushconststr(st,map->list[sd->bl.m].name); break; default: ShowWarning("buildin_strcharinfo: unknown parameter.\n"); script_pushconststr(st,""); break; } return true; } /*========================================== * Get npc string information by type * return by @type: * 0 : name * 1 : str# * 2 : #str * 3 : ::str * 4 : map name *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(strnpcinfo) { TBL_NPC* nd; int num; char *buf,*name=NULL; nd = map->id2nd(st->oid); if (!nd) { script_pushconststr(st, ""); return true; } num = script_getnum(st,2); switch(num) { case 0: // display name name = aStrdup(nd->name); break; case 1: // visible part of display name if((buf = strchr(nd->name,'#')) != NULL) { name = aStrdup(nd->name); name[buf - nd->name] = 0; } else // Return the name, there is no '#' present name = aStrdup(nd->name); break; case 2: // # fragment if((buf = strchr(nd->name,'#')) != NULL) name = aStrdup(buf+1); break; case 3: // unique name name = aStrdup(nd->exname); break; case 4: // map name if( nd->bl.m >= 0 ) // Only valid map indexes allowed (issue:8034) name = aStrdup(map->list[nd->bl.m].name); break; } if(name) script_pushstr(st, name); else script_pushconststr(st, ""); return true; } /*========================================== * GetEquipID(Pos); Pos: 1-SCRIPT_EQUIP_TABLE_SIZE *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getequipid) { int i, num; TBL_PC* sd; struct item_data* item; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; num = script_getnum(st,2) - 1; if( num < 0 || num >= ARRAYLENGTH(script->equip) ) { script_pushint(st,-1); return true; } // get inventory position of item i = pc->checkequip(sd,script->equip[num]); if( i < 0 ) { script_pushint(st,-1); return true; } item = sd->inventory_data[i]; if( item != 0 ) script_pushint(st,item->nameid); else script_pushint(st,0); return true; } /*========================================== * Get the equipement name at pos * return item jname or "" *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getequipname) { int i, num; TBL_PC* sd; struct item_data* item; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; num = script_getnum(st,2) - 1; if( num < 0 || num >= ARRAYLENGTH(script->equip) ) { script_pushconststr(st,""); return true; } // get inventory position of item i = pc->checkequip(sd,script->equip[num]); if( i < 0 ) { script_pushconststr(st,""); return true; } item = sd->inventory_data[i]; if( item != 0 ) script_pushstrcopy(st,item->jname); else script_pushconststr(st,""); return true; } /*========================================== * getbrokenid [Valaris] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getbrokenid) { int i,num,id=0,brokencounter=0; TBL_PC *sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; num=script_getnum(st,2); for(i=0; i<MAX_INVENTORY; i++) { if(sd->status.inventory[i].attribute) { brokencounter++; if(num==brokencounter) { id=sd->status.inventory[i].nameid; break; } } } script_pushint(st,id); return true; } /*========================================== * repair [Valaris] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(repair) { int i,num; int repaircounter=0; TBL_PC *sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; num=script_getnum(st,2); for(i=0; i<MAX_INVENTORY; i++) { if(sd->status.inventory[i].attribute) { repaircounter++; if(num==repaircounter) { sd->status.inventory[i].attribute=0; clif->equiplist(sd); clif->produce_effect(sd, 0, sd->status.inventory[i].nameid); clif->misceffect(&sd->bl, 3); break; } } } return true; } /*========================================== * repairall *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(repairall) { int i, repaircounter = 0; TBL_PC *sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if(sd == NULL) return true; for(i = 0; i < MAX_INVENTORY; i++) { if(sd->status.inventory[i].nameid && sd->status.inventory[i].attribute) { sd->status.inventory[i].attribute = 0; clif->produce_effect(sd,0,sd->status.inventory[i].nameid); repaircounter++; } } if(repaircounter) { clif->misceffect(&sd->bl, 3); clif->equiplist(sd); } return true; } /*========================================== * Chk if player have something equiped at pos *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getequipisequiped) { int i = -1,num; TBL_PC *sd; num = script_getnum(st,2); sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; if (num > 0 && num <= ARRAYLENGTH(script->equip)) i=pc->checkequip(sd,script->equip[num-1]); if(i >= 0) script_pushint(st,1); else script_pushint(st,0); return true; } /*========================================== * Chk if the player have something equiped at pos * if so chk if this item ain't marked not refinable or rental * return (npc) * 1 : true * 0 : false *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getequipisenableref) { int i = -1,num; TBL_PC *sd; num = script_getnum(st,2); sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; if( num > 0 && num <= ARRAYLENGTH(script->equip) ) i = pc->checkequip(sd,script->equip[num-1]); if( i >= 0 && sd->inventory_data[i] && !sd->inventory_data[i]->flag.no_refine && !sd->status.inventory[i].expire_time ) script_pushint(st,1); else script_pushint(st,0); return true; } /*========================================== * Chk if the item equiped at pos is identify (huh ?) * return (npc) * 1 : true * 0 : false *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getequipisidentify) { int i = -1,num; TBL_PC *sd; num = script_getnum(st,2); sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; if (num > 0 && num <= ARRAYLENGTH(script->equip)) i=pc->checkequip(sd,script->equip[num-1]); if(i >= 0) script_pushint(st,sd->status.inventory[i].identify); else script_pushint(st,0); return true; } /*========================================== * Get the item refined value at pos * return (npc) * x : refine amount * 0 : false (not refined) *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getequiprefinerycnt) { int i = -1,num; TBL_PC *sd; num = script_getnum(st,2); sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; if (num > 0 && num <= ARRAYLENGTH(script->equip)) i=pc->checkequip(sd,script->equip[num-1]); if(i >= 0) script_pushint(st,sd->status.inventory[i].refine); else script_pushint(st,0); return true; } /*========================================== * Get the weapon level value at pos * (pos should normally only be EQI_HAND_L or EQI_HAND_R) * return (npc) * x : weapon level * 0 : false *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getequipweaponlv) { int i = -1,num; TBL_PC *sd; num = script_getnum(st,2); sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; if (num > 0 && num <= ARRAYLENGTH(script->equip)) i=pc->checkequip(sd,script->equip[num-1]); if(i >= 0 && sd->inventory_data[i]) script_pushint(st,sd->inventory_data[i]->wlv); else script_pushint(st,0); return true; } /*========================================== * Get the item refine chance (from refine.txt) for item at pos * return (npc) * x : refine chance * 0 : false (max refine level or unequip..) *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getequippercentrefinery) { int i = -1,num; TBL_PC *sd; num = script_getnum(st,2); sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; if (num > 0 && num <= ARRAYLENGTH(script->equip)) i=pc->checkequip(sd,script->equip[num-1]); if(i >= 0 && sd->status.inventory[i].nameid && sd->status.inventory[i].refine < MAX_REFINE) script_pushint(st,status->get_refine_chance(itemdb_wlv(sd->status.inventory[i].nameid), (int)sd->status.inventory[i].refine)); else script_pushint(st,0); return true; } /*========================================== * Refine +1 item at pos and log and display refine *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(successrefitem) { int i = -1 , num, ep, up = 1; TBL_PC *sd; num = script_getnum(st,2); sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; if( script_hasdata(st, 3) ) up = script_getnum(st, 3); if (num > 0 && num <= ARRAYLENGTH(script->equip)) i=pc->checkequip(sd,script->equip[num-1]); if(i >= 0) { ep=sd->status.inventory[i].equip; //Logs items, got from (N)PC scripts [Lupus] logs->pick_pc(sd, LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT, -1, &sd->status.inventory[i],sd->inventory_data[i]); if (sd->status.inventory[i].refine >= MAX_REFINE) return true; sd->status.inventory[i].refine += up; sd->status.inventory[i].refine = cap_value( sd->status.inventory[i].refine, 0, MAX_REFINE); pc->unequipitem(sd,i,2); // status calc will happen in pc->equipitem() below clif->refine(sd->fd,0,i,sd->status.inventory[i].refine); clif->delitem(sd,i,1,3); //Logs items, got from (N)PC scripts [Lupus] logs->pick_pc(sd, LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT, 1, &sd->status.inventory[i],sd->inventory_data[i]); clif->additem(sd,i,1,0); pc->equipitem(sd,i,ep); clif->misceffect(&sd->bl,3); if(sd->status.inventory[i].refine == 10 && sd->status.inventory[i].card[0] == CARD0_FORGE && sd->status.char_id == (int)MakeDWord(sd->status.inventory[i].card[2],sd->status.inventory[i].card[3]) ) { // Fame point system [DracoRPG] switch (sd->inventory_data[i]->wlv) { case 1: pc->addfame(sd,1); // Success to refine to +10 a lv1 weapon you forged = +1 fame point break; case 2: pc->addfame(sd,25); // Success to refine to +10 a lv2 weapon you forged = +25 fame point break; case 3: pc->addfame(sd,1000); // Success to refine to +10 a lv3 weapon you forged = +1000 fame point break; } } } return true; } /*========================================== * Show a failed Refine +1 attempt *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(failedrefitem) { int i=-1,num; TBL_PC *sd; num = script_getnum(st,2); sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; if (num > 0 && num <= ARRAYLENGTH(script->equip)) i=pc->checkequip(sd,script->equip[num-1]); if(i >= 0) { sd->status.inventory[i].refine = 0; pc->unequipitem(sd,i,3); //recalculate bonus clif->refine(sd->fd,1,i,sd->status.inventory[i].refine); //notify client of failure pc->delitem(sd,i,1,0,2,LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT); clif->misceffect(&sd->bl,2); // display failure effect } return true; } /*========================================== * Downgrades an Equipment Part by -1 . [Masao] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(downrefitem) { int i = -1,num,ep, down = 1; TBL_PC *sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; num = script_getnum(st,2); if( script_hasdata(st, 3) ) down = script_getnum(st, 3); if (num > 0 && num <= ARRAYLENGTH(script->equip)) i = pc->checkequip(sd,script->equip[num-1]); if(i >= 0) { ep = sd->status.inventory[i].equip; //Logs items, got from (N)PC scripts [Lupus] logs->pick_pc(sd, LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT, -1, &sd->status.inventory[i],sd->inventory_data[i]); pc->unequipitem(sd,i,2); // status calc will happen in pc->equipitem() below sd->status.inventory[i].refine -= down; sd->status.inventory[i].refine = cap_value( sd->status.inventory[i].refine, 0, MAX_REFINE); clif->refine(sd->fd,2,i,sd->status.inventory[i].refine); clif->delitem(sd,i,1,3); //Logs items, got from (N)PC scripts [Lupus] logs->pick_pc(sd, LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT, 1, &sd->status.inventory[i],sd->inventory_data[i]); clif->additem(sd,i,1,0); pc->equipitem(sd,i,ep); clif->misceffect(&sd->bl,2); } return true; } /*========================================== * Delete the item equipped at pos. *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(delequip) { int i=-1,num; TBL_PC *sd; num = script_getnum(st,2); sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; if (num > 0 && num <= ARRAYLENGTH(script->equip)) i=pc->checkequip(sd,script->equip[num-1]); if(i >= 0) { pc->unequipitem(sd,i,3); //recalculate bonus pc->delitem(sd,i,1,0,2,LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT); } return true; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(statusup) { int type; TBL_PC *sd; type=script_getnum(st,2); sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; pc->statusup(sd, type, 1); return true; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(statusup2) { int type,val; TBL_PC *sd; type=script_getnum(st,2); val=script_getnum(st,3); sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; pc->statusup2(sd,type,val); return true; } /// See 'doc/item_bonus.txt' /// /// bonus <bonus type>,<val1>; /// bonus2 <bonus type>,<val1>,<val2>; /// bonus3 <bonus type>,<val1>,<val2>,<val3>; /// bonus4 <bonus type>,<val1>,<val2>,<val3>,<val4>; /// bonus5 <bonus type>,<val1>,<val2>,<val3>,<val4>,<val5>; BUILDIN(bonus) { int type; int val1; int val2 = 0; int val3 = 0; int val4 = 0; int val5 = 0; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; // no player attached type = script_getnum(st,2); switch( type ) { case SP_AUTOSPELL: case SP_AUTOSPELL_WHENHIT: case SP_AUTOSPELL_ONSKILL: case SP_SKILL_ATK: case SP_SKILL_HEAL: case SP_SKILL_HEAL2: case SP_ADD_SKILL_BLOW: case SP_CASTRATE: case SP_ADDEFF_ONSKILL: case SP_SKILL_USE_SP_RATE: case SP_SKILL_COOLDOWN: case SP_SKILL_FIXEDCAST: case SP_SKILL_VARIABLECAST: case SP_VARCASTRATE: case SP_FIXCASTRATE: case SP_SKILL_USE_SP: // these bonuses support skill names if (script_isstringtype(st, 3)) { val1 = skill->name2id(script_getstr(st, 3)); break; } // else fall through default: val1 = script_getnum(st,3); break; } switch( script_lastdata(st)-2 ) { case 1: pc->bonus(sd, type, val1); break; case 2: val2 = script_getnum(st,4); pc->bonus2(sd, type, val1, val2); break; case 3: val2 = script_getnum(st,4); val3 = script_getnum(st,5); pc->bonus3(sd, type, val1, val2, val3); break; case 4: if( type == SP_AUTOSPELL_ONSKILL && script_isstringtype(st,4) ) val2 = skill->name2id(script_getstr(st,4)); // 2nd value can be skill name else val2 = script_getnum(st,4); val3 = script_getnum(st,5); val4 = script_getnum(st,6); pc->bonus4(sd, type, val1, val2, val3, val4); break; case 5: if( type == SP_AUTOSPELL_ONSKILL && script_isstringtype(st,4) ) val2 = skill->name2id(script_getstr(st,4)); // 2nd value can be skill name else val2 = script_getnum(st,4); val3 = script_getnum(st,5); val4 = script_getnum(st,6); val5 = script_getnum(st,7); pc->bonus5(sd, type, val1, val2, val3, val4, val5); break; default: ShowDebug("buildin_bonus: unexpected number of arguments (%d)\n", (script_lastdata(st) - 1)); break; } return true; } BUILDIN(autobonus) { unsigned int dur; short rate; short atk_type = 0; TBL_PC* sd; const char *bonus_script, *other_script = NULL; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; // no player attached if( sd->state.autobonus&sd->status.inventory[status->current_equip_item_index].equip ) return true; rate = script_getnum(st,3); dur = script_getnum(st,4); bonus_script = script_getstr(st,2); if( !rate || !dur || !bonus_script ) return true; if( script_hasdata(st,5) ) atk_type = script_getnum(st,5); if( script_hasdata(st,6) ) other_script = script_getstr(st,6); if( pc->addautobonus(sd->autobonus,ARRAYLENGTH(sd->autobonus),bonus_script,rate,dur,atk_type,other_script, sd->status.inventory[status->current_equip_item_index].equip,false) ) { script->add_autobonus(bonus_script); if( other_script ) script->add_autobonus(other_script); } return true; } BUILDIN(autobonus2) { unsigned int dur; short rate; short atk_type = 0; TBL_PC* sd; const char *bonus_script, *other_script = NULL; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; // no player attached if( sd->state.autobonus&sd->status.inventory[status->current_equip_item_index].equip ) return true; rate = script_getnum(st,3); dur = script_getnum(st,4); bonus_script = script_getstr(st,2); if( !rate || !dur || !bonus_script ) return true; if( script_hasdata(st,5) ) atk_type = script_getnum(st,5); if( script_hasdata(st,6) ) other_script = script_getstr(st,6); if( pc->addautobonus(sd->autobonus2,ARRAYLENGTH(sd->autobonus2),bonus_script,rate,dur,atk_type,other_script, sd->status.inventory[status->current_equip_item_index].equip,false) ) { script->add_autobonus(bonus_script); if( other_script ) script->add_autobonus(other_script); } return true; } BUILDIN(autobonus3) { unsigned int dur; short rate,atk_type; TBL_PC* sd; const char *bonus_script, *other_script = NULL; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; // no player attached if( sd->state.autobonus&sd->status.inventory[status->current_equip_item_index].equip ) return true; rate = script_getnum(st,3); dur = script_getnum(st,4); atk_type = ( script_isstringtype(st,5) ? skill->name2id(script_getstr(st,5)) : script_getnum(st,5) ); bonus_script = script_getstr(st,2); if( !rate || !dur || !atk_type || !bonus_script ) return true; if( script_hasdata(st,6) ) other_script = script_getstr(st,6); if( pc->addautobonus(sd->autobonus3,ARRAYLENGTH(sd->autobonus3),bonus_script,rate,dur,atk_type,other_script, sd->status.inventory[status->current_equip_item_index].equip,true) ) { script->add_autobonus(bonus_script); if( other_script ) script->add_autobonus(other_script); } return true; } /// Changes the level of a player skill. /// <flag> defaults to 1 /// <flag>=0 : set the level of the skill /// <flag>=1 : set the temporary level of the skill /// <flag>=2 : add to the level of the skill /// /// skill <skill id>,<level>,<flag> /// skill <skill id>,<level> /// skill "<skill name>",<level>,<flag> /// skill "<skill name>",<level> BUILDIN(skill) { int id; int level; int flag = 1; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true;// no player attached, report source id = ( script_isstringtype(st,2) ? skill->name2id(script_getstr(st,2)) : script_getnum(st,2) ); level = script_getnum(st,3); if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) flag = script_getnum(st,4); pc->skill(sd, id, level, flag); return true; } /// Changes the level of a player skill. /// like skill, but <flag> defaults to 2 /// /// addtoskill <skill id>,<amount>,<flag> /// addtoskill <skill id>,<amount> /// addtoskill "<skill name>",<amount>,<flag> /// addtoskill "<skill name>",<amount> /// /// @see skill BUILDIN(addtoskill) { int id; int level; int flag = 2; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true;// no player attached, report source id = ( script_isstringtype(st,2) ? skill->name2id(script_getstr(st,2)) : script_getnum(st,2) ); level = script_getnum(st,3); if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) flag = script_getnum(st,4); pc->skill(sd, id, level, flag); return true; } /// Increases the level of a guild skill. /// /// guildskill <skill id>,<amount>; /// guildskill "<skill name>",<amount>; BUILDIN(guildskill) { int skill_id, id, max_points; int level; TBL_PC* sd; struct guild *gd; struct guild_skill gd_skill; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return false; // no player attached, report source if( (gd = sd->guild) == NULL ) return true; skill_id = ( script_isstringtype(st,2) ? skill->name2id(script_getstr(st,2)) : script_getnum(st,2) ); level = script_getnum(st,3); id = skill_id - GD_SKILLBASE; max_points = guild->skill_get_max(skill_id); if( (gd->skill[id].lv + level) > max_points ) level = max_points - gd->skill[id].lv; if( level == 0 ) return true; memcpy(&gd_skill, &(gd->skill[id]), sizeof(gd->skill[id])); gd_skill.lv += level; intif->guild_change_basicinfo( gd->guild_id, GBI_SKILLLV, &(gd_skill), sizeof(gd_skill) ); return true; } /// Returns the level of the player skill. /// /// getskilllv(<skill id>) -> <level> /// getskilllv("<skill name>") -> <level> BUILDIN(getskilllv) { int id; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true;// no player attached, report source id = ( script_isstringtype(st,2) ? skill->name2id(script_getstr(st,2)) : script_getnum(st,2) ); script_pushint(st, pc->checkskill(sd,id)); return true; } /// Returns the level of the guild skill. /// /// getgdskilllv(<guild id>,<skill id>) -> <level> /// getgdskilllv(<guild id>,"<skill name>") -> <level> BUILDIN(getgdskilllv) { int guild_id; uint16 skill_id; struct guild* g; guild_id = script_getnum(st,2); skill_id = ( script_isstringtype(st,3) ? skill->name2id(script_getstr(st,3)) : script_getnum(st,3) ); g = guild->search(guild_id); if( g == NULL ) script_pushint(st, -1); else script_pushint(st, guild->checkskill(g,skill_id)); return true; } /// Returns the 'basic_skill_check' setting. /// This config determines if the server checks the skill level of NV_BASIC /// before allowing the basic actions. /// /// basicskillcheck() -> <bool> BUILDIN(basicskillcheck) { script_pushint(st, battle_config.basic_skill_check); return true; } /// Returns the GM level of the player. /// /// getgmlevel() -> <level> BUILDIN(getgmlevel) { TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true;// no player attached, report source script_pushint(st, pc_get_group_level(sd)); return true; } /// Returns the group ID of the player. /// /// getgroupid() -> <int> BUILDIN(getgroupid) { TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if (sd == NULL) return false; // no player attached, report source script_pushint(st, pc_get_group_id(sd)); return true; } /// Terminates the execution of this script instance. /// /// end BUILDIN(end) { st->state = END; /* are we stopping inside a function? */ if( st->stack->defsp >= 1 && st->stack->stack_data[st->stack->defsp-1].type == C_RETINFO ) { int i; for(i = 0; i < st->stack->sp; i++) { if( st->stack->stack_data[i].type == C_RETINFO ) {/* grab the first, aka the original */ struct script_retinfo *ri = st->stack->stack_data[i].u.ri; st->script = ri->script; break; } } } return true; } /// Checks if the player has that effect state (option). /// /// checkoption(<option>) -> <bool> BUILDIN(checkoption) { int option; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true;// no player attached, report source option = script_getnum(st,2); if( sd->sc.option&option ) script_pushint(st, 1); else script_pushint(st, 0); return true; } /// Checks if the player is in that body state (opt1). /// /// checkoption1(<opt1>) -> <bool> BUILDIN(checkoption1) { int opt1; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true;// no player attached, report source opt1 = script_getnum(st,2); if( sd->sc.opt1 == opt1 ) script_pushint(st, 1); else script_pushint(st, 0); return true; } /// Checks if the player has that health state (opt2). /// /// checkoption2(<opt2>) -> <bool> BUILDIN(checkoption2) { int opt2; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true;// no player attached, report source opt2 = script_getnum(st,2); if( sd->sc.opt2&opt2 ) script_pushint(st, 1); else script_pushint(st, 0); return true; } /// Changes the effect state (option) of the player. /// <flag> defaults to 1 /// <flag>=0 : removes the option /// <flag>=other : adds the option /// /// setoption <option>,<flag>; /// setoption <option>; BUILDIN(setoption) { int option; int flag = 1; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true;// no player attached, report source option = script_getnum(st,2); if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) flag = script_getnum(st,3); else if( !option ) {// Request to remove everything. flag = 0; option = OPTION_FALCON|OPTION_RIDING; #ifndef NEW_CARTS option |= OPTION_CART; #endif } if( flag ) {// Add option if( option&OPTION_WEDDING && !battle_config.wedding_modifydisplay ) option &= ~OPTION_WEDDING;// Do not show the wedding sprites pc->setoption(sd, sd->sc.option|option); } else// Remove option pc->setoption(sd, sd->sc.option&~option); return true; } /// Returns if the player has a cart. /// /// checkcart() -> <bool> /// /// @author Valaris BUILDIN(checkcart) { TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true;// no player attached, report source if( pc_iscarton(sd) ) script_pushint(st, 1); else script_pushint(st, 0); return true; } /// Sets the cart of the player. /// <type> defaults to 1 /// <type>=0 : removes the cart /// <type>=1 : Normal cart /// <type>=2 : Wooden cart /// <type>=3 : Covered cart with flowers and ferns /// <type>=4 : Wooden cart with a Panda doll on the back /// <type>=5 : Normal cart with bigger wheels, a roof and a banner on the back /// /// setcart <type>; /// setcart; BUILDIN(setcart) { int type = 1; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true;// no player attached, report source if( script_hasdata(st,2) ) type = script_getnum(st,2); pc->setcart(sd, type); return true; } /// Returns if the player has a falcon. /// /// checkfalcon() -> <bool> /// /// @author Valaris BUILDIN(checkfalcon) { TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true;// no player attached, report source if( pc_isfalcon(sd) ) script_pushint(st, 1); else script_pushint(st, 0); return true; } /// Sets if the player has a falcon or not. /// <flag> defaults to 1 /// /// setfalcon <flag>; /// setfalcon; BUILDIN(setfalcon) { int flag = 1; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true;// no player attached, report source if( script_hasdata(st,2) ) flag = script_getnum(st,2); pc->setfalcon(sd, flag); return true; } /// Returns if the player is riding. /// /// checkriding() -> <bool> /// /// @author Valaris BUILDIN(checkriding) { TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true;// no player attached, report source if( pc_isriding(sd) || pc_isridingwug(sd) || pc_isridingdragon(sd) ) script_pushint(st, 1); else script_pushint(st, 0); return true; } /// Sets if the player is riding. /// <flag> defaults to 1 /// /// setriding <flag>; /// setriding; BUILDIN(setriding) { int flag = 1; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true;// no player attached, report source if( script_hasdata(st,2) ) flag = script_getnum(st,2); pc->setriding(sd, flag); return true; } /// Returns if the player has a warg. /// /// checkwug() -> <bool> /// BUILDIN(checkwug) { TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true;// no player attached, report source if( pc_iswug(sd) || pc_isridingwug(sd) ) script_pushint(st, 1); else script_pushint(st, 0); return true; } /// Returns if the player is wearing MADO Gear. /// /// checkmadogear() -> <bool> /// BUILDIN(checkmadogear) { TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true;// no player attached, report source if( pc_ismadogear(sd) ) script_pushint(st, 1); else script_pushint(st, 0); return true; } /// Sets if the player is riding MADO Gear. /// <flag> defaults to 1 /// /// setmadogear <flag>; /// setmadogear; BUILDIN(setmadogear) { int flag = 1; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true;// no player attached, report source if( script_hasdata(st,2) ) flag = script_getnum(st,2); pc->setmadogear(sd, flag); return true; } /// Sets the save point of the player. /// /// save "<map name>",<x>,<y> /// savepoint "<map name>",<x>,<y> BUILDIN(savepoint) { int x; int y; short mapid; const char* str; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return false;// no player attached, report source str = script_getstr(st,2); x = script_getnum(st,3); y = script_getnum(st,4); mapid = script->mapindexname2id(st,str); if( mapid ) pc->setsavepoint(sd, mapid, x, y); return true; } /*========================================== * GetTimeTick(0: System Tick, 1: Time Second Tick) *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(gettimetick) { /* Asgard Version */ int type; time_t clock; struct tm *t; type=script_getnum(st,2); switch(type) { case 2: //type 2:(Get the number of seconds elapsed since 00:00 hours, Jan 1, 1970 UTC // from the system clock.) script_pushint(st,(int)time(NULL)); break; case 1: //type 1:(Second Ticks: 0-86399, 00:00:00-23:59:59) time(&clock); t=localtime(&clock); script_pushint(st,((t->tm_hour)*3600+(t->tm_min)*60+t->tm_sec)); break; case 0: default: //type 0:(System Ticks) script_pushint(st,(int)timer->gettick()); // TODO: change this to int64 when we'll support 64 bit script values break; } return true; } /*========================================== * GetTime(Type); * 1: Sec 2: Min 3: Hour * 4: WeekDay 5: MonthDay 6: Month * 7: Year *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(gettime) { /* Asgard Version */ int type; time_t clock; struct tm *t; type=script_getnum(st,2); time(&clock); t=localtime(&clock); switch(type) { case 1://Sec(0~59) script_pushint(st,t->tm_sec); break; case 2://Min(0~59) script_pushint(st,t->tm_min); break; case 3://Hour(0~23) script_pushint(st,t->tm_hour); break; case 4://WeekDay(0~6) script_pushint(st,t->tm_wday); break; case 5://MonthDay(01~31) script_pushint(st,t->tm_mday); break; case 6://Month(01~12) script_pushint(st,t->tm_mon+1); break; case 7://Year(20xx) script_pushint(st,t->tm_year+1900); break; case 8://Year Day(01~366) script_pushint(st,t->tm_yday+1); break; default://(format error) script_pushint(st,-1); break; } return true; } /*========================================== * GetTimeStr("TimeFMT", Length); *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(gettimestr) { char *tmpstr; const char *fmtstr; int maxlen; time_t now = time(NULL); fmtstr=script_getstr(st,2); maxlen=script_getnum(st,3); tmpstr=(char *)aMalloc((maxlen+1)*sizeof(char)); strftime(tmpstr,maxlen,fmtstr,localtime(&now)); tmpstr[maxlen]='\0'; script_pushstr(st,tmpstr); return true; } /*========================================== * Open player storage *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(openstorage) { TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; storage->open(sd); return true; } BUILDIN(guildopenstorage) { TBL_PC* sd; int ret; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; ret = gstorage->open(sd); script_pushint(st,ret); return true; } /*========================================== * Make player use a skill trought item usage *------------------------------------------*/ /// itemskill <skill id>,<level>{,flag /// itemskill "<skill name>",<level>{,flag BUILDIN(itemskill) { int id; int lv; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL || sd->ud.skilltimer != INVALID_TIMER ) return true; id = ( script_isstringtype(st,2) ? skill->name2id(script_getstr(st,2)) : script_getnum(st,2) ); lv = script_getnum(st,3); /* temporarily disabled, awaiting for kenpachi to detail this so we can make it work properly */ #if 0 if( !script_hasdata(st, 4) ) { if( !skill->check_condition_castbegin(sd,id,lv) || !skill->check_condition_castend(sd,id,lv) ) return true; } #endif sd->skillitem=id; sd->skillitemlv=lv; clif->item_skill(sd,id,lv); return true; } /*========================================== * Attempt to create an item *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(produce) { int trigger; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; trigger=script_getnum(st,2); clif->skill_produce_mix_list(sd, -1, trigger); return true; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(cooking) { int trigger; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; trigger=script_getnum(st,2); clif->cooking_list(sd, trigger, AM_PHARMACY, 1, 1); return true; } /*========================================== * Create a pet *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(makepet) { TBL_PC* sd; int id,pet_id; id=script_getnum(st,2); sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; pet_id = pet->search_petDB_index(id, PET_CLASS); if (pet_id < 0) pet_id = pet->search_petDB_index(id, PET_EGG); if (pet_id >= 0 && sd) { sd->catch_target_class = pet->db[pet_id].class_; intif->create_pet(sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id, (short)pet->db[pet_id].class_, (short)mob->db(pet->db[pet_id].class_)->lv, (short)pet->db[pet_id].EggID, 0, (short)pet->db[pet_id].intimate, 100, 0, 1, pet->db[pet_id].jname); } return true; } /*========================================== * Give player exp base,job * quest_exp_rate/100 *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getexp) { TBL_PC* sd; int base=0,job=0; double bonus; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; base=script_getnum(st,2); job =script_getnum(st,3); if(base<0 || job<0) return true; // bonus for npc-given exp bonus = battle_config.quest_exp_rate / 100.; base = (int) cap_value(base * bonus, 0, INT_MAX); job = (int) cap_value(job * bonus, 0, INT_MAX); pc->gainexp(sd, NULL, base, job, true); return true; } /*========================================== * Gain guild exp [Celest] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(guildgetexp) { TBL_PC* sd; int exp; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; exp = script_getnum(st,2); if(exp < 0) return true; if(sd && sd->status.guild_id > 0) guild->getexp (sd, exp); return true; } /*========================================== * Changes the guild master of a guild [Skotlex] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(guildchangegm) { TBL_PC *sd; int guild_id; const char *name; guild_id = script_getnum(st,2); name = script_getstr(st,3); sd=map->nick2sd(name); if (!sd) script_pushint(st,0); else script_pushint(st,guild->gm_change(guild_id, sd)); return true; } /*========================================== * Spawn a monster : * @mapn,x,y : location * @str : monster name * @class_ : mob_id * @amount : nb to spawn * @event : event to attach to mob *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(monster) { const char *mapn = script_getstr(st,2); int x = script_getnum(st,3); int y = script_getnum(st,4); const char *str = script_getstr(st,5); int class_ = script_getnum(st,6); int amount = script_getnum(st,7); const char *event = ""; unsigned int size = SZ_MEDIUM; unsigned int ai = AI_NONE; int mob_id; struct map_session_data* sd; int16 m; if (script_hasdata(st, 8)) { event = script_getstr(st, 8); script->check_event(st, event); } if (script_hasdata(st, 9)) { size = script_getnum(st, 9); if (size > 3) { ShowWarning("buildin_monster: Attempted to spawn non-existing size %d for monster class %d\n", size, class_); return false; } } if (script_hasdata(st, 10)) { ai = script_getnum(st, 10); if (ai > 4) { ShowWarning("buildin_monster: Attempted to spawn non-existing ai %d for monster class %d\n", ai, class_); return false; } } if (class_ >= 0 && !mob->db_checkid(class_)) { ShowWarning("buildin_monster: Attempted to spawn non-existing monster class %d\n", class_); return false; } sd = map->id2sd(st->rid); if (sd && strcmp(mapn, "this") == 0) m = sd->bl.m; else { if ( ( m = map->mapname2mapid(mapn) ) == -1 ) { ShowWarning("buildin_monster: Attempted to spawn monster class %d on non-existing map '%s'\n",class_, mapn); return false; } if (map->list[m].flag.src4instance && st->instance_id >= 0) { // Try to redirect to the instance map, not the src map if ((m = instance->mapid2imapid(m, st->instance_id)) < 0) { ShowError("buildin_monster: Trying to spawn monster (%d) on instance map (%s) without instance attached.\n", class_, mapn); return false; } } } mob_id = mob->once_spawn(sd, m, x, y, str, class_, amount, event, size, ai); script_pushint(st, mob_id); return true; } /*========================================== * Request List of Monster Drops *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getmobdrops) { int class_ = script_getnum(st,2); int i, j = 0; struct mob_db *monster; if( !mob->db_checkid(class_) ) { script_pushint(st, 0); return true; } monster = mob->db(class_); for( i = 0; i < MAX_MOB_DROP; i++ ) { if( monster->dropitem[i].nameid < 1 ) continue; if( itemdb->exists(monster->dropitem[i].nameid) == NULL ) continue; mapreg->setreg(reference_uid(script->add_str("$@MobDrop_item"), j), monster->dropitem[i].nameid); mapreg->setreg(reference_uid(script->add_str("$@MobDrop_rate"), j), monster->dropitem[i].p); j++; } mapreg->setreg(script->add_str("$@MobDrop_count"), j); script_pushint(st, 1); return true; } /*========================================== * Same as monster but randomize location in x0,x1,y0,y1 area *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(areamonster) { const char *mapn = script_getstr(st,2); int x0 = script_getnum(st,3); int y0 = script_getnum(st,4); int x1 = script_getnum(st,5); int y1 = script_getnum(st,6); const char *str = script_getstr(st,7); int class_ = script_getnum(st,8); int amount = script_getnum(st,9); const char *event = ""; unsigned int size = SZ_MEDIUM; unsigned int ai = AI_NONE; int mob_id; struct map_session_data* sd; int16 m; if (script_hasdata(st,10)) { event = script_getstr(st, 10); script->check_event(st, event); } if (script_hasdata(st, 11)) { size = script_getnum(st, 11); if (size > 3) { ShowWarning("buildin_monster: Attempted to spawn non-existing size %d for monster class %d\n", size, class_); return false; } } if (script_hasdata(st, 12)) { ai = script_getnum(st, 12); if (ai > 4) { ShowWarning("buildin_monster: Attempted to spawn non-existing ai %d for monster class %d\n", ai, class_); return false; } } sd = map->id2sd(st->rid); if (sd && strcmp(mapn, "this") == 0) m = sd->bl.m; else { if ( ( m = map->mapname2mapid(mapn) ) == -1 ) { ShowWarning("buildin_areamonster: Attempted to spawn monster class %d on non-existing map '%s'\n",class_, mapn); return false; } if (map->list[m].flag.src4instance && st->instance_id >= 0) { // Try to redirect to the instance map, not the src map if ((m = instance->mapid2imapid(m, st->instance_id)) < 0) { ShowError("buildin_areamonster: Trying to spawn monster (%d) on instance map (%s) without instance attached.