// Copyright (c) Athena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL // For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder #ifndef _TIMER_H_ #define _TIMER_H_ #ifdef __WIN32 /* We need winsock lib to have timeval struct - windows is weirdo */ #define __USE_W32_SOCKETS #include <windows.h> #endif #define BASE_TICK 5 #define TIMER_ONCE_AUTODEL 0x1 #define TIMER_INTERVAL 0x2 #define TIMER_REMOVE_HEAP 0x10 #define DIFF_TICK(a,b) ((int)((a)-(b))) #define INVALID_TIMER -1 // Struct declaration typedef int (*TimerFunc)(int,unsigned int,int,int); struct TimerData { unsigned int tick; TimerFunc func; int id; int data; int type; int interval; int heap_pos; }; // Function prototype declaration unsigned int gettick_nocache(void); unsigned int gettick(void); int add_timer(unsigned int,TimerFunc f,int,int); int add_timer_interval(unsigned int tick, TimerFunc func, int id, int data, int interval); //int delete_timer(int,TimerFunc f); int delete_timer_sub(int,TimerFunc f, const char* file, int line); #define delete_timer(id, f) delete_timer_sub(id, f, __FILE__, __LINE__) int addtick_timer(int tid,unsigned int tick); int settick_timer(int tid,unsigned int tick); struct TimerData *get_timer(int tid); int do_timer(unsigned int tick); int add_timer_func_list(TimerFunc func, char* name); char* search_timer_func_list(TimerFunc f); unsigned long get_uptime(void); void timer_init(void); void timer_final(void); #endif /* _TIMER_H_ */