//===== rAthena Script =======================================
//= El Dicastes Quest NPCs
//===== By: ==================================================
//= Gennosuke Kouga
//===== Current Version: =====================================
//= 1.2a
//===== Compatible With: =====================================
//= rAthena SVN
//===== Description: =========================================
//= Quest NPCs related to Dewata:
//== Sapha's Visit, Doha's Secrect Order, Frede's Request,
//== Department Quests, Document Quests,
//== Chesire's Call, Cat Hands Enchantment
//===== Additional Comments: =================================
//= 1.0 First version. 14107 lines, oh, the pain...
//= 1.1 Standardized and reduced by 7000+ lines. [Euphy]
//= 1.2 Further optimization. [Euphy]
//= 1.2a Small bug fix. [Euphy]
//= 1.3 Temporarly disabled Izlude Fish Tail?#33 NPC because of
//= the new Izlude Town Map. [Masao]

// Entrance

manuk,321,182,5	script	Entrance Manager#ep13_3_	450,{
	mes "[Entrance Manager]";
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		if (ep13_3_invite >= 4) {
			mes "Are you visiting the capital city, El Dicastes?";
			if(select("Yes:No")==2) {
				mes "[Entrance Manager]";
				mes "Then use the tunnel next time.";
				close; }
			mes "[Entrance Manager]";
			mes "Be careful.";
			warp "dic_dun01",33,212; 
			end; }
		mes "Sorry.";
		mes "I cannot let you pass because you are not a Sapha.";
		close; }
	mes "�����? �� ����...";
	mes "���� �� ?";
	mes "���..?";

dic_dun01,266,113,5	script	Curious Sapha#ep13_3_	449,{
	mes "[Curious Sapha]";
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		mes "Hello?";
		switch(select("What are you doing here?:Buy research items.:Hello!:I want to help your research.")) {
			case 1:
				mes "[Curious Sapha]";
				mes "Do you see that dirty vigilante over there?";
				mes "[Curious Sapha]";
				mes "He was attacked by Scarabas after falling into Scaraba Hall.";
				mes "And he was the only one attacked even with others around him.";
				mes "[Curious Sapha]";
				mes "I think he slipped and fell on some secretion of the Queen Scaraba. I thought it was an accident was looking into it.";
				mes "[Curious Sapha]";
				mes "If the research results are correct, the Scarabas are very sensitive to the smell.";
				mes "Or else say they go crazy over it. Almost as if they were losing it...";
				mes "[Curious Sapha]";
				mes "I came to research the relationship between the Queen secretion component and the Scarabas.";
				mes "So I created this into a perfume to carry it easily.";
				mes "[Curious Sapha]";
				mes "I might be able to use this perfume's reaction to Scarabas and make progress in research.";
			case 2:
				mes "[Curious Sapha]";
				mes "You want to buy the Scaraba";
				mes "Perfume? A gift for home?";
				mes "Well, it has become a rare perfume.";
				mes "[Curious Sapha]";
				mes "I'll give you a deal and sell it by 500 Zeny each. But, try not to carry it with you into Scaraba Hall.";
				mes "How many do you want? You can buy up to 100.";
				input .@deal,0,100;
				if (.@deal == 0) {
					mes "[Curious Sapha]";
					mes "You changed your mind?";
					close; }
				if (Zeny < .@deal*500) {
					mes "[Curious Sapha]";
					mes "You don't have enough money.";
					close; }
				mes "[Curious Sapha]";
				mes "Will you buy "+.@deal+"?";
				if(select("Yes:No")==2) close;
				mes "[Curious Sapha]";
				mes "Here you go. Scaraba might flock";
				mes "around you, so don't use it near Scaraba Hall.";
				getitem 6437, .@deal;
				set Zeny, Zeny-(.@deal*500);
			case 3:
				mes "[Curious Sapha]";
				mes "Hello?";
			case 4:
				mes "[Curious Sapha]";
				mes "Do you have any useful information?";
				mes "Please let me know!";
				input .@talksap$;	
				mes "[Curious Sapha]";
				mes "It says ^0000FF"+.@talksap$+"^000000.";
				set .@curiousrand,rand(1,4);
				// Needs more information!
				if (.@curiousrand == 1) {	
					mes "[Curious Sapha]";
					mes "That is great information!";
					mes "I must start on the research.";
				} else if (.@curiousrand == 2) {	
					mes "[Curious Sapha]";
					mes "I already know about that information, but I'm really grateful for you to come all the way here to tell me.";
				} else {	
					mes "[Curious Sapha]";
					mes "Hmm... do you think so?";
					mes "I have some doubts about your information. I'll think it over.";
	mes "����� �� ��?";
	mes "- Cannot understand a word. -";

// Vigilantes

function	script	eldicastes_dv	{
	mes "[Vigilante]";
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		if (ep13_3_secret >= 4) {
			if (countitem(6437)) {
				mes "Do you need something from the cave?";
				if(select("Yes:No")==2) {
					mes "[Vigilante]";
					mes "Please step aside because it is dangerous.";
					mes "You won't know when those Scarabas will start to rampage.";
					close; }
				mes "[Vigilante]";
				mes "Ewwww, what's this smell?";
				mes "Be careful. The smell from the Scaraba Secretion was picked up by other Scarabas.";
				if(select("Enter after spraying perfume.:Do not enter because it's dangerous.")==2) {
					mes "[Vigilante]";
					mes "Please step aside because it is dangerous.";
					mes "You won't know when those Scarabas will start to rampage.";
					close; }
				mes "[Vigilante]";
				mes "Okay. Then good luck to you. Be careful.";
				warp "dic_dun02",101,142;
				end; }
			switch(getarg(0)) {
				case 1:
					mes "Phew, what happened?! Why are they all over me?";
					mes "[Vigilante]";
					mes "I already had bad luck in falling into Scaraba Hall and being";
					mes "drenched with this awful ^E77471stench^000000 my";
					mes "head is starting to ache!";
					mes "- The vigilante complained while brushing off the traces of the Scarabas. -";
				case 2:
					mes "Be careful. The smell from the Scaraba Secretion was picked up by other Scarabas.";
					mes "[Vigilante]";
					mes "If you need something from the cave!";
					mes "Please get some ^E77471Scaraba Perfume^000000 before you go.";
					close; }
		switch(getarg(0)) {
			case 1:
				mes "Hey! This is no place for a rookie like you.";
				mes "Those Scaraba can snatch you away!";
			case 2:
				mes "The area below is restricted because it is dangerous.";
				mes "I cannot let you pass because you are here as a guest.";
				mes "Please follow the tunnel to get to the capital city.";
				close; }
	switch(getarg(0)) {
		case 1:
			mes "����� �� �����󢤡��� �� ������ �� �С���.";
			mes "����� �� ����� ��..!";
		case 2:
			mes "����� �� ������?";
			mes "������ �� ������ �� ����...";
			mes "����� �� ����� ��..!";
			break; }
	mes "- Cannot understand a word. -";

dic_dun01,284,102,5	script	Dirty Vigilante#ep13_3_	450,{
	callfunc "eldicastes_dv",1; }
dic_dun01,294,106,4	script	Vigilante#ep13_3_23	492,{
	callfunc "eldicastes_dv",2; }
dic_dun01,286,104,5	script	Vigilante#ep13_3_24	450,{
	callfunc "eldicastes_dv",2; }

dic_dun01,28,212,0	script	Vigilante#ep13_3_26	45,1,1,{
	mes "[Vigilante]";
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		mes "Manuk is just before us.";
		mes "Are you heading to Manuk?";
		if(select("Yes:No")==2) {
			mes "[Vigilante]";
			mes "Good luck.";
			close; }
		mes "[Vigilante]";
		mes "I will send you back to Manuk.";
		warp "manuk",326,180;
		end; }
	mes "����� �� ������?";
	mes "������ �� ������ �� ����...";
	mes "- The Vigilante says something and then shakes his head.";
	mes "Looks like a negative reaction from the looks of his firm pose holding his shield in front of him. -";

dic_fild01,153,281,4	script	Capital City Guard	492,{
	mes "[Capital City Guard]";
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		mes "Access to the city is restricted from other races without permits.";
		mes "Please go back.";
		mes "[Capital City Guard]";
		mes "Hmmm? You are human.";
		mes "If you went through that tunnel, you are here by Ravail's invitation?";
		mes "[Capital City Guard]";
		mes "No wonder Vyhannus approved you.";
		mes "Understood.";
		mes "I approve your entrance and will guide you on what you should first do in El Dicastes.";
		mes "[Capital City Guard]";
		mes "First enter the fortress,";
		mes "and register yourself at Dicastes Diel located at the highest location in the north.";
		mes "You must first register to be able to move freely.";
		mes "[Capital City Guard]";
		mes "You'll see Diel if you follow here towards the north.";
		mes "You won't get lost.";
		mes "You need to find the register window at the Diel public service center.";
		warp "dicastes01",199,41;
		end; }
	mes "����� �� ������?";
	mes "����� �� ����� ��..!";
	mes "- Cannot communicate with him. -";

dic_in01,254,119,0	script	Item Storage#01	844,{
	mes "This is the item storage.";
	mes "There is some writing on the paper.";
	mes "+ Shay's precious safe +";
	mes "For those you want to use this safe!";
	mes "1. Is my cooking delicious?";
	mes "2. You have enough basic skills, right?";
	mes "3. It will be ^0000FF500 Zeny^000000, please!";
	mes "You'll have to put in some coins to use it.";
	mes "Insert Coins: Will you";
	mes "put in 500 Zeny?";
	if(select("Use safe:No way.")==2) {
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "I will use it later.";
		close; }
	if (Zeny < 500) {
		mes "Not enough Zeny.";
		close; }
	set Zeny, Zeny-500;

// Civil Services

function	script	que_dic	{
	if (getarg(0) > 1) {
		for(set .@i,0; .@i<getargcount(); set .@i,.@i+1)
			if (checkquest(getarg(.@i)) >= 0) {
				erasequest getarg(.@i);
				break; }
		return; }
	if (!getarg(0)) {
		if (checkquest(getarg(1),HUNTING) != 2) return;
		mes getarg(3); }
	else if (getarg(0)) {
		if (checkquest(getarg(1)) == -1) return;
		if (countitem(getarg(3)) < getarg(4)) {
			mes "It looks like you are short on the amount.";
			close; }
		mes getarg(5); mes getarg(6,"");
		delitem getarg(3), getarg(4); }
	getexp getarg(2),0;
	erasequest getarg(1);
	specialeffect2 18;
	getitem 6304,1;

dic_in01,48,263,5	script	Hunting Dept. 1 Manager	449,{
	mes "[Hunting Dept. 1 Manager]";
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		if (ep13_3_invite == 5) {
			if (checkquest(12159) == -1) {
				mes "So you didn't get any requests yet.";
				mes "Laponte will have piles of requests and might give you one.";
				mes "[Hunting Dept. 1 Manager]";
				mes "Try meeting him near the center of El Dicastes.";
			} else if (checkquest(12159,PLAYTIME) == 2) {
				mes "Time limit has expired for the existing request.";
				mes "[Hunting Dept. 1 Manager]";
				mes "If any incomplete request is found, it will be consider that you failed it and the request will be deleted.";
				mes "[Hunting Dept. 1 Manager]";
				mes "You can get a new request after the existing request record being removed, go to see Laponte.";
				erasequest 12159;
				close; }
			mes "Welcome.";
			mes "How can I help you?";
			select("I completed the request.");
			mes "[Hunting Dept. 1 Manager]";
			mes "Ah...";
			mes "You are done with the request?";
			mes "Let me check your records first.";
			mes "[Hunting Dept. 1 Manager]";
			set .@s$, "Oh, you completed all your requests. Confirmation complete.";
			mes "You will get in trouble if you lie about the request...";
			close; }
		mes "- The Sapha keeps a distance from you even when you try to talk.";
		mes "It looks like he is calling for a Galten. Time to go. -";
		close; }
	mes "������";
	mes "������ �� ����� �� �𢲢�";
	mes "- I don't understand him. -";

dic_in01,51,266,6	script	Hunting Dept. 2 Manager	449,{
	mes "[Hunting Dept. 2 Manager]";
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		if (ep13_3_invite == 5) {
			if (checkquest(12160) == -1) {
				mes "So you didn't get any requests yet.";
				mes "Kalipo will have piles of requests and might give you one. Try to find him.";
			} else if (checkquest(12160,PLAYTIME) == 2) {
				mes "Kalipo seems to have another request for you.";
				mes "[Hunting Dept. 2 Manager]";
				mes "I will erase any other records including previous requests from Kalipo that you haven't completed yet.";
				mes "[Hunting Dept. 2 Manager]";
				mes "Your request history is cleared now. Please visit Kalipo.";
				erasequest 12160;
				close; }	
			mes "Welcome.";
			mes "How can I help you?";
			select("I completed the request.");
			mes "[Hunting Dept. 2 Manager]";
			mes "Ah...";
			mes "You are done with the request?";
			mes "Let me check your records first.";
			mes "[Hunting Dept. 2 Manager]";
			set .@s$, "Oh, you completed all your requests. Confirmation complete.";
			mes "Please check your request history again. There is a discrepancy with our documents.";
			close; }
		mes "- The Sapha keeps a distance from you even when you try to talk.";
		mes "It looks like he is calling for a Galten. Time to go. -";
		close; }
	mes "������";
	mes "������ �� ����� �� �𢲢�";
	mes "- I don't understand him. -";

dic_in01,51,270,6	script	Supply Dept. 1 Manager#	449,{
	mes "[Supply Dept. 1 Manager]";
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		if (ep13_3_invite == 5) {
			if (checkquest(12161) == -1) {
				mes "So you didn't get any requests yet. Pura will have piles of requests and might give you one. Try meeting him.";
			} else if (checkquest(12163,PLAYTIME) == 2) {
				mes "I erased all records related with the previous request. Go to meet Pura.";
				erasequest 12161;
				close; }
			mes "Welcome.";
			mes "How can I help you?";
			select("I completed the request.");
			mes "[Supply Dept. 1 Manager]";
			mes "Ah...";
			mes "You are done with the request?";
			mes "Let me check your records first.";
			mes "[Supply Dept. 1 Manager]";
			set .@s$, "It's done. You can't start any other request till tomorrow, why don't you go to the famous pub and rest?";
			if ((checkquest(12117) == -1 || checkquest(12118) == -1 || checkquest(12119) == -1 || checkquest(12120) == -1 || checkquest(12121) == -1 || checkquest(12122) == -1 || checkquest(12123) == -1 || checkquest(12124) == -1 || checkquest(12125) == -1 || checkquest(12126) == -1) && checkquest(12161) >= 0) {
				mes "Cannot find any record...";
				mes "Nothing... There is nothing that I can say ^E77471Request completed!^000000.";
				close; }
			mes "It looks like you are short on the amount.";
			close; }
		mes "- The Sapha keeps a distance from you even when you try to talk.";
		mes "It looks like he is calling for a Galten. Time to go. -";
		close; }
	mes "������";
	mes "������ �� ����� �� �𢲢�";
	mes "- I don't understand him. -";

dic_in01,48,273,1	script	Supply Dept. 2 Manager#	449,{
	mes "[Supply Dept. 2 Manager]";
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		if (ep13_3_invite == 5) {
			if (checkquest(12162) == -1) {
				mes "So you didn't get any requests yet.";
				mes "Tragis will have piles of requests and might give you one. Try meeting him.";
			} else if (checkquest(12162,PLAYTIME) == 2) {
				mes "I erased all records related with the previous request. Tragis is looking for you so hurry up to meet him.";
				erasequest 12162;
				close; }
			mes "Welcome.";
			mes "How can I help you?";
			select("I completed the request.");	
			mes "[Supply Dept. 2 Manager]";
			mes "Ah...";
			mes "You are done with the request?";
			mes "Let me check your records first.";
			mes "[Supply Dept. 2 Manager]";
			set .@s1$, strcharinfo(0)+", you handle your requests quite well.";
			set .@s2$, "You are not like the pub owner who just sends requests here every day.";
			if ((checkquest(12127) == -1 || checkquest(12128) == -1 || checkquest(12129) == -1 || checkquest(12130) == -1 || checkquest(12131) == -1 || checkquest(12132) == -1 || checkquest(12133) == -1 || checkquest(12134) == -1 || checkquest(12135) == -1 || checkquest(12136) == -1) && checkquest(12162) >= 0) {
				mes " I would like to complete a request for you but you have none going on now.";
				close; }
			mes "It looks like you are short on the amount.";
			close; }
		mes "- The Sapha keeps a distance from you even when you try to talk.";
		mes "It looks like he is calling for a Galten. Time to go. -";
		close; }
	mes "������";
	mes "������ �� ����� �� �𢲢�";
	mes "- I don't understand him. -";

dic_in01,43,273,1	script	Transport Dept. 1 Mgr.#	449,{
	mes "[Transport Dept. 1 Mgr.]";
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		if (ep13_3_invite == 5) {
			if (checkquest(12163) == -1) {
				mes "So you didn't get any requests yet.";
				mes "Calyon will have piles of requests and might give you one. Try meeting him.";
			} else if (checkquest(12163,PLAYTIME) == 2) {
				mes "I erased all records related with the previous request. Calyon is looking for you so hurry up to meet him.";
				erasequest 12163;
				close; }
			mes "Welcome.";
			mes "How can I help you?";
			select("I completed the request.");	
			mes "[Transport Dept. 1 Mgr.]";
			mes "Ah...";
			mes "You are done with the request?";
			mes "Let me check your records first.";
			mes "[Transport Dept. 1 Mgr.]";
			set .@s1$, "Quantity check finished. Ahhh, you going to rest?";
			set .@s2$, "Then why don't you visit the famous pub of the Capital? They have no yummy food though....";
			if ((checkquest(12137) == -1 || checkquest(12138) == -1 || checkquest(12139) == -1 || checkquest(12140) == -1 || checkquest(12141) == -1 || checkquest(12142) == -1 || checkquest(12143) == -1 || checkquest(12144) == -1 || checkquest(12145) == -1 || checkquest(12146) == -1 || checkquest(12147) == -1) && checkquest(12163) >= 0) {
				mes "Um... What do you want me to do?";
				mes "[Transport Dept. 1 Mgr.]";
				mes "You've got nothing that I can handle...";
				close; }
			mes "It looks like you are short on the amount.";
			close; }
		mes "- The Sapha keeps a distance from you even when you try to talk.";
		mes "It looks like he is calling for a Galten. Time to go. -";
		close; }
	mes "������";
	mes "������ �� ����� �� �𢲢�";
	mes "- I don't understand him. -";

dic_in01,40,270,3	script	Transport Dept. 2 Mgr.#	449,{
	mes "[Transport Dept. 2 Mgr.]";
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		if (ep13_3_invite == 5) {
			if (checkquest(12164) == -1) {
				mes "So you didn't get any requests yet.";
				mes "Moltuka will have piles of requests and might give you one. Try meeting him.";
			} else if (checkquest(12164,PLAYTIME) == 2) {
				mes "I erased all records related with the previous request. Moltuka is looking for you so hurry up to meet him.";
				erasequest 12164;
				close; }
			mes "Welcome.";
			mes "How can I help you?";
			select("I completed the request.");
			mes "[Transport Dept. 2 Mgr.]";
			mes "Ah...";
			mes "You are done with the request?";
			mes "Let me check your records first.";
			mes "[Transport Dept. 2 Mgr.]";
			set .@s$, "Well received. One less thing to worry about now.";
			if ((checkquest(12148) == -1 || checkquest(12149) == -1 || checkquest(12150) == -1 || checkquest(12151) == -1 || checkquest(12152) == -1 || checkquest(12153) == -1 || checkquest(12154) == -1 || checkquest(12155) == -1 || checkquest(12156) == -1 || checkquest(12157) == -1 || checkquest(12158) == -1) && checkquest(12164) >= 0) {
				mes "This is the first time in my 200 years of working at this department that a person comes back to complete a request without starting any.";
				close; }
			mes "It looks like you are short on the amount.";
			close; }
		mes "- The Sapha keeps a distance from you even when you try to talk.";
		mes "It looks like he is calling for a Galten. Time to go. -";
		close; }
	mes "������";
	mes "������ �� ����� �� �𢲢�";
	mes "- I don't understand him. -";

dic_in01,40,193,0	script	Papyrus#0001	453,{
	mes "[Papyrus]";
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		if (ep13_3_invite == 5) {
			set .@papyrustalk,rand(1,4);
			if (.@papyrustalk == 1) mes "The number of adventurers visiting the Archive room has increased";
			else if (.@papyrustalk == 2) mes "This is the very place where Ancient Sapha forefathers created history";
			else if (.@papyrustalk == 3) mes "The Archive room holds transcendent knowledge beyond that of Midgard and Asgard";
			else if (.@papyrustalk == 4) mes "Welcome, I am Papyrus, the manager of the Archive room here.";
			if (countitem(6308) > 2 && countitem(6308) < 30) {
				mes "[Papyrus]";
				mes "Wow~";
				mes "You've found an Unknown Relic.";
				mes "Do you want to exchange it with for 1 Sapha Certification?";
				if(select("Next time:Exchange now")==1) {
					mes "[Papyrus]";
					mes "Ok, have it your way. I'm here if you change your mind";
					close; }
				mes "[Papyrus]";
				mes "Ok here's your 1 Sapha Certifications.";
				delitem 6308,3;
				getitem 6304,1;
			} else if (countitem(6308) > 29) {
				mes "[Papyrus]";
				mes "Oh... You've brought back plenty of unknown relics";
				mes "We exchange 11 Sapha Certifications for 30 Unknown Relics. Do you want to exchange?";
				if(select("Next time:Exchange now")==1) {
					mes "[Papyrus]";
					mes "Ok, have it your way. I'm here if you change your mind";
					close; }
				mes "[Papyrus]";
				mes "Ok here's your 11 Sapha Certifications.";
				delitem 6308,30;
				getitem 6304,11;
				close; }
			mes "[Papyrus]";
			mes "How can I help you? ";
			switch(select("What is this place for?:How do I view documents?:What is an Unknown Relic?")) {
				case 1:
					mes "[Papyrus]";
					mes "This is an important place where data of various relics collected, since our ancient forefathers, are kept.";
					mes "[Papyrus]";
					mes "You can say it's something similar to the human's museum. Take your time to look through our ancient records.";
					mes "[Papyrus]";
					mes "You'll never know if you'll find something that catches your adventurous eye.";
				case 2:
					mes "[Papyrus]";
					mes "Some documents are written in Ancient Sapha Language so humans have trouble viewing all of the documents.";
					mes "[Papyrus]";
					mes "You can find recent documents on the left where I am standing.";
					mes "You can also take notes on documents you found interesting.";
					mes "[Papyrus]";
					mes "I would appreciate it if you bring back any Unknown Relics you happen to find while exploring using your notes from here to me.";
				case 3:
					mes "[Papyrus]";
					mes "Unknown Relics are relics that have not yet been verified and they are valuable research material for us.";
					mes "[Papyrus]";
					mes "Many of us researchers are studying life and death, the birth and extinction of the universe through the ancient relics";
					mes "[Papyrus]";
					mes "If you find and bring an Unknown Relics to me,";
					mes "in exchange I will give you ^8000801 Sapha Certifications^000000 for every ^8000803 Unknown Relics^000000 you bring.";
					mes "[Papyrus]";
					mes "If you bring ^80008030 Relics^000000, I will exchange it for ^80008011 Sapha Certifications^000000.";
					close; }
		mes "- Sapha keeps a distance from you even when you try to talk. Looks like he called on Guard Galten. Time to go... -";
		close; }
	mes "������";
	mes "������ �� ����� �� �𢲢�";
	mes "- I don't feel confident in talking since you wouldn't understand anything. -";

// Document Packages

function	script	eldicastes_dp	{
	specialeffect2 235;
	progressbar "ffff00",4;
	if (checkquest(getarg(0)) >= 0) {
		mes "You've found a document you already have.";
	} else {
		mes getarg(2);
		mes getarg(3);
		mes "You've found a document about ^800080"+getarg(1)+"^000000. Check for details in the ^800080Quest Window^000000.";
		specialeffect2 18;
		setquest getarg(0);
		close; }

