// Copyright (c) Athena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL // For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder #include "../common/cbasetypes.h" #include "../common/core.h" // get_svn_revision() #include "../common/malloc.h" #include "../common/nullpo.h" #include "../common/showmsg.h" #include "../common/socket.h" // session[] #include "../common/strlib.h" // safestrncpy() #include "../common/timer.h" #include "../common/utils.h" #include "../common/mmo.h" //NAME_LENGTH #include "atcommand.h" // get_atcommand_level() #include "battle.h" // battle_config #include "battleground.h" #include "chrif.h" #include "clif.h" #include "date.h" // is_day_of_*() #include "duel.h" #include "intif.h" #include "itemdb.h" #include "log.h" #include "mail.h" #include "map.h" #include "path.h" #include "homunculus.h" #include "instance.h" #include "mercenary.h" #include "npc.h" // fake_nd #include "pet.h" // pet_unlocktarget() #include "party.h" // party_search() #include "guild.h" // guild_search(), guild_request_info() #include "script.h" // script_config #include "skill.h" #include "status.h" // struct status_data #include "pc.h" #include "quest.h" #include #include #include #include #define PVP_CALCRANK_INTERVAL 1000 // PVP‡ˆÊŒvŽZ‚ÌŠÔŠu static unsigned int exp_table[CLASS_COUNT][2][MAX_LEVEL]; static unsigned int max_level[CLASS_COUNT][2]; static unsigned int statp[MAX_LEVEL+1]; // h-files are for declarations, not for implementations... [Shinomori] struct skill_tree_entry skill_tree[CLASS_COUNT][MAX_SKILL_TREE]; // timer for night.day implementation int day_timer_tid; int night_timer_tid; struct fame_list smith_fame_list[MAX_FAME_LIST]; struct fame_list chemist_fame_list[MAX_FAME_LIST]; struct fame_list taekwon_fame_list[MAX_FAME_LIST]; static unsigned short equip_pos[EQI_MAX]={EQP_ACC_L,EQP_ACC_R,EQP_SHOES,EQP_GARMENT,EQP_HEAD_LOW,EQP_HEAD_MID,EQP_HEAD_TOP,EQP_ARMOR,EQP_HAND_L,EQP_HAND_R,EQP_AMMO}; #define MOTD_LINE_SIZE 128 static char motd_text[MOTD_LINE_SIZE][CHAT_SIZE_MAX]; // Message of the day buffer [Valaris] //Links related info to the sd->hate_mob[]/sd->feel_map[] entries const struct sg_data sg_info[MAX_PC_FEELHATE] = { { SG_SUN_ANGER, SG_SUN_BLESS, SG_SUN_COMFORT, "PC_FEEL_SUN", "PC_HATE_MOB_SUN", is_day_of_sun }, { SG_MOON_ANGER, SG_MOON_BLESS, SG_MOON_COMFORT, "PC_FEEL_MOON", "PC_HATE_MOB_MOON", is_day_of_moon }, { SG_STAR_ANGER, SG_STAR_BLESS, SG_STAR_COMFORT, "PC_FEEL_STAR", "PC_HATE_MOB_STAR", is_day_of_star } }; //Converts a class to its array index for CLASS_COUNT defined arrays. //Note that it does not do a validity check for speed purposes, where parsing //player input make sure to use a pcdb_checkid first! int pc_class2idx(int class_) { if (class_ >= JOB_NOVICE_HIGH) return class_- JOB_NOVICE_HIGH+JOB_MAX_BASIC; return class_; } int pc_isGM(struct map_session_data* sd) { return sd->gmlevel; } static int pc_invincible_timer(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr_t data) { struct map_session_data *sd; if( (sd=(struct map_session_data *)map_id2sd(id)) == NULL || sd->bl.type!=BL_PC ) return 1; if(sd->invincible_timer != tid){ ShowError("invincible_timer %d != %d\n",sd->invincible_timer,tid); return 0; } sd->invincible_timer = INVALID_TIMER; skill_unit_move(&sd->bl,tick,1); return 0; } void pc_setinvincibletimer(struct map_session_data* sd, int val) { nullpo_retv(sd); if( sd->invincible_timer != INVALID_TIMER ) delete_timer(sd->invincible_timer,pc_invincible_timer); sd->invincible_timer = add_timer(gettick()+val,pc_invincible_timer,sd->bl.id,0); } void pc_delinvincibletimer(struct map_session_data* sd) { nullpo_retv(sd); if( sd->invincible_timer != INVALID_TIMER ) { delete_timer(sd->invincible_timer,pc_invincible_timer); sd->invincible_timer = INVALID_TIMER; skill_unit_move(&sd->bl,gettick(),1); } } static int pc_spiritball_timer(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr_t data) { struct map_session_data *sd; int i; if( (sd=(struct map_session_data *)map_id2sd(id)) == NULL || sd->bl.type!=BL_PC ) return 1; if( sd->spiritball <= 0 ) { ShowError("pc_spiritball_timer: %d spiritball's available. (aid=%d cid=%d tid=%d)\n", sd->spiritball, sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id, tid); sd->spiritball = 0; return 0; } ARR_FIND(0, sd->spiritball, i, sd->spirit_timer[i] == tid); if( i == sd->spiritball ) { ShowError("pc_spiritball_timer: timer not found (aid=%d cid=%d tid=%d)\n", sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id, tid); return 0; } sd->spiritball--; if( i != sd->spiritball ) memmove(sd->spirit_timer+i, sd->spirit_timer+i+1, (sd->spiritball-i)*sizeof(int)); sd->spirit_timer[sd->spiritball] = INVALID_TIMER; clif_spiritball(sd); return 0; } int pc_addspiritball(struct map_session_data *sd,int interval,int max) { int tid, i; nullpo_ret(sd); if(max > MAX_SKILL_LEVEL) max = MAX_SKILL_LEVEL; if(sd->spiritball < 0) sd->spiritball = 0; if( sd->spiritball && sd->spiritball >= max ) { if(sd->spirit_timer[0] != INVALID_TIMER) delete_timer(sd->spirit_timer[0],pc_spiritball_timer); sd->spiritball--; if( sd->spiritball != 0 ) memmove(sd->spirit_timer+0, sd->spirit_timer+1, (sd->spiritball)*sizeof(int)); sd->spirit_timer[sd->spiritball] = INVALID_TIMER; } tid = add_timer(gettick()+interval, pc_spiritball_timer, sd->bl.id, 0); ARR_FIND(0, sd->spiritball, i, sd->spirit_timer[i] == INVALID_TIMER || DIFF_TICK(get_timer(tid)->tick, get_timer(sd->spirit_timer[i])->tick) < 0); if( i != sd->spiritball ) memmove(sd->spirit_timer+i+1, sd->spirit_timer+i, (sd->spiritball-i)*sizeof(int)); sd->spirit_timer[i] = tid; sd->spiritball++; clif_spiritball(sd); return 0; } int pc_delspiritball(struct map_session_data *sd,int count,int type) { int i; nullpo_ret(sd); if(sd->spiritball <= 0) { sd->spiritball = 0; return 0; } if(count <= 0) return 0; if(count > sd->spiritball) count = sd->spiritball; sd->spiritball -= count; if(count > MAX_SKILL_LEVEL) count = MAX_SKILL_LEVEL; for(i=0;ispirit_timer[i] != INVALID_TIMER) { delete_timer(sd->spirit_timer[i],pc_spiritball_timer); sd->spirit_timer[i] = INVALID_TIMER; } } for(i=count;ispirit_timer[i-count] = sd->spirit_timer[i]; sd->spirit_timer[i] = INVALID_TIMER; } if(!type) clif_spiritball(sd); return 0; } // Increases a player's fame points and displays a notice to him void pc_addfame(struct map_session_data *sd,int count) { nullpo_retv(sd); sd->status.fame += count; if(sd->status.fame > MAX_FAME) sd->status.fame = MAX_FAME; switch(sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK){ case MAPID_BLACKSMITH: // Blacksmith clif_fame_blacksmith(sd,count); break; case MAPID_ALCHEMIST: // Alchemist clif_fame_alchemist(sd,count); break; case MAPID_TAEKWON: // Taekwon clif_fame_taekwon(sd,count); break; } chrif_updatefamelist(sd); } // Check whether a player ID is in the fame rankers' list of its job, returns his/her position if so, 0 else unsigned char pc_famerank(int char_id, int job) { int i; switch(job){ case MAPID_BLACKSMITH: // Blacksmith for(i = 0; i < MAX_FAME_LIST; i++){ if(smith_fame_list[i].id == char_id) return i + 1; } break; case MAPID_ALCHEMIST: // Alchemist for(i = 0; i < MAX_FAME_LIST; i++){ if(chemist_fame_list[i].id == char_id) return i + 1; } break; case MAPID_TAEKWON: // Taekwon for(i = 0; i < MAX_FAME_LIST; i++){ if(taekwon_fame_list[i].id == char_id) return i + 1; } break; } return 0; } int pc_setrestartvalue(struct map_session_data *sd,int type) { struct status_data *status, *b_status; nullpo_ret(sd); b_status = &sd->base_status; status = &sd->battle_status; if (type&1) { //Normal resurrection status->hp = 1; //Otherwise status_heal may fail if dead. status_heal(&sd->bl, b_status->hp, b_status->sp>status->sp?b_status->sp-status->sp:0, 1); } else { //Just for saving on the char-server (with values as if respawned) sd->status.hp = b_status->hp; sd->status.sp = (status->sp < b_status->sp)?b_status->sp:status->sp; } return 0; } /*========================================== Rental System *------------------------------------------*/ static int pc_inventory_rental_end(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr_t data) { struct map_session_data *sd = map_id2sd(id); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; if( tid != sd->rental_timer ) { ShowError("pc_inventory_rental_end: invalid timer id.\n"); return 0; } pc_inventory_rentals(sd); return 1; } int pc_inventory_rental_clear(struct map_session_data *sd) { if( sd->rental_timer != INVALID_TIMER ) { delete_timer(sd->rental_timer, pc_inventory_rental_end); sd->rental_timer = INVALID_TIMER; } return 1; } void pc_inventory_rentals(struct map_session_data *sd) { int i, c = 0; unsigned int expire_tick, next_tick = UINT_MAX; for( i = 0; i < MAX_INVENTORY; i++ ) { // Check for Rentals on Inventory if( sd->status.inventory[i].nameid == 0 ) continue; // Nothing here if( sd->status.inventory[i].expire_time == 0 ) continue; if( sd->status.inventory[i].expire_time <= time(NULL) ) { clif_rental_expired(sd->fd, i, sd->status.inventory[i].nameid); pc_delitem(sd, i, sd->status.inventory[i].amount, 1, 0); } else { expire_tick = (unsigned int)(sd->status.inventory[i].expire_time - time(NULL)) * 1000; clif_rental_time(sd->fd, sd->status.inventory[i].nameid, (int)(expire_tick / 1000)); next_tick = min(expire_tick, next_tick); c++; } } if( c > 0 ) // min(next_tick,3600000) 1 hour each timer to keep announcing to the owner, and to avoid a but with rental time > 15 days sd->rental_timer = add_timer(gettick() + min(next_tick,3600000), pc_inventory_rental_end, sd->bl.id, 0); else sd->rental_timer = INVALID_TIMER; } void pc_inventory_rental_add(struct map_session_data *sd, int seconds) { const struct TimerData * td; int tick = seconds * 1000; if( sd == NULL ) return; if( sd->rental_timer != INVALID_TIMER ) { td = get_timer(sd->rental_timer); if( DIFF_TICK(td->tick, gettick()) > tick ) { // Update Timer as this one ends first than the current one pc_inventory_rental_clear(sd); sd->rental_timer = add_timer(gettick() + tick, pc_inventory_rental_end, sd->bl.id, 0); } } else sd->rental_timer = add_timer(gettick() + min(tick,3600000), pc_inventory_rental_end, sd->bl.id, 0); } /*========================================== Determines if the GM can give / drop / trade / vend items Args: GM Level (current player GM level) *------------------------------------------*/ bool pc_can_give_items(int level) { return( level < battle_config.gm_cant_drop_min_lv || level > battle_config.gm_cant_drop_max_lv ); } /*========================================== * prepares character for saving. *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_makesavestatus(struct map_session_data *sd) { nullpo_ret(sd); if(!battle_config.save_clothcolor) sd->status.clothes_color=0; //Only copy the Cart/Peco/Falcon options, the rest are handled via //status change load/saving. [Skotlex] sd->status.option = sd->sc.option&(OPTION_CART|OPTION_FALCON|OPTION_RIDING); if (sd->sc.data[SC_JAILED]) { //When Jailed, do not move last point. if(pc_isdead(sd)){ pc_setrestartvalue(sd,0); } else { sd->status.hp = sd->battle_status.hp; sd->status.sp = sd->battle_status.sp; } sd->status.last_point.map = sd->mapindex; sd->status.last_point.x = sd->bl.x; sd->status.last_point.y = sd->bl.y; return 0; } if(pc_isdead(sd)){ pc_setrestartvalue(sd,0); memcpy(&sd->status.last_point,&sd->status.save_point,sizeof(sd->status.last_point)); } else { sd->status.hp = sd->battle_status.hp; sd->status.sp = sd->battle_status.sp; sd->status.last_point.map = sd->mapindex; sd->status.last_point.x = sd->bl.x; sd->status.last_point.y = sd->bl.y; } if(map[sd->bl.m].flag.nosave){ struct map_data *m=&map[sd->bl.m]; if(m->save.map) memcpy(&sd->status.last_point,&m->save,sizeof(sd->status.last_point)); else memcpy(&sd->status.last_point,&sd->status.save_point,sizeof(sd->status.last_point)); } return 0; } /*========================================== * Ú?Žb̉Šú‰? *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_setnewpc(struct map_session_data *sd, int account_id, int char_id, int login_id1, unsigned int client_tick, int sex, int fd) { nullpo_ret(sd); sd->bl.id = account_id; sd->status.account_id = account_id; sd->status.char_id = char_id; sd->status.sex = sex; sd->login_id1 = login_id1; sd->login_id2 = 0; // at this point, we can not know the value :( sd->client_tick = client_tick; sd->state.active = 0; //to be set to 1 after player is fully authed and loaded. sd->bl.type = BL_PC; sd->canlog_tick = gettick(); //Required to prevent homunculus copuing a base speed of 0. sd->battle_status.speed = sd->base_status.speed = DEFAULT_WALK_SPEED; return 0; } int pc_equippoint(struct map_session_data *sd,int n) { int ep = 0; nullpo_ret(sd); if(!sd->inventory_data[n]) return 0; if (!itemdb_isequip2(sd->inventory_data[n])) return 0; //Not equippable by players. ep = sd->inventory_data[n]->equip; if(sd->inventory_data[n]->look == W_DAGGER || sd->inventory_data[n]->look == W_1HSWORD || sd->inventory_data[n]->look == W_1HAXE) { if(ep == EQP_HAND_R && (pc_checkskill(sd,AS_LEFT) > 0 || (sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) == MAPID_ASSASSIN)) return EQP_ARMS; } return ep; } int pc_setinventorydata(struct map_session_data *sd) { int i,id; nullpo_ret(sd); for(i=0;istatus.inventory[i].nameid; sd->inventory_data[i] = id?itemdb_search(id):NULL; } return 0; } int pc_calcweapontype(struct map_session_data *sd) { nullpo_ret(sd); // single-hand if(sd->weapontype2 == W_FIST) { sd->status.weapon = sd->weapontype1; return 1; } if(sd->weapontype1 == W_FIST) { sd->status.weapon = sd->weapontype2; return 1; } // dual-wield sd->status.weapon = 0; switch (sd->weapontype1){ case W_DAGGER: switch (sd->weapontype2) { case W_DAGGER: sd->status.weapon = W_DOUBLE_DD; break; case W_1HSWORD: sd->status.weapon = W_DOUBLE_DS; break; case W_1HAXE: sd->status.weapon = W_DOUBLE_DA; break; } break; case W_1HSWORD: switch (sd->weapontype2) { case W_DAGGER: sd->status.weapon = W_DOUBLE_DS; break; case W_1HSWORD: sd->status.weapon = W_DOUBLE_SS; break; case W_1HAXE: sd->status.weapon = W_DOUBLE_SA; break; } break; case W_1HAXE: switch (sd->weapontype2) { case W_DAGGER: sd->status.weapon = W_DOUBLE_DA; break; case W_1HSWORD: sd->status.weapon = W_DOUBLE_SA; break; case W_1HAXE: sd->status.weapon = W_DOUBLE_AA; break; } } // unknown, default to right hand type if (!sd->status.weapon) sd->status.weapon = sd->weapontype1; return 2; } int pc_setequipindex(struct map_session_data *sd) { int i,j; nullpo_ret(sd); for(i=0;iequip_index[i] = -1; for(i=0;istatus.inventory[i].nameid <= 0) continue; if(sd->status.inventory[i].equip) { for(j=0;jstatus.inventory[i].equip & equip_pos[j]) sd->equip_index[j] = i; if(sd->status.inventory[i].equip & EQP_HAND_R) { if(sd->inventory_data[i]) sd->weapontype1 = sd->inventory_data[i]->look; else sd->weapontype1 = 0; } if( sd->status.inventory[i].equip & EQP_HAND_L ) { if( sd->inventory_data[i] && sd->inventory_data[i]->type == IT_WEAPON ) sd->weapontype2 = sd->inventory_data[i]->look; else sd->weapontype2 = 0; } } } pc_calcweapontype(sd); return 0; } static int pc_isAllowedCardOn(struct map_session_data *sd,int s,int eqindex,int flag) { int i; struct item *item = &sd->status.inventory[eqindex]; struct item_data *data; //Crafted/made/hatched items. if (itemdb_isspecial(item->card[0])) return 1; ARR_FIND( 0, s, i, item->card[i] && (data = itemdb_exists(item->card[i])) != NULL && data->flag.no_equip&flag ); return( i < s ) ? 0 : 1; } bool pc_isequipped(struct map_session_data *sd, int nameid) { int i, j, index; for( i = 0; i < EQI_MAX; i++ ) { index = sd->equip_index[i]; if( index < 0 ) continue; if( i == EQI_HAND_R && sd->equip_index[EQI_HAND_L] == index ) continue; if( i == EQI_HEAD_MID && sd->equip_index[EQI_HEAD_LOW] == index ) continue; if( i == EQI_HEAD_TOP && (sd->equip_index[EQI_HEAD_MID] == index || sd->equip_index[EQI_HEAD_LOW] == index) ) continue; if( !sd->inventory_data[index] ) continue; if( sd->inventory_data[index]->nameid == nameid ) return true; for( j = 0; j < sd->inventory_data[index]->slot; j++ ) if( sd->status.inventory[index].card[j] == nameid ) return true; } return false; } bool pc_can_Adopt(struct map_session_data *p1_sd, struct map_session_data *p2_sd, struct map_session_data *b_sd ) { if( !p1_sd || !p2_sd || !b_sd ) return false; if( b_sd->status.father || b_sd->status.mother || b_sd->adopt_invite ) return false; // already adopted baby / in adopt request if( !p1_sd->status.partner_id || !p1_sd->status.party_id || p1_sd->status.party_id != b_sd->status.party_id ) return false; // You need to be married and in party with baby to adopt if( p1_sd->status.partner_id != p2_sd->status.char_id || p2_sd->status.partner_id != p1_sd->status.char_id ) return false; // Not married, wrong married if( p2_sd->status.party_id != p1_sd->status.party_id ) return false; // Both parents need to be in the same party // Parents need to have their ring equipped if( !pc_isequipped(p1_sd, WEDDING_RING_M) && !pc_isequipped(p1_sd, WEDDING_RING_F) ) return false; if( !pc_isequipped(p2_sd, WEDDING_RING_M) && !pc_isequipped(p2_sd, WEDDING_RING_F) ) return false; // Already adopted a baby if( p1_sd->status.child || p2_sd->status.child ) { clif_Adopt_reply(p1_sd, 0); return false; } // Parents need at least lvl 70 to adopt if( p1_sd->status.base_level < 70 || p2_sd->status.base_level < 70 ) { clif_Adopt_reply(p1_sd, 1); return false; } if( b_sd->status.partner_id ) { clif_Adopt_reply(p1_sd, 2); return false; } if( !( ( b_sd->status.class_ >= JOB_NOVICE && b_sd->status.class_ <= JOB_THIEF ) || b_sd->status.class_ == JOB_SUPER_NOVICE ) ) return false; return true; } /*========================================== * Adoption Process *------------------------------------------*/ bool pc_adoption(struct map_session_data *p1_sd, struct map_session_data *p2_sd, struct map_session_data *b_sd) { int job, joblevel; unsigned int jobexp; if( !pc_can_Adopt(p1_sd, p2_sd, b_sd) ) return false; // Preserve current job levels and progress joblevel = b_sd->status.job_level; jobexp = b_sd->status.job_exp; job = pc_mapid2jobid(b_sd->class_|JOBL_BABY, b_sd->status.sex); if( job != -1 && !pc_jobchange(b_sd, job, 0) ) { // Success, proceed to configure parents and baby skills p1_sd->status.child = b_sd->status.char_id; p2_sd->status.child = b_sd->status.char_id; b_sd->status.father = p1_sd->status.char_id; b_sd->status.mother = p2_sd->status.char_id; // Restore progress b_sd->status.job_level = joblevel; clif_updatestatus(b_sd, SP_JOBLEVEL); b_sd->status.job_exp = jobexp; clif_updatestatus(b_sd, SP_JOBEXP); // Baby Skills pc_skill(b_sd, WE_BABY, 1, 0); pc_skill(b_sd, WE_CALLPARENT, 1, 0); // Parents Skills pc_skill(p1_sd, WE_CALLBABY, 1, 0); pc_skill(p2_sd, WE_CALLBABY, 1, 0); return true; } return false; // Job Change Fail } int pc_isequip(struct map_session_data *sd,int n) { struct item_data *item; //?¶‚â—{Žq‚Ìꇂ̌³‚ÌE‹Æ‚ðŽZo‚·‚é nullpo_ret(sd); item = sd->inventory_data[n]; if( battle_config.gm_allequip>0 && pc_isGM(sd)>=battle_config.gm_allequip ) return 1; if(item == NULL) return 0; if(item->elv && sd->status.base_level < (unsigned int)item->elv) return 0; if(item->sex != 2 && sd->status.sex != item->sex) return 0; if(map[sd->bl.m].flag.pvp && ((item->flag.no_equip&1) || !pc_isAllowedCardOn(sd,item->slot,n,1))) return 0; if(map_flag_gvg(sd->bl.m) && ((item->flag.no_equip&2) || !pc_isAllowedCardOn(sd,item->slot,n,2))) return 0; if(map[sd->bl.m].flag.restricted) { int flag =map[sd->bl.m].zone; if (item->flag.no_equip&flag || !pc_isAllowedCardOn(sd,item->slot,n,flag)) return 0; } if (sd->sc.count) { if(item->equip & EQP_ARMS && item->type == IT_WEAPON && sd->sc.data[SC_STRIPWEAPON]) // Also works with left-hand weapons [DracoRPG] return 0; if(item->equip & EQP_SHIELD && item->type == IT_ARMOR && sd->sc.data[SC_STRIPSHIELD]) return 0; if(item->equip & EQP_ARMOR && sd->sc.data[SC_STRIPARMOR]) return 0; if(item->equip & EQP_HELM && sd->sc.data[SC_STRIPHELM]) return 0; if (sd->sc.data[SC_SPIRIT] && sd->sc.data[SC_SPIRIT]->val2 == SL_SUPERNOVICE) { //Spirit of Super Novice equip bonuses. [Skotlex] if (sd->status.base_level > 90 && item->equip & EQP_HELM) return 1; //Can equip all helms if (sd->status.base_level > 96 && item->equip & EQP_ARMS && item->type == IT_WEAPON) switch(item->look) { //In weapons, the look determines type of weapon. case W_DAGGER: //Level 4 Knives are equippable.. this means all knives, I'd guess? case W_1HSWORD: //All 1H swords case W_1HAXE: //All 1H Axes case W_MACE: //All 1H Maces case W_STAFF: //All 1H Staves return 1; } } } //Not equipable by class. [Skotlex] if (!(1<<(sd->class_&MAPID_BASEMASK)&item->class_base[(sd->class_&JOBL_2_1)?1:((sd->class_&JOBL_2_2)?2:0)])) return 0; //Not equipable by upper class. [Skotlex] if(!(1<<((sd->class_&JOBL_UPPER)?1:((sd->class_&JOBL_BABY)?2:0))&item->class_upper)) return 0; return 1; } /*========================================== * session id‚É–â‘è–³‚µ * charŽI‚©‚ç‘—‚ç‚ê‚Ä‚«‚½ƒXƒe?ƒ^ƒX‚ðÝ’è *------------------------------------------*/ bool pc_authok(struct map_session_data *sd, int login_id2, time_t expiration_time, int gmlevel, struct mmo_charstatus *st) { int i; unsigned long tick = gettick(); uint32 ip = session[sd->fd]->client_addr; sd->login_id2 = login_id2; sd->gmlevel = gmlevel; memcpy(&sd->status, st, sizeof(*st)); if (st->sex != sd->status.sex) { clif_authfail_fd(sd->fd, 0); return false; } //Set the map-server used job id. [Skotlex] i = pc_jobid2mapid(sd->status.class_); if (i == -1) { //Invalid class? ShowError("pc_authok: Invalid class %d for player %s (%d:%d). Class was changed to novice.\n", sd->status.class_, sd->status.name, sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id); sd->status.class_ = JOB_NOVICE; sd->class_ = MAPID_NOVICE; } else sd->class_ = i; // Checks and fixes to character status data, that are required // in case of configuration change or stuff, which cannot be // checked on char-server. if( sd->status.hair < MIN_HAIR_STYLE || sd->status.hair > MAX_HAIR_STYLE ) { sd->status.hair = MIN_HAIR_STYLE; } if( sd->status.hair_color < MIN_HAIR_COLOR || sd->status.hair_color > MAX_HAIR_COLOR ) { sd->status.hair_color = MIN_HAIR_COLOR; } if( sd->status.clothes_color < MIN_CLOTH_COLOR || sd->status.clothes_color > MAX_CLOTH_COLOR ) { sd->status.clothes_color = MIN_CLOTH_COLOR; } //Initializations to null/0 unneeded since map_session_data was filled with 0 upon allocation. if(!sd->status.hp) pc_setdead(sd); sd->state.connect_new = 1; sd->followtimer = INVALID_TIMER; // [MouseJstr] sd->invincible_timer = INVALID_TIMER; sd->npc_timer_id = INVALID_TIMER; sd->pvp_timer = INVALID_TIMER; sd->canuseitem_tick = tick; sd->canusecashfood_tick = tick; sd->canequip_tick = tick; sd->cantalk_tick = tick; sd->cansendmail_tick = tick; for(i = 0; i < MAX_SKILL_LEVEL; i++) sd->spirit_timer[i] = INVALID_TIMER; for(i = 0; i < ARRAYLENGTH(sd->autobonus); i++) sd->autobonus[i].active = INVALID_TIMER; for(i = 0; i < ARRAYLENGTH(sd->autobonus2); i++) sd->autobonus2[i].active = INVALID_TIMER; for(i = 0; i < ARRAYLENGTH(sd->autobonus3); i++) sd->autobonus3[i].active = INVALID_TIMER; if (battle_config.item_auto_get) sd->state.autoloot = 10000; if (battle_config.disp_experience) sd->state.showexp = 1; if (battle_config.disp_zeny) sd->state.showzeny = 1; if (!(battle_config.display_skill_fail&2)) sd->state.showdelay = 1; pc_setinventorydata(sd); pc_setequipindex(sd); status_change_init(&sd->bl); if ((battle_config.atc_gmonly == 0 || pc_isGM(sd)) && (pc_isGM(sd) >= get_atcommand_level(atcommand_hide))) sd->status.option &= (OPTION_MASK | OPTION_INVISIBLE); else sd->status.option &= OPTION_MASK; sd->sc.option = sd->status.option; //This is the actual option used in battle. //Set here because we need the inventory data for weapon sprite parsing. status_set_viewdata(&sd->bl, sd->status.class_); unit_dataset(&sd->bl); sd->guild_x = -1; sd->guild_y = -1; // Event Timers for( i = 0; i < MAX_EVENTTIMER; i++ ) sd->eventtimer[i] = INVALID_TIMER; // Rental Timer sd->rental_timer = INVALID_TIMER; for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) sd->hate_mob[i] = -1; // ˆÊ’u‚ÌÝ’è if ((i=pc_setpos(sd,sd->status.last_point.map, sd->status.last_point.x, sd->status.last_point.y, CLR_OUTSIGHT)) != 0) { ShowError ("Last_point_map %s - id %d not found (error code %d)\n", mapindex_id2name(sd->status.last_point.map), sd->status.last_point.map, i); // try warping to a default map instead (church graveyard) if (pc_setpos(sd, mapindex_name2id(MAP_PRONTERA), 273, 354, CLR_OUTSIGHT) != 0) { // if we fail again clif_authfail_fd(sd->fd, 0); return false; } } clif_authok(sd); //Prevent S. Novices from getting the no-death bonus just yet. [Skotlex] sd->die_counter=-1; //display login notice if( sd->gmlevel >= battle_config.lowest_gm_level ) ShowInfo("GM '"CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET"' logged in." " (AID/CID: '"CL_WHITE"%d/%d"CL_RESET"'," " Packet Ver: '"CL_WHITE"%d"CL_RESET"', IP: '"CL_WHITE"%d.%d.%d.%d"CL_RESET"'," " GM Level '"CL_WHITE"%d"CL_RESET"').\n", sd->status.name, sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id, sd->packet_ver, CONVIP(ip), sd->gmlevel); else ShowInfo("'"CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET"' logged in." " (AID/CID: '"CL_WHITE"%d/%d"CL_RESET"'," " Packet Ver: '"CL_WHITE"%d"CL_RESET"', IP: '"CL_WHITE"%d.%d.%d.%d"CL_RESET"').\n", sd->status.name, sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id, sd->packet_ver, CONVIP(ip)); // Send friends list clif_friendslist_send(sd); if (battle_config.display_version == 1){ char buf[256]; sprintf(buf, "eAthena SVN version: %s", get_svn_revision()); clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, buf); } // Message of the Day [Valaris] for(i=0; motd_text[i][0] && i < MOTD_LINE_SIZE; i++) { if (battle_config.motd_type) clif_disp_onlyself(sd,motd_text[i],strlen(motd_text[i])); else clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, motd_text[i]); } // message of the limited time of the account if (expiration_time != 0) { // don't display if it's unlimited or unknow value char tmpstr[1024]; strftime(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr) - 1, msg_txt(501), localtime(&expiration_time)); // "Your account time limit is: %d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S." clif_wis_message(sd->fd, wisp_server_name, tmpstr, strlen(tmpstr)+1); } //Night message if (night_flag) { char tmpstr[1024]; strcpy(tmpstr, msg_txt(500)); // Actually, it's the night... clif_wis_message(sd->fd, wisp_server_name, tmpstr, strlen(tmpstr)+1); } // Request all registries (auth is considered completed whence they arrive) intif_request_registry(sd,7); return true; } /*========================================== * Closes a connection because it failed to be authenticated from the char server. *------------------------------------------*/ void pc_authfail(struct map_session_data *sd) { clif_authfail_fd(sd->fd, 0); return; } //Attempts to set a mob. int pc_set_hate_mob(struct map_session_data *sd, int pos, struct block_list *bl) { int class_; if (!sd || !bl || pos < 0 || pos > 2) return 0; if (sd->hate_mob[pos] != -1) { //Can't change hate targets. clif_hate_info(sd, pos, sd->hate_mob[pos], 0); //Display current return 0; } class_ = status_get_class(bl); if (!pcdb_checkid(class_)) { unsigned int max_hp = status_get_max_hp(bl); if ((pos == 1 && max_hp < 6000) || (pos == 2 && max_hp < 20000)) return 0; if (pos != status_get_size(bl)) return 0; //Wrong size } sd->hate_mob[pos] = class_; pc_setglobalreg(sd,sg_info[pos].hate_var,class_+1); clif_hate_info(sd, pos, class_, 1); return 1; } /*========================================== * Invoked once after the char/account/account2 registry variables are received. [Skotlex] *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_reg_received(struct map_session_data *sd) { int i,j; sd->change_level = pc_readglobalreg(sd,"jobchange_level"); sd->die_counter = pc_readglobalreg(sd,"PC_DIE_COUNTER"); // Cash shop sd->cashPoints = pc_readaccountreg(sd,"#CASHPOINTS"); sd->kafraPoints = pc_readaccountreg(sd,"#KAFRAPOINTS"); // Cooking Exp sd->cook_mastery = pc_readglobalreg(sd,"COOK_MASTERY"); if( (sd->class_&MAPID_BASEMASK) == MAPID_TAEKWON ) { // Better check for class rather than skill to prevent "skill resets" from unsetting this sd->mission_mobid = pc_readglobalreg(sd,"TK_MISSION_ID"); sd->mission_count = pc_readglobalreg(sd,"TK_MISSION_COUNT"); } //SG map and mob read [Komurka] for(i=0;ifeel_map[i].index = j; sd->feel_map[i].m = map_mapindex2mapid(j); } else { sd->feel_map[i].index = 0; sd->feel_map[i].m = -1; } sd->hate_mob[i] = pc_readglobalreg(sd,sg_info[i].hate_var)-1; } if ((i = pc_checkskill(sd,RG_PLAGIARISM)) > 0) { sd->cloneskill_id = pc_readglobalreg(sd,"CLONE_SKILL"); if (sd->cloneskill_id > 0) { sd->status.skill[sd->cloneskill_id].id = sd->cloneskill_id; sd->status.skill[sd->cloneskill_id].lv = pc_readglobalreg(sd,"CLONE_SKILL_LV"); if (sd->status.skill[sd->cloneskill_id].lv > i) sd->status.skill[sd->cloneskill_id].lv = i; sd->status.skill[sd->cloneskill_id].flag = SKILL_FLAG_PLAGIARIZED; } } //Weird... maybe registries were reloaded? if (sd->state.active) return 0; sd->state.active = 1; if (sd->status.party_id) party_member_joined(sd); if (sd->status.guild_id) guild_member_joined(sd); // pet if (sd->status.pet_id > 0) intif_request_petdata(sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id, sd->status.pet_id); // Homunculus [albator] if( sd->status.hom_id > 0 ) intif_homunculus_requestload(sd->status.account_id, sd->status.hom_id); if( sd->status.mer_id > 0 ) intif_mercenary_request(sd->status.mer_id, sd->status.char_id); map_addiddb(&sd->bl); map_delnickdb(sd->status.char_id, sd->status.name); if (!chrif_auth_finished(sd)) ShowError("pc_reg_received: Failed to properly remove player %d:%d from logging db!