// Copyright (c) Athena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL // For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder #include "../common/core.h" #include "../common/db.h" #include "../common/malloc.h" #include "../common/md5calc.h" #include "../common/showmsg.h" #include "../common/socket.h" #include "../common/strlib.h" #include "../common/timer.h" #include "../common/version.h" #include "login.h" #include #include #include // temporary external imports extern struct gm_account* gm_account_db; int read_gm_account(void); int mmo_auth_init(void); int parse_login(int fd); void login_log(uint32 ip, const char* username, int rcode, const char* message); #ifdef TXT_ONLY extern struct mmo_account* auth_dat; void mmo_auth_sync(void); int check_GM_file(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, int data); int check_auth_sync(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, int data); void display_conf_warnings(void); extern bool admin_state; extern char admin_pass[24]; extern uint32 admin_allowed_ip; extern char account_txt[1024]; extern char GM_account_filename[1024]; extern int gm_account_filename_check_timer; extern char login_log_filename[1024]; #else void mmo_db_close(void); void sql_config_read(const char* cfgName); int ip_ban_flush(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, int data); #endif struct Login_Config login_config; int login_fd; // login server socket #define MAX_SERVERS 30 struct mmo_char_server server[MAX_SERVERS]; // char server data #define sex_num2str(num) ( (num == 0 ) ? 'F' : (num == 1 ) ? 'M' : 'S' ) #define sex_str2num(str) ( (str == 'F' ) ? 0 : (str == 'M' ) ? 1 : 2 ) //Account registration flood protection [Kevin] int allowed_regs = 1; int time_allowed = 10; //in seconds // Advanced subnet check [LuzZza] struct s_subnet { uint32 mask; uint32 char_ip; uint32 map_ip; } subnet[16]; int subnet_count = 0; //----------------------------------------------------- // Auth database //----------------------------------------------------- #define AUTH_TIMEOUT 30000 /*static*/ DBMap* auth_db; // int account_id -> struct auth_node* //----------------------------------------------------- // Online User Database [Wizputer] //----------------------------------------------------- /*static*/ DBMap* online_db; // int account_id -> struct online_login_data* /*static*/ int waiting_disconnect_timer(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, int data); /*static*/ void* create_online_user(DBKey key, va_list args) { struct online_login_data* p; CREATE(p, struct online_login_data, 1); p->account_id = key.i; p->char_server = -1; p->waiting_disconnect = -1; return p; } struct online_login_data* add_online_user(int char_server, int account_id) { struct online_login_data* p; if( !login_config.online_check ) return NULL; p = (struct online_login_data*)idb_ensure(online_db, account_id, create_online_user); p->char_server = char_server; if( p->waiting_disconnect != -1 ) { delete_timer(p->waiting_disconnect, waiting_disconnect_timer); p->waiting_disconnect = -1; } return p; } void remove_online_user(int account_id) { struct online_login_data* p; if( !login_config.online_check ) return; p = (struct online_login_data*)idb_get(online_db, account_id); if( p == NULL ) return; if( p->waiting_disconnect != -1 ) delete_timer(p->waiting_disconnect, waiting_disconnect_timer); idb_remove(online_db, account_id); } /*static*/ int waiting_disconnect_timer(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, int data) { struct online_login_data* p = (struct online_login_data*)idb_get(online_db, id); if( p != NULL && p->waiting_disconnect == tid && p->account_id == id ) { p->waiting_disconnect = -1; remove_online_user(id); idb_remove(auth_db, id); } return 0; } /*static*/ int online_db_setoffline(DBKey key, void* data, va_list ap) { struct online_login_data* p = (struct online_login_data*)data; int server = va_arg(ap, int); if( server == -1 ) { p->char_server = -1; if( p->waiting_disconnect != -1 ) { delete_timer(p->waiting_disconnect, waiting_disconnect_timer); p->waiting_disconnect = -1; } } else if( p->char_server == server ) p->char_server = -2; //Char server disconnected. return 0; } static int online_data_cleanup_sub(DBKey key, void *data, va_list ap) { struct online_login_data *character= (struct online_login_data*)data; if (character->char_server == -2) //Unknown server.. set them offline remove_online_user(character->account_id); return 0; } static int online_data_cleanup(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, int data) { online_db->foreach(online_db, online_data_cleanup_sub); return 0; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Packet send to all char-servers, except one (wos: without our self) //-------------------------------------------------------------------- int charif_sendallwos(int sfd, uint8* buf, size_t len) { int i, c; for( i = 0, c = 0; i < MAX_SERVERS; ++i ) { int fd = server[i].fd; if( session_isValid(fd) && fd != sfd ) { WFIFOHEAD(fd,len); memcpy(WFIFOP(fd,0), buf, len); WFIFOSET(fd,len); ++c; } } return c; } //----------------------------------------------------- // periodic ip address synchronization //----------------------------------------------------- static int sync_ip_addresses(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, int data) { uint8 buf[2]; ShowInfo("IP Sync in progress...\n"); WBUFW(buf,0) = 0x2735; charif_sendallwos(-1, buf, 2); return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------- // encrypted/unencrypted password check //----------------------------------------------------- bool check_encrypted(const char* str1, const char* str2, const char* passwd) { char md5str[64], md5bin[32]; snprintf(md5str, sizeof(md5str), "%s%s", str1, str2); md5str[sizeof(md5str)-1] = '\0'; MD5_String2binary(md5str, md5bin); return (0==memcmp(passwd, md5bin, 16)); } bool check_password(struct login_session_data* sd, int passwdenc, const char* passwd, const char* refpass) { if(passwdenc == 0) { return (0==strcmp(passwd, refpass)); } else if(sd != NULL) { // password mode set to 1 -> (md5key, refpass) enable with // password mode set to 2 -> (refpass, md5key) enable with return ((passwdenc&0x01) && check_encrypted(sd->md5key, refpass, passwd)) || ((passwdenc&0x02) && check_encrypted(refpass, sd->md5key, passwd)); } return false; } //-------------------------------------------- // Test to know if an IP come from LAN or WAN. //-------------------------------------------- int lan_subnetcheck(uint32 ip) { int i; ARR_FIND( 0, subnet_count, i, (subnet[i].char_ip & subnet[i].mask) == (ip & subnet[i].mask) ); return ( i < subnet_count ) ? subnet[i].char_ip : 0; } //---------------------------------- // Reading Lan Support configuration //---------------------------------- int login_lan_config_read(const char *lancfgName) { FILE *fp; int line_num = 0; char line[1024], w1[64], w2[64], w3[64], w4[64]; if((fp = fopen(lancfgName, "r")) == NULL) { ShowWarning("LAN Support configuration file is not found: %s\n", lancfgName); return 1; } ShowInfo("Reading the configuration file %s...\n", lancfgName); while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp)) { line_num++; if ((line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/') || line[0] == '\n' || line[1] == '\n') continue; if(sscanf(line,"%[^:]: %[^:]:%[^:]:%[^\r\n]", w1, w2, w3, w4) != 4) { ShowWarning("Error syntax of configuration file %s in line %d.\n", lancfgName, line_num); continue; } if( strcmpi(w1, "subnet") == 0 ) { subnet[subnet_count].mask = str2ip(w2); subnet[subnet_count].char_ip = str2ip(w3); subnet[subnet_count].map_ip = str2ip(w4); if( (subnet[subnet_count].char_ip & subnet[subnet_count].mask) != (subnet[subnet_count].map_ip & subnet[subnet_count].mask) ) { ShowError("%s: Configuration Error: The char server (%s) and map server (%s) belong to different subnetworks!\n", lancfgName, w3, w4); continue; } subnet_count++; } } ShowStatus("Read information about %d subnetworks.\n", subnet_count); fclose(fp); return 0; } //----------------------- // Console Command Parser [Wizputer] //----------------------- int parse_console(char* buf) { char command[256]; memset(command, 0, sizeof(command)); sscanf(buf, "%[^\n]", command); ShowInfo("Console command :%s", command); if( strcmpi("shutdown", command) == 0 || strcmpi("exit", command) == 0 || strcmpi("quit", command) == 0 || strcmpi("end", command) == 0 ) runflag = 0; else if( strcmpi("alive", command) == 0 || strcmpi("status", command) == 0 ) ShowInfo(CL_CYAN"Console: "CL_BOLD"I'm Alive."CL_RESET"\n"); else if( strcmpi("help", command) == 0 ) { ShowInfo(CL_BOLD"Help of commands:"CL_RESET"\n"); ShowInfo(" To shutdown the server:\n"); ShowInfo(" 