// Copyright (c) Hercules Dev Team, licensed under GNU GPL. // See the LICENSE file // Portions Copyright (c) Athena Dev Teams #define HERCULES_CORE #include "../config/core.h" // CONSOLE_INPUT, MAX_CONSOLE_INPUT #include "console.h" #include #include #include "../common/cbasetypes.h" #include "../common/core.h" #include "../common/showmsg.h" #include "../common/sysinfo.h" #ifndef MINICORE # include "../common/atomic.h" # include "../common/ers.h" # include "../common/malloc.h" # include "../common/mutex.h" # include "../common/spinlock.h" # include "../common/sql.h" # include "../common/strlib.h" # include "../common/thread.h" # include "../common/timer.h" #endif #if !defined(WIN32) # include # include #else # include "../common/winapi.h" // Console close event handling # ifdef CONSOLE_INPUT # include /* _kbhit() */ # endif #endif struct console_interface console_s; #ifdef CONSOLE_INPUT struct console_input_interface console_input_s; #endif /*====================================== * CORE : Display title *--------------------------------------*/ void display_title(void) { const char *vcstype = sysinfo->vcstype(); ShowMessage("\n"); ShowMessage(""CL_BG_RED""CL_BT_WHITE" "CL_CLL""CL_NORMAL"\n"); ShowMessage(""CL_BG_RED""CL_BT_WHITE" Hercules Development Team presents "CL_CLL""CL_NORMAL"\n"); ShowMessage(""CL_BG_RED""CL_BT_WHITE" _ _ _ "CL_CLL""CL_NORMAL"\n"); ShowMessage(""CL_BG_RED""CL_BT_WHITE" | | | | | | "CL_CLL""CL_NORMAL"\n"); ShowMessage(""CL_BG_RED""CL_BT_WHITE" | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _ _| | ___ ___ "CL_CLL""CL_NORMAL"\n"); ShowMessage(""CL_BG_RED""CL_BT_WHITE" | _ |/ _ \\ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \\/ __| "CL_CLL""CL_NORMAL"\n"); ShowMessage(""CL_BG_RED""CL_BT_WHITE" | | | | __/ | | (__| |_| | | __/\\__ \\ "CL_CLL""CL_NORMAL"\n"); ShowMessage(""CL_BG_RED""CL_BT_WHITE" \\_| |_/\\___|_| \\___|\\__,_|_|\\___||___/ "CL_CLL""CL_NORMAL"\n"); ShowMessage(""CL_BG_RED""CL_BT_WHITE" "CL_CLL""CL_NORMAL"\n"); ShowMessage(""CL_BG_RED""CL_BT_WHITE" http://hercules.ws/board/ "CL_CLL""CL_NORMAL"\n"); ShowMessage(""CL_BG_RED""CL_BT_WHITE" "CL_CLL""CL_NORMAL"\n"); ShowInfo("Hercules %d-bit for %s\n", sysinfo->is64bit() ? 64 : 32, sysinfo->platform()); ShowInfo("%s revision (src): '"CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET"'\n", vcstype, sysinfo->vcsrevision_src()); ShowInfo("%s revision (scripts): '"CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET"'\n", vcstype, sysinfo->vcsrevision_scripts()); ShowInfo("OS version: '"CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET" [%s]'\n", sysinfo->osversion(), sysinfo->arch()); ShowInfo("CPU: '"CL_WHITE"%s [%d]"CL_RESET"'\n", sysinfo->cpu(), sysinfo->cpucores()); ShowInfo("Compiled with %s\n", sysinfo->compiler()); ShowInfo("Compile Flags: %s\n", sysinfo->cflags()); } #ifdef CONSOLE_INPUT #if defined(WIN32) int console_parse_key_pressed(void) { return _kbhit(); } #else /* WIN32 */ int console_parse_key_pressed(void) { struct timeval tv; fd_set fds; tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 0; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(STDIN_FILENO, &fds); select(STDIN_FILENO+1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv); return FD_ISSET(STDIN_FILENO, &fds); } #endif /* _WIN32 */ /*====================================== * CORE: Console commands *--------------------------------------*/ /** * Stops server **/ CPCMD_C(exit,server) { runflag = 0; } /** * Displays ERS-related statistics (Entry Reusage System) **/ CPCMD_C(ers_report,server) { ers_report(); } /** * Displays memory usage **/ CPCMD_C(mem_report,server) { memmgr_report(line?atoi(line):0); } /** * Displays command list **/ CPCMD(help) { unsigned int i = 0; for ( i = 0; i < console->input->cmd_list_count; i++ ) { if( console->input->cmd_list[i]->next_count ) { ShowInfo("- '"CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET"' subs\n",console->input->cmd_list[i]->cmd); console->input->parse_list_subs(console->input->cmd_list[i],2); } else { ShowInfo("- '"CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET"'\n",console->input->cmd_list[i]->cmd); } } } /** * [Ind/Hercules] * Displays current malloc usage */ CPCMD_C(malloc_usage,server) { unsigned int val = (unsigned int)iMalloc->usage(); ShowInfo("malloc_usage: %.2f MB\n",(double)(val)/1024); } /** * Skips an sql update * Usage: sql update skip UPDATE-FILE.sql **/ CPCMD_C(skip,update) { if( !line ) { ShowDebug("usage example: sql update skip 2013-02-14--16-15.sql\n"); return; } Sql_HerculesUpdateSkip(console->input->SQL, line); } /** * Defines a main category * Categories can't be used as commands! * E.G. * sql update skip * 'sql' is the main category * CP_DEF_C(category) **/ #define CP_DEF_C(x) { #x , NULL , NULL, NULL } /** * Defines a sub-category * Sub-categories can't be used as commands! * E.G. * sql update skip * 'update' is a sub-category * CP_DEF_C2(command, category) **/ #define CP_DEF_C2(x,y) { #x , NULL , #y, NULL } /** * Defines a command that is inside a category or sub-category * CP_DEF_S(command, category/sub-category) **/ #define CP_DEF_S(x,y) { #x, CPCMD_C_A(x,y), #y, NULL } /** * Defines a command that is _not_ inside any category * CP_DEF_S(command) **/ #define CP_DEF(x) { #x , CPCMD_A(x), NULL, NULL } /** * Loads console commands list * See CP_DEF_C, CP_DEF_C2, CP_DEF_S, CP_DEF **/ void console_load_defaults(void) { struct { char *name; CParseFunc func; char *connect; struct CParseEntry *self; } default_list[] = { CP_DEF(help), /** * Server related commands **/ CP_DEF_C(server), CP_DEF_S(ers_report,server), CP_DEF_S(mem_report,server), CP_DEF_S(malloc_usage,server), CP_DEF_S(exit,server), /** * Sql related commands **/ CP_DEF_C(sql), CP_DEF_C2(update,sql), CP_DEF_S(skip,update), }; unsigned int i, len = ARRAYLENGTH(default_list); struct CParseEntry *cmd; RECREATE(console->input->cmds,struct CParseEntry *, len); for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { CREATE(cmd, struct CParseEntry, 1); safestrncpy(cmd->cmd, default_list[i].name, CP_CMD_LENGTH); if( default_list[i].func ) cmd->u.func = default_list[i].func; else cmd->u.next = NULL; cmd->next_count = 0; console->input->cmd_count++; console->input->cmds[i] = cmd; default_list[i].self = cmd; if( !default_list[i].connect ) { RECREATE(console->input->cmd_list,struct CParseEntry *, ++console->input->cmd_list_count); console->input->cmd_list[console->input->cmd_list_count - 1] = cmd; } } for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { unsigned int k; if( !default_list[i].connect ) continue; for(k = 0; k < console->input->cmd_count; k++) { if( strcmpi(default_list[i].connect,console->input->cmds[k]->cmd) == 0 ) { cmd = default_list[i].self; RECREATE(console->input->cmds[k]->u.next, struct CParseEntry *, ++console->input->cmds[k]->next_count); console->input->cmds[k]->u.next[console->input->cmds[k]->next_count - 1] = cmd; break; } } } } #undef CP_DEF_C #undef CP_DEF_C2 #undef CP_DEF_S #undef CP_DEF void console_parse_create(char *name, CParseFunc func) { unsigned int i; char *tok; char sublist[CP_CMD_LENGTH * 5]; struct CParseEntry *cmd; safestrncpy(sublist, name, CP_CMD_LENGTH * 5); tok = strtok(sublist,":"); for ( i = 0; i < console->input->cmd_list_count; i++ ) { if( strcmpi(tok,console->input->cmd_list[i]->cmd) == 0 ) break; } if( i == console->input->cmd_list_count ) { RECREATE(console->input->cmds,struct