dic_in01,31,192,0	script	Document Package#0001	844,{
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		if (ep13_3_invite == 5) {
			if (checkquest(12165,PLAYTIME) == 2) {
				mes "Feeling a bit better.";
				erasequest 12165;
			} else if (checkquest(12165,PLAYTIME) != -1) {
				mes "Ugh... feel dizzy from simply staring at the document. Will come back after cooling down.";
				close; }
			set .@doc,rand(1,70);
			if (.@doc > 50 && .@doc <= 60) {
				specialeffect2 235;
				progressbar "ffff00",4;
				mes "No documents look out of the ordinary.";
			} else if (.@doc > 60 && .@doc <= 70) {
				specialeffect2 235;
				progressbar "ffff00",4;
				mes "You suddenly feel nauseated. You feel like this won't go away any time soon. Finding the documents will have to wait.";
				setquest 12165;
				close; }
			else if (.@doc == 1) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12209,"Horn","Hard wedge-like horn from some insects. Doesn't have much practical use.","";
			else if (.@doc == 2) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12195,"Horrendous Mouth","Tooth from a dead body.","Important material for research on time of death and health conditions. Useful in discovering human ecology.";
			else if (.@doc == 3) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12186,"Orc's Fangs","Green skinned monster living in the woods. The creature is humanlike but is very hostile to humans.","Known to have a friendly relationship between the two races long ago.";
			else if (.@doc == 4) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12172,"Frog Eggs","An egg from an amphibian living in warm areas. Unknown if this egg can hatch in Manuk's cold regions.","";
			else if (.@doc == 5) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12208,"Snail's Shells","Hard Carapace that protects the body of a huge snail. Creature fun to research out of pure curiousity.","";
			else if (.@doc == 6) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12188,"Powder of Butterfly","Powder from the winged insects from Midgard. Some humans use it for makeup or medicine.","";
			else if (.@doc == 7) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12167,"Reptile Tongue","Tongue of a monster living in the desert terrain of Midgard. Often used as medicine after drying.","";
			else if (.@doc == 8) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12168,"Scorpion Tail","Poisonous reptile tail from a creature living in the deserts.","Records say that humans can lose their life when attacked.";
			else if (.@doc == 9) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12173,"Jellopy","Unknown substance in Manuk regions but found throughout Midgard.","Research required to see possibilities on using it for construction material.";
			else if (.@doc == 10) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12166,"Tree Root","Humans are using this for firewood or construction material. Found commonly in the woods of Midgard.","";
			else if (.@doc == 11) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12169,"Stem","There is nothing like Midgard plants in Manuk.","These plants are used for food and medicine and some are even poisonous.";
			else if (.@doc == 12) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12170,"Pointed Scale","Stem from a bumpy life form. Research required as the usage is unknown.","";
			else if (.@doc == 13) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12171,"Resin","Sap from an old tree collected and solidified. Very valuable in the human world.","";
			else if (.@doc == 14) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12174,"Fish Tail","Humans eat meat called fish.","Can be used as important food supply for foreign adventurers visiting in the city.";
			else if (.@doc == 15) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12175,"Worm Peeling","They say some Worm Peelings are valuable.","But this is based on the human's standard of value. Research required.";
			else if (.@doc == 16) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12176,"Gill","There are Midgard creatures that live in the sea and breathe through gills.","Further research on their ecology will be useful.";
			else if (.@doc == 17) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12177,"Tooth of Bat","Traces of a nocturnal creature unknown to Manuk. Not a strong creature from the size of its teeth.","";
			else if (.@doc == 18) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12178,"Fluff","Many of Midgard creatures are covered with soft hair.","Hair can be used as great cold protection. Further research required.";
			else if (.@doc == 19) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12179,"Chrysalis","Large insect sack that is alive and contains who knows what.","Not active at all but the life structure within it is very unique and worth researching.";
			else if (.@doc == 20) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12180,"Feather of Birds","Bird feather located throughout Midgard.","The feathers aren't great for cold protection but can be used as decorative accessories or tools for writing.";
			else if (.@doc == 21) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12181,"Talon","Pointy talon convenient for making holes or simple accessories.","Very useful with the nails from large creatures from Manuk.";
			else if (.@doc == 22) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12182,"Sticky Webfoot","Strange body structure found from Midgard amphibians. Evolved to better adapt to ocean life.","";
			else if (.@doc == 23) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12183,"Animal Skin","Leather from a mammal.","Very warm and soft and can be used in various ways. Processed in Midgard and valuable.";
			else if (.@doc == 24) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12184,"Wolf Claw","Claw from a creature called wolf.","Usage is unknown but many curious Saphas are taking an interest in it.";
			else if (.@doc == 25) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12185,"Mushroom Spore","Spores from a mushroom found throughout Midgard.","Looks like it can be cultivated here with a little research.";
			else if (.@doc == 26) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12187,"Evil Horn","Item made from Evil Horns that appear in areas that aren't holy.","Sold at a high price but doesn't seem to be practical.";
			else if (.@doc == 27) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12214,"Cactus Needle","Surface of a plant that survives in deserts with almost no moisture.","";
			else if (.@doc == 28) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12189,"Bill of Birds","Pointy bill convenient for making holes or simple accessories. Looks similar to bird claws.","";
			else if (.@doc == 29) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12190,"Snake Scale","Scales from a reptile that moves without legs.","Scales are shed from the creature and are used for simple craftwork.";
			else if (.@doc == 30) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12191,"Insect Feeler","Bug feeler from an insect with keen nerves.","Research subject for its unique structure different from Manuk creatures.";
			else if (.@doc == 31) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12192,"Immortal Heart","Heart that never stops beating. Obtained from mystical creatures called mermaids.","The driving force of the heart is still unknown and worth researching.";
			else if (.@doc == 32) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12193,"Rotten Bandage","Bandage used for dead bodies. Looks like humans believed in the dead coming back for their bodies.","";
			else if (.@doc == 33) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12194,"Decayed Nail","Nail from a dead body. Important material for research on time of death and health conditions.","Useful in discovering human ecology.";
			else if (.@doc == 34) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12195,"Stone Heart","They say a huge stone in a dead area in Midgard moves by itself.","The heart of the huge stone would be a rare research subject.";
			else if (.@doc == 35) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12196,"Tentacle","Feeler from ocean creatures. Unlike those from insects, these show active movement.","";
			else if (.@doc == 36) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12197,"Shell","Shell protecting insects or crustacean creatures.","These creatures have a shell surrounding their skin and are very flexible in movement. Worth researching.";
			else if (.@doc == 37) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12198,"Scale Shell","Shiny scales found from some reptiles.","The fluorescent substance contained on the surface can be used in various places.";
			else if (.@doc == 38) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12199,"Venom Canine","Canine tooth with poison. Humans use this to make weapons for killing.","";
			else if (.@doc == 39) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12200,"Sticky Mucus","Sticky liquid with a bit of viscosity left.","Can be used as key material for construction and currently is used for some Manuk architecture style. Commonly found throughout Midgard.";
			else if (.@doc == 40) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12201,"Bee Sting","Stinger taken from a living insect.","Some humans use it for medical treatment for its medicinal effect.";
			else if (.@doc == 41) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12202,"Grasshopper's Leg","Back legs of an insect that can leap far. Fun to research its structure.","";
			else if (.@doc == 42) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12203,"Royal Jelly","A kind of wonder drug collected from a queen bee.","Humans love this but no efficacy found for Manuk.";
			else if (.@doc == 43) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12204,"Yoyo Tail","Tail from a humanlike creature.","Research on why humans do not have this trace on them would be amusing but would hurt current alliance with the humans.";
			else if (.@doc == 44) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12205,"Solid Shell","Shell evolved by some kind of environmental factor.","This can be great material to make various tool or armory.";
			else if (.@doc == 45) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12206,"Yam","Edible when ripe, yellow food.","Humans like this very much. Haven't tried it yet but smells like ripe sweet Potatoes.";
			else if (.@doc == 46) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12207,"Raccoon Leaf","They say there is an animal that can change its form with this pasted on it.","Worth research to validate if this rumor is true.";
			else if (.@doc == 47) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12210,"Bear's Footskin","Humans collect hunted bear paws.","Usage is unknown. The humans that collect the paws are subjects for research.";
			else if (.@doc == 48) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12211,"Feather","Warm hair as soft as downy hair.","Must be used for cold protection. Collectable throughout Midgard.";
			else if (.@doc == 49) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12212,"Red Herb","Kind of medicinal red plant.","Humans use this to make recovery medicine. Plant worth researching.";
			else if (.@doc == 50) callfunc "eldicastes_dp",12213,"Carrot","Red colored plant. Pub owner requests it all the time. Worth research.","";
		mes "- When you try to open and read a document, a Sapha manager motions to call Guard Galten. Let's get out of here quickly. -";
		close; }
	mes "������ �� ����� �� �𢲢�";

dic_in01,31,187,0	duplicate(Document Package#0001)	Document Package#0002	844
dic_in01,25,192,0	duplicate(Document Package#0001)	Document Package#0003	844
dic_in01,25,187,0	duplicate(Document Package#0001)	Document Package#0004	844

// Unknown Relics

function	script	unknown_d	{
	if (checkquest(getarg(0)) >= 0) {
		specialeffect2 310;
		specialeffect2 12;
		progressbar "ffff00",4;
		erasequest getarg(0);
		mes "You were able to find information on the "+getitemname(getarg(1))+".";
		specialeffect2 18;
		getitem getarg(1), rand(1,3);
		if (rand(1,2)==1) close;
		mes "In addition, you've obtained an Unknown Relic to report back to the Saphas.";
		specialeffect2 18;
		getitem 6308,1;
		close; }
	mes "- You see traces of digging. -";

cmd_fild08,324,163,0	script	Stone Heart?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12215,953; }
moc_fild01,169,62,0	script	Cactus Needle?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12214,952; }
prt_fild02,280,328,0	script	Carrot?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12213,515; }
prt_fild02,97,209,0	script	Red Herb?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12212,507; }
prt_fild02,142,116,0	script	Feather?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12211,949; }
pay_fild07,269,164,0	script	Bear's Footskin?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12210,948; }
prt_fild03,284,190,0	script	Raccoon Leaf?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12207,945; }
prt_fild03,262,201,0	script	Yam?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12206,549; }
prt_fild03,226,170,0	script	Solid Shell?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12205,943; }
prt_fild03,180,163,0	script	Yoyo Tail?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12204,942; }
prt_fild03,64,35,0	script	Royal Jelly?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12203,526; }
prt_fild07,76,122,0	script	Grasshopper's Leg?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12202,940; }
mjolnir_09,99,100,0	script	Bee Sting?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12201,939; }
prt_fild02,102,97,0	script	Sticky Mucus?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12200,938; }
mjolnir_04,162,168,0	script	Venom Canine?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12199,937; }
mjolnir_04,191,154,0	script	Scale Shell?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12198,936; }
iz_dun01,191,92,0	script	Shell?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12197,935; }
iz_dun01,210,77,0	script	Tentacle?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12196,962; }
moc_pryd02,36,75,0	script	Decayed Nail?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12194,957; }
moc_pryd02,134,112,0	script	Rotten Bandage?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12193,930; }
iz_dun02,112,96,0	script	Immortal Heart?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12192,929; }
pay_fild07,126,49,0	script	Insect Feeler?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12191,928; }
pay_fild06,306,233,0	script	Snake Scale?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12190,926; }
moc_fild11,237,273,0	script	Bill of Birds?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12189,925; }
c_tower2,170,9,0	script	Evil Horn?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12187,923; }
pay_fild08,188,153,0	script	Mushroom Spore?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12185,921; }
moc_fild03,175,201,0	script	Wolf Claw?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12184,920; }
mjolnir_08,108,99,0	script	Animal Skin?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12183,919; }
prt_fild04,315,245,0	script	Sticky Webfoot?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12182,918; }
moc_fild12,116,122,0	script	Talon?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12181,917; }
moc_fild07,201,360,0	script	Feather of Birds?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12180,916; }
prt_fild06,127,85,0	script	Chrysalis?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12179,915; }
prt_fild06,182,290,0	script	Fluff?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12178,914; }
mjo_dun01,222,226,0	script	Tooth of Bat?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12177,913; }
iz_dun03,155,165,0	script	Gill?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12176,956; }
prt_fild05,303,169,0	script	Worm Peeling?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12175,955; }
/*izlude,132,136,0	script	Fish Tail?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12174,1023; }
pay_fild01,152,171,0	script	Resin?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12171,907; }
pay_fild02,105,113,0	script	Pointed Scale?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12170,906; }
pay_fild02,177,108,0	script	Stem?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12169,905; }
pay_fild03,144,95,0	script	Tree Root?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12166,902; }
prt_fild08,299,332,0	script	Jellopy?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12173,909; }
prt_fild09,352,241,0	script	Scorpion Tail?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12168,904; }
prt_fild09,371,255,0	script	Reptile Tongue?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12167,903; }
prt_fild03,366,237,0	script	Horn?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12209,947; }
moc_pryd02,148,184,0	script	Horrendous Mouths?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12195,958; }
gef_fild03,251,109,0	script	Orc's Fangs?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12186,922; }
gef_fild01,104,111,0	script	Spawn?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12172,908; }
gef_fild09,67,46,0	script	Snail's Shell#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12208,946; }
gef_fild05,111,96,0	script	Powder of Butterfly?#33	844,{
	callfunc "unknown_d",12188,924; }

dic_in01,25,190,0	script	Mysterious Documents#00	844,{
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		if (ep13_3_invite == 5) {
			if (checkquest(12165,PLAYTIME) == 2) {
				mes "You don't feel as nauseous anymore. It should be safe to proceed now.";
				erasequest 12165;
			} else if (checkquest(12165,PLAYTIME) != -1) {
				mes "The documents are making you feel nauseous. You should come back later after your stomach settles.";
				close; }
			mes "The documents in this container aren't legible. It's not use trying to read them.";
			close; }
		mes "- When you approach the documents,";
		mes "an Evil Giant that looks like the archive manager tries to call Guard Galton. You should get out of here quickly. -";
		close; }
	mes "������ �� ����� �� �𢲢�";

dic_in01,137,225,5	script	Diel Guard#ep133_19	450,{
	mes "[Diel Guard]";
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		if (ep13_3_secret > 6 && ep13_3_secret < 11) {
			mes "Please stop.";
			mes "Only those with permission";
			mes "are allowed to enter.";
			if(select("I have permission.:Go back.")==2) {
				mes "[Diel Guard]";
				mes "Sigh...";
				mes "Please understand.";
				mes "There are many that try to meet the minister.";
				mes "That is why security is heavy.";
				close; }
			mes "[Diel Guard]";
			mes "Wait...";
			mes ""+strcharinfo(0)+"......ah...";
			mes "I see your name on the list.";
			mes "I'm sorry.";
			mes "Please go through.";
			warp "dic_in01",241,177;
		} else if (ep13_3_secret > 10) {
			mes "Ah, you are "+strcharinfo(0)+"..";
			mes "I received an order from Ahat to let you through anytime.";
			mes "Please go up.";
			warp "dic_in01",241,177;
			end; }
		mes "You can't go further.";
		mes "This is the highest minister's office.";
		mes "Only those with permission are allowed in.";
		mes "Please go back.";
		close; }
	mes "����� �� ������?";
	mes "������ �� ������ �� ����...";
	mes "����� �� ����� ��..!";
	mes "- Cannot communicate with him. -";

dic_in01,242,182,0	script	Elevator#5f_to_4f	844,{
	select("Administrative Office");
	warp "dic_in01",138,221;

dic_in01,263,193,3	script	Diel Guard#ep133_20	450,{
	mes "[Diel Guard]";
	if (ep13_3_secret > 10) {
		if (checkquest(7201) >= 0) {
			mes "You just came back from Ahat's errand?";
			mes "He is waiting inside.";
			mes "Please go in.";
			warp "dic_in01",299,251;
		} else if (countitem(6304) > 1) {
			delitem 6304,1;
		} else {
			mes "You need 1 Sapha Certification to meet Ahat.";
			mes "At least you're getting special treatment.";
			close; }
	mes "Are you here to meet Ahat?";
	mes "You are on the list.";	
	warp "dic_in01",299,251;

dic_in01,299,268,0	script	#ep133_event01	111,5,5,{
	if (checkquest(7198) >= 0 && ep13_3_secret == 7) {
		mes "- As soon as you try to approach Ahat, someone pushes your head down to force you to bow. -";
		sc_start SC_Blind,10000,0;
		mes "[Ringing Voice]";
		mes "That is fine, Cheshire.";
		mes "Are you here to see me?";
		cutin "ep13_ahat_f",2;	
		mes "[Ringing Voice]";
		mes "Hold up your head and come closer.";
		mes "Conversations are meant to be eye to eye.";
		mes "You hold up your head at the sound of Ahat's voice";
		mes "But you see a human in high-ranking Sapha clothing in front of you.";
		emotion e_omg,1;
		erasequest 7198;
		cutin "",255; }

dic_in01,294,276,5	script	Secret Adjutant#ep133_2	498,{
	cutin "ep13_cheshire_h",2;
	if (ep13_3_secret == 9) {
		if (checkquest(7199) >= 0) {
			if (countitem(6305) > 10 && countitem(6306) > 10 && countitem(6307) > 10) {
				mes "[Cheshire]";
				mes "You are useful, aren't you?";
				mes "That will be all for today.";
				mes "We will need to work little by little so we don't draw attention.";
				set ep13_3_secret,10;
				delitem 6305,10;
				delitem 6306,10;
				delitem 6307,10;
				erasequest 7199;
				setquest 7200;
				cutin "",255;
				end; }
			mes "[Cheshire]";
			mes "Erase the various traces near the crack.";
			mes "Your job is to collect and bring back ^0000FFClotted Bloodstains, Strange Magic Stones, and Frozen Piece of Skins^000000.";
			mes "[Cheshire]";
			mes "This cannot be done in a day so please bring back at least 10 of each.";
			mes "Got it?";
			cutin "",255;
			end; }
		mes "- Cheshire stands quietly next to Ahat with his head and face covered with a bandana.";
		mes "You see a tail behind Cheshire's hip for a split second. -";
		mes "[Cheshire]";
		mes "What are you looking at?!";
		mes "What tail are you talking about?";
		select("Have you ever been near the triangle?");
		mes "[Cheshire]";
		mes "Hey, what are you talking about?";
		mes "What do you want to say?";
		cutin "",255;
		cutin "ep13_cheshire_h",2;
		mes "[Ahat]";
		mes ""+strcharinfo(0)+"....";
		mes "All you need to do is follow Cheshire's orders.";
		mes "Don't ask stupid questions.";
		mes "This is an order.";
		mes "Cheshire, continue.";
		cutin "",255;
		cutin "ep13_cheshire_h",2;
		mes "[Cheshire]";
		mes "Hmm... here is what you need to do.";
		mes "There is a huge crack south from the city.";
		mes "There are many accidents happening near it.";
		mes "[Cheshire]";
		mes "I need you to go and clear out any traces.";
		mes "You'll find ^0000FFClotted Bloodstains, Strange Magic Stones, and Frozen Piece of Skins^000000.";
		mes "[Cheshire]";
		mes "Clear them out without anyone knowing.";
		mes "Bring them here instead of throwing them away somewhere.";
		mes "Bring back at least 10 of each.";
		mes "[Cheshire]";
		mes "You mustn't be seen by anyone.";
		mes "You mustn't tell the Saphas. Work in asbolute secrecly!";
		setquest 7199;
		cutin "",255;
	} else if (ep13_3_secret == 10) {
		mes "[Cheshire]";
		mes "Your work is done with me.";
		mes "Do you have something for Ahat?";
		cutin "",255;
	} else if (checkquest(7200,PLAYTIME) == 2) {	
		mes "[Cheshire]";
		mes "Back to work today.";
		mes "^0000FFClotted Bloodstains, Strange Magic Stones, and Frozen Piece of Skins^000000.";
		mes "Bring them back quietly.";
		mes "[Cheshire]";
		mes "Collect 10 of each as always.";
		mes "Got it?";
		changequest 7200,7201;
		mes "- You've received a request from Cheshire to clean up the crack area.";
		mes "Ahat and Cheshire still have no clue. -";
		cutin "",255;
	} else if (checkquest(7200,PLAYTIME) != -1) {	
		mes "[Cheshire]";
		mes "Not just yet.";
		mes "We must plan the cleanup near the dimensional crack carefully.";
		mes "Come back later.";
		cutin "",255;
	} else if (checkquest(7201) >= 0) {
		if (countitem(6305) > 10 && countitem(6306) > 10 && countitem(6307) > 10) {
			mes "[Cheshire]";
			mes "We will do this again tomorrow.";
			mes "Ahat seems to trust you very much.";
			mes "Let's do our best.";
			getitem 6304,1;	
			delitem 6305,10;
			delitem 6306,10;
			delitem 6307,10;
			erasequest 7201;
			setquest 7200;
			getexp 70000,30000;
			cutin "",255;
			end; }
		mes "[Cheshire]";
		mes "As always, go and collect traces near the crack north from here.";
		mes "^0000FFClotted Bloodstains, Strange Magic Stones, and Frozen Piece of Skins^000000.";
		mes "10 of each.";
		cutin "",255;
		end; }
	mes "[Cheshire]";
	mes "........";
	mes "........Humph.";
	cutin "",255;

dic_in01,300,280,5	script	Minister Ahat#ep133_21	493,{
	cutin "ep13_ahat_f",2;
	if (ep13_3_secret == 8) {
		mes "[Ahat]";
		mes "My loyal evil servant.";
		mes "Come closer.";
		if(select("Wait! I'm nobody's servant!:Your wish is my command.")==2) {
			mes "[Ahat]";
			mes "Good. You are now allowed to come and go freely.";
			mes "You will work for me starting now.";
			mes "[Ahat]";
			mes "Here is your first mission.";
			mes "A dimensional crack has opened south of El Dicastes.";
			mes "Do you know about it?";
			mes "[Ahat]";
			mes "There are many traces around the crack.";
			mes "You're mission is to go find these tracks and erase them.";
			mes "[Ahat]";
			mes "Cheshire, will tell you the details of this mission.";
			mes "^0000FFI'm very tired from casting a spell because I'm not fully awake.^000000";
			mes "[Ahat]";
			mes "You will now talk about us meeting to the Naga people.";
			mes "Tell them that I look like a Sapha and always work alone in my office.";
			mes "[Ahat]";
			mes "Never talk about Cheshire.";
			mes "Cheshire is never here.";
			mes "You must follow Cheshire's order from now on.";
			mes "Go now.";
			mes "- Ahat doesn't suspect a thing yet.";
			mes "He seems to believe that his spell actually works. -";
			set ep13_3_secret,9;
			cutin "",255;
			end; }
		mes "[Ahat]";
		mes "Aren't you stubborn.";
		mes "My spell doesn't work on you?";
		mes "Or it was broken.";
		mes "Or because you don't have your strength back.";
		mes "- Ahat casts another powerful spell. -";
		mes "[Ahat]";
		mes "Who is your master?";
		select("My master is Ahat.");
		goto ahatsuccess;
	} else if (ep13_3_secret == 9) {
		if (checkquest(7199) >= 0) {
			mes "[Ahat]";
			mes "Cheshire's orders are";
			mes "important for future plans.";
			mes "Make no mistakes and never leave traces that may lead to me.";
			mes "This is your master's orders.";
			cutin "",255;
			end; }	
		mes "[Ahat]";
		mes "You must follow Cheshire's order from now on.";
		mes "Go now.";
		mes "- Ahat doesn't suspect a thing yet.";
		mes "He seems to believe that his spell actually works. -";
		cutin "",255;
	} else if (ep13_3_secret == 10) {
		mes "[Ahat]";
		mes "Do you have something to say?";
		mes "You've done well in the crack area.";
		select("What are those?");
		mes "[Ahat]";
		mes "Well...";
		mes "You don't need to know now.";
		mes "Or probably never need to know. Ho ho.";
		mes "[Ahat]";
		mes "Where will your sword point at... the day you get to know..";
		mes "Now leave me since I'm tired.";
		mes "[Ahat]";
		mes "I'm still the Minister of El Dicastes and have piles of work to do.";
		mes "Because it is difficult to satisfy everyone with only one loaf of bread.";
		mes "[Ahat]";
		mes "And this is something to reward you for your deeds.";
		mes "Nothing much but I hope you like it.";
		getitem 2790,1;
		set ep13_3_secret,11;
		cutin "",255;
	} else if (ep13_3_secret > 10) {
		mes "[Ahat]";
		mes "Follow Cheshire's orders for the time being and clear the are near the crack.";
		mes "- Ahat still thinks you are under her spell.";
		mes "Let's follow along with Cheshire's orders and act normal. -";
		cutin "",255;
		end; }
	mes "[Ahat]";
	mes "Supprised?";
	mes "Because I look like a human just like you?";
	select("You aren't a Sapha?:Human?!!!!!:Pretty!:So handsome!");
	mes "[Ahat]";
	mes "Hahaha... that's fine.";
	mes "I understand you can't help being supprised at my appearance.";
	mes "How do I look to you?";
	mes "[Ahat]";
	mes "A perfect male?";
	mes "A perfect female?";
	mes "Doesn't matter.";
	mes "[Ahat]";
	mes "Who you see in front of you is not me.";
	mes "Lie to a lie.";
	mes "A vision in a wavering reflection.";
	mes "[Ahat]";
	mes "Just an image from a memory in your fixed concept...";
	mes "Look deep into your past.";
	mes "- Ahat's voice rings pleasantly in your ears.";
	mes "Each syllable he says takes effect on your body. -";
	mes "- You see someone smilling peacefully at your from afar... -";
	mes "[Soft Voice]";
	mes "Who is the master?";
	mes "- Ahat seems to be casting a powerful spell.";
	mes "This might be his real ability. -";
	if(select("Stop that!:Demon go away!")==2) {
		mes "[Ahat]";
		mes "It's useless to resist...";
		mes "But this is fun from time to time.";
		mes "I can always cast a spell on you again.";
		mes "[Ahat]";
		mes "Now... hold up your head and look into my eyes.....";
		mes "- Ahat tries to hypnotize you again.";
		mes "He must have hypnotize himself by doing this over and over again. -";
		select("You close your eyes.");
		mes "[Ahat]";
		mes "No, no.. you mustn't close them. Cheshire.";
		mes "- As soon as the order was made Ahat's aide comes to make you stare at Ahat. -";
		mes "- Ahat tries to hypnotize you again.";
		mes "He must have hypnotize himself by doing this over and over again. -";
		select("Try to sing a song.");
		mes "[Ahat]";
		mes "Humans are funny.";
		mes "But you need to listen to me so I will make you quiet for awhile.";
		mes "[Ahat]";
		mes "No use on resisting.";
		mes "Just leave everything to me.";
		mes "- Ahat tries to hypnotize you again.";
		mes "He must have hypnotize himself by doing this over and over again. -";
		select("Try to twist your body.");
		mes "[Ahat]";
		mes "Amusing.";
		mes "Don't you think, Cheshire?";
		mes "Hahaha. Playing hard to get.. this will be fun..";
		mes "[Ahat]";
		mes "Stop that! You look pathetic. Just relax...";
		mes "- Ahat tries to hypnotize you again.";
		mes "He must have hypnotize himself by doing this over and over again. -";
		select("Try to twist your body.");
		mes "[Ahat]";
		mes "Amusing.";
		mes "Don't you think, Cheshire?";
		mes "Hahaha. Playing hard to get.. this will be fun..";
		mes "[Ahat]";
		mes "Stop that! You look pathetic. Just relax...";
		mes "[Ahat]";
		mes "You are resisting.";
		mes "So you didn't just come here.";
		mes "Let's see how much you can stand.";
		mes "[Ahat]";
		mes "Who is your master?";
		if(select("Pretend to be under the spell.:Well, you tell me")==2) {
			mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
			mes "You!!!";
			mes "I'm in love!";
			mes "I will die for you!";
			mes "- You start acting like you are hypnotized. Ahat looks satisfied. -";
			mes "[Ahat]";
			mes "........ah, no.";
			mes "No need to kill yourself";
			mes "Now you are under my spell.....";
			mes "[Ahat]";
			mes "Who are you to me?";
			goto ahatfool; }
		mes "- You start acting like you are hypnotized. Ahat looks satisfied. -";
		mes "[Ahat]";
		mes "Who are you to me?";
		if(select("A foot stool!:Loyal servant.")==2) {
			mes "[Ahat]";
			mes "I see... you are my servant... my legs.. and my hands...";
			set ep13_3_secret,8;
			cutin "",255;
			end; }
		mes "[Ahat]";
		mes "I don't need a foot stool. Let's talk after a minute.";
		set ep13_3_secret,8;
		cutin "",255;
		end; }
	goto ahatjoke;

dic_in01,138,188,0	script	#ep133_event02	111,5,5,{
	if (ep13_3_secret > 10 && ep13_3_secret < 14) {
		mes "[Quiet Voice]";
		mes "Sorry.";
		mes "Just a moment.";
		warp "dic_in01",155,188; }

