//===== eAthena Script ======================================= 
//= Thief Skills Quests
//===== By: ================================================== 
//= kobra_k88
//===== Current Version: ===================================== 
//= 1.5
//===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
//= eAthena SVN
//===== Description: ========================================= 
//= [Aegis Conversion]
//= Quests for skills: Sand Attack, Back Slide, Find Stone, 
//= Stone Fling.
//===== Additional Comments: ================================= 
//= 1.5 Rescripted to Aegis 10.3 stadards. [L0ne_W0lf]

moc_prydb1,154,128,4	script	Alcouskou#qsk_tf	118,{
	if (BaseClass == Job_Thief) {
		mes "[Alcouskou]";
		mes "As you live life you will encounter";
		mes "many things. Sometimes you will";
		mes "not understand and wonder why some";
		mes "things are so important. You may consider it";
		mes "as useless knowledge, but it isn't";
		mes "Let me explain.";
		switch(select("Sand Attack:Back Slide:Find Stone:Stone Fling:I will be back later.")) {
		case 1:
			switch(THIEF_SK) {
			case 0:
				if (countitem(7041) > 4 && (BaseJob == Job_Thief && JobLevel > 24) || BaseJob == Job_Assassin || BaseJob == Job_Rogue) {
					mes "[Alcouskou]";
					mes "Luckily, you have brought some";
					mes "sand with you. It is very important";
					mes "to a thief to have a small quantity at";
					mes "all times. Most people do not";
					mes "realize the value of such a common";
					mes "substance.";
					mes "[Alcouskou]";
					mes "In case you meet a powerful";
					mes "monster in a dungeon with no";
					mes "sand, you could use this sand to";
					mes "blind the monster and flee.";
					mes "You should have a special sand pocket.";
					mes "[Alcouskou]";
					mes "What? You don't expect me to";
					mes "do that for you as well do you?";
					mes "You must be very lazy! ! !";
					mes "Very well, find the one named";
					mes "RuRumuni. He will make you a";
					mes "sturdy leather pocket.";
					mes "[Alcouskou]";
					mes "I will be preparing for your";
					mes "return. Find RuRumuni in";
					mes "west Payon. That is where I";
					mes "heard he is these days.";
					delitem 7041,5; //Fine_Grit
					set THIEF_SK,1;
				else {
					mes "[Alcouskou]";
					mes "The most important part";
					mes "of being a good thief is stealth.";
					mes "A thief should never be seen or";
					mes "touched unless he wants to.";
					mes "Some consider this cowardly";
					mes "but I think differently.";
					mes "[Alcouskou]";
					mes "The way I see it, we live in a";
					mes "world where survival of the fittest";
					mes "rules our lives. ";
					mes "They may think less of me for use";
					mes "this special skill. . . What is this skill?";
					mes "This is the sand blinding skill.";
					mes "[Alcouskou]";
					mes "If you can throw or kick sand";
					mes "in the eyes of your opponent,";
					mes "not only does their defense decrease,";
					mes "but their ability to attack is impaired.";
					mes "It is so effective, you may even stun them.";
					mes "[Alcouskou]";
					mes "Well, we have to survive too.";
					mes "Its either us or them. . .";
					mes "I think it is important and vital";
					mes "that we prepare a little sand.";
					mes "What do you think? If you like it ";
					mes "go and get five Fine Grit.";
					mes "[Alcouskou]";
					mes "I am sure you eager to learn this";
					mes "skill, but you must first gather five Fine Grit";
					mes "Until you have gathered them,";
					mes "I cannot teach you this skill.";
					mes "Don't be disappointed, hurry and gather them.";
					mes "[Alcouskou]";
					mes "Oh, I almost forgot! ! !";
					mes "If you want to learn this ";
					mes "special skill, be sure that";
					mes "you are sufficiently experienced";
					mes "to use this properly. This means";
					mes "you should be at least job level 25.";
			case 1:
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "Go to west payon and find";
				mes "RuRumuni. He will make you";
				mes "fine durable pouch for your";
				mes "sand.";
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "I will take these five Fine Grit";
				mes "and prepare them for you while I wait.";
			case 2:
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "Okay! Great !!";
				mes "What a fine pouch indeed!";
				mes "Small and easy to carry, with enough";
				mes "capacity for enough sand. ";