\n", class_, mapn); return false; } } } mob_id = mob->once_spawn_area(sd, m, x0, y0, x1, y1, str, class_, amount, event, size, ai); script_pushint(st, mob_id); return true; } /*========================================== * KillMonster subcheck, verify if mob to kill ain't got an even to handle, could be force kill by allflag *------------------------------------------*/ int buildin_killmonster_sub_strip(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { //same fix but with killmonster instead - stripping events from mobs. TBL_MOB* md = (TBL_MOB*)bl; char *event=va_arg(ap,char *); int allflag=va_arg(ap,int); md->state.npc_killmonster = 1; if(!allflag) { if(strcmp(event,md->npc_event)==0) status_kill(bl); } else { if(!md->spawn) status_kill(bl); } md->state.npc_killmonster = 0; return 0; } int buildin_killmonster_sub(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { TBL_MOB* md = (TBL_MOB*)bl; char *event=va_arg(ap,char *); int allflag=va_arg(ap,int); if(!allflag) { if(strcmp(event,md->npc_event)==0) status_kill(bl); } else { if(!md->spawn) status_kill(bl); } return 0; } BUILDIN(killmonster) { const char *mapname,*event; int16 m,allflag=0; mapname=script_getstr(st,2); event=script_getstr(st,3); if(strcmp(event,"All")==0) allflag = 1; else script->check_event(st, event); if( (m=map->mapname2mapid(mapname))<0 ) return true; if( map->list[m].flag.src4instance && st->instance_id >= 0 && (m = instance->mapid2imapid(m, st->instance_id)) < 0 ) return true; if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) { if ( script_getnum(st,4) == 1 ) { map->foreachinmap(script->buildin_killmonster_sub, m, BL_MOB, event ,allflag); return true; } } map->freeblock_lock(); map->foreachinmap(script->buildin_killmonster_sub_strip, m, BL_MOB, event ,allflag); map->freeblock_unlock(); return true; } int buildin_killmonsterall_sub_strip(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { //Strips the event from the mob if it's killed the old method. struct mob_data *md; md = BL_CAST(BL_MOB, bl); if (md->npc_event[0]) md->npc_event[0] = 0; status_kill(bl); return 0; } int buildin_killmonsterall_sub(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { status_kill(bl); return 0; } BUILDIN(killmonsterall) { const char *mapname; int16 m; mapname=script_getstr(st,2); if( (m = map->mapname2mapid(mapname))<0 ) return true; if( map->list[m].flag.src4instance && st->instance_id >= 0 && (m = instance->mapid2imapid(m, st->instance_id)) < 0 ) return true; if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) { if ( script_getnum(st,3) == 1 ) { map->foreachinmap(script->buildin_killmonsterall_sub,m,BL_MOB); return true; } } map->foreachinmap(script->buildin_killmonsterall_sub_strip,m,BL_MOB); return true; } /*========================================== * Creates a clone of a player. * clone map, x, y, event, char_id, master_id, mode, flag, duration *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(clone) { TBL_PC *sd, *msd=NULL; int char_id,master_id=0,x,y, mode = 0, flag = 0, m; unsigned int duration = 0; const char *mapname, *event=""; mapname=script_getstr(st,2); x=script_getnum(st,3); y=script_getnum(st,4); event=script_getstr(st,5); char_id=script_getnum(st,6); if( script_hasdata(st,7) ) master_id=script_getnum(st,7); if( script_hasdata(st,8) ) mode=script_getnum(st,8); if( script_hasdata(st,9) ) flag=script_getnum(st,9); if( script_hasdata(st,10) ) duration=script_getnum(st,10); script->check_event(st, event); m = map->mapname2mapid(mapname); if (m < 0) return true; sd = map->charid2sd(char_id); if (master_id) { msd = map->charid2sd(master_id); if (msd) master_id = msd->bl.id; else master_id = 0; } if (sd) //Return ID of newly crafted clone. script_pushint(st,mob->clone_spawn(sd, m, x, y, event, master_id, mode, flag, 1000*duration)); else //Failed to create clone. script_pushint(st,0); return true; } /*========================================== *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(doevent) { const char* event = script_getstr(st,2); struct map_session_data* sd; if( ( sd = script->rid2sd(st) ) == NULL ) { return true; } script->check_event(st, event); npc->event(sd, event, 0); return true; } /*========================================== *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(donpcevent) { const char* event = script_getstr(st,2); script->check_event(st, event); if( !npc->event_do(event) ) { struct npc_data * nd = map->id2nd(st->oid); ShowDebug("NPCEvent '%s' not found! (source: %s)\n",event,nd?nd->name:"Unknown"); script_pushint(st, 0); } else script_pushint(st, 1); return true; } /// for Aegis compatibility /// basically a specialized 'donpcevent', with the event specified as two arguments instead of one [RoVeRT] BUILDIN(cmdothernpc) { const char* npc_name = script_getstr(st,2); const char* command = script_getstr(st,3); char event[EVENT_NAME_LENGTH]; snprintf(event, sizeof(event), "%s::OnCommand%s", npc_name, command); script->check_event(st, event); npc->event_do(event); return true; } /*========================================== *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(addtimer) { int tick = script_getnum(st,2); const char* event = script_getstr(st, 3); TBL_PC* sd; script->check_event(st, event); sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; if (!pc->addeventtimer(sd,tick,event)) { ShowWarning("buildin_addtimer: Event timer is full, can't add new event timer. (cid:%d timer:%s)\n",sd->status.char_id,event); return false; } return true; } /*========================================== *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(deltimer) { const char *event; TBL_PC* sd; event=script_getstr(st, 2); sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; script->check_event(st, event); pc->deleventtimer(sd,event); return true; } /*========================================== *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(addtimercount) { const char *event; int tick; TBL_PC* sd; event=script_getstr(st, 2); tick=script_getnum(st,3); sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; script->check_event(st, event); pc->addeventtimercount(sd,event,tick); return true; } /*========================================== *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(initnpctimer) { struct npc_data *nd; int flag = 0; if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) { //Two arguments: NPC name and attach flag. nd = npc->name2id(script_getstr(st, 2)); flag = script_getnum(st,3); } else if( script_hasdata(st,2) ) { //Check if argument is numeric (flag) or string (npc name) struct script_data *data; data = script_getdata(st,2); script->get_val(st,data); // dereference if it's a variable if( data_isstring(data) ) //NPC name nd = npc->name2id(script->conv_str(st, data)); else if( data_isint(data) ) { //Flag nd = (struct npc_data *)map->id2bl(st->oid); flag = script->conv_num(st,data); } else { ShowError("initnpctimer: invalid argument type #1 (needs be int or string)).\n"); return false; } } else nd = (struct npc_data *)map->id2bl(st->oid); if( !nd ) return true; if( flag ) //Attach { TBL_PC* sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; nd->u.scr.rid = sd->bl.id; } nd->u.scr.timertick = 0; npc->settimerevent_tick(nd,0); npc->timerevent_start(nd, st->rid); return true; } /*========================================== *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(startnpctimer) { struct npc_data *nd; int flag = 0; if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) { //Two arguments: NPC name and attach flag. nd = npc->name2id(script_getstr(st, 2)); flag = script_getnum(st,3); } else if( script_hasdata(st,2) ) { //Check if argument is numeric (flag) or string (npc name) struct script_data *data; data = script_getdata(st,2); script->get_val(st,data); // dereference if it's a variable if( data_isstring(data) ) //NPC name nd = npc->name2id(script->conv_str(st, data)); else if( data_isint(data) ) { //Flag nd = (struct npc_data *)map->id2bl(st->oid); flag = script->conv_num(st,data); } else { ShowError("initnpctimer: invalid argument type #1 (needs be int or string)).\n"); return false; } } else nd=(struct npc_data *)map->id2bl(st->oid); if( !nd ) return true; if( flag ) //Attach { TBL_PC* sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; nd->u.scr.rid = sd->bl.id; } npc->timerevent_start(nd, st->rid); return true; } /*========================================== *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(stopnpctimer) { struct npc_data *nd; int flag = 0; if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) { //Two arguments: NPC name and attach flag. nd = npc->name2id(script_getstr(st, 2)); flag = script_getnum(st,3); } else if( script_hasdata(st,2) ) { //Check if argument is numeric (flag) or string (npc name) struct script_data *data; data = script_getdata(st,2); script->get_val(st,data); // Dereference if it's a variable if( data_isstring(data) ) //NPC name nd = npc->name2id(script->conv_str(st, data)); else if( data_isint(data) ) { //Flag nd = (struct npc_data *)map->id2bl(st->oid); flag = script->conv_num(st,data); } else { ShowError("initnpctimer: invalid argument type #1 (needs be int or string)).\n"); return false; } } else nd=(struct npc_data *)map->id2bl(st->oid); if( !nd ) return true; if( flag ) //Detach nd->u.scr.rid = 0; npc->timerevent_stop(nd); return true; } /*========================================== *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getnpctimer) { struct npc_data *nd; TBL_PC *sd; int type = script_getnum(st,2); int val = 0; if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) nd = npc->name2id(script_getstr(st,3)); else nd = (struct npc_data *)map->id2bl(st->oid); if( !nd || nd->bl.type != BL_NPC ) { script_pushint(st,0); ShowError("getnpctimer: Invalid NPC.\n"); return false; } switch( type ) { case 0: val = (int)npc->gettimerevent_tick(nd); break; // FIXME: change this to int64 when we'll support 64 bit script values case 1: if( nd->u.scr.rid ) { sd = map->id2sd(nd->u.scr.rid); if( !sd ) { ShowError("buildin_getnpctimer: Attached player not found!\n"); break; } val = (sd->npc_timer_id != INVALID_TIMER); } else val = (nd->u.scr.timerid != INVALID_TIMER); break; case 2: val = nd->u.scr.timeramount; break; } script_pushint(st,val); return true; } /*========================================== *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(setnpctimer) { int tick; struct npc_data *nd; tick = script_getnum(st,2); if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) nd = npc->name2id(script_getstr(st,3)); else nd = (struct npc_data *)map->id2bl(st->oid); if( !nd || nd->bl.type != BL_NPC ) { script_pushint(st,1); ShowError("setnpctimer: Invalid NPC.\n"); return false; } npc->settimerevent_tick(nd,tick); script_pushint(st,0); return true; } /*========================================== * attaches the player rid to the timer [Celest] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(attachnpctimer) { TBL_PC *sd; struct npc_data *nd = (struct npc_data *)map->id2bl(st->oid); if( !nd || nd->bl.type != BL_NPC ) { script_pushint(st,1); ShowError("setnpctimer: Invalid NPC.\n"); return false; } if( script_hasdata(st,2) ) sd = map->nick2sd(script_getstr(st,2)); else sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( !sd ) { script_pushint(st,1); ShowWarning("attachnpctimer: Invalid player.\n"); return false; } nd->u.scr.rid = sd->bl.id; script_pushint(st,0); return true; } /*========================================== * detaches a player rid from the timer [Celest] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(detachnpctimer) { struct npc_data *nd; if( script_hasdata(st,2) ) nd = npc->name2id(script_getstr(st,2)); else nd = (struct npc_data *)map->id2bl(st->oid); if( !nd || nd->bl.type != BL_NPC ) { script_pushint(st,1); ShowError("detachnpctimer: Invalid NPC.\n"); return false; } nd->u.scr.rid = 0; script_pushint(st,0); return true; } /*========================================== * To avoid "player not attached" script errors, this function is provided, * it checks if there is a player attached to the current script. [Skotlex] * If no, returns 0, if yes, returns the account_id of the attached player. *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(playerattached) { if(st->rid == 0 || map->id2sd(st->rid) == NULL) script_pushint(st,0); else script_pushint(st,st->rid); return true; } /*========================================== *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(announce) { const char *mes = script_getstr(st,2); int flag = script_getnum(st,3); const char *fontColor = script_hasdata(st,4) ? script_getstr(st,4) : NULL; int fontType = script_hasdata(st,5) ? script_getnum(st,5) : 0x190; // default fontType (FW_NORMAL) int fontSize = script_hasdata(st,6) ? script_getnum(st,6) : 12; // default fontSize int fontAlign = script_hasdata(st,7) ? script_getnum(st,7) : 0; // default fontAlign int fontY = script_hasdata(st,8) ? script_getnum(st,8) : 0; // default fontY if( flag&(BC_TARGET_MASK|BC_SOURCE_MASK) ) { // Broadcast source or broadcast region defined send_target target; struct block_list *bl = (flag&BC_NPC) ? map->id2bl(st->oid) : (struct block_list *)script->rid2sd(st); // If bc_npc flag is set, use NPC as broadcast source if (bl == NULL) return true; switch( flag&BC_TARGET_MASK ) { case BC_MAP: target = ALL_SAMEMAP; break; case BC_AREA: target = AREA; break; case BC_SELF: target = SELF; break; default: target = ALL_CLIENT; break; // BC_ALL } if (fontColor) clif->broadcast2(bl, mes, (int)strlen(mes)+1, (unsigned int)strtoul(fontColor, (char **)NULL, 0), fontType, fontSize, fontAlign, fontY, target); else clif->broadcast(bl, mes, (int)strlen(mes)+1, flag&BC_COLOR_MASK, target); } else { if (fontColor) intif->broadcast2(mes, (int)strlen(mes)+1, (unsigned int)strtoul(fontColor, (char **)NULL, 0), fontType, fontSize, fontAlign, fontY); else intif->broadcast(mes, (int)strlen(mes)+1, flag&BC_COLOR_MASK); } return true; } /*========================================== *------------------------------------------*/ int buildin_announce_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { char *mes = va_arg(ap, char *); int len = va_arg(ap, int); int type = va_arg(ap, int); char *fontColor = va_arg(ap, char *); short fontType = (short)va_arg(ap, int); short fontSize = (short)va_arg(ap, int); short fontAlign = (short)va_arg(ap, int); short fontY = (short)va_arg(ap, int); if (fontColor) clif->broadcast2(bl, mes, len, (unsigned int)strtoul(fontColor, (char **)NULL, 0), fontType, fontSize, fontAlign, fontY, SELF); else clif->broadcast(bl, mes, len, type, SELF); return 0; } /* Runs item effect on attached character. * itemeffect <item id>; * itemeffect "<item name>"; */ BUILDIN(itemeffect) { TBL_NPC *nd; TBL_PC *sd; struct item_data *item_data; nullpo_retr( false, ( sd = script->rid2sd( st ) ) ); nullpo_retr( false, ( nd = (TBL_NPC *)map->id2bl( sd->npc_id ) ) ); if( script_isstringtype(st, 2) ) { const char *name = script_getstr(st, 2); if( ( item_data = itemdb->search_name( name ) ) == NULL ) { ShowError( "buildin_itemeffect: Nonexistant item %s requested.\n", name ); return false; } } else { int nameid = script_getnum(st, 2); if( ( item_data = itemdb->exists( nameid ) ) == NULL ) { ShowError("buildin_itemeffect: Nonexistant item %d requested.\n", nameid ); return false; } } script->run( item_data->script, 0, sd->bl.id, nd->bl.id ); return true; } BUILDIN(mapannounce) { const char *mapname = script_getstr(st,2); const char *mes = script_getstr(st,3); int flag = script_getnum(st,4); const char *fontColor = script_hasdata(st,5) ? script_getstr(st,5) : NULL; int fontType = script_hasdata(st,6) ? script_getnum(st,6) : 0x190; // default fontType (FW_NORMAL) int fontSize = script_hasdata(st,7) ? script_getnum(st,7) : 12; // default fontSize int fontAlign = script_hasdata(st,8) ? script_getnum(st,8) : 0; // default fontAlign int fontY = script_hasdata(st,9) ? script_getnum(st,9) : 0; // default fontY int16 m; if ((m = map->mapname2mapid(mapname)) < 0) return true; map->foreachinmap(script->buildin_announce_sub, m, BL_PC, mes, strlen(mes)+1, flag&BC_COLOR_MASK, fontColor, fontType, fontSize, fontAlign, fontY); return true; } /*========================================== *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(areaannounce) { const char *mapname = script_getstr(st,2); int x0 = script_getnum(st,3); int y0 = script_getnum(st,4); int x1 = script_getnum(st,5); int y1 = script_getnum(st,6); const char *mes = script_getstr(st,7); int flag = script_getnum(st,8); const char *fontColor = script_hasdata(st,9) ? script_getstr(st,9) : NULL; int fontType = script_hasdata(st,10) ? script_getnum(st,10) : 0x190; // default fontType (FW_NORMAL) int fontSize = script_hasdata(st,11) ? script_getnum(st,11) : 12; // default fontSize int fontAlign = script_hasdata(st,12) ? script_getnum(st,12) : 0; // default fontAlign int fontY = script_hasdata(st,13) ? script_getnum(st,13) : 0; // default fontY int16 m; if ((m = map->mapname2mapid(mapname)) < 0) return true; map->foreachinarea(script->buildin_announce_sub, m, x0, y0, x1, y1, BL_PC, mes, strlen(mes)+1, flag&BC_COLOR_MASK, fontColor, fontType, fontSize, fontAlign, fontY); return true; } /*========================================== *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getusers) { int flag, val = 0; struct map_session_data* sd; struct block_list* bl = NULL; flag = script_getnum(st,2); switch(flag&0x07) { case 0: if(flag&0x8) { // npc bl = map->id2bl(st->oid); } else if((sd = script->rid2sd(st))!=NULL) { // pc bl = &sd->bl; } if(bl) { val = map->list[bl->m].users; } break; case 1: val = map->getusers(); break; default: ShowWarning("buildin_getusers: Unknown type %d.\n", flag); script_pushint(st,0); return false; } script_pushint(st,val); return true; } /*========================================== * Works like @WHO - displays all online users names in window *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getusersname) { TBL_PC *sd, *pl_sd; int /*disp_num=1,*/ group_level = 0; struct s_mapiterator* iter; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if (!sd) return true; group_level = pc_get_group_level(sd); iter = mapit_getallusers(); for( pl_sd = (TBL_PC*)mapit->first(iter); mapit->exists(iter); pl_sd = (TBL_PC*)mapit->next(iter) ) { if (pc_has_permission(pl_sd, PC_PERM_HIDE_SESSION) && pc_get_group_level(pl_sd) > group_level) continue; // skip hidden sessions /* Temporary fix for bugreport:1023. * Do not uncomment unless you want thousands of 'next' buttons. if((disp_num++)%10==0) clif->scriptnext(sd,st->oid);*/ clif->scriptmes(sd,st->oid,pl_sd->status.name); } mapit->free(iter); return true; } /*========================================== * getmapguildusers("mapname",guild ID) Returns the number guild members present on a map [Reddozen] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getmapguildusers) { const char *str; int16 m; int gid; int i=0,c=0; struct guild *g = NULL; str=script_getstr(st,2); gid=script_getnum(st,3); if ((m = map->mapname2mapid(str)) < 0) { // map id on this server (m == -1 if not in actual map-server) script_pushint(st,-1); return true; } g = guild->search(gid); if (g) { for(i = 0; i < g->max_member; i++) { if (g->member[i].sd && g->member[i].sd->bl.m == m) c++; } } script_pushint(st,c); return true; } /*========================================== *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getmapusers) { const char *str; int16 m; str=script_getstr(st,2); if( (m=map->mapname2mapid(str))< 0) { script_pushint(st,-1); return true; } script_pushint(st,map->list[m].users); return true; } /*========================================== *------------------------------------------*/ int buildin_getareausers_sub(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { int *users=va_arg(ap,int *); (*users)++; return 0; } BUILDIN(getareausers) { const char *str; int16 m,x0,y0,x1,y1,users=0; //doubt we can have more then 32k users on str=script_getstr(st,2); x0=script_getnum(st,3); y0=script_getnum(st,4); x1=script_getnum(st,5); y1=script_getnum(st,6); if( (m=map->mapname2mapid(str))< 0) { script_pushint(st,-1); return true; } map->foreachinarea(script->buildin_getareausers_sub, m,x0,y0,x1,y1,BL_PC,&users); script_pushint(st,users); return true; } /*========================================== *------------------------------------------*/ int buildin_getareadropitem_sub(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { int item=va_arg(ap,int); int *amount=va_arg(ap,int *); struct flooritem_data *drop=(struct flooritem_data *)bl; if(drop->item_data.nameid==item) (*amount)+=drop->item_data.amount; return 0; } BUILDIN(getareadropitem) { const char *str; int16 m,x0,y0,x1,y1; int item,amount=0; str=script_getstr(st,2); x0=script_getnum(st,3); y0=script_getnum(st,4); x1=script_getnum(st,5); y1=script_getnum(st,6); if( script_isstringtype(st, 7) ) { const char *name = script_getstr(st, 7); struct item_data *item_data = itemdb->search_name(name); item=UNKNOWN_ITEM_ID; if( item_data ) item=item_data->nameid; } else { item=script_getnum(st, 7); } if( (m=map->mapname2mapid(str))< 0) { script_pushint(st,-1); return true; } map->foreachinarea(script->buildin_getareadropitem_sub, m,x0,y0,x1,y1,BL_ITEM,item,&amount); script_pushint(st,amount); return true; } /*========================================== *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(enablenpc) { const char *str; str=script_getstr(st,2); npc->enable(str,1); return true; } /*========================================== *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(disablenpc) { const char *str; str=script_getstr(st,2); npc->enable(str,0); return true; } /*========================================== *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(hideoffnpc) { const char *str; str=script_getstr(st,2); npc->enable(str,2); return true; } /*========================================== *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(hideonnpc) { const char *str; str=script_getstr(st,2); npc->enable(str,4); return true; } /// Starts a status effect on the target unit or on the attached player. /// /// sc_start <effect_id>,<duration>,<val1>{,<unit_id>}; BUILDIN(sc_start) { struct block_list* bl; enum sc_type type; int tick; int val1; int val4 = 0; type = (sc_type)script_getnum(st,2); tick = script_getnum(st,3); val1 = script_getnum(st,4); if( script_hasdata(st,5) ) bl = map->id2bl(script_getnum(st,5)); else bl = map->id2bl(st->rid); if( tick == 0 && val1 > 0 && type > SC_NONE && type < SC_MAX && status->sc2skill(type) != 0 ) { // When there isn't a duration specified, try to get it from the skill_db tick = skill->get_time(status->sc2skill(type), val1); } if( script->potion_flag == 1 && script->potion_target ) { //skill.c set the flags before running the script, this must be a potion-pitched effect. bl = map->id2bl(script->potion_target); tick /= 2;// Thrown potions only last half. val4 = 1;// Mark that this was a thrown sc_effect } if( bl ) status->change_start(NULL, bl, type, 10000, val1, 0, 0, val4, tick, 2); return true; } /// Starts a status effect on the target unit or on the attached player. /// /// sc_start2 <effect_id>,<duration>,<val1>,<percent chance>{,<unit_id>}; BUILDIN(sc_start2) { struct block_list* bl; enum sc_type type; int tick; int val1; int val4 = 0; int rate; type = (sc_type)script_getnum(st,2); tick = script_getnum(st,3); val1 = script_getnum(st,4); rate = script_getnum(st,5); if( script_hasdata(st,6) ) bl = map->id2bl(script_getnum(st,6)); else bl = map->id2bl(st->rid); if( tick == 0 && val1 > 0 && type > SC_NONE && type < SC_MAX && status->sc2skill(type) != 0 ) { // When there isn't a duration specified, try to get it from the skill_db tick = skill->get_time(status->sc2skill(type), val1); } if( script->potion_flag == 1 && script->potion_target ) { //skill.c set the flags before running the script, this must be a potion-pitched effect. bl = map->id2bl(script->potion_target); tick /= 2;// Thrown potions only last half. val4 = 1;// Mark that this was a thrown sc_effect } if( bl ) status->change_start(NULL, bl, type, rate, val1, 0, 0, val4, tick, 2); return true; } /// Starts a status effect on the target unit or on the attached player. /// /// sc_start4 <effect_id>,<duration>,<val1>,<val2>,<val3>,<val4>{,<unit_id>}; BUILDIN(sc_start4) { struct block_list* bl; enum sc_type type; int tick; int val1; int val2; int val3; int val4; type = (sc_type)script_getnum(st,2); tick = script_getnum(st,3); val1 = script_getnum(st,4); val2 = script_getnum(st,5); val3 = script_getnum(st,6); val4 = script_getnum(st,7); if( script_hasdata(st,8) ) bl = map->id2bl(script_getnum(st,8)); else bl = map->id2bl(st->rid); if( tick == 0 && val1 > 0 && type > SC_NONE && type < SC_MAX && status->sc2skill(type) != 0 ) { // When there isn't a duration specified, try to get it from the skill_db tick = skill->get_time(status->sc2skill(type), val1); } if( script->potion_flag == 1 && script->potion_target ) { //skill.c set the flags before running the script, this must be a potion-pitched effect. bl = map->id2bl(script->potion_target); tick /= 2;// Thrown potions only last half. } if( bl ) status->change_start(NULL, bl, type, 10000, val1, val2, val3, val4, tick, 2); return true; } /// Ends one or all status effects on the target unit or on the attached player. /// /// sc_end <effect_id>{,<unit_id>}; BUILDIN(sc_end) { struct block_list* bl; int type; type = script_getnum(st, 2); if (script_hasdata(st, 3)) bl = map->id2bl(script_getnum(st, 3)); else bl = map->id2bl(st->rid); if (script->potion_flag == 1 && script->potion_target) //##TODO how does this work [FlavioJS] bl = map->id2bl(script->potion_target); if (!bl) return true; if (type >= 0 && type < SC_MAX) { struct status_change *sc = status->get_sc(bl); struct status_change_entry *sce = sc ? sc->data[type] : NULL; if (!sce) return true; /* status that can't be individually removed (TODO sc_config option?) */ switch (type) { case SC_WEIGHTOVER50: case SC_WEIGHTOVER90: case SC_NOCHAT: case SC_PUSH_CART: return true; default: break; } //This should help status_change_end force disabling the SC in case it has no limit. sce->val1 = sce->val2 = sce->val3 = sce->val4 = 0; status_change_end(bl, (sc_type)type, INVALID_TIMER); } else status->change_clear(bl, 3); // remove all effects return true; } /*========================================== * @FIXME atm will return reduced tick, 0 immune, 1 no tick *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getscrate) { struct block_list *bl; int type,rate; type=script_getnum(st,2); rate=script_getnum(st,3); if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) //get for the bl assigned bl = map->id2bl(script_getnum(st,4)); else bl = map->id2bl(st->rid); if (bl) rate = status->get_sc_def(bl, bl, (sc_type)type, 10000, 10000, 0); script_pushint(st,rate); return true; } /*========================================== * getstatus <type>{, <info>}; *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getstatus) { int id, type; struct map_session_data* sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) {// no player attached return true; } id = script_getnum(st, 2); type = script_hasdata(st, 3) ? script_getnum(st, 3) : 0; if( id <= SC_NONE || id >= SC_MAX ) {// invalid status type given ShowWarning("script.c:getstatus: Invalid status type given (%d).\n", id); return true; } if( sd->sc.count == 0 || !sd->sc.data[id] ) {// no status is active script_pushint(st, 0); return true; } switch( type ) { case 1: script_pushint(st, sd->sc.data[id]->val1); break; case 2: script_pushint(st, sd->sc.data[id]->val2); break; case 3: script_pushint(st, sd->sc.data[id]->val3); break; case 4: script_pushint(st, sd->sc.data[id]->val4); break; case 5: { struct TimerData* td = (struct TimerData*)timer->get(sd->sc.data[id]->timer); if( td ) { // return the amount of time remaining script_pushint(st, (int)(td->tick - timer->gettick())); // TODO: change this to int64 when we'll support 64 bit script values } } break; default: script_pushint(st, 1); break; } return true; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(debugmes) { const char *str; str=script_getstr(st,2); ShowDebug("script debug : %d %d : %s\n",st->rid,st->oid,str); return true; } /*========================================== *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(catchpet) { int pet_id; TBL_PC *sd; pet_id= script_getnum(st,2); sd=script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; pet->catch_process1(sd,pet_id); return true; } /*========================================== * [orn] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(homunculus_evolution) { TBL_PC *sd; sd=script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; if(homun_alive(sd->hd)) { if (sd->hd->homunculus.intimacy > 91000) homun->evolve(sd->hd); else clif->emotion(&sd->hd->bl, E_SWT); } return true; } /*========================================== * [Xantara] * Checks for vaporized morph state * and deletes ITEMID_STRANGE_EMBRYO. *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(homunculus_mutate) { int homun_id; enum homun_type m_class, m_id; TBL_PC *sd; bool success = false; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL || sd->hd == NULL ) return true; if( sd->hd->homunculus.vaporize == HOM_ST_MORPH ) { int i = pc->search_inventory(sd, ITEMID_STRANGE_EMBRYO); if( script_hasdata(st,2) ) homun_id = script_getnum(st,2); else homun_id = 6048 + (rnd() % 4); m_class = homun->class2type(sd->hd->homunculus.class_); m_id = homun->class2type(homun_id); if( m_class == HT_EVO && m_id == HT_S && sd->hd->homunculus.level >= 99 && i >= 0 && !pc->delitem(sd, i, 1, 0, 0, LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT) ) { sd->hd->homunculus.vaporize = HOM_ST_REST; // Remove morph state. homun->call(sd); // Respawn homunculus. homun->mutate(sd->hd, homun_id); success = true; } else clif->emotion(&sd->hd->bl, E_SWT); } else clif->emotion(&sd->hd->bl, E_SWT); script_pushint(st,success?1:0); return true; } /*========================================== * Puts homunculus into morph state * and gives ITEMID_STRANGE_EMBRYO. *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(homunculus_morphembryo) { enum homun_type m_class; int i = 0; TBL_PC *sd; bool success = false; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL || sd->hd == NULL ) return true; if( homun_alive(sd->hd) ) { m_class = homun->class2type(sd->hd->homunculus.class_); if ( m_class == HT_EVO && sd->hd->homunculus.level >= 99 ) { struct item item_tmp; memset(&item_tmp, 0, sizeof(item_tmp)); item_tmp.nameid = ITEMID_STRANGE_EMBRYO; item_tmp.identify = 1; if( (i = pc->additem(sd, &item_tmp, 1, LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT)) ) { clif->additem(sd, 0, 0, i); clif->emotion(&sd->hd->bl, E_SWT); } else { homun->vaporize(sd, HOM_ST_MORPH); success = true; } } else clif->emotion(&sd->hd->bl, E_SWT); } else clif->emotion(&sd->hd->bl, E_SWT); script_pushint(st, success?1:0); return true; } /*========================================== * Check for homunculus state. * Return: -1 = No homunculus * 0 = Homunculus is active * 1 = Homunculus is vaporized (rest) * 2 = Homunculus is in morph state *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(homunculus_checkcall) { TBL_PC *sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL || !sd->hd ) script_pushint(st, -1); else script_pushint(st, sd->hd->homunculus.vaporize); return true; } // [Zephyrus] BUILDIN(homunculus_shuffle) { TBL_PC *sd; sd=script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; if(homun_alive(sd->hd)) homun->shuffle(sd->hd); return true; } //These two functions bring the eA MAPID_* class functionality to scripts. BUILDIN(eaclass) { int class_; if( script_hasdata(st,2) ) class_ = script_getnum(st,2); else { TBL_PC *sd; sd=script->rid2sd(st); if (!sd) { script_pushint(st,-1); return true; } class_ = sd->status.class_; } script_pushint(st,pc->jobid2mapid(class_)); return true; } BUILDIN(roclass) { int class_ =script_getnum(st,2); int sex; if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) sex = script_getnum(st,3); else { TBL_PC *sd; if (st->rid && (sd=script->rid2sd(st))) sex = sd->status.sex; else sex = 1; //Just use male when not found. } script_pushint(st,pc->mapid2jobid(class_, sex)); return true; } /*========================================== * Tells client to open a hatching window, used for pet incubator *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(birthpet) { TBL_PC *sd; sd=script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; if( sd->status.pet_id ) {// do not send egg list, when you already have a pet return true; } clif->sendegg(sd); return true; } /*========================================== * Added - AppleGirl For Advanced Classes, (Updated for Cleaner Script Purposes) * @type * 1 : make like after rebirth * 2 : blvl,jlvl=1, skillpoint=0 * 3 : don't reset skill, blvl=1 * 4 : jlvl=0 *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(resetlvl) { TBL_PC *sd; int type=script_getnum(st,2); sd=script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; pc->resetlvl(sd,type); return true; } /*========================================== * Reset a player status point *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(resetstatus) { TBL_PC *sd; sd=script->rid2sd(st); pc->resetstate(sd); return true; } /*========================================== * script command resetskill *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(resetskill) { TBL_PC *sd; sd=script->rid2sd(st); pc->resetskill(sd,1); return true; } /*========================================== * Counts total amount of skill points. *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(skillpointcount) { TBL_PC *sd; sd=script->rid2sd(st); script_pushint(st,sd->status.skill_point + pc->resetskill(sd,2)); return true; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(changebase) { TBL_PC *sd=NULL; int vclass; if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) sd=map->id2sd(script_getnum(st,3)); else sd=script->rid2sd(st); if(sd == NULL) return true; vclass = script_getnum(st,2); if(vclass == JOB_WEDDING) { if (!battle_config.wedding_modifydisplay || //Do not show the wedding sprites sd->class_&JOBL_BABY //Baby classes screw up when showing wedding sprites. [Skotlex] They don't seem to anymore. ) return true; } if(sd->disguise == -1 && vclass != sd->vd.class_) { status->set_viewdata(&sd->bl, vclass); //Updated client view. Base, Weapon and Cloth Colors. clif->changelook(&sd->bl,LOOK_BASE,sd->vd.class_); clif->changelook(&sd->bl,LOOK_WEAPON,sd->status.weapon); if (sd->vd.cloth_color) clif->changelook(&sd->bl,LOOK_CLOTHES_COLOR,sd->vd.cloth_color); clif->skillinfoblock(sd); } return true; } /*========================================== * Unequip all item and request for a changesex to char-serv *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(changesex) { int i; TBL_PC *sd = NULL; sd = script->rid2sd(st); pc->resetskill(sd,4); // to avoid any problem with equipment and invalid sex, equipment is unequiped. for( i=0; i<EQI_MAX; i++ ) if( sd->equip_index[i] >= 0 ) pc->unequipitem(sd, sd->equip_index[i], 3); chrif->changesex(sd); return true; } /*========================================== * Works like 'announce' but outputs in the common chat window *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(globalmes) { struct block_list *bl = map->id2bl(st->oid); struct npc_data *nd = (struct npc_data *)bl; const char *name=NULL,*mes; mes=script_getstr(st,2); if(mes==NULL) return true; if(script_hasdata(st,3)) { // npc name to display name=script_getstr(st,3); } else { name=nd->name; //use current npc name } npc->globalmessage(name,mes); // broadcast to all players connected return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NPC waiting room (chat room) // /// Creates a waiting room (chat room) for this npc. /// /// waitingroom "<title>",<limit>{,"<event>"{,<trigger>{,<zeny>{,<minlvl>{,<maxlvl>}}}}}; BUILDIN(waitingroom) { struct npc_data* nd; int pub = 1; const char* title = script_getstr(st, 2); int limit = script_getnum(st, 3); const char* ev = script_hasdata(st,4) ? script_getstr(st,4) : ""; int trigger = script_hasdata(st,5) ? script_getnum(st,5) : limit; int zeny = script_hasdata(st,6) ? script_getnum(st,6) : 0; int minLvl = script_hasdata(st,7) ? script_getnum(st,7) : 1; int maxLvl = script_hasdata(st,8) ? script_getnum(st,8) : MAX_LEVEL; nd = (struct npc_data *)map->id2bl(st->oid); if( nd != NULL ) chat->create_npc_chat(nd, title, limit, pub, trigger, ev, zeny, minLvl, maxLvl); return true; } /// Removes the waiting room of the current or target npc. /// /// delwaitingroom "<npc_name>"; /// delwaitingroom; BUILDIN(delwaitingroom) { struct npc_data* nd; if( script_hasdata(st,2) ) nd = npc->name2id(script_getstr(st, 2)); else nd = (struct npc_data *)map->id2bl(st->oid); if( nd != NULL ) chat->delete_npc_chat(nd); return true; } /// Kicks all the players from the waiting room of the current or target npc. /// /// kickwaitingroomall "<npc_name>"; /// kickwaitingroomall; BUILDIN(waitingroomkickall) { struct npc_data* nd; struct chat_data* cd; if( script_hasdata(st,2) ) nd = npc->name2id(script_getstr(st,2)); else nd = (struct npc_data *)map->id2bl(st->oid); if( nd != NULL && (cd=(struct chat_data *)map->id2bl(nd->chat_id)) != NULL ) chat->npc_kick_all(cd); return true; } /// Enables the waiting room event of the current or target npc. /// /// enablewaitingroomevent "<npc_name>"; /// enablewaitingroomevent; BUILDIN(enablewaitingroomevent) { struct npc_data* nd; struct chat_data* cd; if( script_hasdata(st,2) ) nd = npc->name2id(script_getstr(st, 2)); else nd = (struct npc_data *)map->id2bl(st->oid); if( nd != NULL && (cd=(struct chat_data *)map->id2bl(nd->chat_id)) != NULL ) chat->enable_event(cd); return true; } /// Disables the waiting room event of the current or target npc. /// /// disablewaitingroomevent "<npc_name>"; /// disablewaitingroomevent; BUILDIN(disablewaitingroomevent) { struct npc_data *nd; struct chat_data *cd; if( script_hasdata(st,2) ) nd = npc->name2id(script_getstr(st, 2)); else nd = (struct npc_data *)map->id2bl(st->oid); if( nd != NULL && (cd=(struct chat_data *)map->id2bl(nd->chat_id)) != NULL ) chat->disable_event(cd); return true; } /// Returns info on the waiting room of the current or target npc. /// Returns -1 if the type unknown /// <type>=0 : current number of users /// <type>=1 : maximum number of users allowed /// <type>=2 : the number of users that trigger the event /// <type>=3 : if the trigger is disabled /// <type>=4 : the title of the waiting room /// <type>=5 : the password of the waiting room /// <type>=16 : the name of the waiting room event /// <type>=32 : if the waiting room is full /// <type>=33 : if there are enough users to trigger the event /// /// getwaitingroomstate(<type>,"<npc_name>") -> <info> /// getwaitingroomstate(<type>) -> <info> BUILDIN(getwaitingroomstate) { struct npc_data *nd; struct chat_data *cd; int type; type = script_getnum(st,2); if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) nd = npc->name2id(script_getstr(st, 3)); else nd = (struct npc_data *)map->id2bl(st->oid); if( nd == NULL || (cd=(struct chat_data *)map->id2bl(nd->chat_id)) == NULL ) { script_pushint(st, -1); return true; } switch(type) { case 0: script_pushint(st, cd->users); break; case 1: script_pushint(st, cd->limit); break; case 2: script_pushint(st, cd->trigger&0x7f); break; case 3: script_pushint(st, ((cd->trigger&0x80)!