//===== eAthena Script ======================================= 
//= Quest NPCs related to Prontera
//===== By: ================================================== 
//= kobra_k88; L0ne_W0lf
//===== Current Version: ===================================== 
//= 1.8
//===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
//= eAthena SVN
//===== Description: ========================================= 
//= Collection of Prontera-based quests.
//= * Culvert Access
//= * Ph.D Hat Quest
//= * Gaebolg Family Curse
//===== Comments: ============================================
//= Culvert Access:
//= - [Aegis Conversion]
//= - Variable in use: MISC_QUEST (bit 8)
//= Ph.D Hat Quest:
//= - n/a
//= Gaebolg Family Curse:
//= - [Aegis Conversion]
//= - Variable in use: prt_curse (max 61)
//===== Additional Comments: ================================= 
//= Fixed flower name Dreamy -> Illusion
//= 1.2 Fixed exploit [Lupus]
//= 1.3 Removed Duplicates [Silent]
//= 1.4 Moved Culvert from cities/prontera.txt [Evera]
//= 1.5 Culvert has been rescripted from the ground up. [L0ne_W0lf]
//= 1.6 Added Gaebolg Family Curse quest. [L0ne_W0lf]
//= 1.6a Fixed a couple spelling mistakes. [L0ne_W0lf]
//= 1.7 Updated "Ph.D Quest" Dialogs. [Samuray22]
//= 1.7b Fixed some minor typos. [SinSloth]
//= 1.7c replaced item "names" with item id. [Lupus]
//= 1.8 Fixed experience gains to match upcoming rate adjustments. [SinSloth]

// Prontera Culvert
prt_in,88,105,2	script	Recruiter	105,{
	if (MISC_QUEST & 8) {
		mes "[Recruiter]";
		mes "Ah...";
		mes "I know those eyes.";
		mes "Full of compassion";
		mes "...and courage.";
		mes "[Recruiter]";
		mes "Of course you're a volunteer for campaign to reclaim the Prontera Culvert. Would you let me warp you there?";
		if (select("Warp to Culvert Entrance.:Quit.") == 1) {
			warp "prt_fild05",274,208;
	mes "[Recruiter]";
	mes "Ah, let me inform you that the Capital Defense Headquarter of the Rune-Midgarts Kingdom has now decided to recruit a punitive force due to the Prontera Culvert's situation.";
	switch(select("Volunteer.:Situation...?:Quit.")) {
	case 1:
		callsub S_Volunteer;
		mes "[Recruiter]";
		mes "Are you ready, hero?";
		mes "I will now warp you";
		mes "to the Culvert.";
		warp "prt_fild05",274,208;
	case 2:
		mes "[Recruiter]";
		mes "Haven't you heard...?";
		mes "The Prontera Culvert is infested with all kinds of filthy vermin!";
		mes "[Recruiter]";
		mes "Due to the serious risk of water contamination, and the safety of Rune-Midgardians, the Culvert has been quarantined by royal decree.";
		mes "[Recruiter]";
		mes "Needless to say, this has caused shortages in the water supply in our kingdom. Indeed, such a crisis in these dark times...";
		mes "[Recruiter]";
		mes "Our people";
		mes "thirst for water...";
		mes "But they thirst";
		mes "even more...";
		mes "For a hero!";
		mes "[Recruiter]";
		mes "Will you stand idly as the children of Rune-Midgarts suffer from parched throats and shed tears of dryness?! Would you bury our children?!";
		mes "[Recruiter]";
		mes "Warriors! Rune-Midgarts is calling you! Cleanse this land's pestilence and cast out the vermin in the Culvert! Only you... Can make a difference.";
		if (select("Volunteer.:Quit.") == 1) {
			callsub S_Volunteer;
			mes "[Recruiter]";
			mes "Adventurer...";
			mes "I will now warp you";
			mes "to the Prontera Culvert.";
			warp "prt_fild05",274,208;
		mes "[Recruiter]";
		mes "Hmpf. Well. The next time you take a drink of water, just remember that an average of nine and a half children just died... ^990000Of thirst^000000.";

	case 3:

	mes "[Recruiter]";
	mes "Your registration...";
	mes "is now complete.";
	mes "[Recruiter]";
	mes "I would like to thank you for volunteering to do your part for our great kingdom. Here, take these provisions for your battles against the forces of darkness.";
	mes "[Recruiter]";
	mes "3 Red Potions, 1 Milk,";
	mes "and 1 Orange Potion";
	mes "...to give you hope.";
	getitem 501,3; //Red_Potion
	getitem 519,1; //Milk
	getitem 502,1; //Orange_Potion

prt_fild05,270,212,5	script	Culvert Guardian	105,{
	if(MISC_QUEST & 8) {
		mes "[Culvert Guardian]";
		mes "Ah, you're one of our volunteers. This is the entrance of the Prontera Culvert.";
		mes "Do you wish to";
		mes "go inside?";
		if (select("Sure.:Quit.") == 1) {
			warp "prt_sewb1",131,247;
	mes "[Culvert Guardian]";
	mes "I'm sorry, but we can only allow volunteers for the Culvert Campaign to enter.";
	mes "[Culvert Guardian]";
	mes "If you'd like to volunteer, please visit the ^000077Culvert Registrar^000000 located in the 11 O'clock direction of Prontera.";

// Ph.D Hat Quest
prt_in,38,108,3	script	Teacher	53,{
	if(countitem(710) > 0 && countitem(703) > 0 && countitem(704) > 0 && countitem(708) > 0) {
		mes "[Teacher]";
		mes "My God! The Flower you are holding...";
		switch( select( "Show him the flowers.","Give him the flowers.","Cancel.")) {
			case 1:
				mes "[Teacher]";
				mes "Are those the Flowers I've been looking for...";
				mes "Would you give them to me?";
				mes "[Teacher]";
				mes "If you give them to me... I... I will give my precious item...";
			case 2:
				if(countitem(710) > 0 && countitem(703) > 0 && countitem(704) > 0 && countitem(708) > 0) {
					delitem 710,1;
					delitem 703,1;
					delitem 704,1;
					delitem 708,1;
					getitem 5012,1;
					mes "[Teacher]";
					mes "Thank you so much! First time in my life someone is nice to me!";
					mes "I will give you my precious item like I promised you.";
					mes "This is the cap I wore when I graduated, it is full of my school memory.";
					mes "Please take it... I hope you would cherish it like me.";
					mes "[Teacher]";
					mes "... After a closer look I realized those are not the flowers I want...";
					mes "Ha! Ha! I have really bad eyesight...";
			case 3:
	mes "[Teacher]";
	mes "Those flowers are pretty... Right?";
	switch( select( "Continue talking.","Cancel.")) {
		case 1:
			mes "[Teacher]";
			mes "I seldom go out with anyone when I was young, I was studying all the time.";
			mes "Sometimes I think I've wasted my youth ... But I don't regret it. Because I study hard, I got good education and become who I am today!";
			mes "[Teacher]";
			mes "But honestly... I feel sad sometimes for not having good friends...";
			mes "When I get tired of studying... I don't even have a friend to talk to...";
			mes "Luckily, I found the true friend of my life at last.";
			mes "[Teacher]";
			mes "When I walked into that garden and saw all the beautiful flowers...";
			mes "I suddenly feel I am sharing the same fate as these flowers, so they become my best friends ever.";
			mes "[Teacher]";
			mes "For others, they are just flowers... But for me, they are my source of strength.";
			mes "I can't have achieved anything without their company.";
			mes "[Teacher]";
			mes "That's why I start to think about doing something to repay the people who had given me the flowers.";
			mes "We have done so much research about flowers here... We even want to build a place full of flowers... for a better world!";
			mes "[Teacher]";
			mes "So... We really need a large amount of flowers...";
			mes "But I never go out anywhere... It is hard for me to find any!";
			mes "If you can find me  ^3355FFIllusion Flower^000000, ^3355FFHinalle^000000, ^3355FFAloe^000000 and ^3355FFMent^000000 and bring them to me, I will give you my treasure.";
		case 2:
			mes "[Teacher]";
			mes "One day I will use a lot of flowers to make the most pretty place in the world...";

// Gaebolg Family Curse
prontera,248,212,3	script	Busy Boy#prt	706,3,3,{
	callsub S_CheckWeight; //Check Player's weight
	if (BaseLevel > 59) {
		if (prt_curse == 0) {
			mes "[Busy-Looking Boy]";
			mes "Aw nuts...";
			mes "What am I gonna do?";
			mes "I have to deliver these";
			mes "books, but... I... Oh man,";
			mes "I can't get scared now!";
		else if (prt_curse == 1) {
			mes "[Busy-Looking Boy]";
			mes "Aw nuts...";
			mes "What am I gonna do?";
			mes "I have to deliver these";
			mes "books, but... I... Oh man,";
			mes "I can't get scared now!";
			if (select("Speak with him:Ignore him") == 1) {
				mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
				mes "Say, what seems";
				mes "to be the problem?";
				mes "[Busy-Looking Boy]";
				mes ".........?";
				mes "[Busy-Looking Boy]";
				if (sex) {
					mes "Ack! You're that clumsy";
					mes "dude who made me drop";
				else {
					mes "Ack! You're that ditzy";
					mes "chick who made me drop";
				mes "all of those books earlier!";
				mes "Wait, you ditched me before,";
				mes "so why act all concerned now?";
				Emotion e_gasp;
			else {
				mes "[Busy-Looking Boy]";
				mes "Okay, okay...";
				mes "Don't even think";
				mes "about floating in";
				mes "the sky. You're like,";
				mes "so stable. Don't think...";
				mes "Just... Just board that ship...";
			select("Well, I, um...");
			mes "[Busy-Looking Boy]";
			if (sex) {
				mes "Yeah... A real";
				mes "man wouldn't have";
				mes "ditched back then";
				mes "without helping me.";
				mes "You're a real creepo,";
				mes "you know that?";
			else {
				mes "Yeah... If you were";
				mes "a graceful and considerate";
				mes "lady, you woulda helped me";
				mes "out before. I'm right, huh?";
			mes "^3355FFYou instinctively";
			mes "kick over one of the";
			mes "piles of books next";
			mes "to the young boy.";
			mes "You couldn't help it:";
			mes "it was a natural reflex!^000000";
			Specialeffect 180; //EF_HITDARK
			Emotion e_omg;
			mes "^3355FF*BAM!*^000000";
			Emotion e_omg;
			mes "[Busy-Looking Boy]";
			mes "Ack! Those books...!";
			mes "It took me so long to";
			mes "stack all of those!";
			mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
			mes "Oh no, what a mess!";
			mes "Here, let me help you";
			mes "arrange these nicely";
			mes "out of the bottom of";
			mes "my freakin' heart.";
			Emotion e_lv,1;
			mes "[Busy-Looking Boy]";
			mes "...";
			mes "......";
			mes ".........";
			Emotion e_dots;
			mes "[Busy-Looking Boy]";
			mes "Huh...?";
			mes "Oh, thanks for";
			mes "helping me out here.";
			mes "I really appreciate it.";
			select("Are these all yours?");
			mes "[Busy-Looking Boy]";
			mes "These? Oh, I'm supposed";
			mes "to deliver these for my job.";
			mes "I need to take these to Juno";
			mes "from the Prontera Library";
			mes "for a client. However, um...";
			mes "[Busy-Looking Boy]";
			mes "Well...";
			mes "I get motion sick really";
			mes "easily, so it scares me to";
			mes "death to ride the Airship";
			mes "all the way to Juno.";
			Emotion e_dots;
			mes "[Busy-Looking Boy]";
			mes "Now I'm in trouble!";
			mes "I'm never late, but this";
			mes "time I just can't help it.";
			mes "There's nothing I can do!";
			mes "Oh, I'm gonna lose this job!";
			Emotion e_sob;
			mes "[Busy-Looking Boy]";
			mes "Wait... You adventurers";
			mes "do a lot of traveling, right?";
			mes "If you're traveling to Juno,";
			mes "would you please deliver this";
			mes "for me? I'll be in real trouble";
			mes "if I don't send these books...";
			callsub S_GetBooks;
			mes "[Busy-Looking Boy]";
			mes "I-I understand.";
			mes "It's none of your ";
			mes "business, I know, but";
			mes "I'm just so desperate...";
			Emotion e_sob;
			set prt_curse,2;
		else if (prt_curse == 2) {
			mes "[Busy-Looking Boy]";
			mes "Oh, hello again.";
			mes "Sorry, but I'm trying to";
			mes "concentrate here. Gonna...";
			mes "Summon all my courage...";
			mes "and b-board that Airship!";
			mes "Argh! No, I can't do it!";
			Emotion e_dots;
			callsub S_GetBooks;
			mes "[Busy-Looking Boy]";
			mes "^333333*Sob...*^000000";
			mes "What am I gonna do?";
			mes "That guy's been waiting";
			mes "for me to deliver his books";
			mes "for quite a while now...";
			Emotion e_sob;
		else if (prt_curse == 3) {
			mes "[Busy-Looking Boy]";
			mes "Oh, please deliver";
			mes "those books I gave";
			mes "you to ^FF0000Mr. Karlomoff^000000, who";
			mes "should be waiting around";
			mes "the Juno Library. Thanks";
			mes "again for your help~";
		mes "[Busy-Looking Boy]";
		mes "Ack! Would you leave";
		mes "me alone and let me work?";
		mes "I've got something important";
		mes "to do! When I finish arranging";
		mes "these books,  need to... I need to make some preparations!";
	mes "[Busy-Looking Boy]";
	mes "Ack! Would you leave";
	mes "me alone and let me work?";
	mes "I've got something important";
	mes "to do! When I finish arranging";
	mes "these books, I need to... I need to make some preparations!";

