/** * This file is part of Hercules. * http://herc.ws - http://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules * * Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Hercules Dev Team * Copyright (C) Athena Dev Teams * * Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #define HERCULES_CORE #include "duel.h" #include "map/atcommand.h" // msg_txt #include "map/clif.h" #include "map/pc.h" #include "common/cbasetypes.h" #include "common/nullpo.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> struct duel_interface duel_s; struct duel_interface *duel; /*========================================== * Duel organizing functions [LuzZza] *------------------------------------------*/ void duel_savetime(struct map_session_data* sd) { time_t clock; struct tm *t; time(&clock); t = localtime(&clock); pc_setglobalreg(sd, script->add_str("PC_LAST_DUEL_TIME"), t->tm_mday*24*60 + t->tm_hour*60 + t->tm_min); } int duel_checktime(struct map_session_data* sd) { int diff; time_t clock; struct tm *t; time(&clock); t = localtime(&clock); diff = t->tm_mday*24*60 + t->tm_hour*60 + t->tm_min - pc_readglobalreg(sd, script->add_str("PC_LAST_DUEL_TIME") ); return !(diff >= 0 && diff < battle_config.duel_time_interval); } static int duel_showinfo_sub(struct map_session_data* sd, va_list va) { struct map_session_data *ssd = va_arg(va, struct map_session_data*); int *p = va_arg(va, int*); char output[256]; nullpo_retr(1, sd); nullpo_retr(1, ssd); if (sd->duel_group != ssd->duel_group) return 0; sprintf(output, " %d. %s", ++(*p), sd->status.name); clif_disp_onlyself(ssd, output, strlen(output)); return 1; } void duel_showinfo(const unsigned int did, struct map_session_data* sd) { int p=0; char output[256]; if(duel->list[did].max_players_limit > 0) sprintf(output, msg_sd(sd,370), //" -- Duels: %d/%d, Members: %d/%d, Max players: %d --" did, duel->count, duel->list[did].members_count, duel->list[did].members_count + duel->list[did].invites_count, duel->list[did].max_players_limit); else sprintf(output, msg_sd(sd,371), //" -- Duels: %d/%d, Members: %d/%d --" did, duel->count, duel->list[did].members_count, duel->list[did].members_count + duel->list[did].invites_count); clif_disp_onlyself(sd, output, strlen(output)); map->foreachpc(duel_showinfo_sub, sd, &p); } int duel_create(struct map_session_data* sd, const unsigned int maxpl) { int i=1; char output[256]; nullpo_ret(sd); while(i < MAX_DUEL && duel->list[i].members_count > 0) i++; if(i == MAX_DUEL) return 0; duel->count++; sd->duel_group = i; duel->list[i].members_count++; duel->list[i].invites_count = 0; duel->list[i].max_players_limit = maxpl; safestrncpy(output, msg_sd(sd,372), sizeof(output)); // " -- Duel has been created (@invite/@leave) --" clif_disp_onlyself(sd, output, strlen(output)); clif->map_property(sd, MAPPROPERTY_FREEPVPZONE); clif->maptypeproperty2(&sd->bl,SELF); return i; } void duel_invite(const unsigned int did, struct map_session_data* sd, struct map_session_data* target_sd) { char output[256]; nullpo_retv(sd); nullpo_retv(target_sd); // " -- Player %s invites %s to duel --" sprintf(output, msg_sd(sd,373), sd->status.name, target_sd->status.name); clif->disp_message(&sd->bl, output, strlen(output), DUEL_WOS); target_sd->duel_invite = did; duel->list[did].invites_count++; // "Blue -- Player %s invites you to PVP duel (@accept/@reject) --" sprintf(output, msg_sd(target_sd,374), sd->status.name); clif->broadcast(&target_sd->bl, output, strlen(output)+1, BC_BLUE, SELF); } static int duel_leave_sub(struct map_session_data* sd, va_list va) { int did = va_arg(va, int); nullpo_ret(sd); if (sd->duel_invite == did) sd->duel_invite = 0; return 0; } void duel_leave(const unsigned int did, struct map_session_data* sd) { char output[256]; nullpo_retv(sd); // " <- Player %s has left duel --" sprintf(output, msg_sd(sd,375), sd->status.name); clif->disp_message(&sd->bl, output, strlen(output), DUEL_WOS); duel->list[did].members_count--; if(duel->list[did].members_count == 0) { map->foreachpc(duel_leave_sub, did); duel->count--; } sd->duel_group = 0; duel_savetime(sd); clif->map_property(sd, MAPPROPERTY_NOTHING); clif->maptypeproperty2(&sd->bl,SELF); } void duel_accept(const unsigned int did, struct map_session_data* sd) { char output[256]; nullpo_retv(sd); duel->list[did].members_count++; sd->duel_group = sd->duel_invite; duel->list[did].invites_count--; sd->duel_invite = 0; // " -> Player %s has accepted duel --" sprintf(output, msg_sd(sd,376), sd->status.name); clif->disp_message(&sd->bl, output, strlen(output), DUEL_WOS); clif->map_property(sd, MAPPROPERTY_FREEPVPZONE); clif->maptypeproperty2(&sd->bl,SELF); } void duel_reject(const unsigned int did, struct map_session_data* sd) { char output[256]; nullpo_retv(sd); // " -- Player %s has rejected duel --" sprintf(output, msg_sd(sd,377), sd->status.name); clif->disp_message(&sd->bl, output, strlen(output), DUEL_WOS); duel->list[did].invites_count--; sd->duel_invite = 0; } void do_final_duel(void) { } void do_init_duel(bool minimal) { if (minimal) return; memset(&duel->list[0], 0, sizeof(duel->list)); } /*===================================== * Default Functions : duel.h * Generated by HerculesInterfaceMaker * created by Susu *-------------------------------------*/ void duel_defaults(void) { duel = &duel_s; /* vars */ duel->count = 0; /* funcs */ //Duel functions // [LuzZza] duel->create = duel_create; duel->invite = duel_invite; duel->accept = duel_accept; duel->reject = duel_reject; duel->leave = duel_leave; duel->showinfo = duel_showinfo; duel->checktime = duel_checktime; duel->init = do_init_duel; duel->final = do_final_duel; }