=0)); break; case 4: script_pushstrcopy(st, cd->title); break; case 5: script_pushstrcopy(st, cd->pass); break; case 16: script_pushstrcopy(st, cd->npc_event);break; case 32: script_pushint(st, (cd->users >= cd->limit)); break; case 33: script_pushint(st, (cd->users >= cd->trigger)); break; default: script_pushint(st, -1); break; } return true; } /// Warps the trigger or target amount of players to the target map and position. /// Players are automatically removed from the waiting room. /// Those waiting the longest will get warped first. /// The target map can be "Random" for a random position in the current map, /// and "SavePoint" for the savepoint map+position. /// The map flag noteleport of the current map is only considered when teleporting to the savepoint. /// /// The id's of the teleported players are put into the array $@warpwaitingpc[] /// The total number of teleported players is put into $@warpwaitingpcnum /// /// warpwaitingpc "<map name>",<x>,<y>,<number of players>; /// warpwaitingpc "<map name>",<x>,<y>; BUILDIN(warpwaitingpc) { int x; int y; int i; int n; const char* map_name; struct npc_data* nd; struct chat_data* cd; TBL_PC* sd; nd = (struct npc_data *)map->id2bl(st->oid); if( nd == NULL || (cd=(struct chat_data *)map->id2bl(nd->chat_id)) == NULL ) return true; map_name = script_getstr(st,2); x = script_getnum(st,3); y = script_getnum(st,4); n = cd->trigger&0x7f; if( script_hasdata(st,5) ) n = script_getnum(st,5); for( i = 0; i < n && cd->users > 0; i++ ) { sd = cd->usersd[0]; if( strcmp(map_name,"SavePoint") == 0 && map->list[sd->bl.m].flag.noteleport ) { // can't teleport on this map break; } if( cd->zeny ) { // fee set if( (uint32)sd->status.zeny < cd->zeny ) { // no zeny to cover set fee break; } pc->payzeny(sd, cd->zeny, LOG_TYPE_NPC, NULL); } mapreg->setreg(reference_uid(script->add_str("$@warpwaitingpc"), i), sd->bl.id); if( strcmp(map_name,"Random") == 0 ) pc->randomwarp(sd,CLR_TELEPORT); else if( strcmp(map_name,"SavePoint") == 0 ) pc->setpos(sd, sd->status.save_point.map, sd->status.save_point.x, sd->status.save_point.y, CLR_TELEPORT); else pc->setpos(sd, script->mapindexname2id(st,map_name), x, y, CLR_OUTSIGHT); } mapreg->setreg(script->add_str("$@warpwaitingpcnum"), i); return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ... // /// Detaches a character from a script. /// /// @param st Script state to detach the character from. void script_detach_rid(struct script_state* st) { if(st->rid) { script->detach_state(st, false); st->rid = 0; } } /*========================================== * Attach sd char id to script and detach current one if any *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(attachrid) { int rid = script_getnum(st,2); if (map->id2sd(rid) != NULL) { script->detach_rid(st); st->rid = rid; script->attach_state(st); script_pushint(st,1); } else script_pushint(st,0); return true; } /*========================================== * Detach script to rid *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(detachrid) { script->detach_rid(st); return true; } /*========================================== * Chk if account connected, (and charid from account if specified) *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(isloggedin) { TBL_PC* sd = map->id2sd(script_getnum(st,2)); if (script_hasdata(st,3) && sd && sd->status.char_id != script_getnum(st,3)) sd = NULL; script->push_val(st->stack,C_INT,sd!=NULL,NULL); return true; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(setmapflagnosave) { int16 m,x,y; unsigned short map_index; const char *str,*str2; str=script_getstr(st,2); str2=script_getstr(st,3); x=script_getnum(st,4); y=script_getnum(st,5); m = map->mapname2mapid(str); map_index = script->mapindexname2id(st,str2); if(m >= 0 && map_index) { map->list[m].flag.nosave=1; map->list[m].save.map=map_index; map->list[m].save.x=x; map->list[m].save.y=y; } return true; } BUILDIN(getmapflag) { int16 m,i; const char *str; str=script_getstr(st,2); i=script_getnum(st,3); m = map->mapname2mapid(str); if(m >= 0) { switch(i) { case MF_NOMEMO: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.nomemo); break; case MF_NOTELEPORT: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.noteleport); break; case MF_NOSAVE: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.nosave); break; case MF_NOBRANCH: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.nobranch); break; case MF_NOPENALTY: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.noexppenalty); break; case MF_NOZENYPENALTY: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.nozenypenalty); break; case MF_PVP: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.pvp); break; case MF_PVP_NOPARTY: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.pvp_noparty); break; case MF_PVP_NOGUILD: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.pvp_noguild); break; case MF_GVG: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.gvg); break; case MF_GVG_NOPARTY: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.gvg_noparty); break; case MF_NOTRADE: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.notrade); break; case MF_NOSKILL: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.noskill); break; case MF_NOWARP: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.nowarp); break; case MF_PARTYLOCK: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.partylock); break; case MF_NOICEWALL: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.noicewall); break; case MF_SNOW: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.snow); break; case MF_FOG: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.fog); break; case MF_SAKURA: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.sakura); break; case MF_LEAVES: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.leaves); break; case MF_CLOUDS: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.clouds); break; case MF_CLOUDS2: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.clouds2); break; case MF_FIREWORKS: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.fireworks); break; case MF_GVG_CASTLE: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.gvg_castle); break; case MF_GVG_DUNGEON: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.gvg_dungeon); break; case MF_NIGHTENABLED: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.nightenabled); break; case MF_NOBASEEXP: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.nobaseexp); break; case MF_NOJOBEXP: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.nojobexp); break; case MF_NOMOBLOOT: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.nomobloot); break; case MF_NOMVPLOOT: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.nomvploot); break; case MF_NORETURN: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.noreturn); break; case MF_NOWARPTO: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.nowarpto); break; case MF_NIGHTMAREDROP: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.pvp_nightmaredrop); break; case MF_NOCOMMAND: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].nocommand); break; case MF_NODROP: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.nodrop); break; case MF_JEXP: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].jexp); break; case MF_BEXP: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].bexp); break; case MF_NOVENDING: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.novending); break; case MF_LOADEVENT: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.loadevent); break; case MF_NOCHAT: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.nochat); break; case MF_NOEXPPENALTY: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.noexppenalty ); break; case MF_GUILDLOCK: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.guildlock); break; case MF_TOWN: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.town); break; case MF_AUTOTRADE: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.autotrade); break; case MF_ALLOWKS: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.allowks); break; case MF_MONSTER_NOTELEPORT: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.monster_noteleport); break; case MF_PVP_NOCALCRANK: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.pvp_nocalcrank); break; case MF_BATTLEGROUND: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.battleground); break; case MF_RESET: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.reset); break; case MF_NOTOMB: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.notomb); break; case MF_NOCASHSHOP: script_pushint(st,map->list[m].flag.nocashshop); break; } } return true; } /* pvp timer handling */ int script_mapflag_pvp_sub(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { TBL_PC* sd = (TBL_PC*)bl; if (sd->pvp_timer == INVALID_TIMER) { sd->pvp_timer = timer->add(timer->gettick() + 200, pc->calc_pvprank_timer, sd->bl.id, 0); sd->pvp_rank = 0; sd->pvp_lastusers = 0; sd->pvp_point = 5; sd->pvp_won = 0; sd->pvp_lost = 0; } clif->map_property(sd, MAPPROPERTY_FREEPVPZONE); clif->maptypeproperty2(&sd->bl,SELF); return 0; } BUILDIN(setmapflag) { int16 m,i; const char *str, *val2 = NULL; int val=0; str=script_getstr(st,2); i = script_getnum(st, 3); if (script_hasdata(st,4)) { if (script_isstringtype(st, 4)) { val2 = script_getstr(st, 4); } else if (script_isinttype(st, 4)) { val = script_getnum(st, 4); } else { ShowError("buildin_setmapflag: invalid data type for argument 3.\n"); return false; } } m = map->mapname2mapid(str); if(m >= 0) { switch(i) { case MF_NOMEMO: map->list[m].flag.nomemo = 1; break; case MF_NOTELEPORT: map->list[m].flag.noteleport = 1; break; case MF_NOSAVE: map->list[m].flag.nosave = 1; break; case MF_NOBRANCH: map->list[m].flag.nobranch = 1; break; case MF_NOPENALTY: map->list[m].flag.noexppenalty = 1; map->list[m].flag.nozenypenalty = 1; break; case MF_NOZENYPENALTY: map->list[m].flag.nozenypenalty = 1; break; case MF_PVP: map->list[m].flag.pvp = 1; if( !battle_config.pk_mode ) { map->foreachinmap(script->mapflag_pvp_sub,m,BL_PC); } break; case MF_PVP_NOPARTY: map->list[m].flag.pvp_noparty = 1; break; case MF_PVP_NOGUILD: map->list[m].flag.pvp_noguild = 1; break; case MF_GVG: { struct block_list bl; map->list[m].flag.gvg = 1; clif->map_property_mapall(m, MAPPROPERTY_AGITZONE); bl.type = BL_NUL; bl.m = m; clif->maptypeproperty2(&bl,ALL_SAMEMAP); } break; case MF_GVG_NOPARTY: map->list[m].flag.gvg_noparty = 1; break; case MF_NOTRADE: map->list[m].flag.notrade = 1; break; case MF_NOSKILL: map->list[m].flag.noskill = 1; break; case MF_NOWARP: map->list[m].flag.nowarp = 1; break; case MF_PARTYLOCK: map->list[m].flag.partylock = 1; break; case MF_NOICEWALL: map->list[m].flag.noicewall = 1; break; case MF_SNOW: map->list[m].flag.snow = 1; break; case MF_FOG: map->list[m].flag.fog = 1; break; case MF_SAKURA: map->list[m].flag.sakura = 1; break; case MF_LEAVES: map->list[m].flag.leaves = 1; break; case MF_CLOUDS: map->list[m].flag.clouds = 1; break; case MF_CLOUDS2: map->list[m].flag.clouds2 = 1; break; case MF_FIREWORKS: map->list[m].flag.fireworks = 1; break; case MF_GVG_CASTLE: map->list[m].flag.gvg_castle = 1; break; case MF_GVG_DUNGEON: map->list[m].flag.gvg_dungeon = 1; break; case MF_NIGHTENABLED: map->list[m].flag.nightenabled = 1; break; case MF_NOBASEEXP: map->list[m].flag.nobaseexp = 1; break; case MF_NOJOBEXP: map->list[m].flag.nojobexp = 1; break; case MF_NOMOBLOOT: map->list[m].flag.nomobloot = 1; break; case MF_NOMVPLOOT: map->list[m].flag.nomvploot = 1; break; case MF_NORETURN: map->list[m].flag.noreturn = 1; break; case MF_NOWARPTO: map->list[m].flag.nowarpto = 1; break; case MF_NIGHTMAREDROP: map->list[m].flag.pvp_nightmaredrop = 1; break; case MF_ZONE: if( val2 ) { char zone[6] = "zone\0"; char empty[1] = "\0"; char params[MAP_ZONE_MAPFLAG_LENGTH]; memcpy(params, val2, MAP_ZONE_MAPFLAG_LENGTH); npc->parse_mapflag(map->list[m].name, empty, zone, params, empty, empty, empty); } break; case MF_NOCOMMAND: map->list[m].nocommand = (val <= 0) ? 100 : val; break; case MF_NODROP: map->list[m].flag.nodrop = 1; break; case MF_JEXP: map->list[m].jexp = (val <= 0) ? 100 : val; break; case MF_BEXP: map->list[m].bexp = (val <= 0) ? 100 : val; break; case MF_NOVENDING: map->list[m].flag.novending = 1; break; case MF_LOADEVENT: map->list[m].flag.loadevent = 1; break; case MF_NOCHAT: map->list[m].flag.nochat = 1; break; case MF_NOEXPPENALTY: map->list[m].flag.noexppenalty = 1; break; case MF_GUILDLOCK: map->list[m].flag.guildlock = 1; break; case MF_TOWN: map->list[m].flag.town = 1; break; case MF_AUTOTRADE: map->list[m].flag.autotrade = 1; break; case MF_ALLOWKS: map->list[m].flag.allowks = 1; break; case MF_MONSTER_NOTELEPORT: map->list[m].flag.monster_noteleport = 1; break; case MF_PVP_NOCALCRANK: map->list[m].flag.pvp_nocalcrank = 1; break; case MF_BATTLEGROUND: map->list[m].flag.battleground = (val <= 0 || val > 2) ? 1 : val; break; case MF_RESET: map->list[m].flag.reset = 1; break; case MF_NOTOMB: map->list[m].flag.notomb = 1; break; case MF_NOCASHSHOP: map->list[m].flag.nocashshop = 1; break; } } return true; } BUILDIN(removemapflag) { int16 m,i; const char *str; str=script_getstr(st,2); i=script_getnum(st,3); m = map->mapname2mapid(str); if(m >= 0) { switch(i) { case MF_NOMEMO: map->list[m].flag.nomemo = 0; break; case MF_NOTELEPORT: map->list[m].flag.noteleport = 0; break; case MF_NOSAVE: map->list[m].flag.nosave = 0; break; case MF_NOBRANCH: map->list[m].flag.nobranch = 0; break; case MF_NOPENALTY: map->list[m].flag.noexppenalty = 0; map->list[m].flag.nozenypenalty = 0; break; case MF_NOZENYPENALTY: map->list[m].flag.nozenypenalty = 0; break; case MF_PVP: { struct block_list bl; bl.type = BL_NUL; bl.m = m; map->list[m].flag.pvp = 0; clif->map_property_mapall(m, MAPPROPERTY_NOTHING); clif->maptypeproperty2(&bl,ALL_SAMEMAP); } break; case MF_PVP_NOPARTY: map->list[m].flag.pvp_noparty = 0; break; case MF_PVP_NOGUILD: map->list[m].flag.pvp_noguild = 0; break; case MF_GVG: { struct block_list bl; bl.type = BL_NUL; bl.m = m; map->list[m].flag.gvg = 0; clif->map_property_mapall(m, MAPPROPERTY_NOTHING); clif->maptypeproperty2(&bl,ALL_SAMEMAP); } break; case MF_GVG_NOPARTY: map->list[m].flag.gvg_noparty = 0; break; case MF_NOTRADE: map->list[m].flag.notrade = 0; break; case MF_NOSKILL: map->list[m].flag.noskill = 0; break; case MF_NOWARP: map->list[m].flag.nowarp = 0; break; case MF_PARTYLOCK: map->list[m].flag.partylock = 0; break; case MF_NOICEWALL: map->list[m].flag.noicewall = 0; break; case MF_SNOW: map->list[m].flag.snow = 0; break; case MF_FOG: map->list[m].flag.fog = 0; break; case MF_SAKURA: map->list[m].flag.sakura = 0; break; case MF_LEAVES: map->list[m].flag.leaves = 0; break; case MF_CLOUDS: map->list[m].flag.clouds = 0; break; case MF_CLOUDS2: map->list[m].flag.clouds2 = 0; break; case MF_FIREWORKS: map->list[m].flag.fireworks = 0; break; case MF_GVG_CASTLE: map->list[m].flag.gvg_castle = 0; break; case MF_GVG_DUNGEON: map->list[m].flag.gvg_dungeon = 0; break; case MF_NIGHTENABLED: map->list[m].flag.nightenabled = 0; break; case MF_NOBASEEXP: map->list[m].flag.nobaseexp = 0; break; case MF_NOJOBEXP: map->list[m].flag.nojobexp = 0; break; case MF_NOMOBLOOT: map->list[m].flag.nomobloot = 0; break; case MF_NOMVPLOOT: map->list[m].flag.nomvploot = 0; break; case MF_NORETURN: map->list[m].flag.noreturn = 0; break; case MF_NOWARPTO: map->list[m].flag.nowarpto = 0; break; case MF_NIGHTMAREDROP: map->list[m].flag.pvp_nightmaredrop = 0; break; case MF_ZONE: map->zone_change2(m, map->list[m].prev_zone); break; case MF_NOCOMMAND: map->list[m].nocommand = 0; break; case MF_NODROP: map->list[m].flag.nodrop = 0; break; case MF_JEXP: map->list[m].jexp = 0; break; case MF_BEXP: map->list[m].bexp = 0; break; case MF_NOVENDING: map->list[m].flag.novending = 0; break; case MF_LOADEVENT: map->list[m].flag.loadevent = 0; break; case MF_NOCHAT: map->list[m].flag.nochat = 0; break; case MF_NOEXPPENALTY: map->list[m].flag.noexppenalty = 0; break; case MF_GUILDLOCK: map->list[m].flag.guildlock = 0; break; case MF_TOWN: map->list[m].flag.town = 0; break; case MF_AUTOTRADE: map->list[m].flag.autotrade = 0; break; case MF_ALLOWKS: map->list[m].flag.allowks = 0; break; case MF_MONSTER_NOTELEPORT: map->list[m].flag.monster_noteleport = 0; break; case MF_PVP_NOCALCRANK: map->list[m].flag.pvp_nocalcrank = 0; break; case MF_BATTLEGROUND: map->list[m].flag.battleground = 0; break; case MF_RESET: map->list[m].flag.reset = 0; break; case MF_NOTOMB: map->list[m].flag.notomb = 0; break; case MF_NOCASHSHOP: map->list[m].flag.nocashshop = 0; break; } } return true; } BUILDIN(pvpon) { int16 m; const char *str; TBL_PC* sd = NULL; struct s_mapiterator* iter; struct block_list bl; str = script_getstr(st,2); m = map->mapname2mapid(str); if( m < 0 || map->list[m].flag.pvp ) return true; // nothing to do if( !strdb_exists(map->zone_db,MAP_ZONE_PVP_NAME) ) { ShowError("buildin_pvpon: zone_db missing '%s'\n",MAP_ZONE_PVP_NAME); return true; } map->zone_change2(m, strdb_get(map->zone_db, MAP_ZONE_PVP_NAME)); map->list[m].flag.pvp = 1; clif->map_property_mapall(m, MAPPROPERTY_FREEPVPZONE); bl.type = BL_NUL; bl.m = m; clif->maptypeproperty2(&bl,ALL_SAMEMAP); if(battle_config.pk_mode) // disable ranking functions if pk_mode is on [Valaris] return true; iter = mapit_getallusers(); for( sd = (TBL_PC*)mapit->first(iter); mapit->exists(iter); sd = (TBL_PC*)mapit->next(iter) ) { if( sd->bl.m != m || sd->pvp_timer != INVALID_TIMER ) continue; // not applicable sd->pvp_timer = timer->add(timer->gettick()+200,pc->calc_pvprank_timer,sd->bl.id,0); sd->pvp_rank = 0; sd->pvp_lastusers = 0; sd->pvp_point = 5; sd->pvp_won = 0; sd->pvp_lost = 0; } mapit->free(iter); return true; } int buildin_pvpoff_sub(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { TBL_PC* sd = (TBL_PC*)bl; clif->pvpset(sd, 0, 0, 2); if (sd->pvp_timer != INVALID_TIMER) { timer->delete(sd->pvp_timer, pc->calc_pvprank_timer); sd->pvp_timer = INVALID_TIMER; } return 0; } BUILDIN(pvpoff) { int16 m; const char *str; struct block_list bl; str=script_getstr(st,2); m = map->mapname2mapid(str); if(m < 0 || !map->list[m].flag.pvp) return true; //fixed Lupus map->zone_change2(m, map->list[m].prev_zone); map->list[m].flag.pvp = 0; clif->map_property_mapall(m, MAPPROPERTY_NOTHING); bl.type = BL_NUL; bl.m = m; clif->maptypeproperty2(&bl,ALL_SAMEMAP); if(battle_config.pk_mode) // disable ranking options if pk_mode is on [Valaris] return true; map->foreachinmap(script->buildin_pvpoff_sub, m, BL_PC); return true; } BUILDIN(gvgon) { int16 m; const char *str; str=script_getstr(st,2); m = map->mapname2mapid(str); if(m >= 0 && !map->list[m].flag.gvg) { struct block_list bl; if( !strdb_exists(map->zone_db,MAP_ZONE_GVG_NAME) ) { ShowError("buildin_gvgon: zone_db missing '%s'\n",MAP_ZONE_GVG_NAME); return true; } map->zone_change2(m, strdb_get(map->zone_db, MAP_ZONE_GVG_NAME)); map->list[m].flag.gvg = 1; clif->map_property_mapall(m, MAPPROPERTY_AGITZONE); bl.type = BL_NUL; bl.m = m; clif->maptypeproperty2(&bl,ALL_SAMEMAP); } return true; } BUILDIN(gvgoff) { int16 m; const char *str; str=script_getstr(st,2); m = map->mapname2mapid(str); if(m >= 0 && map->list[m].flag.gvg) { struct block_list bl; map->zone_change2(m, map->list[m].prev_zone); map->list[m].flag.gvg = 0; clif->map_property_mapall(m, MAPPROPERTY_NOTHING); bl.type = BL_NUL; bl.m = m; clif->maptypeproperty2(&bl,ALL_SAMEMAP); } return true; } /*========================================== * Shows an emoticon on top of the player/npc * emotion emotion#, <target: 0 - NPC, 1 - PC>, <NPC/PC name> *------------------------------------------*/ //Optional second parameter added by [Skotlex] BUILDIN(emotion) { int type; int player=0; type=script_getnum(st,2); if(type < 0 || type > 100) return true; if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) player=script_getnum(st,3); if (player) { TBL_PC *sd = NULL; if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) sd = map->nick2sd(script_getstr(st,4)); else sd = script->rid2sd(st); if (sd) clif->emotion(&sd->bl,type); } else if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) { TBL_NPC *nd = npc->name2id(script_getstr(st,4)); if(nd) clif->emotion(&nd->bl,type); } else clif->emotion(map->id2bl(st->oid),type); return true; } int buildin_maprespawnguildid_sub_pc(struct map_session_data* sd, va_list ap) { int16 m=va_arg(ap,int); int g_id=va_arg(ap,int); int flag=va_arg(ap,int); if(!sd || sd->bl.m != m) return 0; if( (sd->status.guild_id == g_id && flag&1) //Warp out owners || (sd->status.guild_id != g_id && flag&2) //Warp out outsiders || (sd->status.guild_id == 0) // Warp out players not in guild [Valaris] ) pc->setpos(sd,sd->status.save_point.map,sd->status.save_point.x,sd->status.save_point.y,CLR_TELEPORT); return 1; } int buildin_maprespawnguildid_sub_mob(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { struct mob_data *md=(struct mob_data *)bl; if(!md->guardian_data && md->class_ != MOBID_EMPERIUM) status_kill(bl); return 0; } BUILDIN(maprespawnguildid) { const char *mapname=script_getstr(st,2); int g_id=script_getnum(st,3); int flag=script_getnum(st,4); int16 m=map->mapname2mapid(mapname); if(m == -1) return true; //Catch ALL players (in case some are 'between maps' on execution time) map->foreachpc(script->buildin_maprespawnguildid_sub_pc,m,g_id,flag); if (flag&4) //Remove script mobs. map->foreachinmap(script->buildin_maprespawnguildid_sub_mob,m,BL_MOB); return true; } BUILDIN(agitstart) { if(map->agit_flag==1) return true; // Agit already Start. map->agit_flag=1; guild->agit_start(); return true; } BUILDIN(agitend) { if(map->agit_flag==0) return true; // Agit already End. map->agit_flag=0; guild->agit_end(); return true; } BUILDIN(agitstart2) { if(map->agit2_flag==1) return true; // Agit2 already Start. map->agit2_flag=1; guild->agit2_start(); return true; } BUILDIN(agitend2) { if(map->agit2_flag==0) return true; // Agit2 already End. map->agit2_flag=0; guild->agit2_end(); return true; } /*========================================== * Returns whether woe is on or off. *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(agitcheck) { script_pushint(st,map->agit_flag); return true; } /*========================================== * Returns whether woese is on or off. *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(agitcheck2) { script_pushint(st,map->agit2_flag); return true; } /// Sets the guild_id of this npc. /// /// flagemblem <guild_id>; BUILDIN(flagemblem) { TBL_NPC* nd; int g_id = script_getnum(st,2); if(g_id < 0) return true; nd = (TBL_NPC*)map->id2nd(st->oid); if( nd == NULL ) { ShowError("script:flagemblem: npc %d not found\n", st->oid); } else if( nd->subtype != SCRIPT ) { ShowError("script:flagemblem: unexpected subtype %d for npc %d '%s'\n", nd->subtype, st->oid, nd->exname); } else { bool changed = ( nd->u.scr.guild_id != g_id )?true:false; nd->u.scr.guild_id = g_id; clif->guild_emblem_area(&nd->bl); /* guild flag caching */ if( g_id ) /* adding a id */ guild->flag_add(nd); else if( changed ) /* removing a flag */ guild->flag_remove(nd); } return true; } BUILDIN(getcastlename) { const char* mapname = mapindex->getmapname(script_getstr(st,2),NULL); struct guild_castle* gc = guild->mapname2gc(mapname); const char* name = (gc) ? gc->castle_name : ""; script_pushstrcopy(st,name); return true; } BUILDIN(getcastledata) { const char *mapname = mapindex->getmapname(script_getstr(st,2),NULL); int index = script_getnum(st,3); struct guild_castle *gc = guild->mapname2gc(mapname); if (gc == NULL) { script_pushint(st,0); ShowWarning("buildin_setcastledata: guild castle for map '%s' not found\n", mapname); return false; } switch (index) { case 1: script_pushint(st,gc->guild_id); break; case 2: script_pushint(st,gc->economy); break; case 3: script_pushint(st,gc->defense); break; case 4: script_pushint(st,gc->triggerE); break; case 5: script_pushint(st,gc->triggerD); break; case 6: script_pushint(st,gc->nextTime); break; case 7: script_pushint(st,gc->payTime); break; case 8: script_pushint(st,gc->createTime); break; case 9: script_pushint(st,gc->visibleC); break; default: if (index > 9 && index <= 9+MAX_GUARDIANS) { script_pushint(st,gc->guardian[index-10].visible); break; } script_pushint(st,0); ShowWarning("buildin_setcastledata: index = '%d' is out of allowed range\n", index); return false; } return true; } BUILDIN(setcastledata) { const char *mapname = mapindex->getmapname(script_getstr(st,2),NULL); int index = script_getnum(st,3); int value = script_getnum(st,4); struct guild_castle *gc = guild->mapname2gc(mapname); if (gc == NULL) { ShowWarning("buildin_setcastledata: guild castle for map '%s' not found\n", mapname); return false; } if (index <= 0 || index > 9+MAX_GUARDIANS) { ShowWarning("buildin_setcastledata: index = '%d' is out of allowed range\n", index); return false; } guild->castledatasave(gc->castle_id, index, value); return true; } /* ===================================================================== * ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(requestguildinfo) { int guild_id=script_getnum(st,2); const char *event=NULL; if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) { event=script_getstr(st,3); script->check_event(st, event); } if(guild_id>0) guild->npc_request_info(guild_id,event); return true; } /// Returns the number of cards that have been compounded onto the specified equipped item. /// getequipcardcnt(<equipment slot>); BUILDIN(getequipcardcnt) { int i=-1,j,num; TBL_PC *sd; int count; num=script_getnum(st,2); sd=script->rid2sd(st); if (num > 0 && num <= ARRAYLENGTH(script->equip)) i=pc->checkequip(sd,script->equip[num-1]); if (i < 0 || !sd->inventory_data[i]) { script_pushint(st,0); return true; } if(itemdb_isspecial(sd->status.inventory[i].card[0])) { script_pushint(st,0); return true; } count = 0; for( j = 0; j < sd->inventory_data[i]->slot; j++ ) if( sd->status.inventory[i].card[j] && itemdb_type(sd->status.inventory[i].card[j]) == IT_CARD ) count++; script_pushint(st,count); return true; } /// Removes all cards from the item found in the specified equipment slot of the invoking character, /// and give them to the character. If any cards were removed in this manner, it will also show a success effect. /// successremovecards <slot>; BUILDIN(successremovecards) { int i=-1,j,c,cardflag=0; TBL_PC* sd = script->rid2sd(st); int num = script_getnum(st,2); if (num > 0 && num <= ARRAYLENGTH(script->equip)) i=pc->checkequip(sd,script->equip[num-1]); if (i < 0 || !sd->inventory_data[i]) { return true; } if(itemdb_isspecial(sd->status.inventory[i].card[0])) return true; for( c = sd->inventory_data[i]->slot - 1; c >= 0; --c ) { if( sd->status.inventory[i].card[c] && itemdb_type(sd->status.inventory[i].card[c]) == IT_CARD ) {// extract this card from the item int flag; struct item item_tmp; memset(&item_tmp,0,sizeof(item_tmp)); cardflag = 1; item_tmp.nameid = sd->status.inventory[i].card[c]; item_tmp.identify = 1; if((flag=pc->additem(sd,&item_tmp,1,LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT))) { // get back the cart in inventory clif->additem(sd,0,0,flag); map->addflooritem(&item_tmp,1,sd->bl.m,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y,0,0,0,0); } } } if(cardflag == 1) {//if card was remove remplace item with no card int flag; struct item item_tmp; memset(&item_tmp,0,sizeof(item_tmp)); item_tmp.nameid = sd->status.inventory[i].nameid; item_tmp.identify = 1; item_tmp.refine = sd->status.inventory[i].refine; item_tmp.attribute = sd->status.inventory[i].attribute; item_tmp.expire_time = sd->status.inventory[i].expire_time; item_tmp.bound = sd->status.inventory[i].bound; for (j = sd->inventory_data[i]->slot; j < MAX_SLOTS; j++) item_tmp.card[j]=sd->status.inventory[i].card[j]; pc->delitem(sd,i,1,0,3,LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT); if((flag=pc->additem(sd,&item_tmp,1,LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT))) { //chk if can be spawn in inventory otherwise put on floor clif->additem(sd,0,0,flag); map->addflooritem(&item_tmp,1,sd->bl.m,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y,0,0,0,0); } clif->misceffect(&sd->bl,3); } return true; } /// Removes all cards from the item found in the specified equipment slot of the invoking character. /// failedremovecards <slot>, <type>; /// <type>=0 : will destroy both the item and the cards. /// <type>=1 : will keep the item, but destroy the cards. /// <type>=2 : will keep the cards, but destroy the item. /// <type>=? : will just display the failure effect. BUILDIN(failedremovecards) { int i=-1,j,c,cardflag=0; TBL_PC* sd = script->rid2sd(st); int num = script_getnum(st,2); int typefail = script_getnum(st,3); if (num > 0 && num <= ARRAYLENGTH(script->equip)) i=pc->checkequip(sd,script->equip[num-1]); if (i < 0 || !sd->inventory_data[i]) return true; if(itemdb_isspecial(sd->status.inventory[i].card[0])) return true; for( c = sd->inventory_data[i]->slot - 1; c >= 0; --c ) { if( sd->status.inventory[i].card[c] && itemdb_type(sd->status.inventory[i].card[c]) == IT_CARD ) { cardflag = 1; if(typefail == 2) {// add cards to inventory, clear int flag; struct item item_tmp; memset(&item_tmp,0,sizeof(item_tmp)); item_tmp.nameid = sd->status.inventory[i].card[c]; item_tmp.identify = 1; if((flag=pc->additem(sd,&item_tmp,1,LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT))) { clif->additem(sd,0,0,flag); map->addflooritem(&item_tmp,1,sd->bl.m,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y,0,0,0,0); } } } } if(cardflag == 1) { if(typefail == 0 || typefail == 2) { // destroy the item pc->delitem(sd,i,1,0,2,LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT); } if(typefail == 1) { // destroy the card int flag; struct item item_tmp; memset(&item_tmp,0,sizeof(item_tmp)); item_tmp.nameid = sd->status.inventory[i].nameid; item_tmp.identify = 1; item_tmp.refine = sd->status.inventory[i].refine; item_tmp.attribute = sd->status.inventory[i].attribute; item_tmp.expire_time = sd->status.inventory[i].expire_time; item_tmp.bound = sd->status.inventory[i].bound; for (j = sd->inventory_data[i]->slot; j < MAX_SLOTS; j++) item_tmp.card[j]=sd->status.inventory[i].card[j]; pc->delitem(sd,i,1,0,2,LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT); if((flag=pc->additem(sd,&item_tmp,1,LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT))) { clif->additem(sd,0,0,flag); map->addflooritem(&item_tmp,1,sd->bl.m,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y,0,0,0,0); } } clif->misceffect(&sd->bl,2); } return true; } /* ================================================================ * mapwarp "<from map>","<to map>",<x>,<y>,<type>,<ID for Type>; * type: 0=everyone, 1=guild, 2=party; [Reddozen] * improved by [Lance] * ================================================================*/ // Added by RoVeRT BUILDIN(mapwarp) { int x,y,m,check_val=0,check_ID=0,i=0; struct guild *g = NULL; struct party_data *p = NULL; const char *str; const char *mapname; unsigned int index; mapname=script_getstr(st,2); str=script_getstr(st,3); x=script_getnum(st,4); y=script_getnum(st,5); if(script_hasdata(st,7)) { check_val=script_getnum(st,6); check_ID=script_getnum(st,7); } if((m=map->mapname2mapid(mapname))< 0) return true; if(!(index=script->mapindexname2id(st,str))) return true; switch(check_val) { case 1: g = guild->search(check_ID); if (g) { for( i=0; i < g->max_member; i++) { if(g->member[i].sd && g->member[i].sd->bl.m==m) { pc->setpos(g->member[i].sd,index,x,y,CLR_TELEPORT); } } } break; case 2: p = party->search(check_ID); if(p) { for(i=0;i<MAX_PARTY; i++) { if(p->data[i].sd && p->data[i].sd->bl.m == m) { pc->setpos(p->data[i].sd,index,x,y,CLR_TELEPORT); } } } break; default: map->foreachinmap(script->buildin_areawarp_sub,m,BL_PC,index,x,y,0,0); break; } return true; } // Added by RoVeRT int buildin_mobcount_sub(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { char *event=va_arg(ap,char *); struct mob_data *md = ((struct mob_data *)bl); if( md->status.hp > 0 && (!event || strcmp(event,md->npc_event) == 0) ) return 1; return 0; } // Added by RoVeRT BUILDIN(mobcount) { const char *mapname,*event; int16 m; mapname=script_getstr(st,2); event=script_getstr(st,3); if( strcmp(event, "all") == 0 ) event = NULL; else script->check_event(st, event); if( strcmp(mapname, "this") == 0 ) { struct map_session_data *sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd ) m = sd->bl.m; else { script_pushint(st,-1); return true; } } else if( (m = map->mapname2mapid(mapname)) < 0 ) { script_pushint(st,-1); return true; } if( map->list[m].flag.src4instance && map->list[m].instance_id == -1 && st->instance_id >= 0 && (m = instance->mapid2imapid(m, st->instance_id)) < 0 ) { script_pushint(st,-1); return true; } script_pushint(st,map->foreachinmap(script->buildin_mobcount_sub, m, BL_MOB, event)); return true; } BUILDIN(marriage) { const char *partner=script_getstr(st,2); TBL_PC *sd=script->rid2sd(st); TBL_PC *p_sd=map->nick2sd(partner); if(sd==NULL || p_sd==NULL || pc->marriage(sd,p_sd) < 0) { script_pushint(st,0); return true; } script_pushint(st,1); return true; } BUILDIN(wedding_effect) { TBL_PC *sd=script->rid2sd(st); struct block_list *bl; if(sd==NULL) { bl=map->id2bl(st->oid); } else bl=&sd->bl; clif->wedding_effect(bl); return true; } BUILDIN(divorce) { TBL_PC *sd=script->rid2sd(st); if(sd==NULL || pc->divorce(sd) < 0) { script_pushint(st,0); return true; } script_pushint(st,1); return true; } BUILDIN(ispartneron) { TBL_PC *sd=script->rid2sd(st); if (sd==NULL || !pc->ismarried(sd) || map->charid2sd(sd->status.partner_id) == NULL) { script_pushint(st,0); return true; } script_pushint(st,1); return true; } BUILDIN(getpartnerid) { TBL_PC *sd=script->rid2sd(st); if (sd == NULL) { script_pushint(st,0); return true; } script_pushint(st,sd->status.partner_id); return true; } BUILDIN(getchildid) { TBL_PC *sd=script->rid2sd(st); if (sd == NULL) { script_pushint(st,0); return true; } script_pushint(st,sd->status.child); return true; } BUILDIN(getmotherid) { TBL_PC *sd=script->rid2sd(st); if (sd == NULL) { script_pushint(st,0); return true; } script_pushint(st,sd->status.mother); return true; } BUILDIN(getfatherid) { TBL_PC *sd=script->rid2sd(st); if (sd == NULL) { script_pushint(st,0); return true; } script_pushint(st,sd->status.father); return true; } BUILDIN(warppartner) { int x,y; unsigned short map_index; const char *str; TBL_PC *sd=script->rid2sd(st); TBL_PC *p_sd=NULL; if ( sd==NULL || !pc->ismarried(sd) || (p_sd=map->charid2sd(sd->status.partner_id)) == NULL) { script_pushint(st,0); return true; } str=script_getstr(st,2); x=script_getnum(st,3); y=script_getnum(st,4); map_index = script->mapindexname2id(st,str); if (map_index) { pc->setpos(p_sd,map_index,x,y,CLR_OUTSIGHT); script_pushint(st,1); } else script_pushint(st,0); return true; } /*================================================ * Script for Displaying MOB Information [Valaris] *------------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(strmobinfo) { int num=script_getnum(st,2); int class_=script_getnum(st,3); if(!mob->db_checkid(class_)) { if (num < 3) //requested a string script_pushconststr(st,""); else script_pushint(st,0); return true; } switch (num) { case 1: script_pushstrcopy(st,mob->db(class_)->name); break; case 2: script_pushstrcopy(st,mob->db(class_)->jname); break; case 3: script_pushint(st,mob->db(class_)->lv); break; case 4: script_pushint(st,mob->db(class_)->status.max_hp); break; case 5: script_pushint(st,mob->db(class_)->status.max_sp); break; case 6: script_pushint(st,mob->db(class_)->base_exp); break; case 7: script_pushint(st,mob->db(class_)->job_exp); break; default: script_pushint(st,0); break; } return true; } /*========================================== * Summon guardians [Valaris] * guardian("<map name>",<x>,<y>,"<name to show>",<mob id>{,"<event label>"}{,<guardian index>}) -> <id> *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(guardian) { int class_ = 0, x = 0, y = 0, guardian = 0; const char *str, *mapname, *evt=""; bool has_index = false; mapname = script_getstr(st,2); x = script_getnum(st,3); y = script_getnum(st,4); str = script_getstr(st,5); class_ = script_getnum(st,6); if( script_hasdata(st,8) ) {// "<event label>",<guardian index> evt=script_getstr(st,7); guardian=script_getnum(st,8); has_index = true; } else if( script_hasdata(st,7) ) { struct script_data *data = script_getdata(st,7); script->get_val(st,data); // Dereference if it's a variable if( data_isstring(data) ) { // "<event label>" evt=script_getstr(st,7); } else if( data_isint(data) ) { // <guardian index> guardian=script_getnum(st,7); has_index = true; } else { ShowError("script:guardian: invalid data type for argument #6 (from 1)\n"); script->reportdata(data); return false; } } script->check_event(st, evt); script_pushint(st, mob->spawn_guardian(mapname,x,y,str,class_,evt,guardian,has_index)); return true; } /*========================================== * Invisible Walls [Zephyrus] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(setwall) { const char *mapname, *name; int x, y, m, size, dir; bool shootable; mapname = script_getstr(st,2); x = script_getnum(st,3); y = script_getnum(st,4); size = script_getnum(st,5); dir = script_getnum(st,6); shootable = script_getnum(st,7); name = script_getstr(st,8); if( (m = map->mapname2mapid(mapname)) < 0 ) return true; // Invalid Map map->iwall_set(m, x, y, size, dir, shootable, name); return true; } BUILDIN(delwall) { const char *name = script_getstr(st,2); map->iwall_remove(name); return true; } /// Retrieves various information about the specified guardian. /// /// guardianinfo("<map_name>", <index>, <type>) -> <value> /// type: 0 - whether it is deployed or not /// 1 - maximum hp /// 2 - current hp /// BUILDIN(guardianinfo) { const char* mapname = mapindex->getmapname(script_getstr(st,2),NULL); int id = script_getnum(st,3); int type = script_getnum(st,4); struct guild_castle* gc = guild->mapname2gc(mapname); struct mob_data* gd; if( gc == NULL || id < 0 || id >= MAX_GUARDIANS ) { script_pushint(st,-1); return true; } if( type == 0 ) script_pushint(st, gc->guardian[id].visible); else if( !gc->guardian[id].visible ) script_pushint(st,-1); else if( (gd = map->id2md(gc->guardian[id].id)) == NULL ) script_pushint(st,-1); else if( type == 1 ) script_pushint(st,gd->status.max_hp); else if( type == 2 ) script_pushint(st,gd->status.hp); else script_pushint(st,-1); return true; } /*========================================== * Get the item name by item_id or null *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getitemname) { int item_id=0; struct item_data *i_data; char *item_name; if( script_isstringtype(st, 2) ) { const char *name = script_getstr(st, 2); struct item_data *item_data = itemdb->search_name(name); if( item_data ) item_id=item_data->nameid; } else { item_id = script_getnum(st, 2); } i_data = itemdb->exists(item_id); if (i_data == NULL) { script_pushconststr(st,"null"); return true; } item_name=(char *)aMalloc(ITEM_NAME_LENGTH*sizeof(char)); memcpy(item_name, i_data->jname, ITEM_NAME_LENGTH); script_pushstr(st,item_name); return true; } /*========================================== * Returns number of slots an item has. [Skotlex] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getitemslots) { int item_id; struct item_data *i_data; item_id=script_getnum(st,2); i_data = itemdb->exists(item_id); if (i_data) script_pushint(st,i_data->slot); else script_pushint(st,-1); return true; } // TODO: add matk here if needed/once we get rid of RENEWAL /*========================================== * Returns some values of an item [Lupus] * Price, Weight, etc... * getiteminfo(itemID,n), where n * 0 value_buy; * 1 value_sell; * 2 type; * 3 maxchance = Max drop chance of this item e.g. 1 = 0.01% , etc.. * if = 0, then monsters don't drop it at all (rare or a quest item) * if = -1, then this item