/** * This file is part of Hercules. * http://herc.ws - http://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules * * Copyright (C) 2012-2020 Hercules Dev Team * Copyright (C) Athena Dev Teams * * Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #define HERCULES_CORE #include "config/core.h" // DBPATH #include "pet.h" #include "map/achievement.h" #include "map/atcommand.h" // msg_txt() #include "map/battle.h" #include "map/chrif.h" #include "map/clif.h" #include "map/intif.h" #include "map/itemdb.h" #include "map/log.h" #include "map/map.h" #include "map/mob.h" #include "map/npc.h" #include "map/path.h" #include "map/pc.h" #include "map/script.h" #include "map/skill.h" #include "map/status.h" #include "map/unit.h" #include "common/conf.h" #include "common/db.h" #include "common/ers.h" #include "common/memmgr.h" #include "common/nullpo.h" #include "common/random.h" #include "common/showmsg.h" #include "common/strlib.h" #include "common/timer.h" #include "common/utils.h" #include #include #include static struct pet_interface pet_s; struct pet_interface *pet; #define MIN_PETTHINKTIME 100 static int pet_hungry_val(struct pet_data *pd) { nullpo_ret(pd); if(pd->pet.hungry > PET_HUNGER_SATISFIED) return 4; else if(pd->pet.hungry > PET_HUNGER_NEUTRAL) return 3; else if(pd->pet.hungry > PET_HUNGER_HUNGRY) return 2; else if(pd->pet.hungry > PET_HUNGER_VERY_HUNGRY) return 1; else return 0; } static void pet_set_intimate(struct pet_data *pd, int value) { int intimate; struct map_session_data *sd; nullpo_retv(pd); intimate = pd->pet.intimate; sd = pd->msd; pd->pet.intimate = cap_value(value, PET_INTIMACY_NONE, PET_INTIMACY_MAX); if( (intimate >= battle_config.pet_equip_min_friendly && pd->pet.intimate < battle_config.pet_equip_min_friendly) || (intimate < battle_config.pet_equip_min_friendly && pd->pet.intimate >= battle_config.pet_equip_min_friendly) ) status_calc_pc(sd,SCO_NONE); /* Pet is lost, delete the egg */ if (pd->pet.intimate == PET_INTIMACY_NONE) { int i; ARR_FIND(0, sd->status.inventorySize, i, sd->status.inventory[i].card[0] == CARD0_PET && pd->pet.pet_id == MakeDWord(sd->status.inventory[i].card[1], sd->status.inventory[i].card[2])); if (i != sd->status.inventorySize) { pc->delitem(sd, i, 1, 0, DELITEM_NORMAL, LOG_TYPE_EGG); } } } static int pet_create_egg(struct map_session_data *sd, int item_id) { int pet_id = pet->search_petDB_index(item_id, PET_EGG); nullpo_ret(sd); if (pet_id < 0) return 0; //No pet egg here. if (!pc->inventoryblank(sd)) return 0; // Inventory full sd->catch_target_class = pet->db[pet_id].class_; intif->create_pet(sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id, pet->db[pet_id].class_, mob->db(pet->db[pet_id].class_)->lv, pet->db[pet_id].EggID, 0, (short)pet->db[pet_id].intimate, PET_HUNGER_STUFFED, 0, 1, pet->db[pet_id].jname); return 1; } static int pet_unlocktarget(struct pet_data *pd) { nullpo_ret(pd); pd->target_id=0; pet_stop_attack(pd); pet_stop_walking(pd, STOPWALKING_FLAG_FIXPOS); return 0; } /*========================================== * Pet Attack Skill [Skotlex] *------------------------------------------*/ static int pet_attackskill(struct pet_data *pd, int target_id) { nullpo_ret(pd); if (!battle_config.pet_status_support || !pd->a_skill || (battle_config.pet_equip_required && !pd->pet.equip)) return 0; if (DIFF_TICK(pd->ud.canact_tick, timer->gettick()) > 0) return 0; if (rnd()%100 < (pd->a_skill->rate +pd->pet.intimate*pd->a_skill->bonusrate/1000)) { //Skotlex: Use pet's skill int inf; struct block_list *bl; bl=map->id2bl(target_id); if( bl == NULL || pd->bl.m != bl->m || bl->prev == NULL || status->isdead(bl) || !check_distance_bl(&pd->bl, bl, pd->db->range3)) return 0; inf = skill->get_inf(pd->a_skill->id); if (inf & INF_GROUND_SKILL) unit->skilluse_pos(&pd->bl, bl->x, bl->y, pd->a_skill->id, pd->a_skill->lv); else //Offensive self skill? Could be stuff like GX. unit->skilluse_id(&pd->bl,(inf&INF_SELF_SKILL) ? pd->bl.id : bl->id, pd->a_skill->id, pd->a_skill->lv); return 1; //Skill invoked. } return 0; } static int pet_target_check(struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl, int type) { struct pet_data *pd; int rate; nullpo_ret(sd); pd = sd->pd; Assert_ret(pd->msd == 0 || pd->msd->pd == pd); if (pd->petDB != NULL && ((type == 0 && pd->petDB->attack_rate == 0) || (type != 0 && pd->petDB->defence_attack_rate == 0))) return 0; // If base rate is 0, there's nothing to do. if( bl == NULL || bl->type != BL_MOB || bl->prev == NULL || pd->pet.intimate < battle_config.pet_support_min_friendly || pd->pet.hungry <= PET_HUNGER_STARVING || pd->pet.class_ == status->get_class(bl)) return 0; if( pd->bl.m != bl->m || !check_distance_bl(&pd->bl, bl, pd->db->range2)) return 0; if (!status->check_skilluse(&pd->bl, bl, 0, 0)) return 0; if(!type) { rate = pd->petDB->attack_rate; rate = rate * pd->rate_fix/1000; if(pd->petDB->attack_rate > 0 && rate <= 0) rate = 1; } else { rate = pd->petDB->defence_attack_rate; rate = rate * pd->rate_fix/1000; if(pd->petDB->defence_attack_rate > 0 && rate <= 0) rate = 1; } if(rnd()%10000 < rate) { if(pd->target_id == 0 || rnd()%10000 < pd->petDB->change_target_rate) pd->target_id = bl->id; } return 0; } /*========================================== * Pet SC Check [Skotlex] *------------------------------------------*/ static int pet_sc_check(struct map_session_data *sd, int type) { struct pet_data *pd; nullpo_ret(sd); pd = sd->pd; if( pd == NULL || (battle_config.pet_equip_required && pd->pet.equip == 0) || pd->recovery == NULL || pd->recovery->timer != INVALID_TIMER || pd->recovery->type != type ) return 1; pd->recovery->timer = timer->add(timer->gettick()+pd->recovery->delay*1000,pet->recovery_timer,sd->bl.id,0); return 