//===== eAthena Script ======================================= 
//= Quest NPCs related to Comodo
//===== By: ================================================== 
//= kobra_k88; L0ne_W0lf
//===== Current Version: ===================================== 
//= 1.4
//===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
//= eAthena SVN
//===== Description: ========================================= 
//= Headgear Quests 1 [Aegis Conversion]:
//= - 'Cross Hat', 'Bulb Hairband'
//= - 'Striped Hairband', 'Blue Hairband'
//= Headgear Quests 2:
//= - 'Mine Helmet', 'Parcel Hat'
//= - 'Money Loser's Grief', 'Phantom of the Opera Mask'
//= Doomed Swords Part 1:
//= - Creation of doomed swords.
//= - Part 2: Found in Quests_Yuno.txt
//= - Part 3: Found in Doomed_Swords.txt
//= - Variable in use: dmdswrd_Q (Max 45)
//===== Additional Comments: ================================= 
//= 1.1 Fixed exploits [Lupus]
//= 1.2 Added more quest from cities/comodo.txt [Evera]
//= 1.2a missing label [Lupus]
//= 1.3 Doomed sword quest rescripted to Aegis 10.3 standards. [L0ne_W0lf]
//= 1.4 Corrected NPC names to fall within proper restrictions. [L0ne_W0lf]
//= 1.5 Rescripted Headgear Quests 1 to Aegis 10.3 Standards. [Samuray22]

// Headgear Quests 1
// Cross Hat, Bulb Hairband, Striped Hairband, Blue Hairband
comodo,228,159,4	script	Hair Ornament Girl	700,{
	mes "[Hair Ornament Girl]";
	if(Sex == 1) {
		mes "Oh! hi. You wanna make one?";
		mes "If you want to give present to girl friend, Hair band is the one.";
	} else {
		mes "Hey! look at me. I think this will suit to you so much~";
		mes "You wanna order one of Hair Band?";
	mes "[Hair Ornament Girl]";
	mes "If you give me simple items then I make a gorgeous Hair Band~";
	mes "Have a look at these.";
	switch(select("Cross Band:Light Bulb Band:Stripe band:Blue hair band")) {
	case 1:	
		callsub L_select,1,2608,1,7069,500,0,0,5036; //Cross Band (1) = Rosary (1) + Destroyed Armor (500)
	case 2:
		callsub L_select,2,2233,1,746,20,0,0,5034; //Bulb Band (1) = Circlet (1) + Glass Bead (20)
	case 3:
		callsub L_select,3,1099,1499,0,0,0,0,5049; //Stripe Band (1) = Worn Out Prison Uniform (1500)
	case 4:
		callsub L_select,4,2211,1,978,1,7003,299,5052; //Blue hair band (1) = Bandana (1) + Cobaltblue Dyestuffs (1) + Anolian Skin (300)
	mes "[Hair Ornament Girl]";
	if((getarg(0) == 1 && countitem(2068) > 0 && countitem(7069) > 499) ||
	   (getarg(0) == 2 && countitem(2233) > 0 && countitem(746) > 19) || 
	   (getarg(0) == 3 && countitem(1099) > 1499) ||
	   (getarg(0) == 4 && countitem(2211) > 0 && countitem(978) > 0 && countitem(7003) > 299)) {
		mes "Hum~ You've chosen "+getitemname(getarg(7))+"?";
		mes "You brought all required item. I will make you~";
		if(getarg(0) != 3) {
			mes "[Hair Ornament Girl]";
			mes "But, before I make, can you check that Items are sure?";
			mes "If it is forged item or monster cards is applied, then it is waste of item.";
		mes "[Hair Ornament Girl]";
		mes "It's better to bring only just requested item";
		mes "Did you check? Then let's make it. ok?";
		if(select("No.:Yes.") == 1) {
			mes "[Hair Ornament Girl]";
			mes "Yes, Yes, Put other stuffs to storage~";
			mes "See you soon~";
			mes "[Hair Ornament Girl]";
			mes "^3355FFHm. Piece of cake^000000";
			delitem getarg(1),getarg(2);
			if(getarg(3) != 0) delitem getarg(3),getarg(4);
			if(getarg(5) != 0) delitem getarg(5),getarg(6);
			mes "[Hair Ornament Girl]";
			mes "Look, this! Well done~";
			mes "Plaese come again~ hoooo!";
			getitem getarg(7),1;
		mes "Hum~ You've chosen "+getitemname(getarg(7))+"?";
		mes "There is some requiring items to make, Prepare items.";
		mes "[Hair Ornament Girl]";
		mes "To make "+getitemname(getarg(7))+"...";
		mes "^3355FF"+getitemname(getarg(1))+"^000000 "+getarg(2)+"";
		if(getarg(3) > 0) mes "^3355FF"+getitemname(getarg(3))+"^000000 "+getarg(4)+"";
		if(getarg(5) > 0) mes "^3355FF"+getitemname(getarg(5))+"^000000 "+getarg(6)+"";
		mes "...will need?";
		mes "[Hair Ornament Girl]";
		mes "If you bring all items then I will make you right away.";
		mes "Hoo~ see you then~";

// Headgear Quests 2
// 'Mine Helmet', 'Parcel Hat', 'Money Loser's Grief', 'Phantom of the Opera Mask'
comodo,274,137,5	script	Mari Isac	702,{
	mes "[Mari Isac]";
	mes "I travel all over the world and get to hear many interesting stories from the people I meet.";
	mes "Sometimes they even teach me how to make special items";
	mes "[Mari Isac]";
	mes "Would you be interested in some of the items I've learned to make?";
	menu "Tell me about them.",M_0, "Make me one.",M_1;

		menu "-Mine Helmet",-, "-Parcel Hat",sM_Parcel, "-Money Loser's Grief",sM_Money, "-Phantom of the Opera Mask",sM_Phantom;

			mes "[Mari Isac]";
			mes "I learned how to make the Mine Helmet when I traveled to the old coal mines near Geffen.";
			mes "[Mari Isac]";
			mes "The 2 most important things a miner needs are light, and head protection.";
			mes "A very inventive miner was able to create something that dealt with both issues.";
			mes "[Mari Isac]";
			mes "He attached a light to his safety helmet and called it a Mine Helmet.";
			mes "This meant that miners no longer had to worry about carrying around lamps and could work more efficiently.";
			mes "[Mari Isac]";
			mes "Anyways, if you want me to make you a Mine Helmet you'll need to bring me these items:";
			mes "^5555FF1 Safety Helmet^000000,";
			mes "^5555FF1 Candle^000000,";
			mes "^5555FF1 Crystal Mirror^000000,";
			mes "^5555FF25 Steel^000000.";
			goto M_0;
			mes "[Mari Isac]";
			mes "I learned how to make the Parcel Hat when I traveled to Alberta.  There they have a unique way of distributing mail and goods.";
			mes "[Mari Isac]";
			mes "Instead of using a pouch or a sack to carry items for delivery, they use a special kind of hat, called a Parcel Hat.";
			mes "This hat allows the delivery personel to carry numerous items on their heads.  Of course they have to have good balance to use it.";
			mes "[Mari Isac]";
			mes "Anyways, if you want me to make you a Parcel Hat, you'll need to bring me these items.";
			mes "^5555FF150 Fabric^000000,";
			mes "^5555FF100 Resin^000000,";
			mes "^5555FF1 Cobaltblue Dyestuffs^000000.";
			goto M_0;
			mes "[Mari Isac]";
			mes "I learned how to make the Money Loser's Grief when I traveled to Morroc.";
			mes "[Mari Isac]";
			mes "A long time ago an honest merchant got into a conflict with a crooked guild.";
			mes "Unlike the dirty guild, the merchant did not scam or cheat people.";
			mes "[Mari Isac]";
			mes "Because of this they attacked the merchants shop and took all of his goods.";
			mes "[Mari Isac]";
			mes "The merchant was devastated by the loss of his shop.";
			mes "In his sadness he used the bits and pieces that were left from his shop to create a new item.";
			mes "[Mari Isac]";
			mes "He created the Money Loser's Grief, a symbol of his great sadness.  When people see it, they can't help but feel sympathetic to the wearer.";
			mes "[Mari Isac]";
			mes "Many merchants now wear it to help themselves get more business.  Of course it is also a reminder of the honest merchants sad tale.";
			mes "[Mari Isac]";
			mes "Anyways, if you want me to make you a Money Losers Grief, you'll need to bring me these items.";
			mes "^5555FF1 Circlet with a single slott^000000,";
			mes "^5555FF1 Gold^000000,";
			mes "^5555FF20 Steel^000000,";
			mes "^5555FF80 Feathers^000000,";
			mes "^5555FF800 Sticky Mucus^000000.";
			goto M_0;
			mes "[Mari Isac]";
			mes "I learned how to make the Phantom of the Opera Mask when I traveled to Al De Baran.";
			mes "The story behind this item is that of a man's pure love........";
			mes "[Mari Isac]";
			mes "There once was a man who was in love with a beautiful opera singer.";	
			mes "Unfortunately the man had a terribly disfigured face which forced to him to wear a mask.";
			mes "[Mari Isac]";
			mes "He was ashamed of his appearance and could never bring himself to face the singer.";
			mes "The man instead, watched her from a far, admiring every nuance of her beauty and grace.";
			mes "[Mari Isac]";
			mes "He lurked in the bowles of the opera house and from time to time he would sing his sad love song.";
			mes "Many people heard it and believed that there was a phantom haunting the opera house.";
			mes "[Mari Isac]";
			mes "The singer also heard his song, and through it she was able to feel his pain and his love for her.";
			mes "The two eventually met, and when they did she was able to look past his appereance and accept him for who he was.";
			mes "[Mari Isac]";
			mes "Too this day, the tale of the masked 'phantom' is still romantacised.";
			mes "[Mari Isac]";
			mes "Anyways, if you want me to make you a Phantom of the Opera Mask, you'll need to bring me these items.";
			mes "^5555FF1 Opera Masque^000000,";
			mes "^5555FF50 Horrendous Hairs^000000.";
			goto M_0;