'shutdown|exit|quit|end'\n"); ShowInfo(" To know if server is alive:\n"); ShowInfo(" 'alive|status'\n"); } return 0; } void login_set_defaults() { login_config.login_ip = INADDR_ANY; login_config.login_port = 6900; login_config.ip_sync_interval = 0; login_config.log_login = true; safestrncpy(login_config.date_format, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", sizeof(login_config.date_format)); login_config.console = false; login_config.new_account_flag = true; login_config.case_sensitive = true; login_config.use_md5_passwds = false; login_config.login_gm_read = true; login_config.min_level_to_connect = 0; login_config.online_check = true; login_config.check_client_version = false; login_config.client_version_to_connect = 20; login_config.ipban = true; login_config.dynamic_pass_failure_ban = true; login_config.dynamic_pass_failure_ban_interval = 5; login_config.dynamic_pass_failure_ban_limit = 7; login_config.dynamic_pass_failure_ban_duration = 5; login_config.use_dnsbl = false; safestrncpy(login_config.dnsbl_servs, "", sizeof(login_config.dnsbl_servs)); } //----------------------------------- // Reading main configuration file //----------------------------------- int login_config_read(const char* cfgName) { char line[1024], w1[1024], w2[1024]; FILE* fp = fopen(cfgName, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { ShowError("Configuration file (%s) not found.\n", cfgName); return 1; } ShowInfo("Reading configuration file %s...\n", cfgName); while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp)) { if (line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/') continue; if (sscanf(line, "%[^:]: %[^\r\n]", w1, w2) < 2) continue; if(!strcmpi(w1,"timestamp_format")) strncpy(timestamp_format, w2, 20); else if(!strcmpi(w1,"stdout_with_ansisequence")) stdout_with_ansisequence = config_switch(w2); else if(!strcmpi(w1,"console_silent")) { ShowInfo("Console Silent Setting: %d\n", atoi(w2)); msg_silent = atoi(w2); } else if( !strcmpi(w1, "bind_ip") ) { char ip_str[16]; login_config.login_ip = host2ip(w2); if( login_config.login_ip ) ShowStatus("Login server binding IP address : %s -> %s\n", w2, ip2str(login_config.login_ip, ip_str)); } else if( !strcmpi(w1, "login_port") ) { login_config.login_port = (uint16)atoi(w2); ShowStatus("set login_port : %s\n",w2); } else if(!strcmpi(w1, "log_login")) login_config.log_login = (bool)config_switch(w2); #ifdef TXT_ONLY else if(!strcmpi(w1, "login_log_filename") == 0) safestrncpy(login_log_filename, w2, sizeof(login_log_filename)); else if(!strcmpi(w1, "admin_state") == 0) admin_state = (bool)config_switch(w2); else if(!strcmpi(w1, "admin_pass") == 0) safestrncpy(admin_pass, w2, sizeof(admin_pass)); else if(!strcmpi(w1, "admin_allowed_ip") == 0) admin_allowed_ip = host2ip(w2); else if(!strcmpi(w1, "account_txt") == 0) safestrncpy(account_txt, w2, sizeof(account_txt)); else if(!strcmpi(w1, "gm_account_filename") == 0) safestrncpy(GM_account_filename, w2, sizeof(GM_account_filename)); else if(!strcmpi(w1, "gm_account_filename_check_timer") == 0) gm_account_filename_check_timer = atoi(w2); #else else if(!strcmpi(w1, "ipban")) login_config.ipban = (bool)config_switch(w2); else if(!strcmpi(w1, "dynamic_pass_failure_ban")) login_config.dynamic_pass_failure_ban = (bool)config_switch(w2); else if(!strcmpi(w1, "dynamic_pass_failure_ban_interval")) login_config.dynamic_pass_failure_ban_interval = atoi(w2); else if(!strcmpi(w1, "dynamic_pass_failure_ban_limit")) login_config.dynamic_pass_failure_ban_limit = atoi(w2); else if(!strcmpi(w1, "dynamic_pass_failure_ban_duration")) login_config.dynamic_pass_failure_ban_duration = atoi(w2); #endif else if(!strcmpi(w1, "new_account")) login_config.new_account_flag = (bool)config_switch(w2); else if(!strcmpi(w1, "start_limited_time")) login_config.start_limited_time = atoi(w2); else if(!strcmpi(w1, "check_client_version")) login_config.check_client_version = (bool)config_switch(w2); else if(!strcmpi(w1, "client_version_to_connect")) login_config.client_version_to_connect = atoi(w2); else if(!strcmpi(w1, "use_MD5_passwords")) login_config.use_md5_passwds = (bool)config_switch(w2); else if(!strcmpi(w1, "min_level_to_connect")) login_config.min_level_to_connect = atoi(w2); else if(!strcmpi(w1, "date_format")) safestrncpy(login_config.date_format, w2, sizeof(login_config.date_format)); else