dic_in01,158,188,3	script	Jarute HesLanta#ep133_2	451,{
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		cutin "ep13_heslanta",2;
		if (ep13_3_secret == 11 || ep13_3_secret == 12) {
			if (ep13_3_secret == 12) {
				mes "[HesLanta]";
				mes "Ah, sorry.";
				mes "You can't get out?";
				mes "It was designed that way.";
				mes "I will send you out";
				select("I was joking before.");
				mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
				mes "I want to know about Ahat too.";
				mes "I want to talk about him with you.";
				mes "But aren't you too defenseless while I'm talking like this?";
				mes "[HesLanta]";
				mes "Well. Are you Ahat's servant?";
				mes "Then that is strange too.";
				mes "Why would Ahat use a non-Sapha as a servant?";
				mes "Why are you serving Ahat?";
				goto heslantaq; }
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "I'm sorry to bring you here suddenly.";
			mes "But I wanted to check someone.";
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "Jarute... what did Ahat look like to you?";
			if(select("I don't understand your question.:My master.")==2) {
				mes "[HesLanta]";
				mes "....huh....?";
				mes "Is he?";
				mes "Sorry.";
				mes "- HesLanta is upset with my reply.";
				mes "His expression is complex and dark. -";
				set ep13_3_secret,12;
				cutin "",255;
				end; }
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "I'll rephrase my question.";
			mes "Did you find anything strange about Ahat?";
			select("Why are you asking?");
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "Well, because I don't trust Ahat.";
			mes "There are too many odd things about Ahat.";
			select("Are you allowed to say that?");
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "Are you Ahat's servant?";
			mes "Then that is strange too.";
			mes "Why would Ahat use a non-Sapha as a servant?";
			mes "Why are you serving Ahat?";
			select("What if I hurt you?");
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "Try it if you can.";
			mes "My office is special and you won't be able to leave here.";
			mes "And nobody can come in to help you either.";
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "But this room is open to anyone.";
			mes "If you have any bad intentions in hurting me then brave Galtens will come and teach you a lesson.";
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "If things flow like that then you and Ahat won't stand a chance.";
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "I'm now risking my life";
			mes "to unveil Ahat's identity.";
			mes "Sapha's don't fear death.";
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "If I were to die at your hands";
			mes "I will have no regrets as long as I reveal the truth.";
			select("Okay. Stop it.");
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "Now you understand.";
			mes "I'll ask you again.";
			mes "Have you found anything suspicious about Ahat?";
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "Ahat almost never meets anyone else except for Ravail.";
			mes "But he allowed you to visit him means there is something going on.";
			select("He cast a spell on me.");
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "Hypnotize? Why would he?";
			mes "Wait, that means you are under Ahat's spell...!!";
			mes "Oh no!";
			if(select("No!:That's not it!")==2) {
				mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
				mes "I'm not under a spell!";
				mes "I only pretended that I am. I'm also investigating Ahat!";
				mes "[HesLanta]";
				mes "Huh? What does that mean?";
				mes "Are you acting right now?";
				mes "You take out the traces you've found near the crack.";
				mes "And start to explain what Ahat ordered you to do.";
				mes "[HesLanta]";
				mes "... you went through that..";
				mes "He is strange.";
				mes "I only thought he was a Sapha colleague that avoided the curse.";
				mes "So everything started from the crack.";
				goto heslantaq1; }
			mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
			mes "I'm not under the spell!";
			mes "I only pretended that I am. I'm also investigating Ahat!";
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "Huh? What does that mean?";
			mes "Are you acting right now?";
			mes "- You take out the traces you've found near the crack.";
			mes "And start to explain what Ahat ordered you to do. -";
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "... you went through that..";
			mes "He is strange.";
			mes "I only thought he was a Sapha colleague that avoided the curse.";
			mes "So everything started from the crack.";
			select("He is human.");
			mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
			mes "El Dicastes only recently allowed humans to visit.";
			mes "Why would a human take the place of a Sapha Jarute?";
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "Human?";
			mes "He is a Sapha. And a very beautiful and noble one.";
			mes "When we first found him at the crack. We all thought the same thing.";
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "The only Sapha that avoided the curse.";
			mes "Because Ahat doesn't use Bradium.";
			mes "Our race will get stiff and die by this curse";
			mes "but he is delicate, elegant and beautiful.";
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "There was a bright light when the ground split with a huge roaring sound north from here.";
			mes "And this beautiful Sapha was found next to the crack.";
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "He was not a Sapha from Dicastes.";
			mes "We took him to Ravail and wise Ravail concluded.";
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "When we came here to avoid the god's curse,";
			mes "we found a friend that was lucky enough to not be cursed.";
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "Ahat climbed the ladder up to where he is now after gaining Ravail's trust.";
			mes "His working abilities are amazing.";
			mes "He is the perfect Sapha.";
			mes "- HesLanta starts to think deeply after saying this. -";
			set ep13_3_secret,13;
			cutin "",255;
		} else if (ep13_3_secret == 13) {
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "Ah, sorry.";
			mes "I was thinking.";
			mes "The Crack.. hypnotism.. and the evidence you showed me.";
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "I don't know why you think Ahat is human but that can also be part of his spell.";
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "The reason he cast a spell";
			mes "was to clean up the traces near the crack.";
			mes "and he chose a non-Sapha, you..";
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "Because we Saphas mustn't know about the crack traces.";
			mes "That means, Ahat is..";
			mes "^0000FFcleaning up his traces that started from the crack^000000.";
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "Yes.";
			mes "He is trying to cover up something related to the crack.";
			mes "But what is it?";
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "When Ahat was first found near the crack, ^0000FFhe had no memory^000000.";
			mes "Isn't that strange?";
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "I only get suspicious more and more when I hear your story.";
			mes "But the reason I can't agree with this story is...";
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "Ahat is pure.";
			mes "He is truly working for Sapha and Dicastes.";
			select("Then why are you investigating Ahat?");
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "Ahat is loyal and is working wonders for the Sapha community but.";
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "Ravail's trust and popularity from other Saphas";
			mes "is concentrating Dicastes's power to one place.";
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "The power is focused on Ahat.";
			mes "When power should be spread out evenly throughout departments.";
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "That is how everyone can monitor and check each other...";
			mes "and try their best and not stray to the wrong side of the road";
			mes "that is how we can live together.";
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "But if power is concentrated to one place and abused?";
			mes "If all decisions are made by Ahat. Then what can he do with just a nod or shake of his head?";
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "I'm scared of that.";
			mes "He is beautiful. But beauty comes with thorns.";
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "Ahat has slowly become the center.";
			mes "If what he was holding in his was not bread but a sword..";
			mes ".......";
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "I've gone too emotional.";
			mes "Sorry.";
			mes "My mind is so complicated now after hearing your story.";
			select("Do you know about Cheshire?");
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "You mean the aide?";
			mes "Yes I do but most Sapha's don't.";
			mes "Everyone near Ahat knows Cheshire.";
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "^0000FFCheshire is a feline Ahat brought with him^000000.";
			mes "Ahat took care of injured Cheshire and brought him with him.";
			mes "We have cats around so we didn't think much of him.";
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "Because this land is their second homeland.";
			mes "There may be other felines living elsewhere.";
			mes "But he always covers his face with a bandana because he looks different from Saphas.";
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "But why are you asking?";
			mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
			mes "Nothing.";
			mes "I was only curious personally.";
			mes "What are you going to do now?";
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "I will continue to keep an eye on Ahat.";
			mes "Until I know the truth that is.";
			mes "- You try to summarize what you talked about with HesLanta while he thinks things through. -";
			mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
			mes "First the report culprit was..";
			switch(select("Cheshire:Ahat:BK")) {
				case 1:
					mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
					mes "It was Cheshire";
					mes "Cheshire is a cat.";
					mes "and the bandana was to hid his ears.";
					mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
					mes "Why would Cheshire try to steal the report?";
					if(select("No idea.:To make the conflict between 3 countries worse")==2) {
						mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
						mes "To bring conflict between the three countries?";
						mes "What will Cheshire gain out of this?";
						mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
						mes "Cheshire's master is Ahat.";
						mes "So all his actions are to..";
						goto cheshirefail; }
					mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
					mes "We don't know the actual reason at this point.";
					mes "But what will Cheshire gain out of this?";
					mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
					mes "Cheshire's master is Ahat.";
					mes "So all his actions are to..";
					if(select("Cheshire is plotting on his own.:Ahat must be ordering him.")==2) {
						mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
						mes "Yes. Ahat must have ordered him.";
						mes "But why would Ahat do that?";
						mes "Conflict between three countries? Or the report content?";
						mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
						mes "Let's think Ahat over.";
						mes "Ahat came from the crack.";
						mes "and has no records before that.";
						mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
						mes "And tries to erase all traces found near the crack.";
						mes "And Ahat wants to eliminate...";
						if(select("Himself.", "Morroc because of the crack?")==2) {
							mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
							mes "A bit dramatic but we cannot rule out Satan Morocc.";
							mes "Because the crack was created by him.";
							mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
							mes "Ahat and the crack and then Morocc...";
							mes "I can tell there is a relationship between them but I can't pinpoint it.";
							mes "And in the expedition's report was content of...";
							if(select("conflict between the 3 countries..", "Satan Morocc...")==2) {
								mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
								mes "Yes. There is a report from the tracking team led by Echinacea.";
								mes "It was about Satan Morocc.";
								mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
								mes "To summarize.";
								mes "The report robber is Cheshire.";
								mes "Cheshire is Ahat's servant and they are related to the crack.";
								mes "They are trying to hide something or someone at the crack";
								mes "and the crack was created by Satan Morocc!";
								mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
								mes "Ahat is Satan Morocc?";
								mes "No...";
								mes "This is unbelievable.";
								mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
								mes "I must go back to the expedition camp to report to Doha!";
								set ep13_3_secret,14;
								setquest 7203;
								cutin "",255;
								end; }
							mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
							mes "There was something about the conflict between three countries..";
							mes "But.. I don't think it all adds up?";
							mes "Let's think it over.";
							mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
							mes "Ahat and the crack and then Morocc...";
							mes "I can tell there is a relationship between them but I can't pinpoint it.";
							mes "And in the expedition's report was content of...";
							goto cheshire_; }
						mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
						mes "Yes, Ahat might just be a shell...";
						mes "Saphas want to hide something that is why they hired me.";
						mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
						mes "Ahat and the crack and then Morocc...";
						mes "I can tell there is a relationship between them but I can't pinpoint it.";
						mes "And in the expedition's report was content of...";
						goto cheshire_; }
					mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
					mes "Cheshire is the mastermind?";
					mes "Are you sure?";
					mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
					mes "Cheshire's master is Ahat.";
					mes "So all his actions are to..";
					goto cheshirefail;
				case 2:
					mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
					mes "Ahat?";
					mes "Ahat doesn't fit the witness information.";
					mes "Let's rethink this.";
					mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
					mes "First the report culprit was..";
					goto recalltalk;
				case 3:
					mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
					mes "BK?";
					mes "Nonsense";
					mes "Let's rethink this.";
					mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
					mes "First the report culprit was..";
					goto recalltalk; }
		} else if (ep13_3_secret == 14) {
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "You made a decision.";
			mes "What are you going to do now?";
			mes "If possible, please help Ahat and keep a close eye on him.";
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "I will prepare myself to confront him if he ever becomes a threat.";
			mes "This is the best I can do now.";
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "I only hope nothing sad will happen.";
			mes "........";
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "I'm sorry to take your time. I will send you out now.";
			mes "It was great to talk with you today.";
			select("Me too.");
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "Let's keep our meeting a secret, alright?";
			mes "Hahaha.";
			cutin "",255;
			warp "dic_in01",144,188;
		} else if (ep13_3_secret == 15) {
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "Ahat takes a walk with Cheshire sometimes.";
			mes "They don't go far but they often go to the Jorhi Forest around dawn.";
			mes "[HesLanta]";
			mes "You get to see him walking if you are lucky.";
			mes "Cheshire wears convenient clothes when walking, if that satisfies your curiosity.";
			cutin "",255;
			end; }
		mes "[HesLanta]";
		mes "You are from the Midgard expedition.";
		mes "I heard many stories of you being active around here.";
		mes "[HesLanta]";
		mes "Ah, it is a bit far, isn't it?";
		mes "There is an invisible wall between this room and the corridor.";
		mes "But of course I can move around freely.";
		mes "[HesLanta]";
		mes "There is nothing threatening Diel but we've put this wall up just in case.";
		mes "This isn't magical, it is made by a magnetic field.";
		mes "[HesLanta]";
		mes "Oh no, I'm talking too much.";
		mes "Sorry. There aren't many people that come here. I got excited.";
		mes "[HesLanta]";
		mes "You've come to help Ahat?";
		mes "Haha.. good luck.";
		cutin "",255;
		end; }
	cutin "ep13_heslanta",2;
	mes "[Jarute HesLanta]";
	mes "����� �� ������?";
	mes "������ �� ������ �� ����...";
	mes "����� �� ����� ��..!";
	mes "- Cannot communicate with him. -";
	mes "The Sapha minister looking hopeless gestures with an expression of abandonment.";
	if(select("Is he asking me to leave?:Is he trying to tell me something?")==2) {
		mes "- The minister sighs and nods. -";
		cutin "",255;
		end; }
	mes "The minister sighs and nods. -";
	cutin "",255;

dicastes01,223,190,1	script	Calyon#pa8029	453,{
	mes "[Calyon]";
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		if (ep13_3_invite == 5) {
			if (BaseLevel < 80) {
				mes "Sorry, a minimum base level of 80 or higher is required to obtain my request.";
				close; }
			if (checkquest(12163,PLAYTIME) == 2) {
				mes "Calculate your request activities with the ^800080Transport Dept. 1 Manager^000000 at Operations and then come back.";
			} else if (checkquest(12163,PLAYTIME) != -1) {
				mes "We're done for the day. You can report back to the ^800080Transport Dept. 1 Manager^000000 at Operations. Good luck.";
				close; }
			mes "Welcome.";
			mes "What brings you here?";
			if(select("Please explain the request to me.", "Please give me a request.")==1) {
				mes "[Calyon]";
				mes "The Transport Dept. 1 and 2 brings in rare items that are not available here.";
				mes "[Calyon]";
				mes "It is one of the key departments that obtains the rich supplies mostly from the Midgard Continent.";
				mes "[Calyon]";
				mes "Please see me any time once you are ready.";
				close; }
			set .@calyonrequest,rand(1,11);
			mes "[Calyon]";
			mes "Finally, I have a request for you. It is an important one so I need you to be focused.";
			mes "[Calyon]";
			if (.@calyonrequest == 1) {
				setquest 12139;
				setquest 12163;
				mes "The high minister is looking for the Midgard product, Witherless Roses these days.";
				mes "Not sure if it's a good gift but some have seen him with it on his head and showing it off.";
				mes "[Calyon]";
				mes "So... I know this is difficult to ask for but please bring me 1 Witherless Rose. This is just between you and me.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Respect for Taste^000000.";
			} else if (.@calyonrequest == 2) {
				setquest 12137;
				setquest 12163;
				mes "The industrial research center researches ways of refining Bradium efficiently but they are always short on test materials.";
				mes "[Calyon]";
				mes "I heard there is a merchant in the adventurer's city who sells Glass Tubes. I will need 4 of them.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Tools for Experiment^000000.";
			} else if (.@calyonrequest == 3) {
				setquest 12138;
				setquest 12163;
				mes "The pub owner said he wants to give a gift to all his regular Sapha customers.";
				mes "[Calyon]";
				mes "But doesn't know what to give. If you see any interesting gifts in Midgard, can bring back 5 of them?";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Fine Gift Samples^000000.";
			} else if (.@calyonrequest == 4) {
				setquest 12140;
				setquest 12163;
				mes "A request from the pub owner. He says he can't use disposable leaf plates for regular customers.";
				mes "[Calyon]";
				mes "He is asking for 15 solid, white chinas from Midgard.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Courtesy for Regular^000000.";
			} else if (.@calyonrequest == 5) {
				setquest 12141;
				setquest 12163;
				mes "I have a personal request. I heard there is a round transparent handicraft in Midgard.";
				mes "I think they are called Glass Beads.";
				mes "[Calyon]";
				mes "We have similar manufactured items here but nothing compared to the elaborate sphere there.";
				mes "Please get me 10 of them.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Special Package^000000.";
			} else if (.@calyonrequest == 6) {
				setquest 12142;
				setquest 12163;
				mes "Hmm... I don't know how to start. The high minister is requesting for puppets from Midgard.";
				mes "I don't know what it is but since the high minister is asking for it, it must be used for a very important purpose.";
				mes "[Calyon]";
				mes "Please bring 15 of them.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Dangerous Request^000000.";
			} else if (.@calyonrequest == 7) {
				setquest 12143;
				setquest 12163;
				mes "I heard there is a trend among many of my colleagues here about a musical accessory made from a Bill of Birds from Midgard.";
				mes "[Calyon]";
				mes "I'm thinking of distributing them within the Operations building.";
				mes "Can you buy and bring back 50 of them?";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Strange Trend^000000.";
			} else if (.@calyonrequest == 8) {
				setquest 12144;
				setquest 12163;
				mes "The pub owner said he wanted to decorate the pub with something called Clam Shells.";
				mes "Please bring back about 50 of them.";
				mes "[Calyon]";
				mes "I have no idea how he will use them but I think he has a very unique taste after being acquainted with many adventurers.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Unknown Usage^000000.";
			} else if (.@calyonrequest == 9) {
				setquest 12145;
				setquest 12163;
				mes "We don't have cuisine for ourselves but many adventurers seem to enjoy the art of eating.";
				mes "So the pub owner needs a plate for his new cuisine.";
				mes "[Calyon]";
				mes "He asked for 20 Crab Shells.";
				mes "I have no idea where you can get them but... good luck.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Other World Cuisine^000000.";
			} else if (.@calyonrequest == 10) {
				setquest 12146;
				setquest 12163;
				mes "I think the most useful Midgard item is Scells.";
				mes "[Calyon]";
				mes "Use Scells to fill any crack or holes in a building and then mix and plaster grinded Garlet to it and the building is maintained quick and simple.";
				mes "Can you bring back 30 of them?";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Filling in Cracks^000000.";
			} else if (.@calyonrequest == 11) {
				setquest 12147;
				setquest 12163;
				mes "Garlets are an element in building maintenance.";
				mes "It is one of the most important materials in buildings.";
				mes "[Calyon]";
				mes "Before Garlets were available, we crushed and used Zargons but they have become difficult to come by.";
				mes "Please bring back 40 of them.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Adhesive Material^000000."; }
			mes "You can check details of the request and who to report back to by opening the ^800080Quest Window^000000.";
			mes "You have 23 hours to complete this mission.";
			close; }
		mes "- The Sapha keeps a distance from you even when you try to talk.";
		mes "It looks like he is calling for a Galten. Time to go. -";
		close; }
	mes "������";
	mes "������ �� ����� �� �𢲢�";
	mes "- I can't understand him... -";

dicastes01,211,178,1	script	Moltuka#pa8029	453,{
	mes "[Moltuka]";
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		if (ep13_3_invite == 5) {
			if (BaseLevel < 80) {
				mes "Sorry, a minimum base level of 80 or higher is required to obtain my request.";
				close; }
			if (checkquest(12164,PLAYTIME) == 2) {
				mes "Have you met the ^800080Transport Dept. 2 Manager^000000 at Operations? I will give you a new request after you clear your request history.";
			} else if (checkquest(12164,PLAYTIME) != -1) {
				mes "I don't have any requests for you now.";
				mes "Report back to the ^800080Transport Dept. 2 Manager^000000 at Operations after you complete all requests.";
				close; }
			mes "Welcome.";
			mes "What brings you here?";
			if(select("Please explain the request to me.:Please give me a request.")==1) {
				mes "[Moltuka]";
				mes "You'd rather go to see Calyon for him to explain you about Transport 1,2 Department.";
				mes "[Moltuka]";
				mes "Since I am not good at speaking.";
				close; }	
			set .@moltukarequest,rand(1,11);
			mes "[Moltuka]";
			mes "Request... Yeah, there's one. Wait a second.";
			mes "- You hear a rustling sound -";
			mes "[Moltuka]";
			if (.@moltukarequest == 1) {
				setquest 12156;
				setquest 12164;
				mes "The high minister wanted mirrors made from Midgard crystal. There are many Manukan mirrors but he seems to prefer the Midgard ones.";
				mes "[Moltuka]";
				mes "I am actually a bit worried but there must be a reason for our 'wise' high minister.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Respect personal appetite!^000000.";
			} else if (.@moltukarequest == 2) {
				setquest 12148;
				setquest 12164;
				mes "Those Tatachos are so quick if we want to catch them which is pretty hard. So the galtens here lure them with Monster's Feed.";
				mes "[Moltuka]";
				mes "It's said that there is an expert who does that job, please get 100 Monster's Feed.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Bait for Tatacho Hunting^000000.";
			} else if (.@moltukarequest == 3) {
				setquest 12149;
				setquest 12164;
				mes "The pub owner wants some apple to learn how to cook well. But I never heard of any adventurers from Midgard who were fond of his food.";
				mes "[Moltuka]";
				mes "Anyway he says that he will try, so get 100 Apples for him.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Swordmanship Practice^000000.";
			} else if (.@moltukarequest == 4) {
				setquest 12150;
				setquest 12164;
				mes "This is a request from the pub owner. He wants some vegetable in order to have a colorful dish.";
				mes "[Moltuka]";
				mes "Well... Carrot, is it? Anyway it's being called that in your land... I just was talking myself before. Please bring 100 of them.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Pretty reddish vegetable^000000.";
			} else if (.@moltukarequest == 5) {
				setquest 12151;
				setquest 12164;
				mes "It's said that there had been an explosion in the pub. People say it was because of some vegetable named Pumpkin which was being roasted on the fire.";
				mes "[Moltuka]";
				mes "Bring 100 Pumpkins because they're all gone.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Tenacity of the pub owner^000000.";
			} else if (.@moltukarequest == 6) {
				setquest 12152;
				setquest 12164;
				mes "The pub owner has another request... He misses Potatos which he used to eat when he was young.";
				mes "[Moltuka]";
				mes "He wants 50 Potatos. By chance if you visit Midgard, please try to get them.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Tastes like home cooking^000000.";
			} else if (.@moltukarequest == 7) {
				setquest 12153;
				setquest 12164;
				mes "The pub owner wants to cook something strange. He said it will be Roasted Banana but I figure he's cooked something similar before...";
				mes "[Moltuka]";
				mes "Well, I can't remember much. Anyway... you need to get 100 Bananas.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Hazardous plant when burnt^000000.";
			} else if (.@moltukarequest == 8) {
				setquest 12154;
				setquest 12164;
				mes "This request is from....the pub owner. He wants some meat. Nothing else in his request direction.";
				mes "[Moltuka]";
				mes "It will be enough with 50 chunks. I wonder if he really is running his business...";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Unexpectedly Normal^000000.";
			} else if (.@moltukarequest == 9) {
				setquest 12155;
				setquest 12164;
				mes "Few days ago, I saw the pub owner frustrated with all broken ladles...";
				mes "[Moltuka]";
				mes "I felt sorry for him so I want you to get 20 Black Ladles which can be purchased in Midgard.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Gift with heart^000000.";
			} else if (.@moltukarequest == 10) {
				setquest 12157;
				setquest 12164;
				mes "The pub owner wants to try to make a special cocktail since he was so good at making poisons back in his assassin days.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Resolution of the pub owner^000000.";
			} else if (.@moltukarequest == 11) {
				setquest 12158;
				setquest 12164;
				mes "Find 2 Melons for the pub owner in El Dicastes. You can get these by hunting Galapagos or Green Iguanas.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Rage of the pub owner^000000."; }
			mes "You can check details of the request and who to report back to by opening the ^800080Quest Window^000000.";
			mes "You have 23 hours to complete this mission.";
			close; }
		mes "- The Sapha keeps a distance from you even when you try to talk.";
		mes "It looks like he is calling for a Galten. Time to go. -";
		close; }
	mes "������";
	mes "������ �� ����� �� �𢲢�";
	mes "- I can't understand him... -";

dicastes01,175,217,5	script	Kalipo#pa8029	453,{
	mes "[Kalipo]";
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		if (ep13_3_invite == 5) {
			if (BaseLevel < 100) {
				mes "Sorry, a minimum base level of 100 or higher is required to obtain my request.";
				close; }
			if (checkquest(12160,PLAYTIME) == 2) {
				mes "Please come back after checking previous requests with the ^800080Hunting Dept. 2 Manager^000000.";
			} else if (checkquest(12160,PLAYTIME) != -1) {
				mes "I do not have any additional requests.";
				mes "Please report to the ^800080Hunting Dept. 2 Manager^000000 at Operations to report request completion.";
				close; }
			mes "Welcome.";
			mes "Are you here for a request?";
			if(select("Please explain the request to me.:Please give me a request.")==1) {
				mes "[Kalipo]";
				mes "As you know better and Laponte explained to you already I just can offer you one single request a day.";
				mes "[Kalipo]";
				mes "You will get more interesting requests after you raise your levels don't feel bad with the simple requests at first.";
				close; }	
			set .@kaliporequest,rand(1,6);
			mes "[Kalipo]";
			mes "I will check the list of requests that came in today.";
			mes "[Kalipo]";
			mes "Hmm...";
			mes "I actually have something just right for you.";
			mes "[Kalipo]";
			if (.@kaliporequest == 1) {
				setquest 12106;
				setquest 12160;
				mes "Our scout, who went to Splendide, is being attacked by cute child looking monsters.";
				mes "[Kalipo]";
				mes "So we need to hunt them inevitably, and you are the one for hunting them since you are not from Splendide.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080A child on a flower^000000.";
			} else if (.@kaliporequest == 2) {
				setquest 12107;
				setquest 12160;
				mes "Are you aware of the child looking flower, Pinguicula? People say there has been a mutation of that flower.";
				mes "[Kalipo]";
				mes "They are very violent and aggressive. Please go to check up and treat it before they are spread all over the area.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Twisted Love^000000.";
			} else if (.@kaliporequest == 3) {
				setquest 12108;
				setquest 12160;
				mes "Some mineral collectors are missing, and it seems to be done by nepenthes for sure. Nepenthes is similar to Mandragora.";
				mes "[Kalipo]";
				mes "We gotta do something in order to protect people from more damage.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Dangerous Plant Removal^000000.";
			} else if (.@kaliporequest == 4) {
				setquest 12109;
				setquest 12160;
				mes "They've discovered the Centipede Larva habitat. We can remove them now so there will be less centipedes.";
				mes "[Kalipo]";
				mes "Would you find them and kill them? You will have to be careful with the centipedes around them.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Larva Extermination^000000.";
			} else if (.@kaliporequest == 5) {
				setquest 12110;
				setquest 12160;
				mes "Miners heading to Nidhoggur's nest reported being attacked by a strange water creature.";
				mes "[Kalipo]";
				mes "It's said that it was human-looking water creature. Perhaps the Nidhoggur Dungeon is the origin so please visit there to check up.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Demon of Water^000000.";
			} else if (.@kaliporequest == 6) {
				setquest 12111;
				setquest 12160;
				mes "Tatachos were originally beautiful birds, and they could fly.";
				mes "But since they settled here where there is no natural enemy, they started to be fat and lazy.";
				mes "[Kalipo]";
				mes "Eventually they became like now, such ugly birds. You will be a good natural enemy for them.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Bird with ugly face^000000."; }
			mes "You can check details of the request and who to report back to by opening the ^800080Quest Window^000000.";
			mes "You have 23 hours to complete this mission.";
			close; }
		mes "- The Sapha keeps a distance from you even when you try to talk.";
		mes "It looks like he is calling for a Galten. Time to go. -";
		close; }
	mes "������";
	mes "������ �� ����� �� �𢲢�";
	mes "- I can't understand him... -";

dicastes01,187,230,5	script	Laponte#pa8029	453,{
	mes "[Laponte]";
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		if (ep13_3_invite == 5) {
			if (BaseLevel < 95) {
				mes "Sorry, a minimum base level of 95 or higher is required to obtain my request.";
				close; }
			if (checkquest(12159,PLAYTIME) == 2) {
				mes "Please come back after checking previous requests with the ^800080Hunting Dept. 1 Manager^000000.";
			} else if (checkquest(12159,PLAYTIME) != -1) {
				mes "I do not have any additional requests.";
				mes "Please report to the ^800080Hunting Dept. 1 Manager^000000 at Operations to report request completion.";
				close; }
			mes "Welcome.";
			mes "Are you here for a request?";
			if(select("Please explain the request to me.:Please give me a request.")==1) {
				mes "[Laponte]";
				mes "I'm responsible for allocating requests from other departments related to hunting monsters to adventurers.";
				mes "[Laponte]";
				mes "Each adventurer is randomly assigned to one request each day and the range of the request assigned is limited to the adventurer's training level.";
				mes "[Laponte]";
				mes "Advanced jobs are assigned to adventurers who advance in their battle skills so no need to be upset if your first few requests are small.";
				close; }	
			set .@laponterequest,rand(1,7);
			mes "[Laponte]";
			mes "I will check the list of requests that came in today.";
			mes "[Laponte]";
			mes "Hmm...";
			mes "I actually have something just right for you.";
			mes "[Laponte]";
			if (.@laponterequest == 1) {
				setquest 12099;
				setquest 12159;
				mes "This is a very small request. Baby dragons near the Yggdrasilberry roots are reportedly hatching.";
				mes "[Laponte]";
				mes "Eliminating the baby dragon is important because those baby dragons will eventually grow to be mean adults so we have to take them out while they're young.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Remove Root Cause^000000.";
			} else if (.@laponterequest == 2) {
				setquest 12100;
				setquest 12159;
				mes "Received reports of sightings of an unknown huge winged insect near the Laphine camp recently.";
				mes "[Laponte]";
				mes "We don't know how far the infestation of this insect may spread so please exterminate as many as you spot.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Violent Winged Insect^000000.";
				mes "You can check details of the request and who to report back to by opening the ^800080Quest Window^000000.";
				mes "You have 23 hours to complete this mission.";
			} else if (.@laponterequest == 3) {
				setquest 12101;
				setquest 12159;
				mes "This just came in from colleagues working in the mine. The baby dragons living near Yggdrasilberry roots are destroying the grounds near the mines.";
				mes "[Laponte]";
				mes "It will get dangerous if we don't take care of it. Please wipe out the baby dragons near Yggdrasilberry.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Work Interference^000000.";
				mes "You can check details of the request and who to report back to by opening the ^800080Quest Window^000000.";
				mes "You have 23 hours to complete this mission.";
			} else if (.@laponterequest == 4) {
				setquest 12102;
				setquest 12159;
				mes "A new race called Naga was found at the swamp near the Laphine camp.";
				mes "The problem is that they are primitive intellectuals and are violent.";
				mes "[Laponte]";
				mes "We will have many conflicts with them in the future if they expand their colony. Please eliminate the adult Nagas.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Intelligent Snakes^000000.";
				mes "You can check details of the request and who to report back to by opening the ^800080Quest Window^000000.";
				mes "You have 23 hours to complete this mission.";
			} else if (.@laponterequest == 5) {
				setquest 12103;
				setquest 12159;
				mes "We get continuous reports of sightings of a legendary winged white horse near by the Laphine base.";
				mes "[Laponte]";
				mes "Can you go there and take a look?";
				mes "It could be a hallucination so please make sure to touch it with your bare hand to make sure it is a living creature.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Legendary Creature^000000.";
				mes "You can check details of the request and who to report back to by opening the ^800080Quest Window^000000.";
				mes "You have 23 hours to complete this mission.";
			} else if (.@laponterequest == 6) {
				setquest 12104;
				setquest 12159;
				mes "Centipede's reproduction is another problem but their appetite is also threatening our survival.";
				mes "They absorb Bradium minerals and damage our mining grounds.";
				mes "[Laponte]";
				mes "Many of our Sapha colleagues have lost their lives to the Centipedes. Please exterminate them.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Insects with an Appetite^000000.";
				mes "You can check details of the request and who to report back to by opening the ^800080Quest Window^000000.";
				mes "You have 23 hours to complete this mission.";
			} else if (.@laponterequest == 7) {
				setquest 12105;
				setquest 12159;
				mes "Got a report that Bradium raw minerals in the mines are alive.";
				mes "[Laponte]";
				mes "Looks like Bradium raw minerals were turned into Golems by an ancient spell and now we may need to close down our mines because of them.";
				mes "Can you please go and eliminate them?";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Moving Rocks^000000.";
				close; }
			mes "You can check details of the request and who to report back to by opening the ^800080Quest Window^000000.";
			mes "You have 23 hours to complete this mission.";
			close; }
		mes "- The Sapha keeps a distance from you even when you try to talk.";
		mes "It looks like he is calling for a Galten. Time to go. -";
		close; }
	mes "������";
	mes "������ �� ����� �� �𢲢�";
	mes "- I can't understand him... -";

