//===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= Quest NPCs related to Einbroch and Einbech //===== By: ================================================== //= Evera and The eAthena Dev Team //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.4.1 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= eAthena 7.15 + //===== Description: ========================================= //= Shinokas Quest, Einbroch Lover Quest, Factory Quest, //= Uwe Quest. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 Initial Release [Evera] //= 1.1 Added more quests [Evera] //= 1.2 Added quest bits from Einbech and renamed file to //= quests_ein.txt [Evera] //= 1.3 Implemented the polution quest. [MasterOfMuppets] //= 1.4.1 Massive bugfix. Fixed Pollution exploit [Lupus] //============================================================ //============================================================ //=================================================== Shinokas //====================================================== Quest ein_in01.gat,231,163,1 script Sick Old Man 849,6,6,{ if(Shinokas_Quest == 9){ mes "^3131FFShinokas's"; mes "body has grown"; mes "cold to the tough."; close; } if(Shinokas_Quest == 8){ mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Shinokas,"; mes "I found something!"; next; mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "You..."; mes "Came... back..."; mes "Even... if... it's"; mes "already... Too late."; mes "*Couhg Cough*"; next; mes "^3131FFYou help Shinokas"; mes "sit up, but find that"; mes "your hands have been"; mes "stained with his blood.^000000"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Blood...?!"; mes "Shinokas!"; mes "Who did this to you?"; mes "W-we need to call for help!"; next; mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "No..."; mes "It's already"; mes "too late for me."; mes "I should have died"; mes "a long time ago..."; next; mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "*Cough*"; mes "I only regret that"; mes "I've never been able"; mes "to apologize to my"; mes "friends... *Cough!*"; next; mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "But did you"; mes "find out? D-did"; mes "you find out what's"; mes "so special about"; mes "that ore? W-what"; mes "is it... Really?"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "It was..."; next; input @text$; mes "^0000FF"+@text$+"^000000!"; next; mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "W-wait...!"; mes "What did..."; mes "I can't underst--"; mes "*Couhgh cough!*"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "No...!"; mes "Tell me who"; mes "did this to you!"; mes "Where are they?"; mes "Speak to me, please!"; next; mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "W-wha...?"; mes "I told you."; mes "Th-they we--"; next; mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "..."; mes "......"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "No!"; mes "Shinokas!"; mes "Why, God?"; mes "Why..."; set Shinokas_Quest,9; close; } if(Shinokas_Quest == 7){ mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "..."; mes "......"; close; } if(Shinokas_Quest == 6){ mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "So...?"; mes "Did you learn"; mes "anything new"; mes "in the Factory?"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; if(EinFactory != 16){ mes "I haven't went there"; mes "yet."; next; mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "Then why did you come"; mes "back? Go and investigate"; mes "the factory now."; close; } mes "Well..."; mes "There's a lot of"; mes "suspicious business"; mes "in the factory, but I don't"; mes "think any of it is related"; mes "to that ore you mentioned."; next; mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "Damn it..."; mes "Then where did"; mes "they hide it? Where"; mes "do you think that"; mes "ore might be?"; next; while(1){ switch(select("Airport:Factory:Train Station:Airship Repairshop:Laboratory")){ case 1: //airport mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "No..."; mes "The Airport is always"; mes "crowded with people."; mes "It'd be a bad idea to hide"; mes "something so important"; mes "in that kind of place."; next; break; case 2: //factory mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "Didn't you just"; mes "check the factory?"; mes "You couldn't find"; mes "any clues to the"; mes "ore over there..."; next; break; case 3: //train mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "Hmm..."; mes "People are always going"; mes "in and out of the Train Station."; mes "It's not the best place to hide"; mes "something as important as the ore."; next; break; case 4: //repairshop mes "The Airship? Hm, it does"; mes "fly through some mysterious"; mes "power... But I already checked"; mes "the Airship Replairshop myself."; mes "I haven't found any trace of"; mes "the ore over there."; next; break; case 5: //Laboratory mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "...!"; mes "Yes. Yes...!"; mes "That could be it!"; mes "Why didn't I think"; mes "about the Laboratory?"; mes "It makes so much sense!"; next; mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "I have a good feeling"; mes "about this. Please sneak"; mes "into that Laboratory and"; mes "see if you can find the ore!"; next; mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "Remember..."; mes "Not just anybody"; mes "can enter that kind"; mes "of place. But I'm sure"; mes "you'll figure something out."; set Shinokas_Quest,7; close; } } } if(Shinokas_Quest == 5){ mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "So, did you find"; mes "anything from the"; mes "Kapellthaines?"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Well, Mr. Kapelltheine"; mes "is kind of violent, but"; mes "I didn't find anything"; mes "really suspicious."; next; mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "Huh..."; mes "I must have"; mes "been wrong, then..."; mes "Where else could it be?"; next; mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "Oh, right! The huge"; mes "factory in Einbroch!"; mes "What could be more"; mes "suspicious? There's a ton"; mes "of workers, but no one really"; mes "knows what they do there..."; next; mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "If they're so secretive"; mes "it's possible that they're"; mes "keeping the ore over there."; mes "Please go and search the"; mes "Factory for that ore as"; mes "soon as you can."; set Shinokas_Quest,6; close; } if(Shinokas_Quest == 4){ mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "Please..."; mes "Find out if the Kapelltheines"; mes "are keeping some kind of unique"; mes "ore. Their manor is on the road"; mes "that leads to the Airport."; close; } mes "[Sick Old Man]"; mes "...!"; next; mes "[Sick Old Man]"; mes "Awwwk~"; mes "It's killing me!"; mes "Arrrgh! Awwwrgh!"; mes "W-when will my son"; mes "come back from"; mes "the factory...?!"; next; if(Shinokas_Quest != 3){ mes "^3131FFYou feel really awkward"; mes "just staring at this old"; mes "man violently rolling"; mes "around in his bed."; close; } mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Shi..."; mes "Shinokas?"; next; mes "[Sick Old Man]"; mes "Huh...?"; mes "Noooo! My name is"; mes "Shinotarous. Y-you've"; mes "got the wrong person!"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "This has to be the"; mes "Shinokas that Hikeman"; mes "was talking about in Einbech"; mes "Hmmm, but how can I get"; mes "him to admit it?"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "*Ahem!*"; mes "Excuse me..."; next; while(1){ switch(select("Remember the mine tunnel collapse?:Didn't you used to be a miner?:Have you lived in Einbroch all your life?")){ case 1: //remember if(@shinqst2 > 4 || @shinqst3 > 4) goto L_Cont; mes "[Sick Old Man]"; mes "Noooo!"; mes "I don't know"; mes "what the hell"; mes "you're talking"; mes "about!"; next; break; case 2: //miner if(@shinqst2 > 1)goto s_Quest2; mes "[Sick Old Man]"; mes "Noooo...!"; mes "W-why would you"; mes "even ask me that"; mes "kind of question?!"; s_Quest2: set @shinqst2,@shinqst2 + 1; if(@shinqst3)set @shinqst3,0; next; break; case 3: //einbroch if(@shinqst3 > 1)goto s_Quest3; mes "[Sick Old Man]"; mes "Y-yes!"; mes "Born and raised"; mes "raised here in"; mes "Einbe--Einbroch!"; next; mes "^3131FFIt doesn't seem"; mes "like this old man"; mes "is telling the truth..."; s_Quest3: set @shinqst3,@shinqst3 + 1; if(@shinqst2)set @shinqst2,0; next; break; } } L_Cont: mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "Hmm..."; mes "^0000FFBuender Hikeman^000000..."; next; mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "No!"; mes "I've never met"; mes "Buender Hikeman"; mes "in my entire li--"; next; mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "..."; mes "......"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "I was right!"; mes "You're Shinokas!"; next; mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "Curses!"; mes "I've blown"; mes "my cover!"; mes "W-wait! How much"; mes "do you know?!"; next; mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "Did ^0000FFthey^000000 send you?"; mes "*Sigh* I think that this"; mes "is it. I'll never be"; mes "able to solve the"; mes "secret before I die."; next; mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "Okay."; mes "Get on with it."; mes "I'm ready now..."; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Tell me everything"; mes "you know related to"; mes "that incident where"; mes "the mine tunnel"; mes "collapsed around"; mes "you and Hikeman."; next; mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "...?"; mes "Errr...."; mes "You're not"; mes "here to kill me?"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "No...!"; mes "I'm here to find"; mes "out the truth"; next; mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "That means..."; mes "I still have some time."; mes "This must be destiny!"; mes "Allright, I'll tell you what"; mes "happened. But it's a"; mes "long story..."; next; mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "How much do you know"; mes "about the accident? No,"; mes "wait. Don't answer that."; mes "I don't want to hear it"; next; mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "I admit it. Yes."; mes "I stabbed my friends"; mes "in the back. It was an"; mes "unforgivable sin that will"; mes "haunt me untill the day that I die"; next; mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "I sold out my friends for"; mes "money. I destroyed that"; mes "tunnel and killed them. But"; mes "I suppose I was tricked as well."; mes "^0000FFThey^000000 never intended to keep"; mes "their end of our agreement."; next; mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "After I destroyed the tunnel,"; mes "they targeted me and I ended"; mes "spending the rest of my life being"; mes "pursued and running for place to"; mes "place. What the hell was that ^0000FFore^000000"; mes "and why was it so important?"; next; mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "I need to know more about"; mes "that ore if it's worth killing for."; mes "That's why I've risked sneaking"; mes "into Einbroch. Sopposedly, an ore"; mes "similar to the ore we found has"; mes "been transported here recently"; next; menu "Did you find it?",-; mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "No, not yet."; mes "I've been searching"; mes "for that ore every night."; mes "During the day, this kind"; mes "blacksmith has managed"; mes "to hide me from those men"; next; mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "But I won't be safe"; mes "for very long. Look, I'm"; mes "no saint, but before I die,"; mes "I wanna do this one last"; mes "thing and see what's so"; mes "great about this ore..."; next; menu "Wait, who's trying to get you?",-; mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "Who's trying to kill me?"; mes "The people who hired me and"; mes "my friends to dig up that ore in"; mes "the first place. We thought they"; mes "were ordinary businessmen,"; mes "but... They're dangerous."; next; mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "So I told you everything"; mes "and now you know that my"; mes "day might be numbered."; mes "Please do an old man a favor"; mes "and search Einbroch for that"; mes "strange, mysterious ore."; next; mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "Now, the first thing I learned"; mes "in this tows is that the richest"; mes "family is the Kapelltheines. Only"; mes "the rich and powerful can possibly"; mes "be involved in something so big."; next; mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "Would you search"; mes "Kappelltheine Manor"; mes "for that ore? It's on the way"; mes "to the Airport and it shouldn't be"; mes "hard to miss. They're the richest"; mes "people in Einbroch, after all."; next; mes "[Shinokas]"; mes "I'm too old and weak to leave"; mes "this house, and there's the change"; mes "that those men will find me. If you"; mes "can sympathize with my situation,"; mes "please find out if the Kapelltheine"; mes "family has any unique ores..."; set Shinokas_Quest,4; close; OnTouch: if(Shinokas_Quest != 8) end; mes "^3131FFThe open window rattles"; mes "as you enter the room and"; mes "are welcomed by a sudden"; mes "chill. A trail of red footprints"; mes "lies near your feet."; next; mes "^3131FFA grey sheet lies"; mes "rumpled on the bed,"; mes "but you can see dark red"; mes "stains in between the folds."; //set ein_lab,3; //wth? -Yhn close; } ein_in01.gat,32,133,6 script Maid 850,{ mes "[Maid]"; if(Shinokas_Quest != 4){ mes "There's no end"; mes "to all these plates"; mes "I have to clean...!"; close; } mes "Did you ask me"; mes "if I saw some kind"; mes "of ore around here?"; mes "That's strange..."; next; mes "[Maid]"; mes "Will, I've been with"; mes "this family for a long"; mes "time. Let me assure you"; mes "that there's no secrets"; mes "from me in this household!"; next; mes "[Maid]"; mes "I'm sorry, but I don't"; mes "think we have any ores,"; mes "special or otherwise, here"; mes "in the manor. What exactly"; mes "do you need them for?"; set Shinokas_Quest,5; close; } einbroch.gat,51,52,1 script lab_warp 45,2,2{ if(Shinokas_Quest != 7){ mes "^3131FFThe door is locked."; mes "You cannot enter."; close; } mes "[Security System]"; mes "^FF0000*Beep Boop*^000000"; mes "Restricted Access Area."; mes "Please identify yourself"; mes "through the system."; next; switch(select("Identify.:Information:Cancel")){ case 1: //Identify break; //continue after switch =\ case 2: //information mes "[Security System]"; mes "You must use the"; mes "security system in order"; mes "to gain access into the"; mes "Einbroch Laboratory."; next; mes "[Security System]"; mes "You will be given"; mes "a password that you"; mes "must input correctly"; mes "withing 60 seconds."; mes "Otherwise, you will"; mes "fail the security check."; //hell of a security system ye got there mate //wonder if gravity co has the same sort? xD next; mes "[Security System]"; mes "If you take longer"; mes "then 3 minutes to"; mes "enter the password,"; mes "the security system"; mes "will initiate lockout."; close; case 3: //cancel mes "[Security System]"; mes "You have canceled"; mes "the ID security check."; close; } //ID check: mes "[Security System]"; mes "Enter the following"; mes "password in 60 seconds."; mes "Failure to do so will result"; mes "in lockout. Please wait."; next; mes "[Security System]"; set @startseconds,gettime(3)*60*60+gettime(2)*60+gettime(1); switch(rand(1,11)){ case 1: mes "^00CCFFburrdingdingdilidingdingphoohudaamb"; mes "^00CCFFandoora^0000FFbambarambambamburanbamding"; input @str$; if(@str$ != "burrdindingdilidingdingphoohudaambandoorabambarambambamburanbamding") goto L_SCFail; goto L_Suc; case 2: mes "^FF33CCbarapaphurarlandreamduranbatuhi^990066wooi"; mes "^990066kabamturubamdingding"; next; input @str$; if(@str$ != "barapaphurarlandreamduranbatuhiwooikabamturubamdingding") goto L_SCFail; goto L_Suc; case 3: mes "^00CCFFbelief love luck grimace sweat rush"; mes "^00CCFFfolktale rodimus optimus burnblebe"; input @str$; if(@str$ != "belief love luck grimace sweat rush folktale rodimus optimus burnblebe") goto L_SCFail; goto L_Suc; case 4: mes "^FF33CCLiGhTsPeEd RiGhT SPEed leFT TURn"; mes "^FF33CCRiGhT BuRn OrIGInAL GaNgSteR SmACk"; input @str$; if(@str$ != "LiGhTsPeEd RiGhT SPEed leFT TURn RiGhT BuRn OrIGInAL GaNgSteR SmACk") goto L_SCFail; goto L_Suc; case 5: mes "^00CCFFCoboman no chikara-yumei na"; mes "^00CCFFchikara-daiookii na chikara da ze!"; mes "^00CCFFCOBO ON"; input @str$; if(@str$ != "Coboman no chikara-yumei na chikara-daiookii na chikara da ze! COBO ON") goto L_SCFail; goto L_Suc; case 6: mes "^FF33CChfjdkeldjs^990066hfjdjeiskdlefvbd"; input @str$; if(@str$ != "hfjdkeldjshfjdjeiskdlefvbd") goto L_SCFail; goto L_Suc; case 7: mes "^00CCFFI'm the King of all Weirdos! Now"; mes "^00CCFFyou know of my true power. Obey~!"; input @str$; if(@str$ != "I'm the King of all Weirdos! Now you know of my true power. Obey~!") goto L_SCFail; goto L_Suc; case 8: mes "^990066uNflAPPaBLe LoVaBLe SeCreTs AnD"; mes "^990066BoWLiNg aGaINST tHe KarMA of YoUtH"; input @str$; if(@str$ != "uNflAPPaBLe LoVaBLe SeCreTs AnD BoWLiNg aGaINST tHe KarMA if YoUtH") goto L_SCFail; goto L_Suc; case 9: mes "^00CCFFBy the power of^000000"; mes "^00CCFFp-po-poi-po-poi-poin-poing"; mes "^00CCFFGOD-POING. I NEVER LOSE!"; input @str$; if(@str$ != "By the power of p-po-poi-po-poi-poin-poing GOD-POING. I NEVER LOSE!") goto L_SCFail; goto L_Suc; case 10: mes "^00CCFF...silence. quiet benevolence..."; mes "^00CCFFsoul mate... wonder. enigma..."; mes "^00CCFFcloud.^000000"; input @str$; if(@str$ != "...silence. quiet benevolence... soul mate... wonder. enigma... cloud") goto L_SCFail; goto L_Suc; case 11: mes "^FF33CCopeN,Open!op3n.openOpen0p3nOpEn0pen"; mes "^FF33CC`open'0Pen open?open!111OPENSESAME"; input @str$; if(@str$ != "opeN,Open!op3n.openOpenOp3nIoEnOpen`open'0Pen open?open!111OPENSESAME") goto L_SCFail; goto L_Suc; } L_Suc: next; set @endtime,gettime(3)*60*60+gettime(2)*60+gettime(1); set @time,@endtime-@startseconds; if(@time > 60) goto L_SC60; mes "[Security System]"; mes "It took ^FF0000"+@time+" seconds^000000"; mes "for you to enter the"; mes "password. Initiating"; mes "override. Access granted."; close2; warp "ein_in01.gat",283,25; end; L_SC60: mes "[Security System]"; mes "Time over."; mes "It took ^FF0000"+@time+" seconds^000000"; mes "for you to enter the"; mes "password. Initiating"; mes "lockout. Access denied."; close; L_SCFail: next; mes "[Security System]"; mes "You have failed"; mes "the identification"; mes "check. Access denied."; close; } einbroch.gat,51,56,6 script Laboratory Soldier#01 852,{ mes "[Laboratory Soldier]"; mes "This area is off limits."; mes "Please leave"; mes "immediately"; close; OnHide: specialeffect 16; disablenpc "Laboratory Soldier#01"; end; OnUnhide: misceffect 215; end; } einbroch.gat,51,47,6 script Laboratory Soldier#02 852,{ mes "[Laboratory Soldier]"; mes "This area is off limits."; mes "Please leave"; mes "immediately"; close; OnHide: specialeffect 16; disablenpc "Laboratory Soldier#02"; end; OnUnhide: misceffect 215; end; } ein_in01.gat,254,35,1 script Scientist 749,{ mes "[Scientist]"; mes "*Grumble grumble*"; next; if(ein_scientist == 1) goto L_P2; mes "[Scientist]"; mes "Huh...?"; mes "How did you"; mes "get in here?"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Oh! Ah..."; mes "I'm the new..."; mes "Guard. Nice"; mes "to meet you."; next; mes "[Scientist]"; mes "Oh. Yeah."; mes "Nice-meet-you"; mes ".............."; mes "*Grumble grumble*"; next; if(select("What's wrong?:Catch you later.")==2){ mes "[Scientist]"; mes "Right."; mes "Yeah."; mes "Later, man."; close; } mes "[Scientist]"; mes "What's wrong...?!"; mes "Oh, don't get me started!"; mes "I'm stuck here doing all the"; mes "work while the Lab Departement"; mes "Head goes out every freakin' day!"; next; mes "[Scientist]"; mes "While I'm slaving"; mes "away here, he's in"; mes "that Airship, busy"; mes "flirting with that"; mes "woman. God...!"; mes "I'm like, so teed off!"; set ein_scientist,1; close; L_P2: mes "[Scientist]"; mes "Man alive!"; mes "Would it kill the"; mes "Department Head"; mes "to come in here and do"; mes "some work for a change?!"; next; mes "[Scientist]"; mes "I mean, come on!"; mes "I shouldn't have to"; mes "carry his workload!"; close; } ein_in01.gat,266,26,1 script Unknown Stuff 111,{ mes "^3131FFThere's something"; mes "attached to a huge"; mes "machine with many cords"; mes "and folds of barbed wire"; set ein_stuff,1; close; } airplane.gat,31,77,4 script Drunken Man#03 853,{ if(Shinokas_Quest >= 8){ mes "[Drunken Man]"; mes "Hahahahaha!"; mes "You're great!"; mes "I feel great!"; mes "Everything's great!"; mes "Bwahahahaahahah!"; mes "*Hiccup*"; close; } mes "[Drunken Man]"; mes "Okay okay..."; mes "Daddy's gonna"; mes "win some Apples"; mes "this time for sure!"; next; if(ein_stuff && ein_scientist){ mes "[Drunken Man]"; mes "Let's do it!"; mes "^3131FFYmir's Heart^000000 is"; mes "on my side! GO!"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Huh...?"; mes "What did he just say?"; mes "It seemed important!"; next; } mes "^0000FF*Rolling and rumbling*^000000"; next; mes "[Kaci]"; mes "I have a total of ^FF000011^000000"; mes "and you have total ^FF00005^000000."; mes "You lose this game. I'm"; mes "sorry, but I hope we play"; mes "again sometime."; donpcevent "Kaci::OnLose"; next; mes "[Drunken Man]"; mes "Waaaaaahhhhhhhhh!"; mes "Apples! My apples!"; mes "Apples, I need more...!"; if(countitem(512) && ein_stuff && ein_scientist) goto L_Apples; close; L_Apples: next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Do you want"; mes "some of mine?"; next; if(countitem(512) <100){ mes "[Drunken Man]"; mes "What...?"; mes "I can't do anything"; mes "with so few Apples!"; mes "I'm a high roller and"; mes "this is a high stakes game!"; close; } mes "[Drunken Man]"; mes "Wha--? Yes..."; mes "Hell yes! Gimme"; mes "some of your Apples!"; mes "Yeeeeeeeeeeehaw!"; mes "I'm back, baby!"; next; mes "[Drunken Man]"; mes "Now, to win!"; mes "Daddy needs love..."; mes "Time to go from"; mes "crappy to classy!"; next; mes "^0000FF*Rolling and rumbling*^000000"; next; delitem 512,countitem(512); set @kaci,rand(2,12); set @man,rand(2,12); if(@man == @kaci){ if(rand(2)){ if(@man != 12) set @man,@man+1; else set @man,@man-1; }else{ if(@man != 2) set @man,@man-1; else set @man,@man+1; } } mes "[Kaci]"; mes "Oooh..."; mes "I got a total of ^FF0000"+@kaci+"^000000,"; mes "and you have a total of ^FF0000"+@man+"^000000."; if(@man < @kaci){ mes "I'm sorry, but you lose"; mes "again. Better luck next time..."; donpcevent "Kaci::OnLose"; next; mes "[Drunken Man]"; mes "Waaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!"; mes "Waaaaaaaahhhhhhh!"; close; } mes "Congratulations, you won!"; mes "Let me give you your winning"; mes "and we'll play again some time~"; donpcevent "Kaci::OnWin"; next; mes "[Drunken Man]"; mes "Mwahhhahahahaha!"; mes "Whahahahahahahahaha!"; mes "That's why they call me"; mes "the 'Resurrection Kid!'"; mes "I always come back!"; next; mes "[Drunken Man]"; mes "Oh yes, right!"; mes "You...! You lent"; mes "me those lucky"; mes "Apples. ^111111*Hiccup*^000000"; next; mes "[Drunken Man]"; mes "I'm Kurschenburg!"; mes "Thanks to you, I'm"; mes "on a winning streak!"; mes "Hahaha! Th-thank you~"; mes "^111111*Hic-hic-hiccup!*^000000"; next; if(select("So what was that about Ymir's Heart?:Hehe, you're welcome.")==2){ mes "[Drunken Man]"; mes "Hahahaha!"; mes "You're great!"; mes "And I feel great!"; mes "Bwahahahaahahah!"; mes "^111111*Hiccup*^000000"; close; } mes "[Drunken Man]"; mes "What...?"; mes "Ymir's Heart?"; mes "How do you know"; mes "about that? ^111111*Hiccup*^000000"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Y-you...!"; mes "You were just yelling,"; mes "'Ymir's Heart is on my"; mes "side,' while you were"; mes "gambling with those Apples!"; next; mes "[Drunken Man]"; mes "What...?!"; mes "No way~"; mes "Err...? Did I...?"; next; mes "[Drunken Man]"; mes "Heh heh..."; mes "I'm not really"; mes "supposed to be talking"; mes "about this. As head of"; mes "the Laboratory, I'm sworn"; mes "to secrecy about Ymir's Heart."; next; mes "[Drunken Man]"; mes "But what do I care?!"; mes "All they want are the"; mes "results of my research!"; mes "They don't appreciate"; mes "my work at all! My title"; mes "is completely worthless!"; next; mes "[Drunken Man]"; mes "You don't know how long I've"; mes "been imprisoned in the lab and"; mes "that the work conditions just get"; mes "worse and worse. Screw them! I'll"; mes "keep getting paid as long as I show"; mes "them some progress in our project!"; next; menu "Project?",-; mes "[Drunken Man]"; mes "Yeah, we're researching"; mes "Ymir's Heart. It was found"; mes "a long time ago in ^3131FFEinbech^000000"; mes "and it's in our lab now."; next; mes "[Drunken Man]"; mes "Everyone knows it's supposed"; mes "to hold some legendary power,"; mes "but even I was surprised to see"; mes "what it was capable of. It's both"; mes "terrible and miraculous, scary"; mes "and wondrous..."; next; mes "[Drunken Man]"; mes "So..."; mes "I figure..."; mes "It may even"; mes "have the power to"; mes "win me Dice games!"; mes "Bwahaha--*Hiccup!*"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "(That thing I saw"; mes "hooked up to all those"; mes "wires in the Laboratory"; mes "must have been a piece"; mes "of ^3131FFYmir's Heart^000000. I better"; mes "tell Shinokas about this.)"; set Shinokas_Quest,8; //cleaning temp variables from the lab. set ein_stuff,0; set ein_scientist,0; close; } einbech.gat,57,210,4 script Young Man#04 854,{ mes "[Young Man]"; mes "Behind the pub,"; mes "you'll see this old man"; mes "who's always mumbling"; mes "something to himself."; next; mes "[Young Man]"; mes "Sometimes he seems really"; mes "angry, but other times he looks"; mes "awfully depressed. He must have"; mes "lived through some really horrible"; mes "experiences. I can't help but feel"; mes "really sorry for the old guy."; next; mes "[Young Man]"; mes "He says and does"; mes "a lot of strange things."; mes "It's sad to see someone"; mes "that old act that way, but"; mes "it makes me wonder what"; mes "could have happened to him."; if(!Shinokas_Quest)set Shinokas_Quest,1; close; } einbech.gat,165,105,7 script Buender Hikeman 847,{ if(Shinokas_Quest == 9) goto L_P2; if(Shinokas_Quest == 3)goto L_BEST; if(Shinokas_Quest == 2)goto L_BASTARD; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "..."; mes "......"; if(!Shinokas_Quest)close; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "..."; mes "......"; mes "......You..."; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "..."; mes "......"; mes "......You..."; mes "......Stop it..."; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "..."; mes "......"; mes "......You..."; mes "......Stop it..."; mes "...You ^FF0000bastard^000000!"; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "RaaaaAAAARGHHH!!"; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "^0000FFThe old man seems^000000"; mes "^0000FFslightly irked at seeing^000000"; mes "^0000FFyou. Unfortunately, his^000000"; mes "^0000FFscreaming and rambling^000000"; mes "^0000FFis totally incoherent.