// -------------------------------------------------------------- // - Warning!! Acktung!! Awas!! gevaar!! peligro!! ��������! - // -------------------------------------------------------------- // - All scripts here should be used at your own risk. If you - // - have edited it yourself, we are not responsible for any - // - Damages or whatsoever. Do not report any bugs unless you - // - are sure they exsist. Please provide evidence and proof. - // - eAthena developmers are not responsible for any damages or - // - disruptions of service during the service of the server - // - caused by the included scripts or for any damages - // - resulting in the use of the scripts. - // - Thanks, - // - eAthena Dev Team - // -------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------- // - Map Flags - // -------------------------------------------------------------- npc: conf/mapflag/gvg.txt npc: conf/mapflag/indoors.txt npc: conf/mapflag/jail.txt npc: conf/mapflag/nightmare.txt npc: conf/mapflag/nobranch.txt npc: conf/mapflag/noexp.txt npc: conf/mapflag/noicewall.txt npc: conf/mapflag/noloot.txt npc: conf/mapflag/nomemo.txt npc: conf/mapflag/nopenalty.txt npc: conf/mapflag/nopvp.txt npc: conf/mapflag/nosave.txt npc: conf/mapflag/noteleport.txt npc: conf/mapflag/noreturn.txt npc: conf/mapflag/nowarp.txt npc: conf/mapflag/nowarpto.txt npc: conf/mapflag/pvp.txt npc: conf/mapflag/pvp_noparty.txt npc: conf/mapflag/pvp_noguild.txt npc: conf/mapflag/night.txt npc: conf/mapflag/restricted.txt // --------------------------------------------------------------