// Copyright (c) Hercules Dev Team, licensed under GNU GPL. // See the LICENSE file // Base Author: shennetsind @ http://hercules.ws #include "../common/cbasetypes.h" #include "../common/malloc.h" #include "../common/strlib.h" #include "../common/showmsg.h" #include "../common/socket.h" #include "../common/timer.h" #include "../common/random.h" #include "map.h" #include "pc.h" #include "clif.h" #include "irc-bot.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> //#define IRCBOT_DEBUG struct irc_bot_interface irc_bot_s; char send_string[IRC_MESSAGE_LENGTH]; /** * Timer callback to (re-)connect to an IRC server * @see timer->do_timer */ int irc_connect_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { struct hSockOpt opt; if( ircbot->isOn || ++ircbot->fails >= 3 ) return 0; opt.silent = 1; opt.setTimeo = 0; ircbot->last_try = timer->gettick(); if( ( ircbot->fd = make_connection(ircbot->ip,hChSys.irc_server_port,&opt) ) > 0 ){ session[ircbot->fd]->func_parse = ircbot->parse; session[ircbot->fd]->flag.server = 1; timer->add(timer->gettick() + 3000, ircbot->identify_timer, 0, 0); ircbot->isOn = true; } return 0; } /** * Timer callback to send identification commands to an IRC server * @see timer->do_timer */ int irc_identify_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { if( !ircbot->isOn ) return 0; sprintf(send_string, "USER HerculesWS%d 8 * : Hercules IRC Bridge",rand()%777); ircbot->send(send_string); sprintf(send_string, "NICK %s", hChSys.irc_nick); ircbot->send(send_string); timer->add(timer->gettick() + 3000, ircbot->join_timer, 0, 0); return 0; } /** * Timer callback to join channels (and optionally send NickServ commands) * @see timer->do_timer */ int irc_join_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { if( !ircbot->isOn ) return 0; if( hChSys.irc_nick_pw[0] != '\0' ) { sprintf(send_string, "PRIVMSG NICKSERV : IDENTIFY %s", hChSys.irc_nick_pw); ircbot->send(send_string); if( hChSys.irc_use_ghost ) { sprintf(send_string, "PRIVMSG NICKSERV : GHOST %s %s", hChSys.irc_nick, hChSys.irc_nick_pw); } } sprintf(send_string, "JOIN %s", hChSys.irc_channel); ircbot->send(send_string); ircbot->isIn = true; return 0; } /** * Search the handler for a given IRC received command * @param function_name Name of the received IRC command * @return Function pointer to the command handler, NULL in case * of unhandled commands */ struct irc_func* irc_func_search(char* function_name) { int i; for(i = 0; i < ircbot->funcs.size; i++) { if( strcmpi(ircbot->funcs.list[i]->name, function_name) == 0 ) { return ircbot->funcs.list[i]; } } return NULL; } /** * Parser for the IRC server connection * @see do_sockets */ int irc_parse(int fd) { char *parse_string = NULL, *str_safe = NULL; if (session[fd]->flag.eof) { do_close(fd); ircbot->fd = 0; ircbot->isOn = false; ircbot->isIn = false; ircbot->fails = 0; ircbot->ip = host2ip(hChSys.irc_server); timer->add(timer->gettick() + 120000, ircbot->connect_timer, 0, 0); return 0; } if( !RFIFOREST(fd) ) return 0; parse_string = (char*)RFIFOP(fd,0); parse_string[ RFIFOREST(fd) - 1 ] = '\0'; parse_string = strtok_r(parse_string,"\r\n",&str_safe); while (parse_string != NULL) { ircbot->parse_sub(fd,parse_string); parse_string = strtok_r(NULL,"\r\n",&str_safe); } RFIFOSKIP(fd, RFIFOREST(fd)); RFIFOFLUSH(fd); return 0; } /** * Parse the source from a received irc message * @param source