0; } static int pet_hungry(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { struct map_session_data *sd; struct pet_data *pd; int interval; sd=map->id2sd(id); if(!sd) return 1; if(!sd->status.pet_id || !sd->pd) return 1; pd = sd->pd; /** * If HungerDelay is 0, there's nothing to do. * Actually this shouldn't happen, since the timer wasn't added in pet_data_init(), but just to be sure... * **/ if (pd->petDB != NULL && pd->petDB->hungry_delay == 0) { pet->hungry_timer_delete(pd); return 0; } if(pd->pet_hungry_timer != tid){ ShowError("pet_hungry_timer %d != %d\n",pd->pet_hungry_timer,tid); return 0; } pd->pet_hungry_timer = INVALID_TIMER; if (pd->pet.intimate <= PET_INTIMACY_NONE) return 1; //You lost the pet already, the rest is irrelevant. pd->pet.hungry--; /* Pet Autofeed */ if (battle_config.feature_enable_pet_autofeed != 0) { if (pd->petDB->autofeed == 1 && pd->pet.autofeed == 1 && pd->pet.hungry <= PET_HUNGER_HUNGRY) { pet->food(sd, pd); } } if (pd->pet.hungry < PET_HUNGER_STARVING) { pet_stop_attack(pd); pd->pet.hungry = PET_HUNGER_STARVING; pet->set_intimate(pd, pd->pet.intimate - battle_config.pet_hungry_friendly_decrease); if (pd->pet.intimate == PET_INTIMACY_NONE) pd->status.speed = pd->db->status.speed; status_calc_pet(pd, SCO_NONE); clif->send_petdata(sd,pd,1,pd->pet.intimate); } clif->send_petdata(sd,pd,2,pd->pet.hungry); if(battle_config.pet_hungry_delay_rate != 100) interval = (pd->petDB->hungry_delay*battle_config.pet_hungry_delay_rate)/100; else interval = pd->petDB->hungry_delay; if(interval <= 0) interval = 1; pd->pet_hungry_timer = timer->add(tick+interval,pet->hungry,sd->bl.id,0); return 0; } static int search_petDB_index(int key, int type) { int i; for( i = 0; i < MAX_PET_DB; i++ ) { if(pet->db[i].class_ <= 0) continue; switch(type) { case PET_CLASS: if(pet->db[i].class_ == key) return i; break; case PET_CATCH: if(pet->db[i].itemID == key) return i; break; case PET_EGG: if(pet->db[i].EggID == key) return i; break; case PET_EQUIP: if(pet->db[i].AcceID == key) return i; break; case PET_FOOD: if(pet->db[i].FoodID == key) return i; break; default: return -1; } } return -1; } static int pet_hungry_timer_delete(struct pet_data *pd) { nullpo_ret(pd); if(pd->pet_hungry_timer != INVALID_TIMER) { timer->delete(pd->pet_hungry_timer,pet->hungry); pd->pet_hungry_timer = INVALID_TIMER; } return 1; } static int pet_performance(struct map_session_data *sd, struct pet_data *pd) { int val; nullpo_retr(1, pd); if (pd->pet.intimate > PET_INTIMACY_LOYAL) val = (pd->petDB->s_perfor > 0)? 4:3; else if (pd->pet.intimate > PET_INTIMACY_CORDIAL) //TODO: this is way too high val = 2; else val = 1; pet_stop_walking(pd,STOPWALKING_FLAG_NONE | (2000<<8)); // Stop walking for 2000ms clif->send_petdata(NULL, pd, 4, rnd()%val + 1); pet->lootitem_drop(pd,NULL); return 1; } static int pet_return_egg(struct map_session_data *sd, struct pet_data *pd) { int i; nullpo_retr(1, sd); nullpo_retr(1, pd); pet->lootitem_drop(pd,sd); // Pet Evolution ARR_FIND(0, sd->status.inventorySize, i, sd->status.inventory[i].card[0] == CARD0_PET && pd->pet.pet_id == MakeDWord(sd->status.inventory[i].card[1], sd->status.inventory[i].card[2])); if (i != sd->status.inventorySize) { sd->status.inventory[i].attribute &= ~ATTR_BROKEN; sd->status.inventory[i].bound = IBT_NONE; } else { // The pet egg wasn't found: it was probably hatched with the old system that deleted the egg. struct item tmp_item = {0}; int flag; tmp_item.nameid = pd->petDB->EggID; tmp_item.identify = 1; tmp_item.card[0] = CARD0_PET; tmp_item.card[1] = GetWord(pd->pet.pet_id, 0); tmp_item.card[2] = GetWord(pd->pet.pet_id, 1); tmp_item.card[3] = pd->pet.rename_flag; if ((flag = pc->additem(sd, &tmp_item, 1, LOG_TYPE_EGG)) != 0) { clif->additem(sd, 0, 0, flag); map->addflooritem(&sd->bl, &tmp_item, 1, sd->bl.m, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y, 0, 0, 0, 0, false); } } #if PACKETVER >= 20180704 clif->inventoryList(sd); clif->send_petdata(sd, pd, 6, 0); #endif pd->pet.incubate = 1; unit->free(&pd->bl,CLR_OUTSIGHT); status_calc_pc(sd,SCO_NONE); sd->status.pet_id = 0; return 1; } static int pet_data_init(struct map_session_data *sd, struct s_pet *petinfo) { struct pet_data *pd; int i = 0; nullpo_retr(1, sd); nullpo_retr(1, petinfo); Assert_retr(1, sd->status.pet_id == 0 || sd->pd == 0 || sd->pd->msd == sd); if(sd->status.account_id != petinfo->account_id || sd->status.char_id != petinfo->char_id) { sd->status.pet_id = 0; return 1; } if (sd->status.pet_id != petinfo->pet_id) { if (sd->status.pet_id) { //Wrong pet?? Set incubate to no and send it back for saving. petinfo->incubate = 1; intif->save_petdata(sd->status.account_id,petinfo); sd->status.pet_id = 0; return 1; } //The pet_id value was lost? odd... restore it. sd->status.pet_id = petinfo->pet_id; } i = pet->search_petDB_index(petinfo->class_,PET_CLASS); if(i < 0) { sd->status.pet_id = 0; return 1; } CREATE(pd, struct pet_data, 1); pd->bl.type = BL_PET; pd->bl.id = npc->get_new_npc_id(); sd->pd = pd; pd->msd = sd; pd->petDB = &pet->db[i]; pd->db = mob->db(petinfo->class_); memcpy(&pd->pet, petinfo, sizeof(struct s_pet)); status->set_viewdata(&pd->bl, petinfo->class_); unit->dataset(&pd->bl); pd->ud.dir = sd->ud.dir; pd->bl.m = sd->bl.m; pd->bl.x = sd->bl.x; pd->bl.y = sd->bl.y; unit->calc_pos(&pd->bl, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y, sd->ud.dir); pd->bl.x = pd->ud.to_x; pd->bl.y = pd->ud.to_y; map->addiddb(&pd->bl); status_calc_pet(pd,SCO_FIRST); pd->last_thinktime = timer->gettick(); pd->state.skillbonus = 0; if( battle_config.pet_status_support ) script->run_pet(pet->db[i].pet_script,0,sd->bl.id,0); if( pd->petDB ) { if( pd->petDB->equip_script ) status_calc_pc(sd,SCO_NONE); if (pd->petDB->hungry_delay > 0) { int interval = pd->petDB->hungry_delay * battle_config.pet_hungry_delay_rate / 100; pd->pet_hungry_timer = timer->add(timer->gettick() + max(interval, 1), pet->hungry, sd->bl.id, 0); } } return 0; } static int pet_birth_process(struct map_session_data *sd, struct s_pet *petinfo) { nullpo_retr(1, sd); nullpo_retr(1, petinfo); Assert_retr(1, sd->status.pet_id == 0 || sd->pd == 0 || sd->pd->msd == sd); if(sd->status.pet_id && petinfo->incubate == 1) { sd->status.pet_id = 0; return 1; } petinfo->incubate = 0; petinfo->account_id = sd->status.account_id; petinfo->char_id = sd->status.char_id; sd->status.pet_id = petinfo->pet_id; if(pet->data_init(sd, petinfo)) { sd->status.pet_id = 0; return 1; } intif->save_petdata(sd->status.account_id,petinfo); if (map->save_settings&8) chrif->save(sd,0); //is it REALLY Needed to save the char for hatching a pet? [Skotlex] if(sd->bl.prev != NULL) { map->addblock(&sd->pd->bl); clif->spawn(&sd->pd->bl); clif->send_petdata(sd,sd->pd, 0,0); clif->send_petdata(sd,sd->pd, 5,battle_config.pet_hair_style); #if PACKETVER >= 20180704 clif->send_petdata(sd, sd->pd, 6, 1); #endif clif->send_petdata(NULL, sd->pd, 3, sd->pd->vd.head_bottom); clif->send_petstatus(sd); } Assert_retr(1, sd->status.pet_id == 0 || sd->pd == 0 || sd->pd->msd == sd); return 0; } static int pet_recv_petdata(int account_id, struct s_pet *p, int flag) { struct map_session_data *sd; nullpo_retr(1, p); sd = map->id2sd(account_id); if(sd == NULL) return 1; if(flag == 1) { sd->status.pet_id = 0; return 1; } if(p->incubate == 1) { int i; // Get Egg Index ARR_FIND(0, sd->status.inventorySize, i, sd->status.inventory[i].card[0] == CARD0_PET && p->pet_id == MakeDWord(sd->status.inventory[i].card[1], sd->status.inventory[i].card[2])); if(i == sd->status.inventorySize) { ShowError("pet_recv_petdata: Hatching pet (%d:%s) aborted, couldn't find egg in inventory for removal!\n",p->pet_id, p->name); sd->status.pet_id = 0; return 1; } if (!pet->birth_process(sd,p)) { // Pet Evolution, Hide the egg by setting broken attribute (0x2) [Asheraf] sd->status.inventory[i].attribute |= ATTR_BROKEN; // bind the egg to the character to avoid moving it via forged packets [Asheraf] sd->status.inventory[i].bound = IBT_CHARACTER; } } else { pet->data_init(sd,p); if(sd->pd && sd->bl.prev != NULL) { map->addblock(&sd->pd->bl); clif->spawn(&sd->pd->bl); clif->send_petdata(sd,sd->pd,0,0); clif->send_petdata(sd,sd->pd,5,battle_config.pet_hair_style); clif->send_petdata(NULL, sd->pd, 3, sd->pd->vd.head_bottom); clif->send_petstatus(sd); } } return 0; } static int pet_select_egg(struct map_session_data *sd, int egg_index) { nullpo_ret(sd); if (egg_index < 0 || egg_index >= sd->status.inventorySize) return 0; //Forged packet! if(sd->status.inventory[egg_index].card[0] == CARD0_PET) intif->request_petdata(sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id, MakeDWord(sd->status.inventory[egg_index].card[1], sd->status.inventory[egg_index].card[2]) ); else ShowError("wrong egg item inventory %d\n",egg_index); return 0; } static int pet_catch_process1(struct map_session_data *sd, int target_class) { nullpo_ret(sd); sd->catch_target_class = target_class; clif->catch_process(sd); return 0; } static int pet_catch_process2(struct map_session_data *sd, int target_id) { struct mob_data *md = NULL; struct block_list *bl = NULL; int i = 0, pet_catch_rate = 0; nullpo_retr(1, sd); bl = map->id2bl(target_id); // TODO: Why does this not use map->id2md? md = BL_CAST(BL_MOB, bl); if (md == NULL || md->bl.prev == NULL) { // Invalid inputs/state, abort capture. clif->pet_roulette(sd,0); sd->catch_target_class = -1; sd->itemid = -1; sd->itemindex = -1; return 1; } //FIXME: delete taming item here, if this was an item-invoked capture and the item was flagged as delay-consume [ultramage] i = pet->search_petDB_index(md->class_,PET_CLASS); //catch_target_class == 0 is used for universal lures (except bosses for now). [Skotlex] if (sd->catch_target_class == 0 && !(md->status.mode&MD_BOSS)) sd->catch_target_class = md->class_; if(i < 0 || sd->catch_target_class != md->class_) { clif->emotion(&md->bl, E_AG); //mob will do /ag if wrong lure is used on them. clif->pet_roulette(sd,0); sd->catch_target_class = -1; return 1; } pet_catch_rate = pet->db[i].capture * (100 - get_percentage(md->status.hp, md->status.max_hp)) / 100 + pet->db[i].capture; if(pet_catch_rate < 1) pet_catch_rate = 1; if(battle->bc->pet_catch_rate != 100) pet_catch_rate = (pet_catch_rate*battle->bc->pet_catch_rate)/100; if(rnd()%10000 < pet_catch_rate) { unit->remove_map(&md->bl,CLR_OUTSIGHT,ALC_MARK); status_kill(&md->bl); clif->pet_roulette(sd,1); intif->create_pet(sd->status.account_id,sd->status.char_id,pet->db[i].class_,mob->db(pet->db[i].class_)->lv, pet->db[i].EggID, 0, pet->db[i].intimate, PET_HUNGER_STUFFED, 0, 1, pet->db[i].jname); achievement->validate_taming(sd, pet->db[i].class_); } else { clif->pet_roulette(sd,0); sd->catch_target_class = -1; } return 0; } /** * Is invoked _only_ when a new pet has been created is a product of packet 0x3880 * see mapif_pet_created@int_pet.c for more information * Handles new pet data from inter-server and prepares item information * to add pet egg * * pet_id - Should contain pet id otherwise means failure * returns true on success **/ static bool pet_get_egg(int account_id, int pet_class, int pet_id) { struct map_session_data *sd; struct item tmp_item; int i = 0, ret = 0; if( pet_id == 0 || pet_class == 0 ) return false; sd = map->id2sd(account_id); if( sd == NULL ) return false; // i = pet->search_petDB_index(sd->catch_target_class,PET_CLASS); // issue: 