		menu "-Mine Helmet",-, "-Parcel Hat",sM_MakePar, "-Money Loser's Grief",sM_MakeMon, "-Phantom of the Opera Mask",sM_MakePhan;

			if(countitem(5009)<1 || countitem(5028)<1 || countitem(747)<1 || countitem(999)<25) goto ssL_NoItems;
			delitem 5009, 1;
			delitem 5028, 1;
			delitem 747, 1;
			delitem 999, 25;
			mes "[Mari Isac]";
			mes "Here you go.  Enjoy your Mine Helmet!";
			getitem 5031,1;
			if(countitem(1059)<150 || countitem(907)<100 || countitem(978)<1) goto ssL_NoItems;
			delitem 1059, 150;
			delitem 907, 100;
			delitem 978, 1;
			mes "[Mari Isac]";
			mes "Here you go.  Enjoy your Parcel Hat!";
			getitem 5023,1;
			if(countitem(2233)<1 || countitem(969)<1 || countitem(999)<20 || countitem(949)<80 || countitem(938)<800) goto ssL_NoItems;
			delitem 2233, 1;
			delitem 969, 1;
			delitem 999, 20;
			delitem 949, 80;
			delitem 938, 800;
			mes "[Mari Isac]";
			mes "Here you go.  Enjoy your Money Loser's Grief!";
			getitem 5021,1;
			if(countitem(2281)<1 || countitem(1048)<50) goto ssL_NoItems; 
			delitem 2281,1;
			delitem 1048, 50;
			mes "[Mari Isac]";
			mes "Here you go.  Enjoy your Phantom of the Opera Mask!";
			getitem 5043, 1;

			mes "[Mari Isac]";
			mes "You don't seem to have enough items for me to make that hat.  Please come back when you do.";

// Doomed Swords - Comodo Portion. (Continued in Juno)
comodo,206,310,4	script	Campground Boy#cmd	704,{
	if (dmdswrd_Q < 4) {
		switch(dmdswrd_Q) {
		case 0:
			mes "[Rochito]";
			mes "Bread, fruits, vegetables...";
			mes "Bleh. All that other food is";
			mes "nothing compared to the ";
			mes "hearty flavor of meat. Yeap,";
			mes "BBQ camping in Comodo is";
			mes "heaven to a meat lover like me~";
			if (select("BBQ Camping...?:Cancel") == 1) {
				mes "[Rochito]";
				mes "Yeah man... You can eat";
				mes "Komodoru meat all day when";
				mes "you go BBQ camping. Komodoru";
				mes "is an animal native to Comodo";
				mes "and every part of it is delicious. Every. Single. Morsel.";
				mes "[Rochito]";
				mes "What makes this meat even";
				mes "more delicious is the special";
				mes "Koserahserah seasoning they";
				mes "use. That stuff is almost...";
				mes "addictive. Without it, we";
				mes "can't start our barbeque!";
				mes "[Rochito]";
				mes "If we settled on anything";
				mes "less than the very best BBQ,";
				mes "then our comrades that died";
				mes "to help ^FF0000banish that witch^000000 would";
				mes "surely be ashamed of us!";
				mes "[Rochito]";
				mes "Say, would you do us a favor?";
				mes "The Chief of Comodo was going";
				mes "to bring the Koserahserah and";
				mes "join us for our barbeque, but";
				mes "we're guessing he's got to";
				mes "cancel because of his duties.";
				mes "[Rochito]";
				mes "Let's see, our Chief lives to";
				mes "the west of these campgrounds.";
				mes "Would you visit him and see";
				mes "what's taking him so long";
				mes "to get over here?";
				set dmdswrd_Q,1;
			mes "[Rochito]";
			mes "You know, people gather";
			mes "on these campgrounds in";
			mes "memory and respect of those";
			mes "that have fallen in battle";
			mes "against the witch of Comodo.";
			mes "[Rochito]";
			mes "Long before Comodo was";
			mes "built inside this huge cave,";
			mes "this witch used to live in here.^FFFFFF ^000000 A lot of people died trying to";
			mes "get rid of her, but there're^FFFFFF ^000000 rumors that she's still around...";
		case 1:
			mes "[Rochito]";
			mes "Komodoru meat is especially";
			mes "great when it's seasoned with";
			mes "Koserahserah. That flavoring";
			mes "is one of Comodo's claims to";
			mes "fame! You should try some~";
			mes "[Rochito]";
			mes "Speaking of which, our Chief";
			mes "still hasn't come and brought";
			mes "the Koserahserah! Would you";
			mes "see what's taking him so long?";
			mes "His house is located west of";
			mes "these campgrounds.";
		case 2:
			mes "[Rochito]";
			mes "Oh, hey, you're back.";
			mes "Did you speak to our";
			mes "Chief? Don't tell me";
			mes "he had to cancel--we've";
			mes "been planning this outing";
			mes "with him for a quite a while...";
			mes "^3355FFYou give Rochito the";
			mes "Koserahserah seasoning,";
			mes "and explain why the Chief";
			mes "cannot attend the barbeque.^000000";
			mes "[Rochito]";
			mes "Awww, nuts. I guess he's";
			mes "got responsbilities, but it's";
			mes "still a little disappointing.";
			mes "He's a buddy, after all. Well,";
			mes "at least he was kind enough";
			mes "to send the Koserahserah.";
			mes "[Rochito]";
			mes "It's really too bad that";
			mes "he can't join us. Ah, I've got";
			mes "an idea! Would you please bring";
			mes "this bottle to Tausupa, er, our";
			mes "Chief? It's Mureuchieligu, a";
			mes "special vintage wine~";
			mes "^3355FFYou've received a bottle";
			mes "of Mureuchieligu wine to";
			mes "deliver to the Comodo Chief.^000000";
			set dmdswrd_Q,3;
		case 3:
			mes "[Rochito]";
			mes "I know that I should be";
			mes "delivering that bottle of";
			mes "wine to the Chief myself,";
			mes "but I've got to tend to this";
			mes "barbeque. I hope you ";
			mes "understand...";
			mes "[Rochito]";
			mes "Anyway, you'd be doing";
			mes "me a huge favor if you";
			mes "spoke to the Chief, and gave";
			mes "him my thanks, along with";
			mes "that bottle of Mureuchieligu.";
	else {
		mes "[Rochito]";
		mes "Oh, hey there~";
		mes "Thanks for helping us";
		mes "out earlier. I wish the";
		mes "Chief would join us in our";
		mes "barbeque, but I understand";
		mes "that he has to protect Comodo.";
		mes "[Rochito]";
		mes "Hey, you know what?";
		mes "I can't exactly repay you";
		mes "with, you know, actual stuff,";
		mes "but I can give you a hot tip.";
		mes "There's some guy at the local";
		mes "Pub with some precious info.";
		mes "[Rochito]";
		mes "Yeah, supposedly, this";
		mes "guy knows more about the";
		mes "cave that Comodo was built";
		mes "in... Anyway, I really get the";
		mes "feeling that it just might";
		mes "lead to something, you know?";

comodo,204,310,4	script	Camping Youth#cmd	65,{
	if (dmdswrd_Q < 5) {
		switch(dmdswrd_Q) {
		case 0:
		case 1:
			mes "[Rockha]";
			mes "Oh man...";
			mes "I'm so excited!";
			mes "My buddies and I've";
			mes "been planning to get";
			mes "together for this barbeque";
			mes "for such a long time~";
			switch(select("Buddies...?:Cancel")) {
			case 1:
				mes "[Rockha]";
				mes "Yeah, some of us know";
				mes "each other when we fought";
				mes "together in the War of the";
				mes "Witch. In fact, one of them";
				mes "is the Chief of this village!";
				mes "Huh, why isn't he here yet?";
				mes "[Rockha]";
				mes "Anyway, even though";
				mes "our stations in life have";
				mes "changed, thankfully we're";
				mes "still friends. It's kinda weird, though, being on a first name";
				mes "basis with a village chief.";
				mes "[Rockha]";
				mes "Makes me feel...";
				mes "Important. I'm hobnobbing";
				mes "with a major political figure,";
				mes "after all. Amazing where your";
				mes "friends can end up in life...";
			mes "[Rockha]";
			mes "I've almost forgotten";
			mes "how much I love hanging";
			mes "out with these guys. We";
			mes "should have barbeques";
			mes "together all the time~";
		case 2:
			mes "[Rockha]";
			mes "Wha--? Tausupa can't come,";
			mes "but he still sent us all of this Koserahserah? What a guy...";
			mes "I guess... That gives us";
			mes "a reason to hold another";
			mes "barbeque here soon, right?";
		case 3:
			mes "[Rockha]";
			mes "Hey, when you deliver";
			mes "that wine to Tausupa, the";
			mes "Village Chief, would you let";
			mes "him know that we miss the guy?";
			mes "He may be busy, but he'll always^FFFFFF ^000000 be our irreplaceable buddy.";
		case 4:
			mes "[Rockha]";
			mes "Oh hey, you spoke";
			mes "to Tausupa? Ah, it's";
			mes "too bad that he's busy,";
			mes "but it's great to hear that";
			mes "he'll enjoy our gift. Okay~";
			mes "I believe it's time to eat!";
			mes "[Rockha]";
			mes "But before that, let's";
			mes "make a toast... to Tausupa!";
			mes "Guardian of Comodo, and";
			mes "one of the best friends that";
			mes "a guy can have! Cheers!";
			mes "Hahahaha hahahaha~!";
			set dmdswrd_Q,5;
			mes "[Rockha]";
			mes "Ahh, you know what would";
			mes "make this meal perfect?";
			mes "Some of that legendary";
			mes "^3355FFComodo Cheese^000000 that I heard";
			mes "about from ^3355FFToruna^000000. Sure, it";
			mes "might not exist, but still...!";
	else {
		mes "[Rockha]";
		mes "You know, you're a really";
		mes "chill person. Thanks for";
		mes "helping us keep in touch";
		mes "with our old friend, the";
		mes "Village Chief. Man, being";
		mes "responsible must be rough...";
		mes "[Rockha]";
		mes "There's two things that";
		mes "would make our barbeque";
		mes "absolutely perfect--having";
		mes "the Village Chief here, and";
		mes "some of that legendary Comodo^FFFFFF ^000000 Cheese that ^3355FFToruna^000000 told me about.";