Source string, as reported by the server * @param nick Pointer to a string where to return the nick (may not be NULL, * needs to be able to fit an IRC_NICK_LENGTH long string) * @param ident Pointer to a string where to return the ident (may not be * NULL, needs to be able to fit an IRC_IDENT_LENGTH long string) * @param host Pointer to a string where to return the hostname (may not be * NULL, needs to be able to fit an IRC_HOST_LENGTH long string) */ void irc_parse_source(char *source, char *nick, char *ident, char *host) { int i, pos = 0; size_t len = strlen(source); unsigned char stage = 0; for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { if( stage == 0 && source[i] == '!' ) { safestrncpy(nick, &source[0], min(i + 1, IRC_NICK_LENGTH)); pos = i+1; stage = 1; } else if( stage == 1 && source[i] == '@' ) { safestrncpy(ident, &source[pos], min(i - pos + 1, IRC_IDENT_LENGTH)); safestrncpy(host, &source[i+1], min(len - i, IRC_HOST_LENGTH)); break; } } } /** * Parse a received message from the irc server, and do the appropriate action * for the detected command * @param fd IRC server connection file descriptor * @param str Raw received message */ void irc_parse_sub(int fd, char *str) { char source[180], command[60], buf1[IRC_MESSAGE_LENGTH], buf2[IRC_MESSAGE_LENGTH]; char *target = buf1, *message = buf2; struct irc_func *func; source[0] = command[0] = buf1[0] = buf2[0] = '\0'; if( str[0] == ':' ) str++; if (sscanf(str, "%179s %59s %499s :%499[^\r\n]", source, command, buf1, buf2) == 3 && buf1[0] == ':') { // source command :message (i.e. QUIT) message = buf1+1; target = buf2; } if( command[0] == '\0' ) return; if( !(func = ircbot->func_search(command)) && !(func = ircbot->func_search(source)) ) { #ifdef IRCBOT_DEBUG ShowWarning("Unknown command received %s from %s\n",command,source); #endif // IRCBOT_DEBUG return; } func->func(fd,command,source,target,message); } /** * Send a raw command to the irc server * @param str Command to send */ void irc_send(char *str) { size_t len = strlen(str) + 2; if (len > IRC_MESSAGE_LENGTH-3) len = IRC_MESSAGE_LENGTH-3; WFIFOHEAD(ircbot->fd, len); snprintf((char*)WFIFOP(ircbot->fd,0),IRC_MESSAGE_LENGTH, "%s\r\n", str); WFIFOSET(ircbot->fd, len); } /** * Handler for the PING IRC command (send back a PONG) * @see irc_parse_sub */ void irc_pong(int fd, char *cmd, char *source, char *target, char *msg) { sprintf(send_string, "PONG %s", cmd); ircbot->send(send_string); } /** * Handler for CTCP commands received via PRIVMSG * @see irc_privmsg */ void irc_privmsg_ctcp(int fd, char *cmd, char *source, char *target, char *msg) { char source_nick[IRC_NICK_LENGTH], source_ident[IRC_IDENT_LENGTH], source_host[IRC_HOST_LENGTH]; source_nick[0] = source_ident[0] = source_host[0] = '\0'; if( source[0] != '\0' ) ircbot->parse_source(source,source_nick,source_ident,source_host); if( strcmpi(cmd,"ACTION") == 0 ) { if( ircbot->channel ) { snprintf(send_string, 150, "[ #%s ] * IRC.