is sold in NPC shops only * 4 sex; * 5 equip; * 6 weight; * 7 atk; * 8 def; * 9 range; * 10 slot; * 11 look; * 12 elv; * 13 wlv; * 14 view id *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getiteminfo) { int item_id,n; int *item_arr; struct item_data *i_data; item_id = script_getnum(st,2); n = script_getnum(st,3); i_data = itemdb->exists(item_id); if (i_data && n>=0 && n<=14) { item_arr = (int*)&i_data->value_buy; script_pushint(st,item_arr[n]); } else script_pushint(st,-1); return true; } /*========================================== * Set some values of an item [Lupus] * Price, Weight, etc... * setiteminfo(itemID,n,Value), where n * 0 value_buy; * 1 value_sell; * 2 type; * 3 maxchance = Max drop chance of this item e.g. 1 = 0.01% , etc.. * if = 0, then monsters don't drop it at all (rare or a quest item) * if = -1, then this item is sold in NPC shops only * 4 sex; * 5 equip; * 6 weight; * 7 atk; * 8 def; * 9 range; * 10 slot; * 11 look; * 12 elv; * 13 wlv; * 14 view id * Returns Value or -1 if the wrong field's been set *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(setiteminfo) { int item_id,n,value; int *item_arr; struct item_data *i_data; item_id = script_getnum(st,2); n = script_getnum(st,3); value = script_getnum(st,4); i_data = itemdb->exists(item_id); if (i_data && n>=0 && n<=14) { item_arr = (int*)&i_data->value_buy; item_arr[n] = value; script_pushint(st,value); } else script_pushint(st,-1); return true; } /*========================================== * Returns value from equipped item slot n [Lupus] * getequpcardid(num,slot) * where * num = eqip position slot * slot = 0,1,2,3 (Card Slot N) * * This func returns CARD ID, 255,254,-255 (for card 0, if the item is produced) * it's useful when you want to check item cards or if it's signed * Useful for such quests as "Sign this refined item with players name" etc * Hat[0] +4 -> Player's Hat[0] +4 *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getequipcardid) { int i=-1,num,slot; TBL_PC *sd; num=script_getnum(st,2); slot=script_getnum(st,3); sd=script->rid2sd(st); if (num > 0 && num <= ARRAYLENGTH(script->equip)) i=pc->checkequip(sd,script->equip[num-1]); if(i >= 0 && slot>=0 && slot<4) script_pushint(st,sd->status.inventory[i].card[slot]); else script_pushint(st,0); return true; } /*========================================== * petskillbonus [Valaris] //Rewritten by [Skotlex] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(petskillbonus) { struct pet_data *pd; TBL_PC *sd=script->rid2sd(st); if(sd==NULL || sd->pd==NULL) return true; pd=sd->pd; if (pd->bonus) { //Clear previous bonus if (pd->bonus->timer != INVALID_TIMER) timer->delete(pd->bonus->timer, pet->skill_bonus_timer); } else //init pd->bonus = (struct pet_bonus *) aMalloc(sizeof(struct pet_bonus)); pd->bonus->type=script_getnum(st,2); pd->bonus->val=script_getnum(st,3); pd->bonus->duration=script_getnum(st,4); pd->bonus->delay=script_getnum(st,5); if (pd->state.skillbonus == 1) pd->state.skillbonus=0; // waiting state // wait for timer to start if (battle_config.pet_equip_required && pd->pet.equip == 0) pd->bonus->timer = INVALID_TIMER; else pd->bonus->timer = timer->add(timer->gettick()+pd->bonus->delay*1000, pet->skill_bonus_timer, sd->bl.id, 0); return true; } /*========================================== * pet looting [Valaris] //Rewritten by [Skotlex] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(petloot) { int max; struct pet_data *pd; TBL_PC *sd=script->rid2sd(st); if(sd==NULL || sd->pd==NULL) return true; max=script_getnum(st,2); if(max < 1) max = 1; //Let'em loot at least 1 item. else if (max > MAX_PETLOOT_SIZE) max = MAX_PETLOOT_SIZE; pd = sd->pd; if (pd->loot != NULL) { //Release whatever was there already and reallocate memory pet->lootitem_drop(pd, pd->msd); aFree(pd->loot->item); } else pd->loot = (struct pet_loot *)aMalloc(sizeof(struct pet_loot)); pd->loot->item = (struct item *)aCalloc(max,sizeof(struct item)); pd->loot->max=max; pd->loot->count = 0; pd->loot->weight = 0; return true; } /*========================================== * Set arrays with info of all sd inventory : * @inventorylist_id, @inventorylist_amount, @inventorylist_equip, * @inventorylist_refine, @inventorylist_identify, @inventorylist_attribute, * @inventorylist_card(0..3), @inventorylist_expire * @inventorylist_count = scalar *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getinventorylist) { TBL_PC *sd=script->rid2sd(st); char card_var[NAME_LENGTH]; int i,j=0,k; if(!sd) return true; for(i=0;i<MAX_INVENTORY;i++) { if(sd->status.inventory[i].nameid > 0 && sd->status.inventory[i].amount > 0) { pc->setreg(sd,reference_uid(script->add_str("@inventorylist_id"), j),sd->status.inventory[i].nameid); pc->setreg(sd,reference_uid(script->add_str("@inventorylist_amount"), j),sd->status.inventory[i].amount); pc->setreg(sd,reference_uid(script->add_str("@inventorylist_equip"), j),sd->status.inventory[i].equip); pc->setreg(sd,reference_uid(script->add_str("@inventorylist_refine"), j),sd->status.inventory[i].refine); pc->setreg(sd,reference_uid(script->add_str("@inventorylist_identify"), j),sd->status.inventory[i].identify); pc->setreg(sd,reference_uid(script->add_str("@inventorylist_attribute"), j),sd->status.inventory[i].attribute); for (k = 0; k < MAX_SLOTS; k++) { sprintf(card_var, "@inventorylist_card%d",k+1); pc->setreg(sd,reference_uid(script->add_str(card_var), j),sd->status.inventory[i].card[k]); } pc->setreg(sd,reference_uid(script->add_str("@inventorylist_expire"), j),sd->status.inventory[i].expire_time); pc->setreg(sd,reference_uid(script->add_str("@inventorylist_bound"), j),sd->status.inventory[i].bound); j++; } } pc->setreg(sd,script->add_str("@inventorylist_count"),j); return true; } BUILDIN(getskilllist) { TBL_PC *sd=script->rid2sd(st); int i,j=0; if(!sd) return true; for(i=0;i<MAX_SKILL;i++) { if(sd->status.skill[i].id > 0 && sd->status.skill[i].lv > 0) { pc->setreg(sd,reference_uid(script->add_str("@skilllist_id"), j),sd->status.skill[i].id); pc->setreg(sd,reference_uid(script->add_str("@skilllist_lv"), j),sd->status.skill[i].lv); pc->setreg(sd,reference_uid(script->add_str("@skilllist_flag"), j),sd->status.skill[i].flag); j++; } } pc->setreg(sd,script->add_str("@skilllist_count"),j); return true; } BUILDIN(clearitem) { TBL_PC *sd=script->rid2sd(st); int i; if(sd==NULL) return true; for (i=0; i<MAX_INVENTORY; i++) { if (sd->status.inventory[i].amount) { pc->delitem(sd, i, sd->status.inventory[i].amount, 0, 0, LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT); } } return true; } /*========================================== * Disguise Player (returns Mob/NPC ID if success, 0 on fail) *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(disguise) { int id; TBL_PC* sd = script->rid2sd(st); if (sd == NULL) return true; id = script_getnum(st,2); if (mob->db_checkid(id) || npcdb_checkid(id)) { pc->disguise(sd, id); script_pushint(st,id); } else script_pushint(st,0); return true; } /*========================================== * Undisguise Player (returns 1 if success, 0 on fail) *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(undisguise) { TBL_PC* sd = script->rid2sd(st); if (sd == NULL) return true; if (sd->disguise != -1) { pc->disguise(sd, -1); script_pushint(st,0); } else { script_pushint(st,1); } return true; } /*========================================== * Transform a bl to another _class, * @type unused *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(classchange) { int _class,type; struct block_list *bl=map->id2bl(st->oid); if(bl==NULL) return true; _class=script_getnum(st,2); type=script_getnum(st,3); clif->class_change(bl,_class,type); return true; } /*========================================== * Display an effect *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(misceffect) { int type; type=script_getnum(st,2); if(st->oid && st->oid != npc->fake_nd->bl.id) { struct block_list *bl = map->id2bl(st->oid); if (bl) clif->specialeffect(bl,type,AREA); } else { TBL_PC *sd=script->rid2sd(st); if(sd) clif->specialeffect(&sd->bl,type,AREA); } return true; } /*========================================== * Play a BGM on a single client [Rikter/Yommy] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(playbgm) { const char* name; struct map_session_data* sd; if( ( sd = script->rid2sd(st) ) != NULL ) { name = script_getstr(st,2); clif->playBGM(sd, name); } return true; } int playbgm_sub(struct block_list* bl,va_list ap) { const char* name = va_arg(ap,const char*); clif->playBGM(BL_CAST(BL_PC, bl), name); return 0; } int playbgm_foreachpc_sub(struct map_session_data* sd, va_list args) { const char* name = va_arg(args, const char*); clif->playBGM(sd, name); return 0; } /*========================================== * Play a BGM on multiple client [Rikter/Yommy] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(playbgmall) { const char* name; name = script_getstr(st,2); if( script_hasdata(st,7) ) { // specified part of map const char *mapname = script_getstr(st,3); int x0 = script_getnum(st,4); int y0 = script_getnum(st,5); int x1 = script_getnum(st,6); int y1 = script_getnum(st,7); int m; if ( ( m = map->mapname2mapid(mapname) ) == -1 ) { ShowWarning("playbgmall: Attempted to play song '%s' on non-existent map '%s'\n",name, mapname); return true; } map->foreachinarea(script->playbgm_sub, m, x0, y0, x1, y1, BL_PC, name); } else if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) { // entire map const char* mapname = script_getstr(st,3); int m; if ( ( m = map->mapname2mapid(mapname) ) == -1 ) { ShowWarning("playbgmall: Attempted to play song '%s' on non-existent map '%s'\n",name, mapname); return true; } map->foreachinmap(script->playbgm_sub, m, BL_PC, name); } else { // entire server map->foreachpc(script->playbgm_foreachpc_sub, name); } return true; } /*========================================== * Play a .wav sound for sd *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(soundeffect) { TBL_PC* sd = script->rid2sd(st); const char* name = script_getstr(st,2); int type = script_getnum(st,3); if(sd) { clif->soundeffect(sd,&sd->bl,name,type); } return true; } int soundeffect_sub(struct block_list* bl,va_list ap) { char* name = va_arg(ap,char*); int type = va_arg(ap,int); clif->soundeffect((TBL_PC *)bl, bl, name, type); return true; } /*========================================== * Play a sound effect (.wav) on multiple clients * soundeffectall "<filepath>",<type>{,"<map name>"}{,<x0>,<y0>,<x1>,<y1>}; *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(soundeffectall) { struct block_list* bl; const char* name; int type; bl = (st->rid) ? &(script->rid2sd(st)->bl) : map->id2bl(st->oid); if (!bl) return true; name = script_getstr(st,2); type = script_getnum(st,3); //FIXME: enumerating map squares (map->foreach) is slower than enumerating the list of online players (map->foreachpc?) [ultramage] if(!script_hasdata(st,4)) { // area around clif->soundeffectall(bl, name, type, AREA); } else { if(!script_hasdata(st,5)) { // entire map const char *mapname = script_getstr(st,4); int m; if ( ( m = map->mapname2mapid(mapname) ) == -1 ) { ShowWarning("soundeffectall: Attempted to play song '%s' (type %d) on non-existent map '%s'\n",name,type, mapname); return true; } map->foreachinmap(script->soundeffect_sub, m, BL_PC, name, type); } else if(script_hasdata(st,8)) { // specified part of map const char *mapname = script_getstr(st,4); int x0 = script_getnum(st,5); int y0 = script_getnum(st,6); int x1 = script_getnum(st,7); int y1 = script_getnum(st,8); int m; if ( ( m = map->mapname2mapid(mapname) ) == -1 ) { ShowWarning("soundeffectall: Attempted to play song '%s' (type %d) on non-existent map '%s'\n",name,type, mapname); return true; } map->foreachinarea(script->soundeffect_sub, m, x0, y0, x1, y1, BL_PC, name, type); } else { ShowError("buildin_soundeffectall: insufficient arguments for specific area broadcast.\n"); } } return true; } /*========================================== * pet status recovery [Valaris] / Rewritten by [Skotlex] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(petrecovery) { struct pet_data *pd; TBL_PC *sd=script->rid2sd(st); if(sd==NULL || sd->pd==NULL) return true; pd=sd->pd; if (pd->recovery) { //Halt previous bonus if (pd->recovery->timer != INVALID_TIMER) timer->delete(pd->recovery->timer, pet->recovery_timer); } else //Init pd->recovery = (struct pet_recovery *)aMalloc(sizeof(struct pet_recovery)); pd->recovery->type = (sc_type)script_getnum(st,2); pd->recovery->delay = script_getnum(st,3); pd->recovery->timer = INVALID_TIMER; return true; } /*========================================== * pet healing [Valaris] //Rewritten by [Skotlex] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(petheal) { struct pet_data *pd; TBL_PC *sd=script->rid2sd(st); if(sd==NULL || sd->pd==NULL) return true; pd=sd->pd; if (pd->s_skill) { //Clear previous skill if (pd->s_skill->timer != INVALID_TIMER) { if (pd->s_skill->id) timer->delete(pd->s_skill->timer, pet->skill_support_timer); else timer->delete(pd->s_skill->timer, pet->heal_timer); } } else //init memory pd->s_skill = (struct pet_skill_support *) aMalloc(sizeof(struct pet_skill_support)); pd->s_skill->id=0; //This id identifies that it IS petheal rather than pet_skillsupport //Use the lv as the amount to heal pd->s_skill->lv=script_getnum(st,2); pd->s_skill->delay=script_getnum(st,3); pd->s_skill->hp=script_getnum(st,4); pd->s_skill->sp=script_getnum(st,5); //Use delay as initial offset to avoid skill/heal exploits if (battle_config.pet_equip_required && pd->pet.equip == 0) pd->s_skill->timer = INVALID_TIMER; else pd->s_skill->timer = timer->add(timer->gettick()+pd->s_skill->delay*1000,pet->heal_timer,sd->bl.id,0); return true; } /*========================================== * pet attack skills [Valaris] //Rewritten by [Skotlex] *------------------------------------------*/ /// petskillattack <skill id>,<level>,<rate>,<bonusrate> /// petskillattack "<skill name>",<level>,<rate>,<bonusrate> BUILDIN(petskillattack) { struct pet_data *pd; TBL_PC *sd=script->rid2sd(st); if(sd==NULL || sd->pd==NULL) return true; pd=sd->pd; if (pd->a_skill == NULL) pd->a_skill = (struct pet_skill_attack *)aMalloc(sizeof(struct pet_skill_attack)); pd->a_skill->id=( script_isstringtype(st,2) ? skill->name2id(script_getstr(st,2)) : script_getnum(st,2) ); pd->a_skill->lv=script_getnum(st,3); pd->a_skill->div_ = 0; pd->a_skill->rate=script_getnum(st,4); pd->a_skill->bonusrate=script_getnum(st,5); return true; } /*========================================== * pet attack skills [Valaris] *------------------------------------------*/ /// petskillattack2 <skill id>,<level>,<div>,<rate>,<bonusrate> /// petskillattack2 "<skill name>",<level>,<div>,<rate>,<bonusrate> BUILDIN(petskillattack2) { struct pet_data *pd; TBL_PC *sd=script->rid2sd(st); if(sd==NULL || sd->pd==NULL) return true; pd=sd->pd; if (pd->a_skill == NULL) pd->a_skill = (struct pet_skill_attack *)aMalloc(sizeof(struct pet_skill_attack)); pd->a_skill->id=( script_isstringtype(st,2) ? skill->name2id(script_getstr(st,2)) : script_getnum(st,2) ); pd->a_skill->lv=script_getnum(st,3); pd->a_skill->div_ = script_getnum(st,4); pd->a_skill->rate=script_getnum(st,5); pd->a_skill->bonusrate=script_getnum(st,6); return true; } /*========================================== * pet support skills [Skotlex] *------------------------------------------*/ /// petskillsupport <skill id>,<level>,<delay>,<hp>,<sp> /// petskillsupport "<skill name>",<level>,<delay>,<hp>,<sp> BUILDIN(petskillsupport) { struct pet_data *pd; TBL_PC *sd=script->rid2sd(st); if(sd==NULL || sd->pd==NULL) return true; pd=sd->pd; if (pd->s_skill) { //Clear previous skill if (pd->s_skill->timer != INVALID_TIMER) { if (pd->s_skill->id) timer->delete(pd->s_skill->timer, pet->skill_support_timer); else timer->delete(pd->s_skill->timer, pet->heal_timer); } } else //init memory pd->s_skill = (struct pet_skill_support *) aMalloc(sizeof(struct pet_skill_support)); pd->s_skill->id=( script_isstringtype(st,2) ? skill->name2id(script_getstr(st,2)) : script_getnum(st,2) ); pd->s_skill->lv=script_getnum(st,3); pd->s_skill->delay=script_getnum(st,4); pd->s_skill->hp=script_getnum(st,5); pd->s_skill->sp=script_getnum(st,6); //Use delay as initial offset to avoid skill/heal exploits if (battle_config.pet_equip_required && pd->pet.equip == 0) pd->s_skill->timer = INVALID_TIMER; else pd->s_skill->timer = timer->add(timer->gettick()+pd->s_skill->delay*1000,pet->skill_support_timer,sd->bl.id,0); return true; } /*========================================== * Scripted skill effects [Celest] *------------------------------------------*/ /// skilleffect <skill id>,<level> /// skilleffect "<skill name>",<level> BUILDIN(skilleffect) { TBL_PC *sd; uint16 skill_id=( script_isstringtype(st,2) ? skill->name2id(script_getstr(st,2)) : script_getnum(st,2) ); uint16 skill_lv=script_getnum(st,3); sd=script->rid2sd(st); /* ensure we're standing because the following packet causes the client to virtually set the char to stand, * which leaves the server thinking it still is sitting. */ if( pc_issit(sd) ) { pc->setstand(sd); skill->sit(sd,0); clif->standing(&sd->bl); } clif->skill_nodamage(&sd->bl,&sd->bl,skill_id,skill_lv,1); return true; } /*========================================== * NPC skill effects [Valaris] *------------------------------------------*/ /// npcskilleffect <skill id>,<level>,<x>,<y> /// npcskilleffect "<skill name>",<level>,<x>,<y> BUILDIN(npcskilleffect) { struct block_list *bl= map->id2bl(st->oid); uint16 skill_id=( script_isstringtype(st,2) ? skill->name2id(script_getstr(st,2)) : script_getnum(st,2) ); uint16 skill_lv=script_getnum(st,3); int x=script_getnum(st,4); int y=script_getnum(st,5); if (bl) clif->skill_poseffect(bl,skill_id,skill_lv,x,y,timer->gettick()); return true; } /*========================================== * Special effects [Valaris] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(specialeffect) { struct block_list *bl=map->id2bl(st->oid); int type = script_getnum(st,2); enum send_target target = script_hasdata(st,3) ? (send_target)script_getnum(st,3) : AREA; if(bl==NULL) return true; if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) { TBL_NPC *nd = npc->name2id(script_getstr(st,4)); if(nd) clif->specialeffect(&nd->bl, type, target); } else { if (target == SELF) { TBL_PC *sd=script->rid2sd(st); if (sd) clif->specialeffect_single(bl,type,sd->fd); } else { clif->specialeffect(bl, type, target); } } return true; } BUILDIN(specialeffect2) { TBL_PC *sd=script->rid2sd(st); int type = script_getnum(st,2); enum send_target target = script_hasdata(st,3) ? (send_target)script_getnum(st,3) : AREA; if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) sd = map->nick2sd(script_getstr(st,4)); if (sd) clif->specialeffect(&sd->bl, type, target); return true; } /*========================================== * Nude [Valaris] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(nude) { TBL_PC *sd = script->rid2sd(st); int i, calcflag = 0; if( sd == NULL ) return true; for( i = 0 ; i < EQI_MAX; i++ ) { if( sd->equip_index[ i ] >= 0 ) { if( !calcflag ) calcflag = 1; pc->unequipitem( sd , sd->equip_index[ i ] , 2); } } if( calcflag ) status_calc_pc(sd,SCO_NONE); return true; } /*========================================== * gmcommand [MouseJstr] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(atcommand) { TBL_PC *sd, *dummy_sd = NULL; int fd; const char* cmd; bool ret = true; cmd = script_getstr(st,2); if (st->rid) { sd = script->rid2sd(st); fd = sd->fd; } else { //Use a dummy character. sd = dummy_sd = pc->get_dummy_sd(); fd = 0; if (st->oid) { struct block_list* bl = map->id2bl(st->oid); memcpy(&sd->bl, bl, sizeof(struct block_list)); if (bl->type == BL_NPC) safestrncpy(sd->status.name, ((TBL_NPC*)bl)->name, NAME_LENGTH); } } if (!atcommand->exec(fd, sd, cmd, false)) { ShowWarning("script: buildin_atcommand: failed to execute command '%s'\n", cmd); script->reportsrc(st); ret = false; } if (dummy_sd) aFree(dummy_sd); return ret; } /*========================================== * Displays a message for the player only (like system messages like "you got an apple" ) *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(dispbottom) { TBL_PC *sd=script->rid2sd(st); const char *message; message=script_getstr(st,2); if(sd) clif_disp_onlyself(sd,message,(int)strlen(message)); return true; } /*========================================== * All The Players Full Recovery * (HP/SP full restore and resurrect if need) *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(recovery) { TBL_PC* sd; struct s_mapiterator* iter; iter = mapit_getallusers(); for( sd = (TBL_PC*)mapit->first(iter); mapit->exists(iter); sd = (TBL_PC*)mapit->next(iter) ) { if(pc_isdead(sd)) status->revive(&sd->bl, 100, 100); else status_percent_heal(&sd->bl, 100, 100); clif->message(sd->fd,msg_txt(880)); // "You have been recovered!" } mapit->free(iter); return true; } /*========================================== * Get your pet info: getpetinfo(n) * n -> 0:pet_id 1:pet_class 2:pet_name * 3:friendly 4:hungry, 5: rename flag. *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getpetinfo) { TBL_PC *sd=script->rid2sd(st); TBL_PET *pd; int type=script_getnum(st,2); if(!sd || !sd->pd) { if (type == 2) script_pushconststr(st,"null"); else script_pushint(st,0); return true; } pd = sd->pd; switch(type) { case 0: script_pushint(st,pd->pet.pet_id); break; case 1: script_pushint(st,pd->pet.class_); break; case 2: script_pushstrcopy(st,pd->pet.name); break; case 3: script_pushint(st,pd->pet.intimate); break; case 4: script_pushint(st,pd->pet.hungry); break; case 5: script_pushint(st,pd->pet.rename_flag); break; default: script_pushint(st,0); break; } return true; } /*========================================== * Get your homunculus info: gethominfo(n) * n -> 0:hom_id 1:class 2:name * 3:friendly 4:hungry, 5: rename flag. * 6: level *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(gethominfo) { TBL_PC *sd=script->rid2sd(st); int type = script_getnum(st,2); if(!sd || !sd->hd) { if (type == 2) script_pushconststr(st,"null"); else script_pushint(st,0); return true; } switch(type) { case 0: script_pushint(st,sd->hd->homunculus.hom_id); break; case 1: script_pushint(st,sd->hd->homunculus.class_); break; case 2: script_pushstrcopy(st,sd->hd->homunculus.name); break; case 3: script_pushint(st,sd->hd->homunculus.intimacy); break; case 4: script_pushint(st,sd->hd->homunculus.hunger); break; case 5: script_pushint(st,sd->hd->homunculus.rename_flag); break; case 6: script_pushint(st,sd->hd->homunculus.level); break; default: script_pushint(st,0); break; } return true; } /// Retrieves information about character's mercenary /// getmercinfo <type>[,<char id>]; BUILDIN(getmercinfo) { int type, char_id; struct map_session_data* sd; struct mercenary_data* md; type = script_getnum(st,2); if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) { char_id = script_getnum(st,3); if( ( sd = map->charid2sd(char_id) ) == NULL ) { ShowError("buildin_getmercinfo: No such character (char_id=%d).\n", char_id); script_pushnil(st); return false; } } else { if( ( sd = script->rid2sd(st) ) == NULL ) { script_pushnil(st); return true; } } md = ( sd->status.mer_id && sd->md ) ? sd->md : NULL; switch( type ) { case 0: script_pushint(st,md ? md->mercenary.mercenary_id : 0); break; case 1: script_pushint(st,md ? md->mercenary.class_ : 0); break; case 2: if( md ) script_pushstrcopy(st,md->db->name); else script_pushconststr(st,""); break; case 3: script_pushint(st,md ? mercenary->get_faith(md) : 0); break; case 4: script_pushint(st,md ? mercenary->get_calls(md) : 0); break; case 5: script_pushint(st,md ? md->mercenary.kill_count : 0); break; case 6: script_pushint(st,md ? mercenary->get_lifetime(md) : 0); break; case 7: script_pushint(st,md ? md->db->lv : 0); break; default: ShowError("buildin_getmercinfo: Invalid type %d (char_id=%d).\n", type, sd->status.char_id); script_pushnil(st); return false; } return true; } /*========================================== * Shows wether your inventory(and equips) contain * selected card or not. * checkequipedcard(4001); *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(checkequipedcard) { TBL_PC *sd=script->rid2sd(st); if(sd) { int n,i,c=0; c=script_getnum(st,2); for(i=0;i<MAX_INVENTORY;i++) { if(sd->status.inventory[i].nameid > 0 && sd->status.inventory[i].amount && sd->inventory_data[i]) { if (itemdb_isspecial(sd->status.inventory[i].card[0])) continue; for(n=0;n<sd->inventory_data[i]->slot;n++) { if(sd->status.inventory[i].card[n]==c) { script_pushint(st,1); return true; } } } } } script_pushint(st,0); return true; } BUILDIN(jump_zero) { int sel; sel=script_getnum(st,2); if(!sel) { int pos; if( !data_islabel(script_getdata(st,3)) ) { ShowError("script: jump_zero: not label !\n"); st->state=END; return false; } pos=script_getnum(st,3); st->pos=pos; st->state=GOTO; } return true; } /*========================================== * movenpc [MouseJstr] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(movenpc) { TBL_NPC *nd = NULL; const char *npc_name; int x,y; npc_name = script_getstr(st,2); x = script_getnum(st,3); y = script_getnum(st,4); if ((nd = npc->name2id(npc_name)) == NULL) return -1; if (script_hasdata(st,5)) nd->dir = script_getnum(st,5) % 8; npc->movenpc(nd, x, y); return true; } /*========================================== * message [MouseJstr] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(message) { const char *msg,*player; TBL_PC *pl_sd = NULL; player = script_getstr(st,2); msg = script_getstr(st,3); if((pl_sd=map->nick2sd((char *) player)) == NULL) return true; clif->message(pl_sd->fd, msg); return true; } /*========================================== * npctalk (sends message to surrounding area) *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(npctalk) { const char* str; char name[NAME_LENGTH], message[256]; struct npc_data* nd = (struct npc_data *)map->id2bl(st->oid); str = script_getstr(st,2); if(nd) { safestrncpy(name, nd->name, sizeof(name)); strtok(name, "#"); // discard extra name identifier if present safesnprintf(message, sizeof(message), "%s : %s", name, str); clif->disp_overhead(&nd->bl, message); } return true; } // change npc walkspeed [Valaris] BUILDIN(npcspeed) { struct npc_data* nd; int speed; speed = script_getnum(st,2); nd = (struct npc_data *)map->id2bl(st->oid); if( nd ) { unit->bl2ud2(&nd->bl); // ensure nd->ud is safe to edit nd->speed = speed; nd->ud->state.speed_changed = 1; } return true; } // make an npc walk to a position [Valaris] BUILDIN(npcwalkto) { struct npc_data *nd=(struct npc_data *)map->id2bl(st->oid); int x=0,y=0; x=script_getnum(st,2); y=script_getnum(st,3); if( nd ) { unit->bl2ud2(&nd->bl); // ensure nd->ud is safe to edit if (!nd->status.hp) { status_calc_npc(nd, SCO_FIRST); } else { status_calc_npc(nd, SCO_NONE); } unit->walktoxy(&nd->bl,x,y,0); } return true; } // stop an npc's movement [Valaris] BUILDIN(npcstop) { struct npc_data *nd = (struct npc_data *)map->id2bl(st->oid); if( nd ) { unit->bl2ud2(&nd->bl); // ensure nd->ud is safe to edit unit->stop_walking(&nd->bl,1|4); } return true; } /*========================================== * getlook char info. getlook(arg) *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getlook) { int type,val; TBL_PC *sd; sd=script->rid2sd(st); type=script_getnum(st,2); val = -1; switch(type) { case LOOK_HAIR: val = sd->status.hair; break; //1 case LOOK_WEAPON: val = sd->status.weapon; break; //2 case LOOK_HEAD_BOTTOM: val = sd->status.head_bottom; break; //3 case LOOK_HEAD_TOP: val = sd->status.head_top; break; //4 case LOOK_HEAD_MID: val = sd->status.head_mid; break; //5 case LOOK_HAIR_COLOR: val = sd->status.hair_color; break; //6 case LOOK_CLOTHES_COLOR: val = sd->status.clothes_color; break; //7 case LOOK_SHIELD: val = sd->status.shield; break; //8 case LOOK_SHOES: break; //9 case LOOK_ROBE: val = sd->status.robe; break; //12 } script_pushint(st,val); return true; } /*========================================== * get char save point. argument: 0- map name, 1- x, 2- y *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getsavepoint) { TBL_PC* sd; int type; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if (sd == NULL) { script_pushint(st,0); return true; } type = script_getnum(st,2); switch(type) { case 0: script_pushstrcopy(st,mapindex_id2name(sd->status.save_point.map)); break; case 1: script_pushint(st,sd->status.save_point.x); break; case 2: script_pushint(st,sd->status.save_point.y); break; default: script_pushint(st,0); break; } return true; } /*========================================== * Get position for char/npc/pet/mob objects. Added by Lorky * * int getMapXY(MapName$,MapX,MapY,type,[CharName$]); * where type: * MapName$ - String variable for output map name * MapX - Integer variable for output coord X * MapY - Integer variable for output coord Y * type - type of object * 0 - Character coord * 1 - NPC coord * 2 - Pet coord * 3 - Mob coord (not released) * 4 - Homun coord * 5 - Mercenary coord * 6 - Elemental coord * CharName$ - Name object. If miss or "this" the current object * * Return: * 0 - success * -1 - some error, MapName$,MapX,MapY contains unknown value. *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getmapxy) { struct block_list *bl = NULL; TBL_PC *sd=NULL; int64 num; const char *name; char prefix; int x,y,type; char mapname[MAP_NAME_LENGTH]; if( !data_isreference(script_getdata(st,2)) ) { ShowWarning("script: buildin_getmapxy: not mapname variable\n"); script_pushint(st,-1); return false; } if( !data_isreference(script_getdata(st,3)) ) { ShowWarning("script: buildin_getmapxy: not mapx variable\n"); script_pushint(st,-1); return false; } if( !data_isreference(script_getdata(st,4)) ) { ShowWarning("script: buildin_getmapxy: not mapy variable\n"); script_pushint(st,-1); return false; } if( !is_string_variable(reference_getname(script_getdata(st, 2))) ) { ShowWarning("script: buildin_getmapxy: %s is not a string variable\n",reference_getname(script_getdata(st, 2))); script_pushint(st,-1); return false; } if( is_string_variable(reference_getname(script_getdata(st, 3))) ) { ShowWarning("script: buildin_getmapxy: %s is a string variable, should be int\n",reference_getname(script_getdata(st, 3))); script_pushint(st,-1); return false; } if( is_string_variable(reference_getname(script_getdata(st, 4))) ) { ShowWarning("script: buildin_getmapxy: %s is a string variable, should be int\n",reference_getname(script_getdata(st, 4))); script_pushint(st,-1); return false; } // Possible needly check function parameters on C_STR,C_INT,C_INT type=script_getnum(st,5); switch (type) { case 0: //Get Character Position if( script_hasdata(st,6) ) sd=map->nick2sd(script_getstr(st,6)); else sd=script->rid2sd(st); if (sd) bl = &sd->bl; break; case 1: //Get NPC Position if( script_hasdata(st,6) ) { struct npc_data *nd; nd=npc->name2id(script_getstr(st,6)); if (nd) bl = &nd->bl; } else //In case the origin is not an npc? bl=map->id2bl(st->oid); break; case 2: //Get Pet Position if(script_hasdata(st,6)) sd=map->nick2sd(script_getstr(st,6)); else sd=script->rid2sd(st); if (sd && sd->pd) bl = &sd->pd->bl; break; case 3: //Get Mob Position break; //Not supported? case 4: //Get Homun Position if(script_hasdata(st,6)) sd=map->nick2sd(script_getstr(st,6)); else sd=script->rid2sd(st); if (sd && sd->hd) bl = &sd->hd->bl; break; case 5: //Get Mercenary Position if(script_hasdata(st,6)) sd=map->nick2sd(script_getstr(st,6)); else sd=script->rid2sd(st); if (sd && sd->md) bl = &sd->md->bl; break; case 6: //Get Elemental Position if(script_hasdata(st,6)) sd=map->nick2sd(script_getstr(st,6)); else sd=script->rid2sd(st); if (sd && sd->ed) bl = &sd->ed->bl; break; default: ShowWarning("script: buildin_getmapxy: Invalid type %d\n", type); script_pushint(st,-1); return false; } if (!bl || bl->m == -1) { //No object found. script_pushint(st,-1); return true; } x= bl->x; y= bl->y; safestrncpy(mapname, map->list[bl->m].name, MAP_NAME_LENGTH); //Set MapName$ num=st->stack->stack_data[st->start+2].u.num; name=script->get_str(script_getvarid(num)); prefix=*name; if(not_server_variable(prefix)) sd=script->rid2sd(st); else sd=NULL; script->set_reg(st,sd,num,name,(void*)mapname,script_getref(st,2)); //Set MapX num=st->stack->stack_data[st->start+3].u.num; name=script->get_str(script_getvarid(num)); prefix=*name; if(not_server_variable(prefix)) sd=script->rid2sd(st); else sd=NULL; script->set_reg(st,sd,num,name,(void*)__64BPTRSIZE(x),script_getref(st,3)); //Set MapY num=st->stack->stack_data[st->start+4].u.num; name=script->get_str(script_getvarid(num)); prefix=*name; if(not_server_variable(prefix)) sd=script->rid2sd(st); else sd=NULL; script->set_reg(st,sd,num,name,(void*)__64BPTRSIZE(y),script_getref(st,4)); //Return Success value script_pushint(st,0); return true; } /*========================================== * Allows player to write NPC logs (i.e. Bank NPC, etc) [Lupus] *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(logmes) { const char *str; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return false; str = script_getstr(st,2); logs->npc(sd,str); return true; } BUILDIN(summon) { int _class, timeout=0; const char *str,*event=""; TBL_PC *sd; struct mob_data *md; int64 tick = timer->gettick(); sd=script->rid2sd(st); if (!sd) return true; str = script_getstr(st,2); _class = script_getnum(st,3); if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) timeout=script_getnum(st,4); if( script_hasdata(st,5) ) { event=script_getstr(st,5); script->check_event(st, event); } clif->skill_poseffect(&sd->bl,AM_CALLHOMUN,1,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y,tick); md = mob->once_spawn_sub(&sd->bl, sd->bl.m, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y, str, _class, event, SZ_MEDIUM, AI_NONE); if (md) { md->master_id=sd->bl.id; md->special_state.ai = AI_ATTACK; if( md->deletetimer != INVALID_TIMER ) timer->delete(md->deletetimer, mob->timer_delete); md->deletetimer = timer->add(tick+(timeout>0?timeout*1000:60000),mob->timer_delete,md->bl.id,0); mob->spawn (md); //Now it is ready for spawning. clif->specialeffect(&md->bl,344,AREA); sc_start4(NULL, &md->bl, SC_MODECHANGE, 100, 1, 0, MD_AGGRESSIVE, 0, 60000); } return true; } /*========================================== * Checks whether it is daytime/nighttime *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(isnight) { script_pushint(st,(map->night_flag == 1)); return true; } BUILDIN(isday) { script_pushint(st,(map->night_flag == 0)); return true; } /*================================================ * Check how many items/cards in the list are * equipped - used for 2/15's cards patch [celest] *------------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(isequippedcnt) { TBL_PC *sd; int i, j, k, id = 1; int ret = 0; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if (!sd) { //If the player is not attached it is a script error anyway... but better prevent the map server from crashing... script_pushint(st,0); return true; } for (i=0; id!=0; i++) { script_fetch(st,i+2, id); if (id <= 0) continue; for (j=0; j<EQI_MAX; j++) { int index; index = sd->equip_index[j]; if(index < 0) continue; if(j == EQI_HAND_R && sd->equip_index[EQI_HAND_L] == index) continue; if(j == EQI_HEAD_MID && sd->equip_index[EQI_HEAD_LOW] == index) continue; if(j == EQI_HEAD_TOP && (sd->equip_index[EQI_HEAD_MID] == index || sd->equip_index[EQI_HEAD_LOW] == index)) continue; if(!sd->inventory_data[index]) continue; if (itemdb_type(id) != IT_CARD) { //No card. Count amount in inventory. if (sd->inventory_data[index]->nameid == id) ret+= sd->status.inventory[index].amount; } else { //Count cards. if (itemdb_isspecial(sd->status.inventory[index].card[0])) continue; //No cards for(k=0; k<sd->inventory_data[index]->slot; k++) { if (sd->status.inventory[index].card[k] == id) ret++; //[Lupus] } } } } script_pushint(st,ret); return true; } /*================================================ * Check whether another card has been * equipped - used for 2/15's cards patch [celest] * -- Items checked cannot be reused in another * card set to prevent exploits *------------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(isequipped) { TBL_PC *sd; int i, j, k, id = 1; int index, flag; int ret = -1; //Original hash to reverse it when full check fails. unsigned int setitem_hash = 0, setitem_hash2 = 0; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if (!sd) { //If the player is not attached it is a script error anyway... but better prevent the map server from crashing... script_pushint(st,0); return true; } setitem_hash = sd->bonus.setitem_hash; setitem_hash2 = sd->bonus.setitem_hash2; for (i=0; id!=0; i++) { script_fetch(st,i+2, id); if (id <= 0) continue; flag = 0; for (j=0; j<EQI_MAX; j++) { index = sd->equip_index[j]; if(index < 0) continue; if(j == EQI_HAND_R && sd->equip_index[EQI_HAND_L] == index) continue; if(j == EQI_HEAD_MID && sd->equip_index[EQI_HEAD_LOW] == index) continue; if(j == EQI_HEAD_TOP && (sd->equip_index[EQI_HEAD_MID] == index || sd->equip_index[EQI_HEAD_LOW] == index)) continue; if(!sd->inventory_data[index]) continue; if (itemdb_type(id) != IT_CARD) { if (sd->inventory_data[index]->nameid != id) continue; flag = 1; break; } else { //Cards if (sd->inventory_data[index]->slot == 0 || itemdb_isspecial(sd->status.inventory[index].card[0])) continue; for (k = 0; k < sd->inventory_data[index]->slot; k++) { //New hash system which should support up to 4 slots on any equipment. [Skotlex] unsigned int hash = 0; if (sd->status.inventory[index].card[k] != id) continue; hash = 1<<((j<5?j:j-5)*4 + k); // check if card is already used by another set if ( ( j < 5 ? sd->bonus.setitem_hash : sd->bonus.setitem_hash2 ) & hash) continue; // We have found a match flag = 1; // Set hash so this card cannot be used by another if (j<5) sd->bonus.setitem_hash |= hash; else sd->bonus.setitem_hash2 |= hash; break; } } if (flag) break; //Card found } if (ret == -1) ret = flag; else ret &= flag; if (!ret) break; } if (!ret) {//When check fails, restore original hash values. [Skotlex] sd->bonus.setitem_hash = setitem_hash; sd->bonus.setitem_hash2 = setitem_hash2; } script_pushint(st,ret); return true; } /*================================================ * Check how many given inserted cards in the CURRENT * weapon - used for 2/15's cards patch [Lupus] *------------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(cardscnt) { TBL_PC *sd; int i, k, id = 1; int ret = 0; int index; sd = script->rid2sd(st); for (i=0; id!