CParseEntry *, ++console->input->cmd_count); CREATE(cmd, struct CParseEntry, 1); safestrncpy(cmd->cmd, tok, CP_CMD_LENGTH); cmd->next_count = 0; console->input->cmds[console->input->cmd_count - 1] = cmd; RECREATE(console->input->cmd_list,struct CParseEntry *, ++console->input->cmd_list_count); console->input->cmd_list[console->input->cmd_list_count - 1] = cmd; i = console->input->cmd_list_count - 1; } cmd = console->input->cmd_list[i]; while( ( tok = strtok(NULL, ":") ) != NULL ) { for(i = 0; i < cmd->next_count; i++) { if( strcmpi(cmd->u.next[i]->cmd,tok) == 0 ) break; } if ( i == cmd->next_count ) { RECREATE(console->input->cmds,struct CParseEntry *, ++console->input->cmd_count); CREATE(console->input->cmds[console->input->cmd_count-1], struct CParseEntry, 1); safestrncpy(console->input->cmds[console->input->cmd_count-1]->cmd, tok, CP_CMD_LENGTH); console->input->cmds[console->input->cmd_count-1]->next_count = 0; RECREATE(cmd->u.next, struct CParseEntry *, ++cmd->next_count); cmd->u.next[cmd->next_count - 1] = console->input->cmds[console->input->cmd_count-1]; cmd = console->input->cmds[console->input->cmd_count-1]; continue; } } cmd->u.func = func; } void console_parse_list_subs(struct CParseEntry *cmd, unsigned char depth) { unsigned int i; char msg[CP_CMD_LENGTH * 2]; for( i = 0; i < cmd->next_count; i++ ) { if( cmd->u.next[i]->next_count ) { memset(msg, '-', depth); snprintf(msg + depth,CP_CMD_LENGTH * 2, " '"CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET"'",cmd->u.next[i]->cmd); ShowInfo("%s subs\n",msg); console->input->parse_list_subs(cmd->u.next[i],depth + 1); } else { memset(msg, '-', depth); snprintf(msg + depth,CP_CMD_LENGTH * 2, " %s",cmd->u.next[i]->cmd); ShowInfo("%s\n",msg); } } } void console_parse_sub(char *line) { struct CParseEntry *cmd; char bline[200]; char *tok; char sublist[CP_CMD_LENGTH * 5]; unsigned int i, len = 0; memcpy(bline, line, 200); tok = strtok(line, " "); for ( i = 0; i < console->input->cmd_list_count; i++ ) { if( strcmpi(tok,console->input->cmd_list[i]->cmd) == 0 ) break; } if( i == console->input->cmd_list_count ) { ShowError("'"CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET"' is not a known command, type '"CL_WHITE"help"CL_RESET"' to list all commands\n",line); return; } cmd = console->input->cmd_list[i]; len += snprintf(sublist,CP_CMD_LENGTH * 5,"%s", cmd->cmd) + 1; if( cmd->next_count == 0 && console->input->cmd_list[i]->u.func ) { char *r = NULL; if( (tok = strtok(NULL, " ")) ) { r = bline; r += len + 1; } cmd->u.func(r); } else { while( ( tok = strtok(NULL, " ") ) != NULL ) { for( i = 0; i < cmd->next_count; i++ ) { if( strcmpi(cmd->u.next[i]->cmd,tok) == 0 ) break; } if( i == cmd->next_count ) { if( strcmpi("help",tok) == 0 ) { if( cmd->next_count ) { ShowInfo("- '"CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET"' subs\n",sublist); console->input->parse_list_subs(cmd,2); } else { ShowError("'"CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET"' doesn't possess any subcommands\n",sublist); } return; } ShowError("'"CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET"' is not a known subcommand of '"CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET"'\n",tok,cmd->cmd); ShowError("type '"CL_WHITE"%s help"CL_RESET"' to list its subcommands\n",sublist); return; } if( cmd->u.next[i]->next_count == 0 && cmd->u.next[i]->u.func ) { char *r = NULL; if( (tok = strtok(NULL, " ")) ) { r = bline; r += len + strlen(cmd->u.next[i]->cmd) + 1; } cmd->u.next[i]->u.func(r); return; } else cmd = cmd->u.next[i]; len += snprintf(sublist + len,CP_CMD_LENGTH * 5,":%s", cmd->cmd); } ShowError("Is only a category, type '"CL_WHITE"%s help"CL_RESET"' to list its