comodo,209,305,4	script	Camping Maiden#cmd	71,{
	mes "[Emralhandas]";
	mes "Rockha, let me pour";
	mes "you another drink. We";
	mes "always dreamed of this";
	mes "during the War of the Witch...";
	mes "Having a good time, all of us";
	mes "together in a time of peace~";
	if (select("War of the Witch?:Cancel") == 1) {
		mes "[Emralhandas]";
		mes "Before I tell you about the";
		mes "War of the Witch, I guess";
		mes "I should tell you about the";
		mes "quest to retrieve 4 rare swords";
		mes "of power, said to be the most";
		mes "powerful weapons ever made.";
		mes "[Emralhandas]";
		mes "Now, all 4 swords were";
		mes "successfully found 10 years";
		mes "after the search began. Then,";
		mes "4 protectors were chosen to";
		mes "ensure that the swords did";
		mes "not fall into the wrong hands.";
		mes "[Emralhandas]";
		mes "You might not think so just";
		mes "by looking at us, but we were";
		mes "the protectors--me, Rockha,";
		mes "Rochito, and Tausupa, the chief";
		mes "of this village. Now, we guarded these weapons very carefully...";
		mes "[Emralhandas]";
		mes "However, that didn't deter";
		mes "Mariposum, ancient witch of";
		mes "Comodo, from attacking us and";
		mes "trying to steal the swords. She";
		mes "was incredibly powerful, and";
		mes "we needed an army to fight her.";
		mes "[Emralhandas]";
		mes "That was the War of the";
		mes "Witch, basically. Mariposum";
		mes "with her own strange weapon";
		mes "of mass destruction against the";
		mes "four of us backed by a large";
		mes "force of courageous soldiers.";
		mes "[Emralhandas]";
		mes "Many of our comrades died...";
		mes "But finally we succeeded in";
		mes "imprisoning the witch by using";
		mes "the power of the swords. Yeah,";
		mes "if it weren't for Tausupa, we'd";
		mes "never have been able to do it.";
	mes "[Emralhandas]";
	mes "Rockha, we still have";
	mes "to finish our mission:";
	mes "eat all of the barbeque";
	mes "that that we possibly can!";
	mes "Let's just stuff ourselves...";
	mes "All the way until tommorrow!";

comodo,209,314,4	script	Campground Lad#cmd	706,{
	if (dmdswrd_Q < 4) {
		switch(dmdswrd_Q) {
		case 0:
		case 1:
			mes "[Rotute]";
			mes "Years ago, there was a huge";
			mes "quest to retrieve 4 rare swords";
			mes "of incredible power, supposedly";
			mes "the strongest swords ever made!";
			mes "But you know, there's a strange";
			mes "rumor about a secret 5th sword.";
			mes "[Rotute]";
			mes "This 5th sword is supposed";
			mes "to be hidden near Glastheim.";
			mes "If it does exist, it might have";
			mes "the power to change the world!";
			mes "Isn't that freakin' scary?";
		case 2:
		case 3:
			mes "[Rotute]";
			mes "Hey, isn't that Koserahserah?";
			mes "That's the best seasoning that";
			mes "you can have for meat dishes!";
			mes "Oh, you got that from the Chief";
			mes "to give to Rochito? Wow, they";
			mes "must be really good friends...";
	else {
		mes "[Rotute]";
		mes "Hello, thanks for helping";
		mes "out Rockha, Rochito and";
		mes "Emralhandas. They've known";
		mes "me since I was born, so it's";
		mes "like they're family to me.";
		mes "[Rotute]";
		mes "One of the reasons that";
		mes "they brought me here to";
		mes "Comodo was so that I could";
		mes "finally meet Tausupa. But...";
		mes "I guess he's too busy now.";
		mes "Still, I like this place!";

comodo,221,310,4	script	BBQ Boy#cmd	86,{
	mes "[Rinta]";
	mes "I didn't mean to,";
	mes "but I accidentally";
	mes "eavesdropped on those";
	mes "people over there. Are";
	mes "they really old friends";
	mes "with our Village Chief?";
	mes "[Rinta]";
	mes "In that case, they must";
	mes "be getting the special";
	mes "treatment usually reserved";
	mes "for visiting dignitaries and";
	mes "the like. Or something like that.";

comodo,218,309,4	script	BBQ Visitor#cmd	90,{
	mes "[Razy]";
	mes "Those people over there";
	mes "are friends of the Village";
	mes "Chief? I was wondering about";
	mes "them for the longest time...";
	mes "I didn't even know our Chief";
	mes "had friends outside of Comodo.";
	mes "[Razy]";
	mes "You know, they kind of";
	mes "strike me as old war buddies,";
	mes "sprinkling their conversations";
	mes "with words like ''mission'' all";
	mes "the time. Then, there's those";
	mes "little scars they all have...";

comodo,216,310,4	script	BBQ Papa#cmd::CmdFamily	50,{
	mes "[BBQ Boy]";
	mes "D-daddy! Is what those";
	mes "people talking about true?";
	mes "Was there really an evil";
	mes "witch here in our village?";
	mes "[BBQ Mama]";
	mes "Honey...";
	mes "I'm sure those";
	mes "good people were";
	mes "just kidding around~";
	mes "How can that be true?";
	mes "[BBQ Papa]";
	mes "Now, now, don't tell";
	mes "me my little man is afraid";
	mes "of something like a little";
	mes "witch. It's just an old fairy";
	mes "tale, son: no reason to";
	mes "feel frightened at all.";
	mes "[BBQ Boy]";
	mes "No, Daddy, I'm not";
	mes "scared! But if the witch";
	mes "really lived here, then her";
	mes "home is somewhere around";
	mes "here in Comodo, right? I'm";
	mes "gonna go find it someday!";
	mes "[BBQ Mama]";
	mes "Oh, but I'm sure our";
	mes "Chief would already know";
	mes "something about that witch";
	mes "if she truly exists. Anyway,";
	mes "let's hurry and eat before";
	mes "the barbeque burns, okay?";
	mes "[BBQ Boy]";
	mes "Yay, barbeque!";
	mes "Mmmmm... Someday,";
	mes "if that witch is real,";
	mes "I'm gonna find out";
	mes "all about her!";

