// $Id: timer.c,v 2004/09/10 17:44:49 MagicalTux Exp $ // original : core.c 2003/02/26 18:03:12 Rev 1.7 #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #ifdef _WIN32 #include <winsock.h> #else #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/time.h> #endif #include "timer.h" #include "utils.h" #ifdef MEMWATCH #include "memwatch.h" #endif // If the server shows no reaction when processing thousands of monsters // or connected by many clients, please increase TIMER_MIN_INTERVEL. #define TIMER_MIN_INTERVEL 50 static struct TimerData* timer_data; static int timer_data_max,timer_data_num; static int* free_timer_list; static int free_timer_list_max, free_timer_list_pos; static int timer_heap_max=0; //fixed Shinomori from eA forums static int* timer_heap = NULL; // for debug struct timer_func_list { int (*func)(int,unsigned int,int,int); struct timer_func_list* next; char* name; }; static struct timer_func_list* tfl_root; #if defined(_WIN32) void gettimeofday(struct timeval *t, struct timezone *dummy) { DWORD millisec = GetTickCount(); t->tv_sec = (int) (millisec / 1000); t->tv_usec = (millisec % 1000) * 1000; } #endif // int add_timer_func_list(int (*func)(int,unsigned int,int,int),char* name) { struct timer_func_list* tfl; CREATE(tfl, struct timer_func_list, 1); CREATE(tfl->name, char, strlen(name) + 1); tfl->next = tfl_root; tfl->func = func; strcpy(tfl->name,name); tfl_root = tfl; return 0; } char* search_timer_func_list(int (*func)(int,unsigned int,int,int)) { struct timer_func_list* tfl; for(tfl = tfl_root;tfl;tfl = tfl->next) { if (func == tfl->func) return tfl->name; } return "???"; } /*---------------------------- * Get tick time *----------------------------*/ static unsigned int gettick_cache; static int gettick_count; unsigned int gettick_nocache(void) { struct timeval tval; gettimeofday(&tval,NULL); gettick_count = 256; return gettick_cache = tval.tv_sec * 1000 + tval.tv_usec/1000; } unsigned int gettick(void) { gettick_count--; if (gettick_count<0) return gettick_nocache(); return gettick_cache; } /*====================================== * CORE : Timer Heap *-------------------------------------- */ static void push_timer_heap(int index) { int i, h; if (timer_heap == NULL || timer_heap[0] + 1 >= timer_heap_max) { int first = timer_heap == NULL; timer_heap_max += 256; RECREATE(timer_heap, int, timer_heap_max); memset(timer_heap + (timer_heap_max - 256), 0, sizeof(int) * 256); if (first) timer_heap[0] = 0; } timer_heap[0]++; for (h = timer_heap[0]-1, i = (h - 1) / 2; h > 0 && DIFF_TICK(timer_data[index].tick, timer_data[timer_heap[i + 1]].tick) < 0; i = (h - 1) / 2) { timer_heap[h + 1] = timer_heap[i + 1]; h = i; } timer_heap[h + 1] = index; } static int top_timer_heap() { if (timer_heap == NULL || timer_heap[0] <= 0) return -1; return timer_heap[1]; } static int pop_timer_heap() { int i,h,k; int ret,last; if (timer_heap == NULL || timer_heap[0] <= 0) return -1; ret = timer_heap[1]; last = timer_heap[timer_heap[0]]; timer_heap[0]--; for(h = 0,k = 2;k<timer_heap[0];k = k * 2 + 2) { if (DIFF_TICK(timer_data[timer_heap[k + 1]].tick , timer_data[timer_heap[k]].tick)>0) k--; timer_heap[h + 1] = timer_heap[k + 1], h = k; } if (k == timer_heap[0]) timer_heap[h + 1] = timer_heap[k], h = k-1; for(i = (h-1)/2; h>0 && DIFF_TICK(timer_data[timer_heap[i + 1]].tick , timer_data[last].tick)>0; i = (h-1)/2) { timer_heap[h + 1] = timer_heap[i + 1],h = i; } timer_heap[h + 1] = last; return ret; } int add_timer(unsigned int tick,int (*func)(int,unsigned int,int,int),int id,int data) { struct TimerData* td; int