dicastes01,181,224,5	script	Pura#pa8029	453,{
	mes "[Pura]";
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		if (ep13_3_invite == 5) {
			if (BaseLevel < 80) {
				mes "Sorry, a minimum base level of 80 or higher is required to obtain my request.";
				close; }
			if (checkquest(12161,PLAYTIME) == 2) {
				mes "Have you already met the ^800080Supply Dept. 1 Manager^000000 at Operations? I will give you a new request after you clear your request history.";
			} else if (checkquest(12161,PLAYTIME) != -1) {
				mes "I don't have any requests for you now";
				mes "Report back to the ^800080Supply Dept. 1 Manager^000000 at Operations after you complete all requests.";
				close; }
			mes "Welcome.";
			mes "What brings you here?";
			if(select("Please explain the request to me.:Please give me a request.")==1) {
				mes "[Pura]";
				mes "Adventurers help me deliver various items produced here to other parts of the area.";
				mes "[Pura]";
				mes "There is no restrictions to the job but some jobs are more difficult than others.";
				mes "[Pura]";
				mes "Please see me any time once you are ready.";
				close; }	
			set .@purarequest,rand(1,10);
			mes "[Pura]";
			mes "I will check the list of requests that came in today.";
			mes "[Pura]";
			mes "Hmm...";
			mes "I actually have something just right for you.";
			mes "[Pura]";
			if (.@purarequest == 1) {
				setquest 12117;
				setquest 12161;
				mes "This area was a wetland long ago. But for some reason the environment has changed over the years.";
				mes "[Pura]";
				mes "There is a preserved of land nearby the Laphine camp.";
				mes "Can you bring me a Withered Flower sample? It will be to research on environmental changes.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Withered Flower^000000.";
			} else if (.@purarequest == 2) {
				setquest 12118;
				setquest 12161;
				mes "The Bradium refine machinery is broken and now we are short supplying refined Bradium to our colleagues working at the mine.";
				mes "[Pura]";
				mes "So we are using all our adventurers to help collect refined Bradium.";
				mes "Please bring back 3 Refined Bradiums from the Bradium Golem.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Welcomed Mineral^000000.";
			} else if (.@purarequest == 3) {
				setquest 12119;
				setquest 12161;
				mes "I have a request to bring in 16 Dragon's Manes.";
				mes "[Pura]";
				mes "Dragon's Mane is only dropped in small volumes by the Dracos and is very valuable.";
				mes "It is used in our indigenous designs in our flags, clothes and field equipment.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Valuable Textile^000000.";
			} else if (.@purarequest == 4) {
				setquest 12120;
				setquest 12161;
				mes "This is a request from the pub for the food of people from other worlds.";
				mes "[Pura]";
				mes "They want Dragon Tails to use as a cooking ingredient for field food that can be stored extensively.";
				mes "So humans like this. Please bring back 6 of them.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Curious Meat^000000.";
			} else if (.@purarequest == 5) {
				setquest 12121;
				setquest 12161;
				mes "The path that goes out of the city is now a hazardous icy road because of the snow we've been getting.";
				mes "[Pura]";
				mes "Spreading Pieces of Egg Shells will help and we need a lot of them. Around 26 or so will do.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Materials to Clear Snow^000000.";
			} else if (.@purarequest == 6) {
				setquest 12122;
				setquest 12161;
				mes "The Bradium Processing Machinery emits tremendous heat when used and cannot be stabilized with any kind of water.";
				mes "[Pura]";
				mes "So we mix Crystalized Teardrops obtained from Aqua Elementals from melted snow. we need daily so please bring back 6 of them.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Best Cooler Material^000000.";
			} else if (.@purarequest == 7) {
				setquest 12123;
				setquest 12161;
				mes "The Supply Manager has urgently requested paint to use on building maintenance throughout the city.";
				mes "[Pura]";
				mes "He can make enough paint by using the Fluorescent Liquid obtained from Aqua Elementals. Please bring back 26 containers of it.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Best Paint^000000.";
			} else if (.@purarequest == 8) {
				setquest 12124;
				setquest 12161;
				mes "The valuable interior water bottle in the minister's room is broken.";
				mes "[Pura]";
				mes "They won't be able to find who did it because there are so many visitors every day.";
				mes "Can you please bring me this valuable item from Aqua Elemental? I only need 1.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Rare Valuable^000000.";
			} else if (.@purarequest == 9) {
				setquest 12125;
				setquest 12161;
				mes "Lining supplies for armor for the Guards are all out.";
				mes "The Scale Shell from Naga are perfect lining material. Please bring back 18 of them.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Armory Material^000000.";
			} else if (.@purarequest == 10) {
				setquest 12126;
				setquest 12161;
				mes "I got you a request named lining material for armor supplied to the guard commanders.";
				mes "[Pura]";
				mes "They are different from ordinary lining. Please bring me 11 shining scales of Naga. I don't think it will be much trouble for you.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Advanced Armory Material^000000."; }
			mes "You can check details of the request and who to report back to by opening the ^800080Quest Window^000000.";
			mes "You have 23 hours to complete this mission.";
			close; }
		mes "- The Sapha keeps a distance from you even when you try to talk.";
		mes "It looks like he is calling for a Galten. Time to go. -";
		close; }
	mes "������";
	mes "������ �� ����� �� �𢲢�";
	mes "- I can't understand him... -";

dicastes01,217,184,1	script	Tragis#pa8029	453,{
	mes "[Tragis]";
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		if (ep13_3_invite == 5) {
			if (BaseLevel < 80) {
				mes "Sorry, a minimum base level of 80 or higher is required to obtain my request.";
				close; }
			if (checkquest(12162,PLAYTIME) == 2) {
				mes "Calculate your request activities with the ^800080Supply Dept. 2 Manager^000000 at Operations and then come back.";
			} else if (checkquest(12162,PLAYTIME) != -1) {
				mes "I don't have any requests for you now";
				mes "Report back to the ^800080Supply Dept. 2 Manager^000000 at Operations after you complete all requests.";
				close; }
			mes "Welcome.";
			mes "What brings you here?";
			if(select("Please explain the request to me.:Please give me a request.")==1) {
				mes "[Tragis]";
				mes "Pura will explain the detail about the supply job. I'm soooo busy, as you can see.";
				close; }
			set .@tragisrequest,rand(1,10);
			mes "[Tragis]";
			mes "I just got a request. It's good that none of us wasted time.";
			mes "[Tragis]";
			if (.@tragisrequest == 1) {
				setquest 12130;
				setquest 12162;
				mes "Zargon is very popular among the residents here.";
				mes "It's a beautiful, round shaped ball and can be used as an adhesive when its powder is mixed with water.";
				mes "[Tragis]";
				mes "Heard that it's very common material from the adventurers' land. Would you get some? It will be enough with 26 Zargons.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Useful Material^000000.";
			} else if (.@tragisrequest == 2) {
				setquest 12129;
				setquest 12162;
				mes "There was a request from the pub to collect 27 Bug Legs.";
				mes "They don't wanna reveal the reason why they need them. Anyway, thank you.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Suspicious Food^000000.";
			} else if (.@tragisrequest == 3) {
				setquest 12128;
				setquest 12162;
				mes "It seems that there isn't enough amount of fur which is for the adventurers.";
				mes "It will be necessary to get some Fur from Tatacho. 21 lumps will be enough.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Preparation for Heating^000000.";
			} else if (.@tragisrequest == 4) {
				setquest 12127;
				setquest 12162;
				mes "It's time to repair the trumpets for Mine supervisors.";
				mes "Because those trumpets are necessary to control the miners.";
				mes "[Tragis]";
				mes "The Mystic Horn from Cornus is the perfect trumpet material, please get 5 pieces of them.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Supervisor's Tool^000000.";
			} else if (.@tragisrequest == 5) {
				setquest 12131;
				setquest 12162;
				mes "There is a request which is to find a material to be used for every quarter's building repair work.";
				mes "Please get 13 Solid Shells which can be obtained from Centipede and Centipede Larva.";
				mes "[Tragis]";
				mes "It will be very useful for the repair work.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Essential Material for Construction^000000.";
			} else if (.@tragisrequest == 6) {
				setquest 12132;
				setquest 12162;
				mes "There is a request which is to find a material to be used for every quarter's building repair work.";
				mes "You need to get 16 Strong Vines which can be got from nepenthes.";
				mes "[Tragis]";
				mes "It's a vital material for building repair work.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Essential Material for Construction 2^000000.";
			} else if (.@tragisrequest == 7) {
				setquest 12133;
				setquest 12162;
				mes "The guard need many sharp leaves for a decoration reason.";
				mes "Some other adventurers started searching them.";
				mes "[Tragis]";
				mes "They need pretty many quantity of the leaves so they want 26 Sharp Leaves from you. I know it's hard. Wish you good luck!";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Decoration arrangement^000000.";
			} else if (.@tragisrequest == 8) {
				setquest 12134;
				setquest 12162;
				mes "The pub owner is in trouble due to many adventurers from outside.";
				mes "He wishes to have an utensil which can be used simply and instantly... Something like a wide leaf.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Instant Receptacle^000000.";
			} else if (.@tragisrequest == 9) {
				setquest 12135;
				setquest 12162;
				mes "There have been couple of attacks in mine. It must be those Nepenthes that were trying to attack miners.";
				mes "[Tragis]";
				mes "In order to make the medicine, we need 16 Brown Roots. Find and bring them.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Not enough medicine^000000.";
			} else if (.@tragisrequest == 10) {
				setquest 12136;
				setquest 12162;
				mes "The pub owner came by and blamed and blamed about the big appetite of you guys.";
				mes "[Tragis]";
				mes "He said he has no more stock of Honey and fruits. 2 jugs of Honey will be enough to soothe him.";
				mes "You have received a request named ^800080Honey robber^000000."; }
			mes "You can check details of the request and who to report back to by opening the ^800080Quest Window^000000.";
			mes "You have 23 hours to complete this mission.";
			close; }
		mes "- The Sapha keeps a distance from you even when you try to talk.";
		mes "It looks like he is calling for a Galten. Time to go. -";
		close; }
	mes "������";
	mes "������ �� ����� �� �𢲢�";
	mes "- I can't understand him... -";

// Doha's Secret Orders

mid_campin,168,170,3	script	Inspector Doha#ep13_3_	59,{
	if (checkquest(7185) >= 0) {
		if (ep13_3_secret == 1) {
			mes "[Doha]";
			mes "Wow.... they say this is the water melted from the snow from the snowy fields.";
			mes "Very refreshing, don't you agree?";
			mes "....";
			mes "[Doha]";
			mes "Then back to the story.";
			mes "So I asked why the cat thought it was his own kind.";
			mes "[Doha]";
			mes "He said the attacker had a wonderful tail and attractive ears. Hard to believe.";
			select("It was a cat?");
			mes "[Doha]";
			mes "No. I asked the same question.";
			mes "And he said the attacker looked more like me.";
			mes "Meaning humanlike to be precise.";
			mes "[Doha]";
			mes "Yes. A human male.";
			mes "He said ^0000FFthe attacker had attractive ears and a sleek and glossy tail^000000!";
			select("Could it be a headgear?");
			mes "[Doha]";
			mes "Are you talking about the Kitty Band that was popular in Prontera?";
			mes "If a full grown male was wearing one of those... and also a tail?";
			if(select("Was he in disguise?:To each their own...")==2) {
				mes "[Doha]";
				mes "....................";
				mes "............Of course";
				mes "different tastes should be respected.";
				mes "[Doha]";
				mes "....Ahem.";
				mes "My conclusion is";
				mes "Someone disguised themselves ridiculously in order to hide where they came from!";
				mes "[Doha]";
				mes "So what we need to do now";
				mes "is find a guy with cat ears.";
				mes "But I'm not so sure he will";
				mes "have them on him now.";
				mes "[Doha]";
				mes "But as the Cat Merchant mentioned, we shouldn't rule out the possibility that he might";
				mes "be from a third party.";
				mes "Then what could his motives be?";
				mes "[Doha]";
				mes "Let's start simple before";
				mes "it gets too complicated.";
				mes "I heard you are visiting";
				mes "the capital city of Sapha.";
				mes "[Doha]";
				mes "Whether it is a cat or dog, please try to collect information on a guy with animal ears.";
				mes "[Doha]";
				mes "I will continue on searching and investigating Manuk and Splendide from here.";
				mes "I need you to investigate during your journey.";
				mes "[Doha]";
				mes "This is a very important mission.";
				mes "There is a delicate conflict between the three countries";
				mes "and there might be a possibility of an unknown third party.";
				mes "[Doha]";
				mes "And why did the attacker only interfere instead of stealing the whole report.";
				mes "We need to find out his motives.";
				mes "[Doha]";
				mes "Please bring back some clues if you find anything during your journey.";
				mes "Please report back to me";
				mes "if you find any leads.";
				changequest 7185,7186;
				close; }
			mes "[Doha]";
			mes "He had to be...";
			mes "I think one of the countries is behind this.";
			mes "I honestly think both the Sapha and Laphine won't get anything out of this.";
			mes "[Doha]";
			mes "I guess the only way to hide where you're from is with a disguise right?";
			mes "Disguised as a cat, that is!";
			mes "[Doha]";
			mes "So what we need to do now";
			mes "is find a guy with cat ears.";
			mes "But I'm not so sure he will";
			mes "have them on him now.";
			mes "[Doha]";
			mes "But as the Cat Merchant mentioned, we shouldn't rule out the possibility that he might";
			mes "be from a third party.";
			mes "Then what could his motives be?";
			mes "[Doha]";
			mes "Let's start simple before";
			mes "it gets too complicated.";
			mes "I heard you are visiting";
			mes "the capital city of Sapha.";
			mes "[Doha]";
			mes "Whether it is a cat or dog, please try to collect information on a guy with animal ears.";
			mes "[Doha]";
			mes "I will continue on searching and investigating Manuk and Splendide from here.";
			mes "I need you to investigate during your journey.";
			mes "[Doha]";
			mes "This is a very important mission.";
			mes "There is a delicate conflict between the three countries";
			mes "and there might be a possibility of an unknown third party.";
			mes "[Doha]";
			mes "And why did the attacker only interfere instead of stealing the whole report.";
			mes "We need to find out his motives.";
			mes "[Doha]";
			mes "Please bring back some clues if you find anything during your journey.";
			mes "Please report back to me";
			mes "if you find any leads.";
			changequest 7185,7186;
			close; }
		mes "[Doha]";
		mes "Who are you?";
		mes "If you are in the wrong room, please leave now.";
		if(select("I came to meet the inspector.:Sorry, I have the wrong room.")==2) {
			mes "[Doha]";
			mes "Thank you.";
			mes "I'm a little tired now.";
			mes "I hope to see you next time.";
			close; }
		mes "[Doha]";
		mes "Me?";
		mes "Are you the person the captain was talkin' about?";
		mes "What was the name...?";
		mes "[Doha]";
		mes "Hmm... I don't know why you were chosen but I guess they trusted you enough.";
		mes "So you were chosen to visit El Dicastes?";
		mes "[Doha]";
		mes "I have a secret mission";
		mes "regarding this visit.";
		mes "More like an order.";
		mes "[Doha]";
		mes "I'm the inspector dispatched from home because of a certain case.";
		mes "We are working on investigating the truth behind the reported case.";
		select("Reported case?");
		mes "[Doha]";
		mes "You haven't heard of it?";
		mes "I thought you already knew...";
		mes "So you're not the one that collected the report back then?";
		mes "[Doha]";
		mes "When the expedition was first dispatched there was a general report on our research results and the messenger,";
		mes "that was carrying this report back home, was attacked.";
		mes "[Doha]";
		mes "Luckily the report wasn't stolen completely and we did get the report after painstakingly restoring it.";
		mes "The important thing is who did this.";
		mes "[Doha]";
		mes "The expedition here is an alliance of 3 countries.";
		mes "And we weren't all on good terms.";
		mes "That is why Hibba Agip was put in charge because he isn't attached to any of the countries.";
		mes "[Doha]";
		mes "But the important thing is which country was behind this and why would they do such a thing when we must promote peace and cooperation.";
		mes "[Doha]";
		mes "That is why I was dispatched here.";
		mes "To investigate the situation.";
		mes "I've come across an unexpected bit of information during my investigation.";
		mes "[Doha]";
		mes "Do you know the";
		mes "Cat Hand Merchants?";
		mes "They are also doing";
		mes "business nearby.";
		mes "One of them leaked this";
		mes "information to me.";
		mes "[Doha]";
		mes "I was investigating at the location assumed to be where the attack took place when I met a cat.";
		mes "Well... I don't know what else I'm supposed to call them.";
		mes "[Doha]";
		mes "But it turns out, I was lucky to meet this cat.";
		mes "Because he turned out to be a witness to the case.";
		select("Witness!:Who did it?");
		mes "[Doha]";
		mes "Sigh...";
		mes "He did witness the case but the description I got was...";
		mes "suspicious at best.";
		mes "[Doha]";
		mes "Well... the cat said in his own words, 'the guy you're looking for might be one of us because he was very agile and quick.'";
		select("Same race? A cat?");
		mes "[Doha]";
		mes "Yes.";
		mes "I heard the cat say that with my own ears.";
		mes "He said he went back to the place to see if it was a lost friend of his.";
		mes "[Doha]";
		mes "Hmm... my throat is sore from talking too much.";
		mes "Let's continue later after I get some rest.";
		mes "I think I need a cup of water.";
		set ep13_3_secret,1;
	} else if (checkquest(7186) > 0) {
		mes "[Doha]";
		mes "I will investigate Manuk and Splendide.";
		mes "So you will have to look for clues in El Dicastes.";
		mes "[Doha]";
		mes "About the guy with animal ears.";
		mes "It will be a tough mission but I know you will do well.";
		close; }
	if (ep13_3_secret > 1 && ep13_3_secret < 15) {
		if (checkquest(7202) >= 0 && checkquest(7203) >= 0) {
			mes "[Doha]";
			mes "How is the investigation going?";
			mes "Do you have any significant status?";
			mes "- You share the details regarding Diel, Cheshire, Ahat and the dimensional crack.";
			mes "You give him Clotted Bloodstain, Frozen Piece of Skin and a Strange Magic Stone as evidence. -";
			mes "[Doha]";
			mes "Hmm..";
			mes "I actually gave the same mission to all the other people heading for El Dicastes.";
			mes "[Doha]";
			mes "They have all brought information based on assumptions.";
			mes "Meaning your evidence is not much different from the others.";
			mes "[Doha]";
			mes "At least we found out one thing.";
			mes "At least we now know that the attacker is not from the three countries of Midgard.";
			mes "But this is only an assumption.";
			mes "[Doha]";
			mes "Details of the report will be verified by a superior authority and a schedule for the next step will be given.";
			mes "Thank you.";
			mes "[Doha]";
			mes "Please have this.";
			mes "This is a reward for your services up to now.";
			mes "You deserve this for the hardship you are going through.";
			set ep13_3_secret,15;
			delitem 6306,1;
			delitem 6305,1;
			delitem 6307,1;
			getitem 2553,1;
			erasequest 7202;
			erasequest 7203;
			mes "[Doha]";
			mes "....";
			mes "Sapha and Laphine, which ever.";
			mes "I have something more urgent.";
			select("Can you repeat that?");
			mes "[Doha]";
			mes "..?";
			mes "I didn't say a thing.";
			mes "I guess you heard wrong.";
			mes "Will you leave now? Because I have to organize a report.";
			close; }
		mes "[Doha]";
		mes "How is the investigation going?";
		mes "Please try your best.";
		mes "Don't mess up the relationship between countries.";
	} else if (ep13_3_secret == 15) {
		mes "[Doha]";
		mes "There won't be any changes to the current policy.";
		mes "Home land will continue to review the contents of your reports.";
		mes "[Doha]";
		mes "All we can do for now is";
		mes "do our best, right?";
		mes "- He says this kindly but his eyes have a get out and do your work kind of look. -";
		close; }
	mes "[Doha]";
	mes "What is it?";
	mes "You don't look like you have any business with me.";
	mes "If you don't, please leave now.";