comodo,215,307,4	duplicate(CmdFamily)	BBQ Mama#cmd	74

comodo,213,310,4	duplicate(CmdFamily)	BBQ Boy#cmd2	706

cmd_in02,32,140,4	script	Chief#cmd	49,{
	if (dmdswrd_Q > 4) {
		mes "[Tausupa]";
		mes "Maybe you can't tell because";
		mes "of the way the light reflects,";
		mes "but Comodo is actually built";
		mes "inside a huge cave, giving the";
		mes "illusion of an eternal night.";
		mes "It's quite beautiful, really...";
		mes "[Tausupa]";
		mes "People come from all over";
		mes "the world to experience the";
		mes "excitement and beauty of";
		mes "our unique little village.";
		mes "We've become quite";
		mes "the tourist attraction~";
	else if (dmdswrd_Q > 2 && dmdswrd_Q < 5) {
		switch(dmdswrd_Q) {
		case 3:
			mes "[Tausupa]";
			mes "Oh, how are my friends";
			mes "doing? I really wish that";
			mes "I could have delivered that";
			mes "Koserahserah personally,";
			mes "but I can't shirk my duties as";
			mes "Village Chief and protector.";
			mes "^3355FFYou give Tausupa the";
			mes "Meruchieligu wine that";
			mes "Rochito asked you to deliver.^000000";
			mes "[Tausupa]";
			mes "Ah... How very kind of";
			mes "them! They really sent me";
			mes "this wine? I'm truly touched...";
			mes "Rockha must have chosen";
			mes "this--I'll be sure to enjoy it.";
			mes "[Tausupa]";
			mes "Would you please express my";
			mes "thanks to my friends, ^3355FFRochito^000000,";
			mes "and ^3355FFRockha^000000? It's been far too";
			mes "long since I've seen them, but";
			mes "I hope that I get a chance to";
			mes "visit them someday soon.";
			set dmdswrd_Q,4;
		case 4:
			mes "[Tausupa]";
			mes "Would you please express my";
			mes "thanks to my friends, ^3355FFRochito^000000,";
			mes "and ^3355FFRockha^000000? It's been far too";
			mes "long since I've seen them, but";
			mes "I hope that I get a chance to";
			mes "visit them someday soon.";
	else {
		mes "[Tausupa]";
		mes "Greetings, adventurer,";
		mes "I am Tausupa, the Chief of";
		mes "Comodo, a city famous for its^FFFFFF ^000000 beauty and nightlife. I hope you";
		mes "enjoy your stay, whether you are^FFFFFF ^000000 seeking excitement or relaxation~";
		switch(select("About Casino:About Banished Witch:Cancel")) {
		case 1:
			mes "[Tausupa]";
			mes "Ah yes, Comodo is world";
			mes "famous for its Casino. There";
			mes "are many games that you can";
			mes "enjoy, but you'll need to use";
			mes "the Casino's special Eulwo^FFFFFF ^000000 currency and conversion system...";
		case 2:
			switch(dmdswrd_Q) {
			case 0:
				mes "[Tausupa]";
				mes "Banished witch...?";
				mes "Ah ha ha, do not worry,";
				mes "my friend, that is merely";
				mes "a very old tale. Not worth";
				mes "your concern at all...";
			case 1:
				mes "[Tausupa]";
				mes "Ah, judging from the scent";
				mes "of BBQ meat on your clothes,";
				mes "I'm guessing that you ran into";
				mes "Rochito in the campgrounds, ";
				mes "right? He must have told you^FFFFFF ^000000 that old story about the witch...";
				mes "[Tausupa]";
				mes "I'd like nothing better";
				mes "than to join them, but I must";
				mes "stay here. The witch does exist, and one my jobs is to make sure";
				mes "that she does not revive by using my sword's power to suppress her.";
				mes "[Tausupa]";
				mes "Although I planned to see";
				mes "them today, my duties must";
				mes "take priority. Would you please";
				mes "take this seasoning to Rochito";
				mes "and let him know that I can't";
				mes "come, and that I'm sorry...?";
				mes "^3355FFYou have received";
				mes "the Koserahserah";
				mes "seasoning from the Chief.^000000";
				mes "[Tausupa]";
				mes "Thank you so much...";
				mes "I understand that my";
				mes "friends cannot begin the";
				mes "barbeque without Comodo's";
				mes "world famous seasoning...";
				set dmdswrd_Q,2;
			case 2:
				mes "[Tausupa]";
				mes "Please take this special";
				mes "Koserserah seasoning to";
				mes "my friend ^3355FFRochito^000000 at the";
				mes "barbeque campground. Thanks";
				mes "again for your help, adventurer. ^FFFFFF ^000000";
		case 3:
			mes "[Tausupa]";
			mes "Maybe you can't tell because";
			mes "of the way the light reflects,";
			mes "but Comodo is actually built";
			mes "inside a huge cave, giving the";
			mes "illusion of an eternal night.";
			mes "It's quite beautiful, really...";
			mes "[Tausupa]";
			mes "People come from all over";
			mes "the world to experience the";
			mes "excitement and beauty of";
			mes "our unique little village.";
			mes "We've become quite";
			mes "the tourist attraction~";

comodo,88,97,4	script	Toruna#cmd	109,{
	mes "[Toruna]";
	mes "When I think about it,";
	mes "there are many fascinating";
	mes "facts about Comodo. Can";
	mes "you believe this entire city";
	mes "is built inside a natural cave?";
	switch(select("This cave is huge!:This place sure is strange...:Cancel")) {
	case 1:
		mes "[Toruna]";
		mes "Oh, this is a huge cave,";
		mes "but it's not impossible for";
		mes "nature to create something";
		mes "of this size and scale if given";
		mes "thousands, maybe even millions";
		mes "of years. Let me explain...";
		mes "[Toruna]";
		mes "Now, water is known as";
		mes "a universal solvent: running";
		mes "water will carve its own path";
		mes "in rock, given enough time.";
		mes "Now, keep in mind that this";
		mes "cave was once solid limestone.";
		mes "[Toruna]";
		mes "Years and years of running";
		mes "water from the rains and the";
		mes "water table have broken down";
		mes "this giant pocket of limestone,";
		mes "clearing out this huge, open";
		mes "area, the Comodo Cave.";
		mes "[Toruna]";
		mes "That may sound incredulous,";
		mes "but cracks in limestone grow";
		mes "into faults, then spacious gaps";
		mes "over years and years of erosion. Now, isn't natural science just";
		mes "amazing? You've got to agree...";
	case 2:
		if (dmdswrd_Q == 5 || dmdswrd_Q == 6) {
			switch(dmdswrd_Q) {
			case 5:
				mes "[Toruna]";
				mes "Yes, that is rather";
				mes "peculiar. What's also";
				mes "strange is this rumor I've";
				mes "been hearing about. Now, are^FFFFFF ^000000 you familiar with Comodo Cheese?";
				mes "[Toruna]";
				mes "It's this urban legend";
				mes "about this magnificent cheese";
				mes "that you can only find in Comodo. Now, not too many people believe";
				mes "it. I mean, you need goats or cows";
				mes "in order to make any cheese.";
				mes "[Toruna]";
				mes "However, there's this";
				mes "strange man that insists";
				mes "on its existence. The locals";
				mes "here chalk him up to be some";
				mes "sort of common loon, but who";
				mes "knows? Maybe it does exist...";
				set dmdswrd_Q,6;
				mes "[Toruna]";
				mes "Well, you can decide for";
				mes "yourself whether he's off";
				mes "his rocker. The last time";
				mes "I saw him, he was in the";
				mes "Comodo Bar, so you can";
				mes "probably find him there.";
			case 6:
				mes "[Toruna]";
				mes "Well, I like to think of";
				mes "Comodo as unique. What's";
				mes "really strange are some of";
				mes "the locals in this area. I've";
				mes "already told you about the";
				mes "man in the Comodo Bar, yes?";
				mes "[Toruna]";
				mes "He keeps insisting";
				mes "that there is a special";
				mes "kind of cheese in Comodo";
				mes "that you cannot get anywhere";
				mes "else. It sounds crazy, but his";
				mes "claim may be worth verifying...";
		else {
			mes "[Toruna]";
			mes "Ah, did you know that";
			mes "before it was an exotic";
			mes "village of excitement and";
			mes "leisure, Comodo was once";
			mes "a haven for evil creatures, ruled^FFFFFF ^000000 by a witch named Meropusum?";
			mes "[Toruna]";
			mes "This witch lay dormant for";
			mes "years until she was awoken";
			mes "somehow years ago. She was";
			mes "a huge threat to the people, but then she was finally defeated";
			mes "in the famous War of the Witch.";
			mes "[Toruna]";
			mes "One of the heroes of that";
			mes "war became the current Chief";
			mes "of this village, and it was";
			mes "through his leadership that";
			mes "Comodo grew into a thriving";
			mes "tourist attraction.";
			mes "[Toruna]";
			mes "However, the threat of";
			mes "Meropusum still exists,";
			mes "so I would be careful when";
			mes "exploring the uninhabited";
			mes "areas of the Comodo region.";
	case 3:
		mes "[Toruna]";
		mes "There's much to do";
		mes "in this city of Comodo,";
		mes "as well as much to learn";
		mes "about it. I can never tire of";
		mes "visiting this exotic city...";

comodo,164,291,4	script	Rakusa#cmd	73,{
	if (dmdswrd_Q == 6 || dmdswrd_Q == 7) {
		switch(dmdswrd_Q) {
		case 6:
			mes "[Rakusa]";
			mes "See that guy sitting";
			mes "over there? All he does";
			mes "is talk about Comodo Cheese,";
			mes "just mumbling nonsense about";
			mes "its incredible flavors all day";
			mes "long. He's nuts, I tell you.";
			mes "[Rakusa]";
			mes "First of all, you need";
			mes "freakin' milk to make any";
			mes "cheese. You see any cows";
			mes "around here? Nope, I thought";
			mes "so! Still, I think he really";
			mes "believes that it exists...";
			set dmdswrd_Q,7;
		case 7:
			mes "[Rakusa]";
			mes "Damn it! I know for a fact";
			mes "that the idea of Comodo even";
			mes "having a cheese is crazy, but";
			mes "that guy's talking has gotten";
			mes "me curious now! Maybe it does";
			mes "exist? How would it even taste?";
	else {
		mes "[Rakusa]";
		mes "You know, Comodo has";
		mes "a reputation for offering";
		mes "high class recreation, so";
		mes "people forget that we actually";
		mes "have two dangerous dungeons.";
		mes "[Rakusa]";
		mes "You adventurers need to";
		mes "be extra careful if you explore";
		mes "the caves--the monsters there";
		mes "are unusually strong. Make";
		mes "sure that you're well prepared";
		mes "before you even think of going!";

comodo,169,284,4	script	Kichiri#cmd	98,{
	if (dmdswrd_Q == 7 || dmdswrd_Q == 8) {
		switch(dmdswrd_Q) {
		case 7:
			mes "[Kichiri]";
			mes "Freakin' ^3355FFMagatu^000000...!";
			mes "Can he talk about anything else";
			mes "aside from Comodo Cheese?";
			mes "I don't see why he's so excited";
			mes "about the stuff! Everyone knows";
			mes "it's just an old wive's tale.";
			mes "[Kichiri]";
			mes "Would you do";
			mes "me a favor and get";
			mes "Magatu to shut up?";
			mes "I just want to drink";
			mes "my alcohol in peace!";
			set dmdswrd_Q,8;
		case 8:
			mes "[Kichiri]";
			mes "Cripes! Now Magatu's";
			mes "got me wondering! I mean,";
			mes "just because I've never seen";
			mes "Comodo Cheese doesn't mean";
			mes "it doesn't exist, right? Curses!^FFFFFF ^000000 Now I'm thinking about it too!";
	else {
		mes "[Kichiri]";
		mes "There's more to do than";
		mes "gambling in Comodo, you";
		mes "know. Sometimes, I love";
		mes "to watch the Dancers on";
		mes "stage in the middle of the";
		mes "village. They're so glamorous~";
		mes "[Kichiri]";
		mes "I hear that the Dance";
		mes "Academy only accepts female";
		mes "Archers to become prospective";
		mes "Dancers. I guess that makes";
		mes "sense--they're tone and fit,";
		mes "but not musclebound either...";

