// Copyright (c) Hercules Dev Team, licensed under GNU GPL.
// See the LICENSE file
// Portions Copyright (c) Athena Dev Teams

#ifndef MAP_MOB_H
#define MAP_MOB_H

#include "map.h" // struct status_data, struct view_data, struct mob_skill
#include "status.h" // struct status_data, struct status_change
#include "unit.h" // struct unit_data
#include "../common/cbasetypes.h"
#include "../common/mmo.h" // struct item


// Change this to increase the table size in your mob_db to accommodate a larger mob database.
// Be sure to note that IDs 4001 to 4048 are reserved for advanced/baby/expanded classes.
// Notice that the last 1000 entries are used for player clones, so always set this to desired value +1000
#define MAX_MOB_DB 5000

//The number of drops all mobs have and the max drop-slot that the steal skill will attempt to steal from.
#define MAX_MOB_DROP 10
#define MAX_MVP_DROP 3
#define MAX_STEAL_DROP 7

//Min time between AI executions
//Min time before mobs do a check to call nearby friends for help (or for slaves to support their master)
#define MIN_MOBLINKTIME 1000
//Min time between random walks

//Distance that slaves should keep from their master.

// These define the range of available IDs for clones. [Valaris]

//Used to determine default enemy type of mobs (for use in each in range calls)
#define DEFAULT_ENEMY_TYPE(md) ((md)->special_state.ai?BL_CHAR:BL_MOB|BL_PC|BL_HOM|BL_MER)

#define MAX_MOB_CHAT 250 //Max Skill's messages

// On official servers, monsters will only seek targets that are closer to walk to than their
// search range. The search range is affected depending on if the monster is walking or not.
// On some maps there can be a quite long path for just walking two cells in a direction and
// the client does not support displaying walk paths that are longer than 14 cells, so this
// option reduces position lag in such situation. But doing a complex search for every possible
// target, might be CPU intensive.
// Disable this to make monsters not do any path search when looking for a target (old behavior).

//Mob skill states.
enum MobSkillState {
	MSS_ANY = -1,
	MSS_BERSERK, //Aggressive mob attacking
	MSS_ANGRY,   //Mob retaliating from being attacked.
	MSS_RUSH,    //Mob following a player after being attacked.
	MSS_FOLLOW,  //Mob following a player without being attacked.

enum MobDamageLogFlag

enum size {
	SZ_SMALL = 0,

enum ai {
	AI_NONE = 0,

struct mob_skill {
	enum MobSkillState state;
	uint16 skill_id,skill_lv;
	short permillage;
	int casttime,delay;
	short cancel;
	short cond1,cond2;
	short target;
	int val[5];
	short emotion;
	unsigned short msg_id;

struct mob_chat {
	unsigned short msg_id;
	unsigned int color;
	char msg[CHAT_SIZE_MAX];

struct spawn_info {
	unsigned short mapindex;
	unsigned short qty;

struct mob_db {
	char sprite[NAME_LENGTH],name[NAME_LENGTH],jname[NAME_LENGTH];
	unsigned int base_exp,job_exp;
	unsigned int mexp;
	short range2,range3;
	short race2; // celest
	unsigned short lv;
	struct { int nameid,p; } dropitem[MAX_MOB_DROP];
	struct { int nameid,p; } mvpitem[MAX_MVP_DROP];
	struct status_data status;
	struct view_data vd;
	unsigned int option;
	int summonper[MAX_RANDOMMONSTER];
	int maxskill;
	struct mob_skill skill[MAX_MOBSKILL];
	struct spawn_info spawn[10];

	/* HPM Custom Struct */
	struct HPluginData **hdata;
	unsigned int hdatac;

struct mob_data {
	struct block_list bl;
	struct unit_data  ud;
	struct view_data *vd;
	struct status_data status, *base_status; //Second one is in case of leveling up mobs, or tiny/large mobs.
	struct status_change sc;
	struct mob_db *db; //For quick data access (saves doing mob_db(md->class_) all the time) [Skotlex]
	char name[NAME_LENGTH];
	struct {
		unsigned int size : 2; //Small/Big monsters.
		unsigned int ai : 4; //Special AI for summoned monsters.
							//0: Normal mob.
							//1: Standard summon, attacks mobs.
							//2: Alchemist Marine Sphere
							//3: Alchemist Summon Flora
							//4: Summon Zanzou
		unsigned int clone : 1;/* is clone? 1:0 */
	} special_state; //Special mob information that does not needs to be zero'ed on mob respawn.
	struct {
		unsigned int aggressive : 1; //Signals whether the mob AI is in aggressive mode or reactive mode. [Skotlex]
		unsigned int steal_coin_flag : 1;
		unsigned int soul_change_flag : 1; // Celest
		unsigned int alchemist: 1;
		unsigned int spotted: 1;
		unsigned int npc_killmonster: 1; //for new killmonster behavior
		unsigned int rebirth: 1; // NPC_Rebirth used
		unsigned int boss : 1;
		enum MobSkillState skillstate;
		unsigned char steal_flag; //number of steal tries (to prevent steal exploit on mobs with few items) [Lupus]
		unsigned char attacked_count; //For rude attacked.
		int provoke_flag; // Celest
	} state;
	struct guardian_data* guardian_data;
	struct {
		int id;
		unsigned int dmg;
		unsigned int flag : 2; //0: Normal. 1: Homunc exp. 2: Pet exp
	} dmglog[DAMAGELOG_SIZE];
	struct spawn_data *spawn; //Spawn data.
	int spawn_timer; //Required for Convex Mirror
	struct item *lootitem;
	short class_;
	unsigned int tdmg; //Stores total damage given to the mob, for exp calculations. [Skotlex]
	int level;
	int target_id,attacked_id;
	int areanpc_id; //Required in OnTouchNPC (to avoid multiple area touchs)
	unsigned int bg_id; // BattleGround System