\n", sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id); status_calc_pc(sd,1); chrif_scdata_request(sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id); #ifndef TXT_ONLY intif_Mail_requestinbox(sd->status.char_id, 0); // MAIL SYSTEM - Request Mail Inbox intif_request_questlog(sd); #endif if (sd->state.connect_new == 0 && sd->fd) { //Character already loaded map! Gotta trigger LoadEndAck manually. sd->state.connect_new = 1; clif_parse_LoadEndAck(sd->fd, sd); } #ifndef TXT_ONLY pc_inventory_rentals(sd); #endif return 1; } static int pc_calc_skillpoint(struct map_session_data* sd) { int i,skill,inf2,skill_point=0; nullpo_ret(sd); for(i=1;i 0) { inf2 = skill_get_inf2(i); if((!(inf2&INF2_QUEST_SKILL) || battle_config.quest_skill_learn) && !(inf2&(INF2_WEDDING_SKILL|INF2_SPIRIT_SKILL)) //Do not count wedding/link skills. [Skotlex] ) { if(sd->status.skill[i].flag == SKILL_FLAG_PERMANENT) skill_point += skill; else if(sd->status.skill[i].flag >= SKILL_FLAG_REPLACED_LV_0) skill_point += (sd->status.skill[i].flag - SKILL_FLAG_REPLACED_LV_0); } } } return skill_point; } /*========================================== * ?‚¦‚ç‚ê‚éƒXƒLƒ‹‚ÌŒvŽZ *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_calc_skilltree(struct map_session_data *sd) { int i,id=0,flag; int c=0; nullpo_ret(sd); i = pc_calc_skilltree_normalize_job(sd); c = pc_mapid2jobid(i, sd->status.sex); if( c == -1 ) { //Unable to normalize job?? ShowError("pc_calc_skilltree: Unable to normalize job %d for character %s (%d:%d)\n", i, sd->status.name, sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id); return 1; } c = pc_class2idx(c); for( i = 0; i < MAX_SKILL; i++ ) { if( sd->status.skill[i].flag != SKILL_FLAG_PLAGIARIZED ) //Don't touch plagiarized skills sd->status.skill[i].id = 0; //First clear skills. } for( i = 0; i < MAX_SKILL; i++ ) { if( sd->status.skill[i].flag != SKILL_FLAG_PERMANENT && sd->status.skill[i].flag != SKILL_FLAG_PLAGIARIZED ) { // Restore original level of skills after deleting earned skills. sd->status.skill[i].lv = (sd->status.skill[i].flag == SKILL_FLAG_TEMPORARY) ? 0 : sd->status.skill[i].flag - SKILL_FLAG_REPLACED_LV_0; sd->status.skill[i].flag = SKILL_FLAG_PERMANENT; } if( sd->sc.count && sd->sc.data[SC_SPIRIT] && sd->sc.data[SC_SPIRIT]->val2 == SL_BARDDANCER && i >= DC_HUMMING && i<= DC_SERVICEFORYOU ) { //Enable Bard/Dancer spirit linked skills. if( sd->status.sex ) { //Link dancer skills to bard. if( sd->status.skill[i-8].lv < 10 ) continue; sd->status.skill[i].id = i; sd->status.skill[i].lv = sd->status.skill[i-8].lv; // Set the level to the same as the linking skill sd->status.skill[i].flag = SKILL_FLAG_TEMPORARY; // Tag it as a non-savable, non-uppable, bonus skill } else { //Link bard skills to dancer. if( sd->status.skill[i].lv < 10 ) continue; sd->status.skill[i-8].id = i - 8; sd->status.skill[i-8].lv = sd->status.skill[i].lv; // Set the level to the same as the linking skill sd->status.skill[i-8].flag = SKILL_FLAG_TEMPORARY; // Tag it as a non-savable, non-uppable, bonus skill } } } if( battle_config.gm_allskill > 0 && pc_isGM(sd) >= battle_config.gm_allskill ) { for( i = 0; i < MAX_SKILL; i++ ) { if( skill_get_inf2(i)&(INF2_NPC_SKILL|INF2_GUILD_SKILL) ) continue; //Only skills you can't have are npc/guild ones if( skill_get_max(i) > 0 ) sd->status.skill[i].id = i; } return 0; } do { flag = 0; for( i = 0; i < MAX_SKILL_TREE && (id = skill_tree[c][i].id) > 0; i++ ) { int j, f, k, inf2; if( sd->status.skill[id].id ) continue; //Skill already known. f = 1; if(!battle_config.skillfree) { for(j = 0; j < MAX_PC_SKILL_REQUIRE; j++) { if((k=skill_tree[c][i].need[j].id)) { if (sd->status.skill[k].id == 0 || sd->status.skill[k].flag == SKILL_FLAG_TEMPORARY || sd->status.skill[k].flag == SKILL_FLAG_PLAGIARIZED) k = 0; //Not learned. else if (sd->status.skill[k].flag >= SKILL_FLAG_REPLACED_LV_0) //Real lerned level k = sd->status.skill[skill_tree[c][i].need[j].id].flag - SKILL_FLAG_REPLACED_LV_0; else k = pc_checkskill(sd,k); if (k < skill_tree[c][i].need[j].lv) { f = 0; break; } } } if( sd->status.job_level < skill_tree[c][i].joblv ) f = 0; // job level requirement wasn't satisfied } if( f ) { inf2 = skill_get_inf2(id); if(!sd->status.skill[id].lv && ( (inf2&INF2_QUEST_SKILL && !battle_config.quest_skill_learn) || inf2&INF2_WEDDING_SKILL || (inf2&INF2_SPIRIT_SKILL && !sd->sc.data[SC_SPIRIT]) )) continue; //Cannot be learned via normal means. Note this check DOES allows raising already known skills. sd->status.skill[id].id = id; if(inf2&INF2_SPIRIT_SKILL) { //Spirit skills cannot be learned, they will only show up on your tree when you get buffed. sd->status.skill[id].lv = 1; // need to manually specify a skill level sd->status.skill[id].flag = SKILL_FLAG_TEMPORARY; //So it is not saved, and tagged as a "bonus" skill. } flag = 1; // skill list has changed, perform another pass } } } while(flag); // if( c > 0 && (sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) == MAPID_TAEKWON && sd->status.base_level >= 90 && sd->status.skill_point == 0 && pc_famerank(sd->status.char_id, MAPID_TAEKWON) ) { /* Taekwon Ranger Bonus Skill Tree ============================================ - Grant All Taekwon Tree, but only as Bonus Skills in case they drop from ranking. - (c > 0) to avoid grant Novice Skill Tree in case of Skill Reset (need more logic) - (sd->status.skill_point == 0) to wait until all skill points are asigned to avoid problems with Job Change quest. */ for( i = 0; i < MAX_SKILL_TREE && (id = skill_tree[c][i].id) > 0; i++ ) { if( (skill_get_inf2(id)&(INF2_QUEST_SKILL|INF2_WEDDING_SKILL)) ) continue; //Do not include Quest/Wedding skills. if( sd->status.skill[id].id == 0 ) { sd->status.skill[id].id = id; sd->status.skill[id].flag = SKILL_FLAG_TEMPORARY; // So it is not saved, and tagged as a "bonus" skill. } else { sd->status.skill[id].flag = SKILL_FLAG_REPLACED_LV_0 + sd->status.skill[id].lv; // Remember original level } sd->status.skill[id].lv = skill_tree_get_max(id, sd->status.class_); } } return 0; } //Checks if you can learn a new skill after having leveled up a skill. static void pc_check_skilltree(struct map_session_data *sd, int skill) { int i,id=0,flag; int c=0; if(battle_config.skillfree) return; //Function serves no purpose if this is set i = pc_calc_skilltree_normalize_job(sd); c = pc_mapid2jobid(i, sd->status.sex); if (c == -1) { //Unable to normalize job?? ShowError("pc_check_skilltree: Unable to normalize job %d for character %s (%d:%d)\n", i, sd->status.name, sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id); return; } c = pc_class2idx(c); do { flag = 0; for( i = 0; i < MAX_SKILL_TREE && (id=skill_tree[c][i].id)>0; i++ ) { int j, f = 1, k; if( sd->status.skill[id].id ) //Already learned continue; for( j = 0; j < MAX_PC_SKILL_REQUIRE; j++ ) { if( (k = skill_tree[c][i].need[j].id) ) { if( sd->status.skill[k].id == 0 || sd->status.skill[k].flag == SKILL_FLAG_TEMPORARY || sd->status.skill[k].flag == SKILL_FLAG_PLAGIARIZED ) k = 0; //Not learned. else if( sd->status.skill[k].flag >= SKILL_FLAG_REPLACED_LV_0) //Real lerned level k = sd->status.skill[skill_tree[c][i].need[j].id].flag - SKILL_FLAG_REPLACED_LV_0; else k = pc_checkskill(sd,k); if( k < skill_tree[c][i].need[j].lv ) { f = 0; break; } } } if( !f ) continue; if( sd->status.job_level < skill_tree[c][i].joblv ) continue; j = skill_get_inf2(id); if( !sd->status.skill[id].lv && ( (j&INF2_QUEST_SKILL && !battle_config.quest_skill_learn) || j&INF2_WEDDING_SKILL || (j&INF2_SPIRIT_SKILL && !sd->sc.data[SC_SPIRIT]) ) ) continue; //Cannot be learned via normal means. sd->status.skill[id].id = id; flag = 1; } } while(flag); } // Make sure all the skills are in the correct condition // before persisting to the backend.. [MouseJstr] int pc_clean_skilltree(struct map_session_data *sd) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_SKILL; i++){ if (sd->status.skill[i].flag == SKILL_FLAG_TEMPORARY || sd->status.skill[i].flag == SKILL_FLAG_PLAGIARIZED) { sd->status.skill[i].id = 0; sd->status.skill[i].lv = 0; sd->status.skill[i].flag = 0; } else if (sd->status.skill[i].flag >= SKILL_FLAG_REPLACED_LV_0){ sd->status.skill[i].lv = sd->status.skill[i].flag - SKILL_FLAG_REPLACED_LV_0; sd->status.skill[i].flag = 0; } } return 0; } int pc_calc_skilltree_normalize_job(struct map_session_data *sd) { int skill_point; int c = sd->class_; if (!battle_config.skillup_limit) return c; skill_point = pc_calc_skillpoint(sd); if(pc_checkskill(sd, NV_BASIC) < 9) //Consider Novice Tree when you don't have NV_BASIC maxed. c = MAPID_NOVICE; else //Do not send S. Novices to first class (Novice) if ((sd->class_&JOBL_2) && (sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) != MAPID_SUPER_NOVICE && sd->status.skill_point >= sd->status.job_level && ((sd->change_level > 0 && skill_point < sd->change_level+8) || skill_point < 58)) { //Send it to first class. c &= MAPID_BASEMASK; } if (sd->class_&JOBL_UPPER) //Convert to Upper c |= JOBL_UPPER; else if (sd->class_&JOBL_BABY) //Convert to Baby c |= JOBL_BABY; return c; } /*========================================== * Updates the weight status *------------------------------------------ * 1: overweight 50% * 2: overweight 90% * It's assumed that SC_WEIGHT50 and SC_WEIGHT90 are only started/stopped here. */ int pc_updateweightstatus(struct map_session_data *sd) { int old_overweight; int new_overweight; nullpo_retr(1, sd); old_overweight = (sd->sc.data[SC_WEIGHT90]) ? 2 : (sd->sc.data[SC_WEIGHT50]) ? 1 : 0; new_overweight = (pc_is90overweight(sd)) ? 2 : (pc_is50overweight(sd)) ? 1 : 0; if( old_overweight == new_overweight ) return 0; // no change // stop old status change if( old_overweight == 1 ) status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_WEIGHT50, INVALID_TIMER); else if( old_overweight == 2 ) status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_WEIGHT90, INVALID_TIMER); // start new status change if( new_overweight == 1 ) sc_start(&sd->bl, SC_WEIGHT50, 100, 0, 0); else if( new_overweight == 2 ) sc_start(&sd->bl, SC_WEIGHT90, 100, 0, 0); // update overweight status sd->regen.state.overweight = new_overweight; return 0; } int pc_disguise(struct map_session_data *sd, int class_) { if (!class_ && !sd->disguise) return 0; if (class_ && sd->disguise == class_) return 0; if(sd->sc.option&OPTION_INVISIBLE) { //Character is invisible. Stealth class-change. [Skotlex] sd->disguise = class_; //viewdata is set on uncloaking. return 2; } if (sd->bl.prev != NULL) { pc_stop_walking(sd, 0); clif_clearunit_area(&sd->bl, CLR_OUTSIGHT); } if (!class_) { sd->disguise = 0; class_ = sd->status.class_; } else sd->disguise=class_; status_set_viewdata(&sd->bl, class_); clif_changeoption(&sd->bl); if (sd->bl.prev != NULL) { clif_spawn(&sd->bl); if (class_ == sd->status.class_ && pc_iscarton(sd)) { //It seems the cart info is lost on undisguise. clif_cartlist(sd); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_CARTINFO); } } return 1; } static int pc_bonus_autospell(struct s_autospell *spell, int max, short id, short lv, short rate, short flag, short card_id) { int i; if( !rate ) return 0; for( i = 0; i < max && spell[i].id; i++ ) { if( (spell[i].card_id == card_id || spell[i].rate < 0 || rate < 0) && spell[i].id == id && spell[i].lv == lv ) { if( !battle_config.autospell_stacking && spell[i].rate > 0 && rate > 0 ) return 0; rate += spell[i].rate; break; } } if (i == max) { ShowWarning("pc_bonus: Reached max (%d) number of autospells per character!\n", max); return 0; } spell[i].id = id; spell[i].lv = lv; spell[i].rate = rate; //Auto-update flag value. if (!(flag&BF_RANGEMASK)) flag|=BF_SHORT|BF_LONG; //No range defined? Use both. if (!(flag&BF_WEAPONMASK)) flag|=BF_WEAPON; //No attack type defined? Use weapon. if (!(flag&BF_SKILLMASK)) { if (flag&(BF_MAGIC|BF_MISC)) flag|=BF_SKILL; //These two would never trigger without BF_SKILL if (flag&BF_WEAPON) flag|=BF_NORMAL; //By default autospells should only trigger on normal weapon attacks. } spell[i].flag|= flag; spell[i].card_id = card_id; return 1; } static int pc_bonus_autospell_onskill(struct s_autospell *spell, int max, short src_skill, short id, short lv, short rate, short card_id) { int i; if( !rate ) return 0; for( i = 0; i < max && spell[i].id; i++ ) { ; // each autospell works independently } if( i == max ) { ShowWarning("pc_bonus: Reached max (%d) number of autospells per character!\n", max); return 0; } spell[i].flag = src_skill; spell[i].id = id; spell[i].lv = lv; spell[i].rate = rate; spell[i].card_id = card_id; return 1; } static int pc_bonus_addeff(struct s_addeffect* effect, int max, enum sc_type id, short rate, short arrow_rate, unsigned char flag) { int i; if (!(flag&(ATF_SHORT|ATF_LONG))) flag|=ATF_SHORT|ATF_LONG; //Default range: both if (!(flag&(ATF_TARGET|ATF_SELF))) flag|=ATF_TARGET; //Default target: enemy. if (!(flag&(ATF_WEAPON|ATF_MAGIC|ATF_MISC))) flag|=ATF_WEAPON; //Default type: weapon. for (i = 0; i < max && effect[i].flag; i++) { if (effect[i].id == id && effect[i].flag == flag) { effect[i].rate += rate; effect[i].arrow_rate += arrow_rate; return 1; } } if (i == max) { ShowWarning("pc_bonus: Reached max (%d) number of add effects per character!\n", max); return 0; } effect[i].id = id; effect[i].rate = rate; effect[i].arrow_rate = arrow_rate; effect[i].flag = flag; return 1; } static int pc_bonus_addeff_onskill(struct s_addeffectonskill* effect, int max, enum sc_type id, short rate, short skill, unsigned char target) { int i; for( i = 0; i < max && effect[i].skill; i++ ) { if( effect[i].id == id && effect[i].skill == skill && effect[i].target == target ) { effect[i].rate += rate; return 1; } } if( i == max ) { ShowWarning("pc_bonus: Reached max (%d) number of add effects on skill per character!\n", max); return 0; } effect[i].id = id; effect[i].rate = rate; effect[i].skill = skill; effect[i].target = target; return 1; } static int pc_bonus_item_drop(struct s_add_drop *drop, const short max, short id, short group, int race, int rate) { int i; //Apply config rate adjustment settings. if (rate >= 0) { //Absolute drop. if (battle_config.item_rate_adddrop != 100) rate = rate*battle_config.item_rate_adddrop/100; if (rate < battle_config.item_drop_adddrop_min) rate = battle_config.item_drop_adddrop_min; else if (rate > battle_config.item_drop_adddrop_max) rate = battle_config.item_drop_adddrop_max; } else { //Relative drop, max/min limits are applied at drop time. if (battle_config.item_rate_adddrop != 100) rate = rate*battle_config.item_rate_adddrop/100; if (rate > -1) rate = -1; } for(i = 0; i < max && (drop[i].id || drop[i].group); i++) { if( ((id && drop[i].id == id) || (group && drop[i].group == group)) && race > 0 ) { drop[i].race |= race; if(drop[i].rate > 0 && rate > 0) { //Both are absolute rates. if (drop[i].rate < rate) drop[i].rate = rate; } else if(drop[i].rate < 0 && rate < 0) { //Both are relative rates. if (drop[i].rate > rate) drop[i].rate = rate; } else if (rate < 0) //Give preference to relative rate. drop[i].rate = rate; return 1; } } if(i == max) { ShowWarning("pc_bonus: Reached max (%d) number of added drops per character!\n", max); return 0; } drop[i].id = id; drop[i].group = group; drop[i].race |= race; drop[i].rate = rate; return 1; } int pc_addautobonus(struct s_autobonus *bonus,char max,const char *script,short rate,unsigned int dur,short flag,const char *other_script,unsigned short pos,bool onskill) { int i; ARR_FIND(0, max, i, bonus[i].rate == 0); if( i == max ) { ShowWarning("pc_addautobonus: Reached max (%d) number of autobonus per character!\n", max); return 0; } if( !onskill ) { if( !(flag&BF_RANGEMASK) ) flag|=BF_SHORT|BF_LONG; //No range defined? Use both. if( !(flag&BF_WEAPONMASK) ) flag|=BF_WEAPON; //No attack type defined? Use weapon. if( !(flag&BF_SKILLMASK) ) { if( flag&(BF_MAGIC|BF_MISC) ) flag|=BF_SKILL; //These two would never trigger without BF_SKILL if( flag&BF_WEAPON ) flag|=BF_NORMAL|BF_SKILL; } } bonus[i].rate = rate; bonus[i].duration = dur; bonus[i].active = INVALID_TIMER; bonus[i].atk_type = flag; bonus[i].pos = pos; bonus[i].bonus_script = aStrdup(script); bonus[i].other_script = other_script?aStrdup(other_script):NULL; return 1; } int pc_delautobonus(struct map_session_data* sd, struct s_autobonus *autobonus,char max,bool restore) { int i; nullpo_ret(sd); for( i = 0; i < max; i++ ) { if( autobonus[i].active != INVALID_TIMER ) { if( restore && sd->state.autobonus&autobonus[i].pos ) { if( autobonus[i].bonus_script ) { int j; ARR_FIND( 0, EQI_MAX-1, j, sd->equip_index[j] >= 0 && sd->status.inventory[sd->equip_index[j]].equip == autobonus[i].pos ); if( j < EQI_MAX-1 ) script_run_autobonus(autobonus[i].bonus_script,sd->bl.id,sd->equip_index[j]); } continue; } else { // Logout / Unequipped an item with an activated bonus delete_timer(autobonus[i].active,pc_endautobonus); autobonus[i].active = INVALID_TIMER; } } if( autobonus[i].bonus_script ) aFree(autobonus[i].bonus_script); if( autobonus[i].other_script ) aFree(autobonus[i].other_script); autobonus[i].bonus_script = autobonus[i].other_script = NULL; autobonus[i].rate = autobonus[i].atk_type = autobonus[i].duration = autobonus[i].pos = 0; autobonus[i].active = INVALID_TIMER; } return 0; } int pc_exeautobonus(struct map_session_data *sd,struct s_autobonus *autobonus) { nullpo_ret(sd); nullpo_ret(autobonus); if( autobonus->other_script ) { int j; ARR_FIND( 0, EQI_MAX-1, j, sd->equip_index[j] >= 0 && sd->status.inventory[sd->equip_index[j]].equip == autobonus->pos ); if( j < EQI_MAX-1 ) script_run_autobonus(autobonus->other_script,sd->bl.id,sd->equip_index[j]); } autobonus->active = add_timer(gettick()+autobonus->duration, pc_endautobonus, sd->bl.id, (intptr_t)autobonus); sd->state.autobonus |= autobonus->pos; status_calc_pc(sd,0); return 0; } int pc_endautobonus(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr_t data) { struct map_session_data *sd = map_id2sd(id); struct s_autobonus *autobonus = (struct s_autobonus *)data; nullpo_ret(sd); nullpo_ret(autobonus); autobonus->active = INVALID_TIMER; sd->state.autobonus &= ~autobonus->pos; status_calc_pc(sd,0); return 0; } int pc_bonus_addele(struct map_session_data* sd, unsigned char ele, short rate, short flag) { int i; struct weapon_data* wd; wd = (sd->state.lr_flag ? &sd->left_weapon : &sd->right_weapon); ARR_FIND(0, MAX_PC_BONUS, i, wd->addele2[i].rate == 0); if (i == MAX_PC_BONUS) { ShowWarning("pc_addele: Reached max (%d) possible bonuses for this player.\n", MAX_PC_BONUS); return 0; } if (!(flag&BF_RANGEMASK)) flag |= BF_SHORT|BF_LONG; if (!(flag&BF_WEAPONMASK)) flag |= BF_WEAPON; if (!(flag&BF_SKILLMASK)) { if (flag&(BF_MAGIC|BF_MISC)) flag |= BF_SKILL; if (flag&BF_WEAPON) flag |= BF_NORMAL|BF_SKILL; } wd->addele2[i].ele = ele; wd->addele2[i].rate = rate; wd->addele2[i].flag = flag; return 0; } int pc_bonus_subele(struct map_session_data* sd, unsigned char ele, short rate, short flag) { int i; ARR_FIND(0, MAX_PC_BONUS, i, sd->subele2[i].rate == 0); if (i == MAX_PC_BONUS) { ShowWarning("pc_subele: Reached max (%d) possible bonuses for this player.\n", MAX_PC_BONUS); return 0; } if (!(flag&BF_RANGEMASK)) flag |= BF_SHORT|BF_LONG; if (!(flag&BF_WEAPONMASK)) flag |= BF_WEAPON; if (!(flag&BF_SKILLMASK)) { if (flag&(BF_MAGIC|BF_MISC)) flag |= BF_SKILL; if (flag&BF_WEAPON) flag |= BF_NORMAL|BF_SKILL; } sd->subele2[i].ele = ele; sd->subele2[i].rate = rate; sd->subele2[i].flag = flag; return 0; } /*========================================== * ? ”õ•i‚É‚æ‚é”\—Í“™‚̃{?ƒiƒXÝ’è *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_bonus(struct map_session_data *sd,int type,int val) { struct status_data *status; int bonus; nullpo_ret(sd); status = &sd->base_status; switch(type){ case SP_STR: case SP_AGI: case SP_VIT: case SP_INT: case SP_DEX: case SP_LUK: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->param_bonus[type-SP_STR]+=val; break; case SP_ATK1: if(!sd->state.lr_flag) { bonus = status->rhw.atk + val; status->rhw.atk = cap_value(bonus, 0, USHRT_MAX); } else if(sd->state.lr_flag == 1) { bonus = status->lhw.atk + val; status->lhw.atk = cap_value(bonus, 0, USHRT_MAX); } break; case SP_ATK2: if(!sd->state.lr_flag) { bonus = status->rhw.atk2 + val; status->rhw.atk2 = cap_value(bonus, 0, USHRT_MAX); } else if(sd->state.lr_flag == 1) { bonus = status->lhw.atk2 + val; status->lhw.atk2 = cap_value(bonus, 0, USHRT_MAX); } break; case SP_BASE_ATK: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) { bonus = status->batk + val; status->batk = cap_value(bonus, 0, USHRT_MAX); } break; case SP_DEF1: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) { bonus = status->def + val; status->def = cap_value(bonus, CHAR_MIN, CHAR_MAX); } break; case SP_DEF2: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) { bonus = status->def2 + val; status->def2 = cap_value(bonus, SHRT_MIN, SHRT_MAX); } break; case SP_MDEF1: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) { bonus = status->mdef + val; status->mdef = cap_value(bonus, CHAR_MIN, CHAR_MAX); } break; case SP_MDEF2: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) { bonus = status->mdef2 + val; status->mdef2 = cap_value(bonus, SHRT_MIN, SHRT_MAX); } break; case SP_HIT: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) { bonus = status->hit + val; status->hit = cap_value(bonus, SHRT_MIN, SHRT_MAX); } else sd->arrow_hit+=val; break; case SP_FLEE1: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) { bonus = status->flee + val; status->flee = cap_value(bonus, SHRT_MIN, SHRT_MAX); } break; case SP_FLEE2: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) { bonus = status->flee2 + val*10; status->flee2 = cap_value(bonus, SHRT_MIN, SHRT_MAX); } break; case SP_CRITICAL: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) { bonus = status->cri + val*10; status->cri = cap_value(bonus, SHRT_MIN, SHRT_MAX); } else sd->arrow_cri += val*10; break; case SP_ATKELE: if(val >= ELE_MAX) { ShowError("pc_bonus: SP_ATKELE: Invalid element %d\n", val); break; } switch (sd->state.lr_flag) { case 2: switch (sd->status.weapon) { case W_BOW: case W_REVOLVER: case W_RIFLE: case W_GATLING: case W_SHOTGUN: case W_GRENADE: //Become weapon element. status->rhw.ele=val; break; default: //Become arrow element. sd->arrow_ele=val; break; } break; case 1: status->lhw.ele=val; break; default: status->rhw.ele=val; break; } break; case SP_DEFELE: if(val >= ELE_MAX) { ShowError("pc_bonus: SP_DEFELE: Invalid element %d\n", val); break; } if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) status->def_ele=val; break; case SP_MAXHP: if(sd->state.lr_flag == 2) break; val += (int)status->max_hp; //Negative bonuses will underflow, this will be handled in status_calc_pc through casting //If this is called outside of status_calc_pc, you'd better pray they do not underflow and end with UINT_MAX max_hp. status->max_hp = (unsigned int)val; break; case SP_MAXSP: if(sd->state.lr_flag == 2) break; val += (int)status->max_sp; status->max_sp = (unsigned int)val; break; case SP_CASTRATE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->castrate+=val; break; case SP_MAXHPRATE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->hprate+=val; break; case SP_MAXSPRATE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->sprate+=val; break; case SP_SPRATE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->dsprate+=val; break; case SP_ATTACKRANGE: switch (sd->state.lr_flag) { case 2: switch (sd->status.weapon) { case W_BOW: case W_REVOLVER: case W_RIFLE: case W_GATLING: case W_SHOTGUN: case W_GRENADE: status->rhw.range += val; } break; case 1: status->lhw.range += val; break; default: status->rhw.range += val; break; } break; case SP_SPEED_RATE: //Non stackable increase if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->speed_rate = min(sd->speed_rate, -val); break; case SP_SPEED_ADDRATE: //Stackable increase if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->speed_add_rate -= val; break; case SP_ASPD: //Raw increase if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->aspd_add -= 10*val; break; case SP_ASPD_RATE: //Stackable increase - Made it linear as per rodatazone if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) status->aspd_rate -= 10*val; break; case SP_HP_RECOV_RATE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->hprecov_rate += val; break; case SP_SP_RECOV_RATE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->sprecov_rate += val; break; case SP_CRITICAL_DEF: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->critical_def += val; break; case SP_NEAR_ATK_DEF: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->near_attack_def_rate += val; break; case SP_LONG_ATK_DEF: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->long_attack_def_rate += val; break; case SP_DOUBLE_RATE: if(sd->state.lr_flag == 0 && sd->double_rate < val) sd->double_rate = val; break; case SP_DOUBLE_ADD_RATE: if(sd->state.lr_flag == 0) sd->double_add_rate += val; break; case SP_MATK_RATE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->matk_rate += val; break; case SP_IGNORE_DEF_ELE: if(val >= ELE_MAX) { ShowError("pc_bonus: SP_IGNORE_DEF_ELE: Invalid element %d\n", val); break; } if(!sd->state.lr_flag) sd->right_weapon.ignore_def_ele |= 1<state.lr_flag == 1) sd->left_weapon.ignore_def_ele |= 1<state.lr_flag) sd->right_weapon.ignore_def_race |= 1<state.lr_flag == 1) sd->left_weapon.ignore_def_race |= 1<state.lr_flag != 2) sd->atk_rate += val; break; case SP_MAGIC_ATK_DEF: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->magic_def_rate += val; break; case SP_MISC_ATK_DEF: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->misc_def_rate += val; break; case SP_IGNORE_MDEF_RATE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) { sd->ignore_mdef[RC_NONBOSS] += val; sd->ignore_mdef[RC_BOSS] += val; } break; case SP_IGNORE_MDEF_ELE: if(val >= ELE_MAX) { ShowError("pc_bonus: SP_IGNORE_MDEF_ELE: Invalid element %d\n", val); break; } if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->ignore_mdef_ele |= 1<state.lr_flag != 2) sd->ignore_mdef_race |= 1<state.lr_flag != 2 && sd->perfect_hit < val) sd->perfect_hit = val; break; case SP_PERFECT_HIT_ADD_RATE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->perfect_hit_add += val; break; case SP_CRITICAL_RATE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->critical_rate+=val; break; case SP_DEF_RATIO_ATK_ELE: if(val >= ELE_MAX) { ShowError("pc_bonus: SP_DEF_RATIO_ATK_ELE: Invalid element %d\n", val); break; } if(!sd->state.lr_flag) sd->right_weapon.def_ratio_atk_ele |= 1<state.lr_flag == 1) sd->left_weapon.def_ratio_atk_ele |= 1<= RC_MAX) { ShowError("pc_bonus: SP_DEF_RATIO_ATK_RACE: Invalid race %d\n", val); break; } if(!sd->state.lr_flag) sd->right_weapon.def_ratio_atk_race |= 1<state.lr_flag == 1) sd->left_weapon.def_ratio_atk_race |= 1<state.lr_flag != 2) sd->hit_rate += val; break; case SP_FLEE_RATE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->flee_rate += val; break; case SP_FLEE2_RATE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->flee2_rate += val; break; case SP_DEF_RATE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->def_rate += val; break; case SP_DEF2_RATE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->def2_rate += val; break; case SP_MDEF_RATE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->mdef_rate += val; break; case SP_MDEF2_RATE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->mdef2_rate += val; break; case SP_RESTART_FULL_RECOVER: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->special_state.restart_full_recover = 1; break; case SP_NO_CASTCANCEL: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->special_state.no_castcancel = 1; break; case SP_NO_CASTCANCEL2: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->special_state.no_castcancel2 = 1; break; case SP_NO_SIZEFIX: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->special_state.no_sizefix = 1; break; case SP_NO_MAGIC_DAMAGE: if(sd->state.lr_flag == 2) break; val+= sd->special_state.no_magic_damage; sd->special_state.no_magic_damage = cap_value(val,0,100); break; case SP_NO_WEAPON_DAMAGE: if(sd->state.lr_flag == 2) break; val+= sd->special_state.no_weapon_damage; sd->special_state.no_weapon_damage = cap_value(val,0,100); break; case SP_NO_MISC_DAMAGE: if(sd->state.lr_flag == 2) break; val+= sd->special_state.no_misc_damage; sd->special_state.no_misc_damage = cap_value(val,0,100); break; case SP_NO_GEMSTONE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->special_state.no_gemstone = 1; break; case SP_INTRAVISION: // Maya Purple Card effect allowing to see Hiding/Cloaking people [DracoRPG] if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) { sd->special_state.intravision = 1; clif_status_load(&sd->bl, SI_INTRAVISION, 1); } break; case SP_NO_KNOCKBACK: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->special_state.no_knockback = 1; break; case SP_SPLASH_RANGE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2 && sd->splash_range < val) sd->splash_range = val; break; case SP_SPLASH_ADD_RANGE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->splash_add_range += val; break; case SP_SHORT_WEAPON_DAMAGE_RETURN: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->short_weapon_damage_return += val; break; case SP_LONG_WEAPON_DAMAGE_RETURN: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->long_weapon_damage_return += val; break; case SP_MAGIC_DAMAGE_RETURN: //AppleGirl Was Here if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->magic_damage_return += val; break; case SP_ALL_STATS: // [Valaris] if(sd->state.lr_flag!