comodo,163,280,4	script	Magatu#cmd	55,{
	if (dmdswrd_Q == 8 || dmdswrd_Q == 9) {
		switch(dmdswrd_Q) {
		case 8:
			mes "[Magatu]";
			mes "Comodo Cheese...";
			mes "It really exists...!";
			mes "And I'm so close to";
			mes "having the proof! Oh...";
			mes "That look in your eyes...";
			mes "Y-you really believe me!";
			mes "[Magatu]";
			mes "At long last, not only";
			mes "someone who believes me,";
			mes "but an adventurer to boot!";
			mes "Great, this is perfect! Now,";
			mes "listen, you want to learn more";
			mes "about Comodo Cheese, right?";
			mes "[Magatu]";
			mes "Well, I happen to know";
			mes "someone who knows someone";
			mes "that might be able to give you";
			mes "the chance to try it for yourself! His name is ^3355FFManzi^000000 , and you can";
			mes "find him in Comodo's Casino.";
			mes "[Magatu]";
			mes "Oh, here, before I forget,";
			mes "take my lucky bottle cap!";
			mes "Show this to Manzi, and he'll";
			mes "know that I sent you, and that";
			mes "you want to learn more about";
			mes "the elusive Comodo Cheese.";
			mes "^3355FFYou have received";
			mes "Magatu's lucky bottle";
			mes "cap to present to Manzi.";
			set dmdswrd_Q,9;
		case 9:
			mes "[Magatu]";
			mes "Oh, don't forget to";
			mes "show my lucky bottle cap";
			mes "to Manzi, okay? You can find";
			mes "him inside Comodo's Casino~";
			mes "Good luck, and I hope you get";
			mes "to try that Comodo Cheese~";
	else {
		mes "[Magatu]";
		mes "It's true, it really";
		mes "exists... Comodo Cheese!";
		mes "Its flavor must be incomparably";
		mes "delicious if adventurers have";
		mes "quested to obtain it for so";
		mes "many generations...";

cmd_in02,189,99,4	script	Manzi#cmd	85,{
	if (dmdswrd_Q == 9 || dmdswrd_Q == 10) {
		switch(dmdswrd_Q) {
		case 9:
			mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
			mes "Excuse, but I'm";
			mes "looking for someone";
			mes "named Manzi. Do you";
			mes "know where I can find him?";
			mes "[Manzi]";
			mes "Hey guy, I'm right here.";
			mes "So what exactly do you";
			mes "want? I'm, um, not in";
			mes "trouble or anything, am I?";
			mes "^3355FFYou give Manzi the";
			mes "lucky bottle cap that you";
			mes "received from Magatsu.^000000";
			mes "[Manzi]";
			mes "Whoa, Magatsu gave you";
			mes "this? Ah, okay, so you must";
			mes "be looking for that Comodo";
			mes "Cheese he keeps talking about.";
			mes "Alright, I owe him a favor, so";
			mes "I'll tell you who to talk to...";
			mes "[Manzi]";
			mes "From the Casino, go north";
			mes "towards the center of the";
			mes "village, and then look to";
			mes "the right where you'll see";
			mes "the Dance Stage. You'll see";
			mes "this old woman right there.";
			mes "[Manzi]";
			mes "Don't be fooled by the";
			mes "way she looks--that old";
			mes "lady is one of Comodo's";
			mes "wisest elders. Ask her";
			mes "about the cheese, and";
			mes "let her know I sent you~";
			mes "[Manzi]";
			mes "Ah, she won't take you";
			mes "very seriously unless you";
			mes "show her this. Magatsu gave";
			mes "you his lucky bottle cap, so I'm^FFFFFF ^000000 gonna give you my lucky coin!";
			mes "The old crone'll recognize it~";
			set dmdswrd_Q,10;
			mes "^3355FFYou received Manzi's";
			mes "''lucky coin.'' Strangely";
			mes "enough, both sides";
			mes "are heads.";
		case 10:
			mes "[Manzi]";
			mes "Look for the old crone";
			mes "near the Dance Stage here";
			mes "in Comodo and ask her about";
			mes "Comodo Cheese, alright? Ah,";
			mes "and try not to insult her, kay?";
			mes "It'll make me look bad~";
	else {
		if (Class == Job_Novice) {
			mes "[Manzi]";
			mes "What th...?";
			mes "What's a kid like";
			mes "you doing in a Casino?";
			mes "Sure, it's not against the";
			mes "rules, but I think you oughta";
			mes "scram and play somewhere else!";
		mes "[Manzi]";
		mes "Hey, have a good time in";
		mes "the Casino, but don't go buck";
		mes "wild. You wanna walk out of";
		mes "here with the shirt on your back,^FFFFFF ^000000 you know? Some people don't";
		mes "even leave here with that...";

comodo,187,153,4	script	Hullaris#cmd	701,{
	if (dmdswrd_Q >= 10 && dmdswrd_Q <= 13) {
		switch(dmdswrd_Q) {
		case 10:
			mes "[Hullaris]";
			mes "Hula~hula~hula~";
			mes "Love togther, love together,";
			mes "we've groovin' on some more~";
			mes "Love togther, love together,";
			mes "we've living on the floor~";
			if (select("Present Muzi's Coin:Um... Comodo Cheese?") == 1) {
				mes "^3355FFYou present Muzi's lucky";
				mes "coin to the old woman.^000000";
				mes "[Hullaris]";
				mes "Love! Love!";
				mes "Love together~";
				mes "Love! Love!";
				mes "Love togeth-hm?";
				mes "Oh, that's um, Muzi's";
				mes "cheat coin, isn't it?";
				mes "[Hullaris]";
				mes "He always said that he";
				mes "might send someone with";
				mes "that coin to me as a sign";
				mes "of his trust in that person.";
				mes "I suppose, then, that I'm";
				mes "at your service. Now...";
				mes "[Hullaris]";
				mes "What exactly did you need?";
				mes "I'm guessing you've come";
				mes "here to ask me something";
				mes "about Comodo. As one of the";
				mes "oldest elders, I know more";
				mes "about this village than most...";
				mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
				mes "Actually, I was hoping";
				mes "you can tell me about";
				mes "Comodo Cheese. If it really";
				mes "exists, I'd like to know";
				mes "where I can get some.";
				mes "[Hullaris]";
				mes "Oh... That. First of all,";
				mes "Comodo Cheese does exist,";
				mes "and it's as precious as the";
				mes "legends say. However, it's";
				mes "not a true cheese, although^FFFFFF ^000000 you may think so from its taste.";
				mes "[Hullaris]";
				mes "Yes, it's a very rare, natural";
				mes "substance and isn't made from";
				mes "cow or goat milk or anything";
				mes "like that. However, Comodo";
				mes "Cheese isn't merely food.";
				mes "No, it's much more...";
				mes "[Hullaris]";
				mes "Those that eat Comodo";
				mes "Cheese find that their";
				mes "true potential is unlocked.";
				mes "Comodo Cheese's true name";
				mes "is the ^3355FFAwakening Stone^000000. Now,";
				mes "doesn't that sound impressive?";
				mes "[Hullaris]";
				mes "The Awakening Stone is";
				mes "one of the keys to obtaining";
				mes "some kind of forbidden power.";
				mes "That's why only the bravest";
				mes "adventurers can expect the";
				mes "chance of ever eating it.";
				mes "[Hullaris]";
				mes "Do you really wish to";
				mes "eat the Comodo Cheese and";
				mes "see where its power may lead";
				mes "you? If so, you'll have to endure great challenges to obtain it...";
				mes "[Hullaris]";
				mes "When you've decided";
				mes "to pursue the Awakening";
				mes "Stone, seek out a man named";
				mes "^3355FFNigirboran^000000. He will judge";
				mes "whether you are worthy";
				mes "of the Comodo Cheese...";
				set dmdswrd_Q,11;
				mes "[Hullaris]";
				mes "Now, you should be";
				mes "able to find Nigiroban";
				mes "training somewhere in one";
				mes "of Comodo's Dungeon Caves.";
				mes "I'll send him a message to";
				mes "let him know you're coming...";
			mes "[Hullaris]";
			mes "Love! Love!";
			mes "Love together~";
			mes "Love! Love!";
			mes "Love togeth-hm?";
			if (sex) {
				mes "Boy, you're ruining";
				mes "my groove! Now beat it!";
			else {
				mes "Girl, you're ruining";
				mes "my groove! Get away~";
		case 11:
			mes "[Hullaris]";
			mes "Do you really wish to";
			mes "eat the Comodo Cheese and";
			mes "see where its power may lead";
			mes "you? If so, you'll have to endure great challenges to obtain it...";
			mes "[Hullaris]";
			mes "When you've decided";
			mes "to pursue the Awakening";
			mes "Stone, seek out a man named";
			mes "^3355FFNigirboran^000000. He will judge";
			mes "whether you are worthy";
			mes "of the Comodo Cheese...";
			mes "[Hullaris]";
			mes "Now, you should be";
			mes "able to find Nigiroban";
			mes "training somewhere in one";
			mes "of Comodo's Dungeon Caves.";
			mes "I'll send him a message to";
			mes "let him know you're coming...";
		case 12:
			mes "[Hullaris]";
			mes "Hmm? So you've failed";
			mes "Nigirboran's test, have";
			mes "you? Well, you better train";
			mes "until you can pass it. Otherwise, eating Comodo Cheese could";
			mes "mean your death, you know.";
		case 13:
			mes "[Hullaris]";
			mes "Ah, you've returned.";
			mes "So were you able to pass";
			mes "Nigirboran's little test? An";
			mes "adventurer like you should";
			mes "be able to have no problem";
			mes "with it. I've got faith in you~";
			mes "^3355FFYou present the token that";
			mes "signifies that you passed";
			mes "Nigirboran's test to Hullaris.^000000";
			mes "[Hullaris]";
			mes "Ah, I was right after all.";
			mes "I'm glad to see that you've";
			mes "proven worthy of eating this";
			mes "Comodo Cheese, or more";
			mes "accurately, the Awakening";
			mes "Stone. Here, let me get it...";
			mes "[Hullaris]";
			mes "There you are...";
			mes "Only brave and worthy";
			mes "adventurers are allowed to";
			mes "eat this. Understand that";
			mes "eating Comodo Cheese is";
			mes "a rare and coveted honor!";
			mes "^3355FFHullaris carefully";
			mes "hands you a plate of";
			mes "Comodo Cheese. You enjoy";
			mes "the rich, smooth flavor of";
			mes "each and every morsel...";
			mes "It's sublimely delicious!^000000";
			mes "^3355FFAfter you finish eating the";
			mes "Comodo Cheese, you feel";
			mes "a subtle, yet definite energy";
			mes "gently pulsing through your";
			mes "body. You feel a powerful, yet";
			mes "quiet confidence of being able";
			mes "to accomplish anything.^000000";
			set dmdswrd_Q,14;
			mes "[Hullaris]";
			mes "Hahahah! So what";
			mes "do you think? It's great,";
			mes "isn't it? It's unreal, how";
			mes "delicious it is. All other";
			mes "foods can never match the";
			mes "quality of Comodo Cheese~";
			mes "[Hullaris]";
			mes "Now, I know that you probably";
			mes "have things to do, but might";
			mes "I suggest that you visit the";
			mes "town of Al De Baran? There's";
			mes "a man there that can tell you";
			mes "about the Slate of Muriniel.";
			mes "[Hullaris]";
			mes "You've already eaten the";
			mes "Awakening Stone, so you may";
			mes "as well obtain the other things";
			mes "that you need to earn one of";
			mes "the three forbidden swords.";
			mes "It's just a thought...";
	else {
		mes "[Hullaris]";
		mes "Ah... Dance.";
		mes "It's more than just a form";
		mes "of entertainment. It's art,";
		mes "it's seduction, it's battle,";
		mes "and it's love. Only a true";
		mes "Dancer can understand this...";
		mes "[Hullaris]";
		mes "You know, Comodo is famous";
		mes "for its Dance Academy and the";
		mes "Dancers that have been trained";
		mes "there. If you know any female";
		mes "Archers, why don't you suggest";
		mes "visiting the school to them?";