	int64 next_walktime, last_thinktime, last_linktime, last_pcneartime, dmgtick;
	short move_fail_count;
	short lootitem_count;
	short min_chase;
	unsigned char walktoxy_fail_count; //Pathfinding succeeds but the actual walking failed (e.g. Icewall lock)

	int deletetimer;
	int master_id,master_dist;

	int8 skill_idx;// key of array
	int64 skilldelay[MAX_MOBSKILL];
	char npc_event[EVENT_NAME_LENGTH];
	 * Did this monster summon something?
	 * Used to flag summon deletions, saves a worth amount of memory
	bool can_summon;
	 * MvP Tombstone NPC ID
	int tomb_nid;

	/* HPM Custom Struct */
	struct HPluginData **hdata;
	unsigned int hdatac;

enum {
	MST_RANDOM, //Random Target!

	MSC_ALWAYS = 0x0000,

// The data structures for storing delayed item drops
struct item_drop {
	struct item item_data;
	struct item_drop* next;
struct item_drop_list {
	int16 m, x, y;                       // coordinates
	int first_charid, second_charid, third_charid; // charid's of players with higher pickup priority
	struct item_drop* item;            // linked list of drops

#define mob_stop_walking(md, type) (unit->stop_walking(&(md)->bl, (type)))
#define mob_stop_attack(md)        (unit->stop_attack(&(md)->bl))

#define mob_is_battleground(md) ( map->list[(md)->bl.m].flag.battleground && ((md)->class_ == MOBID_BARRICADE2 || ((md)->class_ >= MOBID_FOOD_STOR && (md)->class_ <= MOBID_PINK_CRYST)) )
#define mob_is_gvg(md) (map->list[(md)->bl.m].flag.gvg_castle && ( (md)->class_ == MOBID_EMPERIUM || (md)->class_ == MOBID_BARRICADE1 || (md)->class_ == MOBID_GUARIDAN_STONE1 || (md)->class_ == MOBID_GUARIDAN_STONE2) )
#define mob_is_treasure(md) (((md)->class_ >= MOBID_TREAS01 && (md)->class_ <= MOBID_TREAS40) || ((md)->class_ >= MOBID_TREAS41 && (md)->class_ <= MOBID_TREAS49))

