//===== eAthena Script ======================================= 
//= God items creation NPCs
//===== By: ================================================== 
//= SinSloth
//===== Current Version: ===================================== 
//= 1.2
//===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
//= eAthena
//===== Description: ========================================= 
//===== Additional Comments: =================================
//= 1.0 First version. Thanks to SinSloth for scripting it. [MasterOfMuppets]
//= 1.1 Updated several aspects of the script. [L0ne_W0lf]
//= 1.2 Corrected several incorrect item IDs. [L0ne_W0lf]

gld_dun01,28,85,0	script	Grunburti#1::GodDwarf	826,{
	set .@GID,getcharid(2);
	mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
	mes "A human?!";
	mes "This land is full";
	mes "of your kind. What";
	mes "brings you here?";
	mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
	mes "Living in Midgard and away from";
	mes "my home town is painful enough, let alone facing a whiny human. Leave me alone!";
	switch(select("Ask him about Dwarves.:Ask him what he is doing.:Request weapon creation.:Cancel.")) {
	case 1:
		mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
		mes "What's to know about Dwarves?";
		mes "We're the toughest race. After all, we can live anywhere, no matter";
		mes "how harsh the environment may be.";
		mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
		mes "I doubt your feeble mind can comprehend the how unendurable";
		mes "it must be for you to live in my homeland, but you can try.";
		mes "Try to imagine.";
		mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
		mes "Most of the knowledge and skills that you humans are so proud of were probably handed down from Dwarves.";
		mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
		mes "This is especially true in the";
		mes "case of smithing. Even the tools and weapons of the gods were made by my ancestors. You know that?";
		mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
		mes "We have the greatest knowlege and skills, but have accepted our fate to live in the cold, barren lands of the Giants.";
	case 2:
		mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
		mes "Did you just ask what I am doing here? Mwahahaha! Waiting for any humans stupid enough to come";
		mes "here so I can kick their ass!";
		mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
		mes "Oh don't worry. I'd only humiliate myself by fighting with a weakling like you. Humans are so fragile, but they stubbornly cling to their arrogance and fight amongst";
		mes "each other.";
		mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
		mes "As a race, your people are just hopeless. I wouldn't even share the same continent with a human! But alas, I have no choice.";
		mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
		mes "The path to my hometown";
		mes "disappeared after the war 1,000 years ago. Somehow, I can no longer find the way through the Yggdrasil Tree that will take me back...";
		mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
		mes "I'm stuck here in Rune-Midgard.";
		mes "At least I was fortunate enough to find this cave. We Dwarves are most cozy living underground, after all.";
	case 3:
		if (($God1 < 100) || ($God2 < 100) || ($God3 < 100) || ($God4 < 100)){
			if (($God1 > 49) && ($God2 > 49) && ($God3 > 49) && ($God4 > 49) && (strcharinfo(0) == getguildmaster(.@GID))) {
				mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
				mes "Hmm...";
				mes "I'll need some things to make a weapon for you. What exactly were you interested in having?";
				switch(select("Brisingamen:Megingjard:Sleipnir:Mjolnir")) {
				case 1:
					mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
					mes "I will need...";
					mes "^0000FF4 Freya's Jewel";
					mes "4 Silver Ornament";
					mes "3 Snow Crystal";
					mes "3 Ripple";
					mes "3 Drifting Air";
					mes "2 Sapphire";
					mes "3 Pearl";
					mes "10 Opal";
					mes "5 Cursed Ruby";
					mes "20 Gold^000000";
					mes "1 Necklace^000000...";
					mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