	callsub S_CheckWeight; //Check Player's weight
	if (BaseLevel > 59) {
		if (prt_curse == 0) {
			Specialeffect 180; //EF_HITDARK
			mes "^3355FF*BAM!*^000000";
			mes "[Busy Looking Boy]";
			mes "Hey, look out!";
			mes "Can't you be more";
			mes "careful?! Geeeeez!";
			Emotion e_ag;
			mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
			mes "Oops, I'm so sorry.";
			mes "Are you alright?";
			mes "[Busy Looking Boy]";
			mes "Yeah, no thanks to you!";
			mes "Oh... Don't worry, I'm fine.";
			mes "^3355FFYou notice that the boy";
			mes "dropped many hardcover";
			mes "books that are probably about";
			mes "ruins and their legends, based";
			mes "on their titles. The boy dusted";
			mes "himself off and began to";
			mes "carefully pile the books.^000000";
			if (select("Leave:Help him pile the books") == 1) {
				mes "[Busy-Looking Boy]";
				mes "Next time, look";
				mes "where you're going,";
				mes "alright? I mean, you";
				mes "might really break";
				mes "something if you're";
				mes "always that careless!";
				set prt_curse,1;
			mes "[Busy-Looking Boy]";
			mes "Huh...?";
			mes "Oh, thanks for";
			mes "helping me out here.";
			mes "I really appreciate it.";
			select("Are these all yours?");
			mes "[Busy-Looking Boy]";
			mes "These? Oh, I'm supposed";
			mes "to deliver these for my job.";
			mes "I need to take these to Juno";
			mes "from the Prontera Library";
			mes "for a client. However, um...";
			mes "[Busy-Looking Boy]";
			mes "Well...";
			mes "I get motion sick really";
			mes "easily, so it scares me to";
			mes "death to ride the Airship";
			mes "all the way to Juno.";
			Emotion e_dots;
			mes "[Busy-Looking Boy]";
			mes "Now I'm in trouble!";
			mes "I'm never late, but this";
			mes "time I just can't help it.";
			mes "There's nothing I can do!";
			mes "Oh, I'm gonna lose this job!";
			Emotion e_sob;;
			mes "[Busy-Looking Boy]";
			mes "Wait... You adventurers";
			mes "do a lot of traveling, right?";
			mes "If you're traveling to Juno,";
			mes "would you please deliver this";
			mes "for me? I'll be in real trouble";
			mes "if I don't send these books...";
			callsub S_GetBooks;
			mes "[Busy-Looking Boy]";
			mes "I-I understand.";
			mes "It's none of your ";
			mes "business, I know, but";
			mes "I'm just so desperate...";
			Emotion e_sob;
			set prt_curse,2;
		else if (prt_curse == 3) {
			mes "[Busy-Looking Boy]";
			mes "Oh, please deliver";
			mes "those books I gave";
			mes "you to ^FF0000Mr. Karlomoff^000000, who";
			mes "should be waiting around";
			mes "the Juno Library. Thanks";
			mes "again for your help~";

	if (select("Help him:Don't help him") == 1) {
		mes "[Busy-Looking Boy]";
		mes "Oh, thank you so much!";
		mes "You don't understand how";
		mes "much I dread those Airships.";
		mes "Now, would you please deliver";
		mes "these books to ^FF0000Mr. Karlomoff^000000";
		mes "near the Juno Library?";
		mes "[Busy-Looking Boy]";
		mes "I know these books are";
		mes "pretty heavy, but be really";
		mes "careful with them! Anyway,";
		mes "thanks for doing this for me.";
		mes "I was really at my wit's end...";
		set prt_curse,3;
		getitem 7431,1; //Books

	//var max_max_c1 = CheckMaxCount 1201 1
	//if (max_max_c1 == 1) {
	//	mes "^3355FFWait a second!";
	//	mes "Right now, you're carrying";
	//	mes "too many things with you.";
	//	mes "Please come back after";
	//	mes "using the Kafra Service";
	//	mes "to store some of your items.^000000";
	//	close;
	set .@now_weight,MaxWeight-Weight;
	if (.@now_weight < 2000) {
		mes "^3355FFWait a second!";
		mes "Right now, you're carrying";
		mes "too many things with you.";
		mes "Please come back after";
		mes "using the Kafra Service";
		mes "to store some of your items.^000000";

yuno,311,195,3	script	Historian#prt01	754,{
	//var max_max_c1 = CheckMaxCount 1201 1
	//if (max_max_c1 == 1) {
	//	mes "^3355FFWait a second!";
	//	mes "Right now, you're carrying";
	//	mes "too many things with you.";
	//	mes "Please come back after";
	//	mes "using the Kafra Service";
	//	mes "to store some of your items.^000000";
	//	close;
	set .@now_weight,MaxWeight-Weight;
	if (.@now_weight < 2000) {
		mes "^3355FFWait a second!";
		mes "Right now, you're carrying";
		mes "too many things with you.";
		mes "Please come back after";
		mes "using the Kafra Service";
		mes "to store some of your items.^000000";
	if (prt_curse < 3) {
		mes "[Historian]";
		mes "Juno's mysterious past";
		mes "holds some great secret.";
		mes "I'm sure of it! It excites me";
		mes "to know that my research";
		mes "brings me that much closer";
		mes "to finally unveiling it!";
		mes "[Historian]";
		mes "But I'll admit that even I don't know how much digging I'll";
		mes "have to do to learn what I want. It's our duty as historians to";
		mes "find out the truth of the past, but it definitely won't be easy.";
		mes "[Historian]";
		mes "To understand, to see the";
		mes "truth of the past with my";
		mes "own eyes... I'd even sell";
		mes "my soul for the opportunity.";
	else if (prt_curse == 3) {
		mes "^3355FFAs you approached, this";
		mes "historian suddenly closed";
		mes "the book that he was reading,";
		mes "looked to the heavens and";
		mes "let out a deep breath in a vain";
		mes "attempt to relieve his tension.^000000";
		mes "[Historian]";
		mes "GRRRRRRRRR!";
		mes "Where are my books?!";
		Emotion e_ag;
		select("Are you alright?");
		mes "[Historian]";
		mes "Er? Oh. I'm sorry you";
		mes "had to see that. I'm just";
		mes "extremely upset. You see,";
		mes "I'm expecting a delivery of";
		mes "research books from Prontera,";
		mes "but they haven't arrived yet.";
		mes "[Historian]";
		mes "In fact, the delivery boy is";
		mes "very late. This will delay my";
		mes "research considerably since";
		mes "I cannot proceed without more";
		mes "new material to study.";
		if (countitem(7431) > 0) {
			select("Excuse me, but what's your name?");
			mes "[Historian]";
			mes "Hm? I'm Karlomoff, the";
			mes "1st scholar of the Rekenber";
			mes "Historical Research Group.";
			mes "Did you need something, or";
			mes "were you looking around here";
			mes "for somebody in particular?";
		else {
			select("Oh, I'm delivering the books for him.");
			Emotion e_what;
			mes "[Historian]";
			mes "Ah, really?";
			mes "Great, you're here!";
			mes "So, where are the books?";
			mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
			mes "I...";
			mes "I don't have";
			mes "them right now.";
			mes "[Historian]";
			mes "What...?";
			mes "Don't tell me that";
			mes "you lost them! Those";
			mes "books were priceless!";
			mes "Did you come all this";
			mes "way just to tell me that?";
			mes "[Historian]";
			mes "Well, I suppose you'll";
			mes "have to report the loss of";
			mes "the books and get some new";
			mes "copies of those books that";
			mes "you were supposed to deliver.";
			mes "Now hurry, I need to research!";
		select("Right, I brought your books.");
		mes "[Historian]";
		mes "What? But you're not the";
		mes "delivery boy. Well, let me see";
		mes "the books you've brought. Hm...";
		mes "Just as I thought: the Rune-";
		mes "Midgarts Kingdom has a great";
		mes "wealth of ancient information.";
		mes "[Historian]";
		mes "Ah, thank you so much for";
		mes "bringing these. However, by";
		mes "your mode of dress, I can tell";
		mes "that you are an adventurer.";
		mes "What happened to the delivery boy that was supposed to bring these?";
		mes "[Historian]";
		mes "..........?";
		mes "Afraid to ride the Airship?";
		mes "Motion sickness? Well, that's";
		mes "quite understandable. The poor";
		mes "boy should have contacted me";
		mes "about that beforehand.";
		mes "[Historian]";
		mes "Goodness, it's been ";
		mes "a while since I've had";
		mes "a visitor. Would you like";
		mes "to stay and chat for a bit?";
		mes "Just give me a minute to get";
		mes "a cool drink of water first~";
		set prt_curse,4;
		delitem 7431,1; //Books
	else if (prt_curse == 4) {
		mes "[Historian]";
		mes "Ah, that glass of";
		mes "water was just what";
		mes "I needed to refresh";
		mes "myself. Let me tell you";
		mes "a little bit about my work.";
		mes "[Historian]";
		mes "I might have it mentioned before, but my name is Karlomoff and";
		mes "I work in the Rekenber Historical Research as its 1st scholar. We";
		mes "recently finished our project on the Schwaltzvalt Republic.";
		mes "[Historian]";
		mes "Now, we're trying to learn";
		mes "more about the Rune-Midgarts";
		mes "Kingdom's history. We believe";
		mes "it's linked to our Schwaltzvalt";
		mes "Republic because they share the";
		mes "continent. Makes sense, right?";
		mes "[Historian]";
		mes "Ultimately, we hope that";
		mes "new information from our";
		mes "research of Rune-Midgarts will";
		mes "shed some new light on our";
		mes "current understanding of the";
		mes "Schwaltzvalt Republic's past.";
		mes "[Historian]";
		mes "Including myself, there are";
		mes "^3131FF3 members of the Rekenber";
		mes "Historical Research Group^000000";
		mes "that are studying the Rune-";
		mes "Midgarts Kingdom's history.";
		select("Rekenber Historical Research Group?");
		mes "[Historian]";
		mes "You adventurers from Rune-";
		mes "Midgarts may not know it, but";
		mes "the Rekenber Corporation has";
		mes "unofficial control over our";
		mes "Schwaltzvalt Republic. Some";
		mes "hate it, others don't care.";
		mes "[Historian]";
		mes "Anyway, Rekenber has its own";
		mes "Historical Research Group since";
		mes "rediscovering ancient technologies has been key to its success, well,";
		mes "so far as I can tell. Personally, I enjoy the pursuit of knowledge.";
		mes "[Historian]";
		mes "Oh, here's an interesting";
		mes "fact! Did you know that the";
		mes "title of ruler of Rune-Midgarts";
		mes "isn't always passed down";
		mes "through the same family?";
		mes "[Historian]";
		mes "Actually, there are several";
		mes "royal families that hold a";
		mes "special competition to decide";
		mes "which prince becomes the";
		mes "next king. Fascinating...";
		select("Several royal families?");
		mes "[Historian]";
		mes "Yes, I'll try to explain it";
		mes "briefly. There are a total";
		mes "of 7 royal families. Each";
		mes "family is descended from one";
		mes "of the 7 warriors that founded";
		mes "the Rune-Midgarts Kingdom.";
		mes "[Historian]";
		mes "According to the records,";
		mes "Jormungand, the snake of the";
		mes "earth, appeared and brought";
		mes "chaos to the entire continent.";
		mes "7 warriors appeared and drove the serpent away, saving the world.";
		mes "[Historian]";
		mes "With the return of peace,";
		mes "the 7 warriors established";
		mes "the Rune-Midgarts Kingdom,";
		mes "choosing Tristram Gaebolg III";
		mes "as the kingdom's first ruler. ";
		mes "[Historian]";
		mes "Knowing that their descendents";
		mes "may not always be deserving of";
		mes "ruling the kingdom, the 7 warriors agreed to hold a contest amongst";
		mes "their families each generation to prevent royal corruption.";
		Emotion e_swt2;
		mes "[Historian]";
		mes "Oh... Not too excited";
		mes "about history, huh? Well,";
		mes "maybe if I sing the ancient";
		mes "song of this myth, you'd be";
		mes "better able to understand...";
		mes "[Historian]";
		mes "^FF0000*The great serpent*^000000";
		mes "^FF0000*swallowed the sea.*^000000";
		mes "^FF0000*The eagle of the rainbow*^000000";
		mes "^FF0000*swallowed the serpent.*^000000";
		mes "^FF0000*Then the eagle built its nest.*^000000";
		mes "^FF0000*A nest upon the swallowed sea.*^000000";
		mes "[Historian]";
		mes "^333333*Ahem*^000000 As you see, I'm";
		mes "quite tone deaf. But the";
		mes "point is that people still";
		mes "praise the 7 warriors' exploits";
		mes "through this song. Isn't that";
		mes "interesting to know about?";
		set prt_curse,5;
	else if (prt_curse == 5) {
		mes "[Historian]";
		mes "I'm sorry that I let my";
		mes "mouth run while talking at";
		mes "great length about Rune-";
		mes "Midgart's history. Still,";
		mes "I hope you found that tale";
		mes "at least a little enjoyable.";
		mes "[Historian]";
		mes "Oh! Will you be returning to";
		mes "the Rune-Midgarts Kingdom?";
		mes "If so, then I have a favor to";
		mes "ask you. Would you please";
		mes "deliver this report I've written to my colleague in Morroc?";
		mes "[Historian]";
		mes "It would be a great help";
		mes "to me if you could get this";
		mes "report to her right away.";
		mes "Ah, her name is Rodafrian.";
		mes "I'm certain you can find her";
		mes "somewhere in that desert town.";
		set prt_curse,6;
		getitem 7342,1; //File01
	else if (prt_curse == 6) {
		mes "[Historian]";
		mes "Please find my colleague,";
		mes "Rodafrian, in Morroc and";
		mes "deliver my report to her.";
		mes "You should be able to find";
		mes "her there doing research.";
		if (select("I will:Can I listen to that song again?") == 1) {
			mes "[Historian]";
			mes "Once again, thank";
			mes "you for your help.";
			mes "It will really speed the";
			mes "progress of my research,";
			mes "especially since those books";
			mes "were delivered fairly late...";
		else {
			mes "[Historian]";
			mes "Song? Oh, you mean the";
			mes "one praising the 7 who";
			mes "founded the Rune-Midgarts";
			mes "Kingdom? Sure, let's see now...";
			mes "[Historian]";
			mes "^FF0000*The great serpent*^000000";
			mes "^FF0000*swallowed the sea.*^000000";
			mes "^FF0000*The eagle of the rainbow*^000000";
			mes "^FF0000*swallowed the serpent.*^000000";
			mes "^FF0000*Then the eagle built its nest.*^000000";
			mes "^FF0000*A nest upon the swallowed sea.*^000000";
			mes "[Historian]";
			mes "You must be more interested";
			mes "in history than I suspected.";
			mes "If you'd like, I'll write you a";
			mes "letter or recommendation";
			mes "for the Rekenber Historical";
			mes "Research Group. Ha ha ha~";
	else if (prt_curse > 55) {
		mes "[Historian]";
		mes "Ah, it's been a while";
		mes "since the last time I saw";
		mes "you. Rodafrian actually came";
		mes "to visit me a few days ago.";
		mes "I believe she came here";
		mes "to gloat or threaten me...";
		mes "[Historian]";
		mes "It was very surreal.";
		mes "She kept raving about";
		mes "some incredible revelation,";
		mes "and about finally putting me";
		mes "in my place. I didn't know she";
		mes "could be so competitive!";
	else {
		mes "[Historian]";
		mes "ZzzzZZz....";
		mes "ZzzzZZz....ZZZzzzz...";