struct mob_interface {
	//Dynamic mob database, allows saving of memory when there's big gaps in the mob_db [Skotlex]
	struct mob_db *db_data[MAX_MOB_DB+1];
	struct mob_db *dummy; //Dummy mob to be returned when a non-existant one is requested.
	//Dynamic mob chat database
	struct mob_chat *chat_db[MAX_MOB_CHAT+1];
	//Defines the Manuk/Splendide mob groups for the status reductions [Epoque]
	int manuk[8];
	int splendide[5];
	/* */
	int (*init) (bool mimimal);
	int (*final) (void);
	void (*reload) (void);
	/* */
	struct mob_db* (*db) (int index);
	struct mob_chat* (*chat) (short id);
	int (*makedummymobdb) (int);
	int (*spawn_guardian_sub) (int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data);
	int (*skill_id2skill_idx) (int class_, uint16 skill_id);
	int (*db_searchname) (const char *str);
	int (*db_searchname_array_sub) (struct mob_db *monster, const char *str, int flag);
	// MvP Tomb System
	void (*mvptomb_create) (struct mob_data *md, char *killer, time_t time);
	void (*mvptomb_destroy) (struct mob_data *md);
	int (*db_searchname_array) (struct mob_db **data, int size, const char *str, int flag);
	int (*db_checkid) (const int id);
	struct view_data* (*get_viewdata) (int class_);
	int (*parse_dataset) (struct spawn_data *data);
	struct mob_data* (*spawn_dataset) (struct spawn_data *data);
	int (*get_random_id) (int type, int flag, int lv);
	bool (*ksprotected) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target);
	struct mob_data* (*once_spawn_sub) (struct block_list *bl, int16 m, int16 x, int16 y, const char *mobname, int class_, const char *event, unsigned int size, unsigned int ai);
	int (*once_spawn) (struct map_session_data *sd, int16 m, int16 x, int16 y, const char *mobname, int class_, int amount, const char *event, unsigned int size, unsigned int ai);
	int (*once_spawn_area) (struct map_session_data *sd, int16 m, int16 x0, int16 y0, int16 x1, int16 y1, const char *mobname, int class_, int amount, const char *event, unsigned int size, unsigned int ai);
	int (*spawn_guardian) (const char *mapname, short x, short y, const char *mobname, int class_, const char *event, int guardian, bool has_index);
	int (*spawn_bg) (const char *mapname, short x, short y, const char *mobname, int class_, const char *event, unsigned int bg_id);
	int (*can_reach) (struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *bl, int range, int state);
	int (*linksearch) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap);
	int (*delayspawn) (int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data);
	int (*setdelayspawn) (struct mob_data *md);
	int (*count_sub) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap);
	int (*spawn) (struct mob_data *md);
	int (*can_changetarget) (struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *target, int mode);
	int (*target) (struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *bl, int dist);
	int (*ai_sub_hard_activesearch) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap);
	int (*ai_sub_hard_changechase) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap);
	int (*ai_sub_hard_bg_ally) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap);
	int (*ai_sub_hard_lootsearch) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap);
	int (*warpchase_sub) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap);
	int (*ai_sub_hard_slavemob) (struct mob_data *md, int64 tick);
	int (*unlocktarget) (struct mob_data *md, int64 tick);
	int (*randomwalk) (struct mob_data *md, int64 tick);
	int (*warpchase) (struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *target);
	bool (*ai_sub_hard) (struct mob_data *md, int64 tick);
	int (*ai_sub_hard_timer) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap);
	int (*ai_sub_foreachclient) (struct map_session_data *sd, va_list ap);
	int (*ai_sub_lazy) (struct mob_data *md, va_list args);
	int (*ai_lazy) (int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data);
	int (*ai_hard) (int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data);
	struct item_drop* (*setdropitem) (int nameid, int qty, struct item_data *data);
	struct item_drop* (*setlootitem) (struct item *item);
	int (*delay_item_drop) (int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data);
	void (*item_drop) (struct mob_data *md, struct item_drop_list *dlist, struct item_drop *ditem, int loot, int drop_rate, unsigned short flag);
	int (*timer_delete) (int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data);
	int (*deleteslave_sub) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap);
	int (*deleteslave) (struct mob_data *md);
	int (*respawn) (int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data);
	void (*log_damage) (struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *src, int damage);
	void (*damage) (struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *src, int damage);
	int (*dead) (struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *src, int type);
	void (*revive) (struct mob_data *md, unsigned int hp);
	int (*guardian_guildchange) (struct mob_data *md);
	int (*random_class) (int *value, size_t count);
	int (*class_change) (struct mob_data *md, int class_);
	void (*heal) (struct mob_data *md, unsigned int heal);
	int (*warpslave_sub) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap);
	int (*warpslave) (struct block_list *bl, int range);
	int (*countslave_sub) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap);
	int (*countslave) (struct block_list *bl);
	int (*summonslave) (struct mob_data *md2, int *value, int amount, uint16 skill_id);
	int (*getfriendhprate_sub) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap);
	struct block_list* (*getfriendhprate) (struct mob_data *md, int min_rate, int max_rate);
	struct block_list* (*getmasterhpltmaxrate) (struct mob_data *md, int rate);
	int (*getfriendstatus_sub) (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap);
	struct mob_data* (*getfriendstatus) (struct mob_data *md, int cond1, int cond2);
	int (*skill_use) (struct mob_data *md, int64 tick, int event);
	int (*skill_event) (struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *src, int64 tick, int flag);
	int (*is_clone) (int class_);
	int (*clone_spawn) (struct map_session_data *sd, int16 m, int16 x, int16 y, const char *event, int master_id, int mode, int flag, unsigned int duration);
	int (*clone_delete) (struct mob_data *md);
	unsigned int (*drop_adjust) (int baserate, int rate_adjust, unsigned short rate_min, unsigned short rate_max);
	void (*item_dropratio_adjust) (int nameid, int mob_id, int *rate_adjust);
	bool (*parse_dbrow) (char **str);
	bool (*readdb_sub) (char *fields[], int columns, int current);
	void (*readdb) (void);
	int (*read_sqldb) (void);
	void (*name_constants) (void);
	bool (*readdb_mobavail) (char *str[], int columns, int current);
	int (*read_randommonster) (void);
	bool (*parse_row_chatdb) (char **str, const char *source, int line, int *last_msg_id);
	void (*readchatdb) (void);
	bool (*parse_row_mobskilldb) (char **str, int columns, int current);
	void (*readskilldb) (void);
	int (*read_sqlskilldb) (void);
	bool (*readdb_race2) (char *fields[], int columns, int current);
	bool (*readdb_itemratio) (char *str[], int columns, int current);
	void (*load) (bool minimal);
	void (*clear_spawninfo) ();
	void (*destroy_mob_db) (int index);

struct mob_interface *mob;

void mob_defaults(void);

#endif /* MAP_MOB_H */