//===== eAthena Script ======================================= 
//= Blacksmith Skills Quests
//===== By: ================================================== 
//= Lupus, Reddozen, Samuray22
//===== Current Version: ===================================== 
//= 1.5
//===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
//= eAthena Revision 3800+
//===== Description: ========================================= 
//= Oficial quests for new skills for 2nd classes
//===== Additional Comments: ================================= 
//= 1.0 for fully working skills only [Lupus]
//= 1.1 Added more new skill quests for more classes [Lupus]
//= Somehow eA engine doesn't let you keep learn't skill V_V'
//= 1.2 Added to correct locations, correct NPC's, fixed
//= some of the items required and made them into real
//= quests. [Reddozen] 
//= 1.3 Fixed bugs and minor typos. Optimized [Lupus]
//= 1.3a fixed an item ID typo, thx 2Spiritual Kid
//= 1.3b Splitted into different files [DracoRPG]
//= 1.3c Inverted the weight check for Greed [DracoRPG]
//= 1.4 Updated to the official One [Samuray22]
//= 1.5 replaced item "names" with item id. Fixed a bug with
//=		item deletion [Lupus]

//== AKKI - UNFAIR TRICK ===================================
geffen,178,72,5	script	Akki	726,{
	if(Class == Job_Whitesmith && BLACK_SK >= 7 && getskilllv(1012) == 0) {
			mes "[Akki]";
			mes "Woah~";
			mes "It's been a really long time~";
			mes "Maybe it's because you've trained so much";
			mes "but you are looking good~";
			mes "I will teach you the skill";
			mes "you learned before again~";
			skill 1012,1,0;
			set BLACK_SK, 8;
		} else if(BLACK_SK == 8) {
			mes "[Akki]";
			mes "It's been a long time~";
			mes "if you find time again";
			mes "feel free to drop by again~";
			mes "it's been planned me for to";
			mes "remain in this spot, hehe~";
			mes "Then, good luck on our travels.";
			mes "Bye bye~";
	} else if(Class == Job_Whitesmith || Class == Job_Blacksmith) {
		if(JobLevel > 29) {
			if (BLACK_SK == 0) {
				mes "[Akki]";
				mes "Hello~";
				mes "The weather is wonderful today.";
				mes "In a weather like this,";
				mes "vending is very good,";
				mes "but hunting is";
				mes "extraordinary as well.";
				mes "[Akki]";
				mes "I am blacksmith Akki,";
				mes "hired to teach ^ff0000 Unfairly Trick^000000 to fellow smiths";
				mes "of the Blacksmith";
				mes "Guild.";
				mes "[Akki]";
				mes "The quest skill I teach,";
				mes " -^ff0000Unfairly Trick^000000 is-";
				mes "-^ff0000a skill that decreases^000000-";
				mes "-^ff0000zeny required for Mammonite by 10%^000000-";
				mes "-^ff0000 and it is a passive skill.^000000-.";
				mes "[Akki]";
				mes "Seeing from a professional's view,";
				mes " "+strcharinfo(0)+", you will";
				mes "find this skill useful";
				mes "if you get it.";
				mes "[Akki]";
				mes "How is it?";
				mes "Take a chance and learn it.";
				mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
				mes ".............";
				mes "- Akki appears to be reading-";
				mes "-to me from a book called-";
				mes "-'Blacksmith Guild Guide.-";
				mes "-Can you put your faith in the blacksmith?-";
				mes "..................";
				switch( select( "Learn it.", "Refuse.")) {
				case 1:
					mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
					mes "I will learn it.";
					mes "[Akki]";
					mes "Good choice~!";
					mes "There is a skill,";
					mes "a sneaky one, that the guild";
					mes "was able to produce... hehe~~";
					mes "[Akki]";
					mes "Well, then I will explain to you";
					mes "the basics of the skill.";
					mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
					mes "-Akki reopens the booklet-";
					mes "-and starts reading it.-";
					mes "[Akki]";
					mes "The zeny used in";
					mes "Mammonite can be saved while";
					mes "still preserving the power with";
					mes "the skill.-^ff0000 Unfairly Trick^000000-is";