=2) { sd->param_bonus[SP_STR-SP_STR]+=val; sd->param_bonus[SP_AGI-SP_STR]+=val; sd->param_bonus[SP_VIT-SP_STR]+=val; sd->param_bonus[SP_INT-SP_STR]+=val; sd->param_bonus[SP_DEX-SP_STR]+=val; sd->param_bonus[SP_LUK-SP_STR]+=val; } break; case SP_AGI_VIT: // [Valaris] if(sd->state.lr_flag!=2) { sd->param_bonus[SP_AGI-SP_STR]+=val; sd->param_bonus[SP_VIT-SP_STR]+=val; } break; case SP_AGI_DEX_STR: // [Valaris] if(sd->state.lr_flag!=2) { sd->param_bonus[SP_AGI-SP_STR]+=val; sd->param_bonus[SP_DEX-SP_STR]+=val; sd->param_bonus[SP_STR-SP_STR]+=val; } break; case SP_PERFECT_HIDE: // [Valaris] if(sd->state.lr_flag!=2) sd->special_state.perfect_hiding=1; break; case SP_UNBREAKABLE: if(sd->state.lr_flag!=2) sd->unbreakable += val; break; case SP_UNBREAKABLE_WEAPON: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->unbreakable_equip |= EQP_WEAPON; break; case SP_UNBREAKABLE_ARMOR: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->unbreakable_equip |= EQP_ARMOR; break; case SP_UNBREAKABLE_HELM: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->unbreakable_equip |= EQP_HELM; break; case SP_UNBREAKABLE_SHIELD: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->unbreakable_equip |= EQP_SHIELD; break; case SP_UNBREAKABLE_GARMENT: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->unbreakable_equip |= EQP_GARMENT; break; case SP_UNBREAKABLE_SHOES: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->unbreakable_equip |= EQP_SHOES; break; case SP_CLASSCHANGE: // [Valaris] if(sd->state.lr_flag !=2) sd->classchange=val; break; case SP_LONG_ATK_RATE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) //[Lupus] it should stack, too. As any other cards rate bonuses sd->long_attack_atk_rate+=val; break; case SP_BREAK_WEAPON_RATE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->break_weapon_rate+=val; break; case SP_BREAK_ARMOR_RATE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->break_armor_rate+=val; break; case SP_ADD_STEAL_RATE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->add_steal_rate+=val; break; case SP_DELAYRATE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->delayrate+=val; break; case SP_CRIT_ATK_RATE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->crit_atk_rate += val; break; case SP_NO_REGEN: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->regen.state.block|=val; break; case SP_UNSTRIPABLE_WEAPON: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->unstripable_equip |= EQP_WEAPON; break; case SP_UNSTRIPABLE: case SP_UNSTRIPABLE_ARMOR: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->unstripable_equip |= EQP_ARMOR; break; case SP_UNSTRIPABLE_HELM: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->unstripable_equip |= EQP_HELM; break; case SP_UNSTRIPABLE_SHIELD: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->unstripable_equip |= EQP_SHIELD; break; case SP_HP_DRAIN_VALUE: if(!sd->state.lr_flag) { sd->right_weapon.hp_drain[RC_NONBOSS].value += val; sd->right_weapon.hp_drain[RC_BOSS].value += val; } else if(sd->state.lr_flag == 1) { sd->left_weapon.hp_drain[RC_NONBOSS].value += val; sd->left_weapon.hp_drain[RC_BOSS].value += val; } break; case SP_SP_DRAIN_VALUE: if(!sd->state.lr_flag) { sd->right_weapon.sp_drain[RC_NONBOSS].value += val; sd->right_weapon.sp_drain[RC_BOSS].value += val; } else if(sd->state.lr_flag == 1) { sd->left_weapon.sp_drain[RC_NONBOSS].value += val; sd->left_weapon.sp_drain[RC_BOSS].value += val; } break; case SP_SP_GAIN_VALUE: if(!sd->state.lr_flag) sd->sp_gain_value += val; break; case SP_HP_GAIN_VALUE: if(!sd->state.lr_flag) sd->hp_gain_value += val; break; case SP_MAGIC_SP_GAIN_VALUE: if(!sd->state.lr_flag) sd->magic_sp_gain_value += val; break; case SP_MAGIC_HP_GAIN_VALUE: if(!sd->state.lr_flag) sd->magic_hp_gain_value += val; break; case SP_ADD_HEAL_RATE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->add_heal_rate += val; break; case SP_ADD_HEAL2_RATE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->add_heal2_rate += val; break; case SP_ADD_ITEM_HEAL_RATE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->itemhealrate2 += val; break; default: ShowWarning("pc_bonus: unknown type %d %d !\n",type,val); break; } return 0; } /*========================================== * ? ”õ•i‚É‚æ‚é”\—Í“™‚̃{?ƒiƒXÝ’è *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_bonus2(struct map_session_data *sd,int type,int type2,int val) { int i; nullpo_ret(sd); switch(type){ case SP_ADDELE: if(type2 >= ELE_MAX) { ShowError("pc_bonus2: SP_ADDELE: Invalid element %d\n", type2); break; } if(!sd->state.lr_flag) sd->right_weapon.addele[type2]+=val; else if(sd->state.lr_flag == 1) sd->left_weapon.addele[type2]+=val; else if(sd->state.lr_flag == 2) sd->arrow_addele[type2]+=val; break; case SP_ADDRACE: if(!sd->state.lr_flag) sd->right_weapon.addrace[type2]+=val; else if(sd->state.lr_flag == 1) sd->left_weapon.addrace[type2]+=val; else if(sd->state.lr_flag == 2) sd->arrow_addrace[type2]+=val; break; case SP_ADDSIZE: if(!sd->state.lr_flag) sd->right_weapon.addsize[type2]+=val; else if(sd->state.lr_flag == 1) sd->left_weapon.addsize[type2]+=val; else if(sd->state.lr_flag == 2) sd->arrow_addsize[type2]+=val; break; case SP_SUBELE: if(type2 >= ELE_MAX) { ShowError("pc_bonus2: SP_SUBELE: Invalid element %d\n", type2); break; } if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->subele[type2]+=val; break; case SP_SUBRACE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->subrace[type2]+=val; break; case SP_ADDEFF: if (type2 > SC_MAX) { ShowWarning("pc_bonus2 (Add Effect): %d is not supported.\n", type2); break; } pc_bonus_addeff(sd->addeff, ARRAYLENGTH(sd->addeff), (sc_type)type2, sd->state.lr_flag!=2?val:0, sd->state.lr_flag==2?val:0, 0); break; case SP_ADDEFF2: if (type2 > SC_MAX) { ShowWarning("pc_bonus2 (Add Effect2): %d is not supported.\n", type2); break; } pc_bonus_addeff(sd->addeff, ARRAYLENGTH(sd->addeff), (sc_type)type2, sd->state.lr_flag!=2?val:0, sd->state.lr_flag==2?val:0, ATF_SELF); break; case SP_RESEFF: if (type2 < SC_COMMON_MIN || type2 > SC_COMMON_MAX) { ShowWarning("pc_bonus2 (Resist Effect): %d is not supported.\n", type2); break; } if(sd->state.lr_flag == 2) break; i = sd->reseff[type2-SC_COMMON_MIN]+val; sd->reseff[type2-SC_COMMON_MIN]= cap_value(i, 0, 10000); break; case SP_MAGIC_ADDELE: if(type2 >= ELE_MAX) { ShowError("pc_bonus2: SP_MAGIC_ADDELE: Invalid element %d\n", type2); break; } if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->magic_addele[type2]+=val; break; case SP_MAGIC_ADDRACE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->magic_addrace[type2]+=val; break; case SP_MAGIC_ADDSIZE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->magic_addsize[type2]+=val; break; case SP_ADD_DAMAGE_CLASS: switch (sd->state.lr_flag) { case 0: //Right hand ARR_FIND(0, ARRAYLENGTH(sd->right_weapon.add_dmg), i, sd->right_weapon.add_dmg[i].rate == 0 || sd->right_weapon.add_dmg[i].class_ == type2); if (i == ARRAYLENGTH(sd->right_weapon.add_dmg)) { ShowWarning("pc_bonus2: Reached max (%d) number of add Class dmg bonuses per character!\n", ARRAYLENGTH(sd->right_weapon.add_dmg)); break; } sd->right_weapon.add_dmg[i].class_ = type2; sd->right_weapon.add_dmg[i].rate += val; if (!sd->right_weapon.add_dmg[i].rate) //Shift the rest of elements up. memmove(&sd->right_weapon.add_dmg[i], &sd->right_weapon.add_dmg[i+1], sizeof(sd->right_weapon.add_dmg) - (i+1)*sizeof(sd->right_weapon.add_dmg[0])); break; case 1: //Left hand ARR_FIND(0, ARRAYLENGTH(sd->left_weapon.add_dmg), i, sd->left_weapon.add_dmg[i].rate == 0 || sd->left_weapon.add_dmg[i].class_ == type2); if (i == ARRAYLENGTH(sd->left_weapon.add_dmg)) { ShowWarning("pc_bonus2: Reached max (%d) number of add Class dmg bonuses per character!\n", ARRAYLENGTH(sd->left_weapon.add_dmg)); break; } sd->left_weapon.add_dmg[i].class_ = type2; sd->left_weapon.add_dmg[i].rate += val; if (!sd->left_weapon.add_dmg[i].rate) //Shift the rest of elements up. memmove(&sd->left_weapon.add_dmg[i], &sd->left_weapon.add_dmg[i+1], sizeof(sd->left_weapon.add_dmg) - (i+1)*sizeof(sd->left_weapon.add_dmg[0])); break; } break; case SP_ADD_MAGIC_DAMAGE_CLASS: if(sd->state.lr_flag == 2) break; ARR_FIND(0, ARRAYLENGTH(sd->add_mdmg), i, sd->add_mdmg[i].rate == 0 || sd->add_mdmg[i].class_ == type2); if (i == ARRAYLENGTH(sd->add_mdmg)) { ShowWarning("pc_bonus2: Reached max (%d) number of add Class magic dmg bonuses per character!\n", ARRAYLENGTH(sd->add_mdmg)); break; } sd->add_mdmg[i].class_ = type2; sd->add_mdmg[i].rate += val; if (!sd->add_mdmg[i].rate) //Shift the rest of elements up. memmove(&sd->add_mdmg[i], &sd->add_mdmg[i+1], sizeof(sd->add_mdmg) - (i+1)*sizeof(sd->add_mdmg[0])); break; case SP_ADD_DEF_CLASS: if(sd->state.lr_flag == 2) break; ARR_FIND(0, ARRAYLENGTH(sd->add_def), i, sd->add_def[i].rate == 0 || sd->add_def[i].class_ == type2); if (i == ARRAYLENGTH(sd->add_def)) { ShowWarning("pc_bonus2: Reached max (%d) number of add Class def bonuses per character!\n", ARRAYLENGTH(sd->add_def)); break; } sd->add_def[i].class_ = type2; sd->add_def[i].rate += val; if (!sd->add_def[i].rate) //Shift the rest of elements up. memmove(&sd->add_def[i], &sd->add_def[i+1], sizeof(sd->add_def) - (i+1)*sizeof(sd->add_def[0])); break; case SP_ADD_MDEF_CLASS: if(sd->state.lr_flag == 2) break; ARR_FIND(0, ARRAYLENGTH(sd->add_mdef), i, sd->add_mdef[i].rate == 0 || sd->add_mdef[i].class_ == type2); if (i == ARRAYLENGTH(sd->add_mdef)) { ShowWarning("pc_bonus2: Reached max (%d) number of add Class mdef bonuses per character!\n", ARRAYLENGTH(sd->add_mdef)); break; } sd->add_mdef[i].class_ = type2; sd->add_mdef[i].rate += val; if (!sd->add_mdef[i].rate) //Shift the rest of elements up. memmove(&sd->add_mdef[i], &sd->add_mdef[i+1], sizeof(sd->add_mdef) - (i+1)*sizeof(sd->add_mdef[0])); break; case SP_HP_DRAIN_RATE: if(!sd->state.lr_flag) { sd->right_weapon.hp_drain[RC_NONBOSS].rate += type2; sd->right_weapon.hp_drain[RC_NONBOSS].per += val; sd->right_weapon.hp_drain[RC_BOSS].rate += type2; sd->right_weapon.hp_drain[RC_BOSS].per += val; } else if(sd->state.lr_flag == 1) { sd->left_weapon.hp_drain[RC_NONBOSS].rate += type2; sd->left_weapon.hp_drain[RC_NONBOSS].per += val; sd->left_weapon.hp_drain[RC_BOSS].rate += type2; sd->left_weapon.hp_drain[RC_BOSS].per += val; } break; case SP_HP_DRAIN_VALUE: if(!sd->state.lr_flag) { sd->right_weapon.hp_drain[RC_NONBOSS].value += type2; sd->right_weapon.hp_drain[RC_NONBOSS].type = val; sd->right_weapon.hp_drain[RC_BOSS].value += type2; sd->right_weapon.hp_drain[RC_BOSS].type = val; } else if(sd->state.lr_flag == 1) { sd->left_weapon.hp_drain[RC_NONBOSS].value += type2; sd->left_weapon.hp_drain[RC_NONBOSS].type = val; sd->left_weapon.hp_drain[RC_BOSS].value += type2; sd->left_weapon.hp_drain[RC_BOSS].type = val; } break; case SP_SP_DRAIN_RATE: if(!sd->state.lr_flag) { sd->right_weapon.sp_drain[RC_NONBOSS].rate += type2; sd->right_weapon.sp_drain[RC_NONBOSS].per += val; sd->right_weapon.sp_drain[RC_BOSS].rate += type2; sd->right_weapon.sp_drain[RC_BOSS].per += val; } else if(sd->state.lr_flag == 1) { sd->left_weapon.sp_drain[RC_NONBOSS].rate += type2; sd->left_weapon.sp_drain[RC_NONBOSS].per += val; sd->left_weapon.sp_drain[RC_BOSS].rate += type2; sd->left_weapon.sp_drain[RC_BOSS].per += val; } break; case SP_SP_DRAIN_VALUE: if(!sd->state.lr_flag) { sd->right_weapon.sp_drain[RC_NONBOSS].value += type2; sd->right_weapon.sp_drain[RC_NONBOSS].type = val; sd->right_weapon.sp_drain[RC_BOSS].value += type2; sd->right_weapon.sp_drain[RC_BOSS].type = val; } else if(sd->state.lr_flag == 1) { sd->left_weapon.sp_drain[RC_NONBOSS].value += type2; sd->left_weapon.sp_drain[RC_NONBOSS].type = val; sd->left_weapon.sp_drain[RC_BOSS].value += type2; sd->left_weapon.sp_drain[RC_BOSS].type = val; } break; case SP_SP_VANISH_RATE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) { sd->sp_vanish_rate += type2; sd->sp_vanish_per += val; } break; case SP_GET_ZENY_NUM: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2 && sd->get_zeny_rate < val) { sd->get_zeny_rate = val; sd->get_zeny_num = type2; } break; case SP_ADD_GET_ZENY_NUM: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) { sd->get_zeny_rate += val; sd->get_zeny_num += type2; } break; case SP_WEAPON_COMA_ELE: if(type2 >= ELE_MAX) { ShowError("pc_bonus2: SP_WEAPON_COMA_ELE: Invalid element %d\n", type2); break; } if(sd->state.lr_flag == 2) break; sd->weapon_coma_ele[type2] += val; sd->special_state.bonus_coma = 1; break; case SP_WEAPON_COMA_RACE: if(sd->state.lr_flag == 2) break; sd->weapon_coma_race[type2] += val; sd->special_state.bonus_coma = 1; break; case SP_RANDOM_ATTACK_INCREASE: // [Valaris] if(sd->state.lr_flag !=2){ sd->random_attack_increase_add = type2; sd->random_attack_increase_per += val; } break; case SP_WEAPON_ATK: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->weapon_atk[type2]+=val; break; case SP_WEAPON_ATK_RATE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->weapon_atk_rate[type2]+=val; break; case SP_CRITICAL_ADDRACE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->critaddrace[type2] += val*10; break; case SP_ADDEFF_WHENHIT: if (type2 > SC_MAX) { ShowWarning("pc_bonus2 (Add Effect when hit): %d is not supported.\n", type2); break; } if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) pc_bonus_addeff(sd->addeff2, ARRAYLENGTH(sd->addeff2), (sc_type)type2, val, 0, 0); break; case SP_SKILL_ATK: if(sd->state.lr_flag == 2) break; ARR_FIND(0, ARRAYLENGTH(sd->skillatk), i, sd->skillatk[i].id == 0 || sd->skillatk[i].id == type2); if (i == ARRAYLENGTH(sd->skillatk)) { //Better mention this so the array length can be updated. [Skotlex] ShowDebug("run_script: bonus2 bSkillAtk reached it's limit (%d skills per character), bonus skill %d (+%d%%) lost.\n", ARRAYLENGTH(sd->skillatk), type2, val); break; } if (sd->skillatk[i].id == type2) sd->skillatk[i].val += val; else { sd->skillatk[i].id = type2; sd->skillatk[i].val = val; } break; case SP_SKILL_HEAL: if(sd->state.lr_flag == 2) break; ARR_FIND(0, ARRAYLENGTH(sd->skillheal), i, sd->skillheal[i].id == 0 || sd->skillheal[i].id == type2); if (i == ARRAYLENGTH(sd->skillheal)) { // Better mention this so the array length can be updated. [Skotlex] ShowDebug("run_script: bonus2 bSkillHeal reached it's limit (%d skills per character), bonus skill %d (+%d%%) lost.\n", ARRAYLENGTH(sd->skillheal), type2, val); break; } if (sd->skillheal[i].id == type2) sd->skillheal[i].val += val; else { sd->skillheal[i].id = type2; sd->skillheal[i].val = val; } break; case SP_SKILL_HEAL2: if(sd->state.lr_flag == 2) break; ARR_FIND(0, ARRAYLENGTH(sd->skillheal2), i, sd->skillheal2[i].id == 0 || sd->skillheal2[i].id == type2); if (i == ARRAYLENGTH(sd->skillheal2)) { // Better mention this so the array length can be updated. [Skotlex] ShowDebug("run_script: bonus2 bSkillHeal2 reached it's limit (%d skills per character), bonus skill %d (+%d%%) lost.\n", ARRAYLENGTH(sd->skillheal2), type2, val); break; } if (sd->skillheal2[i].id == type2) sd->skillheal2[i].val += val; else { sd->skillheal2[i].id = type2; sd->skillheal2[i].val = val; } break; case SP_ADD_SKILL_BLOW: if(sd->state.lr_flag == 2) break; ARR_FIND(0, ARRAYLENGTH(sd->skillblown), i, sd->skillblown[i].id == 0 || sd->skillblown[i].id == type2); if (i == ARRAYLENGTH(sd->skillblown)) { //Better mention this so the array length can be updated. [Skotlex] ShowDebug("run_script: bonus2 bSkillBlown reached it's limit (%d skills per character), bonus skill %d (+%d%%) lost.\n", ARRAYLENGTH(sd->skillblown), type2, val); break; } if(sd->skillblown[i].id == type2) sd->skillblown[i].val += val; else { sd->skillblown[i].id = type2; sd->skillblown[i].val = val; } break; case SP_CASTRATE: if(sd->state.lr_flag == 2) break; ARR_FIND(0, ARRAYLENGTH(sd->skillcast), i, sd->skillcast[i].id == 0 || sd->skillcast[i].id == type2); if (i == ARRAYLENGTH(sd->skillcast)) { //Better mention this so the array length can be updated. [Skotlex] ShowDebug("run_script: bonus2 bCastRate reached it's limit (%d skills per character), bonus skill %d (+%d%%) lost.\n", ARRAYLENGTH(sd->skillcast), type2, val); break; } if(sd->skillcast[i].id == type2) sd->skillcast[i].val += val; else { sd->skillcast[i].id = type2; sd->skillcast[i].val = val; } break; case SP_HP_LOSS_RATE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) { sd->hp_loss.value = type2; sd->hp_loss.rate = val; } break; case SP_HP_REGEN_RATE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) { sd->hp_regen.value = type2; sd->hp_regen.rate = val; } break; case SP_ADDRACE2: if (!(type2 > RC2_NONE && type2 < RC2_MAX)) break; if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->right_weapon.addrace2[type2] += val; else sd->left_weapon.addrace2[type2] += val; break; case SP_SUBSIZE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->subsize[type2]+=val; break; case SP_SUBRACE2: if (!(type2 > RC2_NONE && type2 < RC2_MAX)) break; if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->subrace2[type2]+=val; break; case SP_ADD_ITEM_HEAL_RATE: if(sd->state.lr_flag == 2) break; if (type2 < MAX_ITEMGROUP) { //Group bonus sd->itemgrouphealrate[type2] += val; break; } //Standard item bonus. for(i=0; i < ARRAYLENGTH(sd->itemhealrate) && sd->itemhealrate[i].nameid && sd->itemhealrate[i].nameid != type2; i++); if(i == ARRAYLENGTH(sd->itemhealrate)) { ShowWarning("pc_bonus2: Reached max (%d) number of item heal bonuses per character!\n", ARRAYLENGTH(sd->itemhealrate)); break; } sd->itemhealrate[i].nameid = type2; sd->itemhealrate[i].rate += val; break; case SP_EXP_ADDRACE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->expaddrace[type2]+=val; break; case SP_SP_GAIN_RACE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->sp_gain_race[type2]+=val; break; case SP_ADD_MONSTER_DROP_ITEM: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) pc_bonus_item_drop(sd->add_drop, ARRAYLENGTH(sd->add_drop), type2, 0, (1<state.lr_flag != 2) pc_bonus_item_drop(sd->add_drop, ARRAYLENGTH(sd->add_drop), 0, type2, (1<state.lr_flag != 2) { sd->sp_loss.value = type2; sd->sp_loss.rate = val; } break; case SP_SP_REGEN_RATE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) { sd->sp_regen.value = type2; sd->sp_regen.rate = val; } break; case SP_HP_DRAIN_VALUE_RACE: if(!sd->state.lr_flag) { sd->right_weapon.hp_drain[type2].value += val; } else if(sd->state.lr_flag == 1) { sd->left_weapon.hp_drain[type2].value += val; } break; case SP_SP_DRAIN_VALUE_RACE: if(!sd->state.lr_flag) { sd->right_weapon.sp_drain[type2].value += val; } else if(sd->state.lr_flag == 1) { sd->left_weapon.sp_drain[type2].value += val; } break; case SP_IGNORE_MDEF_RATE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->ignore_mdef[type2] += val; break; case SP_IGNORE_DEF_RATE: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->ignore_def[type2] += val; break; default: ShowWarning("pc_bonus2: unknown type %d %d %d!\n",type,type2,val); break; } return 0; } int pc_bonus3(struct map_session_data *sd,int type,int type2,int type3,int val) { nullpo_ret(sd); switch(type){ case SP_ADD_MONSTER_DROP_ITEM: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) pc_bonus_item_drop(sd->add_drop, ARRAYLENGTH(sd->add_drop), type2, 0, 1<state.lr_flag != 2) pc_bonus_item_drop(sd->add_drop, ARRAYLENGTH(sd->add_drop), type2, 0, -type3, val); break; case SP_AUTOSPELL: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) { int target = skill_get_inf(type2); //Support or Self (non-auto-target) skills should pick self. target = target&INF_SUPPORT_SKILL || (target&INF_SELF_SKILL && !(skill_get_inf2(type2)&INF2_NO_TARGET_SELF)); pc_bonus_autospell(sd->autospell, ARRAYLENGTH(sd->autospell), target?-type2:type2, type3, val, 0, current_equip_card_id); } break; case SP_AUTOSPELL_WHENHIT: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) { int target = skill_get_inf(type2); //Support or Self (non-auto-target) skills should pick self. target = target&INF_SUPPORT_SKILL || (target&INF_SELF_SKILL && !(skill_get_inf2(type2)&INF2_NO_TARGET_SELF)); pc_bonus_autospell(sd->autospell2, ARRAYLENGTH(sd->autospell2), target?-type2:type2, type3, val, BF_NORMAL|BF_SKILL, current_equip_card_id); } break; case SP_SP_DRAIN_RATE: if(!sd->state.lr_flag) { sd->right_weapon.sp_drain[RC_NONBOSS].rate += type2; sd->right_weapon.sp_drain[RC_NONBOSS].per += type3; sd->right_weapon.sp_drain[RC_NONBOSS].type = val; sd->right_weapon.sp_drain[RC_BOSS].rate += type2; sd->right_weapon.sp_drain[RC_BOSS].per += type3; sd->right_weapon.sp_drain[RC_BOSS].type = val; } else if(sd->state.lr_flag == 1) { sd->left_weapon.sp_drain[RC_NONBOSS].rate += type2; sd->left_weapon.sp_drain[RC_NONBOSS].per += type3; sd->left_weapon.sp_drain[RC_NONBOSS].type = val; sd->left_weapon.sp_drain[RC_BOSS].rate += type2; sd->left_weapon.sp_drain[RC_BOSS].per += type3; sd->left_weapon.sp_drain[RC_BOSS].type = val; } break; case SP_HP_DRAIN_RATE_RACE: if(!sd->state.lr_flag) { sd->right_weapon.hp_drain[type2].rate += type3; sd->right_weapon.hp_drain[type2].per += val; } else if(sd->state.lr_flag == 1) { sd->left_weapon.hp_drain[type2].rate += type3; sd->left_weapon.hp_drain[type2].per += val; } break; case SP_SP_DRAIN_RATE_RACE: if(!sd->state.lr_flag) { sd->right_weapon.sp_drain[type2].rate += type3; sd->right_weapon.sp_drain[type2].per += val; } else if(sd->state.lr_flag == 1) { sd->left_weapon.sp_drain[type2].rate += type3; sd->left_weapon.sp_drain[type2].per += val; } break; case SP_ADD_MONSTER_DROP_ITEMGROUP: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) pc_bonus_item_drop(sd->add_drop, ARRAYLENGTH(sd->add_drop), 0, type2, 1< SC_MAX) { ShowWarning("pc_bonus3 (Add Effect): %d is not supported.\n", type2); break; } pc_bonus_addeff(sd->addeff, ARRAYLENGTH(sd->addeff), (sc_type)type2, sd->state.lr_flag!=2?type3:0, sd->state.lr_flag==2?type3:0, val); break; case SP_ADDEFF_WHENHIT: if (type2 > SC_MAX) { ShowWarning("pc_bonus3 (Add Effect when hit): %d is not supported.\n", type2); break; } if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) pc_bonus_addeff(sd->addeff2, ARRAYLENGTH(sd->addeff2), (sc_type)type2, type3, 0, val); break; case SP_ADDEFF_ONSKILL: if( type3 > SC_MAX ) { ShowWarning("pc_bonus3 (Add Effect on skill): %d is not supported.\n", type3); break; } if( sd->state.lr_flag != 2 ) pc_bonus_addeff_onskill(sd->addeff3, ARRAYLENGTH(sd->addeff3), (sc_type)type3, val, type2, ATF_TARGET); break; case SP_ADDELE: if (type2 > ELE_MAX) { ShowWarning("pc_bonus3 (SP_ADDELE): element %d is out of range.\n", type2); break; } if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) pc_bonus_addele(sd, (unsigned char)type2, type3, val); break; case SP_SUBELE: if (type2 > ELE_MAX) { ShowWarning("pc_bonus3 (SP_SUBELE): element %d is out of range.\n", type2); break; } if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) pc_bonus_subele(sd, (unsigned char)type2, type3, val); break; default: ShowWarning("pc_bonus3: unknown type %d %d %d %d!\n",type,type2,type3,val); break; } return 0; } int pc_bonus4(struct map_session_data *sd,int type,int type2,int type3,int type4,int val) { nullpo_ret(sd); switch(type){ case SP_AUTOSPELL: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) pc_bonus_autospell(sd->autospell, ARRAYLENGTH(sd->autospell), (val&1?type2:-type2), (val&2?-type3:type3), type4, 0, current_equip_card_id); break; case SP_AUTOSPELL_WHENHIT: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) pc_bonus_autospell(sd->autospell2, ARRAYLENGTH(sd->autospell2), (val&1?type2:-type2), (val&2?-type3:type3), type4, BF_NORMAL|BF_SKILL, current_equip_card_id); break; case SP_AUTOSPELL_ONSKILL: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) { int target = skill_get_inf(type2); //Support or Self (non-auto-target) skills should pick self. target = target&INF_SUPPORT_SKILL || (target&INF_SELF_SKILL && !(skill_get_inf2(type2)&INF2_NO_TARGET_SELF)); pc_bonus_autospell_onskill(sd->autospell3, ARRAYLENGTH(sd->autospell3), type2, target?-type3:type3, type4, val, current_equip_card_id); } break; case SP_ADDEFF_ONSKILL: if( type2 > SC_MAX ) { ShowWarning("pc_bonus3 (Add Effect on skill): %d is not supported.\n", type2); break; } if( sd->state.lr_flag != 2 ) pc_bonus_addeff_onskill(sd->addeff3, ARRAYLENGTH(sd->addeff3), (sc_type)type3, type4, type2, val); break; default: ShowWarning("pc_bonus4: unknown type %d %d %d %d %d!\n",type,type2,type3,type4,val); break; } return 0; } int pc_bonus5(struct map_session_data *sd,int type,int type2,int type3,int type4,int type5,int val) { nullpo_ret(sd); switch(type){ case SP_AUTOSPELL: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) pc_bonus_autospell(sd->autospell, ARRAYLENGTH(sd->autospell), (val&1?type2:-type2), (val&2?-type3:type3), type4, type5, current_equip_card_id); break; case SP_AUTOSPELL_WHENHIT: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) pc_bonus_autospell(sd->autospell2, ARRAYLENGTH(sd->autospell2), (val&1?type2:-type2), (val&2?-type3:type3), type4, type5, current_equip_card_id); break; case SP_AUTOSPELL_ONSKILL: if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) pc_bonus_autospell_onskill(sd->autospell3, ARRAYLENGTH(sd->autospell3), type2, (val&1?-type3:type3), (val&2?-type4:type4), type5, current_equip_card_id); break; default: ShowWarning("pc_bonus5: unknown type %d %d %d %d %d %d!