morocc_in,45,126,3	script	Historian#prt02	702,{
	//var max_max_c1 = CheckMaxCount 1201 1
	//if (max_max_c1 == 1) {
	//	mes "^3355FFWait a second!";
	//	mes "Right now, you're carrying";
	//	mes "too many things with you.";
	//	mes "Please come back after";
	//	mes "using the Kafra Service";
	//	mes "to store some of your items.^000000";
	//	close;
	set .@now_weight,MaxWeight-Weight;
	if (.@now_weight < 2000) {
		mes "^3355FFWait a second!";
		mes "Right now, you're carrying";
		mes "too many things with you.";
		mes "Please come back after";
		mes "using the Kafra Service";
		mes "to store some of your items.^000000";
	if (prt_curse == 6) {
		if (countitem(7342) < 0) {
			mes "^3355FFYou seem to have lost";
			mes "Karlomoff's Report. You";
			mes "needed to deliver here to";
			mes "one of his colleagues...";
		mes "[Historian Rodafrian]";
		mes "Oh, how does this place";
		mes "have to be so hot? This";
		mes "can't be good for my skin...";
		mes "Ooh, I wish I were back home";
		mes "in the Schwaltzvalt Republic~";
		Emotion e_sob;
		mes "[Historian Rodafrian]";
		mes "Hello there.";
		mes "E-excuse me, but,";
		mes "um, may I help you?";
		select("Mr. Karlomoff has sent me.");
		mes "[Historian Rodafrian]";
		mes "Karlomoff...?";
		mes "Him? Alright...";
		mes "What did he send";
		mes "you to me for?";
		mes "^3355FFYou hand Karlomoff's";
		mes "report to Rodafrian.^000000";
		mes "[Historian Rodafrian]";
		mes "A report? What does he";
		mes "want to show off this time?";
		mes "^333333*Sigh*^000000 Ah well, thanks for";
		mes "the trouble. I'll look at it,";
		mes "though I'm not expecting";
		mes "much if Karlomoff wrote it.";
		if (select("Ask her about her research:End conversation") == 1) {
			mes "[Historian Rodafrian]";
			mes "Oh, you know about the";
			mes "Rekenber Historical Research";
			mes "Group? Ah, right. Karlomoff";
			mes "must have told you already.";
			mes "Currently we're researching";
			mes "the Rune-Midgarts Kingdom.";
			mes "[Historian Rodafrian]";
			mes "Now, while I understand the";
			mes "value of ancient books and";
			mes "records, I think Karlomoff";
			mes "relies on them too much.";
			mes "I prefer more active research";
			mes "in the vein of archaelogy.";
			mes "[Historian Rodafrian]";
			mes "Right now, I'm spending";
			mes "time in Morroc to visit the";
			mes "Sphinx and Pyramids and see";
			mes "if I can excavage some relics.";
			mes "Hopefully I can uncover some new historical evidence that way.";
			mes "[Historian Rodafrian]";
			mes "If you're interested in";
			mes "learning more about Morroc's";
			mes "history, please go ahead and";
			mes "talk to my assistance. He's very passionate about studying this";
			mes "town's culture and background.";
			mes "[Historian Rodafrian]";
			mes "Actually, the people of";
			mes "Morroc also appreciate their";
			mes "town's history, and pass down";
			mes "songs about ancient times";
			mes "through the generations. Let's";
			mes "see, how did that one go?";
			mes "[Historian Rodafrian]";
			mes "^FF0000*The great serpent*^000000";
			mes "^FF0000*swallowed the sea.*^000000";
			mes "^FF0000*The eagle of the rainbow*^000000";
			mes "^FF0000*swallowed the serpent, and*^000000";
			mes "and... and... Um. Oh dear.";
			mes "[Historian Rodafrian]";
			mes "I can't remember the next";
			mes "line! Actually, have you";
			mes "heard this song before?";
			switch(select("Yes, I have.:Yes, but it is different.:No, sorry.")) {
			case 1:
				mes "[Historian Rodafrian]";
				mes "Oh, that's great!";
				mes "Would you provide";
				mes "me with the line that";
				mes "follows these lyrics?";
				mes "^FF0000*The great serpent*^000000";
				mes "^FF0000*swallowed the sea.*^000000";
				mes "^FF0000*The eagle of the rainbow*^000000";
				mes "^FF0000*swallowed the serpent.*^000000";
				mes "......................";
				input .@answer$;
				if (.@answer$ == "Then the eagle built its nest.") {
					mes "[Historian Rodafrian]";
					mes "Really? That makes";
					mes "sense, but those lyrics";
					mes "sound different than the";
					mes "ones I had heard. Hmmmm...";
					mes "If you don't mind, would you";
					mes "please tell me your name?";
					callsub S_GiveName,1;
				else {
					mes "[Historian Rodafrian]";
					mes "Huh...?";
					mes "That doesn't sound";
					mes "right at all. Are you sure";
					mes "that's the lyric you heard?";
					delitem 7342,1; //File01
					set prt_curse,7;

			case 2:
				mes "[Historian Rodafrian]";
				mes "What was that?";
				mes "The song is different?";
				mes "Hmm. Then, would you";
				mes "please sing the version";
				mes "that you know to me?";
				mes "^3355FFYou clear your throat";
				mes "and begin to sing the song";
				mes "that you heard from Karlomoff.^000000";
				mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
				input .@line$;
				if (.@line$ == "The great serpent swallowed the sea.") {
					set .@total,.@total+1;
					mes "*The great serpent*";
					mes "*swallowed the sea.*";
				else mes "* "+.@line$+"*";

				input .@line$;
				if (.@line$ == "The eagle of the rainbow swallowed the serpent.") {
					set .@total,.@total+1;
					mes "*The eagle of the rainbow*";
					mes "*swallowed the serpent.*";
				else mes "*"+.@line$+"*";

				input .@line$;
				if (.@line$ == "Then the eagle built its nest.") {
					set .@total,.@total+1;
					mes "*Then the eagle built its nest.*";
				else mes "*"+.@line$+"*";

				input .@line$;
				if (.@line$ == "A nest upon the swallowed sea.") {
					set .@total,.@total+1;
					mes "*A nest upon the swallowed sea.*";
				else mes "*"+.@line$+"*";
				if (.@total == 4) {
					mes "[Historian Rodafrian]";
					mes "Really? That makes";
					mes "sense, but those lyrics";
					mes "sound different than the";
					mes "ones I had heard. Hmmmm...";
					mes "If you don't mind, would you";
					mes "please tell me your name?";
					callsub S_GiveName,1;
				else {
					mes "[Historian Rodafrian]";
					mes "Huh...?";
					mes "That doesn't sound right";
					mes "at all. Are you sure those";
					mes "are the lyrics you heard?";
					delitem 7342,1; //File01
					set prt_curse,7;

			case 3:
				mes "[Historian Rodafrian]";
				mes "............";
				mes "........................";
				mes "Well then. Would you";
				mes "mind if I ask you for";
				mes "your name, adventurer?";
				callsub S_GiveName,1;
		mes "[Historian]";
		mes "Although I love doing my";
		mes "research and uncovering";
		mes "new information regarding";
		mes "history, I feel a little lonely";
		mes "sometimes. Not many people";
		mes "share my interests, you know...";
	else if (prt_curse == 7) {
		mes "^3355FFArms folded, Rodafrian";
		mes "seems to be deep in thought.";
		mes "Then, as if making making";
		mes "an important decision, she";
		mes "looks directly into your eyes";
		mes "and begins to speak.^000000";
		mes "[Historian Rodafrian]";
		mes "Adventurer...";
		mes "I want to know your name.";
		callsub S_GiveName,0;
	else if (prt_curse > 7 && prt_curse < 30) {
		mes "[Historian Rodafrian]";
		mes "As I recall, Mondo should";
		mes "be at Mount Mjolnir, located";
		mes "in the northern region of the";
		mes "Rune-Midgarts Kingdom. Ask";
		mes "him for the lyrics of the song that I can't seem to remember...";
	else if (prt_curse == 30 || prt_curse == 55) {
		mes "[Historian Rodafrian]";
		mes "Oh, you've returned.";
		mes "Have you met with Mondo";
		mes "and figured out the lyrics of";
		mes "that song I was looking for?";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "^FF0000*The great serpent*^000000";
		mes "^FF0000*swallowed the sea.*^000000";
		mes "^FF0000*The eagle of the rainbow*^000000";
		mes "^FF0000*swallowed the serpent.*^000000";
		mes "^FF0000*Then snake scales grew on*^000000";
		mes "^FF0000*the eagle, and it slowly died.*^000000";
		mes "[Historian Rodafrian]";
		mes "Oh, yes!";
		mes "Yes, that was it! Now";
		mes "I remember, thank you";
		mes "so much! Ah, back to work...";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "^333333(As a historian, Rodafrian";
		mes "might be able to help me in";
		mes "investigating the curse of the";
		mes "Gaebolgs. The priests told me";
		mes "not to tell anybody, though.";
		mes "Should I take this risk?)^000000";
		if (select("Tell her about Jormungand's curse:Don't tell her") == 1) {
			mes "^3355FFYou explain everything";
			mes "that you have learned to";
			mes "Rodafrian, choosing not";
			mes "to withhold any secrets.^000000";
			Emotion e_ic;
			mes "[Historian Rodafrian]";
			mes ".....................!";
			Emotion e_gasp;
			mes "[Historian Rodafrian]";
			mes "Thank you for sharing that";
			mes "with me. I hope you realize";
			mes "how precious that information";
			mes "is. I had no idea the royal";
			mes "family was keeping that kind";
			mes "of secret. Goodness, me...";
			mes "[Historian Rodafrian]";
			mes "You know, I don't really";
			mes "know much about poison, but";
			mes "I do know that, aside from our";
			mes "own Assassins, there are poison";
			mes "experts living in some strange";
			mes "land located to the west.";
			mes "[Historian Rodafrian]";
			mes "Anyway, your report about";
			mes "the Gaebolg family will be";
			mes "greatly appreciated by the";
			mes "Rekenber Historical Research";
			mes "Group. But first, I need to";
			mes "finish this Morroc project...";
			mes "[Historian Rodafrian]";
			mes "Anyway, keep this information";
			mes "a secret between me and you";
			mes "for now. Then, when I reveal the secret curse of the Gaebolg royal";
			mes "family, I'll finally outshine that Karlomoff! Bwahahahahaha!";
			mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
			mes "^333333(Drat, she didn't give me";
			mes "any help... All I did was";
			mes "reveal a huge secret to her";
			mes "that she might spread around!";
			mes "Oh well, I guess I better head";
			mes "back to the priests...)^000000";
			if (prt_curse == 30) 
				set prt_curse,31;
				set prt_curse,60;