=0; i++) { script_fetch(st,i+2, id); if (id <= 0) continue; index = status->current_equip_item_index; //we get CURRENT WEAPON inventory index from status.c [Lupus] if(index < 0) continue; if(!sd->inventory_data[index]) continue; if(itemdb_type(id) != IT_CARD) { if (sd->inventory_data[index]->nameid == id) ret+= sd->status.inventory[index].amount; } else { if (itemdb_isspecial(sd->status.inventory[index].card[0])) continue; for(k=0; k<sd->inventory_data[index]->slot; k++) { if (sd->status.inventory[index].card[k] == id) ret++; } } } script_pushint(st,ret); // script_pushint(st,status->current_equip_item_index); return true; } /*======================================================= * Returns the refined number of the current item, or an * item with inventory index specified *-------------------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getrefine) { TBL_PC *sd; if ((sd = script->rid2sd(st))!= NULL) script_pushint(st,sd->status.inventory[status->current_equip_item_index].refine); else script_pushint(st,0); return true; } /*======================================================= * Day/Night controls *-------------------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(night) { if (map->night_flag != 1) pc->map_night_timer(pc->night_timer_tid, 0, 0, 1); return true; } BUILDIN(day) { if (map->night_flag != 0) pc->map_day_timer(pc->day_timer_tid, 0, 0, 1); return true; } //======================================================= // Unequip [Spectre] //------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN(unequip) { int i; size_t num; TBL_PC *sd; num = script_getnum(st,2); sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd != NULL && num >= 1 && num <= ARRAYLENGTH(script->equip) ) { i = pc->checkequip(sd,script->equip[num-1]); if (i >= 0) pc->unequipitem(sd,i,1|2); } return true; } BUILDIN(equip) { int nameid=0,i; TBL_PC *sd; struct item_data *item_data; sd = script->rid2sd(st); nameid=script_getnum(st,2); if((item_data = itemdb->exists(nameid)) == NULL) { ShowError("wrong item ID : equipitem(%i)\n",nameid); return false; } ARR_FIND( 0, MAX_INVENTORY, i, sd->status.inventory[i].nameid == nameid && sd->status.inventory[i].equip == 0 ); if( i < MAX_INVENTORY ) pc->equipitem(sd,i,item_data->equip); return true; } BUILDIN(autoequip) { int nameid, flag; struct item_data *item_data; nameid=script_getnum(st,2); flag=script_getnum(st,3); if( ( item_data = itemdb->exists(nameid) ) == NULL ) { ShowError("buildin_autoequip: Invalid item '%d'.\n", nameid); return false; } if( !itemdb->isequip2(item_data) ) { ShowError("buildin_autoequip: Item '%d' cannot be equipped.\n", nameid); return false; } item_data->flag.autoequip = flag>0?1:0; return true; } BUILDIN(setbattleflag) { const char *flag, *value; flag = script_getstr(st,2); value = script_getstr(st,3); // HACK: Retrieve number as string (auto-converted) for battle_set_value if (battle->config_set_value(flag, value) == 0) ShowWarning("buildin_setbattleflag: unknown battle_config flag '%s'\n",flag); else ShowInfo("buildin_setbattleflag: battle_config flag '%s' is now set to '%s'.\n",flag,value); return true; } BUILDIN(getbattleflag) { const char *flag; flag = script_getstr(st,2); script_pushint(st,battle->config_get_value(flag)); return true; } //======================================================= // strlen [Valaris] //------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN(getstrlen) { const char *str = script_getstr(st,2); int len = (str) ? (int)strlen(str) : 0; script_pushint(st,len); return true; } //======================================================= // isalpha [Valaris] //------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN(charisalpha) { const char *str=script_getstr(st,2); int pos=script_getnum(st,3); int val = ( str && pos >= 0 && (unsigned int)pos < strlen(str) ) ? ISALPHA( str[pos] ) != 0 : 0; script_pushint(st,val); return true; } //======================================================= // charisupper <str>, <index> //------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN(charisupper) { const char *str = script_getstr(st,2); int pos = script_getnum(st,3); int val = ( str && pos >= 0 && (unsigned int)pos < strlen(str) ) ? ISUPPER( str[pos] ) : 0; script_pushint(st,val); return true; } //======================================================= // charislower <str>, <index> //------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN(charislower) { const char *str = script_getstr(st,2); int pos = script_getnum(st,3); int val = ( str && pos >= 0 && (unsigned int)pos < strlen(str) ) ? ISLOWER( str[pos] ) : 0; script_pushint(st,val); return true; } //======================================================= // charat <str>, <index> //------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN(charat) { const char *str = script_getstr(st,2); int pos = script_getnum(st,3); if( pos >= 0 && (unsigned int)pos < strlen(str) ) { char output[2]; output[0] = str[pos]; output[1] = '\0'; script_pushstrcopy(st, output); } else script_pushconststr(st, ""); return true; } //======================================================= // setchar <string>, <char>, <index> //------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN(setchar) { const char *str = script_getstr(st,2); const char *c = script_getstr(st,3); int index = script_getnum(st,4); char *output = aStrdup(str); if(index >= 0 && index < strlen(output)) output[index] = *c; script_pushstr(st, output); return true; } //======================================================= // insertchar <string>, <char>, <index> //------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN(insertchar) { const char *str = script_getstr(st,2); const char *c = script_getstr(st,3); int index = script_getnum(st,4); char *output; size_t len = strlen(str); if(index < 0) index = 0; else if(index > len) index = (int)len; output = (char*)aMalloc(len + 2); memcpy(output, str, index); output[index] = c[0]; memcpy(&output[index+1], &str[index], len - index); output[len+1] = '\0'; script_pushstr(st, output); return true; } //======================================================= // delchar <string>, <index> //------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN(delchar) { const char *str = script_getstr(st,2); int index = script_getnum(st,3); char *output; size_t len = strlen(str); if(index < 0 || index > len) { //return original output = aStrdup(str); script_pushstr(st, output); return true; } output = (char*)aMalloc(len); memcpy(output, str, index); memcpy(&output[index], &str[index+1], len - index); script_pushstr(st, output); return true; } //======================================================= // strtoupper <str> //------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN(strtoupper) { const char *str = script_getstr(st,2); char *output = aStrdup(str); char *cursor = output; while (*cursor != '\0') { *cursor = TOUPPER(*cursor); cursor++; } script_pushstr(st, output); return true; } //======================================================= // strtolower <str> //------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN(strtolower) { const char *str = script_getstr(st,2); char *output = aStrdup(str); char *cursor = output; while (*cursor != '\0') { *cursor = TOLOWER(*cursor); cursor++; } script_pushstr(st, output); return true; } //======================================================= // substr <str>, <start>, <end> //------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN(substr) { const char *str = script_getstr(st,2); char *output; int start = script_getnum(st,3); int end = script_getnum(st,4); int len = 0; if(start >= 0 && end < strlen(str) && start <= end) { len = end - start + 1; output = (char*)aMalloc(len + 1); memcpy(output, &str[start], len); } else output = (char*)aMalloc(1); output[len] = '\0'; script_pushstr(st, output); return true; } //======================================================= // explode <dest_string_array>, <str>, <delimiter> // Note: delimiter is limited to 1 char //------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN(explode) { struct script_data* data = script_getdata(st, 2); const char *str = script_getstr(st,3); const char delimiter = script_getstr(st, 4)[0]; int32 id; size_t len = strlen(str); int i = 0, j = 0; int start; char *temp; const char* name; TBL_PC* sd = NULL; temp = (char*)aMalloc(len + 1); if( !data_isreference(data) ) { ShowError("script:explode: not a variable\n"); script->reportdata(data); st->state = END; return false;// not a variable } id = reference_getid(data); start = reference_getindex(data); name = reference_getname(data); if( !is_string_variable(name) ) { ShowError("script:explode: not string array\n"); script->reportdata(data); st->state = END; return false;// data type mismatch } if( not_server_variable(*name) ) { sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true;// no player attached } while(str[i] != '\0') { if(str[i] == delimiter && start < SCRIPT_MAX_ARRAYSIZE-1) { //break at delimiter but ignore after reaching last array index temp[j] = '\0'; script->set_reg(st, sd, reference_uid(id, start++), name, (void*)temp, reference_getref(data)); j = 0; ++i; } else { temp[j++] = str[i++]; } } //set last string temp[j] = '\0'; script->set_reg(st, sd, reference_uid(id, start), name, (void*)temp, reference_getref(data)); aFree(temp); return true; } //======================================================= // implode <string_array> // implode <string_array>, <glue> //------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN(implode) { struct script_data* data = script_getdata(st, 2); const char *glue = NULL, *name, *temp; uint32 array_size, id; size_t len = 0, glue_len = 0, k = 0; int i; TBL_PC* sd = NULL; char *output; if( !data_isreference(data) ) { ShowError("script:implode: not a variable\n"); script->reportdata(data); st->state = END; return false;// not a variable } id = reference_getid(data); name = reference_getname(data); if( !is_string_variable(name) ) { ShowError("script:implode: not string array\n"); script->reportdata(data); st->state = END; return false;// data type mismatch } if( not_server_variable(*name) ) { sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true;// no player attached } //count chars array_size = script->array_highest_key(st,sd,name,reference_getref(data)) - 1; if(array_size == -1) { //empty array check (AmsTaff) ShowWarning("script:implode: array length = 0\n"); output = (char*)aMalloc(sizeof(char)*5); sprintf(output,"%s","NULL"); } else { for(i = 0; i <= array_size; ++i) { temp = (char*) script->get_val2(st, reference_uid(id, i), reference_getref(data)); len += strlen(temp); script_removetop(st, -1, 0); } //allocate mem if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) { glue = script_getstr(st,3); glue_len = strlen(glue); len += glue_len * (array_size); } output = (char*)aMalloc(len + 1); //build output for(i = 0; i < array_size; ++i) { temp = (char*) script->get_val2(st, reference_uid(id, i), reference_getref(data)); len = strlen(temp); memcpy(&output[k], temp, len); k += len; if(glue_len != 0) { memcpy(&output[k], glue, glue_len); k += glue_len; } script_removetop(st, -1, 0); } temp = (char*) script->get_val2(st, reference_uid(id, array_size), reference_getref(data)); len = strlen(temp); memcpy(&output[k], temp, len); k += len; script_removetop(st, -1, 0); output[k] = '\0'; } script_pushstr(st, output); return true; } //======================================================= // sprintf(<format>, ...); // Implements C sprintf, except format %n. The resulting string is // returned, instead of being saved in variable by reference. //------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN(sprintf) { unsigned int argc = 0, arg = 0; const char* format; char* p; char* q; char* buf = NULL; char* buf2 = NULL; struct script_data* data; size_t len, buf2_len = 0; StringBuf final_buf; // Fetch init data format = script_getstr(st, 2); argc = script_lastdata(st)-2; len = strlen(format); // Skip parsing, where no parsing is required. if(len==0) { script_pushconststr(st,""); return true; } // Pessimistic alloc CREATE(buf, char, len+1); // Need not be parsed, just solve stuff like %%. if(argc==0) { memcpy(buf,format,len+1); script_pushstrcopy(st, buf); aFree(buf); return true; } safestrncpy(buf, format, len+1); // Issue sprintf for each parameter StrBuf->Init(&final_buf); q = buf; while((p = strchr(q, '%'))!=NULL) { if(p!=q) { len = p-q+1; if(buf2_len<len) { RECREATE(buf2, char, len); buf2_len = len; } safestrncpy(buf2, q, len); StrBuf->AppendStr(&final_buf, buf2); q = p; } p = q+1; if(*p=='%') { // %% StrBuf->AppendStr(&final_buf, "%"); q+=2; continue; } if(*p=='n') { // %n ShowWarning("buildin_sprintf: Format %%n not supported! Skipping...\n"); script->reportsrc(st); q+=2; continue; } if(arg>=argc) { ShowError("buildin_sprintf: Not enough arguments passed!\n"); if(buf) aFree(buf); if(buf2) aFree(buf2); StrBuf->Destroy(&final_buf); script_pushconststr(st,""); return false; } if((p = strchr(q+1, '%'))==NULL) { p = strchr(q, 0); // EOS } len = p-q+1; if(buf2_len<len) { RECREATE(buf2, char, len); buf2_len = len; } safestrncpy(buf2, q, len); q = p; // Note: This assumes the passed value being the correct // type to the current format specifier. If not, the server // probably crashes or returns anything else, than expected, // but it would behave in normal code the same way so it's // the scripter's responsibility. data = script_getdata(st, arg+3); if(data_isstring(data)) { // String StrBuf->Printf(&final_buf, buf2, script_getstr(st, arg+3)); } else if(data_isint(data)) { // Number StrBuf->Printf(&final_buf, buf2, script_getnum(st, arg+3)); } else if(data_isreference(data)) { // Variable char* name = reference_getname(data); if(name[strlen(name)-1]=='$') { // var Str StrBuf->Printf(&final_buf, buf2, script_getstr(st, arg+3)); } else { // var Int StrBuf->Printf(&final_buf, buf2, script_getnum(st, arg+3)); } } else { // Unsupported type ShowError("buildin_sprintf: Unknown argument type!\n"); if(buf) aFree(buf); if(buf2) aFree(buf2); StrBuf->Destroy(&final_buf); script_pushconststr(st,""); return false; } arg++; } // Append anything left if(*q) { StrBuf->AppendStr(&final_buf, q); } // Passed more, than needed if(arg<argc) { ShowWarning("buildin_sprintf: Unused arguments passed.\n"); script->reportsrc(st); } script_pushstrcopy(st, StrBuf->Value(&final_buf)); if(buf) aFree(buf); if(buf2) aFree(buf2); StrBuf->Destroy(&final_buf); return true; } //======================================================= // sscanf(<str>, <format>, ...); // Implements C sscanf. //------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN(sscanf) { unsigned int argc, arg = 0; struct script_data* data; struct map_session_data* sd = NULL; const char* str; const char* format; const char* p; const char* q; char* buf = NULL; char* buf_p; char* ref_str = NULL; int ref_int; size_t len; // Get data str = script_getstr(st, 2); format = script_getstr(st, 3); argc = script_lastdata(st)-3; len = strlen(format); if (len != 0 && strlen(str) == 0) { // If the source string is empty but the format string is not, we return -1 // according to the C specs. (if the format string is also empty, we shall // continue and return 0: 0 conversions took place out of the 0 attempted.) script_pushint(st, -1); return true; } CREATE(buf, char, len*2+1); // Issue sscanf for each parameter *buf = 0; q = format; while((p = strchr(q, '%'))) { if(p!=q) { strncat(buf, q, (size_t)(p-q)); q = p; } p = q+1; if(*p=='*' || *p=='%') { // Skip strncat(buf, q, 2); q+=2; continue; } if(arg>=argc) { ShowError("buildin_sscanf: Not enough arguments passed!\n"); script_pushint(st, -1); if(buf) aFree(buf); if(ref_str) aFree(ref_str); return false; } if((p = strchr(q+1, '%'))==NULL) { p = strchr(q, 0); // EOS } len = p-q; strncat(buf, q, len); q = p; // Validate output data = script_getdata(st, arg+4); if(!data_isreference(data) || !reference_tovariable(data)) { ShowError("buildin_sscanf: Target argument is not a variable!\n"); script_pushint(st, -1); if(buf) aFree(buf); if(ref_str) aFree(ref_str); return false; } buf_p = reference_getname(data); if(not_server_variable(*buf_p) && (sd = script->rid2sd(st))==NULL) { script_pushint(st, -1); if(buf) aFree(buf); if(ref_str) aFree(ref_str); return true; } // Save value if any if(buf_p[strlen(buf_p)-1]=='$') { // String if(ref_str==NULL) { CREATE(ref_str, char, strlen(str)+1); } if(sscanf(str, buf, ref_str)==0) { break; } script->set_reg(st, sd, reference_uid( reference_getid(data), reference_getindex(data) ), buf_p, (void *)(ref_str), reference_getref(data)); } else { // Number if(sscanf(str, buf, &ref_int)==0) { break; } script->set_reg(st, sd, reference_uid( reference_getid(data), reference_getindex(data) ), buf_p, (void *)__64BPTRSIZE(ref_int), reference_getref(data)); } arg++; // Disable used format (%... -> %*...) buf_p = strchr(buf, 0); memmove(buf_p-len+2, buf_p-len+1, len); *(buf_p-len+1) = '*'; } script_pushint(st, arg); if(buf) aFree(buf); if(ref_str) aFree(ref_str); return true; } //======================================================= // strpos(<haystack>, <needle>) // strpos(<haystack>, <needle>, <offset>) // // Implements PHP style strpos. Adapted from code from // http://www.daniweb.com/code/snippet313.html, Dave Sinkula //------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN(strpos) { const char *haystack = script_getstr(st,2); const char *needle = script_getstr(st,3); int i; size_t len; if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) i = script_getnum(st,4); else i = 0; if (needle[0] == '\0') { script_pushint(st, -1); return true; } len = strlen(haystack); for ( ; i < len; ++i ) { if ( haystack[i] == *needle ) { // matched starting char -- loop through remaining chars const char *h, *n; for ( h = &haystack[i], n = needle; *h && *n; ++h, ++n ) { if ( *h != *n ) { break; } } if ( !*n ) { // matched all of 'needle' to null termination script_pushint(st, i); return true; } } } script_pushint(st, -1); return true; } //=============================================================== // replacestr <input>, <search>, <replace>{, <usecase>{, <count>}} // // Note: Finds all instances of <search> in <input> and replaces // with <replace>. If specified will only replace as many // instances as specified in <count>. By default will be case // sensitive. //--------------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN(replacestr) { const char *input = script_getstr(st, 2); const char *find = script_getstr(st, 3); const char *replace = script_getstr(st, 4); size_t inputlen = strlen(input); size_t findlen = strlen(find); struct StringBuf output; bool usecase = true; int count = 0; int numFinds = 0; int i = 0, f = 0; if(findlen == 0) { ShowError("script:replacestr: Invalid search length.\n"); st->state = END; return false; } if(script_hasdata(st, 5)) { if( script_isinttype(st,5) ) { usecase = script_getnum(st, 5) != 0; } else { ShowError("script:replacestr: Invalid usecase value. Expected int.\n"); st->state = END; return false; } } if(script_hasdata(st, 6)) { if (!script_isinttype(st, 5) || (count = script_getnum(st, 6) == 0)) { ShowError("script:replacestr: Invalid count value. Expected int.\n"); st->state = END; return false; } } StrBuf->Init(&output); for(; i < inputlen; i++) { if(count && count == numFinds) { break; //found enough, stop looking } for(f = 0; f <= findlen; f++) { if(f == findlen) { //complete match numFinds++; StrBuf->AppendStr(&output, replace); i += findlen - 1; break; } else { if(usecase) { if((i + f) > inputlen || input[i + f] != find[f]) { StrBuf->Printf(&output, "%c", input[i]); break; } } else { if(((i + f) > inputlen || input[i + f] != find[f]) && TOUPPER(input[i+f]) != TOUPPER(find[f])) { StrBuf->Printf(&output, "%c", input[i]); break; } } } } } //append excess after enough found if(i < inputlen) StrBuf->AppendStr(&output, &(input[i])); script_pushstrcopy(st, StrBuf->Value(&output)); StrBuf->Destroy(&output); return true; } //======================================================== // countstr <input>, <search>{, <usecase>} // // Note: Counts the number of times <search> occurs in // <input>. By default will be case sensitive. //-------------------------------------------------------- BUILDIN(countstr) { const char *input = script_getstr(st, 2); const char *find = script_getstr(st, 3); size_t inputlen = strlen(input); size_t findlen = strlen(find); bool usecase = true; int numFinds = 0; int i = 0, f = 0; if(findlen == 0) { ShowError("script:countstr: Invalid search length.\n"); st->state = END; return false; } if(script_hasdata(st, 4)) { if( script_isinttype(st,4) ) usecase = script_getnum(st, 4) != 0; else { ShowError("script:countstr: Invalid usecase value. Expected int.\n"); st->state = END; return false; } } for(; i < inputlen; i++) { for(f = 0; f <= findlen; f++) { if(f == findlen) { //complete match numFinds++; i += findlen - 1; break; } else { if(usecase) { if((i + f) > inputlen || input[i + f] != find[f]) { break; } } else { if(((i + f) > inputlen || input[i + f] != find[f]) && TOUPPER(input[i+f]) != TOUPPER(find[f])) { break; } } } } } script_pushint(st, numFinds); return true; } /// Changes the display name and/or display class of the npc. /// Returns 0 is successful, 1 if the npc does not exist. /// /// setnpcdisplay("<npc name>", "<new display name>", <new class id>, <new size>) -> <int> /// setnpcdisplay("<npc name>", "<new display name>", <new class id>) -> <int> /// setnpcdisplay("<npc name>", "<new display name>") -> <int> /// setnpcdisplay("<npc name>", <new class id>) -> <int> BUILDIN(setnpcdisplay) { const char* name; const char* newname = NULL; int class_ = -1, size = -1; struct npc_data* nd; name = script_getstr(st,2); if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) class_ = script_getnum(st,4); if( script_hasdata(st,5) ) size = script_getnum(st,5); if( script_isstringtype(st, 3) ) newname = script_getstr(st, 3); else class_ = script_getnum(st, 3); nd = npc->name2id(name); if( nd == NULL ) {// not found script_pushint(st,1); return true; } // update npc if( newname ) npc->setdisplayname(nd, newname); if( size != -1 && size != (int)nd->size ) nd->size = size; else size = -1; if( class_ != -1 && nd->class_ != class_ ) npc->setclass(nd, class_); else if( size != -1 ) { // Required to update the visual size clif->clearunit_area(&nd->bl, CLR_OUTSIGHT); clif->spawn(&nd->bl); } script_pushint(st,0); return true; } BUILDIN(atoi) { const char *value; value = script_getstr(st,2); script_pushint(st,atoi(value)); return true; } BUILDIN(axtoi) { const char *hex = script_getstr(st,2); long value = strtol(hex, NULL, 16); #if LONG_MAX > INT_MAX || LONG_MIN < INT_MIN value = cap_value(value, INT_MIN, INT_MAX); #endif script_pushint(st, (int)value); return true; } BUILDIN(strtol) { const char *string = script_getstr(st, 2); int base = script_getnum(st, 3); long value = strtol(string, NULL, base); #if LONG_MAX > INT_MAX || LONG_MIN < INT_MIN value = cap_value(value, INT_MIN, INT_MAX); #endif script_pushint(st, (int)value); return true; } // case-insensitive substring search [lordalfa] BUILDIN(compare) { const char *message; const char *cmpstring; message = script_getstr(st,2); cmpstring = script_getstr(st,3); script_pushint(st,(stristr(message,cmpstring) != NULL)); return true; } // [zBuffer] List of mathematics commands ---> BUILDIN(sqrt) { double i, a; i = script_getnum(st,2); a = sqrt(i); script_pushint(st,(int)a); return true; } BUILDIN(pow) { double i, a, b; a = script_getnum(st,2); b = script_getnum(st,3); i = pow(a,b); script_pushint(st,(int)i); return true; } BUILDIN(distance) { int x0, y0, x1, y1; x0 = script_getnum(st,2); y0 = script_getnum(st,3); x1 = script_getnum(st,4); y1 = script_getnum(st,5); script_pushint(st,distance_xy(x0,y0,x1,y1)); return true; } // <--- [zBuffer] List of mathematics commands BUILDIN(md5) { const char *tmpstr; char *md5str; tmpstr = script_getstr(st,2); md5str = (char *)aMalloc((32+1)*sizeof(char)); MD5_String(tmpstr, md5str); script_pushstr(st, md5str); return true; } // [zBuffer] List of dynamic var commands ---> BUILDIN(setd) { TBL_PC *sd=NULL; char varname[100]; const char *buffer; int elem; buffer = script_getstr(st, 2); if(sscanf(buffer, "%99[^[][%d]", varname, &elem) < 2) elem = 0; if( not_server_variable(*varname) ) { sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) { ShowError("script:setd: no player attached for player variable '%s'\n", buffer); return true; } } if( is_string_variable(varname) ) { script->setd_sub(st, sd, varname, elem, (void *)script_getstr(st, 3), NULL); } else { script->setd_sub(st, sd, varname, elem, (void *)__64BPTRSIZE(script_getnum(st, 3)), NULL); } return true; } int buildin_query_sql_sub(struct script_state* st, Sql* handle) { int i, j; TBL_PC* sd = NULL; const char* query; struct script_data* data; const char* name; unsigned int max_rows = SCRIPT_MAX_ARRAYSIZE; // maximum number of rows int num_vars; int num_cols; // check target variables for( i = 3; script_hasdata(st,i); ++i ) { data = script_getdata(st, i); if( data_isreference(data) ) { // it's a variable name = reference_getname(data); if( not_server_variable(*name) && sd == NULL ) { // requires a player sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) { // no player attached script->reportdata(data); st->state = END; return false; } } } else { ShowError("script:query_sql: not a variable\n"); script->reportdata(data); st->state = END; return false; } } num_vars = i - 3; // Execute the query query = script_getstr(st,2); if( SQL_ERROR == SQL->QueryStr(handle, query) ) { Sql_ShowDebug(handle); st->state = END; return false; } if( SQL->NumRows(handle) == 0 ) { // No data received SQL->FreeResult(handle); script_pushint(st, 0); return true; } // Count the number of columns to store num_cols = SQL->NumColumns(handle); if( num_vars < num_cols ) { ShowWarning("script:query_sql: Too many columns, discarding last %u columns.\n", (unsigned int)(num_cols-num_vars)); script->reportsrc(st); } else if( num_vars > num_cols ) { ShowWarning("script:query_sql: Too many variables (%u extra).\n", (unsigned int)(num_vars-num_cols)); script->reportsrc(st); } // Store data for( i = 0; i < max_rows && SQL_SUCCESS == SQL->NextRow(handle); ++i ) { for( j = 0; j < num_vars; ++j ) { char* str = NULL; if( j < num_cols ) SQL->GetData(handle, j, &str, NULL); data = script_getdata(st, j+3); name = reference_getname(data); if( is_string_variable(name) ) script->setd_sub(st, sd, name, i, (void *)(str?str:""), reference_getref(data)); else script->setd_sub(st, sd, name, i, (void *)__64BPTRSIZE((str?atoi(str):0)), reference_getref(data)); } } if( i == max_rows && max_rows < SQL->NumRows(handle) ) { ShowWarning("script:query_sql: Only %d/%u rows have been stored.\n", max_rows, (unsigned int)SQL->NumRows(handle)); script->reportsrc(st); } // Free data SQL->FreeResult(handle); script_pushint(st, i); return true; } BUILDIN(query_sql) { return script->buildin_query_sql_sub(st, map->mysql_handle); } BUILDIN(query_logsql) { if( !logs->config.sql_logs ) {// logs->mysql_handle == NULL ShowWarning("buildin_query_logsql: SQL logs are disabled, query '%s' will not be executed.\n", script_getstr(st,2)); script_pushint(st,-1); return false; } return script->buildin_query_sql_sub(st, logs->mysql_handle); } //Allows escaping of a given string. BUILDIN(escape_sql) { const char *str; char *esc_str; size_t len; str = script_getstr(st,2); len = strlen(str); esc_str = (char*)aMalloc(len*2+1); SQL->EscapeStringLen(map->mysql_handle, esc_str, str, len); script_pushstr(st, esc_str); return true; } BUILDIN(getd) { char varname[100]; const char *buffer; int elem; buffer = script_getstr(st, 2); if(sscanf(buffer, "%[^[][%d]", varname, &elem) < 2) elem = 0; // Push the 'pointer' so it's more flexible [Lance] script->push_val(st->stack, C_NAME, reference_uid(script->add_str(varname), elem),NULL); return true; } // <--- [zBuffer] List of dynamic var commands // Pet stat [Lance] BUILDIN(petstat) { TBL_PC *sd = NULL; struct pet_data *pd; int flag = script_getnum(st,2); sd = script->rid2sd(st); if(!sd || !sd->status.pet_id || !sd->pd) { if(flag == 2) script_pushconststr(st, ""); else script_pushint(st,0); return true; } pd = sd->pd; switch(flag) { case 1: script_pushint(st,(int)pd->pet.class_); break; case 2: script_pushstrcopy(st, pd->pet.name); break; case 3: script_pushint(st,(int)pd->pet.level); break; case 4: script_pushint(st,(int)pd->pet.hungry); break; case 5: script_pushint(st,(int)pd->pet.intimate); break; default: script_pushint(st,0); break; } return true; } BUILDIN(callshop) { TBL_PC *sd = NULL; struct npc_data *nd; const char *shopname; int flag = 0; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if (!sd) { script_pushint(st,0); return true; } shopname = script_getstr(st, 2); if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) flag = script_getnum(st,3); nd = npc->name2id(shopname); if( !nd || nd->bl.type != BL_NPC || (nd->subtype != SHOP && nd->subtype != CASHSHOP) ) { ShowError("buildin_callshop: Shop [%s] not found (or NPC is not shop type)\n", shopname); script_pushint(st,0); return false; } if( nd->subtype == SHOP ) { // flag the user as using a valid script call for opening the shop (for floating NPCs) sd->state.callshop = 1; switch( flag ) { case 1: npc->buysellsel(sd,nd->bl.id,0); break; //Buy window case 2: npc->buysellsel(sd,nd->bl.id,1); break; //Sell window default: clif->npcbuysell(sd,nd->bl.id); break; //Show menu } } else clif->cashshop_show(sd, nd); sd->npc_shopid = nd->bl.id; script_pushint(st,1); return true; } BUILDIN(npcshopitem) { const char* npcname = script_getstr(st, 2); struct npc_data* nd = npc->name2id(npcname); int n, i; int amount; if( !nd || ( nd->subtype != SHOP && nd->subtype != CASHSHOP ) ) { //Not found. script_pushint(st,0); return true; } // get the count of new entries amount = (script_lastdata(st)-2)/2; // generate new shop item list RECREATE(nd->u.shop.shop_item, struct npc_item_list, amount); for( n = 0, i = 3; n < amount; n++, i+=2 ) { nd->u.shop.shop_item[n].nameid = script_getnum(st,i); nd->u.shop.shop_item[n].value = script_getnum(st,i+1); } nd->u.shop.count = n; script_pushint(st,1); return true; } BUILDIN(npcshopadditem) { const char* npcname = script_getstr(st,2); struct npc_data* nd = npc->name2id(npcname); int n, i; int amount; if( !nd || ( nd->subtype != SHOP && nd->subtype != CASHSHOP ) ) { //Not found. script_pushint(st,0); return true; } // get the count of new entries amount = (script_lastdata(st)-2)/2; // append new items to existing shop item list RECREATE(nd->u.shop.shop_item, struct npc_item_list, nd->u.shop.count+amount); for( n = nd->u.shop.count, i = 3; n < nd->u.shop.count+amount; n++, i+=2 ) { nd->u.shop.shop_item[n].nameid = script_getnum(st,i); nd->u.shop.shop_item[n].value = script_getnum(st,i+1); } nd->u.shop.count = n; script_pushint(st,1); return true; } BUILDIN(npcshopdelitem) { const char* npcname = script_getstr(st,2); struct npc_data* nd = npc->name2id(npcname); unsigned int nameid; int n, i; int amount; int size; if( !nd || ( nd->subtype != SHOP && nd->subtype != CASHSHOP ) ) { //Not found. script_pushint(st,0); return true; } amount = script_lastdata(st)-2; size = nd->u.shop.count; // remove specified items from the shop item list for( i = 3; i < 3 + amount; i++ ) { nameid = script_getnum(st,i); ARR_FIND( 0, size, n, nd->u.shop.shop_item[n].nameid == nameid ); if( n < size ) { memmove(&nd->u.shop.shop_item[n], &nd->u.shop.shop_item[n+1], sizeof(nd->u.shop.shop_item[0])*(size-n)); size--; } } RECREATE(nd->u.shop.shop_item, struct npc_item_list, size); nd->u.shop.count = size; script_pushint(st,1); return true; } //Sets a script to attach to a shop npc. BUILDIN(npcshopattach) { const char* npcname = script_getstr(st,2); struct npc_data* nd = npc->name2id(npcname); int flag = 1; if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) flag = script_getnum(st,3); if( !nd || nd->subtype != SHOP ) { //Not found. script_pushint(st,0); return true; } if (flag) nd->master_nd = ((struct npc_data *)map->id2bl(st->oid)); else nd->master_nd = NULL; script_pushint(st,1); return true; } /*========================================== * Returns some values of an item [Lupus] * Price, Weight, etc... * setitemscript(itemID,"{new item bonus script}",[n]); * Where n: * 0 - script * 1 - Equip script * 2 - Unequip script *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(setitemscript) { int item_id,n=0; const char *new_bonus_script; struct item_data *i_data; struct script_code **dstscript; item_id = script_getnum(st,2); new_bonus_script = script_getstr(st,3); if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) n=script_getnum(st,4); i_data = itemdb->exists(item_id); if (!i_data || new_bonus_script==NULL || ( new_bonus_script[0] && new_bonus_script[0]!='{' )) { script_pushint(st,0); return true; } switch (n) { case 2: dstscript = &i_data->unequip_script; break; case 1: dstscript = &i_data->equip_script; break; default: dstscript = &i_data->script; break; } if(*dstscript) script->free_code(*dstscript); *dstscript = new_bonus_script[0] ? script->parse(new_bonus_script, "script_setitemscript", 0, 0) : NULL; script_pushint(st,1); return true; } /*======================================================= * Temporarily add or update a mob drop * Original Idea By: [Lupus], [Akinari] * * addmonsterdrop <mob_id or name>,<item_id>,<rate>; * * If given an item the mob already drops, the rate * is updated to the new rate. Rate must be in the range [1:10000] * Returns 1 if succeeded (added/updated a mob drop) *-------------------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(addmonsterdrop) { struct mob_db *monster; int item_id, rate, i, c = MAX_MOB_DROP; if( script_isstringtype(st,2) ) monster = mob->db(mob->db_searchname(script_getstr(st,2))); else monster = mob->db(script_getnum(st,2)); if( monster == mob->dummy ) { if( script_isstringtype(st,2) ) { ShowError("buildin_addmonsterdrop: invalid mob name: '%s'.\n", script_getstr(st,2)); } else { ShowError("buildin_addmonsterdrop: invalid mob id: '%d'.\n", script_getnum(st,2)); } return false; } item_id = script_getnum(st,3); if( !itemdb->exists(item_id) ) { ShowError("buildin_addmonsterdrop: Invalid item ID: '%d'.\n", item_id); return false; } rate = script_getnum(st,4); if( rate < 1 || rate > 10000 ) { ShowWarning("buildin_addmonsterdrop: Invalid drop rate '%d'. Capping to the [1:10000] range.\n", rate); rate = cap_value(rate,1,10000); } for( i = 0; i < MAX_MOB_DROP; i++ ) { if( monster->dropitem[i].nameid == item_id ) // Item ID found break; if( c == MAX_MOB_DROP && monster->dropitem[i].nameid < 1 ) // First empty slot c = i; } if( i < MAX_MOB_DROP ) // If the item ID was found, prefer it c = i; if( c < MAX_MOB_DROP ) { // Fill in the slot with the item and rate monster->dropitem[c].nameid = item_id; monster->dropitem[c].p = rate; script_pushint(st,1); } else { //No place to put the new drop script_pushint(st,0); } return true; } /*======================================================= * Temporarily remove a mob drop * Original Idea By: [Lupus], [Akinari] * * delmonsterdrop <mob_id or name>,<item_id>; * * Returns 1 if succeeded (deleted a mob drop) *-------------------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(delmonsterdrop) { struct mob_db *monster; int item_id, i; if( script_isstringtype(st, 2) ) monster = mob->db(mob->db_searchname(script_getstr(st, 2))); else monster = mob->db(script_getnum(st, 2)); if( monster == mob->dummy ) { if( script_isstringtype(st, 2) ) { ShowError("buildin_delmonsterdrop: invalid mob name: '%s'.\n", script_getstr(st,2)); } else { ShowError("buildin_delmonsterdrop: invalid mob id: '%d'.\n", script_getnum(st,2)); } return false; } item_id = script_getnum(st,3); if( !itemdb->exists(item_id) ) { ShowError("buildin_delmonsterdrop: Invalid item ID: '%d'.\n", item_id); return false; } for( i = 0; i < MAX_MOB_DROP; i++ ) { if( monster->dropitem[i].nameid == item_id ) { monster->dropitem[i].nameid = 0; monster->dropitem[i].p = 0; script_pushint(st,1); return true; } } // No drop on that monster script_pushint(st,0); return true; } /*========================================== * Returns some values of a monster [Lupus] * Name, Level, race, size, etc... * getmonsterinfo(monsterID,queryIndex); *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(getmonsterinfo) { struct mob_db *monster; int mob_id; mob_id = script_getnum(st,2); if (!mob->db_checkid(mob_id)) { ShowError("buildin_getmonsterinfo: Wrong Monster ID: %i\n", mob_id); if ( !script_getnum(st,3) ) //requested a string script_pushconststr(st,"null"); else script_pushint(st,-1); return -1; } monster = mob->db(mob_id); switch ( script_getnum(st,3) ) { case 0: script_pushstrcopy(st,monster->jname); break; case 1: script_pushint(st,monster->lv); break; case 2: script_pushint(st,monster->status.max_hp); break; case 3: script_pushint(st,monster->base_exp); break; case 4: script_pushint(st,monster->job_exp); break; case 5: script_pushint(st,monster->status.rhw.atk); break; case 6: script_pushint(st,monster->status.rhw.atk2); break; case 7: script_pushint(st,monster->status.def); break; case 8: script_pushint(st,monster->status.mdef); break; case 9: script_pushint(st,monster->status.str); break; case 10: script_pushint(st,monster->status.agi); break; case 11: script_pushint(st,monster->status.vit); break; case 12: script_pushint(st,monster->status.int_); break; case 13: script_pushint(st,monster->status.dex); break; case 14: script_pushint(st,monster->status.luk); break; case 15: script_pushint(st,monster->status.rhw.range); break; case 16: script_pushint(st,monster->range2); break; case 17: script_pushint(st,monster->range3); break; case 18: script_pushint(st,monster->status.size); break; case 19: script_pushint(st,monster->status.race); break; case 20: script_pushint(st,monster->status.def_ele); break; case 21: script_pushint(st,monster->status.mode); break; case 22: script_pushint(st,monster->mexp); break; default: script_pushint(st,-1); //wrong Index } return true; } BUILDIN(checkvending) // check vending [Nab4] { TBL_PC *sd = NULL; if(script_hasdata(st,2)) sd = map->nick2sd(script_getstr(st,2)); else sd = script->rid2sd(st); if(sd) script_pushint(st, sd->state.autotrade ? 