\n",type,type2,type3,type4,type5,val); break; } return 0; } /*========================================== * Grants a player a given skill. Flag values are: * 0 - Grant skill unconditionally and forever (only this one invokes status_calc_pc, * as the other two are assumed to be invoked from within it) * 1 - Grant an item skill (temporary) * 2 - Like 1, except the level granted can stack with previously learned level. *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_skill(TBL_PC* sd, int id, int level, int flag) { nullpo_ret(sd); if( id <= 0 || id >= MAX_SKILL || skill_db[id].name == NULL) { ShowError("pc_skill: Skill with id %d does not exist in the skill database\n", id); return 0; } if( level > MAX_SKILL_LEVEL ) { ShowError("pc_skill: Skill level %d too high. Max lv supported is %d\n", level, MAX_SKILL_LEVEL); return 0; } if( flag == 2 && sd->status.skill[id].lv + level > MAX_SKILL_LEVEL ) { ShowError("pc_skill: Skill level bonus %d too high. Max lv supported is %d. Curr lv is %d\n", level, MAX_SKILL_LEVEL, sd->status.skill[id].lv); return 0; } switch( flag ){ case 0: //Set skill data overwriting whatever was there before. sd->status.skill[id].id = id; sd->status.skill[id].lv = level; sd->status.skill[id].flag = SKILL_FLAG_PERMANENT; if( level == 0 ) //Remove skill. { sd->status.skill[id].id = 0; clif_deleteskill(sd,id); } else clif_addskill(sd,id); if( !skill_get_inf(id) ) //Only recalculate for passive skills. status_calc_pc(sd, 0); break; case 1: //Item bonus skill. if( sd->status.skill[id].id == id ){ if( sd->status.skill[id].lv >= level ) return 0; if( sd->status.skill[id].flag == SKILL_FLAG_PERMANENT ) //Non-granted skill, store it's level. sd->status.skill[id].flag = SKILL_FLAG_REPLACED_LV_0 + sd->status.skill[id].lv; } else { sd->status.skill[id].id = id; sd->status.skill[id].flag = SKILL_FLAG_TEMPORARY; } sd->status.skill[id].lv = level; break; case 2: //Add skill bonus on top of what you had. if( sd->status.skill[id].id == id ){ if( sd->status.skill[id].flag == SKILL_FLAG_PERMANENT ) sd->status.skill[id].flag = SKILL_FLAG_REPLACED_LV_0 + sd->status.skill[id].lv; // Store previous level. } else { sd->status.skill[id].id = id; sd->status.skill[id].flag = SKILL_FLAG_TEMPORARY; //Set that this is a bonus skill. } sd->status.skill[id].lv += level; break; default: //Unknown flag? return 0; } return 1; } /*========================================== * ƒJ?ƒh?“ü *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_insert_card(struct map_session_data* sd, int idx_card, int idx_equip) { int i; int nameid; nullpo_ret(sd); if( idx_equip < 0 || idx_equip >= MAX_INVENTORY || sd->inventory_data[idx_equip] == NULL ) return 0; //Invalid item index. if( idx_card < 0 || idx_card >= MAX_INVENTORY || sd->inventory_data[idx_card] == NULL ) return 0; //Invalid card index. if( sd->status.inventory[idx_equip].nameid <= 0 || sd->status.inventory[idx_equip].amount < 1 ) return 0; // target item missing if( sd->status.inventory[idx_card].nameid <= 0 || sd->status.inventory[idx_card].amount < 1 ) return 0; // target card missing if( sd->inventory_data[idx_equip]->type != IT_WEAPON && sd->inventory_data[idx_equip]->type != IT_ARMOR ) return 0; // only weapons and armor are allowed if( sd->inventory_data[idx_card]->type != IT_CARD ) return 0; // must be a card if( sd->status.inventory[idx_equip].identify == 0 ) return 0; // target must be identified if( itemdb_isspecial(sd->status.inventory[idx_equip].card[0]) ) return 0; // card slots reserved for other purposes if( (sd->inventory_data[idx_equip]->equip & sd->inventory_data[idx_card]->equip) == 0 ) return 0; // card cannot be compounded on this item type if( sd->inventory_data[idx_equip]->type == IT_WEAPON && sd->inventory_data[idx_card]->equip == EQP_SHIELD ) return 0; // attempted to place shield card on left-hand weapon. if( sd->status.inventory[idx_equip].equip != 0 ) return 0; // item must be unequipped ARR_FIND( 0, sd->inventory_data[idx_equip]->slot, i, sd->status.inventory[idx_equip].card[i] == 0 ); if( i == sd->inventory_data[idx_equip]->slot ) return 0; // no free slots // remember the card id to insert nameid = sd->status.inventory[idx_card].nameid; if( pc_delitem(sd,idx_card,1,1,0) == 1 ) {// failed clif_insert_card(sd,idx_equip,idx_card,1); } else {// success sd->status.inventory[idx_equip].card[i] = nameid; clif_insert_card(sd,idx_equip,idx_card,0); } return 0; } // // ƒAƒCƒeƒ€•¨ // /*========================================== * ƒXƒLƒ‹‚É‚æ‚锃‚¢’lC³ *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_modifybuyvalue(struct map_session_data *sd,int orig_value) { int skill,val = orig_value,rate1 = 0,rate2 = 0; if((skill=pc_checkskill(sd,MC_DISCOUNT))>0) // ƒfƒBƒXƒJƒEƒ“ƒg rate1 = 5+skill*2-((skill==10)? 1:0); if((skill=pc_checkskill(sd,RG_COMPULSION))>0) // ƒRƒ€ƒpƒ‹ƒVƒ‡ƒ“ƒfƒBƒXƒJƒEƒ“ƒg rate2 = 5+skill*4; if(rate1 < rate2) rate1 = rate2; if(rate1) val = (int)((double)orig_value*(double)(100-rate1)/100.); if(val < 0) val = 0; if(orig_value > 0 && val < 1) val = 1; return val; } /*========================================== * ƒXƒLƒ‹‚É‚æ‚é?‚è’lC³ *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_modifysellvalue(struct map_session_data *sd,int orig_value) { int skill,val = orig_value,rate = 0; if((skill=pc_checkskill(sd,MC_OVERCHARGE))>0) // ƒI?ƒo?ƒ`ƒƒ?ƒW rate = 5+skill*2-((skill==10)? 1:0); if(rate) val = (int)((double)orig_value*(double)(100+rate)/100.); if(val < 0) val = 0; if(orig_value > 0 && val < 1) val = 1; return val; } /*========================================== * ƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚𔃂Á‚½ŽbÉAV‚µ‚¢ƒAƒCƒeƒ€—“‚ðŽg‚¤‚©A * 3–œŒÂ§ŒÀ‚É‚©‚©‚é‚©Šm”F *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_checkadditem(struct map_session_data *sd,int nameid,int amount) { int i; nullpo_ret(sd); if(amount > MAX_AMOUNT) return ADDITEM_OVERAMOUNT; if(!itemdb_isstackable(nameid)) return ADDITEM_NEW; for(i=0;istatus.inventory[i].nameid==nameid){ if(sd->status.inventory[i].amount+amount > MAX_AMOUNT) return ADDITEM_OVERAMOUNT; return ADDITEM_EXIST; } } return ADDITEM_NEW; } /*========================================== * ‹ó‚«ƒAƒCƒeƒ€—“‚ÌŒÂ? *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_inventoryblank(struct map_session_data *sd) { int i,b; nullpo_ret(sd); for(i=0,b=0;istatus.inventory[i].nameid==0) b++; } return b; } /*========================================== * ‚¨‹à‚ð?‚¤ *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_payzeny(struct map_session_data *sd,int zeny) { nullpo_ret(sd); if( zeny < 0 ) { ShowError("pc_payzeny: Paying negative Zeny (zeny=%d, account_id=%d, char_id=%d).\n", zeny, sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id); return 1; } if( sd->status.zeny < zeny ) return 1; //Not enough. sd->status.zeny -= zeny; clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_ZENY); return 0; } /*========================================== * Cash Shop *------------------------------------------*/ void pc_paycash(struct map_session_data *sd, int price, int points) { char output[128]; int cash; nullpo_retv(sd); if( price < 0 || points < 0 ) { ShowError("pc_paycash: Paying negative points (price=%d, points=%d, account_id=%d, char_id=%d).\n", price, points, sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id); return; } if( points > price ) { ShowWarning("pc_paycash: More kafra points provided than needed (price=%d, points=%d, account_id=%d, char_id=%d).\n", price, points, sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id); points = price; } cash = price-points; if( sd->cashPoints < cash || sd->kafraPoints < points ) { ShowError("pc_paycash: Not enough points (cash=%d, kafra=%d) to cover the price (cash=%d, kafra=%d) (account_id=%d, char_id=%d).\n", sd->cashPoints, sd->kafraPoints, cash, points, sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id); return; } pc_setaccountreg(sd, "#CASHPOINTS", sd->cashPoints-cash); pc_setaccountreg(sd, "#KAFRAPOINTS", sd->kafraPoints-points); if( battle_config.cashshop_show_points ) { sprintf(output, msg_txt(504), points, cash, sd->kafraPoints, sd->cashPoints); clif_disp_onlyself(sd, output, strlen(output)); } } void pc_getcash(struct map_session_data *sd, int cash, int points) { char output[128]; nullpo_retv(sd); if( cash > 0 ) { if( cash > MAX_ZENY-sd->cashPoints ) { ShowWarning("pc_getcash: Cash point overflow (cash=%d, have cash=%d, account_id=%d, char_id=%d).\n", cash, sd->cashPoints, sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id); cash = MAX_ZENY-sd->cashPoints; } pc_setaccountreg(sd, "#CASHPOINTS", sd->cashPoints+cash); if( battle_config.cashshop_show_points ) { sprintf(output, msg_txt(505), cash, sd->cashPoints); clif_disp_onlyself(sd, output, strlen(output)); } } else if( cash < 0 ) { ShowError("pc_getcash: Obtaining negative cash points (cash=%d, account_id=%d, char_id=%d).\n", cash, sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id); } if( points > 0 ) { if( points > MAX_ZENY-sd->kafraPoints ) { ShowWarning("pc_getcash: Kafra point overflow (points=%d, have points=%d, account_id=%d, char_id=%d).\n", points, sd->kafraPoints, sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id); points = MAX_ZENY-sd->kafraPoints; } pc_setaccountreg(sd, "#KAFRAPOINTS", sd->kafraPoints+points); if( battle_config.cashshop_show_points ) { sprintf(output, msg_txt(506), points, sd->kafraPoints); clif_disp_onlyself(sd, output, strlen(output)); } } else if( points < 0 ) { ShowError("pc_getcash: Obtaining negative kafra points (points=%d, account_id=%d, char_id=%d).\n", points, sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id); } } /*========================================== * ‚¨‹à‚𓾂é *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_getzeny(struct map_session_data *sd,int zeny) { nullpo_ret(sd); if( zeny < 0 ) { ShowError("pc_getzeny: Obtaining negative Zeny (zeny=%d, account_id=%d, char_id=%d).\n", zeny, sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id); return 1; } if( zeny > MAX_ZENY - sd->status.zeny ) zeny = MAX_ZENY - sd->status.zeny; sd->status.zeny += zeny; clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_ZENY); if( zeny > 0 && sd->state.showzeny ) { char output[255]; sprintf(output, "Gained %dz.", zeny); clif_disp_onlyself(sd,output,strlen(output)); } return 0; } /*========================================== * ƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚ð’T‚µ‚ÄAƒCƒ“ƒfƒbƒNƒX‚ð•Ô‚· *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_search_inventory(struct map_session_data *sd,int item_id) { int i; nullpo_retr(-1, sd); ARR_FIND( 0, MAX_INVENTORY, i, sd->status.inventory[i].nameid == item_id && (sd->status.inventory[i].amount > 0 || item_id == 0) ); return ( i < MAX_INVENTORY ) ? i : -1; } /*========================================== * ƒAƒCƒeƒ€’ljÁBŒÂ?‚Ì‚Ýitem\‘¢?‚Ì?Žš‚𖳎‹ *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_additem(struct map_session_data *sd,struct item *item_data,int amount) { struct item_data *data; int i; unsigned int w; nullpo_retr(1, sd); nullpo_retr(1, item_data); if( item_data->nameid <= 0 || amount <= 0 ) return 1; if( amount > MAX_AMOUNT ) return 5; data = itemdb_search(item_data->nameid); w = data->weight*amount; if(sd->weight + w > sd->max_weight) return 2; i = MAX_INVENTORY; if( itemdb_isstackable2(data) && item_data->expire_time == 0 ) { // Stackable | Non Rental for( i = 0; i < MAX_INVENTORY; i++ ) { if( sd->status.inventory[i].nameid == item_data->nameid && memcmp(&sd->status.inventory[i].card, &item_data->card, sizeof(item_data->card)) == 0 ) { if( amount > MAX_AMOUNT - sd->status.inventory[i].amount ) return 5; sd->status.inventory[i].amount += amount; clif_additem(sd,i,amount,0); break; } } } if( i >= MAX_INVENTORY ) { i = pc_search_inventory(sd,0); if( i < 0 ) return 4; memcpy(&sd->status.inventory[i], item_data, sizeof(sd->status.inventory[0])); // clear equips field first, just in case if( item_data->equip ) sd->status.inventory[i].equip = 0; sd->status.inventory[i].amount = amount; sd->inventory_data[i] = data; clif_additem(sd,i,amount,0); } sd->weight += w; clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_WEIGHT); //Auto-equip if(data->flag.autoequip) pc_equipitem(sd, i, data->equip); return 0; } /*========================================== * ƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚ðŒ¸‚ç‚· *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_delitem(struct map_session_data *sd,int n,int amount,int type, short reason) { nullpo_retr(1, sd); if(sd->status.inventory[n].nameid==0 || amount <= 0 || sd->status.inventory[n].amountinventory_data[n] == NULL) return 1; sd->status.inventory[n].amount -= amount; sd->weight -= sd->inventory_data[n]->weight*amount ; if(sd->status.inventory[n].amount<=0){ if(sd->status.inventory[n].equip) pc_unequipitem(sd,n,3); memset(&sd->status.inventory[n],0,sizeof(sd->status.inventory[0])); sd->inventory_data[n] = NULL; } if(!(type&1)) clif_delitem(sd,n,amount,reason); if(!(type&2)) clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_WEIGHT); return 0; } /*========================================== * ƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚ð—Ž‚· *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_dropitem(struct map_session_data *sd,int n,int amount) { nullpo_retr(1, sd); if(n < 0 || n >= MAX_INVENTORY) return 0; if(amount <= 0) return 0; if(sd->status.inventory[n].nameid <= 0 || sd->status.inventory[n].amount <= 0 || sd->status.inventory[n].amount < amount || sd->state.trading || sd->state.vending || !sd->inventory_data[n] //pc_delitem would fail on this case. ) return 0; if( map[sd->bl.m].flag.nodrop ) { clif_displaymessage (sd->fd, msg_txt(271)); return 0; //Can't drop items in nodrop mapflag maps. } if( !pc_candrop(sd,&sd->status.inventory[n]) ) { clif_displaymessage (sd->fd, msg_txt(263)); return 0; } //Logs items, dropped by (P)layers [Lupus] if(log_config.enable_logs&0x8) log_pick_pc(sd, "P", sd->status.inventory[n].nameid, -amount, (struct item*)&sd->status.inventory[n]); //Logs if (!map_addflooritem(&sd->status.inventory[n], amount, sd->bl.m, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y, 0, 0, 0, 2)) return 0; pc_delitem(sd, n, amount, 0, 7); return 1; } /*========================================== * ƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚ðE‚¤ *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_takeitem(struct map_session_data *sd,struct flooritem_data *fitem) { int flag=0; unsigned int tick = gettick(); struct map_session_data *first_sd = NULL,*second_sd = NULL,*third_sd = NULL; struct party_data *p=NULL; nullpo_ret(sd); nullpo_ret(fitem); if(!check_distance_bl(&fitem->bl, &sd->bl, 2) && sd->ud.skillid!=BS_GREED) return 0; // ‹——£‚ª‰“‚¢ if (sd->status.party_id) p = party_search(sd->status.party_id); if(fitem->first_get_charid > 0 && fitem->first_get_charid != sd->status.char_id) { first_sd = map_charid2sd(fitem->first_get_charid); if(DIFF_TICK(tick,fitem->first_get_tick) < 0) { if (!(p && p->party.item&1 && first_sd && first_sd->status.party_id == sd->status.party_id )) return 0; } else if(fitem->second_get_charid > 0 && fitem->second_get_charid != sd->status.char_id) { second_sd = map_charid2sd(fitem->second_get_charid); if(DIFF_TICK(tick, fitem->second_get_tick) < 0) { if(!(p && p->party.item&1 && ((first_sd && first_sd->status.party_id == sd->status.party_id) || (second_sd && second_sd->status.party_id == sd->status.party_id)) )) return 0; } else if(fitem->third_get_charid > 0 && fitem->third_get_charid != sd->status.char_id) { third_sd = map_charid2sd(fitem->third_get_charid); if(DIFF_TICK(tick,fitem->third_get_tick) < 0) { if(!(p && p->party.item&1 && ((first_sd && first_sd->status.party_id == sd->status.party_id) || (second_sd && second_sd->status.party_id == sd->status.party_id) || (third_sd && third_sd->status.party_id == sd->status.party_id)) )) return 0; } } } } //This function takes care of giving the item to whoever should have it, considering party-share options. if ((flag = party_share_loot(p,sd,&fitem->item_data, fitem->first_get_charid))) { clif_additem(sd,0,0,flag); return 1; } //Display pickup animation. pc_stop_attack(sd); clif_takeitem(&sd->bl,&fitem->bl); map_clearflooritem(fitem->bl.id); return 1; } int pc_isUseitem(struct map_session_data *sd,int n) { struct item_data *item; int nameid; nullpo_ret(sd); item = sd->inventory_data[n]; nameid = sd->status.inventory[n].nameid; if( item == NULL ) return 0; //Not consumable item if( item->type != IT_HEALING && item->type != IT_USABLE && item->type != IT_CASH ) return 0; if( !item->script ) //if it has no script, you can't really consume it! return 0; switch( nameid ) { case 605: // Anodyne if( map_flag_gvg(sd->bl.m) ) return 0; case 606: if( pc_issit(sd) ) return 0; break; case 601: // Fly Wing case 12212: // Giant Fly Wing if( map[sd->bl.m].flag.noteleport || map_flag_gvg(sd->bl.m) ) { clif_skill_teleportmessage(sd,0); return 0; } case 602: // ButterFly Wing case 14527: // Dungeon Teleport Scroll case 14581: // Dungeon Teleport Scroll case 14582: // Yellow Butterfly Wing case 14583: // Green Butterfly Wing case 14584: // Red Butterfly Wing case 14585: // Blue Butterfly Wing case 14591: // Siege Teleport Scroll if( sd->duel_group && !battle_config.duel_allow_teleport ) { clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Duel: Can't use this item in duel."); return 0; } if( nameid != 601 && nameid != 12212 && map[sd->bl.m].flag.noreturn ) return 0; break; case 604: // Dead Branch case 12024: // Red Pouch case 12103: // Bloody Branch case 12109: // Poring Box if( map[sd->bl.m].flag.nobranch || map_flag_gvg(sd->bl.m) ) return 0; break; case 12210: // Bubble Gum case 12264: // Comp Bubble Gum if( sd->sc.data[SC_ITEMBOOST] ) return 0; break; case 12208: // Battle Manual case 12263: // Comp Battle Manual case 12312: // Thick Battle Manual case 12705: // Noble Nameplate case 14532: // Battle_Manual25 case 14533: // Battle_Manual100 case 14545: // Battle_Manual300 if( sd->sc.data[SC_EXPBOOST] ) return 0; break; case 14592: // JOB_Battle_Manual if( sd->sc.data[SC_JEXPBOOST] ) return 0; break; // Mercenary Items case 12184: // Mercenary's Red Potion case 12185: // Mercenary's Blue Potion case 12241: // Mercenary's Concentration Potion case 12242: // Mercenary's Awakening Potion case 12243: // Mercenary's Berserk Potion if( sd->md == NULL || sd->md->db == NULL ) return 0; if( sd->md->sc.data[SC_BERSERK] ) return 0; if( nameid == 12242 && sd->md->db->lv < 40 ) return 0; if( nameid == 12243 && sd->md->db->lv < 80 ) return 0; break; } if( nameid >= 12153 && nameid <= 12182 && sd->md != NULL ) return 0; // Mercenary Scrolls //added item_noequip.txt items check by Maya&[Lupus] if ( (map[sd->bl.m].flag.pvp && item->flag.no_equip&1) || // PVP (map_flag_gvg(sd->bl.m) && item->flag.no_equip&2) || // GVG (map[sd->bl.m].flag.restricted && item->flag.no_equip&map[sd->bl.m].zone) // Zone restriction ) return 0; //Gender check if(item->sex != 2 && sd->status.sex != item->sex) return 0; //Required level check if(item->elv && sd->status.base_level < (unsigned int)item->elv) return 0; //Not equipable by class. [Skotlex] if (!( (1<<(sd->class_&MAPID_BASEMASK)) & (item->class_base[sd->class_&JOBL_2_1?1:(sd->class_&JOBL_2_2?2:0)]) )) return 0; //Not usable by upper class. [Skotlex] if(!( (1<<(sd->class_&JOBL_UPPER?1:(sd->class_&JOBL_BABY?2:0))) & item->class_upper )) return 0; //Dead Branch & Bloody Branch & Porings Box if((log_config.branch > 0) && (nameid == 604 || nameid == 12103 || nameid == 12109)) log_branch(sd); return 1; } /*========================================== * ƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚ðŽg‚¤ *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_useitem(struct map_session_data *sd,int n) { unsigned int tick = gettick(); int amount, i, nameid; struct script_code *script; nullpo_ret(sd); if( sd->status.inventory[n].nameid <= 0 || sd->status.inventory[n].amount <= 0 ) return 0; if( !pc_isUseitem(sd,n) ) return 0; //Prevent mass item usage. [Skotlex] if( DIFF_TICK(sd->canuseitem_tick, tick) > 0 || (itemdb_iscashfood(sd->status.inventory[n].nameid) && DIFF_TICK(sd->canusecashfood_tick, tick) > 0) ) return 0; if( sd->sc.count && ( sd->sc.data[SC_BERSERK] || (sd->sc.data[SC_GRAVITATION] && sd->sc.data[SC_GRAVITATION]->val3 == BCT_SELF) || sd->sc.data[SC_TRICKDEAD] || sd->sc.data[SC_HIDING] || (sd->sc.data[SC_NOCHAT] && sd->sc.data[SC_NOCHAT]->val1&MANNER_NOITEM) )) return 0; // Store information for later use before it is lost (via pc_delitem) [Paradox924X] nameid = sd->inventory_data[n]->nameid; //Since most delay-consume items involve using a "skill-type" target cursor, //perform a skill-use check before going through. [Skotlex] //resurrection was picked as testing skill, as a non-offensive, generic skill, it will do. //FIXME: Is this really needed here? It'll be checked in unit.c after all and this prevents skill items using when silenced [Inkfish] if( sd->inventory_data[n]->flag.delay_consume && ( sd->ud.skilltimer != INVALID_TIMER /*|| !status_check_skilluse(&sd->bl, &sd->bl, ALL_RESURRECTION, 0)*/ ) ) return 0; if( sd->inventory_data[n]->delay > 0 ) { // Check if there is a delay on this item [Paradox924X] ARR_FIND(0, MAX_ITEMDELAYS, i, sd->item_delay[i].nameid == nameid || !sd->item_delay[i].nameid); if( i < MAX_ITEMDELAYS ) { if( sd->item_delay[i].nameid ) {// found if( DIFF_TICK(sd->item_delay[i].tick, tick) > 0 ) return 0; // Delay has not expired yet } else {// not yet used item (all slots are initially empty) sd->item_delay[i].nameid = nameid; } sd->item_delay[i].tick = tick + sd->inventory_data[n]->delay; } else {// should not happen ShowError("pc_useitem: Exceeded item delay array capacity! (nameid=%d, char_id=%d)\n", nameid, sd->status.char_id); } } sd->itemid = sd->status.inventory[n].nameid; sd->itemindex = n; if(sd->catch_target_class != -1) //Abort pet catching. sd->catch_target_class = -1; amount = sd->status.inventory[n].amount; script = sd->inventory_data[n]->script; //Check if the item is to be consumed immediately [Skotlex] if( sd->inventory_data[n]->flag.delay_consume ) clif_useitemack(sd,n,amount,1); else { if( sd->status.inventory[n].expire_time == 0 ) { clif_useitemack(sd,n,amount-1,1); //Logs (C)onsumable items [Lupus] if( log_config.enable_logs&0x100 ) log_pick_pc(sd, "C", sd->status.inventory[n].nameid, -1, &sd->status.inventory[n]); pc_delitem(sd,n,1,1,0); // Rental Usable Items are not deleted until expiration } else clif_useitemack(sd,n,0,0); } if(sd->status.inventory[n].card[0]==CARD0_CREATE && pc_famerank(MakeDWord(sd->status.inventory[n].card[2],sd->status.inventory[n].card[3]), MAPID_ALCHEMIST)) { potion_flag = 2; // Famous player's potions have 50% more efficiency if (sd->sc.data[SC_SPIRIT] && sd->sc.data[SC_SPIRIT]->val2 == SL_ROGUE) potion_flag = 3; //Even more effective potions. } //Update item use time. sd->canuseitem_tick = tick + battle_config.item_use_interval; if( itemdb_iscashfood(nameid) ) sd->canusecashfood_tick = tick + battle_config.cashfood_use_interval; run_script(script,0,sd->bl.id,fake_nd->bl.id); potion_flag = 0; return 1; } /*========================================== * ƒJ?ƒgƒAƒCƒeƒ€’ljÁBŒÂ?‚Ì‚Ýitem\‘¢?‚Ì?Žš‚𖳎‹ *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_cart_additem(struct map_session_data *sd,struct item *item_data,int amount) { struct item_data *data; int i,w; nullpo_retr(1, sd); nullpo_retr(1, item_data); if(item_data->nameid <= 0 || amount <= 0) return 1; data = itemdb_search(item_data->nameid); if( !itemdb_cancartstore(item_data, pc_isGM(sd)) ) { // Check item trade restrictions [Skotlex] clif_displaymessage (sd->fd, msg_txt(264)); return 1; } if( (w = data->weight*amount) + sd->cart_weight > battle_config.max_cart_weight ) return 1; i = MAX_CART; if( itemdb_isstackable2(data) && !item_data->expire_time ) { ARR_FIND( 0, MAX_CART, i, sd->status.cart[i].nameid == item_data->nameid && sd->status.cart[i].card[0] == item_data->card[0] && sd->status.cart[i].card[1] == item_data->card[1] && sd->status.cart[i].card[2] == item_data->card[2] && sd->status.cart[i].card[3] == item_data->card[3] ); }; if( i < MAX_CART ) {// item already in cart, stack it if(sd->status.cart[i].amount+amount > MAX_AMOUNT) return 1; // no room sd->status.cart[i].amount+=amount; clif_cart_additem(sd,i,amount,0); } else {// item not stackable or not present, add it ARR_FIND( 0, MAX_CART, i, sd->status.cart[i].nameid == 0 ); if( i == MAX_CART ) return 1; // no room memcpy(&sd->status.cart[i],item_data,sizeof(sd->status.cart[0])); sd->status.cart[i].amount=amount; sd->cart_num++; clif_cart_additem(sd,i,amount,0); } sd->cart_weight += w; clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_CARTINFO); return 0; } /*========================================== * ƒJ?ƒgƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚ðŒ¸‚ç‚· *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_cart_delitem(struct map_session_data *sd,int n,int amount,int type) { nullpo_retr(1, sd); if(sd->status.cart[n].nameid==0 || sd->status.cart[n].amountstatus.cart[n].amount -= amount; sd->cart_weight -= itemdb_weight(sd->status.cart[n].nameid)*amount ; if(sd->status.cart[n].amount <= 0){ memset(&sd->status.cart[n],0,sizeof(sd->status.cart[0])); sd->cart_num--; } if(!type) { clif_cart_delitem(sd,n,amount); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_CARTINFO); } return 0; } /*========================================== * ƒJ?ƒg‚ÖƒAƒCƒeƒ€ˆÚ“® *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_putitemtocart(struct map_session_data *sd,int idx,int amount) { struct item *item_data; nullpo_ret(sd); if (idx < 0 || idx >= MAX_INVENTORY) //Invalid index check [Skotlex] return 1; item_data = &sd->status.inventory[idx]; if( item_data->nameid == 0 || amount < 1 || item_data->amount < amount || sd->state.vending ) return 1; if( pc_cart_additem(sd,item_data,amount) == 0 ) return pc_delitem(sd,idx,amount,0,5); return 1; } /*========================================== * ƒJ?ƒg?‚̃AƒCƒeƒ€?Šm”F(ŒÂ?‚Ì·•ª‚ð•Ô‚·) *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_cartitem_amount(struct map_session_data* sd, int idx, int amount) { struct item* item_data; nullpo_retr(-1, sd); item_data = &sd->status.cart[idx]; if( item_data->nameid == 0 || item_data->amount == 0 ) return -1; return item_data->amount - amount; } /*========================================== * ƒJ?ƒg‚©‚çƒAƒCƒeƒ€ˆÚ“® *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_getitemfromcart(struct map_session_data *sd,int idx,int amount) { struct item *item_data; int flag; nullpo_ret(sd); if (idx < 0 || idx >= MAX_CART) //Invalid index check [Skotlex] return 1; item_data=&sd->status.cart[idx]; if(item_data->nameid==0 || amount < 1 || item_data->amountstate.vending ) return 1; if((flag = pc_additem(sd,item_data,amount)) == 0) return pc_cart_delitem(sd,idx,amount,0); clif_additem(sd,0,0,flag); return 1; } /*========================================== * ƒXƒeƒBƒ‹•iŒöŠJ *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_show_steal(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { struct map_session_data *sd; int itemid; struct item_data *item=NULL; char output[100]; sd=va_arg(ap,struct map_session_data *); itemid=va_arg(ap,int); if((item=itemdb_exists(itemid))==NULL) sprintf(output,"%s stole an Unknown Item (id: %i).",sd->status.name, itemid); else sprintf(output,"%s stole %s.",sd->status.name,item->jname); clif_displaymessage( ((struct map_session_data *)bl)->fd, output); return 0; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_steal_item(struct map_session_data *sd,struct block_list *bl, int lv) { int i,itemid,flag; double rate; struct status_data *sd_status, *md_status; struct mob_data *md; struct item tmp_item; if(!sd || !bl || bl->type!