//================= Hercules Configuration ================================
//=       _   _                     _
//=      | | | |                   | |
//=      | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _   _| | ___  ___
//=      |  _  |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
//=      | | | |  __/ | | (__| |_| | |  __/\__ \
//=      \_| |_/\___|_|  \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
//================= License ===============================================
//= This file is part of Hercules.
//= http://herc.ws - http://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules
//= Copyright (C) 2012-2015  Hercules Dev Team
//= Copyright (C)  Athena Dev Teams
//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
//= (at your option) any later version.
//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//= GNU General Public License for more details.
//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//= along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//= Custom Scripts
// Note: The scripts listed in this file are not maintained by the Hercules
//       dev team and may be outdated or incompatible with the current
//       version of the emulator, or cause security or stability issues.

// All the custom scripts, remove the '//' to enable...
// Place your scripts here!

//npc: npc/location/to/script.txt

//================= Basic Scripts =========================================
//npc: npc/custom/itembind.txt
//npc: npc/custom/warper.txt
//npc: npc/custom/jobmaster.txt
//npc: npc/custom/platinum_skills.txt
//npc: npc/custom/healer.txt
//npc: npc/custom/breeder.txt
//npc: npc/custom/itemmall.txt
//npc: npc/custom/stylist.txt
//npc: npc/custom/resetnpc.txt
//npc: npc/custom/card_remover.txt
//npc: npc/custom/item_signer.txt
//npc: npc/custom/woe_controller.txt

//================= Other Scripts =========================================
// -- MVP Arena
//npc: npc/custom/etc/mvp_arena.txt
// -- Penal Servitude (Jails Quest)
//npc: npc/custom/etc/penal_servitude.txt
// -- Banks
//npc: npc/custom/etc/bank_kafra.txt
//npc: npc/custom/etc/bank.txt
// -- Lottery (very flexible)
//npc: npc/custom/etc/lottery.txt
// -- Stock Market (Play on it, earn money, very flexible)
//npc: npc/custom/etc/stock_market.txt
// -- Russian Roulette + Rock Scissors Paper (warning! contains OBB/OVB/OCA/etc. prizes!)
//npc: npc/custom/etc/rpsroulette.txt
// -- Black Jack
//npc: npc/custom/etc/blackjack.txt
// -- Hire ninja squads to assassinate an enemy!
//npc: npc/custom/etc/shifty_assassin.txt
// -- Train your monsters to fight against other players' monsters
//npc: npc/custom/etc/monster_arena.txt
// -- Raceway mini-game
//npc: npc/custom/etc/morroc_raceway.txt
// -- Random change of Drop/Exp rates 1x ~ 1.5x every 6 hours on your server
//npc: npc/custom/etc/floating_rates.txt
// -- Wedding script that supports same-sex marriages
//npc: npc/custom/etc/marriage.txt
// -- Warper that works only after locations are unlocked
//npc: npc/custom/etc/quest_warper.txt

//================= Quest Scripts =========================================
// -- Dynamic Quest Scripts
//npc: npc/custom/quests/hunting_missions.txt
//npc: npc/custom/quests/quest_shop.txt
//npc: npc/custom/quests/questboard.txt
// -- Treasure Hunters Guild Quests (40 Quests + Special Guild Shop)
//npc: npc/custom/quests/thq/THQS_ChatingNPC.txt
//npc: npc/custom/quests/thq/THQS_GuildNPC.txt
//npc: npc/custom/quests/thq/THQS_QuestNPC.txt
//npc: npc/custom/quests/thq/THQS_Quests.txt
//npc: npc/custom/quests/thq/THQS_TTShop.txt
// -- Equipment Quests
//npc: npc/custom/quests/elvenear.txt
//npc: npc/custom/quests/sunglasses.txt
//npc: npc/custom/quests/bandit_beard.txt
//npc: npc/custom/quests/event_6_new_hats.txt
//npc: npc/custom/quests/may_hats.txt
//npc: npc/custom/quests/kings_items.txt
// -- Misc Item Quests
//npc: npc/custom/quests/dead_branch.txt
//npc: npc/custom/quests/berzebub.txt
//npc: npc/custom/quests/jewel_case.txt
// -- Godly Equipment Quests (be careful!)
//npc: npc/custom/quests/valhallen.txt
//npc: npc/custom/quests/kaho_balmung.txt
//npc: npc/custom/quests/kahohorn.txt

//================= Event Scripts =========================================
// -- Daily Events
//npc: npc/custom/events/disguise.txt
//npc: npc/custom/events/mushroom_event.txt
//npc: npc/custom/events/cluckers.txt
// -- Holiday Events
//npc: npc/custom/events/xmas_rings_event.txt
//npc: npc/custom/events/valentinesdayexp.txt
//npc: npc/custom/events/hallow06.txt
//npc: npc/custom/events/uneasy_cemetery.txt

//================= Unofficial Scripts ====================================
// -- Unofficial Airplane script
//npc: npc/custom/etc/airplane.txt
// -- Thanatos Tower Statues Quest
//npc: npc/custom/quests/tha_statues.txt
// -- Custom quests from official Umbalian Quests
//npc: npc/custom/quests/sphinx_mask.txt
//npc: npc/custom/quests/umbalian_language.txt
// -- Unofficial Battlegrounds
//npc: npc/custom/battleground/bg_common.txt
//npc: npc/custom/battleground/bg_tierra_01.txt
//npc: npc/custom/battleground/bg_tierra_02.txt
//npc: npc/custom/battleground/bg_flavius_01.txt
//npc: npc/custom/battleground/bg_flavius_02.txt
//npc: npc/custom/battleground/bg_kvm01.txt
//npc: npc/custom/battleground/bg_kvm02.txt
//npc: npc/custom/battleground/bg_kvm03.txt