2 : sd->state.vending); else script_pushint(st,0); return true; } // check chatting [Marka] BUILDIN(checkchatting) { TBL_PC *sd = NULL; if(script_hasdata(st,2)) sd = map->nick2sd(script_getstr(st,2)); else sd = script->rid2sd(st); if(sd) script_pushint(st,(sd->chatID != 0)); else script_pushint(st,0); return true; } BUILDIN(checkidle) { TBL_PC *sd = NULL; if (script_hasdata(st, 2)) sd = map->nick2sd(script_getstr(st, 2)); else sd = script->rid2sd(st); if (sd) script_pushint(st, DIFF_TICK32(sockt->last_tick, sd->idletime)); // TODO: change this to int64 when we'll support 64 bit script values else script_pushint(st, 0); return true; } BUILDIN(searchitem) { struct script_data* data = script_getdata(st, 2); const char *itemname = script_getstr(st,3); struct item_data *items[MAX_SEARCH]; int count; char* name; int32 start; int32 id; int32 i; TBL_PC* sd = NULL; if ((items[0] = itemdb->exists(atoi(itemname)))) count = 1; else { count = itemdb->search_name_array(items, ARRAYLENGTH(items), itemname, 0); if (count > MAX_SEARCH) count = MAX_SEARCH; } if (!count) { script_pushint(st, 0); return true; } if( !data_isreference(data) ) { ShowError("script:searchitem: not a variable\n"); script->reportdata(data); st->state = END; return false;// not a variable } id = reference_getid(data); start = reference_getindex(data); name = reference_getname(data); if( not_server_variable(*name) ) { sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true;// no player attached } if( is_string_variable(name) ) {// string array ShowError("script:searchitem: not an integer array reference\n"); script->reportdata(data); st->state = END; return false;// not supported } for( i = 0; i < count; ++start, ++i ) {// Set array void* v = (void*)__64BPTRSIZE((int)items[i]->nameid); script->set_reg(st, sd, reference_uid(id, start), name, v, reference_getref(data)); } script_pushint(st, count); return true; } // [zBuffer] List of player cont commands ---> BUILDIN(rid2name) { struct block_list *bl = NULL; int rid = script_getnum(st,2); if((bl = map->id2bl(rid))) { switch(bl->type) { case BL_MOB: script_pushstrcopy(st,((TBL_MOB*)bl)->name); break; case BL_PC: script_pushstrcopy(st,((TBL_PC*)bl)->status.name); break; case BL_NPC: script_pushstrcopy(st,((TBL_NPC*)bl)->exname); break; case BL_PET: script_pushstrcopy(st,((TBL_PET*)bl)->pet.name); break; case BL_HOM: script_pushstrcopy(st,((TBL_HOM*)bl)->homunculus.name); break; case BL_MER: script_pushstrcopy(st,((TBL_MER*)bl)->db->name); break; default: ShowError("buildin_rid2name: BL type unknown.\n"); script_pushconststr(st,""); break; } } else { ShowError("buildin_rid2name: invalid RID\n"); script_pushconststr(st,"(null)"); } return true; } BUILDIN(pcblockmove) { int id, flag; TBL_PC *sd = NULL; id = script_getnum(st,2); flag = script_getnum(st,3); if(id) sd = map->id2sd(id); else sd = script->rid2sd(st); if(sd) sd->state.blockedmove = flag > 0; return true; } BUILDIN(pcfollow) { int id, targetid; TBL_PC *sd = NULL; id = script_getnum(st,2); targetid = script_getnum(st,3); if(id) sd = map->id2sd(id); else sd = script->rid2sd(st); if(sd) pc->follow(sd, targetid); return true; } BUILDIN(pcstopfollow) { int id; TBL_PC *sd = NULL; id = script_getnum(st,2); if(id) sd = map->id2sd(id); else sd = script->rid2sd(st); if(sd) pc->stop_following(sd); return true; } // <--- [zBuffer] List of player cont commands // [zBuffer] List of mob control commands ---> //## TODO always return if the request/whatever was successfull [FlavioJS] /// Makes the unit walk to target position or target id /// Returns if it was successfull /// /// unitwalk(<unit_id>,<x>,<y>) -> <bool> /// unitwalk(<unit_id>,<target_id>) -> <bool> BUILDIN(unitwalk) { struct block_list* bl; bl = map->id2bl(script_getnum(st,2)); if( bl == NULL ) { script_pushint(st, 0); return true; } if( bl->type == BL_NPC ) { unit->bl2ud2(bl); // ensure the ((TBL_NPC*)bl)->ud is safe to edit } if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) { int x = script_getnum(st,3); int y = script_getnum(st,4); script_pushint(st, unit->walktoxy(bl,x,y,0));// We'll use harder calculations. } else { int target_id = script_getnum(st,3); script_pushint(st, unit->walktobl(bl,map->id2bl(target_id),1,1)); } return true; } /// Kills the unit /// /// unitkill <unit_id>; BUILDIN(unitkill) { struct block_list* bl = map->id2bl(script_getnum(st,2)); if( bl != NULL ) status_kill(bl); return true; } /// Warps the unit to the target position in the target map /// Returns if it was successfull /// /// unitwarp(<unit_id>,"<map name>",<x>,<y>) -> <bool> BUILDIN(unitwarp) { int unit_id; int mapid; short x; short y; struct block_list* bl; const char *mapname; unit_id = script_getnum(st,2); mapname = script_getstr(st, 3); x = (short)script_getnum(st,4); y = (short)script_getnum(st,5); if (!unit_id) //Warp the script's runner bl = map->id2bl(st->rid); else bl = map->id2bl(unit_id); if( strcmp(mapname,"this") == 0 ) mapid = bl?bl->m:-1; else mapid = map->mapname2mapid(mapname); if( mapid >= 0 && bl != NULL ) { unit->bl2ud2(bl); // ensure ((TBL_NPC*)bl)->ud is safe to edit script_pushint(st, unit->warp(bl,mapid,x,y,CLR_OUTSIGHT)); } else { script_pushint(st, 0); } return true; } /// Makes the unit attack the target. /// If the unit is a player and <action type> is not 0, it does a continuous /// attack instead of a single attack. /// Returns if the request was successfull. /// /// unitattack(<unit_id>,"<target name>"{,<action type>}) -> <bool> /// unitattack(<unit_id>,<target_id>{,<action type>}) -> <bool> BUILDIN(unitattack) { struct block_list* unit_bl; struct block_list* target_bl = NULL; int actiontype = 0; // get unit unit_bl = map->id2bl(script_getnum(st,2)); if( unit_bl == NULL ) { script_pushint(st, 0); return true; } if( script_isstringtype(st, 3) ) { TBL_PC* sd = map->nick2sd(script_getstr(st, 3)); if( sd != NULL ) target_bl = &sd->bl; } else target_bl = map->id2bl(script_getnum(st, 3)); // request the attack if( target_bl == NULL ) { script_pushint(st, 0); return true; } // get actiontype if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) actiontype = script_getnum(st,4); switch( unit_bl->type ) { case BL_PC: clif->pActionRequest_sub(((TBL_PC *)unit_bl), actiontype > 0 ? 0x07 : 0x00, target_bl->id, timer->gettick()); script_pushint(st, 1); return true; case BL_MOB: ((TBL_MOB *)unit_bl)->target_id = target_bl->id; break; case BL_PET: ((TBL_PET *)unit_bl)->target_id = target_bl->id; break; default: ShowError("script:unitattack: unsupported source unit type %d\n", unit_bl->type); script_pushint(st, 0); return false; } script_pushint(st, unit->walktobl(unit_bl, target_bl, 65025, 2)); return true; } /// Makes the unit stop attacking and moving /// /// unitstop <unit_id>; BUILDIN(unitstop) { int unit_id; struct block_list* bl; unit_id = script_getnum(st,2); bl = map->id2bl(unit_id); if( bl != NULL ) { unit->bl2ud2(bl); // ensure ((TBL_NPC*)bl)->ud is safe to edit unit->stop_attack(bl); unit->stop_walking(bl,4); if( bl->type == BL_MOB ) ((TBL_MOB*)bl)->target_id = 0; } return true; } /// Makes the unit say the message /// /// unittalk <unit_id>,"<message>"; BUILDIN(unittalk) { int unit_id; const char* message; struct block_list* bl; unit_id = script_getnum(st,2); message = script_getstr(st, 3); bl = map->id2bl(unit_id); if( bl != NULL ) { struct StringBuf sbuf; StrBuf->Init(&sbuf); StrBuf->Printf(&sbuf, "%s : %s", status->get_name(bl), message); clif->disp_overhead(bl, StrBuf->Value(&sbuf)); if( bl->type == BL_PC ) clif->message(((TBL_PC*)bl)->fd, StrBuf->Value(&sbuf)); StrBuf->Destroy(&sbuf); } return true; } /// Makes the unit do an emotion /// /// unitemote <unit_id>,<emotion>; /// /// @see e_* in const.txt BUILDIN(unitemote) { int unit_id; int emotion; struct block_list* bl; unit_id = script_getnum(st,2); emotion = script_getnum(st,3); bl = map->id2bl(unit_id); if( bl != NULL ) clif->emotion(bl, emotion); return true; } /// Makes the unit cast the skill on the target or self if no target is specified /// /// unitskilluseid <unit_id>,<skill_id>,<skill_lv>{,<target_id>}; /// unitskilluseid <unit_id>,"<skill name>",<skill_lv>{,<target_id>}; BUILDIN(unitskilluseid) { int unit_id; uint16 skill_id; uint16 skill_lv; int target_id; struct block_list* bl; unit_id = script_getnum(st,2); skill_id = ( script_isstringtype(st, 3) ? skill->name2id(script_getstr(st, 3)) : script_getnum(st, 3) ); skill_lv = script_getnum(st,4); target_id = ( script_hasdata(st,5) ? script_getnum(st,5) : unit_id ); bl = map->id2bl(unit_id); if( bl != NULL ) { if( bl->type == BL_NPC ) { if (!((TBL_NPC*)bl)->status.hp) { status_calc_npc(((TBL_NPC*)bl), SCO_FIRST); } else { status_calc_npc(((TBL_NPC*)bl), SCO_NONE); } } unit->skilluse_id(bl, target_id, skill_id, skill_lv); } return true; } /// Makes the unit cast the skill on the target position. /// /// unitskillusepos <unit_id>,<skill_id>,<skill_lv>,<target_x>,<target_y>; /// unitskillusepos <unit_id>,"<skill name>",<skill_lv>,<target_x>,<target_y>; BUILDIN(unitskillusepos) { int unit_id; uint16 skill_id; uint16 skill_lv; int skill_x; int skill_y; struct block_list* bl; unit_id = script_getnum(st,2); skill_id = ( script_isstringtype(st, 3) ? skill->name2id(script_getstr(st, 3)) : script_getnum(st, 3) ); skill_lv = script_getnum(st,4); skill_x = script_getnum(st,5); skill_y = script_getnum(st,6); bl = map->id2bl(unit_id); if( bl != NULL ) { if( bl->type == BL_NPC ) { if (!((TBL_NPC*)bl)->status.hp) { status_calc_npc(((TBL_NPC*)bl), SCO_FIRST); } else { status_calc_npc(((TBL_NPC*)bl), SCO_NONE); } } unit->skilluse_pos(bl, skill_x, skill_y, skill_id, skill_lv); } return true; } // <--- [zBuffer] List of mob control commands /// Pauses the execution of the script, detaching the player /// /// sleep <mili seconds>; BUILDIN(sleep) { int ticks; ticks = script_getnum(st,2); // detach the player script->detach_rid(st); if( ticks <= 0 ) {// do nothing } else if( st->sleep.tick == 0 ) {// sleep for the target amount of time st->state = RERUNLINE; st->sleep.tick = ticks; } else {// sleep time is over st->state = RUN; st->sleep.tick = 0; } return true; } /// Pauses the execution of the script, keeping the player attached /// Returns if a player is still attached /// /// sleep2(<mili secconds>) -> <bool> BUILDIN(sleep2) { int ticks; ticks = script_getnum(st,2); if( ticks <= 0 ) { // do nothing script_pushint(st, (map->id2sd(st->rid)!=NULL)); } else if( !st->sleep.tick ) { // sleep for the target amount of time st->state = RERUNLINE; st->sleep.tick = ticks; } else { // sleep time is over st->state = RUN; st->sleep.tick = 0; script_pushint(st, (map->id2sd(st->rid)!=NULL)); } return true; } /// Awakes all the sleep timers of the target npc /// /// awake "<npc name>"; BUILDIN(awake) { DBIterator *iter; struct script_state *tst; struct npc_data* nd; if( ( nd = npc->name2id(script_getstr(st, 2)) ) == NULL ) { ShowError("awake: NPC \"%s\" not found\n", script_getstr(st, 2)); return false; } iter = db_iterator(script->st_db); for( tst = dbi_first(iter); dbi_exists(iter); tst = dbi_next(iter) ) { if( tst->oid == nd->bl.id ) { TBL_PC* sd = map->id2sd(tst->rid); if( tst->sleep.timer == INVALID_TIMER ) {// already awake ??? continue; } if( (sd && sd->status.char_id != tst->sleep.charid) || (tst->rid && !sd)) { // char not online anymore / another char of the same account is online - Cancel execution tst->state = END; tst->rid = 0; } timer->delete(tst->sleep.timer, script->run_timer); tst->sleep.timer = INVALID_TIMER; if(tst->state != RERUNLINE) tst->sleep.tick = 0; script->run_main(tst); } } dbi_destroy(iter); return true; } /// Returns a reference to a variable of the target NPC. /// Returns 0 if an error occurs. /// /// getvariableofnpc(<variable>, "<npc name>") -> <reference> BUILDIN(getvariableofnpc) { struct script_data* data; const char* name; struct npc_data* nd; data = script_getdata(st,2); if( !data_isreference(data) ) {// Not a reference (aka varaible name) ShowError("script:getvariableofnpc: not a variable\n"); script->reportdata(data); script_pushnil(st); st->state = END; return false; } name = reference_getname(data); if( *name != '.' || name[1] == '@' ) {// not a npc variable ShowError("script:getvariableofnpc: invalid scope (not npc variable)\n"); script->reportdata(data); script_pushnil(st); st->state = END; return false; } nd = npc->name2id(script_getstr(st,3)); if( nd == NULL || nd->subtype != SCRIPT || nd->u.scr.script == NULL ) {// NPC not found or has no script ShowError("script:getvariableofnpc: can't find npc %s\n", script_getstr(st,3)); script_pushnil(st); st->state = END; return false; } if( !nd->u.scr.script->local.vars ) nd->u.scr.script->local.vars = i64db_alloc(DB_OPT_RELEASE_DATA); script->push_val(st->stack, C_NAME, reference_getuid(data), &nd->u.scr.script->local); return true; } /// Opens a warp portal. /// Has no "portal opening" effect/sound, it opens the portal immediately. /// /// warpportal <source x>,<source y>,"<target map>",<target x>,<target y>; /// /// @author blackhole89 BUILDIN(warpportal) { int spx; int spy; unsigned short map_index; int tpx; int tpy; struct skill_unit_group* group; struct block_list* bl; bl = map->id2bl(st->oid); if( bl == NULL ) { ShowError("script:warpportal: npc is needed\n"); return false; } spx = script_getnum(st,2); spy = script_getnum(st,3); map_index = script->mapindexname2id(st,script_getstr(st, 4)); tpx = script_getnum(st,5); tpy = script_getnum(st,6); if( map_index == 0 ) return true;// map not found group = skill->unitsetting(bl, AL_WARP, 4, spx, spy, 0); if( group == NULL ) return true;// failed group->val1 = (group->val1<<16)|(short)0; group->val2 = (tpx<<16) | tpy; group->val3 = map_index; return true; } BUILDIN(openmail) { TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; mail->openmail(sd); return true; } BUILDIN(openauction) { TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; clif->auction_openwindow(sd); return true; } /// Retrieves the value of the specified flag of the specified cell. /// /// checkcell("<map name>",<x>,<y>,<type>) -> <bool> /// /// @see cell_chk* constants in const.txt for the types BUILDIN(checkcell) { int16 m = map->mapname2mapid(script_getstr(st,2)); int16 x = script_getnum(st,3); int16 y = script_getnum(st,4); cell_chk type = (cell_chk)script_getnum(st,5); if ( m == -1 ) { ShowWarning("checkcell: Attempted to run on unexsitent map '%s', type %d, x/y %d,%d\n",script_getstr(st,2),type,x,y); return true; } script_pushint(st, map->getcell(m, x, y, type)); return true; } /// Modifies flags of cells in the specified area. /// /// setcell "<map name>",<x1>,<y1>,<x2>,<y2>,<type>,<flag>; /// /// @see cell_* constants in const.txt for the types BUILDIN(setcell) { int16 m = map->mapname2mapid(script_getstr(st,2)); int16 x1 = script_getnum(st,3); int16 y1 = script_getnum(st,4); int16 x2 = script_getnum(st,5); int16 y2 = script_getnum(st,6); cell_t type = (cell_t)script_getnum(st,7); bool flag = (bool)script_getnum(st,8); int x,y; if ( m == -1 ) { ShowWarning("setcell: Attempted to run on unexistent map '%s', type %d, x1/y1 - %d,%d | x2/y2 - %d,%d\n",script_getstr(st, 2),type,x1,y1,x2,y2); return true; } if( x1 > x2 ) swap(x1,x2); if( y1 > y2 ) swap(y1,y2); for( y = y1; y <= y2; ++y ) for( x = x1; x <= x2; ++x ) map->list[m].setcell(m, x, y, type, flag); return true; } /*========================================== * Mercenary Commands *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(mercenary_create) { struct map_session_data *sd; int class_, contract_time; if( (sd = script->rid2sd(st)) == NULL || sd->md || sd->status.mer_id != 0 ) return true; class_ = script_getnum(st,2); if( !mercenary->class(class_) ) return true; contract_time = script_getnum(st,3); mercenary->create(sd, class_, contract_time); return true; } BUILDIN(mercenary_heal) { struct map_session_data *sd = script->rid2sd(st); int hp, sp; if( sd == NULL || sd->md == NULL ) return true; hp = script_getnum(st,2); sp = script_getnum(st,3); status->heal(&sd->md->bl, hp, sp, 0); return true; } BUILDIN(mercenary_sc_start) { struct map_session_data *sd = script->rid2sd(st); enum sc_type type; int tick, val1; if( sd == NULL || sd->md == NULL ) return true; type = (sc_type)script_getnum(st,2); tick = script_getnum(st,3); val1 = script_getnum(st,4); status->change_start(NULL, &sd->md->bl, type, 10000, val1, 0, 0, 0, tick, 2); return true; } BUILDIN(mercenary_get_calls) { struct map_session_data *sd = script->rid2sd(st); int guild_id; if( sd == NULL ) return true; guild_id = script_getnum(st,2); switch( guild_id ) { case ARCH_MERC_GUILD: script_pushint(st,sd->status.arch_calls); break; case SPEAR_MERC_GUILD: script_pushint(st,sd->status.spear_calls); break; case SWORD_MERC_GUILD: script_pushint(st,sd->status.sword_calls); break; default: script_pushint(st,0); break; } return true; } BUILDIN(mercenary_set_calls) { struct map_session_data *sd = script->rid2sd(st); int guild_id, value, *calls; if( sd == NULL ) return true; guild_id = script_getnum(st,2); value = script_getnum(st,3); switch( guild_id ) { case ARCH_MERC_GUILD: calls = &sd->status.arch_calls; break; case SPEAR_MERC_GUILD: calls = &sd->status.spear_calls; break; case SWORD_MERC_GUILD: calls = &sd->status.sword_calls; break; default: return true; // Invalid Guild } *calls += value; *calls = cap_value(*calls, 0, INT_MAX); return true; } BUILDIN(mercenary_get_faith) { struct map_session_data *sd = script->rid2sd(st); int guild_id; if( sd == NULL ) return true; guild_id = script_getnum(st,2); switch( guild_id ) { case ARCH_MERC_GUILD: script_pushint(st,sd->status.arch_faith); break; case SPEAR_MERC_GUILD: script_pushint(st,sd->status.spear_faith); break; case SWORD_MERC_GUILD: script_pushint(st,sd->status.sword_faith); break; default: script_pushint(st,0); break; } return true; } BUILDIN(mercenary_set_faith) { struct map_session_data *sd = script->rid2sd(st); int guild_id, value, *calls; if( sd == NULL ) return true; guild_id = script_getnum(st,2); value = script_getnum(st,3); switch( guild_id ) { case ARCH_MERC_GUILD: calls = &sd->status.arch_faith; break; case SPEAR_MERC_GUILD: calls = &sd->status.spear_faith; break; case SWORD_MERC_GUILD: calls = &sd->status.sword_faith; break; default: return true; // Invalid Guild } *calls += value; *calls = cap_value(*calls, 0, INT_MAX); if( mercenary->get_guild(sd->md) == guild_id ) clif->mercenary_updatestatus(sd,SP_MERCFAITH); return true; } /*------------------------------------------ * Book Reading *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(readbook) { struct map_session_data *sd; int book_id, page; if( (sd = script->rid2sd(st)) == NULL ) return true; book_id = script_getnum(st,2); page = script_getnum(st,3); clif->readbook(sd->fd, book_id, page); return true; } /**************************** * Questlog script commands * ****************************/ BUILDIN(questinfo) { struct npc_data *nd = map->id2nd(st->oid); int quest_id, icon, job, color = 0; struct questinfo qi; if( nd == NULL || nd->bl.m == -1 ) return true; quest_id = script_getnum(st, 2); icon = script_getnum(st, 3); #if PACKETVER >= 20120410 if(icon < 0 || (icon > 8 && icon != 9999) || icon == 7) icon = 9999; // Default to nothing if icon id is invalid. #else if(icon < 0 || icon > 7) icon = 0; else icon = icon + 1; #endif qi.quest_id = quest_id; qi.icon = (unsigned char)icon; qi.nd = nd; if( script_hasdata(st, 4) ) { color = script_getnum(st, 4); if( color < 0 || color > 3 ) { ShowWarning("buildin_questinfo: invalid color '%d', changing to 0\n",color); script->reportfunc(st); color = 0; } qi.color = (unsigned char)color; } qi.hasJob = false; if(script_hasdata(st, 5)) { job = script_getnum(st, 5); if (!pcdb_checkid(job)) ShowError("buildin_questinfo: Nonexistant Job Class.\n"); else { qi.hasJob = true; qi.job = (unsigned short)job; } } map->add_questinfo(nd->bl.m,&qi); return true; } BUILDIN(setquest) { struct map_session_data *sd = script->rid2sd(st); unsigned short i; int quest_id; nullpo_retr(false,sd); quest_id = script_getnum(st, 2); quest->add(sd, quest_id); // If questinfo is set, remove quest bubble once quest is set. for(i = 0; i < map->list[sd->bl.m].qi_count; i++) { struct questinfo *qi = &map->list[sd->bl.m].qi_data[i]; if( qi->quest_id == quest_id ) { #if PACKETVER >= 20120410 clif->quest_show_event(sd, &qi->nd->bl, 9999, 0); #else clif->quest_show_event(sd, &qi->nd->bl, 0, 0); #endif } } return true; } BUILDIN(erasequest) { struct map_session_data *sd = script->rid2sd(st); nullpo_retr(false,sd); quest->delete(sd, script_getnum(st, 2)); return true; } BUILDIN(completequest) { struct map_session_data *sd = script->rid2sd(st); nullpo_retr(false,sd); quest->update_status(sd, script_getnum(st, 2), Q_COMPLETE); return true; } BUILDIN(changequest) { struct map_session_data *sd = script->rid2sd(st); nullpo_retr(false,sd); quest->change(sd, script_getnum(st, 2),script_getnum(st, 3)); return true; } BUILDIN(checkquest) { struct map_session_data *sd = script->rid2sd(st); enum quest_check_type type = HAVEQUEST; nullpo_retr(false,sd); if( script_hasdata(st, 3) ) type = (enum quest_check_type)script_getnum(st, 3); script_pushint(st, quest->check(sd, script_getnum(st, 2), type)); return true; } BUILDIN(showevent) { TBL_PC *sd = script->rid2sd(st); struct npc_data *nd = map->id2nd(st->oid); int icon, color = 0; if( sd == NULL || nd == NULL ) return true; icon = script_getnum(st, 2); if( script_hasdata(st, 3) ) { color = script_getnum(st, 3); if( color < 0 || color > 3 ) { ShowWarning("buildin_showevent: invalid color '%d', changing to 0\n",color); script->reportfunc(st); color = 0; } } #if PACKETVER >= 20120410 if(icon < 0 || (icon > 8 && icon != 9999) || icon == 7) icon = 9999; // Default to nothing if icon id is invalid. #else if(icon < 0 || icon > 7) icon = 0; else icon = icon + 1; #endif clif->quest_show_event(sd, &nd->bl, icon, color); return true; } /*========================================== * BattleGround System *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(waitingroom2bg) { struct npc_data *nd; struct chat_data *cd; const char *map_name, *ev = "", *dev = ""; int x, y, i, map_index = 0, bg_id, n; struct map_session_data *sd; if( script_hasdata(st,7) ) nd = npc->name2id(script_getstr(st,7)); else nd = (struct npc_data *)map->id2bl(st->oid); if( nd == NULL || (cd = (struct chat_data *)map->id2bl(nd->chat_id)) == NULL ) { script_pushint(st,0); return true; } map_name = script_getstr(st,2); if( strcmp(map_name,"-") != 0 ) { map_index = script->mapindexname2id(st,map_name); if( map_index == 0 ) { // Invalid Map script_pushint(st,0); return true; } } x = script_getnum(st,3); y = script_getnum(st,4); ev = script_getstr(st,5); // Logout Event dev = script_getstr(st,6); // Die Event if( (bg_id = bg->create(map_index, x, y, ev, dev)) == 0 ) { // Creation failed script_pushint(st,0); return true; } n = cd->users; for( i = 0; i < n && i < MAX_BG_MEMBERS; i++ ) { if( (sd = cd->usersd[i]) != NULL && bg->team_join(bg_id, sd) ) mapreg->setreg(reference_uid(script->add_str("$@arenamembers"), i), sd->bl.id); else mapreg->setreg(reference_uid(script->add_str("$@arenamembers"), i), 0); } mapreg->setreg(script->add_str("$@arenamembersnum"), i); script_pushint(st,bg_id); return true; } BUILDIN(waitingroom2bg_single) { const char* map_name; struct npc_data *nd; struct chat_data *cd; struct map_session_data *sd; int x, y, map_index, bg_id; bg_id = script_getnum(st,2); map_name = script_getstr(st,3); if( (map_index = script->mapindexname2id(st,map_name)) == 0 ) return true; // Invalid Map x = script_getnum(st,4); y = script_getnum(st,5); nd = npc->name2id(script_getstr(st,6)); if( nd == NULL || (cd = (struct chat_data *)map->id2bl(nd->chat_id)) == NULL || cd->users <= 0 ) return true; if( (sd = cd->usersd[0]) == NULL ) return true; if( bg->team_join(bg_id, sd) ) { pc->setpos(sd, map_index, x, y, CLR_TELEPORT); script_pushint(st,1); } else script_pushint(st,0); return true; } BUILDIN(bg_team_setxy) { struct battleground_data *bgd; int bg_id; bg_id = script_getnum(st,2); if( (bgd = bg->team_search(bg_id)) == NULL ) return true; bgd->x = script_getnum(st,3); bgd->y = script_getnum(st,4); return true; } BUILDIN(bg_warp) { int x, y, map_index, bg_id; const char* map_name; bg_id = script_getnum(st,2); map_name = script_getstr(st,3); if( (map_index = script->mapindexname2id(st,map_name)) == 0 ) return true; // Invalid Map x = script_getnum(st,4); y = script_getnum(st,5); bg->team_warp(bg_id, map_index, x, y); return true; } BUILDIN(bg_monster) { int class_ = 0, x = 0, y = 0, bg_id = 0; const char *str, *mapname, *evt=""; bg_id = script_getnum(st,2); mapname = script_getstr(st,3); x = script_getnum(st,4); y = script_getnum(st,5); str = script_getstr(st,6); class_ = script_getnum(st,7); if( script_hasdata(st,8) ) evt = script_getstr(st,8); script->check_event(st, evt); script_pushint(st, mob->spawn_bg(mapname,x,y,str,class_,evt,bg_id)); return true; } BUILDIN(bg_monster_set_team) { struct mob_data *md; struct block_list *mbl; int id = script_getnum(st,2), bg_id = script_getnum(st,3); if( (mbl = map->id2bl(id)) == NULL || mbl->type != BL_MOB ) return true; md = (TBL_MOB *)mbl; md->bg_id = bg_id; mob_stop_attack(md); mob_stop_walking(md, 0); md->target_id = md->attacked_id = 0; clif->charnameack(0, &md->bl); return true; } BUILDIN(bg_leave) { struct map_session_data *sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL || !sd->bg_id ) return true; bg->team_leave(sd,BGTL_LEFT); return true; } BUILDIN(bg_destroy) { int bg_id = script_getnum(st,2); bg->team_delete(bg_id); return true; } BUILDIN(bg_getareausers) { const char *str; int16 m, x0, y0, x1, y1; int bg_id; int i = 0, c = 0; struct battleground_data *bgd = NULL; struct map_session_data *sd; bg_id = script_getnum(st,2); str = script_getstr(st,3); if( (bgd = bg->team_search(bg_id)) == NULL || (m = map->mapname2mapid(str)) < 0 ) { script_pushint(st,0); return true; } x0 = script_getnum(st,4); y0 = script_getnum(st,5); x1 = script_getnum(st,6); y1 = script_getnum(st,7); for( i = 0; i < MAX_BG_MEMBERS; i++ ) { if( (sd = bgd->members[i].sd) == NULL ) continue; if( sd->bl.m != m || sd->bl.x < x0 || sd->bl.y < y0 || sd->bl.x > x1 || sd->bl.y > y1 ) continue; c++; } script_pushint(st,c); return true; } BUILDIN(bg_updatescore) { const char *str; int16 m; str = script_getstr(st,2); if( (m = map->mapname2mapid(str)) < 0 ) return true; map->list[m].bgscore_lion = script_getnum(st,3); map->list[m].bgscore_eagle = script_getnum(st,4); clif->bg_updatescore(m); return true; } BUILDIN(bg_get_data) { struct battleground_data *bgd; int bg_id = script_getnum(st,2), type = script_getnum(st,3); if( (bgd = bg->team_search(bg_id)) == NULL ) { script_pushint(st,0); return true; } switch( type ) { case 0: script_pushint(st, bgd->count); break; default: ShowError("script:bg_get_data: unknown data identifier %d\n", type); break; } return true; } /*========================================== * Instancing Script Commands *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(instance_create) { const char *name; int owner_id, res; int type = IOT_PARTY; name = script_getstr(st, 2); owner_id = script_getnum(st, 3); if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) { type = script_getnum(st, 4); if( type < IOT_NONE || type >= IOT_MAX ) { ShowError("buildin_instance_create: unknown instance type %d for '%s'\n",type,name); return true; } } res = instance->create(owner_id, name, (enum instance_owner_type) type); if( res == -4 ) { // Already exists script_pushint(st, -1); return true; } else if( res < 0 ) { const char *err; switch(res) { case -3: err = "No free instances"; break; case -2: err = "Invalid party ID"; break; case -1: err = "Invalid type"; break; default: err = "Unknown"; break; } ShowError("buildin_instance_create: %s [%d].\n", err, res); script_pushint(st, -2); return true; } script_pushint(st, res); return true; } BUILDIN(instance_destroy) { int instance_id = -1; if( script_hasdata(st, 2) ) instance_id = script_getnum(st, 2); else if( st->instance_id >= 0 ) instance_id = st->instance_id; else return true; if( !instance->valid(instance_id) ) { ShowError("buildin_instance_destroy: Trying to destroy invalid instance %d.\n", instance_id); return true; } instance->destroy(instance_id); return true; } BUILDIN(instance_attachmap) { const char *name, *map_name = NULL; int16 m; int instance_id = -1; bool usebasename = false; name = script_getstr(st,2); instance_id = script_getnum(st,3); if( script_hasdata(st,4) && script_getnum(st,4) > 0 ) usebasename = true; if( script_hasdata(st, 5) ) map_name = script_getstr(st, 5); if( (m = instance->add_map(name, instance_id, usebasename, map_name)) < 0 ) { // [Saithis] ShowError("buildin_instance_attachmap: instance creation failed (%s): %d\n", name, m); script_pushconststr(st, ""); return true; } script_pushconststr(st, map->list[m].name); return true; } BUILDIN(instance_detachmap) { const char *str; int16 m; int instance_id = -1; str = script_getstr(st, 2); if( script_hasdata(st, 3) ) instance_id = script_getnum(st, 3); else if( st->instance_id >= 0 ) instance_id = st->instance_id; else return true; if( (m = map->mapname2mapid(str)) < 0 || (m = instance->map2imap(m,instance_id)) < 0 ) { ShowError("buildin_instance_detachmap: Trying to detach invalid map %s\n", str); return true; } instance->del_map(m); return true; } BUILDIN(instance_attach) { int instance_id = -1; instance_id = script_getnum(st, 2); if( !instance->valid(instance_id) ) return true; st->instance_id = instance_id; return true; } BUILDIN(instance_id) { script_pushint(st, st->instance_id); return true; } BUILDIN(instance_set_timeout) { int progress_timeout, idle_timeout; int instance_id = -1; progress_timeout = script_getnum(st, 2); idle_timeout = script_getnum(st, 3); if( script_hasdata(st, 4) ) instance_id = script_getnum(st, 4); else if( st->instance_id >= 0 ) instance_id = st->instance_id; else return true; if( instance_id >= 0 ) instance->set_timeout(instance_id, progress_timeout, idle_timeout); return true; } BUILDIN(instance_init) { int instance_id = script_getnum(st, 2); if( !instance->valid(instance_id) ) { ShowError("instance_init: invalid instance id %d.\n",instance_id); return true; } if( instance->list[instance_id].state != INSTANCE_IDLE ) { ShowError("instance_init: instance already initialized.\n"); return true; } instance->start(instance_id); return true; } BUILDIN(instance_announce) { int instance_id = script_getnum(st,2); const char *mes = script_getstr(st,3); int flag = script_getnum(st,4); const char *fontColor = script_hasdata(st,5) ? script_getstr(st,5) : NULL; int fontType = script_hasdata(st,6) ? script_getnum(st,6) : 0x190; // default fontType (FW_NORMAL) int fontSize = script_hasdata(st,7) ? script_getnum(st,7) : 12; // default fontSize int fontAlign = script_hasdata(st,8) ? script_getnum(st,8) : 0; // default fontAlign int fontY = script_hasdata(st,9) ? script_getnum(st,9) : 0; // default fontY int i; if( instance_id == -1 ) { if( st->instance_id >= 0 ) instance_id = st->instance_id; else return true; } if( !instance->valid(instance_id) ) return true; for( i = 0; i < instance->list[instance_id].num_map; i++ ) map->foreachinmap(script->buildin_announce_sub, instance->list[instance_id].map[i], BL_PC, mes, strlen(mes)+1, flag&BC_COLOR_MASK, fontColor, fontType, fontSize, fontAlign, fontY); return true; } BUILDIN(instance_npcname) { const char *str; int instance_id = -1; struct npc_data *nd; str = script_getstr(st, 2); if( script_hasdata(st, 3) ) instance_id = script_getnum(st, 3); else if( st->instance_id >= 0 ) instance_id = st->instance_id; if( instance_id >= 0 && (nd = npc->name2id(str)) != NULL ) { static char npcname[NAME_LENGTH]; snprintf(npcname, sizeof(npcname), "dup_%d_%d", instance_id, nd->bl.id); script_pushconststr(st,npcname); } else { ShowError("script:instance_npcname: invalid instance NPC (instance_id: %d, NPC name: \"%s\".)\n", instance_id, str); st->state = END; return false; } return true; } BUILDIN(has_instance) { struct map_session_data *sd; const char *str; int16 m; int instance_id = -1; bool type = strcmp(script->getfuncname(st),"has_instance2") == 0 ? true : false; str = script_getstr(st, 2); if( (m = map->mapname2mapid(str)) < 0 ) { if( type ) script_pushint(st, -1); else script_pushconststr(st, ""); return true; } if( script_hasdata(st, 3) ) instance_id = script_getnum(st, 3); else if( st->instance_id >= 0 ) instance_id = st->instance_id; else if( (sd = script->rid2sd(st)) != NULL ) { struct party_data *p; int i = 0, j = 0; if( sd->instances ) { for( i = 0; i < sd->instances; i++ ) { if( sd->instance[i] >= 0 ) { ARR_FIND(0, instance->list[sd->instance[i]].num_map, j, map->list[instance->list[sd->instance[i]].map[j]].instance_src_map == m); if( j != instance->list[sd->instance[i]].num_map ) break; } } if( i != sd->instances ) instance_id = sd->instance[i]; } if( instance_id == -1 && sd->status.party_id && (p = party->search(sd->status.party_id)) && p->instances ) { for( i = 0; i < p->instances; i++ ) { if( p->instance[i] >= 0 ) { ARR_FIND(0, instance->list[p->instance[i]].num_map, j, map->list[instance->list[p->instance[i]].map[j]].instance_src_map == m); if( j != instance->list[p->instance[i]].num_map ) break; } } if( i != p->instances ) instance_id = p->instance[i]; } if( instance_id == -1 && sd->guild && sd->guild->instances ) { for( i = 0; i < sd->guild->instances; i++ ) { if( sd->guild->instance[i] >= 0 ) { ARR_FIND(0, instance->list[sd->guild->instance[i]].num_map, j, map->list[instance->list[sd->guild->instance[i]].map[j]].instance_src_map == m); if( j != instance->list[sd->guild->instance[i]].num_map ) break; } } if( i != sd->guild->instances ) instance_id = sd->guild->instance[i]; } } if( !instance->valid(instance_id) || (m = instance->map2imap(m, instance_id)) < 0 ) { if( type ) script_pushint(st, -1); else script_pushconststr(st, ""); return true; } if( type ) script_pushint(st, instance_id); else script_pushconststr(st, map->list[m].name); return true; } int buildin_instance_warpall_sub(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { struct map_session_data *sd = ((TBL_PC*)bl); int map_index = va_arg(ap,int); int x = va_arg(ap,int); int y = va_arg(ap,int); pc->setpos(sd,map_index,x,y,CLR_TELEPORT); return 0; } BUILDIN(instance_warpall) { int16 m; int instance_id = -1; const char *mapn; int x, y; int map_index; mapn = script_getstr(st,2); x = script_getnum(st,3); y = script_getnum(st,4); if( script_hasdata(st,5) ) instance_id = script_getnum(st,5); else if( st->instance_id >= 0 ) instance_id = st->instance_id; else return true; if( (m = map->mapname2mapid(mapn)) < 0 || (map->list[m].flag.src4instance && (m = instance->mapid2imapid(m, instance_id)) < 0) ) return true; map_index = map_id2index(m); map->foreachininstance(script->buildin_instance_warpall_sub, instance_id, BL_PC,map_index,x,y); return true; } /*========================================== * instance_check_party [malufett] * Values: * party_id : Party ID of the invoking character. [Required Parameter] * amount : Amount of needed Partymembers for the Instance. [Optional Parameter] * min : Minimum Level needed to join the Instance. [Optional Parameter] * max : Maxium Level allowed to join the Instance. [Optional Parameter] * Example: instance_check_party (getcharid(1){,amount}{,min}{,max}); * Example 2: instance_check_party (getcharid(1),1,1,99); *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(instance_check_party) { struct map_session_data *pl_sd; int amount, min, max, i, party_id, c = 0; struct party_data *p = NULL; amount = script_hasdata(st,3) ? script_getnum(st,3) : 1; // Amount of needed Partymembers for the Instance. min = script_hasdata(st,4) ? script_getnum(st,4) : 1; // Minimum Level needed to join the Instance. max = script_hasdata(st,5) ? script_getnum(st,5) : MAX_LEVEL; // Maxium Level allowed to join the Instance. if( min < 1 || min > MAX_LEVEL) { ShowError("instance_check_party: Invalid min level, %d\n", min); return true; } else if( max < 1 || max > MAX_LEVEL) { ShowError("instance_check_party: Invalid max level, %d\n", max); return true; } if( script_hasdata(st,2) ) party_id = script_getnum(st,2); else return true; if( !(p = party->search(party_id)) ) { script_pushint(st, 0); // Returns false if party does not exist. return true; } for( i = 0; i < MAX_PARTY; i++ ) if( (pl_sd = p->data[i].sd) ) if(map->id2bl(pl_sd->bl.id)) { if(pl_sd->status.base_level < min) { script_pushint(st, 0); return true; } else if(pl_sd->status.base_level > max) { script_pushint(st, 0); return true; } c++; } if(c < amount) { script_pushint(st, 0); // Not enough Members in the Party to join Instance. } else script_pushint(st, 1); return true; } /*========================================== * Custom Fonts *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(setfont) { struct map_session_data *sd = script->rid2sd(st); int font = script_getnum(st,2); if( sd == NULL ) return true; if( sd->status.font != font ) sd->status.font = font; else sd->status.font = 0; clif->font(sd); return true; } int buildin_mobuseskill_sub(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { TBL_MOB* md = (TBL_MOB*)bl; struct block_list *tbl; int mobid = va_arg(ap,int); uint16 skill_id = va_arg(ap,int); uint16 skill_lv = va_arg(ap,int); int casttime = va_arg(ap,int); int cancel = va_arg(ap,int); int emotion = va_arg(ap,int); int target = va_arg(ap,int); if( md->class_ != mobid ) return 0; // 0:self, 1:target, 2:master, default:random switch( target ) { case 0: tbl = map->id2bl(md->bl.id); break; case 1: tbl = map->id2bl(md->target_id); break; case 2: tbl = map->id2bl(md->master_id); break; default: tbl = battle->get_enemy(&md->bl, DEFAULT_ENEMY_TYPE(md),skill->get_range2(&md->bl, skill_id, skill_lv)); break; } if( !tbl ) return 0; if( md->ud.skilltimer != INVALID_TIMER ) // Cancel the casting skill. unit->skillcastcancel(bl,0); if( skill->get_casttype(skill_id) == CAST_GROUND ) unit->skilluse_pos2(&md->bl, tbl->x, tbl->y, skill_id, skill_lv, casttime, cancel); else unit->skilluse_id2(&md->bl, tbl->id, skill_id, skill_lv, casttime, cancel); clif->emotion(&md->bl, emotion); return 0; } /*========================================== * areamobuseskill "Map Name",<x>,<y>,<range>,<Mob ID>,"Skill Name"/<Skill ID>,<Skill Lv>,<Cast Time>,<Cancelable>,<Emotion>,<Target Type>; *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(areamobuseskill) { struct block_list center; int16 m; int range,mobid,skill_id,skill_lv,casttime,emotion,target,cancel; if( (m = map->mapname2mapid(script_getstr(st,2))) < 0 ) { ShowError("areamobuseskill: invalid map name.\n"); return true; } if( map->list[m].flag.src4instance && st->instance_id >= 0 && (m = instance->mapid2imapid(m, st->instance_id)) < 0 ) return true; center.m = m; center.x = script_getnum(st,3); center.y = script_getnum(st,4); range = script_getnum(st,5); mobid = script_getnum(st,6); skill_id = ( script_isstringtype(st, 7) ? skill->name2id(script_getstr(st, 7)) : script_getnum(st, 7) ); skill_lv = script_getnum(st,8); casttime = script_getnum(st,9); cancel = script_getnum(st,10); emotion = script_getnum(st,11); target = script_getnum(st,12); map->foreachinrange(script->buildin_mobuseskill_sub, ¢er, range, BL_MOB, mobid, skill_id, skill_lv, casttime, cancel, emotion, target); return true; } BUILDIN(progressbar) { struct map_session_data * sd = script->rid2sd(st); const char * color; unsigned int second; if( !st || !sd ) return true; st->state = STOP; color = script_getstr(st,2); second = script_getnum(st,3); sd->progressbar.npc_id = st->oid; sd->progressbar.timeout = timer->gettick() + second*1000; sd->state.workinprogress = 3; clif->progressbar(sd, (unsigned int)strtoul(color, (char **)NULL, 0), second); return true; } BUILDIN(pushpc) { uint8 dir; int cells, dx, dy; struct map_session_data* sd; if((sd = script->rid2sd(st))==NULL) { return true; } dir = script_getnum(st,2); cells = script_getnum(st,3); if(dir>7) { ShowWarning("buildin_pushpc: Invalid direction %d specified.