=BL_MOB) return 0; md = (TBL_MOB *)bl; if(md->state.steal_flag == UCHAR_MAX || md->sc.opt1) //already stolen from / status change check return 0; sd_status= status_get_status_data(&sd->bl); md_status= status_get_status_data(bl); if( md->master_id || md_status->mode&MD_BOSS || (md->class_ >= 1324 && md->class_ < 1364) || // Treasure Boxes WoE (md->class_ >= 1938 && md->class_ < 1946) || // Treasure Boxes WoE SE map[bl->m].flag.nomobloot || // check noloot map flag [Lorky] (battle_config.skill_steal_max_tries && //Reached limit of steal attempts. [Lupus] md->state.steal_flag++ >= battle_config.skill_steal_max_tries) ) { //Can't steal from md->state.steal_flag = UCHAR_MAX; return 0; } // base skill success chance (percentual) rate = (sd_status->dex - md_status->dex)/2 + lv*6 + 4; rate += sd->add_steal_rate; if( rate < 1 ) return 0; // Try dropping one item, in the order from first to last possible slot. // Droprate is affected by the skill success rate. for( i = 0; i < MAX_STEAL_DROP; i++ ) if( md->db->dropitem[i].nameid > 0 && itemdb_exists(md->db->dropitem[i].nameid) && rand() % 10000 < md->db->dropitem[i].p * rate/100. ) break; if( i == MAX_STEAL_DROP ) return 0; itemid = md->db->dropitem[i].nameid; memset(&tmp_item,0,sizeof(tmp_item)); tmp_item.nameid = itemid; tmp_item.amount = 1; tmp_item.identify = itemdb_isidentified(itemid); flag = pc_additem(sd,&tmp_item,1); //TODO: Should we disable stealing when the item you stole couldn't be added to your inventory? Perhaps players will figure out a way to exploit this behaviour otherwise? md->state.steal_flag = UCHAR_MAX; //you can't steal from this mob any more if(flag) { //Failed to steal due to overweight clif_additem(sd,0,0,flag); return 0; } if(battle_config.show_steal_in_same_party) party_foreachsamemap(pc_show_steal,sd,AREA_SIZE,sd,tmp_item.nameid); //Logs items, Stolen from mobs [Lupus] if(log_config.enable_logs&0x80) { log_pick_mob(md, "M", itemid, -1, NULL); log_pick_pc(sd, "P", itemid, 1, NULL); } //A Rare Steal Global Announce by Lupus if(md->db->dropitem[i].p<=battle_config.rare_drop_announce) { struct item_data *i_data; char message[128]; i_data = itemdb_search(itemid); sprintf (message, msg_txt(542), (sd->status.name != NULL)?sd->status.name :"GM", md->db->jname, i_data->jname, (float)md->db->dropitem[i].p/100); //MSG: "'%s' stole %s's %s (chance: %0.02f%%)" intif_broadcast(message,strlen(message)+1,0); } return 1; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_steal_coin(struct map_session_data *sd,struct block_list *target) { int rate,skill; struct mob_data *md; if(!sd || !target || target->type != BL_MOB) return 0; md = (TBL_MOB*)target; if( md->state.steal_coin_flag || md->sc.data[SC_STONE] || md->sc.data[SC_FREEZE] || md->status.mode&MD_BOSS ) return 0; if( (md->class_ >= 1324 && md->class_ < 1364) || (md->class_ >= 1938 && md->class_ < 1946) ) return 0; skill = pc_checkskill(sd,RG_STEALCOIN)*10; rate = skill + (sd->status.base_level - md->level)*3 + sd->battle_status.dex*2 + sd->battle_status.luk*2; if(rand()%1000 < rate) { pc_getzeny(sd,md->level*10 + rand()%100); md->state.steal_coin_flag = 1; return 1; } return 0; } /*========================================== * Set's a player position. * Return values: * 0 - Success. * 1 - Invalid map index. * 2 - Map not in this map-server, and failed to locate alternate map-server. *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_setpos(struct map_session_data* sd, unsigned short mapindex, int x, int y, clr_type clrtype) { struct party_data *p; int m; nullpo_ret(sd); if( !mapindex || !mapindex_id2name(mapindex) ) { ShowDebug("pc_setpos: Passed mapindex(%d) is invalid!\n", mapindex); return 1; } if( pc_isdead(sd) ) { //Revive dead people before warping them pc_setstand(sd); pc_setrestartvalue(sd,1); } m = map_mapindex2mapid(mapindex); if( map[m].flag.src4instance && sd->status.party_id && (p = party_search(sd->status.party_id)) != NULL && p->instance_id ) { // Request the mapid of this src map into the instance of the party int im = instance_map2imap(m, p->instance_id); if( im < 0 ) ; // Player will enter the src map for instances else { // Changes destiny to the instance map, not the source map m = im; mapindex = map_id2index(m); } } sd->state.changemap = (sd->mapindex != mapindex); if( sd->state.changemap ) { // Misc map-changing settings sd->state.pmap = sd->bl.m; if (sd->sc.count) { // Cancel some map related stuff. if (sd->sc.data[SC_JAILED]) return 1; //You may not get out! status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_BOSSMAPINFO, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_WARM, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_SUN_COMFORT, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_MOON_COMFORT, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_STAR_COMFORT, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_MIRACLE, INVALID_TIMER); if (sd->sc.data[SC_KNOWLEDGE]) { struct status_change_entry *sce = sd->sc.data[SC_KNOWLEDGE]; if (sce->timer != INVALID_TIMER) delete_timer(sce->timer, status_change_timer); sce->timer = add_timer(gettick() + skill_get_time(SG_KNOWLEDGE, sce->val1), status_change_timer, sd->bl.id, SC_KNOWLEDGE); } } if (battle_config.clear_unit_onwarp&BL_PC) skill_clear_unitgroup(&sd->bl); party_send_dot_remove(sd); //minimap dot fix [Kevin] guild_send_dot_remove(sd); bg_send_dot_remove(sd); if (sd->regen.state.gc) sd->regen.state.gc = 0; } if( m < 0 ) { uint32 ip; uint16 port; //if can't find any map-servers, just abort setting position. if(!sd->mapindex || map_mapname2ipport(mapindex,&ip,&port)) return 2; if (sd->npc_id) npc_event_dequeue(sd); npc_script_event(sd, NPCE_LOGOUT); //remove from map, THEN change x/y coordinates unit_remove_map_pc(sd,clrtype); sd->mapindex = mapindex; sd->bl.x=x; sd->bl.y=y; pc_clean_skilltree(sd); chrif_save(sd,2); chrif_changemapserver(sd, ip, (short)port); //Free session data from this map server [Kevin] unit_free_pc(sd); return 0; } if( x < 0 || x >= map[m].xs || y < 0 || y >= map[m].ys ) { ShowError("pc_setpos: attempt to place player %s (%d:%d) on invalid coordinates (%s-%d,%d)\n", sd->status.name, sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id, mapindex_id2name(mapindex),x,y); x = y = 0; // make it random } if( x == 0 && y == 0 ) {// pick a random walkable cell do { x=rand()%(map[m].xs-2)+1; y=rand()%(map[m].ys-2)+1; } while(map_getcell(m,x,y,CELL_CHKNOPASS)); } if(sd->bl.prev != NULL){ unit_remove_map_pc(sd,clrtype); clif_changemap(sd,map[m].index,x,y); // [MouseJstr] } else if(sd->state.active) //Tag player for rewarping after map-loading is done. [Skotlex] sd->state.rewarp = 1; sd->mapindex = mapindex; sd->bl.m = m; sd->bl.x = sd->ud.to_x = x; sd->bl.y = sd->ud.to_y = y; if( sd->status.guild_id > 0 && map[m].flag.gvg_castle ) { // Increased guild castle regen [Valaris] struct guild_castle *gc = guild_mapindex2gc(sd->mapindex); if(gc && gc->guild_id == sd->status.guild_id) sd->regen.state.gc = 1; } if( sd->status.pet_id > 0 && sd->pd && sd->pd->pet.intimate > 0 ) { sd->pd->bl.m = m; sd->pd->bl.x = sd->pd->ud.to_x = x; sd->pd->bl.y = sd->pd->ud.to_y = y; sd->pd->ud.dir = sd->ud.dir; } if( merc_is_hom_active(sd->hd) ) { sd->hd->bl.m = m; sd->hd->bl.x = sd->hd->ud.to_x = x; sd->hd->bl.y = sd->hd->ud.to_y = y; sd->hd->ud.dir = sd->ud.dir; } if( sd->md ) { sd->md->bl.m = m; sd->md->bl.x = sd->md->ud.to_x = x; sd->md->bl.y = sd->md->ud.to_y = y; sd->md->ud.dir = sd->ud.dir; } return 0; } /*========================================== * PC‚̃‰ƒ“ƒ_ƒ€ƒ?ƒv *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_randomwarp(struct map_session_data *sd, clr_type type) { int x,y,i=0; int m; nullpo_ret(sd); m=sd->bl.m; if (map[sd->bl.m].flag.noteleport) // ƒeƒŒƒ|?ƒg‹ÖŽ~ return 0; do{ x=rand()%(map[m].xs-2)+1; y=rand()%(map[m].ys-2)+1; }while(map_getcell(m,x,y,CELL_CHKNOPASS) && (i++)<1000 ); if (i < 1000) return pc_setpos(sd,map[sd->bl.m].index,x,y,type); return 0; } /// Warps one player to another. /// @param sd player to warp. /// @param pl_sd player to warp to. int pc_warpto(struct map_session_data* sd, struct map_session_data* pl_sd) { if( map[sd->bl.m].flag.nowarp && battle_config.any_warp_GM_min_level > pc_isGM(sd) ) { return -2; } if( map[pl_sd->bl.m].flag.nowarpto && battle_config.any_warp_GM_min_level > pc_isGM(sd) ) { return -3; } return pc_setpos(sd, pl_sd->mapindex, pl_sd->bl.x, pl_sd->bl.y, CLR_TELEPORT); } /// Recalls one player to another. /// @param sd player to warp to. /// @param pl_sd player to warp. int pc_recall(struct map_session_data* sd, struct map_session_data* pl_sd) { if( map[pl_sd->bl.m].flag.nowarp && battle_config.any_warp_GM_min_level > pc_isGM(sd) ) { return -2; } if( map[sd->bl.m].flag.nowarpto && battle_config.any_warp_GM_min_level > pc_isGM(sd) ) { return -3; } return pc_setpos(pl_sd, sd->mapindex, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y, CLR_RESPAWN); } /*========================================== * Records a memo point at sd's current position * pos - entry to replace, (-1: shift oldest entry out) *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_memo(struct map_session_data* sd, int pos) { int skill; nullpo_ret(sd); // check mapflags if( sd->bl.m >= 0 && (map[sd->bl.m].flag.nomemo || map[sd->bl.m].flag.nowarpto) && battle_config.any_warp_GM_min_level > pc_isGM(sd) ) { clif_skill_teleportmessage(sd, 1); // "Saved point cannot be memorized." return 0; } // check inputs if( pos < -1 || pos >= MAX_MEMOPOINTS ) return 0; // invalid input // check required skill level skill = pc_checkskill(sd, AL_WARP); if( skill < 1 ) { clif_skill_memomessage(sd,2); // "You haven't learned Warp." return 0; } if( skill < 2 || skill - 2 < pos ) { clif_skill_memomessage(sd,1); // "Skill Level is not high enough." return 0; } if( pos == -1 ) { int i; // prevent memo-ing the same map multiple times ARR_FIND( 0, MAX_MEMOPOINTS, i, sd->status.memo_point[i].map == map_id2index(sd->bl.m) ); memmove(&sd->status.memo_point[1], &sd->status.memo_point[0], (min(i,MAX_MEMOPOINTS-1))*sizeof(struct point)); pos = 0; } sd->status.memo_point[pos].map = map_id2index(sd->bl.m); sd->status.memo_point[pos].x = sd->bl.x; sd->status.memo_point[pos].y = sd->bl.y; clif_skill_memomessage(sd, 0); return 1; } // // •Ší?? // /*========================================== * ƒXƒLƒ‹‚Ì?õ Š—L‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚½ê‡Lv‚ª•Ô‚é *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_checkskill(struct map_session_data *sd,int skill_id) { if(sd == NULL) return 0; if( skill_id>=GD_SKILLBASE){ struct guild *g; if( sd->status.guild_id>0 && (g=guild_search(sd->status.guild_id))!=NULL) return guild_checkskill(g,skill_id); return 0; } if(sd->status.skill[skill_id].id == skill_id) return (sd->status.skill[skill_id].lv); return 0; } /*========================================== * •Ší?X‚É‚æ‚éƒXƒLƒ‹‚Ì??ƒ`ƒFƒbƒN * ˆø?F * struct map_session_data *sd ƒZƒbƒVƒ‡ƒ“ƒf?ƒ^ * int nameid ?”õ•iID * •Ô‚è’lF * 0 ?X‚È‚µ * -1 ƒXƒLƒ‹‚ð‰ðœ *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_checkallowskill(struct map_session_data *sd) { const enum sc_type scw_list[] = { SC_TWOHANDQUICKEN, SC_ONEHAND, SC_AURABLADE, SC_PARRYING, SC_SPEARQUICKEN, SC_ADRENALINE, SC_ADRENALINE2, SC_DANCING, SC_GATLINGFEVER }; const enum sc_type scs_list[] = { SC_AUTOGUARD, SC_DEFENDER, SC_REFLECTSHIELD }; int i; nullpo_ret(sd); if(!sd->sc.count) return 0; for (i = 0; i < ARRAYLENGTH(scw_list); i++) { // Skills requiring specific weapon types if(sd->sc.data[scw_list[i]] && !pc_check_weapontype(sd,skill_get_weapontype(status_sc2skill(scw_list[i])))) status_change_end(&sd->bl, scw_list[i], INVALID_TIMER); } if(sd->sc.data[SC_SPURT] && sd->status.weapon) // Spurt requires bare hands (feet, in fact xD) status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_SPURT, INVALID_TIMER); if(sd->status.shield <= 0) { // Skills requiring a shield for (i = 0; i < ARRAYLENGTH(scs_list); i++) if(sd->sc.data[scs_list[i]]) status_change_end(&sd->bl, scs_list[i], INVALID_TIMER); } return 0; } /*========================================== * ? ”õ•i‚̃`ƒFƒbƒN *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_checkequip(struct map_session_data *sd,int pos) { int i; nullpo_retr(-1, sd); for(i=0;iequip_index[i]; } return -1; } /*========================================== * Convert's from the client's lame Job ID system * to the map server's 'makes sense' system. [Skotlex] *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_jobid2mapid(unsigned short b_class) { switch(b_class) { case JOB_NOVICE: return MAPID_NOVICE; //1st classes case JOB_SWORDMAN: return MAPID_SWORDMAN; case JOB_MAGE: return MAPID_MAGE; case JOB_ARCHER: return MAPID_ARCHER; case JOB_ACOLYTE: return MAPID_ACOLYTE; case JOB_MERCHANT: return MAPID_MERCHANT; case JOB_THIEF: return MAPID_THIEF; case JOB_TAEKWON: return MAPID_TAEKWON; case JOB_WEDDING: return MAPID_WEDDING; case JOB_GUNSLINGER: return MAPID_GUNSLINGER; case JOB_NINJA: return MAPID_NINJA; case JOB_XMAS: return MAPID_XMAS; case JOB_SUMMER: return MAPID_SUMMER; //2_1 classes case JOB_SUPER_NOVICE: return MAPID_SUPER_NOVICE; case JOB_KNIGHT: return MAPID_KNIGHT; case JOB_WIZARD: return MAPID_WIZARD; case JOB_HUNTER: return MAPID_HUNTER; case JOB_PRIEST: return MAPID_PRIEST; case JOB_BLACKSMITH: return MAPID_BLACKSMITH; case JOB_ASSASSIN: return MAPID_ASSASSIN; case JOB_STAR_GLADIATOR: return MAPID_STAR_GLADIATOR; //2_2 classes case JOB_CRUSADER: return MAPID_CRUSADER; case JOB_SAGE: return MAPID_SAGE; case JOB_BARD: case JOB_DANCER: return MAPID_BARDDANCER; case JOB_MONK: return MAPID_MONK; case JOB_ALCHEMIST: return MAPID_ALCHEMIST; case JOB_ROGUE: return MAPID_ROGUE; case JOB_SOUL_LINKER: return MAPID_SOUL_LINKER; //1st: advanced case JOB_NOVICE_HIGH: return MAPID_NOVICE_HIGH; case JOB_SWORDMAN_HIGH: return MAPID_SWORDMAN_HIGH; case JOB_MAGE_HIGH: return MAPID_MAGE_HIGH; case JOB_ARCHER_HIGH: return MAPID_ARCHER_HIGH; case JOB_ACOLYTE_HIGH: return MAPID_ACOLYTE_HIGH; case JOB_MERCHANT_HIGH: return MAPID_MERCHANT_HIGH; case JOB_THIEF_HIGH: return MAPID_THIEF_HIGH; //2_1 advanced case JOB_LORD_KNIGHT: return MAPID_LORD_KNIGHT; case JOB_HIGH_WIZARD: return MAPID_HIGH_WIZARD; case JOB_SNIPER: return MAPID_SNIPER; case JOB_HIGH_PRIEST: return MAPID_HIGH_PRIEST; case JOB_WHITESMITH: return MAPID_WHITESMITH; case JOB_ASSASSIN_CROSS: return MAPID_ASSASSIN_CROSS; //2_2 advanced case JOB_PALADIN: return MAPID_PALADIN; case JOB_PROFESSOR: return MAPID_PROFESSOR; case JOB_CLOWN: case JOB_GYPSY: return MAPID_CLOWNGYPSY; case JOB_CHAMPION: return MAPID_CHAMPION; case JOB_CREATOR: return MAPID_CREATOR; case JOB_STALKER: return MAPID_STALKER; //1-1 baby case JOB_BABY: return MAPID_BABY; case JOB_BABY_SWORDMAN: return MAPID_BABY_SWORDMAN; case JOB_BABY_MAGE: return MAPID_BABY_MAGE; case JOB_BABY_ARCHER: return MAPID_BABY_ARCHER; case JOB_BABY_ACOLYTE: return MAPID_BABY_ACOLYTE; case JOB_BABY_MERCHANT: return MAPID_BABY_MERCHANT; case JOB_BABY_THIEF: return MAPID_BABY_THIEF; //2_1 baby case JOB_SUPER_BABY: return MAPID_SUPER_BABY; case JOB_BABY_KNIGHT: return MAPID_BABY_KNIGHT; case JOB_BABY_WIZARD: return MAPID_BABY_WIZARD; case JOB_BABY_HUNTER: return MAPID_BABY_HUNTER; case JOB_BABY_PRIEST: return MAPID_BABY_PRIEST; case JOB_BABY_BLACKSMITH: return MAPID_BABY_BLACKSMITH; case JOB_BABY_ASSASSIN: return MAPID_BABY_ASSASSIN; //2_2 baby case JOB_BABY_CRUSADER: return MAPID_BABY_CRUSADER; case JOB_BABY_SAGE: return MAPID_BABY_SAGE; case JOB_BABY_BARD: case JOB_BABY_DANCER: return MAPID_BABY_BARDDANCER; case JOB_BABY_MONK: return MAPID_BABY_MONK; case JOB_BABY_ALCHEMIST: return MAPID_BABY_ALCHEMIST; case JOB_BABY_ROGUE: return MAPID_BABY_ROGUE; default: return -1; } } //Reverts the map-style class id to the client-style one. int pc_mapid2jobid(unsigned short class_, int sex) { switch(class_) { case MAPID_NOVICE: return JOB_NOVICE; //1st classes case MAPID_SWORDMAN: return JOB_SWORDMAN; case MAPID_MAGE: return JOB_MAGE; case MAPID_ARCHER: return JOB_ARCHER; case MAPID_ACOLYTE: return JOB_ACOLYTE; case MAPID_MERCHANT: return JOB_MERCHANT; case MAPID_THIEF: return JOB_THIEF; case MAPID_TAEKWON: return JOB_TAEKWON; case MAPID_WEDDING: return JOB_WEDDING; case MAPID_GUNSLINGER: return JOB_GUNSLINGER; case MAPID_NINJA: return JOB_NINJA; case MAPID_XMAS: return JOB_XMAS; case MAPID_SUMMER: return JOB_SUMMER; //2_1 classes case MAPID_SUPER_NOVICE: return JOB_SUPER_NOVICE; case MAPID_KNIGHT: return JOB_KNIGHT; case MAPID_WIZARD: return JOB_WIZARD; case MAPID_HUNTER: return JOB_HUNTER; case MAPID_PRIEST: return JOB_PRIEST; case MAPID_BLACKSMITH: return JOB_BLACKSMITH; case MAPID_ASSASSIN: return JOB_ASSASSIN; case MAPID_STAR_GLADIATOR: return JOB_STAR_GLADIATOR; //2_2 classes case MAPID_CRUSADER: return JOB_CRUSADER; case MAPID_SAGE: return JOB_SAGE; case MAPID_BARDDANCER: return sex?JOB_BARD:JOB_DANCER; case MAPID_MONK: return JOB_MONK; case MAPID_ALCHEMIST: return JOB_ALCHEMIST; case MAPID_ROGUE: return JOB_ROGUE; case MAPID_SOUL_LINKER: return JOB_SOUL_LINKER; //1st: advanced case MAPID_NOVICE_HIGH: return JOB_NOVICE_HIGH; case MAPID_SWORDMAN_HIGH: return JOB_SWORDMAN_HIGH; case MAPID_MAGE_HIGH: return JOB_MAGE_HIGH; case MAPID_ARCHER_HIGH: return JOB_ARCHER_HIGH; case MAPID_ACOLYTE_HIGH: return JOB_ACOLYTE_HIGH; case MAPID_MERCHANT_HIGH: return JOB_MERCHANT_HIGH; case MAPID_THIEF_HIGH: return JOB_THIEF_HIGH; //2_1 advanced case MAPID_LORD_KNIGHT: return JOB_LORD_KNIGHT; case MAPID_HIGH_WIZARD: return JOB_HIGH_WIZARD; case MAPID_SNIPER: return JOB_SNIPER; case MAPID_HIGH_PRIEST: return JOB_HIGH_PRIEST; case MAPID_WHITESMITH: return JOB_WHITESMITH; case MAPID_ASSASSIN_CROSS: return JOB_ASSASSIN_CROSS; //2_2 advanced case MAPID_PALADIN: return JOB_PALADIN; case MAPID_PROFESSOR: return JOB_PROFESSOR; case MAPID_CLOWNGYPSY: return sex?JOB_CLOWN:JOB_GYPSY; case MAPID_CHAMPION: return JOB_CHAMPION; case MAPID_CREATOR: return JOB_CREATOR; case MAPID_STALKER: return JOB_STALKER; //1-1 baby case MAPID_BABY: return JOB_BABY; case MAPID_BABY_SWORDMAN: return JOB_BABY_SWORDMAN; case MAPID_BABY_MAGE: return JOB_BABY_MAGE; case MAPID_BABY_ARCHER: return JOB_BABY_ARCHER; case MAPID_BABY_ACOLYTE: return JOB_BABY_ACOLYTE; case MAPID_BABY_MERCHANT: return JOB_BABY_MERCHANT; case MAPID_BABY_THIEF: return JOB_BABY_THIEF; //2_1 baby case MAPID_SUPER_BABY: return JOB_SUPER_BABY; case MAPID_BABY_KNIGHT: return JOB_BABY_KNIGHT; case MAPID_BABY_WIZARD: return JOB_BABY_WIZARD; case MAPID_BABY_HUNTER: return JOB_BABY_HUNTER; case MAPID_BABY_PRIEST: return JOB_BABY_PRIEST; case MAPID_BABY_BLACKSMITH: return JOB_BABY_BLACKSMITH; case MAPID_BABY_ASSASSIN: return JOB_BABY_ASSASSIN; //2_2 baby case MAPID_BABY_CRUSADER: return JOB_BABY_CRUSADER; case MAPID_BABY_SAGE: return JOB_BABY_SAGE; case MAPID_BABY_BARDDANCER: return sex?JOB_BABY_BARD:JOB_BABY_DANCER; case MAPID_BABY_MONK: return JOB_BABY_MONK; case MAPID_BABY_ALCHEMIST: return JOB_BABY_ALCHEMIST; case MAPID_BABY_ROGUE: return JOB_BABY_ROGUE; default: return -1; } } /*==================================================== * This function return the name of the job (by [Yor]) *----------------------------------------------------*/ const char* job_name(int class_) { switch (class_) { case JOB_NOVICE: case JOB_SWORDMAN: case JOB_MAGE: case JOB_ARCHER: case JOB_ACOLYTE: case JOB_MERCHANT: case JOB_THIEF: return msg_txt(550 - JOB_NOVICE+class_); case JOB_KNIGHT: case JOB_PRIEST: case JOB_WIZARD: case JOB_BLACKSMITH: case JOB_HUNTER: case JOB_ASSASSIN: return msg_txt(557 - JOB_KNIGHT+class_); case JOB_KNIGHT2: return msg_txt(557); case JOB_CRUSADER: case JOB_MONK: case JOB_SAGE: case JOB_ROGUE: case JOB_ALCHEMIST: case JOB_BARD: case JOB_DANCER: return msg_txt(563 - JOB_CRUSADER+class_); case JOB_CRUSADER2: return msg_txt(563); case JOB_WEDDING: case JOB_SUPER_NOVICE: case JOB_GUNSLINGER: case JOB_NINJA: case JOB_XMAS: return msg_txt(570 - JOB_WEDDING+class_); case JOB_SUMMER: return msg_txt(621); case JOB_NOVICE_HIGH: case JOB_SWORDMAN_HIGH: case JOB_MAGE_HIGH: case JOB_ARCHER_HIGH: case JOB_ACOLYTE_HIGH: case JOB_MERCHANT_HIGH: case JOB_THIEF_HIGH: return msg_txt(575 - JOB_NOVICE_HIGH+class_); case JOB_LORD_KNIGHT: case JOB_HIGH_PRIEST: case JOB_HIGH_WIZARD: case JOB_WHITESMITH: case JOB_SNIPER: case JOB_ASSASSIN_CROSS: return msg_txt(582 - JOB_LORD_KNIGHT+class_); case JOB_LORD_KNIGHT2: return msg_txt(582); case JOB_PALADIN: case JOB_CHAMPION: case JOB_PROFESSOR: case JOB_STALKER: case JOB_CREATOR: case JOB_CLOWN: case JOB_GYPSY: return msg_txt(588 - JOB_PALADIN + class_); case JOB_PALADIN2: return msg_txt(588); case JOB_BABY: case JOB_BABY_SWORDMAN: case JOB_BABY_MAGE: case JOB_BABY_ARCHER: case JOB_BABY_ACOLYTE: case JOB_BABY_MERCHANT: case JOB_BABY_THIEF: return msg_txt(595 - JOB_BABY + class_); case JOB_BABY_KNIGHT: case JOB_BABY_PRIEST: case JOB_BABY_WIZARD: case JOB_BABY_BLACKSMITH: case JOB_BABY_HUNTER: case JOB_BABY_ASSASSIN: return msg_txt(602 - JOB_BABY_KNIGHT + class_); case JOB_BABY_KNIGHT2: return msg_txt(602); case JOB_BABY_CRUSADER: case JOB_BABY_MONK: case JOB_BABY_SAGE: case JOB_BABY_ROGUE: case JOB_BABY_ALCHEMIST: case JOB_BABY_BARD: case JOB_BABY_DANCER: return msg_txt(608 - JOB_BABY_CRUSADER +class_); case JOB_BABY_CRUSADER2: return msg_txt(608); case JOB_SUPER_BABY: return msg_txt(615); case JOB_TAEKWON: return msg_txt(616); case JOB_STAR_GLADIATOR: case JOB_STAR_GLADIATOR2: return msg_txt(617); case JOB_SOUL_LINKER: return msg_txt(618); default: return msg_txt(650); } } int pc_follow_timer(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr_t data) { struct map_session_data *sd; struct block_list *tbl; sd = map_id2sd(id); nullpo_ret(sd); if (sd->followtimer != tid){ ShowError("pc_follow_timer %d != %d\n",sd->followtimer,tid); sd->followtimer = INVALID_TIMER; return 0; } sd->followtimer = INVALID_TIMER; if (pc_isdead(sd)) return 0; if ((tbl = map_id2bl(sd->followtarget)) == NULL) return 0; if(status_isdead(tbl)) return 0; // either player or target is currently detached from map blocks (could be teleporting), // but still connected to this map, so we'll just increment the timer and check back later if (sd->bl.prev != NULL && tbl->prev != NULL && sd->ud.skilltimer == INVALID_TIMER && sd->ud.attacktimer == INVALID_TIMER && sd->ud.walktimer == INVALID_TIMER) { if((sd->bl.m == tbl->m) && unit_can_reach_bl(&sd->bl,tbl, AREA_SIZE, 0, NULL, NULL)) { if (!check_distance_bl(&sd->bl, tbl, 5)) unit_walktobl(&sd->bl, tbl, 5, 0); } else pc_setpos(sd, map_id2index(tbl->m), tbl->x, tbl->y, CLR_TELEPORT); } sd->followtimer = add_timer( tick + 1000, // increase time a bit to loosen up map's load pc_follow_timer, sd->bl.id, 0); return 0; } int pc_stop_following (struct map_session_data *sd) { nullpo_ret(sd); if (sd->followtimer != INVALID_TIMER) { delete_timer(sd->followtimer,pc_follow_timer); sd->followtimer = INVALID_TIMER; } sd->followtarget = -1; return 0; } int pc_follow(struct map_session_data *sd,int target_id) { struct block_list *bl = map_id2bl(target_id); if (bl == NULL /*|| bl->type != BL_PC*/) return 1; if (sd->followtimer != INVALID_TIMER) pc_stop_following(sd); sd->followtarget = target_id; pc_follow_timer(INVALID_TIMER, gettick(), sd->bl.id, 0); return 0; } int pc_checkbaselevelup(struct map_session_data *sd) { unsigned int next = pc_nextbaseexp(sd); if (!next || sd->status.base_exp < next) return 0; do { sd->status.base_exp -= next; //Kyoki pointed out that the max overcarry exp is the exp needed for the previous level -1. [Skotlex] if(!battle_config.multi_level_up && sd->status.base_exp > next-1) sd->status.base_exp = next-1; next = pc_gets_status_point(sd->status.base_level); sd->status.base_level ++; sd->status.status_point += next; } while ((next=pc_nextbaseexp(sd)) > 0 && sd->status.base_exp >= next); if (battle_config.pet_lv_rate && sd->pd) // update pet's level status_calc_pet(sd->pd,0); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_STATUSPOINT); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_BASELEVEL); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_BASEEXP); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_NEXTBASEEXP); status_calc_pc(sd,0); status_percent_heal(&sd->bl,100,100); if((sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) == MAPID_SUPER_NOVICE) { sc_start(&sd->bl,status_skill2sc(PR_KYRIE),100,1,skill_get_time(PR_KYRIE,1)); sc_start(&sd->bl,status_skill2sc(PR_IMPOSITIO),100,1,skill_get_time(PR_IMPOSITIO,1)); sc_start(&sd->bl,status_skill2sc(PR_MAGNIFICAT),100,1,skill_get_time(PR_MAGNIFICAT,1)); sc_start(&sd->bl,status_skill2sc(PR_GLORIA),100,1,skill_get_time(PR_GLORIA,1)); sc_start(&sd->bl,status_skill2sc(PR_SUFFRAGIUM),100,1,skill_get_time(PR_SUFFRAGIUM,1)); if (sd->state.snovice_dead_flag) sd->state.snovice_dead_flag = 0; //Reenable steelbody resurrection on dead. } else if( (sd->class_&MAPID_BASEMASK) == MAPID_TAEKWON ) { sc_start(&sd->bl,status_skill2sc(AL_INCAGI),100,10,600000); sc_start(&sd->bl,status_skill2sc(AL_BLESSING),100,10,600000); } clif_misceffect(&sd->bl,0); npc_script_event(sd, NPCE_BASELVUP); //LORDALFA - LVLUPEVENT if(sd->status.party_id) party_send_levelup(sd); return 1; } int pc_checkjoblevelup(struct map_session_data *sd) { unsigned int next = pc_nextjobexp(sd); nullpo_ret(sd); if(!next || sd->status.job_exp < next) return 0; do { sd->status.job_exp -= next; //Kyoki pointed out that the max overcarry exp is the exp needed for the previous level -1. [Skotlex] if(!battle_config.multi_level_up && sd->status.job_exp > next-1) sd->status.job_exp = next-1; sd->status.job_level ++; sd->status.skill_point ++; } while ((next=pc_nextjobexp(sd)) > 0 && sd->status.job_exp >= next); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_JOBLEVEL); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_JOBEXP); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_NEXTJOBEXP); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_SKILLPOINT); status_calc_pc(sd,0); clif_misceffect(&sd->bl,1); if (pc_checkskill(sd, SG_DEVIL) && !pc_nextjobexp(sd)) clif_status_change(&sd->bl,SI_DEVIL, 1, 0); //Permanent blind effect from SG_DEVIL. npc_script_event(sd, NPCE_JOBLVUP); return 1; } /*========================================== * Alters experienced based on self bonuses that do not get even shared to the party. *------------------------------------------*/ static void pc_calcexp(struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int *base_exp, unsigned int *job_exp, struct block_list *src) { int bonus = 0; struct status_data *status = status_get_status_data(src); if (sd->expaddrace[status->race]) bonus += sd->expaddrace[status->race]; bonus += sd->expaddrace[status->mode&MD_BOSS?RC_BOSS:RC_NONBOSS]; if (battle_config.pk_mode && (int)(status_get_lv(src) - sd->status.base_level) >= 20) bonus += 15; // pk_mode additional exp if monster >20 levels [Valaris] if (sd->sc.data[SC_EXPBOOST]) bonus += sd->sc.data[SC_EXPBOOST]->val1; *base_exp = (unsigned int) cap_value(*base_exp + (double)*base_exp * bonus/100., 1, UINT_MAX); if (sd->sc.data[SC_JEXPBOOST]) bonus += sd->sc.data[SC_JEXPBOOST]->val1; *job_exp = (unsigned int) cap_value(*job_exp + (double)*job_exp * bonus/100., 1, UINT_MAX); return; } /*========================================== * ??’lŽæ“¾ *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_gainexp(struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *src, unsigned int base_exp,unsigned int job_exp,bool quest) { float nextbp=0, nextjp=0; unsigned int nextb=0, nextj=0; nullpo_ret(sd); if(sd->bl.prev == NULL || pc_isdead(sd)) return 0; if(!battle_config.pvp_exp && map[sd->bl.m].flag.pvp) // [MouseJstr] return 0; // no exp on pvp maps if(sd->status.guild_id>0) base_exp-=guild_payexp(sd,base_exp); if(src) pc_calcexp(sd, &base_exp, &job_exp, src); nextb = pc_nextbaseexp(sd); nextj = pc_nextjobexp(sd); if(sd->state.showexp || battle_config.max_exp_gain_rate){ if (nextb > 0) nextbp = (float) base_exp / (float) nextb; if (nextj > 0) nextjp = (float) job_exp / (float) nextj; if(battle_config.max_exp_gain_rate) { if (nextbp > battle_config.max_exp_gain_rate/1000.) { //Note that this value should never be greater than the original //base_exp, therefore no overflow checks are needed. [Skotlex] base_exp = (unsigned int)(battle_config.max_exp_gain_rate/1000.*nextb); if (sd->state.showexp) nextbp = (float) base_exp / (float) nextb; } if (nextjp > battle_config.max_exp_gain_rate/1000.) { job_exp = (unsigned int)(battle_config.max_exp_gain_rate/1000.