					mes "However, the time for me to create this Brisingamen has not yet come. You'll have to wait until the seals are released. Mwahahaha!";
				case 2:
					mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
					mes "I will need...";
					mes "^0000FF1 Gleipnir";
					mes "20 Gold";
					mes "10 Sapphire";
					mes "10 Oridecon";
					mes "1 Belt^000000";
					mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
					mes "However, the seals on Megingjard have not yet been released. Until then, you'll have to wait! Bwahahaha!";
				case 3:
					mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
					mes "I will need...";
					mes "^0000FF3 Wheel of the Unknown";
					mes "5 Feather of Angel Wing";
					mes "3 Sprit of Fish";
					mes "4 Amblem of the Sun God";
					mes "3 Breath of Spirit";
					mes "20 Gold";
					mes "10 Elunium";
					mes "1 Slotted Boots^000000";
					mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
					mes "But even so, I can't create Sleipnir until the seals have been broken. Otherwise, you're out of luck, human. Hahaha~!";
				case 4:
					mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
					mes "I will need...";
					mes "^0000FF2 Thor's Gauntlets";
					mes "4 Iron Maiden";
					mes "5 Wrath of Valkyrie";
					mes "5 Omen of Tempest";
					mes "5 Billow";
					mes "20 Oridecon";
					mes "5 Elunium";
					mes "40 Gold";
					mes "1 Stunner^000000";
					mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
					mes "But I can't even create a replica of Mjolnir if the seals are still in place. Until they're released, you'll just have to wait. Bwahaha!";
			mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
			mes "We Dwarves have too much pride to demonstrate our skills in front of a lowly human!";
			mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
			mes "Stop bothering me and get out of here! Go play with some monsters, you simple minded fool!";
		if (strcharinfo(0) != getguildmaster(.@GID)) {
			mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
			mes "I'll only present";
			mes "my magnificent skills";
			mes "to a human of incredibly";
			mes "high standing!";
			mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
			mes "Although I hate";
			mes "most humans, I have";
			mes "no choice but to respect the ones chosen by destiny. Go and bring your ^0000FFguildmaster^000000!";
		mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
		mes "Although it is very humiliating to present my valuable skills to a human being...";
		mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
		mes "All the seals have been released, and he who holds the Emperium is chosen by destiny. I have no choice but to respect you.";
		mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
		mes "First of all, I shall confirm whether or not you have brought all the necessary materials to forge a godly item! I hate it when humans come here without any purpose!";
		if ((countitem(7073) > 3) && (countitem(7077) > 3) && (countitem(7088) > 2) && (countitem(7090) > 2) && (countitem(7092) > 2) && (countitem(726) > 1) && (countitem(722) > 2) && (countitem(727) > 9) && (countitem(724) > 4) && (countitem(969) > 19) && (countitem(2603) > 0)) {
			mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
			mes "Hmm...";
			mes "I guess you";
			mes "want to have";
			mes "^0000FFBrisingamen^000000!";
		else if ((countitem(7058) > 0) && (countitem(969) > 19) && (countitem(726) > 9) && (countitem(984) > 9) && (countitem(2627) > 0)){ //Gullraifnir Gold Blue_Jewel Oridecon Belt 
			mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
			mes "Hmm...";
			mes "I guess you";
			mes "want to have";
			mes "^0000FFMegingjard^000000!";
		else if ((countitem(7076) > 2) && (countitem(7079) > 4) && (countitem(7083) > 2) && (countitem(7086) > 3) && (countitem(7087) > 2) && (countitem(969) > 19) && (countitem(985) > 9) && (countitem(2406) > 0)) {
			mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
			mes "Hmm...";
			mes "I guess you";
			mes "want to have";
			mes "^0000FFSleipnir^000000!";