beach_dun3,30,220,4	script	Nigirboran#cmd	704,{
	if (dmdswrd_Q >= 11 && dmdswrd_Q <= 14) {
		switch(dmdswrd_Q) {
		case 11:
			mes "[Nigirboran]";
			mes "You're the one that";
			mes "Hullaris sent? So you're";
			mes "here to earn the right to";
			mes "eat the Awakening Stone...";
			mes "Or Comodo Cheese, as it's";
			mes "more commonly known.";
			mes "[Nigirboran]";
			mes "Yes, it has many names...";
			mes "But it's more than a mere";
			mes "tasty treat--the Awakening";
			mes "Stone can help you access";
			mes "your true potential. But if you're not prepared... then you'll die.";
			mes "[Nigirboran]";
			mes "If your mind and body";
			mes "aren't sufficiently trained,";
			mes "your body will reject the";
			mes "Comodo Cheese and you";
			mes "would die a slow, painful,";
			mes "yet incredibly flavorful death.";
			mes "[Nigirboran]";
			mes "But I'm sure that won't";
			mes "happen to you! If Hullaris";
			mes "sent you to me, you must";
			mes "have a fighting chance, right?";
			mes "So come back when you're";
			mes "ready for the testing~";
			set dmdswrd_Q,12;
		case 12:
			mes "[Nigirboran]";
			mes "Good, you have returned--";
			mes "I'd expect nothing less of";
			mes "a brave and daring adventurer.";
			mes "Now hold still as I gauge your";
			mes "body's internal energies and see^FFFFFF ^000000 if it can handle Comodo Cheese...";
			mes "[Nigirboran]";
			mes "Alright.";
			mes "Are you ready?";
			mes "Now... Brace yourself!";
			mes "Heeeeeyah! Hoooo-HAH!";
			if (JobLevel > 20 && BaseLevel > 25) {
				switch(rand(1,3)) {
				case 1:
					mes "^3355FFA powerful current of";
					mes "warmth immediately coarses";
					mes "through your body from head";
					mes "to toe, and you struggle to";
					mes "keep yourself from writhing.^000000";
					mes "[Nigirboran]";
					mes "Hmm... Your body seems";
					mes "well trained, but your mind";
					mes "is still reeling from the test.";
					mes "If you ate the Comodo Cheese";
					mes "now, you'd be reduced to an";
					mes "incoherent invalid...";
					mes "[Nigirboran]";
					mes "Go and train yourself";
					mes "a little more, and try";
					mes "to improve your mind's";
					mes "sense of clarity. When";
					mes "you feel ready, come";
					mes "back to me once more.";
				case 2:
					mes "^3355FFA powerful current of";
					mes "warmth immediately coarses";
					mes "through your body from head";
					mes "to toe, and you struggle to";
					mes "keep yourself from writhing.^000000";
					mes "[Nigirboran]";
					mes "Huh. Your body is";
					mes "strong, but your spirit";
					mes "is weak. You need more";
					mes "training. If you were to eat";
					mes "the Comodo Cheese now...";
					mes "You would evaporate.";
					mes "[Nigirboran]";
					mes "But don't lose heart,";
					mes "it's too early for you";
					mes "to give up. Go out and";
					mes "train some more, and then";
					mes "come back to me when you";
					mes "feel like you're ready.";
				case 3:
					mes "^3355FFA powerful current of";
					mes "warmth immediately coarses";
					mes "through your body from head";
					mes "to toe, and you struggle to";
					mes "keep yourself from writhing.^000000";
					mes "[Nigirboran]";
					mes "Yes... Yes...";
					mes "Your mind, soul, and body";
					mes "seem well trained. I think you";
					mes "can eat the Comodo Cheese";
					mes "without any ill effect. Good,";
					mes "good, I think you're ready.";
					mes "[Nigirboran]";
					mes "Here, take this little";
					mes "token to Hullaris. That";
					mes "will prove to her that";
					mes "you've passed my little";
					mes "test. Congratulations~";
					mes "^3355FFYou've received";
					mes "a token button to";
					mes "present to Hullaris";
					mes "from Nigirboran.^000000";
					set dmdswrd_Q,13;
					mes "[Nigirboran]";
					mes "Ah, I almost forgot";
					mes "to ask you. Why do you";
					mes "seek the Comodo Cheese,";
					mes "or the Awakening Stone?";
					mes "Are you seeking one of";
					mes "the 3 forbidden swords?";
					mes "[Nigirboran]";
					mes "I don't know all the details,";
					mes "but I do know that you'll need";
					mes "the ^3355FFAwakening Stone^000000, the ^3355FFBook^000000";
					mes "^3355FFof the Lamb^000000 and the ^3355FFSlate of^000000";
					mes "^3355FFMurniel^000000 to even have a chance^FFFFFF ^000000 of obtaining one of those swords.";
					mes "[Nigirboran]";
					mes "Let's see... After you";
					mes "speak to Hullaris, you";
					mes "should go to Al De Baran";
					mes "and find someone named";
					mes "^3355FFMeteurengut^000000 to learn about";
					mes "the Slate of Muriniel.";
					mes "[Nigirboran]";
					mes "Anyway, I wish you";
					mes "the best of luck in";
					mes "accomplishing your";
					mes "goals. Godspeed...";
			else {
				mes "^3355FFA torrent of warmth";
				mes "coarses through your";
				mes "entire body, and you";
				mes "immediately faint from";
				mes "the rush of energy.^000000";
				mes "[Nigirboran]";
				mes "Goodness...!";
				mes "Your mind and body";
				mes "are far too weak to";
				mes "handle the Comodo Cheese";
				mes "now. You must seriously";
				mes "train yourself much more...";
				mes "[Nigirboran]";
				mes "After you've developed";
				mes "some more strength, come";
				mes "back to me. You can retake";
				mes "this little test anytime~";
		case 13:
			mes "[Nigirboran]";
			mes "I don't know all the details,";
			mes "but I do know that you'll need";
			mes "the ^3355FFAwakening Stone^000000, the ^3355FFBook^000000";
			mes "^3355FFof the Lamb^000000 and the ^3355FFSlate of^000000";
			mes "^3355FFMurniel^000000 to even have a chance";
			mes "of obtaining a forbidden sword.";
			mes "[Nigirboran]";
			mes "Let's see... After you";
			mes "speak to Hullaris, you";
			mes "should go to Al De Baran";
			mes "and find someone named";
			mes "^3355FFMeteurengut^000000 to learn about";
			mes "the Slate of Muriniel.";
			mes "[Nigirboran]";
			mes "Anyway, I wish you";
			mes "the best of luck in";
			mes "accomplishing your";
			mes "goals. Godspeed...";
		case 14:
			mes "[Nigirboran]";
			mes "Somewhere in ^3355FFAl De Baran^000000,";
			mes "you'll find a man named";
			mes "^3355FFMeteurengut^000000. He should be";
			mes "able to help you learn more";
			mes "about the Slate of Muriniel.";
	else {
		mes "[Nigirboran]";
		mes "Oh... Hello there.";
		mes "I guess you could say";
		mes "that I'm something of";
		mes "a trainer here in Comodo.";
		mes "My name is Nigirboran.";
		mes "I know it's hard to say...";
		mes "[Nigirboran]";
		mes "If Hullaris hasn't sent";
		mes "you, then I don't think";
		mes "I can be of any real help";
		mes "for you. That seems to be";
		mes "the case, so I'd appreciate";
		mes "it if you'd let me train...";