				mes "This is a perfect ^3355FFLeather Bag of Infinity^000000 !!";
				mes "for you to use with this skill.";
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "Well let��s see what your skill";
				mes "is like -";
				mes "Try it out ! !";
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "AHhh, watch out for my eyes !!";
				mes "^5533FF- *throwing sand* -^000000";
				mes "^5533FF- *tossing sand* -^000000";
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "Hoo Hoo Hoo... You are a";
				mes "natural! ! ! Excellent !";
				mes "I guess I have nothing more";
				mes "that I can teach you.";
				mes "I hope that this skill will";
				mes "aid you in the future. -";
				delitem 7042,1; //Leather_Bag_Of_Infinity
				skill 149,1,0;
		case 2:
			if (countitem(940) > 19  && (BaseJob == Job_Thief && JobLevel > 34) || BaseJob == Job_Assassin || BaseJob == Job_Rogue) {
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "Okay! Let��s practice!";
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "Suuu Suuu uk -";
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "Suuuuk - -";
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "Suk - Suuuk - - -";
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "Great! -At this level,";
				mes "I am sure you can increase";
				mes "your skill on your own.";
				delitem 940,20; //Grasshopper's_Leg
				skill 150,1,0;
			else {
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "Usually we like to think about";
				mes "attacking and damage, but";
				mes "it is important to realize that";
				mes "fleeing is just as important";
				mes "as attacking!";
				mes "We pride ourselves in our";
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "speed and quick dodges,";
				mes "but I am sure that at times you";
				mes "have realized while fighting that";
				mes "despite the fact that our dodging";
				mes "is superior, if we are hit once we are";
				mes "serious danger.";
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "It is true that at times we";
				mes "can view others as humorous as";
				mes "we easily dodge their attacks.";
				mes "But if we are attacked by many at";
				mes "once, you must remember that we";
				mes "may not even have room to doge.";
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "You must make a quick decision";
				mes "to flee. Most would flee immediately,";
				mes "but we don't need to.";
				mes "Even if we don't see an opening,";
				mes "our skill can allow us to slip out";
				mes "of a very serious predicament.";
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "This skill uses our energies in";
				mes "allowing us to slip out unnoticed.";
				mes "In a short amount of time we can use";
				mes "this skill to put a large amount of ";
				mes "distance between us and our opponent.";
				mes "This skill requires endless hours of";
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "practice for us to master.";
				mes "If you wish to learn and practice,";
				mes "you will need to prepare some items.";
				mes "Prepare ^3355FF20 Grasshopper's Leg^";
				mes "to begin your training.";
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "Oh, by the way. . .";
				mes "You need to have some background";
				mes "in the skills of a thief to properly master";
				mes "this skill. This means you require at";
				mes "least the experience of job level ^3355FF35^000000 .";
				mes "If not, I cannot teach you.";
		case 3:
			if (countitem(912) > 0 && countitem(948) > 0 && countitem(908) > 4 && (BaseJob == Job_Thief && JobLevel > 19) || BaseJob == Job_Assassin || BaseJob == Job_Rogue) {
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "Wow, you have already prepared?";
				mes "Great, I see promise in you. -";
				mes "Your zeal is truly sincere.";
				mes "Okay, Shall we begin your training?";
				mes "Stone throwing . . . . .";
				mes "Find a smoot stone with a good weight.";
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "Picking the right stone is ";
				mes "very important in being successful.";
				mes "Well I could tell you a million";
				mes "times but it is better to see for yourself.";
				mes "Okay why don't you try the skill out";
				mes "right here where I can watch you.";
				mes "^3355FF- Shweeput ! -^000000";
				mes "^3355FF- Cheeeguk! -^000000";
				mes "^3355FF- Shyaaaakkk ! -^000000";
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "Very nice. You seem to take up -";