i; if (free_timer_list_pos) { do { i = free_timer_list[--free_timer_list_pos]; } while(i >= timer_data_num && free_timer_list_pos > 0); } else i = timer_data_num; if (i >= timer_data_num) for (i = timer_data_num;i<timer_data_max && timer_data[i].type; i++); if (i >= timer_data_num && i >= timer_data_max) { int j; if (timer_data_max == 0) { timer_data_max = 256; CREATE(timer_data, struct TimerData, timer_data_max); } else { timer_data_max += 256; RECREATE(timer_data, struct TimerData, timer_data_max); if (timer_data == NULL) { printf("out of memory : add_timer timer_data\n"); exit(1); } memset(timer_data + (timer_data_max - 256), 0, sizeof(struct TimerData) * 256); } for(j = timer_data_max-256;j<timer_data_max; j++) timer_data[j].type = 0; } td = &timer_data[i]; td->tick = tick; td->func = func; td->id = id; td->data = data; td->type = TIMER_ONCE_AUTODEL; td->interval = 1000; push_timer_heap(i); if (i >= timer_data_num) timer_data_num = i + 1; return i; } int add_timer_interval(unsigned int tick,int (*func)(int,unsigned int,int,int),int id,int data,int interval) { int tid; tid = add_timer(tick,func,id,data); timer_data[tid].type = TIMER_INTERVAL; timer_data[tid].interval = interval; return tid; } int delete_timer(int id,int (*func)(int,unsigned int,int,int)) { if (id <= 0 || id >= timer_data_num) { printf("delete_timer error : no such timer %d\n", id); return -1; } if (timer_data[id].func != func) { printf("delete_timer error : function dismatch %08x(%s) != %08x(%s)\n", (int)timer_data[id].func, search_timer_func_list(timer_data[id].func), (int)func, search_timer_func_list(func)); return -2; } // ���̂���������ɂ܂����� timer_data[id].func = NULL; timer_data[id].type = TIMER_ONCE_AUTODEL; timer_data[id].tick -= 60 * 60 * 1000; return 0; } int addtick_timer(int tid,unsigned int tick) { return timer_data[tid].tick += tick; } struct TimerData* get_timer(int tid) { return &timer_data[tid]; } int do_timer(unsigned int tick) { int i,nextmin = 1000; #if 0 static int disp_tick = 0; if (DIFF_TICK(disp_tick,tick)<-5000 || DIFF_TICK(disp_tick,tick)>5000) { printf("timer %d(%d + %d)\n",timer_data_num,timer_heap[0],free_timer_list_pos); disp_tick = tick; } #endif while((i = top_timer_heap()) >= 0) { if (DIFF_TICK(timer_data[i].tick , tick)>0) { nextmin = DIFF_TICK(timer_data[i].tick , tick); break; } pop_timer_heap(); timer_data[i].type |= TIMER_REMOVE_HEAP; if (timer_data[i].func) { if (DIFF_TICK(timer_data[i].tick , tick) < -1000) { // 1�b�ȏ�̑啝�Ȓx�����������Ă���̂ŁA // timer�����^�C�~���O�����ݒl�Ƃ��鎖�� // �Ăяo�����^�C�~���O(������tick)���ŏ������Ă� // timer���̎����^�C�~���O��x�点�� timer_data[i].func(i,tick,timer_data[i].id,timer_data[i].data); } else { timer_data[i].func(i,timer_data[i].tick,timer_data[i].id,timer_data[i].data); } } if (timer_data[i].type&TIMER_REMOVE_HEAP) { switch(timer_data[i].type & ~TIMER_REMOVE_HEAP) { case TIMER_ONCE_AUTODEL: timer_data[i].type = 0; if (free_timer_list_pos >= free_timer_list_max) { free_timer_list_max += 256; RECREATE(free_timer_list, int, free_timer_list_max); memset(free_timer_list + (free_timer_list_max - 256), 0, 256 * sizeof(free_timer_list[0])); } free_timer_list[free_timer_list_pos++] = i; break; case TIMER_INTERVAL: if (DIFF_TICK(timer_data[i].tick , tick) < -1000) { timer_data[i].tick = tick + timer_data[i].interval; } else { timer_data[i].tick += timer_data[i].interval; } timer_data[i].type &= ~TIMER_REMOVE_HEAP; push_timer_heap(i); break; } } } if(nextmin < TIMER_MIN_INTERVEL) nextmin = TIMER_MIN_INTERVEL; return nextmin; } void timer_final() { free(timer_data); }