		else if ((countitem(7074) > 1) && (countitem(7075) > 3) && (countitem(7078) > 4) && (countitem(7089) > 4) && (countitem(7091) > 4) && (countitem(984) > 19) && (countitem(985) > 4) && (countitem(969) > 39) && (countitem(1522) > 0)) {
			mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
			mes "Hmm...";
			mes "I guess you";
			mes "want to have";
			mes "^0000FFMjolnir^000000!";
		else {
			mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
			mes "...";
			mes "......";
			mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
			mes "...";
			mes "......";
			mes ".........";
			mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
			mes "...";
			mes "......";
			mes ".........";
			mes ".............";
			mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
			mes "How dare you come here unprepared?! Did you forget what you needed to bring? Listen carefully this time!";
			switch(select("Brisingamen:Megingjard:Sleipnir:Mjolnir")) {
			case 1:
				mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
				mes "I will need...";
				mes "^0000FF4 Freya's Jewel";
				mes "4 Silver Ornament";
				mes "3 Snow Crystal";
				mes "3 Ripple";
				mes "3 Drifting Air";
				mes "2 Sapphire";
				mes "3 Pearl";
				mes "10 Opal";
				mes "5 Cursed Ruby";
				mes "20 Gold^000000";
				mes "1 Necklace^000000...";
				mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
				mes "Hmmm, but now";
				mes "that the seals have";
				mes "been released, you must hurry before another human can claim";
				mes "one of the godly items...";
				mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
				mes "Hurry...!";
				mes "Once I forge";
				mes "Brisingamen,";
				mes "the seals will";
				mes "activate again!";
			case 2:
				mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
				mes "I will need...";
				mes "^0000FF1 Gleipnir";
				mes "20 Gold";
				mes "10 Sapphire";
				mes "10 Oridecon";
				mes "1 Belt^000000";
				mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
				mes "Hmmm, but now";
				mes "that the seals have";
				mes "been released, you must hurry before another human can claim";
				mes "one of the godly items...";
				mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
				mes "Hurry...!";
				mes "Once I forge";
				mes "Megingjard,";
				mes "the seals will";
				mes "activate again!";
			case 3:
				mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
				mes "I will need...";
				mes "^0000FF3 Wheel of the Unknown";
				mes "5 Feather of Angel Wing";
				mes "3 Sprit of Fish";
				mes "4 Amblem of the Sun God";
				mes "3 Breath of Spirit";
				mes "20 Gold";
				mes "10 Elunium";
				mes "1 Slotted Boots^000000";
				mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
				mes "Hmmm, but now";
				mes "that the seals have";
				mes "been released, you must hurry before another human can claim";
				mes "one of the godly items...";
				mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
				mes "Hurry...!";
				mes "Once I forge";
				mes "Sleipnir,";
				mes "the seals will";
				mes "activate again!";
			case 4:
				mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
				mes "I will need...";
				mes "^0000FF2 Thor's Gauntlets";
				mes "4 Iron Maiden";
				mes "5 Wrath of Valkyrie";
				mes "5 Omen of Tempest";
				mes "5 Billow";
				mes "20 Oridecon";
				mes "5 Elunium";
				mes "40 Gold";
				mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
				mes "Hmmm, but now";
				mes "that the seals have";
				mes "been released, you must hurry before another human can claim";
				mes "one of the godly items...";
				mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
				mes "Hurry...!";
				mes "Once I forge";
				mes "the Mjolnir,";
				mes "the seals will";
				mes "activate again!";
		mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
		mes "Hmpf.";
		mes "I can't get any work done in here. Come with me to the ^0000FFunderground laboratory^000000 as my guest, human.";
		mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