\n", dir); script->reportsrc(st); dir%= 8; // trim spin-over } if(!cells) {// zero distance return true; } else if(cells<0) {// pushing backwards dir = (dir+4)%8; // turn around cells = -cells; } dx = dirx[dir]; dy = diry[dir]; unit->blown(&sd->bl, dx, dy, cells, 0); return true; } /// Invokes buying store preparation window /// buyingstore <slots>; BUILDIN(buyingstore) { struct map_session_data* sd; if( ( sd = script->rid2sd(st) ) == NULL ) { return true; } buyingstore->setup(sd, script_getnum(st,2)); return true; } /// Invokes search store info window /// searchstores <uses>,<effect>; BUILDIN(searchstores) { unsigned short effect; unsigned int uses; struct map_session_data* sd; if( ( sd = script->rid2sd(st) ) == NULL ) { return true; } uses = script_getnum(st,2); effect = script_getnum(st,3); if( !uses ) { ShowError("buildin_searchstores: Amount of uses cannot be zero.\n"); return false; } if( effect > 1 ) { ShowError("buildin_searchstores: Invalid effect id %hu, specified.\n", effect); return false; } searchstore->open(sd, uses, effect); return true; } /// Displays a number as large digital clock. /// showdigit <value>[,<type>]; BUILDIN(showdigit) { unsigned int type = 0; int value; struct map_session_data* sd; if( ( sd = script->rid2sd(st) ) == NULL ) { return true; } value = script_getnum(st,2); if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) { type = script_getnum(st,3); if( type > 3 ) { ShowError("buildin_showdigit: Invalid type %u.\n", type); return false; } } clif->showdigit(sd, (unsigned char)type, value); return true; } /** * Rune Knight **/ BUILDIN(makerune) { TBL_PC* sd; if( (sd = script->rid2sd(st)) == NULL ) return true; clif->skill_produce_mix_list(sd,RK_RUNEMASTERY,24); sd->itemid = script_getnum(st,2); return true; } /** * checkdragon() returns 1 if mounting a dragon or 0 otherwise. **/ BUILDIN(checkdragon) { TBL_PC* sd; if( (sd = script->rid2sd(st)) == NULL ) return true; if( pc_isridingdragon(sd) ) script_pushint(st,1); else script_pushint(st,0); return true; } /** * setdragon({optional Color}) returns 1 on success or 0 otherwise * - Toggles the dragon on a RK if he can mount; * @param Color - when not provided uses the green dragon; * - 1 : Green Dragon * - 2 : Brown Dragon * - 3 : Gray Dragon * - 4 : Blue Dragon * - 5 : Red Dragon **/ BUILDIN(setdragon) { TBL_PC* sd; int color = script_hasdata(st,2) ? script_getnum(st,2) : 0; if( (sd = script->rid2sd(st)) == NULL ) return true; if( !pc->checkskill(sd,RK_DRAGONTRAINING) || (sd->class_&MAPID_THIRDMASK) != MAPID_RUNE_KNIGHT ) script_pushint(st,0);//Doesn't have the skill or it's not a Rune Knight else if ( pc_isridingdragon(sd) ) {//Is mounted; release pc->setoption(sd, sd->sc.option&~OPTION_DRAGON); script_pushint(st,1); } else {//Not mounted; Mount now. unsigned int option = OPTION_DRAGON1; if( color ) { option = ( color == 1 ? OPTION_DRAGON1 : color == 2 ? OPTION_DRAGON2 : color == 3 ? OPTION_DRAGON3 : color == 4 ? OPTION_DRAGON4 : color == 5 ? OPTION_DRAGON5 : 0); if( !option ) { ShowWarning("script_setdragon: Unknown Color %d used; changing to green (1)\n",color); option = OPTION_DRAGON1; } } pc->setoption(sd, sd->sc.option|option); script_pushint(st,1); } return true; } /** * ismounting() returns 1 if mounting a new mount or 0 otherwise **/ BUILDIN(ismounting) { TBL_PC* sd; if( (sd = script->rid2sd(st)) == NULL ) return true; if( sd->sc.data[SC_ALL_RIDING] ) script_pushint(st,1); else script_pushint(st,0); return true; } /** * setmounting() returns 1 on success or 0 otherwise * - Toggles new mounts on a player when he can mount * - Will fail if the player is mounting a non-new mount, e.g. dragon, peco, wug, etc. * - Will unmount the player is he is already mounting **/ BUILDIN(setmounting) { TBL_PC* sd; if( (sd = script->rid2sd(st)) == NULL ) return true; if( sd->sc.option&(OPTION_WUGRIDER|OPTION_RIDING|OPTION_DRAGON|OPTION_MADOGEAR) ) { clif->msgtable(sd->fd, 0X78b); script_pushint(st,0);//can't mount with one of these } else { if( sd->sc.data[SC_ALL_RIDING] ) status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_ALL_RIDING, INVALID_TIMER); else sc_start(NULL,&sd->bl, SC_ALL_RIDING, 100, 0, -1); script_pushint(st,1);//in both cases, return 1. } return true; } /** * Retrieves quantity of arguments provided to callfunc/callsub. * getargcount() -> amount of arguments received in a function **/ BUILDIN(getargcount) { struct script_retinfo* ri; if( st->stack->defsp < 1 || st->stack->stack_data[st->stack->defsp - 1].type != C_RETINFO ) { ShowError("script:getargcount: used out of function or callsub label!\n"); st->state = END; return false; } ri = st->stack->stack_data[st->stack->defsp - 1].u.ri; script_pushint(st, ri->nargs); return true; } /** * getcharip(<account ID>/<character ID>/<character name>) **/ BUILDIN(getcharip) { struct map_session_data* sd = NULL; /* check if a character name is specified */ if( script_hasdata(st, 2) ) { if (script_isstringtype(st, 2)) { sd = map->nick2sd(script_getstr(st, 2)); } else { int id = script_getnum(st, 2); sd = (map->id2sd(id) ? map->id2sd(id) : map->charid2sd(id)); } } else { sd = script->rid2sd(st); } /* check for sd and IP */ if (!sd || !session[sd->fd]->client_addr) { script_pushconststr(st, ""); return true; } /* return the client ip_addr converted for output */ if (sd && sd->fd && session[sd->fd]) { /* initiliaze */ const char *ip_addr = NULL; uint32 ip; /* set ip, ip_addr and convert to ip and push str */ ip = session[sd->fd]->client_addr; ip_addr = ip2str(ip, NULL); script_pushstrcopy(st, ip_addr); } return true; } /** * is_function(<function name>) -> 1 if function exists, 0 otherwise **/ BUILDIN(is_function) { const char* str = script_getstr(st,2); if( strdb_exists(script->userfunc_db, str) ) script_pushint(st,1); else script_pushint(st,0); return true; } /** * freeloop(<toggle>) -> toggles this script instance's looping-check ability **/ BUILDIN(freeloop) { if( script_getnum(st,2) ) st->freeloop = 1; else st->freeloop = 0; script_pushint(st, st->freeloop); return true; } BUILDIN(sit) { struct map_session_data *sd = NULL; if (script_hasdata(st, 2)) sd = map->nick2sd(script_getstr(st, 2)); if (sd == NULL) sd = script->rid2sd(st); if (!pc_issit(sd)) { pc_setsit(sd); skill->sit(sd,1); clif->sitting(&sd->bl); } return true; } BUILDIN(stand) { struct map_session_data *sd = NULL; if (script_hasdata(st, 2)) sd = map->nick2sd(script_getstr(st, 2)); if (sd == NULL) sd = script->rid2sd(st); if (pc_issit(sd)) { pc->setstand(sd); skill->sit(sd,0); clif->standing(&sd->bl); } return true; } BUILDIN(issit) { struct map_session_data *sd = NULL; if (script_hasdata(st, 2)) sd = map->nick2sd(script_getstr(st, 2)); if (sd == NULL) sd = script->rid2sd(st); if (pc_issit(sd)) script_pushint(st, 1); else script_pushint(st, 0); return true; } /** * @commands (script based) **/ BUILDIN(bindatcmd) { const char* atcmd; const char* eventName; int i, group_lv = 0, group_lv_char = 99; bool log = false; bool create = false; atcmd = script_getstr(st,2); eventName = script_getstr(st,3); if( *atcmd == atcommand->at_symbol || *atcmd == atcommand->char_symbol ) atcmd++; if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) group_lv = script_getnum(st,4); if( script_hasdata(st,5) ) group_lv_char = script_getnum(st,5); if( script_hasdata(st,6) ) log = script_getnum(st,6) ? true : false; if( atcommand->binding_count == 0 ) { CREATE(atcommand->binding,struct atcmd_binding_data*,1); create = true; } else { ARR_FIND(0, atcommand->binding_count, i, strcmp(atcommand->binding[i]->command,atcmd) == 0); if( i < atcommand->binding_count ) {/* update existent entry */ safestrncpy(atcommand->binding[i]->npc_event, eventName, ATCOMMAND_LENGTH); atcommand->binding[i]->group_lv = group_lv; atcommand->binding[i]->group_lv_char = group_lv_char; atcommand->binding[i]->log = log; } else create = true; } if( create ) { i = atcommand->binding_count; if( atcommand->binding_count++ != 0 ) RECREATE(atcommand->binding,struct atcmd_binding_data*,atcommand->binding_count); CREATE(atcommand->binding[i],struct atcmd_binding_data,1); safestrncpy(atcommand->binding[i]->command, atcmd, 50); safestrncpy(atcommand->binding[i]->npc_event, eventName, 50); atcommand->binding[i]->group_lv = group_lv; atcommand->binding[i]->group_lv_char = group_lv_char; atcommand->binding[i]->log = log; } return true; } BUILDIN(unbindatcmd) { const char* atcmd; int i = 0; atcmd = script_getstr(st, 2); if( *atcmd == atcommand->at_symbol || *atcmd == atcommand->char_symbol ) atcmd++; if( atcommand->binding_count == 0 ) { script_pushint(st, 0); return true; } ARR_FIND(0, atcommand->binding_count, i, strcmp(atcommand->binding[i]->command, atcmd) == 0); if( i < atcommand->binding_count ) { int cursor = 0; aFree(atcommand->binding[i]); atcommand->binding[i] = NULL; /* compact the list now that we freed a slot somewhere */ for( i = 0, cursor = 0; i < atcommand->binding_count; i++ ) { if( atcommand->binding[i] == NULL ) continue; if( cursor != i ) { memmove(&atcommand->binding[cursor], &atcommand->binding[i], sizeof(struct atcmd_binding_data*)); } cursor++; } if( (atcommand->binding_count = cursor) == 0 ) aFree(atcommand->binding); script_pushint(st, 1); } else script_pushint(st, 0);/* not found */ return true; } BUILDIN(useatcmd) { TBL_PC *sd, *dummy_sd = NULL; int fd; const char* cmd; cmd = script_getstr(st,2); if( st->rid ) { sd = script->rid2sd(st); fd = sd->fd; } else { // Use a dummy character. sd = dummy_sd = pc->get_dummy_sd(); fd = 0; if( st->oid ) { struct block_list* bl = map->id2bl(st->oid); memcpy(&sd->bl, bl, sizeof(struct block_list)); if( bl->type == BL_NPC ) safestrncpy(sd->status.name, ((TBL_NPC*)bl)->name, NAME_LENGTH); } } // compatibility with previous implementation (deprecated!) if( cmd[0] != atcommand->at_symbol ) { cmd += strlen(sd->status.name); while( *cmd != atcommand->at_symbol && *cmd != 0 ) cmd++; } atcommand->exec(fd, sd, cmd, true); if (dummy_sd) aFree(dummy_sd); return true; } BUILDIN(checkre) { int num; num=script_getnum(st,2); switch(num) { case 0: #ifdef RENEWAL script_pushint(st, 1); #else script_pushint(st, 0); #endif break; case 1: #ifdef RENEWAL_CAST script_pushint(st, 1); #else script_pushint(st, 0); #endif break; case 2: #ifdef RENEWAL_DROP script_pushint(st, 1); #else script_pushint(st, 0); #endif break; case 3: #ifdef RENEWAL_EXP script_pushint(st, 1); #else script_pushint(st, 0); #endif break; case 4: #ifdef RENEWAL_LVDMG script_pushint(st, 1); #else script_pushint(st, 0); #endif break; case 5: #ifdef RENEWAL_EDP script_pushint(st, 1); #else script_pushint(st, 0); #endif break; case 6: #ifdef RENEWAL_ASPD script_pushint(st, 1); #else script_pushint(st, 0); #endif break; default: ShowWarning("buildin_checkre: unknown parameter.\n"); break; } return true; } /* getrandgroupitem <container_item_id>,<quantity> */ BUILDIN(getrandgroupitem) { struct item_data *data = NULL; struct map_session_data *sd = NULL; int nameid = script_getnum(st, 2); int count = script_getnum(st, 3); if( !(data = itemdb->exists(nameid)) ) { ShowWarning("buildin_getrandgroupitem: unknown item id %d\n",nameid); script_pushint(st, 1); } else if ( count <= 0 ) { ShowError("buildin_getrandgroupitem: qty is <= 0!\n"); script_pushint(st, 1); } else if ( !data->group ) { ShowWarning("buildin_getrandgroupitem: item '%s' (%d) isn't a group!\n",data->name,nameid); script_pushint(st, 1); } else if( !( sd = script->rid2sd(st) ) ) { ShowWarning("buildin_getrandgroupitem: no player attached!! (item %s (%d))\n",data->name,nameid); script_pushint(st, 1); } else { int i, get_count, flag; struct item it; memset(&it,0,sizeof(it)); nameid = itemdb->group_item(data->group); it.nameid = nameid; it.identify = itemdb->isidentified(nameid); if (!itemdb->isstackable(nameid)) get_count = 1; else get_count = count; for (i = 0; i < count; i += get_count) { // if not pet egg if (!pet->create_egg(sd, nameid)) { if ((flag = pc->additem(sd, &it, get_count, LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT))) { clif->additem(sd, 0, 0, flag); if( pc->candrop(sd,&it) ) map->addflooritem(&it,get_count,sd->bl.m,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y,0,0,0,0); } } } script_pushint(st, 0); } return true; } /* cleanmap <map_name>; * cleanarea <map_name>, <x0>, <y0>, <x1>, <y1>; */ int script_cleanfloor_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { nullpo_ret(bl); map->clearflooritem(bl); return 0; } BUILDIN(cleanmap) { const char *mapname; int16 m = -1; int16 x0 = 0, y0 = 0, x1 = 0, y1 = 0; mapname = script_getstr(st, 2); m = map->mapname2mapid(mapname); if ( m == -1 ) return false; if ((script_lastdata(st) - 2) < 4) { map->foreachinmap(script->cleanfloor_sub, m, BL_ITEM); } else { x0 = script_getnum(st, 3); y0 = script_getnum(st, 4); x1 = script_getnum(st, 5); y1 = script_getnum(st, 6); if (x0 > 0 && y0 > 0 && x1 > 0 && y1 > 0) { map->foreachinarea(script->cleanfloor_sub, m, x0, y0, x1, y1, BL_ITEM); } else { ShowError("cleanarea: invalid coordinate defined!\n"); return false; } } return true; } /* Cast a skill on the attached player. * npcskill <skill id>, <skill lvl>, <stat point>, <NPC level>; * npcskill "<skill name>", <skill lvl>, <stat point>, <NPC level>; */ BUILDIN(npcskill) { uint16 skill_id; unsigned short skill_level; unsigned int stat_point; unsigned int npc_level; struct npc_data *nd; struct map_session_data *sd; skill_id = script_isstringtype(st, 2) ? skill->name2id(script_getstr(st, 2)) : script_getnum(st, 2); skill_level = script_getnum(st, 3); stat_point = script_getnum(st, 4); npc_level = script_getnum(st, 5); sd = script->rid2sd(st); nd = (struct npc_data *)map->id2bl(sd->npc_id); if (stat_point > battle_config.max_third_parameter) { ShowError("npcskill: stat point exceeded maximum of %d.\n",battle_config.max_third_parameter ); return false; } if (npc_level > MAX_LEVEL) { ShowError("npcskill: level exceeded maximum of %d.\n", MAX_LEVEL); return false; } if (sd == NULL || nd == NULL) { //ain't possible, but I don't trust people. return false; } nd->level = npc_level; nd->stat_point = stat_point; if (!nd->status.hp) { status_calc_npc(nd, SCO_FIRST); } else { status_calc_npc(nd, SCO_NONE); } if (skill->get_inf(skill_id)&INF_GROUND_SKILL) { unit->skilluse_pos(&nd->bl, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y, skill_id, skill_level); } else { unit->skilluse_id(&nd->bl, sd->bl.id, skill_id, skill_level); } return true; } /* Turns a player into a monster and grants SC attribute effect. [malufett/Hercules] * montransform <monster name/id>, <duration>, <sc type>, <val1>, <val2>, <val3>, <val4>; */ BUILDIN(montransform) { int tick; enum sc_type type; struct block_list* bl; char msg[CHAT_SIZE_MAX]; int mob_id, val1, val2, val3, val4; if( (bl = map->id2bl(st->rid)) == NULL ) return true; if( script_isstringtype(st, 2) ) { mob_id = mob->db_searchname(script_getstr(st, 2)); } else { mob_id = mob->db_checkid(script_getnum(st, 2)); } if( mob_id == 0 ) { if( script_isstringtype(st, 2) ) ShowWarning("buildin_montransform: Attempted to use non-existing monster '%s'.\n", script_getstr(st, 2)); else ShowWarning("buildin_montransform: Attempted to use non-existing monster of ID '%d'.\n", script_getnum(st, 2)); return false; } tick = script_getnum(st, 3); type = (sc_type)script_getnum(st, 4); val1 = val2 = val3 = val4 = 0; if( !(type > SC_NONE && type < SC_MAX) ) { ShowWarning("buildin_montransform: Unsupported status change id %d\n", type); return false; } if (script_hasdata(st, 5)) val1 = script_getnum(st, 5); if (script_hasdata(st, 6)) val2 = script_getnum(st, 6); if (script_hasdata(st, 7)) val3 = script_getnum(st, 7); if (script_hasdata(st, 8)) val4 = script_getnum(st, 8); if( tick != 0 ) { struct map_session_data *sd = map->id2sd(bl->id); struct mob_db *monster = mob->db(mob_id); if( !sd ) return true; if( battle_config.mon_trans_disable_in_gvg && map_flag_gvg2(sd->bl.m) ) { clif->message(sd->fd, msg_txt(1488)); // Transforming into monster is not allowed in Guild Wars. return true; } if( sd->disguise != -1 ) { clif->message(sd->fd, msg_txt(1486)); // Cannot transform into monster while in disguise. return true; } sprintf(msg, msg_txt(1485), monster->name); // Traaaansformation-!! %s form!! clif->ShowScript(&sd->bl, msg); status_change_end(bl, SC_MONSTER_TRANSFORM, INVALID_TIMER); // Clear previous sc_start2(NULL, bl, SC_MONSTER_TRANSFORM, 100, mob_id, type, tick); sc_start4(NULL, bl, type, 100, val1, val2, val3, val4, tick); } return true; } struct hQueue *script_hqueue_get(int idx) { if( idx < 0 || idx >= script->hqs || script->hq[idx].size == -1 ) return NULL; return &script->hq[idx]; } int script_hqueue_create(void) { int idx = script->hqs; int i; for(i = 0; i < script->hqs; i++) { if( script->hq[i].size == -1 ) { break; } } if( i == script->hqs ) { RECREATE(script->hq, struct hQueue, ++script->hqs); script->hq[ idx ].item = NULL; } else idx = i; script->hq[ idx ].id = idx; script->hq[ idx ].size = 0; script->hq[ idx ].items = 0; script->hq[ idx ].onDeath[0] = '\0'; script->hq[ idx ].onLogOut[0] = '\0'; script->hq[ idx ].onMapChange[0] = '\0'; return idx; } /* set .@id,queue(); */ /* creates queue, returns created queue id */ BUILDIN(queue) { script_pushint(st,script->queue_create()); return true; } /* set .@length,queuesize(.@queue_id); */ /* returns queue length */ BUILDIN(queuesize) { int idx = script_getnum(st, 2); if( idx < 0 || idx >= script->hqs || script->hq[idx].size == -1 ) { ShowWarning("buildin_queuesize: unknown queue id %d\n",idx); script_pushint(st, 0); } else { script_pushint(st, script->hq[ idx ].items); } return true; } bool script_hqueue_add(int idx, int var) { if( idx < 0 || idx >= script->hqs || script->hq[idx].size == -1 ) { ShowWarning("script_hqueue_add: unknown queue id %d\n",idx); return true; } else { struct map_session_data *sd; int i; for(i = 0; i < script->hq[idx].size; i++) { if( script->hq[idx].item[i] == var ) { return true; } } if( i == script->hq[idx].size ) { for(i = 0; i < script->hq[idx].size; i++) { if( script->hq[idx].item[i] == 0 ) { break; } } if( i == script->hq[idx].size ) RECREATE(script->hq[idx].item, int, ++script->hq[idx].size); script->hq[idx].item[i] = var; script->hq[idx].items++; if( var >= START_ACCOUNT_NUM && (sd = map->id2sd(var)) ) { for(i = 0; i < sd->queues_count; i++) { if( sd->queues[i] == -1 ) { break; } } if( i == sd->queues_count ) RECREATE(sd->queues, int, ++sd->queues_count); sd->queues[i] = idx; } } } return false; } /* queueadd(.@queue_id,.@var_id); */ /* adds a new entry to the queue, returns 1 if already in queue, 0 otherwise */ BUILDIN(queueadd) { int idx = script_getnum(st, 2); int var = script_getnum(st, 3); script_pushint(st,script->queue_add(idx,var)?1:0); return true; } bool script_hqueue_remove(int idx, int var) { if( idx < 0 || idx >= script->hqs || script->hq[idx].size == -1 ) { ShowWarning("script_hqueue_remove: unknown queue id %d (used with var %d)\n",idx,var); return true; } else { int i; for(i = 0; i < script->hq[idx].size; i++) { if( script->hq[idx].item[i] == var ) { break; } } if( i != script->hq[idx].size ) { struct map_session_data *sd; script->hq[idx].item[i] = -1; script->hq[idx].items--; if( var >= START_ACCOUNT_NUM && (sd = map->id2sd(var)) ) { for(i = 0; i < sd->queues_count; i++) { if( sd->queues[i] == idx ) { break; } } if( i != sd->queues_count ) sd->queues[i] = -1; } } } return false; } /* queueremove(.@queue_id,.@var_id); */ /* removes a entry from the queue, returns 1 if not in queue, 0 otherwise */ BUILDIN(queueremove) { int idx = script_getnum(st, 2); int var = script_getnum(st, 3); script_pushint(st, script->queue_remove(idx,var)?1:0); return true; } /* queueopt(.@queue_id,optionType,<optional val>); */ /* modifies the queue's options, when val is not provided the option is removed */ /* when OnMapChange event is triggered, it sets a temp char var @QMapChangeTo$ with the destination map name */ /* returns 1 when fails, 0 on success */ BUILDIN(queueopt) { int idx = script_getnum(st, 2); int var = script_getnum(st, 3); if( idx < 0 || idx >= script->hqs || script->hq[idx].size == -1 ) { ShowWarning("buildin_queueopt: unknown queue id %d\n",idx); script_pushint(st, 1); } else if( var <= HQO_NONE || var >= HQO_MAX ) { ShowWarning("buildin_queueopt: unknown optionType %d\n",var); script_pushint(st, 1); } else { switch( (enum hQueueOpt)var ) { case HQO_OnDeath: if( script_hasdata(st, 4) ) safestrncpy(script->hq[idx].onDeath, script_getstr(st, 4), EVENT_NAME_LENGTH); else script->hq[idx].onDeath[0] = '\0'; break; case HQO_onLogOut: if( script_hasdata(st, 4) ) safestrncpy(script->hq[idx].onLogOut, script_getstr(st, 4), EVENT_NAME_LENGTH); else script->hq[idx].onLogOut[0] = '\0'; break; case HQO_OnMapChange: if( script_hasdata(st, 4) ) safestrncpy(script->hq[idx].onMapChange, script_getstr(st, 4), EVENT_NAME_LENGTH); else script->hq[idx].onMapChange[0] = '\0'; break; default: ShowWarning("buildin_queueopt: unsupported optionType %d\n",var); script_pushint(st, 1); break; } } return true; } bool script_hqueue_del(int idx) { if( idx < 0 || idx >= script->hqs || script->hq[idx].size == -1 ) { ShowWarning("script_queue_del: unknown queue id %d\n",idx); return true; } else { struct map_session_data *sd; int i; for(i = 0; i < script->hq[idx].size; i++) { if( script->hq[idx].item[i] >= START_ACCOUNT_NUM && (sd = map->id2sd(script->hq[idx].item[i])) ) { int j; for(j = 0; j < sd->queues_count; j++) { if( sd->queues[j] == script->hq[idx].item[i] ) { break; } } if( j != sd->queues_count ) sd->queues[j] = -1; } script->hq[idx].item[i] = 0; } script->hq[idx].size = -1; script->hq[idx].items = 0; } return false; } /* queuedel(.@queue_id); */ /* deletes queue of id .@queue_id, returns 1 if id not found, 0 otherwise */ BUILDIN(queuedel) { int idx = script_getnum(st, 2); script_pushint(st,script->queue_del(idx)?1:0); return true; } void script_hqueue_clear(int idx) { if( idx < 0 || idx >= script->hqs || script->hq[idx].size == -1 ) { ShowWarning("script_hqueue_clear: unknown queue id %d\n",idx); return; } else { struct map_session_data *sd; int i, j; for(i = 0; i < script->hq[idx].size; i++) { if( script->hq[idx].item[i] > 0 ) { if( script->hq[idx].item[i] >= START_ACCOUNT_NUM && (sd = map->id2sd(script->hq[idx].item[i])) ) { for(j = 0; j < sd->queues_count; j++) { if( sd->queues[j] == idx ) { break; } } if( j != sd->queues_count ) sd->queues[j] = -1; } script->hq[idx].item[i] = 0; } } script->hq[idx].items = 0; } return; } /* set .@id, queueiterator(.@queue_id); */ /* creates a new queue iterator, returns its id */ BUILDIN(queueiterator) { int qid = script_getnum(st, 2); struct hQueue *queue = NULL; int idx = script->hqis; int i; if( qid < 0 || qid >= script->hqs || script->hq[qid].size == -1 || !(queue = script->queue(qid)) ) { ShowWarning("queueiterator: invalid queue id %d\n",qid); return true; } /* what if queue->size is 0? (iterating a empty queue?) */ if( queue->size <= 0 ) { ShowWarning("queueiterator: attempting to iterate on on empty queue id %d!\n",qid); return true; } for(i = 0; i < script->hqis; i++) { if( script->hqi[i].items == -1 ) { break; } } if( i == script->hqis ) { RECREATE(script->hqi, struct hQueueIterator, ++script->hqis); script->hqi[ idx ].item = NULL; } else idx = i; RECREATE(script->hqi[ idx ].item, int, queue->size); memcpy(script->hqi[idx].item, queue->item, sizeof(int)*queue->size); script->hqi[ idx ].items = queue->size; script->hqi[ idx ].pos = 0; script_pushint(st,idx); return true; } /* Queue Iterator Get Next */ /* returns next/first member in the iterator, 0 if none */ BUILDIN(qiget) { int idx = script_getnum(st, 2); if( idx < 0 || idx >= script->hqis ) { ShowWarning("buildin_qiget: unknown queue iterator id %d\n",idx); script_pushint(st, 0); } else if ( script->hqi[idx].pos -1 == script->hqi[idx].items ) { script_pushint(st, 0); } else { struct hQueueIterator *it = &script->hqi[idx]; script_pushint(st, it->item[it->pos++]); } return true; } /* Queue Iterator Check */ /* returns 1:0 if there is a next member in the iterator */ BUILDIN(qicheck) { int idx = script_getnum(st, 2); if( idx < 0 || idx >= script->hqis ) { ShowWarning("buildin_qicheck: unknown queue iterator id %d\n",idx); script_pushint(st, 0); } else if ( script->hqi[idx].pos -1 == script->hqi[idx].items ) { script_pushint(st, 0); } else { script_pushint(st, 1); } return true; } /* Queue Iterator Check */ BUILDIN(qiclear) { int idx = script_getnum(st, 2); if( idx < 0 || idx >= script->hqis ) { ShowWarning("buildin_qiclear: unknown queue iterator id %d\n",idx); script_pushint(st, 1); } else { script->hqi[idx].items = -1; script_pushint(st, 0); } return true; } /** * packageitem({<optional container_item_id>}) * when no item id is provided it tries to assume it comes from the current item id being processed (if any) **/ BUILDIN(packageitem) { struct item_data *data = NULL; struct map_session_data *sd = NULL; int nameid; if( script_hasdata(st, 2) ) nameid = script_getnum(st, 2); else if ( script->current_item_id ) nameid = script->current_item_id; else { ShowWarning("buildin_packageitem: no item id provided and no item attached\n"); script_pushint(st, 1); return true; } if( !(data = itemdb->exists(nameid)) ) { ShowWarning("buildin_packageitem: unknown item id %d\n",nameid); script_pushint(st, 1); } else if ( !data->package ) { ShowWarning("buildin_packageitem: item '%s' (%d) isn't a package!\n",data->name,nameid); script_pushint(st, 1); } else if( !( sd = script->rid2sd(st) ) ) { ShowWarning("buildin_packageitem: no player attached!! (item %s (%d))\n",data->name,nameid); script_pushint(st, 1); } else { itemdb->package_item(sd,data->package); script_pushint(st, 0); } return true; } /* New Battlegrounds Stuff */ /* bg_team_create(map_name,respawn_x,respawn_y) */ /* returns created team id or -1 when fails */ BUILDIN(bg_create_team) { const char *map_name, *ev = "", *dev = "";//ev and dev will be dropped. int x, y, map_index = 0, bg_id; map_name = script_getstr(st,2); if( strcmp(map_name,"-") != 0 ) { map_index = script->mapindexname2id(st,map_name); if( map_index == 0 ) { // Invalid Map script_pushint(st,0); return true; } } x = script_getnum(st,3); y = script_getnum(st,4); if( (bg_id = bg->create(map_index, x, y, ev, dev)) == 0 ) { // Creation failed script_pushint(st,-1); } else script_pushint(st,bg_id); return true; } /* bg_join_team(team_id{,optional account id}) */ /* when account id is not present it tries to autodetect from the attached player (if any) */ /* returns 0 when successful, 1 otherwise */ BUILDIN(bg_join_team) { struct map_session_data *sd; int team_id = script_getnum(st, 2); if( script_hasdata(st, 3) ) sd = map->id2sd(script_getnum(st, 3)); else sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( !sd ) script_pushint(st, 1); else script_pushint(st,bg->team_join(team_id, sd)?0:1); return true; } /*==============[Mhalicot]================== * countbound {<type>}; * Creates an array of bounded item IDs * Returns amount of items found * Type: * 1 - Account Bound * 2 - Guild Bound * 3 - Party Bound * 4 - Character Bound *------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN(countbound) { int i, type, j=0, k=0; TBL_PC *sd; if( (sd = script->rid2sd(st)) == NULL ) return false; type = script_hasdata(st,2)?script_getnum(st,2):0; for(i=0;i<MAX_INVENTORY;i++) { if(sd->status.inventory[i].nameid > 0 && ( (!type && sd->status.inventory[i].bound > 0) || (type && sd->status.inventory[i].bound == type) )) { pc->setreg(sd,reference_uid(script->add_str("@bound_items"), k),sd->status.inventory[i].nameid); k++; j += sd->status.inventory[i].amount; } } script_pushint(st,j); return 0; } /* bg_match_over( arena_name {, optional canceled } ) */ /* returns 0 when successful, 1 otherwise */ BUILDIN(bg_match_over) { bool canceled = script_hasdata(st,3) ? true : false; struct bg_arena *arena = bg->name2arena((char*)script_getstr(st, 2)); if( arena ) { bg->match_over(arena,canceled); script_pushint(st, 0); } else script_pushint(st, 1); return true; } BUILDIN(instance_mapname) { const char *map_name; int m; short instance_id = -1; map_name = script_getstr(st,2); if( script_hasdata(st,3) ) instance_id = script_getnum(st,3); else instance_id = st->instance_id; // Check that instance mapname is a valid map if( instance_id == -1 || (m = instance->mapname2imap(map_name,instance_id)) == -1 ) script_pushconststr(st, ""); else script_pushconststr(st, map->list[m].name); return true; } /* modify an instances' reload-spawn point */ /* instance_set_respawn <map_name>,<x>,<y>{,<instance_id>} */ /* returns 1 when successful, 0 otherwise. */ BUILDIN(instance_set_respawn) { const char *map_name; short instance_id = -1; short mid; short x,y; map_name = script_getstr(st,2); x = script_getnum(st, 3); y = script_getnum(st, 4); if( script_hasdata(st, 5) ) instance_id = script_getnum(st, 5); else instance_id = st->instance_id; if( instance_id == -1 || !instance->valid(instance_id) ) script_pushint(st, 0); else if( (mid = map->mapname2mapid(map_name)) == -1 ) { ShowError("buildin_instance_set_respawn: unknown map '%s'\n",map_name); script_pushint(st, 0); } else { int i; for(i = 0; i < instance->list[instance_id].num_map; i++) { if( map->list[instance->list[instance_id].map[i]].m == mid ) { instance->list[instance_id].respawn.map = map_id2index(mid); instance->list[instance_id].respawn.x = x; instance->list[instance_id].respawn.y = y; break; } } if( i != instance->list[instance_id].num_map ) script_pushint(st, 1); else { ShowError("buildin_instance_set_respawn: map '%s' not part of instance '%s'\n",map_name,instance->list[instance_id].name); script_pushint(st, 0); } } return true; } /** * @call openshop({NPC Name}); * * @return 1 on success, 0 otherwise. **/ BUILDIN(openshop) { struct npc_data *nd; struct map_session_data *sd; const char *name = NULL; if( script_hasdata(st, 2) ) { name = script_getstr(st, 2); if( !(nd = npc->name2id(name)) || nd->subtype != SCRIPT ) { ShowWarning("buildin_openshop(\"%s\"): trying to run without a proper NPC!\n",name); return false; } } else if( !(nd = map->id2nd(st->oid)) ) { ShowWarning("buildin_openshop: trying to run without a proper NPC!\n"); return false; } if( !( sd = script->rid2sd(st) ) ) { ShowWarning("buildin_openshop: trying to run without a player attached!\n"); return false; } else if ( !nd->u.scr.shop || !nd->u.scr.shop->items ) { ShowWarning("buildin_openshop: trying to open without any items!\n"); return false; } if( !npc->trader_open(sd,nd) ) script_pushint(st, 0); else script_pushint(st, 1); return true; } /** * @call sellitem <Item_ID>,{,price{,qty}}; * * adds <Item_ID> (or modifies if present) to shop * if price not provided (or -1) uses the item's value_sell **/ BUILDIN(sellitem) { struct npc_data *nd; struct item_data *it; int i = 0, id = script_getnum(st,2); int value = 0; int qty = 0; if( !(nd = map->id2nd(st->oid)) ) { ShowWarning("buildin_sellitem: trying to run without a proper NPC!\n"); return false; } else if ( !(it = itemdb->exists(id)) ) { ShowWarning("buildin_sellitem: unknown item id '%d'!\n",id); return false; } value = script_hasdata(st,3) ? script_getnum(st, 3) : it->value_buy; if( value == -1 ) value = it->value_buy; if( !nd->u.scr.shop ) npc->trader_update(nd->src_id?nd->src_id:nd->bl.id); else {/* no need to run this if its empty */ for( i = 0; i < nd->u.scr.shop->items; i++ ) { if( nd->u.scr.shop->item[i].nameid == id ) break; } } if( nd->u.scr.shop->type == NST_MARKET ) { if( !script_hasdata(st,4) || ( qty = script_getnum(st, 4) ) <= 0 ) { ShowError("buildin_sellitem: invalid 'qty' for market-type shop!\n"); return false; } } if( ( nd->u.scr.shop->type == NST_ZENY || nd->u.scr.shop->type == NST_MARKET ) && value*0.75 < it->value_sell*1.24 ) { ShowWarning("buildin_sellitem: Item %s [%d] discounted buying price (%d->%d) is less than overcharged selling price (%d->%d) in NPC %s (%s)\n", it->name, id, value, (int)(value*0.75), it->value_sell, (int)(it->value_sell*1.24), nd->exname, nd->path); } if( i != nd->u.scr.shop->items ) { nd->u.scr.shop->item[i].value = value; nd->u.scr.shop->item[i].qty = qty; if( nd->u.scr.shop->type == NST_MARKET ) /* has been manually updated, make it reflect on sql */ npc->market_tosql(nd,i); } else { for( i = 0; i < nd->u.scr.shop->items; i++ ) { if( nd->u.scr.shop->item[i].nameid == 0 ) break; } if( i == nd->u.scr.shop->items ) { if( nd->u.scr.shop->items == USHRT_MAX ) { ShowWarning("buildin_sellitem: Can't add %s (%s/%s), shop list is full!\n", it->name, nd->exname, nd->path); return false; } i = nd->u.scr.shop->items; RECREATE(nd->u.scr.shop->item, struct npc_item_list, ++nd->u.scr.shop->items); } nd->u.scr.shop->item[i].nameid = it->nameid; nd->u.scr.shop->item[i].value = value; nd->u.scr.shop->item[i].qty = qty; } return true; } /** * @call stopselling <Item_ID>; * * removes <Item_ID> from the current npc shop * * @return 1 on success, 0 otherwise **/ BUILDIN(stopselling) { struct npc_data *nd; int i, id = script_getnum(st,2); if( !(nd = map->id2nd(st->oid)) || !nd->u.scr.shop ) { ShowWarning("buildin_stopselling: trying to run without a proper NPC!\n"); return false; } for( i = 0; i < nd->u.scr.shop->items; i++ ) { if( nd->u.scr.shop->item[i].nameid == id ) break; } if( i != nd->u.scr.shop->items ) { int cursor; if( nd->u.scr.shop->type == NST_MARKET ) npc->market_delfromsql(nd,i); nd->u.scr.shop->item[i].nameid = 0; nd->u.scr.shop->item[i].value = 0; nd->u.scr.shop->item[i].qty = 0; for( i = 0, cursor = 0; i < nd->u.scr.shop->items; i++ ) { if( nd->u.scr.shop->item[i].nameid == 0 ) continue; if( cursor != i ) { nd->u.scr.shop->item[cursor].nameid = nd->u.scr.shop->item[i].nameid; nd->u.scr.shop->item[cursor].value = nd->u.scr.shop->item[i].value; nd->u.scr.shop->item[cursor].qty = nd->u.scr.shop->item[i].qty; } cursor++; } script_pushint(st, 1); } else script_pushint(st, 0); return true; } /** * @call setcurrency <Val1>{,<Val2>}; * * updates currently-attached player shop currency **/ /* setcurrency(<Val1>,{<Val2>}) */ BUILDIN(setcurrency) { int val1 = script_getnum(st,2), val2 = script_hasdata(st, 3) ? script_getnum(st,3) : 0; struct npc_data *nd; if( !(nd = map->id2nd(st->oid)) ) { ShowWarning("buildin_setcurrency: trying to run without a proper NPC!\n"); return false; } npc->trader_funds[0] = val1; npc->trader_funds[1] = val2; return true; } /** * @call tradertype(<type>); * * defaults to 0, so no need to call when you're doing zeny * check enum npc_shop_types for list * cleans shop list on use **/ BUILDIN(tradertype) { int type = script_getnum(st, 2); struct npc_data *nd; if( !(nd = map->id2nd(st->oid)) ) { ShowWarning("buildin_tradertype: trying to run without a proper NPC!\n"); return false; } else if ( type < 0 || type > NST_MAX ) { ShowWarning("buildin_tradertype: invalid type param %d!\n",type); return false; } if( !nd->u.scr.shop ) npc->trader_update(nd->src_id?nd->src_id:nd->bl.id); else {/* clear list */ int i; for( i = 0; i < nd->u.scr.shop->items; i++ ) { nd->u.scr.shop->item[i].nameid = 0; nd->u.scr.shop->item[i].value = 0; nd->u.scr.shop->item[i].qty = 0; } npc->market_delfromsql(nd,USHRT_MAX); } #if PACKETVER < 20131223 if( type == NST_MARKET ) { ShowWarning("buildin_tradertype: NST_MARKET is only available with PACKETVER 20131223 or newer!\n"); script->reportsrc(st); } #endif nd->u.scr.shop->type = type; return true; } /** * @call purchaseok(); * * signs the transaction can proceed **/ BUILDIN(purchaseok) { struct npc_data *nd; if( !(nd = map->id2nd(st->oid)) || !nd->u.scr.shop ) { ShowWarning("buildin_purchaseok: trying to run without a proper NPC!\n"); return false; } npc->trader_ok = true; return true; } /** * @call shopcount(<Item_ID>); * * @return number of available items in the script's attached shop **/ BUILDIN(shopcount) { struct npc_data *nd; int id = script_getnum(st, 2); unsigned short i; if( !(nd = map->id2nd(st->oid)) ) { ShowWarning("buildin_shopcount(%d): trying to run without a proper NPC!\n",id); return false; } else if ( !nd->u.scr.shop || !nd->u.scr.shop->items ) { ShowWarning("buildin_shopcount(%d): trying to use without any items!\n",id); return false; } else if ( nd->u.scr.shop->type != NST_MARKET ) { ShowWarning("buildin_shopcount(%d): trying to use on a non-NST_MARKET shop!\n",id); return false; } /* lookup */ for(i = 0; i < nd->u.scr.shop->items; i++) { if( nd->u.scr.shop->item[i].nameid == id ) { script_pushint(st, nd->u.scr.shop->item[i].qty); break; } } /* didn't find it */ if( i == nd->u.scr.shop->items ) script_pushint(st, 0); return true; } // declarations that were supposed to be exported from npc_chat.c #ifdef PCRE_SUPPORT BUILDIN(defpattern); BUILDIN(activatepset); BUILDIN(deactivatepset); BUILDIN(deletepset); BUILDIN(pcre_match) { const char *input = script_getstr(st, 2); const char *regex = script_getstr(st, 3); script->op_2str(st, C_RE_EQ, input, regex); return true; } #endif /** * Adds a built-in script function. * * @param buildin Script function data * @param force Whether to override an existing function with the same name * (i.e. a plugin overriding a built-in function) * @return Whether the function was successfully added. */ bool script_add_builtin(const struct script_function *buildin, bool override) { int n = 0, offset = 0; size_t slen; if( !buildin ) { return false; } if( buildin->arg ) { // arg must follow the pattern: (v|s|i|r|l)*\?*\*? // 'v' - value (either string or int or reference) // 's' - string // 'i' - int // 'r' - reference (of a variable) // 'l' - label // '?' - one optional parameter // '*' - unknown number of optional parameters char *p = buildin->arg; while( *p == 'v' || *p == 's' || *p == 'i' || *p == 'r' || *p == 'l' ) ++p; while( *p == '?' ) ++p; if( *p == '*' ) ++p; if( *p != 0 ) { ShowWarning("add_builtin: ignoring function \"%s\" with invalid arg \"%s\".\n", buildin->name, buildin->arg); return false; } } if( !buildin->name || *script->skip_word(buildin->name) != 0 ) { ShowWarning("add_builtin: ignoring function with invalid name \"%s\" (must be a word).\n", buildin->name); return false; } if ( !buildin->func ) { ShowWarning("add_builtin: ignoring function \"%s\" with invalid source function.