^000000"; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "It ^FF0000is^000000 you!"; mes "You're responsible!"; mes "You've taken everything"; mes "away from me!!"; next; menu "What are you talking about?",L_WHAT,"Ignore Him.",-; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "W...wait!"; mes "I said wait!"; mes "*Cough!*"; close; L_WHAT: mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "How dare you..."; mes "How dare you treat"; mes "after destroying all the"; mes "happiness in my life!"; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "Damn you..."; mes "How can you have"; mes "the audacity to pretend"; mes "as if nothing happened?!"; mes "*C-cough Cough...*"; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "Are you so evil to"; mes "just shallowly forget"; mes "what you've done to our"; mes "lives? Did you already"; mes "forget what you did"; mes "here in Einbech?!"; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "It was such a long"; mes "time ago, but I'll never"; mes "forget. This town was"; mes "small, but full of folk"; mes "with warm hearts..."; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "Me, Khartophe, Anuto,"; mes "Maskharundt... All of"; mes "us were friends hired"; mes "by that businessman"; mes "to dig up ores in the mine."; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "And then there"; mes "was you! All of us"; mes "put together made the"; mes "greatest mining team!"; mes "That was, until, we"; mes "discovered ^FF0000it^000000."; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "Yes..."; mes "The mysterious ore"; mes "that dazzled with a"; mes "magnificent light."; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "But we should have known"; mes "that the ^0000FFUngoliant^000000 would"; mes "be arround that ore. We"; mes "should have realized"; mes "the danger..."; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "We reported our findings"; mes "to our employer, and then"; mes "the ore just disappeared. He"; mes "must have sent it somewhere,"; mes "it was none of our business."; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "Then life was back"; mes "to normal for a while."; mes "But one day you yelled"; mes "to us that you had found"; mes "another special, mysterious"; mes "ore in the mines."; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "But when we came"; mes "over to check the hole"; mes "you dug up, you know"; mes "what we found...?!"; next; menu "Ungoliant?",L_UNGOLIANT,"A mysterious ore, right?",L_ORE,"Nothing...?",-; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "Yes..."; mes "Nothing."; next; goto L_CONTINUE; L_UNGOLIANT: mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "Don't you remember"; mes "what happened? What"; mes "you did to us at that time?!"; next; L_CONTINUE: mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "There was nothing"; mes "inside the hole!"; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "Then you pointed to"; mes "the wall behind us and"; mes "screamed that Ungoliant"; mes "was coming! In our panic"; mes "we started to dig our way out!"; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "I remember that the expression on"; mes "your face seemed so strange. I had"; mes "thought you looked sad, but now I'm"; mes "sure you were consumed by greed! We"; mes "trusted you and you betrayed us!"; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "When we finally smashed"; mes "down that last wall, everything"; mes "started to fall around us. We"; mes "were the only two to survive"; mes "that tunnel collapse."; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "Then I learned..."; mes "You planned it all along."; set Shinokas_Quest,2; close; L_ORE: mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "Don't you remember"; mes "what happened? What"; mes "you did to us at that time?!"; next; goto L_CONTINUE; L_BASTARD: mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "Bastard!"; mes "I'm sick of"; mes "your lies!"; next; menu "I'm not who you think!",L_IM,"How did you survive the accident?",-; L_HOW: mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "When I came to,"; mes "I was lying on my"; mes "stomach in the ruins"; mes "of that dark tunnel."; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "And I found..."; mes "You know what I found."; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "*Cough Cough*"; mes "The corpses of my friends!"; mes "Kartophe, Anuto, Maskharundt"; mes "Great men and my best friends."; mes "But where were you?!"; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "Your body was nowhere"; mes "to be found. I searched"; mes "the tunnel and finnaly"; mes "climbed outside where"; mes "I was found unconscious."; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "I was so stupid."; mes "It was because of"; mes "that ore! You killed our"; mes "friend and destroyed"; mes "my life for that thing!"; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "And now..."; mes "You come out of"; mes "hiding and show up."; mes "What do you want of"; mes "me? What more can"; mes "you possibly take away?!"; next; menu "I'm not who you think I am!",L_THINK,"I'd like to apologize.",-; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "Ha ha..."; mes "Apologize?"; mes "The harm is"; mes "already done..."; goto L_CONTINUE2; L_THINK: mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "Quit lying!"; mes "You've stirred up"; mes "my hatred by showing"; mes "up again! I've never"; mes "forgotten that day!"; next; L_CONTINUE2: mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "It's too late"; mes "for you now. For"; mes "the sake of my friends,"; mes "I'll have my vengeance!"; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "Prepare to die!"; mes "^0000FFShinokas^000000!!!!"; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "...!"; mes "*Cough! Cough!*"; mes "Noooo! N-not now..."; mes "*Cough! Cough!*"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "..."; mes "I better"; mes "get away"; mes "from him!"; next; mes "^0000FFYou ran away from Hikeman^000000"; mes "^0000FFas he collapsed on the ground^000000"; mes "^0000FFIt wouldn't be a good idea to^000000"; mes "^0000FFprovoke the old man anymore,^000000"; mes "^0000FFintentionally or not.^000000"; set Shinokas_Quest,3; close; L_BEST: mes "^0000FFIt'd be best^000000"; mes "^0000FFto avoid aggravating^000000"; mes "^0000FFthe old man for now.^000000"; close; L_IM: mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "Ha...!"; mes "Do you think"; mes "I'd so easily"; mes "forget the face"; mes "of the person who"; mes "shattered my life?!"; goto L_HOW; L_P2: mes "^0000FFHikeman is dozing^000000"; mes "^0000FFoff in his chair. Judging^000000"; mes "^0000FFfrom the look of discomfort^000000"; mes "^0000FFon his face, he seems to be^000000"; mes "^0000FFhaving a nightmare.^000000"; if(Shinokas_Quest == 10) close; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Excuse me..."; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "Huh...?"; mes ".........!!"; mes "Hahahahaha!"; mes "Come back for"; mes "your beating,"; mes "eh, Shinokas?!"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Look...!"; mes "I'm not Shinokas,"; mes "okay? How can you"; mes "forget what he looks"; mes "like or how old he is?"; mes "I'm way younger!"; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "What...?"; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes ".................."; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "Uhhhh......"; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "Huh."; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "It seems..."; mes "I've made a"; mes "huge mistake."; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "Ever since the accident, people"; mes "have said that I haven't been the"; mes "same. Maybe they're right."; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "I keep making the same"; mes "mistakes, so maybe they're"; mes "right about me getting senile."; mes "Did you come just to clear"; mes "up this misunderstanding?"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Um..."; mes "Actually..."; next; menu "Tell Hikeman about Shinakas's death.",-,"Don't notify Hikeman",L_NNotify; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Shinokas died"; mes "a while ago in"; mes "Einbroch."; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "Wh-what...?"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Shinokas was killed by"; mes "some men. He thinks they"; mes "may have been the ones"; mes "who hired you guys. In the"; mes "end, he was betrayed too..."; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "I..."; mes "I see..."; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Shinokas may have"; mes "gotten some money,"; mes "but he spent the rest"; mes "of his life in hiding,"; mes "being hunted down."; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "Nothing's left."; mes "I've got nothing"; mes "to look forward to."; mes "I was living only to"; mes "avenge my friends..."; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "Please..."; mes "Just go back to"; mes "wherever you came"; mes "from. Leave me alone..."; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "..."; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Did Hikeman really want"; mes "revenge on Shinokas or did"; mes "he want to hear him out since"; mes "they used to be close friends?"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "If I mention that"; mes "what they found was"; mes "the Ymir Heart Piece,"; mes "Hikeman might end up"; mes "getting hunter down, so"; mes "I better not say anything."; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Why are those men"; mes "so obsessed with that"; mes "Ymir Heart Piece? Is it"; mes "really worth this kind of"; mes "cruelty? Whoever they are,"; mes "their intentions can't be good."; close2; set Shinokas_Quest,10; if(BaseLevel < 41)set BaseExp,BaseExp+34750; if(BaseLevel > 40 && BaseLevel < 61)set BaseExp,BaseExp+69500; if(BaseLevel > 60 && BaseLevel < 71)set BaseExp,BaseExp+139000; if(BaseLevel > 70 && BaseLevel < 81)set BaseExp,BaseExp+278000; if(BaseLevel > 80 && BaseLevel < 91)set BaseExp,BaseExp+417000; if(BaseLevel > 90)set BaseExp,BaseExp+556000; end; L_NNotify: mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Yeah..."; mes "That's right."; mes "I wanted to clear up"; mes "this misunderstanding"; mes "so you could calm down,"; mes "even if it's just a little bit."; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "Well, you don't have"; mes "to worry so much about"; mes ",u stress. I find that the"; mes "winds that pass through"; mes "this town to be very relaxing."; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "Each time the wind"; mes "blows by, my vision blurs,"; mes "my memories haze and all"; mes "of my hatred just drifts away."; next; mes "[Buender Hikeman]"; mes "Without the wind, I'd only"; mes "have my hatred towards ^FF0000him^000000."; mes "Maybe it's my only reason for"; mes "living and maybe I'm lonely,"; mes "but it's too late to feel"; mes "sorry for myself now."; close; } //============================================================ //============================================= Einbroch Lover //====================================================== Quest ein_in01.gat,31,151,4 script Satra 850,{ if(EIN_LOVERQ > 11)goto s_Intimi; if(EIN_LOVERQ == 11)goto s_Coal4; if(EIN_LOVERQ == 10)goto s_Coal3; if(EIN_LOVERQ == 9)goto s_Coal2; if(EIN_LOVERQ == 8)goto s_Coal1; if(EIN_LOVERQ == 7)goto s_Advent; mes "[Satra]"; mes "A wandering"; mes "adventurer...?"; mes "How sinfully"; mes "intriguing!"; mes "Ho ho ho ho~"; next; mes "[Satra]"; mes "Oh, do not worry"; mes "I'm sure the beauty of"; mes "my home has captured your"; mes "curiosity. My brutish excuse"; mes "for a husband would have you"; mes "beat if he found you..."; next; mes "[Satra]"; mes "But I'm far more genteel"; mes "then Megass. You're more"; mes "than welcome to enjoy the"; mes "furnishings. Ho ho ho ho~"; close; s_Advent: mes "[Satra]"; mes "A wandering adventurer...?"; mes "How ravishingly delightful!"; mes "You must have risked life and"; mes "limb to sneak past my husband"; mes "to enjoy the captivating sights"; mes "of my home. Ho ho ho ho~"; next; mes "[Satra]"; mes "Since you're a very"; mes "unique quest, I shall"; mes "give you a unique honor"; mes "and deign to converse"; mes "with you, adventurer."; next; mes "[Satra]"; mes "Einbech exists to provide"; mes "my family with coal and"; mes "materials from