*nextj); if (sd->state.showexp) nextjp = (float) job_exp / (float) nextj; } } } //Cap exp to the level up requirement of the previous level when you are at max level, otherwise cap at UINT_MAX (this is required for some S. Novice bonuses). [Skotlex] if (base_exp) { nextb = nextb?UINT_MAX:pc_thisbaseexp(sd); if(sd->status.base_exp > nextb - base_exp) sd->status.base_exp = nextb; else sd->status.base_exp += base_exp; pc_checkbaselevelup(sd); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_BASEEXP); } if (job_exp) { nextj = nextj?UINT_MAX:pc_thisjobexp(sd); if(sd->status.job_exp > nextj - job_exp) sd->status.job_exp = nextj; else sd->status.job_exp += job_exp; pc_checkjoblevelup(sd); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_JOBEXP); } #if PACKETVER >= 20091027 if(base_exp) clif_displayexp(sd, base_exp, 1, quest); if(job_exp) clif_displayexp(sd, job_exp, 2, quest); #endif if(sd->state.showexp) { char output[256]; sprintf(output, "Experience Gained Base:%u (%.2f%%) Job:%u (%.2f%%)",base_exp,nextbp*(float)100,job_exp,nextjp*(float)100); clif_disp_onlyself(sd,output,strlen(output)); } return 1; } /*========================================== * Returns max level for this character. *------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int pc_maxbaselv(struct map_session_data *sd) { return max_level[pc_class2idx(sd->status.class_)][0]; }; unsigned int pc_maxjoblv(struct map_session_data *sd) { return max_level[pc_class2idx(sd->status.class_)][1]; }; /*========================================== * base level‘¤•K—v??’lŒvŽZ *------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int pc_nextbaseexp(struct map_session_data *sd) { nullpo_ret(sd); if(sd->status.base_level>=pc_maxbaselv(sd) || sd->status.base_level<=0) return 0; return exp_table[pc_class2idx(sd->status.class_)][0][sd->status.base_level-1]; } unsigned int pc_thisbaseexp(struct map_session_data *sd) { if(sd->status.base_level>pc_maxbaselv(sd) || sd->status.base_level<=1) return 0; return exp_table[pc_class2idx(sd->status.class_)][0][sd->status.base_level-2]; } /*========================================== * job level‘¤•K—v??’lŒvŽZ *------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int pc_nextjobexp(struct map_session_data *sd) { nullpo_ret(sd); if(sd->status.job_level>=pc_maxjoblv(sd) || sd->status.job_level<=0) return 0; return exp_table[pc_class2idx(sd->status.class_)][1][sd->status.job_level-1]; } unsigned int pc_thisjobexp(struct map_session_data *sd) { if(sd->status.job_level>pc_maxjoblv(sd) || sd->status.job_level<=1) return 0; return exp_table[pc_class2idx(sd->status.class_)][1][sd->status.job_level-2]; } /// Returns the value of the specified stat. static int pc_getstat(struct map_session_data* sd, int type) { nullpo_retr(-1, sd); switch( type ) { case SP_STR: return sd->status.str; case SP_AGI: return sd->status.agi; case SP_VIT: return sd->status.vit; case SP_INT: return sd->status.int_; case SP_DEX: return sd->status.dex; case SP_LUK: return sd->status.luk; default: return -1; } } /// Sets the specified stat to the specified value. /// Returns the new value. static int pc_setstat(struct map_session_data* sd, int type, int val) { nullpo_retr(-1, sd); switch( type ) { case SP_STR: sd->status.str = val; break; case SP_AGI: sd->status.agi = val; break; case SP_VIT: sd->status.vit = val; break; case SP_INT: sd->status.int_ = val; break; case SP_DEX: sd->status.dex = val; break; case SP_LUK: sd->status.luk = val; break; default: return -1; } return val; } // Calculates the number of status points PC gets when leveling up (from level to level+1) int pc_gets_status_point(int level) { if (battle_config.use_statpoint_table) //Use values from "db/statpoint.txt" return (statp[level+1] - statp[level]); else //Default increase return ((level+15) / 5); } /// Returns the number of stat points needed to change the specified stat by val. /// If val is negative, returns the number of stat points that would be needed to /// raise the specified stat from (current value - val) to current value. int pc_need_status_point(struct map_session_data* sd, int type, int val) { int low, high, sp = 0; if ( val == 0 ) return 0; low = pc_getstat(sd,type); high = low + val; if ( val < 0 ) swap(low, high); for ( ; low < high; low++ ) sp += ( 1 + (low + 9) / 10 ); return sp; } /// Raises a stat by 1. /// Obeys max_parameter limits. /// Subtracts stat points. /// /// @param type The stat to change (see enum _sp) int pc_statusup(struct map_session_data* sd, int type) { int max, need, val; nullpo_ret(sd); // check conditions need = pc_need_status_point(sd,type,1); if( type < SP_STR || type > SP_LUK || need < 0 || need > sd->status.status_point ) { clif_statusupack(sd,type,0,0); return 1; } // check limits max = pc_maxparameter(sd); if( pc_getstat(sd,type) >= max ) { clif_statusupack(sd,type,0,0); return 1; } // set new values val = pc_setstat(sd, type, pc_getstat(sd,type) + 1); sd->status.status_point -= need; status_calc_pc(sd,0); // update increase cost indicator if( need != pc_need_status_point(sd,type,1) ) clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_USTR + type-SP_STR); // update statpoint count clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_STATUSPOINT); // update stat value clif_statusupack(sd,type,1,val); // required if( val > 255 ) clif_updatestatus(sd,type); // send after the 'ack' to override the truncated value return 0; } /// Raises a stat by the specified amount. /// Obeys max_parameter limits. /// Does not subtract stat points. /// /// @param type The stat to change (see enum _sp) /// @param val The stat increase amount. int pc_statusup2(struct map_session_data* sd, int type, int val) { int max, need; nullpo_ret(sd); if( type < SP_STR || type > SP_LUK ) { clif_statusupack(sd,type,0,0); return 1; } need = pc_need_status_point(sd,type,1); // set new value max = pc_maxparameter(sd); val = pc_setstat(sd, type, cap_value(pc_getstat(sd,type) + val, 1, max)); status_calc_pc(sd,0); // update increase cost indicator if( need != pc_need_status_point(sd,type,1) ) clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_USTR + type-SP_STR); // update stat value clif_statusupack(sd,type,1,val); // required if( val > 255 ) clif_updatestatus(sd,type); // send after the 'ack' to override the truncated value return 0; } /*========================================== * ƒXƒLƒ‹ƒ|ƒCƒ“ƒgŠ„‚èU‚è *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_skillup(struct map_session_data *sd,int skill_num) { nullpo_ret(sd); if( skill_num >= GD_SKILLBASE && skill_num < GD_SKILLBASE+MAX_GUILDSKILL ) { guild_skillup(sd, skill_num); return 0; } if( skill_num >= HM_SKILLBASE && skill_num < HM_SKILLBASE+MAX_HOMUNSKILL && sd->hd ) { merc_hom_skillup(sd->hd, skill_num); return 0; } if( skill_num < 0 || skill_num >= MAX_SKILL ) return 0; if( sd->status.skill_point > 0 && sd->status.skill[skill_num].id && sd->status.skill[skill_num].flag == SKILL_FLAG_PERMANENT && //Don't allow raising while you have granted skills. [Skotlex] sd->status.skill[skill_num].lv < skill_tree_get_max(skill_num, sd->status.class_) ) { sd->status.skill[skill_num].lv++; sd->status.skill_point--; if( !skill_get_inf(skill_num) ) status_calc_pc(sd,0); // Only recalculate for passive skills. else if( sd->status.skill_point == 0 && (sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) == MAPID_TAEKWON && sd->status.base_level >= 90 && pc_famerank(sd->status.char_id, MAPID_TAEKWON) ) pc_calc_skilltree(sd); // Required to grant all TK Ranger skills. else pc_check_skilltree(sd, skill_num); // Check if a new skill can Lvlup clif_skillup(sd,skill_num); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_SKILLPOINT); clif_skillinfoblock(sd); } return 0; } /*========================================== * /allskill *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_allskillup(struct map_session_data *sd) { int i,id; nullpo_ret(sd); for(i=0;istatus.skill[i].flag != SKILL_FLAG_PERMANENT && sd->status.skill[i].flag != SKILL_FLAG_PLAGIARIZED) { sd->status.skill[i].lv = (sd->status.skill[i].flag == SKILL_FLAG_TEMPORARY) ? 0 : sd->status.skill[i].flag - SKILL_FLAG_REPLACED_LV_0; sd->status.skill[i].flag = SKILL_FLAG_PERMANENT; if (sd->status.skill[i].lv == 0) sd->status.skill[i].id = 0; } } //pc_calc_skilltree takes care of setting the ID to valid skills. [Skotlex] if (battle_config.gm_allskill > 0 && pc_isGM(sd) >= battle_config.gm_allskill) { //Get ALL skills except npc/guild ones. [Skotlex] //and except SG_DEVIL [Komurka] and MO_TRIPLEATTACK and RG_SNATCHER [ultramage] for(i=0;istatus.skill[i].lv=skill_get_max(i); //Nonexistant skills should return a max of 0 anyway. } } else { int inf2; for(i=0;i < MAX_SKILL_TREE && (id=skill_tree[pc_class2idx(sd->status.class_)][i].id)>0;i++){ inf2 = skill_get_inf2(id); if ( (inf2&INF2_QUEST_SKILL && !battle_config.quest_skill_learn) || (inf2&(INF2_WEDDING_SKILL|INF2_SPIRIT_SKILL)) || id==SG_DEVIL ) continue; //Cannot be learned normally. sd->status.skill[id].lv = skill_tree_get_max(id, sd->status.class_); // celest } } status_calc_pc(sd,0); //Required because if you could level up all skills previously, //the update will not be sent as only the lv variable changes. clif_skillinfoblock(sd); return 0; } /*========================================== * /resetlvl *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_resetlvl(struct map_session_data* sd,int type) { int i; nullpo_ret(sd); if (type != 3) //Also reset skills pc_resetskill(sd, 0); if(type == 1){ sd->status.skill_point=0; sd->status.base_level=1; sd->status.job_level=1; sd->status.base_exp=0; sd->status.job_exp=0; if(sd->sc.option !=0) sd->sc.option = 0; sd->status.str=1; sd->status.agi=1; sd->status.vit=1; sd->status.int_=1; sd->status.dex=1; sd->status.luk=1; if(sd->status.class_ == JOB_NOVICE_HIGH) { sd->status.status_point=100; // not 88 [celest] // give platinum skills upon changing pc_skill(sd,142,1,0); pc_skill(sd,143,1,0); } } if(type == 2){ sd->status.skill_point=0; sd->status.base_level=1; sd->status.job_level=1; sd->status.base_exp=0; sd->status.job_exp=0; } if(type == 3){ sd->status.base_level=1; sd->status.base_exp=0; } if(type == 4){ sd->status.job_level=1; sd->status.job_exp=0; } clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_STATUSPOINT); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_STR); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_AGI); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_VIT); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_INT); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_DEX); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_LUK); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_BASELEVEL); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_JOBLEVEL); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_STATUSPOINT); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_BASEEXP); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_JOBEXP); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_NEXTBASEEXP); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_NEXTJOBEXP); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_SKILLPOINT); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_USTR); // Updates needed stat points - Valaris clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_UAGI); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_UVIT); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_UINT); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_UDEX); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_ULUK); // End Addition for(i=0;iequip_index[i] >= 0) if(!pc_isequip(sd,sd->equip_index[i])) pc_unequipitem(sd,sd->equip_index[i],2); } if ((type == 1 || type == 2 || type == 3) && sd->status.party_id) party_send_levelup(sd); status_calc_pc(sd,0); clif_skillinfoblock(sd); return 0; } /*========================================== * /resetstate *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_resetstate(struct map_session_data* sd) { nullpo_ret(sd); if (battle_config.use_statpoint_table) { // New statpoint table used here - Dexity if (sd->status.base_level > MAX_LEVEL) { //statp[] goes out of bounds, can't reset! ShowError("pc_resetstate: Can't reset stats of %d:%d, the base level (%d) is greater than the max level supported (%d)\n", sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id, sd->status.base_level, MAX_LEVEL); return 0; } sd->status.status_point = statp[sd->status.base_level] + ( sd->class_&JOBL_UPPER ? 52 : 0 ); // extra 52+48=100 stat points } else { int add=0; add += pc_need_status_point(sd, SP_STR, 1-pc_getstat(sd, SP_STR)); add += pc_need_status_point(sd, SP_AGI, 1-pc_getstat(sd, SP_AGI)); add += pc_need_status_point(sd, SP_VIT, 1-pc_getstat(sd, SP_VIT)); add += pc_need_status_point(sd, SP_INT, 1-pc_getstat(sd, SP_INT)); add += pc_need_status_point(sd, SP_DEX, 1-pc_getstat(sd, SP_DEX)); add += pc_need_status_point(sd, SP_LUK, 1-pc_getstat(sd, SP_LUK)); sd->status.status_point+=add; } pc_setstat(sd, SP_STR, 1); pc_setstat(sd, SP_AGI, 1); pc_setstat(sd, SP_VIT, 1); pc_setstat(sd, SP_INT, 1); pc_setstat(sd, SP_DEX, 1); pc_setstat(sd, SP_LUK, 1); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_STR); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_AGI); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_VIT); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_INT); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_DEX); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_LUK); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_USTR); // Updates needed stat points - Valaris clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_UAGI); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_UVIT); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_UINT); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_UDEX); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_ULUK); // End Addition clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_STATUSPOINT); status_calc_pc(sd,0); return 1; } /*========================================== * /resetskill * if flag&1, perform block resync and status_calc call. * if flag&2, just count total amount of skill points used by player, do not really reset. *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_resetskill(struct map_session_data* sd, int flag) { int i, lv, inf2, skill_point=0; nullpo_ret(sd); if( !(flag&2) ) { //Remove stuff lost when resetting skills. if( pc_checkskill(sd, SG_DEVIL) && !pc_nextjobexp(sd) ) clif_status_load(&sd->bl, SI_DEVIL, 0); //Remove perma blindness due to skill-reset. [Skotlex] i = sd->sc.option; if( i&OPTION_RIDING && pc_checkskill(sd, KN_RIDING) ) i &= ~OPTION_RIDING; if( i&OPTION_CART && pc_checkskill(sd, MC_PUSHCART) ) i &= ~OPTION_CART; if( i&OPTION_FALCON && pc_checkskill(sd, HT_FALCON) ) i &= ~OPTION_FALCON; if( i != sd->sc.option ) pc_setoption(sd, i); if( merc_is_hom_active(sd->hd) && pc_checkskill(sd, AM_CALLHOMUN) ) merc_hom_vaporize(sd, 0); } for( i = 1; i < MAX_SKILL; i++ ) { lv = sd->status.skill[i].lv; if (lv < 1) continue; inf2 = skill_get_inf2(i); if( inf2&(INF2_WEDDING_SKILL|INF2_SPIRIT_SKILL) ) //Avoid reseting wedding/linker skills. continue; // Don't reset trick dead if not a novice/baby if( i == NV_TRICKDEAD && (sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) != MAPID_NOVICE && (sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) != MAPID_BABY ) { sd->status.skill[i].lv = 0; sd->status.skill[i].flag = 0; continue; } if( i == NV_BASIC && (sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) != MAPID_NOVICE && (sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) != MAPID_BABY ) { // Official server does not include Basic Skill to be resetted. [Jobbie] sd->status.skill[i].lv = 9; sd->status.skill[i].flag = SKILL_FLAG_PERMANENT; continue; } if( inf2&INF2_QUEST_SKILL && !battle_config.quest_skill_learn ) { //Only handle quest skills in a special way when you can't learn them manually if( battle_config.quest_skill_reset && !(flag&2) ) { //Wipe them sd->status.skill[i].lv = 0; sd->status.skill[i].flag = 0; } continue; } if( sd->status.skill[i].flag == SKILL_FLAG_PERMANENT ) skill_point += lv; else if( sd->status.skill[i].flag >= SKILL_FLAG_REPLACED_LV_0 ) skill_point += (sd->status.skill[i].flag - SKILL_FLAG_REPLACED_LV_0); if( !(flag&2) ) {// reset sd->status.skill[i].lv = 0; sd->status.skill[i].flag = 0; } } if( flag&2 || !skill_point ) return skill_point; sd->status.skill_point += skill_point; if( flag&1 ) { clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_SKILLPOINT); clif_skillinfoblock(sd); status_calc_pc(sd,0); } return skill_point; } /*========================================== * /resetfeel [Komurka] *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_resetfeel(struct map_session_data* sd) { int i; nullpo_ret(sd); for (i=0; ifeel_map[i].m = -1; sd->feel_map[i].index = 0; pc_setglobalreg(sd,sg_info[i].feel_var,0); } return 0; } int pc_resethate(struct map_session_data* sd) { int i; nullpo_ret(sd); for (i=0; i<3; i++) { sd->hate_mob[i] = -1; pc_setglobalreg(sd,sg_info[i].hate_var,0); } return 0; } int pc_skillatk_bonus(struct map_session_data *sd, int skill_num) { int i, bonus = 0; ARR_FIND(0, ARRAYLENGTH(sd->skillatk), i, sd->skillatk[i].id == skill_num); if( i < ARRAYLENGTH(sd->skillatk) ) bonus = sd->skillatk[i].val; return bonus; } int pc_skillheal_bonus(struct map_session_data *sd, int skill_num) { int i, bonus = sd->add_heal_rate; if( bonus ) { switch( skill_num ) { case AL_HEAL: if( !(battle_config.skill_add_heal_rate&1) ) bonus = 0; break; case PR_SANCTUARY: if( !(battle_config.skill_add_heal_rate&2) ) bonus = 0; break; case AM_POTIONPITCHER: if( !(battle_config.skill_add_heal_rate&4) ) bonus = 0; break; case CR_SLIMPITCHER: if( !(battle_config.skill_add_heal_rate&8) ) bonus = 0; break; case BA_APPLEIDUN: if( !(battle_config.skill_add_heal_rate&16) ) bonus = 0; break; } } ARR_FIND(0, ARRAYLENGTH(sd->skillheal), i, sd->skillheal[i].id == skill_num); if( i < ARRAYLENGTH(sd->skillheal) ) bonus += sd->skillheal[i].val; return bonus; } int pc_skillheal2_bonus(struct map_session_data *sd, int skill_num) { int i, bonus = sd->add_heal2_rate; ARR_FIND(0, ARRAYLENGTH(sd->skillheal2), i, sd->skillheal2[i].id == skill_num); if( i < ARRAYLENGTH(sd->skillheal2) ) bonus += sd->skillheal2[i].val; return bonus; } void pc_respawn(struct map_session_data* sd, clr_type clrtype) { if( !pc_isdead(sd) ) return; // not applicable if( sd->bg_id && bg_member_respawn(sd) ) return; // member revived by battleground pc_setstand(sd); pc_setrestartvalue(sd,3); if( pc_setpos(sd, sd->status.save_point.map, sd->status.save_point.x, sd->status.save_point.y, clrtype) ) clif_resurrection(&sd->bl, 1); //If warping fails, send a normal stand up packet. } static int pc_respawn_timer(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr_t data) { struct map_session_data *sd = map_id2sd(id); if( sd != NULL ) { sd->pvp_point=0; pc_respawn(sd,CLR_OUTSIGHT); } return 0; } /*========================================== * Invoked when a player has received damage *------------------------------------------*/ void pc_damage(struct map_session_data *sd,struct block_list *src,unsigned int hp, unsigned int sp) { if (sp) clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_SP); if (hp) clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_HP); else return; if( !src || src == &sd->bl ) return; if( pc_issit(sd) ) { pc_setstand(sd); skill_sit(sd,0); } if( sd->progressbar.npc_id ) clif_progressbar_abort(sd); if( sd->status.pet_id > 0 && sd->pd && battle_config.pet_damage_support ) pet_target_check(sd,src,1); sd->canlog_tick = gettick(); } int pc_dead(struct map_session_data *sd,struct block_list *src) { int i=0,j=0,k=0; unsigned int tick = gettick(); for(k = 0; k < 5; k++) if (sd->devotion[k]){ struct map_session_data *devsd = map_id2sd(sd->devotion[k]); if (devsd) status_change_end(&devsd->bl, SC_DEVOTION, INVALID_TIMER); sd->devotion[k] = 0; } if(sd->status.pet_id > 0 && sd->pd) { struct pet_data *pd = sd->pd; if( !map[sd->bl.m].flag.noexppenalty ) { pet_set_intimate(pd, pd->pet.intimate - pd->petDB->die); if( pd->pet.intimate < 0 ) pd->pet.intimate = 0; clif_send_petdata(sd,sd->pd,1,pd->pet.intimate); } if( sd->pd->target_id ) // Unlock all targets... pet_unlocktarget(sd->pd); } if( sd->status.hom_id > 0 && battle_config.homunculus_auto_vapor ) merc_hom_vaporize(sd, 0); if( sd->md ) merc_delete(sd->md, 3); // Your mercenary soldier has ran away. // Leave duel if you die [LuzZza] if(battle_config.duel_autoleave_when_die) { if(sd->duel_group > 0) duel_leave(sd->duel_group, sd); if(sd->duel_invite > 0) duel_reject(sd->duel_invite, sd); } pc_setglobalreg(sd,"PC_DIE_COUNTER",sd->die_counter+1); pc_setparam(sd, SP_KILLERRID, src?src->id:0); if( sd->bg_id ) { struct battleground_data *bg; if( (bg = bg_team_search(sd->bg_id)) != NULL && bg->die_event[0] ) npc_event(sd, bg->die_event, 0); } npc_script_event(sd,NPCE_DIE); pc_setdead(sd); //Reset menu skills/item skills if (sd->skillitem) sd->skillitem = sd->skillitemlv = 0; if (sd->menuskill_id) sd->menuskill_id = sd->menuskill_val = 0; //Reset ticks. sd->hp_loss.tick = sd->sp_loss.tick = sd->hp_regen.tick = sd->sp_regen.tick = 0; if ( sd && sd->spiritball ) pc_delspiritball(sd,sd->spiritball,0); if (src) switch (src->type) { case BL_MOB: { struct mob_data *md=(struct mob_data *)src; if(md->target_id==sd->bl.id) mob_unlocktarget(md,tick); if(battle_config.mobs_level_up && md->status.hp && (unsigned int)md->level < pc_maxbaselv(sd) && !md->guardian_data && !md->special_state.ai// Guardians/summons should not level. [Skotlex] ) { // monster level up [Valaris] clif_misceffect(&md->bl,0); md->level++; status_calc_mob(md, 0); status_percent_heal(src,10,0); if( battle_config.show_mob_info&4 ) {// update name with new level clif_charnameack(0, &md->bl); } } src = battle_get_master(src); // Maybe Player Summon } break; case BL_PET: //Pass on to master... src = &((TBL_PET*)src)->msd->bl; break; case BL_HOM: src = &((TBL_HOM*)src)->master->bl; break; case BL_MER: src = &((TBL_MER*)src)->master->bl; break; } if (src && src->type == BL_PC) { struct map_session_data *ssd = (struct map_session_data *)src; pc_setparam(ssd, SP_KILLEDRID, sd->bl.id); npc_script_event(ssd, NPCE_KILLPC); if (battle_config.pk_mode&2) { ssd->status.manner -= 5; if(ssd->status.manner < 0) sc_start(src,SC_NOCHAT,100,0,0); #if 0 // PK/Karma system code (not enabled yet) [celest] // originally from Kade Online, so i don't know if any of these is correct ^^; // note: karma is measured REVERSE, so more karma = more 'evil' / less honourable, // karma going down = more 'good' / more honourable. // The Karma System way... if (sd->status.karma > ssd->status.karma) { // If player killed was more evil sd->status.karma--; ssd->status.karma--; } else if (sd->status.karma < ssd->status.karma) // If player killed was more good ssd->status.karma++; // or the PK System way... if (sd->status.karma > 0) // player killed is dishonourable? ssd->status.karma--; // honour points earned sd->status.karma++; // honour points lost // To-do: Receive exp on certain occasions #endif } } if(battle_config.bone_drop==2 || (battle_config.bone_drop==1 && map[sd->bl.m].flag.pvp)) { struct item item_tmp; memset(&item_tmp,0,sizeof(item_tmp)); item_tmp.nameid=ITEMID_SKULL_; item_tmp.identify=1; item_tmp.card[0]=CARD0_CREATE; item_tmp.card[1]=0; item_tmp.card[2]=GetWord(sd->status.char_id,0); // CharId item_tmp.card[3]=GetWord(sd->status.char_id,1); map_addflooritem(&item_tmp,1,sd->bl.m,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y,0,0,0,0); } // activate Steel body if a super novice dies at 99+% exp [celest] if ((sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) == MAPID_SUPER_NOVICE && !sd->state.snovice_dead_flag) { unsigned int next = pc_nextbaseexp(sd); if( next == 0 ) next = pc_thisbaseexp(sd); if( get_percentage(sd->status.base_exp,next) >= 99 && !map_flag_gvg(sd->bl.m) ) { sd->state.snovice_dead_flag = 1; pc_setstand(sd); status_percent_heal(&sd->bl, 100, 100); clif_resurrection(&sd->bl, 1); if(battle_config.pc_invincible_time) pc_setinvincibletimer(sd, battle_config.pc_invincible_time); sc_start(&sd->bl,status_skill2sc(MO_STEELBODY),100,1,skill_get_time(MO_STEELBODY,1)); if(map_flag_gvg(sd->bl.m)) pc_respawn_timer(INVALID_TIMER, gettick(), sd->bl.id, 0); return 0; } } // changed penalty options, added death by player if pk_mode [Valaris] if(battle_config.death_penalty_type && (sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) != MAPID_NOVICE // only novices will receive no penalty && !map[sd->bl.m].flag.noexppenalty && !map_flag_gvg(sd->bl.m) && !sd->sc.data[SC_BABY] && !sd->sc.data[SC_LIFEINSURANCE]) { unsigned int base_penalty =0; if (battle_config.death_penalty_base > 0) { switch (battle_config.death_penalty_type) { case 1: base_penalty = (unsigned int) ((double)pc_nextbaseexp(sd) * (double)battle_config.death_penalty_base/10000); break; case 2: base_penalty = (unsigned int) ((double)sd->status.base_exp * (double)battle_config.death_penalty_base/10000); break; } if(base_penalty) { if (battle_config.pk_mode && src && src->type==BL_PC) base_penalty*=2; sd->status.base_exp -= min(sd->status.base_exp, base_penalty); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_BASEEXP); } } if(battle_config.death_penalty_job > 0) { base_penalty = 0; switch (battle_config.death_penalty_type) { case 1: base_penalty = (unsigned int) ((double)pc_nextjobexp(sd) * (double)battle_config.death_penalty_job/10000); break; case 2: base_penalty = (unsigned int) ((double)sd->status.job_exp * (double)battle_config.death_penalty_job/10000); break; } if(base_penalty) { if (battle_config.pk_mode && src && src->type==BL_PC) base_penalty*=2; sd->status.job_exp -= min(sd->status.job_exp, base_penalty); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_JOBEXP); } } if(battle_config.zeny_penalty > 0 && !map[sd->bl.m].flag.nozenypenalty) { base_penalty = (unsigned int)((double)sd->status.zeny * (double)battle_config.zeny_penalty / 10000.); if(base_penalty) pc_payzeny(sd, base_penalty); } } if(map[sd->bl.m].flag.pvp_nightmaredrop) { // Moved this outside so it works when PVP isn't enabled and during pk mode [Ancyker] for(j=0;jbl.m].drop_list[j].drop_id; int type = map[sd->bl.m].drop_list[j].drop_type; int per = map[sd->bl.m].drop_list[j].drop_per; if(id == 0) continue; if(id == -1){ int eq_num=0,eq_n[MAX_INVENTORY]; memset(eq_n,0,sizeof(eq_n)); for(i=0;istatus.inventory[i].equip) || (type == 2 && sd->status.inventory[i].equip) || type == 3) { ARR_FIND( 0, MAX_INVENTORY, k, eq_n[k] <= 0 ); if( k < MAX_INVENTORY ) eq_n[k] = i; eq_num++; } } if(eq_num > 0){ int n = eq_n[rand()%eq_num]; if(rand()%10000 < per){ if(sd->status.inventory[n].equip) pc_unequipitem(sd,n,3); pc_dropitem(sd,n,1); } } } else if(id > 0){ for(i=0;istatus.inventory[i].nameid == id && rand()%10000 < per && ((type == 1 && !sd->status.inventory[i].equip) || (type == 2 && sd->status.inventory[i].equip) || type == 3) ){ if(sd->status.inventory[i].equip) pc_unequipitem(sd,i,3); pc_dropitem(sd,i,1); break; } } } } } // pvp // disable certain pvp functions on pk_mode [Valaris] if( map[sd->bl.m].flag.pvp && !battle_config.pk_mode && !map[sd->bl.m].flag.pvp_nocalcrank ) { sd->pvp_point -= 5; sd->pvp_lost++; if( src && src->type == BL_PC ) { struct map_session_data *ssd = (struct map_session_data *)src; ssd->pvp_point++; ssd->pvp_won++; } if( sd->pvp_point < 0 ) { add_timer(tick+1000, pc_respawn_timer,sd->bl.id,0); return 1|8; } } //GvG if( map_flag_gvg(sd->bl.m) ) { add_timer(tick+1000, pc_respawn_timer, sd->bl.id, 0); return 1|8; } else if( sd->bg_id ) { struct battleground_data *bg = bg_team_search(sd->bg_id); if( bg && bg->mapindex > 0 ) { // Respawn by BG add_timer(tick+1000, pc_respawn_timer, sd->bl.id, 0); return 1|8; } } //Reset "can log out" tick. if( battle_config.prevent_logout ) sd->canlog_tick = gettick() - battle_config.prevent_logout; return 1; } void pc_revive(struct map_session_data *sd,unsigned int hp, unsigned int sp) { if(hp) clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_HP); if(sp) clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_SP); pc_setstand(sd); if(battle_config.pc_invincible_time > 0) pc_setinvincibletimer(sd, battle_config.pc_invincible_time); } // script? ˜A // /*========================================== * script—pPCƒXƒe?ƒ^ƒX?