aldebaran,44,53,4	script	Meteurengut#cmd	64,{
	if (dmdswrd_Q >= 14 && dmdswrd_Q <= 17) {
		switch(dmdswrd_Q) {
		case 14:
			mes "[Meteurengut]";
			mes "Ah. Your body is surrounded";
			mes "by the glow of one that has";
			mes "eaten of the Awakening Stone.";
			mes "That alone may prove your value";
			mes "as an adventurer, but are you";
			mes "free from your selfish desires?";
			mes "[Meteurengut]";
			mes "Even just the smallest";
			mes "taint of greed or jealousy";
			mes "can prove to be a corruptive";
			mes "influence when power is not";
			mes "tempered by wisdom and a";
			mes "sense of true compassion.";
			mes "[Meteurengut]";
			mes "Others like you have come";
			mes "before me in hopes of learning";
			mes "about the Slate of Muriniel and";
			mes "eventually obtaining one of the";
			mes "three accursed blades. You are probably no different from them...";
			mes "[Meteurengut]";
			mes "The Slate of Muriniel is an";
			mes "alchemic artifact that can";
			mes "help one access unimaginable";
			mes "power, originally developed";
			mes "by a master of alchemy that was";
			mes "known as Rikaseh Sumarecon.";
			mes "[Meteurengut]";
			mes "Sumarecon had two apprentices,";
			mes "and after he had passed down the secrets of the Slate of Muriniel";
			mes "to only one of his proteges, his other protege killed him and the";
			mes "other student out of jealousy.";
			mes "[Meteurengut]";
			mes "Sumarecon's secrets were";
			mes "thought to be lost forever...";
			mes "Fortunately, years later, an";
			mes "Alchemist named Kuprite found";
			mes "Sumarecon's secret documents";
			mes "containing his knowledge.";
			mes "[Meteurengut]";
			mes "Kuprite then taught these";
			mes "secrets to a select group of";
			mes "Alchemy students, one of which";
			mes "was my ancestor, Burukesaemu.";
			mes "And so, because of my lineage,";
			mes "I have learned those secrets.";
			mes "[Meteurengut]";
			mes "If you wish for me to";
			mes "reproduce the Slate of";
			mes "Muriniel for you, then";
			mes "please bring me the items";
			mes "I require to complete the";
			mes "secret alchemic procedure.";
			mes "[Meteurengut]";
			mes "I shall need";
			mes "^3355FF1 Sapphire^000000,";
			mes "^3355FF1 Shining Stone^000000,";
			mes "^3355FF1 Rough Elunium^000000,";
			mes "^3355FF1 Emerald^000000, and";
			mes "^3355FF1 Blue Gemstone^000000.";
			set dmdswrd_Q,15;
		case 15:
			if (countitem(717) > 0 && countitem(726) > 0 && countitem(721) > 0 && countitem(640) > 0 && countitem(757) > 0) {
				mes "[Meteurengut]";
				mes "You've already found";
				mes "all of the items I require to";
				mes "create the Slate of Muriniel?";
				mes "Fantastic. Now I can begin work";
				mes "on this. However, there is one";
				mes "more thing I must ask of you.";
				delitem 717,1; //Blue_Gemstone
				delitem 726,1; //Blue_Jewel
				delitem 721,1; //Azure_Jewel
				delitem 640,1; //Shining_Stone
				delitem 757,1; //Elunium_Stone
				set dmdswrd_Q,16;
				mes "[Meteurengut]";
				mes "Would you please bring me";
				mes "^3355FF1 Cobweb^000000? You can obtain";
				mes "them by slaying spiders in";
				mes "Muriniel Pass which is on the";
				mes "way to Al De Baran from here.";
				mes "[Meteurengut]";
				mes "I'd have asked for it";
				mes "sooner, but I need to prepare";
				mes "all of these stones, and I need";
				mes "the freshest Cobwebs I can get.";
				mes "I'll make sure that these stones^FFFFFF ^000000 are ready when you return.";
			mes "[Meteurengut]";
			mes "If you wish for me to";
			mes "reproduce the Slate of";
			mes "Muriniel for you, then";
			mes "please bring me the items";
			mes "I require to complete the";
			mes "secret alchemic procedure.";
			mes "[Meteurengut]";
			mes "I shall need";
			mes "^3355FF1 Sapphire^000000,";
			mes "^3355FF1 Shining Stone^000000,";
			mes "^3355FF1 Rough Elunium^000000,";
			mes "^3355FF1 Emerald^000000, and";
			mes "^3355FF1 Blue Gemstone^000000.";
		case 16:
			if (countitem(1025) > 0) {
				mes "[Meteurengut]";
				mes "I see that you've brought";
				mes "me a Cobweb. It's hard to";
				mes "believe, but it's integreal to";
				mes "creating the Slate of Muriniel.";
				mes "Now, if you'll wait a moment,";
				mes "I shall complete the slate...";
				delitem 1025,1; //Spiderweb
				mes "*^3355FFClang Clang Clang!*";
				mes "*Zaaaaaaaaaaaaaap*";
				mes "*Ching tink t-t-t-tap*^000000";
				set dmdswrd_Q,17;
				mes "[Meteurengut]";
				mes "*Whew* It's finished.";
				mes "Please take care of this";
				mes "slate, and know that I am";
				mes "entrusting you with an artifact";
				mes "that can help you access power";
				mes "beyond your imagination...";
				mes "^3355FFYou have received";
				mes "the Slate of Muriniel.^000000";
				mes "[Meteurengut]";
				mes "There. You have eaten of";
				mes "the Awakening Stone and you";
				mes "possess the Slate of Muriniel.";
				mes "Now, you must try to obtain the";
				mes "^3355FFBook of the Lamb^000000 if you are";
				mes "questing for a doomed sword...";
				mes "[Meteurengut]";
				mes "I know very little about";
				mes "that artifact, and its secrets";
				mes "are as well guarded as that of";
				mes "the Slate of Muriniel. However,";
				mes "I do know that a man in Morroc^FFFFFF ^000000 can create the Book of the Lamb...";
				mes "[Meteurengut]";
				mes "If that man is still in";
				mes "Morroc, then he will probably";
				mes "recognize the subtle emanation";
				mes "of the Awakening Stone and the";
				mes "Slate of Muriniel from you. Best^FFFFFF ^000000 of luck to you, adventurer...";
			mes "[Meteurengut]";
			mes "Ah, have you brought a";
			mes "Cobweb? I know it sounds";
			mes "strange, but I really need the";
			mes "unique energy found only in";
			mes "fresh Cobwebs to finish the";
			mes "Slate of Muriniel for you...";
		case 17:
			mes "[Meteurengut]";
			mes "You've eaten of the";
			mes "Awakening Stone and";
			mes "now possess the Slate of";
			mes "Muriniel. Now, all you must";
			mes "do is obtain the Book of the";
			mes "Lamb. I know little about it...";
			mes "[Meteurengut]";
			mes "All I can tell you is that";
			mes "there should be a man in";
			mes "Morroc that can create it";
			mes "for you. A man like that can";
			mes "sense the Slate of Muriniel,";
			mes "so he may call out to you...";
	else {
		mes "[Meteurengut]";
		mes "The ^3355FFSlate of Muriniel^000000";
		mes "is an ancient artifact";
		mes "that can only be created";
		mes "by the power of Alchemy.";
		mes "It is one of the best kept";
		mes "secrets of my family...";
		mes "[Meteurengut]";
		mes "I'm responsible for guarding";
		mes "the secrets of its creation, but^FFFFFF ^000000 I must also share the power";
		mes "of the slate with those that";
		mes "prove themselves worthy of it.";
		mes "[Meteurengut]";
		mes "After all, power is useless";
		mes "if it is never used. However,";
		mes "if power is never balanced with";
		mes "wisdom and compassion, then";
		mes "it will inevitably do more harm";
		mes "than good in the very end...";