dic_in01,245,119,4	script	Shay#ep133_13	884,{
	mes "[Shay]";
	cutin "ep13_shy",2;
	set .@ep13_shy,rand(1,5);
	if (.@ep13_shy == 1) {
		mes "Another failure?.";
		mes "I'm talking to myself. Don't bother.";
		mes "What do you want?"; }
	else if (.@ep13_shy == 2) mes "Boring, What is it?";
	else if (.@ep13_shy == 3) mes "Welcome to Burman Flone...";
	else if (.@ep13_shy == 4) mes "Whatcha want?";
	else if (.@ep13_shy == 5) mes "Sigh... Ready to order?";
	switch(select("Order.:Talk:Nevermind.")) {
		case 1:
			mes "[Shay]";
			mes "What will it be?";
			mes "I have Tropical Sograt and";
			mes "Vermilion on the Beach flown in from Morroc.";
			mes "A bit on the expensive side though.";
			switch(select("Tropical Sograt","Vermilion on the Beach","Anything else?")) {
				case 1:
					mes "[Shay]";
					if (Zeny < 2000) {
						mes "Hey, do you have money?";
						break; }
					mes "Here is your Tropical Sorgrat.";
					getitem 12112,1;
					set Zeny, Zeny-2000;
				case 2:
					mes "[Shay]";
					if (Zeny < 2000) {
						mes "Hey, do you have money?";
						break; }
					mes "Here is your Vermilion on the Beach.";
					getitem 12113,1;
					set Zeny, Zeny-2000;
				case 3:
					mes "[Shay]";
					mes "Hmmm...";
					mes "Nah.";
					break; }
			cutin "",255;
		case 2:
			if (ep13_3_invite == 5) {
				if (checkquest(7186) >= 0) {
					mes "[Shay]";
					mes "I don't want to talk about personal stuff.";
					mes "But do you have any questions?";
					switch(select("Tell me about yourself:About Sapha:About other races:Hmm...")) {
						case 1:
							mes "[Shay]";
							mes "Me?";
							mes "If you are asking about my name, it is written on my badge here.";
							mes "It's Shay.";
							select("Not that");
							mes "[Shay]";
							mes "Hmm. Then should I tell you the story on how I settled here?";
							mes "The first to apply to expedite here";
							mes "where the Assassins.";
							mes "[Shay]";
							mes "I was one of them.";
							mes "That is how I got to reach this place before anyone else did";
							mes "And that is how the base of the expedition camp was built.";
							mes "[Shay]";
							mes "But you know.";
							mes "I thought I'd return to my hometown and retire.";
							mes "But El Dicastes contacted me.";
							mes "[Shay]";
							mes "They requested if I could open a place for us outsiders to feel comfortable with.";
							mes "They also were considerate enough to build it in Midgard style.";
							mes "[Shay]";
							mes "So the framework and style,";
							mes "architect was brought in..";
							mes "and then I found myself managing the whole project?";
							mes "[Shay]";
							mes "And...";
							mes "that is how I got here.";
							mes "I've been here ever since!";
							mes "[Shay]";
							mes "I don't remember what my original job was.";
							mes "Little rusty on the Katar, I guess...";
							mes "Shay suddenly has a lonely expression and sighs deeply about his situation.";
							mes "Looks very tired.";
							cutin "",255;
						case 2:
							mes "[Shay]";
							mes "Sapha?";
							mes "You are surrounded by Saphas.";
							mes "......";
							mes "[Shay]";
							mes "What are you asking me?";
							mes "Just ask any Sapha passing by.";
							mes "Ask 'what are you'.";
							cutin "",255;
						case 3:
							mes "[Shay]";
							mes "Other races?";
							mes "Talking about Sapha?";
							switch(select("With cat ears.:With butterfly wings.")) {
								case 1:
									mes "[Shay]";
									mes "Cat?";
									mes "Are you talking about the Cat Merchant?";
									mes "They are camped outside of the capital gate.";
									mes "[Shay]";
									mes "They even mined and fished near the expedition camp.";
									mes "They are currently trying to expand their business.";
									mes "[Shay]";
									mes "Well... bigger than them?";
									mes "Not sure. Haven't heard of it.";
									mes "Why don't you ask the";
									mes "^0000FFSapha around here?^000000";
									set ep13_3_secret,2;
									changequest 7186,7187;
								case 2:
									mes "[Shay]";
									mes "Butterfly wings? Are you talking about Laphine?";
									mes "Don't know them?";
									mes "You really know nothing.";
									mes "[Shay]";
									mes "If you want to know about Laphine, go to Splendide.";
									mes "They are rough and tough.";
									break; }
							cutin "",255;
						case 4:
							mes "[Shay]";
							mes "What...";
							mes "I'm not that busy but don't bother me too much.";
							cutin "",255;
							end; }
			} else if (checkquest(7187) >= 0) {
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "What is it now?";
				mes "Any luck?";
				if (checkquest(7188) >= 0 && checkquest(7189) >= 0 && checkquest(7190) >= 0) {
					mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
					mes "I'm trying to organize the information I've collected.";
					mes "The Knits at the square are interested in Ahat.";
					mes "I heard from Pioms that most of the Saphas are interested in the minister.";
					mes "Galtens are interested in the Cat Merchant for their cat ears.";
					mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
					mes "Everybody is talking about the minister these days!";
					mes "What is with this Ahat anyway?";
					mes "[Shay]";
					mes "I haven't even seen the minister.";
					mes "I heard many say that he is beautiful.";
					mes "[Shay]";
					mes "Anyway...";
					mes "Try this.";
					mes "I've been working on this for some time and hope that this can go on the menu.";
					mes "- Shay places a baked pie with the base made out of carrots.";
					mes "Topped with something that looks like apples or bananas.";
					mes "You immediately think it is too risky to try.";
					select("The minced ingredient is...");
					mes "[Shay]";
					mes "An apple pie.";
					mes "I garnished it with bananas.";
					mes "Doesn't look like it but this is an apple pie.";
					mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
					mes "But why is there a carrot in a pie.";
					mes "And there is no hint of apples.";
					mes "[Shay]";
					mes "Stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!";
					specialeffect2 EF_HIT1;
					specialeffect2 EF_HIT2;
					percentheal -20,0;
					mes "-Shay got all upset and threw something sticky and smelly.";
					mes "The pie left Shay's palm and landed square in your face. -";
					mes "[Shay]";
					mes "Oops.. umph.. hmph...";
					mes "Phew... sigh...";
					mes "...........";
					mes "[Shay]";
					mes "S...Sorry. Aello told me to help you but..";
					mes ".......";
					mes "I couldn't help myself.";
					mes "[Shay]";
					mes "Ha.. there is a cat named BK among the Cat Merchants.";
					mes "He might have the information you want.";
					mes "... Go.. meet BK.";
					mes "[Shay]";
					mes "And if he ignores you, tell him that ^E77471Shay's special drink will be delivered^000000.";
					erasequest 7188;
					erasequest 7189;
					erasequest 7190;
					erasequest 7187;
					setquest 7191;
					set ep13_3_secret,3;	
					cutin "",255;
					end; }
				mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
				mes "I'm trying to organize the information I've collected.";
				mes "But what should I do with the collected information?";
				mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
				mes "Moan...";
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "You look lost as if nothing makes sense anymore.";
				mes "The solution is simply to ask around.";
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "There are many Saphas working at the factory, drill hall, square and anywhere else.";
				mes "There are the Cat Merchants outside of the castle, too.";
				cutin "",255;
			} else if (checkquest(7191) >= 0) {
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "You can find the Cat Merchants outside of the gate.";
				mes "They seem like a small group of wanderers.";
				mes "You'll see their tent southeast from the gate.";
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "BK is the one that holds information around there.";
				mes "He will be able to help you.";
				cutin "",255;
			} else if (checkquest(7192) >= 0) {
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "You say BK said that?";
				mes "Is that so?";
				mes "I did think Ahat was more";
				mes "beautiful than normal.";
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "But according to the Sapha's stories, I hear in this pub, they all see a different version of Ahat.";
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "But BK said Ahat isn't a Sapha?";
				mes "That only means that its not the looks that is different but he may be a completely different race.";
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "We can only investigate.";
				mes "They say he came from the dimensional crack so let's investigate there.";
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "I guess it makes sense that there's a dimensional crack here too...";
				mes "Sounds like what happened at Morocc.";
				set ep13_3_secret,6;
				changequest 7192,7193;
				cutin "",255;
			} else if (checkquest(7193) >= 0) {
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "It is always better to go to the site.";
				mes "Because it is difficult to meet the minister.";
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "The crack here must have been created when the crack in Morroc appeared.";
				mes "If he did it.";
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "You'll find the dimensional crack northeast from El Dicastes.";
				mes "Try investigating there.";
				cutin "",255;
			} else if (checkquest(7194) >= 0 || checkquest(7195) >= 0 || checkquest(7196) >= 0) {
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "Any luck?";
				if (checkquest(7196) >= 0) mes "- You show the strange magical stone fragment you collected from near the crack. -";
					else if (checkquest(7194) >= 0) mes "- You show the bloodstain you collected from near the crack. -";
					else if (checkquest(7195) >= 0) mes "- You show the frozen piece of skin collected near the crack. -";
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "I didn't expect this.";
				mes "Then who is Ahat...?";
				mes "...I smell something fishy.";
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "I don't know since I haven't";
				mes "seen Ahat in person but";
				mes "we must find out what";
				mes "all this means.";
				select("Do you trust BK?");
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "At least BK doesn't lie.";
				mes "The BK I know never lies.";
				mes "Why are these found near the crack?";
				mes "Why was Ahat found there...?";
				select("Do you want to meet in person?");
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "You can't just waltz in on him.";
				mes "It's even harder for outsiders";
				mes "like us to meet him.";
				mes "Hm...";
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "We can try collecting";
				mes "Sapha Certifications.";
				mes "Those who did great deeds get the opportunity to meet the minister.";
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "The Cat Merchants are also collecting Sapha Certifications. They want to meet the minister in person so they can negotiate business.";
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "You can receive Sapha Certifications from handling requests throughout the city.";
				mes "Get enough so you can meet with minister Ahat.";
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "You'll need at least";
				mes "^0000FF3 Sapha Certifications^000000.";
				mes "Go ^0000FFask around in Dicastes Diel^000000 for more information.";
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "There's a Sapha that registers adventurers there.";
				mes "His name is ^0000FFRhawyne^000000? Ask him.";
				select("Don't you have any Sapha Certifications?");
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "................";
				mes "Do you think I'm that free?";
				mes "I'm not the one receiving requests, I'm the one that makes the requests!";
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "Think of what you have to do.";
				mes "Meet Ahat by collecting";
				mes "Sapha Certifications.";
				mes "Then find doubt about his relationship between him and the crack.";
				setquest 7197;
				if (checkquest(7196) >= 0) erasequest 7196;
				else if (checkquest(7194) >= 0) erasequest 7194;
				else if (checkquest(7195) >= 0) erasequest 7195;
				cutin "",255;
			} else if (checkquest(7197) >= 0) {
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "Start with collecting";
				mes "Sapha Certifications.";
				mes "You'll need at least 3 certifications to meet the minister.";
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "Once you have your certifications, go make a request to meet the minister at the Adventurer's reception desk in Diel.";
				mes "Rhawyne will help you.";
				cutin "",255;
			} else if (ep13_3_secret > 6 && ep13_3_secret < 11) {
				if (checkquest(7199) >= 0) {
					mes "[Shay]";
					mes "Hmm...";
					mes "Clearing the area?";
					mes "Sounds weird.";
					mes "Something smells fishy.";
					mes "[Shay]";
					mes "Don't forget to bring back evidence.";
					mes "And to pretend you are hypnotized.";
					mes "Good. This is our secret.";
					mes "[Shay]";
					mes "Funny how things come about.";
					mes "But you really are talkative.";
					mes "You are telling me everything. Tsk.";
					cutin "",255;
					end; }
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "So... you got permitted?";
				mes "I'm also curious who this Ahat character is.";
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "Good. I'll prepare some food until you come back.";
				mes "I just found this amazing chocolate recipe a few days ago.";
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "When I was in Morroc.";
				mes "A colleague from the guild used to make chocolate stuff you see?";
				mes "I thought it would be simple since he was making it.";
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "Wait till you taste it.";
				mes "Now, get going.";
				cutin "",255;
			} else if (ep13_3_secret > 10 && ep13_3_secret < 14) {
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "Did you know?";
				mes "There is another skillful Jarute.";
				mes "Name is HesLanta.";
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "He sometimes comes back and shares his stories.";
				mes "But I think he also has a story to tell.";
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "It's only a thought but it might be good to talk to those near Ahat too.";
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "How about talking to the Jarute named HesLanta?";
				mes "You don't have anything to lose, anyway.";
				cutin "",255;
			} else if (ep13_3_secret == 13) {
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "Why are you here again?";
				mes "Are you working?";
				if(select("Mission completed!:I came to thank you.")==2) {
					mes "[Shay]";
					mes "If you are that grateful, all my new cuisines till the last bite.";
					select("Ah, that is um...");
					mes "[Shay]";
					mes "Huh?";
					mes "Ungrateful....";
					cutin "",255;
					end; }
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "Really?";
				mes "Good for you.";
				mes ".....";
				mes "Mission. Haven't heard that word for ages.";
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "Now go.";
				mes "I'm busy.";
				mes "New ingredients are coming in today.";
				mes "Go now.";
				cutin "",255;
			} else if (ep13_3_secret == 14) {
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "What did you bring here now?";
				mes ".........";
				mes "What? No?";
				mes "[Shay]";
				mes "Tsk.... boring.";
				cutin "",255;
			mes "[Shay]";
			mes "I don't want to talk about personal stuff.";
			mes "But do you have any questions?";
			switch(select("Tell me about yourself:About Sapha:...Hmm...")) {
				case 1: goto shayabout;
				case 2:
					mes "[Shay]";
					mes "Sapha?";
					mes "You are surrounded by Saphas.";
					mes "......";
					mes "[Shay]";
					mes "What are you asking me?";
					mes "Just ask any Sapha passing by.";
					mes "Ask 'what are you'.";
					cutin "",255;
				case 3:
					mes "[Shay]";
					mes "What...";
					mes "I'm not that busy but don't bother me too much.";
					cutin "",255;
					end; }
			mes "[Shay]";
			mes "If you haven't registered at Diel yet, you better do it soon.";
			mes "That is the only way to start receiving requests and guarantee your safety here.";
			mes "[Shay]";
			mes "To avoid conflicts apart from diplomatic trouble";
			mes "it is always better to respect each sides agreement.";
			mes "Don't you agree?";
			cutin "",255;
		case 3:
			mes "[Shay]";
			mes "Suit yourself.";
			cutin "",255;
			end; }

dicastes01,207,210,5	script	Walking Knit#ep13_3_15	449,{
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		if (ep13_3_secret == 2) {
			mes "[Knit]";
			mes "Welcome, human.";
			mes "I'm finally used to meeting other races like you.";
			switch(select("Are there races other than humans?:What are you doing?")) {
				case 1:
					if (checkquest(7188) >= 0) {
						mes "[Knit]";
						mes "There were Laphine";
						mes "before you came.";
						mes "And of course there are still.";
						mes "But they are over the Kamidal mountains.";
						mes "[Knit]";
						mes "And then the cats..";
						mes "Ah, did you see the group of cats in front of the castle?";
						mes "They are really soft and cuddly unlike us.";
						mes "[Knit]";
						mes "They are really lovely.";
						mes "Those cute cats..";
						mes "[Knit]";
						mes "But Ahat is also loveable even for a Sapha.";
						mes "....if my hair is like a dry winter tree..";
						mes "Ahat's hair is like new sprouts in early spring.....";
						mes "[Knit]";
						mes "Ah.. I'm so jealous, envious..";
						close; }
					mes "[Knit]";
					mes "There were Laphine";
					mes "before you came.";
					mes "And of course there are still.";
					mes "But they are over the Kamidal mountains.";
					mes "[Knit]";
					mes "And then the cats..";
					mes "Ah, did you see the group of cats in front of the castle?";
					mes "They are really soft and cuddly unlike us.";
					mes "[Knit]";
					mes "And especially their ears and tail!!";
					select("Have you seen a man with cat ears?");
					mes "[Knit]";
					mes "Eh?";
					mes "Man? Human male?";
					mes "A human male with cat ears?";
					mes "Never heard such a thing.";
					mes "[Knit]";
					mes "Humans are amazing!";
					mes "Didn't even think of that...!";
					mes ".....";
					mes "[Knit]";
					mes "But they are really lovely.";
					mes "Those cute cats..";
					mes "[Knit]";
					mes "But Ahat is also loveable even for a Sapha.";
					mes "....if my hair is like a dry winter tree..";
					mes "Ahat's hair is like new sprouts in early spring.....";
					mes "[Knit]";
					mes "I can't believe how he does his work for Dicastes and still maintains such great hair.";
					mes "I can almost see a glow.";
					mes "[Knit]";
					mes "Ah.....his skin is divine.";
					mes "But he never comes out from his office high up in Dicastes Diel.";
					mes "[Knit]";
					mes "But I guess it would be better for Ahat's complexion...";
					mes "to stay warm and safe like a crystal bird in Diel instead of being out in the winter weather!";
					mes "- Continues to talk about Ahat.";
					mes "Don't think I'll get any more information. -";
					setquest 7188;
				case 2:
				mes "[Knit]";
				mes "As you can see, I'm taking a walk.";
				mes "I should walk from time to time to prevent myself from getting stiff.";
				mes "I really don't like to get stiff.";
				close; }
		mes "[Knit]";
		mes "Don't you think cats are amazing.";
		mes "I heard from where you came from, you have pets..";
		mes "[Knit]";
		mes "Is it okay to raise other creatures?";
		mes "Do they want that?";
		mes "It's a difficult issue..";
		close; }
	mes "[Moltuka]";
	mes "������";
	mes "������ �� ����� �� �𢲢�";
	mes "- Cannot communicate with him. -";

dicastes01,112,248,5	script	Resting Piom#ep133_16	491,{
	mes "[Piom]";
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		if (ep13_3_secret == 2) {
			if (checkquest(7189) >= 0) {
				mes "Phew.. I need to rest.";
				mes "Huh?";
				mes "Why are you here?";
				mes "[Piom]";
				mes "Don't follow cats around";
				mes "Go and meet Ahat.";
				mes "He is really beautiful.";
				close; }
			mes "Phew.. I need to rest.";
			mes "Huh?";
			mes "Why are you here?";
			select("Ask about human with cat ears.");
			mes "[Piom]";
			mes "HAHAHAHA!!!";
			mes "There are so many asking";
			mes "about that recently.";
			mes "Is there any conflict with the Cat Hand Merchants?";
			mes "[Piom]";
			mes "Haha.. ... funny.";
			mes "Human with cat ears?";
			mes "Never heard of such thing.";
			mes "But you seem to be new around here.";
			mes "[Piom]";
			mes "Don't waste your time on something ridiculous as that.";
			mes "That's it! I think you are the right person.";
			mes "[Piom]";
			mes "The minister stays at the top of Diel.";
			mes "Try meeting the minister.";
			mes "He is a wonderful person.";
			mes "A role model to all Saphas!";
			mes "[Piom]";
			mes "You need to know about Saphas if you are staying in El Dicastes, right?";
			mes "Don't spend time with a dusty Piom like me, and go meet Ahat.";
			mes "You will love him.";
			mes "- Continues to talk about Ahat.";
			mes "Don't think I'll get any more information. -";
			setquest 7189;
			close; }
		mes "As you can see, I'm resting.";
		mes "I like my job but it is so tiring.";
		mes "But I'm happier than when I was a Knit.";
		mes "[Piom]";
		mes "I can't think straight.";
		mes "I didn't like working through documents the Knits do.";
		mes "But then Galtens have to carry heavy weapons.";
		mes "[Piom]";
		mes "The last thing I did was mine and refine Bradium and I loved it!";
		mes "And to think that my work keeps everyone healthy is rewarding.";
		close; }
	mes "����� �� �����?";
	mes "��~!";
	mes "���� �� ����� �� �� !!!";
	mes "- Cannot communicate with him. -";

dicastes01,252,144,0	script	Training Galten#e	450,{
	mes "[Training Galten]";
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		if (ep13_3_secret == 2) {
			if (checkquest(7190) >= 0) {
				mes "Hmm...another peaceful day.";
				mes "Hmm? Aren't you the outsider that came here a while ago?";
				mes "Have you come to see the training grounds?";
				mes "[Training Galten]";
				mes "Ahat...";
				mes "He is a strong Sapha.";
				mes "He may be a minister working through piles of documents but he must be hiding his power!";
				mes "[Training Galten]";
				mes "Everyone says Ahat is like a delicate spring sprout but I don't agree!";
				mes "I've never seen a stronger Sapha before.";
				mes "I don't quite understand why he didn't become a Galten...";
				mes "[Training Galten]";
				mes "Maybe he is physically strong but has a warm heart..";
				mes "but you never know...";
				close; }
			mes "Hmm...another peaceful day.";
			mes "Hmm? Aren't you the outsider that came here a while ago?";
			mes "Have you come to see the training grounds?";
			select("About a human with cat ears..");
			mes "[Training Galten]";
			mes "Cat ears?";
			mes "Is there someone like that?";
			mes "Humans are like that?";
			mes "[Training Galten]";
			mes "What? No?";
			mes "Then why are you looking him..";
			mes "Why don't you go meet Ahat instead of wasting your time.";
			mes "[Training Galten]";
			mes "Anyone that wants to be strong";
			mes "should meet Ahat.";
			mes "He is a very strong Sapha.";
			mes "[Training Galten]";
			mes "He may be a minister working through piles of documents but he must be hiding his power!";
			mes "[Training Galten]";
			mes "Everyone says Ahat is like a delicate spring sprout but I don't agree!";
			mes "I've never seen a stronger Sapha before.";
			mes "I don't quite understand why he didn't become a Galten...";
			mes "- Continues to talk about Ahat.";
			mes "I don't think I'll get any more information. -";
			setquest 7190;
			close; }
		mes "I will get great results";
		mes "If I do my best, right?";
		close; }
	mes "������ �� ������";
	mes "������";
	mes "- I can't understand what he's trying to say. -";

dic_fild01,231,174,4	script	BK#ep133_18	496,{
	if (checkquest(7191) >= 0) {
		if (ep13_3_secret == 4) {
			mes "[BK]";
			mes "...So what do you want to know?";
			select("About other feline races");
			mes "[BK]";
			mes "Feline? Are you asking about us cats?";
			mes "Well~";
			mes "Don't know about races... unless...";
			mes "- BK asks for a Sapha Certification. -";
			if(select("No way.:Give.")==1) {
				mes "[BK]";
				mes "Humph";
				mes "We made a deal.";
				mes "Give me a Sapha Certification.";
				close; }
			if (countitem(6304) > 1) {
				mes "[BK]";
				mes "Haha.. good, good.";
				mes "I don't know anything outside of our race but I did see someone with cute ears that has been visiting Dicastes Diel.";
				mes "[BK]";
				mes "I even saw him meet the new minister alone.";
				mes "Hu hu...";
				mes "Satisfied?";
				delitem 6304,1;
				mes "- BK says this and takes the Sapha Certification out of your hand.";
				mes "Information on the person with animal ears Doha mentioned! -";
				set ep13_3_secret,5;
				close; }
			mes "[BK]";
			mes "I will give you information";
			mes "and you give me a Sapha Certification";
			mes "great teamwork, don't you agree?";
			mes "[BK]";
			mes "If you want to know my information, you have to give me a Sapha Certification.";
		} else if (ep13_3_secret == 5) {
			mes "[BK]";
			mes "...Didn't I just tell you about";
			mes "the man with cat ears?";
			mes "I've seen him with the";
			mes "minister in Dicastes Diel.";
			switch(select("About Ravail?:Who is the minister?")) {
				case 1:
					mes "[BK]";
					mes "Ravail is the high minister.";
					mes "Something like a Chief.";
					mes "They also call him elder.";
					mes "We would call him leader?";
					mes "[BK]";
					mes ".......ah.........";
					mes "I should have gotten a Sapha Certification before answering.";
				case 2:
					mes "[BK]";
					mes "The infamous Ahat.";
					mes "The new minister...";
					mes "(BK rubs his front paws";
					mes "together and winks)";
					if(select("Give him a Sapha Certification.:No way.")==2) {
						mes "[BK]";
						mes "No, no, contract violation.";
						mes "I have nothing to say if you don't give me a Sapha Certification.";
						close; }
					mes "[BK]";
					mes "The new minister is";
					mes "not from around here.";
					mes "There is a huge crack down there.";
					mes "[BK]";
					mes "The new minister was picked";
					mes "up near the crack.";
					mes "He must be an alien!";
					delitem 6304,1;
					select("An alien! You must be nuts!");
					mes "[BK]";
					mes "Because he isn't a Sapha!";
					select("He isn't a Sapha?");
					mes "[BK]";
					mes "Yes.";
					mes "But, isn't it strange?";
					mes "All the Saphas here think";
					mes "he is a beautiful Sapha...";
					mes "But I've seen him from a";
					mes "distance and he wasn't.";
					mes "[BK]";
					mes "To me, he is a feline.";
					mes "He might even be a";
					mes "lost friend of mine.";
					mes "[BK]";
					mes "Well, I don't understand why because all Saphas are beautiful.";
					delitem 6304,1;
					changequest 7191,7192;
					mes "- BK says this and takes the Sapha Certification out of your hand.";
					mes "Shocking information that the Sapha minister Ahat is not a Sapha!-";
					mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
					mes "...I must find out.";
					mes "Near the crack, he said...";
					mes "Should I talk to Shay?";
					close; }
				mes "[BK]";
				mes "Ha. I'm the information collector of the Cat Merchants.";
				mes "..............";
				mes "I don't give out information just to anyone.";
				mes "Meow...";
				mes "- BK of the Cat Merchant group is being difficult.";
				mes "What did Shay tell you to do?-";
				input .@shaytalk$;
				if (.@shaytalk$ != "Shay's special drink will be delivered") {
					mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
					mes .@shaytalk$+"...?";
					mes "Hmm... I think you are wrong?";
					mes "What was it..";
					mes "[BK]";
					mes "What. Are you threatening me with that?";
					mes "Meow.. You don't know my well enough~!!";
					close; }
				mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
				mes "Hmm. If you don't cooperate,";
				mes "Shay's special drink will be delivered.";
				mes "By Shay himself!";
				mes "[BK]";
				mes "What?!";
				mes "What do you want.";
				mes "Why are you harassing me?";
				mes "Bully... sob";
				emotion e_sob;
				mes "[BK]";
				mes "Okay. I will cooperate.";
				mes "But with some conditions.";
				mes "First, you must tell Shay that I cooperated with you.";
				mes "[BK]";
				mes "Second, we must meet the minister to expand our business.";
				mes "But you need Sapha Certifications to meet him.";
				mes "[BK]";
				mes "So I'll sell my information for Sapha Certifications.";
				mes "Tell me when you are ready.";
				set ep13_3_secret,4;
		} else if (checkquest(7192) >= 0) {
			mes "[BK]";
			mes "Why are you always coming back?";
			mes "Why don't you go to the crack yourself if you are curious about the new minister?";
			mes "You'll find something there since he was from there. Meow";
		} else if (ep13_3_secret > 5) {
			mes "[BK]";
			mes "MEOW~";
			mes "I thought you brought Shay's food here as a reward.";
			mes "(BK shivers at the thought)";
			mes "[BK]";
			mes "Eeeew...";
			mes "I can't even imagine it.";
			mes "...........Ha! Don't tell Shay this!";
			close; }
	mes "[BK]";
	mes "Ha. I'm the information collector of the Cat Hand Merchants.";
	mes "Ask me anything...but..";
	mes "Meow.. I'm not an easy cat you see.";
	mes "[BK]";
	mes "Go away, Ha";

-	script	Rock Pile#ep133_	-1,{
	if (checkquest(7193) >= 0) {
		mes "There are many piles of rock around because of the unstable crust movements.";
		mes "This rock pile is also one of them.";
		mes "Don't see anything suspicious.";
		if(select("Try to knock down the rock pile.:Study the pile closely.")==1) {
			mes "- Knock down the pebbles that make up the pile of rocks and spread them out. -";
			close; }
		mes "You feel an evil energy from the small stone fragments.";
		mes "Doesn't look natural but more like remnants from a powerful magic spell nearby.";
		mes "You feel evil energy. Does this have anything to do with Ahat?";
		mes "You collected a stone that emits strange energy.";
		getitem 6307,1;
		changequest 7193,7196;
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "Hmm... I may need to discuss these with Shay.";
	} else if (checkquest(7196) >= 0) {
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "This is where you picked up the strange magical stone.";
		mes "Also feel a strange energy around.";
		mes "Let's go back to the pub and talk with Shay.";
	} else if (checkquest(7199) >= 0) {
		if (countitem(6307) == 10) {
			mes "Need more stone fragments to report back to Doha at the expedition camp.";
			mes "You collect another stone fragment that emits a strange magical force.";
			getitem 6307,1;
			if (checkquest(7202) == -1) setquest 7202;
			disablenpc "Rock Pile#"+strnpcinfo(2);
		} else if (countitem(6307) < 11) {
			mes "There are many piles of rock around because of the unstable crust movements.";
			mes "This is one of them.";
			mes "You feel an evil energy from the small stone fragments.";
			getitem 6307,1;
			mes "You collect stone fragments.";
			mes "Not enough was collected to fill Cheshire's request.";
			disablenpc "Rock Pile#"+strnpcinfo(2);
		} else {
			mes "No need to collect more.";
			close; }
	} else if (checkquest(7201) >= 0) {
		if (countitem(6307) < 10) {
			mes "There are many piles of rock around because of the unstable crust movements.";
			mes "This is one of them.";
			mes "You feel an evil energy from the small stone fragments.";
			getitem 6307,1;
			mes "You collect stone fragments.";
			mes "Not enough was collected to fill Cheshire's request.";
			disablenpc "Rock Pile#"+strnpcinfo(2);
		} else {
			mes "No need to collect more.";
			close; }
	} else {
		mes "- You found traces of something. -";
		close; }

	enablenpc "Rock Pile#"+strnpcinfo(2);

dic_fild02,269,55,0	duplicate(Rock Pile#ep133_)	Rock Pile#ep133_ef1	844
dic_fild02,236,29,0	duplicate(Rock Pile#ep133_)	Rock Pile#ep133_ef2	844
dic_fild02,220,34,0	duplicate(Rock Pile#ep133_)	Rock Pile#ep133_ef3	844
dic_fild02,228,55,0	duplicate(Rock Pile#ep133_)	Rock Pile#ep133_ef4	844
dic_fild02,228,63,0	duplicate(Rock Pile#ep133_)	Rock Pile#ep133_ef5	844
dic_fild02,210,75,0	duplicate(Rock Pile#ep133_)	Rock Pile#ep133_ef6	844
dic_fild02,213,35,0	duplicate(Rock Pile#ep133_)	Rock Pile#ep133_ef7	844
dic_fild02,171,49,0	duplicate(Rock Pile#ep133_)	Rock Pile#ep133_ef8	844
dic_fild02,266,44,0	duplicate(Rock Pile#ep133_)	Rock Pile#ep133_ef9	844
dic_fild02,174,79,0	duplicate(Rock Pile#ep133_)	Rock Pile#ep133_ef10	844
-	script	Dirt Pile#ep133_	-1,{
	if (checkquest(7193) >= 0) {
		mes "There a several dirt piles near the crack.";
		mes "This is one of them.";
		mes "Don't see anything suspicious.";
		if(select("Stomp on it with your feet.:Poke around in the dirt pile.")==1) {
			mes "- You step on the dug up dirt pile and make the ground flat. -";
			close; }
		mes "You poke around the dirt pile to find blood clotted in the dirt.";
		mes "You feel evil energy. Does this have anything to do with Ahat?";
		mes "You collect the Clotted Bloodstains.";
		getitem 6306,1;
		changequest 7193,7194;
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "Hmm... I may need to discuss these with Shay.";
	} else if (checkquest(7194) >= 0) {
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "Collected Clotted Bloodstains from the dirt pile here.";
		mes "Also feel a strange energy around.";
		mes "Let's go back to the pub and talk with Shay.";
	} else if (checkquest(7199) >= 0) {
		if (countitem(6306) == 10) {
			mes "Need more bloodstains to report back to Doha at the expedition camp.";
			mes "You collect another Clotted Bloodstain from the dirt pile.";
			getitem 6306,1;
			if (checkquest(7202) == -1) setquest 7202;
			disablenpc "Dirt Pile#"+strnpcinfo(2);
		} else if (countitem(6306) < 11) {
			mes "There a several dirt piles near the crack.";
			mes "This is one of them.";
			mes "You find a Clotted Bloodstain beneath the dirt pile.";
			getitem 6306,1;
			mes "Collect bloodstains.";
			mes "Not enough was collected to fill Cheshire's request.";
			disablenpc "Dirt Pile#"+strnpcinfo(2);
		} else {
			mes "No need to collect more.";
			close; }
	} else if (checkquest(7201) >= 0) {
		if (countitem(6306) < 10) {
			mes "There a several dirt piles near the crack.";
			mes "This is one of them.";
			mes "You find a Clotted Bloodstain beneath the dirt pile.";
			getitem 6306,1;
			mes "Collect bloodstains.";
			mes "Not enough was collected to fill Cheshire's request.";
			disablenpc "Dirt Pile#"+strnpcinfo(2);
		} else {
			mes "No need to collect more.";
			close; }
	} else {
		mes "- You found traces of something. -";
		close; }
	enablenpc "Dirt Pile#"+strnpcinfo(2);

dic_fild02,215,85,0	duplicate(Dirt Pile#ep133_)	Dirt Pile#ep133_ef1	844
dic_fild02,207,41,0	duplicate(Dirt Pile#ep133_)	Dirt Pile#ep133_ef2	844
dic_fild02,232,41,0	duplicate(Dirt Pile#ep133_)	Dirt Pile#ep133_ef3	844
dic_fild02,245,68,0	duplicate(Dirt Pile#ep133_)	Dirt Pile#ep133_ef4	844
dic_fild02,184,63,0	duplicate(Dirt Pile#ep133_)	Dirt Pile#ep133_ef5	844
dic_fild02,207,94,0	duplicate(Dirt Pile#ep133_)	Dirt Pile#ep133_ef6	844
dic_fild02,230,71,0	duplicate(Dirt Pile#ep133_)	Dirt Pile#ep133_ef7	844
dic_fild02,188,50,0	duplicate(Dirt Pile#ep133_)	Dirt Pile#ep133_ef8	844
dic_fild02,206,115,0	duplicate(Dirt Pile#ep133_)	Dirt Pile#ep133_ef10	844	
dic_fild02,248,36,0	duplicate(Dirt Pile#ep133_)	Dirt Pile#ep133_ef9	844