					mes "a trick skill that uses counterfeit";
					mes "zeny for your Mammonite";
					mes "during battles.";
					mes "[Akki]";
					mes "To learn this skill, you must";
					mes "make counterfeit zeny first,";
					mes "so get every material";
					mes "I list and then";
					mes "come back to me.";
					mes "[Akki]";
					mes "The items needed are...";
					mes "One 1 Steel, Five 5 Coal, One 1 Iron Hammer,";
					mes "And... um... hmm... um...";
					mes "um~~~~~~~~~~~";
					mes "[Akki]";
					mes "Um~! Just a moment.";
					mes "I'm still new here...";
					mes "I underlined it somewhere...";
					mes "Where is it....";
					mes "Where is it~?!!!~~~";
					mes "[Akki]";
					mes "-She turns pages frantically-";
					mes "[Akki]";
					mes "Oh yay, I found it!";
					mes "Found it, I found it~";
					mes "Then I will list it again.";
					mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
					mes "............";
					mes "[Akki]";
					mes "1 Steel, 5 Coal, 1 Iron Hammer,";
					mes "500 zeny to use as prints.";
					mes "and 1 Detrimindexta required";
					mes "are listed here, hehe";
					mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
					mes "-......-";
					mes "-Could this girl-";
					mes "-really teach the skill...-";
					mes "[Akki]";
					mes "Telling by "+strcharinfo(0)+"'s face";
					mes "you don't seem to trust me!!";
					mes "You, standing there!!!";
					mes "Is that really how";
					mes "you're thinking?!";
					mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
					mes "Yes. That is so.";
					mes "[Akki]";
					mes "Wahh, of course...";
					mes "But it's been only";
					mes "3 months since I joined!!!!!!";
					mes "I, Akki, do not give up.";
					mes "Worry not, hang on~!!!";
					mes "Mwhahahahaha~";
					mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
					mes "-......-";
					mes "[Akki]";
					mes "Just bring the material";
					mes "and I will teach them to you.";
					mes "[Akki]";
					mes "Well, then go get the";
					mes "things I listed~";
					set BLACK_SK, 1;
					mes "[Akki]";
					mes "I'll list them again.";
					mes "1 Steel, 5 Coals";
					mes "1 Iron Hammer, 500 zeny, 1 Detrimindexta";
					mes "are needed.";
					mes "Don't forget~";
					mes "[Akki]";
					mes "Then~! Go began~!";
					mes "Meanwhile, I will be eating";
					mes "this melon bread I bought.";
					mes "Yum...";
				case 2:
					mes "[Akki]";
					mes "Huh? What?!!";
					mes "You do not trust me";
					mes "yet?~";
					mes "[Akki]";
					mes "Waaah! Please learn it~";
					mes "I will try hard~!!!";
					mes "Please~ Please~";
					mes "[Akki]";
					mes "The blacksmith master";
					mes "told me to raise my";
					mes "reputation more~";
					mes "WAaaaah~~~";
					mes "Just one more time.. I....";
					mes "Waaaaaah~";
					mes "[Akki]";
					mes "Too bad.";
					mes "I'll get in trouble again.";
					mes "Sobs~";
			} else if(BLACK_SK == 1) {
				if(countitem(999) > 0 && countitem(1003) > 4 && countitem(971) > 0 && countitem(613) > 0) {
					if (Zeny >= 500) {
						mes "[Akki]";
						mes "Oh yay~ you got all the materials?";
						mes "Let me see them~~";
						mes "Hmmm~~";
						mes "[Akki]";
						mes "Wow, perfect~";
						mes "Alright~!!";
						mes "[Akki]";
						mes "First, I will test";
						mes "the skill myself with";
						mes "the materials, so";
						mes "wait a few";
						mes "moments~";
						delitem 1003, 5;
						delitem 999, 1;
						delitem 971, 1;
						delitem 613, 1;
						set Zeny, Zeny-500;
						set BLACK_SK, 2;
					mes "[Akki]";
					mes "You need 500 zeny to use as prints";
					mes "but you haven't enough.";
					mes "Go make yourself 500 zeny~";
				mes "[Akki]";
				mes "Did you get everything?";
				mes "Hmm, let's see...";
				mes "Uhoh, you're short~";
				mes "[Akki]";
				mes "I will say it again,";
				mes "1 Steel, 5 Coals";
				mes "1 Iron Hammer, 500 zeny, 1 Detrimindexta";
				mes "are needed.";