8150 // Before this change in cases where more than one pet egg were requested in a short // period of time it wasn't possible to know which kind of egg was being requested after // the first request. [Panikon] i = pet->search_petDB_index(pet_class,PET_CLASS); sd->catch_target_class = -1; if(i < 0) { intif->delete_petdata(pet_id); return false; } memset(&tmp_item,0,sizeof(tmp_item)); tmp_item.nameid = pet->db[i].EggID; tmp_item.identify = 1; tmp_item.card[0] = CARD0_PET; tmp_item.card[1] = GetWord(pet_id,0); tmp_item.card[2] = GetWord(pet_id,1); tmp_item.card[3] = 0; //New pets are not named. if((ret = pc->additem(sd,&tmp_item,1,LOG_TYPE_PICKDROP_PLAYER))) { clif->additem(sd,0,0,ret); map->addflooritem(&sd->bl, &tmp_item, 1, sd->bl.m, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y, 0, 0, 0, 0, false); } return true; } static int pet_menu(struct map_session_data *sd, int menunum) { struct item_data *egg_id; nullpo_ret(sd); if (sd->pd == NULL) return 1; //You lost the pet already. if (!sd->status.pet_id || sd->pd->pet.intimate <= PET_INTIMACY_NONE || sd->pd->pet.incubate) return 1; egg_id = itemdb->exists(sd->pd->petDB->EggID); if (egg_id) { if ((egg_id->flag.trade_restriction&ITR_NODROP) && !pc->inventoryblank(sd)) { clif->message(sd->fd, msg_sd(sd,451)); // You can't return your pet because your inventory is full. return 1; } } switch(menunum) { case 0: clif->send_petstatus(sd); break; case 1: pet->food(sd, sd->pd); break; case 2: pet->performance(sd, sd->pd); break; case 3: pet->return_egg(sd, sd->pd); break; case 4: pet->unequipitem(sd, sd->pd); break; } return 0; } static int pet_change_name(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *name) { int i; struct pet_data *pd; nullpo_retr(1, sd); nullpo_retr(1, name); pd = sd->pd; if((pd == NULL) || (pd->pet.rename_flag == 1 && !battle_config.pet_rename)) return 1; for(i=0;ipd; if (pd == NULL) return 0; newname = aStrndup(name, NAME_LENGTH-1); normalize_name(newname, " ");//bugreport:3032 // FIXME[Haru]: This should be normalized by the inter-server (so that it's const here) if (flag == 0 || strlen(newname) == 0) { clif->message(sd->fd, msg_sd(sd,280)); // You cannot use this name for your pet. clif->send_petstatus(sd); //Send status so client knows oet name change got rejected. aFree(newname); return 0; } safestrncpy(pd->pet.name, newname, NAME_LENGTH); aFree(newname); clif->blname_ack(0,&pd->bl); pd->pet.rename_flag = 1; clif->send_petdata(NULL, sd->pd, 3, sd->pd->vd.head_bottom); clif->send_petstatus(sd); return 1; } static int pet_equipitem(struct map_session_data *sd, int index) { struct pet_data *pd; int nameid; nullpo_retr(1, sd); pd = sd->pd; if (!pd) return 1; nameid = sd->status.inventory[index].nameid; if(pd->petDB->AcceID == 0 || nameid != pd->petDB->AcceID || pd->pet.equip != 0) { clif->equipitemack(sd,0,0,EIA_FAIL); return 1; } pc->delitem(sd, index, 1, 0, DELITEM_NORMAL, LOG_TYPE_CONSUME); pd->pet.equip = nameid; status->set_viewdata(&pd->bl, pd->pet.class_); //Updates view_data. clif->send_petdata(NULL, sd->pd, 3, sd->pd->vd.head_bottom); if (battle_config.pet_equip_required) { //Skotlex: start support timers if need int64 tick = timer->gettick(); if (pd->s_skill && pd->s_skill->timer == INVALID_TIMER) { pd->s_skill->timer=timer->add(tick+pd->s_skill->delay*1000, pet->skill_support_timer, sd->bl.id, 0); } if (pd->bonus && pd->bonus->timer == INVALID_TIMER) pd->bonus->timer=timer->add(tick+pd->bonus->delay*1000, pet->skill_bonus_timer, sd->bl.id, 0); } return 0; } static int pet_unequipitem(struct map_session_data *sd, struct pet_data *pd) { struct item tmp_item; int nameid,flag; nullpo_retr(1, sd); nullpo_retr(1, pd); if(pd->pet.equip == 0) return 1; nameid = pd->pet.equip; pd->pet.equip = 0; status->set_viewdata(&pd->bl, pd->pet.class_); clif->send_petdata(NULL, sd->pd, 3, sd->pd->vd.head_bottom); memset(&tmp_item,0,sizeof(tmp_item)); tmp_item.nameid = nameid; tmp_item.identify = 1; if((flag = pc->additem(sd,&tmp_item,1,LOG_TYPE_CONSUME))) { clif->additem(sd,0,0,flag); map->addflooritem(&sd->bl, &tmp_item, 1, sd->bl.m, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y, 0, 0, 0, 0, false); } if( battle_config.pet_equip_required ) { // Skotlex: halt support timers if needed if( pd->state.skillbonus ) { pd->state.skillbonus = 0; status_calc_pc(sd,SCO_NONE); } if (pd->s_skill && pd->s_skill->timer != INVALID_TIMER) { timer->delete(pd->s_skill->timer, pet->skill_support_timer); pd->s_skill->timer = INVALID_TIMER; } if( pd->bonus && pd->bonus->timer != INVALID_TIMER ) { timer->delete(pd->bonus->timer, pet->skill_bonus_timer); pd->bonus->timer = INVALID_TIMER; } } return 0; } static int pet_food(struct map_session_data *sd, struct pet_data *pd) { int i, food_id; nullpo_retr(1, pd); food_id = pd->petDB->FoodID; i = pc->search_inventory(sd, food_id); if(i == INDEX_NOT_FOUND) { clif->pet_food(sd, food_id, 0); return 1; } pc->delitem(sd, i, 1, 0, DELITEM_NORMAL, LOG_TYPE_CONSUME); int intimacy = 0; if (pd->pet.hungry >= PET_HUNGER_STUFFED) intimacy -= pd->petDB->r_full; // Decrease intimacy by OverFeedDecrement. else if (pd->pet.hungry > PET_HUNGER_SATISFIED) intimacy -= pd->petDB->r_full / 2; // Decrease intimacy by 50% of OverFeedDecrement. else if (pd->pet.hungry > PET_HUNGER_NEUTRAL) intimacy -= pd->petDB->r_full * 5 / 100; // Decrease intimacy by 5% of OverFeedDecrement. else if (pd->pet.hungry > PET_HUNGER_HUNGRY) intimacy += pd->petDB->r_hungry * 75 / 100; // Increase intimacy by 75% of FeedIncrement. else if (pd->pet.hungry > PET_HUNGER_VERY_HUNGRY) intimacy += pd->petDB->r_hungry; // Increase intimacy by FeedIncrement. else intimacy += pd->petDB->r_hungry / 2; // Increase intimacy by 50% of FeedIncrement. intimacy *= battle_config.pet_friendly_rate / 100; pet->set_intimate(pd, pd->pet.intimate + intimacy); if (pd->pet.intimate == PET_INTIMACY_NONE) { pet_stop_attack(pd); pd->status.speed = pd->db->status.speed; } status_calc_pet(pd, SCO_NONE); pd->pet.hungry += pd->petDB->fullness; if (pd->pet.hungry > PET_HUNGER_STUFFED) pd->pet.hungry = PET_HUNGER_STUFFED; clif->send_petdata(sd,pd,2,pd->pet.hungry); clif->send_petdata(sd,pd,1,pd->pet.intimate); clif->pet_food(sd,pd->petDB->FoodID,1); return 0; } static int pet_randomwalk(struct pet_data *pd, int64 tick) { nullpo_ret(pd); Assert_ret(pd->msd == 0 || pd->msd->pd == pd); if (DIFF_TICK(pd->next_walktime,tick) < 0 && unit->can_move(&pd->bl)) { const int retrycount=20; int i,c,d=12-pd->move_fail_count; if (d < 5) d=5; for (i = 0; i < retrycount; i++) { int r=rnd(); int x=pd->bl.x+r%(d*2+1)-d; int y=pd->bl.y+r/(d*2+1)%(d*2+1)-d; if (map->getcell(pd->bl.m, &pd->bl, x, y, CELL_CHKPASS) != 0 && unit->walk_toxy(&pd->bl, x, y, 0) == 0) { pd->move_fail_count=0; break; } if(i+1>=retrycount){ pd->move_fail_count++; if(pd->move_fail_count>1000){ ShowWarning("PET can't move. hold position %d, class = %d\n",pd->bl.id,pd->pet.class_); pd->move_fail_count=0; pd->ud.canmove_tick = tick + 60000; return 0; } } } for(i=c=0;iud.walkpath.path_len;i++){ if(pd->ud.walkpath.path[i]&1) c+=pd->status.speed*MOVE_DIAGONAL_COST/MOVE_COST; else c+=pd->status.speed; } pd->next_walktime = tick+rnd()%1000+MIN_RANDOMWALKTIME+c; return 1; } return 0; } static int pet_ai_sub_hard(struct pet_data *pd, struct map_session_data *sd, int64 tick) { struct block_list *target = NULL; nullpo_ret(pd); if(pd->bl.prev == NULL || sd == NULL || sd->bl.prev == NULL) return 0; if(DIFF_TICK(tick,pd->last_thinktime) < MIN_PETTHINKTIME) return 0; pd->last_thinktime=tick; if(pd->ud.attacktimer != INVALID_TIMER || pd->ud.skilltimer != INVALID_TIMER || pd->bl.m != sd->bl.m) return 0; if(pd->ud.walktimer != INVALID_TIMER && pd->ud.walkpath.path_pos <= 2) return 0; //No thinking when you just started to walk. if (pd->pet.intimate <= PET_INTIMACY_NONE) { //Pet should just... well, random walk. pet->randomwalk(pd,tick); return 0; } if (!check_distance_bl(&sd->bl, &pd->bl, pd->db->range3)) { //Master too far, chase. if(pd->target_id) pet->unlocktarget(pd); if(pd->ud.walktimer != INVALID_TIMER && pd->ud.target == sd->bl.id) return 0; //Already walking to him if (DIFF_TICK(tick, pd->ud.canmove_tick) < 0) return 0; //Can't move yet. pd->status.speed = (sd->battle_status.speed>>1); if(pd->status.speed <= 0) pd->status.speed = 1; if (!unit->walktobl(&pd->bl, &sd->bl, 3, 0)) pet->randomwalk(pd,tick); return 0; } //Return speed to normal. if (pd->status.speed != pd->petDB->speed) { if (pd->ud.walktimer != INVALID_TIMER) return 0; //Wait until the pet finishes walking back to master. pd->status.speed = pd->petDB->speed; pd->ud.state.change_walk_target = pd->ud.state.speed_changed = 1; } if (pd->target_id) { target= map->id2bl(pd->target_id); if (!target || pd->bl.m != target->m || status->isdead(target) || !check_distance_bl(&pd->bl, target, pd->db->range3) ) { target = NULL; pet->unlocktarget(pd); } } if(!target && pd->loot && pd->msd && pc_has_permission(pd->msd, PC_PERM_TRADE) && pd->loot->count < pd->loot->max && DIFF_TICK(tick,pd->ud.canact_tick)>0) { //Use half the pet's range of sight. map->foreachinrange(pet->ai_sub_hard_lootsearch,&pd->bl, pd->db->range2/2, BL_ITEM,pd,&target); } if (!target) { //Just walk around. if (check_distance_bl(&sd->bl, &pd->bl, 3)) return 0; //Already next to master. if(pd->ud.walktimer != INVALID_TIMER && check_distance_blxy(&sd->bl, pd->ud.to_x,pd->ud.to_y, 3)) return 0; //Already walking to him unit->calc_pos(&pd->bl, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y, sd->ud.dir); if (unit->walk_toxy(&pd->bl, pd->ud.to_x, pd->ud.to_y, 0) != 0) pet->randomwalk(pd,tick); return 0; } if(pd->ud.target == target->id && (pd->ud.attacktimer != INVALID_TIMER || pd->ud.walktimer != INVALID_TIMER)) return 0; //Target already locked. if (target->type != BL_ITEM) { //enemy targetted if(!battle->check_range(&pd->bl,target,pd->status.rhw.range)) { //Chase if(!unit->walktobl(&pd->bl, target, pd->status.rhw.range, 2)) pet->unlocktarget(pd); //Unreachable target. return 0; } //Continuous attack. unit->attack(&pd->bl, pd->target_id, 1); } else { //Item Targeted, attempt loot if (!check_distance_bl(&pd->bl, target, 1)) { //Out of range if(!unit->walktobl(&pd->bl, target, 1, 1)) //Unreachable target. pet->unlocktarget(pd); return 0; } else{ struct flooritem_data *fitem = BL_UCAST(BL_ITEM, target); if(pd->loot->count < pd->loot->max){ memcpy(&pd->loot->item[pd->loot->count++],&fitem->item_data,sizeof(pd->loot->item[0])); pd->loot->weight += itemdb_weight(fitem->item_data.nameid)*fitem->item_data.amount; map->clearflooritem(target); } //Target is unlocked regardless of whether it was picked or not. pet->unlocktarget(pd); } } return 0; } static int pet_ai_sub_foreachclient(struct map_session_data *sd, va_list ap) { int64 tick = va_arg(ap,int64); nullpo_ret(sd); if(sd->status.pet_id && sd->pd) pet->ai_sub_hard(sd->pd,sd,tick); return 0; } static int pet_ai_hard(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { map->foreachpc(pet->ai_sub_foreachclient,tick); return 0; } static int pet_ai_sub_hard_lootsearch(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { struct pet_data *pd = va_arg(ap,struct pet_data *); struct block_list **target = va_arg(ap,struct block_list**); struct flooritem_data *fitem = NULL; int sd_charid = 0; nullpo_ret(bl); Assert_ret(bl->type == BL_ITEM); fitem = BL_UCAST(BL_ITEM, bl); sd_charid = fitem->first_get_charid; if(sd_charid && sd_charid != pd->msd->status.char_id) return 0; if(unit->can_reach_bl(&pd->bl,bl, pd->db->range2, 1, NULL, NULL) && ((*target) == NULL || //New target closer than previous one. !check_distance_bl(&pd->bl, *target, distance_bl(&pd->bl, bl)))) { (*target) = bl; pd->target_id = bl->id; return 1; } return 0; } static int pet_delay_item_drop(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { struct item_drop_list *list; struct item_drop *ditem; list=(struct item_drop_list *)data; ditem = list->item; while (ditem) { struct item_drop *ditem_prev; map->addflooritem(NULL, &ditem->item_data, ditem->item_data.amount, list->m, list->x, list->y, list->first_charid, list->second_charid, list->third_charid, 0, false); ditem_prev = ditem; ditem = ditem->next; ers_free(pet->item_drop_ers, ditem_prev); } ers_free(pet->item_drop_list_ers, list); return 0; } static int pet_lootitem_drop(struct pet_data *pd, struct map_session_data *sd) { int i,flag=0; struct item_drop_list *dlist; struct item_drop *ditem; if(!pd || !pd->loot || !pd->loot->count) return 0; dlist = ers_alloc(pet->item_drop_list_ers, struct item_drop_list); dlist->m = pd->bl.m; dlist->x = pd->bl.x; dlist->y = pd->bl.y; dlist->first_charid = 0; dlist->second_charid = 0; dlist->third_charid = 0; dlist->item = NULL; for (i = 0; i < pd->loot->count; i++) { struct item *it = &pd->loot->item[i]; if (sd) { if ((flag = pc->additem(sd,it,it->amount,LOG_TYPE_PICKDROP_PLAYER))) { clif->additem(sd,0,0,flag); ditem = ers_alloc(pet->item_drop_ers, struct item_drop); memcpy(&ditem->item_data, it, sizeof(struct item)); ditem->next = dlist->item; dlist->item = ditem; } } else { ditem = ers_alloc(pet->item_drop_ers, struct item_drop); memcpy(&ditem->item_data, it, sizeof(struct item)); ditem->next = dlist->item; dlist->item = ditem; } } //The smart thing to do is use pd->loot->max (thanks for pointing it out, Shinomori) memset(pd->loot->item,0,pd->loot->max * sizeof(struct item)); pd->loot->count = 0; pd->loot->weight = 0; pd->ud.canact_tick = timer->gettick()+10000; //prevent picked up during 10*1000ms if (dlist->item) timer->add(timer->gettick()+540,pet->delay_item_drop,0,(intptr_t)dlist); else ers_free(pet->item_drop_list_ers, dlist); return 1; } /*========================================== * pet bonus giving skills [Valaris] / Rewritten by [Skotlex] *------------------------------------------*/ static int pet_skill_bonus_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { struct map_session_data *sd=map->id2sd(id); struct pet_data *pd; int bonus; int duration = 0; if(sd == NULL || sd->pd==NULL || sd->pd->bonus == NULL) return 1; pd=sd->pd; if(pd->bonus->timer != tid) { ShowError("pet_skill_bonus_timer %d != %d\n",pd->bonus->timer,tid); pd->bonus->timer = INVALID_TIMER; return 0; } // determine the time for the next timer if (pd->state.skillbonus && pd->bonus->delay > 0) { bonus = 0; duration = pd->bonus->delay*1000; // the duration until pet bonuses will be reactivated again } else if (pd->pet.intimate > PET_INTIMACY_NONE) { bonus = 1; duration = pd->bonus->duration*1000; // the duration for pet bonuses to be in effect } else { //Lost pet... pd->bonus->timer = INVALID_TIMER; return 0; } if (pd->state.skillbonus != bonus) { pd->state.skillbonus = bonus; status_calc_pc(sd, SCO_NONE); } // wait for the next timer pd->bonus->timer=timer->add(tick+duration,pet->skill_bonus_timer,sd->bl.id,0); return 0; } /*========================================== * pet recovery skills [Valaris] / Rewritten by [Skotlex] *------------------------------------------*/ static int pet_recovery_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { struct map_session_data *sd=map->id2sd(id); struct pet_data *pd; if(sd==NULL || sd->pd == NULL || sd->pd->recovery == NULL) return 1; pd = sd->pd; nullpo_retr(1, pd); if(pd->recovery->timer != tid) { ShowError("pet_recovery_timer %d != %d\n",pd->recovery->timer,tid); return 0; } if (sd->sc.data[pd->recovery->type]) { //Display a heal animation? //Detoxify is chosen for now. clif->skill_nodamage(&pd->bl,&sd->bl,TF_DETOXIFY,1,1); status_change_end(&sd->bl, pd->recovery->type, INVALID_TIMER); clif->emotion(&pd->bl, E_OK); } pd->recovery->timer = INVALID_TIMER; return 0; } /*========================================== * pet support skills [Skotlex] *------------------------------------------*/ static int pet_skill_support_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { struct map_session_data *sd=map->id2sd(id); struct pet_data *pd; struct status_data *st; short rate = 100; if(sd==NULL || sd->pd == NULL || sd->pd->s_skill == NULL) return 1; pd=sd->pd; nullpo_retr(1, pd); if(pd->s_skill->timer != tid) { ShowError("pet_skill_support_timer %d != %d\n",pd->s_skill->timer,tid); return 0; } st = status->get_status_data(&sd->bl); if (DIFF_TICK(pd->ud.canact_tick, tick) > 0) { //Wait until the pet can act again. pd->s_skill->timer=timer->add(pd->ud.canact_tick,pet->skill_support_timer,sd->bl.id,0); return 0; } if(pc_isdead(sd) || (rate = get_percentage(st->sp, st->max_sp)) > pd->s_skill->sp || (rate = get_percentage(st->hp, st->max_hp)) > pd->s_skill->hp || (rate = (pd->ud.skilltimer != INVALID_TIMER)) //Another skill is in effect ) { //Wait (how long? 1 sec for every 10% of remaining) pd->s_skill->timer=timer->add(tick+(rate>10?rate:10)*100,pet->skill_support_timer,sd->bl.id,0); return 0; } pet_stop_attack(pd); pet_stop_walking(pd, STOPWALKING_FLAG_FIXPOS); pd->s_skill->timer=timer->add(tick+pd->s_skill->delay*1000,pet->skill_support_timer,sd->bl.id,0); if (skill->get_inf(pd->s_skill->id) & INF_GROUND_SKILL) unit->skilluse_pos(&pd->bl, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y, pd->s_skill->id, pd->s_skill->lv); else