// Copyright (c) Athena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL // For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder #include "../common/nullpo.h" #include "../common/showmsg.h" #include "mail.h" #include "atcommand.h" #include "itemdb.h" #include "clif.h" #include "pc.h" #include "log.h" #include <time.h> #include <string.h> void mail_clear(struct map_session_data *sd) { sd->mail.nameid = 0; sd->mail.index = 0; sd->mail.amount = 0; sd->mail.zeny = 0; return; } int mail_removeitem(struct map_session_data *sd, short flag) { nullpo_ret(sd); if( sd->mail.amount ) { if (flag) // Item send pc_delitem(sd, sd->mail.index, sd->mail.amount, 1, 0, LOG_TYPE_MAIL); else clif->additem(sd, sd->mail.index, sd->mail.amount, 0); } sd->mail.nameid = 0; sd->mail.index = 0; sd->mail.amount = 0; return 1; } int mail_removezeny(struct map_session_data *sd, short flag) { nullpo_ret(sd); if (flag && sd->mail.zeny > 0) { //Zeny send pc_payzeny(sd,sd->mail.zeny,LOG_TYPE_MAIL, NULL); } sd->mail.zeny = 0; return 1; } unsigned char mail_setitem(struct map_session_data *sd, int idx, int amount) { if( pc_istrading(sd) ) return 1; if( idx == 0 ) { // Zeny Transfer if( amount < 0 || !pc_can_give_items(sd) ) return 1; if( amount > sd->status.zeny ) amount = sd->status.zeny; sd->mail.zeny = amount; // clif->updatestatus(sd, SP_ZENY); return 0; } else { // Item Transfer idx -= 2; mail_removeitem(sd, 0); if( idx < 0 || idx >= MAX_INVENTORY ) return 1; if( amount < 0 || amount > sd->status.inventory[idx].amount ) return 1; if( !pc_can_give_items(sd) || sd->status.inventory[idx].expire_time || !itemdb_canmail(&sd->status.inventory[idx],pc_get_group_level(sd)) ) return 1; sd->mail.index = idx; sd->mail.nameid = sd->status.inventory[idx].nameid; sd->mail.amount = amount; return 0; } } bool mail_setattachment(struct map_session_data *sd, struct mail_message *msg) { int n; nullpo_retr(false,sd); nullpo_retr(false,msg); if( sd->mail.zeny < 0 || sd->mail.zeny > sd->status.zeny ) return false; n = sd->mail.index; if( sd->mail.amount ) { if( sd->status.inventory[n].nameid != sd->mail.nameid ) return false; if( sd->status.inventory[n].amount < sd->mail.amount ) return false; if( sd->weight > sd->max_weight ) return false; memcpy(&msg->item, &sd->status.inventory[n], sizeof(struct item)); msg->item.amount = sd->mail.amount; } else memset(&msg->item, 0x00, sizeof(struct item)); msg->zeny = sd->mail.zeny; // Removes the attachment from sender mail_removeitem(sd,1); mail_removezeny(sd,1); return true; } void mail_getattachment(struct map_session_data* sd, int zeny, struct item* item) { if( item->nameid > 0 && item->amount > 0 ) { pc_additem(sd, item, item->amount, LOG_TYPE_MAIL); clif->mail_getattachment(sd->fd, 0); } if( zeny > 0 ) { //Zeny receive pc_getzeny(sd, zeny,LOG_TYPE_MAIL, NULL); } } int mail_openmail(struct map_session_data *sd) { nullpo_ret(sd); if( sd->state.storage_flag || sd->state.vending || sd->state.buyingstore || sd->state.trading ) return 0; clif->mail_window(sd->fd, 0); return 1; } void mail_deliveryfail(struct map_session_data *sd, struct mail_message *msg) { nullpo_retv(sd); nullpo_retv(msg); if( msg->item.amount > 0 ) { // Item receive (due to failure) pc_additem(sd, &msg->item, msg->item.amount, LOG_TYPE_MAIL); } if( msg->zeny > 0 ) { pc_getzeny(sd,msg->zeny,LOG_TYPE_MAIL, NULL); //Zeny receive (due to failure) } clif->mail_send(sd->fd, true); } // This function only check if the mail operations are valid bool mail_invalid_operation(struct map_session_data *sd) { if( !map[sd->bl.m].flag.town && !pc_can_use_command(sd, "@mail") ) { ShowWarning("clif->parse_Mail: char '%s' trying to do invalid mail operations.\n", sd->status.name); return true; } return false; }