//================= Hercules Script =======================================
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//=      |  _  |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
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//================= License ===============================================
//= This file is part of Hercules.
//= http://herc.ws - http://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules
//= Copyright (C) 2012-2015  Hercules Dev Team
//= Copyright (C)  Euphy
//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
//= (at your option) any later version.
//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//= GNU General Public License for more details.
//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//= along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//= War of Emperium SE - Hljod
//================= Description ===========================================
//= NPCs related to the WoE:SE castle Hljod
//================= Current Version =======================================
//= 1.0

-	duplicate(Manager#template)	Manager#schg_cas04	FAKE_NPC
-	duplicate(gard#template)	gard1#schg_cas04	FAKE_NPC
-	duplicate(gard#template)	gard2#schg_cas04	FAKE_NPC
-	duplicate(df#template)	df1#schg_cas04	FAKE_NPC
-	duplicate(df#template)	df2#schg_cas04	FAKE_NPC
-	duplicate(RL#template)	RL0#schg_cas04	FAKE_NPC
-	duplicate(RL#template)	RL1#schg_cas04	FAKE_NPC
-	duplicate(RL#template)	RL2#schg_cas04	FAKE_NPC
-	duplicate(RL#template)	RL3#schg_cas04	FAKE_NPC

schg_cas04,247,305,3	duplicate(Steward#template)	Steward#sc04	1_M_JOBTESTER
schg_cas04,123,306,3	duplicate(Guardian#template)	Ef#sc04	4_M_LGTGUARD
schg_cas04,300,287,5	duplicate(Kafra#template)	Kafra Employee#sc04	4_F_KAFRA1
schg_cas04,27,36,0	duplicate(Guardian Stone#template)	1st Guardian Stone#sc04	CLEAR_NPC
schg_cas04,208,75,0	duplicate(Guardian Stone#template)	2nd Guardian Stone#sc04	CLEAR_NPC
schg_cas04,124,52,0	duplicate(Control#template)	Control Device01#sc04	HIDDEN_NPC
schg_cas04,128,157,0	duplicate(Control#template)	Control Device02#sc04	HIDDEN_NPC
schg_cas04,109,247,0	duplicate(Control#template)	Control Device03#sc04	HIDDEN_NPC
schg_cas04,391,391,0	duplicate(Switch#template)	 #sch04_switch	HIDDEN_NPC
schg_cas04,280,391,3	duplicate(Sunflower#template)	Mysterious Sunflower#04	4_BLUE_FLOWER

schg_cas04,106,302,0	script	LF-01#schg_cas04	HIDDEN_NPC,{ callfunc "LinkFlag","First Gate House",19,26,"Second Gate House",219,90; }
schg_cas04,109,302,0	script	LF-02#schg_cas04	HIDDEN_NPC,{ callfunc "LinkFlag","Defense Area 1-1",89,43,"Defense Area 1-2",141,45; }
schg_cas04,112,302,0	script	LF-03#schg_cas04	HIDDEN_NPC,{ callfunc "LinkFlag","Defense Area 2-1",137,54,"Defense Area 2-2",102,54; }
schg_cas04,115,302,0	script	LF-04#schg_cas04	HIDDEN_NPC,{ callfunc "LinkFlag","Defense Area 2-3",94,147,"Defense Area 2-4",163,140; }
schg_cas04,118,302,0	script	LF-05#schg_cas04	HIDDEN_NPC,{ callfunc "LinkFlag","Defense Area 2-3",87,220,"Defense Area 2-4",151,220; }
schg_cas04,121,302,0	script	LF-06#schg_cas04	HIDDEN_NPC,{ callfunc "LinkFlag","Defense Area 3-1",100,242,"Defense Area 3-2",136,242; }
schg_cas04,124,302,0	script	LF-07#schg_cas04	HIDDEN_NPC,{ callfunc "LinkFlag","Center 1 Area",120,168,"Center 2 Area",119,211; }
schg_cas04,127,302,0	script	LF-08#schg_cas04	HIDDEN_NPC,{ callfunc "LinkFlag","Area 1-1",89,43,"Area 2-1",94,147,"Area 3-1",100,242; }
schg_cas04,130,302,0	script	LF-09#schg_cas04	HIDDEN_NPC,{ callfunc "LinkFlag","Area 1-2",141,45,"Area 2-3",163,140,"Area 3-2",136,243; }
schg_cas04,133,302,0	script	LF-10#schg_cas04	HIDDEN_NPC,{ callfunc "LinkFlag","Convenience Facility",275,244; }
schg_cas04,17,45,0	script	Hljod#LF_sc04_1::LF_sc04_1	HIDDEN_NPC,{ callfunc "LinkFlag","Emperium Center",120,290; }
schg_cas04,207,95,0	duplicate(LF_sc04_1)	Hljod#LF_sc04_2	HIDDEN_NPC
schg_cas04,111,46,4	script	Hljod#LF_sc04_3::LF_sc04_2	GUILD_FLAG,{
	callfunc "LinkFlag","Emperium Center",120,290;
	flagemblem getcastledata("schg_cas04",1);
schg_cas04,129,46,4	duplicate(LF_sc04_2)	Hljod#LF_sc04_4	GUILD_FLAG
schg_cas04,99,77,0	duplicate(LF_sc04_1)	Hljod#LF_sc04_5	HIDDEN_NPC
schg_cas04,140,77,0	duplicate(LF_sc04_1)	Hljod#LF_sc04_6	HIDDEN_NPC
schg_cas04,109,150,4	duplicate(LF_sc04_2)	Hljod#LF_sc04_7	GUILD_FLAG
schg_cas04,130,150,4	duplicate(LF_sc04_2)	Hljod#LF_sc04_8	GUILD_FLAG
schg_cas04,112,212,0	duplicate(LF_sc04_1)	Hljod#LF_sc04_9	HIDDEN_NPC
schg_cas04,127,212,0	duplicate(LF_sc04_1)	Hljod#LF_sc04_10	HIDDEN_NPC
schg_cas04,113,238,0	duplicate(LF_sc04_1)	Hljod#LF_sc04_11	HIDDEN_NPC
schg_cas04,126,238,0	duplicate(LF_sc04_1)	Hljod#LF_sc04_12	HIDDEN_NPC
schg_cas04,95,247,0	duplicate(LF_sc04_1)	Hljod#LF_sc04_13	HIDDEN_NPC
schg_cas04,144,247,0	duplicate(LF_sc04_1)	Hljod#LF_sc04_14	HIDDEN_NPC

sch_gld,134,97,4	script	Hljod#flag_sc04_1::sc04_Flag	GUILD_FLAG,{
	callfunc "ReturnFlag","schg_cas04",1;
	flagemblem getcastledata("schg_cas04",1);
sch_gld,141,97,4	duplicate(sc04_Flag)	Hljod#flag_sc04_2	GUILD_FLAG