%s %s *",ircbot->channel->name,source_nick,msg); clif->chsys_msg2(ircbot->channel,send_string); } } else if( strcmpi(cmd,"ERRMSG") == 0 ) { // Ignore it } else if( strcmpi(cmd,"FINGER") == 0 ) { // Ignore it } else if( strcmpi(cmd,"PING") == 0 ) { sprintf(send_string, "NOTICE %s :\001PING %s\001",source_nick,msg); ircbot->send(send_string); } else if( strcmpi(cmd,"TIME") == 0 ) { time_t time_server; // variable for number of seconds (used with time() function) struct tm *datetime; // variable for time in structure ->tm_mday, ->tm_sec, ... char temp[CHAT_SIZE_MAX]; memset(temp, '\0', sizeof(temp)); time(&time_server); // get time in seconds since 1/1/1970 datetime = localtime(&time_server); // convert seconds in structure // like sprintf, but only for date/time (Sunday, November 02 2003 15:12:52) strftime(temp, sizeof(temp)-1, msg_txt(230), datetime); // Server time (normal time): %A, %B %d %Y %X. sprintf(send_string, "NOTICE %s :\001TIME %s\001",source_nick,temp); ircbot->send(send_string); } else if( strcmpi(cmd,"VERSION") == 0 ) { sprintf(send_string, "NOTICE %s :\001VERSION Hercules.ws IRC Bridge\001",source_nick); ircbot->send(send_string); #ifdef IRCBOT_DEBUG } else { ShowWarning("Unknown CTCP command received %s (%s) from %s\n",cmd,msg,source); #endif // IRCBOT_DEBUG } } /** * Handler for the PRIVMSG IRC command (action depends on the message contents) * @see irc_parse_sub */ void irc_privmsg(int fd, char *cmd, char *source, char *target, char *msg) { if( msg && *msg == '\001' && strlen(msg) > 2 && msg[strlen(msg)-1] == '\001' ) { // CTCP char command[IRC_MESSAGE_LENGTH], message[IRC_MESSAGE_LENGTH]; command[0] = message[0] = '\0'; sscanf(msg, "\001%499[^\001\r\n ] %499[^\r\n\001]\001", command, message); irc_privmsg_ctcp(fd, command, source, target, message); #ifdef IRCBOT_DEBUG } else if( strcmpi(target,hChSys.irc_nick) == 0 ) { ShowDebug("irc_privmsg: Received message from %s: '%s'\n", source ? source : "(null)", msg); #endif // IRCBOT_DEBUG } else if( msg && strcmpi(target,hChSys.irc_channel) == 0 ) { char source_nick[IRC_NICK_LENGTH], source_ident[IRC_IDENT_LENGTH], source_host[IRC_HOST_LENGTH]; source_nick[0] = source_ident[0] = source_host[0] = '\0'; if( source[0] != '\0' ) ircbot->parse_source(source,source_nick,source_ident,source_host); if( ircbot->channel ) { size_t padding_len = strlen(ircbot->channel->name) + strlen(source_nick) + 13; while (1) { snprintf(send_string, 150, "[ #%s ] IRC.%s : %s",ircbot->channel->name,source_nick,msg); clif->chsys_msg2(ircbot->channel,send_string); //break; // Uncomment this line to truncate long messages instead of posting them as multiple lines if (strlen(msg) <= 149 - padding_len) break; msg += 149 - padding_len; } } } } /** * Handler for the JOIN IRC command (notify an in-game channel of users joining * the IRC channel) * @see irc_parse_sub */ void irc_userjoin(int fd, char *cmd, char *source, char *target, char *msg) { char source_nick[IRC_NICK_LENGTH], source_ident[IRC_IDENT_LENGTH], source_host[IRC_HOST_LENGTH]; source_nick[0] = source_ident[0] = source_host[0] = '\0'; if( source[0] != '\0' ) ircbot->parse_source(source,source_nick,source_ident,source_host); if( ircbot->channel ) { snprintf(send_string, 150, "[ #%s ] User IRC.%s joined the channel.",ircbot->channel->name,source_nick); clif->chsys_msg2(ircbot->channel,send_string); } } /** * Handler for the PART and QUIT IRC commands (notify an in-game channel of * users leaving the IRC channel) * @see irc_parse_sub */ void irc_userleave(int fd, char *cmd, char *source, char *target, char *msg) { char source_nick[IRC_NICK_LENGTH], source_ident[IRC_IDENT_LENGTH], source_host[IRC_HOST_LENGTH]; source_nick[0] = source_ident[0] = source_host[0] = '\0'; if( source[0] != '\0' ) ircbot->parse_source(source,source_nick,source_ident,source_host); if( ircbot->channel ) { if (!strcmpi(cmd, "QUIT")) snprintf(send_string, 150, "[ #%s ] User IRC.