/** * This file is part of Hercules. * http://herc.ws - http://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules * * Copyright (C) 2012-2018 Hercules Dev Team * Copyright (C) Athena Dev Teams * * Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifndef COMMON_SHOWMSG_H #define COMMON_SHOWMSG_H #include "common/hercules.h" #include <stdarg.h> /* Forward Declarations */ struct config_setting_t; // for help with the console colors look here: // http://www.edoceo.com/liberum/?doc=printf-with-color // some code explanation (used here): // \033[2J : clear screen and go up/left (0, 0 position) // \033[K : clear line from actual position to end of the line // \033[0m : reset color parameter // \033[1m : use bold for font #define CL_RESET "\033[0m" #define CL_CLS "\033[2J" #define CL_CLL "\033[K" // font settings #define CL_BOLD "\033[1m" #define CL_NORM CL_RESET #define CL_NORMAL CL_RESET #define CL_NONE CL_RESET // background color #define CL_BG_BLACK "\033[40m" #define CL_BG_RED "\033[41m" #define CL_BG_GREEN "\033[42m" #define CL_BG_YELLOW "\033[43m" #define CL_BG_BLUE "\033[44m" #define CL_BG_MAGENTA "\033[45m" #define CL_BG_CYAN "\033[46m" #define CL_BG_WHITE "\033[47m" // foreground color and normal font (normal color on windows) #define CL_LT_BLACK "\033[0;30m" #define CL_LT_RED "\033[0;31m" #define CL_LT_GREEN "\033[0;32m" #define CL_LT_YELLOW "\033[0;33m" #define CL_LT_BLUE "\033[0;34m" #define CL_LT_MAGENTA "\033[0;35m" #define CL_LT_CYAN "\033[0;36m" #define CL_LT_WHITE "\033[0;37m" // foreground color and bold font (bright color on windows) #define CL_BT_BLACK "\033[1;30m" #define CL_BT_RED "\033[1;31m" #define CL_BT_GREEN "\033[1;32m" #define CL_BT_YELLOW "\033[1;33m" #define CL_BT_BLUE "\033[1;34m" #define CL_BT_MAGENTA "\033[1;35m" #define CL_BT_CYAN "\033[1;36m" #define CL_BT_WHITE "\033[1;37m" // foreground color and bold font (bright color on windows) #define CL_WHITE CL_BT_WHITE #define CL_GRAY CL_BT_BLACK #define CL_RED CL_BT_RED #define CL_GREEN CL_BT_GREEN #define CL_YELLOW CL_BT_YELLOW #define CL_BLUE CL_BT_BLUE #define CL_MAGENTA CL_BT_MAGENTA #define CL_CYAN CL_BT_CYAN #define CL_SPACE " " // space aquivalent of the print messages enum msg_type { MSG_NONE, MSG_STATUS, MSG_SQL, MSG_INFORMATION, MSG_NOTICE, MSG_WARNING, MSG_DEBUG, MSG_ERROR, MSG_FATALERROR }; struct showmsg_interface { bool stdout_with_ansisequence; //If the color ANSI sequences are to be used. [flaviojs] int silent; //Specifies how silent the console is. [Skotlex] int console_log; //Specifies what error messages to log. [Ind] char timestamp_format[20]; //For displaying Timestamps [Skotlex] void (*init) (void); void (*final) (void); void (*clearScreen) (void); int (*showMessageV) (const char *string, va_list ap); void (*showMessage) (const char *, ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2))); void (*showStatus) (const char *, ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2))); void (*showSQL) (const char *, ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2))); void (*showInfo) (const char *, ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2))); void (*showNotice) (const char *, ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2))); void (*showWarning) (const char *, ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2))); void (*showDebug) (const char *, ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2))); void (*showError) (const char *, ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2))); void (*showFatalError) (const char *, ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2))); void (*showConfigWarning) (struct config_setting_t *config, const char *string, ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3))); }; /* the purpose of these macros is simply to not make calling them be an annoyance */ #define ClearScreen() (showmsg->clearScreen()) #define vShowMessage(fmt, list) (showmsg->showMessageV((fmt), (list))) #define ShowMessage(fmt, ...) (showmsg->showMessage((fmt), ##__VA_ARGS__)) #define ShowStatus(fmt, ...) (showmsg->showStatus((fmt), ##__VA_ARGS__)) #define ShowSQL(fmt, ...) (showmsg->showSQL((fmt), ##__VA_ARGS__)) #define ShowInfo(fmt, ...) (showmsg->showInfo((fmt), ##__VA_ARGS__)) #define ShowNotice(fmt, ...) (showmsg->showNotice((fmt), ##__VA_ARGS__)) #ifdef BUILDBOT #define ShowWarning(fmt, ...) (showmsg->showError((fmt), ##__VA_ARGS__)) #else // BUILDBOT #define ShowWarning(fmt, ...) (showmsg->showWarning((fmt), ##__VA_ARGS__)) #endif // BUILDBOT #define ShowDebug(fmt, ...) (showmsg->showDebug((fmt), ##__VA_ARGS__)) #define ShowError(fmt, ...) (showmsg->showError((fmt), ##__VA_ARGS__)) #define ShowFatalError(fmt, ...) (showmsg->showFatalError((fmt), ##__VA_ARGS__)) #define ShowConfigWarning(config, fmt, ...) (showmsg->showConfigWarning((config), (fmt), ##__VA_ARGS__)) #ifdef HERCULES_CORE void showmsg_defaults(void); #endif // HERCULES_CORE HPShared struct showmsg_interface *showmsg; #endif /* COMMON_SHOWMSG_H */