unit->skilluse_id(&pd->bl, sd->bl.id, pd->s_skill->id, pd->s_skill->lv); return 0; } static void pet_read_db(void) { const char *filename[] = { DBPATH"pet_db.conf", "pet_db2.conf" }; int i; pet->read_db_clear(); for (i = 0; i < ARRAYLENGTH(filename); ++i) { pet->read_db_libconfig(filename[i], i > 0 ? true : false); } } static int pet_read_db_libconfig(const char *filename, bool ignore_missing) { struct config_t pet_db_conf; struct config_setting_t *pdb; struct config_setting_t *t; char filepath[256]; bool duplicate[MAX_MOB_DB] = { 0 }; int i = 0, count = 0; nullpo_ret(filename); safesnprintf(filepath, sizeof(filepath), "%s/%s", map->db_path, filename); if (!exists(filepath)) { if (!ignore_missing) { ShowError("pet_read_db_libconfig: can't find file %s\n", filepath); } return 0; } if (!libconfig->load_file(&pet_db_conf, filepath)) return 0; if ((pdb = libconfig->setting_get_member(pet_db_conf.root, "pet_db")) == NULL) { ShowError("can't read %s\n", filepath); return 0; } while ((t = libconfig->setting_get_elem(pdb, i++))) { int pet_id = pet->read_db_sub(t, i - 1, filename); if (pet_id <= 0 || pet_id >= MAX_MOB_DB) continue; if (duplicate[pet_id]) { ShowWarning("pet_read_db_libconfig:%s: duplicate entry of ID #%d\n", filename, pet_id); } else { duplicate[pet_id] = true; } count++; } libconfig->destroy(&pet_db_conf); ShowStatus("Done reading '"CL_WHITE"%d"CL_RESET"' entries in '"CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET"'.\n", count, filepath); return count; } static int pet_read_db_sub(struct config_setting_t *it, int n, const char *source) { struct config_setting_t *t = NULL; struct item_data *data = NULL; const char *str = NULL; int i32 = 0; nullpo_ret(it); nullpo_ret(source); Assert_ret(n >= 0 && n < MAX_PET_DB); if (!libconfig->setting_lookup_int(it, "Id", &i32)) { ShowWarning("pet_read_db_sub: Missing Id in \"%s\", entry #%d, skipping.\n", source, n); return 0; } if (mob->db_checkid(i32) == 0) { ShowWarning("pet_read_db_sub: Invalid Id %d in \"%s\", entry #%d, skipping.\n", i32, source, n); return 0; } pet->db[n].class_ = i32; safestrncpy(pet->db[n].name, mob->db(i32)->sprite, sizeof(pet->db[n].name)); if (!libconfig->setting_lookup_string(it, "Name", &str) || !*str) { ShowWarning("pet_read_db_sub: Missing Name in pet %d of \"%s\", skipping.\n", pet->db[n].class_, source); return 0; } safestrncpy(pet->db[n].jname, str, sizeof(pet->db[n].jname)); if (libconfig->setting_lookup_string(it, "EggItem", &str) == CONFIG_FALSE || *str == '\0') { ShowWarning("pet_read_db_sub: Missing EggItem in pet %d of \"%s\", skipping.\n", pet->db[n].class_, source); return 0; } if ((data = itemdb->name2id(str)) == NULL) { ShowWarning("pet_read_db_sub: Invalid EggItem '%s' in pet %d of \"%s\", skipping.\n", str, pet->db[n].class_, source); return 0; } pet->db[n].EggID = data->nameid; if (libconfig->setting_lookup_string(it, "TamingItem", &str)) { if (!(data = itemdb->name2id(str))) { ShowWarning("pet_read_db_sub: Invalid item '%s' in pet %d of \"%s\", defaulting to 0.\n", str, pet->db[n].class_, source); } else { pet->db[n].itemID = data->nameid; } } if (libconfig->setting_lookup_string(it, "AccessoryItem", &str)) { if (!(data = itemdb->name2id(str))) { ShowWarning("pet_read_db_sub: Invalid item '%s' in pet %d of \"%s\", defaulting to 0.\n", str, pet->db[n].class_, source); } else { pet->db[n].AcceID = data->nameid; } } if (libconfig->setting_lookup_string(it, "FoodItem", &str)) { if (!(data = itemdb->name2id(str))) { ShowWarning("pet_read_db_sub: Invalid item '%s' in pet %d of \"%s\", defaulting to 0.\n", str, pet->db[n].class_, source); } else { pet->db[n].FoodID = data->nameid; } } if (libconfig->setting_lookup_int(it, "FoodEffectiveness", &i32)) pet->db[n].fullness = i32; if (libconfig->setting_lookup_int(it, "HungerDelay", &i32)) pet->db[n].hungry_delay = i32 * 1000; if ((t = libconfig->setting_get_member(it, "Intimacy"))) { if (config_setting_is_group(t)) { pet->read_db_sub_intimacy(n, t); } } if (pet->db[n].r_hungry <= 0) pet->db[n].r_hungry = 1; if (libconfig->setting_lookup_int(it, "CaptureRate", &i32)) pet->db[n].capture = i32; if (libconfig->setting_lookup_int(it, "Speed", &i32)) pet->db[n].speed = i32; if ((t = libconfig->setting_get_member(it, "SpecialPerformance")) && (i32 = libconfig->setting_get_bool(t))) pet->db[n].s_perfor = (char)i32; if ((t = libconfig->setting_get_member(it, "TalkWithEmotes")) && (i32 = libconfig->setting_get_bool(t))) pet->db[n].talk_convert_class = i32; if (libconfig->setting_lookup_int(it, "AttackRate", &i32)) pet->db[n].attack_rate = i32; if (libconfig->setting_lookup_int(it, "DefendRate", &i32)) pet->db[n].defence_attack_rate = i32; if (libconfig->setting_lookup_int(it, "ChangeTargetRate", &i32)) pet->db[n].change_target_rate = i32; // Pet Evolution if ((t = libconfig->setting_get_member(it, "Evolve")) && config_setting_is_group(t)) { pet->read_db_sub_evolution(t, n); } if ((t = libconfig->setting_get_member(it, "AutoFeed")) && (i32 = libconfig->setting_get_bool(t))) pet->db[n].autofeed = i32; if (libconfig->setting_lookup_string(it, "PetScript", &str)) pet->db[n].pet_script = *str ? script->parse(str, source, -pet->db[n].class_, SCRIPT_IGNORE_EXTERNAL_BRACKETS, NULL) : NULL; if (libconfig->setting_lookup_string(it, "EquipScript", &str)) pet->db[n].equip_script = *str ? script->parse(str, source, -pet->db[n].class_, SCRIPT_IGNORE_EXTERNAL_BRACKETS, NULL) : NULL; return pet->db[n].class_; } /** * Read Pet Evolution Database [Dastgir/Hercules] * @param t libconfig setting * @param n Pet DB Index */ static void pet_read_db_sub_evolution(struct config_setting_t *t, int n) { struct config_setting_t *pett; int i = 0; const char *str = NULL; nullpo_retv(t); Assert_retv(n >= 0 && n < MAX_PET_DB); VECTOR_INIT(pet->db[n].evolve_data); while ((pett = libconfig->setting_get_elem(t, i))) { if (config_setting_is_group(pett)) { struct pet_evolve_data ped; struct item_data *data; struct config_setting_t *item; int j = 0, i32 = 0; str = config_setting_name(pett); if (!