if(!strcmpi(w1, "console")) login_config.console = (bool)config_switch(w2); else if(!strcmpi(w1, "case_sensitive")) login_config.case_sensitive = config_switch(w2); else if(!strcmpi(w1, "allowed_regs")) //account flood protection system allowed_regs = atoi(w2); else if(!strcmpi(w1, "time_allowed")) time_allowed = atoi(w2); else if(!strcmpi(w1, "online_check")) login_config.online_check = (bool)config_switch(w2); else if(!strcmpi(w1, "use_dnsbl")) login_config.use_dnsbl = (bool)config_switch(w2); else if(!strcmpi(w1, "dnsbl_servers")) safestrncpy(login_config.dnsbl_servs, w2, sizeof(login_config.dnsbl_servs)); else if(!strcmpi(w1, "ip_sync_interval")) login_config.ip_sync_interval = (unsigned int)1000*60*atoi(w2); //w2 comes in minutes. else if(!strcmpi(w1, "import")) login_config_read(w2); } fclose(fp); ShowInfo("Finished reading %s.\n", cfgName); return 0; } //-------------------------------------- // Function called at exit of the server //-------------------------------------- void do_final(void) { int i, fd; login_log(0, "login server", 100, "login server shutdown"); ShowStatus("Terminating...\n"); #ifdef TXT_ONLY mmo_auth_sync(); #else mmo_db_close(); #endif online_db->destroy(online_db, NULL); auth_db->destroy(auth_db, NULL); #ifdef TXT_ONLY if(auth_dat) aFree(auth_dat); #endif if(gm_account_db) aFree(gm_account_db); for (i = 0; i < MAX_SERVERS; i++) { if ((fd = server[i].fd) >= 0) { memset(&server[i], 0, sizeof(struct mmo_char_server)); server[i].fd = -1; do_close(fd); } } do_close(login_fd); ShowStatus("Finished.\n"); } //------------------------------ // Function called when the server // has received a crash signal. //------------------------------ void do_abort(void) { } void set_server_type(void) { SERVER_TYPE = ATHENA_SERVER_LOGIN; } //------------------------------ // Login server initialization //------------------------------ int do_init(int argc, char** argv) { int i; login_set_defaults(); // read login-server configuration login_config_read((argc > 1) ? argv[1] : LOGIN_CONF_NAME); #ifdef TXT_ONLY display_conf_warnings(); // not in login_config_read, because we can use 'import' option, and display same message twice or more #else sql_config_read(INTER_CONF_NAME); #endif login_lan_config_read((argc > 2) ? argv[2] : LAN_CONF_NAME); srand((unsigned int)time(NULL)); for( i = 0; i < MAX_SERVERS; i++ ) server[i].fd = -1; // Accounts database init mmo_auth_init(); // Online user database init online_db = idb_alloc(DB_OPT_RELEASE_DATA); add_timer_func_list(waiting_disconnect_timer, "waiting_disconnect_timer"); // Interserver auth init auth_db = idb_alloc(DB_OPT_RELEASE_DATA); // Read account information. #ifdef TXT_ONLY read_gm_account(); #else if(login_config.login_gm_read) read_gm_account(); #endif // set default parser as parse_login function set_defaultparse(parse_login); #ifdef TXT_ONLY // every 60 sec we check if we must save accounts file (only if necessary to save) add_timer_func_list(check_auth_sync, "check_auth_sync"); add_timer_interval(gettick() + 60000, check_auth_sync, 0, 0, 60000); // every x sec we check if gm file has been changed if( gm_account_filename_check_timer ) { add_timer_func_list(check_GM_file, "check_GM_file"); add_timer_interval(gettick() + gm_account_filename_check_timer * 1000, check_GM_file, 0, 0, gm_account_filename_check_timer * 1000); } #else // ban deleter timer add_timer_func_list(ip_ban_flush, "ip_ban_flush"); add_timer_interval(gettick()+10, ip_ban_flush, 0, 0, 60*1000); #endif // every 10 minutes cleanup online account db. add_timer_func_list(online_data_cleanup, "online_data_cleanup"); add_timer_interval(gettick() + 600*1000, online_data_cleanup, 0, 0, 600*1000); // add timer to detect ip address change and perform update if (login_config.ip_sync_interval) { add_timer_func_list(sync_ip_addresses, "sync_ip_addresses"); add_timer_interval(gettick() + login_config.ip_sync_interval, sync_ip_addresses, 0, 0, login_config.ip_sync_interval); } if( login_config.console ) { //##TODO invoke a CONSOLE_START plugin event } // server port open & binding login_fd = make_listen_bind(login_config.login_ip, login_config.login_port); ShowStatus("The login-server is "CL_GREEN"ready"CL_RESET" (Server is listening on the port %u).\n\n", login_config.login_port); login_log(0, "login server", 100, "login server started"); return 0; }