morocc,201,30,4	script	Zaka#cmd	99,{
	if (dmdswrd_Q >= 17 && dmdswrd_Q <= 22) {
		switch(dmdswrd_Q) {
		case 17:
			mes "[Zaka]";
			mes "...You there! Hold it!";
			mes "Yes, I can feel it from";
			mes "you... The power of the";
			mes "Awakening Stone... And...";
			mes "The Slate of Muriniel?";
			mes "Finally, you've come.";
			mes "[Zaka]";
			mes "I'm fully aware that only";
			mes "those that seek to own one";
			mes "of the doomed swords would";
			mes "trouble themselve to obtain";
			mes "those items. All that is left for^FFFFFF ^000000 you is the Book of the Lamb...";
			mes "[Zaka]";
			mes "I've been waiting for so";
			mes "long for the opportunity to";
			mes "create the Book of the Lamb.";
			mes "If you really want the book,";
			mes "I will help you so long as";
			mes "you will help me.";
			mes "[Zaka]";
			mes "However, creating the book";
			mes "is a complicated process and";
			mes "requires multiple stages of";
			mes "preparation. Therefore, I shall";
			mes "ask you to bring me the items";
			mes "I require in separate batches.";
			mes "[Zaka]";
			mes "Alright...";
			mes "What was it now?";
			mes "Ah, yes. The first thing";
			mes "I need is ^3355FF2 Snake Scales^000000,";
			mes "so please bring those soon.";
			set dmdswrd_Q,18;
		case 18:
			if (countitem(926) > 1) {
				delitem 926,2; //Scale_Of_Snakes
				set dmdswrd_Q,19;
				mes "[Zaka]";
				mes "Ah, you've brought";
				mes "the Snake Scales? Good,";
				mes "let me take them now and";
				mes "begin work on the Book of";
				mes "the Lamb. Now, I need you";
				mes "to bring me ^3355FF1 Scale Shell^000000.";
				mes "[Zaka]";
				mes "I know it would be more";
				mes "convenient for you if I told";
				mes "you everything I needed at";
				mes "once, but actually, this way";
				mes "is much more convenient for";
				mes "me. I'll be waiting right here!";
			mes "[Zaka]";
			mes "The first thing I'll";
			mes "need to begin creating";
			mes "the Book of the Lamb is";
			mes "^3355FF2 Snake Scales^000000. Come back";
			mes "to me once you get them,";
			mes "alright? I'll be right here.";
		case 19:
			if (countitem(936) > 0) {
				mes "[Zaka]";
				mes "Oh, nice! You've brought";
				mes "this Scale Shell for me,";
				mes "right? Great, great, this will";
				mes "help enhance the book's";
				mes "physical durability, but it";
				mes "still needs magic durability...";
				mes "[Zaka]";
				mes "Next, you need to bring";
				mes "me ^3355FF1 Shining Shell^000000. Hurry";
				mes "and bring you to me before";
				mes "I finish this part of the process, okay? Wait, actually, I think";
				mes "you can take your time...";
				delitem 936,1; //Scales_Shell
				set dmdswrd_Q,20;
			mes "[Zaka]";
			mes "I'll be waiting right";
			mes "here while you go and";
			mes "look for a ^3355FFScale Shell^000000";
			mes "that you can bring to me.";
			mes "I'll need that in order to";
			mes "finish this Book of the Lamb.";
		case 20:
			if (countitem(954) > 0) {
				mes "[Zaka]";
				mes "Ah, you're just in time!";
				mes "Have you got the Shining";
				mes "Scale? Perfect. Now, there";
				mes "is just one more item that";
				mes "I want to ask you to bring me:";
				mes "^3355FF1 Stinky Scale^000000. Easy, right?";
				delitem 954,1; //Shining_Scales
				set dmdswrd_Q,21;
				mes "[Zaka]";
				mes "The energy of a Stinky";
				mes "Scale can be used to";
				mes "regulate the power of";
				mes "incredibly potent artifacts.";
				mes "Without that item, the Book";
				mes "of the Lamb isn't much use...";
			mes "[Zaka]";
			mes "If you want me to";
			mes "finish this Book of";
			mes "the Lamb, you need";
			mes "to come back here with";
			mes "^3355FF1 Shining Scale^000000. There's";
			mes "no way to work around it...";
		case 21:
			if (countitem(959) > 0) {
				mes "[Zaka]";
				mes "What's that sme--?";
				mes "Oh, right. I asked you to";
				mes "bring me a Stinky Scale.";
				mes "Now I can finally complete";
				mes "this Book of the Lamb! I've";
				mes "been looking forward to this...";
				mes "^3355FFZaka completes";
				mes "the creation of the";
				mes "Book of the Lamb.^000000";
				delitem 959,1; //Rotten_Scale
				set dmdswrd_Q,22;
				mes "[Zaka]";
				mes "What...?!";
				mes "That's it? Well, um,";
				mes "it's done. That felt";
				mes "rather anticlimatic, but";
				mes "I can finally see this";
				mes "thing with my own eyes!";
				mes "[Zaka]";
				mes "Alright, you've eaten of the";
				mes "Awakening Stone, obtained the";
				mes "Slate of Muriniel, and now have";
				mes "the Book of the Lamb. You're";
				mes "getting very close to owning";
				mes "one of the doomed swords.";
				mes "[Zaka]";
				mes "There is man that you";
				mes "must find in Comodo named";
				mes "^3355FFWon^000000. He will judge you, and";
				mes "then give you the proof that";
				mes "shows you are qualified to";
				mes "be a doomed sword bearer.";
				mes "[Zaka]";
				mes "He looks like a simple";
				mes "man, but he is a true living";
				mes "legend renown for his wisdom.";
				mes "If you really want a doomed";
				mes "sword, you need to speak to";
				mes "Won and ask him to guide you.";
			mes "[Zaka]";
			mes "The last thing that I need";
			mes "to complete the Book of the";
			mes "Lamb is ^3355FF1 Stinky Scale^000000. Please";
			mes "bring that to me as soon as";
			mes "you can. Thank you for being";
			mes "patient, young adventurer.";
		case 22:
			mes "[Zaka]";
			mes "Now, you need to visit a";
			mes "man named ^3355FFWon^000000 in Comodo";
			mes "in order to get the proof that";
			mes "shows that you're qualified to";
			mes "possess a doomed sword.";
			mes "Hopefully, you'll get it...";
	else {
		mes "[Zaka]";
		mes "Have you heard that swords";
		mes "with the power to change the";
		mes "world actually exist? It's true";
		mes "that three swords contain this";
		mes "immense power, but they are";
		mes "also bound to powerful curses.";
		mes "[Zaka]";
		mes "Therefore, the Mysteltainn,";
		mes "Ogretooth, and Executioner";
		mes "have all been sealed away.";
		mes "Only a truly great adventurer";
		mes "can release these doomed^FFFFFF ^000000 swords and actually wield them...";

comodo,232,87,4	script	Won#cmd	106,{
	if (dmdswrd_Q >= 22 && dmdswrd_Q <= 24) {
		switch(dmdswrd_Q) {
		case 22:
			mes "[Won]";
			mes "Hmm...? It's been a while";
			mes "since someone came here to";
			mes "get the qualification to own a";
			mes "doomed sword. Yeah, I know";
			mes "that's why you're here...";
			mes "[Won]";
			mes "To a man like me, the";
			mes "presenses of the Book of the";
			mes "Lamb, the Slate of Muriniel,";
			mes "and one that has eaten of the";
			mes "Awakening Stone are unmistakable. ^FFFFFF ^000000";
			mes "[Won]";
			mes "Now, listen. I personally";
			mes "don't care why you want a";
			mes "doomed sword. If you abuse";
			mes "its power, you'll pay the price";
			mes "eventually. I'm only here to";
			mes "make sure you're up to snuff.";
			mes "[Won]";
			mes "Of course, I also want to";
			mes "make sure that you don't bring";
			mes "great suffering to the world";
			mes "using a doomed sword. So I'm";
			mes "going to check if you're, you";
			mes "know, balanced and all that.";
			mes "[Won]";
			mes "Alright, let me take";
			mes "a look into your eyes...";
			mes "Yeah, alright. You seem to";
			mes "understand the value of the";
			mes "Awakening Stone, Book of the^FFFFFF ^000000 Lamb, and the Slate of Muriniel.";
			mes "[Won]";
			mes "Yeah, I can't sense any";
			mes "ill intent from you at all.";
			mes "That's very good. Huh, you";
			mes "seem pretty experienced in battle, so I'm sure you have the stamina";
			mes "to handle to a doomed sword...";
			mes "[Won]";
			mes "Ah, but most importantly,";
			mes "you don't strike me as crazy";
			mes "at all. Alright, we're done here. Take this Stamp of Muriniel:";
			mes "it's the official qualification";
			mes "token to own a doomed sword.";
			mes "^3355FFYou receive the";
			mes "Stamp of Muriniel.^000000";
			set dmdswrd_Q,23;
			mes "[Won]";
			mes "Mysteltainn, Executioner,";
			mes "and Ogretooth... These are";
			mes "the forbidden blades, the";
			mes "doomed swords. Remember";
			mes "that you cannot choose";
			mes "which weapon you'll wield...";
			mes "[Won]";
			mes "These swords have a will";
			mes "of their own. The doomed";
			mes "sword that finds you most";
			mes "worthy of it will choose you.";
			mes "You can understand that, right?";
			mes "[Won]";
			mes "Now that you have this";
			mes "qualification, I'm supposed";
			mes "to direct you to the Sages";
			mes "that can help lead you to";
			mes "the doomed swords.";
			mes "[Won]";
			mes "The first Sage that you";
			mes "must visit is ^3355FFSage Yklah^000000";
			mes "in the city of ^3355FFJuno^000000 in the";
			mes "Schwaltzvalt Republic.";
			mes "Your quest to obtain a";
			mes "doomed sword isn't over yet...";
		case 23:
			mes "[Won]";
			mes "Now that you have this";
			mes "qualification, I'm supposed";
			mes "to direct you to the Sages";
			mes "that can help lead you to";
			mes "the doomed swords.";
			mes "[Won]";
			mes "The first Sage that you";
			mes "must visit is ^3355FFSage Yklah^000000";
			mes "in the city of ^3355FFJuno^000000 in the";
			mes "Schwaltzvalt Republic.";
			mes "Your quest to obtain a";
			mes "doomed sword isn't over yet...";
		case 24:
			mes "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5";
	else {
		mes "[Won]";
		mes "The visitors and even the";
		mes "people that live here always";
		mes "seem to be having such a good";
		mes "time, just lounging in leisure.";
		mes "It's hard to believe the War";
		mes "of the Witch even happened...";
		mes "[Won]";
		mes "But not everyone here in";
		mes "Comodo can afford to relax";
		mes "so easily. I, for one, have";
		mes "the responsibility of seeking";
		mes "out those that are worthy of,^FFFFFF ^000000 well, I don't know if I can say...";
		mes "[Won]";
		mes "You just have to";
		mes "trust that I've got an";
		mes "incredibly important";
		mes "job to do. I mean, sure,";
		mes "it doesn't look like I'm doing";
		mes "anything right now, but...";