				mes "Don't forget~";
			} else if(BLACK_SK == 2) {
				mes "[Akki]";
				mes "Oh~!!!";
				mes "You're here again~";
				mes "........";
				mes "Um~ Uummmm...";
				mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
				mes "............";
				mes "[Akki]";
				mes "The truth is...";
				mes "I was making counterfeit";
				mes "and I failed... WAaah~!";
				mes "Sorry~ Just don't";
				mes "tell the guild master~~";
				mes "Wah wah~";
				mes "[Akki]";
				mes "Give me one more chance~";
				mes "I really cann do well~";
				mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
				mes "Oh really...";
				mes "[Akki]";
				mes "Please please~";
				mes "1 Steel and 3 Coals";
				mes "Get it one more time~";
				mes "Pleeeaaassseee~";
				mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
				mes "I guess...";
				mes "Is that all you need?";
				mes "[Akki]";
				mes "Yes~!!! You're a kind person!";
				mes "You will live a long life~";
				mes "Hehe~";
				mes "[Akki]";
				mes "To say it again,";
				mes "1 Steel";
				mes "and 3 Coals~!!!";
				mes "Good luck, have fun~!!!";
				mes "Go, go~!!!";
				set BLACK_SK, 3;
			} else if(BLACK_SK == 3) {
				if (countitem(999) > 0 && countitem(1003) > 2) {
					mes "[Akki]";
					mes "Oh~ You brought them~!";
					mes "Yay~ Really, thanks~";
					mes "I'll do better this time.";
					mes "Wait a few moments.";
					delitem 999, 1;
					delitem 1003, 3;
					set BLACK_SK, 4;
					mes "[Akki]";
					mes "To list the needed";
					mes "materials again..";
					mes "1 Steel and";
					mes "3 Coals~!";
					mes "Good luck, have fun~!!!";
					mes "Go, go~!!!";
			} else if(BLACK_SK == 4) {
				mes "[Akki]";
				mes "...........";
				mes "........";
				mes "...........";
				mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
				mes "...?";
				mes "[Akki]";
				mes ".........";
				mes ".......";
				mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
				mes "What...no!!!";
				mes "again?!!!";
				mes "[Akki]";
				mes "Waaah~";
				mes "While I was forging";
				mes "the Iron Hammer broke";
				mes "so I couldn't do it~";
				mes "Waaaaah sobs~~~~";
				mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
				mes "-I need to get her another Iron Hammer-";
				mes "-I guess. argh.-";
				mes "-.......Why is..-";
				mes "-argh...tiring...-";
				set BLACK_SK, 5;
			} else if(BLACK_SK == 5) {
				if (countitem(613) > 0) {
					mes "[Akki]";
					mes "Oh~!!";
					mes "You brought it~!";
					mes "So kind~";
					mes "[Akki]";
					mes "Then I will really really";
					mes "teach you, so just";
					mes "wait a little~";
					delitem 613, 1;
					set BLACK_SK, 6;
				mes "[Akki]";
				mes "Iron Hammer is gone~";
				mes "Waaah~ What do I do~";
				mes "If you bring it one more time";
				mes "I promise to";
				mes "do my best~";
			} else if(BLACK_SK == 6) {
				mes "[Akki]";
				mes "WAAAAAAAAH~!!!";
				mes "AWwwwwn~";
				mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
				mes "OMG~!!!";
				mes "Not again?!!";
				mes "[Akki]";
				mes "Tada~!!! Done~!!";
				mes "Hehehe~!!!";
				mes "I just wanted to scare you~";
				mes "haha~";
				mes "[Akki]";
				mes "I finished the skill";
				mes "and tested it myself.";
				mes "Now, with counterfeit I will teach,";
				mes "-^ff0000 Unfairly Trick^000000-skill";
				mes "to you, hehe~.";
				mes "[Akki]";
				mes "As a bonus, after you learn this,";
				mes "you can go to our teacher";
				mes "pay a visit to Goodday and have";
				mes "-^ff0000 Greed^000000- skill taught";
				mes "to you as well~.";
				mes "[Akki]";
				mes "Then I will teach you right away...";
				mes "Lend me a paper to write on";
				mes "and your ear~";
				mes "-whisper whisper~ whisper whisper~";
				mes "[Akki]";
				mes "Use it as I taught you,";
				mes "hope it'll help.";
				mes "I apologize for";
				mes "making so many mistakes";
				mes "in the process~.";
				mes "[Akki]";