		mes "Now hurry up! ^0000FFOnly one of each godly item^000000 will be given to the humans ^FF0000right after all the seals are released^000000!";
		warp "que_god01",214,63;
	case 4:
		mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
		mes "Muhahahahahaha!";
		mes "Out of my sight,";
		mes "you dirty, filthy";
		mes "human...!";

gld_dun02,85,84,0	duplicate(GodDwarf)	Grunburti#2	826
gld_dun03,92,105,0	duplicate(GodDwarf)	Grunburti#3	826
gld_dun04,268,230,0	duplicate(GodDwarf)	Grunburti#4	826

que_god01,215,127,0	script	#god_hopewarp1	111,{

	waitingroom "Laboratory Entrance",2,"#god_hopewarp1::OnStartArena",1;

	warpwaitingpc "que_god01",155,63;
	donpcevent "Grunburti#god::OnEnable";


que_god01,214,128,0	script	 #que_godnpc1::GodEntrance	111,{
	mes "[Entrance Notice]";
	mes "Only the most";
	mes "worthy of humans";
	mes "will possess the";
	mes "power of the gods.";
que_god01,215,128,0	duplicate(GodEntrance)	 #que_godnpc2	111
que_god01,213,128,0	duplicate(GodEntrance)	 #que_godnpc3	111

que_god01,154,112,4	script	Grunburti#god	826,{
	if (($God1 < 100) || ($God2 < 100) || ($God3 < 100) || ($God4 < 100)){
		mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
		mes "One of the godly";
		mes "items has been created,";
		mes "and the seals have been";
		mes "restored. You'll have to";
		mes "wait until they're all";
		mes "released again...!";
		mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
		mes "Bwahahahahahahaa!";
		mes "Even though you're";
		mes "just a human, I feel";
		mes "pity for you~";
	set .@GID,getcharid(2);
	if (strcharinfo(0) != getguildmaster(.@GID)) {
		mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
		mes "How in the...";
		mes "Get out of here!";
		mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
		mes "How did one of you";
		mes "stupid humans get in";
		mes "here?! Only those who";
		mes "hold the Emperium can";
		mes "even think of entering";
		mes "this place...!";
	mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
	mes "It's incredibly";
	mes "humiliating to do work for a human. But since destiny has chosen you as the bearer of an Emperium, I have no choice but to oblige your requests.";
	mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
	mes "We only have";
	mes "^FF000010 minutes^000000 to recreate one godly treasure. After that, the seals will restore themselves and I won't be able to create anything until they're released again...";
	mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
	mes "^FF0000Don't be too slow^000000,";
	mes "otherwise ^FF0000I will give";
	mes "the chance to another";
	mes "human^000000 right away!";
	mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
	mes "Now...!";
	mes "Choose the item";
	mes "you wish for me";
	mes "to create!";
	switch(select("Brisingamen:Megingjard:Sleipnir:Mjolnir")) {
	case 1:
		mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
		mes "B-Brisingamen?!";
		mes "I've never expected";
		mes "such insolence...!";
		mes "This necklace will never have any meaning in my eyes unless it's worn by the goddess Freya.";
		mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
		mes "But who am I to judge your worthiness? These treasures";
		mes "select their owners with their own will. Let's see if Brisingamen will find you worthy!";
		mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
		mes "Once again, I need following materials in order to reproduce";
		mes "this godly treasure...";
		mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
		mes "^0000FF4 Freya's Jewel";
		mes "4 Silver Ornament";
		mes "3 Snow Crystal";
		mes "3 Ripple";
		mes "3 Drifting Air";
		mes "2 Sapphire";
		mes "3 Pearl";
		mes "10 Opal";
		mes "5 Cursed Ruby";
		mes "20 Gold";
		mes "1 Necklace^000000";
		switch(select("Make Brisingamen.:Cancel.")) {
		case 1:
			if ((countitem(7073) > 3) && (countitem(7077) > 3) && (countitem(7088) > 2) && (countitem(7090) > 2) && (countitem(7092) > 2) && (countitem(726) > 1) && (countitem(722) > 2) && (countitem(727) > 9) && (countitem(724) > 4) && (countitem(969) > 19) && (countitem(2603) > 0)){ //Jewel_Of_Prayer Silver_Fancy Crystal_Of_Snow Slilince_Wave Air_Stream Blue_Jewel Scarlet_Jewel White_Jewel Cardinal_Jewel_ Gold Necklace 
				mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
				mes "Never in my wildest";
				mes "imaginings have I thought that I'd be crafting this masterpiece for a mere human. Give me a moment.";
				if (($God1 < 100) || ($God2 < 100) || ($God3 < 100) || ($God4 < 100)){
					mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
					mes "But...";
					mes "The seals";
					mes "have just been";
					mes "restored. You'll have to";
					mes "wait until they're all";
					mes "released again...!";
					mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
					mes "Bwahahahahahahaa!";
					mes "Even though you're";
					mes "just a human, I feel";
					mes "pity for you~";
				delitem 7073,4;  //Jewel_Of_Prayer
				delitem 7077,4;  //Silver_Fancy
				delitem 7088,3;  //Crystal_Of_Snow
				delitem 7090,3;  //Slilince_Wave
				delitem 7092,3;  //Air_Stream
				delitem 726,2;  //Blue_Jewel
				delitem 722,3;  //Scarlet_Jewel
				delitem 727,10;  //White_Jewel
				delitem 724,5;  //Cardinal_Jewel_
				delitem 969,20;  //Gold
				delitem 2603,1;  //Necklace
				getitem 2630,1; // Brysinggamen
				set $God1,0;
				set $God2,0;
				set $God3,0;
				set $God4,0;
				announce "[Brisingamen] has come into the hands of [" + strcharinfo(0) + "], master of the [" + getguildname(.@GID) + "] guild.",bc_all;
				mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
				mes "Ah, just look at this dazzling beauty. No other piece of jewelry complemented Freya as well as Brisingamen.";
			else {
				mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
				mes "Idiot human!";
				mes "You didn't bring";
				mes "everything I need to";
				mes "recreate Brisingamen!";
				mes "Hurry...!";
		case 2:
			mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
			mes "Muhahahaha~";
			mes "Somehow, I figured";
			mes "you'd back out, human!";
	case 2:
		mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
		mes "M- Megingjard?!";
		mes "The girdle of might?!";
		mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
		mes "This belt was worn long ago by Thor, the mightest warrior ever. But since these treasures select their owners, we'll see whether or not it recognizes you as worthy!";
		mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
		mes "Once again, I need following materials in order to reproduce";
		mes "this godly treasure...";
		mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
		mes "^0000FF1 Gleipnir";
		mes "20 Gold";
		mes "10 Sapphire";
		mes "10 Oridecon";
		mes "1 Belt^000000...";
		switch(select("Make Megingjard.:Cancel.")) {
		case 1:
			if ((countitem(7058) > 0) && (countitem(969) > 19) && (countitem(726) > 9) && (countitem(984) > 9) && (countitem(2627) > 0)) {
				mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
				mes "Twenty years ago,";
				mes "I'd never believe that";
				mes "something so powerful and dangerous as Megingjard would end up in the hands of a human...";
				if (($God1 < 100) || ($God2 < 100) || ($God3 < 100) || ($God4 < 100)){
					mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
					mes "But...";
					mes "The seals";
					mes "have just been";
					mes "restored. You'll have to";
					mes "wait until they're all";
					mes "released again...!";
					mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
					mes "Bwahahahahahahaa!";
					mes "Even though you're";
					mes "just a human, I feel";
					mes "pity for you~";
				delitem 7058,1;  //Gullraifnir
				delitem 969,20;  //Gold
				delitem 726,10;  //Blue_Jewel
				delitem 984,10;  //Oridecon
				delitem 2627,1;  //Belt
				getitem 2629,1; // Magingiorde
				set $God1,0;
				set $God2,0;
				set $God3,0;
				set $God4,0;
				announce "[Megingjard] the godly item has been given to [" + strcharinfo(0) + "], the master of the guild [" + getguildname(.@GID) + "].",bc_all;
				mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
				mes "Here...";
				mes "Be careful with how";
				mes "you use the strength";
				mes "of a god. Just a fair";
				mes "warning, human...";
			else {
				mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
				mes "Idiot human!";
				mes "You didn't bring";
				mes "everything I need to";
				mes "recreate Megingjard!";
				mes "Hurry...!";
		case 2:
			mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
			mes "Muhahahaha~";
			mes "Somehow, I figured";
			mes "you'd back out, human!";
	case 3:
		mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
		mes "Sleipnir...";
		mes "Now, understand";
		mes "that I can't create";
		mes "the eight-legged stallion";
		mes "of legend. However...";
		mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
		mes "I can create a pair";
		mes "of shoes that will possess the power of Sleipnir. It's a strange, but feasible process...";
		mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
		mes "Once again, I need following materials in order to reproduce";
		mes "this godly treasure...";
		mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
		mes "^0000FF3 Wheel of the Unknown";
		mes "5 Feather of Angel Wing";
		mes "3 Sprit of Fish";
		mes "4 Amblem of the Sun God";
		mes "3 Breath of Spirit";
		mes "20 Gold";
		mes "10 Elunium";
		mes "1 Slotted Boots^000000...";
		switch(select("Make Sleipnir.:Cancel.")) {
		case 1:
			if ((countitem(7076) > 2) && (countitem(7079) > 4) && (countitem(7083) > 2) && (countitem(7086) > 3) && (countitem(7087) > 2) && (countitem(969) > 19) && (countitem(985) > 9) && (countitem(2406) > 0)) {
				mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
				mes "I never believed";
				mes "that the speed of";
				mes "Sleipnir would be";
				mes "used by a human.";
				mes "Give me a moment...";
				if (($God1 < 100) || ($God2 < 100) || ($God3 < 100) || ($God4 < 100)){
					mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
					mes "But...";
					mes "The seals";
					mes "have just been";
					mes "restored. You'll have to";
					mes "wait until they're all";
					mes "released again...!";
					mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
					mes "Bwahahahahahahaa!";
					mes "Even though you're";
					mes "just a human, I feel";
					mes "pity for you~";
				delitem 7076,3;  //Mystery_Wheel
				delitem 7079,5;  //Feather_Of_Angel
				delitem 7083,3;  //Soul_Of_Fish
				delitem 7086,4;  //Symbol_Of_Sun
				delitem 7087,3;  //Breath_Of_Soul
				delitem 969,20;  //Gold
				delitem 985,10;  //Elunium
				delitem 2406,1;  //Boots_
				getitem 2410,1; // Sleipnir
				set $God1,0;
				set $God2,0;
				set $God3,0;
				set $God4,0;
				announce "[Sleipnir] the godly item has been given to [" + strcharinfo(0) + "], the master of the guild [" + getguildname(.@GID) + "].",bc_all;
				mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
				mes "There...";
				mes "Wear these, and";
				mes "move with the speed of";
				mes "the legendary Sleipnir...";
			else {
				mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
				mes "Idiot human!";
				mes "You didn't bring";
				mes "everything I need to";
				mes "recreate Sleipnir!";
				mes "Hurry...!";
		case 2:
			mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
			mes "Muhahahaha~";
			mes "Somehow, I figured";
			mes "you'd back out, human!";
	case 4:
		mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
		mes "M-M-Mjolnir!?";
		mes "Even though the";
		mes "moment is at hand,";
		mes "I can scarcely believe...";
		mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
		mes "^333333*Sigh...*^000000";
		mes "This is almost a disgrace to gods and the Dwarf race. But perhaps, wielding Mjolnir may be your destiny...";
		mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
		mes "Once again, I need following materials in order to reproduce";
		mes "this godly treasure...";
		mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
		mes "^0000FF2 Thor's Gauntlets";
		mes "4 Iron Maiden";
		mes "5 Wrath of Valkyrie";
		mes "5 Omen of Tempest";
		mes "5 Billow";
		mes "20 Oridecon";
		mes "5 Elunium";
		mes "40 Gold";
		mes "1 Stunner^000000...";
		switch(select("Make Mjolnir.:Cancel.")) {
		case 1:
			if ((countitem(7074) > 1) && (countitem(7075) > 3) && (countitem(7078) > 4) && (countitem(7089) > 4) && (countitem(7091) > 4) && (countitem(984) > 19) && (countitem(985) > 4) && (countitem(969) > 39) && (countitem(1522) > 0)) {
				mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
				mes "Do not disgrace";
				mes "Thor, lord of Thunder,";
				mes "or you will regret it.";
				mes "Mark my words...";
				if (($God1 < 100) || ($God2 < 100) || ($God3 < 100) || ($God4 < 100)){
					mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
					mes "But...";
					mes "The seals";
					mes "have just been";
					mes "restored. You'll have to";
					mes "wait until they're all";
					mes "released again...!";
					mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
					mes "Bwahahahahahahaa!";
					mes "Even though you're";
					mes "just a human, I feel";
					mes "pity for you~";
				delitem 7074,2;  //Iron_Glove
				delitem 7075,4;  //Iron_Maiden
				delitem 7078,5;  //Anger_Of_Valkurye
				delitem 7089,5;  //Indication_Of_Tempest
				delitem 7091,5;  //Rough_Billows
				delitem 984,20;  //Oridecon
				delitem 985,5;  //Elunium
				delitem 969,40;  //Gold
				delitem 1522,1;  //Stunner
				getitem 1530,1; // Mjolnir
				set $God1,0;
				set $God2,0;
				set $God3,0;
				set $God4,0;
				announce "[Mjolnir] has been bestowed to [" + strcharinfo(0) + "], the master of the [" + getguildname(.@GID) + "] guild.",bc_all;
				mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
				mes "It's done.";
				mes "Take it. How does";
				mes "it feel to hold the world's most powerful weapon in your grasp?";
			else {
				mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
				mes "Idiot human!";
				mes "You didn't bring";
				mes "everything I need";
				mes "to recreate Mjolnir!";
				mes "Hurry...!";
		case 2:
			mes "[Dwarf Grunburti]";
			mes "Muhahahaha~";
			mes "Somehow, I figured";
			mes "you'd back out, human!";


	mapannounce "que_god01","Remember that you only have 10 minutes for this! Hurry up!",bc_map;

	mapannounce "que_god01","You're too slow! I'm going to give another human a chance! Next!",bc_map;

	areawarp "que_god01",154,67,4,7,"prontera",156,324;
	areawarp "que_god01",154,82,4,7,"prontera",156,324;
	areawarp "que_god01",145,99,9,9,"prontera",156,324;
	areawarp "que_god01",164,99,9,9,"prontera",156,324;
	areawarp "que_god01",145,118,9,9,"prontera",156,324;
	areawarp "que_god01",164,118,9,9,"prontera",156,324;

	donpcevent "god_wep_warpmaster::OnDisable";
	donpcevent " #god_hopewarp1::Onreset";

que_god01,293,3,0	script	Godly Item Quests Related#god	90,{
	mes "[Use in case of emergency]";
	mes "Please enter password.";
	mes "If you wish to cancel, please enter 0.";
	input .@input,0,4001;
	if (.@input < 0 || .@input > 4000) {
		mes "[Use in case of emergency]";
		mes "Password is incorrect.";
	else if(.@input == 0) {
		mes "[Use in case of emergency]";
		mes "You have canceled your request.";
	else if(.@input == 1854) {
		mes "[Use in case of emergency]";
		mes "What services would you like to use?";
		switch(select("Turn off Warps.:Reset Timer.:Reset chat room.")) {
		case 1:
			mes "[Use in case of emergency]";
			mes "Press the 'Next' button to turn off warps.";
			areawarp "que_god01",154,67,4,7,"prontera",156,324;
			areawarp "que_god01",154,82,4,7,"prontera",156,324;
			areawarp "que_god01",145,99,9,9,"prontera",156,324;
			areawarp "que_god01",164,99,9,9,"prontera",156,324;
			areawarp "que_god01",145,118,9,9,"prontera",156,324;
			areawarp "que_god01",164,118,9,9,"prontera",156,324;
			mes "[Use in case of emergency]";
			mes "You have successfully turned off warps.";
		case 2:
			mes "[Use in case of emergency]";
			mes "Press the 'Next' button to reset timer.";
			donpcevent "Grunburti#god::OnEnable";
			mes "[Use in case of emergency]";
			mes "You have successfully reset timer.";
		case 3:
			mes "[Use in case of emergency]";
			mes "Please press the 'Next' button to reset the arena chat room in que_god01.";
			donpcevent " #god_hopewarp1::Onreset";
			mes "[Use in case of emergency]";
			mes "You have successfully reset the arena chat room (Laboratory Entrance 1/2).";