-	script	Split Ground#ep133_	-1,{

	if (checkquest(7193) >= 0) {
		mes "Surface of the ground is split by the shock from the dimensional crack.";
		mes "The split ground is solid and icy making it look like sharp blades.";
		mes "Don't see anything suspicious.";
		if(select("Stomp on it with your feet.:Poke around in the dirt pile.")==1) {
			mes "- You step on the dry, split surface and make the ground flat. -";
			close; }
	mes "There is something stuck by the frost on the sharp, cracked surface.";
	mes "You take a closer look and see it looks like the skin of a creature that crawls on the ground.";
	mes "You feel evil energy. Does this have anything to do with Ahat?";
	mes "You collect the Frozen Piece of Skin.";
	getitem 6305,1;
	changequest 7193,7195;
	mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
	mes "Hmm... I may need to discuss these with Shay.";

	} else if (checkquest(7195) >= 0) {
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "It is the place where the frozen skin was found.";
		mes "Also feel a strange energy around.";
		mes "Let's go back to the pub and talk with Shay.";
	} else if (checkquest(7199) >= 0) {
		if (countitem(6305) == 10) {
			mes "Need more pieces of skin to report back to Doha at the expedition camp.";
			mes "You collect another Frozen Piece of Skin in the frost in the crack of the split ground.";
			getitem 6305,1;
			if (checkquest(7202) == -1) setquest 7202;
			disablenpc "Split Ground#"+strnpcinfo(2);
		} else if (countitem(6305) < 11) {
			mes "Surface of the ground near the dimensional crack is split by some kind of impact.";
			mes "This is one of them.";
			mes "There is something stuck by the frost on the sharp, cracked surface.";
			getitem 6305,1;
			mes "Collect a piece of skin.";
			mes "Not enough was collected to fill Cheshire's request.";
			disablenpc "Split Ground#"+strnpcinfo(2);
		} else {
			mes "No need to collect more.";
			close; }
	} else if (checkquest(7201) >= 0) {
		if (countitem(6305) < 10) {
			mes "Surface of the ground near the dimensional crack is split by some kind of impact.";
			mes "This is one of them.";
			mes "There is something stuck by the frost on the sharp, cracked surface.";
			getitem 6305,1;
			mes "Collect a piece of skin.";
			mes "Not enough was collected to fill Cheshire's request.";
			disablenpc "Split Ground#"+strnpcinfo(2);
		} else {
			mes "No need to collect more.";
			close; }
	} else {
		mes "- You found traces of something. -";
		close; }
	enablenpc "Split Ground#"+strnpcinfo(2);

dic_fild02,194,86,0	duplicate(Split Ground#ep133_)	Split Ground#ep133_ef1	844
dic_fild02,240,51,0	duplicate(Split Ground#ep133_)	Split Ground#ep133_ef2	844
dic_fild02,176,65,0	duplicate(Split Ground#ep133_)	Split Ground#ep133_ef3	844
dic_fild02,254,45,0	duplicate(Split Ground#ep133_)	Split Ground#ep133_ef4	844
dic_fild02,178,119,0	duplicate(Split Ground#ep133_)	Split Ground#ep133_ef5	844
dic_fild02,200,81,0	duplicate(Split Ground#ep133_)	Split Ground#ep133_ef6	844
dic_fild02,205,54,0	duplicate(Split Ground#ep133_)	Split Ground#ep133_ef7	844
dic_fild02,224,74,0	duplicate(Split Ground#ep133_)	Split Ground#ep133_ef8	844
dic_fild02,244,59,0	duplicate(Split Ground#ep133_)	Split Ground#ep133_ef9	844
dic_fild02,249,43,0	duplicate(Split Ground#ep133_)	Split Ground#ep133_ef10	844

// Frede's Request

dicastes01,117,262,0	script	Frede#ep133_	491,{
	mes "[Frede]";
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		if (ep13_3_bra == 1) {
			mes "I'm getting tired, can we continue talking inside.";
			warp "dic_in01",165,101;
		} else if (ep13_3_bra == 3) {
			mes "How is little favor going?";
			mes "We can have a chat after you are done with it.";
		} else if (ep13_3_bra == 6) {
			mes ""+strcharinfo(0)+", the guys said they wanted to meet up together sometime.";
			mes "Make sure you clear your schedule.";
			close; }
		mes "Moan... moan...";
		if (ep13_3_invite == 5) {
			mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
			mes "Are you alright?";
			mes "You don't look well. Do you need help?";
			mes "[Frede]";
			mes "Ah.. Thank you.";
			mes "My leg is injured...";
			mes "[Frede]";
			mes "Do you mind helping me get to the building over there?";
			mes "I will feel better if I rest a little.";
			set ep13_3_bra,1;
			warp "dic_in01",165,101;
			end; }
		close; }
	mes "������ ��"; 
	mes "������ �� ��";

dic_in01,165,104,1	script	Frede#13_3_in	454,{
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		if (ep13_3_bra >= 1) {
			if (checkquest(11171) == 1) {
				if (ep13_3_bra == 2) {
					mes "[Frede]";
					mes "Oh.. what should I do...?";
					mes "I would run there myself if only my legs would move normally.";
					mes "[Frede]";
					mes "Would you mind visiting the cave to see if my friends are alright?";
					goto fredestill; }
				mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
				mes "But the injury on your leg doesn't look new. Why did you come out with a wounded leg?";
				mes "[Frede]";
				mes "I can still move around with this leg and I wanted to help the village.";
				mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
				mes "But you should stay home and recover.";
				mes "[Frede]";
				mes "The fact is, my leg will never recover.";
				mes "I can only keep my injury from getting worse.";
				mes "[Frede]";
				mes "But I'm grateful that I can still move around.";
				mes "Ha......";
				mes "When did we start to be afraid of 'death'?";
				mes "[Frede]";
				mes "Saphas have never had any 'sicknesses' and we don't die unless there is a terrible accident.";
				mes "[Frede]";
				mes "This is also the reason why we Saphas can maintain a perfect community.";
				mes "We didn't have to be greedy.";
				mes "[Frede]";
				mes "But suddenly we are hit with this epidemic and many Saphas have lost their loved ones ever since.";
				mes "[Frede]";
				mes "We weren't prepared for such a disaster.";
				mes "It was chaos. Nobody knew what to do but watch them die.";
				mes "[Frede]";
				mes "It was worse for us because we never experienced death from getting old.";
				mes "I also thought my ^E77471Still Friends^000000 would wake up one day.";
				mes "[Frede]";
				mes "But after a while, we realized it was a sickness that led to death and started to search for a cure, but the situation was out of control.";
				mes "[Frede]";
				mes "We are very advanced in science technology but we lack knowledge in the medical field.";
				mes "[Frede]";
				mes "A medicine was completed only after we lost many lives but it isn't enough to completely cure the sickness.";
				mes "[Frede]";
				mes "As long as I don't forget to take my Bradium, I can keep from getting any worse.";
				mes "[Frede]";
				mes "I recently did some ^E77471repair work in the cave next to the village^000000, but I forgot to take Bradium while I was working.";
				mes "[Frede]";
				mes "I usually carry extra Bradium with me when I go outside of town for work but you can easily lose sense of time in a cave.";
				mes "[Frede]";
				mes "......umm......";
				mes "..............";
				mes "[Frede]";
				mes "Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!";
				mes "Come... to think of it....";
				mes "My friends!!!!!!!!!!";
				mes "[Frede]";
				mes "I haven't seen my friends who I worked with in the cave.";
				mes "[Frede]";
				mes "They have to return to the village once every few days to replenish their Bradium.";
				mes "Maybe......they forgot?";
				mes "[Frede]";
				mes "Oh.. what should I do...?";
				mes "I would run there myself if only my legs would move normally.";
				mes "[Frede]";
				mes "Would you mind visiting the cave to see if my friends are alright?";
				switch(select("Will do.:No can do.")) {
					case 1:
						mes "[Frede]";
						mes "Thank you so much.";
						mes "My memory is a bit fuzzy since its been a while since I came back to the village,";
						mes "but you will find a cave nearby the village with repair work going on.";
						mes "[Frede]";
						mes "I saw friends leaving the village after returning for more Bradium a few days ago.";
						mes "I only hope they are all healthy and well.";
						set ep13_3_bra,3;
						changequest 11171,11172;
					case 2:
						mes "[Frede]";
						mes "I guess I can't do anything about it.";
						mes "But drag myself there.";
						set ep13_3_bra,2;
						close; }
			} else if (checkquest(11172) >= 0) {
				if (checkquest(11159) >= 0 && checkquest(11160) >= 0 && checkquest(11161) >= 0 && checkquest(11162) >= 0 && checkquest(11163) >= 0 && checkquest(11164) >= 0) {
					mes "[Frede]";
					mes "I knew they were working all along and forgot to return back to the village.";
					mes "They must have been short on Bradium.";
					mes "[Frede]";
					mes "Hmmm..";
					mes "[Frede]";
					mes "I'm sorry to ask again but can you take some Bradium to my friends?";
					mes "[Frede]";
					mes "They may be safe now, but they might forget and fall ill suddenly.";
					mes "[Frede]";
					mes "Ask ^E77471Bouy at the building located northwest of the village^000000 and he will give you some refined Bradium.";
					mes "I can't thank you enough.";
					set ep13_3_bra,4;
					changequest 11172,11173;
					erasequest 11159;
					erasequest 11160;
					erasequest 11161;
					erasequest 11162;
					erasequest 11163;
					erasequest 11164;
					close; }
				mes "[Frede]";
				mes "Thank you so much.";
				mes "My memory is a bit fuzzy since its been a while since I came back to the village,";
				mes "[Frede]";
				mes "You can find them in the cave nearby the village with repair work going on.";
				mes "[Frede]";
				mes "I saw friends leaving the village after returning for more Bradium a few days ago.";
				mes "[Frede]";
				mes "I hope they are all doing well.";
				mes "Please get back to me once you meet my friends.";
			} else if (checkquest(11173) >= 0) {
				mes "[Frede]";
				mes "I knew they were working all along and forgot to return back to the village.";
				mes "They must have been short on Bradium.";
				mes "[Frede]";
				mes "Hmmm..";
				mes "[Frede]";
				mes "I'm sorry to ask again but can you take some Bradium to my friends?";
				mes "[Frede]";
				mes "They may be safe now, but they might forget and fall ill suddenly.";
				mes "[Frede]";
				mes "Ask ^E77471Bouy at the building located northwest of the village^000000 and he will give you some refined Bradium.";
				mes "I can't thank you enough.";
			} else if (checkquest(11174) >= 0 || checkquest(11175) >= 0) {
				mes "[Frede]";
				mes "So they are out of Braidum.";
				mes "Will they need to wait till other Piom or Galtens return?";
			} else if (checkquest(11176) >= 0) {
				if (checkquest(11165) >= 0 && checkquest(11166) >= 0 && checkquest(11167) >= 0 && checkquest(11168) >= 0 && checkquest(11169) >= 0 && checkquest(11170) >= 0) {
					mes "[Frede]";
					mes ""+strcharinfo(0)+" I'm forever in your debt!";
					mes "I just came back after meeting my friends!";
					mes "Tyler needs some medical treatment but everyone else is safe.";
					mes "[Frede]";
					mes "I don't even want to imagine what could have happened if you, "+strcharinfo(0)+", weren't here to help.";
					mes "I don't want to lose any more friends.";
					mes "[Frede]";
					mes "Please take this as a token of my gratitude and friendship.";
					mes "It's nothing much but I want you to have it.";
					mes "We may be from different races but we can be great friends.";
					set ep13_3_bra,6;
					erasequest 11176;
					getitem 2788,1;
					erasequest 11165;
					erasequest 11166;
					erasequest 11167;
					erasequest 11168;
					erasequest 11169;
					erasequest 11170;
					close; }
				mes "[Frede]";
				mes "Please give this Bradium to my friends.";
				mes "They must take this or else they may get sick.";
			} else if (ep13_3_bra == 6) {
				mes "[Frede]";
				mes ""+strcharinfo(0)+", the guys said they wanted to meet up together sometime.";
				mes "Make sure you clear your schedule.";
				close; }
			mes "[Frede]";
			mes "Phew...";
			mes "Thank you so much.";
			mes "I'm glad I got a shot of Bradium before it was too late.";
			mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
			mes "Huff...Huff...";
			mes "I'm glad that you feel better.";
			mes "[Frede]";
			mes "Oh my!! Why are you sweating so much!";
			mes "You look a little pale too......";
			emotion e_omg;
			mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
			mes "No, it's nothing.";
			mes "I'm only a little tired, that's all.";
			mes "[Frede]";
			mes "Here, sit and eat this.";
			mes "The cats outside gave it to me. It doesn't do much good for Saphas but I heard it's suppose to help you humans.";
			percentheal -10,0;
			setquest 11171;
			getitem 513,1;
			close; }
		mes "[Frede]";
		mes "Zzz...Zzz...";
		close; }
	mes "[Frede]";
	mes "������ �� �����";
	mes "���� ��";

dic_dun01,205,43,5	script	Brian#ep13_3_	490,{
	mes "[Brian]";
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		if (ep13_3_bra == 3) {
			if (checkquest(11159) >= 0) {
				mes "Oh... that reminds me, how many days passed since I came here...";
				mes "Do you happen to know what day it is today?";
				close; }
			mes "You never know what kind of accident might happen if we don't do a thorough job.";
			mes "[Brian]";
			mes "Not only is creating things important, but regular maintenance is also very important.";
			mes "[Brian]";
			mes "Hmm. But what brings an outsider here?";
			mes "[Brian]";
			mes "Oh, you are here for Frede?";
			mes "How is he doing?";
			mes "[Brian]";
			mes "I saw him a few days ago but I'm always worried about my old friend.";
			mes "[Brian]";
			mes "I hope he is getting used to his new work.";
			mes "I shouldn't be worried because he is very hardworking but...";
			mes "[Brian]";
			mes "He got sick by overworking himself already. But you don't have to tell him I said this.";
			mes "[Brian]";
			mes "I just hope his condition doesn't get worse.";
			mes "[Brian]";
			mes "Oh... that reminds me, how many days passed since I came here...";
			mes "Do you happen to know what day it is today?";
			setquest 11159;
		} else if (ep13_3_bra == 5) {
			if (checkquest(11165) >= 0) {
				mes "I remember you.";
				mes "What brings you here this time?";
				select("Give Bradium to Brian.");
				mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
				mes "Frede asked me to give you this.";
				mes "[Brian]";
				mes "Come to think of it, I do feel a bit heavy.";
				mes "I've been standing here all day and I could have stiffened up without knowing it.";
				mes "[Brian]";
				mes "I'm out of Bradium already.";
				mes "Frede has been nagging me about this all the time but now I see why.";
				mes "Ha ha..";
				mes "[Brian]";
				mes "Please tell Frede that I will return to the village after I recover.";
				close; }
			mes "I remember you.";
			mes "What brings you here this time?";
			select("Give Bradium to Brian.");
			mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
			mes "Frede asked me to give you this.";
			mes "[Brian]";
			mes "Come to think of it, I do feel a bit heavy.";
			mes "I've been standing here all day and I could have stiffened up without knowing it.";
			mes "[Brian]";
			mes "I'm out of Bradium already.";
			mes "Frede has been nagging me about this all the time but now I see why.";
			mes "Ha ha..";
			mes "[Brian]";
			mes "Please tell Frede that I will return to the village after I recover.";
			setquest 11165;
		} else if (ep13_3_bra == 6) {
			mes "You saved me from the inevitable.";
			mes "If I didn't take Bradium then, I would have been frozen and gradually died.";
			mes "[Brian]";
			mes "I am able to work now after I recovered while I was in the village.";
			mes "Thank you so much.";
			close; }
		mes "You never know what kind of accident might happen if we don't do a thorough job.";
		mes "[Brian]";
		mes "Not only is creating things important, but regular maintenance is also very important.";
		close; }
	mes "������ �� �𢱡� �� ��";
	mes "����� �� ��� ��";
	mes "���� ��";

dic_dun01,153,107,4	script	Tyler#ep13_3_	489,{
	mes "[Tyler]";
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		if (ep13_3_bra == 3) {
			if (checkquest(11161) >= 0) {
				mes "If you happen to bump into him in the village, please tell him I'm fine and not to worry.";
				close; }
			mes "I still see things to fix after fixing all day!";
			mes "It's logical to fix things that needs to be fixed!!";
			mes "[Tyler]";
			mes "Labor is rewarding at the end!";
			mes "Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!";
			mes "[Tyler]";
			mes "Huh?! Who are you?";
			mes "Why is an outsider here?";
			mes "[Tyler]";
			mes "You came because of Frede?";
			mes "[Tyler]";
			mes "I can't believe him.";
			mes "He should take care of himself.";
			mes "[Tyler]";
			mes "We two go way back.";
			mes "He has always been the diligent one.";
			mes "[Tyler]";
			mes "We used to work together in a snack bar before.";
			mes "He always said he wanted to do something related to ^E77471stone^000000 or ^E77471heavy metal^000000.";
			mes "[Tyler]";
			mes "But Pioms are not really good at brainwork so he was looking someplace else.";
			mes "[Tyler]";
			mes "All of our friends applied for this job because we could do something related with stones and metal by working in a tunnel.";
			mes "[Tyler]";
			mes "He may be categorizing stones in the village now, but I'm sure he is happy with his work.";
			mes "[Tyler]";
			mes "If you happen to bump into him in the village, please tell him I'm fine and not to worry.";
			mes "[Tyler]";
			mes "Do you mind scratching my back?";
			mes "I have an itch probably from a bug bite.";
			mes "But I doubt there is a bug big enough to bite me on the back.";
			setquest 11161;
		} else if (ep13_3_bra == 5) {
			if (checkquest(11167) >= 0) {
				mes "We meet again!";
				mes "[Tyler]";
				mes "I've been waiting for you!";
				mes "Scratch my back please~";
				mes "It felt so good the last time you scratched it for me.";
				select("Give Bradium to Tyler.");
				mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
				mes "Frede asked me to give you this.";
				mes "[Tyler]";
				mes "Oh!! I was out of Bradium. How did you know!";
				mes "Thanks!";
				mes "[Tyler]";
				mes "I always end up short even if I bring extra.";
				mes "I will have to go back to the village after I'm done with this to bring back more.";
				close; }
			mes "We meet again!";
			mes "[Tyler]";
			mes "I've been waiting for you!";
			mes "Scratch my back please~";
			mes "It felt so good the last time you scratched it for me.";
			select("Give Bradium to Tyler.");
			mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
			mes "Frede asked me to give you this.";
			mes "[Tyler]";
			mes "Oh!! I was out of Bradium. How did you know!";
			mes "Thanks!";
			mes "[Tyler]";
			mes "I always end up short even if I bring extra.";
			mes "I will have to go back to the village after I'm done with this to bring back more.";
			setquest 11167;
		} else if (ep13_3_bra == 6) {
			mes "I visited the village afterwards.";
			mes "But the itch on my back wasn't a bug bite.";
			mes "[Tyler]";
			mes "Something terrible might have happened if it was too late.";
			mes "I must visit the village often just so that my friends don't worry.";
			close; }
		mes "I still see things to fix after.";
		mes "fixing all day!";
		mes "It's logical to fix things that needs to be fixed.";
		mes "[Tyler]";
		mes "Labor is rewarding at the end!";
		mes "Hahahahaha!!!!!";
		close; }
	mes "����� ��";
	mes "����� �� ��";

dic_dun01,64,107,0	script	Bain#ep13_3_	490,{
	mes "[Bain]";
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		if (ep13_3_bra == 3) {
			if (checkquest(11163) >= 0) {
				mes "Just tell him I'm doing well.";
				mes "Simple, isn't it?";
				close; }
			mes "You take sturdy lumber and erect it to make a pillar.";
			mes "Simple, isn't it?";
			mes "[Bain]";
			mes "To fix the erected lumber, you need to use wedges to keep it in place.";
			mes "Simple, isn't it?";
			mes "[Bain]";
			mes "What is it? Do you have any questions?";
			mes "[Bain]";
			mes "Frede asked you to come?";
			mes "Just tell him I'm doing well.";
			mes "Simple, isn't it?";
			setquest 11163;
		} else if (ep13_3_bra == 5) {
			if (checkquest(11169) >= 0) {
				mes "I found a dark brown stain on my shoulder.";
				mes "It doesn't come off. I'll have to go back to the village to get treatment.";
				select("Give Bradium.");
				mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
				mes "Frede asked me to give you this.";
				mes "[Bain]";
				mes "I found a dark brown stain on my shoulder.";
				mes "It doesn't come off. I'll have to go back to the village to get treatment.";
				mes "[Bain]";
				mes "But I will be in trouble if I don't go back to the village for Bradium.";
				mes "[Bain]";
				mes "Thank you.";
				mes "Hope to see you again.";
				close; }
			mes "I found a dark brown stain on my shoulder.";
			mes "It doesn't come off. I'll have to go back to the village to get treatment.";
			select("Give Bradium.");
			mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
			mes "Frede asked me to give you this.";
			mes "[Bain]";
			mes "I found a dark brown stain on my shoulder.";
			mes "It doesn't come off. I'll have to go back to the village to get treatment.";
			mes "[Bain]";
			mes "But I will be in trouble if I don't go back to the village for Bradium.";
			mes "[Bain]";
			mes "Thank you.";
			mes "Hope to see you again.";
			setquest 11169;
		} else if (ep13_3_bra == 6) {
			mes "We meet again.";
			mes "I wouldn't have had the chance to return to the village if you didn't give me the Bradium before.";
			mes "[Bain]";
			mes "I am forever grateful.";
			mes "I'm willing to teach you how to erect a pillar anytime you want.";
			mes "[Bain]";
			mes "I don't teach these things to just anyone!!";
			mes "Ha ha ha!!";
			mes "Aren't you excited about it?";
			close; }
		mes "You take sturdy lumber and erect it to make a pillar.";
		mes "Simple, isn't it?";
		mes "[Bain]";
		mes "To fix the erected lumber, you need to use wedges to keep it in place.";
		mes "Simple, isn't it?";
		close; }
	mes "����� ��";
	mes "����� �� ��";

dic_dun01,335,187,0	script	John#ep13_3_	454,{
	mes "[John]";
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		if (ep13_3_bra == 5) {
			if (checkquest(11166) >= 0) {
				mes "......";
				select("You give Bradium to John.");
				mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
				mes "Frede asked me to give you this.";
				mes "[John]";
				mes "......";
				mes "Thanks....";
				close; }
			mes "......";
			select("You give Bradium to John.");
			mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
			mes "Frede asked me to give you this.";
			mes "[John]";
			mes "......";
			mes "Thanks....";
			setquest 11166;
		} else if (ep13_3_bra == 6) {
			mes "...";
			mes "I'm... okay now...";
			mes "Thanks...";
			close; }
		mes "- *muffling, *rap *rap, *xrunch, *blob, *alide, *thud - ";
		if (ep13_3_bra == 3) {
			mes "[John]";
			if (checkquest(11160) >= 0) {
				mes "Oh well...";
				mes "There... is nothing to worry about.";
				mes "[John]";
				mes "Don't worry.";
				close; }
			mes "Wh..Who is it?";
			mes "[John]";
			mes "Oh, are you a friend of Frede's?";
			mes "[John]";
			mes "Oh well...";
			mes "There... is nothing to worry about.";
			mes "[John]";
			mes "Don't worry.";
			mes "[John]";
			mes "- *whiz, *clink -";
			setquest 11160; }
		close; }
	mes "������ �� ��";
	mes "���� �� ����� ��...";

dic_dun01,61,226,4	script	Lash#ep13_3_	491,{
	mes "[Lash]";
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		if (ep13_3_bra == 5) {
			if (checkquest(11170) >= 0) {
				mes "Moan...";
				mes "Is... this what they call fatigue!";
				mes "Never knew I would feel this. Sob.";
				select("You give Bradium to Lash.");
				mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
				mes "Frede asked me to give you this.";
				mes "[Lash]";
				mes "Wow!!!!";
				mes "You've saved me!";
				mes "[Lash]";
				mes "I would have perished into ashes here if it weren't for you!";
				close; }
			mes "Moan...";
			mes "Is... this what they call fatigue!";
			mes "Never knew I would feel this. Sob.";
			select("You give Bradium to Lash.");
			mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
			mes "Frede asked me to give you this.";
			mes "[Lash]";
			mes "Wow!!!!";
			mes "You've saved me!";
			mes "[Lash]";
			mes "I would have perished into ashes here if it weren't for you!";
			setquest 11170;
		} else if (ep13_3_bra == 6) {
			mes "Ha ha ha!!";
			mes "You are my savior!";
			mes "Our friendship will last forever regardless of race!";
			close; }
		mes "Sigh......";
		mes "I'm so tired...";
		mes "But fatigue helps me to move forward.";
		mes "[Lash]";
		mes "The sweat, heavy breathing, and continuous tiredness proves that I'm a true Sapha.";
		mes "And I actually enjoy it. Ha ha ha ha.";
		if (ep13_3_bra == 3) {
			mes "[Lash]";
			if (checkquest(11164) >= 0) {
				mes "If you'd like to tell him how I'm doing, look at my forearm. Doesn't it spell out 'Strong' on it?";
				mes "[Lash]";
				mes "Just tell him what you see!";
				mes "Ha ha ha ha ha!";
				close; }
			mes "But what is your business here?";
			mes "You want to share the labor and sweat?";
			mes "[Lash]";
			mes "Hm?";
			mes "Oh, you are Frede's messenger?";
			mes "To bad.";
			mes "I thought you were like me judging from your forearm.";
			mes "[Lash]";
			mes "If you'd like to tell him how I'm doing, look at my forearm. Doesn't it spell out 'Strong' on it?";
			mes "[Lash]";
			mes "Just tell him what you see!";
			mes "Ha ha ha ha ha!";
			setquest 11164; }
		close; }
	mes "������ �� �𢱡� �� ��";
	mes "����� �� ��� ��";
	mes "���� ��";
	mes "��";
	mes "������ �� ��";