\n", buildin->name); return false; } slen = buildin->arg ? strlen(buildin->arg) : 0; n = script->add_str(buildin->name); if( !override && script->str_data[n].func && script->str_data[n].func != buildin->func ) { return false; /* something replaced it, skip. */ } if( override && script->str_data[n].type == C_FUNC ) { // Overriding offset = script->str_data[n].val; if( script->buildin[offset] ) aFree(script->buildin[offset]); script->buildin[offset] = NULL; } else { // Adding new function if( strcmp(buildin->name, "setr") == 0 ) script->buildin_set_ref = n; else if( strcmp(buildin->name, "callsub") == 0 ) script->buildin_callsub_ref = n; else if( strcmp(buildin->name, "callfunc") == 0 ) script->buildin_callfunc_ref = n; else if( strcmp(buildin->name, "getelementofarray") == 0 ) script->buildin_getelementofarray_ref = n; offset = script->buildin_count; script->str_data[n].type = C_FUNC; script->str_data[n].val = offset; // Note: This is a no-op if script->buildin is already large enough // (it'll only have effect when a plugin adds a new command) RECREATE(script->buildin, char *, ++script->buildin_count); } script->str_data[n].func = buildin->func; /* we only store the arguments, its the only thing used out of this */ if( slen ) { CREATE(script->buildin[offset], char, slen + 1); safestrncpy(script->buildin[offset], buildin->arg, slen + 1); } else { script->buildin[offset] = NULL; } return true; } bool script_hp_add(char *name, char *args, bool (*func)(struct script_state *st)) { struct script_function buildin; buildin.name = name; buildin.arg = args; buildin.func = func; return script->add_builtin(&buildin, true); } #define BUILDIN_DEF(x,args) { buildin_ ## x , #x , args } #define BUILDIN_DEF2(x,x2,args) { buildin_ ## x , x2 , args } void script_parse_builtin(void) { struct script_function BUILDIN[] = { // NPC interaction BUILDIN_DEF(mes,"s*"), BUILDIN_DEF(next,""), BUILDIN_DEF(close,""), BUILDIN_DEF(close2,""), BUILDIN_DEF(menu,"sl*"), BUILDIN_DEF(select,"s*"), //for future jA script compatibility BUILDIN_DEF(prompt,"s*"), // BUILDIN_DEF(goto,"l"), BUILDIN_DEF(callsub,"l*"), BUILDIN_DEF(callfunc,"s*"), BUILDIN_DEF(return,"?"), BUILDIN_DEF(getarg,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(jobchange,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(jobname,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(input,"r??"), BUILDIN_DEF(warp,"sii"), BUILDIN_DEF(areawarp,"siiiisii??"), BUILDIN_DEF(warpchar,"siii"), // [LuzZza] BUILDIN_DEF(warpparty,"siii?"), // [Fredzilla] [Paradox924X] BUILDIN_DEF(warpguild,"siii"), // [Fredzilla] BUILDIN_DEF(setlook,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(changelook,"ii"), // Simulates but don't Store it BUILDIN_DEF2(setr,"set","rv"), BUILDIN_DEF(setr,"rv?"), // Not meant to be used directly, required for var++/var-- BUILDIN_DEF(setarray,"rv*"), BUILDIN_DEF(cleararray,"rvi"), BUILDIN_DEF(copyarray,"rri"), BUILDIN_DEF(getarraysize,"r"), BUILDIN_DEF(deletearray,"r?"), BUILDIN_DEF(getelementofarray,"ri"), BUILDIN_DEF(getitem,"vi?"), BUILDIN_DEF(rentitem,"vi"), BUILDIN_DEF(getitem2,"viiiiiiii?"), BUILDIN_DEF(getnameditem,"vv"), BUILDIN_DEF2(grouprandomitem,"groupranditem","i"), BUILDIN_DEF(makeitem,"visii"), BUILDIN_DEF(delitem,"vi?"), BUILDIN_DEF(delitem2,"viiiiiiii?"), BUILDIN_DEF2(enableitemuse,"enable_items",""), BUILDIN_DEF2(disableitemuse,"disable_items",""), BUILDIN_DEF(cutin,"si"), BUILDIN_DEF(viewpoint,"iiiii"), BUILDIN_DEF(heal,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(itemheal,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(percentheal,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(rand,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(countitem,"v"), BUILDIN_DEF(countitem2,"viiiiiii"), BUILDIN_DEF(checkweight,"vi*"), BUILDIN_DEF(checkweight2,"rr"), BUILDIN_DEF(readparam,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(getcharid,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(getnpcid,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(getpartyname,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(getpartymember,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(getpartyleader,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(getguildname,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(getguildmaster,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(getguildmasterid,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(strcharinfo,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(strnpcinfo,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(getequipid,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(getequipname,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(getbrokenid,"i"), // [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(repair,"i"), // [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(repairall,""), BUILDIN_DEF(getequipisequiped,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(getequipisenableref,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(getequipisidentify,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(getequiprefinerycnt,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(getequipweaponlv,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(getequippercentrefinery,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(successrefitem,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(failedrefitem,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(downrefitem,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(statusup,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(statusup2,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(bonus,"iv"), BUILDIN_DEF2(bonus,"bonus2","ivi"), BUILDIN_DEF2(bonus,"bonus3","ivii"), BUILDIN_DEF2(bonus,"bonus4","ivvii"), BUILDIN_DEF2(bonus,"bonus5","ivviii"), BUILDIN_DEF(autobonus,"sii??"), BUILDIN_DEF(autobonus2,"sii??"), BUILDIN_DEF(autobonus3,"siiv?"), BUILDIN_DEF(skill,"vi?"), BUILDIN_DEF(addtoskill,"vi?"), // [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(guildskill,"vi"), BUILDIN_DEF(getskilllv,"v"), BUILDIN_DEF(getgdskilllv,"iv"), BUILDIN_DEF(basicskillcheck,""), BUILDIN_DEF(getgmlevel,""), BUILDIN_DEF(getgroupid,""), BUILDIN_DEF(end,""), BUILDIN_DEF(checkoption,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(setoption,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(setcart,"?"), BUILDIN_DEF(checkcart,""), BUILDIN_DEF(setfalcon,"?"), BUILDIN_DEF(checkfalcon,""), BUILDIN_DEF(setriding,"?"), BUILDIN_DEF(checkriding,""), BUILDIN_DEF(checkwug,""), BUILDIN_DEF(checkmadogear,""), BUILDIN_DEF(setmadogear,"?"), BUILDIN_DEF2(savepoint,"save","sii"), BUILDIN_DEF(savepoint,"sii"), BUILDIN_DEF(gettimetick,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(gettime,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(gettimestr,"si"), BUILDIN_DEF(openstorage,""), BUILDIN_DEF(guildopenstorage,""), BUILDIN_DEF(itemskill,"vi?"), BUILDIN_DEF(produce,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(cooking,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(monster,"siisii???"), BUILDIN_DEF(getmobdrops,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(areamonster,"siiiisii???"), BUILDIN_DEF(killmonster,"ss?"), BUILDIN_DEF(killmonsterall,"s?"), BUILDIN_DEF(clone,"siisi????"), BUILDIN_DEF(doevent,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(donpcevent,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(cmdothernpc,"ss"), BUILDIN_DEF(addtimer,"is"), BUILDIN_DEF(deltimer,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(addtimercount,"si"), BUILDIN_DEF(initnpctimer,"??"), BUILDIN_DEF(stopnpctimer,"??"), BUILDIN_DEF(startnpctimer,"??"), BUILDIN_DEF(setnpctimer,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(getnpctimer,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(attachnpctimer,"?"), // attached the player id to the npc timer [Celest] BUILDIN_DEF(detachnpctimer,"?"), // detached the player id from the npc timer [Celest] BUILDIN_DEF(playerattached,""), // returns id of the current attached player. [Skotlex] BUILDIN_DEF(announce,"si?????"), BUILDIN_DEF(mapannounce,"ssi?????"), BUILDIN_DEF(areaannounce,"siiiisi?????"), BUILDIN_DEF(getusers,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(getmapguildusers,"si"), BUILDIN_DEF(getmapusers,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(getareausers,"siiii"), BUILDIN_DEF(getareadropitem,"siiiiv"), BUILDIN_DEF(enablenpc,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(disablenpc,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(hideoffnpc,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(hideonnpc,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(sc_start,"iii?"), BUILDIN_DEF(sc_start2,"iiii?"), BUILDIN_DEF(sc_start4,"iiiiii?"), BUILDIN_DEF(sc_end,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(getstatus, "i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(getscrate,"ii?"), BUILDIN_DEF(debugmes,"v"), BUILDIN_DEF2(catchpet,"pet","i"), BUILDIN_DEF2(birthpet,"bpet",""), BUILDIN_DEF(resetlvl,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(resetstatus,""), BUILDIN_DEF(resetskill,""), BUILDIN_DEF(skillpointcount,""), BUILDIN_DEF(changebase,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(changesex,""), BUILDIN_DEF(waitingroom,"si?????"), BUILDIN_DEF(delwaitingroom,"?"), BUILDIN_DEF2(waitingroomkickall,"kickwaitingroomall","?"), BUILDIN_DEF(enablewaitingroomevent,"?"), BUILDIN_DEF(disablewaitingroomevent,"?"), BUILDIN_DEF2(enablewaitingroomevent,"enablearena",""), // Added by RoVeRT BUILDIN_DEF2(disablewaitingroomevent,"disablearena",""), // Added by RoVeRT BUILDIN_DEF(getwaitingroomstate,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(warpwaitingpc,"sii?"), BUILDIN_DEF(attachrid,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(detachrid,""), BUILDIN_DEF(isloggedin,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(setmapflagnosave,"ssii"), BUILDIN_DEF(getmapflag,"si"), BUILDIN_DEF(setmapflag,"si?"), BUILDIN_DEF(removemapflag,"si"), BUILDIN_DEF(pvpon,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(pvpoff,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(gvgon,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(gvgoff,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(emotion,"i??"), BUILDIN_DEF(maprespawnguildid,"sii"), BUILDIN_DEF(agitstart,""), // <Agit> BUILDIN_DEF(agitend,""), BUILDIN_DEF(agitcheck,""), // <Agitcheck> BUILDIN_DEF(flagemblem,"i"), // Flag Emblem BUILDIN_DEF(getcastlename,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(getcastledata,"si"), BUILDIN_DEF(setcastledata,"sii"), BUILDIN_DEF(requestguildinfo,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(getequipcardcnt,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(successremovecards,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(failedremovecards,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(marriage,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF2(wedding_effect,"wedding",""), BUILDIN_DEF(divorce,""), BUILDIN_DEF(ispartneron,""), BUILDIN_DEF(getpartnerid,""), BUILDIN_DEF(getchildid,""), BUILDIN_DEF(getmotherid,""), BUILDIN_DEF(getfatherid,""), BUILDIN_DEF(warppartner,"sii"), BUILDIN_DEF(getitemname,"v"), BUILDIN_DEF(getitemslots,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(makepet,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(getexp,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(getinventorylist,""), BUILDIN_DEF(getskilllist,""), BUILDIN_DEF(clearitem,""), BUILDIN_DEF(classchange,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(misceffect,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(playbgm,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(playbgmall,"s?????"), BUILDIN_DEF(soundeffect,"si"), BUILDIN_DEF(soundeffectall,"si?????"), // SoundEffectAll [Codemaster] BUILDIN_DEF(strmobinfo,"ii"), // display mob data [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(guardian,"siisi??"), // summon guardians BUILDIN_DEF(guardianinfo,"sii"), // display guardian data [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(petskillbonus,"iiii"), // [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(petrecovery,"ii"), // [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(petloot,"i"), // [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(petheal,"iiii"), // [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(petskillattack,"viii"), // [Skotlex] BUILDIN_DEF(petskillattack2,"viiii"), // [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(petskillsupport,"viiii"), // [Skotlex] BUILDIN_DEF(skilleffect,"vi"), // skill effect [Celest] BUILDIN_DEF(npcskilleffect,"viii"), // npc skill effect [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(specialeffect,"i??"), // npc skill effect [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(specialeffect2,"i??"), // skill effect on players[Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(nude,""), // nude command [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(mapwarp,"ssii??"), // Added by RoVeRT BUILDIN_DEF(atcommand,"s"), // [MouseJstr] BUILDIN_DEF2(atcommand,"charcommand","s"), // [MouseJstr] BUILDIN_DEF(movenpc,"sii?"), // [MouseJstr] BUILDIN_DEF(message,"ss"), // [MouseJstr] BUILDIN_DEF(npctalk,"s"), // [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(mobcount,"ss"), BUILDIN_DEF(getlook,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(getsavepoint,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(npcspeed,"i"), // [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(npcwalkto,"ii"), // [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(npcstop,""), // [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(getmapxy,"rrri?"), //by Lorky [Lupus] BUILDIN_DEF(checkoption1,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(checkoption2,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(guildgetexp,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(guildchangegm,"is"), BUILDIN_DEF(logmes,"s"), //this command actls as MES but rints info into LOG file either SQL/TXT [Lupus] BUILDIN_DEF(summon,"si??"), // summons a slave monster [Celest] BUILDIN_DEF(isnight,""), // check whether it is night time [Celest] BUILDIN_DEF(isday,""), // check whether it is day time [Celest] BUILDIN_DEF(isequipped,"i*"), // check whether another item/card has been equipped [Celest] BUILDIN_DEF(isequippedcnt,"i*"), // check how many items/cards are being equipped [Celest] BUILDIN_DEF(cardscnt,"i*"), // check how many items/cards are being equipped in the same arm [Lupus] BUILDIN_DEF(getrefine,""), // returns the refined number of the current item, or an item with index specified [celest] BUILDIN_DEF(night,""), // sets the server to night time BUILDIN_DEF(day,""), // sets the server to day time #ifdef PCRE_SUPPORT BUILDIN_DEF(defpattern,"iss"), // Define pattern to listen for [MouseJstr] BUILDIN_DEF(activatepset,"i"), // Activate a pattern set [MouseJstr] BUILDIN_DEF(deactivatepset,"i"), // Deactive a pattern set [MouseJstr] BUILDIN_DEF(deletepset,"i"), // Delete a pattern set [MouseJstr] BUILDIN_DEF(pcre_match,"ss"), #endif BUILDIN_DEF(dispbottom,"s"), //added from jA [Lupus] BUILDIN_DEF(getusersname,""), BUILDIN_DEF(recovery,""), BUILDIN_DEF(getpetinfo,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(gethominfo,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(getmercinfo,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(checkequipedcard,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(jump_zero,"il"), //for future jA script compatibility BUILDIN_DEF(globalmes,"s?"), //end jA addition BUILDIN_DEF(unequip,"i"), // unequip command [Spectre] BUILDIN_DEF(getstrlen,"s"), //strlen [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(charisalpha,"si"), //isalpha [Valaris] BUILDIN_DEF(charat,"si"), BUILDIN_DEF(setchar,"ssi"), BUILDIN_DEF(insertchar,"ssi"), BUILDIN_DEF(delchar,"si"), BUILDIN_DEF(strtoupper,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(strtolower,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(charisupper, "si"), BUILDIN_DEF(charislower, "si"), BUILDIN_DEF(substr,"sii"), BUILDIN_DEF(explode, "rss"), BUILDIN_DEF(implode, "r?"), BUILDIN_DEF(sprintf,"s*"), // [Mirei] BUILDIN_DEF(sscanf,"ss*"), // [Mirei] BUILDIN_DEF(strpos,"ss?"), BUILDIN_DEF(replacestr,"sss??"), BUILDIN_DEF(countstr,"ss?"), BUILDIN_DEF(setnpcdisplay,"sv??"), BUILDIN_DEF(compare,"ss"), // Lordalfa - To bring strstr to scripting Engine. BUILDIN_DEF(getiteminfo,"ii"), //[Lupus] returns Items Buy / sell Price, etc info BUILDIN_DEF(setiteminfo,"iii"), //[Lupus] set Items Buy / sell Price, etc info BUILDIN_DEF(getequipcardid,"ii"), //[Lupus] returns CARD ID or other info from CARD slot N of equipped item // [zBuffer] List of mathematics commands ---> BUILDIN_DEF(sqrt,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(pow,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(distance,"iiii"), // <--- [zBuffer] List of mathematics commands BUILDIN_DEF(md5,"s"), // [zBuffer] List of dynamic var commands ---> BUILDIN_DEF(getd,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(setd,"sv"), // <--- [zBuffer] List of dynamic var commands BUILDIN_DEF(petstat,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(callshop,"s?"), // [Skotlex] BUILDIN_DEF(npcshopitem,"sii*"), // [Lance] BUILDIN_DEF(npcshopadditem,"sii*"), BUILDIN_DEF(npcshopdelitem,"si*"), BUILDIN_DEF(npcshopattach,"s?"), BUILDIN_DEF(equip,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(autoequip,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(setbattleflag,"si"), BUILDIN_DEF(getbattleflag,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(setitemscript,"is?"), //Set NEW item bonus script. Lupus BUILDIN_DEF(disguise,"i"), //disguise player. Lupus BUILDIN_DEF(undisguise,""), //undisguise player. Lupus BUILDIN_DEF(getmonsterinfo,"ii"), //Lupus BUILDIN_DEF(addmonsterdrop,"vii"), BUILDIN_DEF(delmonsterdrop,"vi"), BUILDIN_DEF(axtoi,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(query_sql,"s*"), BUILDIN_DEF(query_logsql,"s*"), BUILDIN_DEF(escape_sql,"v"), BUILDIN_DEF(atoi,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(strtol,"si"), // [zBuffer] List of player cont commands ---> BUILDIN_DEF(rid2name,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(pcfollow,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(pcstopfollow,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(pcblockmove,"ii"), // <--- [zBuffer] List of player cont commands // [zBuffer] List of mob control commands ---> BUILDIN_DEF(unitwalk,"ii?"), BUILDIN_DEF(unitkill,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(unitwarp,"isii"), BUILDIN_DEF(unitattack,"iv?"), BUILDIN_DEF(unitstop,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(unittalk,"is"), BUILDIN_DEF(unitemote,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(unitskilluseid,"ivi?"), // originally by Qamera [Celest] BUILDIN_DEF(unitskillusepos,"iviii"), // [Celest] // <--- [zBuffer] List of mob control commands BUILDIN_DEF(sleep,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(sleep2,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(awake,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(getvariableofnpc,"rs"), BUILDIN_DEF(warpportal,"iisii"), BUILDIN_DEF2(homunculus_evolution,"homevolution",""), //[orn] BUILDIN_DEF2(homunculus_mutate,"hommutate","?"), BUILDIN_DEF2(homunculus_morphembryo,"morphembryo",""), BUILDIN_DEF2(homunculus_checkcall,"checkhomcall",""), BUILDIN_DEF2(homunculus_shuffle,"homshuffle",""), //[Zephyrus] BUILDIN_DEF(eaclass,"?"), //[Skotlex] BUILDIN_DEF(roclass,"i?"), //[Skotlex] BUILDIN_DEF(checkvending,"?"), BUILDIN_DEF(checkchatting,"?"), BUILDIN_DEF(checkidle,"?"), BUILDIN_DEF(openmail,""), BUILDIN_DEF(openauction,""), BUILDIN_DEF(checkcell,"siii"), BUILDIN_DEF(setcell,"siiiiii"), BUILDIN_DEF(setwall,"siiiiis"), BUILDIN_DEF(delwall,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(searchitem,"rs"), BUILDIN_DEF(mercenary_create,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(mercenary_heal,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(mercenary_sc_start,"iii"), BUILDIN_DEF(mercenary_get_calls,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(mercenary_get_faith,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(mercenary_set_calls,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(mercenary_set_faith,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(readbook,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(setfont,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(areamobuseskill,"siiiiviiiii"), BUILDIN_DEF(progressbar,"si"), BUILDIN_DEF(pushpc,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(buyingstore,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(searchstores,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(showdigit,"i?"), // WoE SE BUILDIN_DEF(agitstart2,""), BUILDIN_DEF(agitend2,""), BUILDIN_DEF(agitcheck2,""), // BattleGround BUILDIN_DEF(waitingroom2bg,"siiss?"), BUILDIN_DEF(waitingroom2bg_single,"isiis"), BUILDIN_DEF(bg_team_setxy,"iii"), BUILDIN_DEF(bg_warp,"isii"), BUILDIN_DEF(bg_monster,"isiisi?"), BUILDIN_DEF(bg_monster_set_team,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(bg_leave,""), BUILDIN_DEF(bg_destroy,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(areapercentheal,"siiiiii"), BUILDIN_DEF(bg_get_data,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(bg_getareausers,"isiiii"), BUILDIN_DEF(bg_updatescore,"sii"), // Instancing BUILDIN_DEF(instance_create,"si?"), BUILDIN_DEF(instance_destroy,"?"), BUILDIN_DEF(instance_attachmap,"si??"), BUILDIN_DEF(instance_detachmap,"s?"), BUILDIN_DEF(instance_attach,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(instance_id,""), BUILDIN_DEF(instance_set_timeout,"ii?"), BUILDIN_DEF(instance_init,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(instance_announce,"isi?????"), BUILDIN_DEF(instance_npcname,"s?"), BUILDIN_DEF(has_instance,"s?"), BUILDIN_DEF(instance_warpall,"sii?"), BUILDIN_DEF(instance_check_party,"i???"), BUILDIN_DEF(instance_mapname,"s?"), BUILDIN_DEF(instance_set_respawn,"sii?"), BUILDIN_DEF2(has_instance,"has_instance2","s"), /** * 3rd-related **/ BUILDIN_DEF(makerune,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(checkdragon,""),//[Ind] BUILDIN_DEF(setdragon,"?"),//[Ind] BUILDIN_DEF(ismounting,""),//[Ind] BUILDIN_DEF(setmounting,""),//[Ind] BUILDIN_DEF(checkre,"i"), /** * rAthena and beyond! **/ BUILDIN_DEF(getargcount,""), BUILDIN_DEF(getcharip,"?"), BUILDIN_DEF(is_function,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF(freeloop,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(getrandgroupitem,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(cleanmap,"s"), BUILDIN_DEF2(cleanmap,"cleanarea","siiii"), BUILDIN_DEF(npcskill,"viii"), BUILDIN_DEF(itemeffect,"v"), BUILDIN_DEF2(itemeffect,"consumeitem","v"), /* alias of itemeffect */ BUILDIN_DEF(delequip,"i"), /** * @commands (script based) **/ BUILDIN_DEF(bindatcmd, "ss???"), BUILDIN_DEF(unbindatcmd, "s"), BUILDIN_DEF(useatcmd, "s"), /** * Item bound [Xantara] [Akinari] [Mhalicot/Hercules] **/ BUILDIN_DEF2(getitem,"getitembound","vii?"), BUILDIN_DEF2(getitem2,"getitembound2","viiiiiiiii?"), BUILDIN_DEF(countbound, "?"), //Quest Log System [Inkfish] BUILDIN_DEF(questinfo, "ii??"), BUILDIN_DEF(setquest, "i"), BUILDIN_DEF(erasequest, "i"), BUILDIN_DEF(completequest, "i"), BUILDIN_DEF(checkquest, "i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(changequest, "ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(showevent, "i?"), /** * hQueue [Ind/Hercules] **/ BUILDIN_DEF(queue,""), BUILDIN_DEF(queuesize,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(queueadd,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(queueremove,"ii"), BUILDIN_DEF(queueopt,"ii?"), BUILDIN_DEF(queuedel,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(queueiterator,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(qicheck,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(qiget,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(qiclear,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(packageitem,"?"), BUILDIN_DEF(sit, "?"), BUILDIN_DEF(stand, "?"), BUILDIN_DEF(issit, "?"), BUILDIN_DEF(montransform, "vii????"), // Monster Transform [malufett/Hercules] /* New BG Commands [Hercules] */ BUILDIN_DEF(bg_create_team,"sii"), BUILDIN_DEF(bg_join_team,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(bg_match_over,"s?"), /* New Shop Support */ BUILDIN_DEF(openshop,"?"), BUILDIN_DEF(sellitem,"i??"), BUILDIN_DEF(stopselling,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(setcurrency,"i?"), BUILDIN_DEF(tradertype,"i"), BUILDIN_DEF(purchaseok,""), BUILDIN_DEF(shopcount, "i"), }; int i, len = ARRAYLENGTH(BUILDIN); RECREATE(script->buildin, char *, script->buildin_count + len); // Pre-alloc to speed up memset(script->buildin + script->buildin_count, '\0', sizeof(char *) * len); for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { script->add_builtin(&BUILDIN[i], false); } } #undef BUILDIN_DEF #undef BUILDIN_DEF2 void script_label_add(int key, int pos) { int idx = script->label_count; if( script->labels_size == script->label_count ) { script->labels_size += 1024; RECREATE(script->labels, struct script_label_entry, script->labels_size); } script->labels[idx].key = key; script->labels[idx].pos = pos; script->label_count++; } /** * Sets source-end constants for scripts to play with **/ void script_hardcoded_constants(void) { /* server defines */ script->set_constant("PACKETVER",PACKETVER,false); script->set_constant("MAX_LEVEL",MAX_LEVEL,false); script->set_constant("MAX_STORAGE",MAX_STORAGE,false); script->set_constant("MAX_GUILD_STORAGE",MAX_GUILD_STORAGE,false); script->set_constant("MAX_CART",MAX_INVENTORY,false); script->set_constant("MAX_INVENTORY",MAX_INVENTORY,false); script->set_constant("MAX_ZENY",MAX_ZENY,false); script->set_constant("MAX_BG_MEMBERS",MAX_BG_MEMBERS,false); script->set_constant("MAX_CHAT_USERS",MAX_CHAT_USERS,false); /* status options */ script->set_constant("Option_Nothing",OPTION_NOTHING,false); script->set_constant("Option_Sight",OPTION_SIGHT,false); script->set_constant("Option_Hide",OPTION_HIDE,false); script->set_constant("Option_Cloak",OPTION_CLOAK,false); script->set_constant("Option_Falcon",OPTION_FALCON,false); script->set_constant("Option_Riding",OPTION_RIDING,false); script->set_constant("Option_Invisible",OPTION_INVISIBLE,false); script->set_constant("Option_Orcish",OPTION_ORCISH,false); script->set_constant("Option_Wedding",OPTION_WEDDING,false); script->set_constant("Option_Chasewalk",OPTION_CHASEWALK,false); script->set_constant("Option_Flying",OPTION_FLYING,false); script->set_constant("Option_Xmas",OPTION_XMAS,false); script->set_constant("Option_Transform",OPTION_TRANSFORM,false); script->set_constant("Option_Summer",OPTION_SUMMER,false); script->set_constant("Option_Dragon1",OPTION_DRAGON1,false); script->set_constant("Option_Wug",OPTION_WUG,false); script->set_constant("Option_Wugrider",OPTION_WUGRIDER,false); script->set_constant("Option_Madogear",OPTION_MADOGEAR,false); script->set_constant("Option_Dragon2",OPTION_DRAGON2,false); script->set_constant("Option_Dragon3",OPTION_DRAGON3,false); script->set_constant("Option_Dragon4",OPTION_DRAGON4,false); script->set_constant("Option_Dragon5",OPTION_DRAGON5,false); script->set_constant("Option_Hanbok",OPTION_HANBOK,false); script->set_constant("Option_Oktoberfest",OPTION_OKTOBERFEST,false); /* status option compounds */ script->set_constant("Option_Dragon",OPTION_DRAGON,false); script->set_constant("Option_Costume",OPTION_COSTUME,false); /* send_target */ script->set_constant("ALL_CLIENT",ALL_CLIENT,false); script->set_constant("ALL_SAMEMAP",ALL_SAMEMAP,false); script->set_constant("AREA",AREA,false); script->set_constant("AREA_WOS",AREA_WOS,false); script->set_constant("AREA_WOC",AREA_WOC,false); script->set_constant("AREA_WOSC",AREA_WOSC,false); script->set_constant("AREA_CHAT_WOC",AREA_CHAT_WOC,false); script->set_constant("CHAT",CHAT,false); script->set_constant("CHAT_WOS",CHAT_WOS,false); script->set_constant("PARTY",PARTY,false); script->set_constant("PARTY_WOS",PARTY_WOS,false); script->set_constant("PARTY_SAMEMAP",PARTY_SAMEMAP,false); script->set_constant("PARTY_SAMEMAP_WOS",PARTY_SAMEMAP_WOS,false); script->set_constant("PARTY_AREA",PARTY_AREA,false); script->set_constant("PARTY_AREA_WOS",PARTY_AREA_WOS,false); script->set_constant("GUILD",GUILD,false); script->set_constant("GUILD_WOS",GUILD_WOS,false); script->set_constant("GUILD_SAMEMAP",GUILD_SAMEMAP,false); script->set_constant("GUILD_SAMEMAP_WOS",GUILD_SAMEMAP_WOS,false); script->set_constant("GUILD_AREA",GUILD_AREA,false); script->set_constant("GUILD_AREA_WOS",GUILD_AREA_WOS,false); script->set_constant("GUILD_NOBG",GUILD_NOBG,false); script->set_constant("DUEL",DUEL,false); script->set_constant("DUEL_WOS",DUEL_WOS,false); script->set_constant("SELF",SELF,false); script->set_constant("BG",BG,false); script->set_constant("BG_WOS",BG_WOS,false); script->set_constant("BG_SAMEMAP",BG_SAMEMAP,false); script->set_constant("BG_SAMEMAP_WOS",BG_SAMEMAP_WOS,false); script->set_constant("BG_AREA",BG_AREA,false); script->set_constant("BG_AREA_WOS",BG_AREA_WOS,false); script->set_constant("BG_QUEUE",BG_QUEUE,false); } /** * a mapindex_name2id wrapper meant to help with invalid name handling **/ unsigned short script_mapindexname2id (struct script_state *st, const char* name) { unsigned short index; if( !(index=mapindex->name2id(name)) ) { script->reportsrc(st); return 0; } return index; } void script_defaults(void) { // aegis->athena slot position conversion table unsigned int equip[SCRIPT_EQUIP_TABLE_SIZE] = {EQP_HEAD_TOP,EQP_ARMOR,EQP_HAND_L,EQP_HAND_R,EQP_GARMENT,EQP_SHOES,EQP_ACC_L,EQP_ACC_R,EQP_HEAD_MID,EQP_HEAD_LOW,EQP_COSTUME_HEAD_LOW,EQP_COSTUME_HEAD_MID,EQP_COSTUME_HEAD_TOP,EQP_COSTUME_GARMENT,EQP_SHADOW_ARMOR, EQP_SHADOW_WEAPON, EQP_SHADOW_SHIELD, EQP_SHADOW_SHOES, EQP_SHADOW_ACC_R, EQP_SHADOW_ACC_L}; script = &script_s; script->st_db = NULL; script->active_scripts = 0; script->next_id = 0; script->st_ers = NULL; script->stack_ers = NULL; script->array_ers = NULL; script->hq = NULL; script->hqi = NULL; script->hqs = script->hqis = 0; script->buildin = NULL; script->buildin_count = 0; script->str_data = NULL; script->str_data_size = 0; script->str_num = LABEL_START; script->str_buf = NULL; script->str_size = 0; script->str_pos = 0; memset(script->str_hash, 0, sizeof(script->str_hash)); script->word_buf = NULL; script->word_size = 0; script->current_item_id = 0; script->labels = NULL; script->label_count = 0; script->labels_size = 0; script->buf = NULL; script->pos = 0, script->size = 0; script->parse_options = 0; script->buildin_set_ref = 0; script->buildin_callsub_ref = 0; script->buildin_callfunc_ref = 0; script->buildin_getelementofarray_ref = 0; memset(script->error_jump,0,sizeof(script->error_jump)); script->error_msg = NULL; script->error_pos = NULL; script->error_report = 0; script->parser_current_src = NULL; script->parser_current_file = NULL; script->parser_current_line = 0; memset(&script->syntax,0,sizeof(script->syntax)); script->parse_syntax_for_flag = 0; memcpy(script->equip, &equip, sizeof(script->equip)); memset(&script->config, 0, sizeof(script->config)); script->autobonus_db = NULL; script->userfunc_db = NULL; script->potion_flag = script->potion_hp = script->potion_per_hp = script->potion_sp = script->potion_per_sp = script->potion_target = 0; script->generic_ui_array = NULL; script->generic_ui_array_size = 0; /* */ script->init = do_init_script; script->final = do_final_script; script->reload = script_reload; /* parse */ script->parse = parse_script; script->add_builtin = script_add_builtin; script->parse_builtin = script_parse_builtin; script->skip_space = script_skip_space; script->error = script_error; script->warning = script_warning; script->parse_subexpr = script_parse_subexpr; script->addScript = script_hp_add; script->conv_num = conv_num; script->conv_str = conv_str; script->rid2sd = script_rid2sd; script->detach_rid = script_detach_rid; script->push_val = push_val; script->get_val = get_val; script->get_val2 = get_val2; script->push_str = push_str; script->push_copy = push_copy; script->pop_stack = pop_stack; script->set_constant = script_set_constant; script->set_constant2 = script_set_constant2; script->get_constant = script_get_constant; script->label_add = script_label_add; script->run = run_script; script->run_main = run_script_main; script->run_timer = run_script_timer; script->set_var = set_var; script->stop_instances = script_stop_instances; script->free_code = script_free_code; script->free_vars = script_free_vars; script->alloc_state = script_alloc_state; script->free_state = script_free_state; script->add_pending_ref = script_add_pending_ref; script->run_autobonus = script_run_autobonus; script->cleararray_pc = script_cleararray_pc; script->setarray_pc = script_setarray_pc; script->config_read = script_config_read; script->add_str = script_add_str; script->get_str = script_get_str; script->search_str = script_search_str; script->setd_sub = setd_sub; script->attach_state = script_attach_state; script->queue = script_hqueue_get; script->queue_add = script_hqueue_add; script->queue_del = script_hqueue_del; script->queue_remove = script_hqueue_remove; script->queue_create = script_hqueue_create; script->queue_clear = script_hqueue_clear; script->parse_curly_close = parse_curly_close; script->parse_syntax_close = parse_syntax_close; script->parse_syntax_close_sub = parse_syntax_close_sub; script->parse_syntax = parse_syntax; script->get_com = get_com; script->get_num = get_num; script->op2name = script_op2name; script->reportsrc = script_reportsrc; script->reportdata = script_reportdata; script->reportfunc = script_reportfunc; script->disp_warning_message = disp_warning_message; script->check_event = check_event; script->calc_hash = calc_hash; script->addb = add_scriptb; script->addc = add_scriptc; script->addi = add_scripti; script->addl = add_scriptl; script->set_label = set_label; script->skip_word = skip_word; script->add_word = add_word; script->parse_callfunc = parse_callfunc; script->parse_nextline = parse_nextline; script->parse_variable = parse_variable; script->parse_simpleexpr = parse_simpleexpr; script->parse_expr = parse_expr; script->parse_line = parse_line; script->read_constdb = read_constdb; script->print_line = script_print_line; script->errorwarning_sub = script_errorwarning_sub; script->set_reg = set_reg; script->stack_expand = stack_expand; script->push_retinfo = push_retinfo; script->op_3 = op_3; script->op_2str = op_2str; script->op_2num = op_2num; script->op_2 = op_2; script->op_1 = op_1; script->check_buildin_argtype = script_check_buildin_argtype; script->detach_state = script_detach_state; script->db_free_code_sub = db_script_free_code_sub; script->add_autobonus = script_add_autobonus; script->menu_countoptions = menu_countoptions; script->buildin_areawarp_sub = buildin_areawarp_sub; script->buildin_areapercentheal_sub = buildin_areapercentheal_sub; script->buildin_delitem_delete = buildin_delitem_delete; script->buildin_delitem_search = buildin_delitem_search; script->buildin_killmonster_sub_strip = buildin_killmonster_sub_strip; script->buildin_killmonster_sub = buildin_killmonster_sub; script->buildin_killmonsterall_sub_strip = buildin_killmonsterall_sub_strip; script->buildin_killmonsterall_sub = buildin_killmonsterall_sub; script->buildin_announce_sub = buildin_announce_sub; script->buildin_getareausers_sub = buildin_getareausers_sub; script->buildin_getareadropitem_sub = buildin_getareadropitem_sub; script->mapflag_pvp_sub = script_mapflag_pvp_sub; script->buildin_pvpoff_sub = buildin_pvpoff_sub; script->buildin_maprespawnguildid_sub_pc = buildin_maprespawnguildid_sub_pc; script->buildin_maprespawnguildid_sub_mob = buildin_maprespawnguildid_sub_mob; script->buildin_mobcount_sub = buildin_mobcount_sub; script->playbgm_sub = playbgm_sub; script->playbgm_foreachpc_sub = playbgm_foreachpc_sub; script->soundeffect_sub = soundeffect_sub; script->buildin_query_sql_sub = buildin_query_sql_sub; script->buildin_instance_warpall_sub = buildin_instance_warpall_sub; script->buildin_mobuseskill_sub = buildin_mobuseskill_sub; script->cleanfloor_sub = script_cleanfloor_sub; script->run_func = run_func; script->getfuncname = script_getfuncname; /* script_config base */ script->config.warn_func_mismatch_argtypes = 1; script->config.warn_func_mismatch_paramnum = 1; script->config.check_cmdcount = 65535; script->config.check_gotocount = 2048; script->config.input_min_value = 0; script->config.input_max_value = INT_MAX; script->config.die_event_name = "OnPCDieEvent"; script->config.kill_pc_event_name = "OnPCKillEvent"; script->config.kill_mob_event_name = "OnNPCKillEvent"; script->config.login_event_name = "OnPCLoginEvent"; script->config.logout_event_name = "OnPCLogoutEvent"; script->config.loadmap_event_name = "OnPCLoadMapEvent"; script->config.baselvup_event_name = "OnPCBaseLvUpEvent"; script->config.joblvup_event_name = "OnPCJobLvUpEvent"; script->config.ontouch_name = "OnTouch_";//ontouch_name (runs on first visible char to enter area, picks another char if the first char leaves) script->config.ontouch2_name = "OnTouch";//ontouch2_name (run whenever a char walks into the OnTouch area) // for ENABLE_CASE_CHECK script->calc_hash_ci = calc_hash_ci; script->local_casecheck.add_str = script_local_casecheck_add_str; script->local_casecheck.clear = script_local_casecheck_clear; script->local_casecheck.str_data = NULL; script->local_casecheck.str_data_size = 0; script->local_casecheck.str_num = 1; script->local_casecheck.str_buf = NULL; script->local_casecheck.str_size = 0; script->local_casecheck.str_pos = 0; memset(script->local_casecheck.str_hash, 0, sizeof(script->local_casecheck.str_hash)); script->global_casecheck.add_str = script_global_casecheck_add_str; script->global_casecheck.clear = script_global_casecheck_clear; script->global_casecheck.str_data = NULL; script->global_casecheck.str_data_size = 0; script->global_casecheck.str_num = 1; script->global_casecheck.str_buf = NULL; script->global_casecheck.str_size = 0; script->global_casecheck.str_pos = 0; memset(script->global_casecheck.str_hash, 0, sizeof(script->global_casecheck.str_hash)); // end ENABLE_CASE_CHECK /** * Array Handling **/ script->array_src = script_array_src; script->array_update = script_array_update; script->array_add_member = script_array_add_member; script->array_remove_member = script_array_remove_member; script->array_delete = script_array_delete; script->array_size = script_array_size; script->array_free_db = script_free_array_db; script->array_highest_key = script_array_highest_key; script->array_ensure_zero = script_array_ensure_zero; /* */ script->reg_destroy_single = script_reg_destroy_single; script->reg_destroy = script_reg_destroy; /* */ script->generic_ui_array_expand = script_generic_ui_array_expand; script->array_cpy_list = script_array_cpy_list; /* */ script->hardcoded_constants = script_hardcoded_constants; script->mapindexname2id = script_mapindexname2id; }