‚Ýo‚µ *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_readparam(struct map_session_data* sd,int type) { int val = 0; nullpo_ret(sd); switch(type) { case SP_SKILLPOINT: val = sd->status.skill_point; break; case SP_STATUSPOINT: val = sd->status.status_point; break; case SP_ZENY: val = sd->status.zeny; break; case SP_BASELEVEL: val = sd->status.base_level; break; case SP_JOBLEVEL: val = sd->status.job_level; break; case SP_CLASS: val = sd->status.class_; break; case SP_BASEJOB: val = pc_mapid2jobid(sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK, sd->status.sex); break; //Base job, extracting upper type. case SP_UPPER: val = sd->class_&JOBL_UPPER?1:(sd->class_&JOBL_BABY?2:0); break; case SP_BASECLASS: val = pc_mapid2jobid(sd->class_&MAPID_BASEMASK, sd->status.sex); break; //Extract base class tree. [Skotlex] case SP_SEX: val = sd->status.sex; break; case SP_WEIGHT: val = sd->weight; break; case SP_MAXWEIGHT: val = sd->max_weight; break; case SP_BASEEXP: val = sd->status.base_exp; break; case SP_JOBEXP: val = sd->status.job_exp; break; case SP_NEXTBASEEXP: val = pc_nextbaseexp(sd); break; case SP_NEXTJOBEXP: val = pc_nextjobexp(sd); break; case SP_HP: val = sd->battle_status.hp; break; case SP_MAXHP: val = sd->battle_status.max_hp; break; case SP_SP: val = sd->battle_status.sp; break; case SP_MAXSP: val = sd->battle_status.max_sp; break; case SP_STR: val = sd->status.str; break; case SP_AGI: val = sd->status.agi; break; case SP_VIT: val = sd->status.vit; break; case SP_INT: val = sd->status.int_; break; case SP_DEX: val = sd->status.dex; break; case SP_LUK: val = sd->status.luk; break; case SP_KARMA: val = sd->status.karma; break; case SP_MANNER: val = sd->status.manner; break; case SP_FAME: val = sd->status.fame; break; case SP_KILLERRID: val = sd->killerrid; break; case SP_KILLEDRID: val = sd->killedrid; break; } return val; } /*========================================== * script—pPCƒXƒe?ƒ^ƒXÝ’è *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_setparam(struct map_session_data *sd,int type,int val) { int i = 0, statlimit; nullpo_ret(sd); switch(type){ case SP_BASELEVEL: if ((unsigned int)val > pc_maxbaselv(sd)) //Capping to max val = pc_maxbaselv(sd); if ((unsigned int)val > sd->status.base_level) { int stat=0; for (i = 0; i < (int)((unsigned int)val - sd->status.base_level); i++) stat += pc_gets_status_point(sd->status.base_level + i); sd->status.status_point += stat; } sd->status.base_level = (unsigned int)val; sd->status.base_exp = 0; // clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_BASELEVEL); // Gets updated at the bottom clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_NEXTBASEEXP); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_STATUSPOINT); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_BASEEXP); status_calc_pc(sd, 0); if(sd->status.party_id) { party_send_levelup(sd); } break; case SP_JOBLEVEL: if ((unsigned int)val >= sd->status.job_level) { if ((unsigned int)val > pc_maxjoblv(sd)) val = pc_maxjoblv(sd); sd->status.skill_point += val - sd->status.job_level; clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_SKILLPOINT); } sd->status.job_level = (unsigned int)val; sd->status.job_exp = 0; // clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_JOBLEVEL); // Gets updated at the bottom clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_NEXTJOBEXP); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_JOBEXP); status_calc_pc(sd, 0); break; case SP_SKILLPOINT: sd->status.skill_point = val; break; case SP_STATUSPOINT: sd->status.status_point = val; break; case SP_ZENY: if( val < 0 ) return 0;// can't set negative zeny sd->status.zeny = cap_value(val, 0, MAX_ZENY); break; case SP_BASEEXP: if(pc_nextbaseexp(sd) > 0) { sd->status.base_exp = val; pc_checkbaselevelup(sd); } break; case SP_JOBEXP: if(pc_nextjobexp(sd) > 0) { sd->status.job_exp = val; pc_checkjoblevelup(sd); } break; case SP_SEX: sd->status.sex = val ? SEX_MALE : SEX_FEMALE; break; case SP_WEIGHT: sd->weight = val; break; case SP_MAXWEIGHT: sd->max_weight = val; break; case SP_HP: sd->battle_status.hp = cap_value(val, 1, (int)sd->battle_status.max_hp); break; case SP_MAXHP: sd->battle_status.max_hp = cap_value(val, 1, battle_config.max_hp); if( sd->battle_status.max_hp < sd->battle_status.hp ) { sd->battle_status.hp = sd->battle_status.max_hp; clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_HP); } break; case SP_SP: sd->battle_status.sp = cap_value(val, 0, (int)sd->battle_status.max_sp); break; case SP_MAXSP: sd->battle_status.max_sp = cap_value(val, 1, battle_config.max_sp); if( sd->battle_status.max_sp < sd->battle_status.sp ) { sd->battle_status.sp = sd->battle_status.max_sp; clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_SP); } break; case SP_STR: statlimit = pc_maxparameter(sd); sd->status.str = cap_value(val, 1, statlimit); break; case SP_AGI: statlimit = pc_maxparameter(sd); sd->status.agi = cap_value(val, 1, statlimit); break; case SP_VIT: statlimit = pc_maxparameter(sd); sd->status.vit = cap_value(val, 1, statlimit); break; case SP_INT: statlimit = pc_maxparameter(sd); sd->status.int_ = cap_value(val, 1, statlimit); break; case SP_DEX: statlimit = pc_maxparameter(sd); sd->status.dex = cap_value(val, 1, statlimit); break; case SP_LUK: statlimit = pc_maxparameter(sd); sd->status.luk = cap_value(val, 1, statlimit); break; case SP_KARMA: sd->status.karma = val; break; case SP_MANNER: sd->status.manner = val; break; case SP_FAME: sd->status.fame = val; break; case SP_KILLERRID: sd->killerrid = val; return 1; case SP_KILLEDRID: sd->killedrid = val; return 1; default: ShowError("pc_setparam: Attempted to set unknown parameter '%d'.\n", type); return 0; } clif_updatestatus(sd,type); return 1; } /*========================================== * HP/SP Healing. If flag is passed, the heal type is through clif_heal, otherwise update status. *------------------------------------------*/ void pc_heal(struct map_session_data *sd,unsigned int hp,unsigned int sp, int type) { if (type) { if (hp) clif_heal(sd->fd,SP_HP,hp); if (sp) clif_heal(sd->fd,SP_SP,sp); } else { if(hp) clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_HP); if(sp) clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_SP); } return; } /*========================================== * HP/SP‰ñ•œ *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_itemheal(struct map_session_data *sd,int itemid, int hp,int sp) { int i, bonus; if(hp) { bonus = 100 + (sd->battle_status.vit<<1) + pc_checkskill(sd,SM_RECOVERY)*10 + pc_checkskill(sd,AM_LEARNINGPOTION)*5; // A potion produced by an Alchemist in the Fame Top 10 gets +50% effect [DracoRPG] if (potion_flag > 1) bonus += bonus*(potion_flag-1)*50/100; //All item bonuses. bonus += sd->itemhealrate2; //Item Group bonuses bonus += bonus*itemdb_group_bonus(sd, itemid)/100; //Individual item bonuses. for(i = 0; i < ARRAYLENGTH(sd->itemhealrate) && sd->itemhealrate[i].nameid; i++) { if (sd->itemhealrate[i].nameid == itemid) { bonus += bonus*sd->itemhealrate[i].rate/100; break; } } if(bonus!=100) hp = hp * bonus / 100; // Recovery Potion if( sd->sc.data[SC_INCHEALRATE] ) hp += (int)(hp * sd->sc.data[SC_INCHEALRATE]->val1/100.); } if(sp) { bonus = 100 + (sd->battle_status.int_<<1) + pc_checkskill(sd,MG_SRECOVERY)*10 + pc_checkskill(sd,AM_LEARNINGPOTION)*5; if (potion_flag > 1) bonus += bonus*(potion_flag-1)*50/100; if(bonus != 100) sp = sp * bonus / 100; } if (sd->sc.data[SC_CRITICALWOUND]) { hp -= hp * sd->sc.data[SC_CRITICALWOUND]->val2 / 100; sp -= sp * sd->sc.data[SC_CRITICALWOUND]->val2 / 100; } return status_heal(&sd->bl, hp, sp, 1); } /*========================================== * HP/SP‰ñ•œ *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_percentheal(struct map_session_data *sd,int hp,int sp) { nullpo_ret(sd); if(hp > 100) hp = 100; else if(hp <-100) hp =-100; if(sp > 100) sp = 100; else if(sp <-100) sp =-100; if(hp >= 0 && sp >= 0) //Heal return status_percent_heal(&sd->bl, hp, sp); if(hp <= 0 && sp <= 0) //Damage (negative rates indicate % of max rather than current), and only kill target IF the specified amount is 100% return status_percent_damage(NULL, &sd->bl, hp, sp, hp==-100); //Crossed signs if(hp) { if(hp > 0) status_percent_heal(&sd->bl, hp, 0); else status_percent_damage(NULL, &sd->bl, hp, 0, hp==-100); } if(sp) { if(sp > 0) status_percent_heal(&sd->bl, 0, sp); else status_percent_damage(NULL, &sd->bl, 0, sp, false); } return 0; } /*========================================== * E?X * ˆø? job E‹Æ 0`23 * upper ’Êí 0, ?¶ 1, —{Žq 2, ‚»‚Ì‚Ü‚Ü -1 * Rewrote to make it tidider [Celest] *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_jobchange(struct map_session_data *sd,int job, int upper) { int i, fame_flag=0; int b_class; nullpo_ret(sd); if (job < 0) return 1; //Normalize job. b_class = pc_jobid2mapid(job); if (b_class == -1) return 1; switch (upper) { case 1: b_class|= JOBL_UPPER; break; case 2: b_class|= JOBL_BABY; break; } //This will automatically adjust bard/dancer classes to the correct gender //That is, if you try to jobchange into dancer, it will turn you to bard. job = pc_mapid2jobid(b_class, sd->status.sex); if (job == -1) return 1; if ((unsigned short)b_class == sd->class_) return 1; //Nothing to change. // check if we are changing from 1st to 2nd job if (b_class&JOBL_2) { if (!(sd->class_&JOBL_2)) sd->change_level = sd->status.job_level; else if (!sd->change_level) sd->change_level = 40; //Assume 40? pc_setglobalreg (sd, "jobchange_level", sd->change_level); } if(sd->cloneskill_id) { if( sd->status.skill[sd->cloneskill_id].flag == SKILL_FLAG_PLAGIARIZED ) { sd->status.skill[sd->cloneskill_id].id = 0; sd->status.skill[sd->cloneskill_id].lv = 0; sd->status.skill[sd->cloneskill_id].flag = 0; clif_deleteskill(sd,sd->cloneskill_id); } sd->cloneskill_id = 0; pc_setglobalreg(sd, "CLONE_SKILL", 0); pc_setglobalreg(sd, "CLONE_SKILL_LV", 0); } if ((b_class&&MAPID_UPPERMASK) != (sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK)) { //Things to remove when changing class tree. const int class_ = pc_class2idx(sd->status.class_); short id; for(i = 0; i < MAX_SKILL_TREE && (id = skill_tree[class_][i].id) > 0; i++) { //Remove status specific to your current tree skills. enum sc_type sc = status_skill2sc(id); if (sc > SC_COMMON_MAX && sd->sc.data[sc]) status_change_end(&sd->bl, sc, INVALID_TIMER); } } sd->status.class_ = job; fame_flag = pc_famerank(sd->status.char_id,sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK); sd->class_ = (unsigned short)b_class; sd->status.job_level=1; sd->status.job_exp=0; clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_JOBLEVEL); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_JOBEXP); clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_NEXTJOBEXP); for(i=0;iequip_index[i] >= 0) if(!pc_isequip(sd,sd->equip_index[i])) pc_unequipitem(sd,sd->equip_index[i],2); // ?”õŠO‚µ } //Change look, if disguised, you need to undisguise //to correctly calculate new job sprite without if (sd->disguise) pc_disguise(sd, 0); status_set_viewdata(&sd->bl, job); clif_changelook(&sd->bl,LOOK_BASE,sd->vd.class_); // move sprite update to prevent client crashes with incompatible equipment [Valaris] if(sd->vd.cloth_color) clif_changelook(&sd->bl,LOOK_CLOTHES_COLOR,sd->vd.cloth_color); //Update skill tree. pc_calc_skilltree(sd); clif_skillinfoblock(sd); //Remove peco/cart/falcon i = sd->sc.option; if(i&OPTION_RIDING && !pc_checkskill(sd, KN_RIDING)) i&=~OPTION_RIDING; if(i&OPTION_CART && !pc_checkskill(sd, MC_PUSHCART)) i&=~OPTION_CART; if(i&OPTION_FALCON && !pc_checkskill(sd, HT_FALCON)) i&=~OPTION_FALCON; if(i != sd->sc.option) pc_setoption(sd, i); if(merc_is_hom_active(sd->hd) && !pc_checkskill(sd, AM_CALLHOMUN)) merc_hom_vaporize(sd, 0); if(sd->status.manner < 0) clif_changestatus(&sd->bl,SP_MANNER,sd->status.manner); status_calc_pc(sd,0); pc_checkallowskill(sd); pc_equiplookall(sd); //if you were previously famous, not anymore. if (fame_flag) { chrif_save(sd,0); chrif_buildfamelist(); } else if (sd->status.fame > 0) { //It may be that now they are famous? switch (sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) { case MAPID_BLACKSMITH: case MAPID_ALCHEMIST: case MAPID_TAEKWON: chrif_save(sd,0); chrif_buildfamelist(); break; } } return 0; } /*========================================== * Œ©‚½–Ú?X *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_equiplookall(struct map_session_data *sd) { nullpo_ret(sd); #if PACKETVER < 4 clif_changelook(&sd->bl,LOOK_WEAPON,sd->status.weapon); clif_changelook(&sd->bl,LOOK_SHIELD,sd->status.shield); #else clif_changelook(&sd->bl,LOOK_WEAPON,0); clif_changelook(&sd->bl,LOOK_SHOES,0); #endif clif_changelook(&sd->bl,LOOK_HEAD_BOTTOM,sd->status.head_bottom); clif_changelook(&sd->bl,LOOK_HEAD_TOP,sd->status.head_top); clif_changelook(&sd->bl,LOOK_HEAD_MID,sd->status.head_mid); clif_changelook(&sd->bl, LOOK_ROBE, sd->status.robe); return 0; } /*========================================== * Œ©‚½–Ú?X *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_changelook(struct map_session_data *sd,int type,int val) { nullpo_ret(sd); switch(type){ case LOOK_HAIR: //Use the battle_config limits! [Skotlex] val = cap_value(val, MIN_HAIR_STYLE, MAX_HAIR_STYLE); if (sd->status.hair != val) { sd->status.hair=val; if (sd->status.guild_id) //Update Guild Window. [Skotlex] intif_guild_change_memberinfo(sd->status.guild_id,sd->status.account_id,sd->status.char_id, GMI_HAIR,&sd->status.hair,sizeof(sd->status.hair)); } break; case LOOK_WEAPON: sd->status.weapon=val; break; case LOOK_HEAD_BOTTOM: sd->status.head_bottom=val; break; case LOOK_HEAD_TOP: sd->status.head_top=val; break; case LOOK_HEAD_MID: sd->status.head_mid=val; break; case LOOK_HAIR_COLOR: //Use the battle_config limits! [Skotlex] val = cap_value(val, MIN_HAIR_COLOR, MAX_HAIR_COLOR); if (sd->status.hair_color != val) { sd->status.hair_color=val; if (sd->status.guild_id) //Update Guild Window. [Skotlex] intif_guild_change_memberinfo(sd->status.guild_id,sd->status.account_id,sd->status.char_id, GMI_HAIR_COLOR,&sd->status.hair_color,sizeof(sd->status.hair_color)); } break; case LOOK_CLOTHES_COLOR: //Use the battle_config limits! [Skotlex] val = cap_value(val, MIN_CLOTH_COLOR, MAX_CLOTH_COLOR); sd->status.clothes_color=val; break; case LOOK_SHIELD: sd->status.shield=val; break; case LOOK_SHOES: break; case LOOK_ROBE: sd->status.robe = val; break; } clif_changelook(&sd->bl,type,val); return 0; } /*========================================== * •t?•i(‘é,ƒyƒR,ƒJ?ƒg)Ý’è *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_setoption(struct map_session_data *sd,int type) { int p_type, new_look=0; nullpo_ret(sd); p_type = sd->sc.option; //Option has to be changed client-side before the class sprite or it won't always work (eg: Wedding sprite) [Skotlex] sd->sc.option=type; clif_changeoption(&sd->bl); if (type&OPTION_RIDING && !(p_type&OPTION_RIDING) && (sd->class_&MAPID_BASEMASK) == MAPID_SWORDMAN) { //We are going to mount. [Skotlex] clif_status_load(&sd->bl,SI_RIDING,1); status_calc_pc(sd,0); //Mounting/Umounting affects walk and attack speeds. } else if (!(type&OPTION_RIDING) && p_type&OPTION_RIDING && (sd->class_&MAPID_BASEMASK) == MAPID_SWORDMAN) { //We are going to dismount. clif_status_load(&sd->bl,SI_RIDING,0); status_calc_pc(sd,0); //Mounting/Umounting affects walk and attack speeds. } if(type&OPTION_CART && !(p_type&OPTION_CART)) { //Cart On clif_cartlist(sd); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_CARTINFO); if(pc_checkskill(sd, MC_PUSHCART) < 10) status_calc_pc(sd,0); //Apply speed penalty. } else if(!(type&OPTION_CART) && p_type&OPTION_CART) { //Cart Off clif_clearcart(sd->fd); if(pc_checkskill(sd, MC_PUSHCART) < 10) status_calc_pc(sd,0); //Remove speed penalty. } if (type&OPTION_FALCON && !(p_type&OPTION_FALCON)) //Falcon ON clif_status_load(&sd->bl,SI_FALCON,1); else if (!(type&OPTION_FALCON) && p_type&OPTION_FALCON) //Falcon OFF clif_status_load(&sd->bl,SI_FALCON,0); if (type&OPTION_FLYING && !(p_type&OPTION_FLYING)) new_look = JOB_STAR_GLADIATOR2; else if (!(type&OPTION_FLYING) && p_type&OPTION_FLYING) new_look = -1; if (type&OPTION_WEDDING && !(p_type&OPTION_WEDDING)) new_look = JOB_WEDDING; else if (!(type&OPTION_WEDDING) && p_type&OPTION_WEDDING) new_look = -1; if (type&OPTION_XMAS && !(p_type&OPTION_XMAS)) new_look = JOB_XMAS; else if (!(type&OPTION_XMAS) && p_type&OPTION_XMAS) new_look = -1; if (type&OPTION_SUMMER && !(p_type&OPTION_SUMMER)) new_look = JOB_SUMMER; else if (!(type&OPTION_SUMMER) && p_type&OPTION_SUMMER) new_look = -1; if (sd->disguise || !new_look) return 0; //Disguises break sprite changes if (new_look < 0) { //Restore normal look. status_set_viewdata(&sd->bl, sd->status.class_); new_look = sd->vd.class_; } pc_stop_attack(sd); //Stop attacking on new view change (to prevent wedding/santa attacks. clif_changelook(&sd->bl,LOOK_BASE,new_look); if (sd->vd.cloth_color) clif_changelook(&sd->bl,LOOK_CLOTHES_COLOR,sd->vd.cloth_color); clif_skillinfoblock(sd); // Skill list needs to be updated after base change. return 0; } /*========================================== * ƒJ?ƒgÝ’è *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_setcart(struct map_session_data *sd,int type) { int cart[6] = {0x0000,OPTION_CART1,OPTION_CART2,OPTION_CART3,OPTION_CART4,OPTION_CART5}; int option; nullpo_ret(sd); if( type < 0 || type > 5 ) return 1;// Never trust the values sent by the client! [Skotlex] if( pc_checkskill(sd,MC_PUSHCART) <= 0 ) return 1;// Push cart is required // Update option option = sd->sc.option; option &= ~OPTION_CART;// clear cart bits option |= cart[type]; // set cart pc_setoption(sd, option); return 0; } /*========================================== * ‘éÝ’è *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_setfalcon(TBL_PC* sd, int flag) { if( flag ){ if( pc_checkskill(sd,HT_FALCON)>0 ) // ƒtƒ@ƒ‹ƒRƒ“ƒ}ƒXƒ^ƒŠ?ƒXƒLƒ‹ŠŽ pc_setoption(sd,sd->sc.option|OPTION_FALCON); } else if( pc_isfalcon(sd) ){ pc_setoption(sd,sd->sc.option&~OPTION_FALCON); // remove falcon } return 0; } /*========================================== * ƒyƒRƒyƒRÝ’è *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_setriding(TBL_PC* sd, int flag) { if( flag ){ if( pc_checkskill(sd,KN_RIDING) > 0 ) // ƒ‰ƒCƒfƒBƒ“ƒOƒXƒLƒ‹ŠŽ pc_setoption(sd, sd->sc.option|OPTION_RIDING); } else if( pc_isriding(sd) ){ pc_setoption(sd, sd->sc.option&~OPTION_RIDING); } return 0; } /*========================================== * ƒAƒCƒeƒ€ƒhƒƒbƒv‰Â•s‰Â”»’è *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_candrop(struct map_session_data *sd,struct item *item) { int level = pc_isGM(sd); if( item && item->expire_time ) return 0; if( !pc_can_give_items(level) ) //check if this GM level can drop items return 0; return (itemdb_isdropable(item, level)); } /*========================================== * script—p??‚Ì’l‚ð?‚Þ *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_readreg(struct map_session_data* sd, int reg) { int i; nullpo_ret(sd); ARR_FIND( 0, sd->reg_num, i, sd->reg[i].index == reg ); return ( i < sd->reg_num ) ? sd->reg[i].data : 0; } /*========================================== * script—p??‚Ì’l‚ðÝ’è *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_setreg(struct map_session_data* sd, int reg, int val) { int i; nullpo_ret(sd); ARR_FIND( 0, sd->reg_num, i, sd->reg[i].index == reg ); if( i < sd->reg_num ) {// overwrite existing entry sd->reg[i].data = val; return 1; } ARR_FIND( 0, sd->reg_num, i, sd->reg[i].data == 0 ); if( i == sd->reg_num ) {// nothing free, increase size sd->reg_num++; RECREATE(sd->reg, struct script_reg, sd->reg_num); } sd->reg[i].index = reg; sd->reg[i].data = val; return 1; } /*========================================== * script—p•¶Žš—ñ??‚Ì’l‚ð?‚Þ *------------------------------------------*/ char* pc_readregstr(struct map_session_data* sd, int reg) { int i; nullpo_ret(sd); ARR_FIND( 0, sd->regstr_num, i, sd->regstr[i].index == reg ); return ( i < sd->regstr_num ) ? sd->regstr[i].data : NULL; } /*========================================== * script—p•¶Žš—ñ??‚Ì’l‚ðÝ’è *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_setregstr(struct map_session_data* sd, int reg, const char* str) { int i; nullpo_ret(sd); ARR_FIND( 0, sd->regstr_num, i, sd->regstr[i].index == reg ); if( i < sd->regstr_num ) {// found entry, update if( str == NULL || *str == '\0' ) {// empty string if( sd->regstr[i].data != NULL ) aFree(sd->regstr[i].data); sd->regstr[i].data = NULL; } else if( sd->regstr[i].data ) {// recreate size_t len = strlen(str)+1; RECREATE(sd->regstr[i].data, char, len); memcpy(sd->regstr[i].data, str, len*sizeof(char)); } else {// create sd->regstr[i].data = aStrdup(str); } return 1; } if( str == NULL || *str == '\0' ) return 1;// nothing to add, empty string ARR_FIND( 0, sd->regstr_num, i, sd->regstr[i].data == NULL ); if( i == sd->regstr_num ) {// nothing free, increase size sd->regstr_num++; RECREATE(sd->regstr, struct script_regstr, sd->regstr_num); } sd->regstr[i].index = reg; sd->regstr[i].data = aStrdup(str); return 1; } int pc_readregistry(struct map_session_data *sd,const char *reg,int type) { struct global_reg *sd_reg; int i,max; nullpo_ret(sd); switch (type) { case 3: //Char reg sd_reg = sd->save_reg.global; max = sd->save_reg.global_num; break; case 2: //Account reg sd_reg = sd->save_reg.account; max = sd->save_reg.account_num; break; case 1: //Account2 reg sd_reg = sd->save_reg.account2; max = sd->save_reg.account2_num; break; default: return 0; } if (max == -1) { ShowError("pc_readregistry: Trying to read reg value %s (type %d) before it's been loaded!\n", reg, type); //This really shouldn't happen, so it's possible the data was lost somewhere, we should request it again. intif_request_registry(sd,type==3?4:type); return 0; } ARR_FIND( 0, max, i, strcmp(sd_reg[i].str,reg) == 0 ); return ( i < max ) ? atoi(sd_reg[i].value) : 0; } char* pc_readregistry_str(struct map_session_data *sd,const char *reg,int type) { struct global_reg *sd_reg; int i,max; nullpo_ret(sd); switch (type) { case 3: //Char reg sd_reg = sd->save_reg.global; max = sd->save_reg.global_num; break; case 2: //Account reg sd_reg = sd->save_reg.account; max = sd->save_reg.account_num; break; case 1: //Account2 reg sd_reg = sd->save_reg.account2; max = sd->save_reg.account2_num; break; default: return NULL; } if (max == -1) { ShowError("pc_readregistry: Trying to read reg value %s (type %d) before it's been loaded!\n", reg, type); //This really shouldn't happen, so it's possible the data was lost somewhere, we should request it again. intif_request_registry(sd,type==3?4:type); return NULL; } ARR_FIND( 0, max, i, strcmp(sd_reg[i].str,reg) == 0 ); return ( i < max ) ? sd_reg[i].value : NULL; } int pc_setregistry(struct map_session_data *sd,const char *reg,int val,int type) { struct global_reg *sd_reg; int i,*max, regmax; nullpo_ret(sd); switch( type ) { case 3: //Char reg if( !strcmp(reg,"PC_DIE_COUNTER") && sd->die_counter != val ) { i = (!sd->die_counter && (sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) == MAPID_SUPER_NOVICE); sd->die_counter = val; if( i ) status_calc_pc(sd,0); // Lost the bonus. } else if( !strcmp(reg,"COOK_MASTERY") && sd->cook_mastery != val ) { val = cap_value(val, 0, 1999); sd->cook_mastery = val; } sd_reg = sd->save_reg.global; max = &sd->save_reg.global_num; regmax = GLOBAL_REG_NUM; break; case 2: //Account reg if( !strcmp(reg,"#CASHPOINTS") && sd->cashPoints != val ) { val = cap_value(val, 0, MAX_ZENY); sd->cashPoints = val; } else if( !strcmp(reg,"#KAFRAPOINTS") && sd->kafraPoints != val ) { val = cap_value(val, 0, MAX_ZENY); sd->kafraPoints = val; } sd_reg = sd->save_reg.account; max = &sd->save_reg.account_num; regmax = ACCOUNT_REG_NUM; break; case 1: //Account2 reg sd_reg = sd->save_reg.account2; max = &sd->save_reg.account2_num; regmax = ACCOUNT_REG2_NUM; break; default: return 0; } if (*max == -1) { ShowError("pc_setregistry : refusing to set %s (type %d) until vars are received.\n", reg, type); return 1; } // delete reg if (val == 0) { ARR_FIND( 0, *max, i, strcmp(sd_reg[i].str, reg) == 0 ); if( i < *max ) { if (i != *max - 1) memcpy(&sd_reg[i], &sd_reg[*max - 1], sizeof(struct global_reg)); memset(&sd_reg[*max - 1], 0, sizeof(struct global_reg)); (*max)--; sd->state.reg_dirty |= 1<<(type-1); //Mark this registry as "need to be saved" } return 1; } // change value if found ARR_FIND( 0, *max, i, strcmp(sd_reg[i].str, reg) == 0 ); if( i < *max ) { safesnprintf(sd_reg[i].value, sizeof(sd_reg[i].value), "%d", val); sd->state.reg_dirty |= 1<<(type-1); return 1; } // add value if not found if (i < regmax) { memset(&sd_reg[i], 0, sizeof(struct global_reg)); safestrncpy(sd_reg[i].str, reg, sizeof(sd_reg[i].str)); safesnprintf(sd_reg[i].value, sizeof(sd_reg[i].value), "%d", val); (*max)++; sd->state.reg_dirty |= 1<<(type-1); return 1; } ShowError("pc_setregistry : couldn't set %s, limit of registries reached (%d)\n", reg, regmax); return 0; } int pc_setregistry_str(struct map_session_data *sd,const char *reg,const char *val,int type) { struct global_reg *sd_reg; int i,*max, regmax; nullpo_ret(sd); if (reg[strlen(reg)-1] != '$') { ShowError("pc_setregistry_str : reg %s must be string (end in '$') to use this!\n", reg); return 0; } switch (type) { case 3: //Char reg sd_reg = sd->save_reg.global; max = &sd->save_reg.global_num; regmax = GLOBAL_REG_NUM; break; case 2: //Account reg sd_reg = sd->save_reg.account; max = &sd->save_reg.account_num; regmax = ACCOUNT_REG_NUM; break; case 1: //Account2 reg sd_reg = sd->save_reg.account2; max = &sd->save_reg.account2_num; regmax = ACCOUNT_REG2_NUM; break; default: return 0; } if (*max == -1) { ShowError("pc_setregistry_str : refusing to set %s (type %d) until vars are received.\n", reg, type); return 0; } // delete reg if (!val || strcmp(val,"")==0) { ARR_FIND( 0, *max, i, strcmp(sd_reg[i].str, reg) == 0 ); if( i < *max ) { if (i != *max - 1) memcpy(&sd_reg[i], &sd_reg[*max - 1], sizeof(struct global_reg)); memset(&sd_reg[*max - 1], 0, sizeof(struct global_reg)); (*max)--; sd->state.reg_dirty |= 1<<(type-1); //Mark this registry as "need to be saved" if (type!=3) intif_saveregistry(sd,type); } return 1; } // change value if found ARR_FIND( 0, *max, i, strcmp(sd_reg[i].str, reg) == 0 ); if( i < *max ) { safestrncpy(sd_reg[i].value, val, sizeof(sd_reg[i].value)); sd->state.reg_dirty |= 1<<(type-1); //Mark this registry as "need to be saved" if (type!=3) intif_saveregistry(sd,type); return 1; } // add value if not found if (i < regmax) { memset(&sd_reg[i], 0, sizeof(struct global_reg)); safestrncpy(sd_reg[i].str, reg, sizeof(sd_reg[i].str)); safestrncpy(sd_reg[i].value, val, sizeof(sd_reg[i].value)); (*max)++; sd->state.reg_dirty |= 1<<(type-1); //Mark this registry as "need to be saved" if (type!=3) intif_saveregistry(sd,type); return 1; } ShowError("pc_setregistry : couldn't set %s, limit of registries reached (%d)\n", reg, regmax); return 0; } /*========================================== * ƒCƒxƒ“ƒgƒ^ƒCƒ}??— *------------------------------------------*/ static int pc_eventtimer(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr_t data) { struct map_session_data *sd=map_id2sd(id); char *p = (char *)data; int i; if(sd==NULL) return 0; ARR_FIND( 0, MAX_EVENTTIMER, i, sd->eventtimer[i] == tid ); if( i < MAX_EVENTTIMER ) { sd->eventtimer[i] = INVALID_TIMER; sd->eventcount--; npc_event(sd,p,0); } else ShowError("pc_eventtimer: no such event timer\n"); if (p) aFree(p); return 0; } /*========================================== * ƒCƒxƒ“ƒgƒ^ƒCƒ}?’ljÁ *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_addeventtimer(struct map_session_data *sd,int tick,const char *name) { int i; nullpo_ret(sd); ARR_FIND( 0, MAX_EVENTTIMER, i, sd->eventtimer[i] == INVALID_TIMER ); if( i == MAX_EVENTTIMER ) return 0; sd->eventtimer[i] = add_timer(gettick()+tick, pc_eventtimer, sd->bl.id, (intptr_t)aStrdup(name)); sd->eventcount++; return 1; } /*========================================== * ƒCƒxƒ“ƒgƒ^ƒCƒ}?íœ *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_deleventtimer(struct map_session_data *sd,const char *name) { char* p = NULL; int i; nullpo_ret(sd); if (sd->eventcount <= 0) return 0; // find the named event timer ARR_FIND( 0, MAX_EVENTTIMER, i, sd->eventtimer[i] != INVALID_TIMER && (p = (char *)(get_timer(sd->eventtimer[i])->data)) != NULL && strcmp(p, name) == 0 ); if( i == MAX_EVENTTIMER ) return 0; // not found delete_timer(sd->eventtimer[i],pc_eventtimer); sd->eventtimer[i] = INVALID_TIMER; sd->eventcount--; aFree(p); return 1; } /*========================================== * ƒCƒxƒ“ƒgƒ^ƒCƒ}?