their mines."; mes "It's a natural law: workers"; mes "must be led by a chosen few."; next; mes "[Satra]"; mes "It's delightfully"; mes "ludicrous to see those"; mes "workers aspire to reach"; mes "our heights of social"; mes "prestige. Ho ho ho ho~"; next; mes "[Satra]"; mes "Oh, I haven't spoken to"; mes "someone from a lower"; mes "class in ages! It feels"; mes "so forbiddenly exciting!"; next; mes "[Satra]"; mes "Well adventurer, that's"; mes "the end of our informal"; mes "chat. I'll even grant you"; mes "full permission to boast"; mes "of the fact that you've"; mes "spoken to Lady Satra."; next; mes "[Satra]"; mes "If you wish for"; mes "me to share words with"; mes "you once more, prove to"; mes "me that you're worthier"; mes "than the other peons of"; mes "my graceful presence."; next; s_Coal1: mes "[Satra]"; mes "Oh, I have a marvelous"; mes "idea! Why don't you bring"; mes "me ^9C0000Coals^000000? It's not impossible"; mes "for someone like yourself, but"; mes "this kind of task will require"; mes "some effort on your part."; next; if(EIN_LOVERQ == 8 && countitem(1003) > 9)goto s_GotCoal1; mes "[Satra]"; mes "Tah tah,"; mes "adventurer~"; if(EIN_LOVERQ == 7)set EIN_LOVERQ,8; close; s_GotCoal1: mes "[Satra]"; mes "My, you've already"; mes "brought the Coal?"; mes "How charmingly"; mes "prompt you are~"; next; mes "[Satra]"; mes "On behalf of the"; mes "Kappellthaine family,"; mes "I shall ignore your lowly"; mes "status and graciously"; mes "accept your small gift."; mes "Ho ho ho~"; next; mes "[Satra]"; mes "Do you hail from"; mes "Einbech, adventurer?"; mes "Ah, the Rune-Midgarts"; mes "kingdom! I've visited your"; mes "country. It's quite quaint"; mes "and Jawaii is very lovely."; next; mes "[Satra]"; mes "Well, I shall try to"; mes "find some use for these."; mes "I'm afraid the gift I've asked"; mes "from you isn't very practical."; mes "How is coal usually used?"; mes "Ah, I have a novel idea!"; next; mes "[Satra]"; mes "Wouldn't it be"; mes "intoxicatingly wild if"; mes "Megass were to hold one"; mes "of those social functions that"; mes "the lower classes are so fond"; mes "of? A 'barbeque', yes?"; next; mes "[Satra]"; mes "In any case, If you"; mes "bring me more of that"; mes "Coal, you would be even"; mes "more favored by me and"; mes "you'll become a recipient"; mes "of my good graces. Ho ho~"; set EIN_LOVERQ,9; delitem 1003,10; close; s_Coal2: mes "[Satra]"; mes "^111111*Titter~*^000000"; mes "Why, if it isn't my"; mes "intrepid adventurer."; mes "Ho ho ho ho~"; next; if(countitem(1003) > 9)goto s_GotCoal2; mes "[Satra]"; mes "My apologies, but you"; mes "must first prove to me"; mes "that you are worthy of"; mes "conversation. Why don't"; mes "you deliver more of those"; mes "^9C0000Coals^000000, mmm?"; next; mes "[Satra]"; mes "After all, I have no other"; mes "means of knowing whether"; mes "or not you appreciate the time"; mes "I sacrifice by socializing with"; mes "someone of your status."; mes "Ho ho ho ho~"; close; s_GotCoal2: mes "[Satra]"; mes "My word!"; mes "Why are you carrying"; mes "all of that dirty Coal"; mes "with you? You poor,"; mes "impoverished thing."; next; mes "[Satra]"; mes "Oh! Dear me,"; mes "I've nearly forgotten~"; mes "How divinely silly of me!"; mes "Once again, I graciously"; mes "accept your small gift on"; mes "behalf of the Kappelthaines."; next; mes "[Satra]"; mes "Let me share a little"; mes "bit of history concerning"; mes "our lovely Einbroch. At one"; mes "time, there was only Einbech,"; mes "the mining village. You can"; mes "imagine how long ago that was."; next; mes "[Satra]"; mes "However, the minerals"; mes "and ores mined in Einbech"; mes "need to be processed and"; mes "refined in factories that were"; mes "all built in a nearby industrial"; mes "comple which became Einbroch."; next; mes "[Satra]"; mes "Now every citizen in"; mes "Einbroch is wealthy and"; mes "it's well known that there"; mes "is a higher standard of"; mes "living here than in Einbech."; next; mes "[Satra]"; mes "Goodness, I believe"; mes "it's time for a spot of tea~"; mes "The next time you wish to have"; mes "an audience with me, it would"; mes "behoove you to bring another"; mes "gift of Coal. Toodles~"; set EIN_LOVERQ,10; delitem 1003,10; close; s_Coal3: mes "[Satra]"; mes "Why hello~"; mes "Your visits have"; mes "recently been quite"; mes "delightful, fair adventurer."; next; mes "[Satra]"; mes "Oh, my apologies!"; mes "I supposed you're just"; mes "here for sight seeing,"; mes "or perhaps you're running"; mes "some sort of adventurer's"; mes "errand. Am I right?"; next; if(countitem(1003) > 9)goto s_GotCoal3; mes "[Satra]"; mes "I know you well enough"; mes "to know that you wouldn't"; mes "be so rude as to stop by"; mes "and chat without bringing"; mes "any ^9C0000Coal^000000. Ho ho ho ho~"; close; s_GotCoal3: mes "[Satra]"; mes "Continue to show"; mes "your appreciation"; mes "and dedication to me"; mes "and you'll soon be known"; mes "to be my most favored"; mes "commoner. Ho ho ho ho~"; next; mes "[Satra]"; mes "I'm sure you've noticed"; mes "the strained relationship"; mes "between Einbroch and Einbech"; mes "by now. It's a shame, really."; next; mes "[Satra]"; mes "As Einbroch grew wealthier"; mes "and Einbech became more"; mes "destitude, the affluent began"; mes "despising the impoverished."; mes "I supposed it follows that the"; mes "poor started to resent the rich."; next; mes "[Satra]"; mes "It might be said that"; mes "both towns have been"; mes "trying to take advantage"; mes "of each other, but it's"; mes "clear that Einbroch has"; mes "always had the upper hand."; next; mes "[Satra]"; mes "In fact, because of"; mes "this rift between our"; mes "cities, our families are"; mes "taught not to associate"; mes "with the people of Einbech."; next; mes "[Satra]"; mes "Now, I believe that most"; mes "people who live in Einbech"; mes "are peons, but that does not"; mes "mean I will not give them a"; mes "chance to prove their worth."; next; mes "[Satra]"; mes "Why should I deprive"; mes "the lowly of my gracious"; mes "presence if they prove"; mes "themselves meritable?"; mes "Ho ho ho ho~"; next; mes "[Satra]"; mes "Oh, that was scrumptious!"; mes "If you wish to pay me another"; mes "visit, don't forget to bring some"; mes "Coal with you. Tah tah~"; set EIN_LOVERQ,11; delitem 1003,10; close; s_Coal4: mes "[Satra]"; mes "Ho ho ho ho~"; mes "Welcome adventurer,"; mes "I so enjoy our little chats."; mes "Hors d'oeuvre?"; next; if(countitem(1003) > 9)goto s_GotCoal4; mes "[Satra]"; mes "Ah..."; mes "It seems you've"; mes "forgotten your ^9C0000Coals^000000."; mes "A silly mistake, but one"; mes "I'm willing to overlook."; close; s_GotCoal4: mes "[Satra]"; mes "Oh! You can't enjoy"; mes "any food in that state!"; mes "Your hands are atrociously"; mes "grimy! May I ask why?"; next; mes "[Satra]"; mes "Ah~"; mes "In my excitement,"; mes "I nearly forgot that"; mes "I asked you to bring"; mes "Coals to me again!"; mes "My apologies~"; next; mes "[Satra]"; mes "You've brought so much Coal"; mes "to me, I'm convinced that you're"; mes "much more diligent than those"; mes "languid peasants in Einbech."; mes "I appreciate that you've labored"; mes "so much to win my favor."; next; mes "[Satra]"; mes "Hm, what was that?"; mes "someone else provided"; mes "these Coals and you were"; mes "only delivering them? Then"; mes "who actually gathered these?"; next; input @str$; mes "[Satra]"; if(@str$ != "Clitzer"){ mes "I beg your pardon?"; mes "" + @str$ + "? Oh my..."; mes "I believe I may have"; mes "misheard you. Ho ho ho ho~"; close; } mes "Ah, Clitzer?"; mes "I must say, that's"; mes "a very humble name."; mes "Yet it's so familiar..."; next; mes "[Satra]"; mes "Ah, I recall there"; mes "was a hooligan that"; mes "has been pestering my"; mes "daughter named Clitzer."; mes "Perhaps they are one"; mes "and the same. Hmm..."; next; mes "[Satra]"; mes "I remember that he was"; mes "rather shabby looking and"; mes "lacked any semblance of"; mes "etiquette whatsoever. Clearly,"; mes "he is a fool and a coward, but"; mes "now I see that he is sincere."; next; mes "[Satra]"; mes "It might not be possible"; mes "to let him go otu with my"; mes "daughter straight away, but"; mes "I will invite him for a spot of"; mes "tea. And if Calla likes him,"; mes "well, he must be special."; next; mes "[Satra]"; mes "For a humble peasant,"; mes "this must be like a dream"; mes "come true! And to have tea"; mes "with Clitzer. Oh, what would"; mes "the girls say? Ah, but I did"; mes "marry that oafish Megass~"; next; mes "[Satra]"; mes "Anyway, when you next"; mes "meet Clitzer, please tell"; mes "him to pay me a visit soon."; mes "Oh, and remind him to dress"; mes "appropriately for this special"; mes "occasion. Ho ho ho ho ho~"; set EIN_LOVERQ,12; close; s_Intimi: mes "[Satra]"; mes "I understand that my"; mes "home is extravagantly"; mes "splendid and to approach"; mes "any Kappelthaine is an"; mes "honor t most commoners."; next; mes "[Satra]"; mes "However, Clitzer"; mes "has no reason to feel so"; mes "intimidated. Tell the poor"; mes "boy that he's earned the"; mes "honor of speaking with me."; close; } ein_in01.gat,31,138,4 script Calla 90,{ if(EIN_LOVERQ > 4 && EIN_LOVERQ < 14)goto s_NoSwitch; if(EIN_LOVERQ > 1)goto s_Switches; s_NoSwitch: mes "[Calla]"; mes "Hello adventurer."; mes "Our city must just be"; mes "another place where"; mes "you'll stay no longer"; mes "than a few days."; next; mes "[Calla]"; mes "You must have so much"; mes "freedom. I envy you. I can't"; mes "do what I want to do. I don't"; mes "even have the courage to tell"; mes "my family what I really want,"; mes "much less change things here..."; next; mes "[Calla]"; mes "How is it like?"; mes "Going wherever you"; mes "please, following your"; mes "heart's true desire?"; mes "What I would give to"; mes "be able to do that..."; if(!EIN_LOVERQ)set EIN_LOVERQ,1; close; s_Switches: switch(EIN_LOVERQ) { case 2: mes "[Calla]"; mes "You're the adventurer"; mes "from before, aren't you?"; mes "Sadly, there isn't much"; mes "to do around here. This"; mes "place is basically like"; mes "a prison to me..."; next; mes "[Calla]"; mes "Oh, you've met Clitzer?"; mes "Isn't he so kind, such"; mes "a perfect gentleman?"; next; mes "[Calla]"; mes "I really wish I could"; mes "see him, but it's almost"; mes "impossible. My parents think"; mes "he's not good enough for me,"; mes "but they're wrong! What am"; mes "I going to do? Oh, Clitzer..."; next; mes "[Calla]"; mes "Well, maybe I can't see"; mes "him, but would you give"; mes "my violin to Clitzer for me?"; mes "I used to play this for him"; mes "all the time..."; next; mes "[Calla]"; mes "I'm sorry to trouble you,"; mes "but please understand"; mes "that I want to comfort my"; mes "Clitzer in any way that"; mes "I possibly can. Thank"; mes "you so much, adventurer..."; set EIN_LOVERQ,3; getitem 1901,1; close; break; case 3: s_Regards: mes "[Calla]"; mes "Oh, please send my"; mes "regards to Clitzer for me."; mes "I wish I could comnfort"; mes "him in person, but this"; mes "is the best I can do for now."; close; break; case 4: if(!countitem(712))goto s_Regards; mes "[Calla]"; mes "You've spoken"; mes "with Clitzer? How"; mes "is he? What did he say?"; next; mes "[Calla]"; mes "Oh...?"; mes "He asked you to"; mes "deliver this flower"; mes "to me? How sweet~"; mes "Thank you very much,"; mes "kind adventurer~"; next; mes "[Calla]"; mes "Ah, I'm so rude!"; mes "I've been calling you"; mes "^111111*adventurer*^000000 this whole"; mes "time you've been helping"; mes "me! Would you please"; mes "tell me your name?"; next; input @str$; mes "[Calla]"; if(@str$ != strcharinfo(0)){ mes "I'm sorry..."; mes "I didn't catch that."; mes "would you please tell"; mes "me your name again?"; close; } mes "Ah, " + strcharinfo(0) + "!"; mes "Such a lovely name~"; mes "I promise that I won't ever"; mes "forget it. Oh, and if you pass by"; mes "Einbech, would you thank Clitzer"; mes "for the flower for me please?"; next; mes "[Calla]"; mes "A-and... And..."; mes "Please tell him that"; mes "I really miss him a lot."; mes "^565656*Sob Sob...