				mes "Then, if you find time again";
				mes "come and visit me~";
				mes "I will probably be stuck here";
				mes "until I get promoted";
				mes "elsewhere, hehe~";
				mes "Then, bon voyage and.";
				mes "bye bye~";
				set BLACK_SK, 7;
				skill 1012,1,0;
				set @teach, rand(1,2);
				if(@teach == 1) {
					mes "[Akki]";
					mes "To achieve the new job quest";
					mes "-^ff0000Greed^000000- in your list";
					mes "go visit Goodday at Einbroch's";
					mes "blacksmith guild~.";
				mes "[Akki]";
				mes "It's been a while~";
				mes "I will probably be stuck here";
				mes "until I get promoted";
				mes "elsewhere, hehe~";
				mes "Visit me often~";
				mes "Then, bon voyage and.";
				mes "bye bye~";
		mes "[Akki]";
		mes "My name is Akki, was hired by ";
		mes "the Blacksmith Guild to teach.";
		mes "and pass down the skills.";
		mes "I apologize, but";
		mes ""+strcharinfo(0)+" is listed as low";
		mes "Job Level. You cannot learn it yet.";
	mes "[Akki]";
	mes "Good weather, isn't it?";
	mes "It is an excellent day for";
	mes "forging items.";
	mes "[Akki]";
	mes "I want to go by a shining stream";
	mes "with ultimate materials and";
	mes "blazing fire and forget myself";
	mes "something special~";

//== GOODDAY - GREED SKILL ===================================
geffen,172,52,7	script	Goodday	826,{
	if(Class == Job_WhiteSmith || Class == Job_Blacksmith) {
		if(BLACK_SK2 >= 2 && getskilllv(1013) == 0) {
			mes "[Goodday]";
			mes "Oh ho~";
			mes "It's been a long time~";
			mes "Is it because you transcended?";
			mes "You look amazing~";
			mes "I will give you the skill you";
			mes "learned before again~";
			skill 1013,1,0;
			set BLACK_SK2, 3;
		} else if(BLACK_SK2 == 3) {
			mes "[Goodday]";
			mes "I wonder if you are using your skill";
			mes "properly now.";
			mes "Don't get too greedy as you live";
			mes "and travel around, looking";
			mes "and learning new things.";
		} else if(BLACK_SK2 == 0) {
			mes "[Goodday]";
			mes "I am the one who is in charge";
			mes "of the quest-skills of Blacksmith.";
			mes "My name is Master Gooday.";
			mes "Most prefer just Gooday, though.";
			mes "[Goodday]";
			mes "A new skill was invented with";
			mes "Merchant Guild. Now, the Blacksmith guild";
			mes "is having an event to";
			mes "pass down teh skill to";
			mes "fellow members.";
			mes "[Goodday]";
			mes "Because of this event,";
			mes "We have to send even untrained";
			mes "blacksmiths out to teach skills.";
			mes "Causes me intense troubles";
			mes "sometimes.";
			mes "[Goodday]";
			mes "Hmm, you look like a Blacksmith yourself.";
			mes "Why don't you treat yourself to";
			mes "the new -^ff0000 Greed^000000-skill";
			mes "today?";
			mes "Whether you learn or not";
			mes "is your choice, but I think";
			mes "it's one very good";
			mes "skill~";
			mes "[Goodday]";
			mes "If you want to learn, I will";
			mes "explain the skill to you and teach";
			mes "you all the basics of it.";
			mes "How is it?";
			switch( select( "Sure, I'd like to learn.", "Later~")) {
			case 1:
				mes "[Goodday]";
				mes "Mm, Good thinking.";
				mes "The newly invented skill";
				mes "-^ff0000Greed^000000- allows you to";
				mes "automatically loot the items";
				mes "not picked up within 5x5 radius";
				mes "and place them into your inventory.";
				mes "It's a very useful and convinient skill,";
				mes "I believe.";
				mes "[Goodday]";
				mes "While travelling, all kinds of items";
				mes "including rare and important ones";
				mes "can be achieved very quickly";
				mes "and put into your inventory.";
				mes "Every merchant's dream,";
				mes "wouldn't you agree?";
				mes "[Goodday]";
				mes "Since you decided to learn,";
				mes "before starting, you must";
				mes "go through a simple test";
				mes "to see if you qualify.";
				mes "So listen carefully and follow";
				mes "directions.";
				mes "[Goodday]";
				mes "Now, go out and";