				mes "the skill easily.";
				mes "You can improve your skill with";
				mes "practice on your own time.";
				mes "I hope it aids you in the future.";
				mes ". . . . . Hope to see you soon";
				delitem 912,1; //Zargon
				delitem 948,1; //Bear's_Foot
				delitem 908,5; //Spawn
				skill 151,1,0;
			else {
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "The skilled and experienced";
				mes "members of our guild are usually very handy!";
				mes "They can pick up a small stone";
				mes "by the road and use it to hit an";
				mes "opponent accurately and quickly from";
				mes "a distance.";
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "They realized what a waste it was";
				mes "to not teach this skill to others. -";
				mes "They founded a group to train";
				mes "others in this skill. . .";
				mes "That is how the ^3355FF' Find Stone '^000000 and";
				mes "^3355FF' Stone Fling '^000000 skills came to be.";
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "It is handy to be able to find a stone";
				mes "in most any place and have the";
				mes "ability to hurl it into a distanced enemy.";
				mes "A very valuable skill indeed. -";
				mes "Without costing you a zeny, you";
				mes "can have this skill at your disposal.";
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "I really think of this as a great skill.";
				mes "What do you think of it?";
				mes ". . . . . Hah Hah Hah . . . . . .";
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "^3355FF' Find Stone ! '^000000 skill";
				mes "can be used in just about any location.";
				mes "Picking stones off the ground that";
				mes "are smooth and well weighted for";
				mes "throwing. It does take some familiarity";
				mes "and skill to learn this skill well.";
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "The small amount of training required";
				mes "does require that you put in a full";
				mes "effort . . .-";
				mes ". . . . . *Ahem* . . . . .";
				mes "Let first begin by practicing how to pick up";
				mes "one ^3355FFBear's Footskin^000000 to familiarize the action.";
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "And in lieu of a stone, try picking up";
				mes " a ^3355FFZargon^000000 !";
				mes "Would that be too little ?";
				mes "Lets add ^3355FF5 Spawn^000000 !!";
				mes "Show me your skill !";
				mes "Retrieve these items by any means you see fit.";
		case 4:
			if (countitem(910) > 1 && countitem(911) > 1 && (BaseJob == Job_Thief && JobLevel > 14) || BaseJob == Job_Assassin || BaseJob == Job_Rogue) {
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "Wow! Have you already gathered the items!";
				mes "Very well, do you wish to begin?";
				mes "Prepare the items you have gathered ..";
				mes "^3355FF- Shyuuk ! -^000000";
				mes "^3355FF- Shyuuuk Tuk. . -^000000";
				mes "^3355FF- Shyupattt !! - Tauk !! -^000000";
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "Strike~~~!!";
				mes "That was excellent !";
				mes "You know have sufficient";
				mes "power and skill.";
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "Okay, that is all there is";
				mes "to it. How you use it in";
				mes "the future is up to you ..";
				mes "I wish you luck!";
				delitem 910,2; //Garlet
				delitem 911,2; //Scell
				skill 152,1,0;
			else {
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "The skilled and experienced";
				mes "members of our guild are usually very handy!";
				mes "They can pick up a small stone";
				mes "by the road and use it to hit an";
				mes "opponent accurately and quickly from";
				mes "a distance.";
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "They realized what a waste it was";
				mes "to not teach this skill to others. -";
				mes "They founded a group to train";
				mes "others in this skill. . .";
				mes "That is how the ^3355FF' Find Stone '^000000 and";
				mes "^3355FF' Stone Fling '^000000 skills came to be.";
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "It is handy to be able to find a stone";
				mes "in most any place and have the";
				mes "ability to hurl it into a distanced enemy.";
				mes "A very valuable skill indeed. -";
				mes "Without costing you a zeny, you";
				mes "can have this skill at your disposal.";
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "I really think of this as a great skill.";
				mes "What do you think of it?";
				mes ". . . . . Hah Hah Hah . . . . . .";