*"; delitem 712,1; set EIN_LOVERQ,5; close; break; case 14: mes "[Calla]"; mes "I just heard from my mother"; mes "that she's planning to have"; mes "tea with Clitzer! I'm sure that"; mes "I have you to thank for this~"; next; mes "[Calla]"; mes "I never dreamed that"; mes "something as wonderful"; mes "as this could happen."; mes "I'm so happy, I could cry..."; mes "I'll always be grateful"; mes "for what you've done."; next; mes "[Calla]"; mes "I feel like such a fool,"; mes "thinking it was all hopeless."; mes "I'll be doing my best to have"; mes "my parents accept Clitzer and"; mes "someday we'll be married~"; next; mes "[Calla]"; mes "There isn't much that I can"; mes "give you, but I can show you"; mes "one of my family's secrets."; mes "It's an invigorating massage"; mes "technique that makes you alot"; mes "healthier in only ten seconds."; next; mes "[Calla]"; mes "Well, please take"; mes "off your equipment"; mes "and stand still while"; mes "I give the massage. It"; mes "might hurt a bit at first..."; nude; next; mes "^3151FF*Rub Rub Rub*"; mes "*Knead Knead Knead*"; mes "*Crrack C-c-c--c-crack*"; mes "*Crack Crack Crrrrrack*"; mes "*Rub Crrraaaaaaaaaackk*^000000"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Ooooooooh..."; mes "I feel sooo"; mes "sore and yet"; mes "soooooo good."; mes "Wait. Now I just"; mes "feel goooood~"; if(BaseLevel < 41)set BaseExp,BaseExp+3712; else if(BaseLevel > 40 && BaseLevel < 61)set BaseExp,BaseExp+7425; else if(BaseLevel > 60 && BaseLevel < 71)set BaseExp,BaseExp+14850; else if(BaseLevel > 70 && BaseLevel < 81)set BaseExp,BaseExp+29700; else if(BaseLevel > 80 && BaseLevel < 91)set BaseExp,BaseExp+59400; else if(BaseLevel > 90)set BaseExp,BaseExp+118800; set EIN_LOVERQ,15; next; mes "[Calla]"; mes "So how was it?"; mes "I hope it was refreshing."; mes "Please understand that"; mes "it's the best thing I can"; mes "give you to show my gratitude."; next; mes "[Calla]"; mes "Once again,"; mes "thank you so"; mes "much, " + strcharinfo(0) + "."; mes "I'll always pray for"; mes "your safety on your"; mes "your adventures~"; close; break; case 15: mes "[Calla]"; mes "Thank you so much!"; mes "I'll try my best to convince"; mes "my parents to accept our"; mes "relationship. It'll be hard,"; mes "but it's a good first step~"; next; mes "[Calla]"; mes "I hope that we can all"; mes "work together ti improve"; mes "relations between Einbech"; mes "and Einbroch. The hatred"; mes "between our towns must end..."; next; mes "[Calla]"; mes "I really appreciate"; mes "what you've done for"; mes "all of use. I'll be praying"; mes "for your safety, adventurer."; close; break; } } ein_in01.gat,191,102,4 script Kaijeta 846,{ if(EIN_LOVERQ > 13)goto s_Learned; if(EIN_LOVERQ == 13)goto s_Clothes; if(EIN_LOVERQ > 6 && EIN_LOVERQ < 13)goto s_Hatred; if(EIN_LOVERQ == 6)goto s_Helping; mes "[Kaijeta]"; mes "Welcome to my humble"; mes "abode, adventurer. I'm"; mes "sorry if I'm a poor host."; next; mes "[Kaijeta]"; mes "As you can see, we have"; mes "to share this house with"; mes "other families so we don't"; mes "have much open space or"; mes "privacy. I'm afraid we can't"; mes "even affor basic comfort."; next; mes "[Kaijeta]"; mes "For now, this is the best"; mes "we can do. We don't have"; mes "the zeny to buy a house or"; mes "land, so we have no choice"; mes "but to endure through this..."; close; s_Helping: mes "[Kaijeta]"; mes "Thank you for helping my"; mes "son. He may look like a fool"; mes "for falling in love with someone"; mes "from Einbroch, but he's an honest"; mes "hard working man."; next; mes "[Kaijeta]"; mes "Then again, it was bound to"; mes "happen sometime. Einbech is"; mes "a very poor town while Einbroch"; mes "is a very rich town. I'd understand"; mes "if you don't agree, but opposites"; mes "attract sooner of later."; next; mes "[Kaijeta]"; mes "^565656*Sigh...*^000000"; mes "If my son and Calla can"; mes "work things out, maybe it"; mes "would improve relations"; mes "between our two towns."; mes "I certainly hope so..."; next; mes "[Kaijeta]"; mes "Still, I'm quite baffled!"; mes "I raised my son to have more"; mes "guts than to wallow in misery"; mes "when his heart's broken. And"; mes "I still have no idea how he got"; mes "together with such a rich woman."; next; mes "[Kaijeta]"; mes "Do you have any idea"; mes "how we can put an end"; mes "to the hate between our"; mes "two towns? I don't want to"; mes "see this couple separated"; mes "because of such pettiness."; set EIN_LOVERQ,7; close; s_Hatred: mes "[Kaijeta]"; mes "I can't bear to see the"; mes "petty hatred between our"; mes "two towns stop my son from"; mes "seeing the woman he loves..."; close; s_Clothes: mes "[Kaijeta]"; mes "Thank you for helping"; mes "my son Clitzer. Sadly, the"; mes "little fool doesn't have any"; mes "clue when it comes to certain"; mes "things like choosing clothing."; mes "he gets so nervous about it!"; next; mes "[Kaijeta]"; mes "A man should wear nice"; mes "clothes, like a Formal Suit"; mes "or a Tuxedo, for important"; mes "meetings and special occassions."; mes "hopefully, he'll learn that soon."; close; s_Learned: mes "[Kaijeta]"; mes "My son learned"; mes "an awful lot from"; mes "your good example."; mes "As a mother, I really"; mes "appreciate everything"; mes "you've done for him."; next; mes "[Kaijeta]"; mes "Well, adventurer,"; mes "I will be praying for"; mes "your safety wherever"; mes "your journeys may"; mes "take you."; close; } ein_in01.gat,200,101,4 script Clitzer 854,{ if(EIN_LOVERQ)goto s_Switches; s_Back: mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "Is there something"; mes "that you really want"; mes "in life, but it's just"; mes "beyond your grasp?"; next; mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "I wish I was more"; mes "like you adventurers."; mes "People like you never"; mes "seem to give up, no matter"; mes "what the obstacles may be."; mes "But I'm so helpless..."; next; mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "I can't even see"; mes "the one person that"; mes "I love. We're just so"; mes "different that it's not"; mes "even possible anymore..."; close; s_Switches: switch(EIN_LOVERQ){ case 1: mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "That faintly sweet"; mes "and pleasant scent..."; mes "It's just like the fragrance"; mes "they use in Calla's house."; next; mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "Ah, so you visited"; mes "Calla in Einbroch?"; mes "I miss her sooo much!"; mes "Is she doing alright?"; next; mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "Calla's so beautiful."; mes "And she's so lovely."; mes "Every time I close my"; mes "eyes, I can still see"; mes "her lovely smile."; next; mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "I'm sorry if I sound"; mes "silly, but I can't help"; mes "it. I know I'm acting like"; mes "a complete idiot. But I'd"; mes "give anything to see her..."; next; mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "Just..."; mes "Just don't listen"; mes "to anything I say."; mes "I'm just a poor fool"; mes "in love with the wrong"; mes "person. That has to be it..."; set EIN_LOVERQ,2; close; break; case 2: mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "^565656*Sigh*^000000"; mes "I really appreciate your"; mes "sympathy, but I'm merely"; mes "a coward and a fool."; next; mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "Yeah..."; mes "I'm a coward for doing"; mes "nothing about my feelings"; mes "and an idiot for falling in love"; mes "with such a high class girl in"; mes "the first place... Oh, Calla..."; close; break; case 3: if(!countitem(1901))goto s_Back; mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "What brings you here?"; mes "aren't you tired of hearing"; mes "me moan and whine about"; mes "lost love? ^111111*Siiiiigh...*^000000"; next; mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "Hey, this violin..."; mes "Calla used to play"; mes "such beautiful music"; mes "on this for me. Did"; mes "she give this to you?"; next; mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "I see. Calla must have"; mes "known that I'm all broken up"; mes "right now. She's too good to"; mes "me. How can se consider"; mes "my feelings before thinking"; mes "about herself?"; next; mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "I know I'm being"; mes "shameless, but I have"; mes "a favor to ask. Adventurer,"; mes "would you please send"; mes "Calla a present for me?"; next; mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "All you need to do is"; mes "just give her ^FF00001 Flower^000000."; mes "I don't have the zeny and"; mes "I don't think I'm welcome"; mes "at Kapellthaine Manor."; next; mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "Here, in return, I'll"; mes "give you this health"; mes "massage. It's not a"; mes "big deal, but when I'm"; mes "done, your mind and body"; mes "will be refreshed. Here goes!"; next; mes "^3151FF*Knead Knead*"; mes "*Rub Rub Rub Rub*"; mes "*Press Press Press*"; mes "*C-c-c-c-c-c-crakck!*^000000"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Oh--"; mes "Hell yeah!"; mes "That's the stuff!"; delitem 1901,1; if(BaseLevel < 41)set BaseExp,BaseExp+3712; else if(BaseLevel > 40 && BaseLevel < 61)set BaseExp,BaseExp+7425; else if(BaseLevel > 60 && BaseLevel < 71)set BaseExp,BaseExp+14850; else if(BaseLevel > 70 && BaseLevel < 81)set BaseExp,BaseExp+29700; else if(BaseLevel > 80 && BaseLevel < 91)set BaseExp,BaseExp+59400; else if(BaseLevel > 90)set BaseExp,BaseExp+118800; set EIN_LOVERQ,4; next; mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "Would you please bring"; mes "1 Flower to Calla for me?"; mes "I'm sorry for troubling you..."; close; break; case 4: mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "Would you please bring"; mes "1 Flower to Calla for me?"; mes "I'm sorry for troubling you..."; close; break; case 5: mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "You've given her"; mes "the flower? That's"; mes "great! Thank you,"; mes "thank you so mu--"; next; mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "...Oh!"; mes "Gosh! I was thinking so"; mes "much about myself that"; mes "I forgot to ask you for your"; mes "name! I'm sorry for being"; mes "so knuckle-headed..."; next; mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "So..."; mes "What's your name?"; next; input @str$; mes "[Clitzer]"; if(@str$ != strcharinfo(0)){ mes "Hm...?"; mes "Oh, don't be"; mes "so nervous~"; mes "But would you please"; mes "tell me your name again?"; mes "I couldn't hear you..."; close; } mes "" + strcharinfo(0) + "..."; mes "That's very nice. Thank you,"; mes "I'm really grateful for your help."; mes "Although I can't see Calla in"; mes "person, I can at least send"; mes "my regards if you help me."; next; mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "I feel so much"; mes "better now. Oh!"; mes "When you have the"; mes "time, why don't you talk"; mes "to my mother? She always"; mes "likes meeting my friends."; set EIN_LOVERQ,6; close; break; case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: case 10: case 11: mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "^111111*Sigh...*^000000"; mes "What can I do to"; mes "get Calla's parents"; mes "to accept me as her"; mes "boyfriend? I can't"; mes "think of anything..."; close; break; case 12: mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "Eh...?"; mes "What did you just say?"; mes "You did something for"; mes "the Kapellthaines?"; next; mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "What...?"; mes "Did you just say"; mes "that Calla's mother"; mes "wants me to have tea"; mes "with her? Holy moley...!"; next; mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "Okay, okay."; mes "I-I I'll need something"; mes "nice to wear, right? Oh."; mes "Wow. This is so sudden!"; mes "W-what should I do?"; next; mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "This monkey suit"; mes "that I've got on just"; mes "won't do! Arrrgh! But I've"; mes "already outgrown all of my"; mes "nice clothes already. Boy,"; mes "am I in a pickle..."; set EIN_LOVERQ,13; close; break; case 13: if(countitem(2320) || countitem(7170))goto s_Clothes; mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "Noooooo!"; mes "I've got to find"; mes "the perfect thing"; mes "to wear or Calla's"; mes "mother might ^FF0000hate^000000 me!"; next; mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "Think, Clitzer, think!"; mes "Okay, no fun colors."; mes "I don't want her to"; mes "think I'm not serious"; mes "about Calla. Stripes"; mes "might be bad too..."; close; break; case 14: case 15: mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "Look out, world!"; mes "I'm gonna become"; mes "worth of Calla's love!"; mes "Someday, maybe even her"; mes "parents will approve me!"; close; break; } s_Clothes: mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "Waaah!"; mes "What should I wear?!"; mes "I can't for the life of me"; mes "figure this out! Something,"; mes "um, formal? I've never worn"; mes "anything like that before!"; next; if(countitem(7170)){ set @clothes,7170; mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "Wait, " + strcharinfo(0) + "."; mes "What's that you've got"; mes "there? I've seen something"; mes "like that before. It's called"; mes "a Tuxedo, right? Something"; mes "like that would be perfect!"; next; menu "Give it to him.",s_Giveclothes,"Ignore him.",-; mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "But how can I get"; mes "a Tuxedo? Ooh, I hope"; mes "it doesn't cost too much"; mes "zeny or I won't be able to"; mes "get one of those soon..."; } else if(countitem(2320)){ set @clothes,2320; mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "Wait, " + strcharinfo(0) + "."; mes "What's that you've got"; mes "there? I've seen something"; mes "like that before. It's called"; mes "a Formal Suit, right?"; mes "Something like that would"; mes "be perfect!"; next; menu "Give it to him.",s_Giveclothes,"Ignore him.",-; mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "But how can I get"; mes "a Formal Suit? I hope"; mes "it doesn't cost too much"; mes "zeny or I won't be able to"; mes "get one of those soon..."; } close; s_Giveclothes: mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "I can have this?"; mes "Oh, thank you so much!"; mes "Finally, I have something"; mes "nice enough to wear to meet"; mes "Calla's mom! What a