		mes "[Historian Rodafrian]";
		mes "Oh, let me thank you";
		mes "once again for going";
		mes "through the trouble of";
		mes "getting that lyric for me~";
		mes "I put my assistant through";
		mes "enough trouble already...";
		mes "[Historian Rodafrian]";
		mes "I also better not forget";
		mes "to go through Karlomoff's";
		mes "report. I'll have to have a";
		mes "debate with him sooner or";
		mes "later, and I really want to";
		mes "put that guy in his place!";
		mes "^3355FFRodafrian seemed very";
		mes "happy and began to read";
		mes "through Karlomoff's report.";
		mes "For now, it would be best";
		mes "to return to Father Bamph.^000000";
		if (prt_curse == 30)
			set prt_curse,40;
			set prt_curse,56;
	else if (prt_curse == 31 || prt_curse == 40) {
		mes "^3355FFRodafrian seemed very";
		mes "happy and began to read";
		mes "through Karlomoff's report.";
		mes "For now, it would be best";
		mes "to return to Father Bamph.^000000";
	else if (prt_curse == 56) {
		Emotion e_an;
		mes "[Historian Rodafrian]";
		mes "I just paid a visit to";
		mes "Karlomoff and gave him";
		mes "a piece of my mind! I think...";
		mes "I think I put him in his place.";
		mes "But I can never really tell";
		mes "with that sneaky guy...";
	else if (prt_curse == 60) {
		Emotion e_an;
		mes "[Historian Rodafrian]";
		mes "I just aid a visit to";
		mes "Karlomoff and gave him";
		mes "a piece of my mind! I think...";
		mes "I think I put him in his place.";
		mes "But I can never really tell";
		mes "with that sneaky guy...";
		mes "It doesn't look like";
		mes "Rodafrian can offer you";
		mes "any more information. For";
		mes "now, it would be best to";
		mes "go to ^3355FFIProntera Church.^000000";
	else {
		mes "[Historian Rodafrian]";
		mes "I'm sorry, but I'm";
		mes "really very busy with my";
		mes "research at the moment.";
		mes "Perhaps we can talk later";
		mes "once I've completed this?";

	select("My name is "+strcharinfo(0)+".");
	mes "[Historian Rodafrian]";
	mes "Ah "+strcharinfo(0)+", eh?";
	mes "Do you mind if I ask you a favor? I really need to verify the true";
	mes "lyrics for this song. However,";
	mes "I need to stay here in Morroc";
	mes "to complete my research.";
	mes "[Historian Rodafrian]";
	mes "Would you please find my";
	mes "colleague Mondo and ask him";
	mes "for this song's lyrics? You can";
	mes "find him in the ancient ruins";
	mes "in Mount Mjolnir, north in the";
	mes "Rune-Midgarts Kingdom.";
	mes "[Historian Rodafrian]";
	mes "I apologize for asking";
	mes "you to do what sounds like";
	mes "a silly errand, but I actually";
	mes "need to know this song's lyrics";
	mes "for the sake of my research...";
	if (getarg(0) == 1) delitem 7342,1; //File01
	set prt_curse,8;

mjolnir_01,135,168,3	script	Historian#prt03	754,{
	//var max_max_c1 = CheckMaxCount 1201 1
	//if (max_max_c1 == 1) {
	//	mes "^3355FFWait a second!";
	//	mes "Right now, you're carrying";
	//	mes "too many things with you.";
	//	mes "Please come back after";
	//	mes "using the Kafra Service";
	//	mes "to store some of your items.^000000";
	//	close;
	set .@now_weight,MaxWeight-Weight;
	if (.@now_weight < 2000) {
		mes "^3355FFWait a second!";
		mes "Right now, you're carrying";
		mes "too many things with you.";
		mes "Please come back after";
		mes "using the Kafra Service";
		mes "to store some of your items.^000000";
	if (prt_curse == 8) {
		mes "[Historian Mondo]";
		mes "Excuse me...";
		mes "But if you don't have";
		mes "anything important for";
		mes "me, then would you";
		mes "please leave? I have";
		mes "research to attend to...";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "I'm sorry, but Ms. Rodafrian";
		mes "wanted me to ask you for the";
		mes "lyrics of some song describing";
		mes "the Rune-Midgarts Kingdom's";
		mes "founding. Would you tell";
		mes "them to me for her?";
		mes "[Historian Mondo]";
		mes "Rodafrian? Oh, she must";
		mes "mean that old children's";
		mes "song. How did it go now?";
		mes "Ah, now I remember...";
		mes "[Historian Mondo]";
		mes "^FF0000*The great serpent*^000000";
		mes "^FF0000*swallowed the sea.*^000000";
		mes "^FF0000*The eagle of the rainbow*^000000";
		mes "^FF0000*swallowed the serpent.*^000000";
		mes "^FF0000*Then snake scales grew on*^000000";
		mes "^FF0000*the eagle, and it slowly died.*^000000";
		mes "[Historian Mondo]";
		mes "Yes, I know: the song";
		mes "is rather morbid, despite";
		mes "the fact that it's sung like";
		mes "such a happy song. Sometimes";
		mes "these little songs are supposed";
		mes "to scare kids into doing good.";
		select("Excuse me...");
		mes "[Historian Mondo]";
		mes "Hm? You look confused.";
		mes "Did you have a question";
		mes "to ask me about the song?";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "Actually, I heard";
		mes "a different version";
		mes "of this song, so I was";
		mes "wondering why the lyrics";
		mes "would be different...";
		mes "[Historian Mondo]";
		mes "Really now?";
		mes "Well then, let me";
		mes "hear the version that";
		mes "you've heard, starting";
		mes "from the beginning.";
		callsub S_Song;
	else if (prt_curse == 9) {
		mes "[Historian Mondo]" ;
		mes "Ah, would you tell me";
		mes "the lyrics of the version of";
		mes "the Rune-Midgarts Kingdom";
		mes "founding myth song that";
		mes "you happened to hear?";
		callsub S_Song;
	else if (prt_curse == 10) {
		mes "[Historian Mondo]";
		mes "Interesting...";
		mes "The version you heard";
		mes "from Karlomoff is different";
		mes "than the one I know. It's";
		mes "possible that his version";
		mes "is the most authentic.";
		mes "[Historian Mondo]";
		mes "After all, I learned";
		mes "the version I know";
		mes "by listening to a";
		mes "little kid sing it.";
		select("A kid?");
		mes "[Historian Mondo]";
		mes "Yeah. My guess? The version";
		mes "that the kid sang might have";
		mes "changed as it was transmitted";
		mes "by mouth through the generations. If you want to learn more, you";
		mes "should probably find that kid.";
		mes "[Historian Mondo]";
		mes "Anyway, Karlomoff may have";
		mes "the most accurate version of";
		mes "the song since he's very good";
		mes "at procuring and authenticating";
		mes "historical written records and";
		mes "documents. It's his specialty.";
		mes "[Historian Mondo]";
		mes "Ah, if you want to learn more,";
		mes "then you should try to find the";
		mes "kid that was singing the song.";
		mes "Hmm, he might be around ^3131DDthe";
		mes "river near here^000000. Hopefully it";
		mes "won't be too hard to find him.";
		mes "[Historian Mondo]";
		mes "Once you're able to talk";
		mes "to that kid, go ahead and";
		mes "report back to Rodafrian.";
		mes "She probably needs to know";
		mes "soon, and I can talk to that";
		mes "little kid at my leisure, so...";
		mes "[Historian Mondo]";
		mes "Well then, I hope you";
		mes "find what you're looking";
		mes "for. Good luck in your";
		mes "travels, adventurer.";
		set prt_curse,11;
	else {
		mes "[Historian Mondo]";
		mes "Isn't this such";
		mes "a beautiful place?";
		mes "It's no wonder that";
		mes "ancient peoples chose";
		mes "to live around here...";

	mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
	input .@line$;
	if (.@line$ == "The great serpent swallowed the sea.") {
		set .@total,.@total+1;
		mes "*The great serpent*";
		mes "*swallowed the sea.*";
	else mes "*"+.@line$+"*";

	input .@line$;
	if (.@line$ == "The eagle of the rainbow swallowed the serpent.") {
		set .@total,.@total+1;
		mes "*The eagle of the rainbow*";
		mes "*swallowed the serpent.*";
	else mes "*"+.@line$+"*";

	input .@line$;
	if (.@line$ == "Then the eagle built its nest.") set .@total,.@total+1;
	mes "*"+.@line$+"*";

	input .@line$;
	if (.@line$ == "A nest upon the swallowed sea.") set .@total,.@total+1;
	mes "*"+.@line$+"*";

	if (.@total == 4) set prt_curse,10;
	else {
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "Wait, wait...";
		mes "I think I messed up!";
		mes "(Those weren't the";
		mes "correct lyrics...)";
		set prt_curse,9;

mjolnir_01,298,302,0	script	#prt_poem01	-1,2,2,{
	if (prt_curse == 11) {
		mes "^FF0000*The great serpent*^000000";
		mes "^FF0000*swallowed the sea.*^000000";

mjolnir_01,300,297,0	script	#prt_poem02	-1,2,2,{
	if (prt_curse == 11) {
		mes "^FF0000*The great serpent*^000000";
		mes "^FF0000*swallowed the sea.*^000000";

mjolnir_01,292,288,0	script	#prt_poem03	-1,2,2,{
	if (prt_curse == 11) {
		mes "^FF0000*The eagle of the rainbow*^000000";
		mes "^FF0000*swallowed the serpent.*^000000";

mjolnir_01,302,286,0	script	#prt_poem04	-1,2,2,{
	if (prt_curse == 11) {
		mes "^FF0000*Then snake scales*^000000";
		mes "^FF0000*grew on the eagle...*^000000";

mjolnir_01,313,279,0	script	#prt_poem05	-1,2,2,{
	if (prt_curse == 11) {
		mes "^FF0000*And it slowly died...*^000000";

mjolnir_01,312,269,5	script	Dog#prt	81,{
	mes "[Dog]";
	mes "Bow Wow!";