(data = itemdb->name2id(str))) { ShowWarning("pet_read_evolve_db_sub: Invalid Egg '%s' in Pet #%d, skipping.\n", str, pet->db[n].class_); return; } else { ped.petEggId = data->nameid; } VECTOR_INIT(ped.items); while ((item = libconfig->setting_get_elem(pett, j))) { struct itemlist_entry list = { 0 }; int quantity = 0; str = config_setting_name(item); data = itemdb->search_name(str); if (!data) { ShowWarning("pet_read_evolve_db_sub: required item %s not found in egg %d\n", str, ped.petEggId); j++; continue; } list.id = data->nameid; if (mob->get_const(item, &i32) && i32 >= 0) { quantity = i32; } if (quantity <= 0) { ShowWarning("pet_read_evolve_db_sub: invalid quantity %d for egg %d\n", quantity, ped.petEggId); j++; continue; } list.amount = quantity; VECTOR_ENSURE(ped.items, 1, 1); VECTOR_PUSH(ped.items, list); j++; } VECTOR_ENSURE(pet->db[n].evolve_data, 1, 1); VECTOR_PUSH(pet->db[n].evolve_data, ped); } i++; } } static bool pet_read_db_sub_intimacy(int idx, struct config_setting_t *t) { int i32 = 0; nullpo_retr(false, t); Assert_ret(idx >= 0 && idx < MAX_PET_DB); if (libconfig->setting_lookup_int(t, "Initial", &i32)) pet->db[idx].intimate = i32; if (libconfig->setting_lookup_int(t, "FeedIncrement", &i32)) pet->db[idx].r_hungry = i32; if (libconfig->setting_lookup_int(t, "OverFeedDecrement", &i32)) pet->db[idx].r_full = i32; if (libconfig->setting_lookup_int(t, "OwnerDeathDecrement", &i32)) pet->db[idx].die = i32; return true; } static void pet_read_db_clear(void) { int i; // Remove any previous scripts in case reloaddb was invoked. for (i = 0; i < MAX_PET_DB; i++) { int j; if (pet->db[i].pet_script) { script->free_code(pet->db[i].pet_script); pet->db[i].pet_script = NULL; } if (pet->db[i].equip_script) { script->free_code(pet->db[i].equip_script); pet->db[i].equip_script = NULL; } for (j = 0; j < VECTOR_LENGTH(pet->db[i].evolve_data); j++) { VECTOR_CLEAR(VECTOR_INDEX(pet->db[i].evolve_data, j).items); } VECTOR_CLEAR(pet->db[i].evolve_data); } memset(pet->db, 0, sizeof(pet->db)); return; } /*========================================== * Initialization process relationship skills *------------------------------------------*/ static int do_init_pet(bool minimal) { if (minimal) return 0; pet->read_db(); pet->item_drop_ers = ers_new(sizeof(struct item_drop),"pet.c::item_drop_ers",ERS_OPT_NONE); pet->item_drop_list_ers = ers_new(sizeof(struct item_drop_list),"pet.c::item_drop_list_ers",ERS_OPT_NONE); timer->add_func_list(pet->hungry,"pet_hungry"); timer->add_func_list(pet->ai_hard,"pet_ai_hard"); timer->add_func_list(pet->skill_bonus_timer,"pet_skill_bonus_timer"); // [Valaris] timer->add_func_list(pet->delay_item_drop,"pet_delay_item_drop"); timer->add_func_list(pet->skill_support_timer, "pet_skill_support_timer"); // [Skotlex] timer->add_func_list(pet->recovery_timer,"pet_recovery_timer"); // [Valaris] timer->add_interval(timer->gettick()+MIN_PETTHINKTIME,pet->ai_hard,0,0,MIN_PETTHINKTIME); return 0; } static int do_final_pet(void) { int i; for( i = 0; i < MAX_PET_DB; i++ ) { int j; if( pet->db[i].pet_script ) { script->free_code(pet->db[i].pet_script); pet->db[i].pet_script = NULL; } if( pet->db[i].equip_script ) { script->free_code(pet->db[i].equip_script); pet->db[i].equip_script = NULL; } /* Pet Evolution [Dastgir/Hercules] */ for (j = 0; j < VECTOR_LENGTH(pet->db[i].evolve_data); j++) { VECTOR_CLEAR(VECTOR_INDEX(pet->db[i].evolve_data, j).items); } VECTOR_CLEAR(pet->db[i].evolve_data); } ers_destroy(pet->item_drop_ers); ers_destroy(pet->item_drop_list_ers); return 0; } void pet_defaults(void) { pet = &pet_s; memset(pet->db,0,sizeof(pet->db)); pet->item_drop_ers = NULL; pet->item_drop_list_ers = NULL; pet->init = do_init_pet; pet->final = do_final_pet; pet->hungry_val = pet_hungry_val; pet->set_intimate = pet_set_intimate; pet->create_egg = pet_create_egg; pet->unlocktarget = pet_unlocktarget; pet->attackskill = pet_attackskill; pet->target_check = pet_target_check; pet->sc_check = pet_sc_check; pet->hungry = pet_hungry; pet->search_petDB_index = search_petDB_index; pet->hungry_timer_delete = pet_hungry_timer_delete; pet->performance = pet_performance; pet->return_egg = pet_return_egg; pet->data_init = pet_data_init; pet->birth_process = pet_birth_process; pet->recv_petdata = pet_recv_petdata; pet->select_egg = pet_select_egg; pet->catch_process1 = pet_catch_process1; pet->catch_process2 = pet_catch_process2; pet->get_egg = pet_get_egg; pet->unequipitem = pet_unequipitem; pet->food = pet_food; pet->ai_sub_hard_lootsearch = pet_ai_sub_hard_lootsearch; pet->menu = pet_menu; pet->change_name = pet_change_name; pet->change_name_ack = pet_change_name_ack; pet->equipitem = pet_equipitem; pet->randomwalk = pet_randomwalk; pet->ai_sub_hard = pet_ai_sub_hard; pet->ai_sub_foreachclient = pet_ai_sub_foreachclient; pet->ai_hard = pet_ai_hard; pet->delay_item_drop = pet_delay_item_drop; pet->lootitem_drop = pet_lootitem_drop; pet->skill_bonus_timer = pet_skill_bonus_timer; pet->recovery_timer = pet_recovery_timer; pet->skill_support_timer = pet_skill_support_timer; pet->read_db = pet_read_db; pet->read_db_libconfig = pet_read_db_libconfig; pet->read_db_sub = pet_read_db_sub; pet->read_db_sub_intimacy = pet_read_db_sub_intimacy; pet->read_db_clear = pet_read_db_clear; pet->read_db_sub_evolution = pet_read_db_sub_evolution; }