// Copyright (c) rAthena Project (www.rathena.org) - Licensed under GNU GPL
// For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder

#ifndef _rA_MUTEX_H_
#define _rA_MUTEX_H_

typedef struct ramutex *ramutex; // Mutex
typedef struct racond *racond; // Condition Var

 * Creates a Mutex
 * @return not NULL
ramutex ramutex_create();

 * Destroys a Mutex
 * @param m - the mutex to destroy
void ramutex_destroy(ramutex m);

 * Gets a lock
 * @param m - the mutex to lock
void ramutex_lock(ramutex m);

 * Trys to get the Lock
 * @param m - the mutex try to lock
 * @return boolean (true = got the lock)
bool ramutex_trylock(ramutex m);

 * Unlocks a mutex
 * @param m - the mutex to unlock
void ramutex_unlock(ramutex m);

 * Creates a Condition variable
 * @return not NULL
racond racond_create();

 * Destroy a Condition variable
 * @param c - the condition varaible to destroy
void racond_destroy(racond c);

 * Waits Until state is signalled
 * @param c - the condition var to wait for signalled state
 * @param m - the mutex used for syncronization
 * @param timeout_ticks - timeout in ticks ( -1 = INFINITE )
void racond_wait(racond c,  ramutex m,  sysint timeout_ticks);

 * Sets the given condition var to signalled state
 * @param c - condition var to set in signalled state.
 * @note:
 *  Only one waiter gets notified.
void racond_signal(racond c);

 * Sets notifys all waiting threads thats signalled.
 * @param c - condition var to set in signalled state
 * @note:
 *  All Waiters getting notified.
void racond_broadcast(racond c);