mjolnir_01,313,269,5	script	Dazed Boy#prt	706,{
	if (prt_curse == 11) {
		mes "[Absent-Minded Boy]";
		mes "The great serpent";
		mes "swallowed the sea.";
		mes "The eagle of the rainbow";
		mes "swallowed the serpent.";
		mes "Then snake scales grew on";
		mes "the eagle, and it slowly died.";
		mes "[Exhausted-Looking Woman]";
		mes "Goodness...!";
		mes "Will you please stop";
		mes "singing that song?";
		mes "[Absent-Minded Boy]";
		mes "..................";
		mes "^3355FFThe little boy quietly";
		mes "stared at the woman for a";
		mes "little bit, and then crouched";
		mes "down and began petting a";
		mes "dog sitting next to him.^000000";
		if (select("What did you just sing?:Ignore them") == 1) {
			mes "[Absent-Minded Boy]";
			mes "...";
			mes "......";
			mes ".........";
			mes "[Absent-Minded Boy]";
			mes "Woof-woof, have you";
			mes "heard this song? Mommy";
			mes "taught me to sing it, you";
			mes "know. She says it was sung";
			mes "by people for a long time~";
			mes "^3355FFThe boy continued speaking";
			mes "to the dog like an old friend,";
			mes "ignoring your presence and";
			mes "acting as if you didn't exist.^000000";
			mes "[Exhausted-Looking Woman]";
			mes "Kaanu...";
			mes "What did I tell";
			mes "you about ignoring";
			mes "people's questions!";
			mes "[Kaanu]";
			mes ".........";
			mes "..................";
			mes "Uh oh, Woof-woof.";
			mes "Mommy seems upset";
			mes "for some reason.";
			mes "[Exhausted-Looking Woman]";
			mes "I'm sorry, my kid is...";
			mes "Look, did you want to know";
			mes "more about that song? Try";
			mes "not to worry about it: it's just an old children's tune.";
			if (select("Why are you here?:May I hear the song again?") == 1) {
				mes "[Exhausted-Looking Woman]";
				mes ".................";
				mes "^3355FFThe woman's lip tightens";
				mes "with shame. It's obvious";
				mes "that this topic makes her";
				mes "feel very uncomfortable.^000000";
				mes "[Kaanu]";
				mes "...";
				mes "......";
				mes ".........";
				mes "[Kaanu]";
				mes "Woof-woof, do you know";
				mes "why Mommy is always";
				mes "so sad? I wish I knew";
				mes "why Mommy never smiles...";
				mes "[Exhausted-Looking Woman]";
				mes "........";
				set prt_curse,12;
			mes "[Exhausted-Looking Woman]";
			mes "..................";
			mes "[Exhausted-Looking Woman]";
			mes "Okay. I can do this";
			mes "simple thing for you.";
			mes "Let me recite this song...";
			mes "[Exhausted-Looking Woman]";
			mes "The great serpent";
			mes "swallowed the sea.";
			mes "The eagle of the rainbow";
			mes "swallowed the serpent.";
			mes "Then snake scales grew on";
			mes "the eagle, and it slowly died.";
			set prt_curse,12;
		mes "[Absent-Minded Boy]";
		mes "...";
		mes "......";
		mes ".........";
	else if (prt_curse == 36) {
		mes "^3355FFThe little boy looked";
		mes "very worn and weary of";
		mes "life, a look that is very";
		mes "unsettling on the face";
		mes "of a young child.^000000";
	else if (prt_curse == 45) {
		mes "^3355FFThe little boy still";
		mes "won't talk to you, but";
		mes "he acknowledges your";
		mes "presense by making eye";
		mes "contact and smiling.^000000";
	else if (prt_curse > 54) {
		mes "^3355FFThe little boy still";
		mes "won't talk to you, but he";
		mes "make you feel welcome";
		mes "by giving you a warm smile.^000000";
	else {
		mes "[Absent-Minded Boy]";
		mes "...";
		mes "......";
		mes ".........";
		mes "^3355FFYou find it difficult";
		mes "to ignore the little boy's";
		mes "probing, wary eyes directed";
		mes "at you. It's very clear that";
		mes "he doesn't trust you.^000000";

mjolnir_01,316,268,3	script	Exhausted-Looking Woman#prt	879,{
	//var max_max_c1 = CheckMaxCount 1201 1
	//if (max_max_c1 == 1) {
	//	mes "^3355FFWait a second!";
	//	mes "Right now, you're carrying";
	//	mes "too many things with you.";
	//	mes "Please come back after";
	//	mes "using the Kafra Service";
	//	mes "to store some of your items.^000000";
	//	close;
	set .@now_weight,MaxWeight-Weight;
	if (.@now_weight < 2000) {
		mes "^3355FFWait a second!";
		mes "Right now, you're carrying";
		mes "too many things with you.";
		mes "Please come back after";
		mes "using the Kafra Service";
		mes "to store some of your items.^000000";
	if (prt_curse == 11) {
		mes "[Absent-Minded Boy]";
		mes "The great serpent";
		mes "swallowed the sea.";
		mes "The eagle of the rainbow";
		mes "swallowed the serpent.";
		mes "Then snake scales grew on";
		mes "the eagle, and it slowly died.";
		mes "[Exhausted-Looking Woman]";
		mes "Goodness...!";
		mes "Will you please stop";
		mes "singing that song?";
		mes "[Absent-Minded Boy]";
		mes "..................";
		mes "^3355FFThe little boy quietly";
		mes "stared at the woman for a";
		mes "little bit, and then crouched";
		mes "down and began petting a";
		mes "dog sitting next to him.^000000";
		if (select("What did you just sing?:Ignore them") == 1) {
			mes "[Absent-Minded Boy]";
			mes "...";
			mes "......";
			mes ".........";
			mes "[Absent-Minded Boy]";
			mes "Woof-woof, have you";
			mes "heard this song? Mommy";
			mes "taught me to sing it, you";
			mes "know. She says it was sung";
			mes "by people for a long time~";
			mes "^3355FFThe boy continued speaking";
			mes "to the dog like an old friend,";
			mes "ignoring your presence and";
			mes "acting as if you didn't exist.^000000";
			mes "[Exhausted-Looking Woman]";
			mes "Kaanu...";
			mes "What did I tell";
			mes "you about ignoring";
			mes "people's questions!";
			mes "[Kaanu]";
			mes ".........";
			mes "..................";
			mes "Uh oh, Woof-woof.";
			mes "Mommy seems upset";
			mes "for some reason.";
			mes "[Exhausted-Looking Woman]";
			mes "I'm sorry, my kid is...";
			mes "Look, did you want to know";
			mes "more about that song? Try";
			mes "not to worry about it: it's just an old children's tune.";
			if (select("Why are you here?:May I hear the song again?") == 1) {
				mes "[Exhausted-Looking Woman]";
				mes ".................";
				mes "^3355FFThe woman's lip tightens";
				mes "with shame. It's obvious";
				mes "that this topic makes her";
				mes "feel very uncomfortable.^000000";
				mes "[Kaanu]";
				mes "...";
				mes "......";
				mes ".........";
				mes "[Kaanu]";
				mes "Woof-woof, do you know";
				mes "why Mommy is always";
				mes "so sad? I wish I knew";
				mes "why Mommy never smiles...";
				mes "[Exhausted-Looking Woman]";
				mes "........";
				set prt_curse,12;
			mes "[Exhausted-Looking Woman]";
			mes "..................";
			mes "[Exhausted-Looking Woman]";
			mes "Okay. I can do this";
			mes "simple thing for you.";
			mes "Let me recite this song...";
			mes "[Exhausted-Looking Woman]";
			mes "The great serpent";
			mes "swallowed the sea.";
			mes "The eagle of the rainbow";
			mes "swallowed the serpent.";
			mes "Then snake scales grew on";
			mes "the eagle, and it slowly died.";
			set prt_curse,12;
		mes "[Exhausted-Looking Woman]";
		mes "...........";
	else if (prt_curse == 12) {
		mes "[Exhausted-Looking Woman]";
		mes "Not too many people";
		mes "come to this remote area.";
		mes "What brings you all the";
		mes "way over here, I wonder?";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "Actually, I'm just";
		mes "trying to learn the";
		mes "real lyrics of that";
		mes "song that little boy";
		mes "has been singing.";
		mes "[Exhausted-Looking Woman]";
		mes ".........";
		mes "[Exhausted-Looking Woman]";
		mes "That song's lyrics, and";
		mes "its meaning, can change";
		mes "from person to person as";
		mes "time goes on. I suppose part";
		mes "of the reason is because it's";
		mes "been handed down orally...";
		mes "[Exhausted-Looking Woman]";
		mes "It sounds like such a happy";
		mes "song, but it's meaning had";
		mes "changed for me ever since";
		mes "the accident had happened...";
		mes "It's been so long, but I don't";
		mes "think the pain will ever heal.";
		mes "[Exhausted-Looking Woman]";
		mes "I'm... I'm sorry.";
		mes "I don't think I can talk";
		mes "about it. If I try, I know I'll";
		mes "relive the horror. Every day";
		mes "is already a struggle to cope";
		mes "with the sins I've committed.";
		mes "[Exhausted-Looking Woman]";
		mes "I know it's selfish, but";
		mes "I have a favor to ask of you.";
		mes "I can't really leave this area,";
		mes "and seldom do I receive visitors. Would you be so kind to deliver";
		mes "something to Prontera for me?";
		mes "[Exhausted-Looking Woman]";
		mes "I used to live in Prontera,";
		mes "and ever since the accident,";
		mes "Father Bamph has been so very";
		mes "supportive of me. It's not enough to repay his kindness, but please";
		mes "give these herbs to him for me.";
		mes "[Exhausted-Looking Woman]";
		mes "You can find ^3131FFFather Bamph^000000";
		mes "in ^3131FFProntera Church^000000. When you ";
		mes "see him, please give him my";
		mes "warmest regards. I would do it";
		mes "myself, but because of what I did, I can't return to Prontera...";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "^333333(Alright then. I guess";
		mes "I should deliver these";
		mes "herbs to Prontera Church";
		mes "before I talk to Rodafrian.)^000000";
		getitem 7432,1;
		set prt_curse,13;
	else if (prt_curse > 12 && prt_curse < 16) {
		mes "[Exhausted-Looking Woman]";
		mes "Father Bamph has helped";
		mes "me so much. Please bring";
		mes "that herb pouch to him in";
		mes "Prontera Church, and give";
		mes "him my warmest regards.";
	else if (prt_curse == 16) {
		mes "[Bonnie Imbullea]";
		mes "Oh, you've come back?";
		mes "Were you able to deliver";
		mes "that pouch of herbs that";
		mes "I gave you to Father Bamph?";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "Yes, I did. Actually,";
		mes "Father Bamph sent me";
		mes "here to ask you a few";
		mes "things. You see, he told";
		mes "me all about the royal secret";
		mes "and, well, your exorcism.";
		mes "[Bonnie Imbullea]";
		mes "Oh. I see.";
		mes "You must think";
		mes "me a monster...";
		mes "Those poor children";
		mes "are dead because of me...";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "N-no! Not at all!";
		mes "I just wanted to ask if there";
		mes "was a connection between";
		mes "the song that Kaanu has been";
		mes "singing and Jormungand's curse.";
		mes "[Bonnie Imbullea]";
		mes "...";
		mes "......";
		mes ".........";
		mes "[Bonnie Imbullea]";
		mes "After the exorcism failed,";
		mes "I should have been punished";
		mes "with death. But the royal family and the Prontera Church took";
		mes "mercy on me, and allowed";
		mes "me to live here in exile.";
		Emotion e_dots;
		mes "[Bonnie Imbullea]";
		mes "I began to sing this song";
		mes "to keep myself distracted,";
		mes "even if it was related to";
		mes "the Jormungand curse.";
		mes "[Bonnie Imbullea]";
		mes "You know, now that I think";
		mes "about it, I do remember hearing";
		mes "that after the exorcism failed,";
		mes "a maid found a fragment of a";
		mes "Red Gemstone while cleaning";
		mes "the secret ceremonial grounds.";
		Emotion e_gasp,1;
		mes "[Bonnie Imbullea]";
		mes "I always thought it";
		mes "was a little strange.";
		mes "I wanted to investigate";
		mes "it, but then I was discharged";
		mes "from the Prontera Church";
		mes "after my failure...";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "A fragment from";
		mes "a Red Gemstone?";
		mes "Maybe... maybe it's";
		mes "evidence that someone";
		mes "sabotaged the exorcism!";
		mes "[Bonnie Imbullea]";
		mes "What happened was tragic,";
		mes "but it would make me feel";
		mes "so much better if that were";
		mes "really the truth. Even if the";
		mes "exorcism was sabotaged,";
		mes "we can't turn back time...";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "^333333(Hmm...";
		mes "I better head back";
		mes "to Prontera Church";
		mes "and let Father Bamph";
		mes "know about this information.)^000000";
		set prt_curse,17;
	else if (prt_curse == 17) {
		mes "[Bonnie Imbullea]";
		mes "It's really very";
		mes "difficult to live";
		mes "with this guilt.";
		mes "I was trained to help";
		mes "people, not kill them!";
		mes "^3355FFYou tried to comfort";
		mes "Bonnie Imbullea for a";
		mes "little while before you";
		mes "return to Prontera Church.";
	else if (prt_curse == 35 || prt_curse == 44 || prt_curse == 54) {
		mes "^3355FFYou tell Bonnie Imbullea";
		mes "that the deaths of the princes";
		mes "were not her fault and that the exorcism was probably sabotaged.";
		mes "However, you keep specifics, like the use of poison, to yourself.^000000";
		mes "[Bonnie Imbullea]";
		mes "Is that really true...?";
		mes "Oh, I'm so happy! I really";
		mes "thought I'd have to live the";
		mes "rest of my in seclusion with";
		mes "this horrible shame. Oh, thank";
		mes "you so much for your help!";
		mes "[Bonnie Imbullea]";
		mes "Kaanu will be able to";
		mes "meet other kids his own";
		mes "age... We can finally live";
		mes "a normal life. How wonderful...";
		mes "[Bonnie Imbullea]";
		mes "But wait...";
		mes "How exactly did the";
		mes "princes die, then?";
		mes "There weren't any";
		mes "wounds on the bodies";
		mes "from what I remember...";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "Well, um, I wouldn't know";
		mes "anything about that, but";
		mes "Father Bamph and Father";
		mes "Biscuss are handling the";
		mes "investigation, and they're";
		mes "doing their best to find out.";
		mes "[Bonnie Imbullea]";
		mes "I see. Well, I believe in";
		mes "them: they're great priests,";
		mes "after all. Although I may be";
		mes "forgiven for my failure, I still fear for the royal family...";
		mes "All I can do for now is pray.";
		mes "[Bonnie Imbullea]";
		mes "Anyway, I promise that";
		mes "I won't reveal what I know";
		mes "about this incident to the";
		mes "public. And if you ever come";
		mes "by the mountain again, I hope";
		mes "you stop by to visit us.";
		mes "[Bonnie Imbullea]";
		mes "You don't understand";
		mes "how much the news you've";
		mes "brought really means to me.";
		mes "I can finally free myself from";
		mes "this burdensome guilt...";
		mes "Thank you, kind adventurer~";
		if (prt_curse == 35) set prt_curse,36;
		else if (prt_curse == 44) set prt_curse,45;
		else {
			mes "^3355FFNow, you can return to";
			mes "Rodafrian, the historian";
			mes "stationed in Morroc.^000000";
			set prt_curse,55;

