// Copyright (c) rAthena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL
// For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder
#ifndef _CONFIG_CORE_H_
#define _CONFIG_CORE_H_

 * rAthena configuration file (http://rathena.org)
 * For detailed guidance on these check http://rathena.org/wiki/SRC/map/config/

 * Max number of items on @autolootid list

 * The maximum number of atcommand suggestions

//Comment to disable the official walk path
// -- The official walkpath disables users from taking non-clear walk paths,
// -- e.g. if they want to get around a obstacle they have to walk around it,
// -- while with OFFICIAL_WALKPATH disabled if they click to walk around a obstacle the server will do it automatically

/// leave this line uncommented to enable callfunc checks when processing scripts.
/// while allowed, the script engine will attempt to match user-defined functions
/// in scripts allowing direct function callback (without the use of callfunc.)
/// this CAN affect performance, so if you find scripts running slower or find
/// your map-server using more resources while this is active, comment the line

//Uncomment to enable the Cell Stack Limit mod.
//It's only config is the battle_config cell_stack_limit.
//Only chars affected are those defined in BL_CHAR (mobs and players currently)
//#define CELL_NOSTACK

//Uncomment to enable circular area checks.
//By default, all range checks in Aegis are of Square shapes, so a weapon range
//  of 10 allows you to attack from anywhere within a 21x21 area.
//Enabling this changes such checks to circular checks, which is more realistic,
//  but is not the official behaviour.

 * No settings past this point
#include "./renewal.h"
#include "./secure.h"
#include "./classes/general.h"

 * Constants come last; so they process anything that could've been modified in early includes
#include "./const.h"

#endif // _CONFIG_CORE_H_