				mes "-^ff0000 Not mattering whether it is^000000-";
				mes "-^ff0000 Armour, Potion, Misc items, etc^000000-";
				mes "-^ff0000 Fill your inventory up^000000-";
				mes "-^ff0000 so that you cannot put^000000-";
				mes "-^ff0000 anything 500 weight or more into^000000-";
				mes "-^ff0000 your invenory and^000000-";
				mes "-^ff0000 return to me.^000000-";
				mes "[Goodday]";
				mes "That is all that is";
				mes "required for teh skill.";
				mes "Now get started.";
				set BLACK_SK2, 1;
			case 2:
				mes "[Goodday]";
				mes "Mm. Is that so?";
				mes "Ah, it is good to";
				mes "live your life busy";
				mes "when you're young.";
				mes "Just use your time";
				mes "wisely.";
		} else if(BLACK_SK2 == 1) {
			// Check if you can carry 25 golds (Gold weight 20 = 20*25 = 500),
			if(checkweight(969,25) == 1) { 
				mes "[Goodday]";
				mes "Mm~ back already.";
				mes "Well, without checking, I can tell";
				mes "you're quite off from";
				mes "what I asked for.";
				mes "This is what I wanted.";
				mes "[Goodday]";
				mes "-^ff0000 Not mattering whether it is^000000-";
				mes "-^ff0000 Armour, Potion, Misc items, etc^000000-";
				mes "-^ff0000 Fill your inventory up^000000-";
				mes "-^ff0000 so that you cannot put^000000-";
				mes "-^ff0000 anything 500 weight or more into^000000-";
				mes "-^ff0000 your invenory and^000000-";
				mes "-^ff0000 return to me.^000000-";
				mes "[Goodday]";
				mes "Mm, back already?";
				mes "You came back earlier than expected.";
				mes "Well, then allow me to see";
				mes "your bag.";
				mes "Hmm~~~~~";
				mes "[Goodday]";
				mes "Ah~ Hmm~";
				mes "Mm~ You did just as";
				mes "I asked you to. Good.";
				mes "Alright, you pass the test.";
				mes "[Goodday]";
				mes "The time spent and experience";
				mes "gained while collecting the items";
				mes "are more important than the";
				mes "price that comes out when you";
				mes "sell the items.";
				mes "I wanted to let you know that.";
				mes "[Goodday]";
				mes "Of course, as a blacksmith,";
				mes "you are expected to look at every";
				mes "item as a possibility to bring you zeny,";
				mes "but you are also capable";
				mes "personally of knowledge and";
				mes "honour, in my opinion.";
				mes "[Goodday]";
				mes "You may not think the test";
				mes "and the skill have any relationship";
				mes "to each other, but.";
				mes "That was the test and teaching";
				mes "that my Master passed to me";
				mes "when I first became a";
				mes "blacksmith.";
				mes "[Goodday]";
				mes "There are too many people";
				mes "trying to gain money";
				mes "before anything in this world,";
				mes "and it pains me to see people";
				mes "living to see only money";
				mes "in their items and forgetting";
				mes "about honour and love of life.";
				mes "[Goodday]";
				mes "Forging items and weapons";
				mes "that your friends and others need";
				mes "and travelling the world to";
				mes "venture out and face danger yourself";
				mes "to seek the materials for refining";
				mes "is the purpose and honour";
				mes "of blacksmith.";
				mes "[Goodday]";
				mes "The name of the skill";
				mes "I will give to you is called";
				mes "-^ff0000 Greed^000000- but";
				mes "I hope it will be used as";
				mes "another meaning to you";
				mes "once you receive it.";
				mes "[Goodday]";
				mes "Then here is your skill.";
				skill 1013,1,0;
				set BLACK_SK2, 2;
		} else if(BLACK_SK2 == 2) {
			mes "[Goodday]";
			mes "I wonder if you are using your skill";
			mes "properly now.";
			mes "Don't get too greedy as you live";
			mes "and travel around, looking";
			mes "and learning new things.";
	mes "[Goodday]";
	mes "On a day like this, I want to put";
	mes "my backpack on and climb a dangerous";
	mes "mountain where all kinds of goods lie";
	mes "and go off collecting them.";
	mes "Why don't you become a";
	mes "blacksmith someday?";