ƒJƒEƒ“ƒg’l’ljÁ *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_addeventtimercount(struct map_session_data *sd,const char *name,int tick) { int i; nullpo_ret(sd); for(i=0;ieventtimer[i] != INVALID_TIMER && strcmp( (char *)(get_timer(sd->eventtimer[i])->data), name)==0 ){ addtick_timer(sd->eventtimer[i],tick); break; } return 0; } /*========================================== * ƒCƒxƒ“ƒgƒ^ƒCƒ}?‘Síœ *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_cleareventtimer(struct map_session_data *sd) { int i; nullpo_ret(sd); if (sd->eventcount <= 0) return 0; for(i=0;ieventtimer[i] != INVALID_TIMER ){ char *p = (char *)(get_timer(sd->eventtimer[i])->data); delete_timer(sd->eventtimer[i],pc_eventtimer); sd->eventtimer[i] = INVALID_TIMER; sd->eventcount--; if (p) aFree(p); } return 0; } // // ? ”õ•¨ // /*========================================== * ƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚ð?”õ‚·‚é *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_equipitem(struct map_session_data *sd,int n,int req_pos) { int i,pos,flag=0; struct item_data *id; nullpo_ret(sd); if( n < 0 || n >= MAX_INVENTORY ) { clif_equipitemack(sd,0,0,0); return 0; } if( DIFF_TICK(sd->canequip_tick,gettick()) > 0 ) { clif_equipitemack(sd,n,0,0); return 0; } id = sd->inventory_data[n]; pos = pc_equippoint(sd,n); //With a few exceptions, item should go in all specified slots. if(battle_config.battle_log) ShowInfo("equip %d(%d) %x:%x\n",sd->status.inventory[n].nameid,n,id?id->equip:0,req_pos); if(!pc_isequip(sd,n) || !(pos&req_pos) || sd->status.inventory[n].equip != 0 || sd->status.inventory[n].attribute==1 ) { // [Valaris] clif_equipitemack(sd,n,0,0); // fail return 0; } if( sd->sc.data[SC_BERSERK] ) { clif_equipitemack(sd,n,0,0); // fail return 0; } if(pos == EQP_ACC) { //Accesories should only go in one of the two, pos = req_pos&EQP_ACC; if (pos == EQP_ACC) //User specified both slots.. pos = sd->equip_index[EQI_ACC_R] >= 0 ? EQP_ACC_L : EQP_ACC_R; } if(pos == EQP_ARMS && id->equip == EQP_HAND_R) { //Dual wield capable weapon. pos = (req_pos&EQP_ARMS); if (pos == EQP_ARMS) //User specified both slots, pick one for them. pos = sd->equip_index[EQI_HAND_R] >= 0 ? EQP_HAND_L : EQP_HAND_R; } if (pos&EQP_HAND_R && battle_config.use_weapon_skill_range&BL_PC) { //Update skill-block range database when weapon range changes. [Skotlex] i = sd->equip_index[EQI_HAND_R]; if (i < 0 || !sd->inventory_data[i]) //No data, or no weapon equipped flag = 1; else flag = id->range != sd->inventory_data[i]->range; } for(i=0;iequip_index[i] >= 0) //Slot taken, remove item from there. pc_unequipitem(sd,sd->equip_index[i],2); sd->equip_index[i] = n; } } if(pos==EQP_AMMO){ clif_arrowequip(sd,n); clif_arrow_fail(sd,3); } else clif_equipitemack(sd,n,pos,1); sd->status.inventory[n].equip=pos; if(pos & EQP_HAND_R) { if(id) sd->weapontype1 = id->look; else sd->weapontype1 = 0; pc_calcweapontype(sd); clif_changelook(&sd->bl,LOOK_WEAPON,sd->status.weapon); } if(pos & EQP_HAND_L) { if(id) { if(id->type == IT_WEAPON) { sd->status.shield = 0; sd->weapontype2 = id->look; } else if(id->type == IT_ARMOR) { sd->status.shield = id->look; sd->weapontype2 = 0; } } else sd->status.shield = sd->weapontype2 = 0; pc_calcweapontype(sd); clif_changelook(&sd->bl,LOOK_SHIELD,sd->status.shield); } //Added check to prevent sending the same look on multiple slots -> //causes client to redraw item on top of itself. (suggested by Lupus) if(pos & EQP_HEAD_LOW) { if(id && !(pos&(EQP_HEAD_TOP|EQP_HEAD_MID))) sd->status.head_bottom = id->look; else sd->status.head_bottom = 0; clif_changelook(&sd->bl,LOOK_HEAD_BOTTOM,sd->status.head_bottom); } if(pos & EQP_HEAD_TOP) { if(id) sd->status.head_top = id->look; else sd->status.head_top = 0; clif_changelook(&sd->bl,LOOK_HEAD_TOP,sd->status.head_top); } if(pos & EQP_HEAD_MID) { if(id && !(pos&EQP_HEAD_TOP)) sd->status.head_mid = id->look; else sd->status.head_mid = 0; clif_changelook(&sd->bl,LOOK_HEAD_MID,sd->status.head_mid); } if(pos & EQP_SHOES) clif_changelook(&sd->bl,LOOK_SHOES,0); if( pos&EQP_GARMENT ) { sd->status.robe = id ? id->look : 0; clif_changelook(&sd->bl, LOOK_ROBE, sd->status.robe); } pc_checkallowskill(sd); //Check if status changes should be halted. status_calc_pc(sd,0); if (flag) //Update skill data clif_skillinfoblock(sd); //OnEquip script [Skotlex] if (id) { int i; struct item_data *data; if (id->equip_script) run_script(id->equip_script,0,sd->bl.id,fake_nd->bl.id); if(itemdb_isspecial(sd->status.inventory[n].card[0])) ; //No cards else for(i=0;islot; i++) { if (!sd->status.inventory[n].card[i]) continue; data = itemdb_exists(sd->status.inventory[n].card[i]); if (data && data->equip_script) run_script(data->equip_script,0,sd->bl.id,fake_nd->bl.id); } } return 0; } /*========================================== * ? ”õ‚µ‚½•¨‚ðŠO‚· * type: * 0 - only unequip * 1 - calculate status after unequipping * 2 - force unequip *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_unequipitem(struct map_session_data *sd,int n,int flag) { int i; nullpo_ret(sd); if( n < 0 || n >= MAX_INVENTORY ) { clif_unequipitemack(sd,0,0,0); return 0; } // if player is berserk then cannot unequip if( !(flag&2) && sd->sc.count && sd->sc.data[SC_BERSERK] ) { clif_unequipitemack(sd,n,0,0); return 0; } if(battle_config.battle_log) ShowInfo("unequip %d %x:%x\n",n,pc_equippoint(sd,n),sd->status.inventory[n].equip); if(!sd->status.inventory[n].equip){ //Nothing to unequip clif_unequipitemack(sd,n,0,0); return 0; } for(i=0;istatus.inventory[n].equip & equip_pos[i]) sd->equip_index[i] = -1; } if(sd->status.inventory[n].equip & EQP_HAND_R) { sd->weapontype1 = 0; sd->status.weapon = sd->weapontype2; pc_calcweapontype(sd); clif_changelook(&sd->bl,LOOK_WEAPON,sd->status.weapon); } if(sd->status.inventory[n].equip & EQP_HAND_L) { sd->status.shield = sd->weapontype2 = 0; pc_calcweapontype(sd); clif_changelook(&sd->bl,LOOK_SHIELD,sd->status.shield); } if(sd->status.inventory[n].equip & EQP_HEAD_LOW) { sd->status.head_bottom = 0; clif_changelook(&sd->bl,LOOK_HEAD_BOTTOM,sd->status.head_bottom); } if(sd->status.inventory[n].equip & EQP_HEAD_TOP) { sd->status.head_top = 0; clif_changelook(&sd->bl,LOOK_HEAD_TOP,sd->status.head_top); } if(sd->status.inventory[n].equip & EQP_HEAD_MID) { sd->status.head_mid = 0; clif_changelook(&sd->bl,LOOK_HEAD_MID,sd->status.head_mid); } if(sd->status.inventory[n].equip & EQP_SHOES) clif_changelook(&sd->bl,LOOK_SHOES,0); if( sd->status.inventory[n].equip&EQP_GARMENT ) { sd->status.robe = 0; clif_changelook(&sd->bl, LOOK_ROBE, 0); } clif_unequipitemack(sd,n,sd->status.inventory[n].equip,1); if((sd->status.inventory[n].equip & EQP_ARMS) && sd->weapontype1 == 0 && sd->weapontype2 == 0 && (!sd->sc.data[SC_SEVENWIND] || sd->sc.data[SC_ASPERSIO])) //Check for seven wind (but not level seven!) skill_enchant_elemental_end(&sd->bl,-1); if(sd->status.inventory[n].equip & EQP_ARMOR) { // On Armor Change... status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_BENEDICTIO, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_ARMOR_RESIST, INVALID_TIMER); } if( sd->state.autobonus&sd->status.inventory[n].equip ) sd->state.autobonus &= ~sd->status.inventory[n].equip; //Check for activated autobonus [Inkfish] sd->status.inventory[n].equip=0; if(flag&1) { pc_checkallowskill(sd); status_calc_pc(sd,0); } if(sd->sc.data[SC_SIGNUMCRUCIS] && !battle_check_undead(sd->battle_status.race,sd->battle_status.def_ele)) status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_SIGNUMCRUCIS, INVALID_TIMER); //OnUnEquip script [Skotlex] if (sd->inventory_data[n]) { struct item_data *data; if (sd->inventory_data[n]->unequip_script) run_script(sd->inventory_data[n]->unequip_script,0,sd->bl.id,fake_nd->bl.id); if(itemdb_isspecial(sd->status.inventory[n].card[0])) ; //No cards else for(i=0;iinventory_data[n]->slot; i++) { if (!sd->status.inventory[n].card[i]) continue; data = itemdb_exists(sd->status.inventory[n].card[i]); if (data && data->unequip_script) run_script(data->unequip_script,0,sd->bl.id,fake_nd->bl.id); } } return 0; } /*========================================== * ƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚Ìindex”Ô?‚ð‹l‚ß‚½‚è * ? ”õ•i‚Ì?”õ‰Â”\ƒ`ƒFƒbƒN‚ðs‚È‚¤ *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_checkitem(struct map_session_data *sd) { int i,id,calc_flag = 0; struct item_data *it=NULL; nullpo_ret(sd); if( sd->state.vending ) //Avoid reorganizing items when we are vending, as that leads to exploits (pointed out by End of Exam) return 0; if( battle_config.item_check ) {// check for invalid(ated) items for( i = 0; i < MAX_INVENTORY; i++ ) { id = sd->status.inventory[i].nameid; if( id && !itemdb_available(id) ) { ShowWarning("Removed invalid/disabled item id %d from inventory (amount=%d, char_id=%d).\n", id, sd->status.inventory[i].amount, sd->status.char_id); pc_delitem(sd, i, sd->status.inventory[i].amount, 0, 0); } } for( i = 0; i < MAX_CART; i++ ) { id = sd->status.cart[i].nameid; if( id && !itemdb_available(id) ) { ShowWarning("Removed invalid/disabled item id %d from cart (amount=%d, char_id=%d).\n", id, sd->status.cart[i].amount, sd->status.char_id); pc_cart_delitem(sd, i, sd->status.cart[i].amount, 0); } } } for( i = 0; i < MAX_INVENTORY; i++) { it = sd->inventory_data[i]; if( sd->status.inventory[i].nameid == 0 ) continue; if( !sd->status.inventory[i].equip ) continue; if( sd->status.inventory[i].equip&~pc_equippoint(sd,i) ) { pc_unequipitem(sd, i, 2); calc_flag = 1; continue; } if( it ) { // check for forbiden items. int flag = (map[sd->bl.m].flag.restricted?map[sd->bl.m].zone:0) | (map[sd->bl.m].flag.pvp?1:0) | (map_flag_gvg(sd->bl.m)?2:0); if( flag && (it->flag.no_equip&flag || !pc_isAllowedCardOn(sd,it->slot,i,flag)) ) { pc_unequipitem(sd, i, 2); calc_flag = 1; } } } if( calc_flag && sd->state.active ) { pc_checkallowskill(sd); status_calc_pc(sd,0); } return 0; } /*========================================== * PVP‡ˆÊŒvŽZ—p(foreachinarea) *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_calc_pvprank_sub(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { struct map_session_data *sd1,*sd2=NULL; sd1=(struct map_session_data *)bl; sd2=va_arg(ap,struct map_session_data *); if( sd1->pvp_point > sd2->pvp_point ) sd2->pvp_rank++; return 0; } /*========================================== * PVP‡ˆÊŒvŽZ *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_calc_pvprank(struct map_session_data *sd) { int old; struct map_data *m; m=&map[sd->bl.m]; old=sd->pvp_rank; sd->pvp_rank=1; map_foreachinmap(pc_calc_pvprank_sub,sd->bl.m,BL_PC,sd); if(old!=sd->pvp_rank || sd->pvp_lastusers!=m->users) clif_pvpset(sd,sd->pvp_rank,sd->pvp_lastusers=m->users,0); return sd->pvp_rank; } /*========================================== * PVP‡ˆÊŒvŽZ(timer) *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_calc_pvprank_timer(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr_t data) { struct map_session_data *sd=NULL; sd=map_id2sd(id); if(sd==NULL) return 0; sd->pvp_timer = INVALID_TIMER; if( pc_calc_pvprank(sd) > 0 ) sd->pvp_timer = add_timer(gettick()+PVP_CALCRANK_INTERVAL,pc_calc_pvprank_timer,id,data); return 0; } /*========================================== * sd‚ÍŒ‹¥‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚é‚©(?¥‚Ìꇂ͑Š•û‚Ìchar_id‚ð•Ô‚·) *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_ismarried(struct map_session_data *sd) { if(sd == NULL) return -1; if(sd->status.partner_id > 0) return sd->status.partner_id; else return 0; } /*========================================== * sd‚ªdstsd‚ÆŒ‹¥(dstsd¨sd‚ÌŒ‹¥?—‚à“¯ŽbÉs‚¤) *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_marriage(struct map_session_data *sd,struct map_session_data *dstsd) { if(sd == NULL || dstsd == NULL || sd->status.partner_id > 0 || dstsd->status.partner_id > 0 || (sd->class_&JOBL_BABY) || (dstsd->class_&JOBL_BABY)) return -1; sd->status.partner_id = dstsd->status.char_id; dstsd->status.partner_id = sd->status.char_id; return 0; } /*========================================== * Divorce sd from its partner *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_divorce(struct map_session_data *sd) { struct map_session_data *p_sd; int i; if( sd == NULL || !pc_ismarried(sd) ) return -1; if( !sd->status.partner_id ) return -1; // Char is not married if( (p_sd = map_charid2sd(sd->status.partner_id)) == NULL ) { // Lets char server do the divorce #ifndef TXT_ONLY if( chrif_divorce(sd->status.char_id, sd->status.partner_id) ) return -1; // No char server connected return 0; #else ShowError("pc_divorce: p_sd nullpo\n"); return -1; #endif } // Both players online, lets do the divorce manually sd->status.partner_id = 0; p_sd->status.partner_id = 0; for( i = 0; i < MAX_INVENTORY; i++ ) { if( sd->status.inventory[i].nameid == WEDDING_RING_M || sd->status.inventory[i].nameid == WEDDING_RING_F ) pc_delitem(sd, i, 1, 0, 0); if( p_sd->status.inventory[i].nameid == WEDDING_RING_M || p_sd->status.inventory[i].nameid == WEDDING_RING_F ) pc_delitem(p_sd, i, 1, 0, 0); } clif_divorced(sd, p_sd->status.name); clif_divorced(p_sd, sd->status.name); return 0; } /*========================================== * sd‚Ì‘Š•û‚Ìmap_session_data‚ð•Ô‚· *------------------------------------------*/ struct map_session_data *pc_get_partner(struct map_session_data *sd) { if (sd && pc_ismarried(sd)) // charid2sd returns NULL if not found return map_charid2sd(sd->status.partner_id); return NULL; } struct map_session_data *pc_get_father (struct map_session_data *sd) { if (sd && sd->class_&JOBL_BABY && sd->status.father > 0) // charid2sd returns NULL if not found return map_charid2sd(sd->status.father); return NULL; } struct map_session_data *pc_get_mother (struct map_session_data *sd) { if (sd && sd->class_&JOBL_BABY && sd->status.mother > 0) // charid2sd returns NULL if not found return map_charid2sd(sd->status.mother); return NULL; } struct map_session_data *pc_get_child (struct map_session_data *sd) { if (sd && pc_ismarried(sd) && sd->status.child > 0) // charid2sd returns NULL if not found return map_charid2sd(sd->status.child); return NULL; } void pc_bleeding (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int diff_tick) { int hp = 0, sp = 0; if( pc_isdead(sd) ) return; if (sd->hp_loss.value) { sd->hp_loss.tick += diff_tick; while (sd->hp_loss.tick >= sd->hp_loss.rate) { hp += sd->hp_loss.value; sd->hp_loss.tick -= sd->hp_loss.rate; } if(hp >= sd->battle_status.hp) hp = sd->battle_status.hp-1; //Script drains cannot kill you. } if (sd->sp_loss.value) { sd->sp_loss.tick += diff_tick; while (sd->sp_loss.tick >= sd->sp_loss.rate) { sp += sd->sp_loss.value; sd->sp_loss.tick -= sd->sp_loss.rate; } } if (hp > 0 || sp > 0) status_zap(&sd->bl, hp, sp); return; } //Character regen. Flag is used to know which types of regen can take place. //&1: HP regen //&2: SP regen void pc_regen (struct map_session_data *sd, unsigned int diff_tick) { int hp = 0, sp = 0; if (sd->hp_regen.value) { sd->hp_regen.tick += diff_tick; while (sd->hp_regen.tick >= sd->hp_regen.rate) { hp += sd->hp_regen.value; sd->hp_regen.tick -= sd->hp_regen.rate; } } if (sd->sp_regen.value) { sd->sp_regen.tick += diff_tick; while (sd->sp_regen.tick >= sd->sp_regen.rate) { sp += sd->sp_regen.value; sd->sp_regen.tick -= sd->sp_regen.rate; } } if (hp > 0 || sp > 0) status_heal(&sd->bl, hp, sp, 0); return; } /*========================================== * ƒZ?ƒuƒ|ƒCƒ“ƒg‚Ì•Û‘¶ *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_setsavepoint(struct map_session_data *sd, short mapindex,int x,int y) { nullpo_ret(sd); sd->status.save_point.map = mapindex; sd->status.save_point.x = x; sd->status.save_point.y = y; return 0; } /*========================================== * Ž©“®ƒZ?ƒu (timer??) *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_autosave(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int interval; struct s_mapiterator* iter; struct map_session_data* sd; static int last_save_id = 0, save_flag = 0; if(save_flag == 2) //Someone was saved on last call, normal cycle save_flag = 0; else save_flag = 1; //Noone was saved, so save first found char. iter = mapit_getallusers(); for( sd = (TBL_PC*)mapit_first(iter); mapit_exists(iter); sd = (TBL_PC*)mapit_next(iter) ) { if(sd->bl.id == last_save_id && save_flag != 1) { save_flag = 1; continue; } if(save_flag != 1) //Not our turn to save yet. continue; //Save char. last_save_id = sd->bl.id; save_flag = 2; chrif_save(sd,0); break; } mapit_free(iter); interval = autosave_interval/(map_usercount()+1); if(interval < minsave_interval) interval = minsave_interval; add_timer(gettick()+interval,pc_autosave,0,0); return 0; } static int pc_daynight_timer_sub(struct map_session_data *sd,va_list ap) { if (sd->state.night != night_flag && map[sd->bl.m].flag.nightenabled) { //Night/day state does not match. clif_status_load(&sd->bl, SI_NIGHT, night_flag); //New night effect by dynamix [Skotlex] sd->state.night = night_flag; return 1; } return 0; } /*================================================ * timer to do the day [Yor] * data: 0 = called by timer, 1 = gmcommand/script *------------------------------------------------*/ int map_day_timer(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr_t data) { char tmp_soutput[1024]; if (data == 0 && battle_config.day_duration <= 0) // if we want a day return 0; if (!night_flag) return 0; //Already day. night_flag = 0; // 0=day, 1=night [Yor] map_foreachpc(pc_daynight_timer_sub); strcpy(tmp_soutput, (data == 0) ? msg_txt(502) : msg_txt(60)); // The day has arrived! intif_broadcast(tmp_soutput, strlen(tmp_soutput) + 1, 0); return 0; } /*================================================ * timer to do the night [Yor] * data: 0 = called by timer, 1 = gmcommand/script *------------------------------------------------*/ int map_night_timer(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr_t data) { char tmp_soutput[1024]; if (data == 0 && battle_config.night_duration <= 0) // if we want a night return 0; if (night_flag) return 0; //Already nigth. night_flag = 1; // 0=day, 1=night [Yor] map_foreachpc(pc_daynight_timer_sub); strcpy(tmp_soutput, (data == 0) ? msg_txt(503) : msg_txt(59)); // The night has fallen... intif_broadcast(tmp_soutput, strlen(tmp_soutput) + 1, 0); return 0; } void pc_setstand(struct map_session_data *sd){ nullpo_retv(sd); status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_TENSIONRELAX, INVALID_TIMER); //Reset sitting tick. sd->ssregen.tick.hp = sd->ssregen.tick.sp = 0; sd->state.dead_sit = sd->vd.dead_sit = 0; } int pc_split_str(char *str,char **val,int num) { int i; for (i=0; i UINT_MAX) { val[i] = UINT_MAX; if (!warning) { warning = 1; ShowWarning("pc_readdb (exp.txt): Required exp per level is capped to %u\n", UINT_MAX); } } else val[i] = (unsigned int)f; str = strchr(str,sep); if (str) *str++=0; } //Zero up the remaining. for(j=i; j < max; j++) val[j] = 0; return i; } /*========================================== * DB reading. * exp.txt - required experience values * skill_tree.txt - skill tree for every class * attr_fix.txt - elemental adjustment table * statpoint.txt - status points per base level *------------------------------------------*/ static bool pc_readdb_skilltree(char* fields[], int columns, int current) { unsigned char joblv = 0, skilllv; unsigned short skillid; int idx, class_; unsigned int i, offset = 3, skillidx; class_ = atoi(fields[0]); skillid = (unsigned short)atoi(fields[1]); skilllv = (unsigned char)atoi(fields[2]); if(columns==4+MAX_PC_SKILL_REQUIRE*2) {// job level requirement extra column joblv = (unsigned char)atoi(fields[3]); offset++; } if(!pcdb_checkid(class_)) { ShowWarning("pc_readdb_skilltree: Invalid job class %d specified.\n", class_); return false; } idx = pc_class2idx(class_); //This is to avoid adding two lines for the same skill. [Skotlex] ARR_FIND( 0, MAX_SKILL_TREE, skillidx, skill_tree[idx][skillidx].id == 0 || skill_tree[idx][skillidx].id == skillid ); if( skillidx == MAX_SKILL_TREE ) { ShowWarning("pc_readdb_skilltree: Unable to load skill %hu into job %d's tree. Maximum number of skills per class has been reached.\n", skillid, class_); return false; } else if(skill_tree[idx][skillidx].id) { ShowNotice("pc_readdb_skilltree: Overwriting skill %hu for job class %d.\n", skillid, class_); } skill_tree[idx][skillidx].id = skillid; skill_tree[idx][skillidx].max = skilllv; skill_tree[idx][skillidx].joblv = joblv; for(i = 0; i < MAX_PC_SKILL_REQUIRE; i++) { skill_tree[idx][skillidx].need[i].id = atoi(fields[i*2+offset]); skill_tree[idx][skillidx].need[i].lv = atoi(fields[i*2+offset+1]); } return true; } int pc_readdb(void) { int i,j,k; FILE *fp; char line[24000],*p; // •K—v??’l?‚Ý?‚Ý memset(exp_table,0,sizeof(exp_table)); memset(max_level,0,sizeof(max_level)); sprintf(line, "%s/exp.txt", db_path); fp=fopen(line, "r"); if(fp==NULL){ ShowError("can't read %s\n", line); return 1; } while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp)) { int jobs[CLASS_COUNT], job_count, job, job_id; int type; unsigned int ui,maxlv; char *split[4]; if(line[0]=='/' && line[1]=='/') continue; if (pc_split_str(line,split,4) < 4) continue; job_count = pc_split_atoi(split[1],jobs,':',CLASS_COUNT); if (job_count < 1) continue; job_id = jobs[0]; if (!pcdb_checkid(job_id)) { ShowError("pc_readdb: Invalid job ID %d.\n", job_id); continue; } type = atoi(split[2]); if (type < 0 || type > 1) { ShowError("pc_readdb: Invalid type %d (must be 0 for base levels, 1 for job levels).\n", type); continue; } maxlv = atoi(split[0]); if (maxlv > MAX_LEVEL) { ShowWarning("pc_readdb: Specified max level %u for job %d is beyond server's limit (%u).\n ", maxlv, job_id, MAX_LEVEL); maxlv = MAX_LEVEL; } job = jobs[0] = pc_class2idx(job_id); //We send one less and then one more because the last entry in the exp array should hold 0. max_level[job][type] = pc_split_atoui(split[3], exp_table[job][type],',',maxlv-1)+1; //Reverse check in case the array has a bunch of trailing zeros... [Skotlex] //The reasoning behind the -2 is this... if the max level is 5, then the array //should look like this: //0: x, 1: x, 2: x: 3: x 4: 0 <- last valid value is at 3. while ((ui = max_level[job][type]) >= 2 && exp_table[job][type][ui-2] <= 0) max_level[job][type]--; if (max_level[job][type] < maxlv) { ShowWarning("pc_readdb: Specified max %u for job %d, but that job's exp table only goes up to level %u.\n", maxlv, job_id, max_level[job][type]); ShowInfo("Filling the missing values with the last exp entry.\n"); //Fill the requested values with the last entry. ui = (max_level[job][type] <= 2? 0: max_level[job][type]-2); for (; ui+2 < maxlv; ui++) exp_table[job][type][ui] = exp_table[job][type][ui-1]; max_level[job][type] = maxlv; } // ShowDebug("%s - Class %d: %d\n", type?"Job":"Base", job_id, max_level[job][type]); for (i = 1; i < job_count; i++) { job_id = jobs[i]; if (!pcdb_checkid(job_id)) { ShowError("pc_readdb: Invalid job ID %d.\n", job_id); continue; } job = pc_class2idx(job_id); memcpy(exp_table[job][type], exp_table[jobs[0]][type], sizeof(exp_table[0][0])); max_level[job][type] = maxlv; // ShowDebug("%s - Class %d: %u\n", type?"Job":"Base", job_id, max_level[job][type]); } } fclose(fp); for (i = 0; i < JOB_MAX; i++) { if (!pcdb_checkid(i)) continue; if (i == JOB_WEDDING || i == JOB_XMAS || i == JOB_SUMMER) continue; //Classes that do not need exp tables. j = pc_class2idx(i); if (!max_level[j][0]) ShowWarning("Class %s (%d) does not has a base exp table.\n", job_name(i), i); if (!max_level[j][1]) ShowWarning("Class %s (%d) does not has a job exp table.\n", job_name(i), i); } ShowStatus("Done reading '"CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET"'.\n","exp.txt"); // ƒXƒLƒ‹ƒcƒŠ? memset(skill_tree,0,sizeof(skill_tree)); sv_readdb(db_path, "skill_tree.txt", ',', 3+MAX_PC_SKILL_REQUIRE*2, 4+MAX_PC_SKILL_REQUIRE*2, -1, &pc_readdb_skilltree); // ?«C³ƒe?ƒuƒ‹ for(i=0;i<4;i++) for(j=0;j0) p++; attr_fix_table[lv-1][i][j]=atoi(p); if(battle_config.attr_recover == 0 && attr_fix_table[lv-1][i][j] < 0) attr_fix_table[lv-1][i][j] = 0; p=strchr(p,','); if(p) *p++=0; } i++; } } fclose(fp); ShowStatus("Done reading '"CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET"'.\n","attr_fix.txt"); // ƒXƒLƒ‹ƒcƒŠ? memset(statp,0,sizeof(statp)); i=1; sprintf(line, "%s/statpoint.txt", db_path); fp=fopen(line,"r"); if(fp == NULL){ ShowWarning("Can't read '"CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET"'... Generating DB.\n",line); //return 1; } else { while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp)) { int stat; if(line[0]=='/' && line[1]=='/') continue; if ((stat=strtoul(line,NULL,10))<0) stat=0; if (i > MAX_LEVEL) break; statp[i]=stat; i++; } fclose(fp); ShowStatus("Done reading '"CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET"'.\n","statpoint.txt"); } // generate the remaining parts of the db if necessary k = battle_config.use_statpoint_table; //save setting battle_config.use_statpoint_table = 0; //temporarily disable to force pc_gets_status_point use default values statp[0] = 45; // seed value for (; i <= MAX_LEVEL; i++) statp[i] = statp[i-1] + pc_gets_status_point(i-1); battle_config.use_statpoint_table = k; //restore setting return 0; } // Read MOTD on startup. [Valaris] int pc_read_motd(void) { char* buf, * ptr; unsigned int lines = 0, entries = 0; size_t len; FILE* fp; // clear old MOTD memset(motd_text, 0, sizeof(motd_text)); // read current MOTD if( ( fp = fopen(motd_txt, "r") ) != NULL ) { while( entries < MOTD_LINE_SIZE && fgets(motd_text[entries], sizeof(motd_text[entries]), fp) ) { lines++; buf = motd_text[entries]; if( buf[0] == '/' && buf[1] == '/' ) { continue; } len = strlen(buf); while( len && ( buf[len-1] == '\r' || buf[len-1] == '\n' ) ) {// strip trailing EOL characters len--; } if( len ) { buf[len] = 0; if( ( ptr = strstr(buf, " :") ) != NULL && ptr-buf >= NAME_LENGTH ) {// crashes newer clients ShowWarning("Found sequence '"CL_WHITE" :"CL_RESET"' on line '"CL_WHITE"%u"CL_RESET"' in '"CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET"'. This can cause newer clients to crash.\n", lines, motd_txt); } } else {// empty line buf[0] = ' '; buf[1] = 0; } entries++; } fclose(fp); ShowStatus("Done reading '"CL_WHITE"%u"CL_RESET"' entries in '"CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET"'.\n", entries, motd_txt); } else { ShowWarning("File '"CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET"' not found.\n", motd_txt); } return 0; } /*========================================== * pc? ŒW‰Šú‰» *------------------------------------------*/ void do_final_pc(void) { return; } int do_init_pc(void) { pc_readdb(); pc_read_motd(); // Read MOTD [Valaris] add_timer_func_list(pc_invincible_timer, "pc_invincible_timer"); add_timer_func_list(pc_eventtimer, "pc_eventtimer"); add_timer_func_list(pc_inventory_rental_end, "pc_inventory_rental_end"); add_timer_func_list(pc_calc_pvprank_timer, "pc_calc_pvprank_timer"); add_timer_func_list(pc_autosave, "pc_autosave"); add_timer_func_list(pc_spiritball_timer, "pc_spiritball_timer"); add_timer_func_list(pc_follow_timer, "pc_follow_timer"); add_timer_func_list(pc_endautobonus, "pc_endautobonus"); add_timer(gettick() + autosave_interval, pc_autosave, 0, 0); if (battle_config.day_duration > 0 && battle_config.night_duration > 0) { int day_duration = battle_config.day_duration; int night_duration = battle_config.night_duration; // add night/day timer (by [yor]) add_timer_func_list(map_day_timer, "map_day_timer"); // by [yor] add_timer_func_list(map_night_timer, "map_night_timer"); // by [yor] if (!battle_config.night_at_start) { night_flag = 0; // 0=day, 1=night [Yor] day_timer_tid = add_timer_interval(gettick() + day_duration + night_duration, map_day_timer, 0, 0, day_duration + night_duration); night_timer_tid = add_timer_interval(gettick() + day_duration, map_night_timer, 0, 0, day_duration + night_duration); } else { night_flag = 1; // 0=day, 1=night [Yor] day_timer_tid = add_timer_interval(gettick() + night_duration, map_day_timer, 0, 0, day_duration + night_duration); night_timer_tid = add_timer_interval(gettick() + day_duration + night_duration, map_night_timer, 0, 0, day_duration + night_duration); } } return 0; }