#include <string.h> #include "utils.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "malloc.h" #include "mmo.h" void dump(unsigned char *buffer, int num) { int icnt,jcnt; printf(" Hex ASCII\n"); printf(" ----------------------------------------------- ----------------"); for (icnt=0;icnt<num;icnt+=16) { printf("\n%p ",&buffer[icnt]); for (jcnt=icnt;jcnt<icnt+16;++jcnt) { if (jcnt < num) { printf("%02hX ",buffer[jcnt]); } else printf(" "); } printf(" | "); for (jcnt=icnt;jcnt<icnt+16;++jcnt) { if (jcnt < num) { if (buffer[jcnt] > 31 && buffer[jcnt] < 127) printf("%c",buffer[jcnt]); else printf("."); } else printf(" "); } } printf("\n"); } #ifdef _WIN32 char *rindex(char *str, char c) { char *sptr; sptr = str; while(*sptr) ++sptr; if (c == '\0') return(sptr); while(str != sptr) if (*sptr-- == c) return(++sptr); return(NULL); } int strcasecmp(const char *arg1, const char *arg2) { int chk, i; if (arg1 == NULL || arg2 == NULL) { printf("SYSERR: str_cmp() passed a NULL pointer, %p or %p.\n", arg1, arg2); return (0); } for (i = 0; arg1[i] || arg2[i]; i++) if ((chk = LOWER(arg1[i]) - LOWER(arg2[i])) != 0) return (chk); /* not equal */ return (0); } int strncasecmp(const char *arg1, const char *arg2, int n) { int chk, i; if (arg1 == NULL || arg2 == NULL) { printf("SYSERR: strn_cmp() passed a NULL pointer, %p or %p.\n", arg1, arg2); return (0); } for (i = 0; (arg1[i] || arg2[i]) && (n > 0); i++, n--) if ((chk = LOWER(arg1[i]) - LOWER(arg2[i])) != 0) return (chk); /* not equal */ return (0); } void str_upper(char *name) { int len = strlen(name); while (len--) { if (*name >= 'a' && *name <= 'z') *name -= ('a' - 'A'); name++; } } void str_lower(char *name) { int len = strlen(name); while (len--) { if (*name >= 'A' && *name <= 'Z') *name += ('a' - 'A'); name++; } } #endif // Allocate a StringBuf [MouseJstr] struct StringBuf * StringBuf_Malloc() { struct StringBuf * ret = (struct StringBuf *) aMallocA(sizeof(struct StringBuf)); StringBuf_Init(ret); return ret; } // Initialize a previously allocated StringBuf [MouseJstr] void StringBuf_Init(struct StringBuf * sbuf) { sbuf->max_ = 1024; sbuf->ptr_ = sbuf->buf_ = (char *) aMallocA(sbuf->max_ + 1); } // printf into a StringBuf, moving the pointer [MouseJstr] int StringBuf_Printf(struct StringBuf *sbuf,const char *fmt,...) { va_list ap; int n, size, off; while (1) { /* Try to print in the allocated space. */ va_start(ap, fmt); size = sbuf->max_ - (sbuf->ptr_ - sbuf->buf_); n = vsnprintf (sbuf->ptr_, size, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); /* If that worked, return the length. */ if (n > -1 && n < size) { sbuf->ptr_ += n; return sbuf->ptr_ - sbuf->buf_; } /* Else try again with more space. */ sbuf->max_ *= 2; // twice the old size off = sbuf->ptr_ - sbuf->buf_; sbuf->buf_ = (char *) aRealloc(sbuf->buf_, sbuf->max_ + 1); sbuf->ptr_ = sbuf->buf_ + off; } } // Append buf2 onto the end of buf1 [MouseJstr] int StringBuf_Append(struct StringBuf *buf1,const struct StringBuf *buf2) { int buf1_avail = buf1->max_ - (buf1->ptr_ - buf1->buf_); int size2 = buf2->ptr_ - buf2->buf_; if (size2 >= buf1_avail) { int off = buf1->ptr_ - buf1->buf_; buf1->max_ += size2; buf1->buf_ = (char *) aRealloc(buf1->buf_, buf1->max_ + 1); buf1->ptr_ = buf1->buf_ + off; } memcpy(buf1->ptr_, buf2->buf_, size2); buf1->ptr_ += size2; return buf1->ptr_ - buf1->buf_; } // Destroy a StringBuf [MouseJstr] void StringBuf_Destroy(struct StringBuf *sbuf) { aFree(sbuf->buf_); sbuf->ptr_ = sbuf->buf_ = 0; } // Free a StringBuf returned by StringBuf_Malloc [MouseJstr] void StringBuf_Free(struct StringBuf *sbuf) { StringBuf_Destroy(sbuf); aFree(sbuf); } // Return the built string from the StringBuf [MouseJstr] char * StringBuf_Value(struct StringBuf *sbuf) { *sbuf->ptr_ = '\0'; return sbuf->buf_; }