relief!"; next; mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "You've been helping me all"; mes "this time and I haven't properly"; mes "expressed my gratitude. I'm sorry"; mes "if I've been to absorbed in my own"; mes "problems. I may be poor, but I need"; mes "to repay you somehow..."; next; mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "Wait..."; mes "Why don't you have this"; mes "ore? I don't how"; mes "valuable it is, but I know"; mes "that it's pretty rare. It may"; mes "even be useful to you later~"; delitem @clothes,1; set EIN_LOVERQ,14; switch(rand(1,9)){ case 1: getitem 7289,1; break; case 2: getitem 7290,1; break; case 3: getitem 7291,1; break; case 4: getitem 7292,1; break; case 5: getitem 7293,1; break; case 6: getitem 7294,1; break; case 7: getitem 7295,1; break; case 8: getitem 7296,1; break; case 9: getitem 7297,1; break; } next; mes "[Clitzer]"; mes "" + strcharinfo(0) + ","; mes "you've really opened"; mes "my eyes. From now on,"; mes "I'll do my best to earn the"; mes "approval of Calla's parents and"; mes "become worthy of Calla's love."; close; } //============================================================ //=========================================== Einbroch Polution //============================================================ einbroch.gat,1,1,0 script #PolutionNPC -1,{ OnPolution: set @AlrdEinPoll,1; donpcevent "Liotzburg::OnHide"; donpcevent "Morei::OnHide"; donpcevent "Mark::OnHide"; donpcevent "Khemko::OnHide"; donpcevent "Oberu::OnHide"; donpcevent "Khowroper::OnHide"; donpcevent "Kesunboss::OnHide"; donpcevent "Train Station Staff#01::OnHide"; donpcevent "Train Station Staff#02::OnHide"; donpcevent "Leslie::OnHide"; donpcevent "Little Toby::OnHide"; donpcevent "Tan::OnHide"; donpcevent "Keneshiotz::OnHide"; donpcevent "Sleik::OnHide"; donpcevent "Uwe Kleine::OnHide"; donpcevent "Laboratory Soldier#01::OnHide"; donpcevent "Laboratory Soldier#02::OnHide"; disablenpc "Paddler"; disablenpc "Head Gear Dealer"; mapannounce "einbroch.gat","This is a state of emercency! Harmful smog is reaching high levels of saturation. Residents of Einbroch must find shelter immediately.",bc_map; monster "einbroch.gat",82,332,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",99,328,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",122,317,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",138,319,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",147,312,"Red Fog",1620,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",159,316,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",173,315,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",161,311,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",147,296,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",168,282,"Red Fog",1620,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",175,271,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",146,274,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",160,272,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",155,256,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",179,262,"Red Fog",1620,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",192,248,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",212,255,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",230,250,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",246,251,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",262,254,"Red Fog",1620,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",253,240,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",202,245,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",181,251,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",172,238,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",146,242,"Red Fog",1620,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",186,226,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",173,239,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",124,248,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",120,234,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",98,234,"Red Fog",1620,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",101,219,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",89,208,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",96,191,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",76,194,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",60,196,"Red Fog",1620,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",45,194,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",34,201,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",40,184,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",64,173,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",96,173,"Red Fog",1620,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",41,155,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",46,131,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",46,108,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",38,93,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",55,86,"Red Fog",1620,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",81,81,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",107,82,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",107,104,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",123,73,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",132,87,"Red Fog",1620,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",125,63,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",142,64,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",150,52,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",157,37,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",179,39,"Red Fog",1620,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",197,46,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",217,67,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",246,54,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",228,110,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",250,118,"Red Fog",1620,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",273,127,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",288,138,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",281,160,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",281,192,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",291,201,"Red Fog",1620,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",283,218,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",268,216,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",273,196,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",262,164,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",241,180,"Red Fog",1620,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",216,205,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",209,198,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",224,177,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",227,163,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",208,166,"Red Fog",1620,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",132,87,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",149,119,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",119,36,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",84,155,"Toxic Fog",1621,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; monster "einbroch.gat",82,107,"Red Fog",1620,1,"#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; initnpctimer; end; OnMobChk: if(mobcount("einbroch.gat","#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"))end; OnTimer600000: killmonster "einbroch.gat","#PolutionNPC::OnMobChk"; mapannounce "einbroch.gat","Emergency status is now cancelled. Air pollution levels are now within the safety zone.",bc_map; enablenpc "Liotzburg"; donpcevent "Liotzburg::OnUnHide"; enablenpc "Morei"; donpcevent "Morei::OnUnHide"; enablenpc "Mark"; donpcevent "Mark::OnUnHide"; enablenpc "Khemko"; donpcevent "Khemko::OnUnHide"; enablenpc "Oberu"; donpcevent "Oberu::OnUnHide"; enablenpc "Khowroper"; donpcevent "Khowroper::OnUnHide"; enablenpc "Kesunboss"; donpcevent "Kesunboss::OnUnHide"; enablenpc "Train Station Staff#01"; donpcevent "Train Station Staff#01::OnUnHide"; enablenpc "Train Station Staff#02"; donpcevent "Train Station Staff#02::OnUnHide"; enablenpc "Leslie"; donpcevent "Leslie::OnUnHide"; enablenpc "Little Toby"; donpcevent "Little Toby::OnUnHide"; enablenpc "Tan"; donpcevent "Tan::OnUnHide"; enablenpc "Keneshiotz"; donpcevent "Keneshiotz::OnUnHide"; enablenpc "Sleik"; donpcevent "Sleik::OnUnHide"; enablenpc "Uwe Kleine"; donpcevent "Uwe Kleine::OnUnHide"; enablenpc "Laboratory Soldier#01"; donpcevent "Laboratory Soldier#01::OnUnHide"; enablenpc "Laboratory Soldier#02"; donpcevent "Laboratory Soldier#02::OnUnHide"; enablenpc "Paddler"; enablenpc "Head Gear Dealer"; set $EinPolution,0; set @AlrdEinPoll,0; end; } sec_in02.gat,127,86,3 script Einbroch Polution 851,{ if(getgmlevel() > 79){ mes "[Einbroch Polution Variable Management]"; mes "$EinPolution is currently: " + $EinPolution + "."; mes "What would you like to do?"; next; menu "Reset $EinPolution to 0",s_0,"Input My Own Value",s_Input,"Cancel.",-; close; s_0: mes "[Einbroch Polution Variable Management]"; mes "$EinPolution has been reset to 0."; set $EinPolution,0; set @AlrdEinPoll,0; close; s_Input: mes "[Einbroch Polution Variable Management]"; mes "Insert a number you want $EinPollution"; mes "to be replaced with. Type '0' to cancel."; input @temppol; if(@temppol == 0)close; set $EinPolution,@temppol; mes "[Einbroch Polution Variable Management]"; mes "$EinPolution has been set to: " + $EinPolution + "."; close; } else { mes "[Einbroch Polution Variable Management]"; mes "Sorry you don't have authorization"; mes "to use this NPC."; close; } } //============================================================ //=========================================== Einbroch Factory //====================================================== Quest einbroch.gat,132,84,3 script Liotzburg 853,{ if($EinPolution > 9){ mes "[Liotzburg]"; mes "What's going on?!"; mes "Who's responsible?!"; mes "God, I can't believe"; mes "this is happening!"; mes "^333333*Cough Cough!*^000000"; next; mes "[Liotzburg]"; mes "I need to get out of here!"; mes "You! D-do something and"; mes "fix this! I gotta hide and find"; mes "someplace safe!"; close2; if(!@AlrdEinPoll)donpcevent "#PolutionNPC::OnPolution"; end; } if(EinFactory >= 13){ if(EinFactory > 13){ mes "[Liotzburg]"; mes "What...?"; mes "Factory Repair"; mes "budget? No way!"; next; } mes "[Liotzburg]"; mes "Why waste money?"; mes "We haven't had any"; mes "problems so far! Look,"; mes "everything's fine! Why"; mes "are you exaggerating"; mes "such small details?"; next; mes "[Liotzburg]"; mes "The field overseer,"; mes "Zelmeto, just came by to"; mes "ask for a budget increase."; mes "Well, I think he's lying!"; mes "Everything's perfect!"; if(EinFactory == 13)set EinFactory,14; close; } mes "[Liotzburg]"; mes "I'm the plant"; mes "superintendant of this"; mes "factory. Most of my employees"; mes "are diligent workers. I can't say"; mes "that of everyone, but overall we're"; mes "doing an excellent job. Ha ha ha~!"; next; mes "[Liotzburg]"; mes "So long as this factory"; mes "is well maintained, we won't"; mes "have to worry about this city's"; mes "safety. The field overseer,"; mes "Zelmeto, is also very reliable."; next; mes "[Liotzburg]"; mes "I can trust Zelmeto"; mes "to look after things,"; mes "so there's no need for"; mes "me to go inside the factory."; mes "Delegating work is great!"; next; mes "[Liotzburg]"; mes "Our factory will"; mes "continue to develop"; mes "and everyone will be"; mes "proud of the progress"; mes "we're making. Yes, I can"; mes "assure you of that!"; close; OnHide: specialeffect 16; disablenpc "Liotzburg"; end; OnUnhide: misceffect 215; end; } ein_in01.gat,67,243,3 script Zelmeto 851,{ if($EinPolution > 9){ mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "We've got a big problem"; mes "here! I appreciate that you've"; mes "been gathering the materials,"; mes "but the machines have been"; mes "broken for too long!"; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "Right when I tried to"; mes "fix it, a huge shortout"; mes "occurred. Our town is"; mes "probably filled with"; mes "toxic fog right now!"; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "I'll try my best to fix"; mes "this, but we really should"; mes "have allocated some funds"; mes "to fix this machine earlier!"; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "The most important"; mes "thing is that you get"; mes "out of here and find"; mes "shelter! Right now!"; close2; warp "einbroch.gat",131,83; end; } if(EinFactory > 0)goto s_Switches; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "Ah, you must be a visitor."; mes "I'm Zelmeto Abellov, the"; mes "field overseer. Have you"; mes "been in this facility before?"; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "This factory plays an"; mes "important role in our city"; mes "and generates a lot of income."; mes "However, our employess suffer"; mes "from a poor work environment."; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "Our superintendant makes a lot"; mes "of money and seems content with"; mes "the current situation. However, the"; mes "rest of the workforce doesn't