%s left the channel. [Quit: %s]",ircbot->channel->name,source_nick,msg); else snprintf(send_string, 150, "[ #%s ] User IRC.%s left the channel. [%s]",ircbot->channel->name,source_nick,msg); clif->chsys_msg2(ircbot->channel,send_string); } } /** * Handler for the NICK IRC commands (notify an in-game channel of users * changing their name while in the IRC channel) * @see irc_parse_sub */ void irc_usernick(int fd, char *cmd, char *source, char *target, char *msg) { char source_nick[IRC_NICK_LENGTH], source_ident[IRC_IDENT_LENGTH], source_host[IRC_HOST_LENGTH]; source_nick[0] = source_ident[0] = source_host[0] = '\0'; if( source[0] != '\0' ) ircbot->parse_source(source,source_nick,source_ident,source_host); if( ircbot->channel ) { snprintf(send_string, 150, "[ #%s ] User IRC.%s is now known as IRC.%s",ircbot->channel->name,source_nick,msg); clif->chsys_msg2(ircbot->channel,send_string); } } /** * Relay a chat message to the irc channel the bot is connected to * @param name Sender's name * @param msg Message text */ void irc_relay(char *name, const char *msg) { if( !ircbot->isIn ) return; sprintf(send_string,"PRIVMSG %s :[ %s ] : %s",hChSys.irc_channel,name,msg); ircbot->send(send_string); } /** * IRC bot initializer */ void irc_bot_init(bool minimal) { /// Command handlers const struct irc_func irc_func_base[] = { { "PING" , ircbot->pong }, { "PRIVMSG", ircbot->privmsg }, { "JOIN", ircbot->userjoin }, { "QUIT", ircbot->userleave }, { "PART", ircbot->userleave }, { "NICK", ircbot->usernick }, }; struct irc_func* function; int i; if (minimal) return; if( !hChSys.irc ) return; if (!(ircbot->ip = host2ip(hChSys.irc_server))) { ShowError("Unable to resolve '%s' (irc server), disabling irc channel...\n", hChSys.irc_server); hChSys.irc = false; return; } ircbot->funcs.size = ARRAYLENGTH(irc_func_base); CREATE(ircbot->funcs.list,struct irc_func*,ircbot->funcs.size); for( i = 0; i < ircbot->funcs.size; i++ ) { CREATE(function, struct irc_func, 1); safestrncpy(function->name, irc_func_base[i].name, sizeof(function->name)); function->func = irc_func_base[i].func; ircbot->funcs.list[i] = function; } ircbot->fails = 0; ircbot->fd = 0; ircbot->isIn = false; ircbot->isOn = false; timer->add_func_list(ircbot->connect_timer, "irc_connect_timer"); timer->add(timer->gettick() + 7000, ircbot->connect_timer, 0, 0); } /** * IRC bot finalizer */ void irc_bot_final(void) { int i; if( !hChSys.irc ) return; if( ircbot->isOn ) { ircbot->send("QUIT :Hercules is shutting down"); do_close(ircbot->fd); } for( i = 0; i < ircbot->funcs.size; i++ ) { aFree(ircbot->funcs.list[i]); } aFree(ircbot->funcs.list); } /** * IRC bot interface defaults initializer */ void ircbot_defaults(void) { ircbot = &irc_bot_s; ircbot->channel = NULL; ircbot->init = irc_bot_init; ircbot->final = irc_bot_final; ircbot->parse = irc_parse; ircbot->parse_sub = irc_parse_sub; ircbot->parse_source = irc_parse_source; ircbot->func_search = irc_func_search; ircbot->connect_timer = irc_connect_timer; ircbot->identify_timer = irc_identify_timer; ircbot->join_timer = irc_join_timer; ircbot->send = irc_send; ircbot->relay = irc_relay; ircbot->pong = irc_pong; ircbot->privmsg = irc_privmsg; ircbot->userjoin = irc_userjoin; ircbot->userleave = irc_userleave; ircbot->usernick = irc_usernick; }