* This file is part of Hercules.
* http://herc.ws - http://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules
* Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Hercules Dev Team
* Copyright (C) Athena Dev Teams
* Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
#ifndef MAP_NPC_H
#define MAP_NPC_H
#include "map/map.h" // struct block_list
#include "map/status.h" // struct status_change
#include "map/unit.h" // struct unit_data
#include "common/hercules.h"
#include "common/db.h"
struct hplugin_data_store;
struct view_data;
enum npc_parse_options {
NPO_NONE = 0x0,
enum npc_shop_types {
NST_ZENY,/* default */
NST_CASH,/* official npc cash shop */
NST_MARKET,/* official npc market type */
/* */
struct npc_timerevent_list {
int timer,pos;
struct npc_label_list {
char name[NAME_LENGTH];
int pos;
struct npc_item_list {
unsigned short nameid;
unsigned int value;
unsigned int qty;
struct npc_shop_data {
unsigned char type;/* what am i */
struct npc_item_list *item;/* list */
unsigned short items;/* total */
struct npc_parse;
struct npc_data {
struct block_list bl;
struct unit_data *ud;
struct view_data *vd;
unsigned int option;
struct npc_data *master_nd;
short class_;
short speed;
char name[NAME_LENGTH+1];// display name
char exname[NAME_LENGTH+1];// unique npc name
int chat_id;
int touching_id;
int64 next_walktime;
uint8 dir;
uint8 area_size;
unsigned size : 2;
struct status_data status;
unsigned short level;
unsigned short stat_point;
struct npc_parse *chatdb;
const char *path; ///< Source path reference
enum npc_subtype subtype;
int src_id;
union {
struct {
struct script_code *script;
short xs,ys; // OnTouch area radius
int guild_id;
int timer,timerid,timeramount,rid;
int64 timertick;
struct npc_timerevent_list *timer_event;
int label_list_num;
struct npc_label_list *label_list;
/* */
struct npc_shop_data *shop;
bool trader;
} scr;
struct { /* TODO duck this as soon as the new shop formatting is deemed stable */
struct npc_item_list* shop_item;
unsigned short count;
} shop;
struct {
short xs,ys; // OnTouch area radius
short x,y; // destination coords
unsigned short mapindex; // destination map
} warp;
struct {
struct mob_data *md;
time_t kill_time;
char killer_name[NAME_LENGTH];
} tomb;
} u;
struct hplugin_data_store *hdata; ///< HPM Plugin Data Store
#define START_NPC_NUM 110000000
enum actor_classes {
FAKE_NPC = -1,
MOB_TOMB = 565,
// Old NPC range
#define MAX_NPC_CLASS 1000
// New NPC range
#define MAX_NPC_CLASS2_START 10001
#define MAX_NPC_CLASS2_END 10178
//Script NPC events.
enum npce_event {
// linked list of npc source files
struct npc_src_list {
struct npc_src_list* next;
char name[4]; // dynamic array, the structure is allocated with extra bytes (string length)
struct event_data {
struct npc_data *nd;
int pos;
struct npc_path_data {
char* path;
unsigned short references;
/* npc.c interface */
struct npc_interface {
/* */
struct npc_data *motd;
DBMap *ev_db; // const char* event_name -> struct event_data*
DBMap *ev_label_db; // const char* label_name (without leading "::") -> struct linkdb_node** (key: struct npc_data*; data: struct event_data*)
DBMap *name_db; // const char* npc_name -> struct npc_data*
DBMap *path_db;
struct eri *timer_event_ers; //For the npc timer data. [Skotlex]
struct npc_data *fake_nd;
struct npc_src_list *src_files;
struct unit_data base_ud;
/* npc trader global data, for ease of transition between the script, cleared on every usage */
bool trader_ok;
int trader_funds[2];
/* */
int (*init) (bool minimal);
int (*final) (void);
/* */
int (*get_new_npc_id) (void);
struct view_data* (*get_viewdata) (int class_);
int (*isnear_sub) (struct block_list *bl, va_list args);
bool (*isnear) (struct block_list *bl);
int (*ontouch_event) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct npc_data *nd);
int (*ontouch2_event) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct npc_data *nd);
int (*onuntouch_event) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct npc_data *nd);
int (*enable_sub) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap);
int (*enable) (const char *name, int flag);
struct npc_data* (*name2id) (const char *name);
int (*event_dequeue) (struct map_session_data *sd);
DBData (*event_export_create) (DBKey key, va_list args);
int (*event_export) (struct npc_data *nd, int i);
int (*event_sub) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct event_data *ev, const char *eventname);
void (*event_doall_sub) (void *key, void *data, va_list ap);
int (*event_do) (const char *name);
int (*event_doall_id) (const char *name, int rid);
int (*event_doall) (const char *name);
int (*event_do_clock) (int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data);
void (*event_do_oninit) ( bool reload );