	else if (prt_curse == 36) {
		mes "[Bonnie Imbullea]";
		mes "By your grace and mercy,";
		mes "please pity the poor souls";
		mes "and protect the royal family...";
		mes "Bless us with your light and";
		mes "may your wisdom guide us...";
	else if (prt_curse == 45) {
		mes "[Bonnie Imbullea]";
		mes "I guess we've gotten";
		mes "too used to the peace";
		mes "and serenity of Mount";
		mes "Mjolnir. It won't be easy";
		mes "to leave, even if we're welcome to return to Prontera...";
	else if (prt_curse > 54) {
		mes "[Bonnie Imbullea]";
		mes "Thank you so much";
		mes "for helping out in the";
		mes "investigation of the";
		mes "princes. I'd never know";
		mes "happiness again if it";
		mes "weren't for your efforts.";
	else {
		mes "[Bonnie Imbullea]";
		mes "^333333*Sigh...*^000000";

prt_church,115,122,0	warp	#sazekan	1,1,prt_church,168,106
prt_church,166,106,0	warp	#prtchhall	1,1,prt_church,112,122

prt_church,185,106,3	script	Father Bamph	60,{
	if (prt_curse == 13) {
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Welcome to";
		mes "Prontera Church.";
		mes "Please relax, and";
		mes "let your mind and";
		mes "spirit find rest in";
		mes "these hallowed halls.";
		select("Give him the herb pouch.");
		if (countitem(7432) < 1) {
			mes "[+strcharinfo(0)+]";
			mes "Ack!";
			mes "Now, where did I put";
			mes "that pouch with the herbs?";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "May I ask...";
		mes "Why are you giving";
		mes "me this pouch of herbs?";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "Well, there was this";
		mes "lady living on Mount";
		mes "Mjolnir who wanted me";
		mes "to give this to you. Um, she";
		mes "has a son named Kaanu?";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Oh, you must have met";
		mes "Bonnie Imbullea. It's";
		mes "been a long time since";
		mes "I've seen her. How is";
		mes "she doing, may I ask?";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "Oh...";
		mes "I guess she's fine.";
		mes "But she seems really...";
		mes "I dunno, tormented...";
		mes "[Father Biscuss]";
		mes "Good! If she were happy";
		mes "and relaxed after what she";
		mes "did, not even God would forgive";
		mes "her! She deserves to live the";
		mes "rest of her life in agony!";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Father Biscuss, how can";
		mes "you say something like that?";
		mes "She did her best to stop what";
		mes "had happened! We should pity";
		mes "her for the suffering she must be feeling. Where is your compassion?";
		mes "[Father Biscuss]";
		mes "Bah! Don't speak to me";
		mes "about compassion! Weren't";
		mes "you the one who recommended";
		mes "her to perform the exorcism in";
		mes "the first place? You didn't";
		mes "forget that, did you?";
		mes "[Father Bampf]";
		mes "......";
		mes ".........";
		mes "............";
		mes "[Father Biscuss]";
		mes "Hah!";
		select("About Bonnie Imbullea");
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Well...";
		mes "I don't...";
		mes "I don't know if";
		mes "I should be telling ";
		mes "you about that incident...";
		mes "[Father Biscuss]";
		mes "You know what? If Bonnie";
		mes "sent this adventurer here";
		mes "for a favor, it probably means";
		mes "she trusts this person. Besides, we need somebody to carry out";
		if (sex)
			mes "this task for us. Why not him?";
			mes "this task for us. Why not her?";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Your words have the ring";
		mes "of truth, Father Biscuss.";
		mes "Well then, adventurer, give";
		mes "me the opportunity to tell you";
		mes "something very important. But, you must not tell anyone else...";
		set prt_curse,14;
		delitem 7432,1; //Leather_Pouch
	else if (prt_curse == 14) {
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "What I am about to tell";
		mes "you must be kept secret.";
		mes "Now, do you know about";
		mes "Jormungand, the great serpent";
		mes "born from the god Loki and";
		mes "the giantess, Angrboda?";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Jormungand was an evil";
		mes "beast that, after the thousand";
		mes "year war between the gods and";
		mes "demons, began to attack humans.";
		mes "It brought great chaos and much";
		mes "suffering around the world...";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Finally, the first Tristram of";
		mes "the Gaebolg family defeated";
		mes "Jormungand together with 6";
		mes "other warriors, but only after";
		mes "it killed his beloved father.";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Tristram would become the";
		mes "first king of the Rune-Midgarts";
		mes "Kingdom, but his family would";
		mes "suffer from the curse placed";
		mes "by Jormungand before its defeat. ";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "To this day...";
		mes "^FF0000Every first prince of";
		mes "the Gaebolg family dies";
		mes "at a young age^000000. That is";
		mes "Jormungand's curse and";
		mes "the royal family's secret.";
		Emotion e_omg,1;
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "What...?!";
		mes "Is this really true?!";
		mes "Isn't there any way to";
		mes "counter this horrible curse?!";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Please lower your voice.";
		mes "Yes, it's a shame that the";
		mes "royal family must suffer like";
		mes "this. But all the exorcisms";
		mes "that have been attempted";
		mes "over the years have failed...";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Although the situation";
		mes "appeared hopeless, King";
		mes "Tristram III tried once again to exorcise the curse. Following";
		mes "his orders, the greatest priests and exorcists were all summoned.";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "A series of tests was";
		mes "performed to select the";
		mes "best priests and exorcists";
		mes "to remove this curse. In the end, ^3131FFBonnie Imbullea^000000 was chosen to";
		mes "lead the exorcism ceremony.";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "Wait, but you mentioned";
		mes "samething about an accident.";
		mes "Does that mean that she failed";
		mes "in performing the exorcism?";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Yes, unfortunately.";
		mes "After the priests and";
		mes "exorcists gathered in the";
		mes "secret ceremonial grounds,";
		mes "three princes were killed";
		mes "instead of just the first.";
		mes "[Father Biscuss]";
		mes "Although we all swore to";
		mes "keep that incident a secret,";
		mes "Bonnie Imbullea took full";
		mes "responsibility for the deaths.";
		mes "That is why she is in self";
		mes "imposed exile from the kingdom.";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "What...?";
		mes "That's...";
		mes "That's crazy!";
		mes "[Father Biscuss]";
		mes "I know that this";
		mes "is a very long story,";
		mes "and that it's a little";
		mes "complicated. Please";
		mes "listen to what we have";
		mes "to ask from here on...";
		Emotion e_dots;
		set prt_curse,15;
	else if (prt_curse == 15) {
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Now, you should know that";
		mes "all of the princes that were";
		mes "killed that day bore strange";
		mes "looking marks on their bodies.";
		mes "It almost looked as if they";
		mes "were growing snake scales.";
		Emotion e_gasp,1;
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "Wait, they grew snake";
		mes "scales? That sounds just";
		mes "like one of the versions of";
		mes "this song I'm investigating.";
		mes "I think it was the song about the Rune-Midgarts Kingdom's origin.";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Wait, that song?";
		mes "Hm, I don't see how";
		mes "it's related. Let's see";
		mes "now, how did it go?";
		mes "Rainbows... Eagles...";
		mes "Ah! Now I remember!";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "The great serpent";
		mes "swallowed the sea.";
		mes "The eagle of the rainbow";
		mes "swallowed the serpent.";
		mes "Then the eagle built its nest.";
		mes "A nest upon the swallowed sea.";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "Hmm...";
		mes "Well, I heard a";
		mes "different version";
		mes "of the same song.";
		mes "It goes like...";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "The great serpent";
		mes "swallowed the sea.";
		mes "The eagle of the rainbow";
		mes "swallowed the serpent.";
		mes "Then snake scales grew on";
		mes "the eagle, and it slowly died.";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Oh, my. I learned the song";
		mes "when I was a young boy from";
		mes "my father. However, your version seems to reveal the secret curse";
		mes "of the Gaebolgs. Please tell me, where did you hear that song?";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "Well, I first heard this";
		mes "version from a historian,";
		mes "and then I found out that";
		mes "Bonnie Imbullea knows it as";
		mes "well. Um, is there a problem?";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "If those song lyrics are";
		mes "spread, the secret of the";
		mes "royal family curse could be";
		mes "revealed to the public. Would";
		mes "you please help us by speaking";
		mes "to Bonnie Imbullea once again?";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "If you can, please try to";
		mes "see if you can learn of any";
		mes "connection between the curse";
		mes "and the song, or if she can";
		mes "remember anything that happened";
		mes "after the exorcism failed...";
		set prt_curse,16;
	else if (prt_curse == 16) {
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Please visit Bonnie";
		mes "Imbullea in Mount Mjolnir";
		mes "to see if you can learn more";
		mes "about that song, or about what";
		mes "happened after the attempted exorcism of the Jormungand curse.";
	else if (prt_curse == 17) {
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Ah, have you spoken";
		mes "to Bonnie Imbullea?";
		mes "Please tell me if you";
		mes "have learned anything new.";
		mes "^3355FFYou related everything";
		mes "that Bonnie Imbullea spoke";
		mes "about, including the discovery";
		mes "of a fragment of Red Gemstone";
		mes "in the secret ceremonial grounds. ";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Red Gemstone? There's";
		mes "no reason for that to be in";
		mes "a holy place. Hmm. There's";
		mes "more to this case than meets";
		mes "the eye. We better investigate";
		mes "the truth, starting now.";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Come with me, adventurer,";
		mes "to the secret ceremonial";
		mes "grounds for the royal family.";
		mes "Just use the switch hidden";
		mes "within the bookshelf and";
		mes "I will meet you there.";
		set prt_curse,18;
	else if (prt_curse > 17 && prt_curse < 22) {
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Come with me to the";
		mes "secret ceremonial grounds";
		mes "so that we can investigate";
		mes "the possibility of sabotage";
		mes "with the exorcism that";
		mes "Bonnie Imbullea performed.";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "There is a hidden switch";
		mes "in the bookshelf that you";
		mes "can use to transport yourself";
		mes "there. Go, and I will meet";
		mes "you in the ceremonial grounds.";
	else if (prt_curse == 22) {
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "This is a matter of grave";
		mes "importance, but we can't";
		mes "alert the royal family yet and";
		mes "cause a panic. It would be";
		mes "best to fully investigate this";
		mes "first and collect proof.";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Brave adventurer, would";
		mes "you please visit the Assassin";
		mes "Guild in Morroc and see if you";
		mes "can learn anything about how";
		mes "we can verify whether poison";
		mes "was used to kill the princes?";
		set prt_curse,23;
	else if (prt_curse == 23) {
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Please see if you can";
		mes "learn anything about testing";
		mes "for the use of poison from";
		mes "a member of the Assassin";
		mes "Guild in Morroc.";
	else if (prt_curse == 31) {
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Ah, you've returned~";
		mes "Have you managed to learn";
		mes "anything about poison from";
		mes "the Assassin Guild? I know";
		mes "their members must be";
		mes "very difficult to find...";
		mes "^3355FFYou relate all of the";
		mes "information you learned";
		mes "about poison to Father Bamph,";
		mes "including the method to test";
		mes "for the use of poison in murder. ";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Ah, I see. Then, would";
		mes "you please bring 1 Yellow";
		mes "Gemstone and 1 Green Potion";
		mes "to the secret ceremonial grounds as soon as you can? I will wait";
		mes "over there for you once again.";
		set prt_curse,32;
	else if (prt_curse == 32 || prt_curse == 33 || prt_curse == 41 || prt_curse == 42 || prt_curse == 51 || prt_curse == 52) {
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "You can use the hidden";
		mes "switch in the bookshelf to";
		mes "enter the secret ceremonial";
		mes "grounds. Don't forget that we";
		mes "need^3131FF 1 Yellow Gemstone^000000 and ^3131FF1 Green Potion^000000 to test for poison.";
	else if (prt_curse == 34) {
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "I can't believe it!";
		mes "If poison was used, then";
		mes "the second and third princes";
		mes "were murdered! Unbelievable...";
		mes "How can anyone kill children?";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "At the very least, we now";
		mes "know that their deaths were";
		mes "not Bonnie Imbullea's fault.";
		mes "Now I must discuss with Father";
		mes "Biscuss and decide how to tell";
		mes "the royal family about this...";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Once again, let me remind";
		mes "you that everything that has";
		mes "transpired here must be kept";
		mes "secret. The public cannot know";
		mes "of Jormungand's curse! It would cause political turmoil and chaos!";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Still, that does not mean";
		mes "that I cannot personally thank";
		mes "you for all of your help. I'm very grateful for what you have done,";
		mes "adventurer. May safety accompany you on all of your journeys.";
		set prt_curse,35;
	else if (prt_curse > 34 && prt_curse < 40) {
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "I'm at a loss at what";
		mes "to do. Sometimes, even";
		mes "I have doubts and believe";
		mes "that Odin has abandoned us...";
	else if (prt_curse == 40) {
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Ah, you've returned~";
		mes "Have you managed to learn";
		mes "anything about poison from";
		mes "the Assassin Guild? I know";
		mes "their members must be";
		mes "very difficult to find...";
		mes "^3355FFYou relate all of the";
		mes "information you learned";
		mes "about poison to Father Bamph,";
		mes "including the method to test";
		mes "for the use of poison in murder. ";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Ah, I see. Then, would";
		mes "you please bring^3131FF 1 Yellow";
		mes "Gemstone^000000 and ^3131FF1 Green Potion^000000";
		mes "to the secret ceremonial grounds as soon as you can? I will wait";
		mes "over there for you once again.";
		set prt_curse,41;
	else if (prt_curse == 43 || prt_curse == 53) {
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "I can't believe it!";
		mes "If poison was used, then";
		mes "the second and third princes";
		mes "were murdered! Unbelievable...";
		mes "How can anyone kill children?";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "At the very least, we now";
		mes "know that their deaths were";
		mes "not Bonnie Imbullea's fault.";
		mes "Now I must discuss with Father";
		mes "Biscuss and decide how to tell";
		mes "the royal family about this...";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Oh, and would you please";
		mes "inform ^3131FFBonnie Imbullea^000000 that";
		mes "the deaths of the princes were";
		mes "not her fault? I'm sure that news would bring her great relief";
		mes "from her burden of guilt...";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Once again, let me remind";
		mes "you that everything that has";
		mes "transpired here must be kept";
		mes "secret. The public cannot know";
		mes "of Jormungand's curse! It would cause political turmoil and chaos!";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Still, that does not mean";
		mes "that I cannot personally thank";
		mes "you for all of your help. I'm very grateful for what you have done,";
		mes "adventurer. May safety accompany you on all of your journeys.";
		if (prt_curse == 43) set prt_curse,44;
		else set prt_curse,54;
		getexp 1600000,0;
	else if (prt_curse > 43 && prt_curse < 50) {
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Have you spoken to";
		mes "Bonnie Imbullea yet?";
		mes "Try not to worry about the";
		mes "news about the princes'";
		mes "murder. Father Biscuss";
		mes "and I will handle it.";
	else if (prt_curse == 50) {
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Ah, you've returned~";
		mes "Have you managed to learn";
		mes "anything about poison from";
		mes "the Assassin Guild? I know";
		mes "their members must be";
		mes "very difficult to find...";
		mes "You relate all of the";
		mes "information you learned";
		mes "about poison to Father Bamph,";
		mes "including the method to test";
		mes "for the use of poison in murder. ";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Ah, I see. Then, would";
		mes "you please bring ^3131FF1 Yellow";
		mes "Gemstone^000000 and ^3131FF1 Green Potion^000000";
		mes "to the secret ceremonial grounds as soon as you can? I will wait";
		mes "over there for you once again.";
		set prt_curse,51;
	else if (prt_curse == 60) {
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Oh, "+strcharinfo(0)+"~";
		mes "Long time, no see.";
		mes "Have you spoken to";
		mes "Bonnie yet? Ah, and";
		mes "how may I help you today?";
		mes "^3355FFYou tell Father Bamph";
		mes "that rare herbs grow in";
		mes "a land to the west, although";
		mes "you do not mention that you";
		mes "told Rodafrian about the curse.^000000";
		mes "[Father Biscuss]";
		mes "Land to the west?";
		mes "That place is rumored to";
		mes "be populated by fanatics.";
		mes "Father Bamph, I think they";
		mes "may be prime suspects for";
		mes "the murder of the princes...";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Well, I'll admit that it's";
		mes "possible, but we haven't had";
		mes "contact with anyone from the";
		mes "land to the west for so long...";
		mes "It's still far too early to make those kinds of assumptions.";
		select("Land to the west?");
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Not much is known about";
		mes "the land to the west. We";
		mes "did send several priests";
		mes "there once to spread our";
		mes "faith. However, they failed...";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "From what I can tell,";
		mes "almost everyone there";
		mes "is a strong adherent of";
		mes "that region's native religion.";
		mes "Anyway, thank you for informing";
		mes "us. We'll handle it from here.";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Ah, to preserve the secrets";
		mes "of the royal family, I ask that";
		mes "you refrain from entering the";
		mes "secret ceremonial grounds";
		mes "from now on. Thanks again for your help, "+strcharinfo(0)+".";
		set prt_curse,61;
	else {
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "I'm sorry, but would it";
		mes "be alright if we talked";
		mes "later? I have to handle";
		mes "a very important task now...";