enjoy"; mes "all of the benefits he receives."; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "Many people have already"; mes "quit and there are only a few"; mes "people who continue to work"; mes "here. So now we're understaffed"; mes "and I'm in quite a bind..."; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "There are some urgent"; mes "tasks I need done, but"; mes "there's no way for me"; mes "to recruit new workers."; mes "Ah, I'm sorry, I've spoken too"; mes "freely about my own problems..."; next; menu "You're understaffed?",s_Underst,"No, it's okay.",-; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "Thank you for"; mes "your kindness."; mes "And please don't"; mes "let anyone know about"; mes "anything I just told you."; close; s_Underst: mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "Yes, we are!"; mes "I don't have enough"; mes "people to inspect the"; mes "factory machines and"; mes "determine what kinds"; mes "of problems we have."; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "It's a time consuming"; mes "task I'd rather do on my"; mes "own. However, between that"; mes "and managing the workforce,"; mes "I don't have enough time..."; next; menu "I can help you.",s_Help,"Keep up the good job.",-; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "Well, it's a living."; mes "^6A6A6A*Sigh*^000000 I can put up with"; mes "this, but I hope the higher"; mes "ups will consider improving"; mes "the work environment here..."; close; s_Help: mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "You can help me?"; mes "I know something like"; mes "this is too much to ask,"; mes "but I'll accept any help"; mes "anyone offers me. I'm"; mes "that desperate."; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "Alright, I'll have you"; mes "inspect the machines"; mes "in the factory one by one."; mes "It's imperative that we know"; mes "what needs to be repaired"; mes "and what's working fine"; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "First, find the ^FF00002nd control"; mes "panel^000000 and determine its"; mes "status. I'm fairly certain that"; mes "it broke a long time ago, but"; mes "it wouldn't hur to make sure."; mes "You should find it easily."; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "When you finish your"; mes "inspection, report back"; mes "to me so I can tell you"; mes "which machine to check"; mes "next. Thanks again for"; mes "offering to help"; set EinFactory,1; close; s_Switches: switch(EinFactory){ case 1: mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "If you would,"; mes "please inspect the"; mes "2nd control panel that"; mes "seems to have been"; mes "broken for a while..."; close; break; case 2: mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "Huh, I see."; mes "We must do something"; mes "about that as soon as"; mes "we can. Now, let me tell"; mes "you what to check next."; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "There are 3 automatic"; mes "pressure governors which"; mes "hammer the bent iron plates"; mes "from above to flatten them. It"; mes "seems that one of them may"; mes "have some kind of problem."; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "Please inspect the ^FF0000automatic"; mes "pressure governors^000000. Even if the"; mes "problem seems small, please"; mes "report it to me. I know it might"; mes "seem fine now, but I want to"; mes "prevent an accident if I can."; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "Thank you"; mes "in advance,"; mes "adventurer."; set EinFactory,3; close; break; case 3: mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "You need to inspect"; mes "an automatic pressure"; mes "governor. It looks fine,"; mes "but sometimes it makes"; mes "strange noises."; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "It probably will"; mes "be a good idea to"; mes "check that machine"; mes "more carefully this"; mes "time, just in case."; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "Thank you"; mes "for helping us,"; mes "adventurer."; close; break; case 4: mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "What...?"; mes "This is worse"; mes "than I expected. But"; mes "it's good that we know"; mes "about these problems"; mes "as soon as possible."; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "Don't you worry,"; mes "we'll take care of"; mes "this. In the meantime,"; mes "I'd like you to inspect"; mes "the next machine for me."; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "I want you to check"; mes "a ^FF0000control panel^000000. It's the"; mes "same kind as the one"; mes "you just inspected, but"; mes "bigger in size."; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "It's located in the"; mes "middle of the factory,"; mes "so you should be able"; mes "to find it. It may be in bad"; mes "condition, even though it's"; mes "operating fine for now..."; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "We need to ensure that"; mes "it's stable, reliable and"; mes "doesn't pose a threat to"; mes "our workforce. Thanks"; mes "again, adventurer."; set EinFactory,5; close; break; case 5: mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "I'd like you to inspect"; mes "the control panel. It's"; mes "fairly large and can be"; mes "found in the middle of the"; mes "factory. You shouldn't have"; mes "too much trouble finding it."; close; break; case 6: mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "I see..."; mes "It's most likely that"; mes "there was a short"; mes "circuit and most"; mes "of the internal devices"; mes "were burnt out..."; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "Thanks for checking"; mes "that out for me. Now,"; mes "the next machine I need"; mes "you to inspect is different"; mes "than the others I've had"; mes "you examine."; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "It's a mechanical"; mes "hand that transports"; mes "small objects. We didn't"; mes "really give it a name, but"; mes "you should be able to find it."; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "Recently, it seems"; mes "that there have been"; mes "problems in operating"; mes "that machine. If something's"; mes "broken, we need to know"; mes "and fix it right away."; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "Thanks again"; mes "in advance."; set EinFactory,7; close; break; case 7: mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "The machine which"; mes "I want you to inspect"; mes "this time is a small"; mes "sized conveyor."; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "Be sure that you"; mes "inspect the small"; mes "one, since we also"; mes "have a large conveyor"; mes "in the factory as well"; close; break; case 8: mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "Huh?"; mes "I'm suprised to hear"; mes "that. ^6A6A6A*Sigh*^000000 There's just"; mes "too many things that need"; mes "fixing. This is terrible..."; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "Well, let me worry"; mes "about that for now. Please"; mes "focus on continuing to inspect"; mes "some of the other machines."; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "Now, there's a pipe inside"; mes "this factory that I want you"; mes "to look at. Many of our pipes"; mes "aren't in the best condition,"; mes "but this particular one might"; mes "be severely damaged."; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "Now, the pipe I want"; mes "you to inspect is located"; mes "near those large caultrons"; mes "of molten metal. You should"; mes "be able to find it pretty easily"; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "Thanks again"; mes "for your help,"; mes "adventurer."; set EinFactory,9; close; break; case 9: mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "The pipe I want"; mes "you to inspect is located"; mes "near those large caultrons"; mes "of molten metal. You should"; mes "be able to find it pretty easily"; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "Thanks again"; mes "for your help,"; mes "adventurer."; close; break; case 10: mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "This is"; mes "worse than"; mes "I imagined..."; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "We've got to start"; mes "repairs as soon as we"; mes "can! Hopefully, we can"; mes "resolve this before"; mes "any serious problems happen..."; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "Alright, the last"; mes "thing that you need to"; mes "inspect is a ^FF0000large conveyor^000000."; mes "It's similiar to the one you"; mes "inspected before, but it's"; mes "bigger and more powerful."; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "We have only one of these"; mes "machines and it's usually"; mes "moved around a lot since"; mes "a lot of people in the factory"; mes "use it. I really don't know"; mes "where it could be now."; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "Still I'm sure that"; mes "it's inside the building,"; mes "so you should be able to"; mes "find it. I hope you can inspect"; mes "that conveyor for me soon."; set EinFactory,11; close; break; case 11: mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "The machine which"; mes "you are supposed to"; mes "inspect right now"; mes "is a large convyore."; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "Remember that we"; mes "also have a small sized"; mes "conveyor, so make sure"; mes "that you examine the"; mes "larger one, alright?"; close; break; case 12: mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "Well, I figured that both"; mes "conveyors would have"; mes "similiar problems. We"; mes "can fix them at the"; mes "same time, but it'll"; mes "be a hassle"; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "Thank you so much for"; mes "your help. Without you,"; mes "I'm pretty sure we wouldn't"; mes "know about these problems"; mes "until it was too late."; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "Now, I've got to make sure"; mes "we have enough materials"; mes "to make the repairs so that"; mes "the machines will be safely"; mes "functioning again."; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "First, I better"; mes "hurry and request"; mes "an increase for the"; mes "Factory Repair budget"; mes "from our superintendant."; set EinFactory,13; close; break; case 13: mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "I've got to report this"; mes "to our superintendant"; mes "as soon as possible."; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "With any luck, he'll approve"; mes "a budget increase so that we"; mes "can get all of the materials"; mes "needed for the repairs."; close; break; case 14: mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "..."; mes "......"; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "^6A6A6A*Sigh*^000000"; mes "My proposal was rejected"; mes "by our superintendant. But"; mes "maintainance and repairs"; mes "are crucial for peak operating"; mes "efficiency and worker safety!"; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "I'm frustrated and worried."; mes "Maybe nothing will happen"; mes "for now, but we've got to"; mes "safeguard our future by"; mes "regularly maintaining"; mes "all of these machines"; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "Even possible threats"; mes "to the safety of our workers"; mes "can't be ignored. Isn't there"; mes "something I can do? ^6A6A6A*Sigh*^000000"; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "If we can"; mes "just get"; mes "20 ^FF0000Flexible Tube^000000,"; mes "10 ^FF0000Rusty Screw^000000 and"; mes "10 ^FF0000Used Iron Plate^000000,"; mes "we could make those repairs."; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "But without funds, there's"; mes "no way we can purchase"; mes "those items. If something"; mes "happens, who's going to"; mes "be responsible?"; set EinFactory,15; close; break; case 15: mes "[Zelmeto]"; if(countitem(7325) < 20 || countitem(7317) < 10 || countitem(7319) < 10){ mes "We need"; mes "at least"; mes "20 ^FF0000Flexible Tube^000000,"; mes "10 ^FF0000Rusty Screw^000000 and"; mes "10 ^FF0000Used Iron Plate^000000,"; mes "to repair this factory."; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "^6A6A6A*Sigh*^000000"; mes "But there's no way"; mes "we can get all of those"; mes "things. Our budget isn't"; mes "big enough to cover it."; close; } mes "Ah, it's you again."; mes "It's shameful letting"; mes "other people know about"; mes "our miserable situation..."; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "There's nothing"; mes "worth seeing here,"; mes "so there really isn't"; mes "a point in you coming to"; mes "visit this place anymore."; next; menu "Give him the materials.",s_Give,"Huh.",-; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "^6A6A6A*Sigh*^000000"; mes "I'm really worried"; mes "about this factory's"; mes "future. What is our"; mes "superintendant thinking...?"; close; s_Give: mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "...Hm?"; mes "Aren't these the"; mes "materials we need"; mes "to make repairs in"; mes "the factory? How did"; mes "you find all of these?"; next; if(countitem(7325) < 20 || countitem(7317) < 10 || countitem(7319) < 10)close; delitem 7325,20; delitem 7317,10; delitem 