int (*timerevent_export) (struct npc_data *nd, int i);
int (*timerevent) (int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data);
int (*timerevent_start) (struct npc_data *nd, int rid);
int (*timerevent_stop) (struct npc_data *nd);
void (*timerevent_quit) (struct map_session_data *sd);
int64 (*gettimerevent_tick) (struct npc_data *nd);
int (*settimerevent_tick) (struct npc_data *nd, int newtimer);
int (*event) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *eventname, int ontouch);
int (*touch_areanpc_sub) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap);
int (*touchnext_areanpc) (struct map_session_data *sd, bool leavemap);
int (*touch_areanpc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int16 m, int16 x, int16 y);
int (*untouch_areanpc) (struct map_session_data *sd, int16 m, int16 x, int16 y);
int (*touch_areanpc2) (struct mob_data *md);
int (*check_areanpc) (int flag, int16 m, int16 x, int16 y, int16 range);
struct npc_data* (*checknear) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl);
int (*globalmessage) (const char *name, const char *mes);
void (*run_tomb) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct npc_data *nd);
int (*click) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct npc_data *nd);
int (*scriptcont) (struct map_session_data *sd, int id, bool closing);
int (*buysellsel) (struct map_session_data *sd, int id, int type);
int (*cashshop_buylist) (struct map_session_data *sd, int points, int count, unsigned short *item_list);
int (*buylist_sub) (struct map_session_data *sd, int n, unsigned short *item_list, struct npc_data *nd);
int (*cashshop_buy) (struct map_session_data *sd, int nameid, int amount, int points);
int (*buylist) (struct map_session_data *sd, int n, unsigned short *item_list);
int (*selllist_sub) (struct map_session_data *sd, int n, unsigned short *item_list, struct npc_data *nd);
int (*selllist) (struct map_session_data *sd, int n, unsigned short *item_list);
int (*remove_map) (struct npc_data *nd);
int (*unload_ev) (DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list ap);
int (*unload_ev_label) (DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list ap);
int (*unload_dup_sub) (struct npc_data *nd, va_list args);
void (*unload_duplicates) (struct npc_data *nd);
int (*unload) (struct npc_data *nd, bool single);
void (*clearsrcfile) (void);
void (*addsrcfile) (const char *name);
void (*delsrcfile) (const char *name);
const char *(*retainpathreference) (const char *filepath);
void (*releasepathreference) (const char *filepath);
void (*parsename) (struct npc_data *nd, const char *name, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath);
int (*parseview) (const char *w4, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath);
bool (*viewisid) (const char *viewid);
struct npc_data *(*create_npc) (enum npc_subtype subtype, int m, int x, int y, uint8 dir, int16 class_);
struct npc_data* (*add_warp) (char *name, short from_mapid, short from_x, short from_y, short xs, short ys, unsigned short to_mapindex, short to_x, short to_y);
const char *(*parse_warp) (const char *w1, const char *w2, const char *w3, const char *w4, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath, int *retval);
const char *(*parse_shop) (const char *w1, const char *w2, const char *w3, const char *w4, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath, int *retval);
const char *(*parse_unknown_object) (const char *w1, const char *w2, const char *w3, const char *w4, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath, int *retval);
void (*convertlabel_db) (struct npc_label_list *label_list, const char *filepath);
const char* (*skip_script) (const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath, int *retval);
const char *(*parse_script) (const char *w1, const char *w2, const char *w3, const char *w4, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath, int options, int *retval);
void (*add_to_location) (struct npc_data *nd);
bool (*duplicate_script_sub) (struct npc_data *nd, const struct npc_data *snd, int xs, int ys, int options);
bool (*duplicate_shop_sub) (struct npc_data *nd, const struct npc_data *snd, int xs, int ys, int options);
bool (*duplicate_warp_sub) (struct npc_data *nd, const struct npc_data *snd, int xs, int ys, int options);
bool (*duplicate_sub) (struct npc_data *nd, const struct npc_data *snd, int xs, int ys, int options);
const char *(*parse_duplicate) (const char *w1, const char *w2, const char *w3, const char *w4, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath, int options, int *retval);
int (*duplicate4instance) (struct npc_data *snd, int16 m);
void (*setcells) (struct npc_data *nd);
int (*unsetcells_sub) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap);
void (*unsetcells) (struct npc_data *nd);