prt_church,184,110,3	script	Father Biscuss	60,{
	if (prt_curse == 54) {
		mes "[Father Biscuss]";
		mes "Hmm, I still suspect that";
		mes "someone from the Assassin";
		mes "Guild may have killed the";
		mes "princes. Just in case, I'm";
		mes "going to send a spy. Keep";
		mes "that information secret.";
		mes "[Father Biscuss]";
		mes "So yes. You didn't learn";
		mes "or hear anything from us,";
		mes "and you don't know anything";
		mes "about the royal family's curse.";
		mes "From here on, Father Bamph";
		mes "and I will handle this issue.";
	else if (prt_curse == 35) {
		mes "[Father Biscuss]";
		mes "I've never seen Father";
		mes "Bamph this way before, but";
		mes "I can understand how he feels.";
		mes "As one of the leaders of this";
		mes "church, he feels responsible";
		mes "for these princes' deaths.";
		mes "[Father Biscuss]";
		mes "I'm sure he'll feel";
		mes "better in a few days,";
		mes "but right now, he's in no";
		mes "condition to compile the";
		mes "valuable info that you've";
		mes "provided, so I'll do it.";
		mes "[Father Biscuss]";
		mes "Personally, I feel that";
		mes "what happened was tragic,";
		mes "but it should be avenged.";
		mes "Perhaps that why I've held";
		mes "a grudge against Imbullea";
		mes "for all this time. Anyway...";
		mes "[Father Biscuss]";
		mes "Although we can't";
		mes "acknowledge it publicly,";
		mes "on behalf of the Prontera";
		mes "Church, I want to thank";
		mes "you for all of your help.";
		set prt_curse,36;
		set baseExp,BaseExp+1600000;
	else if (prt_curse == 36) {
		mes "[Father Biscuss]";
		mes "No one can know light";
		mes "without experiencing";
		mes "darkness. Peace has";
		mes "no meaning until it is";
		mes "contrasted with chaos.";
		mes "[Father Biscuss]";
		mes "Religion becomes even";
		mes "more important during times";
		mes "of chaos, and times of need.";
		mes "I must remain calm, especially";
		mes "when Father Bamph feels so bad about this whole incident...";
	else {
		mes "[Father Biscuss]";
		mes "Please observe";
		mes "silence within the";
		mes "Priest Room. Thank";
		mes "you for cooperating.";

prt_church,177,113,3	script	#gototomb	111,{
	if (prt_curse > 17 && prt_curse < 23 || prt_curse > 31 && prt_curse < 35 || prt_curse == 41 || prt_curse == 42 || prt_curse == 44 || prt_curse == 51 || prt_curse == 52) {
		warp "prt_church",21,91;

prt_church,23,89,3	script	Father Biscuss#tomb	60,{
	mes "[Father Biscuss]";
	mes "Hm...?";
	mes "Are you ready to";
	mes "head back upstairs?";
	if (select("Yes:No") == 1) {
		mes "[Father Biscuss]";
		mes "Please follow me.";
		warp "prt_church",178,111;
	mes "[Father Biscuss]";
	mes "Please take your time";
	mes "and investigate this as";
	mes "thoroughly as you can.";

prt_church,16,114,4	script	Father Bamph#tomb	60,{
	if (prt_curse == 18) {
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "There are the bodies";
		mes "of the Gaebolg princes";
		mes "that were killed during";
		mes "the exorcism. Please take";
		mes "a look at the body to the left.";
		set prt_curse,19;
	else if (prt_curse == 19) {
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Please take a look";
		mes "at the body to the";
		mes "far left, the first prince.";
	else if (prt_curse == 20) {
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "That weird mark looked";
		mes "just like snake scales.";
		mes "Is... Is that the mark left";
		mes "behind by Jormungand's curse?";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "That's right.";
		mes "Now, let's examine the";
		mes "body of the second prince,";
		mes "located in the middle.";
	else if (prt_curse == 21) {
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Now...";
		mes "Now we should";
		mes "examine the third prince.";
	else if (prt_curse == 22) {
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Let's go upstairs where we";
		mes "can continue this conversation.";
		mes "Ah, you might want to ask";
		mes "Father Biscuss to lead you.";
	else if (prt_curse == 32 || prt_curse == 41 || prt_curse == 51) {
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Do you have a ^3131FFYellow";
		mes "Gemstone^000000 and ^3131FFGreen Potion^000000";
		mes "ready? If so, you should begin";
		mes "testing on the body of the third prince before the others.";
	else if (prt_curse == 33 || prt_curse == 42 || prt_curse == 52) {
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "The mark disappeared?";
		mes "Oh, this is just horrible!";
		mes "That would mean that poison";
		mes "was used to murder the other";
		mes "princes! I almost... can't...";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "I... I need some time";
		mes "to recover from the shock";
		mes "and to think about all of";
		mes "this carefully. For now,";
		mes "let's go back upstairs.";
		if (prt_curse == 33) set prt_curse,34;
		else if (prt_curse == 42) set prt_curse,43;
		else set prt_curse,53;
	else if (prt_curse == 43 || prt_curse == 53) {
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "We've disturbed the";
		mes "bodies of these poor";
		mes "souls enough. We should";
		mes "go back upstairs now...";

prt_church,19,111,5	script	#prince1	887,{
	if (prt_curse == 19) {
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "This is the body of";
		mes "the king's first son, the";
		mes "crown prince. Just as it has";
		mes "happened for generations,";
		mes "the curse took the life of";
		mes "the first born prince...";
		mes "^3355FFBeneath one of the";
		mes "prince's sleeves, you";
		mes "notice a dark mark. Upon";
		mes "pulling up the sleeve, you";
		mes "note that the mark resembles";
		mes "the scales of a serpent.^000000";
		set prt_curse,20;
	else if (prt_curse == 33 || prt_curse > 41 && prt_curse < 51 || prt_curse == 52) {
		mes "^3355FFYou poured a little bit";
		mes "of the solution made from";
		mes "Yellow Gemstone and Green";
		mes "Potion on the mark on the skin.";
		mes "You waited a while, but there was no reaction from the solution.^000000";
	else {
		mes "^3355FFIt's the body of a male";
		mes "dressed in luxurious robes.";
		mes "Although deceased, the color";
		mes "of life has not yet left the body. ";

prt_church,21,111,5	script	#prince2	887,{
	if (prt_curse == 20) {
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "This is the body of the";
		mes "second prince. The curse";
		mes "is only supposed to kill";
		mes "the firstborn prince, but";
		mes "all three princes of this";
		mes "generation were killed...";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Despite our great efforts";
		mes "to exorcise this powerful";
		mes "curse, we all failed. Those";
		mes "involved have begun to believe";
		mes "that Odin may have abandoned us... ";
		Emotion e_omg,1;
		mes "^3355FFYou examine the body of";
		mes "the second prince and notice";
		mes "that the scale marks on his";
		mes "skin are fainter, and slightly";
		mes "different in color, than the";
		mes "marks on the first prince.^000000";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "Father Bamph...!";
		mes "Look, these marks are";
		mes "different on the second";
		mes "prince than on the first";
		mes "prince! See? They're different";
		mes "in darkness and coloration.";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Goodness, you're right!";
		mes "How did we overlook this?";
		mes "Hm, this supports the idea";
		mes "that a conspiracy may be";
		mes "involved. Let's go check";
		mes "the body of the third prince.";
		set prt_curse,21;
	else if (prt_curse == 33 || prt_curse > 41 && prt_curse < 51 || prt_curse == 52) {
		specialeffect 192; //EF_POISONATTACK
		specialeffect 53; //EF_POISONHIT
		specialeffect 109; //EF_BUBBLE
		mes "^3355FFYou poured a little of the";
		mes "solution made from Green";
		mes "Potion and Yellow Gemstone";
		mes "on the body's scale marks. The";
		mes "scale marks grow fainter and";
		mes "the solution bubbles on contact. ";
	else {
		mes "^3355FFIt's the body of a male";
		mes "dressed in luxurious robes.";
		mes "Although deceased, the color";
		mes "of life has not yet left the body. ";