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "^3355FFStone Fling !!^000000";
				mes "This skill can be used so";
				mes "readily and does not take any";
				mes "extra money if you can pick up";
				mes "stones well . . .";
				mes "If you don't know how to choose";
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "stones well, you can always buy";
				mes "them from those who can.";
				mes "And if you can choose stones well,";
				mes "it could be very profitable for you.";
				mes "What do you think? Do you like the idea?";
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "If you wish to master this skill,";
				mes "you will have to train quite a bit.";
				mes "The training also requires some items";
				mes "that won't be easy to find. . .";
				mes "Of course, I am sure it won't be";
				mes "impossible with your skill . .";
				mes "[Alcouskou]";
				mes "You will need two ^3355FF' Garlet '^000000";
				mes "and two ^3355FF' Scell '^000000 to start with.";
				mes "Make sure they are similar to stones";
				mes "and able to be thrown. When you";
				mes "have gathered these items, I will be";
				mes "happy to teach you.";
		case 5:
			mes "[Alcouskou]";
			mes "It seems you are not very experienced. . .";
			mes "We may need some more time to consider you.";
	else {
		mes "[Alcouskou]";
		mes "Most thieves and assassins";
		mes "have the basic skills to do";
		mes "well at their job. However,";
		mes "the skills that I can teach them";
		mes "cannot be learned anywhere else.";
		mes "If you every decide to";
		mes "[Alcouskou]";
		mes "become a thief or assassin,";
		mes "or know someone who is,";
		mes "come to me or send them to me.";
		mes "These new skills should be";
		mes "taught to all who want to learn them.";

payon,91,77,3	script	Bag Seller#qsk_tf	99,{
	mes "[RuRumuni]";
	mes "I am a humble merchant here";
	mes "in Payon. I buy the leather";
	mes "hides of animals brought in by";
	mes "the hunters and make leather";
	mes "pouches to sell. I grew up";
	mes "around leather working and am quite good at it.";
	switch(THIEF_SK) {
	case 0:
		mes "[RuRumuni]";
		mes "There is a thief guild in the";
		mes "area of Moroc. I know one there";
		mes "that sends me thieves in need";
		mes "of items I make such as a";
		mes "^3355FF' Leather Bag of Infinity '^000000.";
		mes "They visit my store often.";
	case 1:
		if (countitem(952) > 0 && countitem(1055) > 0 && countitem(1025) > 0) {
			mes "[RuRumuni]";
			mes "Ahhh... You have come for a leather bag.";
			mes "Very good, very good.";
			mes "I will make you the leather bag";
			mes "right away if you wait just a bit.";
			mes "TuTak TuTak Shyuku Shyuku Shyuku";
			mes "- - - - -";
			mes "[RuRumuni]";
			mes "Okay, here it is all done.";
			mes "Take this leather bag";
			mes "to the Thief guild's Alcouskou";
			mes "If you take him this, he will";
			mes "teach you the skill that you ";
			mes "wish to learn.";
			delitem 952,1; //Cactus_Needle
			delitem 1055,1; //Earthworm_Peeling
			delitem 1025,1; //Spiderweb
			set THIEF_SK,2;
			getitem 7042,1; //Leather_Bag_Of_Infinity
		else {
			mes "[RuRumuni]";
			mes "Find Alcouskou of the thief guild";
			mes "to place and order for a leather bag of infinity.";
			mes "You should know that the leather bag of infinity";
			mes "takes much time and skill to make.";
			mes "In order to make such an item, you";
			mes "must provide me with the materials.";
			mes "The items needed as materials are";
			mes "these items. ..";
			mes "^3355FF' Earthworm Peeling '^000000";
			mes "^3355FF' Cobweb '^000000";
			mes "^3355FF' Cactus Needle '^000000";
			mes "I need one of each.";
	case 2:
		mes "[RuRumuni]";
		mes "Here is your leather bag of infinity.";
		mes "Take this to the Thief guilds";
		mes "Alcouskou and let him know ";
		mes "that you are now ready to learn";
		mes "the skill.";

// Old changelog
//= v1.0 Fully working
//= v1.1 Changed Sand Attack requirements from 5 Grit to 5 Fine Grit and a
//= Leather Bag of Infinity.  These are the official RO requirements
//= Added npc RuRumuni, maker of Leather Bag of Infinity. [kobra_k88]
//= v1.1a Now using functions found in "Global_Functions.txt" for
//= class checks.[kobra_k88]
//= 1.2 Added Baby Class Support [Lupus]
//= 1.3 Removed callfunc Is_####_Class in favor of baseClass [Silentdragon]
//= 1.4 Fixed exploit [Lupus]
//= 1.4a Fixed some typos [IVBela]
//= 1.4b changed perm. variables to temp ones [Lupus]