void (*movenpc) (struct npc_data *nd, int16 x, int16 y);
void (*setdisplayname) (struct npc_data *nd, const char *newname);
void (*setclass) (struct npc_data *nd, short class_);
int (*do_atcmd_event) (struct map_session_data *sd, const char *command, const char *message, const char *eventname);
const char *(*parse_function) (const char *w1, const char *w2, const char *w3, const char *w4, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath, int *retval);
void (*parse_mob2) (struct spawn_data *mobspawn);
const char *(*parse_mob) (const char *w1, const char *w2, const char *w3, const char *w4, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath, int *retval);
const char *(*parse_mapflag) (const char *w1, const char *w2, const char *w3, const char *w4, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath, int *retval);
void (*parse_unknown_mapflag) (const char *name, const char *w3, const char *w4, const char *start, const char *buffer, const char *filepath, int *retval);
int (*parsesrcfile) (const char *filepath, bool runOnInit);
int (*script_event) (struct map_session_data *sd, enum npce_event type);
void (*read_event_script) (void);
int (*path_db_clear_sub) (DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list args);
int (*ev_label_db_clear_sub) (DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list args);
int (*reload) (void);
bool (*unloadfile) (const char *filepath);
void (*do_clear_npc) (void);
void (*debug_warps_sub) (struct npc_data *nd);
void (*debug_warps) (void);
/* */
void (*trader_count_funds) (struct npc_data *nd, struct map_session_data *sd);
bool (*trader_pay) (struct npc_data *nd, struct map_session_data *sd, int price, int points);
void (*trader_update) (int master);
int (*market_buylist) (struct map_session_data* sd, unsigned short list_size, struct packet_npc_market_purchase *p);
bool (*trader_open) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct npc_data *nd);
void (*market_fromsql) (void);
void (*market_tosql) (struct npc_data *nd, unsigned short index);
void (*market_delfromsql) (struct npc_data *nd, unsigned short index);
void (*market_delfromsql_sub) (const char *npcname, unsigned short index);
bool (*db_checkid) (const int id);
* For the Secure NPC Timeout option (check config/Secure.h) [RR]
int (*secure_timeout_timer) (int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data);
void npc_defaults(void);
HPShared struct npc_interface *npc;
/* comes from npc_chat.c */
* Structure containing all info associated with a single pattern block
struct pcrematch_entry {
struct pcrematch_entry* next;
char* pattern;
pcre* pcre_;
pcre_extra* pcre_extra_;
char* label;
* A set of patterns that can be activated and deactived with a single command
struct pcrematch_set {
struct pcrematch_set* prev;
struct pcrematch_set* next;
struct pcrematch_entry* head;
int setid;
* Entire data structure hung off a NPC
struct npc_parse {
struct pcrematch_set* active;
struct pcrematch_set* inactive;
struct npc_chat_interface {
int (*sub) (struct block_list* bl, va_list ap);
void (*finalize) (struct npc_data* nd);
void (*def_pattern) (struct npc_data* nd, int setid, const char* pattern, const char* label);
struct pcrematch_entry* (*create_pcrematch_entry) (struct pcrematch_set* set);
void (*delete_pcreset) (struct npc_data* nd, int setid);
void (*deactivate_pcreset) (struct npc_data* nd, int setid);
void (*activate_pcreset) (struct npc_data* nd, int setid);
struct pcrematch_set* (*lookup_pcreset) (struct npc_data* nd, int setid);
void (*finalize_pcrematch_entry) (struct pcrematch_entry* e);
* pcre interface (libpcre)
* so that plugins may share and take advantage of the core's pcre
* should be moved into core/perhaps its own file once hpm is enhanced for login/char
struct pcre_interface {
pcre *(*compile) (const char *pattern, int options, const char **errptr, int *erroffset, const unsigned char *tableptr);
pcre_extra *(*study) (const pcre *code, int options, const char **errptr);
int (*exec) (const pcre *code, const pcre_extra *extra, PCRE_SPTR subject, int length, int startoffset, int options, int *ovector, int ovecsize);
void (*free) (void *ptr);
int (*copy_substring) (const char *subject, int *ovector, int stringcount, int stringnumber, char *buffer, int buffersize);
void (*free_substring) (const char *stringptr);
int (*copy_named_substring) (const pcre *code, const char *subject, int *ovector, int stringcount, const char *stringname, char *buffer, int buffersize);
int (*get_substring) (const char *subject, int *ovector, int stringcount, int stringnumber, const char **stringptr);
* Also defaults libpcre
void npc_chat_defaults(void);
HPShared struct npc_chat_interface *npc_chat;
HPShared struct pcre_interface *libpcre;
#endif /* MAP_NPC_H */