dic_dun02,110,127,5	script	Rose#13_3	489,{
	mes "[Rose]";
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		if (ep13_3_bra == 5) {
			if (checkquest(11168) >= 0) {
				mes "Ah~";
				mes "So you came back because you missed me?";
				mes "[Rose]";
				mes "Don't have to be shy.";
				mes "If you really have feelings, race differences shouldn't be a problem.";
				select("You give Bradium to Rose.");
				mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
				mes "You give Bradium to Rose.";
				mes "[Rose]";
				mes "Aww... you shouldn't have.";
				mes "My ^E77471heartbeat^000000 skipped.";
				mes "You are already taking care of me.";
				mes "He he he";
				mes "[Rose]";
				mes "I'll return to the village soon.";
				mes "We can meet up then~";
				close; }
			mes "Ah~";
			mes "So you came back because you missed me?";
			mes "[Rose]";
			mes "Don't have to be shy.";
			mes "If you really have feelings, race differences shouldn't be a problem.";
			select("You give Bradium to Rose.");
			mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
			mes "You give Bradium to Rose.";
			mes "[Rose]";
			mes "Aww... you shouldn't have.";
			mes "My ^E77471heartbeat^000000 skipped.";
			mes "You are already taking care of me.";
			mes "He he he";
			mes "[Rose]";
			mes "I'll return to the village soon.";
			mes "We can meet up then~";
			setquest 11168;
		} else if (ep13_3_bra == 6) {
			mes "You're here?";
			mes "Just in time when I was about to return to the village because I missed you.";
			mes "[Rose]";
			mes "We must be connected?";
			mes "E77471Hahaha^000000";
			close; }
		mes "Lalala~";
		mes "Yeah~!";
		mes "[Rose]";
		mes "He he he!";
		mes "I'm so awesome!";
		mes "This is a perfect fix!";
		mes "I see no errors in my work!";
		if (ep13_3_bra == 3) {
			if (checkquest(11162) >= 0) {
				mes "[Rose]";
				mes "Tell him there is no problem at all except that I am too good at my job.";
				mes "Because I'm perfect.";
				close; }
			mes "[Rose]";
			mes "Who are you!";
			mes "You can never hide beauty. Please try not to stare intensely at me. I know I'm beautiful.";
			mes "[Rose]";
			mes "What? You came on behalf of Frede?";
			mes "You mean you're not my admirer?";
			mes "Tsk....";
			mes "[Rose]";
			mes "Tell him there is no problem at all except that I am too good at my job.";
			mes "Because I'm perfect.";
			setquest 11162;
			close; }
		close; }
	mes "����� �� ��";
	mes "������ �� ��";
	mes "����";

dic_in01,349,129,5	script	Bouy#13_3	449,{
	mes "[Bouy]";
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		if (checkquest(11173) >= 0) {
			mes "Outsiders are prohibited here.";
			mes "If you have come here by mistake, please find your way out now.";
			select("I came on behalf of Frede.");
			mes "[Bouy]";
			mes "I didn't know. Excuse me.";
			mes "What did he ask you to do?";
			mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
			mes "He asked me to deliver Bradium to his friends working in the cave outside the village.";
			mes "[Bouy]";
			mes "Oh no. I don't have any portable Bradium because of insufficient supplies.";
			mes "[Bouy]";
			mes "I will only be able to get the Bradium that is being refined now in a few days.";
			mes "We let Pioms returning from outside work stay and rest in the village.";
			mes "[Bouy]";
			mes "But I see they haven't returned yet.";
			mes "They must be out of Bradium by now.";
			mes "This isn't good.";
			mes "[Bouy]";
			mes "Worst case, they wouldn't come back to the village at all.";
			mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
			mes "Is there another way?";
			mes "[Bouy]";
			mes "It takes a lot of time to refine a large Bradium mineral but small pieces of Bradium will be quick.";
			mes "[Bouy]";
			mes "Bradium mineral can be collected anywhere in this area but the effectiveness of refined pieces is low.";
			mes "[Bouy]";
			mes "You can easily collect ^E77471pieces of Bradium from monsters nearby^000000.";
			mes "[Bouy]";
			mes "About ^E7747130 pieces of Bradium^000000 will be enough to share with 6 people.";
			changequest 11173,11174;
		} else if (checkquest(11174) >= 0) {
			if (countitem(6319) > 29) {
				mes "You've brought back the Bradium.";
				mes "I've been waiting for the Galtens to return because I'm not accustomed to battle since I'm Venknick. Thank you very much.";
				mes "[Bouy]";
				mes "Handwork is much faster to refine pieces of Bradium instead of using a machine. I will only need an hour to finish.";
				mes "[Bouy]";
				mes "Please go rest while I get to work.";
				delitem 6319,30;
				changequest 11174,11175;
				close; }
			mes "Bradium mineral can be collected anywhere in this area but the effectiveness of refined pieces is low.";
			mes "[Bouy]";
			mes "You can easily collect ^E77471pieces of Bradium from monsters nearby^000000.";
			mes "[Bouy]";
			mes "About ^E7747130 pieces of Bradium^000000 will be enough to share with 6 people.";
		} else if (checkquest(11175,PLAYTIME) == 2) {
			mes "I did it!";
			mes "I was a bit nervous because it has been a long time since I did manual work but I think I did a good job.";
			mes "Please take these to them.";
			set ep13_3_bra,5;
			changequest 11175,11176;
		} else if (checkquest(11175,PLAYTIME) != -1) {
			mes "I'm still working on it so please rest a little more.";
		} else if (ep13_3_bra >= 5) {
			mes "Saphas cannot live unless we consume Bradium continuously.";
			mes "That is why we needed spaces for us to inject Bradium all over the village.";
			mes "[Bouy]";
			mes "But those working outside of the village cannot return often to refill their Bradium so we provide Bradium that is portable.";
			mes "[Bouy]";
			mes "But there was a problem with the Bradium mining in the Manuk area recently and we have a shortage of supplies. We don't have enough to give out.";
			mes "[Bouy]";
			mes "That is why many Pioms working in the outskirts of the village return for more supplies,";
			mes "[Bouy]";
			mes "and the time spent on transportation is what is slowing down work.";
			mes "[Bouy]";
			mes "To tell you the truth, transportation time doesn't make much difference but it adds up in the end.";
			mes "[Bouy]";
			mes "We call this the ^E77471Creamy Effect^000000.";
			close; }
		mes "Outsiders are prohibited here.";
		mes "If you have come here by mistake, please find your way out now.";
		close; }
	mes "������ �� ����� ��"; 
	mes "����� ��";
	mes "����� ��";

// Sapha's Visit

mid_camp,220,246,5	script	Expedition Guard Ben	930,{
	mes "[Ben]";
	if (ep13_3_invite >= 2) {
		mes "There is nothing strange!";
		mes "I'd love to be like you and respected by many people.";
		mes "[Ben]";
		mes "I can also visit the Sapha if I work well here, can't I?";
		close; }
	mes "Hmm. Hey, Maha,";
	mes "what do you think?";
	mes "Why do you think he is here?";
	mes "[Maha]";
	mes "Don't know.";
	mes "Not interested.";
	mes "[Ben]";
	mes "Don't you find";
	mes "that guy strange?";
	mes "I've never seen his race before I joined the expedition.";
	mes "[Maha]";
	mes "Ah. Really?";
	mes "Then it's only you.";
	mes "There must be a reason why he is here.";
	mes "[Ben]";
	mes "................";
	mes "Oh no you don't...";
	mes "[Maha]";
	mes "They may make an";
	mes "announcement soon.";
	mes "All we need to do is wait for it and we'll have all our questions answered.";
	if(select("What's the announcement?:Stay silent and listen.")==2) {
		mes "[Ben]";
		mes "Excuse me.";
		mes "There was no order to restrict or keep it a secret.";
		mes "Besides, it looks like they are making an official visit.";
		mes "[Ben]";
		mes "Hmm...";
		mes "That can be true but aren't you thinking about it too much?";
		mes "[Maha]";
		mes "I don't like to get into trouble.";
		mes "I only follow orders.";
		mes "Besides, there is nothing out of the ordinary with those Sapha.";
		mes "[Maha]";
		mes "From what I can tell, the tree-like giants are a kind race of people.";
		mes "There won't be any trouble so relax.";
		mes "[Ben]";
		mes "We might be able to get some information if we go to the command center now.";
		mes "Try finding ^8D38C9Aello^000000.";
		close; }
	mes "[Ben]";
	mes "Huh? Did you hear us?";
	mes "Nothing really or maybe something...";
	mes "So...";
	mes "[Ben]";
	mes "Research members dispatched to Manuk just came back.";
	mes "But...";
	mes "[Ben]";
	mes "Well... they came back with a Manuk messenger!";
	mes "...some important Sapha from Manuk.";
	select("Where is he?!");
	mes "[Ben]";
	mes "He's in the command";
	mes "center right now.";
	mes "We should go there.";

mid_camp,223,246,4	script	Expedition Guard Maha	868,{
	if (ep13_3_invite >= 2) {
		mes "[Maha]";
		mes "But I do think the Sapha race is overly kind, almost unnaturally.";
		mes "Guess it'll be fine.";
		close; }
	mes "[Ben]";
	mes "Hmm. Hey, Maha,";
	mes "what do you think?";
	mes "Why do you think he is here?";
	mes "[Maha]";
	mes "Don't know.";
	mes "Not interested.";
	mes "[Ben]";
	mes "Don't you find";
	mes "that guy strange?";
	mes "I've never seen his race before I joined the expedition.";
	mes "[Maha]";
	mes "Ah. Really?";
	mes "Then it's only you.";
	mes "There must be a reason why he is here.";
	mes "[Ben]";
	mes "................";
	mes "Oh no you don't...";
	mes "[Maha]";
	mes "They may make an";
	mes "announcement soon.";
	mes "All we need to do is wait for it and we'll have all our questions answered.";
	if(select("What's the announcement?:Stay silent and listen.")==2) {
		mes "[Ben]";
		mes "Excuse me.";
		mes "There was no order to restrict or keep it a secret.";
		mes "Besides, it looks like they are making an official visit.";
		mes "[Ben]";
		mes "Hmm...";
		mes "That can be true but aren't you thinking about it too much?";
		mes "[Maha]";
		mes "I don't like to get into trouble.";
		mes "I only follow orders.";
		mes "Besides, there is nothing out of the ordinary with those Sapha.";
		mes "[Maha]";
		mes "From what I can tell, the tree-like giants are a kind race of people.";
		mes "There won't be any trouble so relax.";
		mes "[Ben]";
		mes "We might be able to get some information if we go to the command center now.";
		mes "Try finding ^8D38C9Aello^000000.";
		close; }
	mes "[Ben]";
	mes "Huh? Did you hear us?";
	mes "Nothing really or maybe something...";
	mes "So...";
	mes "[Ben]";
	mes "Research members dispatched to Manuk just came back.";
	mes "But...";
	mes "[Ben]";
	mes "Well.. they came back with a Manuk messenger!";
	mes "...some important Sapha from Manuk.";
	select("Where's he?!");
	mes "[Ben]";
	mes "He's in the command";
	mes "center right now.";
	mes "We should go there.";

mid_campin,93,114,3	script	Guard Aello#ep13_3_03	967,{
	mes "[Aello]";
	if (ep13_3_invite >= 2) {
		mes "I knew I could count on you.";
		mes "You're activities will help us tremendously in expanding our territory.";
		close; }
	if (checkquest(7182) >= 0) {
		mes "It's the room at the right on the second floor.";
		mes "There is a guard in front of the room.";
		mes "He'll let you pass if you tell him you have authorization.";
		mes "[Aello]";
		mes "Try not to give unnecessary information";
		mes "and avoid any small talk.";
		close; }
	mes "Ah, you. Good timing.";
	mes "I have something urgent to tell you.";
	mes "[Aello]";
	mes "Do you happen to know that a messenger from Manuk is here?";
	mes "Not a big secret but...";
	mes "[Aello]";
	mes "The Sapha from Manuk wants to talk to you.";
	mes "Agip says anyone from the expedition can meet him but..";
	mes "I think someone with more experience should go.";
	mes "[Aello]";
	mes "I know your abilities and trust you.";
	mes "The delegation is in the room at the right on the second floor.";
	mes "[Aello]";
	mes "There will be a guard standing in front just tell him you got authorization.";
	mes "The delegate is interested in humans, so try to be courteous while talking to him.";
	set ep13_3_invite,1;
	setquest 7182;

mid_campin,111,120,3	script	Soldier#ep13_3_04	852,{
	mes "[Soldier]";
	if (ep13_3_invite >= 2) {
		mes "You're back.";
		mes "Are you acquainted with the Sapha messenger now?";
		mes "We have high expectations from you.";
		goto warpnow; }
	mes "Sorry, but this room is currently restricted from visitors.";
	if(select("I have authorization:Is that so.")==2) {
		mes "[Soldier]";
		mes "You can't enter without Aello's permission.";
		mes "No exceptions.";
		close; }
	mes "[Soldier]";
	mes "You do?";
	mes "What is your name?";
	if (ep13_3_invite < 1) {
		mes ""+strcharinfo(0)+"?";
		mes "I never heard your name before!";
		mes "So, please leave.";
		close; }
	mes "Thank you.";
	mes "So you are "+strcharinfo(0)+"?";
	mes "[Soldier]";
	mes "You may go in now.";
	warp "mid_campin",165,126;

function	script	eldicastes_c	{
switch(getarg(0)) {
	case 1:
		mes "[Vyhannus]";
		mes "Your captain is like the wind.";
		mes "We have someone like that in Manuk, too.";
		mes "His name is Galten. He is so quick, you won't notice that he's so large.";
		mes "[Hound]";
		mes "Let's continue..";
		mes "Although the details are already settled.";
		mes "[Vyhannus]";
		mes "Ah, yes.";
		mes "Where was I?";
		mes "El Dicastes!";
		mes "The capital city of the Sapha.";
		mes "[Vyhannus]";
		mes "A city like a sparkling jewel in white snow.";
		mes "Manuk was originally a village created to mine Bradium.";
		mes "El Dicastes has now grown to";
		mes "be the Sapha home ground.";
		mes "[Vyhannus]";
		mes "Ravail holds all authority there and makes decisions on reports from Manuk.";
		mes "[Vyhannus]";
		mes "I know that you're not from this world so we are grateful for your kindness in helping and cooperating with us.";
		mes "[Vyhannus]";
		mes "Ravail would like to invite humans to El Dicastes";
		select("Invite me?:What is that suppose to mean, Hound?");
		mes "[Hound]";
		mes "Just as he said.";
		mes "Our expedition team has helped the Saphas for some time.";
		mes "Collect Bradium for their survival or eliminate the vicious beasts that threaten them.";
		mes "[Hound]";
		mes "They have given us an official invitation to visit their capital city in return.";
		mes "That is why I've been selecting expedition members to send to El Dicastes.";
		select("You mean...");
		mes "[Vyhannus]";
		mes "Yes.";
		mes "That is what he meant.";
		mes "Agip also approved before he left.";
		mes ""+strcharinfo(0)+", you are invited.";
		mes "[Vyhannus]";
		mes "You are kind, respect others, polite, trustworthy and most of all, a fun person.";
		mes "[Vyhannus]";
		mes "You are perfect.";
		mes "Ravail will approve too.";
		mes "That is why I'm here.";
		mes "[Vyhannus]";
		mes ""+strcharinfo(0)+"";
		mes "I invite you to El Dicastes, our capital city.";
		select("I am honored.");
		mes "[Hound]";
		mes "Shouldn't you already be used to the unexpected by now?";
		mes "Come on... you're not a newbie haha.";
		mes "[Hound]";
		mes "If you are going to leave, it better be now.";
		mes "Come back to me once you are ready to leave.";
		mes "I will let you know your mission.";
		set ep13_3_invite,3;
	case 2:
		mes "[Vyhannus]";
		mes "First go to Manuk and meet";
		mes "General Guard Avalanche.";
		mes "Avalanche will be heavily armed because he is a Galten.";
		mes "You can't miss him.";
		mes "[Vyhannus]";
		mes "Once you tell Avalanche that you are a guest of the city, he will let you pass the path to El Dicastes.";
		mes "[Vyhannus]";
		mes "You cannot pass without his approval so make sure you get his permission.";
		mes "He will let you pass with my recommendation.";
		mes "[Vyhannus]";
		mes "I'm a little excited on what our meeting will bring in the future.";
		mes "I only hope it won't be like a blizzard in the middle of the night.";
		changequest 7182,7183;
	case 3:
		mes "[Hound]";
		mes "My name is Hound.";
		mes "Are you here by Aello's request?";
		select("Yes. He told me to meet the Sapha.");
		mes "[Hound]";
		mes "Okay. You should be able to talk to him, right?";
		mes "Shall we start with introducing ourselves?";
		mes "This is...";
		mes ""+strcharinfo(0)+"...";
		mes "[Vyhannus]";
		mes "My name is Vyhannus.";
		mes strcharinfo(0)+"...?";
		mes "Glad to meet you.";
		if(select("Same here.:A tree monster!")==1) {
			mes "[Vyhannus]";
			mes "Amazing.";
			mes "Like with Hound, that ring you humans made...";
			mes "is like a ring of wisdom."; }
		else {
			mes "[Hound]";
			mes "What are you saying?";
			mes "That was rude!";
			mes "[Vyhannus]";
			mes "Oh. Monster?";
			mes "That is something new.";
			mes "Hound. I'm fine. You humans are amusing.";
			mes "[Vyhannus]";
			mes "Shall we skip to the point?";
			mes "The reason why I am here..."; }
		enablenpc "Hibba Agip#ep13_3_07";	
		mes "[Someone's voice]";
		mes "Excuse me, hold on a second.";
		mes "[Hound]";
		mes "Captain!";
		mes "You've come at such short notice.";
		mes "Is there a situation?";
		emotion e_omg;
		mes "[Hibba Agip]";
		mes "Huh? Nothing.";
		mes "You said you wanted to send a trust worthy person, right?";
		mes "I wanted to see the person";
		mes "Aello chose to send.";
		mes "[Hibba Agip]";
		mes "Hm... Ah.";
		mes "Is it you?";
		mes "I see, just as Aello explained.";
		mes "Well, I think we are in good hands if it is you.";
		select("What are you implying?");
		mes "[Vyhannus]";
		mes "So... It's like this.";
		mes "Both Saphas and humans had many differences in the past.";
		mes "[Vyhannus]";
		mes "We've worried about becoming enemies with your race after you've suddenly appeared";
		mes "and were afraid of your abilities.";
		mes "[Vyhannus]";
		mes "But you have respected us Saphas";
		mes "and helped Manuk with many deeds.";
		mes "We've come to recognize humans as good people.";
		mes "[Hibba Agip]";
		mes "Yes, we made efforts.";
		mes "We also tried to keep a neutral attitude.";
		mes "Because it is always better to strengthen amnity as a third party then taking sides in a conflict.";
		mes "[Hound]";
		mes "Well..";
		mes "Not totally wrong, I guess...";
		mes "[Vyhannus]";
		mes "(Vyhannus smiles)";
		mes "We have told Ravail about you humans.";
		mes "Ravail is the highest elder of glorious El Dicastes.";
		select("El Dicastes?");
		mes "[Hibba Agip]";
		mes "Ah, sorry for interrupting.";
		mes "I have to go now.";
		mes "Hound, I approve of this adventurer.";
		mes "[Hibba Agip]";
		mes "Then it's settled.";
		mes "And... ah yes, you.";
		mes "Please go meet the inspector in the next room after this.";
		mes "Got it?";
		mes "[Hibba Agip]";
		mes "I'm leaving now.";
		mes "I'll come by to see you again Vyhannus.";
		mes "And you should meet Inspector Doha after talking with Vyhannus.";
		mes "Then bye everyone.";
		disablenpc "Hibba Agip#ep13_3_07";
		set ep13_3_invite,2;
		setquest 7185;
		emotion e_swt;
		emotion e_swt,0,"Sapha from Manuk";
		mes "- Captain Hibba Agip quickly left the room after saying what he wanted to say.";
		mes "First, let's listen to Vyhannus's story. -";
	case 4:
		mes "[Hound]";
		mes "Where is your interpreter ring?";
		mes "I'm not going to be your personal translator.";

mid_campin,168,125,3	script	Hound#ep13_3_06	997,{
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		if (ep13_3_invite == 2) {
			callfunc "eldicastes_c",1;
		} else if (ep13_3_invite == 3) {
			if (checkquest(7183) >= 0) {
				mes "[Hound]";
				mes "First thing you need to do when you reach Manuk is to meet";
				mes "General Guard Avalanche.";
				mes "Tell Avalanche that you are";
				mes "the one invited by Vyhannus.";
				mes "[Hound]";
				mes "Then you'll go through a simple process of confirmation and will be permitted to go through the tunnel to the capital city.";
				mes "Passing through the tunnel is";
				mes "easy as long as you are polite.";
				mes "[Hound]";
				mes "And don't forget what the captain said.";
				mes "Inspector Doha is in the next room.";
				close; }
			callfunc "eldicastes_c",2;
		} else if (ep13_3_invite >= 4) {
			mes "[Hound]";
			mes "I've just returned from Manuk from a long term dispatch";
			mes "and haven't gotten any rest yet.";
			mes "El Dicastes.. I will find the time to visit once your advance party settles in.";
			mes "[Hound]";
			mes "I have to take care of Vyhannus here.";
			mes "We might see the day when Saphas like Vyhannus will be living with us on our continent.";
			close; }
		callfunc "eldicastes_c",3; }
	callfunc "eldicastes_c",4;

mid_campin,168,128,3	script	Sapha from Manuk	451,{
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		if (ep13_3_invite == 2) {
			callfunc "eldicastes_c",1;
		} else if (ep13_3_invite == 3) {
			if (checkquest(7183) >= 0) {
				mes "[Vyhannus]";
				mes "Avalanche will be at the Manuk Operations building.";
				mes "Once he approves, you can use the tunnel that leads to El Dicastes.";
				mes "[Vyhannus]";
				mes "The tunnel might";
				mes "be a little scary.";
				mes "But I'm sure you will reach the";
				mes "end of it since you are strong.";
				close; }
			callfunc "eldicastes_c",2;
		} else if (ep13_3_invite == 4) {
			mes "[Vyhannus]";
			mes "Oh, the tunnel?";
			mes "It was originally a mineral mine.";
			mes "But we found ourselves on the opposite side while mining away.";
			mes "[Vyhannus]";
			mes "We found better mines afterwards and that is how Manuk came about.";
			mes "The tunnel is reorganized with paths between the capital city and Manuk.";
			mes "[Vyhannus]";
			mes "That is it.";
		} else if (ep13_3_invite == 5) {
			mes "[Vyhannus]";
			mes "You received the Light of El Dicastes.";
			mes "With this, you can return to Diel from anywhere, anytime.";
			mes "Looks like an item made for your convenience.";
			mes "[Vyhannus]";
			mes "Ravail seems to like you very much.";
			mes "The Light of El Dicastes is convenient to use instead of moving through long tunnels.";
			mes "[Vyhannus]";
			mes "Oh, the tunnel?";
			mes "It was originally a mineral mine.";
			mes "But we found ourselves on the opposite side while mining away.";
			mes "[Vyhannus]";
			mes "We found better mines afterwards and that is how Manuk came about.";
			mes "The tunnel is reorganized with paths between the capital city and Manuk.";
			mes "[Vyhannus]";
			mes "That is it.";
			close; }
		mes "[Sapha]";
		mes "- This person look like the Sapha messenger from Manuk. -";
		mes "You just stand there without";
		mes "knowing what he says, so the";
		mes "expedition guard next to you starts to talk. -";
		callfunc "eldicastes_c",3; }
	mes "[Sapha]";
	mes "�����? �� ����...";
	mes "���� �� ?";
	mes "���..?";
	callfunc "eldicastes_c",4;

mid_campin,165,127,5	script	Hibba Agip#ep13_3_07	459,{
	mes "[Hibba Agip]";
	mes "Ahh, I think I should go now...";
	disablenpc "Hibba Agip#ep13_3_07";
	disablenpc "Hibba Agip#ep13_3_07";

man_in01,315,52,3	script	Guard Captain Avalanche	450,{
	mes "[Guard Captain Avalanche]";
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		if (ep13_3_invite == 4) {
			mes "Go out of this building and straight below the mountain";
			mes "east from the village.";
			mes "You will know where it is if you see soldiers guarding the tunnel.";
			mes "[Guard Captain Avalanche]";
			mes "I hope that the";
			mes "Light of El Dicastes";
			mes "will show you the way.";
			close; }
		if (ep13_3_invite == 5) {
			mes "Oh.. You have the Light of El Dicastes.";
			mes "It would be helpful for your travel.";
			mes "[Guard Captain Avalanche]";
			mes "The path to the capital city was previously a mine.";
			mes "So we have reports of wild monsters appearing although the tunnel is well maintained.";
			mes "[Guard Captain Avalanche]";
			mes "Always take care of yourself at all times.";
			mes "Haha.. but then you humans are very strong.";
			close; }
		mes "You are human.";
		mes "What do you want here?";
		select("I've come with Vyhannus's invitation.");
		mes "[Guard Captain Avalanche]";
		mes "Ah. Jarute Vyhannus.";
		mes "I though it would be better for";
		mes "him to take a guard with him.";
		mes "[Guard Captain Avalanche]";
		mes "I guess Vyhannus";
		mes "trusts you humans.";
		mes "I'm fine as long as";
		mes "Vyhannus approved you.";
		mes "[Guard Captain Avalanche]";
		mes "I authorize you to pass through to El Dicastes.";
		mes "There is a tunnel that leads to the city outside of this building which goes down by the east mountain range of this village.";
		mes "[Guard Captain Avalanche]";
		mes "That tunnel is the only way to the capital city. There is no other route because Kamidal mountain is so huge.";
		mes "[Guard Captain Avalanche]";
		mes "The tunnel is well maintained. There was a time when part of the tunnel, which connects";
		mes "with the lowest cave of the mountain, collapsed and reports of wild monsters was received.";
		mes "[Guard Captain Avalanche]";
		mes "So I recommend that";
		mes "you move in a group.";
		mes "It is dangerous and";
		mes "can be a long journey.";
		mes "That is all I have to say for now.";
		mes "[Guard Captain Avalanche]";
		mes "Please let me know any news about the capital city when you come back.";
		changequest 7183,7184;
		set ep13_3_invite,4;
		close; }
	mes "�����? �� ����...";
	mes "���� �� ?";
	mes "���..?";