7319,10; set EinFactory,16; set $EinPolution,$EinPolution+1; if(BaseLevel < 41) set BaseExp,BaseExp+615; if((BaseLevel >= 41) && (BaseLevel < 51)) set BaseExp,BaseExp+3075; if((BaseLevel >= 51) && (BaseLevel < 61)) set BaseExp,BaseExp+6604; if((BaseLevel >= 61) && (BaseLevel < 71)) set BaseExp,BaseExp+18508; if((BaseLevel >= 71) && (BaseLevel < 81)) set BaseExp,BaseExp+32062; if((BaseLevel >= 81) && (BaseLevel < 91)) set BaseExp,BaseExp+76026; if(BaseLevel >= 91) set BaseExp,BaseExp+290675; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "I don't know how"; mes "I can possible pay you"; mes "back for this great favor."; mes "I appreciate that you've"; mes "stepped forward to help us."; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "Oh...!"; mes "In my years of managing,"; mes "I've learned the ultimate"; mes "motivation techniques. Let"; mes "me enhance your motivation"; mes "to show you my gratitude."; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "Now..."; mes "Just open your mind"; mes "and listen to my words"; mes "of encouragement"; mes "and inspiration..."; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "^3131FFWhen the going"; mes "gets rough, you've"; mes "gotta get rougher!"; mes "You gotta climb that"; mes "mountain 'cause no one's"; mes "gonna climb it for you!"; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "^3131FFDon't give it up!"; mes "Go for broke!"; mes "Losers are quitters"; mes "and quitters are losers!"; next; mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "^6A6A6A*Whew*"; mes "^000000I haven't given that much"; mes "inspiration in a while, but"; mes "your help was well worth it."; mes "I'm going to start the repairs, but"; mes "once again I'd like to thank you."; close; break; case 16: mes "[Zelmeto]"; mes "We'll be putting good"; mes "use to the materials you"; mes "gave me. With your help,"; mes "our factory will operate"; mes "safely. At least, for just"; mes "a little while longer."; close; } } ein_in01.gat,50,232,4 script 2nd Control Panel 111,{ if(EinFactory == 1){ mes "^3131FFIt's the 2nd control panel"; mes "Zelmeto asked you to inspect."; mes "it looks totally broken: screws"; mes "are missing, and the iron cover"; mes "has been bent open, revealing"; mes "a tangled mess of wires inside."; set EinFactory,2; close; } end; } ein_in01.gat,108,217,4 script 3rd Pressure Governor 111,{ if(EinFactory == 3){ mes "^3131FFAt first glance, this"; mes "pressure governor looks"; mes "perfectly fine. But after you"; mes "check it more carefully, you"; mes "find that it's making strange"; mes "grinding noises and a few of"; mes "the surface screws are loose."; set EinFactory,4; close; } end; } ein_in01.gat,61,259,4 script Main Control Panel 111,{ if(EinFactory == 5){ mes "^3131FFThe main control panel"; mes "doesn't look like it has"; mes "any problems. But after"; mes "tapping on its surface,"; mes "you hear a disheartening"; mes "hollow sound. It looks like"; mes "it's missing some parts..."; set EinFactory,6; close; } end; } ein_in01.gat,47,197,4 script Conveyor#01 111,{ if(EinFactory == 7){ mes "^3131FFThe conveyor's movements"; mes "look jittery and clumsy. The"; mes "mechanical arm also doesn't"; mes "look powerful enough to bear"; mes "the loads that it's carrying. The"; mes "screws in the conveyor look"; mes "loose and rusted over."; set EinFactory,8; close; } end; } ein_in01.gat,100,267,4 script Pipe 111,{ if(EinFactory == 9){ mes "^3131FFThe inspection of this"; mes "pipe didn't take very long."; mes "It's bloated and worn out"; mes "from long durations of"; mes "being overloaded with"; mes "pressure. It's a wonder"; mes "it hasn't exploded yet."; set EinFactory,10; close; } end; } ein_in01.gat,95,238,4 script Conveyor#02 111,{ if(EinFactory == 11){ mes "^3131FFThis conveyor seems"; mes "to have similiar problems"; mes "as its smaller version. Its"; mes "movements are awkward,"; mes "erratic and weak, and almost"; mes "all of its screws are rusted."; set EinFactory,12; close; } end; } //============================================================ //=============================================== Einbroch Uwe //====================================================== Quest einbroch.gat,215,180,5 script Uwe Kleine 85,{ if(EinUwe == 2)goto s_Cont2; if(EinUwe == 1)goto s_Cont; mes "[Uwe]"; mes "Cooking is such a joy~!"; mes "The scents, the flavors, the"; mes "sensation of sheer ^EFAEBDsatiation^000000..."; next; menu "Um, isn't this a forge?",s_Forge,"Ignore him.",-; mes "[Uwe]"; mes "Cooking begins with"; mes "fire and ends with fire."; mes "There's a certain art to"; mes "creating fine, delicious"; mes "foods to delight the palate~"; close; s_Forge: mes "[Uwe]"; mes "Is this a forge?"; mes "Oh, sugar honey,"; mes "you haven't been here"; mes "before, haven't you?"; next; mes "[Uwe]"; mes "My name is Uwe Kleine"; mes "and this is my forge~! I am"; mes "the most elegant Blacksmith"; mes "and the best chef here in the"; mes "Schwartzwald Republic~"; next; mes "[Uwe]"; mes "So, how can"; if(Sex){ mes "I help you, you"; mes "adoooooooooorable"; mes "hunk of a man?"; }else{ mes "I help you?"; } next; menu "Talk about Einbroch",s_Ein,"Ask him to forge a Weapon.",s_Weap,"Master, I want to learn cooking.",s_Cook,"Cancel.",-; mes "[Uwe]"; mes "Take care,"; mes "sugar honey~"; mes "Ho ho ho!"; close; s_Ein: mes "[Uwe]"; mes "Einbroch was originally"; mes "build to support Einbech's"; mes "mining efforts. Because it's"; mes "small and crowded with people,"; mes "there's no room to build the ore"; mes "refining factories over there."; next; mes "[Uwe]"; mes "Sine Einbroch used to be"; mes "an empty lot, it was perfect"; mes "for building factories. That's"; mes "what my grandfather told me a"; mes "long time ago. Anyway, Einbroch"; mes "quickly grew into a major city."; next; mes "[Uwe]"; mes "Now people think that this"; mes "city was never planned to be"; mes "just an extension of Einbech."; mes "See that rampart over there?"; mes "It doesn't connection to Einbech"; mes "at all! No protection for them..."; next; mes "[Uwe]"; mes "It's like the government"; mes "lost all interest in Einbech."; mes "Even the miners there have"; mes "been moving here to work in"; mes "the factories. But more people"; mes "hasn't made this city more lively."; next; mes "[Uwe]"; mes "Einbroch may look modern"; mes "and exciting now, but soon"; mes "you'll see that there's no sign"; mes "of warmth or life. So... Just"; mes "don't live here in your old age."; next; menu "Then why are you here?",s_WhyHere,"I won't. Thanks for the advice.",-; mes "[Uwe]"; mes "Oh, that is such"; mes "a good decision,"; mes "sugar honey! Oh, you"; mes "cutie adventurers are"; mes "so precious, so lovable."; mes "^111111*Tee hee hee~*^000000"; next; mes "[Uwe]"; mes "Well, that was"; mes "a fun talk. Come"; mes "back and visit, 'kay?"; mes "I'll miss you until"; mes "the next time~"; close; s_WhyHere: mes "[Uwe]"; mes "Well, I have some"; mes "precious memories of"; mes "this place. Once, there was"; mes "a man who lived here who"; mes "was just like a father to me."; next; mes "[Uwe]"; mes "Oh, but I'm sure that"; mes "you don't want to hear"; mes "about that. Next time you"; mes "drop by, we'll talk about"; mes "something more fun, 'kay?"; mes "Buhbye for now, cutie~"; close; s_Weap: mes "[Uwe]"; mes "Well..."; mes "I actually just"; mes "do smithing work"; mes "to create my own"; mes "cooking tools."; next; mes "[Uwe]"; mes "Oh, I understand"; mes "that somebody needs"; mes "to fight the monsters,"; mes "but I'm the wrong person"; mes "to ask for forging weapons."; mes "I... am a strict pacifist~"; next; mes "[Uwe]"; mes "Just go look"; mes "around for a little"; mes "bit, I'm sure you'll"; mes "find a Blacksmith"; mes "who's willing to forge"; mes "you a good weapon~"; close; s_Cook: mes "[Uwe]"; mes "Mm...?"; mes "Did you just"; mes "say that you"; mes "want to learn"; mes "the art of cooking?"; next; mes "[Uwe]"; mes "I'm sorry, but I can't"; mes "really give culinary"; mes "lessons. But I will"; mes "give good advice for"; mes "hopeful beginners."; next; mes "[Uwe]"; mes "Now..."; mes "For your tuiton"; mes "I'll need-- Gosh,"; mes "there's just so many"; mes "things. Get some paper,"; mes "and a pen for this list..."; next; mes "[Uwe]"; mes "Just kidding!"; mes "^111111*Titter~* ^000000I don't need"; mes "much to make some"; mes "cooking utensils. Bring"; mes "6 ^0000FFLarge Jellopies^000000. That's it!"; next; mes "[Uwe]"; mes "In return, I will give you"; mes "1 Coal and some useful"; mes "cooking advice for novices."; mes "I give this advice for free to"; mes "my smithing colleages, though."; next; mes "[Uwe]"; mes "Why ^EFAEBDdon't^000000 you"; mes "become a Blacksmith?"; mes "I'm much more confident"; mes "in that field. ^111111*Tee hee~*^000000"; next; mes "[Uwe]"; mes "Well, I'll be"; mes "waiting right"; mes "here until you"; mes "come back."; mes "^111111...*Tee hee~*"; set EinUwe,1; close; s_Cont: mes "[Uwe]"; mes "Oh hello hello~"; mes "It's been a long"; mes "time since we've talked,"; mes "you cutie adventurer~"; next; mes "[Uwe]"; mes "So, sugar honey,"; mes "how is it going with"; mes "the little favor I asked"; mes "you about last time?"; mes "Did you already forget"; mes "the 6 Large Jellopies?"; next; menu "Talk about Einbroch",s_Ein,"Ask him to forge a Weapon.",s_Weap,"Give him the Materials.",s_Material,"Cancel.",-; s_Material: mes "[Uwe]"; if(countitem(7126) < 6){ mes "Huh...?"; mes "You brought"; if(countitem(7126)) mes "only " + countitem(7126) + " of them?"; else mes "none at all...?"; mes "Next time, be sure"; mes "to bring 6 Large Jellopies,"; mes "okay? Don't forget, cutie~"; close; } delitem 7126,6; getitem 1003,1; set EinUwe,2; mes "Thank you ^EFAEBDso^000000 much!"; mes "Here's the Coal I promised~"; next; mes "[Uwe]"; mes "Now, I can't teach you everything"; mes "about cooking, but I will give you"; mes "some good advice for beginners."; mes "I hope you pay attnetion, sugar"; mes "honey. Now what would you like"; mes "to hear more about? Hmm...?"; next; s_Menu3: menu "Heart",s_Heart,"Ingredients",s_Ingredients,"Skills",s_Skills,"Tools",s_Tools,"Cancel.",-; mes "[Uwe]"; mes "Take care,"; mes "sugar honey~"; mes "Ho ho ho!"; close; s_Heart: mes "[Uwe]"; mes "Ah, heart. Just like forging,"; mes "you need passion and desire"; mes "to create something special."; mes "Every smith and cook knows that"; mes "you can do anything if you have"; mes "the will and the commitments."; next; mes "[Uwe]"; mes "Well, that's all"; mes "I really have to"; mes "say about that. But"; mes "come back and chat"; mes "whenever you please."; mes "...Behbie~"; close; s_Ingredients: mes "[Uwe]"; mes "Now, for beginners,"; mes "learning to select"; mes "and use ingredients"; mes "is one of the most"; mes "important fundamentals."; next; mes "[Uwe]"; mes "Cooking is like forging"; mes "since specific ingredients"; mes "are needed to make specialty"; mes "items or dishes. You can't just"; mes "skip them if you really need"; mes "them, right? Right!"; next; mes "[Uwe]"; mes "Once you make up your"; mes "mind to do something,"; mes "focus on finishing it, 'kay?"; mes "Never cut corners and always"; mes "dedicate yourself to make the"; mes "very best finished product~"; next; mes "[Uwe]"; mes "Well, that was"; mes "a fun talk. Come"; mes "back and visit, 'kay?"; mes "I'll miss you until"; mes "the next time~"; mes "...Ho ho~"; close; s_Skills: mes "[Uwe]"; mes "When you're beginning to learn"; mes "skills, you can't let yourself be"; mes "discouraged! Practice makes"; mes "perfect, you know? But never"; mes "use your lack of skills as an"; mes "excuse if you happen to fail..."; next; mes "[Uwe]"; mes "Effort is also an essential"; mes "in forging and cooking! Now,"; mes "on the oher hand, if you put"; mes "in all the effort but didn't learn"; mes "any of the skills, you'll still get"; mes "nowhere fast, right? Right!"; next; mes "[Uwe]"; mes "The key is to always"; mes "give 100% effort and work"; mes "on improving your skills."; mes "Before you know it, you'll"; mes "be a respected master!"; next; mes "[Uwe]"; mes "Well, that was"; mes "a fun talk. Come"; mes "back and visit, 'kay?"; mes "I'll miss you until"; mes "the next time~"; mes "...Ho ho~"; close; s_Tools: mes "[Uwe]"; mes "Cooking is a little"; mes "easier if you have"; mes "nicer tools to use,"; mes "but that's it. Tools by"; mes "themselves can't make"; mes "just anybody a master."; next; mes "[Uwe]"; mes "In the end, the best"; mes "tools are the ones you're"; mes "most comfortable with using."; mes "In fact, I still use the old knife"; mes "I used back when I was just"; mes "a little novice chef~"; next; mes "[Uwe]"; mes "Well, that was"; mes "a fun talk. Come"; mes "back and visit, 'kay?"; mes "I'll miss you until"; mes "the next time~"; mes "...Ho ho~"; close; s_Cont2: mes "[Uwe]"; mes "Ah, hello again,"; mes "cutie adventurer."; mes "How can I help you?"; next; menu "Talk about Einbroch",s_Ein,"Ask him to forge a Weapon.",s_Weap,"Talk about Cooking.",s_Cooking,"Cancel.",-; mes "[Uwe]"; mes "Take care,"; mes "sugar honey~"; mes "Ho ho ho!"; close; s_Cooking: mes "[Uwe]"; mes "Ooh, cooking!"; mes "So what did you"; mes "want to ask me...?"; next; goto s_Menu3; OnHide: specialeffect 16; disablenpc "Uwe Kleine"; end; OnUnhide: misceffect 215; end; }