prt_church,24,111,5	script	#prince3	887,{
	if (prt_curse == 21) {
		mes "^3355FFYou and Father Bamph";
		mes "hurriedly inspect the third";
		mes "prince's body and find that the";
		mes "scale marks on his skin are";
		mes "a little darker than the marks";
		mes "on the second prince's skin.^000000";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "This is very suspicious...";
		mes "The deaths of the second and";
		mes "third princes might have been";
		mes "caused by murder, rather than";
		mes "the curse. However, what could";
		mes "possibly be used to kill them?";
		while(1) {
			if (select("A weapon!:Poison!") == 1) {
				mes "[Father Bamph]";
				mes "Hmm... But none of the";
				mes "bodies had any wounds";
				mes "or scarring. If that were the";
				mes "case, I'm sure the king would";
				mes "have declared war on someone.";
				mes "It couldn't have been a weapon.";
			else  break;
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Poison...?";
		mes "Oh dear! No one in the";
		mes "Prontera Church would know";
		mes "the first thing about that. But";
		mes "maybe poison was used.";
		mes "How can we find out for sure?";
		mes "[Father Biscuss]";
		mes "I say, you go straight to";
		mes "the experts. Someone in the";
		mes "^FF0000Assassin Guild in Morroc^000000";
		mes "ought to know. I hear they";
		mes "can make poison that can kill";
		mes "a man with just one drop!";
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Ah, that's a good idea!";
		mes "Hmm, but first, let's go";
		mes "continue this conversation";
		mes "outside, shall we? I'd prefer";
		mes "not to disturb these bodies...";
		set prt_curse,22;
	else if (prt_curse == 22) {
		mes "[Father Bamph]";
		mes "Let's go upstairs where we";
		mes "can continue this conversation.";
		mes "Ah, you might want to ask";
		mes "Father Biscuss to lead you.";
	else if (prt_curse == 32 || prt_curse == 41 || prt_curse == 51) {
		if (countitem(506) > 0 && countitem(715) > 0) {
			mes "^3355FFYou open a bottle of";
			mes "Green Potion and insert a";
			mes "Yellow Gemstone. The gem";
			mes "quickly dissolves, conveniently";
			mes "forming a solution to test for the presense of poison. You pour";
			mes "it on the prince's scale marks.^000000";
			specialeffect 192; //EF_POISONATTACK
			specialeffect 53; //EF_POISONHIT
			specialeffect 109; //EF_BUBBLE
			mes "^3355FF*Pssssssssh*^000000";
			mes "^3355FFThe solution bubbles";
			mes "once it touches the skin,";
			mes "and the serpent scale marks";
			mes "on the prince's body slowly";
			mes "fade until they disappear.^000000";
			delitem 506,1; //Green_Potion
			delitem 715,1; //Yellow_Gemstone
			if (prt_curse == 32) set prt_curse,33;
			else if (prt_curse == 41) set prt_curse,42;
			else set prt_curse,52;
		mes "^3355FFYou'll need to have";
		mes "a Green Potion and";
		mes "a Yellow Gemstone in";
		mes "order to test and confirm";
		mes "whether poison killed the";
		mes "second and third princes.^000000";
	else if (prt_curse == 33 || prt_curse == 42 || prt_curse == 52) {
		mes "^3355FFThe serpent scale marks";
		mes "on this prince's body have";
		mes "vanished after you applied";
		mes "the Green Potion and Yellow";
		mes "Gemstone solution to the skin.^000000";
	else {
		mes "^3355FFIt's the body of a male";
		mes "dressed in luxurious robes.";
		mes "Although deceased, the color";
		mes "of life has not yet left the body. ";

moc_fild16,201,295,5	script	Assassin Guildsman#poison	884,{
	if (prt_curse == 23) {
		mes "[Assassin Guildsman]";
		mes "What business";
		mes "brings you here?";
		if (select("Poison:Nothing") == 1) {
			mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
			mes "I need to talk to";
			mes "a poison specialist.";
			mes "I'm investigating";
			mes "something for the";
			mes "Prontera Church,";
			mes "possibly a murder.";
			mes "[Assassin Guildsman]";
			mes "...";
			mes "......";
			mes ".........";
			mes "[Assassin Guildsman";
			mes "Listen carefully.";
			mes "I will only tell this";
			mes "to you one time.";
			mes "[Assassin Guildsman]";
			mes "There is an";
			mes "Assassin's Private Pub";
			mes "in the 7 o'clock direction";
			mes "in Morroc. Go find someone";
			mes "named ^3131FFMarjana^000000 inside.";
			set prt_curse,24;
		mes "[Assassin Guildsman]";
		mes "No. That look in";
		mes "your eyes. I'm sure";
		mes "there is a reason that";
		mes "you have come here...";
	else {
		mes "[Assassin Guildsman]";
		mes "It's very dry and";
		mes "windy today. I like this";
		mes "weather. It feels like it";
		mes "perfectly matches the soul";
		mes "of a true Assassin, the loner";
		mes "that hides in the shadows.";

que_job01,10,16,5	script	Marjana#poison	885,{
	if (prt_curse == 24) {
		mes "[Marjana]";
		mes "What business brings";
		mes "you here? I'm giving";
		mes "you 4 minutes to speak";
		mes "with me, so be direct.";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "I want to learn";
		mes "more about poison";
		mes "and confirm if it was";
		mes "used to kill someone.";
		mes "[Marjana]";
		mes "Poison? You've come";
		mes "to just the right person.";
		mes "If I don't know the answer,";
		mes "I doubt you'll find anyone";
		mes "else that would. Ask away.";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "Is it true that an";
		mes "Assassin's poison";
		mes "can be so powerful,";
		mes "that just one drop";
		mes "can kill a person?";
		mes "[Marjana]";
		mes "It's true that such powerful";
		mes "poison exists, but such deadly";
		mes "poison is usually only used by";
		mes "Assassin Crosses. Generally,";;
		mes "normal Assassins use poisons";
		mes "that are much less potent.";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "Alright. Can you make";
		mes "a poison that leaves a";
		mes "specific mark on the body?";
		mes "[Marjana]";
		mes "Sure. There's all kinds of";
		mes "poisons that exist that I'm";
		mes "sure you can't even imagine.";
		mes "However, poisons that leave";
		mes "specific marks are difficult to";
		mes "use, and few can handle them.";
		mes "[Marjana]";
		mes "The types of marks";
		mes "that are left behind all";
		mes "depend on the materials";
		mes "used to create the poison.";
		mes "Since some materials are";
		mes "exclusive to certain areas...";
		mes "[Marjana]";
		mes "Well, the type of mark";
		mes "that was left behind could";
		mes "actually serve as some kind";
		mes "of clue. What was the mark";
		mes "on the victim's body?";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "We're not sure if";
		mes "poison was used yet,";
		mes "but there are marks that";
		mes "look like snake scales";
		mes "left on the bodies.";
		mes "[Marjana]";
		mes "Hmm. You know, if I had";
		mes "to guess, I would say that";
		mes "poison was probably used.";
		mes "But the poison would have";
		mes "to originate from outside of";
		mes "the Rune-Midgarts Kingdom...";
		mes "[Marjana]";
		mes "Yeah...";
		mes "The materials used to";
		mes "make those snake scale";
		mes "marks... Some of them can't";
		mes "even be found here on the";
		mes "Rune-Midgard continent.";
		mes "[Marjana]";
		mes "We're running out of time.";
		mes "Listen, you can confirm whether";
		mes "poison was used to kill someone";
		mes "by mixing a Yellow Gemstone with a Green Potion, and sprinkling";
		mes "the solution on the body.";
		mes "[Marjana]";
		mes "If poison was used, the";
		mes "solution with react with";
		mes "the body. But this method";
		mes "won't work if too much time";
		mes "has passed after the murder.";
		mes "You better try this soon...";
		set prt_curse,25;

	disablenpc "Marjana#poison";

	enablenpc "Marjana#poison";

morocc,45,103,0	script	#prtcurse	-1,2,2,{
	if (prt_curse == 25) {
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "Hm. I'd better review";
		mes "the facts I've learned so";
		mes "that I can better focus on";
		mes "this investigation. Let's see~";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "Long ago, the giant serpent";
		mes "Jormungand threatened mankind.";
		mes "7 warriors defeated Jormungand, led by Tristram III of the Gaebolg";
		mes "family, but Jormungand cursed the Gaebolg bloodline in its defeat.";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "Ever since, the curse kills";
		mes "the first born prince of the";
		mes "Gaebolg family at an early age.";
		mes "However, all of the princes of";
		mes "this generation were killed.";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "According to what I've";
		mes "learned from that assassin,";
		mes "the first prince died from the";
		mes "curse, and the other two may";
		mes "have died from poisoning.";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "It's most likely that if";
		mes "poison was used, then the";
		mes "person who used it was an";
		mes "assassin from outside of the";
		mes "Rune-Midgarts Kingdom. Yes,";
		mes "that's about everything I know.";
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "Now, that historian Rodafrian";
		mes "has been waiting for me to tell";
		mes "her the lyrics of that song, but Father Bamph is also waiting";
		mes "for the info I've learned from the Assassin Guild. What should I do?";
		if (select("Go to Rodafrian:Go to Father Bamph") == 1) {
			mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
			mes "Well, it's easier for me";
			mes "to visit Rodafrian now.";
			mes "She's much closer than";
			mes "Father Bamph, so I guess";
			mes "that I'll go talk to her first.";
			set prt_curse,30;
		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
		mes "Well, it's more important";
		mes "that I go see Father Bamph";
		mes "and investigate the princes'";
		mes "bodies. I better head over";
		mes "to Prontera right away.";
		set prt_curse,50;

prt_in,162,99,4	script	Librarian#curse	67,{
	//var max_max_c1 = CheckMaxCount 1201 1
	//if (max_max_c1 == 1) {
	//	mes "^3355FFWait a second!";
	//	mes "Right now, you're carrying";
	//	mes "too many things with you.";
	//	mes "Please come back after";
	//	mes "using the Kafra Service";
	//	mes "to store some of your items.";
	//	close;
	if (prt_curse == 3) {
		if (countitem(7431) < 1) {
			mes "[Librarian]";
			mes "Please make sure to return";
			mes "library books to the correct";
			mes "place after you use them.";
			mes "We don't have enough staff";
			mes "to organize all these books...";
			if (select("Report the loss of the books:End Conversation") == 1) {
				mes "[Librarian]";
				mes "Oh, you lost some books?";
				mes "Please write down the book";
				mes "titles and pay the 700 zeny";
				mes "penalty charge. Aftewards,";
				mes "we will provide you with";
				mes "replacement copies.";
				if (zeny > 699) {
					mes "[Librarian]";
					mes "Ah, here you are.";
					mes "Please take these";
					mes "replacement copies,";
					mes "and try not to lose";
					mes "them again. Thank you.";
					set zeny,zeny-700;
					getitem 7431,1; //Books
				mes "[Librarian]";
				mes "Hmm...";
				mes "Come back as soon";
				mes "as you can with the";
				mes "700 zeny to pay the";
				mes "lost book penalty charge.";
			mes "[Librarian]";
			mes "Please keep silent";
			mes "while inside the library.";
			mes "Thank you for cooperating.";
		else {
			mes "[Librarian]";
			mes "Being a librarian can";
			mes "be pretty rough. People";
			mes "just leave the books all";
			mes "scattered, but expect them";
			mes "to be organized. Ooh, books";
			mes "are always getting lost too...";
			mes "[Librarian]";
			mes "When you have";
			mes "to clean up their";
			mes "messes, you get to";
			mes "realize how sloppy";
			mes "people can really be.";
	else {
		mes "[Librarian]";
		mes "Being a librarian can";
		mes "be pretty rough. People";
		mes "just leave the books all";
		mes "scattered, but expect them";
		mes "to be organized. Ooh, books";
		mes "are always getting lost too...";
		mes "[Librarian]";
		mes "When you have";
		mes "to clean up their";
		mes "messes, you get to";
		mes "realize how sloppy";
		mes "people can really be.";