subcommands\n",sublist); } } void console_parse(char* line) { int c, i = 0, len = MAX_CONSOLE_INPUT - 1;/* we leave room for the \0 :P */ while( (c = fgetc(stdin)) != EOF ) { if( --len == 0 ) break; if( (line[i++] = c) == '\n') { line[i-1] = '\0';/* clear, we skip the new line */ break;/* new line~! we leave it for the next cycle */ } } line[i++] = '\0'; } void *cThread_main(void *x) { while( console->input->ptstate ) {/* loopx */ if( console->input->key_pressed() ) { char input[MAX_CONSOLE_INPUT]; console->input->parse(input); if( input[0] != '\0' ) {/* did we get something? */ EnterSpinLock(&console->input->ptlock); if( cinput.count == CONSOLE_PARSE_SIZE ) { LeaveSpinLock(&console->input->ptlock); continue;/* drop */ } safestrncpy(cinput.queue[cinput.count++],input,MAX_CONSOLE_INPUT); LeaveSpinLock(&console->input->ptlock); } } ramutex_lock( console->input->ptmutex ); racond_wait( console->input->ptcond, console->input->ptmutex, -1 ); ramutex_unlock( console->input->ptmutex ); } return NULL; } int console_parse_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { int i; EnterSpinLock(&console->input->ptlock); for(i = 0; i < cinput.count; i++) { console->input->parse_sub(cinput.queue[i]); } cinput.count = 0; LeaveSpinLock(&console->input->ptlock); racond_signal(console->input->ptcond); return 0; } void console_parse_final(void) { if( console->input->ptstate ) { InterlockedDecrement(&console->input->ptstate); racond_signal(console->input->ptcond); /* wait for thread to close */ rathread_wait(console->input->pthread, NULL); racond_destroy(console->input->ptcond); ramutex_destroy(console->input->ptmutex); } } void console_parse_init(void) { cinput.count = 0; console->input->ptstate = 1; InitializeSpinLock(&console->input->ptlock); console->input->ptmutex = ramutex_create(); console->input->ptcond = racond_create(); if( (console->input->pthread = rathread_create(console->input->pthread_main, NULL)) == NULL ){ ShowFatalError("console_parse_init: failed to spawn console_parse thread.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } timer->add_func_list(console->input->parse_timer, "console_parse_timer"); timer->add_interval(timer->gettick() + 1000, console->input->parse_timer, 0, 0, 500);/* start listening in 1s; re-try every 0.5s */ } void console_setSQL(Sql *SQL_handle) { console->input->SQL = SQL_handle; } #endif /* CONSOLE_INPUT */ void console_init (void) { #ifdef CONSOLE_INPUT console->input->cmd_count = console->input->cmd_list_count = 0; console->input->load_defaults(); console->input->parse_init(); #endif } void console_final(void) { #ifdef CONSOLE_INPUT unsigned int i; console->input->parse_final(); for( i = 0; i < console->input->cmd_count; i++ ) { if( console->input->cmds[i]->next_count ) aFree(console->input->cmds[i]->u.next); aFree(console->input->cmds[i]); } aFree(console->input->cmds); aFree(console->input->cmd_list); #endif } void console_defaults(void) { console = &console_s; console->init = console_init; console->final = console_final; console->display_title = display_title; #ifdef CONSOLE_INPUT console->input = &console_input_s; console->input->parse_init = console_parse_init; console->input->parse_final = console_parse_final; console->input->parse_timer = console_parse_timer; console->input->pthread_main = cThread_main; console->input->parse = console_parse; console->input->parse_sub = console_parse_sub; console->input->key_pressed = console_parse_key_pressed; console->input->load_defaults = console_load_defaults; console->input->parse_list_subs = console_parse_list_subs; console->input->addCommand = console_parse_create; console->input->setSQL = console_setSQL; console->input->SQL = NULL; #else console->input = NULL; #endif }