dic_in01,42,264,3	script	Adventurer Clerk#ep133_	453,{
	mes "[Clerk Knit]";
	if (isequipped(2782)) {
		mes "How can I help you?";
		switch(select("Register as an adventurer.:Talk.:Cancel.")) {
			case 1:
				if (checkquest(7184) >= 0) {
					if (ep13_3_invite == 5) {
						mes "[Clerk Rhawyne]";
						mes "Strange.";
						mes "Aren't you already registered?";
						mes "I see your name in the records.";
						close; }
					mes "[Clerk Rhawyne]";
					mes "Do you want to register";
					mes "as an adventurer?";
					mes "I will compare with the invitation list from Manuk.";
					mes "What is your name?";
					mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
					mes "My name is "+strcharinfo(0)+".";
					mes "[Clerk Rhawyne]";
					mes "Yes... "+strcharinfo(0)+"...";
					mes "I found it.";
					mes "Welcome to El Dicastes.";
					mes "[Clerk Rhawyne]";
					mes "You will be treated the same as other Saphas here. Allowed to do as you wish and can have contracts with official requests from Dicastes.";
					mes "[Clerk Rhawyne]";
					mes "This is a little souvenir for visiting El Dicastes.";
					mes "You can use it to return to El Dicastes whenever you wish.";
					getitem 2844,1;
					erasequest 7184;
					set ep13_3_invite,5;
					mes "[Clerk Rhawyne]";
					mes "There is a special place for humans located beneath the residential area of Pioms.";
					mes "It is called in your language...";
					mes "a pub. Hope you get to visit there.";
					close; }
				mes "[Clerk Rhawyne]";
				mes "Hmm... You don't have Ravail's invitation? What are you doing here?";
			case 2:
				mes "[Clerk Rhawyne]";
				if (checkquest(7197) >= 0) {
					mes "I recognize you.";
					mes "How can I help you?";
					if(select("I want to meet the minister.:Nothing particular.")==2) {
						mes "[Clerk Rhawyne]";
						mes "What are you curious about today?";
						close; }
					mes "[Clerk Rhawyne]";
					mes "You want to meet the minister?";
					mes "Which minister?";
					mes "Ravail cannot be met in person";
					mes "even with Sapha Certifications.";
					if(select("Ahat:Another minister")==2) {
						mes "[Clerk Rhawyne]";
						mes "Another minister? Who?";
						select("Sorry, but I know no one else.");
						mes "[Clerk Rhawyne]";
						mes "You are difficult.";
						mes "Unlike other Saphas, ministers are very busy.";
						close; }
					if (countitem(6304) > 2) {
						mes "[Clerk Rhawyne]";
						mes "You've really collected 3 Sapha Certification already.";
						mes "Alright. I will send a request.";
						mes "[Clerk Rhawyne]";
						mes "Please take the elevator up to the Administrative Office.";
						mes "There is another elevator in the corridor next to the Administrative Office.";
						mes "[Clerk Rhawyne]";
						mes "It is a separate elevator that leads to the high minister's office";
						mes "You will be guided in front of the office.";
						set ep13_3_secret,7;
						delitem 6304,3;
						changequest 7197,7198;
						close; }
					mes "[Clerk Rhawyne]";
					mes "You need 3 Sapha Certification to meet Ahat.";
					mes "You know what a Sapha Certification is, right?";
					mes "Well, please try to help around El Dicastes to collect them.";
				} else if (checkquest(7198) >= 0) {
					mes "Ahat is on the same floor as high minister Ravail.";
					mes "Take the elevator up to the Administrative Office and then you will be guided in front of the separate elevator.";
					close; }
				mes "What are you curious about today?";
				switch(select("About official requests:About the Adventurer's pub:Ahat?:Sapha Certification?:End conversation.")) {
					case 1:
						mes "[Clerk Rhawyne]";
						mes "If Diel or ministers need help on operations, in the capital, they post a notice on the public board.";
						mes "[Clerk Rhawyne]";
						mes "Anyone who can take the job can take up the request.";
						mes "Adventurers who are officially registered can also take jobs.";
						mes "[Clerk Rhawyne]";
						mes "After you handle a request";
						mes "you are given an Sapha Certification for helping El Dicastes.";
						mes "[Clerk Rhawyne]";
						mes "It is better to spend spare time on these official requests.";
						mes "Because you are contributing to the community.";
						mes "[Clerk Rhawyne]";
						mes "Due to the increase of visitors from other worlds,";
						mes "some requests are targeted for you.";
						mes "You can take your pick.";
					case 2:
						mes "[Clerk Rhawyne]";
						mes "The Adventurer's pub is open for the convenience of visitors like you.";
						mes "It is located in the Piom residential area below the mine and factory zone.";
						mes "[Clerk Rhawyne]";
						mes "We thought the living environment here would be unfamiliar and inconvenient for you.";
						mes "So we tried to make a place that is similar to what you have back home with a little help from adventurers.";
						mes "I hope you like it.";
					case 3:
						mes "[Clerk Rhawyne]";
						mes "Ahat is the next minister in line after Ravail.";
						mes "Why?";
						mes "Because we respect him.";
						mes "[Clerk Rhawyne]";
						mes "What should I say, we would like to protect him.";
						mes "But I'm not sure how respect is used in your language.";
						mes "[Clerk Rhawyne]";
						mes "Ahat is popular.";
						mes "Not many have seen him and he works in his room all the time.";
						mes "[Clerk Rhawyne]";
						mes "If you want to meet Ahat..well.";
						mes "He is really good at his work but is very shy of strangers..";
						mes "[Clerk Rhawyne]";
						mes "He doesn't like to be in places where a lot of people are gathered.";
						mes "That is why we barely see him.";
					case 4:
						mes "[Clerk Rhawyne]";
						mes "Sapha Certifications are made for outsiders like you.";
						mes "They are given out as rewards when adventurers help with requests from Saphas throughout the city.";
						mes "[Clerk Rhawyne]";
						mes "The Sapha Certification is used to meet ministers.";
						mes "I guess in order to meet busy ministers, you must at least contribute to our society.";
					case 5:
						mes "[Clerk Rhawyne]";
						mes "Please feel free to ask questions when you need help.";
			case 3:
				mes "[Clerk Rhawyne]";
				mes "Please feel free to ask questions when you need help.";
	mes "���� �� ������ �� ��...?";
	mes "������ ... �� ������ �� ����...";
	mes "- Cannot communicate with him. -";

// Enchantment NPCs

dic_fild01,240,198,2	script	Jalapeno#pa8027	495,{
	set .@cattalk_, rand(1,14);
	set .@re$, strnpcinfo(1);
	set .@n$, "["+.@re$+"]";
	mes .@n$;
	if (.@cattalk_ == 1) mes "It is difficult to find fish here. Can't find any so Jahbong would forget that he's busy or angry at the sight of a Fish Tail.";
		else if (.@cattalk_ == 2) mes "Our people say Ahat looks like a beautiful cat.";
		else if (.@cattalk_ == 3) mes "Newbie Jarute, Ahat doesn't seem to look like a Sapha.";
		else if (.@cattalk_ == 4) mes "There is a guy named Pinguicula nearby who has the Sharp Leaf.";
		else if (.@cattalk_ == 5) mes "Grrr... I don't think my voice sounds normal these days. I think it's the weather.";
		else if (.@cattalk_ == 6) mes "I recommend getting it from the Dracos nearby. But they only drop it randomly so you may come back empty handed...";
		else if (.@cattalk_ == 7) mes "I sometimes dream of a giant patting me on the head. But I feel more annoyed than afraid.";
		else if (.@cattalk_ == 8) mes "Yup!!";
		else if (.@cattalk_ == 9) mes "I must have been a cat in my previous life.";
		else if (.@cattalk_ == 10) mes "Grrr... I was punished with a ladle for peeing on my blanket yesterday.";
		else if (.@cattalk_ == 11) mes "I heard there was a superior equipment upgrade craftsman in the capital city of Manuk.";
		else if (.@cattalk_ == 12) mes "There are times when I shout out loud but it is only because I am in a good mood. No need to be startled.";
		else if (.@cattalk_ == 13) mes "I feel an urge to jump on a pile with my four paws when I see one.";
		else mes "I heard on my way that this Dark Pinguicula has a Withered Flower.";	
	mes .@n$;
	mes "Hmm... This may not be important to you, but...";
	mes .@n$;
	mes "We had a lot of customers today too.";
	mes .@n$;
	if (countitem(6304) < 1) {
		if (.@re$ == "Brare") {
			mes "Oh... no luck on Sapha Certifications?";
			mes .@n$;
			mes "So you haven't got any...";
			mes .@n$;
			mes "That's sad. They're very are useful, you know...";
		} else if (.@re$ == "Mancho") {
			mes "If you work hard in this city, you can get Sapha Certifications from certain people.";
			mes .@n$;
			mes "If you do come across one of the certifications, can you bring it to me?";
			mes .@n$;
			mes "We can make an exchange and you won't regret it.";
		} else if (.@re$ == "Jalapeno") {
			mes "It is difficult to find fish here. Can't find any so Jahbong would forget that he's busy or angry at the sight of a Fish Tail.";
			mes .@n$;
			mes "Hmm... This may not be important to you, but...";
			mes .@n$;
			mes "I've been gathering Sapha Certifications for a year now to meet Ahat.";
			mes .@n$;
			mes "But I'm far from it because it takes a high position and some bribery for a low creature like me to meet him.";
			mes .@n$;
			mes "If you have any Sapha Certifications to spare, please share them with me. I promise to pay you back in services that you can't get anywhere else.";
			close; }
	if (.@re$ == "Brare") mes "Do you want to look luxurious with ^800080Golden Bells^000000?";
		else if (.@re$ == "Mancho") mes "You must be interested in the ^800080Feral Tail^000000?";
		else if (.@re$ == "Jalapeno") mes "You've come for ^800080Feral Boots^000000. I have just the item for you.";
	switch(select("Please explain.:I want to reset.:I want to upgrade.")) {
		case 1:
			if (.@re$ == "Brare") {
				mes .@n$;
				mes "Hmm. The ^800080Golden Bell^000000 is an accessory awarded to only the best and bravest warriors among our people.";
				mes .@n$;
				mes "A random stat effect is casted up to the first and second steps... but...";
				mes .@n$;
				mes "there is a risk of the item breaking during the third upgrade.";
				mes .@n$;
				mes "The random enchantment added on the first secret slot is to increase Atk +2% or +3%, Cri +5 or +7, Matk+1% or +2%, or Flee +6 or +12.";
				mes .@n$;
				mes "The random enchantment added on the second secret slot is to increase Agi, Dex, or Int up to +2.";
				mes .@n$;
				mes "And the final random enchantment added is to increase Agi, Dex, or Int up to +2.";
			} else if (.@re$ == "Mancho") {
				mes .@n$;
				mes "You say you want me to explain about upgrade?";
				mes .@n$;
				mes "Hmm. The ^800080Feral Tail^000000 is an unique item. It looks just like our tails.";
				mes .@n$;
				mes "It is not only strong and warm but is also powerful enough to be enchanted with magical spells in 3 special slots.";
				mes .@n$;
				mes "The random enchantment added on the first secret slot is to increase Atk +2% or +3%, Cri +5 or +7, Matk+1% or +2%, or Flee +6 or +12.";
				mes .@n$;
				mes "The random enchantment added on the second secret slot is to increase Agi, Dex, or Int up to +2.";
				mes .@n$;
				mes "And the final random enchantment added is to increase Agi, Dex, or Int up to +3.";
				mes .@n$;
				mes "Well... it comes with the same risks as the ^800080Feral Boots^000000 of breaking at the third step of upgrade.";
			} else if (.@re$ == "Jalapeno") {
				mes .@n$;
				mes "You say you want me to explain about upgrade?";
				mes .@n$;
				mes "Hmm. The ^800080Feral Boots^000000 are very unique. A shoemaker took the design of our feet and designed this item long ago.";
				mes .@n$;
				mes "I do not know the actual materials used but they are strong enough to enchant up to 3 kinds of upgrade magic spells into 3 secret slots.";
				mes .@n$;
				mes "The random enchantment added on the first secret slot is to increase Atk +2% or +3%, Cri +5 or +7, Matk+1% or +2%, or Flee +6 or +12.";
				mes .@n$;
				mes "The random enchantment added on the second secret slot is to increase Agi, Dex, or Int up to +2.";
				mes .@n$;
				mes "And the final random enchantment added is to increase Agi, Dex, or Int up to +3.";
				mes .@n$;
				mes "Well... some do get broken at the third attempt and I do have some customers complaining when that happens... meow.";
				mes .@n$;
				mes "... I almost died on one occasion. (murmuring)"; }
		case 2:
			mes .@n$;
			mes "Reset!!";
			mes "This involves ^7E2217destroying the equipment^000000 and cancelling all records of it.";
			mes .@n$;
			mes "Basically, if you want to start over I'll take your current one away and then you can bring me another one to try to enchant. So are you sure?";
			if(select("Maybe next time.:Please reset it.")==1) {
				mes .@n$;
				mes "When you are ready,";
				mes "Please come back again";
				close; }
			if (.@re$ == "Brare") set .@Items_,2843;
				else if (.@re$ == "Mancho") set .@Items_,2564;
				else if (.@re$ == "Jalapeno") set .@Items_,2463;
			if (isequipped(.@Items_) == 1 || countitem(.@Items_) < 1) {
				mes .@n$;
				mes "Then, take the equipment off first.";
				close; }
			mes .@n$;
			mes "I've collected all equipment and erased all records as you requested. Now all your equipment and records are clean.";
			delitem .@Items_,1;	
			if (getd("EP13_"+.@re$+"_3") > 1) {
				setd "EP13_"+.@re$+"_3",0;
				setd "EP13_"+.@re$+"_2",0;
				setd "EP13_"+.@re$+"_1",0; }
			else if (getd("EP13_"+.@re$+"_2") > 1) {
				setd "EP13_"+.@re$+"_2",0;
				setd "EP13_"+.@re$+"_1",0; }
			else if (getd("EP13_"+.@re$+"_1") > 1)
				setd "EP13_"+.@re$+"_1",0;
		case 3:
	if (.@re$ == "Brare") set .@Items_,2843;
		else if (.@re$ == "Mancho") set .@Items_,2564;
		else if (.@re$ == "Jalapeno") set .@Items_,2463;
	if (isequipped(.@Items_) == 1 || countitem(.@Items_) < 1) {
		mes .@n$;
		mes "But...";
		mes "you don't seem to be wearing or even carrying equipment to upgrade on you.";
		close; }
	if (getd("EP13_"+.@re$+"_1") == 0) {
		mes .@n$;
		mes "I'm preparing for the";
		mes "first step of upgrade.";
		mes "Once equipment is upgraded";
		mes "you cannot change the upgrade";
		mes "unless you destroy it first.";
		mes .@n$;
		mes "First upgrade step requires ^8000801 Sapha Certification^000000. Do you want to proceed?";
	} else if (getd("EP13_"+.@re$+"_3") > 1) {
		mes .@n$;
		mes "You want to upgrade ^800080"+getitemname(.@Items_)+"^000000 again?";
		mes .@n$;
		mes "I see... the enchantments of the item winds up with are not what you desires..";
		mes "But don't worry about thats! Let's me remove all of your records and go to Jahbong to buy a new one.";
	} else if (getd("EP13_"+.@re$+"_2") > 1) {
		mes .@n$;
		mes "I'm preparing for the";
		mes "third step of upgrade.";
		mes "Once equipment is upgraded";
		mes "you cannot change the upgrade";
		mes "unless you destroy it first.";
		mes .@n$;
		mes "And this is the most important thing,";
		mes "the risk of equipment to break";
		mes "during the third upgrade step is high!";
		mes "And you need ^8000803 Sapha Certification^000000 for the procedure.";
		mes .@n$;
		mes "Please keep in mind that";
		mes "this is a delicate process of";
		mes "casting immense power to the equipment.";
		mes "Are you ready?";
	} else if (getd("EP13_"+.@re$+"_1") > 1) {
		mes .@n$;
		mes "I'm preparing for the";
		mes "second step of upgrade.";
		mes "Once equipment is upgraded";
		mes "you cannot change the upgrade";
		mes "unless you destroy it first.";
		mes .@n$;
		mes "Second upgrade step requires ^8000802 Sapha Certification^000000. Do you want to proceed?"; }
	if(select("Maybe next time.:I want to upgrade.")==1) {
		mes .@n$;
		mes "When you are ready,";
		mes "Please come back again.";
		close; }
	if (getd("EP13_"+.@re$+"_2") > 1)
		if (countitem(6304) < 3) {
			mes .@n$;
			mes "Third upgrade step requires ^8000803 Sapha Certification^000000.";
			mes "Come back here when you fulfill Sapha in your inventory.";
			close; }
	else if (getd("EP13_"+.@re$+"_1") > 1)
		if (countitem(6304) < 2) {
			mes .@n$;
			mes "Second upgrade step requires ^8000802 Sapha Certification^000000.";
			mes "Come back to me when you fulfill Sapha in your inventory.";
			close; }
	mes .@n$;
	mes "Then let's start.";
	if (getd("EP13_"+.@re$+"_1") == 0) {
		setd "EP13_"+.@re$+"_1",rand(4760,4767);
		delitem .@Items_,1;	
		specialeffect2 101;
		progressbar "ffff00",3;
		delitem 6304,1;
		getitem2 .@Items_,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,getd("EP13_"+.@re$+"_1");
	} else if (getd("EP13_"+.@re$+"_2") > 1) {
		if (.@re$ == "Brare") {
			set .@EnchantR,rand(1,3);	
			if (.@EnchantR == 1) setd "EP13_"+.@re$+"_3",4711 + (rand(3) * 10);
			else if (.@EnchantR > 1 && .@EnchantR <= 3) setd "EP13_"+.@re$+"_3",4710 + (rand(3) * 10);		
		} else {
			set .@EnchantR,rand(1,50);	
			if (.@EnchantR > 25 && .@EnchantR <= 50) setd "EP13_"+.@re$+"_3",4710 + (rand(3) * 10);
			else if (.@EnchantR > 10 && .@EnchantR < 26) setd "EP13_"+.@re$+"_3",4711 + (rand(3) * 10);
			else if (.@EnchantR > 0 && .@EnchantR < 11) setd "EP13_"+.@re$+"_3",4712 + (rand(3) * 10); }
		delitem .@Items_,1;
		specialeffect2 101;
		progressbar "ffff00",3;
		delitem 6304,3;
		if (rand(0,ep13_yong1+99) < ep13_yong1+9)
			getitem2 .@Items_,1,1,0,0,0,getd("EP13_"+.@re$+"_3"),getd("EP13_"+.@re$+"_2"),getd("EP13_"+.@re$+"_1");
		else {
			npctalk "Oh no....!!!! What happened to the "+getitemname(.@Items_)+"!";
			setd "EP13_"+.@re$+"_1",0;
			setd "EP13_"+.@re$+"_2",0;
			setd "EP13_"+.@re$+"_3",0; }
	} else if (getd("EP13_"+.@re$+"_1") > 1) {
		delitem .@Items_,1;	
		set .@EnchantR,rand(1,3);	
		if (.@EnchantR == 1) setd "EP13_"+.@re$+"_2",4711 + (rand(3) * 10);
			else if (.@EnchantR > 1 && .@EnchantR <= 3) setd "EP13_"+.@re$+"_2",4710 + (rand(3) * 10);
		specialeffect2 101;
		progressbar "ffff00",3;
		delitem 6304,2;
		getitem2 .@Items_,1,1,0,0,0,0,getd("EP13_"+.@re$+"_2"),getd("EP13_"+.@re$+"_1");
		end; }

dic_fild01,228,159,4	script	Jahbong#pa0829	496,{
	mes "[Jahbong]";
	if (countitem(6304) < 1) {
		mes "You haven't received a Sapha Certification yet?";
		mes "[Jahbong]";
		mes "Come back to me once you have one. I'll give you something good in exchange.";
		close; }
	set .@cattalkj,rand(1,9);
	if (.@cattalkj == 1) mes "Don't touch my back! I might bite you unconsciously.";
		else if (.@cattalkj == 2) mes "Pub owner Shay carried something away to make something strange! Be careful!";
		else if (.@cattalkj == 3) mes "We cats can jump 5 times our size. Isn't it cool? But then, don't ask me to jump from here now.";
		else if (.@cattalkj == 4) mes "I have to be diligent with my grooming to maintain beautiful fur.";
		else if (.@cattalkj == 5) mes "I have to groom myself everyday to maintain shiny fluffy fur. But I don't have very nice fur in the first place. Very sad.";
		else if (.@cattalkj == 6) mes "You should receive a Sapha Certification with both paws as a sign of respect. No cat deserves a certification if they don't!";
		else if (.@cattalkj == 7) mes "I don't really talk that much! Ahat looks like... meow meow meooow... sorry.";
		else if (.@cattalkj == 8) mes "Meow~~~~~~~~~~";
		else mes "Yarn is a great way to calm a cat.";
	mes "[Jahbong]";
	mes "Why are you here?";
	mes "Jahbong will exchange ^8000801 Sapha Certification^000000 for ^8000801 item^000000!";
	switch(select("Just came to see what you have.:I want the Feral Boots!:Give me the Feral Tail!:Give me the Golden Bell!:How much to buy you?")) {
		case 1:
			mes "[Jahbong]";
			mes "Meow!";
			mes "[Jahbong]";
			mes "^8000801Feral Boots^000000 are shoes for your feet! Buy one and Jalapeno over there will refine it for you!";
			mes "[Jahbong]";
			mes "^8000801Feral Tail^000000 is pretty rough! Mancho over there can help you fix it!!";
			mes "[Jahbong]";
			mes "^8000801Golden Bell^000000 is an accessory. Brare spent 40 years making this! Or maybe 4 years! Oh well, come back when you need anything!";
			mes "[Jahbong]";
			mes "There are some crazy adventurers asking if they can purchase me! Jahbong is not for sale! I'll just bite you if you ask!!";
		case 2:
			mes "[Jahbong]";
			mes "Are you really buying something?!";
			if(select("Nope:Give me!!!")==1) {
				mes "[Jahbong]";
				mes "Okay!";
				close; }
			mes "[Jahbong]";
			mes "Here you go!";
			delitem 6304,1;
			getitem 2463,1;
		case 3:
			mes "[Jahbong]";
			mes "Are you really buying something?!";
			if(select("Nope:Give me!!!")==1) {
				mes "[Jahbong]";
				mes "Okay!";
				close; }
			mes "[Jahbong]";
			mes "Here you go!";
			delitem 6304,1;
			getitem 2564,1;
		case 4:
			mes "[Jahbong]";
			mes "Are you really buying something?!";
			if(select("Nope:Give me!!!")==1) {
				mes "[Jahbong]";
				mes "Okay!";
				close; }
			mes "[Jahbong]";
			mes "Here you go!";
			delitem 6304,1;
			getitem 2843,1;
		case 5:
			mes "[Jahbong]";
			mes "Meooooooooooow!!!!!!!!~~ Meooooooooow!!!!!";
			mes "- ^800080Jahbong goes wild^000000. -";
			mes "[Jahbong]";
			mes "I'm not an item!! I will not be merciful if you treat me like one!!";
			mes "- He may react extremely, but Jahbong doesn't seem to be really angry. -";

dic_fild01,251,183,3	duplicate(Jalapeno#pa8027)	Brare#pa0828	495
dic_fild01,259,172,3	duplicate(Jalapeno#pa8027)	Mancho#pa0829	495

dic_in01,353,37,5	script	Kareka#pa0829	460,{
	mes "[Kareka]";
	if (countitem(6304)) {
		if (EP13Enchant3 > 1) {
			mes "Do you want to upgrade the";
			mes "^800080Light of El Dicastes^000000 again?";
			mes "[Kareka]";
			mes "That will cost ^8000806 Sapha Certifications^000000 in order to retry.";
			mes "And note this, your current";
			mes "Light of El Dicastes will be destroyed along with all of it's enchantments.";
			mes "[Kareka]";
			mes "Are you sure you want to do this?";
			if(select("No, let me think about it.:Take my Light of El Dicastes.")==1) close;
			mes "[Kareka]";
			if (countitem(6304) < 6) {
				mes "You need to bring the Light of El Dicastes and 6 Sapha Certifications!";
				mes "Don't try to cheat me!";
				close; }
			mes "Ok, let's get this started.";
			mes "I'm going to remove all enchantments from your";
			mes "Light of El Dicastes.";
			mes "Haaap~~!";
			specialeffect2 101;
			progressbar "ffff00",3;
			set EP13Enchant1,0;
			set EP13Enchant2,0;
			set EP13Enchant3,0;
			delitem 6304,6;
			delitem 2844,1;
			getitem 2844,1;
			end; }
		mes "You've come to awaken the";
		mes "^800080Light El Dicastes^000000' infinite strength. ";
		switch(select("Please explain.:I want to upgrade.")) {
			case 1:
				mes "[Kareka]";
				mes "I heard some craftsmen outside of the city can also cast spells on equipment.";
				mes "[Kareka]";
				mes "I'm the same but at least I don't destroy equipment.";
				mes "[Kareka]";
				mes "If you bring Sapha Certifications, I will cast spells from 1 to 3 steps to your ^800080Light of El Dicastes^000000.";
				mes "[Kareka]";
				mes "The random enchantment added on the first secret slot is to increase Atk +2% or +3%, Cri +5 or +7, Matk+1% or +2%, or Flee +6 or +12.";
				mes "[Kareka]";
				mes "The random enchantment added on the second secret slot is to increase Agi, Dex, or Int up to +2.";
				mes "[Kareka]";
				mes "And the final random enchantment added is to increase Agi, Dex, or Int up to +2.";
				mes "[Kareka]";
				mes "But of course, since this is adding spells on top of its original magic, I cannot guarantee that you will get what you want on one try.";
			case 2:
			if (isequipped(2844) == 1 || countitem(2844) < 1) {
				mes "[Kareka]";
				mes "You can't be wearing the Light of El Dicastes while I upgrade it.";
				close; }
			mes "[Kareka]";
			if (EP13Enchant1 == 0) {
				mes "I'm preparing for the";
				mes "first step of upgrade.";
				mes "Once equipment is upgraded";
				mes "you cannot change the upgrade";
				mes "unless you destroy it first.";
				mes "[Kareka]";
				mes "First upgrade step requires";
				mes "^8000801 Sapha Certification^000000.";
				mes "Do you want to proceed?";
			} else if (EP13Enchant2 > 1) {
				mes "I'm preparing for the";
				mes "third step of upgrade.";
				mes "Once equipment is upgraded";
				mes "unless you destroy it first.";
				mes "[Kareka]";
				mes "You won't have to worry of this Light of El Dicastes getting broken from casting additional magical spells to it. I think so.";
				mes "[Kareka]";
				mes "Third upgrade step requires 3 Sapha Certification. Do you want to proceed?";
			} else if (EP13Enchant1 > 1) {
				mes "I'm preparing for the";
				mes "second step of upgrade.";
				mes "Once equipment is upgraded";
				mes "you cannot change the upgrade";
				mes "unless you destroy it first.";
				mes "[Kareka]";
				mes "Second upgrade step requires 2 Sapha Certifications. Do you want to proceed?"; }
			if(select("Maybe next time.:I want to upgrade.")==1) {
				mes "[Kareka]";
				mes "When you are ready,";
				mes "Please come back again";
				close; }
			mes "[Kareka]";
			if (EP13Enchant2 > 1 && countitem(6304) < 3) {
				mes "Sorry, but you need to know... your Sapha is not enough to do third stage, please come back again.";
				close; }
			else if ((EP13Enchant1 > 1 && countitem(6304) < 2) || (EP13Enchant1 == 0 && countitem(6304) < 1)) {
				mes "Please come back here when you collect enough Sapha.";
				close; }
			mes "Then let's start.";
			if (EP13Enchant1 == 0) {
				set EP13Enchant1,rand(4760,4767);
				specialeffect2 101;
				delitem 6304,1;
				progressbar "ffff00",3;
				delitem 2844,1;
				getitem2 2844,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,EP13Enchant1;
			} else if (EP13Enchant2 > 1) {
				set .@EnchantR,rand(1,3);	
				if (.@EnchantR == 1) set EP13Enchant1,4711 + (rand(3) * 10);
				else if (.@EnchantR > 1 && .@EnchantR <= 3) set EP13Enchant1,4710 + (rand(3) * 10);
				specialeffect2 101;
				delitem 6304,3;
				progressbar "ffff00",3;
				delitem 2844,1;
				getitem2 2844,1,1,0,0,0,EP13Enchant3,EP13Enchant2,EP13Enchant1;
			} else if (EP13Enchant1 > 1) {
				set .@EnchantR,rand(1,3);	
				if (.@EnchantR == 1) set EP13Enchant2,4711 + (rand(3) * 10);
				else if (.@EnchantR > 1 && .@EnchantR <= 3) set EP13Enchant2,4710 + (rand(3) * 10);
				specialeffect2 101;
				delitem 6304,2;
				progressbar "ffff00",3;
				delitem 2844,1;
				getitem2 2844,1,1,0,0,0,0,EP13Enchant2,EP13Enchant1;
				end; }
	mes "The Sapha Certifications that you collect by helping throughout the city has other uses besides meeting the minister.";
	mes "[Kareka]";
	mes "If you come across an Sapha Certification, please come back to me.";
	mes "[Kareka]";
	mes "I can cast an additional spell to your ^800080Light of El Dicastes^000000 accessory.";